#should i have joined US server...??? time will tell... too late to change anyway w
this is good at least.... ? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldflipper/comments/uuuxxw/sea_coop_struggle/ just gotta lvl up more.... wild... how to lvl up quickest? 
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Valentine’s day taste testing - Ft. Mammon
As you all probably guessed, I planned to write something for this day.
So here's a fic featuring the winner of the poll from last week.
 I hope you enjoy your day!
 Gn. reader insert
2k words
After gifting all the demons of your pacts your self-made chocolate there is only one more left.
  Mammon has been very elusive this entire day. 
Maybe he just doesn't know or care about Valentine’s Day? 
You are about to just hang his chocolate on Mammon's door when he suddenly opens it right in your face. 
"Oh hey… I was just about to go lookin' for ya. What a coincidence." Mammon is pretty surprised to see you. It seems like he is up to something. 
"I was looking for you. I have a present for you." You smile at him and hold the cute package of chocolates up. 
"Chocolate huh…" He huffs slightly. 
"Don't tell me you don't like chocolate?" You feel pretty dumb for not even considering this. 
"No, it's not that. I just know you gave some of these to everyone." Mammon puffs his cheeks. 
Now you see the issue. "Are you jealous?" 
"No-no, why would I be jealous? Like I don't get tons of chocolate from other people." Mammon pouts and takes the box anyway. 
"You sure are popular. I mean I called you, and you just ignore me and don't think that your chocolate is the same as everyone else's." Now you puff your cheeks. You put a ton of time and effort into the chocolate for Mammon. 
Now Mammon seems a bit ashamed of his words and opens the box. The chocolate all looks like gold coins and little cars. You clearly put a ton of effort into this. 
"Oh wow, these are so cool… I-I mean not bad at all." Mammon blushes and his voice slightly cracks. 
You smile nervously. "I hope you like them." 
"They are a fitting tribute to the great Mammon!" He gently puts them away in his room. You don't see any other chocolate in his room. 
"So what did you want from me?" Now you feel like bringing that up. 
"Ah yeah, I wanted to invite you to a taste test that I got invited to. You see, they want me to model for this chocolate brand. Especially their new line of coffee-flavored chocolate and so they thought it would be good for me to taste them first. They let me invite a person so, I figured I'd be nice and invite you." Mammon gives you this grand explanation. 
"That's very sweet of you Mammon. When is the taste test?" You are all into joining this event. 
"Well, it's today. I mean you probably got some other plans today. It's Valentine's Day after all." Mammon suddenly seems unsure. 
You hoped for Mammon to invite you to a date today but at least this means that you will spend the rest of the day together. 
"I have no plans so let's go!" You feel pretty excited, to be honest. 
Mammon is surprised. "You aren't going to flake out in the middle of it right?" 
"Of course not. I would never do that to you and happen to like chocolate." You also happen to like Mammon but don't mention that part. 
Mammon sighs from relief. "Great, then let's meet in an hour at the gate. I just gotta quickly do something." 
"I look forward to it." This is a great opportunity for you to dress something nice. You know it's not a date, but you still want to look nice for Mammon.
  With a bit of a beating heart, you arrive an hour later at the gate. 
Mammon is a bit late, he comes running from somewhere. 
"Sorry, it took a bit longer than I thought." He is completely out of breath. 
"It's fine I wasn't waiting for long." You don't mind, it'd just be a few minutes from now. 
Then Mammon notices that you changed. "Oh darn you are smoking… I mean you look good." Mammon clears his throat and corrects himself while blushing. 
You blush slightly at his words. "Thank you, Mammon."
"I should have dressed nice too." He mumbles under his breath. 
"Anyway, are you ready to go?" Mammon quickly gains his composure. 
"Yes, let's go!" You feel very excited by the prospect of new chocolate flavors and being with Mammon. 
Mammon leads you to a small cake shop. It seems closed, but Mammon has a key. "I got it from the owner himself." He makes sure that you know he didn't steal it. 
Somehow that thought hasn't crossed your mind at all.
  "He must really trust you." You smile.
Mammon blushes a bit and opens the door for you. Much like a true gentleman. 
It's a bit unexpected but nice regardless. 
The inside of the shop is cutely decorated. 
It's a bit more romantic than expected but very nice regardless. 
You can see a small table in the middle of the shop with several plates with an assortment of cutely shaped chocolates. Some of them look a bit crooked but very nice overall.
  "Go ahead and sit down. I will get us some coffee, or do you want something else?" Mammon naturally plays the host. 
Strangely, there is nobody here serving you two. Not that this is a bad thing. It makes this whole event even more romantic. 
"Coffee sounds perfect." You agree on the coffee and sit down.
  While taking a closer look at the chocolates, they look suspiciously self-made. 
Is this because they are samples? 
With some anticipation, you wait for Mammon to return. 
He comes back with a small tray with cups and a can of coffee. He looks like a real server.
  "Here you go, anything else that you need?" Mammon sounds like he has said this many times before. It's surprising to you. 
"I'm good, thank you." You smile at him. 
Mammon sits down across from you. He seems a bit stiff. 
"This place is very nice. I'm surprised we got it all to ourselves." It's pretty unusual but ingresses the romantic feeling a lot.
"I'm glad you like it." Mammon smiles slightly nervous. "You should try some chocolates." He shoves a plate in your direction. 
"Don't mind if I do." You choose a piece and plop it into your mouth. You take its taste in and let it melt for a while before chewing the rest of it. 
"This tastes so great." You didn't expect it to taste so good. "It tastes just like human world chocolate." This is very special to you since human food is so rare in the devildom.
  Your face lights up from joy. 
Mammon seems to relax from that sight. "I'm so glad that you like it." He gives you a big smile. 
"You should try some too." There honestly is so much that it would take Beel to finish it all. 
"I will just gotta enjoy some coffee first." Mammon gently waves you off. 
This is pretty strange, you would think he would be all over this. 
You drink a sip of coffee as well. It fits the chocolate very well. You take another piece, under the watchful eyes of Mammon. 
He looks embarrassed away once you look at him. That causes you to giggle slightly. 
Mammon huffs slightly.
  You decide it's about time for Mammon to try some delicious chocolate as well. You take a piece between your fingers. 
"Say Aaaah." You hold it in front of Mammon. 
He blushes even more than before. "H-hey what are you plannin?"
"I just want to give you a taste." You smile at him. 
"I can eat just fine all by myself." His blush only gets worse.
"Just open your mouth." You move the chocolate in front of him.
"F-ine but you better not do this with anyone else." Mammon pouts slightly and then opens his mouth. 
Carefully you feed him a piece of chocolate. 
"Don't worry you are the only person that I'm feeding." You giggle. 
"How is it?" You crook your head. 
"Pretty okay… Just sad that it wasn't the one you made." He mumbles the second part. 
"Maybe next time." You smirk slightly. 
This causes Mammon to almost choke. 
"You shouldn't say things like that." Mammon huffs.
  You eat another piece of chocolate. 
It's so good but by now you are pretty sure that these aren't part of some taste test. 
"Mammon be honest this isn't a taste test right? 
He sighs." I knew I couldn't hide it from you."
"You made these chocolates all by yourself too, didn't you?" You have a pretty strong feeling about this. 
"You can tell because they aren't that good?" Mammon looks slightly defeated. 
"No, they are great, even better now that I know. This must've taken forever to make." You are impressed, to say the least. 
This gives Mammon a great boost of confidence. 
"Well of course they are great, being made by me. It might took me a month to learn, and I had to work pretty hard at this place for it." Mammon boasts proudly. 
"You did all of this just for me?" You blush, this is such a sweet gesture. And here you thought Mammon wouldn't care at all about Valentine's Day. 
"W-well I mean… I just wanted to make some money, and it just happened to be here and then I just somehow spent all month making chocolate. It's not like I only did it to make you happy." Mammon awkwardly tries to make some excuses. 
"You don't need to cover the truth if you are being so sweet, you know." You can only shake your head. 
"Umm, so you really like this?" Mammon is very embarrassed. 
"Of course I do. Nobody ever did anything this awesome for me. Now I feel bad that I only made chocolate for you." You are very happy about all the work that Mammon put into this. 
"I'd only do something like this for you and that chocolate you made for me is more than enough for me. Even when you also made some for my brothers." Mammon is bothered by this. 
"I only made that extra chocolate because Beel noticed me making some and then Satan noticed. It was pretty clear that they would be hurt if they didn't get anything, so I made some for everyone. The only one I actually wanted to make valentine's chocolate for is you." You feel a bit shy after confessing that. 
"They really can't take a hint." Mammon sighs. "I can't blame you for this in that case." Mammon is still upset, but you are glad that he can see your side. 
"I'm glad you understand. I was a bit disappointed that you didn't ask me out today." You decide to be completely honest with Mammon. 
Mammon widens his eyes. "You wanted to go out with me?" He is so surprised that he is very straight forward. "I should've just invited you instead of being sneaky, but I thought you wouldn't care."
"Of course, I care for you Mammon. I like you and spending my Valentine's Day with you is something that I really wanted. I just wasn't sure if you would be up for some romantic stuff like that with me." You feel a bit nervous telling him all of this. It just seems right to be open to him. 
Mammon seems to be very taken aback by your confession. He seems unsure what to say. Then he clenches his hands. 
"I would be very much open to doing some romantic stuff with you." He speaks unusually quiet. Like he is admitting to a huge secret.
  You had some vague idea that he is interested in you but Mammon saying this so openly is still surprising. 
You blush a little and smile. Losing your words for a moment. Then you get up and in a spur of the moment decision, you walk over to the very surprised Mammon. 
He looks at you with a mix of confusion and anticipation when you lean down to him.
Then your lips meet his. It's a very sweet kiss. It just feels so right that it's a longer kiss than you planned for.
  Your heart is going crazy. 
When your lips part Mammon is bright red and looks slightly confused but also very happy at the same time. 
It almost looks like he doesn't believe what just happened. 
So you give him another kiss, you mainly just really want to kiss him again. 
This time Mammon leans into the kiss and even pulls you a bit closer. 
He is very eager to get more kisses. 
You break the kiss when you need to breathe. 
You both smile at each other, very happy with this date.
  Obey me! Masterlist
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astrozones · 5 years
Sanders Behavioral Health, Chapter 3: Patton Will Help!
Angst Incoming
My discord server if you wanna scream at me- Astro’s Zone
my friends are lovingly cyberbullying me into tagging the man himself so uh @thatsthat24 and ope there goes my anxiety, rising up into the heavens. If you do see this I recommend reading from chapter one but im not gonna tag again unless my friends tell me to bc i dont wanna be a bother :|
Three hours.
Three hours until school ended for the day and Patton would go home for 5 minutes before heading to Sanders’.
Until then, he had to brave the school day. Patton was okay at school, but had a nasty habit of not saying no to any request, and his time between classes was spent doing favors for others. His time for lunch was limited, and his weekends were booked full. It took a toll on Patton, but he’d do anything to make others happy!
After all, others’ happiness was more important than his own.
His therapist had disagreed, which is why he was transferred to Sanders Behavioral Health. And at Sanders they said the same. Why couldn’t they understand that Patton wasn’t worthy of being happy? He didn’t do as much as he could, as much as he should , and he was a bad person.
Like that one time he had noticed a kid sitting in the seat beside him, his name was Todd, looking at his paper during a test. Patton had glanced at the teacher before nudging his paper closer to Todd, and filling out the rest. Once he noticed Todd had finished, he turned it in.
But he had gotten some of the answers wrong . Todd had been counting on him but Patton failed him, and now Todd was grounded for getting a mediocre grade.
And it was all Patton’s fault.
He tried to apologize to Todd, but had been shrugged off, Todd saying, “Eh, you don’t need to man. It was my fault for not studying.”
Todd must hate him.
The bell rang, signalling him to rush to his next class. Well, “class”. It was time for lunch.
Patton grabbed his items as quickly as he could, shoving them into his backpack. He felt guilty for zoning out in class, but the teacher was already on her computer and he didn’t want to disturb her. Once he had stuffed today’s worksheet into his bag, he slipped out, last to leave the room.
Patton held the lunch tray in his hands, looking for a place to sit. No one had asked for his lunch time yet, so he expected someone to call out to him, which was what usually happened these periods.
What he wasn’t expecting was to be cornered.
The edge of a table pierced his back as he was suddenly faced with none other than President of the Student Council (and Tennis Team), Vanessa E. Cordill. He had stumbled back, and quickly shoved his tray on the table behind him, knowing how close Vanessa liked to get to people.
“Hey, Pat! I was wondering if you could help us with preparations this weekend for next week’s volleyball game?” She batted her eyelashes at him, stepping impossibly closer.
“I-uh, I’m really sorry Vanessa, but I’m all booked this weekend.”
“Surely you could make time for me, yeah? Aren’t I your favorite?” Vanessa said sweetly. His favorite? He didn’t have a favorite, that would be unfair to the others! Patton, of course, wouldn’t say that to her, lest he hurt her feelings.
“I’m sorry, I really don’t have time! I’m doing a lot of things this weekend and don’t have any room. I barely have time to sleep and-” he was cut off as Vanessa drew a finger down his chest. “W-what are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” She purred, winking at him. Get off, get off, geT OFF-
“He already said no, Vanessa Cordill.” Came a voice from behind. Turning his head, he saw none other than Logan Danrow seated at the table he had run into. Vanessa backed up a few steps, glaring.
“Logan?” Patton asked, shuffling towards him so he was farther away from her .
“Wait, Pat, you know this prick?” Vanessa spat, very different from the person he had been talking with moments prior. He nodded.
“Well, yeah, we know each other from- er, yeah we know each other.” he stammered out, hands fiddling with his bracelets. It was getting harder to breathe.
“Again, Vanessa, he already said he was busy. You may leave, lest your boyfriend sees you.” Logan stated flatly, gaze returning to his book. Glancing back towards Vanessa, she pulled a small notepad out of her purse and scribbled something on it, handing it to him once she had ripped it out.
“Just in case you change your mind,” Was all she said before turning around and skipping back to her table to hang with her tennis friends.
Logan turned a page as Patton sat down across from him. Logan glanced back up at him in surprise.
“You want to sit here?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “I was under the impression that you wished to sit with your friends.”
“Aw, but Logan you are one of my friends!” Patton grinned, grabbing his previously abandoned tray. “Plus, it seems no one needs my help, so until they do, I’m here! I do feel guilty, though…”
“What do you feel guilty about? I’m afraid I do not understand.” Logan stated, setting his book down.
“It’s just… I’m sure I could’ve fit Vanessa’s activity somewhere in my schedule…” he bit the inside of his cheek. “If I just cut my study time by an hour I could have fit her in, y’know?” He fiddled with the stem on his apple, breaking it off with a wince. “I probably could still tell her, actually!”
“No,” Logan said when he went to stand up. “You should not cut your study time to help someone who has enough help. Your grades are important. Vanessa will be fine.”
Patton slumped back into his seat, chewing on his lip. “I suppose… I just… I want to help people. They’re counting on me.” he wiped at a tear threatening to fall. Logan tapped his fingers against the table.
“Patton,” he started. “How often do you help people?”
“Not enough,” Patton admitted with a hiccup. “Most of my weekend is booked, but I’m sure I could do more if I moved things around. I’m sorry for invading your time, Logan, I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Nonsense,” Logan waved his hand through the air. “I wasn’t doing much anyway. You know, most people don’t even do half the things you put yourself up for. Do you spend all your free time for others?” At Patton’s nod, he continued. “I recommend taking a weekend for yourself, at the very least.”
“I don’t know, mayb-”
“HEY PATTON! Can you help us?” a member of the Drama Club, Canin, yelled from across the cafeteria, jogging over to him. “Auditions are coming in a couple weeks and we need help choosing a musical to do!” Canin begged. Patton spared an apologetic glance at Logan before following after Canin.
In the final period of the day, the class was told to fill out a worksheet on the periodic table using stations around the room. They were separated into teams of three, Patton’s teammates being Angelica Carter and Skye Johnson. Once they were sent to a station, all three got to work. Well, Skye and Patton did.
Skye was especially smart at science, telling him their dream job was to become an astronomer one day, and to be the first nonbinary person in space. Patton told them that their name was fitting, which caused Skye to burst into giggles.
Angelica, on the other hand, wouldn’t do anything. Once Skye confronted her on it, she claimed that she couldn’t do anything because she didn’t have a pen or pencil.
Just as Patton was about to offer her a pen, he was struck by the memory of himself offering a pen to Virgil on his first day.
Whenever he offered a pen or pencil to others, he almost never got it back, and this was the same situation with Virgil.
Patton had finished filling out his paper, and once he glanced at Virgil the first thing he noticed was the pen in his hands. Patton had wanted so bad to ask for it back, since it was his second-to-last one. But he hadn’t said anything.
And now he was here, feeling guilty that we couldn’t give Angelica a writing utensil. God , this was just not his day, huh? First he couldn’t help Vanessa, then he couldn’t help the Drama Club choose between Little Shop of Horrors and Hairspray, and now didn’t even have a simple pen for Angelica. He was such a failure .
“Maybe the teacher has something?” He offered, Skye returning to the project. Angelica shrugged and walked over to Ms. Alstor.
And even when Angelica had returned, she didn’t help. At all. All Skye did was roll their eyes and mumble under their breath.
Patton didn’t say anything.
All three got an A.
Patton arrived late to Sanders’, again . He had gotten caught up once Jasmine Illes, Vice President of the Student Council, tried to convince him to help out with the volleyball event. He had just barely gotten away with his established schedule intact.
He bursted into the lobby, signing in before Katrine, the one in charge of the front desk, let him in while informing him that the group should still be in the check-in room. He rushed in, Virgil and Logan looking up at him when he entered. Roman was spinning around in his chair, but quickly stopped to greet Patton.
“Sorry I’m late! I got caught up because this girl from school, Jasmine, asked me if I could do something with the Student Council on the weekend.” he quickly announced, taking a deep breath soon after. He grabbed a sheet before plopping down in the nearest chair, taking a few moments to catch his breath.
“Jasmine Illes?” Roman asked. “I know her.” Patton raised an eyebrow.
“You go to Fieldrow? Haven’t seen you there.” Patton said, scribbling out answers.
“Oh, yeah, I just… don’t have the opportunity to go there often.” he replied, looking at the ground awkwardly. Patton was about to say something when Virgil spoke up.
“Yeah, I go there, too,” he muttered, Logan piping up in agreement.
“Aw cool! It’s still the beginning of the school year, maybe we could all join a club that meets on the weekends so we can hang out more!” Patton grinned, looking around at the others.
“I’m not very interested in joining clubs,” Logan started. “I would consider it if it were the Science or Math clubs, but neither of them meet on the weekends.”
“And I don’t really… do clubs. At all.” Virgil continued. Patton let out a small ‘aw’ before turning to Roman.
“What ‘bout you, Roman?” he asked, not acknowledging Logan’s small flinch at the bad grammar.
“Well… I suppose I was thinking about joining the Drama Club… I’m just not sure if it’d work with… me” Roman shook his head. “I’ll decide once they pick a musical.”
Virgil snorted, which caused Roman to let out an indignant ‘wha- hey!’.
“Y’know, I don’t know why I didn’t peg you for a theater nerd earlier, Ro’. It makes perfect sense.” was all Virgil said before Becca quieted them down and told them to start sharing their answers.
Once inside the therapy’s cafeteria, Patton was confronted by Charlie.
“Hey, Patton! I have a new exposure for you.” she greeted. “You ready?”
“Um, hold on-” Patton flipped through his binder, before landing on the page he wanted. He whipped out his pen, and continued. “Yep!”
“Alright, this one’s pretty simple but fits what we’re working on with you! All you need to do is ask a staff to borrow a pen and not return it by the end of the day.” Patton stared at her with wide eyes. His life seemed to be revolving around pens, recently, wasn’t it?
“Do I… do I get to return them next week? Cause, y’know… it’s Friday.” he asked, fiddling with his bracelets. Charlie shook her head.
“It’s better not to. Because, in the future, if you accidentally steal a pen from someone, we don’t want you to freak out much. So it’s better to fight that feeling by keeping them!” she smiled. “I know you’ll do great, Patton.”
Patton scribbled it down in his binder reluctantly. He really did want to refuse the exposure, but that would make Charlie disappointed in him, which would make her feel bad. And Patton hated making other people feel bad. So, discomfort it was.
Patton found himself in front of the two other counselors’, Harley and Ramona’s, office. Peeking through the window he saw that only Harley was present. He knocked on the door before walking in.
“Hey, Patton,” She greeted. “Whatcha need?”
Patton put on his default smile. Act happy, not stressed, he told himself.
“Heyo Harley! I was just wondering if I could borrow a pen?”
After 9 minutes, he had cycled through Becca, Katrine, Ramona, and Vicki. He figured it would be pretty stupid of himself to ask Charlie, so he had to start back at the beginning. Oh dear, what am I supposed to say?
He didn’t have much time to mull it over before Virgil skidded to a stop in front of him. He barely had time to greet him before Virgil was huffing out a response.
“Hey… Patton… sorry one second… gotta catch my breath…” he panted. Patton smiled at him.
“M’kay… This is stupid now that I think of it, but I’m just… Exposures really stress me out, and I have this one where I’m supposed to knock on a staff’s door and just… leave before they can open it.” Virgil started, curling into his hoodie.
“What’s the problem?” Patton prompted when Virgil stayed silent.
“It’s just… really anxiety provoking and- ugh y’know what, it really is stupid, I’ll leave-” Patton grabbed his arm before he could run off. Virgil stilled.
“Virgil! It’s not stupid, Sanders’ can take a lot to get used to. Roman was stressed on his first exposure day, too! Now, I know it’s not your first day, but it still counts! It’ll take a bit to get used to, but it helps in the end!” Patton smiled. “Wanna hug?”
“Erm, no thanks, physical contact scares me. But, ah, thank you. That… helped.” Virgil gave him a small, awkward smile. Patton cherished it. “I am a bit confused, though,” he continued. “It’s about Roman. He said something about my first day being his second proper day, and I was wondering how long he’s been here? Sorry if that was confusing.”
“Don’t worry, I know what you meant. Roman’s first day was Monday, and he started exposures on Tuesday, I think. And then on Wednesday, you came!” Virgil nodded at this, seeming satisfied.
“Now go on!” Patton prompted, gesturing to the staff hallway. “You’ll do great!”
Patton walked into his house, pulling out his phone almost immedietly. He had a plan.
Therapy pals!!
{ Patton }  { Heyo!! I made a group chat for us all !!! }
{ Is everyone excited for the weekend?? I am!! }
| Virgil |  | ah, weekends. my favorite days of the week to hate myself |
{ VIRGIL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }
| lmao |
( Logan )  ( My weekends are spent studying, I’m impartial to them. )
[ Roman ]  [ Uhhh youre Logan right? Dont have you saved on my phone yet ]
( *you’re *Don’t )
[ Yup thats Logan ]
( I don’jehgfvurkghds )
| wait what |
[ Holy shit ]
{ Roman, language!!! }
{ And are you okay logan!?!?!? }
[ Santa mierda ]
| what? |
( I apologize, I was walking and a dog ran in front of me, causing me to trip. I am okay. And, Roman, is that Spanish? )
{ OH THANK GOD!!!! }
[ Yea it’s Spanish ]
{ Did you get a picture of the dog???????? }
( I was not aware you spoke another language, Roman. I suppose that makes sense, since you are so bad at English. And no, I did not get a picture of the dog, it ran off rather quickly after I tripped. )
[ HEY ]
{ Aw!! Well at least you’re okay!!! }
| i’m gonna put roman’s spanish thru google translate hold up |
[ Wait no ]
( Please use capital letters, Virgil. Plus, it’s spelled through. )
| ajsjfisdkf |
| patton |
| patton |
{ Oh no!! Is something wrong??? }
| no just uh |
| pls put roman’s spanish thru google translate |
( I cannot believe you. )
{ Alright… }
( Do you exist just to insult the English language? )
[ oh nooo my phones about to die ahhh ]
| nice try roman |
{ ROMAN!!!! Don’t swear, even in other languages! >:( }
[ Hey Virgil, i gotta tell you something ]
[ i hate u ]
| who doesnt |
{ Hate is a strong word, Roman. }
[ i know ]
{ VIRGIL NO!!!!!! I LOVE YOU LIKE A SON!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: }
| did i just get adopted |
( It’s not adoption if it’s not in a legal document. )
( Oh. )
[ Logan should be the mom ]
[ I’ll be the strange uncle who you only see once a year but might be a government spy ]
( What? )
| nah roman you’re like the kid next door |
[ Thanks..? ]
[ Wait did i just get kicked out of the family ]
( I’m afraid I don’t understand how I could be a mother, not even mentioning how Patton, Virgil, and I could even be a family. )
[ I cant believe i got kicked out of the family ]
{ Don’t worry, it’s a metaphorical family Logan!!! }
[ What did i do to deserve this ]
( But how am I a mother? )
( Is anyone going to respond? )
//  Private Conversation between Roman and Virgil  \\
[ I don’t hate you, by the way. ]
[ Like in all seriousness. ]
| lol don’t worry man i got that from the lack of good spelling and no capital letter |
| coz you don’t type like that usually |
[ Oh, good. I was hoping by doing that I wouldn’t come across as serious. ]
| yea |
| so uhhhhhhhh |
| hold on gotta think of somethin to say so this isn’t awkward |
| what musicals do you like? |
[ Congrats Virgil!! You just unlocked an hours long conversation ]
| wait no |
| eh nvm i wasnt doing anything tonight anyway |
[ Kay so im gonna start off with the popular ones ofc! ]
-- --
Patton smiled as he looked over the conversation they all had. Because no matter what happened at therapy, by the end he knew he’d still have his new friends. He giggled to himself, feeling giddy. This was so exciting!
He glanced at the groupchat’s name, which at the moment was simply ‘ Therapy pals!! ’, a spur of the moment decision by Patton. He bit his lip as he thought it over.
Patton changed the name of the group to FamILY!     -
Patton smiled even wider than before. Tomorrow was bound to be a good day.
He was sure of it.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Eighty-Three: Mining ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s fast becoming an after school tradition. As soon as he gets home from classes, Sasuke makes his way up to his room and powers up his PC, saving his homework for as late in the evening as he dares. Even his mother has noticed his change in behavior, staring with a puzzled expression up the stairs whenever he goes flying by.
A few months ago, Sasuke wouldn’t be caught dead playing a game as old and ‘childish’ as Minecraft. But the game’s resurgence in popularity means it’s no longer that niche piece of nostalgia that only some people refused to stop playing. Now, it’s once again something acceptable in social spaces. And Sasuke has joined a server put on by someone at his school.
So far, no one is aware of who he is. Well...except one person. While beginning his base back when the server first launched, he found himself approached by another player, who left a simple sign saying, “Hinata was here”. He found out the next day that Hinata was a friend of a friend of a friend, hence the name ringing a distant bell. A few questions later while logged on, and they’d both pretty much figured out who the other was.
But otherwise? Sasuke acts none the wiser regarding the game at school. Naruto is still adamant it’s a kid game. Sakura isn’t one to play games in the first place. But any time he and Hinata cross paths, there’s a brief exchanged look with a smile.
She ended up building a base not far from his own, promising to teach him - as a diehard fan who carried on during the dry spell - everything he’d missed during his years off from the game.
“What even is the point of this stuff?” he complains over Discord one evening, nose wrinkling as he has to mine through yet another vein of diorite. “It looks like bird poop.”
In their voice chat, Hinata can’t help a soft laugh. “Honestly, I don’t know. Most people don’t really like the new stones. I guess they were going for variety…? But...I think they’re all pretty ugly…”
“They’re obnoxious. Keep taking slots in my inventory! I’m trying to go mining for diamonds, not...this crap.”
“Just t-toss it in some lava next time you find some.”
Sasuke grumbles into his mic, carrying on silently for a while before asking, “...what’s the level for diamonds?”
“...eleven, I think? That’s where I go, anyway. It might be a block up or down, but that works pretty well. Going strip mining?”
“I found a pretty good cave, but...ugh, I might as well. I need some better gear!”
“At least we’re far out enough it should be untouched. I bet spawn is already completely dug up.”
“Well, I’ll report back if I find anything,” he sighs. “...what about you? Up to anything interesting?”
“I found a jungle temple!”
“Oh yeah? I...think those were a thing last time I played. Anything cool in it?”
“I’m trying to do the puzzle by hand rather than just...mining into it.”
“I’m not patient enough for that stuff.”
“Remind me to never have you play a puzzle map with me,” she laughs.
“If I want to have to think about stuff, I’d rather just do my homework.”
Hinata bursts into more giggles, and Sasuke can’t help but grin to himself.
There’s some radio silence for a time, and then Hinata gasps.
“Huh? What?”
“I found pandas!”
“Whoa, really?”
“Yeah! Aww, one’s rolling around on its back, that’s so cute!”
“Man, I wanna see!”
“I’ll try to bring one home! It’s actually not too far, I think I can get one in a boat...I’ll have to make a pen…”
“You can just...have a pet panda?”
“Well sure! I mean...you don’t tame it or anything, but you can have them around.”
“Oh...so like a cow or something.”
“Well, you get that panda, and I’ll get us some diamonds.”
“You’re gonna…? You’re gonna split your diamonds with me?”
“Well sure, why not?”
“...are we teaming up?”
“...I guess so. Is that bad?”
“No, that’s fine! I just...w-wasn’t expecting it.”
“Why not? We’re neighbors, aren’t we?”
“...I guess so.”
“What’s with the hesitation?”
“Nothing! Nevermind. I’ll go help you mine next time. For now, I’m panda wrangling.”
For a moment he considers asking her again, but...well, she’s avoiding it for a reason. Did he...do something wrong? Well, there’s no real way to know unless she fesses up, so...in the meantime, he goes back to his mining.
By the time it’s late evening, he’s actually found a few veins of the gems, coming back up triumphantly to the surface. “I got thirteen!”
“Nice! Look, I got the panda in a pen!”
Not far from his jungle treehouse is indeed a junglewood pen, complete with a little house with leaves for the roof. A panda sits upright munching on bamboo.
“...I think that’s my new favorite mob.”
“Right? They’re so cute! This is just a normal one, but they come in different personalities! I’ll try to get more to spawn tomorrow. For now I need to get my homework done…”
“Yeah, me too. Here, before you go though…” He gives her six of his diamonds. “You can make a pick and a sword!”
“...do you not want them?”
“No! No, I appreciate it. I just didn’t think you’d, um...want to give them to me.”
“I mean, yeah...we’re friends, aren’t we?”
“...I dunno...are we?”
Sasuke blinks at his screen. “...we’ve been playing this after school almost every day for a week. Does that not make us friends?”
“Well...on here, sure. But…”
...but what, he has to wonder.
“...I mean...we haven’t really t-talked outside of here...have we?”
“I’m talking to you right now.”
“I mean in p-person! At school! When we’re there, it’s like we’re strangers…”
So that’s what this is about? “I...wasn’t sure if you wanted me to!”
“Well...neither did I!”
“I’d be cool with it!”
“...you would?”
“Yeah! Why not?”
“Well, because I...I’m not…”
“Not what?”
After a pregnant pause, Sasuke can’t help a laugh. “And, what? You think I am? Or that I’m like, the...the cool police?”
“Well...Naruto thinks I’m...weird.”
“Yeah, well...Naruto’s an idiot.”
“...I had a really big c-crush on him when we were little, and...I think he’s still kinda...w-weirded out by me. I didn’t...w-want to make things awkward. I mean, you guys are best friends, and -”
“My friends don’t dictate who else I can be friends with. You’re not weird, Hinata. You have interests that are maybe a little atypical, but that’s not weird, that’s just...being a person. If you wanna talk at school and hang out or whatever, just...do it! Like I said, we’re friends. Doesn’t matter if we really met through a game, we still talk and communicate and, like...know each other. It doesn’t have to be different in person if you don’t want it to be. I just...since the server started as anonymous, I wasn’t sure if I should say anything.”
For a long moment, Hinata is quiet...but Sasuke waits patiently, knowing she likes to think over her words.
“Yeah, I...I’m okay. Um...I’ll...talk to you tomorrow. I need to...do my homework.”
“...all right. If you don’t come talk to me tomorrow, I’ll go find you instead.”
She manages a small laugh at that. “...okay.”
“Good. Good luck with your work.”
“Yeah, you too. Goodnight.”
“...night.” He watches Discord as she leaves the channel, and then heaves a small sigh, mic muted. He had no idea she wanted to bridge things from in the game into stuff at school...he figured most would want to keep that separate. And how could he know unless she said something?
He’s really enjoyed getting to know her over the course of the past week. She’s easy to talk to, really charming in her own way, and has proved to be really interesting. It makes him sad he never really talked to her before.
...they’re definitely friends. At least, in his eyes. Still...he can’t help but wonder about her history with Naruto. He has called her strange whenever Sasuke brings her up. Is he really so hung up over that? That was forever ago! And if anything, he’s constant pining over Sakura is just as weird, right? Like he has any room to talk.
Powering off his PC, Sasuke leans back in his chair, thoughts a bit jumbled. Well...for now, nothing left to do but finish his coursework. Tomorrow, he can hang out with Hinata.
And if Naruto says anything stupid (and, let’s face it...of course he will), then Sasuke will just tell him to piss off. Simple as that. Of course...he’s a bit more blunt than Hinata with her soft-spoken manners.
...she’d be wasted on someone like Naruto.
...where’d that thought come from?
Shoving it aside, Sasuke pulls out his calculus textbook, willing himself to think about something else for a while.
     (This is a sequel to day 253!)      More very random Minecraft stuff xD Not, uh...much more to say than that? I'm not feelin' too well, and had a v long day, I'm exhausted lol - so uh...think I'll call it there~ Thanks for reading!
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