#shouto gets a little forehead kiss as well because he's cute here
kitthepurplepotato · 9 months
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Chapter 9 - Surprise!
Summary: Why is there a random, grumpy teen in the house?!
Warnings: Swear words
First Chapter Master List
This is a magical day. A once in a lifetime occurrence.
It’s 9AM and Midoriya Izuku is still asleep.
And to make it even better? He doesn’t look like he wants to wake up yet.
Midoriya Izuku will finally have a good sleep today. Oh my gosh, what a day to be alive!
“Good morning, love.” You leave a tiny kiss on the hero’s forehead and his face scrunches; he hides his face into your neck, clearly unimpressed by the sudden daylight, fussing like a child as he pulls you closer and doesn’t let you go even though you really want to wake up and make breakfast because you are starving. “You won’t let me go?” You ask him with a baby voice and Izuku only shakes his head at that, making cute, whiny voices as he snuggles into you. He’s so fucking adorable. “Don’t wanna have pancakes for breakfast then?”
You can see the moment when Izuku starts to seriously contemplate - he stops in his shenanigans and scrunches his face again, deep in thought.
“Cuddles. Pancakes.” Is all he says, half of his body resting on the top of yours at this point.
“You won’t get any of those if you kill me. Izuku, I don’t mean to fat shame you, I know it’s all muscles, but damn, you are heavy.” You giggle as you slowly crawl out from under him. Izuku clearly did not like that; his face is scrunched again and his hold tightens around you but slowly, he lets you go with a massive, dramatic sigh.
“No kiss?” He mumbles again and you can’t help but make a silly, high pitched sound at that. This should be illegal. He’s just way too cute. Goddamn, how did you get so lucky?!
Okay, he can have one kiss. One.
You leave a tiny kiss on Izuku’s lips; Izuku hums at first, still sleepy and sluggish , then suddenly, he deepens the kiss, his hands all over your body, all the sleepiness gone like it wasn’t even there in the first place. Funnily enough, the sudden surge of energy only lasts a few minutes; after a few deep kisses, Izuku flops back on the bed, eyes already half closed.
“Now you go.” He mumbles, looking like a little burrito with all the covers around him.
“Excuse me?” You giggle with an incredulous look on your face; honestly, this guys has lost his fucking mind.
This fucking prick.
“You are such an asshole today, what the hell?” You reprimand but you can’t stop yourself from laughing; this whole shenanigan is so out of character yet somehow it fits the greenhead so much; the neediness, the willfulness, these are all parts of Izuku’s characteristics - he just decided to suppress them in order to be more tolerable because that’s what has been carved into him. Here’s the thing though; everyone is allowed to a bit selfish sometimes. It’s okay to have days when you need more love, more care, it’s okay to have some days when you need someone to take care of you. You just need to find the right person and the right time for these things. Izuku is getting so much better at showing you what he actually wants and it makes you so fucking proud it’s actually unbelievable.
“You love me.” Izuku mutters with a happy smile on his face as he leaves tiny kisses all over your shoulders with his eyes still closed.
“I do. I’ll make you the second best pancakes. I can’t do better than your mom’s, I’m sorry to be a disappointment.”
Izuku’s next answer is almost incoherent, sentences broken and muttered under his nose.
“I love your pancakes. Mum’s are the best though. And her Katsudon. Your soup? First. Curry? Kacchan’s. Steak? Eijirou’s. Medium rare. Shouto’s soba. Yeah.”
“How hungry are you, Izu-Izu?” You giggle to yourself as your fingers play with his tangled, untamed curls.
“Over 9000.” Izuku admits sheepishly then goes back to sleep like nothing had happened.
Well… the boss wants pancakes so he gets pancakes. It’s extremely hard to wake up when he’s back to being a clingy little koala, all warm and smelling like home but today, Izuku is all yours so you’ll have all the time in the world to cuddle him senseless later.
… or not.
“You are not Deku.”
There is a teenager in the living room. Who the fuck is this kid and how did he get in here? You have no idea. He kinda looks pissed. Why? You also have no idea.
Is this the right time to get that mop out? Should you chase this kid out of the apartment with it? This is a high security area though, there is no way he could’ve sneaked past that security system without a clearance. Your home alarm didn’t sound either which means the kid has a code for the door. Did Izuku talk about kids before? Not really. The only kid in Izuku’s life by your knowledge is Eri-Chan who lives with his old teacher… and that kid back from his high school days. The one who has a terrible attitude but loves Izuku so much he even asked for the same shoes Izuku wears, out of respect or fanatism, you have no idea.
… there is a red shoe in the entry room and that’s certainly not Izuku’s size.
“I’m not. But I live here.” You answer, less freaked out about the situation now that you know who this kid is. “I’m Izuku’s roommate…?”
“You came out of Deku’s room.” The teenager makes a snarky comment and your whole face becomes a tomato. “You have a limited All Might Shirt on which is too big for you.”
This kid is a pain in the ass but he kinda reminds you of Katsuki so you can’t help but smile.
“Okay, Sherlock. I’m Izuku’s girlfriend, Y/N. And you are?”
“Kouta Izumi. Deku didn’t tell me he has a girlfriend. I’m here to play.”
Yup. That’s the kid Izuku told you about.
“The new PlayStation 6. Deku got a prototype, the console isn’t even out yet. He also got the new GTA 6 that will only come out next year. “
Oh, that silly game everyone is obsessed about. It’s a game about a quirkless world and gangsters and stuff. Izuku did tell you that he got some cool stuff from one of his sponsors but none of you had the time to actually try it out yet.
“Okay. Uhm… just make sure to stay quiet, he haven’t slept for a week.” You sigh, a little bit disappointed by the fact that you won’t have the whole day to yourselves but also quite excited about meeting a new person from Izuku’s life.
“Is he okay?” Kouta mumbles with a red face, clearly embarrassed by the fact that he cares.
“Yeah, he’s okay.” You smile fondly. “We went to see his mother yesterday.”
“How is she?” Kouta looks up. “He never talks about his parents because I don’t have any. They both died in a villain attack. He thinks it’s going to make me sad if he talks to me about her but I’m almost an adult now.”
Wow, he just… threw that bomb in there and now you have no idea how to react. Should you say “I’m sorry”? No, he would hate being pitied. This is tough.
“You go to UA?” You point at the little pin on the boy’s backpack sitting by his side, trying to change the topic. “I love the little candy apple keychain too.”
“Uhm… I got the keychain from… a friend.” Kouta’s whole face is as red as a tomato. You can barely conceal your smile. “And yes. Fucking Deku’s fault.”
“Why’s that?”
“I hated heroes when I was a kid.” Kouta admits. “My parents were heroes and they died for a bunch of strangers and left me alone. I loathed everyone who went to a hero school. But then Deku saved me from the same villain who killed my parents. He was only a first year student back then and he almost died for me.” Is talking about deep stuff like they are talking about the weather a hero thing? Asking for a friend here. “I’m only in the support course, though. It’s safe but really helpful to all those idiots killing themselves on the battlefield.”
“That’s… a weird way of putting it but I kinda get it.” You giggle. You like this guy. He’s funny.
“Don’t get me wrong, I still know how to kick an ass. I actually have a temporary license. I took special classes with Aizawa sensei. If they need help, I’ll help. Are you one of those idiots, too?”
“No, I’m… quirkless.” You admit. Kouta looks at you like you just grew two heads. “What?” You giggle. “You look like I just told you I’m an alien.”
“You kinda are?” Kouta smirks. “What do you do then?”
“I draw and people pay me for it.”
“Sick. You did this?” Kouta points at the half-done drawing sitting on the coffee table. It’s a drawing of pro hero Deku and young All Might fighting a villain together. It was commissioned a few days ago, but Izuku liked it so much you have to make a second one because he wants to keep the original.
“Yeah. One day, I want to do my own manga. I’ll eventually start working on it but right now, I’m just happy to help out Izuku around the house and spend all the time I can with him.” You smile to yourself. “I’ll make breakfast, Izuku’s really hungry. Feel free to play that game, tell us how it is!” You make your way towards the kitchen and for your surprise, Kouta follows you and sits down on the counter.
“What are you making?”
Kouta helps you. Without a single word. He doesn’t really know what to do but he mixes everything together, puts plates and cutlery on the table, pours more milk into mixture when you need it, overall, he is extremely helpful. Once the flat starts to smell like pancakes a half asleep Izuku shambles into the kitchen; his chin lands on your shoulder as his hands snake around your waist, absolutely unaware of the second person in the room.
“Good morning, Sweets.” He mumbles into your skin; he leaves tiny, affectionate pecks and it takes you a few seconds to realize that you should probably say something before this escalates.
“Ewww, get a room!” Well, Kouta does it for you, then. His palms are in front of his eyes to save himself from the “terrible” sight. He’s such a kid, honestly.
Izuku jumps off you with a loud, high pitched yelp, his whole face ruddy as he stares at Kouta.
“Kouta-kun, uhm, hello?!” He mumbles first, then as his brain finally catches up with the situation, his eyes light up. “Oh my god, I haven’t seen you for so long, you grew again! You’ll be taller than me one day.”
Okay. Let’s stop here for a second.
A sleepy affectionate Izuku is already way too much for your fragile heart, but fatherly Izuku?
Literal KNOCK OUT.
“Oh my god, stop babying me, you old man.” Kotaro grumbles but Izuku doesn’t stop; he pulls the little gremlin to his chest, suffocates him with all the love and while Kouta insist he hates every single second of it, if you look closely there is a tiny smile on his face the whole time.
“Where is your girlfriend?” Izuku teases and fuck, even that sounds like something a father would say to his teenage son.
“I already told you, she’s older than me! We barely see each other anyway! She’s in the hero course!”
“She made you handmade chocolate for Valentine’s. Heart shaped ones.”
“Out of pity! She always acts like I’m 10 years old! It’s fucking annoying! Last time I cut my finger she gave me a kiss on my forehead like I’m a kid. I really hate her sometimes.”
Okay, that’s so fucking cute.
“Is this the same girl who gave you the candy apple keychain?” You decide to join the conversation.
“You got a keychain with candy apples? You know that’s her favorite food, right? That must mean something!” Izuku adds. The poor boy is clearly about to burst from the embarrassment.
“Yeah, bro. She basically claimed you with that keychain. But if you don’t believe me, why don’t you try and ask her to kiss you on your mouth the next time you cut your finger? I’m just saying. You can just make it sound like it’s a joke in case it goes wrong.” You shrug nonchalantly.
“I would listen to her, she’s a professional meddler. I’m quite sure All Might is officially my stepfather now, thanks to Sweet Pea.”
“I think you should go for it.” You add, taking Izuku’s side.
“I think you should keep your eyes on your pancake because it’s burning.” Kouta adds with a shit eating grin; and indeed, there is smoke coming from the forgotten pan behind you.
“Oh, fuck.” You laugh as you try to salvage the poor, half burned pancake.
“You two will be the most annoying parents the world has ever seen.” Kouta rolls his eyes and you both become a stuttering mess after that.
“Wh… no! We… we’ll be really cool! Super chill!” Izuku mutters and you can’t help but laugh.
“Izu, you literally almost killed yourself just because I was sick. Kouta has a point, we’ll be super nosy and annoying. Not like… I thought about that before or anything. Definitely not.”
“W… Well… by the time we… uhm… we decide to have a kid… I’ll change. I’ll be all cool. I’ll be the best father ever!”
This is so awkward but also, so thrilling. Goddamn, even the thought of having a little kid with him makes your ovaries scream.
“Well, I won’t. A mother has all the rights to be nosy when it comes to her child.” You mutter back and the look Izuku gives you makes it really hard to concentrate on the stupid pancakes; his eyes are dazzling and so full of hope, he smiles at you like he’s a kid who just got what he wanted from Santa. You can hear tiny sniffles in the background so you look towards the boy sitting on the counter; His eyes are red but full of fondness as he stares at you two with pure wonder, a tiny smile decorating his face.
“You two remind me of my mom and dad.” He admits. “They always bickered over the silliest things and they looked at each other the same way you did. So fucking stop that and let’s eat, I’m starving.”
Izuku is about to cry so you decide to speak up before he misunderstands the whole situation and starts to blame himself for making Kouta sad.
“Who said you are getting any?” You look at him with a shit eating grin and the offended face he makes at that is downright hilarious.
“Huh?! I mixed the shit out of that batter, didn’t I?! I put plates on the table! Hell, I even touched a raw egg! I hate raw eggs!” Kouta yells but he can’t hide the grin on his face as he says all of that. “Would you let a kid starve, Y/N? That’s not nice! Deku, you heard that shit?! The audacity!” He yells, shamelessly laughing by now.
“Say another bad word and I’ll wash your mouth with soap!” You retort with fake-anger.
“I’ll lick every fork then! Hah! Top that, old hag!”
“Now that’s just evil.” Izuku looks between you two, completely flustered.
“Yeah, he kinda won this round. He can have one pancake.”
Izuku only sighs dramatically at that.
“Maybe I’m okay to not have kids for a few more years.”
“Oi! I’m a fucking delight!”
“This is it. I’m getting the soap.” You make your way towards the bathroom while Izuku moves the big stack of pancakes to the table with his eyes completely dead.
“NOOOOOOOO!” Kouta yells and starts running towards Izuku who almost stumbles thanks to him. “Save me, Deku! Your woman is vile!”
“Sweets, stop bullying my boy!” Izuku snorts, finally a bit more alive. “Also, if I can’t eat in the next five minutes I swear to god I’ll die so can we eat now? Please?”
“Anything for you, my darling.” You leave a tiny kiss on Izuku’s forehead, while you wink at the teen. He only rolls his eyes at that.
“Hey, I think you missed.” Izuku points at his pouty lips.
“Oh, silly me.” You leave a tiny kiss on his lips and make your way back to the kitchen to get some condiments, trying your best to hide the shit eating grin as you see Kouta getting flustered as hell.
“I know what you are doing and I don’t like it!” Kouta mumbles as he puts a bunch of pancakes in his plate.
Okay, maybe Kouta is right and you’ll be the most annoying parents the world have ever seen but hell if you are not excited for it.
Not like that’s something you two want in the near future… uhm. Yeah. Definitely not.
End of the chapter. Uhm. Go away.
… Next Chapter!
Potato Ramble:
- I know, me and my weird ass ships, I am right?! 😂
- So in this story, Izuku is around 25-26 so it’s like… 9-10 years after the attack on Kouta so he’s around 15-16. Eri is 1-2 years older, I made that one year here for convenience. If Kouta listened to Y/N, I’ll leave that to your imagination except if you guys want an extra with them in the future. 😂 I do wanna make a KiriBaku extra first though because I’m quite sure you guys want to know what the heck is going on in that household.
- I don’t know what else to add I’m dead tired. I hope you liked this chapter though, I wrote it in one sitting lol 😂 honestly, I enjoyed this chapter so much it’s ridiculous.
If you liked this chapter, please don’t forget to leave a lovely comment, like or reblog it! It means a lot! 🥦
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog
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134340am · 2 years
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i love u bubby i m going to kiss u SO HARD
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liyawritesss · 4 years
Class 1-A Boys and How They Like To Cuddle
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@todorkihoe made a shitpost abt touch starved Todoroki and im like *aggressive inhale* creative juices are FLOWING
It would be right for me to do JUST Shouto tho plus I forgot to do Iida last time and feel HORRIBLE so its gonna be as many Class 1-A boys I can think for!!
Warnings: some cursing maybe, fem! black/poc!reader and a bunch of f l u f f
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Angry pomeranian boy will probably want to cuddle when he's burnt himself out
You'll be hanging with your friend group and Katsuki will text you something along the lines of "come to my room" and at first your like what the hell whats wrong?
So you excuse yourself and head to his room and you find that Katsuki's on his bed, looking like he had a really intense training session because of the little scratches and bandaids here and there. Plus he's not yelling at you.
You head to the side of his bed and try to see if he's awake or not, and you get startled when he grumbles something you don't quite here
You ask him to repeat he mumbles "get in bed, dumbass"
You wanna punch him for calling you a dumbass but you don't because he actually looks peaceful? Like not mad or stressed or anything, and he seemed to just want your presence...
So you oblige, slipping into the blankets and having him pull you close into his chest, the mixed smell of caramel and his body wash reaching your nose.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, his arms enveloping your shoulders and bringing you closer to his chest
His hand buries itself into your hair while he presses a kiss to your forehead that he WILL threaten you not to talk about in the morning
Him just tired and want his teddy bear in his arms after a long day of training.
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Broccoli boy wants to be big spoon 🥺
Like one day you come over his house, you talk with his mom for a bit before Izuku drags you to his room
And even though its what you'd think an All Might fanboy's room would look like, its surprisingly cozy as well
Soon the weather changed from bright and sunny to raining and dreary
You and Izuku's energy slowly drained as the dreary weather continued.
Youre on his bed, snuggled up in his blanket and watching something on your phone or scrolling through social media
Izuku comes in from helping his mom with something and just has the urge to cuddle you
He asks you what're you doing while crawling into bed behind you, slipping under the blanket you were snuggling with
You start to babble on what you're watching or what you see on your socials while Izuku's arms wrap around you from behind, nuzzling into your hair which smells so so sooo nice.
In a few minute your realize he's not really listening anymore, he's just fallen asleep and he's just too cute
You fall asleep shortly after because of the comforting pitter patter of rain and soft thundering sounds from outside
Inko takes a picture of you two cuz she's so happy her baby boy got him someone who makes him happy she might even use it as blackmail
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Iida is definitely one of those people thats like "no handholding !! You'll get pregnant !!"
You'd probably have to beg him for cuddles lets be honest
On the occasion you two DO find the opportunity to cuddle, it'll probably be after an intense study session
Of course he's not tired, but you just fried your brain trying to remember math formulas
Tenya sees this, and suggests a light snack since you both had been studying for a while
He leaves to go get some snacks and you drag yourself to his bed, needing to feel a plush mattress under you and not hard wooden chair
Your curl up in his blanket, into a little ball
Tenya comes back with snacks and drinks to find you curled on his bed and its the most adorable sight ever
He realizes that maybe he worked you a bit to hard, and you deserve a little nap before heading home
His heart goes "you should hug her, she'll like it" but his mind says "no! boundaries"
Eventually his heart wins and he crawls into bed next to you, sitting up and leaning on his headboard.
You curl up into his side, and he rests his hand on your shoulder, rubbing figures into it
This isn't invading boundaries right? He thinks this is okay
Most probably gonna read a book or something while you take your nap
And when you wake up, you apologize profusely, but Tenya says its okay.
"Boundaries were respected! So no harm done."
Tenya drinks his respect women juice diligently.
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Every time I think of touch starved shouto Endeavor comes up and I just want to strangle the smug piece of shit for ruining Todo's childhood
Because let's be honest, Shouto can, would, and does and a hard time understanding affection, especially when its physical
You'll do simple things like hold his hand or peck his cheek and he's like "is that a thing? Should I do that too?"
Probs feels bad that he can't really show his love the way others do, and you'll have to tell him that everyone shows love differently, and thats okay.
He's over your house because it's the weekend and neither of you have anything planned.
You're both on your bed, Shouto admiring your room while you're maybe on your phone or reading something
Then shouto asks "do you want to cuddle, love?"
You have to ask him to repeat what he said because what that came out of no where
He repeats himself, a bit hesitant
"Couples do that right? I want to try it."
Okay now you HAVE to oblige
At first its kind of awkward, he tries to find a position you're both comfortable with but it doesn't seem to be working out
Then you just kind of guide his head to lay on your chest and he wraps his arms around your waist and its like heaven for him
He can hear your heart beat and feel you close to him, while you're still doing what you're doing on your phone or with your book
Your hand strokes his hair and massages his scalp and Shouto can't even fight the sleep thats taking over him.
In 5 minutes he asleep, and you can't help but smile because fuck he's so adorable, and so at peace
You take pictures because they last longer
After that, will always ask you for cuddles in that position, nothing else will satisfy the boy now
But you always oblige, because you know it really does help him
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Cuddles with kiri are so soft and playful
You'd probably be in his dorm room, you're entertaining yourself while he's on the game
You try to mess with him because he's cute when he's irritated
You poke him, tickle him, nudge him, anything to annoy him
Kiri's just like "you want attention? Bet"
Tosses the controller away most definitely upsetting denki and sero and pulls you onto his lap caging you in his arms
"Eiji lemme gooo!"
"I thought you wanted my attention babe? Now you got all of it!"
Eventually you stop struggling cuz you can't do anything stuck in his arms
So you just relax Into him in your straddling position that's oddly pretty comfy with him
You nuzzle into his neck and wrap your arms around his torso and the dorkiest smile plasters his face cuz look, his baby's cuddling him
Has to try and keep his voice under control when he gets back on the game
So now everytime you come over he holds you like that while he plays the game, balancing game time and his precious girlfriend
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I dont know why but I feel like Denki would want to be little spoon
Like just imagine the baby loosing a game with Kirishima and Sero and Bakugo and the angry pomeranian is being especially mean today
And you over hear it and see that Denki's really disappointed in himself so you offer cuddlss
And his eyes just light up and he's like "yes pls!!"
He lays in bed with you and you wrap your arms around him from behind, placing kisses on his cheek and hair and back of his neck
Surprisingly he doesn't short circuit??
He just kinda like hums and relaxes cuz you give the best kisses
And he needs them cuz Bakugo mean 😢😢😢
You always offer him cuddles after losing a game and remind him that he's always a winner in your book
Gives the dorkiest smile, says thank you all the time
Would probably fall asleep on you but you don't mind, at least he's not short curcuiting.
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He just loves him some thighs and he loves your the absolute most
Theyre so plump and soft, they make him want to sleep on them
So yall are in your dorm room
Its night time and Shinsou just can't fall asleep for the life of him.
Its fucking 2am why is he up
You just so happened to not have fallen asleep yet so he asks if he can hang with you for a bit.
You make him that sleepy time tea you drink when you have trouble falling asleep and he admits he's a bit drowsy now
Without warning he grabs your legs and uses your thighs as his pillow
Well, more like your thighs and your tummy, since the way you're laying down has your legs bent a bit
Shinsou's like "wow this feels really nice" and you start to play with his hair, and he's sent to heaven
Homeboys out like a light in no time
This happens like once a week honey, get used to it
He could just mind control you to do it but he hates using it on you, because he wants the actions and emotions to be real and authentic
So the fact that you do love him cuddling you like this makes his heart melt
Please send more comfort to this boy.
Whew, now that thats out of my system
Please leave a like, a comment, reblog to your friends and don't be shy to send a request!!
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sasukelore · 4 years
Cockwarming with with todorki and bakugou? I love your work. -🧠
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Summary ↳ NSFW, Some of the BNHA boys like to be kept warm. Cockwarming ensues.
Authors note ↳ Weewww another bnha hc? Yes. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about Naruto. I’ve been meaning to write these kinda hcs for months now, so I thought ‘why not go all out?’. I added Dabi and Hawks into the mix! Hope it’ll add some extra sizzle ✨ also for some reason the character headers are saying they’re explicit idkw LMAO I hope that doesn’t cause any problems or confusion!
Character(s) ↳ Dabi Todoroki Touya , Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Keigo Takami.
Warnings ↳ NSFW. Mentions of genitals, intercourse, kinky, cockwarming, degration.
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Bakugou definitely uses cockwarming to tease and put you in your place. But that’s not to say he wouldn’t enjoy it... In fact, he might even overreact, just to see you writhe and whine still on his hardened member.
Move and you’re getting your head pushed into the pillows, a string of curses about how you should’ve listened to him, and that you don’t even deserve what happens next falling from Bakugou’s mouth
Bakugou can be rough as shown above, but he’s very attentive. If he sees you becoming too overstimulated, to where it doesn’t even feel good anymore, he might be a little concerned you’re really not enjoying yourself
He might try to vanilla things if that happens, if only just a little bit.
If you try to casually sink onto him, he’ll complain about what a brat you are sure, but his hands gripping your waist tells you something else
Bakugou loathes when you think you’ve gotten one over on him. Don’t go thinking you’re better than him, stubborn Baku will bite back a raspy groan just for that- Which is exactly what you want not to happen
His little noises have your legs twitching and the slick of your arousal running down your thighs, right down onto his.
He knows what it does to you, and that’s one of the ways he’ll take back control in the situation.
Your hips will be unexpectedly jerking, because fuck, he’s got his hand around your little throat, telling you to shut up, and that he thought you were suppose to be teasing him. You weren’t doing a very good job were you?
He’s boisterously laughing at you. Bakugou your superiority complex is showing 😌😩
But all of a sudden he’s mad at you, because yeah you’re really hot on top of him like this...
Huffing and puffing. He doesn’t want you to get off but he doesn’t wanna fuck you just yet. Just wants to savor the moment for a little while
It’ll be up to you to recognize that, and to rest your head on his shoulder, nails lightly scratching his biceps
Overall, the experience will bring out the bipolar in Bakugou. You never know what you’re gonna get with this man, but I cant say that any of the consequences will have you regretting anything.
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Oh. Boy. Will tease you until the day you die.
Dabi would be very amused at you, if you initiated. He’d definitely indulge you, letting you take this as far as you planned.
Don’t take advantage of his graciousness though. The atmosphere can change in an second, and Dabi will have you pinned instead.
But it’s not like he would move or anything... No, you started the game and he wants to play it out.
Oh but you wanna cum? Bad girls don’t get to, but he supposes he can make an exception. Only if you do what he says though.
Dabi’s sweet condescending demeanor frenzies little whimpers to vibrate your throat and move your sweet pretty lips
You’re practically apologizing to this man? Intimidation is radiating of his scarred skin and you’re practically shaking. Which of course, only eggs his attitude on further
Dabi is definitely a clit player. Loves to lazily flick your click right to left back and forth. He’ll do it until you’re overstimulated and until you have tears in your eyes.
Dabi will get aggressive if you relentlessly disrupt the peace by rolling your hips.
Tugging your head by your hair and pulling roughly, all while he has a bored look on his face. He’s unfazed by your brattiness.
Be prepared for warnings, because he’s using his quirk to amplify the pain when he slaps your ass.
It’s really up to you, A have purple burn marks for a couple of weeks, or B, be a good little girl and stay still. Who knew it would be this hard
He’ll love to drawl out his little pet names for you, straight into your ear. Making sure it’s more breathy than normal, you’ll make out doll and sugar emitting from his scarred chapped lips
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Shouto is the only one who uses cockwarming casually on a regular basis. While studying, working, maybe even eating, as you fall asleep, etc
He’s so touched starved, he borderline obsesses over wanting you so intimately close to him.
Don’t get me wrong, Shouto respects your space. But if you don’t stop him, he’s pulling you right in front of his lap, and gestures to get on. And who would deny him seriously 😭
He’s so soft. His arms are wrapped around your torso, and his cheek is being nuzzled into your neck
Expect him to be extra extra gentle with you. Kissing your forehead and lightly humming a nursery rhyme
Yeah, really only likes it because of how close he’s able to get to you.
He won’t ever use it as a punISHment or to tease, because of how much he genuinely likes it.
This baby gets so pure istg. He’ll rub your back and ask you about your day, how pretty you look, or if you’re hungry
But sometimes this does lead to actual sex, because he mind as well right?
His mouth opens with a low moan, and if you look closely you can see drool slipping from the corners of his lips
And if you’re falling asleep on him he’ll grasp your hips to grind down on him, just to keep you awake
Shouto is literally the most blunt person when it comes to asking you. Has no shame. Might even ask you in public if you wanna sit on him when you get home
Your back will be arching for this man as he takes your hardened buds on your chest, and delicately swirls his wet tongue in circles.
He lovesss to experiment with it. Making every move he can, just to see the pretty faces you make in reaction.
Love bites will be sprawled out all over your chest and shoulders and collar bones. He won’t get tired of it at all.
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The problem with him, is that he will literally try to stick his dick in you anywhere and everywhere.
Don’t sit on his lap in public.... literally don’t. He knows what he’s doing too.The thought of someone seeing you being filled up gives him a sloppy smile and a sadistic laugh.
He’s definitely more of a gentle teaser, but he loves giving his little bird praises as you cry out his name and beg for him to move
“But that defeats the whole purpose? Have some patience for me, ok baby bird?” he says with a smile on his face, seeming unbothered. But his cock is twitching inside of you and his breath is raspy and without rhythm
Lowkey, he doesn’t take you seriously! You’re just so damn cute! Keigo teases you about it regularly. His little play thing, all nice and ready for him.
He pats your head with an endearing smile as you, whine about how he’s not being fair, and how he’s being mean. And to do something already.
He’ll focus on your doughy walls and groan at the warmness throbbing on his cock. He’ll pinch your clit, might even slap it, making you clench and unclench around him
And even after you both finish, he still remains inside of you as his places sloppy kisses all over your shoulders and neck
He’s the biggest tease here and he’ll never give you a break. He’s such a sadist with you, but he knows you love it.
He knows how much you like him calling you baby bird, a song bird, an endearing ‘nugget’ (which will make you giggle)
He’ll use his feathers to send shivers through your body. Feathering your nipples, playing with your hair and brushing it behind your ear. He’ll make them so they won’t even leave you alone, always there, even if it’s annoying you.
Sometimes he’ll get really personal when you’re with him, on him. He’ll say in a faint voice how you make him feel alive, how much he loves you in much more fainter tone. It’s almost a whisper as he traces little shapes onto the lower of your back.
He’ll get super serious when he’s on the verge of sleep. Being with you like this calms him.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
HIII YOU SIAD YOUR REQUESTS WERE OPEN i was wondering if you could do a hc of shouto with a significant other that had a cat quirk? CAUSE WE ALL KNOW SHOUTOS A CAT PERSON 10000% so like their s/o is mischievous at times and loves cuddling with shouto and petting behind their ears and theyll purr and stuff IT LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE
a/n: YES KJFHSJF PLEASE IM WRITING AN AIZAWA FIC WITH A CAT-QUIRK READER SKJFHDJHF I LOVE THIS PLEASE- okay but yes i love this omg; also didn’t know if you wanted them to have kitty ears so i apologize if you meant normal ears i’m swanging with the cat quirk cat features trope 
headcanon: them with a s/o who has a cat quirk
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / feline - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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Shoto def loves cats- 
When he first started attending U.A. before dorms, he would always run into a stray cat near his home and he would always make sure to feed it. Checking up on it was his duty. 
Turns out the stray had been a lost cat after all, and Shoto helped it find their owner. 
Since joining U.A., Shoto had always taken a bit of a liking to you. Whether it just be because you were always well-mannered during class despite having a bit of a mischievous side from time-to-time, he was entranced by your quirk.
Conversation flowed nicely between the two of you, and with Shoto having claimed to not ‘be here for friends’ he was making quite the acquaintanceship with you.
Said acquaintanceship turned into a flowing friendship, which eventually transpired into mutual pining.
Todoroki would surprise you with things you like, in turn, you did the same for him.
If Todoroki mentioned he liked a certain sweater on you, you wore it more often. There were also a few little things you did that Todoroki found insanely cute.
Whenever you sneezed, you would often shake your head after. 
Or whenever you were frustrated or agitated, your ears would lay flat. 
Perhaps the kicker that really set Todoroki off the most, was whenever he gave you a hug or brushed his fingers across your while handing you something, you would purr.
It was so mesmerizing. 
Eventually, he bit back his fears and asked you out. Which lead to a lot of alone time with just the two of you.
Cuddling together? Todoroki would pet behind your ears just to hear you purr. It was sweet, and the way you would essentially knead his sweater as he did so was even more adorable.
Okay but like, laying on top of Todoroki is like the number one sign of trust, love, and affection between you two.
At first, it happened by accident. You were napping and midway through you just moved and laid over him seemingly unconscious and dead asleep.
When Todoroki felt your weight on top of him he was a bit scared, you’d never been this touchy before, and it kinda took him by surprise.
He scared you awake and he had to reassure you that you were fine laying on him like that. 
You cowered in a corner for about an hour panicking that you might’ve hurt him.
But after he told you it was fine and that it felt nice to have you so close to him, gripping him like a sloth, it happened a lot.
Tired long day of training? You’re crawling over your boyfriend and just laying on him, purring as he stroked your hair and rubbed behind your ears.
Little kisses everywhere. Like just little pecks on his cheeks or on the tip of his nose. 
Out of context but you and Ojiro are tail buddies <3
Kaminari tried to play with your tail like he does with Ojiro’s but only Todoroki is allowed to do so, mainly just ‘cause you’re scared he’ll fry all your fur off. (sorry kami i still love u doe)
You love-scratch that-adore Todoroki’s left side. It’s so warm and snuggly and perfect for cozying up to, especially during the cooler months.
Head pats. Please. Todoroki could just pat your head for some unnamed reason and you will just stare at him like he’s gifted you an all-expenses-paid trip to the mall brought to you by his father’s credit card. (does this joke get old because i still love to think that sho is just leaving that man in debt like how he left his family in emotional trauma-)
Cat-themed everything. I’m talking sweaters, couple’s costumes, pillows, blankets, clothes-
I swear he jokingly calls you kitten. LIKE TO RILE YOU UP SHFSKJHFJS
If you like the nickname, it’ll probably become a common pet-name he’ll use to call you like baby or darling.
If you don’t like the nickname, he’ll only say it to tease you. He always preferred the pet name darling or love anyway.
He totally buys you like this expensive ass name-brand BELL NECKLACE-BYE
Your contact name in his phone is ‘pretty kitty<3′
Cat memes.
“Shoto, keyboard cat went out of fashion like 10 years ago.” 
“You could recreate this with Jiro’s keyboard.”
Probably innocently relates you to grumpy cat once or twice when you’re mad.
Overall, Shoto is just a soft bf who loves his cat quirked s/o.
He will kiss your forehead before you fall asleep on him. 
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violetarks · 4 years
Hey, I was wondering if I could request something where Bakugou/Todoroki/Kaminari’s girlfriend doesn’t know how to kiss, so she tries to avoid it until their boy confronts them about it? Super fluffy please!! Thank you, keep up the great work!!
s/o who doesn't know how to kiss
anime: my hero academia
characters: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki
summary: you're too nervous to kiss them
a/n: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used, third person pov, this is really a cute request, what??
↣ bakugou katuski:
It was a miracle that she even agreed to hold hands with him. He thought she didn't want to because of his quirk. So that's the most they'd do, really.
But he wanted more.
Whenever they were talking, Bakugou's eyes would drift to her lips. It only happened every few minutes and she barely noticed. He's just move his gaze all over the place to cover it up.
It's been around two weeks since they started dating, and even though hand-holding was cute and all, it probably wouldn't compare to kissing. That's what Bakugou thought, at least. He's never kissed anyone before.
But he wanted to kiss her. She looked very kissable, but then again, Bakugou didn't know.
He wanted to.
"Katsuki, have you seen my tie?" Y/N asks, running around the common room to try and find it. She didn't think it'd be in here but she had to look.
Bakugou was already done for school, now just walking into the common room and seeing her. Mina and Yaoyorozu were helping her look as well. He only tilted his head. "I have it. You asked me to take it last week when you were late for training." He claimed, holding up the red material.
Y/N widened her eyes and gasped, "Thanks, Katsuki! I forgot about that."
She took it in her hold, wrapping it around her neck and continuing to do it. Bakugou stared at her, gaze flicking from her eyes and then to her lips, and to her eyes again. He was getting antsy.
Y/N hums, tightening the tie to her neck, "We can leave after I grab my lunch—"
A hand rested on her cheek and brought her closer. His forehead rested against hers, staring into her E/C hues. It was a little quiet, their friends mumbling behind them.
Bakugou didn't care about them. Those extras. They didn't matter right now.
"I'm..." He starts, biting the inside of his cheek a bit, "I'm gonna' kiss you, okay?"
She took a deep breath in, leaning back a bit with Bakugou's warm hands on her jaw. She clenched the tie around her and looked away. "Katsuki, I—I... Uh, don't know how to... kiss anyone..."
He's surprised.
Before they dated, Kaminari was plenty flirty. He joked about making out with her and she did too. Jokingly. Mina's kissed her cheek a bunch of times as a friendly sign of affection. But Y/N's never been kissed on the lips before.
Bakugou let out a little sigh, "So what? That doesn't been I can't kiss you, does it?" Truth be told, he was worried. Worried that what she just said is exactly why he can't kiss her.
Y/N glanced at him twice before facing away. "You might not like it, is what I'm saying." She grumbles, seeing the others turn away as if they weren't eavesdropping.
Bakugou tilted his head, bringing her closer again. He huffed back, never looking away from her, "If it's you, I'll fucking love it."
She relaxed in his hold, palms resting on his shoulders. She then nodded at him, giving him the go to move in.
When his lips touched hers, she was shocked. As in, it felt like Kaminari had used his quirk on her. She held her breath for a moment before pushing against him, closing her eyes.
Bakugou had no idea what he was doing. He only did what Kaminari said he would. Because apparently he had more experience than Bakugou. But he was soft and she could tell in how loose his touch was.
It was almost like he was ghosting over her, but Y/N could feel it.
She kept her hands on his shoulders, scrunching up the shirt under her fingers. She could practically hear her heart beating in her ears.
His lips were seriously soft. Like, he was prepared for this. Maybe he was, but Y/N was thankful. She didn't care. She heard from her friends that their first kiss was messy and wild. She was grateful that Bakugou took it slow.
Lord knows he wanted more. He wanted to push his lips closer to hers. He wanted to get messed up with her right then.
That's what every inexperienced kisser wanted. But their nerves said 'no'.
He kept his hands on her jaw, brushing his thumbs against her cheekbone. He wanted her to know that he was okay with taking things slow and doing the small things first. He might've taken it a little far to kiss her for more than three seconds, but he only went for five.
When they pulled away, Kaminari, Kirishima and Mina were cheering their lives out. They shouted calls of joy and support.
He was a little out of breath. Bakugou let out a sigh, trying to calm down his warm face, "That was okay... right?"
She let out a chuckle, hands around his wrists and pulling them away to join their hands together, "I really liked it."
He hummed back, "Good. Let's go, before those idiots bug us."
↣ todoroki shouto:
Todoroki stared at her from afar. He noticed the way she played with her fingers, or touched her face. There was something on her mind and he knew it.
"Todoroki, you seem distracted." Midoriya pointed out as Y/N laughed with Uraraka and Mina, "Is something wrong?"
He replied, hands in his pockets, "I think something is bothering Y/N but I don't know what. Or how to ask her."
Midoriya perked up. He suddenly remembered something, scooting closer to Todoroki. He whispered to him, "Well, I don't know if I'm meant to tell you, but L/N told me and Uraraka something the other day."
Todoroki widened his eyes a little. He went quiet, wanting to hear more of what Midoriya had to say.
"She told us that she wanted to kiss you." Midoriya spoke quietly, trying to see if Y/N heard.
Todoroki nearly burst in flames. "Really...?" He muttered out.
Midoriya nodded his head. "She's been on it for the past four days. Maybe she's just nervous about it." He offered, shrugging his shoulders as he leaned back in his chair.
That's when Todoroki stood up and walked over to Y/N. Midoriya tried to catch his wrist and pull him back but he was already too far.
"Y/N." Todoroki spoke once he was behind her.
She turned around, smiling upon the sight of her boyfriend. "Shouto." She says, "What's up?"
She doesn't have any time to do anything when Todoroki holds her chin and the other hand hols her waist. She gulps as he leans forward towards her.
He's so close to touching her lips with his when she holds up her hands.
His eyes open as her palms cover her mouth. His lips press against the outside of her hand as he blinks.
"I'm sorry." He says, pulling away from her, "I thought you wanted a kiss from me. I suppose we weren't ready for it."
There was a hint of worry in his voice. He was worried that he just messed everything up and made her uncomfortable. That's the worst thing he could ever do.
Y/N dropped her hands from her mouth, holding onto his blazer. "Wait, I—I do!" She loudly stated, lifting her shoulders, "I just... I've never kissed anyone, Shouto, so I don't know... how to..."
He tilted his head at her. "You haven't?" He questioned, getting a nod in return, "I haven't either. So it doesn't matter if we mess up. We'll have many more opportunities to get better."
She held her breath for a second before nodding her head again and letting out a sigh, "I guess you're right."
Todoroki gently held her chin. He leaned forward as Y/N closed her eyes. When his lips felt hers, he was about to let his flames loose.
She felt different. This felt different from holding her hand. Of course it was different. But the feeling he got from it was completely different.
Despite what he said, Y/N fully believed that he had experience. His lips were soft and slightly putting pressure against hers. It was like he was great at everything.
She heard the slight squeals of Mina and Uraraka behind her. The two had been told of Y/N's situation, and were trying to devise a plan. That's why they were talking earlier. Mina had suggested Seven Minutes in Heaven, which was what they were laughing about.
Midoriya and Iida behind Todoroki silently cheered for their friends. They would never admit it, but they could tell that Todoroki had been wanting to do this as well.
When they pulled away, Todoroki stared at her. She blinked her eyes open, taking a deep breath in. She had always thought about how her first kiss would go. Everyone has dreamed about it at one point.
It was everything she had thought and more. For some reason, he was unpredictable when it came to this.
"How was that?" Todoroki asked, tilting his head to the side. He was hoping it was good enough to get a second one soon.
"I really liked it." Y/N said back, a smile on her face, "You're a good kisser, Sho."
↣ kaminari denki:
Kaminari leaned against the back of the couch, looking up to the ceiling. He had been thinking about Y/N for the past three hours.
Not in that way. But in the way that's like 'is something wrong?' or 'did I do something?'. It seemed like Y/N was distracted every time she hung out with him. Or maybe he was just overthinking it all.
"Denki, I need your help!" Y/N suddenly called, leaning over the couch. She crossed her arms and leaning her head against her elbow.
"Yes, Babe?" He asked, now out of his trance and staring at her.
Y/N replied, "Mina invited us girls to go to the movies but I need help picking an outfit." Standing up straight, she twiddled her thumbs nervously. "I mean, you have good style, so... I thought you could help me?"
Kaminari smiled instantly. It was true. He had great fashion sense and most times Y/N was jealous. But this would also be a good opportunity to ask that question that's been bugging him.
His friendly grin turned into a smirk. He squinted at Y/N before patting her shoulder. "Sure thing, Babe. I'll help." He spoke, tilting his head, "On one condition."
She raised her brows. "And what's that?"
"I get a kiss."
She stopped before feeling the warmth creep up her neck and onto her face. She stuttered, "You—You want to k—kiss me?" She pointed at herself for confirmation. "Me?"
Kaminari scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, "Well, I mean... I am dating you, Y/N, aren't I?"
She only sighed, tracing her lips with her finger. Kaminari found it extremely cute, biting the inside of his cheek. "Denki, I've never kissed anyone before..." She admitted, looking away. "So, I... I think you might want to trade something else."
Kaminari sat on his knees on the couch, facing her now. His hands were on the couch back. "I still want a kiss. I don't care if it sucks. I still love you." He stated, hand reaching out and brushing her cheek.
She couldn't help but grin at his words. "You're a real sweet-talker, you know that, Denki?" She chuckled, leaning into his touch.
He only leaned closer, know his nose brushing against hers. "I know. That's how I got you to like me." He whispered to her.
He waited a moment before moving that little bit closer. Their lips made contact and Kaminari swore that he was seeing stars, even with his eyes closed. Just the feeling against her was enough to make his head spin.
He had one palm on her cheek and the other on top of Y/N's hand. He squeezed her palm to try and ease her nerves. Y/N's eyes were closing, adding a little pressure against his lips. She didn't know what she was doing. At all. But he felt really nice against her.
Kaminari's hand slid down from her cheek to Y/N's neck. He tugged her closer a tad, only to keep her soft lips in his hold. She slightly gasped, letting her other hand rest against his chest.
A few more seconds and she pulled away, opening her eyes and staring at him. Kaminari took a while to open his eyes, blush forming on his face as he watched her. Then, he let out a chuckle, "You're pretty good at this already."
Y/N muttered, wrapping her around around his neck, "I'd say you're a professional."
He kissed her forehead. "I think so too." Kaminari muttered back, low voice, "Do you need some more lessons?"
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Anon Request: Lemme drop some Mha requests for ya! 😊
Bakugo, Todoroki, Mirio, and Shinsou with their black!gf getting hit on while she was waiting on them for a date. She’s telling the rando that she’s taken and waiting on her man but he don’t wanna listen until her bae shows up 😗
Characters: Prohero!Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Mirio Togata, Shinsou Hitoshi
A/N: Here you go, Anon, I’m sorry this took so long, and I’m sorry if this is absolute trash, it’s been a rough week lol, hope you like it!
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💥He had been running late because his patrol ran over, so he was already on edge, fuming at the fact that a villain interfered with his date
💥You didn't mind though, understanding that hero work never has a set schedule, so you sat in the small cafe, nursing your drink as you waiting for him
💥He texted you that he was about five minutes out, and you're about to respond when someone gets your attention
💥You look up to see a guy standing in front of you. "Hey, is this seat taken?"
💥"Oh, yeah, it is, I'm waiting for someone," you respond nicely and he nods
💥"Oh, okay. I just wanted to say that I thought you were kind of cute, and if I could get your number?"
💥You give him a small smile as you cringe slightly. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, but I actually have a boyfriend," you decline politely, and you raise your eyebrows when he waves you off
💥"Aww, come on, I'm just trying to be nice," he says, and you nod hesitantly
💥"Yeah, but, you asked for my number," you respond. "I have a boyfriend," you deadpan
💥"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," he tries
💥"Yeah, but he'll definitely hurt you," you say seriously, but he laughs your words off again, continuing to push, and you fight the smirk on your face when you see your boyfriend behind him
💥"Oi, extra!"
💥The guy freezes as his eyes widen, hearing the familiar popping sound coming from your boyfriend's hands
💥The guy turns around his eyes growing even bigger when he sees who's behind him
💥He stutters over his words before he manages to say, "I'm a huge fan."
💥"Oh, you're a huge fan," Bakugou mocks. "Is that why you're messing with my girlfriend?"
💥The guy pales as he waves his hands frantically, his head moving just as fast. "She didn't...she--"
💥"Told you that she was taken," you interrupt with a raise of your eyebrows
❄ He was running a couple of minutes late, but told you to go ahead and go in, telling you the name for the reservation
💥Bakugou raises his eyebrows at your statement and the guy sputters again before rushing out the door, and you stand quickly so that your boyfriend doesn't chase after him
💥And he wraps his arms around your waist. "I won't be late again."
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❄The service was great, the waiter coming by almost as soon as you sat down despite the fact that they were pretty busy
❄You were guided pretty deep into the fancy restaurant, amazed at how extravagant it was
❄"Water is fine for now, thank you," you answer politely, and he pours the water in your glass
❄"I don't want to come off as weird, but I just wanted to say that you look really pretty."
❄"Oh, um, thank you. I'm pretty sure I'm way under dressed for a place like this," you respond, smoothing over your dress, not thinking much of the sudden compliment
❄He chuckles softly as he finishes filling your glass. "I would have to disagree," he responds quickly, and you huff softly
❄You give him a quick thank you before he tells you that he'll be back with your menu
❄You're starting to think twice about what he said, but you brush it off once again, chucking it up as him being nice as he comes back
❄"Are you alone tonight?" he asks you as you look over the expensive items on the menu
❄"Oh, no, no," you start, waving him off. "My boyfriend should be here in a little bit," you say, looking in the direction of the entrance, thinking that he must've gotten caught up by some fans
❄The guy scoffs. "Some boyfriend, right?" he comments, and you frown. "Standing up a pretty woman like you."
❄Your frown deepens as you raise an eyebrow. "That's not the case. He's just running a little late."
❄"Really? That just sounds like--"
❄A pair of hands come down on his shoulders, and you smile slightly at the sight of your half and half boyfriend standing behind him
❄"Oh, no, please keep going, sounded like I was getting to a good part of the conversation," Shouto says, activating his quirk slightly, lightly burning his shirt as a thin layer of ice appears on the other side
❄"Doesn't really look like I'm standing up my girlfriend, now does it?" The man chuckles nervously, struggling to speak
❄"Bring me a water, will you?," he finishes before lifting his hands, and the man practically runs away
☀️The weather had been really nice lately, so you both decided to have a date at the park, and you know how much he loves your dog, so you decided to bring her along
❄"Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, traffic was awful," he apologizes, giving you a kiss on your forehead before taking the seat in front of you
❄Of course, he spends the rest of the day terrorizing the guy that had the audacity to mess with you
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☀️You texted him saying you were here, wondering if he was trying to scare you by appearing through the ground
☀️The only thing is that your boyfriend has a horrible concept of time
☀️And the response you got was ellipses and a text in all caps saying he'll be there in ten
☀️You roll your eyes fondly, but then they're widening when she starts off behind you
☀️Luckily, you have the leash on your wrist, so you quickly grab it at the same time you look up to see what caught her attention
☀️"I'm really sorry, she's a huge people person," you say, your eyes falling on a guy that was just walking by, and he crouches down to pet her when he rolls onto her back
☀️"It's totally cool," he says with a chuckle as he rubs over her stomach. "She's really cute."
☀️You huff softly as you shake your head fondly. "She is when it benefits her."
☀️"I was actually talking about you," he says when he looks up
☀️"Oh," you scoff softly in surprise as he stands. "Uh, thank you, but I have a boyfriend," you respond awkwardly
☀️"Oh, come on. I can't just compliment you?"
☀️"I mean, I guess? I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea," you explain, and you take a step back when he takes a step closer to you
☀️"So, where is this boyfriend of yours?"
☀️"Right here!" Mirio says cheerfully as he comes out of the ground, and you jump back in surprise as the guy lets out a shriek
☀️"Now, the real question I should be asking is why you're flirting with someone who's taken. Specifically my girlfriend."
☀️The guy's eyes are still wide, still in shock from Mirio literally appearing out of nowhere
☀️Mirio raises his eyebrows as he waits for an answer, but the guy doesn't say anything as you chuckle softly
🟣You were actually surprised he was running late since he was actually the one who really wanted to watch the movie you were going to see
☀️"Well, if you're not gonna say anything you can go." The guy's quick to run off, and Mirio turns to you saying that he was glad he was late because he got to scare someone, and you roll your eyes
☀️"And I think we have a date to start," he says before taking the leash out of your hands and taking the lead down the sidewalk
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🟣He said he would pay for the tickets, so you went ahead and got popcorn to snack on while you waited
🟣He said he had gotten caught up with Eri, and that he'll be there soon
🟣You sit down on one of the benches across from the concessions, checking your phone to make sure Shinsou hadn't texted you
🟣"Anyone sitting here?" you look up from your phone, seeing the guy pointing to the cushion next to you
🟣"Oh, no. Go ahead," you say as you shake your head, scooting over a little bit
🟣"So, what movie are you here to see?"
🟣"The new action movie that came out a couple of days ago," you respond and he nods. "My boyfriend wanted to see it, so"
🟣"You're here with your boyfriend?" he asks as you put some popcorn in your mouth
🟣You nod quickly as you finish the popcorn. "Yeah, well, he'll be here in a few minutes."
🟣You lean back when the guy scoots closer. "Well, I could see it with you. I wouldn't mind going on a date with a pretty girl like you."
🟣"That's okay," you chuckle nervously.
🟣"Come on, your boyfriend's an idiot for leaving you alone like this."
🟣"I'm the idiot?"
🟣You both jump, looking in front of you to see Shinsou standing in front of you, an irritated look in his eyes
🟣Shinsou's pulling you up by your hand, his arm wrapping around your waist as he smirks
🟣The guy can barely get an answer out, but it's just enough because you can see that stoic look in his eyes
🟣"Hey, man. That stuff you got in your hands. Throw that away for me."
🟣The guy wordlessly stands, walking over to the trashcan and throwing away the full bag of popcorn and drink in it
🟣You can't help the chuckle that falls out of your mouth. "Toshi," you start, and then the guy breaks out of his state, his eyes widening when he sees that his hands are empty
🟣Shinsou sends him a wink before walking you towards the theater that's playing your movie
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Something to Think About
Todoroki Shouto
word count : 2.0k
[ ☀︎ fluff ]  
themes : tooth rotting sweetness & domesticity
bio : You surprise Shouto, and he surprises you right back.
author’s note : alright so this might be a day late but i’m gonna pretend that it’s still father’s day :))) happy father’s day daddy icyhot <3
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅂houto is in the kitchen. Contrary to popular belief, he knows how to make more than just soba. Well, at least you hope it’s not soba that he’s making. If that’s the case, it’ll be your fourth meal of cold noodles this week. His back is to you, eyes concentrated on the cutting board atop the marble countertop beneath him, scallions crunching as they’re sliced through with precision.
“Baby?” You start, lingering by the kitchen island with your hands behind your back.
Shouto turns to look at you, a small smile forming on his lips at just the sight of you. He places the knife down, wiping off his slender fingers on the towel strewn over his shoulder. “Hey, love. Didn’t hear you come in— you just get home from work?” He says as he closes the space between you two, hands itching to be on you after not having seen you all day.
Nodding with a hum, your arms wrap around his neck, melting into his broad chest. You can feel the firmness of his muscles through his thin t-shirt, and you grin as a feeling of completeness washes over you. Just simply being in your husband's arms after a long day makes all your worries fade away, his embrace like a gentle tide lapping at you, and cleansing your shore of the stress that is littered there.
Taking his face in your hand, he leans down to press his lips to yours, the metal of your wedding rings cool against his warm cheek. His kiss is soft and sweet, and as you part, he sneaks another peck onto the corner of your mouth. “How was your day?” He whispers, a hand wandering down to splay his fingers at the top of your pants, dipping underneath to press the tips of the digits into your skin.
“It was good,” you answer honestly, leaning back to lock eyes with his stunning gray and cerulean gaze, “but much better now that I’m home, with you.”
Shouto chuckles, stealing another swift kiss before he pulls away, his voice deep and full of affection. “You are so cheesy, my love.” He turns back to the cutting board, the scallions protesting as he finishes chopping them.
Taking a seat on one of the stools at the island, you bite your lip, hands going to fumble through your purse. Where is it… you know you put it in here somewhere…
Your husband throws the end of the stalks into the compost bin, washing the onion juice off his hands at the sink in front of you. His eyes take in your movements with curiosity, and he winks at you when you catch his gaze.
Finally your fingers find the tip of the envelope, and you beam as you slide it out of the confines of your bag. “Hey! I have something for you,” you giggle at the thought of him opening your gift, even if it’s nothing grand. Holding out the envelope to him, he cocks his head to the side as he takes it from you, coming to stand diagonal to you around the island counter.
Shouto doesn’t really know what to expect, though from examining your beaming expression, he’s not fearful to open it. So he does, smirking at you as he rips the blue paper, watching the excitement radiate off of you before he looks down at the card.
Happy Father’s Day!
His heart stops.
Brain going blank, lips parting as his jaw unhinges slightly. And then, his mind is shooting out a million thoughts all at once.
There’s only one reason why you’d be giving him a Father’s Day card—
You’re pregnant?!
You— and him— you’re going to have a baby?
He’s going to be a dad?
And you, you’re going to be a mom?
You’re going to have his baby?
There’s going to be a baby?
A thousand emotions swirl and burst in his chest, like wild, explosive fireworks lighting up a night sky. He feels like he can’t breathe, like the ground has fallen in underneath him, and yet he’s floating here, stuck midair.
“Open it!” You instruct eagerly, completely unaware of the barrage of thoughts that have just pummeled the poor man.
With shaky hands, he opens the card, his lungs completely still as he holds onto his breath, unable to speak.
Thanks for being the most paw-some dad there is! Love, Beans
Shouto nearly collapses as he realizes that the card is supposed to be from your cat. He lets out a trembling breath, eyes frantically flickering over the card again, and again. Just to make sure.
Just to make sure.
“It’s funny, right?” You laugh, blissfully ignorant of the rollercoaster Shouto feels like he’s just been thrown onto; one with no safety bars or seatbelts that demands he holds onto the handles for dear life.
“Y-Yeah.” It slithers out of him, barely even audible. His throat is dry, chest tight as he tries his best to put a name to the hollow feeling inside of him right now.
You look at him in concern, reaching out to rub the side of his arm. “Hey, are you okay?” You murmur, confused as to why his mood would suddenly flip like this. “I’m sorry Beans couldn’t think of a better pun, she’s not very creative y’know?”
As if on cue, Beans enters the kitchen, tail straight in the air as she rubs her head against your ankle, and then her flank on Shouto’s leg.
Jostled out of his consuming thoughts, he reaches down to scratch behind her ear for a moment, brow furrowed. When he stands back up, he makes his way to the stool next to you, sliding into it before he places the card on the counter, and takes your hands in his. His thumbs rub over your knuckles, but he remains silent, lost in thought again.
Craning your neck to get a better view of his pensive expression, you squeeze his hands gently. “Shou?”
At the sound of his name, he locks eyes with you, and for the tiniest second, you swear you catch a distant sadness there. He squeezes your hands back, a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes forming on his lips. He takes a long, deep breath before he speaks. “I’m fine, love. I just— I think I misunderstood at first is all.”
You look at him, bewildered, your mouth opening. “Misunder—” It’s then that your eyes go wide with shock, darting to the front of the card before landing back on him. “Oh my god, Shouto— I am so sorry. That must’ve scared the shit outta you,” you groan, slipping a hand from his to cradle your forehead in shame. “I am so stupid, I can’t believe myself.”
“Hey,” he cuts in, warm fingers wrapping around your wrist to pull your hand away from your face. When your eyes meet his, your stomach bursts with butterflies at his determined expression. “You’re not stupid. It was a cute idea… The execution was a bit questionable, but y’know, Beans isn’t the brightest.”
You smile half-heartedly at that, and Shouto takes your chin in his palm, long fingers stroking your jaw.
“I won’t lie, you did scare me,” he says in a gentle tone, looking at you with sincerity. “I was completely frozen for one whole second. And then, I… wasn’t.”
Licking your lips, you place your hand on his knee, trying to understand where he’s going with this.
Shouto’s looking at you softly, thoughtful eyes peering into you. “For those few seconds, I thought that you were pregnant. And even though the thought initially scared the shit out of me, I don’t know— I… I felt…  excited.”
He’s watching every change in your expression carefully, trying to gauge your response to his words. He takes in your eyes widening, your lips parting in shock. The two of you have talked about this before, about if you’d ever want kids. And at the time, you’d agreed that you both wanted a family, sometime in the future. But that was years ago now, before you were even engaged— it seems like it’s been forever since then.
“I’m not saying I want to jump into anything blindly,” Shouto hurries to find the right words, fearful that you’re thinking he expects you to instantly be ready for such a commitment. “I just mean that, if you were to get pregnant… would it be such a bad thing? I know we said we’d wait to have kids, but that was a while ago, and… now’s as good a time as any, right? You just got promoted, crime is down so my hero work is more steady. I love you, and I know you love me— our home would be the best environment for a baby; full of love and support. I know you’d make the most incredible mother. You’re the only one I can imagine doing this with, my love.”
His heart starts to thump against his ribs when you smile at him, your eyes looking a little glassy. “Shouto,” you whimper, words failing you.
He squeezes your hand again, thumb brushing over your cheek. “You don’t have to say anything, angel. I don’t mean to spring this on you, I just… I needed to tell you. Because for those ten seconds, I felt like I was truly the luckiest person in existence. I already am the luckiest, because I have you. But the premise of you carrying my baby, I— it just filled me with so much joy.”
There’s a brief pause before you force yourself to speak, and it comes out more like a croak. “I don’t even know what to say...” you whisper, tears gathering along your bottom lashes.
Shouto smiles at you, his own eyes misty as he wipes away a tear that runs down your cheek. “Say you’ll think about it, love. Give it some time, we’re in no rush. It’s just something to think about, okay?”
You nod, feeling choked up all of the sudden. The idea of expanding your family had been on the back-burner for so long; now that Shouto’s brought up the reality of it, you’re emotional. And excited, too. “Okay,” you sniffle, pulling on him until he brings you into his lap, shuffling you into his warm embrace. Nuzzling your face into his neck, you breathe him in, trying to steady your rapidly-beating heart. “You smell like onions,” you complain with a watery laugh, fingers curling into his shirt.
“Yeah, sorry,” he chuckles, moving the cooking towel off his shoulder. A large, warm hand runs up and down your spine, his lips touching your forehead delicately. “Some strong scallions I was cutting,” he remarks.
Leaning back, you can’t stop the grin from splitting your lips, your fingers reaching up to wipe the lone tear that escapes despite his best efforts. “I love you,” you murmur, nose touching his as you go in for another kiss.
“I love you too,” he mumbles against your mouth, lips warm and slow on yours. A hand wanders down to rest on your stomach as you kiss, his warmth seeping through the material of your blouse.
You smile against his lips, heart full and nearly bursting at the seams. So he wants to have a baby, huh? Certainly something to think about. Though a part of you already knows that you won’t be stuck just thinking about it for too long.
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
sorpriseeee!! look guys, i can be soft! and no i didnt write this to clear my conscience of the sin from last night whaaa 
i know i rarely write sfw things but idk i’ve been thinking of expanding into fluff and angst lately too (not sayin it’ll always be sfw LOL) so, please let me know if you enjoyed!! <3
➥ masterlist 
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ��𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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cherriesradio · 4 years
How MHA comforts your kid after a nightmare.
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With Bakugo, Deku, and Todorki (Gn!reader)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Word Count: 1,863
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Info on kids: (take in I got the names off a random website so tell me if it’s offensive)
Bakugo - Daughter, Named Ena, 6 years old
Deku - Twins, Girl: Fumiko, 10 years old, Boy: Akio, 5 years old
Todoroki - Son, Kento, 7 years old
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He had been staying late for work, a habit he had been trying to stop for a while now. At least this time it was necessary because there was a big villain fight earlier that day, and he graciously offered to help with clean up.
Wanting to get the stress off your daughters shoulders, so decided to have a movie night.
Ena had taken a likening to Disney movies, some how. Though she did seem to most admire the villians more then the hero’s. Or the arrogant hero’s. Like father like daughter, I guess.
You pick Ena from school, on the way home she asks if what they showed on the news really happened, and “is daddy really hurt? I’m worried ‘bout daddy.”
You curse under your breath about why the fuck they would play the normal bloody and grim news infront of first graders. Sure, a lot of the kids parents are hero’s, but their parents should tell them that, not a TV.
You look at her at once at a spot light. Her sad face, her knees to her chest in the backseat. You place your hand on her knee.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna be okay, he’s even helping clean up the mess later. So he’s gonna be home later than normal.”
Your happy when you see her get slightly less worried, knowing her dad is okay.
Once you get home you make her some ramen while she talks about her day at the counter.
You hand her the ramen, and offer taht after she does her homework and you check it, you could have a Disney movies marathon.
“What in the world is a movie marathon? Is it liek when those crazy people runnin’ for a while mile in like two minutes?”
You chuckle and roffles up her hair, kissing the top of her head. “It’s where you watch a bunch of movies in a row. We could do Disney.”
She instantly gains a spark in her eyes as soon as you say Disney, quickly squealing and running off to do her homework as quickly as she could.
Once she finished and you checked, her getting all the problems correct as normal, you get on the couch and start.
You go on for hours, at some points she sits down at the coffee table and plays with toys. Though she always ends up back cuddling into your chest, sitting in your lap, head turned to see the movie.
Around 10, she fell asleep. You thanked the lord that she didn’t have school the next day, also a little thankful she did stay up late, she would nap more the next day.
Quickly after you turned the movies off and fell asleep as well.
Bakugo sighed, annoyed that he had to stay till one in the morning to clean.
He was so ready to quickly eat left overs, kiss his little hothead of a daughters forehead, and then cuddle up to you as you slept. But NOPE, you just use to be all cUtE and cuddle with your daughter on the couch
How dare you be a good parent >:(
Though, Era seemed to be clingy tightly to your skin, surprising Bakugo on how you weren’t awaken by her uncut, sharp nails.
He moved to place his hand on her shoulder, his hot touch quickly waking her up with a loud “Daddy!”
You woke up very much startled by to daughter scream.
“Sweetheart what happened?” You say somehow quickly than Bakugo, turning quickly to her.
Era looked up at Bakugo, the slightest bit of relief going through her stressed mind.
“Daddy’s okay? R-right? He’s right there, he’s he’s gotta be okay?” Her eyes flickered from you and Bakugo.
You finally noticed that Bakugo was there, and was probably the one waking her up from her nightmare.
You stood up, hold Era on your hip. You hugged Bakugo, Era’s arms wrapped around both of you.
“What the hell happened?” He whispered, toward Era just barely couldn’t hear.
“She was worried about you, Love.”
Bakugo picked her out of your arms and put her legs around his waist.
“Listen, Babes. I’m never gonna be hurt to bad in a fight. Daddy’s to strong for that!” He smirked, quickly followed with a big grin when Era giggled.
“Daddy’s too great to get hurt!” She cheered, the past tear marks now seeming meaningless to her.
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You were tired as normal after the large effort of getting the twins to bed. You knew you wanted to see Deku today, and also knew that he would get home late as normal.
At least he had lots of time in the day for you and your kids.
You drank some coffee, it was merely nine o’clock and Izuku wouldn’t be home till at least one in the morning.
You layed on the couch, putting on a queit movie as to not wake the kids.
“I’m home!” Izuku called, earlier than he told you.
“Izuku? I thought you said you would be home at one? It’s only 12.” You said while walking up to him.
“I wanted to surprise you, Lovely. I may have been held back, I thought I would come home before the kids even fell asleep.” He said, putting his arms around your waist and kissing your nose.
“Your an idiot.” You snickered at his plan.
“I’m your idiot.” He laughed, raising his hand from your waist. “And your stuck with me.” He said, pointing to the ring on his finger.
You laugh at your silly husband, who somehow still had that wholesome attitude after all the trama and hurt he insured over the years of being a hero.
You both go to bed, cuddle up to each other, kissing the others warm and welcoming touch.
When I the middle of the night you hear soft but quick knocks coming from the door.
“Izuku, could… could you get it?” You ask, him already on his way to the door.
He gently opened the door, to a tired looking Fumiko and a crying Aiko. Funiko’s hand was lightly on his back, holding his trembling body in place.
“Dad, dad I had I really and nightmare. C-can I sleep with you tonight?” Aiko muttered under his breath.
Izuku looked up towards Fumiko, trying to aka what had happened.
“He woke up a few minutes ago. He had a dream, I think you died or something. I tried to comfort him but he just wanted you and p/n.” (P/n: parental name (mom, dad, etc)
“Thanks, Fumiko. Go back to bed, I’ll let Akio sleep with us tonight.” He whispered, kissing his daughters forehead before she went back to their room across the hall.
He yawned and walked back to the bed, Akio on his hip. He gently shook you back awake.
“Lovely? Akio had a nightmare.” He told you, as you turned to face him. You had a sympathetic look on your face, looking into your child’s terrifyed eyes.
You nodded and reached your arms out to hold Akio in your arms. He plopped onto you, his face just far enough to be heard while talking.
“Dad and you are gonna be safe, right? Right, p/n?” He looked up at you. You nodded and wiped away his tears.
Izuku layed back down and run his hands through Akio’s hair, something that had always comforted you during the UA days, and even now.
Akio feel asleep with in minutes, and you kept him to your chest to make sure he wouldn’t get nightmares. Not with you and Izuku protecting him.
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Todorki (warning; ANGST)
He was glad, he could finally get home early for once. He decided not to tell you, similar to Izuku, wanting to surprise you and Kento.
“Dears! I’m home early!” He smiled as he walked into the classic Chinese (?) home, ready for you and Kento to jump in and hug him.
But, instead of being welcomed home with a loving bear hug, he was welcomed with two terrified glares, and and a unmatching one that was filled with heat.
“Shouto, your home early.” You said, wanting to interrupt the silence.
“Dear, why in the world is this bastard here?” He said with a growl.
“I didn’t know you had a son, Shouto.” Endeavor said. His scar seemed to have healed slightly over the years, though it was clearly visible still.
“What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gonna stay out of my life from now on.” Shouto said, still having to look up at the tall man.
“I’m just visiting. You don’t have to hold a grudge.” Endeavor shrugged and turned back to you and Kento on the couch.
“Kento, right?” He titled his head, lowering his arms.
He picked Kento up.
The man who you had been told abused his children, beat his wife, killed mercilessly, took away the love of your life’s childhood, picked up your child.
Anger immediately pumped into your veins, you quickly tearing a terrified Kento from the old mans arms.
“Get away from my son!”
“You know, I never did think you were good for Shouto.”
You better believe Shouto took care of the rest.
You crattled Kento in your arms, not wanting to let go even long after he fell asleep. You had to keep yourself from holding onto him to hard, knowing that if you held on as hard as you wanted, you would crush the poor kid.
Shouto sighed and walked back in, walking into the bedroom where you held Kento.
“Dear.” He said in the doorway. His voice was soft and familar.
“Yes, love?” You said, peaking up at him.
He walked and sat down next to you, kissing your shoulder. You almost feel the pain oozing out of him. (God I hate “ooze” so much-)
“I’m sorry, Dear. I’ll…” He sighed and put his head in his hands. “I don’t even know. He refuses to retire and the government is a total suck up for him.”
You exhale and Lena on his shoulder.
“We are never letting that happen again.” You scoff in to his sleeve.
“Yes, of course. He’s never gonna come back here, into our home.” He safely added.
“Not that. Of course I’m still never gonna let him in again. I’m never letting that bitch hold my baby ever again.” You said. He gently smiled down at you, admittedly a little glad you had such a hatred of his father.
You grunted as Kento held on tighter to your waist where he had his arms wrapped around, his face wrinkled liek he just ate something sour.
This being familar, him sharing regular nightmares like his father, you softly woke him up.
“Dear? Dear wake up, the scary man is gone. He’s never coming back.” You said as Shouto softly shook his arm, and you shakes his slightly.
“Mh… p/n, Dad… I’m scared. He came back in my head.” He whimpered, tapping his forehead.
He leaned down and pressed his face on his stomach, peaking up with sad eyes at Kendo’s face.
“I know. We all are. But that’s never gonna happen again. We’ll make sure of it.”
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shozaii · 4 years
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title: birthday boy.
genre: fluffiest fluff
pairing: todoroki x reader.
extra note: lil letter that i wrote was from my tweet on twitter!!! enjoy reading :’3
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happy birthday, dear shouto!
hewwo, sho :3
sho, how do i even write a letter-
“damn it. why did i write this down?” you chuckled sadly, tossing the paper aside, on the ‘to recycle’ pile which has clearly been growing a lot more today. sighing, you leaned back on your comfy chair, rubbing your eyes from straining them a little too much.
his birthday was coming in less than 3 hours now, and you already have your gift for him waiting patiently to be within his grasp. it was something he has been looking at for a while, and you knew he was in absolute love with it.
might as well get it for him before time ran out, you thought to yourself, reminiscing last November, as the polite cashier agreed to wrap your gift in a combination of colors you never failed to adore - a subtle red and white, finished off with the perfect amount of glossing on it. with pride, you held the paper bag, which the gift was now in; making your way past the reducing crowd. he was out for his hero duties - technically it was the best timing for you to get his gift. 
and so here you are, thinking long and hard of the words that should be perfectly written in this paper. you went through a lot of test runs, using normal paper in case you were going to have any spelling mistakes (which is perfectly normal), hence the multiple attempts, all leading up to the beautiful paper you managed to find nearby your shared home with the lovely soon-to-be birthday boy, shouto todoroki. 
something sweet immediately clicked into your head, as you grabbed your pen (it was just that cute), and began to immerse yourself into your little world with the soft background music emphasizing the effect.
happy birthday to shouto todoroki, my one and only!! you have been my wonderful prince charming during these tough times; and i never regret rightfully claiming you as one either - it’s just the truth! <3 . you never fail to make me smile; from your personality to your jaw-dropping beauty, to your everlastingly amazing development in becoming a hero. to see you grow makes me so happy!! i know you love hugs and kisses, because i’m about to be giving you a ton of them. our friends seem to ship us a lot. what can i say...? i feel so lucky to have someone like you. you’re just that adorable, okay? keep smiling; it wouldn’t kill anyone 0.0 i love you so so so much. kissy from me!!!
satisfied, you made sure the ink was dry before folding it to make it look like a card. first and last try - not bad in trusting your gut once in a while, huh?
“and.....open! happy birthday, shouto!!” you squealed, hands holding a cake of his favorite flavor. to your recollection of memories, he has told you that he wanted a moment to celebrate the first few minutes of this special day with you. something unexpected to be said, but also a warm surprise at heart. it is true, the two of you have been together for quite a long time now - was it high school when you met? - and everytime the clock struck 12 on the 11th of January, it was when every single one of his classmates (even bakugou) celebrated it with triumph, love and joy.
and among the wonderful friends stood you, beaming as wide as ever, clapping your hands, eyes glowing with excitement. little did he know, he was about to be receiving the first ever gift from you.
he would be lying if he said he didn’t fall for you earlier - but it would be the truth when that sweet moment was the time where he began to fall harder for you and only you. from the way you made him smile, your compassion, love, honor. he could go on about just how divine of a soul you were - but he probably did already after the relationship was official.
and everytime he closed his eyes, he thanked himself. he thanked himself for never giving up on you, for opening his eyes to love, to him doing everything he could to make you happy, thanking himself for how he still tried. and thanking you for coming into his life.
as he blew out the candle which was slowly beginning to melt, you cut a slice, feeding him while posing for the camera; the timer finishing up pretty quickly. instead of you, he decided it was best if he smudged some cream onto your adorable nose, proceeding to give you a soft kiss on your forehead, chuckling at your current face expression. only lord knows how flustered you were. 
“thank you, darling. to think that you still remember those words, even though i was half asleep when i did mention it,” he swiped the cream off of your nose, pecking your lips right after. “i love you.”
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Hewwo! How r u doing??🧐 I would like to ask for a little something where the reader is easily distracted and goes off the path (chasing a butterfly, seeing a dog, etc...) and the boy doesn’t notice until later. 🥰🥺 The bois: Todoroki, Kirishima, and Shinso (BNHA/MHA) ✨✨
Aww I love this! This is so cute! I will try my best for you 🥺
It’s Friday evening and you are on your way home from UA because you wanted to go home for the weekend and Todoroki decides to go with you being the protective boyfriend he is.
It’s spring and the cherry blossoms have just bloomed. The path you’re walking is lined with cherry blossom trees. You stop to take in the soft pink petals, but Shouto doesn’t notice until he reaches the end of the path and sees that you’re not next to him.
He freaks out thinking someone might’ve taken you when he wasn’t watching or maybe you just went off to a convenience store or something. He decided to walk back up the path, asking any and everyone if they had seen you, showing them pictures of you, saying how tall you are, etc.
He finally makes it to where you were, hair sticking to his forehead since he basically ran the whole time.
You were standing under the trees, slowly spinning as the petals fell into your hands. You felt like you were in your own little world, like you were a fairy and you could stay in this moment forever.
You hadn’t noticed him standing there yet, but he was watching as you twirled beneath the flower petals, falling like snow around you. He took out his phone and started recording you and snapped a few pictures. You looked so beautiful to him in this moment and he wanted to capture if forever. The way the sun shone on your skin and your warm smile melted him and he realized just how much he loves you in that moment.
When you finally notice him standing there, you feel your cheeks heat up and you know instantly that you’re blushing.
He makes his way over to you and grabs your hand in his. He looks at them and smiles for a moment. He pulls you close to his chest and kisses you on your forehead.
“I love you...y/n”
You look up at him surprised because his words caught you off guard, but hearing them made you happy, so the as quick as the shock hit is as quick as it left and you just smiled from ear to ear.
You hug him and nuzzle your face into his chest.
“I love you too, Shouto”
You both walk up the path, this time he’s hold your hand and make your way to your house where dinner is already waiting.
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It’s summer vacation and your family has decided to go to the beach house that has been in your family for decades. They tell you to invite Kirishima along and whoever else you wanted to come along since there was enough room. It was a private beach, so you basically had it to yourselves whenever your family did go there for whatever reason, whether it be a small gathering or just wanting to get away from the city for a little bit.
When you reach, everyone unpacks and you decide to head down to the beach with Mina, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka. Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou, Sero and Deku all meet you on the beach a little afterwards. You all swim for a while and play games, until your dad decides to barbecue. Once everything is taken off the grill, you all eat together. Your mom bought fireworks and sparklers for you all to end the night with and celebrate your first day on the beach.
After all the festivities are over, you all head inside to rest for the night, but you and your friends decided to have a mini sleep over in the living room and watch movies. You cuddled with Kirishima on the couch while the rest of your friends took the floor. You all end up falling asleep in the middle of the second movie that was put on. You wake up around 3:30 to the tv still being on. You get up to turn it off then realize you can’t fall back asleep. You decide to go out and take a walk along the beach to calm yourself to the sound of the waves. You notice that the waves are glowing due to the bioluminescent krill in the water and you become so entranced that you take a seat on the rocks to watch the beautiful sight before you.
Kiri wakes up an hour later and pops up when he realizes you’re not next to him anymore. He carefully gets up, so that he doesn’t hurt any of the sleeping people on the floor and makes his was upstairs to see if you decided to go up to your room. The thought made him sad, but he could understand if your bed was more comfortable than the couch. He opened the door quietly, as to not wake your parents and saw that your bed was untouched. He decided to make his way to the balcony on the second floor to think about where you could’ve gone. Something told him to use the telescope that was on the balcony and he searched for you along the beach. He finally saw that you were on the far end by the rocks, sitting on them. He made his way back down the stairs, again quietly, and made his way along the beach to get to you. He took a blanket with him, just in case you would be cold.
“Hey pebble,” he says with a soft smile, startling you a bit
“Hey,” you say with a soft smile back
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he says with laughter in his voice,“but you can just consider it a little bit of pay back since I woke up and you weren’t there.” He finished, taking a seat next to you.
“Sorry about that,” you say blushing
“Why are you sitting here anyways?” He asked curious
“Well, I can show you better than I can tell you,” you say picking up a flat rock, then skimming it across the water to reveal the plankton
“Woah, that’s so cool, pebble. I see why you stayed here so long,” he says smiling his big smile
“How long have I been out here,” you ask, kinda freaking out
“Little over an hour,” he says smiling
“We should probably head back before my parents wake up,” you say about to get up
“Wait,” he says stopping you,“five more minutes, then we can go back.”
You nod and he takes a seat next you and wrapping the blanket around both of your shoulders.
After the five extra minutes, you both head back to the beach house, cuddle on the couch and go back to sleep.
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Shinso and you are out for a picnic date that you had planned for a while. The weather is warm and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. You make it to forest/site you wanted to have the picnic and it’s even more perfect than you imagined. There’s the perfect canopy to sunlight ratio and you’re not too far from the river, causing there to be a comfortable coolness in the air. You set down the blanket and Shinso put some rocks on the corners, so that it wouldn’t lift up in the wind blew. You both start unpacking the basket and you realize you forgot the drinks in the car. You offer to run and go get it, but he protests.
“I’ll get it, kitten. You stay here, I’ll be right back,” he says leaving you there by yourself.
A couple of minutes pass and you start to hear rustling in the bushes. You were definitely a little frightened, but waited to see if anything would come out before you just to any conclusions or scared yourself by jumping to said conclusions.
Just then a bunny comes out and it’s limping. You slowly crawl over to it, as to not scare it.
“It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you cutie. I just wanna help.”
You continue to slowly crawl toward it, extending your hand so that it can get used to your scent. Once it finally puts its guard down, your able to pick it up. You figured it’s borough couldn’t be too far from where you were since it came this way. You decide to walk off, eyeing the ground for any holes.
When Shinso finally returns to your picnic area, he sees that you’re not there. He decides to call for you, but receives nothing. He decides to take the path you took, not knowing that it’s the way you went, but something inside him told him to go that way.
After a few minutes of walking, he decides to try calling for you again. The first time he receives nothing, causing worry to start building. He walks up some more and tries again.
“Over here!”
He walkruns over to the direction he heard your voice come from.
“Shh,” you say, so that he wouldn’t startle the rabbit in your arms. He makes his way over to you slower. You tell him what happened and he helps you find the bunny’s home.
You finally find the borough at the bottom of a tree. You decide it might be best to back away and let the bunny hop in on its own. You crouch down and Shinso follows. You set the bunny on the ground and it’s hesitant to head home.
“Go ahead, it’s okay,” you say encouraging it
The bunny takes a couple hops before fully going for it and going home. You decide to capture this moment by snapping a couple of pictures. While you’re busy doing that, Shinso just admires you and smiles.
“Ready,” you say smiling and catching him off guard
“Y-yeah, lets go,” he says blushing
You both make it back to your picnic and enjoy the food and snacks that were packed.
All of a sudden it starts to rain. You both hurriedly pack everything and try to find shelter somewhere.
You come across a shed and decide to knock in the door. An older woman opens the door.
“Hello ma’am, is it okay if we stay here. It’s just started raining out of nowhere and we don’t have an umbrella,” you say nicely and slightly apologetic
“Of course dears. Come in.”
You and Shinso do as she says and she lights a fire for you both to sit by. She also supplies you with a blanket and leaves to make tea for you both. Shinso wraps the blanket around both of you and he can see that you are shivering a little, so he moves closer to you, causing you to blush.
“Kitty,” he says, grabbing your attention
“I’m sorry the picnic got ruined,” he says apologetic
“It didn’t get ruined,” you say with laughter in your voice,“this was the best day ever.”
“R-really,” he asks expectantly
“Yes, we helped a bunny find its way home and we did still get to enjoy the picnic, it’s just got cut short and that’s okay, cause I got to spend the whole day with you.”
“This is why I love you, kitty. Your so good and optimistic. You see the great in every situation. I wish I could do that more. You’re so perfect and I-I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’re not gonna lose me and you’re perfect too. Maybe not perfect to you, but perfect to me and that’s the most important thing,” you say smiling
He pulls you in and kisses you softly and full of love.
The rain finally clears and you thank the woman for her hospitality. Shinso drives you to your house and before you exit he grabs your hand and kisses it. Then he pulls you in and kisses your lips. He watches you enter your house and then drives off.
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I hope you enjoyed. Thank you again for submitting and keeping my asks active. You always give me something new and I really appreciate you letting my imagination run wild (more than it already does). 💖🥺
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
First Kiss With Todoroki and Bakugou
Anon requested: “heeey can u please make a first kiss set with todoroki and with bakugou? pleaseee! and i love your writing”
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,411
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​​ @liviitehe​​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​​ @bunnythepipsqueak​​ 
a/n: Ahhhh these were so fun to write!  I got into them a little too much, so they’re longer than my normal mini-scenarios, but I’d say they’re pretty cute!  Bakugou’s scenario is based on personal experience hehe.  Enjoy as I pass out and sleep.
Also anon, I realize that I didn’t answer you when you asked if I have a Wattpad, sorry about that! It’s @/chibirach99, but I just post the same stuff as I do here on there simultaneously.
Todoroki Shouto
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"Library again?"
Todoroki slides his bag on his shoulder and slips his hand in mine.  "Of course, we have to focus on our studies as student heroes."
It's only been recent since we started dating, even holding hands causes blood to slightly rush to my cheeks, but he's already integrated it easily into his routine as if it's instinct.  What's different about today is the slightly tighter grip he holds my hand with.  Honestly, I thought he would have been more adverse to it, but he's more comfortable with it than me.
His larger, warm hand in mine allows him to keep in pace with me as we walk down the stairs and out of the building.
"You'll have to help me with the science lesson today, I didn't really understand it today."  Our conversations are still more or less the same, we're still students after all.  "And we can work on the math practice problems since Ectoplasm's lessons are difficult-"
"Before that," he stops right in front of the entrance doors of the building and fixes his gaze right on me, "Come with me for a moment."
This is different.  Nonetheless, I follow him as his entwined hand guides me off the concrete path towards a tree in the distance.
For a moment, my focus shifts from keeping up with him to the way the afternoon light hits his face, the light spring breeze blowing a few strands of his hair around.  He's so beautiful, I think and smile secretly to myself.
Once we're under the shade and out of view, Todoroki turns his body around fully to face me before sitting down, resting against it and lightly tugging my hand.
Without letting go, I take the spot next to him as he watches me blankly.  "Did you want to rest?  You could've told me."
His hand in mine tugs me again and he stares at me expectantly.
Now I'm confused.  "What is it?"
He separates his hand from me and places it on my torso, pulling me into his arms and constricting my movement.
Heat rushes to my cheeks and my heart pounds at our close contact, my arms resting against his chest.  Even for Todoroki, this is a bold move.
Without another word, his dual colored eyes flicker back and forth between my own wide eyes and my lips.  One hand comes up to brush my cheek softly.  "Are you okay with this?"
I don't know what to say, I'm too busy admiring his long eyelashes from this close up, so I just nod and close my eyes.
A breath of a chuckle leaves him before he presses a chaste kiss on my lips.  The little flutter in my stomach is enough to inject my entire body in heat.  Such a small gesture has such a profound effect, and I need to bury my head in his chest to ease the dizziness and hide my embarrassment.
"Was it too much?"
I jerk my head up.  Despite sounding level, his eyes also dart away from me and there's a hint of blush on his cheeks.  His body is also noticeably hotter as his arm constricts Tigger around me.
"I didn't want to overwhelm you for our first."
"N-No!  It was...good.  I liked it."  The residual effect of the small kiss still lingers in my belly.
The corner of his lip quirks up just slightly.   "I'm glad.  I've been waiting to, but I wanted you to be comfortable, and I wanted to do it right."
Gosh, he's just so cute.  I'd kiss him on the nose right now if I wasn't afraid he might burst into flames, so I settle for nestling into his chest.  His heart beats a mile a minute in my ear to match mine.  "Let's rest here for a little before going up."
He lifts our still entwined hands to gently kiss my knuckles.  "Sounds like a good plan, darling."
Bakugou Katsuki
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“You went out with Kiri, Denki, and the rest this weekend, right?”  I ask Bakugou, swinging our hands back and forth as we exit the classroom building.  “Was it fun?”
“Yeah, I guess so.  They were being dumb as usual.”  His other hand is stuffed in his pants pocket like the gangster he thinks he is.
“Kiri said you looked like you enjoyed yourself.”
He shrugs nonchalantly.  In the week we’ve been dating, Bakugouis noticeably more chill than he presents in class.  It makes me proud, considering the only other person he won’t yell at is Kirishima, a testament to his opinion of me and our relationship.
“Oh, that reminds me.”  He stops walking and stares at me with his crimson orbs.  “Close your eyes.”
I cock an eyebrow and let out a snort.  “Why?”
“Just do it so I don’t feel weird!”
“Okay…”  I follow his directions.  I hear some shuffling of material in front of me.
“Hold out your hands.”
I’m still confused as to what he’s planning to do, but I hold out both of my hands knowing he probably won’t do anything weird.  Something light in weight but soft to the touch is placed on my hands.
“Open your eyes.”
In my hands is the cutest bunny with floppy ears, made with the softest material, periwinkle-colored fur, wide black eyes, and an adorable pink button nose.
"It reminded me of how cute you are, and I know it's your favorite animal and color."  Bakugou rubs his hand behind his neck, his gaze averted from me.  “If you don’t like it, just give it back!”
“No!” I yelp a little too loud and hug the bunny to my chest.  Something about him remembering such a small detail I said in passing threatens my ability to stand straight; my knees want to turn to mush.  “I’m keeping it!”
Bakugou finally meets eyes with me.  “You like it?”
“Of course I do.”  I stroke one of the ears softly.  “Thanks for thinking of me.  But now I have to get you something.”
“No way, I got it for you because I wanted to!”  He’s more aggravated that I even brought it up.  “I should be able to buy gifts for you without it being weird.”
My heart goes to complete mush at the plushie in front of me.  “But how am I supposed to repay you for this?”  I want to do the same for him, but I don’t really know what I would get for him either.
He opens his mouth like he wants to reprimand me again before closing it and tilting his head back, one corner of his mouth tilting up.  “I know how you can repay me.”  His sudden shift in tone is almost jarring.
Before I can process what he’s doing, his head leans down and he presses a chaste kiss to my lips.  The little motion makes my eyes widen and blood rush to my head as my stomach flips.  One small second feels more like ten, but it was over as quickly as it came.  My head still reels from the small but powerful kiss.
That was our first kiss.
I bury my dizzy head in Bakugou’s chest, his one arm steadying my body close to his chest as he rumbles underneath my face.  My lips can’t resist tugging up into a smile and heat rushes up to my cheeks.
“You’re mine, you know.  You’re my bunny, and no one else’s, got it?”  His voice is softer than usual.
I cover my mouth with my fist just to lift my heavy head up, still leaning on him for support.  There’s a small blush coating his cheeks as well, assuring me that he also feels flustered like me.  My mouth moves faster than I can process what I’m saying.  “C-Can you do that again?”
Even through his blush, he smirks and places another short kiss on my lips.  The same delicious electricity flows through me, and I’m left smiling again to his face.
“You’re gonna want me to spoil you with kisses now, aren’t you?” he teases me.
I hug the bunny to my chest.  “S-So what if I do?”
Bakugou’s deep chuckle vibrates against me again and he presses one last kiss against my forehead.  “You need to calm down for a minute, don’t want you to short circuit on me.”  His arm wraps around my shoulders to lead me into walking towards the dorm building.  “Let’s go hang out in my room.”
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totallytododeku · 4 years
Cuddle me. | sleepy!Todoroki x reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1300
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Your eyes scanned the crowd of people for a familiar face or uniform, trying in vain to locate Aizawa. Fifty or so civilians were gathered around the sidewalk adjacent to the alleyway, and a handful of reporters and news anchors were addressing cameras about "the three civilians and one UA student who had run into a gang of villains!".
Your upper arms had begun to grow sore from shouldering your way through the crowd of onlookers. "Todoroki!" You called your boyfriend's name at the top of your lungs, trying to pinpoint someone from UA in the sea of civilians.
Wait, did someone just call my name?
You strained your ears and stood on your tippy-toes, trying to identify the owner of the deep voice.
"Y/L/N!" You whipped your head in all directions possible in a matter of seconds. This time you were certain you had heard your name called.
"Y/L/N." A hand on your shoulder alerted you to the presence of some one behind you. Spinning around, your frantic eyes met Aizawa's dull ones. You relaxed inwardly at the nonchalant expression on his face, but your body refused to stop fidgeting nervously. You were itching to hold your boyfriend's hand, feel his comforting warmth, assure yourself that he had escaped the villain encounter unscathed.
"I'd imagine you're concerned about Todoroki." Aizawa droned, reading the obvious tension in your stance. "Don't worry, he's not hurt." You breathed a sigh of relief, closing your eyes.
"Actually, I'm glad I found you. I should tell you that he was affected by a villain's quirk during the run-in." Your eyes shot open, brows furrowing in confusion. I thought he wasn't hurt?
"From what the police have gathered, the villain's quirk allows him to drain both mental and physical energy from someone else and use it to energize himself for a period of time. It's nothing serious, but we don't know exactly how long the effects will last." Aizawa glanced in the direction of the police-taped area beyond the crowd. "You'd be doing us all a favor if you'd take Todoroki back to the dorms safely and watch him for the rest of the day. The police's medic said it wasn't serious enough to bother Recovery Girl with, but he needs to sleep for a while."
"'C-course I'll help him!" You stammered, more confused than worried at this point. "Where i-"
"HA HA HA!" All Might boomed, exploding into existence beside you. He thumped you on the back with a gargantuan hand, knocking the wind out of you. "YOUNG TODOROKI'S ACTING LIKE AN INEBRIATED SLOTH."
"I beg your pardon?" You squinted up at the hero through the blinding light emitted by his bioluminescent smile.
"HO HO HO," All Might anchored both of his fists at his hips and puffed out his chest, striking a heroic pose. "FOLLOW ME, PLEASE."
With a hand of each of your backs, he guided you and Aizawa past the edge of the crowd and into the police zone. You recognized a couple of UA uniforms and a few teachers gathered in clusters among the small fleet of police cars.
"YOUNG TODOROKI IS OVER THERE." All Might extended a yellow, gauntlet-claden arm in the direction of one of the cars.
You quickly thanked your teachers and hurried towards the car with a boy leaning against it.
"Todoroki?" You skidded to a halt in front of the boy. His arms were folded across his chest and his head hung forward.
"I take it you're the student he's close to? Miss/Mr. Y/L/N?" An officer addressed you without looking up from her clipboard. "Thank you for taking Mr. Todoroki off our hands. He's a little loopy, but he'll be better tomorrow."
"Oh, okay, then. Thank you, officer."
Turning your full attention to Todoroki, you gently laid a hand on his shoulder "Hey, Shouto, are you awake?"
Todoroki lifted his head slightly, eyelids fluttering open. "Y/N?" he slurred, stumbling forward.
"Ye- Oh my goodness!" Todoroki fell into your arms, loosely wrapping his around your shoulders. "What're you doin' here?" He mumbled, tilting his head to look up at you with half-closed eyes.
"I got a call from Aizawa saying that you were in the middle of a villain scuffle on your way back to the dorms! Are you okay?"
"'mmmm tired," Todoroki mumbled, his eyelids closing slowly. You instinctively embraced your boyfriend, yet you were still too shocked to speak. He nuzzled his face into the fabric of your sweater, and you felt his breathing slow.
"Shouto?" you croaked.
It was becoming apparent that he was genuinely falling asleep in your arms.
You immediately backpedaled towards the taxi All Might had hailed, shouldering Todoroki's weight -- a valiant attempt to save his reputation from the cameras by taxi-escape was made. Luckily, no one else had seen him yet...not that that really made this any easier.
"Oh my gosh, Shou- oh, no, please just- you'll be in bed soon, jus- oh, no, you'll hurt your neck sleeping like th- OH GOSH PLEASE BE CAREFUL."
-time skip to dorms-
Oh, crap, I don't have the key for his dorm! You glanced at Todoroki, who was struggling to stay awake.
"Shouto, honey, where's your dorm key?"
" mmmmhh dunno, " was the response. Guilt gnawed at your heart every second you had to keep the poor boy from sleeping.
"Okay, then, we'll be at my dorm soon!" After what seemed like two hours of crawling up the staircase with a boy hanging off your shoulder, you finally reached your room. You fished around in your blazer pocket for your dorm key, muttering about gum wrappers and coins.
"Gosh darn crap in my pockets- I'm so sorry Shou-chan, just a sec, I- ah, got it!"
Somehow, you managed to maneuver the two of you into your dorm without letting him collapse to the floor, albeit rather ungracefully. You sighed, leaning on your door.
"Hey, baby, are you awake?" you cooed, stroking his hair out of his face.
"...wanna go 'sleep," he murmured, trying to nuzzle his face into your neck.
"Come on, let's get you into bed," you said, half to yourself. You trudged to your bed, finally able to put down Todoroki's weight. "Can you sit on the bed while I take your shoes off?"
He grunted in confirmation and you knelt in front of him, fingers plucking at his shoelaces until the knots came untied. After you tugged off his boots, you moved on to the rest of his school uniform until he was left in his boxers.
"Here, why don't you put on these clean pajama pants so you can sleep better?" He nodded, kicking his legs out from under the covers like a child. You pulled the soft, fuzzy pants up his legs and tucked your blanket under his chin. Once your eyes had scanned his form to see what else you could do to help him, you turned towards the door.
"Don't go."
"Why are you leaving?"
"I was gonna go get you some tea from the common room!"
"Cuddle me," Todoroki whined, opening his arms to you.
Your heart stopped at how adorable he was. "Aww, you're so cute!" You squealed, crawling into bed. "I should take a picture to prove to you what a baby you can be, because you'll never believe me tomorrow," you whispered, giggling.
Todoroki tossed an arm and a leg over your body and pulled you close, sighing softly. Within seconds, you felt his breathing slow.
You cradled his cheek in your hand and leaned up to kiss his forehead, smiling. "Sleep well, Shouto. I love you."
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silverhyenaart · 4 years
Another Family Fluff Piece
Because I can’t resist posting bits and pieces of upcoming chapters.
Anyways, I could imagine that Tom and Maddie would have to become adept at wrangling their speedster son. (I mean, when you really think about it, Sonic wouldn’t have to listen to them if he didn’t want to. It’s just a good thing that he loves and respect them.) But of course, he’s still a kid, and kids get into mischief. Kids sometimes run where they’re not supposed to. So here’s a mostly first draft bit,
Maddie nodded in agreement, turning around while still in her husband's gentle hold. She put her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer for a kiss. It was at that moment a 'WHOOSH' or air followed by a blue blur interrupted their tender moment.
“Oh! Errrrrmmm... sorry. D-didn't mean to interrupt your weird grown up.... ritual... thing,” apologized the little alien, all the while making a strange face while sticking out his tongue.
Kissing was just something Sonic couldn't wrap his mind around. Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady did it, people in various movies and TV shows did it, even a whole bunch of his classmates would do it, often brazenly out in the halls or the school yard. (But the sneakier ones would go to the bathrooms. Seriously, just to do that!) Locking mouths and “swapping spit” as he'd heard it referred to a few times before just didn't seem appealing at all! It was just so strange; stranger than the little kisses to the forehead and cheeks Maddie would often insist on giving him.
“To be continued,” muttered Maddie, giving Tom a mischievous little smile and wink before addressing Sonic, “And you, young man. Isn't it past your bedtime?”
Tom moved his arm to wrap around his wife's shoulder, giving the strong appearance of experienced and seasoned parents. (Key word here being “appearance.”)
“But Pretzel Lady, I'm not tiiiiiired,” argued the young hedgehog, all the while scratching Ozzie's head and ears once the old golden retriever padded to his side, “Donut Lord?”
“Sorry kiddo, this time I can't help you.”
Sonic cast an accusatory look to his caretaker. His hero. This betrayal! From the Donut Lord, no less. It couldn't be happening. There was only one other option now.
Already predicting what was about to happen next, Tom pulled out his phone, opening up the stopwatch app, “Maddie, your record is one minute and twenty three seconds.”
“I can beat that!”
“Don't be to sure about that, Pretzel Lady. You'll have to catch me first!” challenged Sonic, taking on a confident and defiant stance.
Human and alien stared each other down, asserting dominance, each one trying to intimidate the other, (all while struggling to hold back a fit of playful laughter as smiles threatened to crack.)
“And... GO!” Tom called, starting the timer.
Immediately, Sonic was off, dashing throughout the house in a streak of blue, leaving a gust of wind in his wake. Despite not moving yet, Maddie could already feel her heart pounding and blood pumping as adrenaline kicked in. She knew chasing Sonic directly was a fruitless endeavor. However, the woman watched for her adopted son's blue trail, following the pattern as she took her position. Letting out a deep breath, feeling another rush of air brush right by her side, Maddie squared her shoulders and kept calm, knowing that her little show-off couldn't resist coming back again for a second pass.
This time she was ready for the speedy little blue devil. Maddie knew he liked to go for the right on the first pass, left on the second. There was a bit of an impact; nothing that would cause either one of them serious harm, but it was enough to knock the wind out of the human. Despite that, Maddie emerged victorious, now holding a rather baffled-looking Sonic in her arms.
“Hey! W-what the-?! H-how did you-?!”
The little blue alien squirmed a bit in his caretaker's arms, still uncertain about how and when exactly this happened.
“So... you were saying that I'd have to catch you first?” questioned Maddie, shifting Sonic to lean against her shoulder while rubbing his back, “Well consider yourself caught, young sir.”
She was rewarded with a rather defeated yet still playful groan from the teenage alien.
“Yeah. Well, I'm still not tired...”
“One minute and eighteen seconds.”
At Tom's announcement of Maddie's new personal best, the woman excitedly pumped her fist in the air before returning to stroking Sonic's quills. Having a child was never easy; an alien child with superpowers more so. The two of them had been learning Sonic's preferred patterns over time to a point where both caretakers could predict his movements and catch him in a full run. Maddie and Tom would take turns while Sonic thought of it like a game. (A game he'd secretly just let his two favorite humans win, of course. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself.)
Despite having been “captured”, the boy was laughing while his short tail wagged. Gently, Tom ran his hand over Sonic's head, giving his ears a good scratch then gave Ozzie some attention. Now, over the last several months, the little blue space hog had become quite the conisuerrier of his caregivers' affection. The Donut Lord had larger hands, offering excellent coverage of all the good spots and had become a master of ear rubs. (No doubt with all the practice he'd had with Ozzie.) Pretzel Lady on the other hand had smaller, slimmer fingers with longer nails that could zero in on a single area with surgical precision. Wonderful, gentle hands that lovingly stroked through Sonic's blue quills practically causing the boy to melt in her arms.
“Let's get you to bed, little one.” Maddie said, lightly kissing the blue alien's forehead, causing him to let out a little groan as his muzzle reddened.
“H-hey, I'm not that little,” Sonic protested, resting his chin on Maddie's shoulder while she walked him out of the kitchen and up the stairs, “And I'm not -yaaaaawn- that sleepy either.”
“Hmph, you could have fooled me, bud,” observed Tom, following behind, “But if that's the case I guess you could say that-”
“No. Don't go there! I know what you're -yawn- gonna say...”
“You could say that in your case, sleep is in short order.”
Another one. So soon too! Tom just laughed as the blue alien tried to hide his still reddening face by burying it against Maddie's neck, all the while groaning loudly. It was dreadful. Terrible. But he'd expect nothing less of the Donut Lord.
So yeah, cute family fluff piece. If you’re interested in the story thus far, it’s called Sometimes All you Need is a Friend.
Now, this was partially inspired by this post I saw on Tumblr, https://humanityinahandbag.tumblr.com/post/624134807767695360/sonic-the-hedgehog-very-serious-question
Thank you @shouto-midoriya for posting the link to this post for me and @humanityinahandbag for the original post!
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs: Shinsou, Todoroki & Midoriya with an s/o who gets drunk on apple juice
Hey, this may sound kind of stupid but when I drink apple juice it has the same effect as if I drank alcohol. So can I request hcs for Shinsou, Shouto, & Izuku with an s/o that gets “drunk” by just drinking apple juice, she gets all slow, calls a thing something else, and is overall just wasted, like I don’t remember what I do when I drink apple juice and that’s why I can’t trust it, thank if you do my weird request!
no no it doesn’t sound stupid at all, if anything it seems quite amusing to me lmao, which is why I can’t wait to write this :D hope you enjoy!
I haven’t written in a whiiiilleeee woah, this feels strange but I also missed it so much. I’m gonna try to be as I am usual with writing, I think I just need to get into it again ^^ Anyway enough of my talking about me, now onto the headcanooonssss
Tip jar ^^
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Hitoshi Shinsou
okay so
it would take a while for Shinsou to see you in your ‘drunk’ state
because I don’t think he really hangs out with people a lot
and when you two do you just avoid apple juice like the plague because you know exactly what happens if you don’t
but well, one day you’re hanging out the bakusquad who you’re friends with
and of course you knew Shinsou wasn’t  there so you went all out with the juice
you aren’t that embarrassed about being that way around your friends as they’re strange too and they had seen you that way before
they know that you kindaaaaa like the purple haired boi
and kaminari and sero think that it would be hilaaarious to have him see you like this
so they text him to come to kaminari’s dorm room, where you all are hanging out
Shinsou at first declines the offer bc he just wants to sleep and isn’t in the mood to be annoyed
but then kaminari tells him you’re there too ;)
he leaves out the drunk on juice part :)
He won’t give in immediately, just because he knows he will get teased if he does
so well, he goes to the dorm of class A (Aizawa totally didn’t see him and pretend he wasn’t looking at all) and looks for kaminari’s room
he gets there and is slightly disappointed when bakugou opens the door instead of you
he doesn’t ask where you are, but bakugou knows that shinsou wants to see you
and tbh, he wants to see his reaction to your state too
“she’s inside” is all he says
Shinsou kinda wants to r u n
But he doesn’t
As he enters he can hear yelling from the distance
and there’s  just pure confusion on Shinsou’s face
until he enters the living room
he sees you dancing on the couch, yelling some incoherent sentences
mina has joined you at this point and the sight is just really funny
assuming you got drunk on alcohol (y’all are of legal age here we don’t support underage drinking!!) he just chuckles and shakes his head
and then sero decides to tell him you became… that… because of apple juice
to say that Shinsou finds it amusing is an understatement
You’re probably too drunk to even realise what is going on
People who don’t know him maybe won’t be able to tell, but the bakusquad sees he’s enjoying every second of this
“Oh my god look at that cute kitty!!!”
“....y/n that’s a plushie of a bear”
okay now over to when you two are together
Shinsou won’t be controlling about this or anything, since it’s not like you are ruining your kidneys and as long as you aren’t alone things are fine
might tease you the next day over it tho hehe
(after he has taken care of you and you’ve recovered from your ‘hangover’ of course :D)
also imagine him carrying to your dorm :,)
i mean he  b u f f e d up didn't he
literally doesn't care if you’re heavy or not he WILL carry you bc you’re his baby!!
might act like he gets annoyed at your drunk state
which he will be sometimes but he wouldn’t trade it for the world
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Todoroki Shouto
Todoroki’s reaction is hard to tell from his face probably
I mean he doesn’t make you think he’s annoyed or angry
but he isn’t laughing either
baby is just confused
and before you two are couple he doesn’t exactly know how to take care of you in that state
like he wants to help but,,,, how????
he will slightly chuckle at you
and have this teeny tiny adorable smile uwu
“wait what is a canadian flag doing here.”
“..... you mean todoroki?”
okay in order for him to see you like that you will probably have to hang out with the dekusquad
they don’t really drink alcohol, so most drinks that they have are just juice
they know what happens when you drink too much
iida will most likely constantly be telling you off if you drink too much
and uraraka just tries to distract you so you won’t be drinking the whole time
….and midoriya doesn’t really know what to do
anyway, one time, midoriya, being the sweet angel he is, invites todoroki to join you guys
and well he wants to say no first
but then deku rambles and somewhere he mentions you
boy is sold immediately
and by the time he arrives, you are already wasted
and oh lord what a mess
todoroki doesn’t really know how to react
don’t get him wrong, he won’t think of you any less
he just,,, doesn’t know how to help?
“todoroOooooOOokiii, hiiii~” you giggle as you skip over to him
he can’t help but think you’re adorable uwu
baby is blushing
before he realises your attention goes back to the music that you had put on earlier
you even try to make him join
haha, no.
but of course he will watch
and secretly enjoy after a while
does feel this unfamiliar pang when he sees you pulling Midoriya with you to dance
dw bub he likes someone else :)
okay and
when you two are together
todoroki tries to keep you as sober as he can
he always sees the regret in your face the day after and he doesn’t like seeing his partner sad :(
todoroki is too pure for this world i’m crying
might not always be the best at comfort the day after but you can tell he does his best
if you ask him to get ice cream he will buy a supply for the next 59 years
it’s the thought that counts right
and of course it will be bought with Endeavor’s credit card :D
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Midoriya Izuku
okay so
I think how midoriya handles it can go two ways, depending on whether you two are close or not
if you two are close or have been childhood friends, he will know about your… interesting habit
however, if he doesn’t know you that well he probably has no idea
tho he does analyse people at times, I don’t think the fact that you get drunk on apple juice crosses his mind
if you two are close, he will try his best to keep you ‘sober’
if you do happen to get drunk he will keep a veeeery close eye on you!!
and as soon as a) someone bothers you or b) you’re just completely wasted he will take action
and bring you to your room if it gets too late
“Izuku…. Why is there broccoli on your head?...”
“uhm… That’s my hair y/n…”
he will 100% blush at some things you say
be careful, his poor heart is v fragile
despite his flustered state he will do his best to help
will definitely take care of you the next day
and trust me, if you thank him or tell him he’s doing great this boi will be so happy and blushy uwu
Now, if he isn’t that close to you it will take a while for him to find out about your interesting habit
he might be a little too shy to help, but he might tell your friends if something is wrong
something like “Hey, is y/n alright?”
just so your friends will stay kinda alert
but well, if they’re wasted too he will most likely try to help
he will be a lot more flustered than if you two were close friends
and he won’t know what exactly to do because he doesn’t know your boundaries, at the same time he wants to respect them so,,,, yeah that will be hard for him
now,,, if you two were a couple
be prepared to get pampered
BUT first of all
he will do his best to make sure you don’t get drunk every time you’re given some apple juice
of course he won’t be controlling
he will just kinda remind you how you get when you drink too much
and if you end up getting ‘drunk’, he will keep a v e r y close eye on you
might even be a little overprotective
will definitely leave the party early with you because he knows how you will be the next day
sorry bub it’s for your own good
the next day he will bring whatever you need!!
“uhm… I know what your favourite ice cream flavor is but there were so many brands so i bought them all.”
welp he means well :D
and cuddles!!!
if you need them he will be more than happy to give them
and soft forehead kisses
aaaa i’m so soft
oh one more thing
he will definitely carry you when you’re too drunk
if you snuggle up to his chest and/or wrap your arms around his neck
he will be about to explode
“..why is there a pillow on your chest izu?”
poor boy doesn’t know what to do
and whether you are close or not he will check on you the next day
to sum it up he’s just a shy angel that does his best to help you, whether you barely know each other or are in a relationship
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asian-hero · 4 years
Taking the Space Out of “Girl Friend”
A/N: Okay, since no one is requesting Momo, aka the woman who stole my heart, I’m taking this into my own hands (also, kinda wanna write a poly relationship with Momo, Shouto, and (Y/N) so let me know if that sounds interesting)
Summary: Momo Yaoyorozu is the perfect girl. She’s smart, pretty, kind, and she can even make any non living thing with her quirk. What else could you ask for? Although, she could stand to gain the ability to read the room better.
In other words, you attempt to tell Momo how you feel about her, only for her to assume you mean platonically. You know, as a “gal pal”
Words: 2,668
“Momo, I like you,”
She looked up from her homework, starring at you quizzically, “Oh, well I like you too!”
You sighed, shaking your head. “No, I mean I really like you. More than a friend,”
Pausing, she furrowed her eyebrows together, something that, while normally you found endearing, now you found outright annoying. How could someone look so cute and be so smart, yet be so dense when it came to confessions? Before you could even take it back, she smiled at you, and you could’ve sworn that you felt a beam of light shining from her.
“I think of you as my best friend as well! I’m so glad you told me!”
Feeling your eye twitch, it took almost every inch of self restraint to not just kiss her right then and there, to show her that you wanted her more than as just a “best friend.” Unfortunately for you, you both had no nerve to do so, and you also didn’t want to risk it. So, you feigned a smile, reaching out and patting her hand.
“Yeah, best friends.”
That was three weeks ago. Three weeks ago that you tried to tell Momo, your “best friend” and resident goddess of class 1-A that you liked her. No, not as a friend, though you didn’t mind being that. You wanted to tell her that you liked her romantically, but every time you try to, it either ends up with you losing your nerve, or her taking it the wrong way. No matter what you did, it seemed like she thought you were just being a good friend, all the compliments and cuddling and hand holding, all because you were a good friend. At first, you thought she was just trying to be nice and reject you kindly, not wanting to jeopardize your friendship, but after multiple attempts and questioning the rest of the girls, but now you’re wondering if she’s really just that oblivious to your advances. Either way, you were so close to pulling your hair out.
This is what led you to your current situation: laying out on your best friend Todoroki’s floor while you complained about the woman who seemed to live in your head rent free. 
After your daily attempt to get Momo to realize that you had a crush on her had tired you out, you sought out the one person who would let you rant to your hearts content without judgement. Since this was a regular occurrence for you to just waltz into Todoroki’s room, it was no surprise to  him when you slammed open his door, kicked it shut, and slumped down onto the floor.
After a few beats of silence, he cleared his throat. “So, Yaoyorozu?”
Your obnoxious groan was all the answer that he needed. Setting down his pen, he turned around in his chair to face you, or, your corpse-like state that you’d taken to. 
“Are we going to sit here in silence or are you going to complain?”
Lifting your head up, you sent the boy a particularly nasty glare. You could see the ghost of a smile appear on his face, amused that he’d gotten a reaction out of you. Lifting yourself up, you flopped back down, this time on your back. As you stared up at the ceiling, you let out a lengthy sigh.
“This has got to be the tenth time I’ve told her that I like her,” Rubbing your face, you let out a frustrated sound, “No dancing around the bush, no being coy about it. I straight up told her that I like her, and she always tells me that I’m being such a ‘good friend.’ ”
“Ah, that’s rough.”
You snorted. “Thanks, Zuko.”
His response was throwing a crumpled piece of paper at your face. Sputtering, you sat up, sticking out your tongue in a childish manner. Once the two of you settled down, you frowned.
“Seriously, though, how many times do I need to tell her ‘I like you’ for her to get it? I mean, it’s not like I know if she even likes girls, so maybe I’m just being pushy. Oh my god, Todoroki, what if she doesn’t like girls? I could be making her uncomfortable and—“
“(Y/L/N), stop,” Seeing your panicked state, he moved closer, making sure that he gained your attention, “You’re being ridiculous. If Yaoyorozu didn’t like you she’d tell you. She isn’t that cruel.”
Tilting your head back, you took in a deep breath. “I know that, but I can’t help but feel like that.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while, neither of you sure of what to say next. In all honesty, you were just glad that he was there with you, because you’d probably end up spiraling if it wasn’t for him. As much as you loved Momo, you were starting to get a little tired of pursuing her. You didn’t know just how much more you could take of her obliviousness. As you sat there, getting sadder by the minute, Todoroki finally spoke:
“We don’t have school tomorrow, right? Why don’t you just invite her on a date, and you can tell her how you feel,” He flicked your forehead, “With a bit more emphasis on the romantic part of your feelings.”
Rubbing the back of your neck, you looked towards the floor, feeling yourself grow hot. “I don’t know, what if she doesn’t even want to go?”
You could tell that he was starting to grow annoyed, with the way his breathing changed and his posture stiffened. Before you could even comment on it, he grabbed your phone, typing a quick message to the girl of your dreams. Gasping, you tackled him, trying to wrench your phone away from him.
“What the hell are you doing? Give it back!”
Your attempts were for naught, as he wasn’t even breaking a sweat trying to keep you away. A few seconds later a message was sent, asking Momo if she wanted to meet you at a local cafe, just the two of you. Looking as your message went from delivered to read, you let out a cry of embarrassment. Slamming your phone down, you pointed a finger at the boy.
“I can’t believe you! What makes you think I’m ready for this?”
He looked at you as if you were the stupidest person on the planet, “You’ve been trying to tell her for weeks! How is this my fault?”
“Yeah, but now I have to tell her without the crutch of ignoring her at school! If it were with a bunch of people, then I’d have no problem, but since it’s just the two of us—“
You were interrupted by a quiet ping coming from your phone. Hesitantly, you reached to pick up the offending object, carefully reading Momo’s message. After a few more seconds of silence, you felt yourself sink back onto the floor, sounding similar to a balloon losing its air. Your hands went to cover your face, not wanting anyone, specifically Todoroki, to see your embarrassed state.
“So,” He cleared his throat, unsure of how to proceed, “I’m assuming she agreed?”
“I’m meeting her at ten,”
He raised an eyebrow at your behavior. “Isn’t that a good thing? Why are you acting like she just rejected you?”
“Hey, Todoroki, I’m gonna need you to do me a huge favor,” You completely ignored his previous comment, too busy in your own thoughts instead.
“What is it?”
Looking at him directly, you spoke: “Turn me into an ice cube and chuck me into the ocean,”
You didn’t get the response you were hoping for, and instead you were chased out of his room and left with your own self-deprecating thoughts. To be honest, you were excited to hang out with Momo, but that didn’t mean you weren’t terrified of what was to come. When you told her how you felt about her, how would she react? Would she feel the same way, or would she just completely drop you as a friend entirely? You found yourself spiraling as you kept thinking of all of the negatives that you didn’t realize when you had passed out. 
The only reason that you weren’t late for your “date” with Momo was because she had texted you, like the lovely person she is, saying that she was excited to see you. That was what shocked you awake at nine in the morning, and caused you to take five minutes out of your day to let out all of your panicked energy. You were able to manage, though, as you pulled through and got ready, albeit a little slower than usual, and by the time you were out the door it was a quarter till ten. 
By the time you reached the cafe, you noticed Momo anxiously fiddling with her skirt. Walking towards her, you put on your bravest face and steeled yourself.
“Hey! Did I make you wait long?”
She seemed a bit startled by your boisterous entrance, as she jumped ever so slightly from her seat. Once she realized it was you, she let out an adorable smile, one that could melt even the coldest of hearts. “You’re fine, I just got here a little early,”
Taking your seat, you looked at the coffee in front of you. Tilting your head, you looked towards Momo, who seemed to be watching your every move. Once your eyes had met, she ducked her head, her face turning a nice shade of pink.
“You like iced coffee, right? With two pumps of vanilla syrup?”
You were surprised that she remembered your order, after all, the two of you had only gone out for coffee a handful of times before this, and you were usually with the rest of the girls. When you took a sip of the beverage, you let out a content hum, smiling back at the girl. “This is perfect, thanks.”
She seemed to grow even pinker at your words. “Ah, I’m glad you like it! I was worried that I’d gotten the wrong drink, or that it wasn’t the same as you usually get it, or—“
“Momo,” You started, giggling a bit when her attention snapped back to you, “It’s good, really. Don’t worry about it,”
She nodded her head, taking a few deep breaths before drinking her own beverage. As the two of you sat in silence, you couldn’t help that your eyes began to wander. You couldn’t help that your eyes travelled from her own, her beautiful gray eyes that felt almost like staring into a galaxy, to her cute little nose, all the way to her lips, which you guiltily admit that you’ve thought about on more than one occasion. You refused to let your eyes wander any further down, because firstly, you didn’t want to seem like some pervert, you knew your boundaries, and secondly, you knew that you’d end up flustered, and then she’d ask why you were flustered, and then the whole date would be ruined. 
While you found yourself lost in thought, you didn’t notice that Momo was staring at you in a similar fashion, though she was a bit more subtle. Through quick glances she wondered just how unfair it was that you could look so beautiful while doing the most mundane things. She wondered how one person could make her feel a million butterflies all at once, and how one person could be at the center of her attention at all times. 
At first, she thought her feelings were ones of jealousy. After all, you seemed to excel at anything you put your mind to, and it didn’t hurt that you were pretty. But, after getting to know you better, and hanging around you, she realized that the feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn’t an ugly one, no, rather, it was one of the most amazing feelings a person can experience.
She never did allow herself to tell you about them, though. It was too scary for her, she thought that you’d reject her immediately, and then she’d be left alone. No, she’d rather just keep to herself, where her feelings would be safe, and she could keep you by her side. It was certainly hard for her though, with all of the compliments you’d drown her in, and all of the times you’d remind her that you liked her. It’d get her hopes up, but she’d immediately crush those thoughts. She wouldn’t let herself feel those emotions.
But, in this one instance, with the both of you not so subtly checking the other out, the two of you had reached the same conclusion: you were both tired of hiding.
“Momo, I—“
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, before letting out awkward laughs. She gestured towards you, smiling comfortingly.
“You go first,”
Looking at her, you calmed your nerves and nodded.
“I like you, Momo,”
Her face grew puzzled, as if she wasn’t quite sure what you were getting at. “I like you too?”
You groaned, shaking your head. Grabbing her hands you tried again. “No Momo, I like you, romantically.”
It took a few minutes for her to process your words, before erupting into the brightest shade of red imaginable. 
“You mean—“
“So, all this time you were—“
Looking down at your entwined hands, she found herself even more puzzled than before. This entire time, you actually liked her? As in, the same way that she liked you? Was she dreaming? This had to be a dream, things like this wouldn’t happen to her.
As she was dealing with her own inner monologue, you felt yourself grow insecure. The devil on your shoulder was telling you that you made a huge mistake, that you made her uncomfortable. Puling your hands away, you rubbed the back of your neck.
“We can just, forget that this happened. Sorry,”
Momo’s head shot up, and for the first time, you noticed a look of desperation on her face.
Your eyebrows furrowed, but you understood nonetheless. “Yeah, I figured as much. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable—“
She shook her head, taking your hand back in her own to silence you. “That’s not what I meant. I like you too,” Even though she felt so vulnerable and exposed, she kept eye contact with you, “In  a romantic way.”
It was your turn for your face to heat up. You were either sleeping or dead and in heaven, there was no other way that this could be happening. Using your open hand, you went to pinch yourself. After feeling the sharp sting, you looked back to your intertwined hands, then back at her.
“This is,” You paused, trying to process everything, “Real?”
She giggled at your response. Once you saw her nodding her head, you couldn’t help but break into a huge grin. Squeezing her hand, you leaned closer, so that the two of you were inches apart. You could feel her breathing stop, and it took everything in you to not laugh. As you got even closer, you saw her eyes flutter shut, and although you very much wanted to kiss her, you didn’t want to rush into things. So, you opted to kissing her cheek, your lips pressing against her soft skin. 
As you pulled away, you noticed the pout she gave you, though the blush staining her skin lessened the “menacing” effect. Laughing, you pinched her cheek, taking a sip of your drink.
“Maybe on the next date,”
When she hurriedly proposed that the two of you go out again tomorrow, you couldn’t help the warm feeling blossom in your stomach. Smiling, you agreed, wanting to get as much alone time with her as possible. 
Though the two of you were inexperienced when it came to relationships, neither of you really cared. After all, you got the girl, and that’s what mattered the most.
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