#shuu sakamaki x y/n
robin-the-enby · 3 years
I was wondering if i could get a matchup for Diabolik Lovers? Feel free to ignore this if you want. I'm an ENTP in Myer Briggs personality types. Im very extroverted and I like to put myself out there and fight for what I believe in.
I have a lot of social anxiety at the same time though. I second guess myself a lot and around new people I tend to be rather quiet for a while. I also tend to be reserved if someone seems to be getting upset. Also I'm easy to fluster as soon as anyone shows any kind of confidence or if i lose my train of thought.
I'm short. Im around 5'1-5'2 and have short red hair and blue eyes. My hobbies are very indoors-y. I like to draw and listen to music or sing. I enjoy watching anime and reading fanfics or sometimes actual books. I do enjoy going outside and being active every now and then though.
Like I said, youre free to ignore this if youre not comfortable doing a matchup. If you do end up responding to this, thank you! (I don't know how to end this lol so its a bit abrupt, sorry)
Hi! Thanks so much for requesting! I don’t get many requests, so this makes me really happy. Don’t worry, my requests are open and the rules say I’ll write anything, from oneshots and headcanons to matchups <3 I hope you’ll like it, I haven’t seen the show in a while...
I match you with:
Kou Mukami
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He’s a very sweet guy, and would not hesitate to approach you as soon as you catch his attention.
I feel like he’d be drawn to your extroverted personality. And if he saw you standing up for something you believe in? Oh he’s absolutely smitten.
He would also think it’s cute that you get flustered around him, he would take pride in that. He wouldn’t think of it as anything more than just you being shy though.
At first you two would be walking on eggshells around each other I think. You because of your anxiety and him because although he is very outgoing and seems very open, he’s a guarded person. He’s been hurt very badly during his childhood, so he doesn’t open his heart to just anyone.
He would definitely use his abilities on you to see if your intentions are good and your love genuine. Deep down he really craves affection and love, so if you persist, you’ll have him wrapped around your finger.
He would 100% support any of your hobbies and encourage you to pursue any kind of dream you have. You said you needed a new sketchbook? Let’s go to the shop then! New pencils? No problem!
When you two feel like going outside once in a while, he’d love to take you on a karaoke date or a concert. He’s famous, he could get a vip anywhere if he tried.
However, with fame come fans and with them, haters. If you get together with him, be prepared that all eyes are gonna be on you. Their idol found somebody to love, everyone is curious and dying to meet you!
That’s probably when Kou would feel like your behaviour around people isn’t just shyness.
He probably wouldn’t say anything at first, because I think he would think it’s not his business and if you wanted him to know what’s up, you’d come to him.
If you ever get overwhelmed by some more “hard to shake off” fans or persistent haters, he’ll help you in any way he could. 
He would be mad for your lack of responsibility towards yourself though, so do expect some scolding from him when you’re somewhere safe.
If you decide to open up to him about your anxiety, it would be as if something clicks together in his mind.
He’d be like: “...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...makes sense, yeah...”
He’d catch on that this is something personal and it is to be taken seriously, so expect him to try and open up about his own past and struggles as well.
Please be gentle with him and his feelings. You won’t regret it, I swear.
After that, he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. He likes to pretend that everything is okey-dokey, but if you get uncomfortable, he’ll nonchallantly whisk you away, like it’s nothing.
But he’s down to listen if you need. It makes for some epic bonding days.
Aytao Sakamaki
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Oh he’d be such a little shit.
No, but really, he’d enjoy pissing you off so much. He’d love to argue with you, because you always stand up for your opinion and he likes that, oh so much.
Seeing you glare at him like you’re about to rip his throat out makes his stomach twist in the best of ways.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get salty when he loses an argument with you. Be on alert, because his ego and god complex have taken damage and he wants a rematch.
Your constant bickering will piss everyone off so much, they would kick you or Ayato from the table so they could eat in peace.
If you see this as much of a game as Ayato does, good for you, because the more you can hold your ground, the more equal to himself he sees you and the more friendly he’d be.
He becomes almost stalkerish, always following you around and watching everything you do from a distance.
Yes, he may see you as somewhat equal to him now, but that means you’re a threat, because he must be the best. So he’s watching you like a hawk to ensure you’re not trying to stab him in the back or something.
Like Kou, he would take pride in making you flustered. He’s a more confrontational type of guy so if he notices how you act around certain people and that your extroverted side fades out sometimes, he calms down a little. You pose no threat to him and his glory anymore, congrats, you passed.
However, at this point, you managed to worm your way into his heart and he becomes overprotective. He’s not watching you from a distance anymore, nah, he’s walking right beside you, looking as uninterested as always.
As soon as somebody tries to start any shit with you, he’s ready to throw hands, no matter how powerful that being may be.
You’re Ore-sama’s special human, nobody can mess with his stuff!
And while this is nice, although kinda demeaning, it has a deeper, more selfish reason. Just because you don’t pose any immediate threat to him, doesn’t mean it will stay that way in the future. Deep down he feels like he needs to ensure you stay just the way you are, so he can always be at least a bit better than you.
As for your hobbies, well, I think Ayato would be sort of indifferent. He is not above using recordings of you singing something silly as possible blackmail, doesn’t matter what your relationship status is.
As for your drawings, if you were to show him one, he’d really try and take the time to look at it and appreciate it. But again, after agonizing minutes of silence, his god complex would kick in and he’d point out all the little things you could have done better in his opinion.
Others I can see you with: Yuma Mukami - He’d also enjoy both your extroverted and flustered side. He would probably be the best of the brothers to help you properly with your anxiety. He’s pretty outdoorsy, but only when it comes to nature I think, but if you don’t like going out, you can just hang out in his garden, it’s almost the same. You can draw while he tends to his veggies and stuff and if he’s in a good mood, he’d sing with you some nice pop or folk song! Shuu Sakamaki - probably the only one that isn’t into the whole extrovert thing, but would love to make you flustered. He’d also really like that you prefer to stay at home and that your hobbies are tame, you’d be a really chill couple. Prepare for him making you sing and carress his hair though, he’d definitely make you his songbird. Plus, you can’t get social anxiety if you don’t interact with people!
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
The votes are in and the winner is: Shuu Sakamaki! I hope you guys like this!
Yandere Alphabet.
ft. Shuu Sakamaki. 💛
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A - Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Shuu's affection is simple but subtle. He always has an arm around his darling, even while he is sleeping. By doing this not only is he keeping his darling close but he is also telling the world that they are his and off limits. A win win situation.
As for intensity, Shuu isn't a very intense yandere compared to his brothers but that doesn't make him any less possessive. If his darling tries to leave he will complain and he will end up drinking their blood and marking them. Can't let little darling think they have so much freedom now, can he?
B - Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Hmmm, not too messy tbh. As lazy as he is, once Shuu actually decides to do something he will finish it. As the eldest brother he just has some experience that the others do not and because of that he can probably just use his words to intimidate rivals.
He will throw hands if anyone gets too close though.
C - Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He would definetly be a bit of a tease even though he does complain a lot. At first he's just annoyed, why is his darling being so noisy? It's driving him nuts! But then again, there are days when he finds darlings desparate face especially amusing and a small smirk finds its way on to Shuu's face. s/o little screams and whispers soon become Shuu's favorite thing to listen to.
D - Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
No actually, believe it or not. The only thing Shuu will do is drink darlings blood. The guy has to, you know, eat? He isn't super sadistic like most of his brothers and he really won't do anything harsh unless he is jealous or really mad.
E - Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Shuu would prefer it if his darling was the more sensitive one, that just brings him greater piece of mind. Most of the time he just doesn't really talk about his feelings which can make Shuu a bit of an enigma. But after being with him for a while, s/o will pick up on the subtle signs in case Shuu is irritated or anything of the sorts. His grip always seems to be especially tight then.
F - Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Sad and disappointed. He actually does love his darling but a part of him also gets why they are doing it. It doesn't make it any bothersome though... Please, just... love him, okay?
G - Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Shuu might say it i to tease but it's not. He sees no point in meaningless flings, this the long run. And Shuu would be heartbroken if darling tried to leave - darling is like a lost puppy in Shuu's eyes, he has to protect them at all costs, he has to.
H - Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Whenever he gets jealous, plain and simple. He just hates it when his brothers get touchy feely with his s/o and Shuu always drags s/o away to his room, his face showing no emotion but the look in his eye says it all.
A rough and sleepless night awaits...
I - Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He never had any plans but he wouldn't mind staying in the Sakamaki household with his s/o. With his home and lovely spouse, Shuu would be on cloud nine.
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
You bet he does, painfully so. He is able to hide it most of the time but if someone just flat out flirts or touches his s/o, Shuu is by their side ready to fight.
K - Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Normal, for the most part. He will probably become affectionate over time though, even downright shameless if he feels like it.
L - Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He doesn't really know what he is doing but he will try to put in the effort even if it doesn't look like it. He treats them normally for the most part but there is a subtle soft side reserved for his darling only.
M - Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He's pretty much the same 24/7 but if he gets mad his more sadistic side will be a bit more obvious. He'll wipe the floor with anyone if they dare challenge him.
N - Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Heck yeah. Sharp bites, a few slaps, teasing little licks, it varies with Shuu. He mostly just bites their neck to shut them up but he isn't afraid to use more force if need be. He'd rather not though.
O - Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
All depends on darlings behaviour. If they act accordingly he won't really care, just as long they aren't too far away from him that is. But in case darling decides to do something stupid, Shuu will put his foot down.
P - Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Depends what it is really. He will try to be reasonable but if his darling keeps making a fuss that patience will run thin.
Q - Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Never. Shuu would never let this go, the grief would just consume him and destroy him, he won't even bother stopping it. He is nothing without his live and he would have a hard time moving on if this happened.
R - Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No, not really. He did because he had to, and he did it to protect them. He just hopes darling will realize that one day.
S - Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Shuu can get very insecure and because of that he wants his darling to always be by his side, that way he can always protect them. He doesn't want to lose them, Shuu wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he were to lose yet enother loved one...
T - Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
"What a pain."
He will grumble to himself and this kind of behaviour won't be tolerated for too long. Yeah, it's cute to hear darlings pleas for help but Jesus do not shout.
U - Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Well yes but no. He does do the usual things such as kidnapping but it's his attitude towards it that makes him stand out. He calls everything a pain and an annoyance, why can't darling just come to him? He'll treat them nicely...
V - Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
No, actually. He loves being spolied rotten with affection and he often catches himself falling for darling's sweet words but Shuu isn't dumb. As lazy as he is, he is smart, very much so, and he can tell if his little songbird is plotting something. He just knows, don't even bother finding out how.
W - Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes. Mostly by sucking darlings blood, which can get a bit rough. Shuu just loves to mark his little darling up with his deep love bites, just seeing them so out in the open, it gives him a real sense of pride. He especially loves it when Reiji complains that darling should cover up but Shuu merely replies with a smirk and just brings darling closer, much to Reiji's dismay.
X - Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He will try to court his darling but he'll just give up halfway and kidnap them. It's a lot easier that way, you know? And Shuu wouldn't exactly worship his darling, but they make up a huge chunk of his world and he wouldn't really know what to do without them in the end.
Y - Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
For quite a while, actually. Shuu might appear as though that he couldn't care less, but he does, he really does. He tells himself that darlings feelings are irrelevant but he doesn't mean that, ever. He wants them to actually be happy, to be happy with him.
Z - Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Intentionally? Never. He fell for them for a reason, he doesn't want them to change. But he will leave long lasting scars on his darling which will affect darlings psyche. And there just might be a chance that darling dearest might not be able to handle those deep wounds.
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book-of-yanderes · 4 years
Hi, love!! Okay let’s see. If you feel like it, what do you think about a one-shot with Shuu from Diabolik Lovers and a reader who sits under the sky and sings? Maybe that sparks some ideas! I’m leaving it pretty open for you 💕 //Your biggest supporter Eli (short-yandere-stories)
Song of the Moon (Yandere! Shu Sakamaki x Reader)
Word Count: 507
Triggers/Warnings: Kidnapping
There was that voice again.
For weeks Shu had been hearing the most beautiful voice he ever heard at the academy, better than even Kanato’s.
The melodic tone danced as it went from low to high. The owner’s voice rolling their Rs perfectly. Their vibrato on long notes and at high pitches rang through the air and left a calming tone throughout Shu’s being. It was captivating.
Shu wanted the owner of that voice to be his.
For them to sing only for him.
Again, he left to the outside of the school, finding a spot on a bench and closed his eyes. It wasn’t long until the singer’s voice reached his ears. This time it would fade and also grow, but not as a usual crescendo and decrescendo. They were walking around.
The voice was now gradually getting closer as Shu listened in on their melodic voice and tune.
It was now loud and crystal clear, but it was nowhere near Shu.
The singer was above on the roof.
Despite the annoyance, Shu wanted them. He would claim them as his and have them sing for him.
Within mere moments he was atop the roof, staring into the back of the singer. He took in their (h/c) hair’s beautiful appearance in the moonlight, admiring how the wind slightly blew it. Seeing how they sat over the edge of the railing to enjoy the night also showed the risk they took in where they sat. A gutsy and beautiful singer? Shu definitely wanted them as his own.
As the last note of the song rang out, Shu made his way from behind and came up to their back, his voice just slightly over a whisper.
“You have quite a talent.”
Out of surprise, you stumbled in your balance on the railing and grabbed it tightly to steady yourself. Never did you expect someone to listen in on you and then approach you afterward. You turned your head enough to see the third year so many admired, Shu Sakamaki.
“A-ah… Sakamaki-senpai…” You barely spoke any higher than he did, still startled by him appearing.
He looked into your eyes. “Just Shu. (y/n), is it?”
You nodded your head in response. “Thank you for the compliment, by the way.”
Instead of replying with “you’re welcome,” Shu wrapped an arm around your waist and hoisted you up into his arms bridal style. “Your voice will be mine. You will only sing for me from now on.”
Your heartbeat increased upon hearing this. What was going on? Was this intent of him kidnapping you? This shouldn’t happen!
You tried to resist and get out of his hold but to no avail. This strength was inhuman. What was Shu Sakamaki?
“Don’t resist, songbird…” Shu whispered.
In a rush, the wind blew past you. The next thing you knew you were in the abandoned music room with the blond, him hovering over your body with one hand at your chin.
“Sing for me. Sing to me our new song of love…”
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unsure-writer · 4 years
Can you do 14? S/o x reiji and shu?
Despite the tumultuous relationship between Reiji and Shuu Sakamaki, it hadn’t taken them long to decided that they both needed to come together for this one particular task.
Taking care of you.
Neither of them would admit it, but they were essentially in a relationship with you. They enjoyed spending time with you, would actively seek you out, would give you gifts and both could listen to you talk all day. One thing they could not put up with, however, was the dangerous situations you seemed to have a taste for putting yourself in. Such as interacting with that Mukami beast, Yuma.
Appearing before you, Shuu snagged your arm and carted you off down the corridor. He ignored your shouts of protest and wriggling and continued on, his patience wearing thinner with every second. 
He found Reiji in the economics room, empty other than the three of you, and thrust you into his chest. “She was talking with that Mukami idiot. Again.”
Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Reiji sighed deeply. “We have discussed this before, Y/N, and you continue to disobey. Do you not think we will follow through with your punishments? Is that it? It seems it is no longer appropriate for you to continue your education at school; I will tutor you at home and Shuu can offer you assistance with music and poetry.”
“Hey!” you were quick to disagree. “That’s not fair at all-”
“It is for your own safety,” Shuu interjected, gripping your trembling chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You seem to forget that we know best.”
“Oh, what does it matter,” you almost snarled, shoving Shuu’s hands away. “I’m only a Bride, anyway, I’ll die soon.”
Shuu snatched your face into his hands, his eyes looking crazed and glinting in the sparse light. “You seem to forget,” he repeated, “that I fucking need you more than I need to breathe.”
“Talk about those kind of things will not be tolerated,” Reiji announced, rapping a ruler against the palm of his gloved hand. “And it seems you cannot wait for your punishment. Bend over, across that desk. Now. It’s time to give that Mukami bastard some clear indication of who you belong to.”
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diabolik-lovers-box · 6 years
Abused I [Shuu Sakamaki X Reader ]
Just a heads up, this is some heavy stuff.
Shuu Sakamaki
Normally, he would be asleep at this hour, laying somewhere in the mansion with his earbuds in, blocking out the rest of the world. However, it was that fateful night that a flash of lightning woke him. His eyes slowly opened as the thunder rolled, flooding out the sound of his music. 
He groaned and hesitantly got up. If he was going to be awake, he might as well wake up Y/N too. As he approached her room, however, he heard a soft voice coming from her room.
He frowned and stopped outside of the door. The sound of a soft voice, well, actually it was more like soft cooing or crying, echoed from the other side of the room. It was familiar. Too familiar.
Shuu tilted his head to one side before slowly opening the door. 
Your smaller form was shaking softly, laying on the far side of the bed, wrapped in every blanket that she had fit on her bed. His movements were dead silent as he made his way to her bedside. You didn’t know he was there until you felt his hand on your shoulder. 
You slowly looked up, your eyes meeting his blue ones. “Shuu...? What are you doing in here?” You asked through small sobs.
“You should be asleep.” He muttered as he leaned onto the bed.
You brushed away the tears from your face, “So should you.”
He leaned forward and caught the tears on the other side of your face with his cold hand, “Why are you crying?”
You slightly flinched, memories too apparent to be comfortable with his touch. “I... I’m not.”
“Are you lying to me? So obviously trying to upset me...” He leaned forward more, urging you to lay back, “Are you trying to get me to punish you?”
Your eyebrows drew together in worry, you weren’t in the mood for any of his usual games, “Shuu... I...”
You were cut short by the feeling of his lips on yours. Normally, you weren’t so bothered by your past while you were around him. It was part of why you loved him so much. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but he was something... special. 
Right now was different.
You instinctively looked away, breaking the kiss. You paused for a second before saying, “...I’m not in the mood.”
Of course, Shuu wasn’t the best listener when he was in a mood, and from what you could tell in the dark, he was definitely in a mood. He leaned forward, still persisting and with that, something clicked. 
“Shuu! Don’t!” You snapped, pushing back against his chest with a strength that you had never used on him. 
He was startled to say the least, but it finally snapped that you were not in the mood to do anything with him. It finally clicked that whatever had moved you enough to shed tears, it was important.
He sighed and leaned back on the bed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you going to make me guess?”
“I just...”
“Oi, woman, speak up, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Could you just give me a moment!” It was sudden, but you could hold back and you just snapped. The tension in the room peaked before he sat up and started walking away from the bed.
“Okay... I get it.”
“Shuu where are you-”
“If there’s something you can’t tell me, then you’re keeping secrets and Y/N...” His eyes met yours for a moment of honesty and raw emotion. “...if you’re keeping secrets, then you’re just like every other woman.”
“What is bothering you? What can’t you tell me?”
“Why can’t you see that there are somethings that I can’t- I just- they’re- it’s difficult!”
“What is?”
You fell back in your bed, knowing that eventually you would have to tell him everything. One day. You just didn’t think it would be today.
You paused for a moment and, luckily, he didn’t leave. 
And once you looked up at him, you knew you had to be open with him. Your shoulders relaxed and you began explaining everything.
“When I was younger, I knew a guy... a really, really bad guy...”
And you told him everything. From the beginning, to the end. There were moments when you wanted to stop and tell him you didn’t want to talk about it, but you knew it was important for both of you for him to understand where you were coming from. 
“And then...”
“And then...?”
“...I got pregnant.” You were nearing the end of your story, “And for the time I had it, it was the only good thing that came out the entire situation.”
A silence fell over the room. You looked down, worried Shuu might react negatively to the situation you had been in. It only took seconds for you to feel his arms wrapping warmly against you.
“Y/N...” his voice echoed close to your ear, “I’m sorry.”
You blinked in astonishment. Did he just... apologize? You didn’t want to question it and break the feeling that was falling between you two, so you just nodded and hugged him back, pressing your nose into the crook of his neck. 
“I’ll never let something like that happen to you again. You’re mine. Which means you’re mine to protect.”
He pressed a gentle kiss against the shell of your ear and whispered, “I love you.”
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The Cousin (Diabolik lovers X Reader)
You show up at the Sakamaki’s claiming to be the cousin they’ve never heard of
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“That man called, said we shall be having visitors today.” Shu said lounging on the couch. “Why would those half bloods be here? It’s disgusting.“ Kanato frowned. “It’s not us. He said we were to be here for this visitor.” Ruki said flatly. “How sweet, he wants all his children under one roof.” Laito mocked.
Yui was the one who answered the door when it pounded three times. You looked young and had the blonde, almost white hair that Karlheinz had. You wore an annoyed expression, you seemed like a person Yui would want to avoid. “You the human he told me about?” “I think so…” Yui said softly as you looked at her sternly. Yui opened the door wider to allow you entrance. “Thanks.” You said refusing to offer her a glance.
Your boots clicked against the wooden flooring as your eyes met with ten boys sitting in the main room. You eyes every single one of them. “I think we should introduce ourselves.” Ruki began. “I’m Ruki and these are my brother’s, Kou, Yuma and Asuza.” “They’re your brother’s too no?” You gestured to the other boys around the room. “I suppose so, they were adopted.” Reiki said in distaste. “My name is Reiji and this is Shuu, the triplets; Laito, Kanato and Ayato and finally Subaru.” “I see,” You said. “a pleasure I’m sure.”
“Who are you?” Kanato frowned. “It’s not fair of you to know us and us not know you!” “I’m (Y/N), your dad said I was to stay here for a while.” “Another bride!” Laito furrowed his brow in confusion. “No!” You made a face of disgust. “I’m your cousin. I’ve to stay here as some sort family bonding thing.” “You’re kidding.” Ayato deadpanned catching Kanato’s line of sight who looked very dismayed. “Pardon me, but…isn’t this a good thing?” Yui asked meekly. You shrugged as various scoffs filled the room. “I already know you… briefly.” Shu said with one eye open. “Apparently I was here a lot.” You nodded. “I remember you when you were a baby. I’m probably the only one in this room that somewhat remembers you.” “That may be true, I only remember the memory a cousin often visiting us…” Reiji said in thought. “My uncle didn’t want you having memory of me so I didn’t come back when Shuu and Reiji were actually old enough to remember me or at least that’s what I was told. Obviously I don’t remember anything of you.“ “Woah, wait a second” Ayato suddenly perked up. “Uncle Ritcher had a kid? When?” You simply smiled with a hint of mischief. “Alright, they know more than they’re letting on.” Yuma sighed.
Reiji was beside you in moments, lifting a lock of your curls and eyeing it. “We will only give you one chance-” You scoffed. “Jesus, you don’t need to interrogate me, I’ve done my bit. He told me to tell you I’m your cousin, I’m not. He’s my dad.” “Oh not another one.” Subaru groaned in his hands. You shrugged simply. “Why would he tell you to say that?” Kou said in confusion. “Because he’s being saying that since the beginning. We did just say a cousin would visit often.” “Ha! That’s something! Kids here’s your cousin who’s actually your sibling!” Laito rolled his eyes. “That’s a lot of effort…” Kou said with his eyes wide. “That’s that guy for you, he likes anything but simple.” Ayato said. “Very true.” you agreed. “If it helps I’m the baby of the family, I came after all of you- no messy cheating crap.” “It wouldn’t have surprised us if you weren’t.” Ayato shrugged.
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Dark fate Shu Sakamaki (dark 1) ~traducción~
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En video x
Lugar: Living Sakamaki
Yui: (Había decidido no perder de vista a Shu-san pero...) Yui: (Aún así no lo encuentro para nada. Y pienso que no vendrá aquí...) Kanato: Qué estas haciendo ahí? Yui: Kanato-kun y Raito-kun. Kanato: Puedo ver por tu cara que te sientes mal pero, sucedió algo? Yui: (O no, pensando en que Shuu-san estaba lejos de mí estaba haciendo esa cara...?) Raito: Nfu. Te sientes sola? Shu-san se la pasa durmiendo y no viene a verte. Yui: (No es tan así pero... si me siento sola. Que incleible que es Raito-kun.)
Kanato: Ah, con que era eso. Si es así puedes jugar con nosotros. (E-e-e-e-nserioo!?!?!? Adioh Shuu~ bueno no) Yui: Eh?
*La música se detiene* *Kanato y Raito se acercan y música vuelve a aparecer(?*
Raito: Entonces, Bitch-chan. Dejanos chupar tu sangre? Yui: ugh... Por qué se volvió asó!? N-no! Yo--
*Shu salvaje aparece*
Shu: Son ruidosos. Yui: Shu-san! Kanato: Nos estraparon, eh. Raito: Entonces por qué no Shu también lo hace? Con más personas es más divertido (EEEEE) Shu: ...Que idiotes. *Suspira* Yui: E-espera por favor, Shu-san! Yui: (Podría ser que malentendió la situación...!?) Yui: U-ustedes dos, sueltenmen! Raito: A~h. Aunque pensé que nos podríamos divertir, que lastima. Kanato: Ni siquiera pudimos matar un poco el tiempo.
-desvanece- -habitación de los Sakamakis-
Yui: Shu-san! Shu: ...No entres cuando se te plazca.     (Oles eso? Huele como a CELOS) Yui: Ah, l-lo siento... Yui: Pero, esto... pensé que podría ser que malinterpretaste lo de recién. Shu: ... ... ... ... Yui: ... ...! Yui: D-duele... Yui: (Me empujó en la cama con mucha fuerza...) (Cof cof) *Música problematica suena* Shu: Malentendido, dices? Yui: Eh...? Shu: Que te estabas acercando a Kanato y Raito es la verdad, no es así? No creo que haya un malentendido. Yui: E-eso es...
ELECCIONES: 1.Contarle la verdad (Nope) 2.Disculparse (Yep)
Yui: Ciertamente no fue un malentendido. Yui: Seguramente fue porque estaba un poco con la guardia baja... ...lo siento.   Shu: Así es. Es tu culpa por estar así. Shu: Entonces? Qué es lo que te dijeron? Yui: Eh? Shu: Sus caras estaban incleiblemente cerca tuyo, verdad. Shu: *En el oido* En cualquier momento... ellos podrían haberte besado. Yui: ... ...Ah! Yui: (Shu-san esta susurando en mi oreja...) Shu: Te dijieron que les gustas? Shu: O tal vez... sólo querían beber tu sangre? Yui: N-no lo hicieron...! Yui: Sólo estaban haciendome una broma, pienso que su intención no era chupar mi sangre... Shu: ...Haa. Los ves con demasiada confianza. Es por eso que te molestaron. (Osea que no se lo toma enserio.) Shu: Reflecionalo un poco. ...No le muestres tu lado debil a nadie más que a mí. Yui: L-lo siento... Shu: Cierra los ojos. Yui: Eh...? P-por qué...? Shu: Te daré un castigo, qué no es obvio? Vamos... hazlo rápido. Yui: Un castigo dices, qué haras... Shu: En esta situación sólo hay una cosa que puedo hacer, verdad? Shu: Querías que otros hombres se acercaran a ti para hacer esto, verdad? Yo te lo haré... *Muerte* Nn... Yui: Nn...! Shu: *Bebe* Nnn...nnn... Shu: ...Haa... yo soy el único que puede chupar tu sangre... Yui:  Shu-san... Shu: ...Y también el único en mirar esa cara. Shu: Hoy no soltaré así que prepárate... Yui: (Se enojó pero al final terminó de buena manera... pero si dijera eso él podría volverse a enojar...)
~Fin de dark 1~
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
I heard you did match upsss sooo can i have a Diabolik lovers match up?
So im a girl , im straight.Average height , black medium hair thats bleached brown on the bottom , a tiny bit of tan skin and big eyes , asian.
My mbti type is INTP , im introverted kinda apathetic , non emotional and lazy but i love to day dream , draw , use my computor.
I also have a liking towards romance which i day dream of romantic scenarios.
My style is pretty much a casual hoodie and jeans at times i wear a hair clip to pull up my bangs.
Im a pretty logical and a reasonable person but i can be affectionite towards my friends and be put going when you get to know me more.
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I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about the other two asks you send after the first one, so I rewrote this. I match you with:
Shuu Sakamaki
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You guys are both really chill.
I think at first Shuu would hang out with you without actually saying anything, because you're not annoying and loud. You don't have to talk to him, he probably wouldn't even want you to, you can just go about your activities like he isn't even there.
He isn't the talkative type anyway, so the fact that you're apathetic doesn't bother him in the slightest.
After some time he'd learn to enjoy your silent company.
He'd lay on your bed and listen to songs, pretending he's asleep, but secretly peek at what you're drawing or looking at at your computer.
If you wanna lay down and daydream a bit, he would silently pull you towards him and wrap his arms around you, telling himself it's just because you're warm and not because he likes you.
At some point, he'll demand that you show him what music do you listen to and depending on how close you two are at the time he won't criticise it that much.
I think he would be into platonic cuddling tbh. He's also really good at it.
Once you warm up to him, he'll gradually become more open as well, because he likes you and it's only fair to show you the same amount of care you show him.
Don't expect anything big from him though, he's also pretty lazy XD
He won't show affection much, when you're cuddling, he'd stroke your back at most.
The smug bastard would enjoy your shyness, the way you look down or burry your face in his chest instead of looking at him.
So when you get a kiss that isn't initiated by you, he's either jealous or it's one of the rare moments he feels sentimental and wants to show you he loves you.
In these moments he'll tell you he loves you, even though when you say it to him, normally he doesn't say it back.
If you get nervous in public and it's really bad, he'll hold your hand to try and reassure you as he accompanies you to do the thing you need to do.
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hi! Im not sure if your match-ups are open, Can i have a Diabolik Lovers matchup? If request are close, feel free to ignore! 😊
I'm a 18 y.o girl, a Bisexual too my personality type which is INFP-T, an aries and a introvert. im 5'7(?), i have brown eyes, black short straight hair, has a bit curly body and i wear glasses. My clothing type is kinda boyish a bit, i wear hoodies or sweaters at home.
My personality..im actually a shy, lazy (because i sleep a lot), quiet and distant person in first because im not used to socialize new people because im very akward at it. (I also have stoic expression) When the person get to know me well, i get comfortable and i might be friendly, loyal or obidient to them. I sometimes have trouble with anxiety and trust issues even my temper too.
The way i showing a affection which is head patting or hugs/cuddles (if i found a special person i will give them a kiss)
I like staying at home and draw because it makes me comfortable and peace, playing piano, reading books/manga, watching movies and listening music.
My dislikes, i actually hate people who are noisy/loud is kinda annoying and irrated, people who staring me (Scopophobia) this cause me anxiety and Forcing.
Thx! ^^
Hello Cherry! This may seem obvious, but I match you with:
Shuu Sakamaki
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You and Shuu would bond at first by taking naps together! You are a quiet person, someone who doesn't disturb him, so he seeks out your presence and if he finds you sleeping, he just lays/sits next to you and dozes off as well.
Shuu would find your awkwardness cute and every time you'd stutter or struggle to say something, he'd have a smirk on his face and probably finish the sentence for you.
As time would go on, Shuu would find you cuter and cuter, he'd start offering you his headphones during naps, he'd walk you to classes, watch you when you draw or paint and small stuff like that.
Suu also loves your kindness and creativity, you try to find the best in him, something he himself has trouble seeing.
Shuu's the best one for calming you down, be it due to anxiety or your bad temper.
Also, the cuddles? Imacculate. Shuu is the best cuddler and he will gladly receive any head pats you have to offer.
Sometimes he'll ask you to play his favourite song for him or read to him as he sleeps. It's actually really cute.
He'll protect you from anyone who causes you trouble. Somebody stares at you and it makes you anxious? Well, Shuu's gonna stare at them. See how they like it (spoiler alert, they won't).
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Um, hi! I was hoping I could get a diabolik lovers matchup? And if possible, one for the Sakamaki family, and one for the Mukami family, but it’s fine if you can’t. I’m an INTP bisexual female with slightly above shoulder-length black hair and a fringe. (Although, I do have an undercut as well so it’s a bit “odd” to most people. Basically, with my hair normally, I look like a young Japanese school girl but with my hair tied-up, I look like “a delinquent.”) I also need glasses however, I tend to avoid using them unless I’m on a device of sorts or reading for a prolonged period of time.
I’m a 5’1 Capricorn and as such, I am known to be a very independent person who gets what they want done. The downside to this is if I’m forced to do something, my efficiency drops dramatically and so I’d think it’s quite useless to tell me to do something I have no interest in. Also, people who have met me for the first time tend not to take me seriously when I speak straightforwardly or pointedly because of my short stature.
English is my 2nd language and Japanese is my 3rd. My hobbies include reading, writing, painting, drawing, and anything within the field of arts. Because of this, I’ve been told that I’m quite smart as I can ace an important exam without having studied seriously prior. Most of my time goes to my hobbies and so I don’t really bother with academics so as long as I don’t fail nor let my grades fall too low, I don’t put for much effort in school. (Which also means that I don’t study at all, but I’ve never had a bad grade before) I prefer to be alone or with another individual rather than in groups when it comes to working or simply conversing as I tend to get overwhelmed with too much company (which, sadly, makes me more irritable and snappy at people.)
I’m a classic(?)introvert case and because of my disorganized emotional nature, people tend to think I’m bi-polar. Sometimes, I’d like to be left alone since I prefer working seriously but I also like being affectionate towards people I like or cherish. So I think someone who’s understanding of my ever-changing need for affection would be nice. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
Thank you for entertaining this long ask and I do apologize for it as well. Have a nice day!
Damn, you're really lucky you don't have to study and still do good at school. I'm a perfect example of "Gifted kid burnout" heh... I match you with:
Ruki Mukami
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I think Ruki would be the first to understand that he can't force you into doing stuff around the mansion. Also the first one to understand that you're gonna do that stuff yourself, without being told to do anything.
It would honestly lift so much weight from his shoulders.
You don't have to worry about him not respecting you. Just because you're shorter doesn't mean you're anything less or more childish. He understands he is quite the tall boi too.
He adores your pride and confidence in what you do, he thinks it's a very good quality of yours!
He would also adore anything you create. Anything you'd draw, write, he would scan it over and over again and again, until he memorized every word or every brush or pen stroke.
You can expect some nice constructive criticism from him and a whole lot of compliments ;)
He loves your intelligence, since he's the brains of the house too. He'd love to have some deep conversations with you, about things from movies or books that inspire you, stuff about the world that you hate or love, any and every topic that you can break down, you will at some point.
Now, he'd be a little confused at your changes in moods. He understands you're introverted, he is too, afterall, but sometimes you are all cuddly and soft and sometimes you can be quite cold and irritable and he just...can't get to the bottom of it.
It makes you that more intriguing in his eyes though and he loves to ponder and predict your moods, which he often cannot. It makes his brain busy.
However, he will respect whatever mood you are in and wait for you until you want to cuddle or hang out or anything, really.
If you praise him for something, the slightest hint of blush on his cheeks, almost invisible, will show. However, inside, he feels a bit proud.
That dude definitely needs some praise, he's got everyone's backs and makes sure everyone and everything's ok.
Shuu Sakamaki
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The one thing that Shuu'd have to learn would be that forcing you to do something will get him nowhere. He isn't as bossy as some of his brothers, but he'd try to order you around sometimes at first.
Once he gets past that however, you're fine.
Another one that doesn't care if you're short or tall. Sure, he might tease you for your height, but never take you any less seriously.
He thinks you're really unique and smart. He's not much for talking, unlike Ruki, but he'll listen to whatever you might want to ramble about. He's very glad you're not stuck up like Reiji, too.
He might not show it much, but he's very impressed at your art skills. It astonishes him the certainty with which you hold your pencil when drawing or the way you can write a whole story. He won't ask to see your creations himself, but if you mention that you're done with something, he'll ask you to show him what you've made.
He won't shower you with praise, but you'll get a rare smile out of him and some nice, soft words of approval.
When it comes to your changes in moods, I feel like Shuu wouldn't be bothered much. Or at least, he wouldn't show it.
He is totally fine with your moodswings, he totally understands that sometimes, you just want to be alone and sometimes, you want to be as close to him as possible.
He doesn't need words of affirmation, but whenever you two cuddle, he actually might cry, even if he puts on the stone cold face. He loves it when you're close, like you are one, and he can really be in the present, with you, in peace. You're there, you're his and you're not going anywhere and he can hold you as close as possible or better, you can hold him for a while. It's the one time he truly rests.
I hope you enjoyed!
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diabolik-lovers-box · 6 years
Scenario: Running into an Abusive Ex [Shuu Sakamaki X Reader]
IMPORTANT: Okay, so this was a request and I’ll be doing all the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers but I’ll be writing/uploading one (maybe two) brother(s) per day just because I don’t have a lot of time but I don’t want to keep you all waiting so I thought I might as well post as I write.
I hope you can all be patient with me and thank you in advance because I know you guys are the best ^^ <3
Each writing takes place on the way home from a date. Also, just a disclaimer, I used the name Nico just cause—I have nothing against that name I just needed a name so yeah sorry to any Nicos, I mean no offense ^^;
Shuu Sakamaki
You were leaning a bit of your weight on his shoulder as the two of you walked home in the dark. He had been ‘generous’ enough to share one of his earbuds with you, but that didn’t stop the sound of an uncomfortably familiar voice call out from behind you too.
“Hey, Y/N! Is that you?”
The voice sent shivers down your spine as you unconsciously held on tighter to Shuu’s arm. He noticed the change in your grip and frowned. He turned his head, which snapped the earbuds out of both of your ears, to see where the voice was coming from.
“Who’s that?” He asked as the newcomer approached the two of you further.
“Um...” Before you could think of a way to respond, the newcomer had caught up to you and Shuu.
“Wow, Y/N, it really is you, long time no see.” Nico said with his usual deceiving smile.
You shifted awkwardly, moving to stand slightly behind the blonde vampire at your side, “Yeah...”
“Who’s this?” He asked, nodding to Shuu.
You looked up at Shuu saying, “This is Shuu... Shuu Sakamaki.”
“Hi, I’m Y/N’s friend, Nico.” Nico held his arm out to Shuu who simply looked at it and then looked back up at him.
“You smell.” He stated bluntly.
Nico looked confused at first but that confusion quickly turned into anger, his expression making you lean closer to Shuu. “What the f*ck did you just say, man, you trying to start a fight? I’m just being friendly ain’t no reason—“
He never finished his sentence. Shuu had leaned forward, said something in a tone only he could hear, and Nico looked confused again but once looking at Shuu, the confusion turned to fear. There was a second of intense eye contact, the kind you might see between a snake and a mouse, before Nico turned heel and started scrambling away, running down the sidewalk.
You blinked a couple of times in disbelief before looking up at Shuu and asking, “What did you say to him?”
Shuu smirked, turning back forwards to continue your walk and pulling you under his arm, resting it across your shoulders in a lazy manner, “If I thought you should know, I would have said it out loud.”
You were curious but you didn’t press him for an answer, you just wanted to enjoy the fact that he was here and that abusive asshole was in the past.
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