#show don't tell c'mon it's basic storytelling
hazbin-critique-place 3 months
Blitzo just randomly walks in. AND DON'T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE HIM, HE'S LITERALLY THE CLOSES THING TO MY COPING MECHANISMS IRL AND PEOPLE HAVE DESCRIBED ME THE SAME WAY AS HIM, I'M NOT SHITTING ON HIM, but rather the storytelling... Like... What??? Like, make it make sense.
So he just randomly comes and goes, as he wishes??? And we saw he didn't have any problems with stealing (maybe just felt bad a bit but come on he kills ppl for living and we see how sadistic he can be he's NOT gonna have problem with that) why doesn't just steal from Stolas' house and sell that shit????? Like - he could fucking quit his job or find a better one!!!
And then he wouldn't need the grimoire, and... Boom.
Then, why is he even there??? Like - did he use his brains at all?? Like - bruv, you got rhe crystal already, so if you wanna act like you don't give a shit... Just don't come pleading to him (bird dick guy) and basically annoy the shit out of him for next 10 minutes even if you're right. Trust me, that's not how you feign nonshalance. I would know.
Stolas being sassy at him, then??? Like - if you have the guts to be sassy, why don't even have the whole conversation wuth him and sit and talk the relationship out with each other already??? Are you THAT stubborn?! That's not normal.
Also, if you really don't want him there, Stolas, just teleport him out. Or yourself. Just - fucking make it make sense. You HAVE the powers, and I KNOW that in Good Omens Crowley and Az would in this situation probably forget that, Neil even speaks about it in some interview or idk, but... Come on. HE'S SMART. STOLAS LITERALLY READS. (I know this is stereotyping but there IS a reason for the stereotype - literally a majority of people who'd read in their free time (and c'mon, even I, an ao3 monster, wouldn't read after such a fight like Sto and Blitz had - my anxiety would be making scenarios and pacing through the garden already -) ARE smart.) Don't make him look all educated and priviledged and informated and shit just to act like this mean asshole, like - does he ENJOY annoying Blitzo back??? (Also, pls shut, you twitter users who "dOn'T dEaDnAmE hiM!!!1!" all over reasonable posts when you lack better arguments. It literally IS his legal name, and if he had such a problem with it, he could change it easily... Take Anthony to Angel Dust, after all. Or just nicknames could work.) Bcs I at this point honestly think he does.
Also, you dumb, dumb, hypocritical bird, why would you show him a fucking invite when you could just repeatedly tell him to at least 'go away' or just act objectively reasonable????
And if you're trying to be so polite bro, just magic him a cup of tea, or something, to match the yours. It would nicely fit to the scene and aesthetic, also it would make you seem more nice and classy... At least I could like you.
Also, are you ignoring Blitzo or fuck楼ng talking to him???
Because at the same time, you want to have an alone time, but you still throw baits to elarge the conversation at him.
He's all sassy and makes comments and aaahhh - so you're like satisfied with the situation now or what???
I mean, poor Blitzo -
If you hate him, just tell it to him already. Poor boy.
Oh god, we aren't even 3 minutes in and I have already writen a goddamn novel.
Also, I know it's supposed to be funny, but the whole party idea is honestly just dumb. Like... I would be so bored and not even excited to even go to a place designated to constantly talk about a person I hate? Lol
Like I love a good gossip but not as a theme for a goddamn concert-having function!
Also, you know that happy people live longer, right? This is kinda unhealthy - I mean, that's just basic, no? Like don't support and feed your hatred towards an individual just to feel better about yourself, or at least don't force it.
Bcs I get the guy who broke down crying at that one shot after he tried to hit the blitzi plush so much. And the other dude was hyping him up. I'd be so much confused, like him. Like - he's going through some hard stiff, like some facking serious character development right now, just let him be!
About Martha... Ehhh, I love her new design and character, but it just seems boring and soul sucking now that every character, after they're denonised, they just happened to be the same, most generic, and shitty snappy, constantly angry and always frustrated (and frustrating) characters ever. Like - does hell really that much brainwash people??? I mean, it would be interesting, but honestly I don't think that Vivzie did this intentionally at all.
Also, why would you even sleep with your nemesys... 馃槶 I'm a number one enemies to lovers fan and I don't ship it if they don't bite rach other but this, especially so unexplored and just randomly thrown in, does NOT make and sense.
It was funny though lol. I want more of these just to see how much Viv's one-dimensional view of her own fucking characters transforming to hell changes.
Part 2 soon.
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shuttershocky 2 years
What would be so bad about cloverworks doing it? They're capable of doing some pretty great work when they put their minds to it - hell, babylonia looks amazing!
And like, c'mon. Are you really saying you aren't interested in the idea of a fate anime made by the same team that created Bocchi the Rock? It might not necessarily be the same team, but that was cloverworks too!
The Babylonia team's vision of what FGO is and what I would want out of a Shimousa adaption is fundamentally different, even if I don't think the Babylonia team was even wrong with their safe direction and all the fanservice.
Yes FGO is primarily concerned with with easily marketable big bombastic superheroics and selling sexy fanservice, and yes this really is where Fate as a franchise has been heading in the last decade so the Babylonia anime leering over Mash all the time is not actually out of line with what FGO already does, but that's never been what I liked about it. It's certainly not what I liked about Shimousa.
The studio is clearly competent and know how to focus on adapting the spirit of a work rather than simple translation between mediums to be able to adapt a 4koma like Bocchi into the very good anime it (apparently, I haven't watched it yet) is now, I just don't like what they chose to do with Babylonia.
I loved the first couple chapters of the Shimousa manga that I've read because it took the dark fantasy + horror tone of the original story and then went so fucking hard.
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There's raw grit and terror and desperation leaping from the pages that the original VN format could only tell instead of show. It's less interested in selling Musashi as a mascot for merch and fanservice than it is in telling you exactly how much she's terrified for her life.
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The Shimousa manga sacrificed mass marketability because they saw the game version has duels take place atop a field of skulls underneath a blood moon and said they absolutely had to go harder than that
Just look at how they did Raikou, Ms Big Boobah McGacha herself. She's absolutely still got her massive chest and there's even a shot dedicated to showing her figure, but that's not nearly as important as portraying just how much bigger she is as a monster
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Basically, I thought Babylonia was both too safe and overly fanservicey for the sort of tone and aesthetic I want for a Shimousa adaption. Even the changes they did make for the anime like having Guda talk to Tiamat felt more like they realized they were missing a chance to sell yet another waifu and slipped that in, or just baffling to me like King Hassan eating the lahmu to look badass and intimidating when he's like... Grand Assassin.
The Shimousa manga certainly has lighthearted moments and it's also not above selling Musashi as a marketable mascot when there's time for it, but I just think it handles its storytelling the best out of... Any Type-Moon adaptation really (perhaps second only to Kara No Kyoukai Paradox Spiral) and when it's time to go hard it goes so much harder than I would have ever expected.
TL;DR - I just think the manga set the bar so high and Babylonia did not convince me that Cloverworks would be a good fit to clear it.
I'd like to be proven wrong, but I'm not getting my hopes up, if we even DO get an anime for Shimousa.
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alatismeni-theitsa 2 years
isn't the situation basically the same here?
Kind of but also not exactly I think. I personally resort to arguments like "I don鈥檛 know how to explain to you that Dante鈥檚 Inferno聽is not the same as your 100k word slowburn enemies-to-lovers Destiel pornographic coffeeshop AU" because these types of people think so simplistically that they are not going to grasp it otherwise.
I mean, they can't even separate the context of fanfiction from the context of a culture organically developing its traditional stories imbued with local spirit. When they equate the two, they clearly haven't researched how cultures value ancient stories and why they keep them. And I don't owe them a full education on the matter, since the simple thought of another culture being different from theirs never crossed their mind. So, cue the above argument.
I support and value fanfiction, and I very much consider it literature. Good and valuable literature. Masterpieces have been written on fanfiction sites. And sure, fanfic can show us a lot about the modern age. For example... it can tell us that many modern westerners writing Greek myth fanfiction don't give a shit about Greek culture and the gods and other heritage figures, and how this notion spread to other countries through uscentrism 馃し Just because it can be researched, it doesn't mean the results will always be noble and wholesome.
I also think that saying Greek ancient works and stories are "a bunch of classics written by old white men and canonised by other old white men" has misogynistic undertones because it doesn't acknowledge the big role of women in oral storytelling. Like, c'mon hasn't your grandma ever told you a local fairytale or the story of a saint from her community??
It isn't the whiteness or the maleness that makes these stories valid. Like... for real?? That's such a USian take. How tf cares. We value them because it's our damn heritage, because, no matter what, that's all we have from our ancestors! People, just swift your point of view, okay? Not everything must be understood on your own terms. Sometimes... foreign people exist. If you can't see their way, if you can't accept their values, how tf you are gonna write something about ancient foreigners and the beings they revered the most???
Aaaanyway, my point is, I am not on any of the sides completely. I just want people to get some context when I use that argument.
Ok guys, you won. In 2023 the Mahabharata has the same cultural value as Destiel Coffeeshop AU. Case closed. 馃巼馃巼馃巼馃巼
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