#shower toughts
its cannon that there's a Bible in Splatoon so who's the Splatoon Jesus and is he a cod
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moutari · 5 months
bringing a good screamer is like bringing an orgasm
lemme explain, without good ambiance, some story and somewhat believable environnement (exept if the whole scare of you media is to be unbelievable which is very scary and very possible but very hard to pull off) you won’t scare anyone with a png of a creepypasya and a loud scream
but with all the above and some time to put something intense you can scare with a cute cat pic
also you can edge people’s scare by lowering down the intensity of a scare and not ending it (death/screamer/etc…) and the next one will be even scarier
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seagull9111 · 1 month
how to tell someone they are the hottest fucking person you have ever seen platonically?
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pyroforgthe27th · 7 months
The Infinite Monkey Theorem is a direct prequel to the Library of Babel
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donaviolet · 2 years
Having a nonbinary character is literally so beautiful because it's like
"Is it a boy or a girl?/1?/"
"None you absolute fool it's a living being made of stellar dust"
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burglar-bird · 2 years
The human stomach is not meant to contain food, only:
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sheisnotintou · 4 days
I realized you could be friends with everyone if you stay with them long enough. Especially forced, like family or classmate. If you don't have anything in common with them, you will later, the memories you make together. No matter the personality type, you can be friends with everyone. This is crazy.
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themaster72 · 6 months
i have been thinking... in videogames, memes, or media in general, when it is english media and they use words in spanish to name things, normally its all epic and mysterious, like an eldritch monster called "MANOS" or just an awesome uncle named "machete" (i know he's mexican but the way its presented its just... really that epic, you get my point) but when it comes to english names in spanish media it tends to be very goofy, like animal names such as "cooki" or an old meme used in there "el brayan" what do you think
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ifellfromthetree · 6 months
If you're life is ever going good, just remember... It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
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invisiblevelociraptor · 7 months
You know what would be amazing? If money had an overflow like with computers. In binary (when using 2s complement), the first number determines if a number is positive or negative, e.g. 1011 is -5 and 0100 is 4. But if you have a big number and add something, you end up with a negative number, in this case if you have 7, which in binary is 0111 and you add 1, you end up with 1000, which is -8. So if you reach a billion dollars, there suddenly is an overflow and you owe a billion and 1 dollars. Imagine billionairs desperately trying to give money away to avoid going into debt.
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dontfuckingbother · 10 months
Forgive ypurself for things that were never your fault.
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transfem-2d · 2 years
Technically you could tell the Genie to make god speak to us or to kill him since that’s not a rule
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oolongtea-fluff · 11 months
Garfield is just Hello Kitty for the West
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aquasandyled · 2 months
Im having such third world adult problems lmao the water has been murky for weeks now bc of the rain and i gotta wash my clothes but…. The water isnt clear enough……. And i didnt think to let a couple buckets clear yesterday so i could wash today…………….
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a-dash-in-the-middle · 7 months
I should put
Avoinding those drunk father calls like a pro
On my cv
A true skill
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givingairtomymouth · 8 months
Still trying to understand how my type goes from dark and mysterious brunette all the way to hyperactive and sarcastic blondie with literally no in between.
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