#shut up werepup
were-jer · 1 year
"I always want to hear all of your thoughts."
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"I love them so much. Go ahead."
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The werepup resettled his head in his lap, closing his eyes as his nose pressed against her stomach - plenty of room for her to keep petting him. Forever.
"I think about that song... I think it's by Snow Patrol? Chasing Cars." His mouth twitched in not quite a smile, "I can hear he dog joke shut up~"
"It just plays on repeat. Head empty. No thoughts. Just that song..." And the rhythmic sensation of her fingers in his hair, nails slightly scritching his scalp, while he fought the urge to nap in case he miss any of it.
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stardusted-hearts · 2 years
familylightfox asked:
Something didn’t seem right when she walked over to Sonic. A few sniffs and she bumped her nose against his leg. Giving it a moment, she watched and then did it again, a little more insistent. She knew certain cues from Light and could see that something had caused a similar one with Sonic.
Now she just had to get him grounded…
Time for deep pressure therapy with her settling across his lap while continuing to nudge his hand and arm with her nose.
      Outwardly there wasn’t much of a visual sign that anything was wrong. Only the occasional flick of Sonic’s ears as if he was hearing something, but it never came with any actual sound. Eyes only moving when his ears did, but not looking at anything.
      Aside from that, he was still and silent. It could easily have been written off as the hedgehog zoning out as he did sometimes, but Gibbous clearly knew better. There was no reaction to the first bump against his leg, and the second one merely earned another flick of Sonic’s eyes and ears. Peridots now vaguely in Gibbous’ direction but still not really seeing her.
      Yet it had started a process, and as she settled onto his lap and nudged his hand Sonic was slowly coming back to reality. At first his actions were reflexive, the hand she was nudging stiffly moving to run over the tuft of fur on Gibbous’ head as he continued staring into space.
      However, it was only a moment later that a sharp breath was drawn before his extremely tensed muscles relaxed, letting Sonic flop back against the couch. Now he felt out of breath, mostly thanks to his racing heart, but forced himself to breathe slow and deep. The petting motion had only paused briefly, and he continued it as he shut his eyes and focused on as many real world sensations as he could.
      It would be a few minutes, but eventually the blue hedgehog’s subdued voice broke the silence, “Thank you... Gibbous.” The fact that talking felt like it took far too much effort wouldn’t stop Sonic from expressing his gratitude, though he would leave it at that for now. He just kept up the petting, occasionally giving the little werepup a scritch behind the ears as another expression of thanks.
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werepuphowl · 6 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Tagged by: @themagpieisland
Rule: Answer questions and tag the people you want to get to know better.
(If you believe that your zodiac and ascendant signs describes your personality)
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius sun+moon
Ascendant Sign: Aquarius 
Languages you are speaking/learning and/or want to learn: English in my main language and I can speak very little Spanish. I would love to learn it more thoroughly.
Movie/TV show genre preference: I like cartoons xD I am 24 years old and I greatly enjoy watching cartoons and anime. Of course I also like baking and cooking shows like Great British Bake-Off,Cupcake Wars, Kitchen Nightmares, and the likes. I’m willing to watch just about anything,honestly. It’s just a matter of do I have the time or the attention span. 
Book genre: I LOVE books!! I have a large library in my house filled with all kinds! I don’t really have a favorite genre cause I mostly just care about the characters and the plot. I do prefer non-fiction and I like worlds built around magic and fantasy but like tv, I’m willing to read almost anything! 
Comics/Manga: Ok, manga takes up a large chunk of my library and I have a box of comics in my closet lol. I prefer DC Comics to Marvel and I like Shonen manga. My favorite comic series is actually Empowered by Adam Warren.
Fanfiction genre: One-shots and smuts. I don’t really read fanfictions much. Never on the computer and it hurts my eyes to read that much text on my phone. 
Favorite Authors: Adam Warren, V.C.Andrews, C.S. Lewis, Hiromu Arakawa, and Rumiko Takahashi.
Game Genre: I like fighting games the best! I play Kingdom Hearts, Tales Of series, Monster Prom and a few others I can’t think of xD but I will admit, I’m not the biggest gamer.
Fandoms you are in: Disney is my biggest one. I’m kinda all over the place. It would honestly be easier to ask me if I like something then for me to try and list everything xD I do also really like Ever After High, Monster High, and Harry Potter.
Favorite Characters in your Fandoms: Dexter Charming, Darling Charming, Duchess Swan, Ron Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Cleo de Nile, Lagonna Blue, and waayyy too many to try and name in Disney. 
The Ships that you ship in your Fandom: Darling x Apple, Dexter x Hunter, and Shank x Yesss.
The Fandoms that you were into but now you find it embarrassing: NONE. 
Movie/Book Quotes that you say irl: “Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia.” “Don’t let the muggles get you down.” 
Tagging: whomever wants to! 
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unusual-ly · 5 years
Part 5
“the centre of zombie and werewolf culture is in rubble” and I hate whoever decided that would happen
but hey at least Bronzo are holding hands! They’re very sad but also very cute
my dear, sweet wolfie children...!
“they were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power” YOUR DAMN RIGHT THEY WERE
but I’m proud of Zed. Self acceptance
I like Stacey’s crop top
Bucky saying “after you” to the Aceys sounded so flirty omg yes
“they look good” Lacey I love you again
Eliza shutting Bucky down is always so satisfying
werewolves are Seabrook natives!!! The originals!!!
the apology~!
she’s a leader!
the Someday reprise~!!!!!!
... wow ok frickin Bugs Bunny it up I guess
the wolfies are ok again!
... weird that he can stay so in control but ????? ok????
and we’re good!
and a great finale song!
Eliza’s band comes off super easy too I guess?????
omg Lacey
Zeddison kiss~!
um excuse me?
that ending?
... I’m just saying “no”’ right now
not here for whatever that’s implying
Let’s get the negative stuff out the way. Absolutely hate that the power plant ended up falling down. Like, who’s idea was that? Eliza was literally yelling all the things I’ve been thinking about since I heard the line about tearing down the plant in We Got This. And the writers decided after it could be saved, they’d get rid of it anyway. I’m upset. Actually upset. And the last scene. The asteroid or whatever it was. Her hair glowed?! Nope. Z1 strongly implied she had zombie genes from her grandfather’s bite, and that’s something a lot of people seemed ready to buy into. This looks like they’re over complicating things... Also they never explained what happened to Tracey. They really should’ve at least mentioned him. And what I already said about the Z-bands coming off way too easily
Apart from that, I loved it! The wolves are great, Bronzo are great, Baceys are great, Zeddison is great. We got a look at more of Zombie Town and Seabrook, we got lore, we got great messages and diversity. Zoey made friends with a werepup. Zevon was the Daddest of dads. The coach is... himself
But like I’ve said before, all my fics, headcanons, theories etc rely on my timeline’s canon. Plus, with how different most of the BGZ look here, they’re basically not even the same characters so the idea I had in mind for one BGZ fic on the sequel’s canon probably won’t work out but eh. We’ll see
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Pup’s First Full Moon
Stiles couldn’t chain up their werepup for a full moon, so he comes up with the ingenious idea to tape a plush toy to a remote control car and drive it around the lounge room until the little one tires himself out.
 For Amy (@sterekreblogsandart), happy birthday!
Based on this post
 Derek was not prepared for what he saw when he walked through the front door. His keys jingled as he fitted them into the lock and unlocked the front door, pushing the door open and dragging his feet inside. The first thing that struck him was the sound of snarling and yapping – normal sounds to hear from a werepup on a full moon – but the other sound he heard confused him: a high-pitched whir of a small engine.
Derek’s brows furrowed in confusion as he dropped his keys on the hallway table and made his way into the lounge room.
What he saw astounded him. There was a flash of movement as a remote-controlled car drove around the corner of the couch, circling the armchair before driving back into the centre of the room.
Their son chased after in. It wasn’t as intimidating or predatory as it was adorable. Derek watched the two-year-old scramble across the floor on his hands and knees, his eyes lit up with a golden glow as he snarled, yapped, growled, and chased after his ‘prey’.
Derek took a step closer, looking at the remote-controlled car.
He fought a burst of laughter as he noticed his son’s favourite toy – a plush grey-and-white wolf – duct-taped to the roof of the car.
Derek bit into his lip to stop himself from laughing, stepping over to the back of the couch where Stiles sat, legs crossed and the remote control in his hands.
“I couldn’t do it,” Stiles said, sensing Derek’s presence. His voice was quiet and lethargic, his dark brown eyes shadowed by dark circles as they followed the path of the car and the infant chasing after it. “I couldn’t chain him up.”
“So you taped a toy to a car and drove it in circles?” Derek asked, amused.
“I had to think of a way to keep him distracted,” Stiles replied, not taking his eyes off the chase. “It was the only thing I could think of.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” Derek admitted, leaning over the couch to press a kiss to Stiles’ temple.
The man smiled tiredly. “How are the others?”
“Coping,” Derek answered, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it up. He made his way back over to Stiles’ side, climbing over the back of the couch to sit next to him. He wrapped an arm around Stiles’ shoulders, letting the man curl up against his side.
Stiles didn’t falter, he kept driving the car in a circuit around the armchairs and the coffee table.
“I’m sorry,” Derek whispered. “I should have been here to help you.”
“You’re an alpha, you have to take care of your pack,” Stiles replied. “And as stupid as my idea may be, it’s working.”
“It’s not a stupid idea,” Derek said, no longer able to hide his smile. “Innovative and humorous, but not stupid.”
“I hate werewolf stamina,” Stiles said bluntly. “I’m exhausted and he’s still going.”
“He’ll tire himself out eventually,” Derek reassured him.
As if on cue, their son let out a quiet whimper and sat down on the floor with a huff. He looked up at Stiles, his glowing yellow eyes fading back to their normal colour and looking sad as he lifted his arms up and reached for his dad. He babbled tiredly, making grabby hands.
Stiles set down the remote control and rose up from the couch. He crossed the room and lifted the boy into his arms.
Their son mumbled something as he nuzzled his face into the curve of Stiles’ shoulder, his heavy eyes falling shut. He balled the fabric of Stiles’ shirt in his tiny fist, his breathing settling as he drifted to sleep.
Stiles let out a weak sigh as he made his way upstairs and into their son’s room. Derek followed him, slouching against the doorway and watching on lovingly as Stiles carefully laid their son down on his bed, pulling the blankets up over him.
He pressed a soft kiss to their son’s head before turning and dragging his feet over to Derek.
Derek held his arms open, letting his husband collapse against him. He kissed the top of his head, holding him close and whispering, “You did great.”
Stiles suddenly bolted upright. “Wait-”
He took off running downstairs, his bare feet slapping the floorboards. He quickly returned, holding the remote-controlled car in his hands. He pulled the tap off the car, freeing the plush wolf from its binds. He ran his hands over it, making sure there was no sticky residue before making his way over to their sin’s bed and tucking the plush wolf under the blanket.
Their son squirmed, instinctively reaching out for his toy and pulling it close.
Stiles froze, dreading the thought of their son waking up. But soon the boy settled and Stiles let out a sigh of relief.
Derek smiled. He crossed the room over to Stiles’ side, taking his husband’s hand and pulling him towards the door.
“Now it’s your turn for bed,” Derek whispered, making his way out of the room. He left the door ajar so they could hear their son if he were to wake up. He led Stiles into their bedroom, finally letting go of his husband’s hand.
Stiles needed no incentive. He dragged his tired body over to the bed, climbing under the sheets and curling up.
Derek couldn’t help but smile. He quickly got changed and climbed into the sheets, curling up behind Stiles and draping his arms around the man. He craned his neck and pressed a kiss to Stiles’ temple. “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” Stiles muttered sleepily as he shuffled back into Derek’s warmth. He let out a content hum as the alpha pulled him closer and he drifted off to sleep.
 [AO3] - [Ko-fi]
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hissorihaka · 7 years
Hi!!! I love your AUs so much that I have literally fallen in love with them. So I was wondering, have you ever thought about a crossover between your baby darling au and dark au? The possibility of werepup Rinrin meeting our darling Sou pup and kitty Rinrin meeting mummy Souchke? Oh and werepup Rinrin meeting with Papa Makootoh and bwothers and kitty Rinrin with Satyr Kishumi??? The possibilities.....
Thank you so much! I’m happy to hear that you like all my AUs (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
And YESSSSS!!! Yes I have but it was only about little werepup Rinrin stumbling into a magical portal that Haru accidentally opened when he tried to summon The Great Saba for the 100th time and never closed it due to him not knowing how. Haru didn’t even notice curious Rinrin falling into it until it was too late and the portal closed! Makoto almost had a panic attack and even Haru when he realized that Sosuke was going to be here soon. Haru does not want an angry mummy in his house today so he hurried and tried different spells to open the portal back up again only to fail. Makoto suggested after the fifth time to call Kisumi (Kisumi has some pretty good knowledge in the magic department) but Haru refused and didn’t let go of Makoto’s arm ( ᵔ ▽ ᵔ )
Sou pup was the one to find werepup Rinrin who wiggled his way out from under his bed. You can just imagine how happy Sou pup felt when he found another kitty! At first he thought it was Rinrin kitty wearing new clothes and all but when he realized it was a second kitty (when Rinrin darling came to visit), his little heart almost exploded seeing two identical kitties. It was like a dream come true! Now he could keep one Kitty in his house with Kish while the other Kitty could go back home to Makootoh so Makootoh wouldn’t be sad.
After being called Kitty, werepup Rinrin immediately corrected Sou pup and informed him that he was not a kitty but a werepup and that his name was Rinrin. Sou pup just nodded and called him puppy instead. Werepup Rinrin was also very excited to see a baby Souchke and not only that–he was a puppy! This made him giggle and was very happy to play with baby Souchke and his twin. He had wondered if there was a baby Kishumi too and asked Sou pup only to find out that Kishumi was Sou pup’s papa. Werepup Rinrin was in awe and amazed hearing this but it also made sense in his little head because his Souchke back home was always listening to uncle Kishumi and sometimes would get scolded by him too!
All the while, Kisumi wasn’t even aware that he had a little extra visitor in his house. He even had a small conversation with werepup Rinrin! Kisumi was a little confused at first at some of the things werepup Rinrin would say but he just played along. His clothes also had Kisumi puzzled–he could have sworn he was wearing something completely different when Makoto had dropped him off… After a while, Kisumi thought he was seeing things when he would see one Rinrin in one part of the house and then walk into another part to find the second Rinrin. He shrugged the first two encounters and even the different clothes again but after the third and fourth encounter he really thought he was going crazy! POOR PAPA KISH. He ended up taking a nap in the sofa–yesterday’s workload must have been too much.
Towards the end of the day, even though he was having so much fun… werepup Rinrin was starting to miss his world, his home where his Souchke and his uncle Kishumi were waiting! Suddenly, a magical portal opened up on the wall making werepup Rinrin gasp in content. After a couple of tears and hugs, werepup Rinrin said his goodbyes to his new friends and promised to come back and visit. Both darlings nodded as they held hands and waved goodbye to their new friend.
Werepup Rinrin was finally back home and gasp!! Uncle Kishumi?? Kisumi was there to greet him! Haru ended up giving up, swallowed his pride, and asked Makoto to call Kisumi… Of course, Haru had to bribe Kisumi to keep his mouth shut and not breath a word to a certain mummy about this incident by inviting him to lunch the next day. Rinrin was only gone for 15 mins on his world and all in all, Sou never found out, Kisumi had a yummy lunch the next day, and werepup Rinrin made new friends ♡
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