#shout out to anirudh
chaoswithmusic · 5 months
There's something so inherently fruity about all the interactions between JD and Bhavani, do you get me, especially the final fight scene.
M A Y B E.
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Some thoughts after my morning and lunch time scrolls through fandom.
I've been indulging in coffee. A lot. So, if I seem hyper, it's the beautiful caffeine. Anyway..
1- I'm giving Oliver the 😒.
He is doing the exact opposite most actors would be doing with this storyline, which is calling attention to it, talking about it nonstop, and using it to bring attention to himself, his skills, and his career.
You know, like Lou is doing.
Instead, he's posting stills of Buck and Eddie with Christopher? What? You are involved in one of the biggest storylines in TV history but you post those stills out of what? A hundred?
I see you, Mr. Stark.
2- It's nice to see Cake Wars rebootied. I don't mind being the judge in the weekly competition between Anirudh Pisharody vs Ryan Guzman. Not at all. 🍰🎂🍑
If the workouts keep doing their job, Oliver will be in the competition next season. Check out his rear view change from season 1 to now. It's not bad.
(Not a typo in the first line of this point.)
3- Whether you like him or not, admitting to a mental health crisis and subsequent self-harm attempt is not easy. Respect was earned for that.
4- Give more love to Kenneth and Peter. Men over forty and fifty can be hot, too. I think Peter is better now than when he was on Six Feet Under. It happens.
5- Shout out to my girl crushes Angela Bassett, who has been fierce for-evah, and Tracie, who caught my eye about 20 years ago. I want more Karen! (If you've read my fics, you know my headcanon for her and the chaos a Spitfire!Karen/Petty!Eddie friendship could cause. Give it to me already!)
6- I miss Michael. Buck's arc would have given Rockmond Dunbar and Oliver Stark a chance to shine if they were given scenes having some serious heart-to-heart talks. I think those two would have nailed it.
7- I can't be the only person who daydreams about Oliver using those ridiculous pythons he calls arms to hold me face down...
Would you look at that? Time for more coffee!
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
The Light of My Knight | Moon Knight x Desi!Reader | Chapter 6: What is Worship?
Warnings: Swearing ofc
Word Count: 3.6 k
Taglist: @brekkers-desigirl @wordacadabra @paymeinkash @ahookedheroespureheart @sodonuthideout @obsessedwadonis @local-mr-frog
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
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A/N: A lil bit of Anirudh always ties everything up together so;
Moon Boys’ POV
Marc was dreaming about her. It was a relatively great dream, mainly because Marc had been having several nightmares over the past few weeks, so it was nice for a change. She was at his place, patching him up, scolding him in her mother tongue and soon after that falling asleep in her arms. 
He was now dreaming about her waking him up, with soft words of encouragement. She was tapping his face, trying to get him to wake up.
“Five more minutes, Y/N, sweetheart.” he whines as he cuddles closer to her, gripping her hip.
“Dei, eluntiru da. I have to get to dance class.” she says holding his hand that was on her tummy. 
“Come on, baby, let a man dream.” he croaked and squeezed her hand tightly.
“Hey! Wake up, you’re literally pinning me down.” she laughs.
“No no, I want to stay in this dream.” Marc stubbornly says, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, making her go stiff.
“Wake up stinky, you need a shower and I need to get going.” her sweet voice reverberates against him. 
“Okay, okay fine.” he grumbled as the dream bubble burst.
He first felt the familiar nag of a hangover and he could taste the ugly aftertaste of whiskey in his mouth and he grimaced. “Ew.”
“Jake must have had control of the body last.” he thought, making a mental note to tell him off for not taking care of the body again.
The pang of the hangover slowly shifted away and Marc was suddenly very aware of his surroundings, more importantly the fact that he had his nose pressed against someone’s neck and he froze. 
“Did Jake bring someone over yesterday? But-” Marc freaks out slightly, his eyes flying open.
Cautiously, Marc pries himself away from her body and sits up, blinking down at the person he didn’t expect to be there. He rubs his eyes, twice, before the shock registered. 
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing here? How long have I been-” he blurts out as she quickly scrambles up and grips his shoulders, silencing him.
“Hey, relax.” she says soothingly, looking into his eyes, loosening her grip. Once she felt his muscles relax under her hand, she gave him a small smile.
“Hi, you must be Marc.” she said softly and then began to recapped everything that happened yesterday.
Events of yesterday hit him like a truck as he remembered the failed mission and how he and Steven were already badly hurt when Jake took over the body. Jake might be reckless, but his actions might have saved them. Marc looked down at his bandaged torso and groaned, realizing that his dream wasn’t really a dream. 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit you weren’t supposed to know about this.” he says into his hands.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m alright. I’m here and I’m glad that you’re safe.” she says, placing a hand on his arm, rubbing it to try and soothe him. 
They stayed like that for a second, as he tried to find his footing. 
“You don’t get it. It’s too fucking dangerous for you to know. We tried, I mean Steven wanted to tell you but we didn’t want to put you in harm's way.” Marc says, looking up at her with his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Look Marc, Jake didn’t tell me about you guys being Moon Knight. I kinda accidentally found out and Jake leaving weapons around haphazardly aided in that small realization. Besides, relax, it’s not like I’m going to walk around shouting ‘I KNOW MOON KNIGHT!!’” she grinned. “Besides, nothing is going to happen to me, I promise.” 
Marc’s head was swimming, trying to process what she was telling him. 
“Wait, so you now know everything but you didn’t just walk away from us? From all the issues we have?” Marc questions, with a painfully confused look in his eyes.
“You really thought I was going to just leave? And go where? Steven is my only friend here as it is and since we literally work in the same museum. I think avoiding you lot would be hard work on my part. Besides, the fact that I can have two more friends out of this? I see it as a win. Unless you’re not keen on a friendship, Spector.” She wiggles her eyebrows, holding out her hand for a handshake.
Marc sighed. She really does have an answer to everything, as always. Reluctantly, he took her hand and shook it. 
“Also, I did threaten Jake with your crescent blade, so maybe you guys should be the ones to run away.” She laughed. 
Marc couldn’t help but smile at her melodious laugh. He would deal with Jake later but now he was only focused on her. Then suddenly he did a double take on one of the sentences she had said and his mouth fell open. 
“You threatened Lockley?!” 
“Mmhm.” She says scrunching her nose with a smile.
Marc snorted as he got up to remove the bandages that were around his body. 
“Woah! They healed so fast!” Y/N said in awe as Marc began to peel them off.
“Yea, it takes a while for them to heal but the powers sort of come from within me, it just needs a little bit of encouragement,” Marc says hesitantly as he has never talked about his powers to anyone except his boys. 
Y/N got up and stretched, lifting her arms up over her head and then touching her feet. Marc watches as she walks around the apartment, looking at Gus the second and Scar who were happily swimming around in their aquarium. 
“Dance class huh?” Marc asked as he watched her twist her long hair into a bun.
“Yep, I’m coaching today and the class starts in like an hour. I’ll leave in a bit. I have some things at a locker there, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” She says awkwardly.
“Give me about 10 minutes, I’ll have a quick shower and I’ll send you?” Marc quickly says.
“Uhh, I don’t want to-” she starts to say.
“Nuh, uh, I’m not going to listen to anything but a yes. A small thanks for patching us up yesterday?” He winked as he grabbed his towel.
She smiles and nods.
“Damn, the things I would give up to wake up like this everyday.” Marc thought as he switched on the shower, letting the water rush over him.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“You don’t mind if I stop at Starbucks for a coffee?” Marc asked, breaking the pleasant silence in the car.
“Sure, go ahead, I don’t mind.” She says.
Marc had his eyes on the road, but he could feel her gaze on him. He didn’t exactly feel judged but he could tell that she was studying him, probably making comparisons with Steven and Jake.
He was glad that she wasn’t asking him questions about his powers and he was relieved that she didn’t mention the ‘dream’ he had about her. 
“Penny for your thoughts, Spector? You’re awfully quiet.” She says as if reading his thoughts, startling him.
“You know, I have to get used to you calling me that now,” He chuckled.
She giggled. “I have to admit that I’m still getting used to it. But your name rolls off the tongue so I guess that makes it easy.”
He laughed, biting back the retort he had about how he could make her say his name in many other different ways.
“I’m not thinking of anything really.” he said, answering her question.
That was a crystal clear lie.
She was the only thing he had in his mind. How she was shaking her right leg unconsciously. How the little tendrils of hair framed her face as the morning sun coated her chocolate skin like a glaze of honey. How he could pick up her soft breaths over the sound of the soft music on the radio. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about how she felt when he was cuddling her in his sleep. For the first time in a very long time, he felt so safe and protected, even if it was just for a few minutes. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest, trying to break out of its cavity. 
As much as he didn’t like the fact that she found out about him and his secret so soon, he was glad that he didn’t really need to make that confrontation. More importantly, he was glad that she was still by his side, despite him now being a complete stranger to her. 
“Hmm, okay. So, what are you going to do today?” She asks.
“Hmm, Steven told me to stock the fridge a few days ago, so I think I’ll be going grocery shopping.” He muttered grimacing at the task that he had to do.
“Steven’s still not there? In your headspace, I mean.” She says softly.
“Nah, normally after these types of missions, he would literally switch himself off.” Marc says.
She nods and looks at her hands that were in her lap.
“What about you? What are you going to do today? After dance class.” Marc was not used to small talk and had no idea what else to ask but to repeat her question. 
“Oh! I have three classes today, so by the time I’m done, I’m probably gonna go home and take a nap. The kids tend to tire me out with their antiques. Wrangling them takes a whole lot of effort.” 
“Cool.” He says, giving her a small smile as he pulls up to the dance studio. 
“Alright, Marc, I’ll see you on Monday then? It was nice meeting you properly.” She says, tapping his hand that was on the gear. 
“See you, and thanks for everything.” 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
What fucking tea bags does the dumbass in my head like again?
Shopping for three has never been easy, especially when all of them have very different tastes. For instance, Jake loves hot black coffee, Steven loves tea and Marc prefers to pick up an iced latte from Starbucks even during the coldest days of London. 
They would often take turns to do the groceries and this week was Marc’s turn. He was now standing in an aisle in Tesco with the bird god watching over his shoulder as he racked his brain, trying to remember what tea Steven takes. Khonshu was watching him squirm and refused to tell him what the tea was. 
“Fine, it's the earl grey ones, over there.” Khonshu snickers.
“Fucking finally.” Marc hisses, and grabs the box, nodding apologetically at the old woman who was a few feet away. 
Marc didn’t like the supermarket, it wasn’t really his safe space. The cool white light reminded him of the afterlife that was disguised as an asylum that he and Steven had witnessed. He cringed at the thought, his heart speeding up, hand gripping at the hilt of the shopping cart. He shook his head and grabbed a bag of coffee beans for Jake, dropping them into the cart.
Marc loved eating fruits, one of the many things that he didn’t get to eat fresh when he was in the military. He breathed in the sweet fragrance of the fruits and went to town, grabbing one of every one he could find. 
“Mmpfh, where are we?” Steven’s voice brought him back from his fruit frenzy. 
Sighing, Marc took out his phone and put it to his ear. “We’re at Tesco, dude.”
“Oh shit, the last thing I remembered was getting slapped up by the smugglers. What the bloody hell did I miss?” Steven croaked.
“Well, yesterday, when Jake took control of the body, he must have fucked the smugglers up, but I have got no clue what went down because I was unconscious too, man. But umm, bro, I have slightly bad news.” Marc braces himself for what he has to say next.
“Go on, mate.”
“Well, Y/N somehow came to our flat at a dead hour and got everything out of Jake.”
“No way.” Steven whispers. “She knows everything?” 
“Yea well, most of it. Dude, she saw us hurt and it turns out she threatened Lockley to spill.” 
“Yep, that sounds like something Y/N would do. Wait a minute, how do you know this, Jake isn’t awake yet, is he?” Steven questions.
“Y/N stayed the night and I sent her to class just now. She filled me in about everything.” Marc tentatively left out the part where he had woken up entangled in her arms, face in her neck. 
“What was her reaction?” Steven asked nervously.
“She didn’t seem to mind anything, as far as I can see, she had patched us up yesterday and told me that she wanted to form a friendship with Jake and I.” He said, shrugging. 
Steven sighed in relief, which also made Marc relax slightly. “I think that’s not as bad as we imagined. I do owe her an apology though.” 
“Yea, let’s send her a text later when she’s done with class and we’ll talk to her on Monday.”  Marc said, smiling at the thought of seeing her again. 
“Agreed. Also, Marc?”
“Those are the wrong teabags, mate.” Steven says, yawning.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Marc sinks into the seat of his car, letting out a moan as he takes a bite of the cut mangoes that he bought. His eye caught a glint of something in the passenger seat as he tongued the juice dribbling out of his mouth. Sitting up, he realizes that it was Y/N’s phone. 
“Whelp, Steven, looks like we are going to go see her sooner than we thought.” He said to the rear view mirror putting his bag of mangoes aside and starting the car. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The dance studio buzzed with activity. There were kids, teenagers and adults waiting around the reception area as Marc approached the desk.
“Hi, where can I find Ms. Y/N?” He asked the receptionist.
Before she could answer, Marc could feel someone tugging at his jacket. Looking down, he saw a little girl smiling up at him. 
Bending down he asks “ Hi, there! How can I help you, little girl?”
“You know Y/N Akka?” She asked and Marc nodded. “Come with me.” She said, grabbing onto his hand.   
Marc let the kid lead him down a hall to another studio. She babbled away, telling him that her name was Kavya and that she thought he looked very handsome, which made Marc blush. Pushing the door open, she led him inside the studio. 
Marc swore that his lungs drained of all oxygen the second he laid his eyes on her. His mind closed off to everything and he could feel his vision tunneling, all senses tuned to her.
Her dancing was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. Each move she performed made her look like she had been sculpted to perfection. She twisted with the grace of a lioness catching its prey but also with the gentleness of a flower petal, feet creating music with the jingling bells. Her hips swayed and her braid curved around her with each shift. 
Marc never really had the chance to see things that were so divine and pure, since his life has just been overpowered by violence, abuse and pain. Watching her dance felt as if he was washing away all the sin he had committed.
Passion flowed through her as if she were a poem written by the greatest of poets and Marc found that same energy cascading around him, enveloping him in a feeling that he had never had before in his life. He couldn’t help but stare in absolute awe. She seemed to not notice them at the edge of the room as she absorbed herself into the story she was telling. 
Despite being sent to Hebrew school for most of his childhood and now being an avatar of a literal god, Marc never really paid attention to the concept of worship. However, right now, he realized that if that concept was the feeling of adoration and reverence towards a deity, he would get on his knees at this instant and worship her, to seek solace, forgiveness and refuge in all of her. 
In other words, the once ruthless mercenary was whipped beyond measure.
“Akka!” The kid beside him suddenly interrupted his swoon fest, forcing him out of his mind and back into the real world.  
“Enna ma?” Y/N stopped suddenly, turning towards them, her jaw dropping not so subtly, clearly surprised to see him, eyes wide. 
“Akka, your husband is here to see you!” Kayva said giggling.
Marc made a mental note to name his first born after this legendary kid. 
The whole class turned towards him and they erupted in “Ooooos” and whispers. Y/N slapped a hand to her forehead and mouthed a sorry to Marc, who just grinned back, fully amused by the whole situation. 
“You didn’t tell us about your aalu!” Someone in the crowd shouted.
“Yea, you didn’t tell us you were married to a vellaikara!” Someone else shouted.
“Wait, guys I think that's her boyfriend!” said another kid who was squinting at him.
“Guys, settle down. Don’t be so rude. Everyone say hi to Marc Anne.” She says shushing them with her hands on her hips and a pout on her lips. 
“Hi Marc Anne!” The class chorused and Marc waved back.
“Ok, break, five minutes, po!” She says, waving her hands at them, shooing them out of the class.
“I’m so sorry about them. Everything alright?” Y/N says, approaching him as Kavya took off with her friends.
“Yea, umm, you left your phone.”  He said, handing it to her. 
“You came all the way to give me my phone?” She grinned.
“Yea, I mean I was only close by so it wasn’t a hassle. And um, sorry about the husband thing, I didn’t know what the cute little devil was up to.” he stuttered, trying not to turn into mush. 
“That’s alright, at least their very Indian mothers will stop tryna matchmake me with people that they know.” She laughed.
Suddenly, Marc feels his eyes roll up in his head, letting him know that Steven had taken control. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Your POV
A familiar look graced the face that you were looking at and you instantly recognized Steven.
“Y/N, I- aYO” you cut him off with a punch on the arm, which startled the poor man.
“That’s for leaving me in the middle of the night.” You say, pouting, trying to fight the smile that threatened to creep up on your face and you punch him again. “And that for not keeping your promise, asshole.”
“Ow, I told you I was sorry in my note. Your dancing was divine by the way.” Steven smoothly countered. 
“Oh, stop with the flattery, Grant. Oh, I missed you and your silly accent.” You say, wrapping your arms around him. 
“Hey, I’m really, really sorry for scaring you, yea? We’ll talk about it on Monday, I’ll let you get back to your class now. Come on, walk with me to my car and I’ll give you a little peace offering.” Steven says into your hair. 
“You’re lucky that you and your boys are cute, or else…” You mumbled, into his chest, and he let out a small nervous chuckle. 
Pulling away, you loop your arm around his own, you lean your head on his shoulder, and walked with him to his car. You could feel your face heat up with the looks your students were giving you, some of the cheeky devils were wiggling their eyebrows at you in earnest. 
“These kids have no chill.” you say and Steven laughed heartily. 
“Well, we are acting like an old married couple.” he says jokingly. “About the boys, what do you think about them so far? I hope they weren’t misbehaving.” 
“Jake, was well, interesting to say the least, but he was plastered drunk and probably in a lot of pain, so I don’t think I can gauge an opinion about him just yet. Marc’s really adorable, sweet, and umm, quiet.” you decided that right now wasn’t the best time to mention how Marc was cuddling you in the morning.
At the car, Steven pulled out a packet of cut mangoes.
“For you, milady.” he bowed. 
You took it from him and smiled, hoping your whole face wouldn't melt at the rate it was burning up. Then, you lean in and peck a small kiss on his cheek. 
“Thanks for the mangoes.” you say looking up at him through your lashes. 
“No problem, darling. So, see you on Monday?” he says, his tone dazed as he returned a kiss on your cheek. 
You nod and watch him get in the car and speed away. You clutch the little bag of mangoes to your chest and sigh, turning to walk back to class. 
You never realized that your first few days of being a 29 year old was going to be this eventful. These men are going to keep you real busy. 
 ☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Moon Boys’ POV
“STEVEN MY MANGOES!” Marc yelled.
“Oh please, shut it, you like her more than all the goddamn mangoes on this planet.” Steven chided back.
“You're right, yea.” he mumbled.
 ☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Dei, eluntiru da: Yo, wake up dude.
Akka: Big sister
Enna ma?: What, girl?
Aalu: Guy
Vellaikara: White man
Anne: Big brother
Po: Go
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
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Lack OF Context
I never honestly prayed before, but I always had this small belief that someone existed up there, someone who controlled us or at least could control us; that thought lead me to have my first conversation with GOD. I mean I did all the talking, I wouldn't know if he responded.
Anirudh texted me after a week. I'm surprised how he texts me even after I repeatedly ignore him. I mean.....I love him, I want to talk to him, I want to meet him, and I probably can but I choose not to because 12th grade is really crucial to get into med school and I can't afforde to get used to him right now (also if my parents get to know about him I'm dead). I reply to him occasionally ,though, and that makes me happy.
Me: “Dad! Hurry up”
Dad: “ I'm almost done Tanvi...get the keys from mom”
Me: “Can you please teach the concept of punctuality to your husband mom.....he gets me late for my classes every day”
Dad: “Go by yourself no ”
Me: “I would dad if you allowed me to take ubers”
Dad: “well you have a bicycle”
Mom: “ argument over! (throws the keys to dad) now leave”
Once we sat in the car the argument started off from exactly where it ended
Dad: “ Tanvi! What about the bicycle?”
Me: “ Dad! How in the world do you lose your common sense sometimes? I'll sweat my lungs out if I bicycle 8 kilometres every day.
Dad: Well, you'll sweat my pockets out if you do an uber everyday
Me: I wonder how you'll pay for my med school though
Dad: I earn enough honey, and your mom does too.
Me: got you!!! My logic wins
Dad: shit!! No one's logic wins it's an argument with no winner.
Me: come on dad I'm the clear winner
Dad: I'll agree to disagree
Me: yeah sure!!
We were laughing around when all of a sudden I noticed a tiny kid randomly standing on the road and screamed; dad pressed the brake and turned the steering which made the car turn 360 degrees and crash into a light pole. The kid just ran away, but if I ever see that kid again I'm really going to run a car over him (I won't though). I was fine but my dad's head hit the steering wheel and was bleeding ( I should have reminded him to wear his seat belt.....well he should have reminded himself to wear his seat belt); he was half unconscious and was blabbering some shit. As I was unbuckling my seat belt, a guy on a motorcycle pulled up at my dad's side of the car and said “Is everything alright sir?” My dad continued to blabber unclearly. The guy interrupted me and said “ Glad to know sir... I am Seerat Kherwal, I am 31 years old, I work at Toogle as an assistant manager and my salary is ₹400,000 per month” At that point, I really didn't understand what the hell was happening and took time to process it. He continued “My family and friends consider me to be a very kind man I'm here to ask you if I could marry your daughter” I couldn't believe the randomness of the situation, but then processed it immediately and shouted at the guy “ Man what the fuck is wrong with you? Firstly the man's head is bleeding.what the hell are you doing instead of taking him to the freaking hospital? and secondly, I'm just 17” I wasn't even able to process what I was speaking. The guy spoke again “I'm sorry my love, can you help me get your father to the back seat?”
I got down and went to help him. “Don't call me ‛love’ please” he replied “Sure darling” I just decided to stay quiet this time. I helped him shift dad to the back seat. I took my handkerchief out and tied it to my dad's head. Seerat parked his motorcycle on the footpath, got into the driver's seat and I sat beside him. He started to drive the half broken car.
I've always kinda been into older men but that's more of a sexual thing and less of a romantic thing; even taking that into consideration this conversation was creepy....... from his side at least.
Seerat: ‛don't worry babe! Chandigarh is a small city the hospital won't be too far’
Me:‛ I'm really thankful for the help sir, but please call me Tanvi instead of babe or darling or love!! uh uh right right right right!!’
Seerat: ‛(immediately changed the direction of the steering and smiled with embarrassment) ’
Me:‛ you just spoke as if you know Chandigarh so well!! What happened huh?’
Dad: ‛ (in a very low voice) Tanvi tell mom that I loved her’
Me: ‛what the hell dad! You're not dying....we'll get you to the hospital asap....calm down’
Dad: (blabbered some shit)
Seerat: ‛do you think he'll say yes for the marriage Tanvi?’
Me: ‛ Shut the fuck up, please!! ’
After a few more extremely uncomfortable conversations (for me at least) with seerat and a little more random blabbering by my dad, we reached outside the emergency.
I told him to look after dad while I got some help. I brought a nurse with a wheelchair. Seerat gave me the car keys. “Thank you so much, sir.” He moved his cheek towards me and said “don't forget the bye-bye kiss Tanvi.” I think my brain wasn't working properly at that moment; instead of slapping his face I unwillingly kissed his cheek. Once I brought my face back to myself, the nurse was standing in place of Seerat and we were inside the hospital; the nurse was blushing as if Shawn Mendes just kissed her. I really didn't know if I forgot walking into the hospital or if we actually magically appeared there. I could have literally seen flying German Shepherd that day..... it wouldn't surprise me. My dad was completely unconscious and was being rushed in. Once we were inside, the doctor checked him and said “There's nothing to worry about... We'll have to give him a small dose of anesthesia and a few stitches.” They told me to wait in the corridor; I felt relieved. After I waited out for a few minutes, all the clocks in the emergency section started to make the weird hen noise, and the nurse came running to me. “ma'am we need you inside” I rushed inside. The doctor said “ Kid! Our department considers 11:43 AM as a very unlucky time and it's also a 13th today so we'll need your help....you have to make the first step of the stitching procedure we'll take over from there.” A panic attack hit me and I replied immediately while panting “ma'am my father is lying unconscious there you can't be joking around right now” “I'm not joking around kid” I looked at the nurse ( her name tag said eeshrat.....I didn't notice the doctor's name tag) and she nodded, conveying to me that it's true. I was pretty sure that that's not how hospitals work but, apparently, that's how my day was working... so I went with the flow. I took three deep breaths and told her to guide me. Eeahrat gave me a pair of gloves; the doctor handed me over the needle driver with a curved needle and suture material attached to it. She pointed to the starting of my dad's wound, put her fingers around his wound and said “right here kid” My mind, body, and soul were filled with frustration, so I pierced the needle right into the eye of the doctor, instead, and then got back to reality (which means I didn't pierce into her eye but imagined doing so because I really felt like doing so). I calmed my tits down and slowly took the needle closer to my dad's wound and carefully pierced it into his skin just like they showed in House M.D (it's a medical TV show.... I'm not even sure if they ever showed sutures in it, but yeah!). The doctor carefully took the driver from my hand; I slowly took a few steps back to the wall and fell to the ground with relief. ‘Could the day get any weirder’ I thought to myself. But I won't say it was all bad because doing the sutures gave me so much inner satisfaction ,and filled me with pride.....I gave sutures even before I got into med school, and I did it for my dad, but why did I do it??.... well!! I better not think about it.
“You did a very good job kid.... wait here you have some signing to do” The doctor went outside. Eeshrat, the nurse, was looking after dad, while I was still down to the floor. Once I was calmer and started to get up, the room all of a sudden sank deeper into the ground, and I fell back on the floor. I thought it was an earthquake and wasn't even surprised, but the sinking of the room was too even to be an earthquake. While Eeshrat was panicking, the door automatically closed and a small part of the ceiling opened up, and two suited up women jumped in from there. I just wanted to pick my unconscious dad up on my shoulders and run away from there. When Eeshrat tried to run away they shot her with a taser gun. My dad would have probably peed his pants if he was conscious at this point; I could have totally peed my pants too. “ There's no need to panic. We're from S.R.P.D. We're a government secret organization and we help them in emergencies and we were in urgent need for this aircraft because it's the only aircraft in the country that has an invisibility feature.” I literally said, “What the fuck” out loud. I was so glad in the morning that my periods were over and was hoping for a good day but this wasn't a very good day honestly. The other lady continued from there “ We're really sorry, but it's our policy to not allow anyone out immediately in these situations because of security issues, but we'll let you go soon.” Immediately after saying that she shot me with the taser too.
The second I woke up, I freaked out. The room in which I gave sutures to my dad was now an aircraft.....and we were in the fucking sky. The floor of the aircraft was transparent so I could see through it. It was scary and fascinating at the same time. Apparently, the aircraft was invisible from outside. I really didn't believe that. Eeshrat was sitting beside me and weeping, so I just brushed my palm on her head. My dad just woke up, noticed that we're flying, screamed and fainted again. “ I think it's time ma'am,” one of the suited ladies said to the other. “ People it's time... you need to get ready” They threw a bag at each of us. They tried to wake dad up but he wouldn't move.
Suited lady: “ We just gave you parachutes... We'll be releasing you right now”
Me: (That scared the living shit out of me, so I immediately interrupted) “ ma'am what what what.... you can't just leave us at some random place.... how do we get back home....and we might die we don't even know how to use these things”
Eeshrat: “you should have left us in the hospital itself what kind of stupid policy do you have.”
Suited lady: “we're sorry for the inconvenience...... You'll be instructed what to do and we've made sure that the landing area is safe..... We've transferred some money to your respective accounts and the nearest city is 5 kilometres from your landing place.....you can figure out your way from there”.
Me: “well ma'am I'm still scared. Can you not take us with you and drop us off later?”
Suited Lady : “you either jump here or we kill you later..the choice is yours”
Me: “can you instruct us with the parachutes please”
After they gave us the instructions, a small door opened up at the bottom of the aircraft... I have no idea where it appeared from though. Eeshrat jumped first. They decided to tie my dad up to me because he didn't seem to wake up. “ you're responsible for your dad ma'am” the lady said and pushed me out. I was screaming for obvious reasons. I just looked up to see the aircraft, but I couldn't see it. So the invisibility feature was real. I felt like I was in a Marvel movie. I was having the time of my life falling from so high though. My dad was still unconscious and that surprises me till date; how can someone be unconscious through all this shit? Well, Dad has always been a pussy. We were slowly getting closer to land. While we were falling, we suddenly became static in the air. I could only move my eyes, while rest of my body became static. I couldn't even pinch myself to check if it was a reality. This time there was no chance that I could process what was happening. Did you ever notice those glitches in old TVs? That kind of glitch literally occurred all around us (it felt as if we were trapped inside a TV). I wanted to scream but I couldn't. The glitch lasted few seconds, and after that, the ground below changed into sky.......an endless dark sky. I was suddenly able to move my head, so I saw up. Morning sky on the top, night sky at the bottom, and no land; It was beautiful to look at, but I couldn't appreciate it at that point of time. It suddenly felt like someone switched the gravity switch on and we started to fall again. We were falling towards the night sky. The closer we were getting to the night sky the faster my heart started to race. Once we almost fell into it, I just screamed and closed my eyes; I could hear the nurse scream too.
After closing my eyes for 5 seconds and probably after entering the night sky, a soft surface hit my butt hardly......I felt like I was sitting somewhere. While panting my lungs out, I opened my eyes to see myself sitting in my half broken car beside my mom. “why does he even buy such expensive cars when he can't even drive properly” She continued ranting while I was completely clueless. I just looked back to see that dad was still unconscious and the nurse was just staring outside the window....she looked traumatized. Mom stopped the car, smiled and said to the nurse “ your stop is here Eeshrat” The nurse, without even saying thank you, opened the door and started walking into the rain; she was just looking at one point and her eyes were watery. I immediately got out of the car and went to her. “do you remember any of that.... did it actually happen?” “I don't want to talk about it..... please leave” She pushed me away. I walked back to the car with disappointment. My mom said “ What an ungrateful lady.” I didn't have enough energy to respond to mom.
Once we were back home, I just ran into the house instead of helping mom with dad. While I was running into the room, I just stopped at the ‛Lord Vishnu’ picture that I talked to in the morning. I removed my glasses and threw them away in awe after seeing ‛Lord Vishnu’ wink at me. This wink reminded me of the conversation I had with him in the morning
‛ hey, bro! I really feel if not you, someone actually exists up there... Anyways
You know how crazily I want to be a doctor right...I just want to be able enough to treat my parents if they ever fall sick... It's the least I can do for them. When I earn enough money as a doctor I'll go for sky diving......I don't want to use my parents' money for something so high up on my bucket list Yeah.. also I have this thing for older men I don't know why... I want to kiss an older guy someday... like at least 10 years older... Not my dad though... Obviously duh..... Okay, this is something I really need an answer for..... Like the dimensions shit Nolan showed in interstellar or like the portals doctor strange opens....is that shit actually possible...I see so many people arguing about it...Is it actually possible... Anyways who cares okay bye’
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doctor-scarecrow · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the vital share of the Online Business. all extra or existing website required hosting and to get that your client's have to pay monthly. From little thing to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host supreme Website as soon as utter Bandwidth for a One time Low fee. Loaded taking into account SSL encryption & supreme business email options, LifeHost is the Best choice to Host your website bearing in mind Fastest load time & 100% uptime.
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spunkyghost · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the critical allocation of the Online Business. all further or existing website required hosting and to get that your client's have to pay monthly. From little business to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host truth Website in imitation of truth Bandwidth for a One become old Low fee. Loaded subsequent to SSL encryption & perfect thing email options, LifeHost is the Best other to Host your website like Fastest load era & 100% uptime.
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Watch my full LifeHost review and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses under too!
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jjimkirk · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the indispensable allowance of the Online Business. all additional or existing website required hosting and to acquire that your client's have to pay monthly. From little situation to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host unqualified Website subsequently fixed Bandwidth for a One period Low fee. Loaded when SSL encryption & unmovable business email options, LifeHost is the Best substitute to Host your website in the same way as Fastest load era & 100% uptime.
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Watch my full LifeHost review and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses under too!
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ssweet-noone · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the essential ration of the Online Business. all new or existing website required hosting and to acquire that your client's have to pay monthly. From small event to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host fixed idea Website taking into consideration unquestionable Bandwidth for a One get older Low fee. Loaded as soon as SSL encryption & firm situation email options, LifeHost is the Best choice to Host your website later than Fastest load grow old & 100% uptime.
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Did you write your goals alongside at the introduction of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year in imitation of you make millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... mysterious was a further struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
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Watch my full LifeHost review and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses below too!
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kur-wixa · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the vital ration of the Online Business. all new or existing website required hosting and to acquire that your client's have to pay monthly. From small concern to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host pure Website following given Bandwidth for a One era Low fee. Loaded bearing in mind SSL encryption & given situation email options, LifeHost is the Best unusual to Host your website in imitation of Fastest load get older & 100% uptime.
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Did you write your goals next to at the introduction of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year in imitation of you create millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... unmemorable was a additional struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
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Watch my full LifeHost evaluation and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses below too!
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hey-miss-teacher · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the indispensable allowance of the Online Business. all new or existing website required hosting and to get that your client's have to pay monthly. From little event to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host given Website past truth Bandwidth for a One grow old Low fee. Loaded in the manner of SSL encryption & fixed idea situation email options, LifeHost is the Best substitute to Host your website once Fastest load become old & 100% uptime.
LifeHost evaluation - 2020 misrepresented EVERYTHING. mature came to a standstill nevertheless passed faster than ever. I speculative the value of allowance yet were left with nothing in my pockets. It left me anxious virtually the future. Did you quality this? taking into consideration youve hit stone bottom and there is no quirk up?
Did you write your goals all along at the initiation of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year bearing in mind you create millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... unnamed was a supplementary struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
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Watch my full LifeHost evaluation and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses below too!
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inactive-queef · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the essential share of the Online Business. all other or existing website required hosting and to acquire that your client's have to pay monthly. From little concern to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host truth Website subsequently unlimited Bandwidth for a One mature Low fee. Loaded gone SSL encryption & definite situation email options, LifeHost is the Best substitute to Host your website later than Fastest load era & 100% uptime.
LifeHost evaluation - 2020 distorted EVERYTHING. epoch came to a standstill still passed faster than ever. I hypothetical the value of maintenance yet were left later nothing in my pockets. It left me worried virtually the future. Did you atmosphere this? bearing in mind youve hit stone bottom and there is no pretentiousness up?
Did you write your goals by the side of at the introduction of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year next you create millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... unnamed was a additional struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
LifeHost will save the biggest misery out there for beginner marketers - monthly costs past you begin making money. Unprecedented POWER, readiness & SAVINGS in the same way as perfect Ease Nothing else in the shout from the rooftops even compares. Experience the highest traffic on account of lightning quickness loading (less than 1 second) and 100% uptime. Think you dont need SPEED think again!
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Watch my full LifeHost evaluation and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses under too!
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itsalmostover42 · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the essential portion of the Online Business. all further or existing website required hosting and to acquire that your client's have to pay monthly. From little situation to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host utter Website next final Bandwidth for a One get older Low fee. Loaded with SSL encryption & answer business email options, LifeHost is the Best unconventional to Host your website taking into consideration Fastest load epoch & 100% uptime.
LifeHost evaluation - 2020 misused EVERYTHING. get older came to a standstill still passed faster than ever. I bookish the value of maintenance yet were left following nothing in my pockets. It left me anxious practically the future. Did you feel this? as soon as youve hit stone bottom and there is no pretension up?
Did you write your goals next to at the introduction of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year once you make millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... indistinctive was a extra struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
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karunator · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the essential ration of the Online Business. all other or existing website required hosting and to get that your client's have to pay monthly. From small business to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host final Website bearing in mind solution Bandwidth for a One era Low fee. Loaded subsequently SSL encryption & utter situation email options, LifeHost is the Best unconventional to Host your website next Fastest load period & 100% uptime.
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Did you write your goals the length of at the arrival of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year later you make millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... run of the mill was a supplementary struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
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Watch my full LifeHost review and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses under too!
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Disclaimer : Please don't be an asshole and complain about my grammatical errors... I'm a normal person who is filling in his diary... not my mistake that you got hold of it
2. April.2018
Everyday I see this guy in the school recess; his name is Sameer. Anyways...the point is I don't like him. You ask me why.......I really don't have an answer..... I've never even talked to him, but I just instinctually dislike him.
It was just like any other recess, and my eyes caught Sameer again; I noticed it for the first time..he actually is very physically attractive... I'd totally do him..... but yeah, I dislike him.....So I don't think I'll be doing anything of that sort....
I know all this might seem 'weird', but take two steps back and watch; there's always that person (or maybe more) who you just don't like..At this point of time that's exactly what Sameer is to me.
Weird how I say I don't like him.... but I keep writing about him. Well if you're fed up of Sameer already... I'm sorry
I'm in a boys school...and you narrow minded people might be stereotyping that we discuss girls all the time.... Though it's not completely true ... it can be sometimes... but I hardly have an opinion when it comes to 'who is hotter?'
I was eating my food on a bench when I noticed a ball rolling towards me and a voice followed the ball....“Yo, Tanvir, .... throw the ball here.” you're not Sherlock... It's pretty obvious that's Sameer. I picked the ball up and threw it to him and he shouted “ Thanks Yo. ” I thought he was supposed to be a rude guy, but a rude guy wouldn't say 'Thanks' to a guy he hardly knows...and he knew my name too... maybe he's not all bad.
I typed his name on Instagram.. his bio read
🌈 🌈 🌈
like playing Cricket and I kinda love writing random shit
I followed him...and was unexpectedly satisfied when he followed me back.The ‛kinda hatred’ was kinda slowly fading away.
18.April. 2018
The bell for the recess rang and I stopped Aniruddh form running away....“Can I play cricket with you guys today?”.... Anirudh replied “I literally call you to play everyday, come ”.....I used to play cricket for the school up until class 10... Sameer joined school in 11th so never got a chance to play with him.....I didn't mind playing some recess cricket... Though the actual reason was Sameer.
It was the third over and I was batting against sameer's bowling....He's like 6'2 and bowls very fast.... but that didn't stop me form hitting him for 5 consecutive 4s.....I didn't expect the 6th ball to be a bouncer......I mean the ball doesn't need to bounce that high for my short ass but it still was a bouncer and it hit me hard on my lips ..... I threw the bat and fell to the ground...... Sameer started to say “sorry!!!!!” and ran towards me....he took his handkerchief out and pressed my bleeding lips with it....while his other hand rested my head.....my heart started beating at an extremely high rate.... it maybe even hit 120..... I'm totally crushing on him.... All it took is one thank you to make me not dislike him.... Maybe instincts are not always right.... maybe you should try talking to that one person who you hate for no reason.
24th April 2018
It's been 6 days since the handkerchief incident ........ I and Sameer have become closer......I mean we were never close before, so let's just stick to close instead of closer. Except for the height we're pretty similar....we love cricket, we love writing (tho I write only this diary), We're huge 'The office' fans and we vibe well.... the initial negative vibes are converted into complete positive vibes....we started to text a lot too.
While I was walking back to my class with Anirudh, Sameer stopped me and said “Yo Guys can you both come over to my place this saturday for a sleep over ?” Anirudh replied “I'm up” and looked at me....I said that I'll have to ask at home.... I knew my mom was going to allow but she can be unpredictable sometimes like all other moms.
Mom said “yeah you can go, but you'll have to come for the wedding on sunday”.......God!! I hate those weddings..... All that happens there is that a bunch of awkward-unforgettable memories are formed in my brain..... But as they say “To get something...you have to lose something”... well I'm not exactly losing anything, but you get the point right..
“ Tanvir! Does mom know that you're gay yet?” my sister asked... She wasn't mocking..it was a genuine question... “Not yet.... I'll tell it when I feel it's right though”
“You know she might freak out right?”
“Naah I don't think so”
28th April 2018
Though I and sameer were okay..... Aniruddh was high and drunk at the same time....he was doing all sorts of random shit....he almost put his fingers on a moving fan....He randomly just said “Guys clapping your hands is just so weird...I mean why do we bang our palms with each other when something good happens, I can't understand”. When I actually thought about it, it made partial sense.
You know those moments in which all the friends all of a sudden wip their phones out and get lost in their screens..... while we were having such a moment, Sameer noticed that Anirudh is asleep and said “Tanvir.... wanna chill in the balcony?”
He spotted out constellations to me.... This was the first time I noticed the constellations outside the books and the screen. So he thinks that Virat Kohli is a better player than Sachin and Lara, which I'll never agree to but I'll let it go. While he was laughing, I couldn't stop myself from staring at his lips.......he probably noticed that and became quiet....we looked into eachothers eyes for a few seconds and I slowly moved closer ........ I don't know how, but my lips were now hardly 3 centimeters away from his lips .....while I covered the 25 centimeters, he covered the last 3 centimeters.......and just like that I had my first kiss at the age of 17 and I know it sounds cliche like any other part in this diary... But it was beautiful.
2nd may 2018
Sameer hasn't come to school since then, but we talk a lot on text and on the phone too......I needed to say it, there was no point keeping it in.. so I said it..... more like typed it... But there's hardly any difference between those two these days.
‛Uhmmm..... this might sound weird.....You probably already know it.....I like you.....as in I feel stuff for you...... don't think it's because of the kiss... I've liked you before that also....I sometimes just think about you and start blushing.... If you feel the same ....do you want to take it a notch higher?’
I unsent and sent this message atleast 7 times... While I was going to do it for the 8th time he saw the message....... I immediately closed the chat and threw my phone away to the other sofa.....I just looked to the other side and started to bite my nails ....... all sort of thoughts were crossing my mind.....
‛Wow...that escalated quick..... I've always found you really cute Tanvir....and I could feel the vibe since the time you started playing with us..... I've never dated a guy before this.... but I think you're special enough for that...yes we should take it a ‛notch’ higher 😂💓💓’
My face was burning red and just like that I made my first boy friend ........also at the age of 17.
2nd June 2018
Today summer vaccation starts.... I mean summer holidays are enough to make me happy but I'm also happy cause I'll have more time to hangout with Sameer.... also it's our 1st month anniversary today... But sadly he won't be able to make it to the party at Anirudh's place because he's moving places and is busy with it...... I'll write the rest tomorrow after the party probably....Ill probably stay over at Anirudh's... That's what I told to mom
3rd June 2018
Yesterday night shit went down..... I'm not in a good mood right now...and won't be in it for few weeks probably.....
While I was partying, all I could think about was how my mom always trusts me and keeps saying that I'm an honest boy......I was feeling really guilty that I didn't tell her this.....I stopped dancing at once...and was just staring at the floor.....I started whispering repeatedly “I need to leave.....I need to leave..” and then the sound of my voice slowly increased....and I ran out of the place........ I literally jogged 4 kilometers to my house...and was panting heavily.....It was around 10:30 .....I thought to myself that mom wouldn't be asleep and I was ready to tell her about my sexuality...I confidently stood outside her room, took a deep breath, and opened the door......the second I opened the door... while I was on my way to shout ‛maa’....she was making out with someone....I felt really embarrassed and closed the door.... But not completely...... as a weird thought crossed my mind I opened the door again(....(btw all this happened in a 2 second period.....).....What I saw can not be unwatched.....MY MOTHER WAS MAKING OUT WITH SAMEER.....I closed the door with all the energy I had and probably broke a hinge....I walked to my room....I was feeling heartbroken and extremely pissed at the same time.....I locked myself in.... Sameer was banging on my door and said “I didn't know she was your mom tanvir... I'm sorry”... well even though he didn't.... what he did was cheating....and I did not feel very well.....I probably should have went with my INSTINCT and continued to DISLIKE him.
Also today is the day.......The day I throw this diary away ..... feel lucky if you find it
Instinct......Tanvir Manchanda
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shippersark · 3 years
Anupama: Family Tensed up Over Kinjal vs Vanraj Situation
Anupama: Family Tensed up Over Kinjal vs Vanraj Situation #Anupamaa, #Rupaliganguly, #SudanshuPandey, #Madalsa, #SaNan, #ParasKalnawat, #Samrat, #Kinjal, #Anupama, #AnuRaj
Vanraj packs his stuff in his office cabin reminiscing boss’ warning that his attention more towards home and less towards office, giving money to Anu for household expenses, Anirudh telling this house and Kavya belongs to him, etc. He gets into lift and shouts loudly venting out his anger. Anu looking at her via binocular prepares halwa in kitchen. Baa praises her cooking skills. Kinjal informs…
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an-gye · 3 years
LifeHost Review
LifeHost Review! What is AdSense Engine by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra and what does it do? Hosting is the vital portion of the Online Business. every other or existing website required hosting and to acquire that your client's have to pay monthly. From little concern to Large Traffic website, this is the recurring expense that you client have to pay but LifeHost is going to solve this Problem! Now Your Clients can Host final Website in the same way as firm Bandwidth for a One times Low fee. Loaded later than SSL encryption & solution issue email options, LifeHost is the Best substitute to Host your website behind Fastest load period & 100% uptime.
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Did you write your goals next to at the coming on of 2020? Declaring that it would be the year subsequent to you make millions of dollars & travel the world. I know how that feels, I have been there. I too STRUGGLED to survive... unsigned was a additional struggle... Endless work-from-home routine.
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Watch my full LifeHost evaluation and demo above and check out the LifeHost bonuses under too!
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