#master 2021
chaoswithmusic · 5 months
There's something so inherently fruity about all the interactions between JD and Bhavani, do you get me, especially the final fight scene.
M A Y B E.
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new project for pride month~
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neengareadynaaready · 10 months
This entire (re)entry scene was shot so well. And the bgm was *chef's kiss*.
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waterghostype · 6 months
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not so tall now are you
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sanflawoah · 1 month
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I have connected the dots,
and they're both from the exact same 1600s late Sengoku era Japan.
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mastersoftheair · 3 months
"mr. masters of the flair :')" (from josh bolt's instagram story)
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psychogirl94 · 11 months
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🔪🔪 Leaders of Horror Slasher Comeback 🔪🔪
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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Halo Infinite (2021)
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augustinewrites · 15 days
augustinewrites is about to be augustinewrites, PT if all goes well this saturday 🫶
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asshuka · 2 months
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my god it's that guy
commissions 🌠 ko-fi 🌠 patreon
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neengareadynaaready · 10 months
JD Sleepy/Sleeping on the Job in Master Part 1
coz more often than not he's hungover lmao
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Sleeping during a work meeting
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Dozing, napping while waiting for the student government election results
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Putting on loud music to stay awake
Staring into space
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The youth center warden is telling him about the kids.
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He is lost to dreamland.
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genmuhan · 1 year
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ポケモンマスターズ リーリエ(21アニバーサリー)
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estebunny · 7 months
esteban ocon acting the sound of an f1 race car (again)
via Jimmy Kimmel Live youtube channel
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Master Biomancer
"Nature is a wonderful engineer but works far too slowly for my tastes."
Artist: Willian Murai TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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meraki-yao · 10 months
Ok I saw a post before saying what if we put all of Nick’s characters in one room (I can’t find op anymore) and after the last reblog it got me thinking so here’s some weird multiverse imagination
Note that I’m only gonna use the characters I’ve seen/know about, so that’s Henry (RWRB, duh), Conor (Handsome Devil, watched the whole movie and really liked it), Timmy (The Craft: Legacy, only watched Nick’s part lol), Robert (Cinderella, the first time I actually saw Nick, I watched… enough, plus a bunch of video essays on it because I am a musical theatre person and a fairy tale person), Jeff (Bottoms, from what I can get from the trailers), and Luke (Purple Heart, which I love you Nick but I will not put myself through that, based on what I’ve heard about it and reading the synopsis on Wikipedia) if you can think of more please join in on this mess
Let’s say some weird random ass multiverse magic got all of them into a room. After the initial “Good God is that what I look like with a buzzcut?” and “Why the fuck are they British- is that kid Scottish?” and “HE’S A PRINCE? OH THAT GUY WHO’S SINGING IS A PRINCE TOO? HOW AM I A PRINCE???” then someone (honestly out of the six I listed probably Henry or … Luke?) telling everyone to settle down and introduce themselves so they can figure out their differences, what’s gonna happen?
Luke and Jeff will definitely get into a fight at some point. Maybe Robert gets unintentionally involved too
I dread to imagine the conversation/confrontation between Luke, the conservative marine and Henry, now a gay icon in a loving, committed relationship with the bisexual POC son of a democratic female president (I’ve heard some folks call Henry the rainbow prince and oh my God I love that) interacting, but Henry is still a prince and a lot stronger and willing to stand up for himself and his relationship at the end of the movie, I want him to win in that argument
Henry and Robert will definitely judge each other. Robert on Henry’s clothes and how proper he is (think about his fucking line “dancing at these things are so mannered! And formal! And we look like fools!” and oh God I hate that I can quote that line) and Henry on Robert’s eccentric, borderline-childish mannerism, and wonder how on earth is this guy a prince (I know royal protocols are strict and Henry does definitely find them stifling at times but a large part of that is just… manner and etiquette? Like look at the pained face he makes when Alex devours the cornetto and then speaks with his mouth full of ice cream, he was definitely exasperated by his choice of men at the moment)
Luke and Jeff will get annoyed at Robert spontaneously bursting into song and tell him to shut the fuck up, but Henry might find it amusing and somewhat charming (come on I absolutely don’t believe that Alex and Henry don’t sing to each other, especially when they have Taylor and Nick’s beautiful singing voice in the movie verse) and maybe Conor starts shyly strumming his guitar to Robert’s singing
Jeff trying to bully Conor and Timmy then realizing these boys are no less strong than he is and gets his ass kicked
(The next couple of points are the main reason I wrote this post lol)
Henry recognizing Conor and Timmy’s struggles, seeing bits of his younger self in these queer kids that look like him, remembering what Alex said about getting to be someone his father didn’t see growing up, thinking he can do something similar for these two boys and taking them under his wing, pulling the both of them to a corner to talk
Conor telling Henry that he doesn’t believe there’s a place in the world where he could just be himself, and Henry remembering feeling the same until a certain American boy with fucking eyelashes, black curls and dimples stormed his castle
Timmy explaining how he feels like his bisexuality isn’t being validated (Nick did amazing in that scene please go watch it) and Henry gently telling him that that’s absolutely not true and that his boyfriend is in fact, bisexual, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking both boys and girls
Henry and Timmy sharing their grief over their lost parents
Conor and Timmy suddenly having a man who looks like them, who's in a position of power and in a committed relationship with another man in a position of power to look up to
Henry telling them his story and how he found love and support, giving the boys hope, and realizing that this is what making history can mean
I don’t know how my brain came to this but Henry as an older brother to Conor and Timmy now lives rent-free in my head, might write more on that alone
Very intrigued about how this is gonna be expanded when Mary & George comes out and we add George Villiers to the mix, Henry will pass out
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Halo Infinite (2021)
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