#yandere shuu sakamaki
bubblespalace · 4 months
How would Shu react to kianna believing his yandere Tendencies are normal because she grew up with it
Yandere Yui au
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Kianna: isn't that what love is?
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"For vampires, yes... Yui's human."
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"Us vampires are naturally like this. When we fall in love, we fall hard and fast. It makes us spiral into madness sometimes and we do things we wouldn't normally do."
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"Why else do you think I put so much effort in for you when I don't for anyone else? You made me like this, this is your fault."
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otomehonyaku · 18 days
DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition ☽ otomehonyaku's English translation masterpost
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I can't get my fave girl out of my miiiiiiind
maya sakamaki random headcanons pt 2
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she actually trains herself to become immune from vampire poisons and stuff. she's immune from human poison but ever since turning as a vampire, she easily knocks out or gets suffocated from reiji's poison stash (had to train so karl won't dispose of her as the sakamaki doll soon)
maya ate one of her classmate's dream bcos apparently this one girl saw laito having sex with a girl from the library while drinking her blood and she went batsht yandere on her own, having fantasies abt being the one with laito instead. maya had to eat that dream bcos she has no faith this human can be trusted.
there was a time when she showed kanato the answer to the tests via dream (and yes he passed bcos she just doesn't wanna deal with his tantrums over reiji not giving him his sweets)
she keeps a lighter in her bag and was mistaken by some classmates to be a smoker (nah she keeps it to burn all the people and vampires she killed bcos being a special maid requires leaving no evidence behind)
she can't sing for the life of her. however, kanato has noticed her humming "Someday My Prince Will Come" several times and he secretly likes it.
being the new master of the dream world, maya actually puts all laito's dreams and nightmares in the highly-classified info category. like it's so untouchable that only the dream master can see them.
there was a time in maya's original lore that gilbert and devyn (@secretarykang) spent the night together (like they were drunk and lonely). and karl made maya eat that dream a few years after so devyn won't remember. tbh maya said that dream was the most delicious dream tho.
maya killed this one teacher who almost stole yui's pe uniform (ofc main girl has no idea they have a perverted teacher) and buried him in cement from a construction site
up to this day, she is still unaware that subaru had that crush on her like the bros tease him every time he's left with her or when he offers to help her with the groceries but she just thinks he is either being helpful or annoying
ayato stole one of her colored pens bcos he thinks they bring good luck for his exams (it actually did tho for some reason)
despite her cherry obsession, she actually doesn't like smelling them on her. basically, anything citrus or fruity scents is a no for her. she only likes them on bathing products but as a perfume, she detests them.
she actually met one of her siblings in person. she just didn't know it was them. however, they knew her but they weren't allowed to introduce themselves to her under kanato's strict orders.
basically, this sibling knew it was her so kanato wanted to test if maya would be willing to meet them. turns out, she gets anxiety at the idea of them reappearing in her life so yeah you get the gist.
there was this one girl from another class who fell in love with her. like she found maya so beautiful every time she bakes and her elegance and air of dollness.
sadly, the girl died bcos she tried strangling kanato during after-class duties.
she actually hates cleaning laito and subaru's bedrooms. her fave would def be shuu's. reiji doesn't like anyone going to his room cause he be experimenting abt reviving beatrix. kanato's room is mostly organized bcos she always sleeps there. ayato's room is okay like the mess can be easily fixed in a few minutes.
when maya was still a newbie vampire, there was a time when she couldn't sleep at night bcos she heard yui and ayato having sex next door (like her heightened sense of hearing made it difficult for her to cover the noises)
she is browsing through catalogues of breast reduction surgeries bcos she believes her breasts are the reason she can't grow a bit taller
she doesn't know how to make keiichirou (@gingerall) forget the time when she gave him mental trauma (she still figuring it out like give her time huhu)
maya broke the glass of the family limo once by throwing a baseball on it. won't hesitate to do it again.
she has this nasty habit of chopping food loudly or placing the tableware or any dinnerware on the table with a thud whenever she's mad
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arypurple · 1 year
DL - Résumé foireux S01.ÉP01
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J'ai décidé de faire un résumé foireux pour chaque épisode de l'anime Diabolik Lovers. Vu le peu d'épisode qu'il y a et qu'il n'y aura probablement pas de saison trois, pourquoi pas ? Vous savez qu'il y aura des spoils ainsi que des moments choquants. Je vais sûrement paraître vulgaire sur les épisodes. Et je tiens aussi à préciser que je ne crache pas totalement sur le personnage de Yui Komori... enfin seulement sur celle dans l'anime. Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture !
L'épisode commence par une doooouce musique (il faut bien commencer par quelque chose de doux avant de devenir le plat de résistance d'une fratrie de vampires). La fille qui vient d'arriver prend bien son temps d'observer les alentours avant de se faire surprendre par l'orage. Tout va bien, Yui. Moi ça me relaxe les orages ! Bref, elle frappe contre une épaisse porte avant que celle-ci ne s'ouvre SEULE. Yui, n'entre pas, n'entre p... ah bah non, trop tard ! Cette dernière demande s'il y a quelqu'un mais pas de réponse... quand un mec sauvage apparaît dans son radar ! En fait, il était couché sur un canapé. Elle va donc le rejoindre pour le réveiller, mais constate que sa peau est froide, qu’il est blanc comme un cul et que son cœur a visiblement lâché. Yui, tu viens d'arriver et tu trouves un cadavre ! Barre-toi ou ce sera toi qui finira à l'état de cadavre ! En tentant d'appeler l'ambulance, le gars se réveille en lui disant de fermer sa gueule et lui prend son cellulaire au passage... Yui, si tu vois un cadavre animé, fous le camp ! Mais non, il faut rester pour poser des questions à la con et le gars a largement le temps de la culbuter la plaquer au canapé en disant vouloir la prendre avant de lui lécher le cou. Le tout en se laissant faire avant que Claude Faustus qu'un binoclard se présente pour lui rappeler que ce ne sont pas des manières envers une invitée. La fille se redresse et se présente avant que le pervers décide de la baptiser Planche-à-pain. Évidemment, elle ne comprend même pas qu'il parle d'elle. Dans la joie et la bonne humeur, ils se rendent donc dans un splendide salon (qui a sans doute été le théâtre de plusieurs meurtres) pour tirer la situation au clair. Alors qu'elle tente de nouveau d'expliquer sa présence ici, un gars se téléporte sur le canapé pour la lécher, suivi d'un autre mec. Parce que c'est comme ça qu'on accueille une invitée chez les Sakamaki ! Le mec aux cheveux bordeaux décide de s'approprier la fille en disant qu'il passerait sur elle en premier (hum, ça vaut sans doute pour chaque sens du terme). C'est alors que Tsundere Simulator se présente avant de péter un mur sous prétexte que son odeur l'a tiré de son sommeil. Bientôt, toute la fratrie est présente et la Belle au Bois Dormant leur explique que la blondasse est la nouvelle mariée sacrificielle, mais qu'ils doivent bien se comporter avec elle et qu'ils n'ont pas le droit de la buter (mais ça n'empêchera pas certains de la goûter). Les gars se présentent: Shuu (Belle au Bois Dormant), Reiji (Claude Faustus ou le Butler), Ayato (Oréo-sama), Kanato (hystérique, p'tit con, gamin, Yandere King), Laito (Fedora-chan, pervers) et Subaru (Tsundere Simulator). Apeurée, elle veut contacter son père... et a OUBLIÉ que son téléphone est en possession d'Oréo-sama. Mais Tsundere Simulator le prend et le brise car Yui a pas voulu acheter un putain de Nokia ! Elle tente de se barrer et trébuche dans le vide. Bien joué, Yui ! Bien évidemment, elle s'est écorché le genou en tombant et en voyant que ce sont des vampires, décide de sortir son rosaire pour essayer de les repousser... ça ne marche pas, bien sûr. Presque à un cheveu de se chier dessus, elle quitte la pièce et zigzague un peu partout dans le manoir (car elle ne se souvient visiblement plus du chemin qu'ils ont emprunté pour aller au salon... elle aurait dû laisser des petits cailloux, voyons !) jusqu'à tomber sur un vieux téléphone (vive l'ancienne époque) dont le fil est coupé. Après que le pervers lui ai fait peur, elle tente d'ouvrir la porte avant qu'Ayato lui ordonne d'hurler de désespoir. La blonde se barre de nouveau... mais à l'étage. Ah, bravo ! Et tu comptes sortir du manoir comment si tu es coincée à cet étage ? T'as prévu un jetpack ou c'est comment ? Elle entre doooonc dans une pièce donc la chaîne et le cadenas ont été brisés (quel hasaaaaard...). En voyant Casper aux cheveux mauves, elle recule contre une bibliothèque en se tenant la poitrine et fait tomber des livres, puis tombe sur le journal de son papounet. Énorme cliffhanger: Dark Vador son papa n'est PAS son père. Et comme si ça ne suffisait pas, la fratrie de sangsues est apparue dans la pièce et Tsundere Simulator dit qu'ils la tueront si elle tente la fuite. S'ensuit alors une tentative de viol une mise en bouche par le pervers et Oréo-sama avant que le second ne la prenne par la gorge pour vouloir la mordre. L'épisode se termine face à un bon plan sur ses crocs et par la demoiselle qui appelle Dieu.
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
The votes are in and the winner is: Shuu Sakamaki! I hope you guys like this!
Yandere Alphabet.
ft. Shuu Sakamaki. 💛
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A - Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Shuu's affection is simple but subtle. He always has an arm around his darling, even while he is sleeping. By doing this not only is he keeping his darling close but he is also telling the world that they are his and off limits. A win win situation.
As for intensity, Shuu isn't a very intense yandere compared to his brothers but that doesn't make him any less possessive. If his darling tries to leave he will complain and he will end up drinking their blood and marking them. Can't let little darling think they have so much freedom now, can he?
B - Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Hmmm, not too messy tbh. As lazy as he is, once Shuu actually decides to do something he will finish it. As the eldest brother he just has some experience that the others do not and because of that he can probably just use his words to intimidate rivals.
He will throw hands if anyone gets too close though.
C - Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He would definetly be a bit of a tease even though he does complain a lot. At first he's just annoyed, why is his darling being so noisy? It's driving him nuts! But then again, there are days when he finds darlings desparate face especially amusing and a small smirk finds its way on to Shuu's face. s/o little screams and whispers soon become Shuu's favorite thing to listen to.
D - Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
No actually, believe it or not. The only thing Shuu will do is drink darlings blood. The guy has to, you know, eat? He isn't super sadistic like most of his brothers and he really won't do anything harsh unless he is jealous or really mad.
E - Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Shuu would prefer it if his darling was the more sensitive one, that just brings him greater piece of mind. Most of the time he just doesn't really talk about his feelings which can make Shuu a bit of an enigma. But after being with him for a while, s/o will pick up on the subtle signs in case Shuu is irritated or anything of the sorts. His grip always seems to be especially tight then.
F - Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Sad and disappointed. He actually does love his darling but a part of him also gets why they are doing it. It doesn't make it any bothersome though... Please, just... love him, okay?
G - Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Shuu might say it i to tease but it's not. He sees no point in meaningless flings, this the long run. And Shuu would be heartbroken if darling tried to leave - darling is like a lost puppy in Shuu's eyes, he has to protect them at all costs, he has to.
H - Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Whenever he gets jealous, plain and simple. He just hates it when his brothers get touchy feely with his s/o and Shuu always drags s/o away to his room, his face showing no emotion but the look in his eye says it all.
A rough and sleepless night awaits...
I - Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He never had any plans but he wouldn't mind staying in the Sakamaki household with his s/o. With his home and lovely spouse, Shuu would be on cloud nine.
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
You bet he does, painfully so. He is able to hide it most of the time but if someone just flat out flirts or touches his s/o, Shuu is by their side ready to fight.
K - Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Normal, for the most part. He will probably become affectionate over time though, even downright shameless if he feels like it.
L - Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He doesn't really know what he is doing but he will try to put in the effort even if it doesn't look like it. He treats them normally for the most part but there is a subtle soft side reserved for his darling only.
M - Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He's pretty much the same 24/7 but if he gets mad his more sadistic side will be a bit more obvious. He'll wipe the floor with anyone if they dare challenge him.
N - Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Heck yeah. Sharp bites, a few slaps, teasing little licks, it varies with Shuu. He mostly just bites their neck to shut them up but he isn't afraid to use more force if need be. He'd rather not though.
O - Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
All depends on darlings behaviour. If they act accordingly he won't really care, just as long they aren't too far away from him that is. But in case darling decides to do something stupid, Shuu will put his foot down.
P - Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Depends what it is really. He will try to be reasonable but if his darling keeps making a fuss that patience will run thin.
Q - Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Never. Shuu would never let this go, the grief would just consume him and destroy him, he won't even bother stopping it. He is nothing without his live and he would have a hard time moving on if this happened.
R - Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No, not really. He did because he had to, and he did it to protect them. He just hopes darling will realize that one day.
S - Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Shuu can get very insecure and because of that he wants his darling to always be by his side, that way he can always protect them. He doesn't want to lose them, Shuu wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he were to lose yet enother loved one...
T - Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
"What a pain."
He will grumble to himself and this kind of behaviour won't be tolerated for too long. Yeah, it's cute to hear darlings pleas for help but Jesus do not shout.
U - Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Well yes but no. He does do the usual things such as kidnapping but it's his attitude towards it that makes him stand out. He calls everything a pain and an annoyance, why can't darling just come to him? He'll treat them nicely...
V - Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
No, actually. He loves being spolied rotten with affection and he often catches himself falling for darling's sweet words but Shuu isn't dumb. As lazy as he is, he is smart, very much so, and he can tell if his little songbird is plotting something. He just knows, don't even bother finding out how.
W - Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes. Mostly by sucking darlings blood, which can get a bit rough. Shuu just loves to mark his little darling up with his deep love bites, just seeing them so out in the open, it gives him a real sense of pride. He especially loves it when Reiji complains that darling should cover up but Shuu merely replies with a smirk and just brings darling closer, much to Reiji's dismay.
X - Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He will try to court his darling but he'll just give up halfway and kidnap them. It's a lot easier that way, you know? And Shuu wouldn't exactly worship his darling, but they make up a huge chunk of his world and he wouldn't really know what to do without them in the end.
Y - Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
For quite a while, actually. Shuu might appear as though that he couldn't care less, but he does, he really does. He tells himself that darlings feelings are irrelevant but he doesn't mean that, ever. He wants them to actually be happy, to be happy with him.
Z - Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Intentionally? Never. He fell for them for a reason, he doesn't want them to change. But he will leave long lasting scars on his darling which will affect darlings psyche. And there just might be a chance that darling dearest might not be able to handle those deep wounds.
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dear-yandere · 5 years
tw. slightly nsfw.
Darling said: Shu stop sleeping in my bed, your brothers think we're doing unholy things.
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— shuu sakamaki.
he lazily rolls over, a familiar glare on his features and a sigh already on his lips. “should i care?” he hums and switches sides so he can face you. his shirt is half-unbuttoned and you’re tempted to not look away for once; it almost looked like he was inviting you to your own bed.
and he did, when he pulled you on top of him.
“you dirty girl, this is what you wanted from the start, hm? then let’s confirm their suspicions.”
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dboliklover · 3 years
Breathless Whispers - Shu
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My new series. Will take a while to complete (don’t mind the fact I am STILL working on the Easter Smut series). It’s based off an ask I got and is very sinful and I implore everyone who is triggered by the following to NOT INTERACT WITH THIS SERIES. The tags will vary from each entry but “Breathless Whispers” is a SAKAMAKI BROTHERS X STEPMOTHER! READER Smut series. As such Cheating/Adultery and pseudo-incest/stepcest are always going to be included in the chapters. 
Tags for this chapter: Stepcest/pseudo-incest, cheating, NTR (Netorare) ((Karlheinz gets cucked)), dub-con (the reader believes she has feelings for Shu), dubiously-consensual implied impregnation, mentions of pregnancy, blood, and my out-of-practice smut writing skills that border on cringe, Happy sex (?) 
This is as vanilla as it’s gonna get for this series, methinks. Next chapter it’s Reiji’s turn. ;) Happy sinning ❤
WORD COUNT: 5.8K (11 pages)
In his life, Shu learnt to try to ignore meaningless things around him and to feel as precious little as possible - he didn’t need to feel, it added no enhancement to his life. To love was to have weakness and those he loved and cared for often ended tragically.
It was only natural that he chose to stick to himself and become a solitary creature after all that he’s been through, was it not? Solitude meant safety. Slowly but surely Shu cut as many emotions away with a metaphorical knife as he could, opting instead to be careless regarding all matters. He didn’t need anyone else, just himself. Only himself.
But there was one emotion that refused to leave, one emotion he would never allow the chance to withdraw from his heart - hatred. Pure, unadulterated loathing towards the man who caused his, his brothers’ and their mothers’ tragedies - Karlheinz. The hatred he felt was coated by a layer of would-be indifference - he knew better than to challenge the man, at least for the meanwhile - memories from the North Pole haunted him still. His father was a cruel, demanding man and Shu felt abhorrence, perhaps it did not reach the hatred felt by some other brothers but it was there and undying.
Karlheinz’s largest sin of all was the pain he caused his mother - the burdens he put onto him were a close second, however. But Beatrix’s suffering still wounded Shu to think about even after so many years had passed. The guilt instilled in him from that time flowed through his veins, unrelenting. His mother had her streaks of emotionally tormenting him but after all she merely wanted to prepare him for a difficult life ahead and Shu missed her presence as demanding as it was. And that was why when his father chose to re-marry yet again, Shu felt nothing but slight pity for the bride but regardless, he felt towards her as he did with most things; wholly indifferent. That was, of course, until he got to know the woman - he recalled the wedding day, it was a boring event and the fact his appearance had to be publicly seen bothered him for he’d much rather be doing anything but - still, he did as told and attended, albeit with minimal effort.
You made for a blushing bride, he couldn’t deny that. Glamorous appearance was hardly something he heeded though, and his father was known for choosing beautiful women as his wives - you knew nothing of the terrible fate that was bound to befall you in the coming months or years. At least all the other wives were long dead, namely Cordelia (whose torments only fed into the neglect his father served his mother, furthering her agonies) so you’d have no other competitors for Karlheinz’s horrid affections. He felt nothing for you, then. But unbeknownst to him, that detachment would not last forever and soon thereafter Karlheinz sent his bride away to live with his sons: what drove his father to such a foolish decision baffled Shu and he felt it somewhat of a ploy, another experiment to conduct. Maybe it was, but then again it only wasted time and energy to speculate on what went through Karlheinz’s mind. But you were their new stepmother, not one of their sacrificial brides; that was made clear, if unspoken. You were not their shared property but the property of the vampire king and it was to be respected, even if you had a puppet authority or no true power over them.
He avoided you at first, in his mind getting to know anyone was worthless;  and yet you persisted under the guise of ‘getting to know’ him and the others, wanting a relationship with your new stepsons. None of them really wanted a relationship with you, except for perhaps Reiji who hoped that you’d speak well of him to his father, ever-the-suckup.
You were a vampire of course, although it was surprising to learn that you were not a pureblood as they were. Karlheinz always made his decisions for a reason and he knew the reason for marrying you wasn’t love: therefore must’ve been something else entirely.
Karlheinz was incapable of love.
Gradually he found himself enjoying your attempted affections and voice - you figured out his disposition and chose to talk to him without expecting anything more than grunts and hums in return, knowing he preferred to listen to his music. Even he wasn’t sure at what point in your relationship he started to favour the sound of your melodious voice to his earphones, but it happened and he soon found himself turning down the volume as you spoke about your day if only to listen to your sweet voice far more vividly. He started to seek you out, something...unusual growing in his soul at the sight of you - he began appearing in places you were around the mansion, silently guarding you against the likes of the others (such as Laito). He liked being around you - a feeling he’d lost long ago ever since the “death” of Edgar - true companionship. But it couldn’t last perpetually, as nothing ever could, and those amicable feelings grew until they bloomed into something far darker than protectiveness towards his new stepmother and prospective friend - his heart yearned for you in the most unusual ways. It was troublesome for an overwhelming variety of reasons, primarily because he couldn’t have you. His romantic intentions soon turned to a subtle obsession. He needed to be close to you, always there - watching.
You’d always smile and greet him pleasantly, innocently - how on earth you could be so innocent after centuries’ worth of living on this earth, much less so after marrying Karlheinz, he had no clue. Your naivety and sweet nature brought him to you, made him fall into insanity because of you. It wasn’t instantaneous, things rarely were. Months went by but eventually he could no longer cope, his dreams were haunted by your form and always the exact same: you laid nude, breasts perfect and demure for him to corrupt, moaning out his name like the most delightful song from an ephemeral musical meant only for him. But when he awoke he was alone.
You tempted him without even knowing it but it was only a matter of time before it would come back to haunt you, he couldn’t be expected to have control over his instincts and needs forever and the time came when he finally snapped.
Stepmother or not, he was going to have you. In a way, it served as the most exquisite form of perceived vengeance towards that man - to steal his wife. He was hesitant about how to approach his desire to seduce you, such things were really more of Laito’s expertise, but he’d be damned if he failed to achieve his goals. You were too good for Karlheinz - a kindly thing to the point of intoxication and frustration, too pure for a vampire. He wanted to be the one to fully spoil your spirit, he wouldn’t permit his father to shatter your psyche as he did with all his previous wives. Shu was going to protect you, but in order to do that he first had to take you; claim you for himself. And that’s when he came across the most intriguing sight: your hushed moans of pleasure as your [slender/chubby/elegant] fingers stroked your glistening cunt in your private chambers - the same chambers which were supposed to be blessed in sacred matrimony if only his father hadn’t left you here all alone at the mercy of his ravenous sons. He must’ve assumed such a thing would happen sooner or later, hadn’t he? If not, then...well, Shu couldn’t help but think it his father’s loss from his own folly. “Shu.” Your angelic voice uttered his name - not his father’s, not your husband’s - but his. In your moment of unholy ecstasy, it was him on your mind; thoughts of him that edged you to your bliss. His obsessive passions were returned to him in kind, it seemed, and he couldn’t be more glad.
“Shu?” You questioned the following evening at dusk, that blossom-pink blush dusting your cheeks like an undead Aphrodite, tempting him further into his hidden lustful hunger, “Is...is everything okay? You’ve been staring at me all evening and I just wanted to ask if there’s something wrong-” He sighed, eyes half-lidded as if tired but it was his internal frustration revealed. “There is.” “Oh?” You pouted and fuck, he wanted to bruise your plump lips right there and then until they held his mark. “You really are more trouble than you’re worth,” It was a lie, of course, but he was a guarded man and his words reflected that. “Shu…? What do you mean?” The sadistic aspect of him was fuelled by the subtle distress in your eyes, however, you tried to remain calm, he’d said harsher things and you knew he scarcely ever meant them but something...something seemed so offbeat tonight. No, not just tonight - as of recently, but you couldn’t place a finger on the exact date when things began to change between you.
Your hands were down, pressed together as your thumbs nervously rubbed the other. You just wanted answers. “Heh,” He smirked, “You have no idea how alluring you are, do you?” His tired eyes stared earnestly into your soul and you felt stripped of your integrity. An innocent blush flooded your visage with lecherous embarrassment at such a sensual suggestion, sputtering out various syllables as you rushed to find your footing and speak out in protest of such an inappropriate topic between mother and son - that was what you were, related or not...you were his mother, even if merely by marriage. Guilt clogged your throat up as you thought of your own lust for your stepson, he was only slightly younger than you were and handsome beyond compare (as much as you loathed to admit it, your carnal self preferred Shu’s indescribable silent grace and steely blue eyes to the snowy tresses of his father) and disgust for yourself stung you deeper than a knife dipped in holy water - had he...witnessed your acts of depravity in your chambers? Did he know? “S-Shu, I...I don’t know what you mean,” You were drowning, unable to form proper words, “Don’t.” He cut you off before you could deny what you both knew at that moment. You weren’t as innocent and proper as you made yourself out to be. As you wished to be. No, you were a creature of tainted prurience and Shu was more than happy to play into your fantasies. You paled and nodded, if you were human your heart would’ve surely been palpitating by now. Fear wholly consumed you - would he be disgusted by you - no, he would’ve made that clear by now. Shu hid his thoughts and feelings from others but if he’d felt abhorrent disgust he wouldn’t have chosen to speak to you or indeed even be around you, you trusted that truth if nothing else. But then there was only one explanation for his demeanour, one that made you clench your thighs tight as you stood before him, a woman. He stood from his seat, no longer laying on the windowsill. “You’ve been a terrible wife,” Tears of crimson welled in your eyes while your knees felt weak but you nodded, ashamed. “Yes.” “And a filthy mother,” His harsh breath on your ear and neck made you whimper, “Y...yes,” You stuttered out with another whimpering moan, “Shu please don’t toy with me, I’m sorry I-” Without another sound escaping your painted lips you felt the amorous pressure of your stepson’s kiss, disclosing the intense emotions he returned for you. Your mind screamed at you for your sins and yet you were both inhuman creatures; Perpetuity of faithfulness was boresome and your husband had done little but ignore you and your hopes for a good life. Shu, however, had been there since the beginning of your marriage - even if you’d started out as nothing more than his father’s wife - now you were so much more, immensely more. Your knees buckled as you gave into the kiss, unable to avoid your feelings for him a second longer - you needed him just like this and he needed you too.
Human or not, the inherent wrongness burned your flesh and chest. You’d tried to be a good wife but your husband had practically abandoned you here with his sons bred for him by other women, he’d left you here and did little to even write to you. Loneliness was an obvious side-effect and it was only a matter of time before you would’ve fallen into another’s arms. But your debauchery brought you right into his son’s embrace. A terrible wife indeed.
Shu devoured your moans, swallowing your lust and increasing his own as his ample size grew in the confinements of his pants. “Fuck,” He huffed out as you pulled away from him, blinking. Your thighs burned with a need only he could satisfy. A shy hand wandered down his body towards his growing erection, stroking it from the fabric of his pants. Your efforts were rewarded by the sound of his deep groans. How long had it been since anyone touched you like this? Since you’d been able to make someone feel unutterable pleasure - since anyone made you feel wanted? You had slept with Karlheinz only a couple of times and he failed to sate your inner hunger as Shu was doing with only kisses and loving groans. “You’re playing with fire,” He breathed out, staring at you and sealing you in place. “I...know,” You swallowed thickly, “P-please, I...I need-” “What do you need, whore?” His teasing words of degradation made you feel alive, you were the object of his uttermost attention. His lips traced your neck, licking and gnawing but never piercing, fangs flying over the tender flesh. “You.” The certainty in your otherwise meek voice nearly made him burst right there. He was done restraining himself, pearly fangs sharper than needles pierced your neck as Shu drank the sweet nectar beneath. Your pleasured moans filled the hallways of the Sakamaki manor and he prayed his brothers could hear you wherever they were knowing that he won you. And he was going to keep you. You were going to no longer be just his stepmother - you would be his woman.
The blood, thick and plentiful, dripped down your neck. The droplets were not wasted as his tongue gathered them before they could drip onto the marble flooring. Shu was going to get addicted to this taste - your taste - he was sure of it. This was what you were made for; to belong to him. As he did this you toyed with his pants, unzipping them and releasing his erect cock from its prison, letting it spring free, wet with precum. “Oh fuck,” You whimpered at the sensation, pumping up and down his length. You wanted this, you wanted him so badly. You could feel yourself slowly dripping with clenched thighs. This was wrong - it was revolting - but you couldn’t stop the heat inside you, your inner desires. On your quest to befriend your sons you inadvertently ended up falling in love with one of them and never before had you longed to be held by someone as you did when you were with him.  
You wanted to be his, no one else’s. But you couldn’t be, for you already were a taken woman; despite the truth, you wanted to succumb to your immorality; to pretend that, for tonight alone, you were his.
Once he pulled away from your neck Shu chuckled lowly, “You’re such a lewd slut, mother.” You cringed at the name, reminding yourself of the positions between you two and, for a short-lived second, you attempted to pull away except the moment you did he caged in on you, back shoved against the wall with burning eyes glaring at you. “But you’re going to be my slut from now on.” his breath hitched as your hand movements sped up, blushing crimson from your wicked sensuality. You were loving this, in all its sinfulness. “Y-Yes,” You choked out submissively as you brought him to his edge, creamy cum coating your hand and sinking into the fabric of your dress, physically tainting you. It drove you wild.
The sight of you in front of him, dress dripping with his cum made him hard almost instantly as he ordered you to strip for him after he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the empty music room - he didn’t want to be interrupted by any of his bothersome brothers.
“Strip for me.”
You nodded and bit down harshly on your lip, droplets of blood still flowing from your neck at the open puncture wound, staining the white semen-soaked fabric as you unzipped the back and slowly released your hold on it as it fell down your form until you were exposed in only your undergarments, intimate and raw. This was incredibly embarrassing and yet, for him...you didn’t mind humiliating yourself. You were convinced of it, now: you were in love with him. Soft hands twirled around to unclip your bra, feeling as though it wasn’t merely your body which you were exposing to him but your very being as your breasts bounced free from the cups’ confinements, bra forgotten as you threw it down onto the floor, not caring about anything else but him. ‘Don’t do this’, your sanity pleaded but whatever morality may have existed in the cage of your heart was extinguished with a single gaze into his yearning eyes. If you didn’t do this the lack of his touch on your skin would surely drive you insane. You just wanted to be loved, cherished and used.
You were married - and although that sentiment alone should have been enough to snap you out of this sexual haze you were trapped in, it did little to sway your lust-filled judgement. Swallowing nervously your fingers dipped below the strips of your panties, sliding down your silky thighs, pride consumed you as you watched his subtle but intense reactions, the way his thick member twitched in anticipation made you feel powerful for the first time in your life. You couldn’t wait to feel him inside you. “Come here,” He growled, making you squeal as you nodded like a good little whore and fell onto your knees, crawling over to him - you felt like putting on a show for him, filled with risque concupiscence. If your husband was to ever find out you feared the consequences and despite the dangers, it drove you further into the arms of his eldest son to consider how taboo, how wrong such a union was. There was something unspokenly intimate about this. An intimacy from which you never wished to awaken. As soon as you were at his feet you admired his cock, glistening from residue cum in the moonlight. “Oh God,” You were about to cross a border from which you could never return and it turned you on profoundly to think about how your relationship would develop from here. Opening your mouth, you took his length inside your warmth, (e/c) eyes staring up at him like a sweet gazelle, pumping your head up and down and twisting your tongue around him as you sucked his member with a fierce determination to please. He believed this was the closest to heaven he would ever be; you, his personal fallen angel at his feet, his cock in your mouth.
Shu thought you were perfect just like this; doing all the work as you fucked your mouth on his cock, giving him your all as he sat back, eyes fluttering shut to focus on the pleasure you were providing. You were so good for him, such a pretty girl. Such an ideal woman, his woman. Further lewd commentary fell from his lips as he prompted you on. He wanted you on your knees for him each night, and you would be. He would make sure that things would stay this way forever now he was so close to having you all to himself. Even if it meant having to fight against his father, even if it meant the most intensive of efforts and having to use all the energy he had stored in his muscles - though he’d never utter it aloud, for you he would do anything.
Even if the only way to keep you would be to commit patricide. You were worth it. Just before his release, he pulled your head back by gripping your hair forcefully causing a pained yell to escape from you, your voice full of physical anguish that set off a primal need within his chest. “That’s enough.” He then lifted your chin to look him in the eyes, “Ride me.” You gulped back the juices in your mouth and shakily stood as your thighs were flooded with slick. “Y-Yes I…” You blushed vehemently as you aligned yourself with his cock, sucking in a sharp hiss as you felt the heat of it against your burning cunt. “I want you to make me yours.” Instantly you sat down, thighs clenched as your walls adjusted to the intrusion, making you cry out in ecstasy. Did you seriously almost orgasm simply from having his length inside of you? You couldn’t be blamed - not when your husband had neglected you. But it was going to be all better now that Shu was here to help you. Just as a good stepson should. “Fuck,” He gasped out quietly, breath falling from his chest. You were so fucking tight he could’ve potentially fooled himself into believing you were still virginal. That was, of course, until he reminded himself that his father stole that honour for himself and elicited underlying rage in Shu. With the buck of his hips he drove himself inside you as you cried out his name, holding tightly onto him, arms tied around his neck as you rode him, clumsily moving your hips and revealing your sexual inexperience to him; the knowledge that his father didn’t seem to take any time cherishing your body like this, lewd and sinful, eased him somewhat because it meant he could be the one to make you completely lose your mind and become his perfect little whore.
Maybe he’d even make you his wife, along the way.
His arms held your waist and he lazily guided the movement of your hips. You were insatiable, rapid. He could tell you wanted to go faster but his strong hands consistently ceased your attempts - he was going to force you to take your time, to truly feel the way his cock filled your insides, to ensure your walls would take the shape of his dick.
He wanted you to know that he was superior to his father, that no one could ever please you better. He never felt so attached to anyone prior to you, you did something to him. Something dark. Enchanting. And he was never going to let you go after this. By giving your body to him, you have given yourself in your totality.
Even if you didn’t know it quite yet, or didn’t fully apprehend the consequences sex with him would bring.
Your whines became far more desperate with each blunt thrust. Slow, steady but forceful; Shu’s cock reached into the deepest parts of you, lovingly rubbing your cunt. It was indisputable that he was focused on your enjoyment as much as he was on his - it wasn’t anything like what sex with Karlheinz was like, he was self-gratifying and solely cared about his own high, Shu (much to your surprise) paid attention to your smallest reactions to ensure this was as great for you as it was for him. His fingers delved below and started to mercilessly torment your clit, electricity flying through your spine and cunt clenching as more love juices were produced, soaking his cock and helping to lubricate the thrusts.
He wanted to show you how mindblowing sex with him could be, to show you he could love you in ways no one else ever could. In the eyes of his brothers, especially in Reiji and Ayato’s point-of-view, he was the one who got everything; the golden, careless heir. But they did not and would never understand that he had everything he didn’t want. His entire life the things he truly yearned for were stolen from him, his happiness, his innocence, his friends and beloved companions of human and animal kind; destroyed, ruined, killed. It reared his indifference to the material goods he possessed for they held absolutely no value of their own. And now there was you. You, you, you. Sakamaki Shu knew that, without a single shred of disbelief, he would happily give up all of this if it meant he got to keep you. All the wealth and grandeur and power that his position brought was worthless in comparison to his beloved whore whimpering above him as she impaled herself on his cock.
“S-Shu,” You moaned out into his ear, “Fa...faster, please,” You choked back spit as you made feeble attempts to catch your breath, the intense friction between your joined bodies making it difficult to think. It wasn’t as rough or primal as you initially thought it would be like, it was...better than that, intimate. Was this what they mean when they say sex can be ‘making love’? This closeness between bodies as they become one, the heat and passion in the air and bouncing breasts and thighs clasped around one’s lover? It wasn’t fucking - it was so much more. A proclamation of love, even, though you could never dare and utter that belief out loud. His self-satisfied comments, “Hm,” He playfully paused completely, making your eyes widen as you stared at him with desperation for him to continue, to let you reach your climax. Your nails scratched his back like a needy brat as you cried out pleas, “Please - please Shu, I need you to keep going I-” You swallowed thickly, blinking wildly as your core ached without movement and he kept your hips down, unable to fuck yourself on his dick regardless of how hard you tried. “Say you love me.” “W-What?” You gasped out, sweaty and needy but with enough common sense to know that saying something like that to him - even if it was true - would seal a secret deal between lovers, it would open all the nightmares of your very own Pandora’s Box.
But you loved him - you did, somewhere along the way you became enamoured by your stepson and now he was inside of you, fucking you with a tenderness that made you sure that he must love you, too. “I…” You smiled weakly, genuinely. You pulled back ever-so-slightly, (e/c) eyes sinking into his. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that he was finally permitting you to see; he trusted you with his heart, you could see that now. Your hand stroked his cheek, his hard dick still throbbing inside of you (you knew he wanted to keep going but held himself back, resolved to get what he wanted out of you). He melted into the caress, your hands were soft as angel feathers. “I am in love with you, Sakamaki Shu.” Despite the arousal that filled your mind you earnestly tried to convey the true depth of your affections for him and it seemed to awaken the beast of passion as he soon started to bounce you up and down his thick, throbbing member at a speed only vampires could achieve, determined to claim your womb for his own.
It wasn’t hard to notice your maternal longings, your desire to baby the boys despite their inherent aggression towards you all but proved it. And if was a baby you wanted, well...who was he to deny you of that right? His hushed grunts only sent you further into ecstasy - You had the power of feminine sexuality over him and it gave you somewhat of a power rush. It was paradise - not worthless fucking like animals - but true divinity here in his arms, where you felt appreciated and loved and as though you finally had a raison d’etre - You wanted to be his so badly it caused you physical anguish but you were his if only for the moment, connected to him so snugly. “I love you,” You sobbed out as tears welled in your eyes from the intense satisfaction and your own emotions coming to the surface, “I love you, I love you,” Each word sent Shu into a brand new dimension of rapture. You loved him, you loved him - more than anyone else in this world. If binding your bodies together didn’t officially make you his your whimpering confessions just did. The urge to impregnate you with his seed only grew with every passing moment as you mechanically moved in perfect timing to his thrusts, nails once again clawing at his flesh. “That’s a-” He inhaled sharply, stopping mid-moan, “That’s a good girl,” He breathed heavily, you felt so perfect on his dick, his personal cockslut, the love of his life, stepmother and soon; the mother of his children. “F-Fuck you’re going to look...fucking amazing,” He sighed out as he felt your fluttering walls try their hardest to milk him, “When you’re swollen with my troublesome brats, heh…” He could only smugly smile at your immediate reaction to the statement being to clunch down on him, tightening as if your womb was begging him to cum inside, to fertilise your pussy and breed you over and over. “Pregnant?” You exhaled out, teary-eyed as you locked your eyes with him, fucked out to the high heavens with sweat causing your hair to stick to your reddened forehead and lipstick smudged with perky, puffed lips. “Yo-You want to get me pregnant…?” The timidity of your voice betrayed your excitement. Logically you wanted to escape, to push him away and scold him for even suggesting such a thing - you couldn’t become pregnant with his child! It was atrocious enough that you were currently having this affair with him, your stepson, but to be bred by him was in a category all of its own - truly disgusting.
No matter how much your husband neglected you he didn’t deserve to for his wife to not only cheat on him with his own son but to be inseminated by him - but the inner beast within you was wanton, a silent whisper in your mind that tried to persuade you to surrender fully to your hopes for motherhood, to allow this man in front of you, this beautiful vampiric prince, to fill you with his seed and claim you as his bitch, his bride; to be stolen from the man you originally wed and live your eternity as Shu’s whore. “I-...we can’t, Shu! We-” Morals renewed, you tried to get through to him, “Please-” “Shut up.” He ordered and you instantly did as told, being the good girl that you were. “Don’t lie to me. You’re loving the-” He moaned, “-idea of...of my children growing inside of you. I felt you tighten up at the notion, you’re such a fucking lewd woman. My lewd slut.” You hated yourself because you knew he was right; it was true. You wanted this so badly, to give birth to his kin, to feel your uterus painted white with his cum. Primal needs craved relief. “No, we...we can’t, I...don’t…” You choked on your words as he kissed you roughly, his thumb on your clit twirling and pulling until you were unable to form anything more coherent than mindless stutters. “S-Shu! Fuck, fuck, fuck I...I...I love you! I do! I do, please I just...I want-” “What do you want, pretty whore?” “...I want, I w….want your cum! I need it, I need you to fill me up and get me pregnant!” The last remainder of your will crumbled under the pressure of your sudden orgasm. ‘I’m so sorry, Karl…’ you thought bitterly as amazement overtook you, making you screech in the midst of the night in the moonlight, squeezing the lifeforce out of your stepson’s dick. Shu groaned and laughed in dark victory as you came undone around him, biting into his neck instinctively mid-orgasm. The sharp sensation was enough to push him completely over the edge.
Your tongue lapped over his neck, sipping the blood that flowed with delicious fervour as the heat of his semen poured into your deepest depths, coating your womb with his lust. Once you pulled away you felt almost faint from the intensity of your love-making, concupiscence fading as the realisation of what you just did hit you in full force, causing your eyes to open. “Shu..oh fuck, I...we...just--” You squealed and tried to hop off but he kept your hips forced down, still inside your leaking cunt despite slowly growing soft. “No.” Shu was serious, now, eyes grave. “You’re not running away. You,” He exhaled, bringing your lips closer to his, “Are mine.” “Shu-” The distance between your lips was closed as he fought with your tongue. Your heart yearned to return his kiss and despite the inner war ongoing within your soul you did, tongues dancing in the warmth of your mouth. When he pulled away he smiled.
And you felt yourself smile too, hand travelling to the spot below your stomach but above your cunt. “You’re mine now, troublesome woman.” You laughed, nodding and kissed him again. The conflict within you wouldn’t fade, and you were terrified of what might happen now to yourself and to Shu. But maybe it won’t be that bad. It was only one time - you can surely find some form of birth control to ingest before the next time, and he’d never have to know. It was...one time, so you shouldn’t get pregnant this time...right?
Somehow you felt proud - proud to have his cum flowing from your core, to know it’s his seed that potentially is currently fertilising you and not your husband’s. You did feel authentically guilty but the guilt made you more aroused. Karlheinz didn’t deserve...this and despite that here you were, and the worst part was you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop anytime soon, there was no point in vowing to yourself that this would be the ‘last time’ because you knew that the moment he came inside you you were already addicted to him. The child of your lover...realistically it was an awful, unspeakable idea but a sense within you wanted to go through with it, to allow yourself fertility, to fully become his.
Little did you know you would have no choice in the matter.
541 notes · View notes
Any general Yandere Shuu (DL) headcannons? Nsfw is chill if ya add it
Subject: Diabolik Lovers, Shuu Sakamaki
Title: Lazy Yandere (slight NSFW)
Trigger Warning: Hormones, possessive behavior
Shuu likes to be wherever YOU are
He makes a point to be where you can see him
He even tries to keep his eye on you at all hours of the day (but he eventually falls asleep)
The smell of you (even during hormone cycle) drives him wild, he loves being anywhere he can be enveloped in your scent
It's comforting and also can drive him WILD
Knowing you're getting to your hormone cycle has his him energized with a need to dominate you: remind you who you belong to
He hated doing literally anything, but he'll take the time to fuck you until you can only say his name
171 notes · View notes
brief-candle · 4 years
ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ - Sakamaki brothers
request summary: songfic of “come little children” with parental maid reader and yandere sakamakis. karlheinz is an asshole, like usual, and stuff happens.
series: diabolik lovers.
notes: yandere (meant to be platonic but idk if i succeeded), heavily implied violence.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
"Come little children,
I'll take thee away
into a land of enchantment."
There was no land of enchantment on this green Earth. Not for the Sakamaki brothers; such a thing had never existed for the entirety of their long existence. This had been a fact that they'd had to face from an early age. There was no land of enchantment that their mothers' nor father would let them escape to, and the latter would not let them do so for as long as he drew breath.
Or not, considering they were vampires and all, but you get the gist.
Even so, that didn't stop them listening to her stories that she spun, the songs that drifted from her lips like a cool breeze on a stifling summer's day. Even Kanato, who was ever so difficult to please and temperamental as a day's long, seemed to ease into a calm, placid state of being whenever she made the slightest of noises. Ayato wouldn't interrupt, Subaru wouldn't fly into a white-hot rage and Shuu would even pay attention. It was as if each word was akin to the Holy Grail, from the way that no one could pry their attention from her as she started to speak.
No matter how much they aged or how horrible they became, they would still go at her beck and call to listen to her. They would still beg for her lullabies before she left for other duties, and sometimes in between. And no matter when or where they asked, she would always comply.
It was perhaps the only time that the boys were docile.
"Come little children,
the time's come to play
here in my garden of shadows."
Even with their father, on the very rare occasions that he visited, they were hardly docile. Barely even scraping polite, with acid words and sneering faces. Apart from Reiji, ever the model son, determined to leave the others hiding in his shadow of prestige. Always polite, pristine and perfect. She marvelled at it, really, and would often remark that he was one-upping her, the actual servant. It was never his intent to one-up her, though he one-upped everyone, really, so it was hard to make an exception to her.
The boys' father did not expect to see those he brought up broken to act so cordially with another, not making a move to harm nor threaten her in the slightest. She did not look uncomfortable in the slightest, either. It was a surprise, really, considering how they acted with everyone else around them. To think that they would treat some low-ranked, rather weak demon with a higher level of respect than the literal king of demons was certainly not to be expected by any means.
Though, in a way, it was a pleasant surprise. Not that Karlheinz finds many surprises unpleasant. In fact, he can hardy tell the difference; if he finds something unpleasant than he'll either fix it or throw it away. Fortunately for her, he did not find this unpleasant.
Unfortunately, he found it intriguing.
"Follow sweet children,
I'll show thee the way
through all the pain and sorrows."
With intrigue naturally came experimentation. He had a hypothesis to test, and would observe the results accordingly. It took little planning (Karlheinz has little reason for thoroughly planning every little thing) until he put everything into action. And he did so swiftly, with little time wasted.
They hadn't noticed at first; she could guess how they'd react, and so covered up the evidence of what he'd done immediately. However he noticed just as quickly as she'd hid them, and so made it much more obvious. Evidence appeared in places she could not hide, and so had to wear them on display to those who cared for her most.
It went about as well as one could expect, really, with Subaru's temper flaring most of all. All of their tempers rose, really, though the youngest's was the most volatile and obvious through his destruction of the house. Kanato became eerily silent, perhaps more eerie than he usually was; Ayato shared many of Subaru's traits of anger, though without as much as the destructive nature; Reiji and Shuu were difficult to read, with both of them going silent and putting on a neutrally silent (though Shuu was normally of very few words) facade; Laito tried to keep up his cheery and playful act, though his voice subconsciously lost the lilt that it often had.
"Weep not, poor children,
life is this way,
murdering beauty and passion."
When they stood, obviously heading to leave the room, she stopped them at once. For once her words didn't seem to hold weight with these boys, and so she had to physically block them from doing something they may have regretted. No matter how much they asked- demanded- her to move, she did not move a muscle. She did not forget her place as a servant to their family, however she would not allow them to get themselves hurt. However she didn't phrase it that way, lest it only breed more anger and fury; as she was bound to obey their father above all, she could not allow him to be hurt. Though they certainly weren't the happiest with that, they had little choice but to listen, as it was obvious that she would not move until they had all calmed down.
If their reason had left them, then she would step back in to provide such a voice. As she often had done, when their mothers had not. She did not blame them, with what had been inflicted upon them, however she often stepped in for them when they shirked all motherly duties. And such a thing happened much more frequently than she was fond of thinking about. 
But there was no way that they could step in now to act as mothers. Unless they had a way of bringing themselves back from ancient graves. And even then, Cordelia had no chance of returning. Not in this moment.
Not that such a thing was necessarily a bad thing, really, but a little help would have been appreciated. Especially when the silence was this thick, this heavy and ominous, rolling in like fog that showed no signs of clearing up anytime soon.
That said, she managed to get them all to sit down once more, even if they were disgruntled with the mere thought of being that close with one another. It was a sad sight to see, considering how they could have easily been so close. However there was no point in dwelling on such a thing.
"Hush now, dear children,
it must be this way,
too weary of life and deceptions."
They were at breaking point to just rush out and find their father. It was visible, from their tense postures and impatient faces. They were easier to read for her than they thought they were. If it wasn't for the situation at hand, she was sure that she'd have found it rather amusing. But this was not a time for amusements, or playing games or acting like children. She knew that as well as they did.
And so, instead of trying to reason with them when she knew such a thing was futile, she began to hum instead. They would not listen to her words on the subject; they would listen to no one's words on the subject. For they were certain that they knew best. Not to mention their obvious anger, which would make them even more unreasonable than their rash behaviour already made them.
So instead, perhaps a distraction would prove more useful. It would delay the- most likely messy- resolution of this situation, and would also give them a chance to letter their anger simmer into something more manageable. Something that would let their heads clear more easily, and let them make proper judgement that isn't drove by blind rage.
"Rest now, my children,
for soon we'll away
into the calm and the quiet."
Vampires don't need sleep. This is a rather well-known fact amongst those which are aware of their existence. That isn't to say that they don't sleep, however, and the maid's lullabies often lulled them into a sleepy state. Often it was unintentional, considering they'd ask her sometimes in the middle of the night, when they are meant to be most active. This time it was not. If they fell asleep then she'd probably have a few more hours in which they could (hopefully) calm down. Or she'd have to try and hold them back to cool off again in a few hours.
She felt bad in a way, having manipulated them in a way for them to sleep. So, as she left the room, she decided to try to make it up to them later in the best way that she could.
It was a lovely sight that she had to leave behind, with the boys resting on each other as they slept. That said, it wasn't as peaceful as it looked with Ayato's snoring. Even as she shut the door and continued down the hall to do other tasks, it never relented.
Barely ten minutes later, they were all on their feet.
"Come little children,
I'll take thee away
into a land of enchantment."
There was no land of enchantment, not in this prison of ground, sea and sky. Not in this cell where they were born and raised. Not while their father continued to mess with anyone whenever he saw fit.
He'd made the mistake, really; he'd brought this whole thing upon himself. If he wanted death so badly, then they saw it fit to deliver. After all, it's what he wanted, no? Their father had seen how much they cared for and appreciated the maid, and took it upon himself to injure her on a whim. To see how they'd all react as he looked upon them like one would an insect.
No matter what they'd had to endure at his hands, they had never directly lashed out upon him before. After all, he was anything but forgiving. Breaking a vase landed you in the middle of the ocean, so the risks were definitely quite high, to say the least. But that didn't bother them. At least not in this moment of white-hot rage that disallowed them from thinking properly.
Besides, if they were to die then there wouldn't be reason to harm her anymore, would there?
It was unlikely that they'd die, considering that their purpose had not yet been fulfilled. However it brought some twisted sense of comfort to them, so that they could fight their all with no regrets.
"Come little children,
the time's come to play
here in my garden of shadows."
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yunosknife · 4 years
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What's your sign? ✨ (Part two)
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animearchetypes · 4 years
Characters you may think are Yandere (but in my opinion they aren’t)
While we see yandere characters who are so in love with someone it’s dangerous, I have found some anime characters in yandere lists when they’re really yangire, kuudere, haraguro, and vice-versa. Anyway here are the top characters most people believe are yandere, but in my opinion don’t qualify as one.
Mikasa Ackerman - Attack on Titan
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Why she doesn’t qualify
While Mikasa always follows Eren around, becomes emotional when Eren is involved, almost committed suicide when she thought Eren was dead, and can get prone to a high level of jealousy when he was with Annie or Historia, Mikasa still doesn’t qualify as a yandere for various reasons.
First off, a yandere has no interest in interacting with other people except for their love interest, and would only interact with other people just to use them in some way; whereas with Mikasa she’s close friends with Armin, and became friends with Sasha and Historia throughout the series. Mikasa does not only care about Eren, she proved in the second half of season three that she cares for Armin as well.
Shuu Tsukiyama - Tokyo Ghoul
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Why he doesn’t qualify
Shuu was never in love with Kaneki, nor was he obsessed with Kaneki as a person. He was obsessed with Kaneki’s blood and initially wanted to eat Kaneki. That’s not him being a yandere, it was simply him being a carnivorous ghoul. In short, Shuu saw Kaneki as food, not as his love interest.
Kurumi Tokisaki - Date A Live
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Why she doesn’t qualify
I know a lot of people tend to mistake Kurumi as a yandere due to her obsession with Shido; but her obsession with him wasn’t romantic, nor was it an endgame. To a yandere, being with someone is their end goal, which isn’t the case for Kurumi. Kurumi wanted to gain the power of the spirits that Shido has sealed in order to fulfill her own goal, which is to travel back in time and kill the first spirit. None of her actions were for Shido.
Kanato Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
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Why he doesn’t qualify
Kanato sees Yui as a toy; a doll to be played with. Not once does he have a hint of romantic feelings for her, even when he kissed her. He only had 1 yandere moment which was near the season 2 finale and that was it. Oh and let’s not mention that he was about to kill Yui to turn her into one of the wax figures. Yangire would be a better term for him due to his high mood swings. Plus he tends to snap, a lot...
Besides, I think he is really more interested in his teddy than Yui.
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia
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Why she doesn’t qualify
Another homicidal yangire mistaken as a yandere. Himiko has never truly loved someone romantically, not even in an unhealthy way. Himiko didn’t commit atrocities out of her love for someone, she did it out of her own free will, and the reasons for her murders is simply because she loves people who are beat up and covered in blood. Like with Kurumi’s case, being with her crush is not her endgame.
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unsure-writer · 5 years
Can you do 14? S/o x reiji and shu?
Despite the tumultuous relationship between Reiji and Shuu Sakamaki, it hadn’t taken them long to decided that they both needed to come together for this one particular task.
Taking care of you.
Neither of them would admit it, but they were essentially in a relationship with you. They enjoyed spending time with you, would actively seek you out, would give you gifts and both could listen to you talk all day. One thing they could not put up with, however, was the dangerous situations you seemed to have a taste for putting yourself in. Such as interacting with that Mukami beast, Yuma.
Appearing before you, Shuu snagged your arm and carted you off down the corridor. He ignored your shouts of protest and wriggling and continued on, his patience wearing thinner with every second. 
He found Reiji in the economics room, empty other than the three of you, and thrust you into his chest. “She was talking with that Mukami idiot. Again.”
Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Reiji sighed deeply. “We have discussed this before, Y/N, and you continue to disobey. Do you not think we will follow through with your punishments? Is that it? It seems it is no longer appropriate for you to continue your education at school; I will tutor you at home and Shuu can offer you assistance with music and poetry.”
“Hey!” you were quick to disagree. “That’s not fair at all-”
“It is for your own safety,” Shuu interjected, gripping your trembling chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You seem to forget that we know best.”
“Oh, what does it matter,” you almost snarled, shoving Shuu’s hands away. “I’m only a Bride, anyway, I’ll die soon.”
Shuu snatched your face into his hands, his eyes looking crazed and glinting in the sparse light. “You seem to forget,” he repeated, “that I fucking need you more than I need to breathe.”
“Talk about those kind of things will not be tolerated,” Reiji announced, rapping a ruler against the palm of his gloved hand. “And it seems you cannot wait for your punishment. Bend over, across that desk. Now. It’s time to give that Mukami bastard some clear indication of who you belong to.”
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Oh if you do the "what if " asks . What if diaboys went yandere for their significant other ? What if someone attacked their significant other and they saw it how would they react ?
I don’t know if you want it written as a scenario or head canons, so I just wrote them as head canons since it’s quicker; hope you don’t mind :^)
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-”Did I give you permission to touch my s/o? No. Suffer you bastard/bitch!”
-At the scene of the crime he’ll run straight to the culprit and beat the shit out of them, he doesn’t care if his s/o sees; he needs to assert his dominance so he will stay with his s/o forever. Literally forever, whatever it takes.
-“Are you hurt badly anywhere? Let me see … c’mon I just took care of them, you’re not in danger anymore”
-He’d take his s/o back home like normal however he would still be quite  … energetic from beating the literal life our of that human. As soon as you both reach the bedroom he’d close the doors and pull you onto the bed.
-Whether or not you watched him beating them up, you realize how far he went ,he’s got bruising evident on his knuckles and small drops of fresh blood … he’ll get paranoid that you’re judging him, he pins you down to the bed and growls at you,”Don’t look at me like that! I did what I had to do, or did you want to be beaten?! You’re mine and that’s that, don’t fight it!”
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-”You just made the biggest mistake of your short pathetic life …don’t you realize who you hurt?” 
-Although he prefers to leave minimals victims as possible,he can’t let this slip,he’ll cover his s/o eyes before slaughtering them,quick and fast.
-He holds his s/o close to his chest for a while on that same spot,trying to reassure her that she was safe.
-Although once he sees how messed up you got from the beating,he’ll give the corpse an extra hard kick before leaving.
-Even once you both return home,he can’t stop thinking about it; he eliminated the threat but wasn’t able to prevent it from happening in the first place.
-He takes desperate measures and keeps you locked up in the house as his pet; he’s the only once who knows how to treat you properly after all.
“Did you miss me~? I missed you a lot little bitch~ Nfu~ You smell so sweet … “
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-“How dare you touch my princess! DIE!!!”
-He’s the most brutal of the lot,he’ll turn anything into a weapon and doesn’t hold back,screaming at the top of his lungs along the way.
-Even if you get in the way he won’t stop,you’re his to taint in the first place; he’ll do as he sees fit.
-He yells at you after it all before getting rather emotional telling you,”YOU’RE SUCH A STUPID GIRL WHY DO YOU GET YOURSELF IN THESE SITUATIONS!!!!?  … .  You scared me …”
-He demands you hold his hand and stay within his line of vision from then on.
-He’s quite reliant on you emotionally and mentally; if he sees you leave bed in the morning early he’ll freak out thinking someone has kidnapped you, and beat you once he finds out you were wherever you were.
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- “You’ll pay greatly for your misdeeds … with that miserable life you hold so dearly on to”
-He doesn’t physcially take care of it there and then,he’ll have some fun with it.
-Over a course of 6 weeks he’ll start ruining their social life,family life and then poison there food/drive them to suicide,he wants them to truly suffer as they did his s/o.
-He feels absolutely no regret for his actions and feels that they’re justified.
-He’ll of course on the day of the incident tend to his s/o wounds and be quite gentle with her, taking extra moment to note how soft and smooth her pale skin is, and how beautiful and innocent her eyes are.
-”How do you feel? … This might sting quite a bit but please, bear with it for a moment my love … “ 
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-“You think you’re hot stuff don’t you …? Tch, the only hot thing will be your blood pouring out your body”
-He’ll make sure his s/o has left the area and is somewhere safer, as he mutilates his opponent into large hunks until they’re no longer recognisable.
-He reunites with his lover, covered with blood and when questioned about it, he let out a soft chuckle from her soft, fearful voice, ”I just took care of business, they won’t be bothering you again”
-He from then on, despite all the effort, follows you everywhere and is extra careful in listening in on anything that could be useful in finding other opponents.
-He kisses over your wounds and kisses up the blood staining your skin, ”Let’s go home, I’ll clean it properly”
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-“She’s mine, stay back I’ll kill you!”
-It doesn’t take much to set him off, as soon as they cornered her he was there annihilating them.
-He take cares when eliminating opposition like this, if he’s just beating them up he’ll let her watch but if it’s truly eliminating hem he makes sure she’s somewhere else or unconscious before he does the deed.
-He looks into their eyes with his crazed ones before plunging his knife straight into their heart, tearing through their flesh making blood spit everywhere.
-His hair in tinged a soft pink-ish color and he stinks of iron by the end of the ordeal.
-He carries you home, whilst you cry from all the warning signs,”Oi … don’t cry … .I hate hearing you cry, it’s beautiful but it hurts … I … I love you so much”
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mars-writes-yandere · 3 years
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Yandere Sakamaki Headcanons
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happy new years everyone!! This is my new years gift to y’all hope you enjoy it! I also haven’t played the game so i’m going off what i’ve seen in the anime. Also in this y/n is gonna be human in this but i can make separate hc for a vampire s/o
Warnings: Kidnapping, Murder, Yandere Themes
Word Count: 731
Pronouns used: they/them
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Shuu is a manipulative and possessive yandere. He manipulated you into thinking that he’s the only one you need and that you should rely solely on him.
Shuu is one of the vampires that doesn’t mind too much that you’re a human but he does think lowly of you because you’re a human so, he falls pretty slow. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight but once he does see you he feels a spark which causes him to learn more about you.
Oh kidnapping will most likely happen. Unless Shuu can manipulate you enough where you won’t leave him, kidnapping will happen.
Killing for you is a 50/50 i feel like he'd be too lazy and just manipulate you into not talking to them but if he sees them as a threat then he’s not afraid to kill them
Reiji is a Manipulative and sadistic yandere. He thinks EXTREMELY low of you because you’re a human so he’ll be a bit sadistic towards you but, he’ll also manipulate you into thinking he’s the only one you need.
Because he thinks so lowly of you it will take him a while to admit that he’s fallen for you. His feelings develop pretty quickly though.
Kidnapping will 100% happen. Reiji feels like no matter what manipulating will not be enough to keep you by his side.
I don’t think killing will happen since he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty but reiji isn’t afraid of intimidating the people he thinks will come in between you two
Ayato is a possessive and slightly sadistic yandere. He thinks of you more as a toy than anything but you’re HIS toy no one else’s.
Ayato falls fairly slowly. Once he does recognize he’s feelings he’ll be in denial. How could he love a human?? He’ll eventually come to terms with it.
Oh he’ll definitely kidnap you. You’re his and no one else’s so he’ll make sure that you know that.
Ayato is not against killing, he just feels like it’s unnecessary. Why does he have to kill when he can just flash his fangs?
Oh lord. Kanato is all over the place but he’s mainly a possessive yandere. I feel like he would also be slightly sadistic. Like he would hit you on accident but also enjoy it.
Kanato falls at a normal pace. He’s definitely a bit less focused on the fact that you’re human but he still treats you like you’re below him.
Kanato will most likely kidnap you. You’re his and no one else’s so it makes sense to keep you with him at all times.
Oh he’ll definitely kill for you. It might not even be for you it might just be for pleasure but killing will happen.
Laito is definitely a possessive and obsessive yandere. He’s yours and your his and nothing could come between that.
Laito falls easily. He has a hard time differentiating sexual and romantic feelings so at first he thought he wanted to fuck you but then he started becoming more and more obsessed the more he started looking into you.
Laito will definitely kidnap you. He’s never felt a connection like this before so of course he’s going to savor it.
Laito won’t kill for you but he’s not against intimidating people for you. He’ll flash his fangs and say some threatening words and that’s all that needs to happen for them to leave you alone.
Subaru is the only one that doesn’t think too lowly of you because you’re a human. I mean of course he has the mindset that you’re below him because you’re just an insufirior kind but he doesn’t pay too much attention to that. He’s definitely a protective and possessive yandere because you’re not as strong as subaru.
Oh he’ll fall slow but hard. It takes him a bit to come to terms with his feelings but when he does he’ll act on them quickly.
Oh he’ll definitely kidnap you. He wants to protect you and make sure that you’re safe and the only way that he can do that is if you’re with him.
He’s not afraid to kill for you. If he thinks that someone is threatening your life or that is even remotely a threat to you then he’s not afraid to plunge a knife into their throat.
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the Sakamaki brothers as break-up or unrequited love songs (plus scenarios / headcanons)
A/N: Before I dove into the world of Dialovers, I actually wrote smut angst fics and I usually listen to sad songs (no, I am not brokenhearted and my love life is doing well). This made me picture scenarios that would fit these bastards (cause as always Yui deserve better)
WARNING: Contains violence and a bit of smut (NSFW in short)
"So sad, so sad, I could never make you stay
Too bad, too bad, I could never walk away"
Hmm a brokenhearted Shuu is like a blank canvas whatever
He basically doesn't want to do anything with his broken heart
I picture him falling in love with a mortal so deep but at the same time he didn't want to indulge in those feelings
Cause the last time he got attached with a mortal, they died (Yuma is still alive but still)
So yeah he be just listening to some sad songs all week
"And now I know I will regret it,
I'd rather keep it all inside"
But in case he decides to pursue this mortal, I think she would be at arm's length
Like he wouldn't indulge deeper than what they have cause someday she will die and boy he has attachment issues
Hence the second song
"I know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?"
Hmm honestly Reiji was the hardest
And yes, I had @yourlocaltea to help me on this one
Because I can't see Reiji crying over someone tbh
I picture girls crying over him and this famous Olivia Newton-John song would really work
Cause we all know that Reiji has dated girls for the sake of image so maybe one of them really fell in love w/ him
Too bad, he only sees them for his family image
But if he does fall for them, the second song will fit
"I’m no longer alone when I’m by myself
I can feel you even when you’re not here"
If you have watched the ending of this Kdrama aka What Happened in Bali, you prob know what I mean
Let's say the girl left him and found another man
You might think Reiji is being Kanato here but this man won't let you betray him after all he did
He prob gonna murder you in his own Reiji way 💀💀💀
But if he doesn't go the yandere route, he just gonna give you up... hmm... hopefully
"First you say you won't then you say you will
You keep me hangin' on and we're not movin' on"
I am excited for this one cause as you all know Ayato is my first main diaboy (even before my Kanato simping arc)
I have actually told this to @moonderly and @samsvenn about the possibility of Ayato having an ex who has the fickle heart of Jenny (as mentioned from the same song)
Like at first they're okay, then afterwards they fight over nothing
I even think she's gonna cheat on him w/o him knowing
Or perhaps he knows but decides to think like "oh you want to play then fine I'll play your game and win"
But he is a sore loser
Ayato would prob be the one doing the begging (w/c is unlikely him) and it's all bcos he believes the girl will call him Oresama afterwards
Too bad she doesn't
"Last year's wishes are this year's apologies every last time I come home
I take my last chance to burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you off"
Another song that would fit him would be this one
Cause I swear Ayato can be a target of those girls who just like to have fun and dump boys
Ayato be spouting he's an Oresama but these girls would give no sht abt it
If Ayato decides to get a bit serious, it would also be the time they dump him
This fuckboy is a loser in a friends with benefits situation
"Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it"
This one is also hard
Because I have so many scenarios for Kanato
But breakups and unrequited love don't end well for Kanato so he prob would add this poor being to his doll collection
He's actually sarcastic abt it... at first
"Wow, you're smiling now. How shameless of you."
And afterward, he says, "How dare you do that to me? It's unfair, you know? Why isn't it me? Why him?"
Or "I gave you everything you want and now this is how you repay me?!"
"I won't let you betray me, NEVER AGAIN"
"And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone"
But once he comes down from his rage and intense emotions, that's when he really starts to cry and mourn
Kanato actually has nightmares of this person staying for a while, only to leave him crying
Like he would have an internal conflict where he wants you to go leave him, but he doesn't want you to belong to someone else
"This is all your fault! I'm suffering bcos you left me! (uhhh... you killed her???) 🤡🤡🤡
"You should've just dropped dead even before I loved you."
Anyway, she's a part of his doll collection now so she won't be going away anytime soon
"The other woman will never have his love to keep
And as the years go by, the other woman
Will spend her life alone"
This song would actually be more about the girls he be toying with
Cause honestly loving Laito is like agreeing to be his plaything and there are many of you out there
In short, every single one of you is the other woman
Fvcking perv
Ofc what do you expect
This guy will never be serious and he would prob mess with your mind and heart until he throws you away
But if you manage to crawl deep in his heart and leave it wounded, then...
"You were the mermaid for me
Till one day, you found your feet
Leaving me in the God-awful bottle,
a model of heartache and grief"
I picture Laito drinking somewhere, prob a nearby pub or by himself at the manor
Like he would waste the night away because of a woman he can't mess with
For some reason, this reminds me a tiny bit of Helen and Laito's relationship (shoutout to @nutaella-kookie)
Like what if Helen broke up with Laito and she's like no turning back 💀💀💀
But what do you expect? Laito never believes in love anyway
"I should actually hate you
The more I embrace you, it hurts
Although when morning comes,
I will look for you again"
In relation to my headcanon abt Subaru falling in love w/ his teacher, this is actually a song that identifies his moving on stage
Like he probs like to tell this little lie that he'll move on but he actually doesn't
The type to do anything for a girl to stay even tho she can't give up her humanity for him
This guy gets waaaaaay attached emotionally
But unlike Kanato, he accepts his fate and takes all the blame
He's also actually like Shuu and would prob play sad songs on repeat
Most of them will be really sad, like how Scarlet Heart Ryeo made me cry
But in case he wants to switch things up, he'll prob play this one
"So what if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat
I'll be the fire that'll catch you
And what's so good about picking up the pieces?
What if I don't even want to?"
Like ya know emo hardcore heartbreak ya know???
Actually, in my headcanon, Kanato sang Scarborough Fair to him and he cried at the lines "Remember me to the one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine."
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dear-yandere · 5 years
I was rereading your blog and lemme tell you, your Protective Shuu fic was amazing and I loved it 💕. Can I have a scenario where Shuu sees one of his brothers trying to suck y/n’s blood? Thank you so much 😊
Thanks my love! I hope you don’t mind, I wrote headcanons instead.
tw. blood.
Shuu Sakamaki
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★ In search of rest, Shuu had closed his eyes for only a few moments, figuring you weren’t stupid enough to get yourself in trouble for a few minutes.  Oh how wrong he was and he had no one to blame but himself. How did he lose you in the blink of an eye? You were like a newborn kitten that needed constant attention, and now he couldn’t even provide that much because you were nowhere to be found. His patience and self-restraint was wearing dangerously thin, his worry growing marginally stronger each moment you were missing.
★ He scoured the entire manor, even going so far as to ask some of his brothers about your whereabouts… only to realize they were useless. No one paid much attention to you unless they wanted to feed, and the only person he had yet to ask was…
★ No. No, no, no. Please let him be wrong. Please let it be anyone but him.
★ When Shuu’s eyes landed on the sight before him, he felt everything come crashing down in droves of fragile, dangerous glass. Reiji’s fangs were lodged deep into the nape of your neck, mercilessly tearing at your delicate flesh as blood pooled in the crevice of your collarbone and stained your blouse.
★ Shuu can only feel blind rage at this point – at his brothers for not realizing something was wrong, at Reiji for being the asshole he is, at himself for not protecting you like he swore he would.
★ Being the stronger vampire, Shuu easily throws Reiji off of you and teleports your weak body from the room, not bothering to spare a glance to his meddlesome and sadistic brother. He knew Reiji had only done such a thing to get under Shuu’s skin –  to threaten to ruin the elder’s life, like he’s done before with Shuu’s childhood friend Edgar. Reiji knows losing you would only destroy Shuu.
★ By the time your mind is able to orient itself long enough to realize you’re no longer in danger, pints of blood drawn from your body without consent – you felt utterly lost, like a lamb that had escaped the slaughterhouse, but nonetheless grateful.
★ “This is all your fault.” Of course he pins the blame on you to make himself feel less guilty, but you knew better. He doesn’t face you, doesn’t make eye contact lest you see the anger in his eyes and blood that overflowed from the lips he bit to keep his screams at bay.
★ “W…w-what hap…pened?” You grabbed his shoulder for balance, knees threatening to give out from the way he’d set you down so quickly despite your lack of strength. He wanted to growl and shake you off, tell you that nothing good ever happens with you around, that you were nothing more than a nuisance that deserved to be sucked dry– but he couldn’t. Not to you.
★ You could hardly think, could hardly formulate words much less see the man before you. All you felt was an unfamiliar, gentle touch uncharacteristic of your protector, his fingers touching you as if you were a precious piece of art that could break under the slightest of pressures. Is this really Shuu? You hardly have the energy to open your mouth to ask what’s wrong, but the gentle whimper he let out when you closed your eyes far too long for his liking was enough to confirm his identity. He was worried – there was no escaping it.
★ Shuu is stressed beyond compare. What is he supposed to do? It’s not like there’s a doctor around, much less one that won’t ask too many questions. All he can do is hold you and gently sway you in his arms while pushing his self-destructive thoughts to the back of his head.
★ “Just…just go to sleep.” came his weirdly gentle voice as his fingers laid themselves over your eyes, forcing your eyelids to droop. You hummed in confusion, to which he hushed you in a faintly soothing voice, his grip around your body tightening and letting you know that he wasn’t going to let you go until you did what he said.
★ It’s only when you finally fall asleep that he allows his body to relax. Rest will help replenish your lost blood, at least. While you sleep soundly in his arms, all he can think about is how he can’t let you out of his sight again – how he can’t let you near his brothers again. This was the final straw – Shuu’s breaking point. By the time you awake, you’ll find yourself still in Shuu’s arms, but far from the Sakamaki estate. He won’t let you go back – he can’t. It’s much safer in this coven only he knows about – it’s much safer with him always by your side.
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