scntlisi · 2 years
@shumi-maritsa​ // Starter Call
“Your national flower is the rose right? Mine too!” Well, that was an understatement as she was a little extra and had two, the rose and the marguerite, representing the two societies in her culture. Not rare, she supposed, given it was also the national flower of Luxembourg and Cyprus too-England as well now that she thought about it. Huh...roses were popular.
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“But then...you’re well-known for ‘em, yeah?”
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wolfofromania · 4 years
“I pity the poor souls caught out in this.”
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“I know... And to make matters worse, they’ve also announced there’s chances of hail, as well. Though, I suppose not many will be out. The last few days have been just like this one, and more have been announced. Perhaps people are already used to the weather and no longer make as many plans to go out as they normally would.”
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samaradiso · 3 years
@shumi-maritsa from here!!
Do what? I’m just having a snack. What’s wrong with eating y-- [Pauses. Stares. Looks him up and down. Raises a brow.]
Oh. Well. Your mind is certainly active, isn’t it, you?
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wolfofromania · 5 years
colorful headcanons.
acacia: how much does it take for your muse to hate someone?
Excessive rudeness, greed, and disrespect will make him hate you automatically. Committing certain acts (on which he’ll call you out on or explain to you that he doesn’t like) numerous times will make him lose respect for you and can eventually lead to Horia hating you. These things can be applied to both other nations and humans.
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wolfofromania · 5 years
Since you requested that I do all garage questions, you're doing the same too
Household meme
Do they know how to drive?
How long have they been driving?
The first automobile in Romania arrived in 1889, and I think he would have found the whole idea of driving quite interesting, but may have not persued the act itself immediately after (I mean, yeah, it's a cool metal box on wheels but horses are still around, he could still walk from point a to point b). I'd like to think he started driving somewhere in the early 1900s, though, so he has more than 100 years of driving experience.
What kind of vehicle do they drive?
Dacia Duster, and he's quite proud of it and the popularity it's gained.
Are they good with mechanics?
I'd say yes, at least to some degree. The thing is, if there's a problem, whether it has to do with his car or anything else, Horia will immediately try to fix the issue himself first. He's handy and a jack of all trades kind of man, and I'd imagine he's got quite a bit of knowledge on the subject. If there's something, however, truly baffling and which he can't entirely seem to figure out, he'll go see a specialist (but ONLY after multiple tries of his own).
Do they take part in any sports?
Definitely! Football/soccer is his favourite, but he's passionate about other sports, such as oina (national sport) and swimming and skiing. He's also really big on gymnastics and tennis, due also to the successful athletes his country has proven to have in these particular sports.
Do they have a need for speed? Or do they like to take things slow?
Kind of a need for speed. In Bucharest he'll try not to be too reckless, as the other drivers can also be absolutely hectic and Bucharest traffic is just a whole other thing on it's own, it's unbelievable but not in a good way. He'd like not to crash his car, but he's got a horrible road rage which can lead to him speeding past other drivers in anger the second the light turns green. May accidentally cut off other drivers too. As for when he's outside of Bucharest, he'll sometimes go over the speed limit and has had his fair share of tickets in his life.
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wolfofromania · 7 years
yet another munday meme
ಹ - Share a story from your childhood!
tbh i can’t really recall a lot of stories from my childhood, the only thing that comes to mind is that during the 2nd grade my dad taught me how to ice skate. we were waiting for my mum (i think she was taking some courses?), walking around and we then stumbled upon an ice rink. we ended up going there almost every weekend during the wintertime and skating for the next two years
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taradintrerauri · 6 years
I ran out of rakija.
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Did you bring me any.
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wolfofromania · 8 years
( ´_ゝ`) :Who or what is your muse most indifferent about?
Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
Modern holidays from the Western world, such as Halloween or Valentine’s Day. While some of his citizens take part in these holidays and arrange various parties hosted throughout the country for these days, he doesn’t care for them. They’re not really connected to him (you could say they just don’t speak to him on a personal level), and he already has old Romanian holidays such as these which he loves and celebrates (like the Day of the Dead and Dragobete).
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wolfofromania · 8 years
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you. Pretty much.
‘deceit’ is his middle name
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