#shuumatsu no valkyrie Hades
chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi! Can I Request a dom! Poseidon and or Hades x female sub!wife reader who is sweet/shy, and kinda oblivious, and they just got married and are trying to navigate their life together as newlyweds. I think logically they would have na age gap as well because I believe (could be mistaken in Poseidon’s case) that their wives were younger than them in the myths. If you could make them dotting towards reader too (bit colder than the depths of the sea/Underworld to everyone else), I just really want a sweet obsessive take on their relationship without them being too ooc if this makes sense. Kinda like they fell for reader and they fell harder almost Yandere level obsessed with her. I really loved your Hades x male reader but really want to see you take on this if it’s not too much to ask. I hope my word vomit makes sense.
This is such a cute idea 😆 thank you!
Note : hades and Poseidon are not romantic/ or shipped to each other! ⚠️ I do not support incest. They are only romantic towards reader, but not each other. Cus they are brothers. They only have love towards their darling.
Hades + Poseidon × reader headcanons.
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- tbh, how on earth did you bag not one, but TWO of the strongest gods there is? That's crazy...😭
- not only did you get hades, but Poseidon??? Now you must have accomplished some sort of feat to earn him. Or you were just very loved by the gods. Let's all nod our heads in agreement.
- Considering that there are two of them, gotta say that you take turns being with each of the two.
- it's not very tiring, at least you get a free ride to the underworld and the sea each time you are transported. For example, one day you go to hades, the next day you go with Poseidon. Easy.
- but, it's not always like that. They've insisted on taking you into their own place. but to make things fair, you'd be staying in a completely different home.
- actually, you know what? To make things funnier, what if you were Odin's daughter/daughter figure? You'd be staying with him instead. You have your own room in his place, away from those...bastards..or that's what he liked to call it.
- Like imagine the faces of your beloved darling's when they find you missing. Now that? That really sent them berserk. Harsher and colder than usual, and absolutely will not stop until they found you. Until they did. In Odin's place.
- Bro they all had a staring challenge I swear on my left toe. Like imagine Odin's face when he opens the door to find two gentlemen standing there pissed. And he just responds with "what can I do for you?" With a bitch face.
"I'm here to look for my wife"
"OUR wife, Brother."
"same thing."
- Odin took that personally.
- he was about to say that you weren't there, until you immediately showed up. Your presence filling the room to be more breathable and fresh. You ran over to them happily, embracing them with open arms.
- but let's just say you were pretty oblivious to the death glares they all pointed at each other, a silent warning not to touch you.
- but now let's move on to random ass headcanons I thought about.
- one time a guy called you cute and you never heard from him again. I wonder what happened..
- naughty time with these two is literal heaven. You'd be full in all holes bruv. Do not lie to me, I know what y'all are 🙄
- there would be times where they both have to combine their interests to pick out a dress for you. Believe me, your room is full of so many gifts from both the gods. Trinkets, dresses, jewelry, fancy useless stuff that you find pretty. ANYTHING.
- I can just imagine how sweet and nice they are towards you. someone else tries to talk to to them, they are as cold as the deepest depths of their realms. The moment you enter, they turn their whole personality 360 degrees from what they just displayed earlier.
- and no they will not take flirting from others lightly. A nymph approaches Poseidon? He'd be like, "I'm not interested." Hades?"I'm busy, kindly do not disturb me."
- they aren't really fond of wearing rings, but they do anyway. It's proof of their hold over you, and how they love you lots. You cook for them (or at least you try) and clean around the place.
- you were literally housewife material, maybe a mother one day. At least they hope.
- and as long as you stay, they won't inflict too much harm on anything or anyone. Unless it did smth to you. Let's not talk about it though.
- and yeah.
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cafeinthemoon · 7 months
Ruins - Part XXII
Chapter 22
Wordcount 4,1k
Title Part XXII
Fandom Shummatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warnings: Mentions of nudity, undressing; non explicit sex
Tagging @holdyourwine @lilacshouko @shirayuki-ayumi @telvess @alecfromsaturn (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: I don't even know what to say after so long, except that I'm happy to finally come back and put this chapter out 😭🙏 I've been thinking of it for ages and questioning myself whether I'd be able to give these two a proper honeymoon or not, but this is an issue that haunts me every time I sit to write a honeymoon/intimate scene. The potion stuff was something I wanted to include back in the wedding chapter, but it's end up too long so I abandoned the idea. Now I had the chance to use it, and to try to bring some comedy vibes to soothe things a bit 😅
Anyways, hope you have fun! Missed you all 💜🥰
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For you were too tired to stay awake after your brother-in-law left, you never saw the moment your husband came back to the private sections of your chambers, as much as when the rays of sunshine first entered the room. When you opened your eyes, the ceiling and the walls were already touched by the warm light, and the people in the tapestry over your head were as joyful as ever.
You tried to move the sheets from upon you and found out you could do it with no problems. You looked around and sensed the room was too quiet. You were also alone in the bed.
You frowned.
Where did he go?
You took a deep breath and, after some effort, you sat on the bed. You felt a strange, but complete relief with that gesture: your strength came back to you, there were no shivers spreading through your skin and no fear making your heart heavy. Was the transformation finished? You couldn’t believe it’d happen so fast, but maybe the hardest part of the process was over and you’d be able to carry on with your activities while it came to its end. Whatever the case, you were content to see you were yourself again.
You left the bed and headed to the bathroom. You closed the door, turned on the lights around the mirror to wash your face… and were static with what you saw there.
It was still you in the reflection, the same eyes, nose, lips and all, but at the same time it wasn’t. You saw a refreshed, cleaner version of you, with an inhuman glow in the lilac of your eyes and a flawless skin to cover each spot. Yes, you were sure it was still you, but more beautiful, more gracious, even without a layer of makeup and a disheveled hair to frame your expression.
So… this is how being a goddess feels like.
You smiled to yourself.
It’s not that bad.
You brushed your hair (which, understandably, took you more time than you were used) and finished your personal care session without taking your eyes off the mirror. You were a bit ashamed for being so vain, but after all the agonizing hours you had to endure to reach those looks, you couldn’t deny yourself such contentment.
You left the bathroom and searched for your robe. You found it on the same chair Hades left his own the night before. You dressed it and looked around, still finding his absence strange. It was when a soft, rhythmic sound reached your ears – his voice, brought by the breeze entering through the balcony, came to you in the form of a song, but you couldn’t recognize the words at first; you frowned and listened for a while, until you realized he was singing in Ancient Greek.
You smiled. You’ve already heard him sing before, but it was never that sweet. From what you’ve learned during his lessons, you were able to understand some verses, which, in the modern language, was something like this:
Under the red skies
Of the first day of Winter
I saw you
Your tiny feet running upon the ruins
Of the Temple of Love
Where after your touch
White flowers would grow
Would you mind
If I took you away with me?
Would you mind
If I hid you away?
As we built our secret place
Out of your flowers
And out of my song...
You followed his voice to the outside and found him sitting on the small table at the balcony, having a filled cup in front of him. He seemed relaxed, in peace with himself like you’ve never seen him before, especially when you remembered the events of the previous night, with his legs crossed and his eyes lost in the landscape.
You sighed at the scene.
Like a King who has his domains assured.
Change came when you took the first step toward him: the ecstatic glow in his eyes appeared and expanded as he turned to you, swallowing your whole form; he raised an unconscious hand and you accepted it, letting him take you to his lap.
You touched his cheek.
– Hi.
– Hi – Hades took your hand on his and led it to his lips – Young goddess.
A heat came up to your face when you heard that treatment. As much as it was flattering, you couldn’t shake the sensation that you were meeting him as if you were a different person now, and it still too soon to know if you enjoyed it. But you wouldn’t ruin the moment with sad deliberations, so you quickly redirected the conversation through sweeter paths.
– Were you singing about a young goddess as well?
– Yes – he curled a strand of your hair between his fingers – One that would touch the ruins of a dark world with her pretty feet, with the sweetness of a damsel and the courage of a warrior.
– And does she reach her fate with such sweetness and courage?
– Her fate, and much more – he approached and kissed your forehead.
You giggled and turned to the table, taking an empty cup and filling it with the same liquid as his cup, which consistence reminded you of milk, but with the color of caramel.
– What song was that? – you put the recipient of the caramel back on the table and grabbed your little cup – You never sang it before.
– It’s a love song in Ancient Greek. The author is unknown, but it was popular among travelers – Hades explained – It’s much longer than this, but this is my favorite part.
– We should learn the complete lyrics, then – you turned to him with tenderness – Then we will sing the whole song together.
– And we can do that during our travels.
– An excellent idea.
The rest of the breakfast went in silence, but after it you two went to the garden at the upper floor. You were were able to walk through it and that made you happy, still Hades didn’t let go of your arm until you decided to sit on a bench. There were some small trees around it, and you saw butterflies and birds sharing their branches peacefully; a couple of birds arrived, persecuting each other, then leaving as fast as they came, their wings making a rustling noise between the leaves, their little voices at their peak. You laughed at this, which reminded Hades of something.
– So how are your ears going? – he brushed your hair behind the left one – You’ve been complaining about the nature noises.
– They’re getting better. I mean, I don’t think I’d stand a lion’s roar right now, but the birds are completely bearable – you smiled.
– That’s good to hear.
You took some time to silently appreciate your surroundings as they displayed what would be a pleasing Spring morning in Midgard. You thought of this for a moment: the plants, the creatures and that whole environment were those of from Midgard, just everything you saw along your stay in the areas reserved to humans in those blessed lands – and all of them were designed by your husband. You felt your respect and admiration for him grow the same way it did when you took your first walk in the Gardens, when you ate pomegranates.
– You thought of all of this before we got married – you said suddenly; and, turning to him, – You thought of everything.
Hades replied with the same modest smile he gave you when you asked if he was there during the planting of the pomegranate tree.
– I wouldn’t say that. I’d say I’ve work with every necessary resource and with the best people I could find, so everything you’ve seen around would have the power of bringing smiles to the young humans’ faces – he raised his fingers to brush your hair – And, as a payment for all this work, yours will be forever on my sight.
Your smile widened at those words before you could notice. You were really content that, more than wishing to see your smile often, he was also creating reasons for you to show it: not so long after that conversation, he took you to take a walk through the depths of the garden, where exotic plants were hidden, and you spent the next hour talking about them and planning how to include your creations at the Greenhouse in the collection.
When you finally went back to the chambers’ interior, you decided you wanted to spend some time in bed, for your legs were a bit heavy. Meanwhile, Hades went to the kitchen to prepare tea. When he came back, you brought out a subject that has been on your mind for days: the travel to Hellheim.
– I’ve been worried about this for a while, but haven’t had the chance to speak until now – you said while accepting a cup of tea from his hands – Is it too long? Is it a difficult path, or an easy one? How does it look like?
He sat by your side with his own tea.
– It’s certainly a long way, especially for the ones who aren’t used to it – and, smiling at your widened eyes, – But I’m not saying this to discourage you, given that the travels between this realm and that one are far from tedious.
You turned on your side to hear more. Now you were completely interested.
– Really? And what kind of things we find through it?
Your husband started describing those strange lands as if narrating an epic story, going from dark skies, menacing rocks, abysses and terrifying natural phenomenons to powerful creatures, brave, minor deities occupied with their work and suspicious wanderers. You learned to love his ability of explaining concepts and depicting scenarios in a way that the images formed in your mind as vivid as if you were inside them; in that particular case, you also appreciated his power of calming your fears, assuring you that the travel was safe despite the things you were going to find.
After the tea, you told him you were sleepy, even though you’ve slept the entire night.
– I’m sorry for this, because I wanted to spend this day out with you – you told him, giving him back the cup – But I’m too tired, though I did nothing that justifies this tiredness.
– This isn’t but expected, little one – he replied before taking the cups to the kitchen – The transformation isn’t complete yet, and it takes an enormous amount of vital energy. You’ll still need some time to regain it, and an even longer period to manage it when your powers start manifesting.
– I see – you slowly laid down on your pillow, feeling both the sleep and the weight of your future responsibilities pulling you to it.
As if sensing your anxiety, Hades offered you some solace.
– But for now you don’t have to think too much about these things – he walked to the kitchen’s door – Th time to take care of them is yet to come.
You accepted those words and closed your eyes, letting the sleep take over your body, which didn’t take long that time.
You thought you were going to feel better the next day, and you weren’t entirely wrong in your expectations, but you in fact needed at least three or four days to feel able to walk, stand and do any other activity without a subsequent fatigue, neither the need of sleeping in the middle of the day. During that period, you were visited by Aesclepius twice, and he was content with your progress, something that made both you and Hades relieved: now, as he explained, your body’s tendency would be gathering energy instead of spending it, so that soon you would be as physically and mentally capable as any other god, and the travel to Hellheim wouldn’t be a problem.
On the other hand, Hades, having diligence as his second name, didn’t stay idle: while you recovered, he divided his time in taking care of you, solving small matters with his brother Zeus, checking on your family through Hermes, talking to Aesclepius about your condition and organizing your travel to the Underworld; he exchanged messages with Adamas at least once in a day, to make sure everything was alright in his domains. You, on your part, spent your time alternating between resting and being worried, despite his advice: at the same time you wanted to tell him to take some rest – after all, it was his honeymoon – you couldn’t do much to help him in this sense, neither in any other.
I’ve been increasing his burden since the beginning. He will deny it if I speak to him about it, but I know I’m not helping in anything; even my preoccupation might become an issue. I can’t wait for this to end.
That was why you received the first sign of a complete recovery with great contentment. You noticed it right after you left the bed that day and, taking a chance when your husband wasn’t in the chambers, you went to the arc where you kept your gifts from the ceremony. You’ve searched inside it with nervous hands and took a small bottle from it.
Your cheeks heated up at the sight of the object, its delicate shape involving a rosy potion which perfume was described as having “its own soul, so once it is used, it will always be recognizable by the ones who first sensed it”.
The gift of Aphrodite-sama. I’ve been so curious about its effects, but her explanations were so mysterious, and I was too ashamed to ask enough questions.
You still remembered how she took the chance to approach you while Hades wasn’t around. She passed by your side and stopped before you with such grace, yet so suddenly that you couldn’t help startling.
She giggled, enjoying your reaction.
– You were already a beauty, dear Y/n, but now – the goddess brushed your hair and cupped your face with tenderness – Now you’re the perfect being…
Aphrodite spent a moment in silence, just appreciating what she had in front of her. Then, as suddenly as her arrival, she moved her hands away and took a small object from inside her dress: a bottle that reminded you of the ones in which people sold expensive fragrances in Midgard, filled with some glistening fluid.
She put it in your hands and warned you to not let your husband see it before you had the opportunity to use it.
– Just one drop or two in the sheets, right before you lie down, must be enough – and, surrounding her mouth with her hands, as to whisper a secret – But it wouldn’t be bad if you used a few more.
You stared at the bottle, barely reaching the size of your palm, thinking of those words.
– Aphrodite-sama, I’m very thankful for your gift – you raised your eyes to her – But I’m a bit confused about it. Is it some sort of remedy, or blessing?
She observed you with a mixture of condescension and diversion.
– Most of the times, if used wisely, it will be a blessing, but in other times it will be a powerful remedy – she blinked her right eye.
It was when finally started to understand.
– Oh, this is a love potion, my Lady – you smiled, then frowned – But Hades and I… We’re already in love with each other…
The Goddess of Love laughed.
– I know, my dear. But the purpose of this potion is not making you fall in love… – and lowering her tone – But falling harder.
She approached you one last time and, with a kiss on your forehead, she left you with the potion and a lot of things to think about.
And now you were there, alone with her gift for the second time, and wondering if that was the moment to use it.
I’m torn between the fear of the effects and the curiosity about them.
After minutes of painful deliberation, you decided to open it and smell its perfume… which filled both your nostrils and your soul, drowning you in a wave of powerful sensations: your feelings, thoughts and memories about Hades were all stirred and turned into one, expanding until you had the urge to pour it out; your eyes were filled with tears, and your breath became difficult as your chest would go up and down in ache as you craved his presence. Even as a young goddess, you could tell that the substance held a terrific power.
Now I understand why she told me to use just a few drops.
You adjusted the sheets upon the bed and knelt over them, stretching for the potion to be poured in the center. You slowly turned the bottle to the side, in your best efforts to control your trembling hand, and observed as the first drop fell on the fabric, disappearing so fast that it was hard to tell it has ever been there. More drops followed it in other spots and over the pillows…
When the sudden crack of the room’s door opening made you scream and drop the bottle on the bed, turning the next drops into a whole puddle.
You sat on the sheets, hiding the bottle behind you as you had a confused Hades standing at the door, staring at you without understanding why his arrival got you so scared.
– Is there something wrong, little one? You look a bit nervous.
You were quick to deny it.
– No… No, of course not! I’m perfectly fine! – you shook your hands around yourself as to reaffirm what you were saying – It’s just the noise of these hinges! I can’t get used to it…
With your face on fire, you fell silent after that, praying that your husband would just accept the explanation and change the subject… but, unfortunately, your pairs weren’t willing to grant you this small wish: Hades closed the door behind him and approached the bed, suspicion filling each of his gestures. At the same time, the perfume made its presence stronger than never as the bottle’s whole content leaked to the sheets on your back, turning any attempt of keeping it a secret unnecessary.
– Y/n, what is it? – he looked around the bed – Are you spreading perfume on the sheets?
You shrugged.
– Ah… Sort of.
– What kind of perfume? – he raised an eyebrow – This one seems to possess some sort of spell. Is it one of your wedding gifts?
You shook your head in a positive gesture and slowly brought the bottle to your front, giving it to him with a shy hand.
Once his eyes laid on the object, Hades turned to you with a strange expression, one that you haven’t seen before, and about which you weren’t sure how to feel; your fingers gripped on the sheets: that was the first time you didn’t know what to expect from him.
But you didn’t need to wait too long to figure that out.
You observed as he held the bottle with an attentive gaze, a smile started forming on his lips: he already recognized the nature of the potion. However, it wasn’t shyness or shame that took over your feelings with the understanding: around him and around yourself, you sensed a quiet, yet steady change that grew as the smell spread through the room; you had the sensation that your sight turned a bit blurry, except for your husband’s figure, and that everything was somewhat covered with a rosy light that reminded you of the liquid’s shade. Maybe Hades was under the same impression, for he stood still, staring at you with a glimmer of hunger in his eyes that scared and interested you at the same time. The temperature seemed to elevate in the surroundings even though the balcony’s door was wide open, so you started taking off your robe and moving your hair away from you neck.
The first words said between you after this were his.
– So… Our friend Aphrodite has her own gift for us – he made this observation with a vague, low voice – So clever of her to handle it to you while I was away…
Without taking his eyes off you, he dropped the bottle on the carpet. You didn’t know if it was anger or diversion you sensed in his tone, so you rushed to justify yourself.
– I really wanted to tell you about it, but I couldn’t disobey her instructions – your voice sounded lower than you remembered it, but you kept going – It’s just that, now that I’m recovered… I wanted to do something special… – the air swirled and heated up around you; the left strap of your gown slipped to the side, but you didn’t mind adjusting it – I wanted to have a proper honeymoon…
And that was the instant that changed everything.
Once those words escaped your lips, the blurry wave of sensations poured out of you at last, reaching for your lover and tangling with his own feelings, pulling him ahead, straight to you: without wasting time, Hades got rid of his coat and shoes, throwing himself over the bed as if afraid that you would disappear if he lingered in his place. You were a bit scared by this new impulsivity, but you wouldn’t push him away: the heat that has been increasing since you first smelled the potion, pulsating all over your body, only calmed own when your husband wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his lap, your legs spreading and burying in the sheets on each side, his mouth reaching for yours as you helped him take off his blouse with your little hands.
You moved away for a moment to see the results of your work, and the vision left you marveled: yes, you’ve already seen him undressed once, when he stood with you during the worst point of your fever, but you barely gave his figure the attention it deserved; now, with your strength restored and your sight in perfect conditions, you wouldn’t make the same mistake: from his face, your hands slipped over his skin, across his neck and over his chest, your thumbs drawing circles around his nipples; you smiled when a sigh left his lips. You noticed the vine he had tattooed on his left arm, the same pattern of the one on his forehead.
He is perfect.
– You’re so beautiful… – you murmured to him, your fingers brushing over the tattoo – I’m so sorry for making you wait... I promise I’ll make up for it…
You felt his hands going to your hips and tightening around them, bringing you closer. Your gown slipped, exposing your thighs as your knees were buried on the soft mattress.
– I’ll make sure you will – his lips brushed and smiled over yours – But for you, the wait is always worthy…
You felt his hands caressing your thighs, slipping under your gown and pulling it up. Your heart skipped a bit: that was going to be the first time you’d expose yourself for your husband, so that everything had to be in place: you were now a goddess with a well-built, flawless body, but were you feeling that beautiful now? Were you good enough to appear before him with only your skin to cover you?
Heavens, I’ve been waiting for this for so long, but who would say it’d be so scary?
Still, you didn’t stop him, and when the gown was finally taken off, every inch of yourself under his sight, you remembered the conversation you had weeks ago, in that balcony beside the room, and the confidence in it soothed your nervousness, as much as his hands exploring your figure: his right thumb caressed your lower lip, going down to your chin and your neck, where you noticed his hand was able to surround most of it; both his hands went through your shoulders, your collarbones and, finally, your breasts, where he his thumbs caressed you the same way you did to him. A loud moan escaped your mouth before you could stop yourself, and you put your hand over it, your cheeks burning with shame: apparently, erasing one’s shyness wasn’t among the properties of Aphrodite’s potion; Hades laughed, enjoying your spontaneity, and moved your hand away from your lips, putting it around is neck.
– So shy, aren’t we? – and, letting it clear that he had the same conversation in mind as well, – Let’s take care of this together…
He then suffocated any word or moan that might’ve come out from your mouth with a deep kiss, pulling you tighter against himself as your hands tangled in his hair.
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rae-pss · 1 year
— RAE'S NOTE: another repost, this time it's about hades whose s/o is worried about his fate, their fate, after the death of his younger brother.
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༉‧₊˚. — your sudden arrival in vallhala was received as you both expected, with some surprise and even fear behind their expressions.
༉‧₊˚. — with a firm step, both of you entered the room where your brother-in-law and nephews were observing the fight.
༉‧₊˚. — the two of you went side by side. HADES had his arm slightly raised and you entwined yours with his.
༉‧₊˚. — once your nephew, ares, left you both took a seat on the sofa and without further ado your husband started talking to the others.
༉‧₊˚. — conversation you didn't pay much attention to, more focused observing the battle that was taking place at the moment.
༉‧₊˚. — or, you weren't attentive to that same one until the name of the god poseidon, your husband's dear brother, was mentioned.
༉‧₊˚. — knowing how important he was to HADES, you placed your dominant hand over his and gently caressed his knuckles in a quiet yet reassuring way.
༉‧₊˚. — the tender moment was broken when zeus spoke and, still holding your hand, HADES continued talking to the others about the extraordinary thing that was happening on the battlefield.
༉‧₊˚. — you found yourself somewhat frightened and worried about your fate, about the fate of all the gods present there.
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༉‧₊˚. — the supposed most perfect god had fallen in their respective battle. if he had lost, what was he waiting for the others?
༉‧₊˚. — noticing your growing anxiety HADES mimicked your previous action, bringing his hand to your leg which was beginning to tremble.
༉‧₊˚. — stopping his conversation with the others the god completely focused on you.
༉‧₊˚. — the trust between the two was immense. one knew the other perfectly, so obviously he already had an idea of what exactly was happening, although he preferred that you tell him directly.
❝my dearest, is everything okay?❞
༉‧₊˚. — and that's what you did. you told him your current concern with your actual situation.
༉‧₊˚. — he heard everything you said, each and every one of the things that were going around in your head; while his hand continued on your leg, caressing it softly as a way to comfort you.
༉‧₊˚. — once you finished he started talking.
༉‧₊˚. — HADES got closer to you and kissed your forehead.
❝(y/n), you don't have to worry about that. nothing bad will ever happen to us, not as long as i'm here. i'm going to protect you, with my life is even needed.❞
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dragologist · 1 year
Hades coming back after everyone realized Ragnarok was just a distraction for something much bigger :
i'm delusional
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blossom-works · 2 years
What if...
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A/N: Branching off my first Hades x Reader, what if he didn’t die in the seventh round of Ragnarok? What if Qin Shi Huang ended up the loser and Hades the victor?
Anxiously sitting on the couch, you watch the battle play out between your husband and the former emperor of China. You will admit, Qin Shi is a formidable fighter. You do not think your husband has not had so much fun since Beelzebub came to Helheim. A funny memory of yours. You were just about to enter dreamland when a large explosion came from one of the castle’s towers. You also remember Hades coming into your shared chamber with his clothing tattered. He had a grin on his face as he told you Beelzebub’s misinterpretations. 
While your husband has taken on more damage than his opponent, he has no intentions of giving up. You can only hope that the medical attention here can reverse the damage. You have noted that Qin Shi’s abilities allows him to see his opponent’s “stars” or weak points. The only problem though, he is fighting with a God. The King of the Netherworld. A man who has a family to come home to and a brother to avenge. With a last thrust of his Desmos, Hades lands the final blow. He pierces straight through Qin Shi’s chest, killing the old soul. They fighters share a moment of appreciation. A king fighting a king, and a king winning as a king should. 
Qin Shi’s body falls flat on the ground, his body and the Valkyrie sister vanishing to Niflhel. Tired, your husband leans against his spear as he watches. The stadium is quiet. The match has left everyone, not just you, on the edges of their seat. Your brother-in-laws are no different. As much as Hades loves his brothers, they share the same affection. Suddenly, the side of the Gods erupt in cheers. The King of the Netherworld has proven how powerful he is. He is not a legend but a God. Your chest deflates from holding your breath for so long. You can now relax knowing that you will have company as you sleep. 
Teleporting, you appear by your husband’s side, gently taking the bloodied spear from him. You may be smaller than Hades, but you do your best to support his weight. Step by step you help him to his entrance tunnel. The announcer as always, is hyping the crowd, loudly stating the winner of the match. 
“I can’t believe you did something as stupid as cutting your chest open. You’ll be hearing about this for the next week.”
“I expect nothing less from you my love.” Hades laughs. His blood covered body is now staining your clothing. When the two of you enter the tunnel, a bunch of nurses surround you two. They guide the king down to play on an extravagant gurney, Hades’ bident is still in your palms. 
“I’ll visit you when you’ve been thoroughly checked out.”
Hades gives you a simple nod as he is wheeled off. Looking down at the spear you wince in disgust. The blood on it has started to oxidize and there are patches of red on your white clothing. Snapping your fingers a servant from your domain arrives. 
“You called m’lady?”
“Yes, please clean Hades’ bident and bring me a change of clothing.”
Now presentable, you head to the room where your family spent before the match began. When you open the door you are surprised to find it empty. Hermes comes from behind you and tells you where your daughter is. Apparently, she asked the servants to bring her to the sky box since she wanted to see you. Making your way back to the terrace, sure enough, you hear your daughter’s laughter. She sits perched on Ares’ shoulders, giving her a new vantage point. Zeus is behind them as he tries to tickle his little niece. 
Quickly she jumps off her cousin’s shoulders. With your fast reflexes you catch her before something can happen. She may be a goddess, but she is still a child. She started talking about how worried she was during the fight. Hades thought it would be best if she watched the match in the specialized room on the screen instead of in person. A request you did not and still do not understand. She cheered for her father the entire time. The owl she was gifted as a newborn unfortunately had to suffer through some serious whiplash. 
“Where’s daddy?”
“He’s getting some medical attention right now sweetheart. We’ll see him when the doctors are finished.”
A little disappointed but understanding, she nods. Zeus insists of transferring to the tea room as preparations for the next round starts. While waiting, your daughter plays with her cousins and uncles. It is not often that your family comes to Valhalla. Not to mention that she is the only child in Helheim, it can get quite lonely for her. A topic that you and Hades have frequently discussed. Sitting on your lap is her little owl she named “Ow Ow”. A knock comes from the double doors and Hermes answers. 
“Hades is ready for visitors.”
“Yay! C’mon mama! Let’s go see daddy!”
“Hold on there. What do you say to your uncles and cousins for the hospitality they’ve shown you?”
“Oh, thank you for the tea and for playing with me.”
You give her a pat on the head as praise. Saying your farewells you follow the nurse to your husband’s private room. Upon seeing her dear father, your mini you runs up to him, totally forgetting about his injuries. With a huff he envelopes her in his arms. You sit on the other side of the bed, Hades is now surrounded by his family. You and your daughter share a look, and then attack your husband with a kiss. Each of his cheeks gets a firm kiss from you two. A daughter who is glad to see her father again. A wife who is happy to have her husband coming back home with her. A husband who is happy that he avenged his little brother and most importantly, to have his girls in his arms. 
A/N: Should I make more Hades content with this story line? If so, what would you like to read?
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kyat-kyat · 2 years
Incorrect Record of Ragnarok Quotes #1
Hades : I truly belive that water is always the solution to problems.
Zeus : thirsty? Drink water.
Adamas : want clear skin? Drink water.
Poseidon : want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Hades : .....
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evansuvamp · 2 months
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I've been in so eager to draw Hades but I was afraid of messing him up...
Still working on requests so just a quick update!!
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Haii can you do a hcs of the Greek brothers (Zeus included but it's fine if you don't want to) to their S/O who is a mortal from the modern era?? I rllyy like your writing especially the Apollo's one ^^
Ofc! I'm sorry for the long wait 🙇‍♀️ I've been eating and rotting in my bed for a while. I dont really know about what you are requesting, there's only very little description. So I'll try my best ^^
RoR Greek bros with modern mortal s/o
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- Mf is old as hell, literally. He'd be asking you all sorts of crap and wonder about the technology you have. He already knows about it, but he does like to stare and wonder what you do all day in that little rectangular piece of technology.
- He also tries to find ways to make you immortal, cus duh, he really likes you. But I think he'd be interested in cute little farm games online when you show him the stuff that you can do on your phone.
- he asks you to buy him a gadget, which you do so. but man, he sucks ass at it. You find him trying to figure out how to use it. Holding it upside down, pressing on all sorts of buttons until you have to lend me some help.
- he's also fond of the slangs and way you talk. He often uses your words too. Like "Lmfao!" Or "LOL!!"
- he wants to learn more about modern society, and everything there is to learn about. Until he found out about google. Mf now keeps on asking the stupidest questions, and even calls his brother's on facetime, just to talk to them about the stupidest shit.
- he'd laugh so loud when it comes to you telling him jokes from your TikTok brainrots and all.
- you talk to him about all the newest things happening, and all. And drama. But I think he's more interested in learning new words.
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- yes he does use the slangs too. I bet he'd randomly gangsta talk outta nowhere and make the most out of pocket statements.
- give him some love, he's just having fun especially after all the stuff he went through.
- I know damn well he makes yo mama jokes, no matter how old that stuff be. He's older than you bro, he's been alive for a very long time. So you better teach him more to mama jokes.
- your fashion sense was interesting, he wanna dress cool too. So he's gonna force you to show him clothes that he'd like to wear, and he'd pick the edgiest ones. 😭
- he often gets annoyed at how you're always on your phone and not paying attention to him, which makes him wonder what's so good about it.
- you gave him a gadget, which he now likes to watch anime in, or sports probably. Basically anything interesting.
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- he finds you very endearing, and loves you very much. He'd find a way to turn you immortal so that he can care for you forever.
- yes he installed wifi in his place so that you could stay happy, and do whatever the hell you do on your gadgets.
- Bet you bought a TV and watched anime there with him, or maybe TV series or shows. Could even be horror movies. He loves to cuddle up with you whenever you guys watch a horror movie, cus he knows that he'll be the one to protect you when you get scared or tired.
- when you gave him a gadget, he didn't know what to use it for, but you said that he could chat with other people no matter where they at. And even store photos of whatever he wanted.
- it truly amazed him how far humanity had evolved. Now he can just search up anything he had questions about, or facetime his brother's, or buy something for you.
- he likes to listen to songs he finds, and now he's never really bored like he used to be. Maybe gadgets weren't so bad. He knows how to limit himself, and that's why he tries to limit it fro you too. He doesn't want your eyes to hurt, and wants you to get rest.
- there's so many things he wants to learn from you. And how humans do their daily thing. It's amusing to watch.
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- Bro he really loves you a lot, he just doesn't show it. But it definitely caught his attention seeing the odd way you talked or acted.
- when you introduced him to a gadget, he just shook it off, not wanting to get into pathetic little things like that, but you insisted. So now there he was.
- he really thought that humans were babied. The fact that they all gotten so lazy over the centuries gave him the ick.
- but he did find some helpful words to use whenever it came to describing stuff. But that's till doesn't help with anything. Like y'all have google, you don't need to waste your time studying when you can just do a quick search and boom, all the answers are there.
- you guys had online shopping, you didn't need to use your legs to do some work when you could just order online. And so much more. Humanity was babied. Everyone was pathetic in his eyes.
- but, you were an exception. Cus he liked you lots.
- I believe that over time, he'd catch himself talking like you, like "it gives me the ick." 💀
- he's such a bitch, but it's ok. Cus it's Poseidon.
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cafeinthemoon · 5 months
Ruins - Part XXIII
Chapter 23
Wordcount 2,3k
Title Part XXIII
Fandom Shummatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . Outtake
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warnings: The continuation of their honeymoon ❤; non explicit sex; steamy in general
Tagging @holdyourwine @lilacshouko @shirayuki-ayumi @telvess @alecfromsaturn (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: It's finally here 😭 The continuation of their deserved honeymoon! I've been struggling and procrastinating, trying to decide the amount of information I should include in this one, but I opted for little info and more ~action lol I wanted it to be one of those chapter where the characters are just relaxing and living their lives instead of being too worried about moving the story forward.
Hope you don't mind X)
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As the kiss deepened, your mind wandered to all the things you’ve experienced with Hades, all building up and culminating in that one moment, when you were finally a couple. Fear, respect, protection, friendship, passion and love – everything he already represented to you, and everything you were willing to represent to him, was there, boiling and pulsating inside you, and pouring out through the gestures of your hands, your wet lips united and the heat of your skins, pressed together.
With his left arm wrapped tight around your waist, Hades brought you closer, his mouth wandering across your neck, your collar, your breasts, as you held on to him with eager hands: while your right one’s nails crawled on his back, your left was tangled in his hair. Suddenly, you felt his teeth brushing on your skin and started laughing; he laughed back in response, his breath muffled on your skin, tickling and provoking more laughter.
– You’re quite a teaser, my Lord – you murmured in his ear; then, moving away to look him in the eye – Is this the way you found to cease the tension of our first time?
Your husband brushed your hair behind your right ear, then held your chin with his fingertips, observing your face with a tender smile.
– Perhaps – he approached his mouth to yours, speaking over your lips – But it seems that it’s working, isn’t it?
Before you could think of a reply, he pulled you in a sensual embrace, lying on the mattress and making you lie upon him. You giggled, leaning your hands on his chest.
— You could say that.
The sight of his ecstatic face glued to you, surrounded by the strands of your untied hair, falling on each side, his eyes swallowing every inch of yours, the blush on his cheeks was just too much to you; the influence of Aphrodite’s potion, increased by your disposition, and you took the initiative by approaching yourself to him: holding his chin, you made him open his lips with your thumb, covering his mouth with yours, your tongue searching for his; on his part, things were just as heated: his hands, grabbing on your waist like claws, held on to you with strength, helping you to keep your balance, guiding you in languid, delicious movements.
The only thing you could think of was how much you loved Hades: you loved everything your senses could catch from him, from the softness of his skin under your touch, the thin layer of hot sweat forming on it, to the glow of desire in his eyes, his noisy breath, the firmness of his hands; you loved him to the point you didn’t want anything else: to give yourself to him, to live for him, to become everything he needed; you loved him, and wanted to melt into him, to embrace him, to devour him. And certainly, he felt the same, for soon he took over the situation, adjusting his grip on your waist and making you lie on the bed, putting himself over you and suffocating you in an even hotter kiss. You smiled over his lips when he moved them away for a second, and wrapped your legs around him, tightening his body against yours.
You felt that was the right instant. You couldn’t wait anymore.
– Take me – your voice came out as a sigh on his ear – Make me yours...
And he answered your plead, and took you at that moment. And it was when you understood you were born for this, for him, that you’ve never been complete by yourself, neither as a mere human. The pleasure of your flesh was equal to the ones of the heart and the spirit, the ecstatic feeling of fulfilling your purpose eating each cell of your body.
Somehow you sensed the smell of Aphrodite’s potion increasing as the act carried on, as if it had its effect potentiated by your natural feelings, and these latter empowered the potion in return as two complementary forces. Noticing this pattern, then, you started imagining what would happen if you introduced variations in your activity, so you tried to touch him in different manners; to your surprise, changes in the intensity of the fragrance were felt, as well as curious reactions from your partner: there was a moment, for example, when you caressed his ears the same way you did in the Secret Garden, several days ago, and his response came in a growl, then a muffled laugh in your neck, which provoked laughter in yourself. It was like among the potion’s many properties there was one that allowed you to identify and recognize preferences of your lover.
– You noticed that too, uh? – you heard him whisper – Clever girl.
You understood what he was talking about. He then pulled you tighter to himself, and you responded with a loud moan, and the smell increased again; your hands reached to his back, pressing on his skin as if he could disappear at any moment. You found yourself praying that it didn’t happen.
Please, stay forever. Please, never leave me.
You didn’t understand exactly why you thought of those exact words, but something inside you awakened, and you were convinced that, more than the ceremony led by Zeus-sama, this moment was your real marriage, when you gave everything you had to the man you loved: your body, your thought and feelings – your soul – and received the same from him in return. An understanding of the divine unison came to you with this: unlike the human one, which could be broken with the mere disappearance of feelings, a marriage between two gods would take much more to come to an end. But you knew you’d never want such thing, not with all the things you’ve experienced together until that point. Not only this, but somehow you knew – whether through the contact with his body or through a special exchange of thoughts – that Hades was feeling exactly the same.
And the conscience of this impregnated your physical body, and brought your senses to a state of climax. You felt part of your consciousness abandoning you, then found yourself holding on to him as you’ve never done before, mumbling incoherent words of love and attachment; you also noticed the same behavior from his part and, though you weren’t experienced in these types of things, you supposed he had his apex not so long after yourself. Suddenly, you felt something close to exhaustion, as if you just shared part of your vital energy with him, but it wasn’t like you were losing your strength: you were just becoming something more than yourself by joining him. You wanted to talk to your husband about this, but when you tried to move your lips, but you were too tired for this.
You’ve spent a moment together even when it was over, then Hades lied by your side and pulled you to him. You stood in silence, nestled in is arms, and never knew exactly when your mind slipped into the world of dreams.
There, you saw yourself in a familiar place.
It was a desolated landscape, surrounded by the ruins of what reminded you of a beautiful construction, raised in a remote past. Under your feet, the darkness of a sterile, brown earth, and above your head heavy clouds pushed away by cold winds, blowing through the red skies; through your skin were sent successive shivers, and you crossed your arms around your body to protect it. Yes, you’ve been there countless times, but it wasn’t but a dead world, unable to welcome lively you; the ruins were still the same, silently resting and not waiting for your touch – they didn’t belong to you, after all.
An ancient world with which you’ve never been able to find a connection...
Until you decided to turn and look. And then you found something you’ve never noticed in your other times there: the reminiscence of a high dome, indicating the spot where the construction’s entry once was. You took hesitant steps toward the arc and looked into it.
It was when you had the greatest surprise: looking back at you with a loving smile, there you saw Hades. You covered your mouth with both hands, not believing your eyes at first, but then all the hesitation disappeared and you ran to him, jumping into his arms. It felt like when you saw him for the first time, at Valhalla’s Library; it seemed to have happened a long time ago. The biggest difference, however, was the absence of fear in your heart, since you didn’t think twice before reaching to him. When he took you in his arms, you were invaded by what you could only described as true peace.
Little by little, you felt like you were falling asleep in your lover’s embrace in that dark world, only to slowly wake up in your honeymoon chambers, lying on your bed beside your husband. You looked up to him and noticed he was waking up at that very moment.
That time, you were able to speak.
– I had that dream again – you whispered – The dream about the ruins… It hasn’t happened since I’ve arrived at Valhalla...
– Interesting… – he caressed your hair in response – The same just happened to me…
Your heart skipped a beat when he revealed that: you didn’t understand how, but you already knew that.
He adjusted you in his arms to continue the conversation.
– Tell me… did something different happen this time?
Your eyes widened a bit and you stared at him.
– Yes! – you took a moment to recall the scenario – I’m sure I was back among the same ruins as before, but this time I saw some kind of dome near them… I approached and looked inside it… – you smiled – Then I saw you…
He smiled back.
– And then you ran to me.
– Yes, I did it – you completed his thought – I really did!
– It was the first time you saw me there – he said these words with a sort of relief, as if something that he has been waiting for too long finally came true.
– You’re right – you smiled – And because of this, it was the first time this dream brought me good feelings. Before this, I used to feel anxious about it.
He bent down to kiss your head, and you smiled.
– Tell me – you restarted – What do you think of this? Is this a sign that our purpose is close to be reached?
– I have no doubts about it – he replied – Now that we are together, things will certainly become clearer in the next days. We will have no problems figuring out what to do.
– I agree – you said – You know, I’ve never felt this peace before… It’s like I’m finally where I’m supposed to be...
Your husband’s response was to pull you tighter in his arms, as if he understood that you were talking about them. You closed your eyes, listening to his breath, your nostrils inhaling the smell of his body. After some time, you sensed something warm growing slowly in your lower belly, spreading to your inner thighs and the rest of your body, and though you had little experience in those things, you soon recognized the feeling, deepening as you turned your attentions the closeness of your bodies, your skins rubbing each other as you moved: you were desiring him again.
Without a word, you turned on your stomach, putting yourself over him, each of your legs on his sides.
– Please… – you whispered on his lips – Touch me again…
His response was quick: his hands grabbed your hips and brought you underneath him, rubbing his lips through your skin.
– Of course, little one – he murmured in your ear – Everywhere you want.
That time, you grabbed his hands, using them to explore your body. This audacious gesture took a smirk from your lover, who entered the game and let you do what you wanted for a while, until he decided you were having too much fun by yourself and took over the situation, grabbing you and taking you with even more intensity than the first time.
You ended up half awake on the mattress, more tired than before, while Hades lied his head on your chest. You kissed him and spent a moment caressing his hair. You weren’t sure how long you’ve stood there, but you fell asleep in the meantime, only waking up to the sound of the sheets moving, followed by soft steps on the floor and a door opening; a distant murmur of running water reached your ears, and you opened your eyes to find the bathroom’s door half opened, a yellow light leaking from it.
Despite being sleepy, you made an effort to leave the bed and walk toward the door, doing it slowly: as soon as you stood up, you felt an ache on your limbs and between your thighs, which seemed to increase when you moved too fast.
Did I exaggerate? Could it be that I’m still in process of transformation and not in my full strength?
You left those doubts aside when you opened the door and found your husband relaxing on the bathtub, the water at his chest’s height, the steam surrounding him. He immediately turned to the door’s direction when you stepped into the place, and a soft smile formed on his lips. You saw him stretching his right hand toward you in an inviting gesture; you accepted it and walked to the bathtub. You were wearing no clothes, only having your long hair to cover you, but no shame stopped you to move it away from your shoulders to enter the water. You lied on Hades’ lap, resting your head on his shoulder, the warmth of the water soothing your discomfort and leading you back to the calm state of unconsciousness.
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roilusinrose · 10 months
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Qin Shi Huang = Literally me xD
_ This fanart is not mine. I couldn't find the name of the creator. Credit to the creator.
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dragologist · 1 year
Hades teasing Odin because of his big ugly ass haircut:
This would've done him so much better:
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sleepybunnei · 1 year
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I actually drew something I said I was going to, it's Hades from Record of Ragnarok in spirit of part 2 of season 2 coming out soon. changed some colors cause I it looked better tbh.
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blossom-works · 1 year
Lonely Bed
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Warning: Angst
The first thing you do when you come back to Helheim is put your daughter to bed. You make sure she has Ow Ow with her. The stuffed owl is clutched so tight that it might have a dent in it in the morning. Your daughter is ten years old, but right now, you want to cradle her like she was an infant again. Whether it was for her or your sake you do not know. It gives you a little bit of paradise to go back in time. Back to when your daughter smiled with her nubs of teeth. Back to when your home felt complete. Back to when your husband was alive...
She finally drifts off to sleep once more. You kiss her forehead as you bring the covers just up to her chin. When you kissed her head, you smelt the shampoo your husband used on the pillow. Yes, you did not put your daughter to sleep in her room, but yours and Hades. You guess it is just your room now. Some may say that you coddled her in your bed because you did not want to leave her alone after losing her father, but that is simply not true. 
You did it for you. Your heart cannot take it to see the other side of the bed so empty and cold. You do not want to see the cold, empty spot when you wake up. You want somebody there to keep you warm, just like what Hades used to do. He was your own personal heater. A pillar in your life. Now that pillar is gone, but you cannot let the foundation fall apart. You are a widow now but still a mother. You are still Helheim’s queen. Your responsibilities outweigh your grief. Never did you think that you would have to watch over the Netherworld by yourself. 
Rummaging through your closet, your fingers graze over one of Hades’ jackets. Throwing the hanger to the floor, you raise the article of clothing to your face, burrowing it in the soft fabric. Musty and earthy is what Hades smells like, with a hint of herbs. A masculine scent that suited him well. You pathetically make a mental note to tell the maids to refresh Hades’ clothes to preserve his scent. Your husband is already dead, the least fate could do is let you keep this comforting scent. 
With a heavy heart you throw the jacket over you, letting it rest on your shoulders. Looking back at your daughter, you step out the chamber’s doors. Your heels can be heard down the hall. The castle is quiet. It feels cold. You tightly hold onto the edges of the jacket, pulling it closer around you. Using your left arm, you push open a set of double doors. Now, you are in the throne room.
Behind the thrones is a big portrait of Hades and his brothers. You never minded that he did not swap it out for a portrait of your family. It never bothered you because on Hades’ side table is your family’s picture. Swiping your finger over his face, you remember the day like it was yesterday. The pit in your stomach gets deeper as you wish it was that day. Your daughter was one in this picture. She is sitting on your lap. Hades is on your right, standing next to the chair you are sitting in. His left hand is on your left shoulder, he is practically on top of the chair from how close he is. 
Instead of looking straight like most portraits, you two are looking down at your daughter. She has her arms out in front of her and she is looking to a bit to the side. Hades’ bird, the cockatoo, caught her attention. By then, she and the bird were well acquainted with one another. You have a big grin on your face, your pearly white teeth are showing. You remember having to tighten your grip on her to make sure she did not fall off your lap. Hades, oh your beloved husband. How you wish he was here with you. Your husband’s other hand caressing his daughter’s head. A few of her white strands are sticking out, but it makes the picture look cuter. He has a small smile on his lips, similar to his smile in the portrait with his brothers. 
A couple tears start to drip onto the glass, distorting the photo. Standing in your husband’s jacket and holding onto one of the greatest captured moments of your life, you weep. Your tears have started to create a small pool in the frame. Gathering yourself for just a second you hold onto the arm rest of Hades’ throne and sit in it. Turning the photo vertically up, you hold in close to your chest, like your daughter with her owl. The drops of saltwater drip off the photo and onto your clothing. Silently, you let yourself go again. Silently, you wish your husband never entered to competition. You want to scold him for being so stupid and yell at Hades for leaving your family. You want to hit him for not thinking about you or your daughter. 
A chirp snaps you out of your sorrow. Another chirp follows. Looking to your right you spot the cockatoo. An old fellow he is. It is a descendant from the cockatoo Hades got a long time ago. If you remember correctly, this bird is only a few months older than your daughter. How time flies. 
Wiping your face dry, you set the photo back on the side table and release the bird from its cage. It flaps its wings and flies around the room, making one trip around before landing on Hades’ throne. Without telling it what had happened, it already knows that its master is gone. Sitting back down, you pet its head with the back of your fingers. 
From its beak, a small chirp comes out. It sounds melancholy compared to the others. Offering your hand, it jumps on it. Softly, you kiss its head. In your moment of sadness, you forgot that there is another who will dearly miss Hades. 
“Sorry about that little fellow. I guess I let my emotions get the best of me.”
The bird chirps like it understands you. It nuzzles its feathery head under your chin and flies back to its cage. There are more birds like it around the palace, but Hades always kept one in the throne room. He considers them all his pets but that one is his true pet. Hades always inspected the chicks to see which would gain his favor. He called it a “promotion”. You never knew why he had this “promotion” and you never will. 
Sighing to yourself, you pick up the framed photo and say goodnight to the bird. Your free hand holds onto Hades’ jacket as you make your way back to your chambers. The place still feels quiet and cold, but the photo in your hand brings a bit of warmth. Picking up the hanger you put up Hades’ jacket, but not before placing a feathery kiss on the collar. Putting your weight on the side of the bed you place the family photo on the nightstand, slightly turning it to face you. 
Carefully, you unfold the covers and slip under them. You give one last look at the photo and then turn to your side, facing away from it. Throwing your arm to cover your daughter’s body, you drift off to sleep. 
Years later:
“You wanted to see me mother?”
Standing up from your throne you walk up to your daughter and cup her cheeks. How beautifully she has grown in the past decades. She has your facial features, but Hade’s eyes and hair. “A perfect mix” he called it. When you allowed her too, she even got the same vine tattoos her father had. Even to this day she is her father’s daughter. 
“Why do you insist on tormenting the souls here in Helheim? It’s more than the usual and more than what I usually do.”
Your daughter bites her lip and looks at the tips of her shoes. “You know why, mother.”
Sighing out you caress her cheekbones. Yes, you do know why. Looking back at it, you regret letting her watch Hades’ match. Your late husband was so confident that he would win so he, and you, allowed her to watch the match from a projection screen. Ever since then, your daughter has grown some sort of a resentment towards humans. She is not allowed to leave Helheim, so she takes her anger out on the souls here. Luckily, she does not despise humans like her late uncle though.
Taking her hand, you guide her to sit on the step with you. The portrait of your late husband with his brothers is still above you. The photo of your family back when your daughter was a small child still sits on the side table. The cockatoo, long gone. 
“I guess I can’t entirely blame you. Since your father’s passing, I have started to look at humans in a different way. I still have compassion for them, but my care is elsewhere.” You intertwine your fingers with hers. “All I ask is that you too, show them compassion.”
She squeezes your hand and looks at the photo of the younger her. Vaguely, your daughter remembers that day. Really, she remembers wanting to get her late father’s bird. For as long as she can remember, she has always been a lover of birds. Probably because it is a love her father instilled into her since she was born. Ow Ow, the stuffed owl Hades gifted her is her most prized possession. No one other than her and you are allowed to touch it. 
“I will try.”
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
I want to read Ror's newest spin off since it got all over fyp, but I can't find it anywhere -,-
By the way if you don't mind, can I get a smut request of the trio underworld -(Hades, Beelzy, Adamas)- with a subby wife F reader? Perhaps an angryfuck with breeding bcs their wifey keeps demanding things from them while they're busy/tired? (we love hardworking husband) Ngl I love them so much
I hope it's not too much! I'm waiting for ur art too >⁠.⁠<
Hi!! This is one hell of a request anon 😆 haha
Hades, Adamas, Beelzebub (separate) × sub!wife!reader
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he was doing paperwork and all, and was completely stressed. The man was completely overworked, and you weren't making things any better.
You were so needy. Like a pet. Always demanding affection, love, and everything else. It was tiring.
So when he finally had enough, he decided to just play into your needs and spread your legs. Since you wanted it so much, he'll give you all the love he's stored up.
"haa...haaa~! Hubby..~!!" You moaned, your eyes glazed with lust as his fingers added up into your tight little clit opening. He was good with his fingers, not to mention the speed he had was beyond human.
There you were, on the bed, your legs spread wide and well. The air hitting all your sensitive skin, your pussy throbbing with pleasure. Your shirt was above your tits—making them stand out more.
Your beloved husband was fingerfucking you to tears. Your whines and cries echoing throughout the big spacial room, one that was meant for a king and a queen to have their privacy. The background was full of slimy sticky sounds of your pussy being pleasured by your sweetheart.
"didn't you say you wanted my attention, dearest? Here I am now. What more do you want?" He spoke, before withdrawing his fingers, his hands making its way to his pants. When you looked, there stood an erect cock, waiting to pounce on your vulnerable little holes.
He slid his cock in-between your slit. Rubbing it with renewed vigor. It took a few tries for him to push the tip inside your pretty little clit, before it finally slid in.
"are you happy now, my queen?"
Your sobs and sniffles were a melody to his ears when he pushed more of his length into your clit, his hips moving back and forth, picking up speed and eventually deep breeding you. Pumping your belly full of his future babies.
Don't worry, he can last long enough to make you happy and fulfilled, just like you asked.
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Adamas was tired. Very tired of your 'whining', or that's how he prefers to call it. He's been finished with all your bullshit. You should have never lit fire to a man with a short fuse. He was not one to let things go so easily.
When he arrived to you, instead of giving you his nut, mf makes you suck him off instead. Then watches you struggle, before putting you in Doggystyle position and immediately going at it.
You really thought there would be like, foreplay or something? Hell no. Straight to the point.
"well? How's it feel you fuckin princess? You like that? It what you asked for, yeah?"
He looked down at you, before flipping you again to lay on your back, just so that he could watch your pretty little face all pink and stained with tears.
"you wanted attention, didn't you? Well, hell, here's the attention you've been demanding. Will that shut you up for a while? Such a drama queen."
He'd pound you till your eyes are rolling to the back of your head, looking all pretty for him. A sight he loved to see when he was in the mood.
He's not really one to use his fingers. He prefers to just use his cock, letting it do all the work for him. His hands are busy with your tits. Rolling and pinching them like they aren't sensitive.
If you love it rough, he's the man for you.
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He was completely tired after doing random experiments, and looking through recent papers connected to his new ideas. But you would not stop demanding for his attention.
You need to give this man ana award for putting up with you. Especially knowing how he is. All you do all day is ask for things and be all needy with him, even if he doesn't have much time to spare for you. Which is why he found a good solution for it.
That solution? Fucking your brains out. What a genius.
But think about it. If he fucks you well and good, then not only will he get a rest from all your constant whining, but also give you what you asked for. It's a win-win situation.
Now that he had you stroke and pump his cock, he did not waste a second to squeeze his whole length inside. Your moans visible, but clearly ignored.
"beel...beel...there- there! That's the spot!!"
Instead of going faster, he decided to slow down. Pushing deep, slow and sensual. It was pure torture, but luckily for you, the man was an expert with his tongue. He'd lick your clit and suck it slowly, making you cum and throb. Before sucking in a rougher way.
"there, you asked for this. I'll make sure to finish up soon."
He'd whisper, before pushing his cock back in, this time, ready to pump you full. You wanted love? Here it is. Oh, but I'm only talking about Beelzebub here. What about his curse? Well.
You'd moan so much to the point your voice grows hoarse from all the noise you made. Your cheeks would stain and flow with tears. If Beelzebub was bad, you better look at Satan. Once this thing comes out, you'll be coming multiple times too.
Finger fucking your butthole, pounding your clit after, cock slapping in between your pussy lips, and so much more.
Because you asked for it. He's only doing it for you.
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cafeinthemoon · 9 months
Ruins - Part XXI + Extra Content
Chapter 22
Wordcount 3,3k
Title Part XXI
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warnings: none
Tagging @holdyourwine @lilacshouko @shirayuki-ayumi @telvess (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: I'm glad I can share this chapter with you bc I couldn't wait to post it anymore! I wanted this moment between them to be special not only bc it is, you know, they honeymoon, but bc what it will mean for both of them in the future: the trust, the intimacy and the respect they have for each other can be sensed in each second, and it's expected to grow stronger. I really wanted to depict what a healthy relationship means when I had the idea for this story, and that's why I'm putting such effort in these things.
Also I wanted to include some humor in it as well, so I hope you enjoy the content by the end of this chapter as well haha
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Your face warmed up when the god revealed his identity.
So, the doctor of the gods is Apollo’s son.
You would still need time to conciliate it, since Asclepius looked like a twin of his own father, but despite your surprise, you soon caught up with the good manners and greeted him with the owned respect.
– It is an honor for me to finally meet you as well, Asclepius-sama – you gave him a fainting smile – I apologize for my first reaction, but you really resemble the God of the Su…
Your last word was interrupted by a sudden decrease on your blood pressure, and your head fell back on your pillow. Hades rushed to your side.
– Y/n? – he helped you to sit and adjusted the pillow behind your back – Are you alright?
– I am – you sighed – For a moment, my body felt heavy again and my sight got dark, but it’s coming back again…
When your sight was finally reestablished, you looked at Asclepius and noticed he had a serious expression. He approached your spot and sat on the bed, placing the cane beside him and taking off the bag from his shoulder.
– These episodes of weakness… when exactly did they start?
You made an effort to remember, but even this was painful for you.
– One or two hours after I drank the ambrosia, I guess. But it was easy to handle... at least until I sensed the beginning of a headache. I passed out for the first time in our way here, on the corridor. But this isn’t everything: while I stood here, waiting for you, my Lord, I noticed my senses... increasing – you indicated the opened balcony with a frail hand – I’ve been hearing the nightly animals as if they’re close to this room, but they’re actually miles away, and all these sounds make the headache worst.
Asclepius thought of this for a moment, a hand under his chin. Then, he took out a strange instrument from his bag, something that resembled a portable mirror.
– Please, put your palm over the lens – he asked and you obeyed, putting your hand over the place where the glass would be if it was a mirror – Keep it there for a few seconds.
You sensed a cold upon your skin, as a glowing light appeared and vanished, little by little until everything was dark again. The exam was finished. Asclepius thanked your collaboration and analyzed the instrument. You glanced over the lens and noticed a purplish glow over them, in a shade that resembled the one of your hair now.
– It is just as Zeus-sama said – he started – You are on the growing spectrum. The blessed fluid is slowly assimilating your natural characteristics and expanding them beyond the human limits. However, your body is still mortal, and this is the cause of the uncomfortable symptoms: your immune system still views these changes as signs of sickness and it’s trying to fight it, but as the ambrosia takes over your cells, turning them into divine ones, they will become the majority, and your body will no longer react as if you were sick.
You swallowed. Knowing what was going on with your body was somewhat relieving, but you were still worried about the possibility of the symptoms increasing, and you exposed those preoccupations to him.
– About this, I might have a solution – he replied with a kind smile – Just give me a second.
He turned the instrument off and put it back in the bag and started searching for something else inside it. Finally, he took out a small bottle from it and handled it to Hades, who received it with a frown.
– Don’t tell me that it is what I think it is…
You leaned to your husband, trying to observe the bottle, then turned to the other god.
– What is this?
Asclepius had a curious expression that deepened his resemblance with Apollo: the grin of someone who had the undivided attention of powerful beings.
– Hades-sama may tell you this story later, when you have more disposition to listen to it – he replied – But to summarize, it is the medicine I created to cease a terrible plague that almost ended humanity in the past. I don’t want to brag about it, but its effectiveness was such that some men became immortal, and Hellheim lost potential inhabitants thanks to it.
Hades sighed by your side.
– Those were chaotic times, in fact, but I’m glad everything was solved – he gave the bottle to you.
You turned to the doctor.
– If this was the effect on human beings, how am I going to react to this medicine now that I’m already becoming a goddess?
– It will diminish the discomfort caused by the metamorphosis – he explained – And it will do this without interfering in the process, like other substances would do, which would be too risky. You see, you’re not really sick, y/n-san. You’re just changing. Then, I recommend you to take it only when you feel you’re not going to stand the symptoms for any longer. Small doses are enough to help you.
Asclepius’ last words sounded as comforting the ones of an adult who was trying to console his child about growing up. You didn’t find it offensive, though: being someone who was used to observe how the living beings’ bodies work, maybe it was exactly the way he thought of the situation; you were leaving the childish state of being a mortal and was now entering the adulthood of existence by becoming a divine being. Of course, the process would be scary and even painful at some point, but it was also a wonderful experience.
Suddenly, you remembered something you’ve been wanting to ask to the gods you were more familiar with, but haven’t had the opportunity.
– Ah, about this, there’s something I’d like to know, Asclepius-sama – you observed the bottle in your hands – Is it possible to tell what type of goddess I’m going to be?
He thought of the question for a while.
– According to what Zeus-sama told me, you’re on the growing spectrum. I don’t know how much he told you about this, but your side on the spectrum of transformations usually determines what types of power you might hold. Gods with the same process as you use to have familiarity with wildlife, the cycles of nature and rebirth. Demeter and Chloris, though they were divine since the start, are this type of goddesses. It’s too soon to tell if your powers are going to be similar to theirs, but they will work under the same principles.
You pondered for a moment, then turned to your husband.
– It makes sense when we remember our dreams about the ruins, Hades.
– Indeed – he agreed – A living human visiting the world of the dead really seemed to be a sign back then. Now we need to observe the development of your powers to reach a better understanding of it.
Asclepius, who was hearing the conversation in silence, stood up put his bag back around his shoulder and grabbed his cane.
– Hades-sama, y/n-san, my sincere wish is to see you reach the referred understanding. It will be a great achievement for yourselves and for the world of the gods – he bowed his head – Now, if you excuse me, other matters demand my attention.
Hades stood up right after him.
– Will you stay in Valhalla, then?
– Yes. Usually, I would visit Valhalla every six months to check on the girls’ health, but personal problems prevented me from coming in the last semester – the doctor explained; and, turning to you, – This is why you’re only seeing me for the first time now, y/n-san. Finally, try to take as much rest as possible. This is as important as the medicine I gave you.
You gave him a cordial smile.
– I will do this, Asclepius-sama. Thank you for everything.
The god bowed for the second time.
– It’s good to hear that. And, if you need me, I will be in the chambers besides Hermes’.
– Thank you for answering our call, Asclepius – Hades replied – I will accompany you to the door.
The two men left and your husband closed the door behind him. You observed the small bottle in your hands for a while before putting it upon the night stand at the left side of the bed and letting your head fall on the pillows.
Hades came back to your chambers after a few minutes, stating that he was going to take a bath himself.
– Are you going to be alright while I’m there? – he asked while caressing your hair.
– I am – you smiled, still lying your head on the pillow – If things get complicated, I’ll be following Asclepius-sama’s instructions.
– Good – he bent down to kiss the top of your head – I’ll be right back.
You never had a clear memory of what happened after he left you, but you were inclined to think you just stood in bed, in the dark, your consciousness slipping out as you listened to the murmur of the shower somewhere near you. You were tired and weak due to the transformation, but you were in peace: you had a medicine to lean on, the man you loved was close and your family was out there having fun.
Everything is in its right place.
It was impossible to measure how long you stood in that quiet, peaceful state, somewhere between asleep and awake, but it changed when your body began to feel cold; this cold appeared first in your feet and spread to your legs, then to the rest of your limbs as you pulled the sheets more and more against yourself, but your efforts to keep the warmth were useless, for the cold didn’t come from the outside, and soon you were taken over by successive shivers. You tried to move to your side, but felt your body heavy, as if your blood pressure got suddenly low again; this time, your head started spinning. You knew your situation were getting more serious, and couldn’t help feeling anxious.
You tried to move back to your previous position, to reach for the medicine on the night stand, but your attempt failed: your body barely obeyed you. Now you were really scared, and before you did anything to avoid it, you were already breathless and crying.
What’s going on? What’s happening to me? Am I going to...
A yellowish light appeared on the wall above your head, illuminating the headboard and the painting over it (you opted to keep the art with the fawn and the nymphs). With one last effort, you moved the sheets away and saw the bathroom’s door opened: Hades’ silhouette was stepping out of it, wrapped in a robe. You couldn’t keep looking, because the headache increased, forcing you to close your eyes.
Apparently, your bad state was evident from far, because soon he rushed to your side.
– What is it, y/n? What’s happening?
You tried to sit on the bed, but your body didn’t obey you. You only managed to change your position with his help.
– I don’t know... – you whispered, covering your forehead with your hand – My head hurts… And I couldn’t even reach for the medicine…
Making you look up to him, he moved your hand away and put his palm over your forehead, then on each side of your neck.
– You got a fever – was his worried answer – And a bad one.
Your heart jumped at those words.
– It explains this cold I’m feeling… It’s so scary… – you sighed and passed your arms around yourself as another shiver spread through your body; you raised your eyes to him, raising a trembling hand to hold the sleeve of his robe – Can you stay with me?
Hades stared at you for a moment, a glimmer of compassion in his eyes. Maybe he was thinking the same as you: that was going to be the first time you were sharing a bed; of course, none of you expected this moment to be like this, but it was there before you, and both of you sensed the importance of it.
Your husband sat by your side and wiped your tears, involving you in his arms and kissing your forehead.
– Of course I can, little one – he then grabbed the medicine and opened the bottle, holding it close to your lips – Take it.
You accepted the remedy and, after a small dose, he put it back on its previous place, then turned around the bed and took off his robe; he left the piece on the back of a chair beside the bed and finally took the place by your side.
– Come here – he passed his arms around your body and placed you between them, your head leaning on his chest, your legs folded between his.
You moaned when a new, stronger shiver spread all over your body.
– I’m so scared...
You felt the warmth of his hand massaging your back and curled yourself more on his lap.
– I know – he whispered – But I’m here with you – and, kissing your hair, – And if things get tough, we have a doctor nearby, okay?
– Okay – your voice faded as you replied; and, with an attempt to laugh, – You know… I’ve been wondering how our first night together would be like… And, among all the possibilities, I’ve never considered something like this… I’m so sorry for ruining it...
– What are you apologizing for, little one? – you felt his fingers fondling your hair – You’re turning into a goddess. The most beautiful one. There’s nothing to be sorry about.
– But I wanted to give you… to give us better moments… It’s our honeymoon, after all…
He strengthened his grip around you and kissed you again.
– Each moment, and each night we will spend together will be better than the other. This is just the first one. You don’t have t lose your head over it.
You spent a moment in silence, gathering strength to reply.
– I see…
In fact, you were anxious about that night for weeks, so when it finally came, it was only natural that you felt frustrated, even disappointed with yourself, to see things happening in an uncomfortable, unplanned way. But another thing you weren’t expecting was to find relief while speaking about your feelings and then being understood by your husband: perhaps you’ve been putting so much expectation in your own part in this that you forgot you weren’t going to take care of it by yourself; yet counting on each other was a golden rule of relationships, even more in romantic ones.
I still have too much to learn.
Fortunately for you, you had a reasonable partner, one who have learned the art of patience for centuries and who would teach you in this sense for the next ages. Ages… when you remembered that this was going to be your lifespan, your heart ached, and more shivers hit your body, but guiding your thoughts away from it would calm them down, and with effort you trained yourself in this sense.
That night was long. You spent all of it in the arms of the King of the Underworld, alternating between moments of dreamless sleep and tired consciousness; this extended as the transformation went on, and the fever diminished as the hours passed. During those painful hours, Hades was always there with you, whether talking or just caressing you; as you got used to his warmth, you noticed the cold ceasing, and as the metamorphosis became more tolerable, your body relaxed more and more in his embrace. Slowly, as the new day approached, you were recovering the sense of control over yourself, and the fear of the future diminished, until it completely disappeared.
The first hours of the next day were something between dream and reality, for you witnessed – well, you listened to – curious things, but had no ways to decide if they indeed happened or if they were just your imagination.
At some point, you woke up, but didn’t open your eyes. You sensed you were alone in the bed, but it was still warm, and you supposed that Hades might have left moments ago. Though the room was quiet, you had the impression that your husband was in the living room with a visitor – paying close attention, you recognized Poseidon’s composed tone. They had a brief talk when most of what was said was in a foreign, ancient language that, thanks to the lessons given by your husband, you identified as Greek.
Apparently, Poseidon was going to leave Valhalla that day and came to see his brother before the travel. Besides the rapid, murmuring exchange of words in Greek, there was some chuckling, so you had no idea of what was being said (and you'd rather remain oblivious to it).
But then the conversation turned to a language you were able to fully understand.
– You don’t need to worry about that – Hades was saying – She wasn’t in conditions anyway. The changing is being successful, but it has been taking too much from her mortal body. She had a bad fever during night, but it was gone last time I checked.
– Did you call Asclepius to see her? – Poseidon inquired.
– Yes. He gave her a potion for her discomfort, but she wasn’t really medicated – your husband replied – The process of having your biology rewritten, according to him, can take longer or shorter depending on your body’s conditions, and cannot be interrupted or altered by the ingestion of medicine. Besides, as the altered cells become the majority in one’s body, the process becomes easier, and their immune system no longer recognizes the mutation as a problem. I talked to him moments ago to keep him in touch with the situation. He believes that she will be one of us by the end of this day.
– I see – his brother said – If this is the case, then she has suffered less than Heracles, who almost had his body swallowed by fire.
Hades laughed at this.
– Yes, but, please, don’t say this in front of her next time you see us.
– Alright – Poseidon’s voice softened – Send my regards to her when she wakes up.
They exchanged a few words in Greek, then said their farewell in the common language.
– I must go, now. Goodbye, brother.
– Goodbye. Be well.
A door was opened at the distance, a few steps were heard beyond it, then the door was closed, followed by utter silence.
Extra content
This is part of what was said between the brothers in ancient Greek, alternated with laughter and inner jokes that are impossible to translate:
– Good morning, elder brother. I came to say farewell. Some things demand my immediate attention in the Seas.
– I see. Truth is that I was expecting to have your company during our breakfast, but I knew that it wouldn’t be possible.
– You and your not-so-subtle way to call me antisocial. Anyways, I would have communicated my intentions sooner, but we haven’t the chance to speak yesterday and I didn’t want to interrupt your moments together. So... I am not interrupting anything now, I hope.
– Absolutely not. But if you’ve showed up earlier, you would’ve found the doors locked.
– I wouldn’t judge you. Not after what we saw at the party. You would be a fool if you didn’t take measures to keep your runaway bride safe.
– Please, don’t say these things about her. With that gaze of yours upon me, I would’ve run if I was a human girl too!
– Watch your mouth, old man! She only ran after she saw you. She was perfectly fine with us.
– Hey!
– Speaking of this, how is she doing?
– A bit tired, but well. Sleeping like a little lamb.
– Hm... You already reached the phase of the ridiculous nicknames, brother?
– Everyone reaches that phase, sooner or later. Just wait.
– Hmpf. I won’t have you cursing my fate, old man.
– It’s not a curse. You’ll thank me later.
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bones4thecats · 8 months
Hello! Could I request Hades and Poseidon (separatly) fell in love with dummy nymph!reader, who just doesn't notice their feelings, please? (◕‿◕)♡
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades and Poseidon Name: {Character} with a Oblivious Nymph! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: My first Record of Ragnarok piece in quite a while, and thankfully, this was quite funny to write. This is so full of fluff and crack that it makes broken attics look nice😂
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💀 Oh sweet mercy, this guy loves yet hates your obliviousness
💀 When he first met you, he would joke around about how you were so oblivious to things, but, when he tried to confess his feelings towards you for the first time and you just replied with something so platonic-sounding, he froze
💀 Your obliviousness was going to be a hint of a problem now
" My dear, have you ever thought about having a relationship with someone? " " I guess so, yeah. Why? " " How would you feel about courting with me by your side? " " Aw! You would help me with courting! You're so sweet, Hades! "
💀 Grabbing your hand when you were scared didn't get you to realize his feelings, even when he gave you the biggest hint while still hiding the straight-forward admission, you didn't get it
💀 Hades does understand that, because your a nymph, you haven't gotten that much experience when it comes to anything romantic, as many believe you only are attracted to things relationships non-romantically
💀 Zeus and Aphrodite have tried getting you guys to get together for centuries, from trying to have you guys go on a blind-date to having you literally go on a real-date with him, you always stayed blind to the real emotions hidden behind his gestures
💀 So, unsurprisingly, Hades eventually does have to straight-up admit his feelings, leaving you flustered and a hint embarrassed
" Y/N, I must admit that I am quite fond of you. So fond that I must ask, would you like to be in a courting relationship? " " You fond someone that wants to court me? Aw, Hades, how swe- " " Not someone else. Me, my dear. " " Oh... how long have you liked me like this?! " " About the past four centuries. " " Oh sweet seraphs... "
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🔱 Poseidon is not amused at all.
🔱 He is not fond of people not understanding what he said, and it doesn't help with the fact that he's very blunt and honest when it comes to his words
🔱 When he first met you, you were speaking to your boss, Aphrodite, and when he arrived to speak with her about the waves causing damages to the nearby forests
🔱 That was when he noticed how oblivious you were to pretty much everything
🔱 Aphrodite eventually noticed how Poseidon seemed to soften with his actions whenever you were around, and she was the one who prompted him to finally begin trying to tell you about his feelings, unaware that you had no clue how to take a hint
" Y/N, would you like to accompany me to Zeus' reunion next week? As my date, of course. " " Oh, yeah! It'd be fun to spend some time with my best friend! "
🔱 Okay, ouch.
🔱 It took him only two tries before he began to lose his already strained patience, and he burst that bubble the third time you pushed his advances off as a friendly confrontation
" Would you like to accompany me to Hades' meeting tomorrow afternoon, Y/N? " " Of course! Spending time with my favorite friend is amazing- " " Not as a friend. As a future spouse. " " Huh? "
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