#shuririr fanfic
neptoons1998 · 1 year
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For better or for worse
A/N: I am back and I brought fluff. and yes I stole it from @pantherheart
Tag gang: @mal-urameshi @pantherheart @xblackreader @somethingcleaverandwhitty
Summary: Riri went on a mission with Champions and got injured. Shuri isn't all that happy.
Riri was hurt on a mission with the Champions. She could feel the white sharp pain on her lower back. Riri was so glad she installed the cushions around her ironsuit when she loses concusioness. Riri opened her eyes as she was first met with white medbay in Wakanda. Riri started trying to get up, but a soft voice enter her mind.
“I’m glad you’re up,” Shuri said Riri looked at her. The taller woman worn her cream color blouse with her white labcoat on top. Riri could stare at her forever. 
“So, what’s the damage,”Riri said trying to be light hearted. As if she wasn’t actually hurt. Shuri looked at her, “You have a sprin left ankle and right arm had Col-les fractures. And you were in  a coma for a week.”
Riri winced as her love listed her injures, she knew it was going to hurt based on how up high she was. With her estimate it about World Trade Center building. Riri could barely stomach the sight of her beloved looking at her with sad eyes.
"I was so scared when I heard you were hurt," Shuri said as she placed her hands around Riri’s shoulder giving the short woman the quiet request for her to lay back down on her bed. 
"I'm fine," Riri whispered hoping that her way in apologizing giving her love a scare, "It's just a scratch."
"It's more than a scratch," Shuri said. "Your iron suit malfunction on you when you got into contact with the ten rings.” 
Riri winced as Shuri stated with logic, there was no way for Riri to wiggle out of that one. To be frank Riri wasn’t even sure how she came back to Wakanda,"I know," Riri wrapped her hands around Shuri’s hands. "But I'm okay now."
Shuri stared at her with pain on her face, “I can’t lose you too.” Riri’s chest tighten great now she was a bigger dick than her own father right now, Riri thought how could I be so selfish and forget that Shuri had to handle so much by herself. The lest she could do was give her love the satisfaction of her knowing she would be safe. 
"I'm just glad you're safe," Shuri said taking Riri out of her spiraling thoughts.Shuri stroked Riri’s hands,"I don't know what I would do if you were gone."
"I'm not going anywhere," Riri said. Who knew what Bast had for them but Riri can promise with all her power she going to make sure that she going to stay alive for Shuri. So I might have to dial back with Champions missions, Riri thought, They will understand plus I have some projects I have to finish here. Riri continued to stare in Shuri’s eyes,"I'm here to stay."
Shuri smiled, “Good because I like you here.” There was beat of silence with the pair, “I need you."
"I need you too," Riri said, “Plus I want us to go on some more cute dates.”
Shuri smiled and hugged Riri careful not to put her whole weight on her, "I'm so glad you're okay," Shuri expressed again placing a soft kiss on Riri’s forehead. That action cause the short woman to melt with delight.
"Me too," Riri whispered back. 
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neptoons1998 · 2 years
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A/N: Happy Valentine's day guys! I want to let you guys know I love y'all. Hope you enjoy this fic.
Tags: None, just fluff
Summary: Riri wants to show Shuri something.
“I got you a gift,” Riri announced to Shuri. Shuri looked surprised at her love’s statement. The pair was laying close together in Riri’s dorm. During the time the pair see each other face to face; the young royal likes to pretend she’s not running a whole country. She is just Shuri, who has a loving girlfriend. And said her loving girlfriend was dragging her out in the dead of night to give her a gift. 
Shuri looked around the open field, and a small blanket was placed on the ground, ”Riri?”
“I know star gazing is kinda boring, but I couldn’t figure out what to give you. I mean what can I give to a woman who has everythi-”
Shuri shook her head as she laced her hands around Riri’s,” No, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Shuri quickly supplied to her. Riri smiled at her, the pair lay on the blanket and gazed up at the stars 
“See that,” Shuri said as she pointed one of her slimmed fingers to the night sky, “That’s Ursa Major.”
Riri scrunched up her face as she turn her head to the side, trying to see what her girlfriend was seeing, “Babe, I don’t see it.”
“Really? It’s staring you right in the face,” Shuri commented. Riri then squinted her eyes before shaking her head. Riri laid her head on Shuri’s chest, “No, still don’t see it.”
“You don’t know constellations?”Shuri asked. Riri shook her head, “Not really, I mean I know about zodiac signs, but I don’t know where they are. I just wanted to show you, you aren’t the only one who can pull this romantic shit.”
Riri could hear Shuri’s laughter, “Ok I guess I’ll have to teach you.”
“Whatever you say, professor,” Riri commented as she wrapped her index finger around Shuri’s hoodie’s strings. Shuri could only roll her eyes as she explained Cassiopeia was located. And how constellations were connecting dots that make up the pictures. 
“Do you get it now?” Shuri asked Riri gave a yawn as she shook her head. 
“What can I say, I’m a genius when comes to gears and building stuff, not genius outer space smart,” Riri reasoned. The pair stared at each other before breaking out into peals of laughter. 
“I could marry you right now,” Shuri voiced out. She wasn’t entirely sure why she wanted to express her emotions in an outburst. It’s because she’s here, Shuri’s thoughts supplied her reasoning. Riri smirked at her girlfriend, “Cute, but let me graduate first.”
Somehow Riri fell asleep listening to Shuri’s heartbeat; Shuri had no choice but to carry her love back to the dorms.
Once they made it to her dorm, Shuri place Riri on her bed. As far as Valentine's day dates go, Shuri absolutely loved it, granted the woman might be a little biased. She couldn’t wait until spring break happens she wanted to show Riri all the places Shuri loved to go. Shuri knew Riri would enjoy going to the merchant district. 
“I wish every day could be like this,” Riri said groggily to Shuri. Shuri could see it one day, she could see the vision of calling Riri her loving wife. The couple would protect and rule Wakanda, they would push the technology advancement for the country as no one has ever seen before. In the quiet part of Shuri’s heart, they would create their own family. But for now, the couple will have to wait, they have nothing but time after all. 
Shuri kissed her love’s forehead, “One day soon.”
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neptoons1998 · 2 years
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a/n: this is a little drabble. let me know what you think.
"But you said that it worked, "Riri hissed at the director. Valentina shrugged her shoulders, "And now I'm telling you it doesn't work."
"No, that can’t be right,” Riri accused as she pressed herself in her glass prison, "I know it right because I use the same formal for the gears. You are using it wrong.”
Valentina gave the young woman a stiff smile as she watched her with her cold eyes, "I think you are forgetting who's the boss here.”
The woman pulled out a tablet Riri looked closer at it she saw her mother unaware she was being watched. In her scrubs
"Now it would be a shame if something happen to your mom,” The director spoke as she slide her finger across the screen showing Sharon, Riri's younger sister. “Or your sister," Val continued showing Riri's sister laughing at whatever her friends telling her.
"Please don't hurt them,” Riri pleads to the woman. Valentina gave a knowing smile, “That’s why I like you. You know to quit while you’re head, Ms. Williams.”
And with that, the director left the small prison, "I'm glad we came to an agreement."
Once the doors closed, Riri ripped her blueprints off the walls. Why isn’t working? Riri wanted to bang her head against the wall. With each tear she gave to blueprint the more frustrated she got.  she need to figure out how to escape from whatever this place they put her in. What then? her mind argued CIA is a part of the government you can't escape anywhere. They will find you and drag everyone you love with you.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
If y’all want some more shuriri fics 👀 dm or comment because I’m running out of ideas lol
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