#show line border collie
border-collie · 2 years
I think it would be interesting to observe a hypothetical dog world where border collies and golden retrievers switched places as far as when they had their breed split. The two breeds are remarkably similar in terms of development history and I predict that, in this hypothetical world where golden retrievers would have only been an AKC breed for 25 years, there would be very similar thought processes between working and show line breeders.
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doberbutts · 2 months
Is the high level of inbreeding in dobes more because "undesirable" traits are common so those dogs get weeded out (whether actual bad things or just not fitting the breed spec), a small number of breeders having the monopoly, or because they are all related anyway so there's no way of avoiding it without an outcross program? Is something like the Doberman Preservation ​Project a realistic future for the breed?
The doberman breed is in the current shape its in due to multiple genetic bottlenecks- some simple stupid breeding decisions and others due to active war zones and the consequences of wars- paired with people who are stubbornly refusing to even try to make it better because they have convinced themselves that what they're doing is right.
Fenris is my lowest COI dobe to date [23% iirc] and while not the lowest I've seen in the breed [19%], still a huge improvement over to 50-60% breed average. But people have argued again and again that lowering COI means making breeding decisions that produce inferior dogs, and so many refuse to even consider it as a possibility.
(For non-dog people, COI is coefficient of inbreeding, and it is a look at the numbers behind how inbred a population is. You want as low of a number as possible. 25% is equal to immediate siblings. Ideally we'd want single digit numbers, with anything over 10% being a major problem to fix. To compare, my chihuahuas are something like 6% (Fae) and 0.02% (Tater). Sushi is a direct line breeding aunt-to-nephew so she's up in the 40s.)
(It doesn't necessarily mean a dog is immune to genetic predisposition to bad health, as evidenced by Tater's CM diagnosis, however it does seem to correlate directly with longevity and likelihood of developing these problems, meaning Tater unfortunately just lost the genetic lottery)
In other words, it is certainly possible to reduce the COI of the breed by HALF with smart breeding decisions, and people are plugging their ears going LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU because it means actually going out and looking past the popular sires and taking a chance on a dog that might not be your exact type but will still improve the next generation. This is not just a show line problem because I spend the majority of my time with working line dobes and working dobe people and this is an incredibly annoying problem there too. Fenris himself has popular sires in his pedigree, both the show half and the working half, so it is demonstratably very difficult to avoid.
I do think a well executed outcross project is needed, however... the problem I have is that the current proposed projects all suck. There's not a lot of direction outside of throwing things into the pot and seeing what sticks, and a lot of the resulting dogs quite frankly aren't what doberman people would be looking for anyway. Farm collies? Bulldogs? Bullies? Carolina dogs? Border collies? Pyrs? Why??? None of these are going to make a dog that has the temperament that draws people to this breed.
There are. A bunch of breeders who are waiting for an outcross project that actually makes sense. They've even posted in various outcrops groups that they would support a project if it had certain specifications. Many have said, get yourself a nice female and title her out in a bite sport and do all the doberman health testing even if she's not a doberman and we'd be interested in contributing semen. The response almost invariably has been "but I don't want a protective dog". Then what are you doing in a DOBERMAN project??? So of course the chief complaint is that most of these projects are not looking to make dobermans, they're looking to make their own breed and just have a doberman paint job. Well, sorry, but most involved doberman people want a DOBERMAN, not just a dog that looks like one. This is the only AKC recognized breed with the sole function of personal protection. They are protective dogs. Either accept that, or get interested in a different breed.
I have heard increasingly concerning things regarding the temperament of the doberman diversity project dogs, which does not surprise me unfortunately as none of these dogs are in any way sourced from dogs with verifiable correct temperament. What do you get when you cross a Craigslist Corso with a Craigslist doberman? Well the first generation might be okay for people who want pets but apparently the ones that have worked in protection are awful at it. Same with the malinois crosses- of course, you took a lukewarm malinois and bred it to a z-list doberman and you're surprised that you got a bunch of lukewarm at best pet dogs.
I think the only project I solidly am somewhat interested in is the bandog cross, and that cross works just fine but then of course it does because in that country, bandogs are exclusively military, police, and security dogs, and she bred it to a igp3 doberman. Unfortunately the doberman died before his 10th birthday, so now we're all waiting to see what happens with his progeny.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆.
⤷ gender neutral, Valyrian blood (dragon rider), and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: I was inspired by @reiignonme, and I just HAD to do this. I'm so excited to write it. Also, I do know that dragons are aggressive creatures, but to their bonded rider, they're different.
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
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・The God of Dragons, is what his title should have been
・But to you, he wasn't the intimidating beast that everyone saw him as.
・To you he was a work of art, a creation so wonderous that your breath hitched whenever you saw him.
・You show your love to him by laying beside him, treating him with respect and dignity.
・You hate leaving him on his own, but you allow him his independence.
・Never in a million years would you put him in the Dragonpit, chained and waiting for you.
・And in turn, he shows you his love by fiercely protecting you. He will fly you anywhere, and calls whenever he's beckoned.
・Only obedient to you, he doesn't listen to anyone else but you. However, it's almost as if he's level-headed and can be reasoned with.
・The other dragons fall in line and let him lead - which means you're the leader as well.
・His roar is earth-shakingly loud. And it can be heard from miles away.
・All of your subjects bow to you, knowing your power.
・Because we know, that a dragonrider has the same traits as their dragon.
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・Is quite the adventurous dragon; she isn't one to be paraded around like Silverwing or Dreamfyre. She rather dislikes large crowds, preferring mountainsides and flying over oceans. She doesn't like small spaces either.
・Bonding with Meraxes was like bonding with a Border Collie - always has energy and curiosity
・But unlike Quicksilver, Meraxes is less energetic in a comic sense. She's more mature; more battle-worn.
・Will protect you unrelentingly.
・Hates sudden loud noises
・But loves hearing how much you love her and how much of a good job she's done
・Her teeth are smaller than the other dragons, but more pointed/sharp and there's more of them
・Her roar is also more high pitch and of a scream
・Meraxes' scales are pearlescent and seem to move in the sunlight
・Not many people know that, because she doesn't like being approached by others.
・That's why she isn't kept in the dragonpit.
・But she isn't as aggressive as Vermithor or the Cannibal
・You can tell that she wants a mate though, and often tries to woo Balerion - but he wants none of it.
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・She shows her love by waiting for you to sit on her saddle before taking off.
・You have to shout out the command to fly and then, she takes off.
・You have a very special bond with Vhagar, which clicked into place because you would spend more time looking after her than making her fly.
・For example, talking to her, brushing/washing her, stroking her face.
・For those who don't think dragons understand - you're wrong because they really do. That's why some riders have a bigger bond than others.
・Some just see their dragon as an animal, as a beast. But those that see them as apart of them, that's when the true bond clicks into place.
・And you knew that being pampered is everyone's dream - or just being doted upon. So, because you put in the hours for her, she does the same for you.
・She obeys your commands without question, because she trusts you.
・But she doesn't like anyone else touching her, in fact there's a few trainers with burnt hands because of Vhagar.
・She loves laying in the sun, and will fly you to a beach to lay in the sand. Often you're chastised by your family for bringing sand into the castle.
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・She's the type of dragon to be like, "let's go faster! let's go faaaaasteeeer!"
・Isn't as aggressive as others, but would rather be away from people if able.
・Hates being paraded around
・But will do it if persuaded with food and belly rubs (although most dragons don't like to expose their stomachs as it is one of their most vulnerable body parts)
・When you introduce her to a friend or acquaintance, she does a big roar and then huffs a laugh at the person's scared response
・One of the more docile dragons like Silverwing
・Has similar colouring to Meraxes, but unlike her, Quicksilver is smaller but nimbler.
・One of the fastest
・Can beat anyone in a race
・And she LOVES to race
・Has to be ridden everyday otherwise she goes hyperactive and will lash out at the trainers
・Once when you were bedridden for a week, she flicked a whole group of trainers with her tail and then let out the biggest flame she had ever expelled.
・Tail flick = I'm irritated, Roar = I'm hungry or is trying to scare someone for a laugh, Fire = she is actually angry, Baring her teeth = scared
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・No one is allowed to approach him, hell no one is allowed to look at him.
・He's an incredibly aggressive and temperamental dragon. One that hates everyone but you.
・Completely black, he's known for eating other dragons - which makes him an outsider. No dragon, no matter how mighty, doesn't feel safe around him
・Even Balerion keeps his distance
・You weren't sure whether to keep his name or not, since you did have an emotional connection with him.
・But you guessed that he like being intimidating
・You have to feed him yourself or he will go hunting for dragons or sheep. Hasn't actually eaten a person, but has killed many.
・As he's your bonded dragon, people are a lot more intimidated by you. Since dragons and riders have somewhat similar traits.
・Although he does like showing you his den. He looks at you like, 'it's nice, isn't it. Did you see the bones I placed at the front? Yeah...it's to scare people off...'
・You see him differently than others see him. You aren't afraid of him. It's how you were able to bond with him in the first place.
・There was something in his eye that you thought was vulnerability, rather than hostility.
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・His favourite form of physical touch is being scratched, like, really really scratched.
・Vermithor's back leg will wobble in absolute delight
・Especially when you get to those places where he cannot reach himself
・Doesn't like anyone but you doing it (or anyone but you being in the room when you do it)
・He's a very private & grumpy boi. Doesn't like being woken too early either. And likes to have an afternoon nap.
・And an angry/aggressive one too. He doesn't like being woken up early, and once you had to dodge out of his firing line. When he realised it was you, he made a really long upset face (that only you and his only other rider, Jaehaerys has seen)
・But he's incredibly loyal, and would die for you.
・What's important to you, is important to him (unless it's before 8am)
・Can sense when you're overwhelmed and will let out a huge roar so no one comes near
・Likes when you fall asleep with him. He may like his solitude, but he doesn't mind company (it depends on the company)
・Actually likes doing royal processions because he gets to show off how big and scary he is. He knows it's too remind the people of whose in charge.
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・The least aggressive out of all the dragons (but that doesn't make her a formidable foe.)
・It's almost as if Silverwing understands that dragons keep people in line, but an approachable dragon keeps the respect and admiration of the people
・If she's patient and sociable with others, then you know damn well she has all the love, patience and affection for you.
・She shows her affection by nuzzling into your open palm, her eyes closed and you swear her lips are in the shape of a smile
・Wherever you are - standing alone, or in a crowd etc., she has her body wrapped around you; shielding you.
・And when you're alone together, she'll lay down and let you rest with her, and/or on her. Then, she'll fully wrap around you to help you warm up.
・She absolutely loves spending time with you. Funnily enough, she's a very outgoing dragon.
・She won't let you come into any harm though. Either because she herself has placated the people who could hurt you (the common people) by interacting with them calmly and gently.
・And if anyone tries to hurt you, she's the first to react. Although her temperament seems calm, she is highly protective of you and will burn someone to ash if they try to hurt you.
・When you're in King's Landing and the King demands that Silverwing be put in the Dragonpits, you sneak down to sleep with her. You have a very tight bond.
・Otherwise, she takes you somewhere else to sleep; amongst the grass, so you can fall asleep underneath the stars.
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newtonsheffield · 5 months
peanut butter 😂😂 we are gonna need newton’s thoughts on Peanut Butter and Hyacinth picking that name
Imagine Newton, thinking he’s getting to go out for a drive in the Land Rover with Anthony and his Katie. Only to be BETRAYED.
Newton’s tail wagged as the car came to a stop, peering out the window.
“Okay, buddy boy. Let’s go.”
Newton had no idea where they were but, if Katie had brought him here, it must be a treat. He deserved a treat, really. Keeping the farm running as a single dog, with all those sheep. Not to mention trying to keep Anthony in line. God it was a wonder his back didn’t break under the weight of it all.
Katie clipped him onto his leash and he strained towards the house where he assumed some sort of spa day was waiting for him, Anthony following behind.
“Anthony?” A strange woman called out, “Here about the Pup?”
Newton huffed, tapping the woman’s foot with his paw. Obviously they were here about the Pup. They were here about him.
“Just round this way.” The woman called out, scratching Newton behind the ears, “Handsome boy.”
Newton followed her, Katie and Anthony trailing behind as she went to a tiny barn.
Strange place for a spa but- Oh no.
They weren’t here for Newton. He realised that the moment the barn door opened. There was a border collie inside, a litter of pups all around her.
No! Newton yipped, turning around a scrambling towards the exit. We don’t need a pup, thank you!
Newton couldn’t stop glaring at it. The tiny pup, Mr Peanut Butter, Hyacinth had named him ignoring Newton’s derisive scoff, was chewing Newton’s tennis ball across the room.
He’d curled up against Newton’s tummy in the car on the way home and the pup had had the audacity to try and climb on Newton’s bed.
Katie! Newton yipped, Katie it’s got my ball!
Newton ran forward, just managing to save his bear from the clutches of the pup. He tucked it into his bed and turned on the puppy who’d followed him over, liver spotted ears pricked.
Okay, Mr Peanut Butter. We need to establish some rules! Newton Huffed.
Sorry. Peanut Butter whined.
It’s fine, it’s just Morton is mine. Anthony has some slippers over there that are for Chewing.
Peanut butter wagged his tail. Can you show me?
Newton huffed, considering, I could go for a chew, We’ll take one each.
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Bluey's episode "Surprise" and a discussion on the surprise
One of the first things I did when I woke up this morning was watch the Bluey episode "Surprise". I had three thoughts for most of it 1.) Yeah two kids and two different games is gonna get chaotic. 2.) I feel sorry for Bandit. All my man wanted to do was watch the race. Poor guy will definitely wake up tomorrow covered in bruises. 3.) This feels like a generic episode... why air it after "The Sign"? Like what makes it the better season finale. Then I got to the end.
Spoilers below the line
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Adult Bluey. She looks great! I am not gonna lie though she maybe looks a little to young. Someone said she was older now because she has grey in her fur. Maybe I am just bad at guessing dog ages but I thought that was just texture to show her fur had gotten longer/thicker over time. I would have honestly believed that she was 18 and visiting home for the first time after going away to college.; particularly since Chili says Bingo is still at home. Then i remembered Bingo is hinted to have an intrest in the medical field/want to be a doctor, so maybe she stays at home longer to save money while working on her degree. But there is one thing to hint Bluey must actually be in her mid to late 20's at this point....
Her little child. Again I am not the best guess of the characters ages... I am going to guess this kid is around 5 based on them only being about a head smaller than Bluey was when she was 7 and played this trick on Bandit (also I just do not think you give a ball shooter to a toddler. Imagine Muffin with one).
The main topic surrounding this little pup right now seems to be who is the father. I understand the shippers want to know, But I am an adult viewer who really does not have that much interest in ships in a children's show. And there are other things I think people should be asking. First do we think this is Bluey's son or her daughter. They look a lot like Bluey, but also a lot different from her. Plus this show is pretty good at not necessarily making all the girls look exactly like their moms: both Bluey and Socks resemble their fathers and Bingo looks as much like her aunt as she does her mom. Other than that the dogs do not wear cloths and we do not hear a name or voice to help us guess. So really they could be either.
That drives me to my next point. I really want this pup to have a name. I definetly believe that Bluey's child would have a name that starts with "B" to carry on the little tradition from her childhood house. Since we do not know if they are a boy or a girl I have decided to christian them by the gender neutral animal name: "Bean". "Beanie" and "Little Bean" are affectionate names family members will call them. Their favorite breakfast food is biscuits with jelly, because then they will be asked "Jelly Bean?" which makes them laugh so hard they almost roll off their chair
here is a picture of Bluey's child ("Bean") , that I took off the official wiki, without the toy gear.
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They have less jet black fur and more purple/dark blue than it originally looked like they did when they were wearing the toy. Personally I think they look like a blue/grey version of Brandy. Genetics are fun. It is much harder to say looking at this picture if they are a Blue Heeler/Border Collie mix or a Blue Heeler/ Black lab mix. Wiki says this is on purpose as both mixed breed dogs can look fairly alike and that the pup has traits that could come from either Bluey's friend Mackenzie or her Friend Jean Luc. So you heard it here. The creators intentionally left the breed/father of this pup ambiguous, and you are not wrong for believing either one of them is Bluey's husband/ the father.
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rebelliousstories · 10 months
Pine Cone
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1,336
Masterlist: Here
Summary: Jake rdecides that he is going to show his girlfriend the lovely Seresin family holiday tradition of making a pine bonfire in the backyard.
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You would think for a southern state, Texas does not get cold during winter, but you would be wrong. No, they do not have blankets of snow, but it is still cold. And there are many different ways of keeping warm on those cold nights. You could bundle up or stay indoors, but not the Seresin family. They had a rather enjoyable family tradition.
“Trust me, you’re going to love this. We’ve been doing this since we were kids, babe!” Jake exclaimed as he drove his truck down the gravel road to his family home. The woman in his passenger seat giggled as she watched her boyfriend get excited about visiting his family for the holidays. Getting the leave from the navy to do this was difficult enough, coupled with the fact that they had several wrecks and events that prolonged the already long drive from California to Texas, she was just glad to see the house in view finally.
“You really think they’ll like me?” She wondered, eyes fixated down onto her hands that were fidgeting. Once they were parked, Jake turned in his seat to grab his lover’s hands. He forced her to look in his eyes instead of away, and held her.
“Of course. I especially know my mom will love you. You have nothing to worry about. And if anyone says anything to you about it, just let me know. We can leave anytime you want.” His words were so sincere that she had no other choice than to believe him. She leaned over and pecked him gently on the lips, which made him smile. However, he chased after and pressed a longer kiss to her. She could not contain her giggles as they sat there for several moments. Jake pressed his forehead against her own.
“Ready?” He whispered, closing his eyes and enjoying his time alone with his lover.
“Ready.” She confirmed, allowing her eyes to close as well. After a moment more, the couple made their way out of the truck that was parked in the gravel by the side of the house, and up to the front door. Jake grabbed her hand in his, and knocked with is free hand. A set of loud howls sounded shortly after the knocks, and that was the last warning before chaos ensued. Once that door opened, two large dogs bolted out of the home, and jumped straight onto Jake. He let go at the last minute to catch them, making sure that his girlfriend did not also fall over by the weight of the hounds.
A coonhound and border collie sat their wagging their tales over the body of her lover, licking and jumping over him in pure excitement. Hangman kept laughing and petting the dogs as he allowed them to get their excited energy out. As soon as the dogs eased up though, the man was still not safe. Several small children crashed into him as he tried to stand back up. However, unlike the dogs, he simply picked up as many of them as he could before walking into the home where his family was.
“We’re here!” He called out, dropping the children safely on the ground. They all ran to do something else expect for one little boy who just wanted to stay near Jake the entire time. Said man was met with lots of hello’s and people coming up to wrap him in hugs. Hangman turned around with his nephew on his back and beckoned his lover over.
“Everyone, this is my girlfriend.” His introduction prompted everyone to turn their attentions to her instead. She was greeted with open arms, literally. Everyone took the time to learn her name, and provide her with theirs, and genuinely seemed to take interest in her. Slowly, but surely, her anxiety dissipated from her thoughts until she was genuinely comfortable with everyone there. Food was passed around and stories were shared. No one made any out of line comments or made her feel unwelcome; she did not know what she was afraid of in the first place.
It all passed so fast for her, that before she knew it, she was tucked into Jake’s side on the couch nursing a drink in her hand. With her lover next to her, she fell into conversations easily with those around her. And even though she was still wearing her jacket and shoes, the cold slipped in between the layers of fabric. Jake noticed and tried his best to keep her warm, but it was just one of those nights. Those kinds of nights where cold seeps into your bones and will not leave. It seemed that a lot of the other people around were trying desperately to stay warm, but failing too.
“Momma, I think it’s time.” Jake called out as his mom tried to stoke the fire bigger. She sighed, and relented, knowing he was right. But the girl tucked into Hangman’s side was utterly confused.
“What’s going on?” She whispered as her boyfriend stood up, and pulled her to him. He placed his beanie on her head and dragged her to the back door.
“Seresin family tradition, dear. You’ll see.” And with that, the whole Seresin clan took off into the woods that encompassed their back yard. Yet, she was still confused. She did not know what they were doing out there or what she was waiting to see. Jake took her hand and led her to a large pine tree, where he stood with a large smile.
“Jake, what is going on?” She pestered. She was cold, and tired, and wanted to be warm. But Jake started to pick up pine cones and needles in his large hands.
“Grab some. Come on!” He looked like a kid in a candy store as he ran around picking up more materials. Even though she did not understand, she joined him anyways. They worked for a few minutes picking up fresh needles from branches that were low, and dried old needles from the ground that had already fallen and turned brown. Making sure the pine cones that grasped were also dry, the couple went back to where the rest of the family was slowly, but surely returning.
As everyone approached, they dumped their armfuls of tinder into the fire pit that she was now noticing. She joined Jake in dumping their own armfuls, and then he pulled her back a ways. Momma Seresin came up shortly afterwards with a lighter, and then, poof. The pit had erupted into flames as the pine caught the fire that was there. Soon enough, smoke was filtering upwards as the fire roared on, but the comforting smell of pine drifted into her nose. She watched the bonfire burn and pop as they continued on with their night. Even though they were outside, the whole family felt warmer than ever. She turned in Jake’s arms from where they sat in front of the pit, with a confused expression on her face.
“When we were kids, my siblings and I would burn the excess pine in the yard cause we didn’t need it in the compost. We’d spend the whole night out here, burning stuff, playing around, even sleeping when it got late enough. Eventually, the adults saw what we were doing and joined us. So now, it’s our little tradition. When it gets cold enough, nothing warms you up like a pine fire.” His eyes stared longingly at the fire before them, and his grin told her that he was reminiscing about his childhood.
“Well, when we get our new house, I’ll make sure we have a bonfire pit. I’ll even find somewhere to get us some pine cones.” She commented, watching his face intently. Jake chuckled lightly and turned back to the woman in his arms. He kept laughing as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her in closer. Something told her that she was about to have a lot more bonfires to sit around.
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theramseyloft · 1 month
Is the STRH a separate breed entirely from traditional RHs or is it like the non working lines of Border collies/Aussies?
It is a separate breed that developed from the Racing Homer.
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The Racing Homer is a performance breed.
Wilson here is a streamlined thoroughbred of a bird designed for aerodynamic structure and power to sustain high speed marathon flight.
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Show Type Racing Homers are exactly what they say on the tin.
A strain of racing homers bred for their appearance.
Like all Exhibition breeds, the Show Type Racing Homer exists exclusively to look good in a show pen.
Where Wilson's streamlining is functionally aerodynamic and his broad breast is made of very large muscles to power his flight, miss Money Penny's streamlining is purely aesthetic.
The Show Type's build is designed to make them look powerful.
Bigger, broader chested, but streamlined with no embellishments; a buff drill sergeant of a bird next to the comparatively dainty looking Racer.
But that look makes them too heavy to maintain anything like the three to five hundred mile flights required of Racing Homers.
They have long since lost any semblance of the ability to home, and could not manage a flight over any real distance even if they could find their way.
Very similar to the American Show Racer:
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The even BIGGER, Tougher, more macho looking version!
(Significantly bulkier and less capable of sustaining flight over any real distance.)
Because 'Murica!
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no-less-than-a-god · 8 months
Of Harvest, Of Celebration, and of Rest (part 2)
part 1 here
Before the sun had risen, the farm was nothing but stirred soil and ungrown seeds; now, it’s overflowing with gourds, vegetables, and fruits alike. The entire flock has taken to the field, marveling at the crops and watching the farmers, still in their ritual robes, take to their duties and pick as many plants as they can reach.
“Leaders!” a child shouts at the Lamb and Narinder. The Lamb turns, and watches a small border collie run up to them between two rows of pumpkins that almost swallow him in height. “Did you see it? Did you see the crops shoot up out of the soil? It was amazing! There was nothing, and then, BOOM-”
“Nic,” a voice calls from behind the child, and his jaw snaps shut with an audible click, a guilty look spreading across his face. “What did I just tell you?” It’s his mother that is scolding him, a gray wolf with a scarred muzzle. She stands among pumpkins, dressed in ritual robes, and holds one of the orange fruits in her arms. Beside her stands a second collie similarly dressed, holding half a dozen eggplants in one arm and two small children—a wolf pup, and a fox kit—in the other, both too young to walk around the overgrown farm without tripping.
Nic, the child follower, glances between his parents and little siblings before looking back to the Lamb and Narinder, and bows his head, clutching his small robe between equally small paws. “She told me to ‘not bother the Leaders while they work’…sorry.”
“You are forgiven, child,” the Lamb replies, and Nic looks back up, bright and starry-eyed. “I myself have not seen the crops sprouting as a result of the ritual, but I believe in earnest that it’s a sight to behold. Your excitement is not something to apologize for. Return to your parents, they are awaiting you.”
The pup spins around and runs back to his parents, joyously screaming incoherent barks the entire way.
“You wonder why the flock you tend to are so dependent upon you,” Narinder quietly comments as the child becomes out of earshot, “when you do not discipline them for even the simple matters, like speaking out of line.” His tail curls in amusement from behind him, and the Lamb huffs in their own show of humor.
“Hypocrisy is not a vice you should harbor as a leader,” is what the Lamb retorts back as they reach to the front of their cloak, unlatching it from beneath the thick collar around their neck; the bell attached to it jingles ever-so-slightly as it’s jostled, releasing a whispering chime into the dry air. They disrobe as they continue their remark, not bothering to turn back to Narinder, “Wasn’t it just the other week you coddled a follower, even after they stepped on your robe while exiting the Temple?”
“I still advised them to be more careful of their surroundings.” Narinder watches as the Lamb’s fleece is pulled off from them, revealing a toned back and arms to three red, observing eyes. His tail curled pleasurably. “Was that not discipline?”
The Lamb looks back, folding their cloak while doing so, eyes narrowing. “As there was no punishment or compensation, I’d say that wasn’t.”
“Shall I put the next robe-treader into the pillory, then?” Narinder follows the Lamb as they step towards a nearby chest to place their attire upon, a teasing and fanged grin speaking on his face from beneath his veil. “Would that suffice?”
The Lamb places their fleece on top of the chest and faces Narinder, crossing their muscular arms across their chest. They say nothing for a moment, just giving him a knowing, glittering look, before changing the topic. “Will you help the farmers with their harvest like I, or will you loiter like the others?”
The two begin to walk again, towards rows of cabbages and beetroot. “You misspeak, Lamb. Others are helping the farmers.”
“Then that means you will as well?”
“A respectful god must provide for their followers. Do you take me for such a pitiful thing?” 
Together, the two gods begin to pick vegetables with the rest of the flock, dislodging beetroot and cabbages from the soil and overgrowth for followers to come by and carry back later with carts and baskets. Some of the younger, more romantic followers ogle at the rare sight of the Lamb without a cloak, but look away quickly when catching the covered but still-intense glares Narinder sends over the Lamb’s shoulders.
“Your admirers are bold today,” Narinder muses, plucking a ripe beetroot from the soil. Dirt splays onto his white robes, but he pays it no mind. “They’re staring.”
“Let them,” the Lamb gently replies, raising a hand to brush wool away from their eyes with the back of their wrist. “Their looks aren’t causing harm.”
“But alas, they’re surely not working if they’re staring. I thought you wanted the harvesting to be completed before noon?”
“We’ll be alright, we have efficient workers.” The Lamb pauses, looking up and meeting Narinder’s eyes from under his veil. One of his ears twitch, uneasy, at the sudden eye contact. “Unless, that’s not the truthful reason for your discontent with the ones who stare.”
Narinder’s ears pitch back, and his tail begins to twitch at the tip. He says nothing, neither confirming nor denying the accusation made against him.
The Lamb doesn’t let the current conversation drop, a sharp smile slowly growing on their lips. “Is the one formally known among all as The One Who Waits, jealous?”
“I am not jealous of you, Vessel.” Narinder’s tail is thrashing, and he’s sneering. “I care naught for such-”
“Do not pretend to misunderstand me,” the Lamb interrupts, their smile growing almost sinister. “You know what I meant.”
Narinder squirms under the Lamb’s eyes, claws almost puncturing the beetroot in his hand. He wants to throw it to the ground and stalk off in offense, but he’s not a child.
“You imply I grow jealous of your own flock?” is Narinder’s jab back. “How cruel to accuse me of such. Tell me, what is it I am jealous of? Being made docile and dumb?”
The Lamb breaks their gaze, resuming to pull up the next vegetable in their row. They move to the next crop, and shift on their knees until they’re face-to-face with their fellow god of death.
“You are jealous,” they tease him, “that others can look upon me with such rapture without worrying of reputation or respect.”
“I wear a veil,” he jeers back. “If I so choose, I could look upon you however I wish, however long I please.”
“And yet you stare down our followers for doing the same.”
“Because they are being inefficient with their work.”
“Because you do not like them staring at what you deem yours alone.”
Red eyes squint into small crescent shapes as a fanged and dangerous smile breaks across Narinder’s face. It’s an expression that would send a normal follower to an early grave if the god had not a veil across his face hiding it, but it’s an expression that the Lamb themself takes pleasure in seeing.
“You are alone mine, Vessel,” he purrs, dark and deep. Possessive. “Lest you’ve forgotten?”
The Lamb’s gaze bores into Narinder’s. “I shall never forget, not once. I just felt the need to remind you, however.”
Narinder’s face drops slightly, growing confused. “Remind me?”
“Yes,” they reply, and turn back to the crops. “Because you have grown so jealous of others, you have forgotten your own importance to me, and that has made you as inefficient and lackluster at harvesting as the followers you’ve been glaring at.”
“I am no hypocrite, Lamb.”
“Then get back to work, and forget about them.”
Narinder growls, spits curses at both the Lamb and the flock, but does as he’s told, paying no more attention to the Lamb’s ogling admirers. 
He would have stormed off, agitated at the Lamb’s gall to scold him, but he stays; he hasn’t forgotten that his vessel is growing with fatigue, and that his help is needed.
Wordlessly, Narinder harvests the rest of the field with the Lamb and the rest of the flock with minimal complaint, not paying any mind to those he was glaring at before.
The harvest celebration began as something small, beginning the year the ritual first succeeded after four years of continuous hunger. The relief and joy of food was something to cause celebration for, and the followers had festivities for a week straight.
Devotion to the Lamb had skyrocketed during that time, and everyone was happy, so the Lamb allowed them their unofficial holiday.
Over time, as the ritual became a yearly necessity to manage the growing flock, the harvest celebration was passed down from older followers to new. It slowly shortened to a single day by the gentle but firm guidance of the Lamb, and the flowing of joy and festivities became more explosive to compensate.
There are dances, songs, all originating from cult members that have long since passed. Deriving from cultures of the past and combining, the melodies and shimmies are now something entirely unique to the cult, a culture of their own making, continuously evolving as these traditions are passed from one follower to the next.
The preparations, however, have mostly stayed the same.
A structure is being built near the farm, a wide ring of stones and wood that will become a bonfire when the sun settles back into the horizon; wood is strung together with silk and twine into tables for an upcoming feast the cult’s chefs are hard at work preparing; decorative banners in autumn colors and other delights get scrounge up from the backs of storage units to haphazardly pin up around the compound. The followers are high-strung with energy, and are busy as bees.
But not all are preparing for the festivities. The farmers, among others, have been tasked with helping the Lamb in their own preparations. The cult currently has masses of food, but if they’re not stored quickly, they will all rot before winter. It’s their job to preserve the crops.
At first, the cult resulted in using salts, and then turned to pickling produce in barrels, the knowledge of these preservation tactics picked up from travelers the Lamb has met among docks and markets. Now, with the support of a chilling curse produced from Narinder’s claws, the overflow from the salt and pickling barrels are piled in a special storage hut, chilled on the inside with a powerful and icy curse. It’s not as efficient as the other methods, as the ice crystals that adhere to the crops makes them less flavorful and strange to cook, but it keeps them from rotting before they can be used in the following months.
“I will need you to check the healing bay,” the Lamb is instructing a small and stout raccoon, “You will need to tell me within the next day or two if you and your fellow healer are getting low on any supplies. Food may not be an issue this upcoming winter, but sickness is still a threat. It would be beneficial to make sure nothing runs out.”
“Yes, leader,” the raccoon replies, her small hands fidgeting in front of her chest. “Am I to be requested for anything else?”
“If time allows, it would also be optimal to begin checking the insulation in the shelters. If you fear you are not knowledgeable to gauge the condition of the shelters yourself, one of the woodcutters might know. If not, seek me out. I will not mind the intrusion.”
“Yes, leader!” The raccoon bows, gripping her robe anxiously in his hands, and she quickens off.
The Lamb continues directing: a red panda is tasked with asking his peers if they’ll have suitable clothes to warm themselves, and to advise the Lamb if more blankets or clothes will need to be provided. A red fox is asked to help a farmer, a cat with pale yellow fur, load picked crops onto carts to corral off to the kitchens and storage. A stag with a single antler is tasked to check with his daughter, a chef, to see if there is any restocking needed to be done in preparation for the upcoming cold.
By the time afternoon branches into evening, the rush of devising has settled into a calm flow of final touches, and a pause of breath can finally come to the Lamb as followers pile together around tables to enjoy the feast the chefs have worked hard on to make, using fresh fruits and vegetables from the morning’s harvest. They stand back, arms crossed from under their fleece, observing the work their followers have performed over the past day with a note of pride, and are able to take their first deep breath since after the ritual had ended.
Narinder finds his way to the Lamb’s side, a bowl clutched between his hands. He eyes the pumpkin and cauliflower soup calmly as his tail slowly curls around the back of the Lamb’s legs, and he takes an experimental sip of the food from under his veil.
“They’ve done well,” is what he says after a moment. “The soup is good.”
The Lamb smiles. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Your flock’s festivities are always more exciteful after a famine,” Narinder notes, his third eye tracking the movement of a follower talking, their hands moving dramatically as they speak. “I still recall the one thrown after three years without harvest. Most of your followers ended up collapsing out in the fields instead of retiring to their beds that night. I can’t tell if those qualities are something I admire about them, or sneer at.”
“I admire it.”
Narinder’s tail wraps closer to the Lamb. “I inquire that you speak more. Allow me to listen to your reasoning, and let me judge the perspective you bring.”
“Lives are short, for our followers,” the Lamb begins, softly. “Even for those that reach elderhood, they too eventually will die. Such short lives. Do you think, then, that it would be better to focus on the delights, or the things that bring distress?
“They celebrate more after famines because they choose to focus their lives on savoring the better moments. And I have noticed, over time, that our followers who do so are more loyal, more happy. They are more satisfied with the lives we have paved for them, and as a leader it makes me happy.” The Lamb looks to Narinder. “That is why I admire their resolve to celebrate.”
Narinder brings the bowl in his hands up to his mouth. “I understand,” he replies, and consumes more of the soup that had been prepared for the feast. He looks back to the Lamb with all three of his eyes as his bowl lowers. “You have explained well, my Lamb, and I cannot lie and say that I don’t agree. You see their determination, their optimism, and let that in turn empower you. That is something that I cannot help but admire.”
“You’re beginning to stray from this conversation, Narinder.”
“Nay. Admiration is something of which this conversation is about.” He gives the Lamb a small, mischievous smile from under his veil. “It wasn’t specified that your flock was the only subject to be conversed about.” 
“Such a foul god.”
“If I’m so removed from divinity to reach the title of a foul being, then why tarnish your own godliness remaining by my side?” Narinder takes another drink of his soup, satisfied with his jab.
“Because my devotion for you has long since corrupted me.” The Lamb’s sudden, honest words cause Narinder to freeze in place, and he listens with sole attention as his equal continues. “My loyalty to you turned me from flesh to blade, and it will be something I will never grow to regret. Even if you truly fell from grace, becoming something so foul you tarnish whatever you touch, I would remain with you.”
Narinder swallows, ear twitching unconsciously. “You are vile.”
“I only speak the truth.” The Lamb is smiling at Narinder, and he turns away, suddenly finding focus in finishing his food and brushing the dirt from his robe. His tail remains around the Lamb, however.
There is silence between the two as the flock begins to finish their large meal. By the time most of the followers are done, the cult’s energy has been rejuvenated, and excitement builds as the last of the sun has set, where the bonfire is finally lit.
It’s the stag, the elder with a single antler, who begins to sing around the fire, one of the festival songs. He sings of growth and rest, of death and life, as others join in from around the fire. It’s not a neat performance, many voices ringing off-key or slightly behind, but there’s heart in it.
There are a few followers who have instruments, picked up along crusades or bought from markets, and they join into the song with their harmonies. Those of whom that don’t sing or play seek partners and begin to dance along to the unlaying beat of the music. The family of farmers, the one containing the child Nic, are trying to teach him and his younger siblings the dance as best they can; it’s not going well, but the attempts are bringing smiles and laughter.
“Leaders?” a cat approaches, her golden skull necklace catching in the light of the bonfire. “Are either of you planning to partake in the festivities? It would be suitable for a break after today’s hard work.”
The Lamb sighs with a small, tired smile, but stretches out a hand regardless for their follower to take. “Lead the way, Piper.”
Narinder watches as the Lamb is guided into the fray of celebration by the tortoiseshell. He is not one for dancing and singing, so it’s not expected among followers for him to join in. The Lamb, however tired they might be, does.
He lets two of his close as he lets himself be overcome by joyous sounds of laughter and song; his third eye remains on the Lamb, watching their fleece flow around them as they spin and dance among their followers. Narinder may not dance, but he does allow his tail to sway behind him in rhythm with the rest of the cult. 
He is part of them, after all.
At some point, the Lamb is stopped by two followers, a doe and a rabbit. They seem to exclaim something in jubilation to the Lamb, and they bow their head slightly to the two, saying something in return. The two followers, looking beyond ecstatic, turn to each other and embrace with a kiss.
Narinder is happy for the two, even though it’s not something he plans to admit aloud. It’s been many years since the cult has had a wedding. It would be nice to have one again, even despite the extra preparations it entails.
The music and dancing continue far into the night, and Narinder slowly moves around the fire, circling the flock. He has long gotten rid of his empty bowl, and now takes to observing the cult. When a cow begins to sway from exhaustion rather than from song, it’s Narinder that discretely steadies her, and directs her to the shelters for rest. When a bear appears to begin limping from overexertion, it’s Narinder that quietly interferes for him to sit, and then to rest.
The moon is high in the night and starry sky when the cult’s energy finally settles. The children and the elders are the first to leave, their energies depleting first. Then the exhausted farmers and chefs retire, and then the worshippers. The ones with laborious work are the last to return to their shelters, but they still leave before the morning is too early.
The Lamb and Narinder are the only two left when the bonfire is only embers, and one last bucket of water quells it into nothing but ash to clean away in the future sunlight.
Wordlessly, the two gods return to the Temple, and enter it one after the other. The Lamb leads them to a small set of stairs in the back of the Temple, hidden behind a thick curtain, they ascend to the small loft built in the rafters.
It’s not a big space: There’s a bed that takes up the majority of the room, a chest for the Lamb’s numerous fleeces, and a window stained red to look out of and upon the rest of the compound. But it’s enough.
The Lamb shrugs off their cloak, tossing it, and crawls into the bed, grabbing their half of the crown to sit it on the chest beside their bed. They get comfortable, throwing a thin blanket over their body, and they settle, exhausted.
“Rest with me?” is what the Lamb eventually asks, cracking their eyes half-open to look upon Narinder. He says nothing, but he takes his own crown off, placing it into a small nook above the bed, and he too crawls into bed. He lays facing the Lamb, settling close.
“You forgot something,” the Lamb whispers after Narinder has gotten comfortable, and they shift closer, laying against Narinder’s robes. He hums, and allows the Lamb to reach up to his face, grabbing the band encircling his face and gently removing his veil.
Narinder’s pupils are dark and round, and are looking upon the Lamb. They smile back, and twist to place the veil with their half of the crown. When they turn back, Narinder allows the Lamb to reach out again, running the hoofed fingers of their hand into the fur on the top of his head, on the back of his neck.
The Lamb’s tired smile grows as Narinder begins to purr, the rumbling in his chest and throat felt throughout his body and into the Lamb’s. It’s a soothing sound to the Lamb, and they finally succumb to sleep minutes after.
Still purring, Narinder reaches out and cuddles close, curling himself around the Lamb. Sleep doesn’t come to him, unneeded, but he allows himself to rest with them regardless until dawn is upon the land once more.
I did nawt mean for this half to get so long but you know what? I'll take it! I hope y'all enjoyed this continuation of part 1 <3
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oraclecollie · 1 month
hi dogblr!! i’m looking for some border collie breeder recommendations, ideally in the pnw or in arizona. i’m mostly interested in show lines. looking for a beginner sports prospect (disc, dock diving, and rally are the three i’m most interested in but i’m down to try anything) and an all around solid hiking/adventure companion, so i don’t need insane drive or anything. if u have any recs or leads on breeders who may produce dogs fitting somewhere in there can u perhaps toss them my way 👀
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
The first proper date (Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x reader)
Summary: You go on her first proper date with Gaz.
Note: The reader's call sign is Mare. Yes, originally she's gonna be with Ghost, but I just wanted write this stand-alone one-shot.
Warning: afab!reader
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There was something about the way Gaz could look at you that made your breath catch in your throat, making you freeze like a deer in the headlights. His eyes usually spoke louder than words, silently telling you what he was thinking about even when you were on a mission.
You could be in a crowded room, your eyes locking for only a few seconds, and you would know all the dirty things he would like to do with you once you left. It made you feel embarrassed, because you didn't want to be that girl, the one who so desperately needed her boyfriend's affection.
"Why don't we get out of here?" he asked, leaning so close to your ear that his lips brushed against your earlobe.
It sent shivers down your spine and you reached out to grab his jacket, looking for something that could keep you grounded. You couldn't manage to say anything, so you simply nodded, then followed him outside.
On the street his hand found yours, fingers tightly wrapping around yours as you walked side by side. This was the first time you went on a proper date in years. Sure, Graves often took you to parties, but you were just friends, so it wasn't the same.
Gaz had done his best to keep you entertained the entire night, cracking jokes every now and then, and guiding you to his funniest friends to let you be part of interesting conversations. The private part of his life surprised you. What you see on missions isn't always in line with one's true personality.
And Gaz was funny. And weird. And intelligent. And so fucking handsome.
The worst part? He was painfully aware of this.
He took you home, not ready to let you go to the hotel just yet. "I don't even know why you stay there. You should be here. With me," he told you with a smile as you stood in the elevator.
He had you pinned against the wall, his fingers curled around your throat, thumb pushing your chin up to make you look him in the eye. His lips were hovering just above yours, as if he was trying to torture you by not letting you close the gap.
The elevator came to a halt and the door opened, so he let you go and stepped out, acting as if nothing happened in there. You followed him, legs still weak, your panties already damp from the wetness of your cunt. This man had you in a chokehold and you desperately wanted to thank him.
"Krusty's gonna be super excited to meet someone new," he noted as he opened the door to his apartment, talking about his beloved border collie you had heard so much about already.
You couldn't hold back your laugh at the thought of the dog's name. "I still can't believe you named your dog after Krusty the Clown."
"Hey, I grew up watching The Simpsons," he said in his defense. "I learned to appreciate this sad old clown when I got older."
Raising a hand to your mouth, you had to bite on your thumb to stop yourself from kissing him. You couldn't do it in the hallway, because if you did, you didn't know if you could stop at a kiss. You wanted him so badly that it took all of your willpower to resist him.
Once inside, you were greeted by the black and white furball, and the dog immediately showed he liked you by licking your hand. Gaz kneeled down and hugged the dog, even picking up a nearby toy to see if he wanted to play.
But the dog was too excited to have him back, the toy wasn't interesting at all. "I've only been gone for a few hours. Imagine what he's like when I'm on a longer mission," he explained with a smile. "Would you like something to drink?"
"Maybe water, thanks."
You watched as he went into the kitchen to get a glass and some water for you and couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be here with him for longer than a fleeting visit. Maybe you could make breakfast together, cook together, or just chill on the couch and watch some movie.
It was something you weren't used to, the idea was alien and normally seemed so impossible to happen. But as you looked at him, it still felt possible. Gaz was the kind of guy who could give you that, a normal relationship that was more than just being friends with benefits.
When he returned he began to caress your cheek as he watched you. "What are you thinking about?" he asked with an interested look in his brown eyes.
"You," you admitted.
"Oh, is that so?" He was close to you again, so dangerously close. But he probably knew that and it was intentional. "What about me?"
Instead of answering, you leaned in to kiss him, lips moving slowly, carefully tasting him when your tongue found its way into his mouth. You could feel him smile into the kiss as he put his hands around your neck and pulled you closer than you thought was possible.
Even though he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and watched your face, studying every little movement, and the look in your eyes. He wanted to know everything to plan his next move.
"I know what you want," he began quietly, "but you'll have to wait."
He was killing you, damn it. "Why?"
"Because I say so," Gaz said with a short laugh.
"Are you enjoying this?"
He gave you a quick kiss, obviously satisfied to hear you whimper when he pulled away again. "Oh, you have no idea. But I picked a movie for us, so we'll watch that first."
With a sigh you nodded, accepting your faith. He took your hand and pulled you towards the couch, where you sat down and rested your head on his shoulder. Gaz looked over at you with a smile as he wrapped an arm around you. It was nice. It was new. It was different. It made you all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Maybe you were starting to fall in love with him.
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border-collie · 2 years
Anyway, I am controversial because I literally don't give a shit if any border collie I ever own has herding drive because I Don't Need A Herding Dog but at this time there is no OTHER breed that has everything else I want in a dog but doesn't have hearing drive. It goes back to the whole "what is a dog breed" thing. Is a dog a border collie because it can heard (ABCA standard) is the dog a border collie because it looks like a border collie (AKC standard) or is a dog a border collie because it is genetically a border collie (more or less the reason that sporter collies are still border collies.)
I think one solution for the rancid breed split politics would be to LITERALLY split the breed in either two (show and working) or three (show, working, and sport) new breeds (and we will just ignore the genetic disaster that would be for now the sake of this hypothetical argument) but then you get into the nitty gritty of what makes a breed, SPECIFICALLY for the sport bred dogs. I honestly think it *is* time that the dog world as a whole developed a breed just for performance sports like agility. It wouldn't be a new thing in the dog world, there are other breeds and types of dogs bred for very specific things (greysters come to mind but there are others.) I don't think that there is something so unusual about creating a breed just for a human created purpose, after all, most dog breeds were created in that way.
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doberbutts · 4 months
Do you do/train for/compete in any dog sports with your dobermann? Would you recommend a dobermann for a beginner sport dog? Thank you!
Yes, Fenris and I are currently training in a protection dog sport called mondioring, or just mondio for short, and we'll probably pick up a few obedience-only titles in IGP (used to be called IPO, which used to be called schutzhund, another protection dog sport) along the way to support the United Doberman Club (which is mostly IGP-based tbh). I debated AKC obedience and rally but honestly right now my focus is mondio because I like it more and he seems to be doing really well in it. If we hit a wall we may switch tracks. But so far he's got nothing but compliments, so I'm not really worried about it.
As for whether I'd recommend dobes for a beginner sport dog, it sort of depends what you mean by that and what sport. I have had 4 dobermans total thus far. Only two have done anything in sport due to temperament of the other two, and of those two neither has actually accomplished anything in competitive sport. Creed had a mock BH under his belt (preliminary title to begin competing in IGP), but it wasn't an official trial so it doesn't count, and he's been gone for the past 2.5 years. Fenris just turned 13 months and being a young puppy I'm honestly in no hurry to put any titles on him- he passed his puppy temperament test and that's all I've done with him thus far because I am deliberately taking things slow with him. (and I didn't even enter him in the temperament test, his breeder did because she was showing her keepers at the same event!)
So... I mean... it's not like I'm a seasoned competitor. To the folks at training club, I'm a beginner too. And to my knowledge, Fen's breeder's foundation bitch was her beginner sport dog- his grandmother. Far be it from me to discourage you if you feel it's the right fit.
However, I will say that if you are wanting a doberman you should be committed to the doberman, vs if you want the sport you should be committed to the sport. What I mean by that is- if you are looking to really excel and have a nice dog right off the bat for your introduction to a sport, you may want to consider breeds more suited to the sport you are thinking about playing in. There's nothing wrong with getting a border collie for agility, or a golden for obedience, or a shepherd for IGP, or a malinois for mondio. But if you want to get a doberman, then commit knowing that your journey will likely look very different from those who chose more in line with the breeds that do well in their sport of choice.
The doberman was never intended to be a sport dog. It was intended to be a personal protection dog. That doesn't mean dobermans can't do well at various sports- in fact many dobermans excel at many sports! But it does mean that you're probably going to experience different challenges in your training than your fellow competitors, and you should keep that in mind instead of feeling discouraged.
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harus-simp · 1 year
Them as dog breeds (hyung line)
Kim Jiwoong, ZhangHao, Sung Hanbin, Kim Taerae, Seok Matthew
Warning: none
Genre: Fluff
Author's note: Wanted to to do this for a long time now hehe, I've tried to match the dogs personality to the boys so it can be quite accurate as well.
Anyways, enjoy pookies!!!! :D
What kind of dog breeds would they resemble according to their traits and vibes?
Jiwoong (Rottweiler)
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Rottweilers are quite big and intimidating dogs due to their powerful and dominant exterior, and I picture jiwoong quite similar honestly
His concept on the first episodes was to portray someone sexy and full of confidence
However, this dogs (just like jiwoong) are friendly, obedient and fun people to be with.
And most importantly, really cuddly and clingy. They love hugs :))
Jiwoong can be good with others, but when it comes to you? A total fluffball. He won't hesitate to let you carress his hair and his face or cuddle him for hours, having a soft spot reserved for his significant other
They can be all fluffy, but they won't hesitate to show their teeth and protect their loved ones when the situation is given
He's confident and believes in himself and his own decisions and he would show it indeed
This breed needs to stay somehow active as it was originally raised to help butchers and is protective towards others
This dogs are really good with kids and families and it fits perfectly with the dad image that jiwoong has
Take good care of him, his loyalty is something hard to find
"Baby, please give me a hug"
ZhangHao (Saint Bernard)
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Okay now Saint Bernards although they are really big (I keep forgetting that zhanghao is like 1.80 lol) they have a really calm and collected nature which fits perfectly with our little introverted friend here
They're also gentle and quite independent which is a huge contrast to their appearance, not like dominant but such big dogs are expected to be much more aggressive (the complete opposite of hao)
They are loyal, good with kids (mama hao in action taking care of the rest of the extroverted group) and although they're peaceful they would protect people if the situation needs it.
They watch over others with a lot of detail, that's why they're called "nanny dogs" (you can see it clearly on Peter Pan, where Nana was of this breed)
They're also famous for being understanding and patient (which makes sense when you see how he comforts others as a leader)
When they stablish a special bond with someone they are inseparable, so when he met you and clicked immediately he never left your side
This first ones are said to have appeared on the Alps on the 11th century and to be guard dogs. Historically they have saved more than 2K human lifes
Please treat him carefully as he has such a beautiful bond with you
"Please be careful y/n, you'll hurt yourself"
S.Hanbin (Border Collie)
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Border collies are active and hard-working dogs, they are quick learners and respond well to compliments (just like in boys planet honestly
They are intelligent and become quite unhappy when confided due to being used to be outdoors guiding sheeps in farms (leader vibes if you ask me 👀)
Due to this instincts they are protective with their surroundings, really good with kids, and result rexeptive with criticism
They just love to be assigned with tasks or orders, so that turns them into obedient dogs that need lots of attention
Their athletic nature also makes them really curious dogs that love exploring and discovering new things (how he chose different concepts for their songs also fits perfectly with this)
They are the type of dogs that make you smile instantly as well, and I think hanbin's smile would come out more naturally with his partner.
Like he loves you so much that it would be a natural reflex
Their origin could be in the limits between England and Scotland and they were really popular on the 19th century,specially on the English high society
They are used to help the police to find drugs and explosives, as well as to do rescue missions
Also really helpful towards others as they are also used as guides for blind people
Make sure to stick by his side to keep him active and with things to do
"What if we go to the new paintball they just opened?"
Taerae (Corgi)
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The corgi breed is quite playful and active as well, they are really friendly and are known by their intelligence and willpower ( you can see it throughout the programme as well, I mean he wasn't able to improve his dancing skills for nothing).
Taerae's not that tall in comparison of the rest of the group (I mean he's still taller than me by 1 centimetre 🤡) so I think he fits perfectly with this kind of dogs as they are described as big dogs trapped in a small dog's body hehe
Also their smile is so precious? Like they can light up the room, and coincidentally taerae's one is literally one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen in my entire life
They also want to be integrated with the rest so they absolutely hate being locked up in any sort of cage
They can also be teasing and they would bite in a playful way, part of it because they're also used to being on farms and guiding some animals
They have good relationships with other dogs and kids they have been raised with
Lucky for you, you've known each other since you were little meaning that he was used to playfully tease you and one day he just accepted his crush on you.
How comfortable he felt with you and how caring he showed was also part of it
In Celtic corgi means little dog, which kinda pays tribute to its appearance
They were used on farms and they come from around Wales.
Please don't get annoyed by his pda and just follow his lead, he's just playful so don't take anything personal
"Haha, that was funny do it again"
Matthew (Pomeranian)
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A pomeranian is a friendly and happy dog, it is smart and easy to train, therefore it is capable of adapting to different situations quickly.
They always seem to be smiling, which fits with their personality (also with matthew's like, have you seen his sweet smile? 😭❤️)
Being with their people is what they love, and although they seem a little independent at times they can be really obedient.
Don't get fooled by their size, they might be little but they always think they are bigger, so they get involved with much bigger dogs, even testing them ahahahaha
Also, they are quite active dogs that need daily exercise, at least to go for a walk, which also seem to fit with matthew. He might like gaming but he's also into doing sports.
When he met you his smile seem to have grown twice his size, you always listened to him carefully and interested on it
Basically he felt safe in your arms
Their origin seem to be in Germany and they were actually bigger dogs, but when Queen Victoria of England fell in love with them they reduced their size progressively.
They have always been company dogs and have helped with vigilance (they tend to bark a lot)
You need to go on dates with him almost daily, otherwise he would think you don't like him anymore. So please show him how much you actually do to keep him happy.
"Can we go for a walk sunshine? I really need one :(("
Maknae line
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pawsitivevibe · 9 months
I've been seeing a rise in popularity of sporting breeds (retrievers, pointers, spaniels, etc) in agility of late, and I think that's great. This all is probably a regional thing, as I imagine different breeds are more or less popular in different places, but this is what it's like for my area.
For agility, we see a lot of "phases" of breed or type popularity. Border Collies and Aussies are pretty much always popular, but other breeds fluctuate. For a few years, around when I first started, it seemed like EVERYONE was getting Shelties. The last few years, sport mixes like Border Paps and Border Whippets have been "the thing." And handlers have started preferring then smaller and smaller (Borderstaffywhippaps anyone?). Recently I've noticed a lot of German Short-Haired Pointers specifically, but also more Goldens and Labs and spaniels. I think this is great, as I personally think these breeds are generally a lot "easier" to live with for a lot of people than a Border Collie. And I personally know several people with herding breeds who probably would have been happier with Labs or spaniels. Like, they love their dogs, but uhhh ... Maybe the herdy behaviours aren't the best fit for them, and their dogs are "problem dogs" these days. I just think some handlers shouldn't necessarily jump to "I'll get a sport-line Australian Shepherd or a farm-bred Border Collie for my next agility dog!" I'd like to see more people say "you know what would be good for me? A Lab! They'll do well in agility too!" or "I want a small agility dog ... But let's get a Cocker Spaniel instead of a Sheltie."
Anyway. I know several people doing awesome stuff in agility with Labs specifically. I've had several Labs in my Hoopers classes lately (some of them happened to be the ones who are amazing in agility). I adore them. Labs are so cool! So many people - me included, once upon a time - think they're boring. But gosh the work ethic! The commitment! The food drive! The tankiness! We love. Hoping more people see these Labs doing awesome and get more agility Labs.
Spaniels I find are coming along a bit slower. But! Have seen more Springers coming into sports. More and more Cavaliers. Some Field Spaniels. I suspect we might be seeing a little boom in Wockers the next few years. Personally I intend to show off how great my English Cocker is at agility to push people along to spaniels lol.
Anyway ... Any trends in breed popularity you find interesting in your dog agility community?
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im a little but fucked up rn but. thoughts on flockguardian x sheep x wolf dynamic (thinking specifically about bram but chip in whatever you want)
hi anon <3 ill be so real i cannot mentally or emotionally handle bram as a singular because the sheer fact that alex is being purposefully excluded makes me want to curl up in the fetal position at the bottom of a hole and live there for the rest of eternity <3
however! i do really love this dynamic, and youre so right that it does totally fit those three's characters. i'd argue that brian and alex could be really interchangeable for the wolf role, but tim and jay definitely fall in line with flock-guardian and sheep LOL, especially in the entry where tim stands up to the operator after jay conks out.
ive been watching a lot of tik toks as of late from these farms where they have livestock and the guardian dogs and the herding dogs, so theyll have their sheep, the anatolian shepherd to protect, and usually a border collie to herd. theres also one specific account i follow called raventree ranch where they ALSO have this farm cat that helps train the new dogs by showing them whos boss and teaching them to be gentler and stuff. and so if youre picking up what im putting down: sheep- jay flock guardian- tim wolf or alternatively herding dog- brian wolf or alternatively farm cat- alex
thanks for the ask, i really hadnt considered this dynamic set up before but i actually really love it lol. picturing jay with little sheep ears and the cute little tails, two dog-ish boys, and fuckin. cat alex kralie. always coming in clutch for the catlex nation
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palettepainter · 11 months
I’m thinking of changing up Wanda a little bit
I didn’t really have much of a personality in mind for her when I first made her design but I’ve got a clearer idea now!
I think before she left Australia she was a herding dog for cattle, Wanda is a rough collie which (while they’re not as active as border collies) she still needs a lot of physical activity.
She initially moved out of Australia because she wanted something more then herding live stock for a living. She then maybe spent a few years as a show dog doing obstacle courses, which then evolved to her doing more daring stunts, stunts more along the lines of what Gonzo does.
After doing stunts for a handful of years she approaches the Muppet Studio for a job and is hired as a stunt and backup actor 
Personality wise she’s probably pretty tough, growing up with a litter of older brothers she’s learnt to stand her ground, but I imagine being a cattle dog for so many years she’s learnt to be patience and calm under pressure. She hasn’t lost her Australian accent or her soft charm. She’s probably strong as an ox with all the exercise her current (and previous) job requires of her 
I’m not too sure about about a voice claim for her. Initially I thought Chilli from Bluey, but I feel like that’s a bit too easy, but I can’t find many other characters with Australian accents (I only remember one from a show called Iggy Arbuckle, a show I watched when I was younger and haven’t watched in like, 13 years)
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