#shsl jack of all trades
sleepdepravity · 10 months
DISTRUTHS - general character notes
alright this post is about character backgrounds, character hangups, character developments, and the ideas i had for character dynamics. very many of these were not very developed, i will be honest, but here i go.
Actually, getting into some school stuff first. the students were chosen in terms of "being future leaders," and then they have some weird talents. But part of the concept i had in my head involved, their talents themselves aren't necessarily the leader traits, it's that their leader traits the headmaster saw exhibit as the talents they got assigned? i'm not sure if i'm explaining this right, maybe i'll explain more as italk about each character. but there's sort of the more "physical" traits, the "social" traits, and the "intellectual" traits. Akane, Koizumi, and Yuu (and to a certain extent, Katashi) are on the physical side, where they provide important...i guess you could say infrastructure stuff. (medical, mechanical, agricultural, and. extremely intense jack-of-all-trades.) quite a few of the others fall into the "social" sphere: Yamaguchi, Matsui, Minoru, Kotone, Oshiro. Yamaguchi is a good team player. Matsui is actually quite good at gaining a following, in terms of blogosphere (she really doesn't thrive in death game though, i guess). Minoru, Kotone, and Oshiro in particular are tuned into people? This is the reason why i said (way long ago) that Minoru and Kotone have max relationships with everybody else. Minoru, although tagged as a spirit medium, is really adept at easing people and understanding what others are going through. Kotone understands people to the point where they can mimic them, and that's how they can get into their roles. Oshiro, as a magician, is good at knowing how to direct people's attention. The "intellectual" group is K-1 (arts counts as intellectual), Tsubame, Noboru, Shinobu, and Megumi. Who may seem out of place, but part of the intellectual aspect is having a body of knowledge, and she's particularly good at sniffing out knowledge.
Mori Tomiko
The fake main character. I had always wanted her to be the second culprit, and I had always wanted to pull the trick of just quietly adding the knife to her inventory without telling the audience.
Her first cover story, being "SHSL Charisma," is honestly not far off the mark, given that she had been able to orchestrate a whole movement against her own mom's school project. She used Yuu to be able to get close to the school itself and influenced Seki to turn against everybody else. She held a lot of hate for the school and its ideals (which is completely fair) and then it sort of spiraled out of control for her. (I think you can kind of see some hints about this sort of obsession in the beginning and in her interactions with the others.) Since she was the fake main character, I don't have anything about what her free time events would have been like.
Chill guy. He doesn't particularly care much about music as his talent, probably because he used it as an outlet for dealing with his sister's supposed death and then it took off. I think he feels caught between the expectation of turning his hobby into a career and the fact that, this hobby was born out of grief that he doesn't quite feel like he's escaped yet. I think his free time events would center around feeling assured that he can just keep music as a side thing in his life, or even just drop it entirely if he feels like it.
Oshiro Haruki
Very much a guy with a mask. I...am not sure if I developed much for him...especially since I knew he'd be out of the way very quickly. I think his free time events would lean heavily on the theme of misdirection, but other than that, I don't know.
Kobayashi Minoru
Strangely enough, Minoru was originally going to be a survivor. Yuu was actually going to be the second victim, but then...i don't know when, but somewhere along the way I decided it might be more interesting and less straightforward for Yuu to survive and be roped into Mori's scheme. (The original murder was going to be more like Mori finding the note on Tsubame's door, being the one who almost died, then killing Yuu when he follows her.)
I do feel bad for Minoru dying. Their free time events would center around death and grief, showing off that they see the art of spirit medium as first and foremost a way to soothe the living. And also, showing that they have a keen sense of other people, able to pick up details...it's just that they believe it has to do with spiritual power. Other than that, they're quite sensible and practical. (which, thinking about it, i guess shows by the way they were able to leave hints to their murder.) They get along with everybody, even though not everybody gets along with them (Akane). In particular, I suppose they would get along with K-1 and Yuu. Back when they were a survivor, I had imagined them as grouping with Kotone and Noboru.
Nakayama Megumi
Enjoys being the villain, knows how to spin stories, and as a result also may sense when stories are being spun. She believes that being a bearer of the truth inevitably means being the villain, which is why she leans into it, especially since it means she can unabashedly say whatever the fuck she wants.
This does mean that she doesn't consult anybody else, which I suppose in a way led to her downfall. Without someone else to bounce off of, she focused on her own conclusions and pursued it, falsely thinking that Shinobu must have been the mastermind, or at least on the enemy team. The investigative journalist walks a lonely road...
Her free time events would have probably peeled back her life philosophy about truth and her isolation. and maybe potentially start getting her thinking about including other people.......right before her untimely death, lol. Of course, she enjoys needling Matsui. I remember vaguely thinking that she would like hanging with Shinobu too, at least until she thought he was literally part of the death game scheme? I'm not sure why.
Yamaguchi Nakazawa
Straight up a guy who has no secrets. He tries doing whatever he thinks is best for the group, and he's pretty good at it, even if he's overall uncertain about himself. Honestly, I don't think I had put much into his development either...
Koizumi Ren
He seems shy, but it's more that he doesn't like people. He says very harsh and snide things in such a gentle way that it often goes under the radar. Plants are much easier to deal with, and also cuter.
I think my concepts for his free time events would probably focus around his frustration with the image he puts off, or at least the image he thinks he puts off. Despite not liking people, he also can't help but not like the way he seems to be overlooked in the conversation too. He's got a lot of pent-up anger.
Wakahisa Shinobu
Part of a family of critics. Since his area of focus is video games, he ends up feeling embarrassed about it when he compares himself to the rest of his family, who are all about movies, art, music, books, all the "higher arts." At the same time, he has a lot of pride in his own opinions (as critics tend to be), and thus he keeps waving back and forth between supercilious and embarrassment of his own interests.
I remember specifically choosing the name "Shinobu," because it was a gender neutral name and I guess I was considering the plot point of "oooo maybe Shinobu is the name of that unknown girl from the opening cutscene and this guy is secretly replacing her" and I guess his execution scene is sort of a sly reference to that? but I don't think that would have actually gone anywhere.
Him and Yuu end up bonding. Yuu thinks he should really just talk with his family about his interests instead of assuming that they look down on him.
Tsubame Nihiri
I...honestly have a very personal bias to Tsubame. She's the character I created for the RP all the way back when, before i sort of took the RP and then developed a whole bunch of concepts into DISTRUST, so it was probably inevitable...and I also made her a philosopher so...but also, I wonder if I would have given her a different backstory if I had made DISTRUST later. Ah well.
Right at the beginning of her first year in high school, Tsubame attempted suicide, because she felt life was meaningless. She was rescued, but her parents preferred to keep her institutionalized rather than bring her back home. She quietly recovered for two (or three?) years, mostly reading and chatting with other patients before being discharged, and then got selected for the school, starting at the first year since she hadn't finished it before being hospitalized. (No idea what the first encounter between her and K-1 would have been like...)
In any case, she talks like an old man (which is why she calls everybody "-kun") and is logical to a fault, pursuing thoughts that most people would just toss out immediately due to them being...probably socially inappropriate. Her free time events would probably focus on her feeling too out of place with everybody else? In terms of her design...half of her hair has been cut short, but then the other half has been left long. I think...I did that to signify "indecisiveness" but...she turned out to not be indecisive...oops...
After the third case, when she realizes that she's actually like two years older than she thought she was, she also realizes that, well, she's an adult, which is why she starts working very hard to try to find a way to escape. It became very important to her that the kids make it out and she felt like it was her responsibility. Although she asked Kotone and Noboru for help, she didn't tell them her full plan, just said that she "had a plan" when they asked how she was going to outrun Monobear. I think one of the very earliest ideas was that she'd be waffling on whether she should go through with this plan when she talked with Matsui, and Matsui says something harsh which leads Tsubame to realize, yes, she wants these kids to be able to leave, and so she goes through with it.
I should probably also mention that the reason why K-1's ID was missing was because she found it first and hid it, and had a lot of private angst about the idea that she literally tried to murder her literal brother.
Tsukino Kotone
Someone who doesn't feel like they have a sense of self, and instead mimics others or inhabits characters that, of course, do have developed selves. An extremely wide range. Could potentially even mimic animals, I suppose. Even in the school pictures, they dress up the way they do during DISTRUST. Maybe that was just the major role they were voicing for at the time and, with the induced amnesia, that was the role they latched onto for now.
Along with Minoru, Kotone has full relationship bars with everybody, due to being very good at understanding other people. They do really have a lot of individuality, just unable to see it. Since Kotone keeps using other people as a marking point, they sort of measure themselves as "not like this person," "not like that person," and that results in a sense of self that seems to be "not anybody." Free time events would probably focus on the sense of self, and hopefully starting to recognize their own empathy and compassion as something that is real.
Matsumoto Matsui
Matsui is.....very much the product of. the '00s–'10s tumblr blogger stereotype. I do think of her as extremely competent in the blogosphere, able to communicate ideas very well to different audiences. Too bad this death game isn't a blog. She's also inflexible, of course, mainly seeing things in black and white, preferring a simple worldview because, well, that also makes things easier to communicate. But I think she probably could use her communication skills to great effect if she had been given some time to mature.
I imagined her engaging a lot with Tsubame, in terms of trying to barrel her with social justice issues and "defeating" her in rhetoric, but then gets frustrated because Tsubame will always run with it and absolutely will say "yeah, sure, i don't believe in gay marriage, because why should the state even be able to define marriage in the first place, maybe marriage doesn't even exist, what is marriage actually? why don't we try to define marriage? is marriage defined by love? what is love? what if by our current definition of love, nobody actually—" and then matsui throws a hissy fit and leaves.
her free time events would probably get her to actually show off her talent in the way that the main parts of the story can't, letting her really flaunt her knack for knowing what to say, in. like. normal circumstances. and also, hopefully, the free time events also will help push her towards some amount of flexibility.
Mizushima Yuu
Guy who was supposed to die early and then ended up surviving. I got accidentally endeared to him after I figured out in the middle of case 1 how his brain works, which is. essentially, taking basic knowledge and just smashing them together in bizarre ways that you can see the logic in but it's clearly wrong. (I still really like "well, i've seen cats that have two colors like that, and i heard a dog say "i love you" once, so maybe Monobear is an actual bear") I mentioned that he bonds with Shinobu, but now that I think of it, he'd probably bond with Tsubame too, just because she'd have fun playing with the way he thinks. I didn't intend for this until I started writing out these summaries, but I think he ends up bonding with Katashi, through sheer persistence and also because it turns out they have the same energy. Which.......i guess means all of the attempted murderers all like each other..............wow.........
Ryukana Katashi
Guy who would have probably been the hardest to really get a bead on, given how much he kept avoiding everybody. The main idea behind him was that, as intense as he is, he thinks everything he does is actually just the bare minimum anybody should do, which is why he doesn't even want to be in this school of "exceptional" kids. In his mind, he's just average, and he has an intense dislike for the idea of "talent," and an immediate distrust for everybody around him because they're associated with "talent." Or something like that. At the same time, he's........incredibly competitive. And he loves competition. From the beginning, I thought of him as a combination between Togami and Ishimaru. But I think...given the way I had him act, I don't think this would come across very often. He just wouldn't stay around anybody long enough to really show his full colors.
His main hang-up is that attributing things to "talent" feels like dismissing his hard work. And he works hard! At the same time, because the others have been labeled as "talented," he ends up looking down on everybody else, who didn't "work hard." His free time events would probably dig into that and get him re-thinking his biases. From the beginning, i did think that he'd end up hanging out with Tsubame a lot because of how she would just go with his flow. And, unlike Matsui, instead of getting frustrated, he'd go all in on a debate and absolutely relish the perceived challenge. They'd probably just be in a perpetual state of debating, having to put a pause on it to do other things. I think that would be funny.
Noboru Sato
The amnesiac. No matter what, his relationship status with everybody would be "zero." I'm not sure if I really had considered the full implications of having him be an anterograde amnesiac. I probably hadn't put in the full research I should have back then either. However, thinking on it now, the idea is just. kinda hilarious.
He lost a leg after the riots, which means he is in a constant state of "wow, what happened to my leg???" He has to keep refreshing himself on what's going on, and despite recording everything, it's not like he constantly checks his notes or can reread all the pertinent information, so. in all likelihood. for most of the story, he probably isn't fully aware that he's in a death game. His prosthetic leg was made by Yuu, who...apparently never fixed the length, but that might be because Noboru never brought it up.
However, as a historian, I figured that he'd be extremely good at piecing things together all the time. Hopefully this came across during the first trial. In my mind, what made him stand out as a historian was about his ability to make certain leaps of logic in how event A turns into event B, and making sound reasoning as to what people would be thinking or how they would maybe react during the time, given such and such circumstances. However. He truly would have just been going around just. not aware. Which is why Akane would trust him the most. He just doesn't have the capability of keeping the idea of murder in his head. Or even that there's a reason to murder anybody in the first place. I have absolutely no idea what his free time events would even be. The only reason he wouldn't treat each meeting as the first time is because he would be consulting his notes of every previous meeting.
Yukimaru Akane
The only one who remembers everything that happened. She really. Has a time of it. Having spent years with classmates and then they just start KILLING EACH OTHER. God. How wild.
I'm sorry, I don't have much else to say about her. I just keep thinking about how her perspective is so insane. Wow.
Seki Yumiko
The mastermind, SHSL luck. I don't think there's much more I can say about her that I hadn't in previous posts. (also, i'm tired.) I think Katashi would understand her the most, though, which would probably horrify him a bit. Which is a fun characterization thought.
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playedbetter · 11 months
Yumeto & Isami Verses
This will be updated as verses are added or developed.
Main Verse
A universe where the bad end of Danganronpa 1 occured. The Despairs won out in the end, and rule over the world. They founded a new Hope's Peak to create a new generation of Despairs and a replacement for Junko. He was nominated by Komaeda secretly on behalf of Izuru.
A year into their studies they along with their classmates are kidnapped and put into a killing game. Yumeto is the main one to investigate and uncover the truth of the game...
They have the title of SHSL Jack of All Trades.
Unknown to literally anyone other than Izuru, Izuru had them nominated as he felt Yumeto would be a suitable ultimate hope to battle it out with the next ultimate despair.
More info to come!
Next Gen Verse
They were recruited into the first class of the new Hope's Peak founded by the Future Foundation, they were scouted out as the SHSL Jack of All Trades, through eventually Toko helped them have Yumeto recognized as the SHSL Co-Op Gamer & Isami as the SHSL Jack of All Trades.
They are really feeling the pressure of being one of the first SHSLs of a new world. Hopefully it all turns out well...
Class 79th Verse
They were recruited into the last class the first Hope's Peak ever as the SHSL Co-Op Gamer.
They had only begun schooling when The Tradgy struck, ending any semblance of normal life. They fled with the classmates they could and eventually were recruited into the Future Foundation. They joined the 3rd Division.
In this verse Isami is completely brain made as the brain had no knowledge of Izuru.
Talent Development Verse
Literally just the Talent Development Program verse with them as a member of Class 79th. They are known as the SHSL Co-Op Gamer.
In this verse Isami is completely brain made as the brain had no knowledge of Izuru.
Misc Verse
For any thread where the verse is unclear or non-developed or one off AUs.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Can I get Aiden facts? Like I'm weirdly attached that boy like Mika do! What did you put my drink Tenko!
Mika got weirdly attached to him too, or perhaps just really upset that she wasn't talented enough medically to save him. Its Mika, so her genuinely losing her cool is notable.
He comes from an entire family of musicians that travel around together. None of them are ultimate level talented, but are still quite well known.
As a result, he never stayed in one place very often as a kid, causing him to be very lonely during childhood. He loves music, but he wants to connect to people outside of it, you know?
He wasn't actually born mute. His entire family got ill when he was a toddler, and it knocked out his vocal cords. He was too young to really miss being able to talk, and just sees it as a fact of life.
A side effect of this is that he, alongside the rest of his family, are complete germaphobes. He constantly is wiping down his hands and carries hand sanitizer around. (I imagine that if he lived until my chapter four fear motive, he'd probably have to touch something incredibly gross and not wash his hands for the rest of the day. Yuck!)
This is relevant in case 2, since we find his germ gel left around, which he wouldn't do. This is theorized to be where he was abducted before getting murdered.
That being said, he really wants people his age to listen to him. He constantly feels like an outsider, due to most fans of his work being way older than him.
He's kind of sad that people think he's only into classical music, since that is generally what he's hired to conduct. He's a fan of all sorts of music! He'd jump at the chance to help out at a rock concert. Or a country gig. Or anything different from what he's expected to do!
He's really worried that he comes across as socially awkward, when that is not the case. He's perfectly polite, to the point of being passive when he really shouldn't.
While he uses TTS in game, his entire family communicates with him in sign language, so he's not very used to the interface. This poses a crapton of problems communicating until Mika casually admits she knows it too.
He's incredibly good at figuring out what made a sound, and where it came from. I imagine that this would be useful in case one somehow, but I haven't worked out how.
For instruments, he's a jack of all trades, master at none. If his family owns it, he knows how to play it, but conducting is where his real talents lie.
He knows how to compose music as well, and frequently conducts his own songs.
While he's about average height (5'5), he's quite skinny and easy to overpower. Mika says this could be why someone chose to go after him in case 2.
He likes birds, and wants to own one some day. He's undecided about the species.
Thematically, Tom the wedding planner made a comment about how he doesn't want to die alone, and the SHSL edgelord is like, "everyone dies alone deal with it." this is relevant because Aiden is the only character in this game that dies with someone who wasn't involved in the murder. Good for him, I guess?
His unused execution (it would never happen, he's not the type, being a Chihiro foil.) is that he has to force a bunch of talentless Monokumas to play extremely complex classical music. (its implied the execution win condition is if they play it perfectly, but who knows. The win conditions are designed to be unwinnable for the character in question.) They are goofing off, and not playing well in the slightest. Aiden tries to get their attention, but they ignore/don't notice him. Every time the piece is played incorrectly, Monokuma's in the audience pelt him with mud. Eventually, the Monokuma band gets fed up with being told what to do, and gang together to kill him.
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voidscreamns · 2 years
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Twin OCs — before and after
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Kokichi befriends the SHSL Performer
·       Yeah, yeah, sure, you’d probably be fun to play with, your talent literally solely being lying to entertain others, but Kokichi was much more interested in seeing the real you. Would you make it hard or easy? Had you grown cynical and disillusioned due to being dragged through the harsh world of actors, or were you more upbeat, genuinely enjoying entertaining others. What were you, what were you, what were you!? He just wanted to know if you were going to make this fun or not! Or… Oh! Maybe you’d be something he wasn’t expecting, after all there were more ways to perform than just being an actor, maybe there’s be no mask to remove in the first place!
·       Before entering Hope’s Peak he had tried to not find out about anything about the others joining the school, the surprise of who his classmates were going to be was fun, but it was Hope’s Peak, everybody always talked about the new students when a new year rolled around and he heard someone with the ‘Super High School Level Performer’ title was entering the same year as him, and he could not resist speculating. Were they someone famous, or unknown? Did they specialize in a certain performance or were they a jack-of-all-trades type? He was so excited!
·       After moving his stuff into his dorm, he decided to run around and explore the grounds, who knows, he could even meet some other new students. He even decided to look around outside of the academy, maybe bump into someone as they were just getting to the school! As he was exploring around, he noticed something. A large crowd had gathered, often bursting out into laughter. He dashed through wanting to know what this was about. In the middle of the crowd, a large space around them was a person. They sat on a raised wooden platform. They didn’t dare move from their spot, but they were so expressive moving their arms about and such telling a rather hilarious story. He’d never seen a rakugo performance outside, rather stran-… His smile only grew wider and wider, his gaze not daring to part from the street performer.
·       He returned to the same spot the next day. There was no rakugo performance this time, but it was the same person, now… miming? They didn’t speak, yet there was so much energy and expression in their every last movement. They used seemingly random items as props, performing a comedy act. The day after he found them singing and playing the piano. The next juggling just about anything they could get their hands on. After that simply making balloon animals. Next a puppet show, with the most distinct, heart wrenching voice acting he had ever heard. Comedy, drama, it seemed just about everything was mastered, or at least disguised as mastered very well.
·       And to Kokichi’s joyous surprise, you, the Super High School Level (street) Performer was in his class. You were rather quiet at school, extremely introverted in fact, shying away from the others. That didn’t stop Kokichi though, who’s approach you when there were not as many others around. He still gave you your space so you could recharge from being around others, but it only got him more curious about you! Such an introverted individual was a street performer, one would expect that was something an extrovert would revel in, not you.
·       At first he didn’t speak with you much, more so making you the target of his pranks on occasion, but soon, he found himself getting pranked, and each time he fell for them, whether it be on purpose or not, he’d find you snickering nearby. After a while you started working with one another, utilizing your many skills such as throwing your voice or mimicking others.
·       When together your expressions were smaller, more subtle and less exaggerated than when performing for others. You explained it like make-up. When performing for others, you had to exaggerate so even those in the back of the crowd could understand, you didn’t want anyone to be left out. Like how make-up accentuated certain parts of people faces, you accentuated you emotions in a similar fashion.
·       You never told Kokichi about when you performed, truthfully you just performed whenever and wherever you felt like, mostly when you wanted to let out some extra emotion after an emotional or stressful day. Despite the spontaneity Kokichi would always show up, not only him but some other regulars you didn’t recognize from anywhere began to show up too. You pondered if they were members of Kokichi’s ‘secret evil organization’ you believed so at least because of a sort of test you did on them. You’d on occasion ask of audience participation and you had chosen Kokichi and the other new regulars at least once. All of them worked very well with the spontaneity, just going all out unlike most participants who were nervous. This in your mind confirmed they were together which honestly was the most fun you had performing with others whether it be in comedy or something more dangerous like having them toss you items to juggle while blindfolded.
·       Of all of Kokichi’s new classmates, you were probably his favorite, always so full of surprises, being sporadic, yet consistent at the same time. He never knew what was coming next with you. The pair of you complimented one another nicely, you could imagine having a better friend.
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keebzcoolmailbox · 5 years
hi im mun pink and im gonna ramble about this funky au keebz and shu-chan is in
tfw this au and an oc is all you’ve been thinking about that you have to write it down in words :)))
part 1 of ??? - intro to the au and going into angie’s and kaede’s story
Okay! I’m deciding to call this the Flipped!AU. Why? I’ll tell ya why! All of the NDRV3 characters (except ONE theywhowillnotbenamed >:( ) have this fabricated backstory, right? Well, what if A) this was the character’s actual backstories and B) in some point of this backstory something changed that caused them to go to a whole different career path. A... flip of a switch so to say... Heh, heh, heh. 
I ain’t gonna talk about the two characters on this blog cause their backstories and what makes them different from their OG counterparts is something that ya’ll gotta ask yourself. So, I’ll just stick to characters that probably aren’t going to show up on this blog. 
Being the person who watched someone online play NDRV3, I really don’t know as much as other people! So, what is a girl to do? She looks in the Wiki. Looking into the DR Wiki for that good old fabricated past lore brought some interesting things up. Things like that fact that Angie’s home island has plants that are known to attack people. Um, WHAT? 
I never knew that, and I feel like those goddamn plants need to be in the spotlight! So, let’s weave them into Angie’s backstory, eh? But hooooow? Well, Atua is really important to Angie, so let’s rip Him away from her via the power of attacking plants!
In the Flipped!AU, lil’ Angie, the prophet of the island god Atua, is attacked by one of these plants and forgets EVERYTHING. Her name, her status, and the main man Atua Himself! The islanders see this as Atua rejecting Angie and shun her to the wild jungle because if their God doesn’t see her as suitable then why should they?
Now Angie is like less than ten years old in this wild ass jungle. Kind of a big yikes. Don’t worry, she totes survives. And with that survival comes the total hatred. People who she doesn’t even remember just discard her like just because their stupid (every time she disgraces Atua, she flinches but she doesn’t really understand why) god said so? Fuck them, and FUCK THOSE PLANTS.
Yea, that’s right. She hates those things, especially now she’s in the jungle where they live. It was because of those plants that she’s in this mess! Grrrr!! And with hatred comes the desire to wipe them off of the planet! She sets up a hut and via her childhood friend who tries to help she studies her little brain off to eradicate these plants. But it’s hard to do when these things when the plants you're dealing with might not even be plants, so hell why not study all the plants and how to kill them to see if something works.
Studying all the plants? Whoop, whoop, we got ourselves a SHSL Botanist! After using her friend to send a letter to a scientific journal about a correction, Hope’s Peak Academy sends her a letter and a free ride to their academy (because killing games don’t exist in this universe. a weird little game about them does tho OWO). Boom! This feral botanist is on her way to becoming a true Ultimate!
If I were to make a sprite edit for her character (which isn’t saying a lot because I don’t change their clothes at all sksksk), then I’d just dirty the swim top, make her jacket white, exchange the paintbrushes for vials, and make all the clothes look like its been through a tornado. Oh and have her hair more shaggy and long as she really wasn’t able to get proper hair cuts (if I could even achieve that with my basic sprite edit skillz)! I’m not sure what else though. Tbh, I’m more of a backstory person than a costume design person.
Personality wise, she’d be insanely bitter with some serious walls around her heart. But at the same time, she just wants human connection so she does a total Gundham and makes excuses for a classmate to be “useful” and be around her. Standing next to a person (god forbid someone she finds slightly attractive) gives her a high, I swear. Her speech would be blunt and short to the point with a possible stutter because I’d imagine an incident that gave her amnesia might mess with some language things.
Hgggggh, god it feels so good to put this on paper! Or online text? I don’t know. You know what doesn’t feel good? Me, Mr. Stark. Not doing the thing you love to do! Bad segways are bad, but Kaede’s situation isn’t that good too.
Lemme read you something straight from the wiki. “Since she was a child, Kaede has been playing the piano so much so that she would forget to eat and sleep at times.” Forgetting to eat and sleep. Forgetting to eat and sleep. Hmmm, I can use that!
I like when there are consequences for actions, and this time the action is that Kaede goes too far. She really immerses herself in the piano and gets hospitalized as a result. This has been like the fifth time this has happened, so the doctor says NO MORE PIANO. 
Did you hear that? 
That’s the sound of 9-year-old Kaede Akamatsu’s heart breaking.
Kaede feels empty without her beloved piano. It’s been her whole life up into this point, so she tries to fill that void. A little bit of art? How about some writing? Gardening? Cooking? Building? Studying? Acting? She does it all. And, honestly, she’s only decent at all of the skills above and she still feels as empty as ever. 
Apparently, that’s enough for Hope’s Peak Academy as they invited the supposed girl who can do everything. And thus, the SHSL Jack of All Trades came to the school. Or maybe something shorter. Eh, I’ll figure it out.
Sprite edit would be to make her clothes into dull tones. Erase every reference of music and piano if possible. If not maybe draw x’s over these? Anyway, in place of these have a bunch of badges all over her clothes, one for each talent she’s half-assed in. Lowkey just realized her talent is the shitty version of Izuru’s sjafksdflkj
Like her clothes, her personality would be like her OG self if some pulled back on the reins a lot. Dull, bland. Not very fun to be around tbh. However, being in Hope’s Peak and away from parental supervision would probably make her personality slowly (and I mean slowly it’d be pretty unrealistic if she snaps back to her ndrv3 self immediately) go back to original, especially when her class surprises her with a cheap piano from the Japanese equivalent of Craigslist. She’d cry so much seeing that thing.
tldr; Different backstories make for this Flipped!AU. Angie is feral and angry SHSL Botanist, and Kaede is a piano-less and empty (but slowly recovering) SHSL Jack of All Trades.
Okay that’s it for the rambling. It’s like midnight, and I have to be up at 7:00! If you got to this point without relying on the tldr, thank you for reading!!! Ahhh, it makes me feel fuzzy that someone was willing to read all of my verbal vomit. Maybe one day I’ll make an addition to this idk! Have a good day!
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league-of-kiiboy · 6 years
gem and toot
Gem - who are your favorite tumblrs?
Already answered in a previous ask, but you’re also up there, frost- owo
Toot - what is something you find unique about yourself?
Hm;;;; Good question. I don’t really want to sound vain but I’m pretty good at picking things up quickly? If I ever made an actual danganronpa character of myself they’d be the SHSL Jack of all trades- I’m decent at most things but I’m not really a master of anything ^^”
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dangkinronpa · 6 years
♫ headcanons for shsl musician kiibo who was a human named kiibo tetsuya and whose main instrument was bass guitar
heres ur headcanons kiibo! i hope u like them, and if u want me to make any changes just let me know! ur headcanons are under the cut
♪ mod kaede
- ever since he was a little kid, kiibo was fascinated with music. there were so many different instruments that could make so many unique sounds, and kiibo would always find himself struck with awe whenever he heard a song with a really good musical arrangement. ever since he was a little kid, kiibo knew he wanted to spend his life making music
- when he first decided to begin playing music, kiibo wanted to try out every instrument that he could get his hands on. he wasnt really good at playing them in the beginning, and the fact that he wanted to play as many instruments as possible didnt help much, but the more that kiibo played and the more effort he put into his music, the better he started to become
- before he knew it, kiibo found himself becoming a sort of jack-of-all-trades in the music world. he could play a variety of instruments, and no matter what he played, the music that he created was beautiful and emotional. his love for music really showed through the pieces he played, which led to him gaining a lot of fans and publicity
- despite his expertise in a variety of different instruments, though, kiibos favorite instrument would always be the bass guitar. it was the first instrument that he had ever decided to try playing, and it was the instrument he usually played during his songs. even though he could use a variety of instruments, the bass guitar was special to him
- although kiibo knew that he was getting pretty good at music and becoming pretty well known, he never would have guessed that he would become so good that he would be officially recognized for it. despite that, though, when he was first notified that he was being recognized as the shsl musician, kiibo came pretty close to tears from the joy he felt
- even though his main passion is music, kiibo does enjoy looking into robotics. they really arent his favorite things in his world, and there are times where he dislikes the sci-fi feel they give off, but thate are also times where he finds them really interesting and wants to learn about them. specifically, he really liked vocaloid programs
- kiibo really liked writing songs for his friends, since he felt like writing a song for someone was really special. he would never outright dedicate his songs to these friends of his, but he would always try to play them on his bass guitar whenever he met up with them. it put a smile on his face to see how happy his songs would make his friends
- while he may have been a human, there were still times where kiibo was genuinely oblivious about normal things. for instance, he would sometimes have a hard time picking up on peoples emotions or other kinds of social cues. this, unfortunately, made him a little bit of an easy target for pranks. he would swear never to fall for them again. until next time
- truthfully, kiibo spends hours fixing his hair in the morning so that it looks the way it does, and hes usually pretty proud of it throughout the morning hours of the day. at some point in the day, though, kiibo will put on headphones so that he can listen to music, and it absolutely ruins his hair. he only gets a little annoyed about all his efforts being wasted
- music has played such an important role in kiibos life, and hes not sure what he would do without it. theres so many thoughts and feelings that he can express with music that just dont seem to come out during normal conversation. no matter what, kiibo will always be glad that music has given him an outlet to truly express himself and his experiences
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pcktknife · 6 years
Fascinating. So is a SHSL Jack of All Trades just.... literally "good" at everything they do? Not bad at anything?
Haven't really thought about it,but she pretty much can master any talent in an extremely short time frame.Shes the only ever contestant who's ever had the title and currently there's no one who would replace her talent if something were to happen to her
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oumakokichi · 8 years
Hi! I've got another question for you! Writing genuinely intelligent characters is much more difficult than simply having a character seem 'smart' by making everyone else thicker in comparison. So in your opinion, are there any characters in DR (or just NDRV3) that are really, truly intelligent and smart?
Now this is a fun question to consider! I totally get whatyou mean—there’s definitely “smart” characters, but their intelligence ispretty much either explained or handwaved away as a literal super power,because it’s a given of their SHSL talent or an absolute necessity for the plotto progress. Junko, Kamukura, even Kirigiri to some degree by virtue of beingthe detective and having to explain things to everyone because they would allliterally die without her or Naegi hand-feeding them information, they all fitinto this category.
So thinking in terms of DR characters who are very smart butalso don’t quite cross this line into “inhuman superpower” is actually reallyfun! I’ll just try and list a few…
I’m not even sure if Ouma counts here or not, but I’minclined to say yes. His perception and analytical skills are, as far as weknow, entirely unrelated to his SHSL talent. Being a SHSL Supreme Leader orbeing SHSL Despair doesn’t automatically guarantee super analytical powers likeJunko’s or Kamukura’s, and he’s neither a detective nor a protagonist, so he’snot required to have these abilities for exposition purposes. He’s smart to thepoint where he’s actually a liability,stealing the “gameboard” away from Tsumugi for all intents and purposes. Heviews things in terms of a chess match and is very quick on his feet inrevising his plans as soon as something unexpected happens.
Interestingly enough, I also really want to count…well, Miu.She lacks common sense and intelligence in the way most people would consider(she had to look up the definition of the word “alibi” after the first trialbecause Ouma told her to), but she’s extremely smart in terms of her area ofexpertise, and she knows how to plan.I still vouch that her plan to kill Ouma was one of the best murder schemes inany DR game, and she would’ve gotten away with it had she been dealing with anyone else in the ndrv3 cast exceptmaybe Tsumugi.
I haven’t talked about Kirumi a lot either, but I want toinclude her, because speaking of talents that wouldn’t necessarily require asuperpowered level of intelligence or analytical prowess, the twist with a maidactually being “the shadow prime minister of Japan” was both hilariously animeand also really, really fun. Her methodical planning and ability to coveralmost all her bases was astounding, and what’s more, she knew exactly how tomanipulate people. Like Celes, sherelies on a very calculated façade of refinement and elegance, and unlikeCeles, she’s much better at keeping her composure when pushed. She even relieson extreme tactics of emotional manipulation when pushed into a corner, sayingthings like “do you not understand that this is in everyone’s best interests?”and that’s devious and cunning and very, very smart of her.
If we’re talking sdr2, I actually would like to count theSHSL Imposter. Impersonating other people might be his talent, but the factthat he relies primarily on personality traits, quirks, and inside knowledgeand has to keep up the act literally the entire time to the point where he’salmost never lived his own life is extremely interesting. In order to be animposter, you have to be a sort of “jack of all trades, master of none,” but hecan still imitate and display a number of talents so well that he almost countsas a master of them all nonetheless. Rather than being literally given everytalent like Kamukura, it’s more because he practices them through hard work andstudy. He’s a very impressive, very underrated character.
I am…going to include Komaeda as well. One could make a casethat Komaeda is so smart as a result of “good luck,” but the fact of the matteris that Komaeda’s ability to plan is something that seems rather inherent tohim, rather than any kind of superpower. His luck is already so much of a deusex machina that his intelligence doesn’t have to be superpowered—he’s justreally, naturally smart, and knows how to manipulate situations to his liking.Whatever he doesn’t plan for, he knows his luck will take care of in his stead.He’s exactly the sort of character I would say is not exactly a genius, but isvery, very smart.
From our original dr1 cast, Togami fits this category prettywell for many of the same reasons. He was bred to be “the perfect heir,” buthis eye for detail and ability to reformulate and plan in the worst casescenario isn’t something that teeters on the edge of inhuman superpowers. He’sstill fallible, he still makes mistakes—bigmistakes, in fact, because so much of dr1 is spent with him completelydismissing any words that are based on emotion, rather than cold, hard logic.But his ability to learn from his mistakes after realizing the extent to whichhe nearly messed up in dr1 Chapter 4 and his efforts to not repeat that mistaketo the same degree prove that he really can learn, and is therefore reallyintelligent.
Dr3 might not have left us with the most memorable cast perse, and the ending might not have been to my liking, but I will say that I haveto give Ruruka her credit where credit is due. She was little more than amidboss in the grand scheme of things, and she definitely made huge errors orpushed her act way too far, but she was incredibly devious, and rather thanhaving everyone around her appear more stupid in order to make herself looksmarter, she operated mostly by pretending to be very helpless and weak untilshowing her fangs. She wasn’t afraid to literally up and steal other people’screations or ideas and use them as her own, and was just all around pretty damnsmart (with a few big missteps along the way).
EDIT: On another dr3 note, I want to add Kizakura (I can’t believe I forgot him). He was smart enough to fly under most people’s radar, had a knack for knowing which people were suspicious or sketchy instantly, and could actually remember not to open his left hand for almost the entirety of the game (I’d have been dead in like five minutes if I’d had the same NG code). The guy was super smart and perceptive, and he would’ve made it all the way to the end if it hadn’t been for his feelings for Jin and the fact that he genuinely cared about Kirigiri.
There’s plenty of other characters who are smart, or atleast definitely not unintelligent, but these are just a few of the ones thatreally stand out, in my opinion! And again, characters like Kirigiri or Junkoor Kamukura are undeniably intelligent, but their abilities are all much closerto the definition you gave about everyone else having to be knocked down a fewpegs and intentionally portrayed as much denser than they would be otherwise inorder to shine.
This was really fun to write! Thank you so much for alwayssending really interesting questions!
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playedbetter · 11 months
Yumeto Ariyoshi & Isami Kanda Info
(They share an info page as they are apart of the same OSSD-B1 system. More on systems)
Name: Yumeto Ariyoshi
Age: 17-21 (verse dependant)
Orientation: Bisexual
Gender & Pronouns: Trans Man (He/Him)
SHSL: Co-Op Gamer (officialness verse dependent)
Name: Isami Kanda. Will respond to Izuru Kamakura cause source separation is complex.
Age: 17-21 (verse dependent)
Orientation: Asexual Demiromantic
Gender & Pronouns: Agender (They/He)
SHSL: Jack of All Trades (officialness verse dependent)
Yumeto's mother died in childbirth, leaving him with his bitter father. In his father's eyes, he had killed his mother, so he better be worth it. Yumeto does not remember much at all about his early childhood, just that as soon a he was physically able, his dad piled all chores of the house onto him.
Yumeto was expected from a young age to be the woman of the house, clean, cook, and take care of himself. His father, a conservative salary man, simply couldn't be bothered to do anything for Yumeto but hammer in just how worthless he was and pile on even more expectations.
The stress got to Yumeto, who begun to cope with the aid of an imaginary friend who took the form of the most capable person ever, Izuru Kamakura, only as a child the same age as him. This imaginary friend turned out to be a headmate (Isami) as they developed a system, one who wanted this pain to stop.
Isami took on school and chore responsibilities, and excelled at schoolwork. He was a smart kid, not that their dad recognized that. Even with all Isami did, trying to learn to do everything, the abuse didn't stop.
Yumeto turned to online gaming for solace, and so that his outgoing nature wouldn't be as hampered by his natural awkwardness. He wasn't a big name, avoiding competive gaming, but he did become a top member of several guilds across various MMOs, and an insanely talented support player.
As teens the pair, though mostly Isami pushed for it, came up with a plan to enter any and all competitions they could to win enough prize money to pay their way out. Isami took a scattershot approach entering any that he saw and regularly getting second or third place earning the winners up prizes, while Yumeto focused on gaming related ones, winning prizes for his teams.
This plan ultimately was what caught Hope's Peak's attention, and got them enrolled. If Yumeto's actions got them scouted they are officially the SHSL Co-Op Gamer, and if it Isami officially they are the SHSL Jack of All Trades.
SHSL Co-Op Gamer
As the SHSL Co-Op Gamer Yumeto excels at playing video games with other people, able to rapidly adjust to other's playstyles and fill in any role required for the team. He has incredible hand eye coordination, good shotcalling/delegation skills, leadership, strategizing, and a photographic memory allowing him to recall the most obscure of mechanics or facts about teammates.
When playing video games on his own he is an incredibly talented gamer able to beat out all but the top players of the world when putting in the effort to.
His skills also extend to things like TRPGS, board games, and escape rooms, along with more mundane uses for the skills mentioned.
SHSL Jack of All Trades
As the SHSL Jack of All Trades Isami is above average at practically every skill. Able to do a competent job at everything ranging from preparing a meal to building a rocket. They are better at each skill than the average person, and at least as competent as someone who uses the skill professionally, but would be easily beat out by a normal expert of the field.
Isami is not a match for any SHSL in their talent or any talents related to their talent (such as not matching the SHSL Cook's baking skills).
They are extremely adaptable, well read in a variety of topics, and has a photographic memory.
System Info
Yumeto is original to the body and acts as the host of the system.
Isami formed as a factive of Izuru Kamakura, meaning the basis of his identity came from what the brain knew of Izuru. He has many traits similar to Izuru, and developed a similar talent. They are their own separate person though, and should not be confused for Izuru.
Isami's role is that of a protector to protect from their father and other authority figures that would exploit them both.
All members of the system share memories with each other. Isami may refer to things that happened in a thread with Yumeto or vise versa for example.
There are other members of the system who might rarely show up in threads, but are not in focus.
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croshroom · 6 years
Tumblr media
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