#shut up clem
spaciumbeam · 8 months
took a literal week to get a hold of this dude at Acme but this little creature got an interview at 10am on Tuesday babey!!! They better hire me on the spot for being so cool and cute lmao
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sai-haras · 6 months
hang on am i like. wiggin. im writing some sdr2 fic (surprise surprise) and like, does dr3 make kirigiri's appearance in that game a plot hole? because the future arc starts with naegi's hearing for protecting the shsl despairs, which we already knew he was in trouble for during the events of sdr2. obviously if kirigiri dies in future arc and isn't revived until everyone has woken up, there's no way she can be in chapter 6.
the only way that the plot makes sense is if future arc starts after sdr2's end, but at the same time, it's really weird that they've gone through the whole of that game, which was broadcast to the future foundation, and only after the survivors have been rescued naegi gets in hot water for it?? help?? i haven't watched dr3 since 2017 do they ever mention sdr2 in the future arc before side hope or am i just crazy
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lovelypearls · 1 year
I missed the first 7 days of the 30 days of Aphrodite challenge because work has destroyed my brain so prepare for 7 posts in a row LMAO
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rockboywonder · 2 years
i am NOT caught up with bnha but i refuse to believe that hori-san will actually kill bakugou. he needs to come out first before getting sent to super hell
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
While i work I've been listening to an LP of the Telltale Walking Dead Games (the ones with clementine, I do not care about the others lmao). Ages ago when I played these I was well aware/amused that part of season 2 takes place in Parker's Crossroads/Parker's Run because I grew up right next to it and the detail stood out to me. But I never caught the line of "We'll head to parker's run. It's just up the road from here" until just right now. So I had a sort of "wait, where the fuck are they supposed to be right now?" (search)
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ARE YOU SHITTING ME LMAO So by process of elimination, since it's the only city with anything even remotely resembling a large home supply store, that would mean they're in my literal hometown. My tiny hometown in the middle of nowhere that's never in anything that barely anyone knows of. How in the fuck lmao
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andorerso · 9 months
sorry but comparing whether Jyn or Cassian suffered more in their life like it's the fucking trauma Olympics is fucking ridiculous
they both suffered the same and it's literally not a competition, hope this helps <3
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masterbaiting · 1 year
ah yes torchwood children of earth the season of state approved eugenical child sacrifice and of people calling ianto gay
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crystalline-sanders · 27 days
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mona stewart being haunted by her own emotions (her automaton bestie that she's in love with) my beloved
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cassmouse · 11 days
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this line specifically hits different after finishing twdg s4
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obiwanobi · 2 years
AU (inspired by this amazing prompt) where the Force needs vessels to exist and each generation of Jedi has their Chosen One that they consider as a sort of deity with godlike powers to match their title. Order 66 is even more brutal than in canon and almost no Jedi survives, leaving Anakin as the last Chosen One, who knows he will disappear the second the very last Jedi forgets about him or dies.
Enter Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, last ember of a dying age.
And if Anakin knows one thing, it's that he will do whatever he can to survive, even if it means making his last follower live eternally, or at least until a new Order is created with new followers.
He just never imagined that if Obi-Wan is devoted to the Force and to him, having such a personal and close relationship with only one worshipper also means that Anakin is devoted to him.
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reality-schmality · 15 days
Clem is underrated. One of the best late-season side characters.
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spaciumbeam · 8 months
jobs really be like "our hiring person isn't in today, call back in like a week and maybe they'll be here"
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spacedlexi · 1 year
is anybody else out there still creating twdg fanworks 😭📢 where is everyone please dont say reddit i cant go back there
#im gods bravest little soldier for following fandom tags but its rough in there#guess i should specifically say where are the twdg fans who didnt hate violet#sometimes i remember how homophobic (and racist?? in the lee and clem game??) people were during s4 (and still are on reddit/yt) and think:#maybe i should stop looking and just let the cool people find me#go knocking on enough doors and the devil may answer#but i want to see fanart 🥺#was only Slightly surprised by the misogyny because this is clems game series but hoo boy the misogyny towards violet......#ive gotten used to how quiet it is i gotta remind myself a dead fandom is better than an annoying one 💀burning shores reminded me of that#so hard being a wlw in video game spaces please where are my other wlw video game enjoyers i need to find u 😭#gotta draw some more ellie to lure them in like an angler fish#im honestly surprised how dead twdg seems to be esp with the way the final season ended?? its set up so well for fanworks??#theres a lot of unaccounted for time even before clem got to the school. and its set up that their lives could be anything now#is it just because people were burned so hard by seasons 2 and 3 that a lot of people just didnt even play 4??#or maybe they didnt even know s4 was un-cancelled??#because i know theres a lot of people who stopped after 3#but 4 is such a return to form. its like the other side of the coin to s1 for me. like if s1 was more hopeful instead of dreadful#it is Such a love letter to s1 honestly. imagine if telltale didnt shut down in the middle of production and they got a full budget.....#sometimes i imagine it... s4 with a full 5 episodes??? in my dreams. literally.#oof this turned into a ramble im just fandom lonely#twdg#it speaks
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faithinlouisfuture · 5 months
24 hours with Zayn in Lahore, what would you do?
24 hours with Louis in Istanbul, what would you do?
first of all, fucking obsessed with the cities you’ve given me!!! second of all what have you done?!? i’m incapable of being normal about stuff like this
there’s no need to subject everyone to this level of insanity though so it’s going under the cut
24 hours in Lahore with bestie; i’m taking him to old Lahore for a big ass desi naashta at that one place that serves you street food from all the androon areas, then we’re spending the next few hours doing a photo walk of the old city including both waziristan and badshahi mosques where i’m making his pretty face pose for me in front of all the gorgeous islamic architecture while i take photos of him (art in front of art)! we might even check out some of the local artists’ shows/installations that pop up there from time to time … then in the evening we’re heading to spice bazar (not specific at all 💀) for proper desi bbq which will probably be spicy to him cuz he’s white-washed (affectionate-ish) like that 😭 after which we’re getting lots of rounds of chai at some dhaaba that also does live music where i’m forcing him to sing an entire song or more in urdu - give👏🏽the👏🏽people👏🏽what👏🏽they👏🏽want👏🏽 and then late night we’re chilling at one the many newer parks where we’ll be lighting up many & blazing the night away
24 hours in Istanbul with lover; my answer might not be as creative (read unhinged) as it would have been if we weren’t going through a lover’s spat right now but here we go… we’re staring with breakfast in bed (of as many varieties as your gutter brain can imagine) … then we’re taking the cable cars up to Pierre Loti (because I doubt he’s much of a hiking enthusiast 💀 and i don’t blame him cuz same) to check out the gorgeous views of the entire city and have some turkish tea and snacks at one of the cozy little cafes up there! then in the afternoon we’re heading to Gülhane Park to stroll around for a bit and lie down on the grass and take a nap (speaking from experience; literally one of the most peaceful experiences in the world — seagulls calling in the distance, the sound of distant ship horns from time to time and the melodious chirping of the birds in the trees up above, heaven! i mean it’s literally you should be starin’ at the sky, the birds just passing by, love)… after that we’re heading to Mahmut Pasha bazar for some epic meat heavy Turkish food that we will be washing down with sheesha at one of the many many bars there (and since he’ll have some drinks in him by this point, this is the part of the day where i’m trying to talk some sense into him about the incompetence of his professional team and the way they mishandle so many aspects of his career 💀 and how he deserves better because he’s worth so much more)! then late night we’re heading to one of those places that has both male and female bellydance performers 💙💜💖 and looking 👀 … after which we’re heading back to bed to smoke some weed outside in the and then some 🙃
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clemleur · 1 year
Look at him
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fandxmslxt69 · 3 months
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
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Book recs:
I just finished Sarah J. Maas' A Court of Thorns & Rose's series. I also have The Witcher on my To Read list. I LOVE fantasy. Definitely getting on the fantasy romance train lately, but Lord of the Rings is still one of my all-time favorite books. I do enjoy mysteries too.
What are your recs? My birthday is next week. I intend to make eyes at my dad so he gets me more books.
oooooh i hear so much abt SJM's books!!!!!
I spent the past week eyeing my parents to get me books and NO ONE HAS PICKED UP ON THE CUE. still waiting.
OKAY SO LET US SEE!!! Fantasy is SUCH a vibe and its hard to find the good ones BUT:
Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber. It's the second trilogy to her fantasy world, but trust me you don't need the first series; there's just some characters from the past who make a new appearance as side characters or leads! The story follows dear silly Evangeline as she navigates the world of heartbreak :( In her world, the Fates (magical beings that are known to be cruel, evil, and harsh and give very very heavy Tarot card energy!!!) have come back and are residing in their own magical kingdom of trouble and deception (TRUST ME AS CLICHE AS THIS BOOK SOUNDS ITS LITERALLY SO FREAKING GOOD.). Evangeline ends up praying to one of these Fates - Jacks, the Prince of Hearts - to help her save her lover from what she thinks is a curse. Of course Evangeline doesn't care for the consequences of asking a Fate for a favour, but Jacks is literally the biggest shithead ever (affectionate) so he puts that poor girl through SO MUCH FREAKING TROUBLE and Evangeline finds herself travelling to the magical land of fairytales to try and win over the heart of a prince. FAIRYTALE ENERGY EXCEPT ITS KIND OF TWISTED FAIRYTALES!!! AND ITS NOT LIKE YOUR USUAL FAIRYTALES NO NO THIS IS ITS WHOLE OWN LORE !!! BEAUTIFUL AESTHETIC AND THE PLOT IS LITRALLY THE BEST OF VIBES EVER !!!!!!!!!!!! Trust if you enjoyed SJM's work, you WILL enjoy Stephanie Garber; it's a given. (This IS fantasy romance btw, just not as heavy as some other ones!! The romance is def a smaller subplot and is very...will they won't they with some love triangles in the way)
We Hunt The Flame by Hafsa Faizal. This one is also one you'd enjoy if you enjoyed SJM's work!!! It follows the story of a girl named Zafira who hunts in this big cursed forest to try and save her village from famine. She's known as The Hunter, wanted by the sultan for multiple acts of treason, and one of the most feared "entities" of the area; anyone who goes into those wicked forests is insane and probably dangerous (SHE"S JUST A SILLY GIRL.) The kingdom is ruled by a horrible, corrupt sultan and the land has been drained of all it's magic and left as nothing but a dark, twisted land. On the flip side of the coin, you have the sultan's son, Nasir, who is overflowing with trauma, daddy issues, and OOZES dark mysterious morally questionable man !!!!!! He's the kingdom assassin and does all his father's bidding. Nasir's father hears word that the Hunter had been assigned a mission to go find the tombs of the old Witches (who had given the land its powers, and then taken them away to be buried with) from this dark evil island of sorts. He naturally orders Nasir to go find this Hunter, let him lead him to this tomb, and then kill the Hunter (naturally everyone thinks this Hunter is a big scary dude when it is nothing but a like 5'5 girl with fury that rivals that of the gods). Anyway, when Nasir and Zafira get there and realise what this is, things start....going downhill (uphill for ME) FOUND FAMILY AND ENEMIES TO LOVERS AND FANTASY LORE AND AND AND AND WOW WOWO WOW IM SO BAD AT SUMMARIZING THEM WITHOUT GIVING AWAY ALL THE PLOT BUT TRUST ME TRUST ME. Zafira & Nasir get the PERFECT enemies to lovers!!!! SO MUCH FOUND FAMILY (there's other people who ended up coming to this island to find this tomb and they all just get together in a team of misfits). PLOT TWISTS AND WOWO WOWOW WOW SO MUCH ARABIAN LORE !!!YEah. Trust me trust me. If you've read like, Six of Crows, you'd like this.
okay i swear there would usually be more but these are the ones I truly think you should give a shot too, i SWEAR TO GOD they are. SO. SO SO GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You might also enjoy Fourth Wing, it's become very popular alongside SJM's books, but I hear the second book has gotten sooo bad and honestly, I personally only enjoyed the first book because it was very character based, full vibes/worldbuilding, very little plot. So if you're looking for plot heavy fantasy, I wouldn't go with Fourth Wing.
if you're also into historical fantasy with some sci-fi elements, or retellings, then def check out Chloe Gong...her Secret Shanghai series (Two duologies and 2 novellas) is SO SO GOOD!!! Shakespeare retellings, spies and betrayals and gangs and fake dating and enemies to lovers and lots of political and historical elements (the books take place in a big time of unease in Shanghai where foreign politics and goverments are trying to take over. The first duology is Romeo & Juliette retelling with the gov being the two rivalling gangs and a horrifying disease that is running wild through the land. The gangs eventually get taken down as Nationalists, Communists and Japanese forces start taking over Shanghai. The SECOND duology is centered around the power struggle between the Communist and Nationalists, with the Japanese invasion that is inevitable. The main leads are split into 2 couples; 1 works with the Nationalists (fake dating, undercover spies), the other works with the Communists (partners to lovers "I would ruin our mission to save you" energy). The second duology is very very traumatising. These series are fantasy but ALSO mystery based. I personally liked the second duology better (Foul Lady Fortune & Foul Heart Huntsman)
For full full mystery vibes, The Inheritance Games IS your jam. OH MY GOD I will never shut up about this series and this post is ALREADY too long so I won't go into details BUT basically. Avery Grambs gets told she just inherited something like 47 million dollars or whatever from some random old man from Texas whom she has NEVER EVEN heard of. Billion maybe. she got a LOT LOT of money okay. The only thing she has to do to secure that money? Live in Hawthorne House (his manor) for 1 year with his 4 grandchildren. No biggie right? Except said grandchildren happen to be some of the SMARTEST TRICKIEST and most TROUBLED KIDS to ever exist in the world. Grayson, Jameson, Xander & Nash. Nash is a cowboy who ditched the rich life and would die to protect Avery. Xander is just glad he has someone to have fun with because she enables all his crazy ideas. Jameson loves getting under her skin and is low key in love with her. Grayson wants to get her OUT of their lives because he refuses to believe his grandfather would give this RANDOM GIRL on the street their whole inheritance; the house the business the family name all that money!! Not when Grayson was promised all of it. Anyway, Avery becomes the world's richest teenager in less than 24 hours. But, the longer Avery stays in this house and living this lifestyle, the more she realises how much the late Hawthorne was hiding. Tobias Hawthorne (the dead grandpa) was infamously known for his puzzles and mysteries and games...it's how he raised his grandkids and why they are they are they are. Except...things are getting a LITTLE TOO REAL. SO SO SO SO SO GOOD THE MYSTERY I SLITERALLY CHEF"S KISS. i've only read the first 3 books but trust me. oh my god lirerally insane. you THINK you know whats happening but you don't.
I HOPE YOU GIVE MY BABIES A SHOT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!!! TRUST TRUST i have never disappointed anyone with my recs please....
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