#shoutout mr leo !!!
number-one-good-boy · 1 month
Sometimes solo regression is just thinki,g abt my favorite character and getting rlllllllly happy :33 n sleepy !¡! I like to.ikagine tangible things like how he would smell or how his fur would feel or how his voice would sound !! Warm n comforting. whwn I imagine tactile things that I can't feel it helps me sink into regression a little easier, it's a lot harder without my owner or a handler !! But it's like. I imagine these things and it creates a quiet little space distinct from my own reality in my brain and I can feel a little more like a silly silly puppy :3. Happy !!! Wag!!!
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*sigh* 2003 turtles should’ve made a radio station
Did anyone see that one video of Raph and Mikey doing a podcast and answering questions? How neat would it be if they just… had a radio station??
Imagine, right, Mikey reads scary stories and he and Donnie are writing an episodic murder mystery story. Leo does mini-lessons in Japanese language and culture. Raph blasts absolutely banger music and gives updates on any new happenings New Yorkers should watch out for - ongoing gang wars, aliens on the loose, but also charity events outside of Oroku Saki’s work because. Fuck Oroku Saki lol
Whenever they get into trouble and can’t get to their radio station or are too busy fighting something, the few New Yorkers that listen to them worry, and as they worry, they talk, and so ironically anytime the station goes quiet, the awareness of it spreads. The turtles keep coming back to new listeners, and they make more stories, more little lessons, they share little censored bits of their life. Mikey does in-depth analysis of superhero comics and shows like Star Trek, and very often reminds his listeners to Be Fuckin Weird!!! Be you be fun be interesting, your interests and hobbies are so cool I promise you, your outfit is banger and your hair is stylish and you deserve to feel confident in yourselves!!
Donatello shares hacks to make putting together machines easier for yourself, especially encouraging women to not feel intimidated or ridiculed by men for never being taught stuff like car mechanics — once you know where to start and what things look like, it’s easy enough! He researches reliable resources both online and offline, and occasionally rambles about new breakthroughs and what they mean in the bigger scope of all things science.
Leo has little episodes about exploring the soul - learning to understand yourself, meditating on who you are and want to be, but also how to cope with dangerous or traumatizing situations (shoutout to the Ancient One). Lots of queer folk lightheartedly agree that they would come out to him without hesitance because he “would be so so nice about it I bet.”
Raph starts setting up interviews, at first with the humans he knows - the kind Mrs. Morrison, talking about the horribly unfair housing policies making her life harder, the Professor, to humanize the homeless, but then he gets a little braver and starts interviewing nonhumans that live in the city — Leatherhead first, and then Sydney and the other people from the Underground City. A stray Utrom that settled down here and opted to stay when their peers left for home. Professor Honeycutt, when he visits - that interview sort of cements that he’s not making these people up, because, well. Everyone had seen and heard the fugitoid during the invasion. He interviews superheroes, both those that work during the day, and those that work during the night (and yes, he does interview the Turtle Titan). He invites the Battle Nexus Daimyo for a visit. But the interview most beloved by the listeners… is one Raphael conducts with his dad.
They never mention they’re mutants, but I wonder how many people feel something click in their minds when Raph starts the interview by going “so. Just you and four kids, practically homeless, hiding in the shadows. How did you manage, those first few years when we were really little?” And they talk about being a single dad who was “barely an adult” (read: still learning himself how to be a mutant) and all the folks out there who maybe had to deal with having kids too early or at a time where they couldn’t properly take care of them as much as they wanted to, they all lean in, because this man sounds like he’s about sixty now - surely he’ll have some wise words of advice? And he does, Splinter talks about having to learn what kids are even like, never having had interacted with that many people in general before, he often had to guess at what was a serious ailment and what was simply a byproduct of childhood and later puberty, he talks about how visiting his few friends (the Ancient One, and the Daimyo) helped him remember that he’s not all alone to do this, he talks about how what worked for one of his sons didn’t work for the other three and how a parent should always remain flexible and open minded and accepting of change, as change is natural to life and inevitable especially during the early years. And they talk and talk and I bet a bunch of New Yorkers go “wait a minute.. four guys that live on the streets with a dad they occasionally call a ‘master,’ one of them constantly talks about machinery, they all speak fluent Japanese… could these possibly be the fucked up little guys that saved my ass that one time? Could this be the guy I punched that one time cuz I freaked out?’
Like. Just consider it okay. A turtle radio station.
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alice-apparently · 3 months
May I humbly request pathetic wet cat characters from thy?? Also, Ames says hi :3
I feel like @amelie-isnt-french , my dear outlawfully wedded wife, just did the digital equivalent of dropping a surprise child on my doorstep
yk, I usually rather define my collective of characters as pathetic little white guys with questionable morals (though usually not, in fact, white) so this might deviate from what ames expects a little lol but anyway, have some pathetic wet cats:
- Hamlet
- I need to let Hamlet stand there on his lonesome but also Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as well as Estragon and Vladimir (waiting for godot)
- zuko (avatar the last airbender the cartoon, not the live thingie, I have not looked upon that and I shall not)
- batman. I shall not elaborate. Also I do wanna mention Jason Todd and Tim Drake, but batman’s the og wet cat. THE wet cat. They are all fine and in no need of therapy whatsoever.
- needles :) (the magnus protocol is a podcast distri—)
- Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice, another classic wet cat)
- Klaus (The Umbrella Academy)
- idk if this applies bc german but Adam and Leo from Saarbrücken Tatort.
- murtagh (Inheritance Cycle)
- ok listen he’s not a wet cat, really, but the dude from the Unwind Dystology. Ok so it’s not really about him at all, I just need people to read and talk to me about the Unwind Dystology.
- howl
- I just realised there is no women in this list but that makes sense bc it’s not that I don’t have any female characters I’m fixated on, they just are not wet cats, they can usually murder me :)
- Crowley (Good Omens)
- I really wanna include someone from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito in this but I am sightly hesitant to wholeheartedly name Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID a pathetic wet cat. i mean, he is but—
- also akai shuichi, the actual wet cat tm in DCMK
- i can’t decide on a single character but like, The Mechanisms’ discography is full of wet cats. Esp. High Noon over Camelot. Shoutout to my boy Galahad, too religious zealot to be wet cat but I need to mention him.
- the inspector from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (I may have forgotten his name but he is wet cat okay)
- xiao (genshin impact). Also Cyno.
- that reminds me, gabimaru the hollow (hell’s paradise)
- honourable mention: Patroclus
ok you know what this escalated slightly
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acaplaya-musings · 4 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Get Back Up Again
It took me a while to watch this one for the first time (which I did like a month or two ago), can't exactly explain why, though it did probably have something to do with the fact that I've never seen Trolls. Sure, I've seen a couple of scenes from it, and I know the characters and the basic plot, but I've just never actually sat down to watch it! And the only original song I knew from the movie was Can't Stop The Feeling (because it'd be basically impossible to not have heard it by this point). This song is really good though (originally written by Pasek & Paul apparently, which explains a lot), and Voiceplay's video for it (released in May 2018) is very fun as well, so let's get into it!
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Some person called "Leo" is credited for the intro animation, so shoutout to Leo! The little character designs are so cute, and I will get to each one individually.
The up-and-down hand movements that J is doing at the start of the video, they intrigue me and I swear he (or possibly another VP member) has done very similiar hand motions in a different video. Does stuff like that just come with being an acapella singer or something?
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Earl is Poppy, the main character of the movie! He looks good in pink honestly
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Eli is Branch, the secondary protagonist (I guess?) of the movie
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J None is Guy Diamond (a troll covered in silver glitter) and he's styling!
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Geoff is Biggie, one of the biggest troll characters in the movie, who has a pet worm/best friend called Mr Dinkles (yes, that is what Geoff is holding)
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And Layne is Smidge, who apparently (I looked it up on the Trolls Wiki) is one of the shortest trolls in the movie (ironic considering Layne is the tallest of the group), and is female, but speaks with a deep, masculine-sounding voice (trust Layne to give himself a comedic casting choice 😂 (this was his arrangement, and he and Geoff collaborated on the video))
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1, Earl seems Confused by Layne's percussion-making method. 2, those chairs look really soft and comfy. And 3, great face Geoff 😆
Obligatory acknowledgement of J 'farting' glitter. I'm guessing it's a thing that Guy Diamond does in the movie
Okay so Geoff's hair does seem basically the same as it does in the 80s Cartoon Themes video (I was wondering), it might just be styled ever-so-slightly differently or something (also I really love his smiles in this video <3 )
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Did J already own that necklace or was it bought just for this video?
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Eli is Confused and Tired 😂
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I don't think this is just a lowering of the lighting in this shot here, I think it's also got lower saturation levels I believe? (Possibly a post-production effect).
(Also Geoff being pretty without even trying (again))
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"cause I know that I'm really really really gonna be OKAY!"
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And then Eli, J, and Geoff's reactions 😆
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Shoutout to Kathy (Geoff's wife) for doing the puppeteering in this video!
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Geoff seems to be having fun anyway!
Love the subtle camera shake on the "if you knock knock me over, knock knock me over" line, in time with the knocking!
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"Hug time!" "Hug time! I love hug time! Hug time's my favourite.
Also shout to the end card with the guys playing with the dolls/puppets, and "thank you to the Patrons for supporting this...craft project" 😂
This video is definitely a serotonin booster, both visually and musically!
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bellamuertes · 2 years
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hey y’all! i see so many beautiful creations on this site, so i wanted to start a monthly shoutout series and give a little extra love to some truly exceptional art. previous shoutouts can be found here!
Favorite Famous Leo Men | @jakeyp
Oscar Issac’s Filmography | @oscarskirt
The Batman: Oswald Cobblepot | @alpacinosgf
Escape Room: Characters | @felixcarlucci
Evil Dead 2: Ash Williams | @thewintersoldier
Final Girls | @sidsprescotts
The Gray Man: Lloyd Hansen | @justconfettiandsomeddew
MCU: Steve Rogers | @hoe-biwan
The Old Guard: Nile Freeman | @strangehighs
Nope: In the Woods Somewhere | @kehlanies
Scream: Favorite Quotes | @samuelwinchesters 
Shazam!: Billy Batson | @dawnsedits
Star Wars: HanLeia + Tropes | @nataliaaromanovas
Star Wars: Luke & Leia | @a-hologramgalaxy 
Star Wars: Luke & Anakin | @djarin
The Backstreet Boys: Hits of the ‘90s | @shutterbug-12
MCR: Gerard Way | @meliorn
Better Call Saul: McWexler x Always Hurt the One You Love |  @jimmymcgill
Better Call Saul: McWexler x Two Slow Dancers | @lousolversons
Bones: The Jeffersonian Forensics Division | @fionagallaqher
Daredevil: Benjamin Poindexter | @spiderdevils
Daredevil: Matt Murdock | @daredevills 
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani x Jamie | @firstkill
Only Murders in the Building: Mabel Mora | @usersmidnights
Only Murders in the Building: Son of Sam Cards | @whatsasophie
Outlander: Jamie x Clare + Tropes | @swanthief
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Telephones | @bekindreblog
The Sandman: Death and Dream | @seance
Shameless: Fiona Gallagher | @fionagallaqher
Supernatural: Azazel’s Special Children | @seasononesam
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discomedy · 11 months
初见klaasje的时候authority failed说过have a fuck with you,再次见到对她不客气她会提起这事
ice cop hat fuck show之后(他不喜欢这样暴露脆弱丢了rcm面子呜呜呜)
道德支线empathy check失败跟接线员抱怨kim(ass riding超好笑但代价值得吗,关系好就说不敢相信还以为你好起来了,关系不好就说疯言疯语毫不意外)
跟tommy聊诗歌tommy意外cop也能创作,回答说fuck the cop(如果说rcm其实有各式各样的人会加评价)
回敬cuno说maybe i wanna(fuck),把cuno吓一跳
在dj mesh那里说种族主义言论
然后问他们能不能shoutout kim的名字被拒绝
并且连累kim在speedfreak fm挨骂
跟rosemary说自己是cuno的pig hooker
破冰者are you fucking insane
吸了speed,im not your mother
跟acele说have problem with homosexual(又是民族主义者选项)
在审讯hardie boys时kim打过信号以后还是头铁试图逮捕shanky
跟soona说要建drug lab(技能提醒你别当着kim面说但当然圆不回来了)
跟joyce说kim喜欢speedfreak fm
跟joyce说mr evrart helped me find my gun
跟joyce说wanna fuck
跟lizzy说What are you going to *do* to me(没气势也没技巧)
回忆kimball失败说you guys并且继续说西奥人玩弹球刻板印象
找gary问turn back time,骂kim是西奥间谍
kim吓唬piss和fuck的时候捣乱/跟piss和fuck说fuck the police
说喜欢现在的rcm标语Puts the fear of god back in the f****ts.(又是民族主义)
搜完卡车不跟kim debrief
撞破acele的drug lab说自己要分成/没能成功在kim面前说谎
对kim说fuck off
接了调查cuno爸爸的活儿说自己是bad addict cop
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aaviav · 3 years
🎄HAPPY HOLIDAYS, GUYS!! 🎄 2020 was quite a year for everyone, man. i'm so glad i decided to rejoin tumblr and because of that, i got to meet some super cool people. and i drew a fair amount of handsome 2D boys!! things slowed down in the last few months but i hope i'll learn to juggle uni and personal drawing better soon. fingers crossed 🤞
there was this post where people mentioned the ones they’re thankful for in 2020 and well... i thought it’d be nice to give a couple of shoutouts myself. “you”, you ask, “the one who is terrible at words and also expressing their feelings?” yes, absolutely. (also aaa thank u to @/otonymous @/scummy-writes  for tagging me back then ; ; )
@op-peccatori nanaaaaaaaaaa ;__; 💖 i'm so so glad i got to start talking to you this past year. i feel like we can relate on a lot of things, and somehow a few short sentences always evolve into walls of text???? like. bruh. how. 💀 💀 i know i take a while to respond sometimes but getting to read your replies is a joy every time. hope you're doing ok and please give Theo lots of kisses from me HAHA  💖
@beni-draw-ikemen-please BENIIII you're The Sweetest Ever™ 🥺 i mean it!! you're also so genuine and v v fun to talk to, i hope we get to do that more often in the future! ; v ; thank you for sharing your thirst and wonderful art with us all. ALSO ALSO: don't forget to take care of yourself. OR ELSE 😤 sending lots of virtual hugs your way! 💖 💖
@scummy-writes we're both shy beans but whenever i see you around or on on the occasional messages to eachother, you're The Sweetest Ever™ #2 🥺 for 2021 (and beyond) i wish you more confidence in yourself and your writing, because you're amazing! sometimes u just gotta channel ur inner Shea LaBeouf and Just Do It! i believe in u!!!! 💖
@littlegrrl7 hi! i appreciate you and the things you make!!! a lot!!!! you're a fic writing machine, haha. yours were the first longfics that i read and honestly, your writing is so engaging in that you keep it interesting and it's also fun and easy to read and with a healthy dose of smut cough cough. thank you for sharing! 🥰
@dear-mrs-otome Mrs O! i might or might not have been slightly intimidated at first hahah orz ANYWAY our Best Boi venn diagram might have the thinnest overlap ever but thank you for the support all the same, and i'll also always BE thankful for Drained Dry which feels like a sorta ikevamp themed discord home for me 🥺 🥺
@maanawa HELLO U!! thank u for becoming my first penpal in years!! 🥰 for some reason u always seem like such a unique person to me?? if u put a gun to my head and asked why, i wouldn't be able to answer bc i have no idea, but like. i mean it in the best way 0: 👌  
@hideoutpastel HI PASTEL, i'm glad i get to interact with u a bit more bc of twitter! u are a delight!! 😤 also i think u already know but like. ur art is so ✨ sparkly ✨ and bright and beautiful ok. kthx #bless 
@yenanng i might not always reply or interact, but seeing your twt updates is somehow v cool haha. i hope you get to rest and work on personal art soon! i'm cheering u on!!! \o/ 💖
@nan-chi @weird-profiterole HI HI! 🥰 we haven't talked to eachoter much but you guys seem super genuine and fun, i hope we get to interact more in the future!! also your art is so cute i cri 😭💖
@mikotomizuki LEO HOES UNITE 🤝 🤝 thank you for being hilarious and bringing your tiddy memes everywhere you go LMAO. let's keep our fingers crossed for more amazing Leo content in 2021 🤞💖
@pseudofaux you are delightful!! thank you for all the support always. you're an angel and we don't deserve you 😭💖 (also hello ur writing skills? y e s)
@pickle-scribbles Faa, I LIVE FOR YOUR THIRST COMMENTS. SERIOUSLY HAHA. and i die bc of your masterful smut 😭 just,, thank you 🥺💖
@otonymous i've probably mentioned this before but your fics were one of the first ones i read when i got back into tumblr, and honestly? what an amazing author to start with. #thepowerofthirst 💀 i kinda stopped consuming MLQC content so i haven't kept up w everything you put out but i know that you're still AMAZING and also so funny and just. 10/10 man 
@tacogawa @savourthelittlethings u guys are just. so cool!!!!! that's all thank u for coming to my ted talk 🥰
@akirafanarts ​ hi!! i haven’t forgotten u!! hope you’ve been doing ok!! 💖
@meowlayn-art you are v sweet! your art is gorgeous! and your OCs are amazing!! 🥺 i'm cheering for you! 💖
@incorrect-ikevamp-quotes​ a lil random but like. thank you for your insights on a bunch of idiots under one roof aka the ikevamp boys!! 💖 and also for the Top Notch 11/10 memes. bless  🙏 🙏
special shout out to everyone on Drained Dry that i haven't yet mentioned, u guys are v cool ; v ; 💖
and lastly, thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged or interacted with my posts or just took a second to appreciate my art, really. drawing 2D boys is a joy, and i'm glad if it brings even the tiniest bit of happiness into other people's lives too! you guys are the best 💖💖💖
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lunawings · 3 years
Ace (and Leo)’s PriZoom Birthday Party!! 4/4/2021
(Yes it took way too long before someone coined PriZoom... But)
That was.............. 
Comments on Tatsuyuki Kobayashi’s live appearance at the end
Not to say this showing wasn’t without occasional feedback/unnecessary noise from people who should have been muted, but still, it went a LOT smoother this time. There were only about 170 people but there were supposedly two different rooms (text only and regular cheering) so I don’t know if that was the actual grand total. I did regular cheering of course. I don’t have that much to say in SSS but I like to be a part of the madness. People were really chatty and relaxed this time too! Making shoutouts to the cosplayers and such. Lots of familiar faces from the previous stream!
The staff has even started doing this little thing at the end where they showcase a bunch of different cameras. They didn’t pick mine, thoughhhhh. Actually the only time I was on the main screen was at the very end of the movie. (I think perhaps they have realized they have been inexplicably infiltrated by a gaijin and don’t know how to handle it, as is the Japanese way.) It was the perfect time to realize I... COMPLETELY FORGOT THE 366 LOVE DIARY DANCE FFFFFFNOOOOOOOOO--I have to practice before the next one. It hadn’t occurred to me that we would actually get 366 Love Diary.
So they have mentioned these showings would be the theater edit, and going into it I was really curious like... would it really be the theater edit? Like the completely original version with 366 Love Diary and everything? Or did they just splice the DVD into the theater cut? But I think it really WAS the theatrical version. I won’t know unless I see Part 3 or Part 4 though, because those had some pretty significant differences between the theatrical version and the TV version. (A really noticeable animation error with Leo’s hair in Part 3, Shin’s got a different phone background in Part 4, etc...) Nnnrrrgh I don’t really want to see Part 4 but I might have to... NOT today though. I made the difficult decision to only do Part 2 today. (I miss disposable income....) But hopefully I can do Part 1 in May for Taiga and Part 3 in June for Alexander?
I’ve always considered Part 1 and Part 3 to be my favorites, so I always forget how much I do like Part 2: BABY KAKERU, Joji dragging the Shuffle on his date, JOJI! HAIR!!!!, ACE, Orange Flamingo, Joker Kiss, sssAAAILInGGGGGGGGGGG... (even on ZOOM I got the full body goosebumps when Minato looked up). 
Some notable stuff:
People yelling in Okayama-ben during the Joji flashback (そうじゃ、そうじゃ!instead of そうだ、そうだ!etc) I was DYINGGGG
When Ace’s mic is cut: “Is there a problem with Zoom??” “TAKE JOJI OFF MUTE!!”
Several people prepared fish for particular scenes in episode 4 and 6.
I think my favorite feed was the person who aimed their camera back at the screen with their Torachi and Dorachi plushies watching.
Or maybe just the person who had up the background of the Ikebukuro Train Station the whole time (PPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT)
Someone had up the ferris wheel in Shizuoka where the Kouji scene takes place too though!! AAAAHAAAAA!!! (Going there is seriously one of my favorite King of Prism memories of all time.)
Additional shoutouts to:
The Hiro cosplayer who was eating curry during episode 6.
The girl in the orange happi with “From the cradle to the grave” actually framed on her wall (possibly in real calligraphy!?)
The Tsubasa fangirl (!!??!) who held up a Tsubasa fan whenever she was on screen
The person with the Ace plushie (!!). I didn’t know they existed. He had his hat from the Joker Kiss performance too. 
There was at least one Leo cosplayer but there were SEVERAL Ace cosplayers. Like WOW. Also shoutout to the person who cosplayed as an actual Ace of Hearts card omg I love this fandom so much. 
But really though there was SO. MUCH. ACE. LOVE in this showing. So many Ace backgrounds/homemade Ace cheering goods, etc. I know this was specifically the Ace birthday showing but still. Considering Ace isn’t exactly a main character I think this was pretty huge. 
And now onto what you were possibly all waiting for, the Tatsuyuki Kobayashi greeting! This was basically almost exactly what it felt like to go to a theater greeting show in Japan, just on Zoom. I used to always talk about trying to see the voice actors at smaller events to try and get them to notice me and this was... basically THAT. Almost better in a way!? Because he could see all of us equally? Read all of our comments on the screen!!! Of course I had no idea what to say when presented with this opportunity....... GAHHH HE’S SO FREAKIN CUTE 
We started off by singing Happy Birthday to Ace and Leo (actually just him because we were on mute!), and then we all blew out the candles on a cake together. He mentioned him and the staff would eat the cake later haha. 
He then started to talk about his experience playing Ace. He mentioned that when he first sang Love Mix for Pride the Hero, his character didn’t even have a name yet. He was simply the ghost singer.  And when he came out and made that surprise performance at the MRS concert he was so nervous he barely remembered it!! But when he got to perform again as Ace at the SSS live in Feb 2020, now that Ace had come into his own, he was much more confident and it was very meaningful to him. 
This really resonated with me. I’ve actually seen Tatsuyuki Kobayashi in concert a total of three times. The first time was at MRS during that surprise performance. It was an amazing surprise, but at that time I only saw him as Joji even though I knew he wasn’t. (And I wasn’t even all that attached to Joji back then because he was such a minor character at the time.) The second time I saw him was as Asahi at a Pretty Series show, where I was waaaaaay at the back and didn’t really get to see him that well, so I didn’t really get a proper chance to appreciate his performance. But when I saw him as Ace at the SSS live... THAT was when I fell in love with him (and HOW). Because really, he did just seem SO CONFIDENT and like he was enjoying it so much and finally seeing him perform as Ace for real was really meaningful. 
Sorry for the tangent, but yeah. He talked about how moved he was by how many of us had come to cheer on Ace today with backgrounds, props, cosplay, etc. And he credited all of us cheering him on for him making it this far, for finally becoming the leader of the Shuffle! AWWWWWWRGH! I’m SO HAPPY for him AHH he deserves everything and moreeeeeeeee this was so nice
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maariarogers · 3 years
flash review for episode 16 yes i watched it a bit earlier than i should cause i cant help myself!!!!
if u’ve been reading my flash review, y’all know, Y’ALL KNOW, i’m not into the whole suho as a musician idea
im a webtoon!suho stan first and i dont have any regrets, and like??? while i could see where and why they put the leo idea into working, idk........ it’s just not the canon i’ll adapt but i’m very happy regardless that, because of that, we do have a shoutout to seyeon once more
like you could see the series going back to its source of grief, but this time, we accepted seyeon’s gone, and we cherish him for the memories he left us - in a way, suho stayed true to what jugyeong asked of him “cheer up. i’m sure the one who left us don’t want us to suffer for too long”
and it’s a good round-up for seojun too because even as an idol, he didn’t forget seyeon. in the webtoon i believe, he suffered and was traumatised so much from the industry due to seyeon’s death - so in a way, this is quite a nice homage the way the webtoon never really gave, to how seojun sorta overcame that trauma? embraced the industry in the end? idk, if webtoon!seojun stan have any opinions on it, i would LOVE to hear it out
i have ..... to be honest. as much as i adore suho and jugyeong, and i really like the depiction of relationship mr. cha eunwoo and our madam moon gayoung portrayed, i kinda feel suho was sorta out of character towards the end?
not drastically, cause there are some points that i think what suho did would be something webtoon!suho would’ve done i.e. standing up to juyeong for the sake of jugyeong, reading together, COOKING!!!!! but then again, maybe this just came back to me not liking the musician route they gave suho???
and possibly because,,,, idk how to say this delicately and have my points still came across,,, (again, this is very webtoon-heavy reference, which i dont have to compare but am i gonna? yes) but?? suho’s really quiet? as a person? he keeps A LOT to himself? and yes, i understand, he’s shared so much with jugyeong which was why we see him being quite easy-going, but it’s still..... it feels like it’s more the actor being happy, than suho being happy? i think? if that makes sense?
and what i mean by quiet is like, suho is such a private person that almost everything he does is silent. his anger is quiet, his happiness is quiet, his concerns and anxiety even more so, and he’s so reserved as a person, and i’m sure a two-year absent and all that guilt and regret from leaving and not contacting, isn’t something easy to shed. but in the k-drama, all is forgiven. suho’s happy, everyone’s happy. and i just???
maybe i feel it’s a little rushed, perhaps???? yeah, so that’s that!
i was YELLING that they need to give jugyeong some hickeys or smth and then,,,,, they gave one to suho,,,,,,,, im- SHOOK!!!!!!!!
or maybe its cha eunwoo’s birthmark but i wouldn’t know this information so if im wrong feel free to correct me
suho giving tools for heegyeong as a wedding gift is the *chef’s kiss* content i dont know i needed
seojun deserves better right..................................or is that just me sdjhsdkfsdkjkshdf
i’ve always been a fan of park hosan (jugyeong’s father) since i’ve watched him on OCN’s The Guest, and apart of why i feel so sad seeing the drama ends, is because i LOVE what he provided in his role
the whole lim family was just so believable as a family in ways that the webtoon couldn’t give, like, it’s established - but it isn’t as well-developed because in the k-drama, we can SEE how the lim family are very family-oriented, there’s history there, there’s attachment
jugyeong’s father cries every time he’s reminded that his daughters will / can get married, and we can see features that heegyeong clearly inherits a lot from their strong-willed mother, juyeong is an annoying little shit but he’s also so equally protective and loveable at the same time, all the siblings fight, and the parents reprimand, and i know its just a k-drama but this shit moves me
so to see all the family interaction, brought by park hosan, and the rest of the lim family casts, i just..... i get teary-eyed
so i’m quite sad when they didn’t play a final homage of the lim family together in the end, but. yeah, i love them so much
the conclusion with suho-jugyeong story was quite well played until the end - still miss the ponytail-glasses jugyeong though :((
overall: 6/10 but only because it’s the end, a bit rushed? and they didn’t give lee selena the recognition she deserves skdjfkshfkds but...... i really like it overall, i think. i still somehow await for the next episode lmaooo but. yeah. it’s time to let it go. might still write a couple of fanfics tho,,, might still write a couple of fanfics
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the man was FILLED with easter eggs and metaphors. here they are!
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1. being in the room where it happens
in the lyric video for the man, we see a woman working so hard to try and get to where all the men are -- on top, both physically and metaphorically. in the music video, we see The Man starting out here, just another normal day at the office. another normal day in charge, and on top.
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2. “i’d be a fearless leader”
The Man not so much as walks into the room and makes a few comments before getting applause for his work. at the same time, every desk in this office can be seen with a mountain of papers, files, and books stacked on top of them. for all the hard work that these people are doing in this office, The Man gets all the applause for a fraction of it.
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3. the subway
now, obviously what we have here is what you have on any and every subway or other form of local transportation -- that one asshole who feels entitled to take up as much space as he wants at the discomfort of everyone around him. while i could get into how mansplaining is a metaphor for men feeling the right to take up more space in society then women, i won’t. instead, i want to focus on all the little details on this subway that tell men they can. at the very, very top of the frame, we see text at the bottom of an ad that says “because you DESERVE what you want” and the posters on either side of The Man tell us “mother nature doesn’t stand a chance” and “capitalize on the feeling”. this is how society treats men. they should get to do whatever they want, based only on their feelings or wants. this notion will become important in the subway station.
shoutout to the girl in the miss americana hoodie! i think we can safely say she’s listening to lover on her headphones.
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4. the newspaper
for this image, i turned the brightness WAYYY up so we could read the newspaper. the leading headline is “what man won the year in celebrity dating?” with the caption “who crushed it this year?” one headline says “years most eligible CEO’s” and another says “men in love in sports”. now, i don’t have to tell you that taylor swift was vilified for her relationships. these headlines show the difference between how men and women are treated when it comes to relationships. what’s it like to brag about getting bitches and models?
on the back cover, we see a contrast between how men and women are viewed in society. the ad dedicated towards men has a very strong and tough vibe to it, and the article beneath it carries the title “it’s men against boys with no ladies around.” in fact, the only mention we get of said “ladies” is in the “style section” where we see two sexy, rail thin women posing at fashion shows. while society views men for their strength, women are supposed to be objects of beauty and desire, and nothing more. 
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5. here lies taylor swift’s reputation (and all her previous albums)
now, obviously, the sign says “missing, if found, please return to taylor swift” and grafitied on the walls are the names of the albums whose masters taylor does not own. remember when those ads on the subway told men that you DESERVE what you want? that’s what empowered The Men who stole taylor’s masters to take them. they wanted them, after all! let’s also remember that The Man is can be seen pissing on the wall in this shot. it’s a metaphor for The Men who own taylor’s old albums and are essentially pissing on all her hard work. we can also see “KARMA” written in big letters in the middle of all the albums, which invokes a lyric from look what you made me do: “all i think about is karma, and then the world moves on but one things for sure, maybe i got mine but you’ll all get yours”. pretty sure karma is coming for The Men who own taylor’s masters.
if you look closely, you can also see a sign to the left of The Man that says no scooters! sc*oter bra*n is not welcome at the 13th street station
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6. “i’d be just like leo in st. tropez”
for your viewing pleasure, i have included an image of leo in st. tropez. we can see women in bikinis, and every sort of expensive, luxurious form of leisure you could think of. during the verse where we see The Man on the yacht, she sings “they’d say i hustled, put in the work, they wouldn’t shake their heads and question how much of this i deserve”. this is reminiscent of The Man when he was in the office and how, no matter how much work he did or didn’t do, he is heralded as a genius. the point of saying she’d be just like leo in st. tropez is not to try and call out leonardo dicaprio for going a cruise and having some fun. people should be entitled to celebrate and vacation however they please. the point is that women should be able to do the same thing.
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7. The Man’s “walk of shame”
this is a metaphor for how men in society are treated when they take a misstep. while women can be criminalized and thrown the wolves, it appears that men always have people on their team, and in this case, hands lining up to be high-fived. men often are not held to the same standards as women, and even when they do something wrong, they face very little backlash for it, and normally have their own set of groupies or supporters telling them that they were really in the right (and they are allowed to believe it).
at the back of the hallway, there hangs a portrait of The Man pointing at the camera, as if to say “you ARE the man.” it feels like uncle sam, but in a “ i want YOU for us army whatever your heart desires” kind of way.
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8. world’s greatest dad
the bar for men is so low that when they do the very minimum (in this case, merely look after their own child), they get commended for it. imagine if this were a woman. would she be applauded? no, she would probably be reprimanded for being on her phone and ignoring her child, like The Man did here.
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9. bragging
this one is pretty self-explanatory. what’s it like to brag about raking in dollars and getting bitches and models? what’s it like when it’s all good if you’re bad and it’s okay if you’re mad? in this scene, we see The Man telling all his buddies about the bitches and models and dollars, and then freaking out on somebody. 
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10. raking in dollars
who's on the 100 dollar bill? he is! the serial number on this bill also ends in 13. i thought there might be more hidden goodies here, but if there are, the video isn’t in high enough resolution to tell. the only other thing i can make out was that it said “for motion picture use only” which i thought would be an easter egg until i rendered it in photoshop and could read it clearly. oh well!
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11. raising money for the women’s charity
a problem we see in society a lot is people of privilege being an ally only by action, not by everyday behavior. here, we see The Man benefitting a women’s charity, but all throughout the video we haven’t seen him go out of his way to respect or give a voice to women. even in this shot, a woman stands on the sidelines while The Man takes all the glory. while he raises money for women, he has no other character traits that show he actually cares about them. 
in a different shot of this scene, a water bottle from taylor’s merch can be seen on the sideline.
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12. the unimpressed umpire
this is taylor’s dad! his name is scott. in a video full of mediocre men, scott is our resident Good Man :)
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13. the freakout
in 2018, serena williams unleashed on an umpire who accused her of cheating and stuck her with her third penalty of the game -- penalties the whole crowd was certain she did not deserve. she even said at the time “To lose a game for saying that, it’s not fair. How many other men do things? There’s a lot of men out here who have said a lot of things. It’s because I am a woman, and that’s not right.” this is a DIRECT representation of this. it’s as they say, it’s all good if you’re bad, and it’s okay if you’re mad.
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14. the hat
the hat our tennis attendant is seen wearing says “TS” in big letters, and in a circle around it, it says “i’d be a fearless leader, i’d be an alpha type.” taylor’s dad can also be seen wearing this hat.
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15. the one where lover is NOT the happy couple’s first dance
first of all, this shit makes me SO uncomfortable. this is obviously an allusion to all the men who marry MUCH younger women, which is poignant because, again, taylor suffers mercilessly for her relationship choices, and they’re nowhere near as abhorrent as this. something also worth mentioning: scott borchetta is turning 58 this year. i’ll let you figure the rest out.
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16. mr americana
any taylor swift fan will know that in january, taylor released a documentary with an intimate perspective on her life titled “miss americana” which focused a lot on the struggles taylor has overcome in her career. choosing miss americana to be a part of this video is a wise choice, because it highlights those same struggles that taylor is tackling in this music video. we can probably assume that mr americana faces significantly less struggles.
every part of this poster has been revamped to be man-centered, even down to the star role - tyler swift, not taylor.
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17. take two
here, our director tells The Man that he needs to be sexier, and more likable. this reflects criticism that taylor and other women in the public eye hear almost daily. as i mentioned before, women in society are valued only as objects of beauty and desire, and here, we see the script flipped to bring that to light. 
in this final scene, we leave the fantasy world of the music video that The Man is starring in, and go to what appears to be a woman-dominated world, insinuating that the universe of the music video is one opposite to our own. this drives home the claim that if taylor were the man, she would be the man.
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18. dwayne the rock johnson
i thought that having the rock voice The Man was really poignant. think about the rock’s career -- started out as a wrestler, is now an actor, but he’s known for his kindness and his dedication to social justice. if you asked me if he had ever been a part of any scandal, i would tell you no. and that’s exactly who The Man is. that’s exactly who this song is about, and that’s who taylor is. she has had an insanely successful career spanning over a decade, crossing into multiple different genres and fields, and excelling at all of it. she’s friendly, hard working, a social justice warrior, and a philanthropist. but all of those things are pushed aside in favor of the negative. using the rock as The Man was the perfect way of finishing off the statement,
“if i was a man, i’d be the man.”
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babysprouseisart · 5 years
Cole Sprouse is...
originally from Arezzo, Italy;
named after the talented jazz artist Nat King Cole;
a Leo;
27 y.o;
6′0″ tall;
graduated from Laurel Springs School in 2010;
the youngest of the twins for 15 minutes;
considering himself as a feminist;
green colour lover;
the owner of his excellent acting skills thanks to his grandmother, Jonin Booth Wright, an actress and acting teacher, with the filing of which boys at the age of eight months began their acting career;
a former Disney Channel Star;
playing without a brother since 2001;
survived a childhood love for Jennifer Aniston and had difficulties in working with her on set:  “I had a really, really hard time working with [Jennifer] Aniston because I was so in love with her. I was infatuated. I was speechless — I’d get all bubbly and forget my lines and completely blank … It was so difficult.”;
a huge fan of Oasis, System of a Down, Gorillaz, Green Day and Linkin Park;
loving homemade lasagna and stuffed green peppers;
very smart: during the filming of "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody", Cole spent three hours each day with a tutor. In one year, he completed an advanced program in psychology and political science, and then was admitted to the New York’s University, where he studied humanities and archeology, used to be a president of the undergrad archeology club;
used to work in a comic-book store;
a person whose face was often used to cover book covers without asking permission: tweeted in March 2017: “Shoutout to this publisher for using my face as the love interest of a romance. A Heart Remedy From Mr. Heartbreaker, in trashcans near you”;
fond of cooking, especially chocolate cake;
such crazy about computer games, comics;
always crying when he watches two very different movies;
more into night time more than daytime.;
a person who went to college to go into the shadows after years of work on the Disney channel and break stereotypes of child stars;
playing the role of Jughead in the cult series based on Archie comics, Riverdale, although initially he wanted to abandon the project and initially auditioned for the role of Archie;
is used to be a fan of Barchie;
is in love and dating his co-star, Lili Reinhart;
a fan of grand romantic gestures;
outspoken about his political beliefs: “Your brand is not in jeopardy by public opposition to Trump. Your nation is in jeopardy without it”, via Twitter;
not like to be caught on camera and takes revenge photos of his fans;
one whose favorite vacation spot is the Bahamas;
admirer of  "Casablanca" couple: Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart;
not like when Dylan wears his clothes;
an incredible photographer;
described as very loyal, hardworking, passionate about art, acting, his own harshest critic;
Favorite Male TV Star (RD) and Favorite Drama Movie Star (FFA);
a guy with a great sence of humour;
owner of gorgeous pitch black hair;
an animal lover;
former cosplayer.
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
hi i’d like to request a roommate match up. my zodiac is leo whilst my mbti is infj and my hogwarts house is between ravenclaw and slytherin. my favourite food is noodles or spaghetti or seafood and my favourite ghibli film is howl’s moving castle and i love haikyuu as my favourite anime so far! subject wise, i love chemistry, english lit and art whilst maths and pe are my worst🥴. my hobbies include reading, writing and art so i need a large creative space and someone who wouldn’t invade (1/2)
that space but would also appreciate my hobbies. lifestyle wise, i like to wake up early but i sleep very late too (eyebags yay!). i’m clean hygiene wise but not organised/tidy and i’m introverted- i mostly like to eat meals alone and get tired with too many people around but occasionally i like to spend time w people or where we hang out together but do our own thing. i also love privacy but need to feel supported and loved and i love to help people/support them. thank you!! (2/2)
Dear User,
congratulations, we have found you a potential roommate. We have throughly looked through your application and we hope you are happy with your results. Below this post are the details about them. 
Yours Sincerely 
The Accomodation Team 
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before we start can i just say that girl you are one lucky lady
Name: Akaashi Keiji 
Birthday: 5th December (Sagitarius) 
the most unproblematic roommate ever 
now, this is a well known fact of life but every sagitarius needs a leo bestie
anyway, on his character profile it says that he likes some type of a vegetable ( i am sorry i cannot remember it for the life of me) 
so i can imagine mr pretty boy here eats a very healthy diet and by looking at your favoutite foods i can gather you do the same (at least compared to the average person) 
akaashi always loves to cook these dishes for you because your facial expressions when eating are so cute 
like you look at him as if he has put the stars in the skies 
he loves it tho...
also another ghibli lover
on a rainy day the pair of you sit and have huge ghibli marathons i am talking blanket forts, popcorn that can feed the entire village 
of course snuggling is optional 
you always finish with the grand finale aka Howl Moving Castle (i am listening to the soundtrack right now as I am writing this) 
he dances with you when sophie and howl are walking accross the sky 
carla is soft 
now i feel like if akaashi had to pick between maths and english he would pick english 
not that he isn’t amazing at maths i will come onto to that bit 
you too would give each book recommendations and you would dicuss them in great detail over the dinner table 
also you would do book swaps together to expand your repotoire 
now when it comes to maths akaashi is very happy to tutor you like if he can put up with bokuto’s antic he can put up with your adorable confusion 
no susprise here, but he is a very good teacher, like your honey you will never have to worry about a single maths grade ever again
now akaashi comes across very cultured and cosmopolitan so i think he will appreciate your need for room in regards to your artwork 
he loves watching you work too, like he finds that you look so peaceful too 
your art will be put up around the house too 
akaashi is someone i believe lives quite a healthy lifestyle so if he is seeing eyebags under your eyes girl you best believe he will be forcing you to go to bed 
but in a nice way don’t worry, like he will tuck you, it is really cute
now he doesn’t mind that you are introverted at all actually i think he really loves that about you, he can come away from bokuto and his antics knowing he can just relax and have some peace
however please sit and eat meals with him like baby loves your company 
now if there is ever a person that will give you love and support it will be this man right here ladies and gentleman 
but not in a loud way more like acts of service or just a simply ruffle of the hair to let you know he is nearby 
he will drop everything if he knows you are ever feeling upset he is just that kind of a person 
overall you have a compassionate, calm but slightly blunt roommate
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Other Potential Matches: Sawamura Daichi and Yamaguchi Tadashi
hiya! i hope you liked the matchup and thank you for your patience. shoutout to a fellow british weeb too, enjoy the rest of your evening and talk soon 
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (12/?)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
A/N: Sorry not sorry for giving my main man Rafa’s ass a shoutout in this chapter. Can you guys tell that the summer tennis season was in full swing when I was writing this? 🎾 
Thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke for reading through a massive amount of words and saying positive things about them to feed my ego. 
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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Tag list: @eala-captian @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @wellhellotragic @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @galaxyzxstark @qualitycoffeethings @thejollyroger-writer
Emma: Can you do me a favor?
Killian: I feel like I need to know the favor before I say yes to that.
Emma: You’re no fun.
Killian: I have been reliably informed by my nieces that I am fun.
Emma: It’s great that you mention your nieces, because the favor is for my nephew.
Killian: Well, you should have said that first.
Emma: You’re the worst.
Killian: What do you need, Swan?
Emma: Like a month ago, I told Leo that I could get you to sign a hat for him, and I was just reminded that I haven’t done that yet.
Killian: Ah, so now I know why you’re really dating me.
Emma: Exactly.
Killian: I can most definitely get your nephew a signed hat. I’ll give it to you tonight?
Emma: Perfect. I can’t thank you enough.
Killian: You could come over on our off day tomorrow?
Emma: I like that idea. We’ve pretty much only texted for two weeks.
Killian: Or talked with a camera in our faces.
Emma: Exactly. See you tonight. I hope you have fun sitting in the dugout the entire time.
Killian: I’ve had a pretty woman sitting next to me the last few games, so it’s enjoyable.
Emma: Julia Roberts????
Emma: Okay, I really have to go, but don’t forget about the signed hat. It’s the only way that I’m going to come over tomorrow.
Killian chuckles at Emma’s last text before closing out his phone and placing it in the front pocket of his sweatpants as thunder roars to life outside, shaking the glass panes of his window as rain starts to fall from above. It’s a light sprinkling for about thirty seconds before a torrential downpour starts taking place, the sounds of the city drowned out by the late May storm that’s happening outside. He knew there was a chance that it was coming, has checked the weather obsessively as he tends to do whenever there’s the possibility of rain, and all he can do is hope that it’s a quick summer storm that dissipates long before tonight’s game so that the field can dry enough for them to play.
If this thunder and lightning continues, however, he doesn’t think that anyone will be stepping onto the field tonight.
Humming to himself, he steps away from his window and walks the few steps to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to find the ingredients he wants for an omelet and setting them out on the countertops. It takes him but a few moments to piddle around and start cooking himself a late breakfast, his coffee maker brewing behind him as the smell of coffee fills his nose, and soon enough, he’s raking his fork through his omelet so that metal scratches against glass as the rain continues to pour down outside, the sky only lightened by the occasional flash of light. It’s been a good while since it stormed like this, and oddly, he finds it relaxing.
Likely, it helps that he’s in the safety of his apartment and not currently wandering the streets of Manhattan trying to find somewhere to wait this thing out like so many others are.
When he’s finished eating his food, he settles back down on the couch and continues to watch the tennis match that’s playing, idly following along with the tournament as he scrolls through his phone and Instagram. He doesn’t follow that many people, mostly only his family and work-related things, so he sees a picture of Will and Belle smiling at the camera from the date that he knows they went on the other night, another photo of Elsa and the girls on Addy’s last day of kindergarten (how is his niece old enough to be finished with kindergarten?), and then one of Emma sitting with Ruby, the brightest smiles on their faces. They went out last night to celebrate Ruby’s boyfriend getting a raise, and while he hasn’t asked how the night went, it looks like it was a nice time.
And Emma is up early this morning, so she must not be too hungover. He’s both interested and terrified to know what his girlfriend would be like hungover.
His girlfriend.
They didn’t explicitly say the words, but they aren’t dating anyone else, aren’t planning on dating anyone else, so that’s what Emma is to him, right? It sounds childish and juvenile in a way, but it’s also…exhilarating. He never planned on feeling this way about a woman again, never planned on wanting to receive texts and have late-night phone conversations or hushed rendezvous in this little secluded corner outside of the clubhouse.  
He’s really starting to like that secluded corner.
He’s most definitely starting to fall in love with Emma. He’s not…he’s not quite there yet, but he knows that it’s coming.
Terrifying. Exhilarating. Wonderful. Every feeling all at once.
His phone buzzes in his hand, Ariel’s contact popping up at the top of the screen.
Ariel: Game is cancelled for tonight. You have three days off now, but don’t just sit on your ass. Do some exercises.Get Will or Robin to practice some pitches with you. Work out that arm.I’m sure Al will text you in a minute.
Killian: I was thinking about living a sedentary life, actually. I’d like to really screw the team over again whenwe’re currently leading the AL East and have another home series against the Sox coming up.
Ariel: Don’t be an ass.
Killian: I promise that I will exercise. I already did my run this morning.
Ariel: Good boy.
Killian: I am not your dog.
Ariel: That’s debatable. You and Max are similar. I’ll talk to you later. I think Eric and I are finally going to repaint the living room.
He’s just about to close his phone when another message pops up, this time one he’s definitely not going to ignore.
Elsa: I heard the game is cancelled tonight, and that means you’re coming over for dinner. No questions asked. We changed Sunday night dinner since you’re pitching against the Sox that night and we can’t miss that. Liam insisted.
Elsa: And Anna is cooking tonight.
Elsa Jones knows all, and he loves her for it.
“Look at the paper that Mrs. Johnson gave me,” Addy tells him as she stacks a certificate on top of the toys already sitting in his lap, several things from Lucy but mostly arts and crafts that Addy has decided she must show off by drowning him with them. It’s this or drown in the rain that’s still going on outside. “It’s because I’m smart.”
“I can see that. I think you get that from me.”
“I get it from Mommy.”
“Well, that too,” he chuckles, flexing his toes in his sneakers so that his feet don’t fall asleep, the slight tingling sensation already appearing.
“Killian,” Lucy whispers, coming up to him with a stuffed giraffe that’s bigger than she is and placing it next to him, “I have a giraffe.”
“I don’t think that’s smelly enough to be a giraffe, little love.”
“I gave her a bath.”
“Ah,” he sighs, Lucy very obviously not getting his joke. He’s still trying to figure her out, her seriousness extremely unlike Addy’s loud and boisterous personality, but he gets that. She’s likely overpowered by her older sister, and he can understand that. So, the younger siblings very obviously have to stick together. It’s in all of the unwritten rules. “Did you use soap?”
“Yep.” “What about water?”
“Uh huh.”
“Hmm, okay.” He taps his chin as he thinks before reaching forward and bopping her nose so that it scrunches up on her face. “What about peanut butter?”
“No,” she giggles, her smile lighting up her face as she pets the giraffe before pressing it forward so that it’s giving him kisses. At least, that’s what she’s told him before, so he assumes that’s what is happening now. “Peanut butter is too sticky.”
“And it’s for eating,” Addison says before she’s placing yet another drawing on top of his lap. Where does the kid get the supplies for this? There’s no way it’s all coming from her school.
“Speaking of that, what do the two of you say about us leaving your playroom and going down to the kitchen to see when I can get some food in my belly. I’m a growing boy. I need my food.”
“You’re not growing anymore because you’re an adult.”
He winks at Addy, amusement running over every inch of him. “That’s what you think, sweetheart.”
Carefully, he starts undoing the pile that’s been covering him, making sure not to rip any of the papers or stack the stuffed animals in the wrong way, before he stands from the ground, his knees popping the slightest bit. That was an awkward position for him to sit in for a long time, hence the feet that fell asleep, and he definitely doesn’t need to be hurting himself in unconventional ways when he’s already prone to injury. His arm has felt fine since Florida, all of his games pitched until the fourth or fifth inning, and he’s convinced himself that it was simply a one-time thing. It’s not going to get that bad again.
He won’t let it.
He can’t. He won’t miss any other physical therapy sessions with Archie, and he’s not going to overdo it.
“Alright,” he laughs, leaning down and scooping each girl up over his shoulders to the sound of their giggles, “let’s go find out what your Aunt Anna is cooking for dinner.”
They’re still so small right now, but with Addy turning six at the end of June, he’s not sure how long he’s going to be able to hold both of them at once as he walks down the stairs of the townhome from their playroom to the kitchen where he can already hear everyone who wasn’t pawned off onto the kids talking.
“Killian,” Elsa scolds the moment she sees him, “put them down. Your shoulder.”
“It’s fine, Els,” he huffs even as he puts them on the ground, a slight bit of relief running through his body. “I can pick my nieces up.”
“But – ”
“I am fine,” he promises, stepping into the room to brush his lips over Elsa’s temple. “It smells good in here. What are we eating?”
“Stuffed shells,” Anna answers as she chops up a cucumber, hopefully for a salad and not the stuffed shells. “I had some leftover marinara sauce and wanted to use it.”
“Bless you,” he sighs, resting his elbows against the countertop. “Are your parents coming tonight?”
“They are stubborn and refuse to come to Sunday dinners when it’s not on a Sunday,” Anna tells him as she presses up on her toes to check in the oven. “They do not understand baseball in the way that we understand it.”
“To be fair, it’s not like someone they’re related to is a player,” Kris says.
“Hey, I am a not-so-distant relative by marriage, thank you very much.”
“I’m their son-in-law,” Kris adds, a slight roll of his eyes as he eats a roll, “and sometimes they don’t even acknowledge me.”
“Well, that’s just because they don’t think your job is a real job, sweetie.”
“Someone has to decorate the city for Christmas! It’s real! Killian plays a sport for a living!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Killian playfully scoffs, cutting his toward Kris, “we don’t have to shit on my job to build yours up.”
“Language,” Liam warns before he takes a sip of his beer. All of them look over to the girls only to find that neither are paying any attention to them. Good. he doesn’t want to be the reason they start cursing. That is not something he’s going to have blamed on him. “And we all love the Karlssons, but they are definitely a little more old-fashioned on things. I’m a doctor, though, so I don’t have to worry about any of their judgment.”
Elsa chuckles before she slaps Liam’s shoulder, her eyes practically rolling to the back of her head. “Don’t be a jerk when you are far too invested in your brother’s career and have Kris come and decorate the house every year. A job is a job, and they have two really cool ones.”
“I was kidding, darling.” He leans in and presses his lips against Elsa’s, lingering a little too long, but that’s how they are sometimes. It’s sweet and awful all at once, and it makes him wish that he could bring Emma along to things like this instead of being the fifth wheel, seventh if Addy and Lucy can be considered a pair. “Killian, how are you handling having so many unexpected days off? I’m surprised you can even sit still when you’re so used to having something to do.”
Killian shrugs his shoulders, his nails tapping against the countertop as he feels four pairs of eyes staring at him and waiting for him to answer. “I mean, I wasn’t playing any of these days anyways, so I did my workouts at home today instead of going into work. Tomorrow will be the same, and then we’ll have games again.”
“Oh. You have tomorrow off?” Elsa asks, her eyes lighting up.
“Uh, yeah, I should. I’ve just got to do some weight training exercises and do my shoulder exercises. Why?”
“Do you want to watch the girls?”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Reaching up to scratch behind his ears, he tries to think of an excuse, any excuse, but is coming up all kinds of short. Dammit.
(He’s probably going to be the reason Addy and Lucy start cursing.)
“I’m a little busy, love.”
“It’s your off day. What could you possibly be doing?”
“Doctor’s appointment and then a few errands,” he lies, enough guilt festering in his stomach that he may as well go ahead and schedule an appointment for his stomach. Then he won’t have really lied, right? “By the time I get everything done, you’ll practically be off work. I can spend another day with them, though. I’ll take them out to eat or to the park or even the zoo.”
“What kind of doctor’s appointment? Everything okay?”
“Just a normal check-up.” He clicks his tongue, his toes bouncing him up and down on the floor. “So, everyone’s coming on Sunday, right? Let me know where you want to sit, and I’ll get Ariel to arrange everything.”
It’s the most obvious change in conversation that he can think of, but it’s also literally all he can think of. He’s an asshole for telling Elsa he can’t spend time with the girls, but he was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place there. It’s either disappoint his nieces or disappoint Emma, and while he’d like to disappoint no one, that’s not really an option. He had plans with Emma first, and that’s what he’s going to stick to. Maybe one day they’ll be in a situation where he can take the girls with him, and all four of them can do something without him having to lie to his family.
Today is not that day.
They’ll figure it all out.
There’s another loud crash of thunder outside, and his head turns to the side to look at the darkness outside. He’s not sure if this rain is every going to stop, and he’s really kind of dreading going home in this weather.
“Do you remember when we were younger, and you used to try to get struck by lightning?”
“Because I’m an idiot,” Killian chuckles to Liam, leaning back from the countertop and pulling a barstool out to sit on. “I thought I’d be Thor or something if I got struck by lightning.”
“That’s pretty cute, actually,” Anna gushes. “Elsa used to think that she could control the snow because she’d ask for it to snow and it usually would.”
“Anna,” Elsa laughs as she buries her face in her hands, “why are you always sharing such weird things about me?”
“Because Liam was sharing weird things about Killian, and I thought it would be funny.”
“Growing up, you guys spent December in Norway,” Liam points out while he rubs his wife’s back. “It snowed all the time. Of course you thought you could control the snow. That’s cute, sweetheart. You and Killian think you can control the weather.”
“Els, are you feeling attacked right now?” he asks.
“I think we should get more food than everyone else for this torture.”
Elsa peeks through her fingers with a smile. “I like the way you think.”
“A signed hat, just as you requested, milady.” Killian holds the hat he signed for Leo out to Emma as he mockingly bows down in front of her while motioning her into his apartment.
“You’re so dramatic,” she laughs even as she takes the hat, placing it between her fingers before she’s wrapping her arms around his neck and slowly sliding her lips over his, her teeth already nibbling as his hands find her hips, tugging them closer to his. Bloody hell has he missed being able to do this and feeling the warmth of Emma even if she is chilled by the rain. “Thank you for that hat.”
“No problem,” he murmurs against her mouth before he closes the door with his foot and backs Emma up against it so that their bodies can press further together, her mouth opening for him as their tongues curl together in a slow, warm heat that’s simmering over every inch of him. Emma’s fingers are nimble against the back of his neck, and when she cants her hips up, brushing where he’s already half-hard against her, he groans into her mouth, weeks and months of wanting starting to boil within him. It’s hungry and rough, and he has to stop himself from stripping them out of their clothes right then and there by pecking her mouth two times before resting his forehead against hers and inhaling a sharp breath. “Hi, Swan.”
“Hi,” she sighs as her hand falls from his hair to rest on his chest, right over his wildly beating heart. She can likely feel it. “We probably should have said that first.”
“Eh, I liked our greeting better.”
She blinks up at him, her face bare of makeup so that her lashes are blonde, and her freckles are showing, before she smiles a smile so bright that he figures that happiness can be tasted on her tongue.
“It was a good greeting. I approve.”
“Me – ” he presses the inch forward to kiss the smile, “ – too. Have you eaten?”
“It’s seven in the morning. No, I haven’t eaten.”
“That’s what I figured. You want to order in, or do you want me to make you something?”
Emma hums, her bottom lips pulled between her teeth as she thinks. “You can cook. I’m here to use you for your autograph skills, your cooking, and your cable.”
“What about me?”
“You’re on the list somewhere.” Emma giggles when he runs his fingers against the skin above her shorts, and he catalogs that spot away in the back of his mind because he can most definitely use that in the future. “I’m going to get to the TV part first, though, because Roland Garros is on, and there are some matches I want to watch.”
“It’s already on.”
“I like the way that you roll, twenty-nine.”
She pushes off of him and walks the few feet into his living room, flopping down on the couch and immediately resting her feet up on his coffee table. It’s a comfortable move, and he likes that Emma feels comfortable in his home. He’ll never quite get over that. All of their private moments are here or in one of their hotel rooms when they’re on the road, and as much as he sometimes loves those rooms, nothing compares to this.
He ate too much yesterday, Anna’s stuffed shells and rolls still residing in his stomach, so he only bothers to make enough batter to make Emma a waffle since she never said what she wanted, even when he just prodded her for more information. He knows that she likes them considering she’s always eating them in the hotel dining rooms, and since the other option that came to him was a grilled cheese sandwich at seven in the morning, he figures a waffle will have to do. He very much doubts Emma is going to complain when he’s found that the way to her heart is most definitely food.
Junk food specifically.
When the waffle maker beeps several minutes later, he opens it up and plates Emma’s food, grabbing some fruit out of the fridge and topping it. He most definitely sneaks away a few of her blackberries, but, really, he deserves that. He cooked after all.
(And this is his apartment.)
“Thank you,” Emma says when he places it in her lap before sitting down next to her on the couch, their shoulders hitting together before he wraps his arm over the back of the couch, his fingers tapping against her shoulder. She leans to the side and presses a kiss to his cheek. “You’re sweet.”
“Oh, I most definitely know.”
Her eyes roll. “You didn’t want to eat?”
He groans at the thought. He’s already gotten up and done some of his stretches, drinking a protein shake, and he probably won’t eat anything else serious until tonight. “I ate too much yesterday, and I’ve had this really bad influence on me lately for how I’m eating so I’m trying to be better.”
“Sorry not sorry,” she mumbles, her cheeks puffed out with waffles inside. Did she just stuff the entire thing in there? There’s a thwack of a tennis ball against a racket on his television screen, and he turns his attention from Emma chewing to watch Rafael Nadal slide against red clay, making it all look effortless even when Killian knows that nothing about being an athlete is effortless, not even natural talent. “Damn,” Emma sighs, “that is one good ass.”
If he was eating, he’d choke on his food.
“W-what?” he sputters out, looking between the TV and Emma.
She pokes her fork at the screen, waving it in the air. “Rafa’s ass. That’s, like, a dream ass. Just look at it.”
His mouth is gaping open as he looks between Emma putting her plate of food on the coffee table and the television screen, his eyes taking in another man’s ass like this is the most normal conversation for him to be having before eight in the morning. But then again, when is anything about his relationship with Emma normal?
“I mean, it’s okay,” he lies, sinking down a little further in the couch as a ball launches into the air. “I’ve been told time and time again that my ass is pretty good too.”
Why in the world did he say that? What is wrong with him?
“I mean, you have a good ass that I very much appreciate, but no one has an ass like…that. It’s insane.”
“Should I feel insecure about the fact that you’re admiring another man’s ass?”
“No,” she promises, not even bothering to look at him as she pats his thigh, her hand likely a little higher than she intended as he grits his teeth at the touch, “but you should admire this man’s body. And his tan. People would pay a lot of money for a tan like that.” She twists her head to the side to look at him, quirking her brow. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he laughs as he reaches down to her hand and threads their fingers together, bringing her knuckles up to his lips to brush a kiss there, “I’m simply coming to the realization that my girlfriend as a thing for other athletes.”
“Step up your game, Jones.”
“I’ll try, I’ll try. I didn’t know I had any competition, so I was unprepared.”
“That is shame. I look forward to seeing how you make up for it.”
“I’ll start thinking.”
They lapse into easy conversation like they always do when they’re together, and despite all of their early complications and some of the complications that they still have, that’s what this relationship is…easy. He’s got no clue why Emma agreed to his crazy plan, but she did. That’s all that matters. As the rain continues to pour down outside for the second day in a row, he tells her about his day yesterday and how ridiculous his family is in their group meals and constant conversation. He loves them, but he imagines that to anyone else, it would be overwhelming to come into that environment. Emma shares that she spent her morning with David yesterday, hence the reminder of the autographed hat, and tells him that Ruth is planning on coming into town sometime in June. He can’t tell if she’s happy or nervous about that, but he imagines it’s somewhere in between for how Emma feels about her foster mother and the distance there.
Families and almost-families and non-families are all so damn complicated, and as fucked up as his past family life is, it makes him thankful for what he has now. They’ve gotten him through some of his darkest times, and very few people make him smile in the way that they do.
Emma makes him smile like that.
As the morning passes, tennis ending and Netflix being switched on instead, Emma relaxes further into him, and he finds that under the dull roll of rain, nothing and no one else exists outside of the two of them. His fingers trace the skin of her upper thigh, an absentminded motion that becomes more focused when he sees small little bumps rising over her pale skin. He never thought he could enjoy the sight of pale skin so much until he saw the way Emma’s thighs look in these shorts.
She is exquisite.
“Killian,��� she gasps when his nails move to her inner thigh, and when he looks over to her with a smirk, he can see the blush rising on her cheeks as her lips part and her eyes blacken with desire.
He’s wanted this for far too long, even with the short time that they’ve been together, and it’s what has him leaning into her and cupping her cheek with his palm, his thumb pressing into her bottom lip to open her up into him so that he can lick into her mouth with absolutely no hesitation, another warm, toe-curling slide that has Emma sighing into him as her hands grapple to grab onto his shirt.
It’s a quick escalation, something he can’t quite keep track of with the way that she feels under him, moving against him, and the only coherent thought that he has is the fact that this couch must be damn lucky for everything that’s happened on it.
Which is a ridiculous thought.
Desire continues to run through him, vibrations moving down each of his vertebrae and to the base of his spine, and the little sounds that Emma is making are nearly driving him into madness at the thought of sliding into her, feeling the slick heat and tight walls and…
“Ah fuck,” he murmurs into Emma’s neck, physically and mentally cursing himself.
“What?” she gasps, still rolling her hips up as her nails scratch across his biceps.
“I don’t have any condoms.”
“Oh? I – ”
“I can go buy some from the Duane Reade right across the street. It won’t be any problem, love.” He pulls back from Emma with a hiss, his pants incredibly tight despite the elastic band, only for her to yank him back down, their bodies melding together. “W-what?”
“Later,” she speaks against his lips, and it’s only now that he sees the utter darkness in her eyes, hears the deep desire in her voice. “We’ll get condoms later. We can do other things until then.”
Well those words go straight to his groin.
He arches a brow as he rolls his hips into Emma’s, his hardness meeting her softness through clothes, and she lets out a moan that he wants to memorize for all of eternity. “Yeah? Like what?”
Emma rolls her eyes, but there’s still the slightest bit of a smile on her face. “You’re a baseball player. Don’t you know about all of the bases? I feel like we’ve talked about this before.”
Killian has to press his mouth into the skin of her collarbone, his laugh muffled and the vibrations of it working their way through Emma as his fingers trace the hem of her shorts, dipping just below the elastic waist so that he can feel the edges of her underwear.
Fucking hell.
“I hate you for making that joke,” he sighs against her. His left hand keeps getting lower as his right moves higher and higher until his fingertips are ghosting over the soft swell of her breast. “You are ridiculous.”
“But you like it.”
“And I imagine,” he whispers as he bites down onto her collarbone and readjusts himself so that his knee is between her thighs and that his fingers are brushing against her clit, “that you like this.”
Emma lets out a sharp gasp, and he looks up to see her practically panting at his touch and at the slow circles that he’s working to build her up all the while he palms her breast, her nipple pressed between his thumb and forefinger. It may have been some time, but he knows that it’s not a lot of pressure, just a simple up and down motion between her bundle of nerves and her opening, but from the sounds Emma is making and the way her body is moving, he knows that he’s got a pretty good rhythm going on.
“So, you like that?” he murmurs into her neck as his fingers slip inside of her, curling the slightest bit.
“Oh, fuck yes.”
“That’s a good girl then.”
It’s almost overwhelming for him to see Emma like this, to see her lose her composure, her careful words and guarded heart, and he rather likes the way that he’s making her fall apart and under his touch, several curses and mutterings escaping her kiss-swollen lips as he tests out what she likes and what she doesn’t, letting her instruct him when she needs to.
Emma Swan sprawled out on his couch coming apart under his touch is something he always knew would be so damn wonderful but that he never thought would happen. It seemed to be too much of a dream.
With two more thrusts of his fingers and one circle around her clit, she goes quiet, her eyelids pressing together and her lips parting, and he presses up to cover her mouth with his, capturing the gentle moan himself as he works her through her orgasm, maybe even riling her up some more as his hips rolls against her thigh, desperately seeking some kind of friction.
This is like some kind of pleasant torture for him, and he wants both to stay like this forever but also needs more.
“I knew you knew the bases,” is the first thing she mutters afterwards, and he drops his forehead against hers, his nose pressing into her cheek so that he can breathe her on while he tries to regulate his breathing and his pounding heart.
“No more jokes about my job, love. They’re cheesy as hell, and if we’re not careful, I’m going to have an erection while on the mound.”
“Oh my God…there’s about five opportunities for a dirty joke right there.”
“I know, I know,” he chuckles, softly kissing her as he starts to focus on their surroundings and the reality of the step forward in their relationship that they just took hitting him. “You okay, Emma?”
“Yeah,” she promises, nodding her head and cupping his cheeks as she smiles that beautiful smile, this time a little more sated than usual. “I’m more than okay.”
His phone buzzes in his pocket, and he pulls it out so that he can turn it off only to see a text from Al pop up.
Al Dalton: I’m calling a mandatory practice in an hour. Be there.
“What?” Emma questions when he groans. Instead of answering, he simply hands his phone to her, letting her read the message. “Oh, that really sucks.”
“You’re telling me. I was having a much better time here.”
Emma adjusts herself under him so that he’s no longer covering her body, and he sits down against the couch, adjusting his joggers and thinking of every boner killer that he can possibly think of. He probably just needs a cold, bracing shower.
“Go to practice,” Emma sighs, a slight smile on her face, as she makes an attempt at fixing her hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? You’ve got to kick some Boston ass. And then maybe when that’s all over, we can continue what we started.”
“You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
She nods to his crotch with a smirk. “I think I do.”
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
The Codependency Competition Ch.4
Ok, for starters, don't worry! I won't make Annabeth mean, I'll just make is clear that Percy is utterly and completely whipped. Or maybe I won't. Who knows? You just have to read to find out. And I'm sorry if this chapter seems more like a script. I had a small case of writers block.
Now, I think that's it, so comment, like, and follow! Happy reading!
– your author
Ok, so Percy was half-right. Annabeth DID wait until they were both home to act, but not in the way he had expected.
As soon as he had closed the front door, he was immediately pushed up against it again. Annabeth was kissing him fiercely, and it took a second for him to respond, but Percy ended up kissing her back just as passionately. In the end, Annabeth was the one to pull them apart (but not before they had ended up on the couch).
"What was that?!" Percy asked, eyebrows raised.
"I love you," Annabeth said, breathless.
"Ok, I love you, too, but WHAT WAS THAT?" he asked again.
Annabeth sighed and moved so she was sitting next to him, "Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not do that at school today?"
Ok, not what I was expecting. But not necessarily bad, Percy thought.
"I do know, but I thought you would be pissed at me for doing what I did at lunch today," he said before he could stop himself from bringing it up.
"Oh, I am. But I needed to do that more," Annabeth replied.
And she was mad, but she had known to expect something in retaliation for doing what she did that morning. Annabeth couldn't really blame him for wanting pay-back, even if it was completely evil. Even so, he was most definitely going to be paying for what he did. She couldn't just LET him do that without getting him back for it! And just like she usually does, Annabeth had a plan.
"Oh, good. I was starting to get wor–" Percy was cut off by the sound of the door slamming open.
"Mr. McShizzle-Bad-Boy-Supreme is in the house!"
"Leo," Percy and Annabeth sighed in unison.
"And us!" Piper exclaimed.
When they actually looked, Percy and Annabeth saw that Leo, Calypso, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Thalia were all barging into their apartment. That's one thing you can also expect from demigods: no manners.
"Oh, well, just come on it, guys!" Annabeth exclaimed with a heavy amount of sarcasm.
"It's not like you're interrupting or anything!" Percy said the same way.
"Thanks!" Thalia said.
Percy and Annabeth exchanged a look, "What do you want?"
"We just wanted to check in on you guys. See how you're doing without each other," Piper answered.
"Yeah, right. You wanted to see if we've cracked yet," Percy said.
"Well..." Jason said.
Thalia didn't have any such hesitation with admitting their true intentions, though, "I would never pass up a chance to see my little cuz suffer!"
"Well, you will be sorely disappointed because we are still keeping the secret with ease!" Annabeth cut quickly.
"Is that right?" Frank asked.
"Yes," Percy replied simply.
"Ok! Now where's the food? Papa's hungry!" Leo exclaimed, marching off to the kitchen.
The topic of their challenge was never brought up again for the rest of the night. The demigods and titaness just enjoyed spending time together. However, they couldn't stay together for long, because of the monsters. Having that many monster-attractors in one place was just asking for an attack of momentous proportions. So, the group enjoyed some dinner, and then they left.
Sally and Paul had decided to go out on a date that night, so they had only come home for a little while to get ready, and then they had left, trusting Annabeth and Percy enough to leave them home alone.
"Oh! I forgot to mention that Mike, Jack, and Chloe are gonna be coming over tomorrow to hang out. If you don't want them finding out, then you should probably stay out of the apartment after school," Percy said as they were getting ready for bed that night.
"Ok. Goodnight," Annabeth answered simply, crawling into bed.
"That's it? Nothing else?" he exclaimed incredulously.
"Yep! Love you," she said.
"Love you, too," Percy said, accepting he wasn't going to get anything else out of his girlfriend, and climbing into bed as well.
The next day at school, Percy was on edge the entire time. He was expecting Annabeth to retaliate sooner. But when she didn't, that just made him get even more suspicious. It is never good to let your  guard down when you're in a competition with Annabeth Chase. He learned that the hard way.
So, he was still on edge when he was walking home with his friends.
"Is it weird that we haven't been to your house yet?" Chloe asked.
"Not really. Nobody from school but Paul has been to my apartment," Percy answered, shrugging.
Jack shook his head, "It still feels so weird to hear you call Mr. Blofis Paul."
"He is his step-father," Chloe pointed out as they were going up the elevator.
"Whatever, all I care about is seeing what's inside of the famous Percy Jackson's apartment," Mike said.
Percy just rolled his eyes. He wasn't that popular. It was bad enough having people treat him like he was the next Hercules at camp, and now he has to deal with it at school, too. It almost makes him wish he was back to being picked-on by Nancy Bobofit in the sixth grade! Almost.
"Welcome to my humble home!" Percy said dramatically, opening the door and widening his arms.
"Wow, it's very...homey," Mike said.
"I guess..." Percy dragged out his words.
His friends started to inspect everything in the living room, which doubled as the entrance room. They looked at all of the pictures of younger Percy, as a baby and as a demigod. Percy started to panic when he saw Jack looking at a picture of him, Grover, and Annabeth just after their first quest. They were all covered in dirt and scrapes, but they were also all grinning like idiots. That tended to happen when you had just prevented a major war between the gods.
Just as he was about to try and explain why there was a picture of him with Annabeth Chase, Jack moved on to another picture, not evening mentioning anything. Apparently his friends weren't that observant. It probably also helped that they hadn't really been close enough to Annabeth to realize that she was the same person in the picture.
"What do you guys wanna do?" Percy asked, sitting down on the couch.
"Movie and snacks?" Mike suggested.
"Sounds good to me!" Percy exclaimed, hopping up to grab food from the kitchen.
"Anything involving food sounds good to you, Seaweed Brain!"
That single sentence caused everyone to freeze. Standing under the entrance to the hall, was Annabeth Chase. In one of Percy's shirts no less! Don't be getting the wrong idea though, she had shorts on under there.
"Um–uh," Percy stammered.
"Very intelligent, Perseus," Annabeth laughed.
"Um, Percy? Why is there a girl in your house, wearing your shirt?" Jack asked, being the first one out of Percy's friends to regain the use of his voice.
But he never got an answer because suddenly, Mike broke out of his shock and yelled, "That's freaking Annabeth Chase!"
Yes, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger! Mwahaha!!! And maybe I won't write for another chapter for an entire week. Or maybe I'll update tomorrow. Only I know! I wanted to–and I could've–make this chapter longer, but I just thought that this was the perfect opportunity to keep you on the edge of your seats in anticipation. Or something like that...
My amazing beta has helped me where I fall short, so they deserve a BIG shoutout. Thanks, JJ! Ao3: nightskywithrainbows.
Anyway, comment, like, and follow! I hope you enjoyed this, and happy reading!
– your author
chapter 5 :)
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xxsanshinexx · 5 years
The Definition of Love
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Shoutout to @soulofatiny for inspiring this work
Characters: Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 5835
Summary: You only knew the textbook definition of love, but really, was that the same as the real thing?
Love was a thing you only knew the definition of. Categorized by the dictionary as a noun and occasionally a verb. In one sense, it was an intense feeling of deep affection. In another, it was a great interest and pleasure in something. In all these definitions though; they merely just gave love a general description, pushing the words off into another adjacent category like interest or affection. Never once did the definitions give you any insight into what love really was.
What it felt like.
It happened on your third month of eleventh grade. Students were rowdy. Teachers were starting to fully feel the nuisances that came with description of their jobs. The administration was struggling to adjust to the new characters littering the school grounds. And then there was you, avoiding all of the above as best you could. You swerved around gaggles of friends at lunch, doing your best not to get too involved with the little greetings here and there; truly you didn’t want to be bothered on your free period. There was only one place you wanted to be, the library, a place where you could truly do whatever you wanted with little restriction.
The librarian, an old woman by the name of Mrs. Yang, never seemed to pay you any mind as you sat in the back corner reading a book or dabbling on your laptop. You had gained her respect by being the only student who visited the place on the day free books were being handed out. Unlike the other students who came for the extra credit promised by their teachers, you had came for the sole purpose of getting free books. The words free and books delighted you separately and together? Well it was your absolute dream.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Yang,” You greeted as you stepped into the always cold library.
“Ah good afternoon Miss Y/n.” She smiled and turned back to the book that was splayed across her desk, “How are you today?”
“I’m good Mrs. Yang, and you?” Truly you didn’t mind talking to this woman. She was always kind and never dragged on like most of the other older people you had talked to before.
She smiled, not picking her head up from her book, “I am just splendid, dear.”
You nodded in response and began to walked to your corner, which had beanbags and books piled around it, “That’s good to here, Mrs.”
“I take it you’ll be where you always are?”
“I have nowhere else to go, Mrs. Yang.” You joked though there was a lingering pang in your heart as you flopped down onto the antique bean bag. Since the beginning of your high school experience, you had been mainly alone. Sure you knew everyone, had occasional chatter with those around you, but ultimately, it was you and your books. Everyone else was too caught up in the idea of highschool; the parties, the people, the sweetly sick love- and you just couldn’t be apart of it. It’s not as if those things didn’t interest you, or that you didn’t want to try them out at least once, it was more that those types of things never seemed to come your way. Acquaintances never invited you out, class parties never seemed to really include anyone outside of that circle, and you didn’t talk to enough people often to feel any sort of strong attachment to them.
The thoughts just made you sink a little further into the dust ridden seat. You had at least another hour until you had your next class, maybe you could catch up on homework or read a book or something. A small huff of internal annoyance left your lips as you reached into your backpack, pulling out your laptop and headphones- deciding that watching that movie for Lit would be the best option.
Who knew The Great Gatsby would be so dreadfully emotional. Having only watched barley forty minutes of the movie, you knew the rest of the film was going to do you no good. At least the entire thing was interesting, as you would later have to begin a report of the differences and similarities of the movie and book. A boring lesson that you had done a hundred times prior. You took in a deep breath and went to press play again, the eyes of DiCaprio beginning to haunt you on the screen, when a voice interrupted your actions.
“Um, excuse me?” The voice was timid and you furrowed your brows before you looked up. In front of you was a boy who made you wish you had taken a deeper breath as all the air left your lungs. You had never seen him before, you were sure of it as no one else in your grade had such angelic features and ashy hair.
You forced yourself to remember how to breathe, “I-um yeah.. Yes?”
He chuckled a little at your ragged response, the noise akin to music, “The librarian told me to come talk to you, said you had out the only copy of Billy Elliot left.”
Of course a book would be the only reason a good looking stranger would talk to you, “Oh um, yeah, sorry. Do you need it right now?”
He shrugged a little, eyes wandering over your lazy form squished into the bean bag, “Just soon. I need it by break so that I can do the assignment.”
“It’s no problem, you can have it.” You said, reaching forward into your backpack. Billy Elliot had been an interesting book, and while you hadn’t entirely finished it, you didn’t have the heart to deny him it, “I’m almost done anyways and the ending was already spoiled-”
“Keep it.” He suddenly said and you couldn’t help but frown.
“I’m sorry? I-I thought you wanted to read it-” He waved his hand and you stopped your words.
“I want to make a deal with you instead?” His voice sounded unsure at the proposal, like he was still sifting through its agreements.
“A… a deal?”
He nodded his head, as if he agreed with your words. “Yeah a deal, you keep the book but I get to hang out here with you while I read it.”
The proposition made your face grow red, and you fumbled to find the right words for a second. “What.. W-Why in the world would you want to hang out here? And you don’t even know my name.”
“Yeah I do, the librarian told me it’s Y/n.” The cocky smirk made you roll your eyes.
“Okay fine, I don’t know your name.”
“It’s Wooyoung, you could have just asked,” A small smile spread across his lips at how flustered you were, “So deal or no deal?”
“It’s a deal…”The words felt funny coming off of your lips, “i guess.”
“Sweet!” He cheered and flopped down in the bean bag adjacent to yours, his shoulder nudging against your own as he made himself comfortable. His proximity made a set of fresh nerves cloud your system. You hadn’t really been this close to anyone, much less a cute stranger, in a long time.
“Am i that exciting?” You turned your head slightly, just so you could see his head laying back lazily against the torn blue leather. The sight sent a weird, racing feeling into your stomach.
“You seem interesting Y/n, I mean your hanging out in a deserted library watching- is that Leonardo DiCaprio?” He eyes trailed from yours to Leo’s, the actor seeming to captivate the boy who couldn’t seem to keep his mind on track.
“You were saying, Wooyoung?” You smiled a little at his behavior. He was rather interesting.
He shook his head and forced himself to turn away from the screen, joyful eyes looking up to meet yours. “Oh yeah! You’re watching DiCaprio, slumped in a bean bag with literally no one around you. That makes you interesting to me.”
“Thanks.. I guess?” You laughed a little, having never been complimented as “interesting” by anyone before. It was all rather surreal and you couldn’t decide if you were dreaming; knowing how often you found yourself trapped between the world of books and ideas.
“It’s a compliment, I don’t find a lot of people interesting Y/n.” He smiled up at you and it seemed as though time stopped for a few seconds. An electric feeling coursed through you at the happiness he held in his toothy smile, especially since all of his emotions seemed directed towards you. That odd feeling in your stomach shocked you a little, leaving you tingling from head to toe. You were sure if you looked the hairs on your arms would have been standing straight up. It didn’t make sense, the feeling of excitement he gave you, it didn’t add up or match with any of the things you had read or learned. Maybe it wasn’t a thing you had learned yet, or seen in some book; no boyish smile could make your heart dance so fantastically.
And if it weren’t for the bell that snapped you from your thoughts, you might have realized what you felt was the beginning of the definition for love.
And damn, did that small kindle of love grow as you learned more about Wooyoung than just his name.
“Y/n!” The boy who made your heart race in funny ways yelled, bounding through the sea of students to get to your side. Ever since your initial meeting, you had noticed Wooyoung a lot more around campus and in your classes. Apparently you did have him in your history class as well as math; with him sitting in the back and you always in the front row. You had no idea how you had missed a boy like Wooyoung in your classes, but you just blamed it on the fact that you were never very observant of the people; focusing more on the material than anything.
Now though, you could never miss Wooyoung. In little less than a month of knowing him you could already spot his head in a crowd, his brash laughter amongst ceaseless chatter, and his voice in a loud room. It was odd how attached to him you were already, though the attachment was certainly not one sided.
“Hi Wooyoung,” You gave him a little smile as he slowed to a stop besides you, a giant grin on his face.
“Do you think you passed the math test?” His first words were breathless, but there was still that hint of enjoyment in eyes as nervousness seeped into his tone, “I sure don’t think I did. Might have to just pull some of my charms out on the teacher.”
You scoffed as you turned into the hallways that would lead to the main exit of the school, “You can’t seduce your math teacher to give you a better grade.”
“What? Don’t think a married man like Mr. Creed would like a fine ass person like myself?” He gestured to all of him and you rolled your eyes, fighting the stupid blush that always wanted to appear on your cheeks whenever he brought his features to the spotlight. Him and his dumb grin always made you feel such sparks across your skin.
“Truly his loss,” You sighed, playing into his fantasy, as you came to a stop on the main steps of your school, “but no, I don’t think you’ll be able to seduce a 60 year old man to change your C to a B.”
“Bummer, I really didn’t want to have to study.” He pouted and turned to you, smiling at the amusement that laced your eyes. Wooyoung was always just so fun to watch and listen to. You always found yourself giving him your full attention no matter the topic, for he always was just so animated in whatever he did.
You shook your head at his antics, “So what are you going to do instead of studying?”
“Ice cream.”
“Ice cream?”
“Yeah, ice cream.” He nodded and reached out to grab your wrist, the area exploding in a sensation of pricks and tingles, “How about it? I’ll even pay.”
You fought the feeling his light hold had on your hand, and mustered up a little smirk, “You had me at you’ll pay.”
“That’s the last thing I said!” He laughed but nonetheless began to tug you in the direction of whatever ice cream shop he dearly wanted. It wasn’t the first time Wooyoung had tried to drag you off on an after school adventure. The first time was only a week after you had met each other and he profusely whined that he had no one to go get pizza with, and you just couldn’t say no to his pout. You knew he had other friends, like the 12th grader Yunho and the 10th grader Jongho, yet he always made time for just you. A part of you wanted to feel touched that he always gave you the time of day and the other part told you that’s how friendships worked.
The shop was only a block from campus, it’s vibrant colors almost visible from the steps of school. You had only been here a few times before but you remembered how nice it was. The smell of sweets wafting through the interior and the pleasant songs reverberating against the walls. Wooyoung pulled you towards the door where a smiling ice cream cone was plastered against the glass.
“What kind of ice cream do you want?” He asked as he pulled you to stand in the little line that had formed. You were surprised this place wasn’t busier despite school being out.
“Um I don’t know?” You mumbled looking over the array of potential choices, “Everything looks good. Maybe just like vanilla or something though?”
“That’s pretty basic Y/n.”
“Oh I’m sorry what are you getting mr. exciting?”
“Strawberry but maybe cake batter, maybe both if I have enough money.” He grinned and pulled you in front of the case, to get your orders taken by the unhappy college student. You had ended up with something simple, mainly due to the fact that there was just too many flavors to choose from and you wanted more toppings than actual ice cream. Wooyoung, however, had gotten enough ice cream to feed a small family and enough toppings you weren’t sure what happened to all the dessert underneath it all.
“Don’t you think you went a little...overboard?” You pointed at the mountain of whip cream atop his dessert. You were sure you could see it swaying in the light breeze outside the shop.
Wooyoung chuckled a little and picked at the cream with his spoon, “Come on, they gave me a discount!”
“Cause you bought out half the supplies!” You argued, taking a bite of your own ice cream.
“Just means I’m a good customer,” He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat.
“Just means you don’t know how to spend your money.”
“Are you jealous of all the stuff I got?” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down as he lifted up a spoon of pure whipped cream.
You huffed and looked down, swirling your plain vanilla with your spoon, “Nope, not at all.”
“Sounds like you are.”
“I am not-” You shook your head and looked up, only for a small handful of whip cream to come in contact with your eyes and nose. You let out a squeak at the sudden feeling and scrunched your face up at how cold it all was. And you knew your culprit immediately by the way his laugh resonated with your ears, “Wooyoung!”
He just continued laughing, loud and abashed, as you wiped away the mess from your eyes. You could see him, his head tilted back and his mouth wide open emitting a noise akin to music. There was such a light to him in that moment that you couldn’t help but begin to feel giddy as well. Usually you would have been pissed that someone had just thrown their food in your face, but you couldn’t be mad at Wooyoung. He was so happy about his harmless prank that it almost didn’t feel fair to take away the victory from him.
“Thanks a lot, Wooyoung,” You shook your head, fighting the smile on your face, as you tried to flick some of the whipped cream in his direction. And it worked, with the little cloud of white finding its mark on his nose and splattering across his cheeks. He let out a shrill shriek of surprise, no doubt startling others around you, as he stiffened up in his seat at the contact with the cold topping.
He pouted as he made contact with your sheepish eyes, “I guess I deserved that.”
“You think?” You laughed and he couldn’t help but mirror your actions until the both of you were but a mess of laughing teenagers, dessert toppings covering your face and happy tears leaking from the corner of your eyes. It had been awhile since you had laughed so heartily with someone, so purely, without a single care in the world.
Wooyoung was the first to settle down, “You’re a mess.”
You scoffed at his statement, “You’re not much better.” He grinned at the lazy retort and you felt time stop once again. The smile was radiant, like the sun above had kissed it with light. You knew Wooyoung had a pretty smile, you knew Wooyoung was pretty; but something about that moment felt so different. The way his lips twitched up in pure bliss, his eyes were alight with that life you yearned for, and his whole body seemed to exude a sense of joy that was hard to come by- it made you stop and wished you could have taken a picture. With the splatter of whipped cream coating his nose and cheeks, it was a moment of perfection and one that made your heart beat in unknown rhythm, made your stomach fumble with an emotion you weren’t sure of. All you knew was that you wanted to stay in this moment for a little longer.
Wooyoung’s smile softened a little as he stared at you, and he reached forward to hand you the array of napkins on the table, “Here.”
You gave him a faint smile as you took the napkins from him, to clean up the mess he had made of you externally, ignoring the tickling feeling that soared up your arms as you lightly made contact with his hand, “Thanks.”
But a couple of napkins couldn’t clean up the mess of your heart, your mind, your body- the mess of you he was making with his dumb smile, his pretty eyes, the life that surrounded him. The way he was making you feel so spectacular despite barley knowing him.
It wasn’t for a few more days that you got your answer to the feelings that seemed to only come out around him.
“Good morning class!” Mrs. Choi greeted as the bell rang and all the students shuffled into their seats. You had already been there minutes before the bell rang, glued to your seat in the back as you read through your previous lecture notes. Mrs. Choi was a great teacher yes, but Psychology was but a broad topic and you always had to review, “Today we will be switching gears from bad to good.”
“Bad to good?” A student from the front pipped up as Mrs. Choi flicked on the PowerPoint presentation, the colors on it a bright contrast to the rather monotone room.
“Yes from bad to good. We’ve been focusing on the negative reactions certain things have on the brain and body and I think we need to get into a little more light hearted topic before you all leave for break,” She reasoned and gestured to the display, which now read “positive emotions” in white bolded letters. “We’ve been talking a lot on how anger affects the body and how sadness can make you do incredible things-” She talked as she sat down on the table in the front, eyes scanning the room of students who were skillfully note taking, “-and now it’s time to talk about how good emotions affect the body, like happiness. Now, can anyone tell me something that would make them very happy?”
“Winning the lottery?”
“My family?”
Mrs Choi nodded along at the suggestions, “While some of your ideas of things that cause happiness are very.. Material, substantial things such as people or life achievements cause a great deal of happiness.”
“So like passing a test you studied for or coming in first for something?” Mrs. Choi gave a nod at the question.
“Yes, with things like that we are much more susceptible to long term happiness rather than with things such as the lottery or money. Could anyone give me a noun, and technically a verb, that many humans consider holding a lot of happiness?” You frowned at her crude question as well as the rest of the class. There were too many things that could cause a lot of happiness, and that would probably have to do with the perspective of the person in question as well.
“You all are looking at me like you’ve never experienced this!” She laughed and changed the slide, pointing to the one word in the center, “Love is what many consider to be the peak of happiness. I’m sure many of you have experienced such a thing once in your life.” Your eyebrows furrowed as her knowing smile. Sure, you knew you were loved and you were loved by some, but you weren’t sure you would have considered that peak happiness. You felt happier that day at the ice cream shop with Wooyoung, than you did when you were around your parents most of the time.
Mrs. Choi smiled at the students giving her funny looks, “I know what you all are thinking, I’m not incredibly happy with my parents? My siblings don’t give me that peak feeling of happiness? Mrs. Choi you’ve lost your mind!” She stood up from her spot on the table and began to walk around as she talked, “It’s good that your mind first went to your parents and family members; however, that’s not the type of love I was initially talking about. The Ancient Greeks had love separated by family, romance, friendship and the love for humans. We call these storge, eros, philia, and agape respectively. The one that tends to invoke the highest feeling of happiness is Eros, the feeling of romantic love.” Her words settled with you oddly as you wrote it down without question, “Eros is the feeling most of you will experience in full during your years here. How many of you have feelings you can’t explain when you’re around someone? That sinking in your stomach? The flutter of her heart? The joyous feeling you get when around that one person”
You couldn’t help but gulp when she spoke. She was asking all the questions you had been asking yourself. “These feelings have multiple meanings, yes, but they all have one distinct connection-” Your phone buzzed quietly on your desk, and you looked over to see Wooyoung’s silly contact picture hovering above the meme he had just sent you. A small smile made it’s way onto your face, and that fluttering feeling sank into your bones, as you turned back into your teachers words. “-They all have a distinct connection, and that connection is love.”
It was as if a jolt had gone through you, casted straight from the heavens above as her words went through your head. Love. It made your stomach sink… it made your heart flutter… it's what made you feel so giddy. The pieces seemed to fall into place as you looked down at the profile picture on your lockscreen, the name seeming to ring in your ears without even haven been spoken, and you swallowed thickly at the realization.
Wooyoung made you feel all the things connected to love.
You were in love with Wooyoung.
“Most of the time we do not realize it until odd, simple moments. Yet, such love has the greatest effect on our minds and bodies.” Mrs. Choi’s voice lingered in your head as you continued to gape down at your phone, heart now beating wildly at the realization that set your bones on fire, “Love is but a very funny thing.”
Love was but a funny thing indeed.
A thing that made your heart race and your breathing become erratic as the bell rang signalling lunch. Everyone in your class rushed to the door but you took your time to pack up, trying to calm yourself from the inside out. Now that you had a title for all the emotions and feelings, everything made so much more sense. You just didn’t think the realization of such a pure thing would make you have trouble breathing.
You stumbled out of the classroom door and let out a sigh of relief when you didn’t see Wooyoung right outside of the door. At least you were granted a few moments to get your heartbeat back to normal. You slowly began to walk towards the library, praying to whatever Gods above that the knots in your stomach would go away before you reached your little corner. There was no doubt in your mind that Wooyoung would already be there, with snacks for the both of you, sitting on the bean bags in the back corner that no one ever bothered.
And you were right, noticing as soon as you walked through the library’s doors, that Wooyoung was stretched out across to bean bags, his phone high in the air above him. No doubt he was scouting out the latest meme or TikTok, a thing he had failed to try and get you into. You walked over to him trying your best to project a facade of normality, especially as he turned and flashed you that bright smile you had come to adore.
“Y/n! Did you get that meme I sent you?” He said sitting up so that you could sit on the second chair that he was previously lounging on.
You took your spot with a small smile, doing your best to not show any other emotions except mild amusement, “Of course. It almost got me in trouble in Psyc.”
Wooyoung gave a little chuckle but there was a glint that came into his eyes at your words and it worried you, “Mrs. Choi didn’t take your phone?”
“She loves me too much to do that,” You rolled your eyes but at the mention of that damned word your heart sped up erratically again, your stomach knotted and your ears roared. The close proximity between you and Wooyoung became all too prominent and you flopped back into the seat, hoping maybe the jolt would shock your body enough to stop the feelings that had ahold of you.
Wooyoung raised an eye at your behavior as he sunk into the seat next you, head tilted so he could stare at your face. Even if the pair of you had only been close friends for a month, he could read you like an open book. He knew the second you walked into the library that something was bothering you; with the way your lips were in a tight line and your left hand was shaking uncharacteristically. He knew you were bad at hiding your emotions despite what you and others believed.
“I’m sure she did,” His voice dropped in volume and you closed your eyes to resist looking over at him, knowing that that intoxicating feeling would overtake you again. You hadn’t decided if you liked it, the tingling and the sparks, even if they always followed you around when you were with one of your favorite things. You just couldn’t really believe you had fallen in love and you didn’t know if you wanted any of the repercussions that came with it.
“Y/n.” Wooyoung’s voice finally registered in your mind and you nodded in acknowledgment.
“What’s wrong.” He said it like no question and you refrained from sighing. Of course Wooyoung would know something was up immediately.
He scoffed and turned on his side, giving you his full attention and you couldn’t help but glance over to his captivating eyes. They were entirely full of worry, “Don’t lie to me Y/n… just tell me what’s wrong.”
“I just… I learned something today,” You managed, tearing your eyes away from his as he cocked his head to the side. There was a roaring in your ears as you spoke and a sinking in your gut; but something wanted you to just tell him your epiphany. A part of you wanted to sing it to the world and it took every ounce of willpower not to just say it. You knew, internally, you just wanted to say it. Maybe than the dumb butterflies would leave your stomach.
“You seem pretty shook about it? What’d you learn about? A war or something?” He continually questioned and leaned his head down, hair brushing against your shoulder and your lips tightened into a straight line at the tingling contact.
“No… um it’s a.. It's something about myself.” You stuttered out, eyes wandering to your fingers in your lap, running your fingertips over your nails to try and ease your nervousness. You could feel your body tightening, in your back, in your arms and legs, all due to this odd stress that had been thrown upon your body as soon as Wooyoung laid his head against your shoulder.
“What is it than?” You could feel his breath against you shoulder as he pulled your hands away from one another, fearful you would somehow find a way to rip off your own finger. He had never seen you so fidgety, so nervous; and he had been with you the day you had a giant history presentation.
The way his fingers curled around you hand softly made your mind draw a blank, as your stupid heartbeat picked up into a sprint. You could only focus on the way his thumb softly drew circled on your knuckles, a thing you had told him you did to calm yourself down. You watched him, drawing shapes on the back of your hand gently, and spoke the first cohesive sentence you could form. “In psych they… we were talking about that feeling of butterflies... and electric jolts and such...and how… how i-it can mean your in love.”
He laughed a little and squeezed your hand in his own, that once unknown feeling encompassing your figure tenfold, as his words came out in a coy tone, “How’s that a bad thing?”
“Because I feel it all when i’m around you.”
You just had to say it. Maybe it was the way his tone made you jolt with energy or how carefully he caressed the skin of your hand. Maybe it was just the fact that with every second your mind kept screaming to tell him everything. It was the fact that all your nervousness seemed to fade, the stress that was weighing on your body, all faded into background noise at your words and you felt so much better.
Wooyoung’s quiet laughter made you furrow your brows in confusion, especially as he spoke in a light hearted tone, “Your confession was a lot more poetic than mine was going to be.”
“What?” You were thoroughly dumbstruck at his words and you could feel his smile grow against your shoulder.
“I was going to tell you today too, but it was going to be through some dumb meme… i’m glad i waited.”
“Wait.. you.. You...me?” You stuttered, getting frustrated with your brain as you tried to form an understandable sentence.
Wooyoung just laughed and lifted up a little, so you two could make eye contact as he spoke, a new seriousness in his gaze,  “I get those same, stupid butterflies when I’m around you too, Y/n.”
You could only stare at him as you croaked out, wonder-struck by the whole situation, “When?”
He smiled at you, a whole other look of fondness on his face, “Our little ice cream date. Not just anyone will let me pelt them with dessert toppings and let me live.”
“Dumbass,” You mumbled but a little grin grew on your face, as well as a blush as you pulled up your hands to cover your face. Wooyoung reluctantly let go of your hand and instead watched as color rushed to your face, and he could tell it was due to excitement rather than embarrassment.
He reached out and cupped the side of your face, a new sense of confidence taking hold of him, and brushed down your hand so you could see his smiling face, “Yeah, but I want to be your dumbass.”
“My dumbass?” You voice was quiet and questioning, because you couldn’t believe the way his smile was making you giddy or how you really just wanted to reach out and hold his hand. Or the major fact that he wanted to be with you. You believe that was the real reason to why you could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
He laughed, hot breath fanning against your face, as he stroked your cheek with his thumb, “Yeah, your dumbass. So… is it gonna be a yes or no?”
A smile grew on your face, as his fingers trailed over your skin leaving a trail tingling sensations, “Yeah…. Yes you can be my dumbass.”
For once in your life, Wooyoung looked bashful at your acceptance. A timid smile grew on his lips as he retracted his hand from your face and moved it to encase your own, fingers intertwining almost like it was second nature for them. His voice was wavering a little as a spoke, “Can.. can we finish up that Billy Elliot movie?”
“That’s the question you ask next?” You laughed a little and leaned back into your seat, training your eyes to take in all that was Wooyoung. His ashy hair always styled neatly, a smile that left you feeling woozy, and eyes alight with a life that made you want to stare at them all day. Adding all of his physical features with his personality; one of childlike playfulness and a caring only found in the most compassionate people, it made sense. It was no surprise, you thought as you looked at him taking in the curve of his shy smile, that every little thing he did made your heart race, your stomach knot, and your bones alight with a newfound sensation. You smiled a little at his new timid nature and squeezed his hand a little tighter, enjoying the feeling, “But yeah… we definitely can.”
You now knew the definition of love.
And it was everything Wooyoung was.
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turtles-imagines · 5 years
Hello! Could I request the 2007 turtles meeting their s/o during their job. Like donnies tech job, mikeys party thing, raphs nightwatcher. I dont know what you'd do for leo so if you wanna add him just some random headcanons I guess. Thanks in advance and welcome to the writing community! (I run leon-you-clutz a friend of yours asked me to give you a shoutout)
Aaaaa you’re too sweet! Thank you for requesting 💚💚💚
((PS- For Leo’s job I just did ninja))
Leo 💙:
- You were walking home from the library late at night. You were so exhausted since exam season was in it’s prime. Not paying attention in your sleepy haze, you turned down a dark alley way often used by you and your friends as a shortcut. You didn’t notice the mugger waiting in the shadows until it was too late.
- Just as the mugger put a gun to your head, a mysterious figure appeared behind the man. Before you knew it, the mugger was writhing around in pain as the vigilante delt this guy a new one. He didn’t fall peacefully though, having hit you with the handle of his gun before going down.
- Here you were, laying on the ground in a lot of pain, with this mysterious guy who just saved you. Sitting up to thank him you are surprised to see a giant mutant turtle.
“Uhhh... thank you sir? Excuse me, I have to go”
- Before he can react, you stand up and run the opposite direction, not realizing you dropped your wallet in the process. Being the “ever-righteous symbol of justice” he is, Leo figured he would have to return the wallet to you.
- You wake up the next morning with a raging headache, partly from being hit in the head and partly from compulsively studying. You vaguely remember seeing your “new friend”, the giant fucking mutant turtle. Besides the fact you think you may be going through a psychotic episode in which you see giant turtles who walk, talk, and fight like humans, your day is pretty good... until you realize your wallet is missing.
- Nightfalls and Leo leaves the lair with the intent to return your missing wallet and blackmailing you into not telling anyone what you saw. Using the information inside the wallet, he was able to figure out your address. It was around 12:30 am and your studying was interrupted by a heavy knock at the door. Imagine your suprise when you open it to find your reptilian protector holding your missing wallet, seeming to be just as flustered as you were.
“Umm, hello Sir/Mam, I believe you dropped this”
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Raph ❤️:
- What can you say, having to take a last minute job at a convince store in order to keep your broke ass alive sucked. But, the only thing that sucked more was having to work the night shift. Tired, hungry, and extremely bored, you decided to restock some shelves to keep you entertained. “I mean it’s stupid, right? Who the hell even goes into a crappy convince store on the bad side of town at 3 in the morning? Well no one, unless you’re looking to rob someone.” you thought. Well you and your big, fat mouth.
- You heard the door behind you open. After letting out an annoyed sigh and plastering a phony smile across your face, your turn to deliver a halfhearted greeting only to be met by a masked man holding a gun. He yelled at you to get behind the register and put all the cash in a burlap sack he held. Okay good plan, just one problem... there was only about $70 in the register.
- You sighed, realizing you were going to die in a sorry excuse for a 7/11 that was too cheap to even put cameras in. As you were finally accepting your death, the mysterious “Nightwatcher” basically kicked the door down and kicked this sky-mask wearing theif’s ass.
“So Mr. Nightwatcher, do you come here often?”
- After the incident with robber, the Nightwatcher would begin to visit you on slow nights. You’re relationship eventually turned into a casual friendship.
- He begun to visit more and more until it was a nightly ritual. He would beat up bad guys, roll into your store, not-so jokingly flit with you, grab some snacks, and then just sit by the counter.
- Raph, formally known to you as the Nightwatcher, had become a staple in you store and your life.
“Hey Dollface, next time some guy tries to hit on ya’, why not send em’ over to me”
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Donnie 💜:
- Since living in the city was so expensive, you decide to move in with your elderly aunt. It was nice, except she had no idea on how technology worked. You weren’t that bad with tech yourself, except you had no idea how to fix what she messed up.
- It became a daily occurrence for you to have to sit down and sit for hours on end, just trying to figure out where she went wrong. It got to the point where you felt like all you were doing was fixing tech. That was when you decided to look to a tech support hotline.
- Since Donnie spent most of his time working as a tech support jockey and had a messed up sleep schedule, he was up at all hours of the night. You would often get Donnie when you called.
“Hello I’m Donnie your- oh hey (Y/N). What do you need help with?”
- Your relationship eventually blossomed into a friendship. You eventually did move out of your aunt’s house, but that didn’t mean you stopped calling. You two would call to just talk about life and gossip like middle-aged, white suburban wives.
- The first time you did meet Donnie was when you asked him over to help build a computer. He basically blurted out on the phone that he wasn’t human. When you did meet, he was a bit nervous. Of course you had questions, which he was actually kinda happy to answer.
- That became the basis of your friendship. Talking on the phone, fixing broken tech, and building random computers.
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Mikey 💛:
- You had the patience of a saint. You had a lovely younger brother and of course you love him and his weird obsession with reptiles, but him and his sugar-hyped friends were really testing your patience.
- You practically thank god when your prayers are answered in the form of “Cowabunga Carl”, the life-sized turtle. You were very relieved to have had a discretion for your younger brother and his friends.
- After some party games and entertainment, it was about time to eat cake. Carl nearly had a heart attack when you offered him a slice of cake. Of course, as in true Mikey fashion, he littered your conversation with compliments.
“Hey, this cake is the second sweetest thing in this room. Can you guess what the first is ;)”
- Before he left the party Mikey gave you his phone number. Honestly, you thought he had a magnetic personality.
- It didn’t take long for you two to become close friends. Talking daily, playing against each other in online games, etc. But one thing always bothered you, you’d never seen his face, only his mask.
- It was a meetup after a party that you finally learned Mikey’s secret. Your brother’s friend had enlisted Mikey to make his party more fun. You two talked by his van after the guests had left when he finally spilled the tea that he was actually a giant talking turtle. But you two had grown so close that he could be a literal alien and you’d still be friends.
“So dude(tte), do you wanna go grab a pizza before I have to go home?”
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