#shsl isol
thebibliomancer · 4 months
Random idea for hypothetical Danganronpa game.
A sixteenth student hidden in the school. Not as an associate of the mastermind. But just because they’re really good at hiding! SHSL Hide and Seek. And when they woke up locked in an unfamiliar place, they noped right into the shadows.
To his irritation, Monokuma can’t track them down so just pretends there were only 15 students all along.
Sixteenth student hidden in this school occasionally accidentally complicates trials and sometimes pops out of vents when the isolation gets to be too much.
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ultfan · 8 months
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want to start this off by saying there's no shame if you like dr 2.5 and 3 and if you do have them as part of your canon, but my nagito probably won't align up at all with how he is portrayed in both of those. doesn't mean i'm unwilling to rp with say... chisa. or that i won't have a verse where nagito does wake up after the events of dr2. we just might wanna chat before writing stuff around those time periods.
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what i don't like about 2.5 and 3:
- nagito acts very out of character in both. 2.5 brings up an interesting idea that he may secretly loathe talent because it means people are ostracized for not having talent. and theoretically adds onto his desire to be loved and how he feels isolated from other people and having real connections with people. i wouldn't mind picking that up if it wasn't for the fact there isn't really hint about this ideology in dr2 at all. nagito is so interesting and freaks everyone else out because he is so unabashedly earnest in everything he does and says. it's his sincerity in these fucked up beliefs that makes him so scary. so to say that he doesn't actually completely believe in them deep down just feels... wrong. nagito doesn't feel like he is incapable of being loved because other people have talent and are better than him; nagito feels incapable of love because he isn't worthy of it. he faults himself because he wasn't born talented, he doesn't fault talented people for existing. he loves talented people. his hatred is internal not external. in his eyes he is the problem, not talent. that and he's scared that anyone who gets to close to him will be hurt by his luck cycle which is fair.
- dr3 shows nagito being... too kind to the shsl students. and i know you're thinking "okay nagito can't be too nice to those bitches he would literally throw himself into a volcano for them." and that is 100% completely true. but nagito also doesn't go easy on them. it is completely ooc for him to want to make the adversities they face genuinely easier. in dr2 nagito has all his memories erased, so how he acts in game is how he would act normally without junko's influence. nagito would never threaten the staff of hope's peak to delay exams. it's sink or swim bitch! these people were born talented if they can't pass their talent exam then maybe they don't deserve to be here. that's how he should be acting. he fully buys into the fucked up ideologies the academy has on talent and hope. he doesn't buy into the false image, oh no, he would fully support all the horrific things the academy pursues in the name of talent. nagito komaeda is basically the human personification of what hope's peak as a school stands for. he goes out of his way and sacrifices himself to help people but only in ways that would help them grow and shine brighter. he would never go easy on them. he wants them to overcome challenges and see whose hope will come out on top. dr3 nagito is hated by his classmates because... he's a little strange and bad things happen around him sometimes. but he should be hated for being a freak who encourages conflict and scares his peers with his delusional rambling. if his classmates had a disagreement he would be fanning the flames and siding with whoever seems to be fighting the hardest for what they believe in. sure he may also play the "we should all work together and strive for hope" stuff, but overall this is the dude who would side with the murderer one moment and side with the innocent folks the next solely depending on who is fighting the best. nagito could never join any kind of team because the second the opposing team started beating his team he would start helping the other side. he is a disloyal bitch. he doesn't love his friends, he loves their talents and says that he loves them too. but the second they disappoint he will drop them like it's nothing and he won't feel sorry about it.
- i also don't like how nagito's luck works in dr3. it feels too random. it's luck, so obviously it's random, but nagito makes it clear that it operates on an extreme bad, extreme good cycle. like his whole backstory with his parents. in the anime nagito's luck feels more like a deus ex machina plot device then ever before and it is rubbed in your face constantly. and in the game nagito's luck is secondary to his skills. his luck really only kicks in when he finds a situation in which he must rely on it. nagito plots out an entire murder plan but leaves whether or not he'll be on cleaning duty up to chance- because it makes it less suspicious if he was picked via lottery. nagito solves the puzzles in the final dead room but the final challenge is the luck-based thing. he didn't just... stumble upon all the answers by accident. which is why it frustrates me that nagito can just somehow perfectly touch the right place on the statue and have his foot land on the pressure plate at just the perfect moment. it undermines his actual skill and intellect by conveying to the audience that everything nagito succeeds in is based on pure chance when it really isn't the case. he plots and schemes and investigates and it's only when he's put in the hard work when he can fall back on his luck to give him that final push to success.
- and you know... nagito aside... all your basic criticisms of dr2.5 and dr3 that you hear everywhere apply. i hate the mind control thing it feels like a copout and absolves all the remnants of responsibility. i feel like junko, mukuro, and izuru were butchered along with the rest of the cast. i feel like the rest of the dr2 cast woke up way too easily and way too quickly based on the timeline. and i find it unbelievable that they wake up and everything is hunky-dory and everyone's besties now. if the dr2 cast is living with both their neo world memories and their previous memories there should be some struggle in not relapsing imho. i wanna see the dr2 survivors having to support each other and keep each other from falling into bad habits y'know. but it feels like they just... get to live on as if nothing bad ever happened. hajime especially should be struggling considering he basically got lobotomized but i'll keep that for my hajime blog. also sorry human chiaki lovers but i don't like that she's real it contradicts so much that we know
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how i will be interpreting things on my blog:
- pre-despair nagito is very similar to early dr2 nagito. in love with hope and talent and wanting people to use him as a stepping stone to bring themselves to greater heights. he isn't plotting murders and asking people to kill him because... they're not in a killing game... but i can see him being a genuine source of unease and conflict among his classmates. he claims he wants people to work together and be friends, but the second there's conflict he really only makes it worse with his flippant attitude and rambles on hope. i really like to view nagito as a reason class 77 actually wouldn't be all that close. i feel as if a lack of genuine camaraderie between class 77- with all of them struggling either with their own issues or the events of twilight syndrome- would make them easier targets for junko. i don't see why junko would latch onto class 77 specifically if they didn't catch her eye somehow. and i think nagito as a foil for junko (someone who might fabricate despair for the sake of hope) would play a big role in that. junko prays on the weak. she grabs people at their lowest, showers them in what they need to hear, and indoctrinates them into her cultish despair mindset. if class 77 were instant buddies and having a blast together they probably wouldn't be much different from most people around the school. there had to be something about them that called out to her for her to pick them to drag into her bullshit instead of class 78 (you know, the class she was in).
- as for waking up from his death coma, i do fully believe nagito was the last one they woke up. and that it would've taken a whiiiile. i believe most people were probably hesitant to wake him up. nagito, even without the influence of junko, is an incredibly fucked up person with a skewed worldview. he has no qualms about killing, stealing, lying, or anything so long as it furthers hope in his twisted mind. and the last time nagito remembers being around them he had hated them with a burning passion and killed himself in a way that would hopefully get everyone except chiaki (the person who wasn't real) killed. if he's regaining his despair memories on top of that... well honestly he was just as he is now but worse. with an obsessive love/hate relationship with junko and an intense devotion to making monaca into junko 2.0 (before he was captured). i do not believe he would've just rejoined with everyone and been happy-go-lucky. i think that dr2.5 and dr3 forgot that nagito is an antagonist at his core. he's sympathetic in a lot of ways, but people need to stop woobifying my boy here. i know he's silly and sad but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be accountable for his crimes and that he should be easily forgiven by all the people he's wronged. and i do not believe nagito would at all be sorry for most of the things he did during the events of dr2 (depending on his mindset i'm sure he would regret being an ultimate despair, but he already has enough self loathing as it is i don't think it changes much. and even when he was an ultimate despair his goal was hope at the end of the day. because he wasn't actually a brainwashed despair puppet to be directed by junko but actually joined up with her after probably being manipulated. and his motivations as an ultimate despair didn't really seem to conflict with his usual mindset because he still believes in hope overcoming despair from what we've seen in udg).
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andromebaa · 4 months
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It was Ren’s birthday on the leap day and I forgot all about her lol sorry sweetie.
- She’s a total mess because she lives in constant fear of becoming like her isolated, weird mother, Toko and/or/not really sure for sure Genocider.
- Despite her anxiety and general skittishness, she’s great with children. Her SHSL talent would be as a caretaker.
-She cut off her hair after a mental breakdown. She used a knife, for obvious reasons. In a happier state I’d imagine she had long, luscious locks. Same with her clothing choice too - she’d probably wear more feminine clothing but she restricts herself in order to appear more mature/reliable.
- She has a strained, complicated relationship with Byakuya. This is mostly due to the unfortunate circumstances of her existence. She was raised by the other original students. I think Chihiro was probably her biggest influence.
- She’s a fantastic sewer and likes to make soft toys in her spare time.
- She’s very clingy and will get attached to anyone who is nice or kind to her. She doesn’t like being the centre of attention though.
- Ren used to be best friends with Daiya as kids before The Incident (tm) which kind of solidified their older personalities and their general dislike of each other.
- Unlike many of the other Legacy students, she is opposed to escaping. She’s afraid of the outside world and wants what is best for the younger children.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 year
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Sorry for the disgusting dog its my first attempt.
Isolated as a child, her father got her a puppy to keep her company.
She started to research her dog, becoming interested in dogs, specifically Nihon-ken. She started taking them in and breeding them, feeling safer from bullies and attackers when surrounded by dogs.
She started travelling and taking her dogs to shows.
Probably trained at least a couple dogs to bite on command. She's always at least accompanied by one dog.
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kisasiblings · 1 year
Very basic explanation of my fangan characters-
Haku Shirokane:shsl violinist.(protag)
*grew up in a rich family where he didn’t interact with people much and was basically isolated until HPA.
*is seen as inferior by most of his family because of his talent.
Mai anno:shsl arts and crafts master.(support?)
*grew up with her sister in the tragedy
*is desperate to escape
*got her talent by selling tiny pots and others DIY’s
Rui abiko:shsl park ranger.(support?)
*her father is a key member in the future Foundation
*she rid parks of the leftover criminals from the tragedy.
*secretly hates her life but she’d be dammed if she told anyone.
Satoru Yumihiko:shsl circus performer (support?)
*works at a family circus
*seems to avoid fire...
Monaca Towa:shsl engineer(“antag”)
*there isn’t much known about her
*she got her talent thanks to her natural ability to build
Masaru Daimon:shsl sports star
*got his talent after winning a several tournaments of multiple sports at a young age
Akihito natsume:shsl bird keeper
*seems hostile
*doesn’t take care of himself
Akihiko natsume:shsl bird keeper.
*very forgetful
*acts very friendly
Michiru kuroyanagi:reserve course
Haruka nakamura:shsl animal tamer
*very loud and outspoken
*big sister vibe
*the only one who can get Michiru to talk(albeit only when nobody’s around)
Aishi Akashi:shsl medium
*seven years old
*his power isn’t working
*he can only talk to a ghost who calls herself “chiaki Nanami”
Ichika akaba:shsl influencer
*shifts her personality when talking to certain people
*wears three hours worth of makeup every day.
Mayoi Ehara:ultimate architect
*hates rich people because in her eyes,they don’t work for their success and just gain it because of family stuff
*very hostile towards Haku,Monaca,Michiru,and the next character because of it
Chie hikawa:shsl movie critique
*her family is one of successful lawyers
*people often assume her talent because of it
*makes references
Ami shinagawa:shsl lucky student
*doesnt have that good of luck
*doesn’t seem all that cheerful
Shigeru fujioka:shsl caregiver(not to be confused with maki who is the shsl CHILD caregiver)
*works with kids at his orphanage
*does NOT take care of himself
i like the concept of a violinist protag, totally not because of a fangan concept discord friends and i made haha
also omg warriors of hope...
get all these kids out of the killing game they dont deserve to go through this after all the killing games up to dr3 /lh
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saimotass · 2 years
hi i have some thoughts abt what the symptoms of despair disease would be for everyone else. have those thoughts <3
for hajime, his symptoms make him completely flat in affect. he cannot express himself in the same way he used to, and he finds things incredibly boring. he becomes a brick wall against emotion, and he has no idea why.
for fuyuhiko, he becomes much more affectionate and doting on others, to contrast his typical attitude. some people might even compare his doting nature while infected to that of mahiru.
sonia's symptoms manifest as memory loss and paranoia. she starts to spout out conspiracy theories, and when given actual facts against her ideas, she distrusts them, and claims not to remember any of the evidence.
kazuichi starts to become belligerent, and abusive towards others. any time sonia would attempt to comfort him, he would brush her off. later on, after the disease has passed, he compares himself to his own father.
the SHSL impostor's symptoms manifest as complete distrust, and a tendency for him to refuse to speak. he doesn't even refute ideas that would get others killed.
teruteru's illness manifests like that of his mother. he becomes weak and unable to cook, and worsens every day. he is catatonic with fear the entire time.
for mahiru, her sight starts to blur, and she panics easily. she starts isolating due to her fear of being no longer useful and able to care for others. she becomes scared of relying on her friends, and that terrifies her.
peko becomes much more argumentative than normal, and distances herself even more than usual. fuyuhiko in particular seems to annoy her now.
hiyoko's disease makes her more agreeable, and she becomes much more openly emotional. as it worsens, she starts to lose her balance. she cannot stop her tears as she falls over in dance rehearsals now.
nekomaru's symptoms lead to muscle atrophy, and he becomes helpless without someone to take care of him. he can't even encourage others the same way anymore; he only becomes tongue-tied.
for gundam, he starts taking much more risks, some that often will endanger his own life. he also starts showing spite towards others, openly spewing vile words at his friends.
chiaki's narcolepsy starts to lead to even longer naps, and she grows more openly unsure of herself and others. after a few days, she becomes almost completely comatose. her friends sit by her with tears in their eyes as they wait for their hopeful friend to come back.
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spiralhigh · 3 years
komaeda’s more of a thinker than a feeler: an analysis
so this was inspired by the personality database, a site notorious for kin assignments based on terrible crowdsourced character analysis. they have komaeda listed as an enfp. i won’t get into the other letters, but i think komaeda is driven more by thoughts than by feelings and here’s why!!
part 1: the worldview
komaeda’s worldview might seem illogical to people looking at it from an outside perspective, but it’s actually a coping mechanism by way of rationalization.
simply put, komaeda can’t wrap his head around why so much tragedy would strike someone undeserving of it. he has a hard time grasping the idea that not everything is direct cause and effect-- and when you look at the way his luck cycle has impacted his life, this makes sense! for his whole life, there has been a causal and cyclical relationship between good and bad luck (which gets projected onto hope and despair). it stands to reason that he’d have difficulty with understanding that not everything happens for a reason.
so, the circumstances of his life have led him to a worldview where everything happens for a reason and everything is for the greater good. while his worldview is undoubtedly distorted, it’s fully rooted in logic! in fact, it’s his inability to think with his heart instead of his mind that drove him to make such rigid and conclusions about the world in the first place.
part 2: the trials
komaeda is unambiguously the detective role in sdr2. not only was this all but confirmed in the recent promo art where he’s featured next to the two shsl detectives, he’s also by far the greatest asset in every trial.
this might be easy to miss on the first playthrough of sdr2. after all, komaeda seems to take the discussion off on tangents, withhold crucial information, and all around try to deceive everyone. but take a closer look-- is that really the case?
komaeda is informed by an out-of-control inferiority complex. he believes that he doesn’t deserve to be the one to solve the mysteries. his job is to guide the others into finding the conclusions he already arrived at before the trial even started. he’s not trying to solve the case-- his job is to get you to solve the case! (and also to play his cards close to his chest... he’s not interested in playing for the losing team if the killer’s hope wins out, after all.)
once you look at komaeda’s actions under this lens, things start clicking into place. despite the theatrics and attitude, every one of his diversions leads directly into the right answer. every move he takes, every contradiction between statements, is carefully constructed to lead the others to the truth.
a good example of this is komaeda’s accusation of hinata in chapter 3. while it felt like a betrayal at first, it turns out he only said this to force the piece of evidence proving hinata’s innocence to come up early.
part 3: the smoking gun
to me, however, the biggest pieces of evidence confirming this are chapters 4 and 5. in particular, one line he says to hinata in chapter 4:
"i know you don't matter at all, so why do i care about you?"
at first blush, this may seem like it blatantly disproves what i’ve been saying. “if komaeda really is more of a thinker than a feeler,” you might ask, “then why would he still care about hinata after finding out about everything in the student files? that seems like a pretty clear-cut case of him acknowledging that his feelings take priority over his thoughts to me.”
and you’d be right to say that! taken in isolation, this quote would absolutely prove that komaeda is driven more by feelings than by thoughts.
but this quote doesn’t exist in a vacuum. to fully understand its meaning, we have to put it in the context of the actions komaeda takes for the rest of the game: namely, planning the deaths of everyone but the traitor, including hinata.
komaeda admits outright that he cares about hinata... and yet, in the end, those emotions do not stop him. to him, the duty of ridding the world of the people who threw it into despair is more important than the way it might make him feel. he sees that no one else is willing to do it-- but to him, it must be done.
if komaeda were truly driven by his feelings, we wouldn’t have been given that contradiction between his thoughts and his feelings. they wouldn’t have shown him deliberately tossing his feelings aside to pursue his goal as the culmination of his character arc.
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locke-barmecide · 3 years
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They pretend to hate each other.
Post game, Miu was the first to talk to Kiyo other than Tenko and himiko yelling at them and nurses and doctors.
Kiyo was there for Miu during multiple panic attacks and breakdowns over what happened. Despite being bad with physical contact and hating it at the time they still hugged her while she cried and never left her side.
While they may pretend to hate each other, their relationship during the horrible isolation from their classmates and recovering from the horrible game grew significantly and helped them both a lot.
( @shsl-himbo you help me with this au so I’m tagging you but you don’t need to look at it dw 😌)
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
Nagito and Kokichi x SHSL Therapist during the Killing Game:
Nagito Komeida:
·       “Listen, because I am only going to say this once.” “Ah, the words of the Ultimate Therapist. Of course I will listen intently.” “In a situation like that which we are in now this is stupid, very stupid, BUT bottling things up would only be worse. Open communication is the best, so you do not need to give me an answer or reciprocate. All I’m saying is you certainly have some mental issues that I highly recommend you look to a professional for…” You scribbled down some names, addressed and phone numbers on a little piece of paper before passing it to Nagito. “I know you respect those you see as ‘Ultimate’ and that you likely would not listen to any professional other than myself, but I can’t because I have a crush on you. So listen to me on this, when we get out of her contact one of these people, and LISTEN to them. I know they will treat you well and help you in a way I legally and professionally can’t.” You placed a hand on Nagito’s head, lightly ruffling his fluffy hair before turning around and walking away. “… huh?... w-wait, Wait!” Confused you looked over your shoulder finding Nagito clutching on of your hands and his face flushed a bright red. “Huh, so you have the gall to touch me. Good, you’re already making improvements. Normally you’d say you’re unworthy.” “You like me too!?” “… Ah, so the feeling’s mutual.”
·       Romance in a killing game, and with Nagito of all people was certainly an experience… in that it felt exactly like a normal relationship, even without the threat of death looming in the air. It was a nice escape from it all. Nagito so believed his ‘superiors’ would escape he seemingly didn’t have a care in the world, so the relationship didn’t feel forced or out of place, at least between the two of you. There still was the whole Nagito thinking he’s trash thing, but you could try to boost up his self-worth as his partner, though not going into full out therapy mode was rather difficult for you.
·       …
·       Then he died in that messed up case. You didn’t realize just how attached to him you had gotten till that case… And you hated him. It was not for how depraved he made his killing or anything else, no. It was because you knew him, and you knew he thought you wouldn’t care, being a strong Ultimate and if you did fall into despair because of him it would only bloom into a bright hope. No matter what to him everything would end happily and you were left behind to pick up the pieces. You knew they why and how Nagito’s thinking process worked, but it hurt all the more because you understood.
·       Then when you awoke from the simulation… it took time, and a lot of work but eventually you were willing to give your relationship another shot.
    Kokichi Oma:
·       From the very start, even before you had learned you were to be forced to kill one another in some twisted torture masquerading as a game, you had taken interest in the Super High School Level Supreme Leader. From your first impression of him he was just a jovial guy who wanted to have fun. Even after the… ‘game’ began he kept looking out for everyone, getting Kaede to stop in her escapade to escape through the tunnel when all it was doing was hurting everyone. He was never direct in his kindness likely due to not wanting Monokuma to target him like it had Kaede and her plans. He understood people on a level most others over looked, much like yourself.
·       Even after he began to push others away you still spent time with him, your excuse either being to keep an eye on him or socially isolating him would only unhinge him more so you had to keep him company. Being the Super High School Level Therapist, the others didn’t question how you’d hug Kokichi or hold his hand. They didn’t think twice about you giving him gifts and the like, you always saying you had to be extra affectionate to pick up the slack of others being unwilling to even approach the troublemaker. You even gave them fake reports on his mental well being to further convince them.
·       Though you never admitted your feelings, you both understood what was going on. You both just indulged in the moment, neither of you being sure these feelings would last, but it didn’t matter if they would last or if they just appeared as a means of escapism or self-preservation in this insanity, you both possibly would never escape so… the feelings might as well as have been real.
·       Kokichi tried rejecting you, he truly did, he didn’t want to hurt you, Kokichi wasn’t planning on escaping he knew no matter what SOMEONE would have to die, and if everyone hated him, it wouldn’t hurt… but even he couldn’t lie to himself, he needed some emotional support through all this, and you did just that, through both honesty and lies so at least the others would stay clear of him and still trust you. Every hug, every second holding hands, even just a tender glance given across the room, he cherished every last moment… Yet it also stabbed at him, even if all the others didn’t care for him… he’d still hurt one. The one person he was most attached too on top of that… you would even UNDERSTAND why… it was so cruel, he couldn’t help but laugh every time he thought about it.
·       Then… then when he ‘revealed’ he was the Mastermind, summoning the exisals, you acted like you were in on it all, that you were working with him as a obedient member of his secret organization. He couldn’t call you out or else it’d ruin his whole plan, the others would become suspicious. You had forced his hand, he had to take you along, truthfully it was the smart move, but… he hated it so much… at least he could be with you and not just isolated with an enraged Kaito. The pair of you pretended to be some super villains who had finally taken over the world, like this all was some cartoon… but like any cartoon the villians lose at some point Maki having broken in trying to save Kaito and kill you both. She however more so had her sights set on you, enraged by your betrayal of their trust, HER trust!
·       The trial was true hell, you trying desperately to keep Kaito from ruining Kokichi’s sacrifice, his plan for Kaito’s own self important grandeur or whatever while also trying to not get murdered by an assassin. But the idiot won, it was all in vain, only more deaths and even more pain.
·       After the trial had come to an end, you isolated yourself. You just… needed time to process it all.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
May I request a Hinata x shsl psychologist reader who is very caring yet short-tempered. Sorry if this is too specific! Have a good day!
Hajime Hinata with SHSL Psychologist S/O
On it! You have a good day today and when this is posted :D
-Mod Souda
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You shiver a bit, heart racing, eyes still glancing at the door. 
It reminds you of the time a few months ago when you first invited him over to your house.
You were sitting there waiting for what seemed like hours after his due. The thoughts of him ditching you began to weigh in only a few seconds before he started knocking on the door.
But now, there is no knocking, only the clicking of you tapping the keyboard on your phone. The message is a bit lengthy. 
No, that’s embarrassing. How dare he knows that you care.
You delete the message. 
The analytical side of you wants to find a reasonable explanation. But you are not a fortune teller. 
You have a few estimated guesses, though. I mean, for a typical person, you would assume something about school workload. But Hinata never seems too bothered by the assignments the reserve course offers. Has he joined clubs? Trying to get his social life up? 
You did suggest it.
He would have told you, though. 
Wouldn’t he have?
And if he’s in trouble? What if he got held up?
But alas, the clicking of the doorknob sends a wave of frustration through your body. Because, if he did anything, the issue is him not telling you.
“Hinata!” You call out, trying to use thought before jumping to conclusions. His head peeps out from behind the door before the rest of him. And he sheepishly steps inside the house, closing the door, isolating himself with you.
“See, I thought you’d be waiting for me.” 
“So you knew I would be mad with you. Why didn’t you text me?” The heat ran up your spine and to your cheeks. Don’t get mad, don’t get mad, don’t get mad, don’t get mad.
Hinata sets down his school bag.
He must have went somewhere right after school. Still, he’s not giving you any answers.
“(Y/N), I was just listening to your advice. Me and my friends went to the arcade together. Here,” his fingers pull a card from his pocket, “I even put some tokens on this one for you. I didn’t want to pick out prizes without you.”
He thought of you. That makes up for it, a little bit. He knew you’d be mad at him. 
The predictability doesn’t stop you from clenching your phone a little tighter.
You do get mad over simple things sometimes. But this isn’t exactly simple.
“Hajime. You could have been hurt and I wouldn’t have known. You still haven’t told me why you didn’t contact me.”
His hands, calm and collected, pull the phone away from you with an ease he had once lacked in the beginning of the relationship. 
With a slow second passing - the second being him trying to navigate your phone while you watch with a glare - the low hum of his phone ringing from upstairs filling the silence. 
He forgot his phone. Stupid school boy with his crowded mind.
“You were hanging out with your friends?” You say, voice soft and lacking the accusation. It’s good news. 
With a small smile on his face, he nods his head, offering the card to you once again. “You should come with us next time.”
You hold onto it, snatching your phone back, too. “Just don’t make me worry next time, okay?”
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ashen-laguz · 3 years
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Tossed onto the field of play one hates, strapped onto the pedestal that keeps them so high, Towering so high, so far from anything of use or of fun, so isolated from anything akin to a true life...
Such a luxurious sight for all the other pieces passing by, so it's a shame you're too high up for them to hear you say how awful it truly is.
Day 5 of @oc-growth-and-development 's oc-tober... even though it's the 6th, but I was busy yesterday and my hand was sore when I wasn't busy so I couldn't finish.
One of my fave DR ocs, tbh - Edward Bell, SHSL Chess Player. He hates chess though, as he doesn't really find it challenging any more, yet his family keeps pressuring him to keep playing and keep practicing, depriving him of enough time to really get into hobbies or try to pick up skills like cooking or whatever that will be necessary once he's actually finished with school, so he's very pissed and determined to figure out a way to 'break the chains' so to speak.
He's also a fairly soft-spoken and awkward little dude who struggles to really make his voice heard no matter how hard he's always trying, so uh. whoops.
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beanganronpa · 4 years
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finally i get to posting second character, im sorry im so slow ahaha;;, hopefully next one will be out faster
Name - Hachiro Kaede Title - SHSL Clone Gender - male Height - 187 cm Weight - 60 kg Likes - fresh air Dislikes - needles
A rather odd fellow who spent majority of his very short life in HPA's lab under constant surveillance. Due to the isolation, Hachiro never properly got to experience the outside world, only knowing what he heard from the lab workers.  He is gullible, believing even most obvious dumb sounding tales to be true, making him the perfect target for stupid pranks. He can't read the atmosphere at all and always is incredibly chirpy, which often doesn't fit the situation at hand and makes him seem very disdainful. Hachiro generally means well and truly only wants from life is to find his "original" self and explore the world.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 year
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Frankly, i struggled with designing him. So i just made him look snazy and gave him a case that probs has a gun in it or smth. I feel like hed be a gunwielding assassin. Too much of a wimp to use a knife.
I was at a loss for a backstory, so if you have a better idea, be sure to tell me
His parents, being the prominent figures that they are got targeted by an assassin, but the killer didnt have the heart to murder a kid shuichi and kidnapped him instead
Shuichi then got raised by the assassin organisation (the organisation might be the holy salvation society, but idk)
He grew into a great assassin, prefering to use long distance weapons and avoiding direct confrontation with his marks
Somewhere out there, his detective uncle is still looking for his abducted nephew.
Shuichi is still very socially awkward, due to spending most of his life isolated from his peers. Hes quite pessimistic and cynical, but secretly craves frienship.
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hajimailhinata · 4 years
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Normalcy is subjective! There isn’t an actual way for something to be “natural” or “regular”. Typically, in a society, what’s called normal is determined entirely by the normalization of the majority. Sometimes, not even that, but just whoever’s more empowered. From the very beginning of civilization, abnormality has existed solely as an out-group to the privileged. 
I know what you’re thinking. I’m sounding a little fired up, right? Well, you’d be right! I’m angry! It’s really frustrating to think that so many people have to suffer social isolation and internalized shame just because another group of people decided that they didn’t fit in. It’s frustrating that we normalize our own abnormality through accepting it to be true. Because it isn’t! Even if you face the pressure of the world against who you are, you can’t change it! You were born you! There’s no natural hierarchy to these things! Erasure is about the human culture of control, and who gets to maintain it. Nothing more.
That’s why it’s okay to be you. It’s okay to be okay with it! You exist, and you’re just as natural as anyone else. There’s no law in the universe that categorizes you as lesser. If it were like that, you’d be an impossibility. But you’re here, and you’re real. Just by existing, you are your own normal. The only thing stopping the rest of the world from seeing that is a history of social construct. 
Don’t accept what’s artificial. You aren’t a freak. You aren’t damaged. You’re one of a kind, and that threatens the people who try to sort everyone into different castes. But there’s no such thing as total sameness. That system... is a ruse! And as such, you don’t owe it an ounce of recognition.
So please, continue to be you. Unapologetic and uncompromising. Your SHSL Self! 
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saimotass · 3 years
how i’d rewrite v3
warning: long post
chapter 1:
everything is essentially the same with one key difference
when voting ends, shuuichi is revealed to have abstained, leading to his death alongside kaede’s
thus resulting in a double protag switch, with kiibo becoming the protag
chapter 1 results in three deaths
this establishes the arc number, makes things interesting by killing off three of the seemingly most important characters, and gives leeway for the rest of the cast to shine
chapter 2:
the motive is the same, and maki gets hoshi’s tape
however, maki refuses to trade with him and he gets angry about it
because he’s always wanted to feel like he was worth something, and there’s someone standing in the way of letting him know if there’s anything outside waiting for him, he kills maki
however, after that, he watches his tape and realizes that he’s completely alone
he leaves the crime scene as is, and kokichi tries to throw the trial because he has maki’s tape and has revealed her as the SHSL assassin
kokichi attempts to make it be that maki committed suicide as a means of escaping her past, but he also posits that maybe she was framing hoshi since he was already a convicted murderer
hoshi, having nothing left to live for, confesses, and kokichi gets angry, citing that it would have been so much more interesting if he had fought his fate
maki and hoshi die in a fiercely antagonistic, ultimately self-destructive mess
chapter 3:
there’s a similar motive, and it’s established that there was a pair of relatives in the cast, but one of them is dead
miu has already cemented herself as being pretty isolated from the rest of the group, and people suspect that she and kaede were twins, based on them knowing that kaede had a twin sister
other guesses include rantarou being related to tenko or kirumi, and shuuichi being related to korekiyo or tsumugi
angie decides to hold a seance so that they can figure it out and reunite them
himiko offers to help and it’s during the seance that himiko is killed
this is a 1 victim chapter, subverting the expectation, and also making sense since 3 people died in chapter 1
during the trial, people start to suspect miu, but korekiyo starts acting weird
korekiyo has a meltdown completely out of nowhere, and believes himself to be possessed by the spirit of shuuichi
he reveals that shuuichi was his brother, and that he was vengeful towards the group for not stopping the killing game (making his, kaede’s, and rantarou’s sacrifices be in vain)
he also claims that shuuichi was trying to target the mastermind, but when himiko volunteered herself to help, he ended up killing her instead
korekiyo is voted, despite a couple people claiming that shuuichi would be the true culprit
korekiyo is executed, and in retaliation for monodam having killed monokid and monosuke during the prior executions, monotaro and monophanie kill him
chapter 4:
virtual reality is still part of the motive
angie has a breakdown, having lost the one person that was most receptive to her teachings about atua
miu and tsumugi are shown to be very close after the last few chapters due to their self-isolated nature
angie snaps and tries to kill miu, but tsumugi steps in in her place, killing angie as defense
the world glitches, and miu goes missing for a bit, leading people to believe that she was the victim
when they get out of the game, miu is still alive, and so people believe her to be the murderer
it’s revealed that miu caused the glitch in order to save tsumugi
kokichi’s been part of this too, having noticed how close they were and putting pieces together, as well as eavesdropping and coercing info out of miu
kokichi ouma, revealed as a magnificent bastard
miu begs everyone to vote for her, but tsumugi confesses, and she is executed
during tsumugi’s execution, monotaro seems like he’ll be next to die, but monophanie sacrifices herself for him, in line with this chapter’s theme
after this trial, miu and tenko start hanging out, having lost their closest friends (tsumugi and himiko respectively)
chapter 5:
everybody hates ouma: the musical
after it was revealed that he manipulated the events of both chapter 2 and chapter 4, literally everybody suspects him of being the mastermind, or at least a traitor of some sort
he decides to try and enlist miu to help hack into kiibo to make him a minion of his
miu goes along with it, thanks to some masterful manipulation tactics on ouma’s end (he’s good with words, the shit)
kiibo’s software goes blank for a bit, but he eventually gets better thanks to an unforeseen software update
(during the time that kiibo’s offline, we play briefly as the other cast, who are all either preparing to confront or already confronting ouma by this point)
ouma is also shown to be causing injuries to himself, hoping to die by his own hand and cause a trial where nobody knows the real killer, taking everyone with him because they’re all so bad at playing the game
ouma is the victim and nobody knows who killed him, not even monokuma
everyone is hesitant to admit that they confronted him, but only gonta, kaito, and tenko confess to having fought him physically
miu and kiibo work together to reveal that kiibo was still recording during the time he was offline, and they show ouma inflicting injuries to himself
everyone believes that ouma committed suicide, but just before everyone goes to vote, gonta confesses
gonta delivered the killing blow accidentally, not realizing his own strength
over the course of the game, gonta and kiibo had gotten close, and gonta got so angry seeing kiibo malfunctioning that he killed ouma on accident
tenko and kaito both then claim that they killed him, not wanting gonta to die
kiibo has to convince them that voting for gonta is the right thing to do
gonta is executed, and it seems like monotaro is safe, but right at the end of gonta’s execution, monotaro commits suicide
chapter 6:
after talking to monokuma during the previous trial about rules and what to do if the results of a trial were unclear or ambiguous, they realize that the mastermind broke a rule back in chapter 1
the rule being that someone killing more than 2 people isn’t allowed
when kiibo’s attempting to find out who the mastermind could be alongside kirumi, miu, tenko, and kaito, they are given class files for each student
nowhere in either korekiyo or shuuichi’s files do they mention a brother, while in kaede’s, her twin sister is mentioned
after gathering evidence and demanding a retrial of the first case, kiibo confronts monokuma, believing that korekiyo is the mastermind, having hidden his death after causing the deaths of kaede, rantarou, shuuichi, and himiko
it’s revealed that shuuichi was actually the one faking his death, and that he is the mastermind of the killing game
danganronpa is still a show, but shuuichi passes it off as an experimental documentary on how people can be forced to kill, based on a real life set of video games
he confesses that he fabricated his relation to korekiyo, but that it worked well, as korekiyo was a traitor, having worked with shuuichi on his experiment
he also reveals that kiibo was made solely for the experiment, as a camera and an audience surrogate, making him essentially a conduit for amateur sleuths to solve real life murders on TV
this breaks kiibo and we play as the other four survivors to help him
it’s revealed that the show technically hasn’t even aired, and that shuuichi was planning on killing all of them in order to survive to share his findings with the world
shuuichi is thwarted, and the survivors all agree to die alongside him if it means destroying the video
kiibo initiates self-destruct, but after seeing that the others are safe in a bunker, accepts his death and kills himself alongside shuuichi
the survivors are kaito, tenko, miu, and kirumi, subverting the theme number of 3
it’s revealed that rantarou had memories of surviving two other experiments led by shuuichi, explaining the v3 -- this was the 3rd version of his game
the footage is destroyed, and the four survivors walk away from the rubble, unsure of how to assimilate back into society having pretended that nothing happened
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lovelornings · 4 years
v; SHSL Observer { Danganronpa }
Severe content warning for Self Harm and Caregiver Abuse 
She wasn’t  conceived in love. She shouldn’t even exist.
The feeling reached its boiling point at school - and out of a frenzy driven impulsion Yumi drove a pair of scissors into her left hand- cutting through tendons and muscles. The principal attempted to call home; it was then that they discovered she had been abandoned.
There was only one place for a kid like her: a mental, state owned institution, far away from the eyes of the public where it could not tarnish the image of her home town anymore than it already was.
The staff was wholly untrained to deal with her. She was unmistakable and utterly self-destructive from the moment she had arrived. . She had never had to self pacify these feelings of self hatred.  She started tearing apart her skin with her fingernails and puncturing her arms repeatedly with plastic forks- a punishment she felt she had to bare.  And to this, the staff were lazy in their solution for it. Instead of dealing with the origin of the issue, the simply restrained her from hurting herself…or at least tried to. Putting elbow restraints and straight jackets didn’t exactly stop her. It just help worsen the under stimulation that was driving her mad when they isolated her. She began to doubt her own existence, wanting anything to anchor her to reality again.  She’d bang her head against bed railings, and the lack of a padded room meant she had to be restrained using belts on the bed.
She felt helpless once again, as much as she ever had with her mother. Worse yet,  there was nothing to look at, nothing to do, nothing to see -
Not when she was hysterical, at least.
Desperate for stimulation to keep any form of sanity, it was then that Yumi’s talent would develop: she became hyper aware of everything going around her. As someone who had already been sensitive to repeating patterns and watching Ai’s every move - the transition was hardly surprising.
It wasn’t until a year later that she’d finally be free of that place; the mental institution having several charges of child abuse put upon them once she was discovered in that room. Her ability to notice small details, to remember the most minute thing was out of place was quickly recognized.  
Word of the horrible abuse the girl had gone through spread through the news, the public understandably outraged by the state she was in. While Hope Peak’s Academy had sights on her talent of never letting the smallest of details go unnoticed, the broken shell of a human being that housed it wasn’t so much as able to function on her own. Her muscles were contracted, all strength in them lost from the immobility she’d been under. While there was a chance the damage could be reserved, it would undoubtedly take years to get there.
For now, she was dependent on the services of hope’s peak and the other students for most tasks in her daily life.
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