#shuumatsu no valkyrie Poseidon
chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Poseidon and (name) arguing
(Name) : "fine! You know what? *Takes glasses off* I don't wanna see you right now."
Poseidon, pissed : "put those glasses back on right now."
(name) : "Nuh uh."
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(stole a Twitter meme I found since I wear glasses)
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Ok hear me out, what about moon god s/o x Poseidon, its been itching my mind cause of the sea x moon troupe.
What i imagine is, s/o being a powerful god like nyx but rarely appears so only a few gods know or saw them so Poseidon became curious about this mysterious (beautiful) god. Feel free to add more about this!! im just really craving for someone to write this 🥹
Uhhh I like this concept a lot!! I tried to keep the reader's gender kinda neutral, I hope it's fine^^ btw I really enjoyed writing this!
word count: 1.2k
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Poseidon often found himself staring at the moon. He couldn't really explain why he would do that - not that anybody would dare asking the God of the Sea what he was doing. Unbothered, Poseidon would stand silenty on the ivory balcony, looking up to that apparently endless sky. Even for someone like him that domain appeared far and full of mystery.
It was a dark night, its only beam being the peaceful and perlescent light emanated by the sleeping moon. He was once told that a god inhabited the moon, far from all other living beings. It wasn't known the reason why the deity ended up there, observing humankind from the satellite. Some believed they refused to get involved with human affairs and chose to live as a hermit instead; others claimed the god was exiled and was cursed to live on their own, bound to live in loneliness; some believed that god to have died long ago, the moonlight being their only inheritance, the memento of a god who existed no more, the reminder of a otherwise forgotten past.
Poseidon, everytime he would look at the moon, would wonder the real story behind it. None of the moon goddesses he knew could give him a response, despite asking themselves the same question - with whom were they sharing their moon? A god, a ghost or nothing at all?
Not knowing made the God of the Sea restless. He wasn't supposed to be this ignorant - it was his duty and right to know the truth. Yet, all he knew didn't make sense to him at all. He couldn't find a reason why a god would choose to abandon their place a seek shelter on the moon; if a deity was trapped on the moon, he would have surely heard of it somehow. It wouldn't have been just a rumour; lastly, gods weren't meant to die, it wasn't their nature. They didn't have an expire date nor any time limits, so it was impossible to begin with. If there really were someone looking down on him from the moon, Poseidon would discover it.
Poseidon spent that whole night reading books and looking for information regarding the legends surrounding that mysterious and mystical figure. There weren't many references and he couldn't even find the name of that god, yet there were reported some events which most likely involved them. A beautiful deity whose melancholic face was reflected on the moon on certain nights, someone wearing a silvery armor while riding a shining chariot across the sky. Also, a powerful god who could conceal the sun and the earth. A god capable of moving the stars and making humans into constellations. A god who could flex the tides to their own amusement - which meant disturbing the God of the Sea too - the moon phases and the sea had always been strictly connected to one another, but the thought of someone directly interefering had never crossed his mind. An ancient deity whose name had been long forgotten and all traces canceled, no statues nor temples left, their believers long dead and turned to ashes.
Poseidon was intrigued to say the least. He couldn't recall even if tried the last time he had felt so interested in someone - maybe last time was when he recognised Hades as his brother thousands of years before? He didn't remember anymore, and it didn't really matter to him neither.
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Rumours spreaded fast across the Heavens. It was a matter of days before everybody knew what the lonesome Poseidon was looking for, yet nobody dared approaching him nor suggesting him the information that could have helped him reach his objective. Yet, everybody was curious as to why he was interested in that legend in the first place. Poseidon was used to those lower deities' gossips, so he didn't pay them much care, they were nothing more than a bother and wasn't expecting them to act some other way. He was more interested in what certain gods had to say.
Zeus, despite his prestige, knew no more than him but reccomended talking with the goddess Nyx, whom he was afraid of, much more ancient than he was. Hades and Hermes agreed with Zeus and added some rumours that had been circulating for ages in the Underworld regarding a moon deity who lead the souls of the dead to Hades' domain. Beelzebub clearly remembered studying moon's phenoma and seeing that legendary face. They didn't ask him the reason why he was looking for the god. He wouldn't have answered anyway. Without a single word, he left, approaching his next destination, the goddess all gods feared: Nyx.
He respected the goddess, recognising her value and strenght, but didn't understand the reason why even the almighty Zeus feared - he could only suppose it must have been because of one of his many affairs that didn't end the way Zeus imagined. Poseidon didn't have anything to do with that though, therefore had no reason to fear her.
Nyx knew it all, the story of the human who ascended to the skies and then flew even higher above. That god's name was (Y/n), the vagabond of the stars, the hermit who found a home in the dim light of the moon. Poseidon was satisfied by the answers he had finally found - and a way to reach the moon itself. He was close to his goal.
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He had finally landed on the moon. Poseidon had never been there before. It was the first time he got to see the sea he ruled from that perspective. It was a foreign feeling to him. He could almost understand the reason why humans tried so hard to leave Earth and reach the space - it was undescribable. He couldn't even blame (Y/n) for hiding in that timeless place. Poseidon felt as he could touch the stars if he only wanted to. And he was just about to do it, if only a sudden voice hadn't interrupted him.
"I've heard someone was looking for me. I don't receive many guests, so I suppose you must be that person." it was quite, almost a whisper. It didn't surprise Poseidon. (T/n) mustn't have had someone to talk to in a long time.
"You are Poseidon, aren't you? You often stare at the moon, I noticed it." a voice comparable to the music of the spheres, the musica universalis, the harmony between the celestial bodies.
(Y/n) seemed to have no material consistence, one with the stars and the deep blue sky surround them, floating on the ground, detached from the earthly beings. Poseidon almost felt unworthy of being before someone surrounded by such a, otherwordly aura, belonging to a different dimension. On the other hand, he was attracted by that holy creature.
"You are welcome here, God of the Seas." almost as if they had read his mind, (Y/n) reassured him "We all belong to the moon, all beings are made of the same stardust. There are no differences between us."
For once, Poseidon, enchanted and bewitched, couldn't reply. He was part of that symphony too - he could feel it resonating deep into his bones.
The everlasting sea below him, the everlasting stars above him. Poseidon felt whole for the first time in his equally everlasting life.
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recordofmangapanels · 8 months
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Poseidon - Chapter 15
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wallgirl · 7 months
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amphitriteswife · 9 months
How would Poseidon handle a baby?
🔱🪸Poseidon x amphy! Reader 🦈🐚
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❗️Note: Reader is Amphitrite and dark skinned, she is mostly in the first half also ooc Poseidon
💙🤍tags💙🤍: @miss-seanymph-pani @vilereign @nicasdreamer @viostar2095
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
Poseidon was staring at his son, Triton. His eyes slowly watching the little baby’s movements as he was sitting in your lap, his little hands playing with shark plushie. It was a gift from his older brother who seemed to adore his nephew. ‘AAarr! Aarrr!’ Triton said extending his arm towards you, his little hands moving the shark. Poseidon just looked at his son as if he was stupid. ‘No Triton, sharks don’t make sounds like that.’ Poseidon said to Triton who was wiggling his feet in annoyance. ‘AARRRR!’ Triton said louder as he moved the shark. Poseidon just sighed in frustration. ‘Why does he keep saying that?’ Poseidon asked you as he shot a glare at his son. Triton noticed this and looked back at him. Poseidon just stared at him, he looked exactly like himself, which was scary. Triton had his blonde hair and blue eyes but your dark skin. It made Poseidon’s skin crawl every time he saw the same deep blue emotionless eyes look at him. ‘He’s evil.’ Poseidon said staring at the same eyes as his own, just this time in a lil baby form. Triton heard him and started crying. His little face scrunched up and his eyes tightly shut. Poseidon flinched a little. Triton was no easy kid. He inherited your siren voice which meant that he had a beautiful voice…yet a high pitched one when it needed to be. Triton’s screams could be heard all around the palace. The glass shaking and even Poseidon had to cover his ears whole Triton was screaming and crying
You quickly grabbed Triton by his sides and lifted him in your arms. He instinctively laid his head against your shoulder and began to lower his voice. He was now crying like a regular baby. His little hands balled into fists which he touched your hair with. After a while he had calmed down and his scrunched up face went to pouty one. ‘Ama’ Triton said pointing his finger at random stuff in the room. Poseidon looked at him before he took Triton from your arms. ‘You look tired. Go to bed.’ Poseidon said to you with Triton trying to crawl up his shoulder. You agreed with him and gave him a kiss. This caught Triton’s attention, his little figure stopped trying to climb up Poseidon’s shoulder and turned to you, his little shark tail hitting Poseidon in the face. ‘Does he have to wear the stupid onesie?’ Poseidon asked as Triton reached for you with his tiny hands. You laughed a little at Triton and softly brushed his blonde hair with your fingers. This resulted in him smiling at you and wiggling his legs as he giggled softly. Poseidon readjusted his grip on Triton and gave you another kiss. Upon seeing Poseidon kissing you Triton’s smile turned upside down as he again wiggled his little legs, only this time in annoyance. You smiled at Triton who was babbling to Poseidon and gave him a kiss on his head. Triton smiled and reached the top of his with his lil arms just where you kissed him. Poseidon just stared at the baby as if he was the devil. You patted Triton’s head before you went to your chambers.
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
‘Hey- stop that- Get down from there! Don’t put that in your mouth!-’ While you went to bed, Poseidon had a whole baby to take care of. He never understood how you could take care of…this. He didn’t like how the baby looked at him as if he was going to beat him up. Triton,who missed you dearly, was crawling around the room and throwing stuff at Poseidon. ‘Hey- Quit that! That’s not how a prince should behave!’ Poseidon told Triton sternly. Triton just looked at him innocently before he stuck his tongue out at him. Poseidon frowned and narrowed his eyes at the baby before he poked his cheek. Triton reacted by shaking his head and closing his eyes which Poseidon had to admit was cute. Poseidon watched Triton as he sat on the floor, hands on his lap and back straight. It was common for him to act with ✨etiquette✨ even when it came to watching his baby. His eyes watching how triton was interested in his own hands, turning them and clenching them into fists, rather than the million toys he bought him. His strict tactics didn’t work, so he tried mimicking what you always did to Triton. He softly grabbed Triton by his sides and brought him to his face. ‘Why won’t you play with the toys?’ Poseidon asked him in a gently voice as he looked his little baby in the eyes. He could hear Triton’s little breath’s his little blue eyes searching for something before they found it’s destination. His hands reached for the curl hanging down on Poseidon’s face as he put it in his mouth. Poseidon sighed and softly pulled his har out of Triton’s mouth and instead brought his binky to his lips. Triton opened his mouth to take the binky but just before that Poseidon turned it so that it was upside down, this way Triton let go of the grip he had on Poseidon’s luscious blonde hair and instead brought his hand to his binky. Triton sucked on the binky and blinked at Poseidon who was sliding his hair back so that Triton won’t grab it again. Triton began to fuzz in the time Poseidon was fixing his hair. Poseidon looked at the baby in confusion and thought to himself for a moment, after a while he looked at the clock and realized Triton must be hungry.
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 time skip
Poseidon was looking at his baby who was sitting in the high chair with a plate of food in front of him. He was around 9 months and had already started weaning. On his plate was broccoli (that Poseidon ofcourse didn’t make) A sweet coconut yogurt and some nuggets. Triton was sipping on his juice and looking at Poseidon. After a while his attention shifted to the plate, his little fingers crabbing the broccoli, he made a sound and started swinging it around. ‘No. Don’t do that.’ Poseidon told him and softly grabbed his fist and tried opening it. He underestimated his strength and it took way more of his to actually make him drop the broccoli. Triton in the mean time had his eyes set on the yogurt. Poseidon held a baby friendly spoon in front of Triton who was reaching for it in slow motion. After he got the spoon in his grasp he scraped it against the plate before he tried stirring the yogurt, resulting in some getting onto the spoon. Triton blinked a few times in interest before he started eating the yogurt, which he finished pretty fast. Poseidon took his bib and wiped his mouth. Triton wasn’t too fazed by it and started on his nuggets, he took a bite and his eyes went wide, put a hand over his mouth and started blowing. Poseidon couldn’t help but laugh a little at how Triton reacted to the heat of the nugget. Triton kept chewing and eventually got used to it. He then also cleared his nuggets and pointed to his juicebox. Poseidon grabbed it and held it in a way so that two os his fingers weren’t too far from the straw. This way Triton couldn’t accidentally shove the straw on the back of his throat. Triton took a few sips and then looked at the broccoli on his plate. He took a bit and scrunched up his face before he spit it out. This made Poseidon sigh as Triton refused to eat Broccoli since he was 7 months. Triton shook his head when Poseidon offered him the broccoli again but this time in a manner that he would feed him. Mid shook Triton stopped and looked at something else. He grabbed Poseidon’s hand and tugged on it while whining. ‘What? Stop whining.’ Poseidon said as he took Triton out of his high chair and put him on his lap. Triton pointed behind him and he turned around to see what he wanted. He wanted an orange. Poseidon look at the bowl of oranges and then back at Triton who was making grabby hands at it. He put Triton back in his high chair and grabbed a orange, peeled it and fed it to Triton in little pieces. Triton’s mood shifted to a happy and cheerful one after he got his orange.
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
After Triton’s dinner Poseidon was holding the baby in his arms. One placed on his daiper and the other on his back, softly patting it. Triton’s head was laid into the crook of his neck. Poseidon gently patted his back and slightly bounced him in his arms to make him sleepy. He actually had to admit that this wasn’t so bad, despite it being very tiresome he Triton was a cute baby…that was until he felt something in his diaper and looked down and the baby. ‘Did you just shit on me?’ Poseidon asked highly offended ‘nu uh. Take it away.’ Poseidon said to a servant and handed over the baby immediately.
After a while you woke up and Poseidon was so thankful that he kissed you. ‘That thing shat on me!’ Poseidon complained to you. ‘How could he do that to me! I’m his father! That’s so disrespectful!’ Poseidon ranted to you. You just plopped your head back on the bed and saw that Triton was sleeping his crib, you smiled and closed your eyes to go back to sleep despite Poseidon still ranting.
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⭐️Thank yall for reading this ⭐️
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amoexii · 11 months
Sometimes I forgot that Poseidon is the God of horses too 🐎🤠
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cafeinthemoon · 1 year
King - Chapter IX
Chapter 9
Wordcount 3,4k
Title Misguided Behavior
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Poseidon is his own warning; non explicit sex; mentions of deep waters and fear of drowning
Tagging @cloveradora @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A. Finally I'm getting the feeling that the story is moving forward! Yay! Here we have a small, yet important revelation about reader's past, and a peculiar confession from Poseidon, to say the least 😅 Then, a place I've waited so long to introduce to you: the Sea Library, which I'm sure would make the Beauty and the Beast's one seem modest in comparison haha And, finally, the appearance of a new, essential part of this drama as our reader tries to prepare herself for war...
Hope you enjoy this one, and sorry for making wait ^^
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It was like laying on the beach, at the very point where the sand meets the sea, but having a block of marble to support your back instead.
That didn’t mean there was no comfort around you: the water was warm, and its warmth extended to the floor where you were; however, the heat that came from Poseidon’s body felt deeper. And this sensation only increased when you realized that this time things wouldn’t be like the wedding night: now, his mercy has reached its limit and no freedom to move or to breathe would be conceded to you so soon, for his arms squeezed you and his legs kept yours in place, his mouth over yours, making you unable to speak.
Knowing your own limitations, you didn’t even try.
This must be my punishment for the slap.
You closed your eyes, sensing your sight getting dark as a strange noise filled your ears. You never knew if your husband noticed this but, following what he said about keeping what belonged to him intact, he moved away from you, allowing you to fill your lungs with the hot air of the room right before you passed out.
But that was just the beginning.
Getting off you, he sent all the water back to the bathtub with a movement of his hand. You looked around and noticed that the spots touched by the water didn’t remain wet when the waves ceased and returned to the tank, which included your dress, tossed aside by him; you shouldn’t be surprised for witnessing the absolute control that the Lord of the Seas showed over such a small portion of water, but here you were, with your eyes wide open and a ridiculous gaping mouth.
And, of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by him, who chuckled as he took you in his arms and led you to the tub’s interior.
As he walked to the opposite side of the tub, you sensed his feet walking down the stairs on its bottom, and each stair that they touched, the water raised an inch and your heart skipped a beat. In an unconscious move, your body curled over itself on his lap.
Heavens, what he’s planning to do? Is he going to…
Your discomfort wasn’t enough for Poseidon to stop: when he reached the last stair and entered the deepest parts of the tub, he just kept walking inside the water with the same naturalness one would walk on the land, holding you bridal style.
At the point where the water covered his waist and your legs and back, he stopped and made a sudden move to release you into the water.
Something – perhaps the thing that some called the primitive, survival instinct – screamed inside you and forced a physical reaction: you wrapped your arms around Poseidon’s neck, looking away from the water, staring at the bathing area’s entry over his shoulder. Only when the rational side of your mind took over again you realized the shameful position you were put in: with your legs surrounding his waist, the soaked fabric of your underwear clinging to your skin – soaked with only water, you hoped – you were holding on to your husband so tight that you were sure you would’ve suffocated him if he was a human. In other occasions, you would’ve moved away from him immediately, but that time it would mean your death, so you ignored your hurt pride and stood there, trembling.
And the god’s mockery was the price you paid for your safeness.
– So... you cannot swim, dragonet? – he whispered in your ear, each word vibrating with the idea of the frail, rebel human finally bent down, depending on him; and, with all possible disdain, – Pathetic.
You were fighting to control your breath, your shivers and your voice all at once, trying not to reinforce the ridiculous depiction that was just imputed to you, but that was too much.
– Poseidon-sama… – you heard yourself whisper; however, you bit your tongue one second before it started begging him to not release you.
You felt his right arm tightening around your waist, as his left hand caressed the back of your head.
– Hm, what is it? Do you already regret challenging me in my own domain? Are you ready to retract yourself? – his lips left a brief kiss on your lobe – I am eager to find out how your voice sounds when you apologize...
In face of that provocation, what was left of your anger was shaken inside you, so you made no attempts to hold back your words.
– No… – your nails dug in the skin of his shoulders – You will drown me here before you hear me apologize, my Lord!
He laughed.
– Good to see you still have some fight in you, but are you sure about this? – his lips brushed your ear as he spoke – Even with the choppy, deep waters under you?
You sensed a strange movement in the water and gasped.
– You are a though one, more than I gave you credit for – Poseidon continued with his teasing, not hiding his diversion, until a slight change in his tone was sensed, for something awakened his curiosity – Still, it intrigues me: how can you not be able to swim? You were raised in a land where there is access to the sea. Have you never touched its waters?
Given that things have come to this point, it was useless to try and hide this from him now. You let out a sigh and confessed something that has been just a trivial fact about yourself until the moment you were taken to live in that underwater kingdom, when it became as embarrassing as a sin.
– I was raised away from the beach – you explained – My mother never loved the sea, so she would never allow me to come near it. Only after she passed away, I was able to go to the coast, but I always stood close to the sand. And, every time I’ve traveled with my father, we would always go through the land. Because he followed the instructions of my mother, my feet never touched the floor of a ship.
Somehow, speaking about this took off a weight from your shoulders and prepared you for whatever reaction your husband could have. When his verbal response came at last, it sounded more serious than you expected.
– This is the most personal thing you have ever told me about yourself, little dragonet. However, I cannot accept the idea that you never found your mother’s attitude strange, to say the least. How can it be that you have never questioned her? You, who did not think twice before defying me?
You swallowed. He was right, and you knew it – how could you never think of asking your mother about her reasons to stay away from the ocean? Was it a childhood trauma? A nightmare, a prophecy or something more mundane, like a distaste for the sea breeze? Or maybe you’ve tried to question her once or twice, but she simply avoided the theme and you forgot about it?
It is really strange now that I think about it. It’s like, before I was taken to his domains, the sea didn’t matter to me. There were days when I even forgot it exists.
Your silence before those questions was taken as a confirmation that none of this sat right to you, so he just continued to talk, more to himself than to you.
– Besides, I am not satisfied with the fact that you just told me these things in face of death – he held you tighter against himself – You are already mine, you understand? It is not fair that I must appeal to such ways every time I need an answer from you.
When your eyes started to burn, you shut them tight to avoid the tears... all in vain.
Then just don’t ask anything more from me.
– Fair? But how could there be any justice in this? – you started with a mumble, but your tone raised as your words came out – I was chosen to live here, but the choice was not mine! I never wanted to come to your domains! I never wanted to become yours! I never wanted to have this conversation! I never wanted any of this to happen...
A lump appeared in your throat, and you were unable to keep speaking. Suddenly, you felt tired, and your head just fell forward, leaning on your husband’s shoulder. His only response to that – not that you expected anything different – was silence.
It's like someone who watches a child throwing a tantrum. My anger and any of my other feelings mean nothing to him. Is this how a god should behave with us?
When you spoke again, your voice was an exhausted whisper.
– It is important for me to know… My entire reason to exist... it changed when you intervened in my fate, my Lord... I need to know why…
That time, you had a verbal answer from him. A clear, simple answer, but enough to make you gasp in incredulity.
– You still ask me why, my dragonet? The reason is obvious – Poseidon gave you a soft, long kiss on your hair – I love you.
Now, you couldn’t help but obey the impulse of moving away from him, frowning as you stared into his eyes, trying to find the slightest signs of mockery or insanity – and the scariest part of this is that you found none.
That’s not possible! He can’t be serious!
– I don’t believe you… – you mumbled, the sight of his traits blurry by your tears.
However, the god was impassible, as if convincing you of his honesty wasn’t a priority… and, indeed, it wasn’t.
– It does not matter if you believe it or not. It is true – he promptly replied – I love all the women I have taken as my wives, and you are not an exception. I do not touch people for whom I hold no love. But you… – you felt his hand caressing your cheek, his thumb wiping the tears from your face – Despite the instabilities of your human heart, which often led you to a misguided behavior, I can not help but feel love for you.
You remembered Suriah’s words about his love for the women he brought to his house, as well as his dislike for rebel ones, and the possibility of this being true got you scared: following her logic, Poseidon’s love for you must have grown deep in an impossibly short amount of time.
But, well, even though you asked him to kill you, asked not to be impregnated, suggested that he treated his women with injustice and, finally, physically attacked him, he kept assuring you about his feelings, stating that it didn’t matter if you thought he was lying; besides, he has treated with you mercy in some sense: he agreed with your request and didn’t make you carry a child right in your first time with him; he treated you with gentleness after that; heavens, he even killed a man to protect your integrity.
It just didn’t make sense.
And how arrogant of him to dismiss my feelings as “misguided behavior”. Is this how he expects to win my affection?
– Like I said, I don’t believe you, Poseidon-sama – you slowly turned your face away from him, trying to stay out of his hand’s reach – You only feel desire for me, if most. It is not the same thing as love.
Despite your attempt to avoid it, his hand reached your face again, this time holding your chin and making you look into his eyes.
– To me, one does not exist without the other – was his reply – You may understand this in any way you want, but it does not erase the truth of my words…
That moment, you sensed a slow, uneasiness in the water around you. At the same time, your husband approached his mouth from yours, drowning you in a kiss before you had a chance to react.
And then, he moved away just enough to finish his sentence:
– …Neither the truth of my actions.
The agitation you noticed on the water went from subtle to clear, and as it raised until it covered your legs, still wrapped on his waist, you sensed it becoming warmer, as to follow the stream of emotions of its master: in each movement, each wave that touched your skin were the confirmation of his words and the extension of his feelings and thoughts, reaching for you with the same persistence as his mouth on your lips, your neck and your collar, and as his hands going through your body, freeing you from your underwear, making you ready for him.
And you just let him.
I was so willing to drown myself here and escape from him… what happened, then? If I don’t believe in his love, what am I doing here?
As if guessing your thoughts, his voice was heard again, bringing out those very questions.
– Where has your determination gone, dragonet? – he held your jawline, his lips brushing over yours – Have you finally seen the truth, or are you just tired?
Your face burned with that, but you didn’t deny him an answer.
It’s simple.
– No, my Lord…
I don’t believe in your love, but I do believe in your desire. And, because of this...
– It’s too late for me.
You were waking in silence through parts of the castle that looked familiar, both in an architectural and energetic sense, having a servant to accompany you.
Though they only happened one or two hours ago, the events of that morning seemed as distant as if they belonged to a remote past now, as much as that empty, long corridor where everything started seemed to be in another building on the other side of the kingdom – and you only hoped that you’d never find yourself anywhere near it again.
Moments after touching you in the bathtub, Poseidon took you out of the water and carried you to bed, leaving you there to rest, all by yourself, as he went to a small office he maintained inside those chambers without giving any explanations about what he intended to do or when he would return, and you, who just wanted to reach the castle’s Library before that day ended, were forced to wait until your husband decided to come back to the bed area and finally give you permission to leave the room, which didn’t happen until a long time.
While you waited, hidden inside the sheets, in the middle of that enormous bed, you recalled the things that happened between you since your arrival.
How could he be so sure that his actions were guided by love when all of them showed no regard for your individuality, your nature and your choices, that is, the least expected from a respectful, reasonable love? Heavens, you were taken away from your home, your family and the life you knew to be confined in the depths of the sea, among dozens of other women who were there only to serve one individual, a man who you’ve never met before and who expected compliance and docility from you above all things! What kind of love was that? Were all the other gods just like this?
Maybe the selkie, Melian, was right. This isn’t an appropriate place for humans to live. We’ve been distant from the gods for so long that it’s impossible to live in peace with them now. We don’t even share similar views on love.
Still... you couldn’t continued to say no to him.
At some point, you just let him hold, touch, take you, reaffirming those twisted feelings towards you which he called love, and even started to enjoy it, lured by the fantasy that they were, in fact, the feelings of a loving husband, and now this attitude had your senses and your judgment contaminated, and you saw yourself unable to wash him away; you kept revisiting the events of earlier, the attentions he gave you, his teasing, his caresses, his seductive whispers, and understood that you might have started developing a sort of addiction, so much that, when the next encounter with him happened – because it would happen – you would no longer be able to put up a fight, not even as a formality.
And the scariest part of this is that I’m already missing him. At least my body is. If only he was normal man… I could even say I’m falling in love.
As you walked, you crossed your arms upon your chest, adjusting the shawl as if you were feeling cold.
The servant glanced at you with a worried expression.
– Is everything alright, y/n-san?
You forced a smile on your face.
– Yes. Thank you.
You weren’t sure you convinced the servant of your well being, but were grateful for her to not insist on that conversation: suddenly changing the subject, she indicated a new direction in your path, stating that the Library wasn’t too far now.
– We just have to go to the end of this corridor and walk down a few stairs – she was saying – The Library’s doors are just ahead.
That information revived your moods, and in a minute or two you were standing before the wide, golden doors of the Sea Library. The servant pushed them by the knobs, two spheres with delicate figures of fishes surrounding them that moved like they were swimming in water as a response to the push, and the doors were opened at last.
You were marveled.
On the large hall of white marble that extended before you, imposing shelves of noble wood, with books of all colors and sizes that filled them up to down, occupied the majority of the space, creating hundreds of corridors through which you knew you could get lost if you just walked into them without trying and memorizing the way. The place, you noticed, was formed by at least three floors, connected between themselves by stairs of the same marble of the hall, leading to shelves even larger than those ones near you.
I could spend my entire life here, and there would be still books to read.
The servant’s voice at your right brought you back to reality.
– Do you need me to wait for you here, y/n-san?
You blinked twice. When you turned to the girl, you saw a clever smile on her lips.
– It’s impressive, isn’t it? – she whispered; and, glancing at the shelves, – You don’t know how privileged you are for being allowed to stay here.
Your throat tightened at those words, but you didn’t want to discuss this with her. You had a work to do. Answering her question, you told her that she could go without you, because you intended to stay there for a long time, and she left you right after, wishing you luck in whatever research you were going to start.
Once the doors were closed again and you found yourself alone with the books, you took your first step toward them… and realized you had no idea where to begin.
Stopped before the first shelf and stared at it with something close to fear. You tried to read the titles that were at your eyes’ height, but they were all written in languages you’ve never seen before, some of them seeming impossible to be adopted by a human group; you raised your hand to touch their spines, but stopped before your fingers touched them.
It was when the weight of your mission finally reached you.
Look at the size of this place… Only one year to work on my task would never be enough...
You looked around and, despite sensing your hopes fading, you started to walk through the shelves – and, apparently, this had a soothing effect in your heart, for in a few minutes you found yourself more comfortable than intimidated by those structures.
It’s like traveling through a big city. Scary and fun at the same time.
As well said by the servant, that was an impressive collection, and you wondered how long your husband has taken to gather all of them, if he remembered the first ones or if he has found some of them personally or delegated this task to his servants. You stopped in front of a shelf and sighed: you knew so little about him that all the inner debates you had while coming to the Library were nothing but pathetic.
I’ve been feeling so much for a stranger.
Your mind was making so much noise for nothing. You chuckled and turned away from those books, decided to explore the next shelf…
– A human being using the Tyrant’s Library to gather weapons? Finally, some diversion coming our way.
Chapter 10
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sapphire-dreamsky · 11 months
a nymph's tale
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starring: female reader | poseidon is mentioned pairing: ambiguous warnings: possible character death | ending is up to readers' interpretations narration: third person point-of-view preview: The Rock on the South West of Cape Sounion, the one at the mercy of those storms and waves, was once the stage to a nymph who was unfortunate enough to catch the temperamental Lord of the Sea’s attention and his wrath by the same occasion. She would sing, perched like a mermaid —not like a siren— on top of the rock and tales of the hero’s Perseus bravery would fall into a melody.
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On the south west of Cape Sounion, there was a mass of rock, one that was big enough for small children to play pirates on, close enough to the bay that it is easily accessible by a small boat, but still far enough for parents to worry and ground their children for playing on such an unsafe land.
“How many times have I told you not to take your father’s boat and go on that island with your friends, hmm? What if there was a storm? What would you have done? You could drown! Don’t you realise that?”
The children would then be grounded while grumbling under their breath over how unfair their parents were being. But the warnings of the older generation are rarely founded on unnecessary worry. There was once a story, although like the drawings on the sand, time has washed away some important details that gave the tale a whole different perspective. The one the parents of these children knew went like this:
The Rock on the South West of Cape Sounion, the one at the mercy of those storms and waves, was once the stage to a nymph who was unfortunate enough to catch the temperamental Lord of the Sea’s attention and his wrath by the same occasion. She would sing, perched like a mermaid —not like a siren— on top of the rock and tales of the hero’s Perseus bravery would fall into a melody. The people of Cape Sounion were mostly devoted to the Lord of the Sea, Poseidon. They knew the song was disrespectful to their god. So, to protect themselves from the wrath of their deity, they tried chasing away the nymph. But her stubbornness was her will. She remained there, on that little rock, tales of different heroes accommodated in different songs. For the people of Cape Sounion, so long as it was not one about a certain Cyclopes slaying hero, it didn’t matter much whether the nymph wanted to stay or not. Her stories were entertaining. They were a good companion to the fishermen. A good storyteller to the children who would flock to the bay to hear about the adventures of those who dared leave their home to fulfil a greater purpose. The tales also, ironically enough, dispelled any chants of the sirens flying over the untamed waters for an unsuspecting and desirable meal. The nymph was, in all retrospect, not unwanted, but not wanted either. She was just there, treating that rock as if it was the stage for some play of Dionysos. She was a part of their daily lives, almost a resident of the bay. When one of them passed to the other side, she would mourn with them, craft a different song, one that was created specially for the one who passed, tailored to retell their exploits and lives, as if they were a hero. She immortalised each and everyone of the people into beautiful verses, turning their mundane everyday life into one where each day was an adventure filled with little mishaps just like the mortal heroes who were blessed enough to become gods. To her, the people of Cape Sounion were heroes with untold tales. 
However, it turned out that the Lord of the Sea was not as entertained as the people of Cape Sounion were. Children were flocking to the shore as usual, men were getting readying their boat for an early start under the warm sun. The nymph was watching them with inquisitive eyes as the humans all focus on their morning tasks. There was not a cloud in the sky that warned for such a sudden change in the weather. A sudden waved crashed warningly against the shore. The men stopped their ministrations. The waves began slowly receding back, a warning of an incoming tsunami. The men start leaving their nets and boats behind, scooping up any children in sight and running to safety. They could feel the impending fury of Poseidon. His aura was overwhelming. His wrath impartial to wives and children. The men were shouting loudly to get everyone out of their dwellings and to seek shelter on the highest platforms. No one cared to warn the nymph that the god of the sea had finally decided to leave his palace to pay a visit to the bard nymph. But then again, it was to be expected. A god didn’t need to give a warning. Their wrath was loud and like a match, easily lit. Their temper were akin to that of a child, not that anyone would ever dare mention this to them. It was as if they were never taught as toddlers to control their whims and anger. The gods of Olympus, amidst all their powers and wisdom were, in people’s heart, energetic emotional children with the body and abilities of an adult. The Earth and the humans were their playground, somewhere to can do as they please, unleash any frustrations or anger that was in their hearts.
When the coast was deemed clear, the residents of the bay returned to their homes, some to their boats to look for any damages done to their belongings. Luckily there was none. They started the day as they would, although a bit later than usual but it was not like they could go to Zeus and complain to him about his older’s brother temperament disrupting their day (Though, honestly, even if they did go and complain to Zeus, the latter would be able to do absolutely nothing. Poseidon listened to Hades the most, not that the humans knew that).
In their haste to resume their interrupted morning routine, no one noticed the unusual silence surrounding their waters. The children were shouting, reunited with their friends, blissfully unaware of how their lives had a close interaction with death for a split second. It was only when the fishermen were at sea, and that they could hear the tantalising songs of the sirens flying above their head that they realised their mockingbird was not there to shield them from those vultures with women torsos. They shrugged it off. 
“The nymph must have been scared.”
This was the reasoning they gave to their wives later that night after the women noted how disappointed the children were when they flocked to the bay only to hear the sounds of the sea gulls and the waves crashing against the shore. 
“She will come back tomorrow.”
The next day was filled with the same silence. 
“It’s alright, I’m sure she escaped from Poseidon before he descended. She is a clever nymph.”
Four days had passed. One of the fishermen was taken by the sirens. The funeral for that fisherman was filled with silence. No mourning song was uttered from the rock on the south west. No creature related to the gods mourned the death of a father, a husband, and a son. The fisherman who was taken by the sirens was sent off without any sympathy from anyone from Olympus. 
Weeks turned into months. Initially, her story was told with a tinge of regret to the next generation of children. But the regret was soon replaced with a cautionary tone. The nymph soon became the muse to scare children in an attempt to prevent them from misbehaving and upsetting the gods, particularly the god of the sea, their patron guardian.
“Do not swear in his name or he will come and get you just like the nymph.”
The tale of the nymph on the south west of Cape Sounion would live on; fight and win against time. Her story became akin to that of the tales of demigods that she was so fond to sing to those willing to listen. 
Like a hero, she became a myth. Ever evolving; ever changing. Some nuances were added. Some controversies were created. 
“The god of the sea took her and made her his entertainer for eternity.”
“Lord Poseidon was listening to her songs all this time. Jealous of sharing her with the people of Cape Sounion, he decided to take her away to his palace.”
“Lord Poseidon was affronted by her songs about the hero Perseus.”
“The nymph was scared of Lord Poseidon, she knew that the storm was her last warning. So she decided to run away.”
“The nymph was the wife of Lord Poseidon, Lady Amphitrite all along. After one of her husband’s many indiscretions, she decided to take revenge on him by singing about the tales of mortal heroes.”
“Lord Poseidon fell in love with the nymph after hearing her voice. To hide her from his wife’s wrath, he took her somewhere only he knows.”
Her tale changed depending on the intentions of the poet. Sometimes, she was said to have been killed after acquiring the wrath of the god of the sea. Other times, she was a revengeful disguised Amphitrite. Who was the nymph really? No one really knew. No one took the time to know her name. She would forever be a mystery. A tale of a nymph with no name; no identity; no one to mourn her.
But then again, it was easier for those who witnessed the incoming storm and forwent warning the nymph about it to tell a happier version of what happened. This helped quell the guilt in their hearts when they realised that maybe, just maybe, they should have tried getting to know their personal singer and story-teller.
Though, it was too late now. So they told themselves:
“Lord Poseidon fell in love with her voice and her tales. He decided to grant her a place in his palace. She is his favourite entertainer.”
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi, how are you today? Could I ask for some headcanons of Poseidon falling in love with a mermaid reader? but she is not in love with him, she wants to know the human world and marry a human she had seen on a boat (reference to Ariel from the little mermaid, perhaps). In the end she ends up marrying the human and leaving the ocean behind. Please and thank you! and by the way I would like to add that I love your writing, it is wonderful ♡
Of course ♥, this is...lmao😭 imagine his face 😭😭
♦ Poseidon × mermaid!reader ♦
How he'd react to you falling for...a euughh human. But I want to add a twist, just like in the little mermaid movie where Ariel loses her voice to get human legs? I hope you don't mind. 🙇‍♀️
° A mermaid sweetheart, and the tyrant of the ocean.°
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° A mermaid sweetheart, and the tyrant of the ocean. °
- so to be fair, it is kinda his fault for being such an asshole to you. You were just praising him for how cool he was, and he just coldly shrugged you off.
- thinking back to it, okay, maybe it kinda was his fault. He's not very good with that type of communication, he's just not the guy to talk to when you're feeling all happy and giddy or whatever.
- but now that he liked you? Wow. He won't admit it, but it's very obvious to all the fishes and creatures within the range of sight—that he has a big soft spot for you. YOU, a little mermaid who just swims around looking for cute pretty trinkets and things that sunk down to the ocean floor. Also looking for a prince charming.
- he didn't realize it before it was too late. When you fell for a young man on a boat, sailing across the sea. You fell in love with him, even trying to crawl up a rock to see him, just to see his face and what it was like up there.
- you made a deal with a sea witch, who offered to give you human legs of you traded your voice, which you did so. All in the hopes of being with your prince charming.
- Poseidon had overheard about it from a servant of his. Hearing about how a mermaid was able to live on land. This quickly ended in poseidon ordering the servant to get further information, since something in his gut told him to look into it further.
- and so, he found out. He found out you got married to a human, left the ocean and even going as far as trading your own voice to get human legs.
He. Was. Pissed.
- he killed the sea witch, taking back the necklace that stored your voice. A voice that was meant for ONLY him to hear and listen to. Quickly enough, your legs started to transform back into your tail, making you look at your beloved, who watched in horror.
- you quickly ran back to the deck, crying as the thunder rumbled and the sea roaring. The last thing you remember is a big earthquake, as well as a huge tsunami, swallowing the place whole and drowning all life forms into its waters.
- so yeah, he killed your significant other. Mans is not called a tyrant for nothing.
- you thought he's the type to be like "as long as you're happy"? I'm sorry to break it to you...but..this is Poseidon we're talking about. It's not about who's happy, as long as he gets what he wants in the end.
- he'll make sure there's an indoor pool of water in his palace, forcing you there to stay. Or maybe just trap you in Atlantis.
- you may or may not end up developing stolkholm syndrome, but either way, you'll still be his wife. His alone, his forever. If you guys need to breed, he'll just have some other sea witch give you human legs, WITHOUT paying a price. They'll have their body cut in half if they ever try to take anything in return. Once breeding time is over, he'll have you turned back into a mermaid.
- I actually bet that he rather have you wearing nothing on your top. He likes it better if you just have your whole chest out for him to see and look at. He can decorate you with jewelry and other Accessories too. Make sure you look pretty for him.
- you guys would probably have around 5-8 kids. Don't ask btw. He can make that shi happen until you can't birth any more kids out.
- he'll keep you hidden from the world,any single mention of you will quickly be silenced with a glare from him. He rather not share.
- no, you won't call him by just his name. You need to call him "lord Poseidon". It arouses him better, and because he likes to remember the hold he has on you.
- believe me, when he needs to go to a meeting in Valhalla or something, servants there gotta prepare a big tank full of water. Cus he's bringing you with him. You better be thankful he's even letting you see the outside world.
- he's so bitchy and does not let the littlest thing slide. They got you the wrong type of water in your tank? They will die on the spot. It could be as little as putting a little decorative item in the tank that might hurt you, or not making the tank pretty enough for you.
- whatever it is, anyone who dissapoints will be sliced.
- you are a pampered little queen, getting such good treatment from everyone and everything within your range. So best if you don't ask, and just deal with it. Cus angering him is not worth it, I'm serious.
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zodiacs-web · 2 years
hello! could you do head canons for poseidon and thor with an s/o who does competitive swimming. they could be your personal cheerleaders and you can push them in the water. also them having to help you with a tech suit would be pretty funny.
I’m starting my swim season soon so this has been in my brain for a bit lol
Swimmer S/o Headcanons
𖥔 Thor / Poseidon x Gn!Reader
𖥔 What's in the web: Fluff, potentially OoC Thor and Poseidon
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He isn't necessarily excited about such a thing, but if it's for you he'll gladly come to your meets. Just for everyone to stare at a strange man sitting at the benches, applauding for you every chance he gets be it if its silent cheerleading.
When it's one on one with you at the pool, he just enjoys watching. It's not that he doesn't know how to swim, it's just he isn't fond of water in that particular sense. But he's content enough to at least join you in the water for a few minutes.
If you try to push him into the pool, please god, you will embarrass yourself as you are weaker than him. He'll stare at you like you're insane but get the memo a few seconds later. Falling into the water just to hear you laugh in excitement.
Ah, the tech suit. Yeah, he may be strong and all but he's scared to help you. Fearing he'll rip it if he puts too much force on edges of your suit or if he ever tries one on. So every time you ask for help, be patient he's terrified he'll rip it.
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Poseidon is ecstatic that he has something he can do with you while also including water. Will gladly go to your meets just so he can give you pointers on your swimming like you haven't done this at all. Like you're a beginner to him.
One on one's are enjoyable with him, you take it slow, drifting across the water as he wraps his arms around you, listening to the water mumble. Then all hell breaks loose once you two start messing around and splash water at each other.
Pushing him in the pool is just like what'll happen with Thor. He'll recognize his strength and fall just to see you laugh uncontrollably. He just loves watching your face contort into this happy smile whenever you do it. He'll gladly fall to see it.
Tech suits. Make him wear one just so the thick cloth get stuck at his hips only for him to call you to help him. Your gripping onto the cloth while holding in your giggles, trying to get it up just for you to become weak with laughter. He'll rip it if it means getting it on him.
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recordofmangapanels · 9 months
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Poseidon - Chapter 14-15
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kyat-kyat · 2 years
Incorrect Record of Ragnarok Quotes #1
Hades : I truly belive that water is always the solution to problems.
Zeus : thirsty? Drink water.
Adamas : want clear skin? Drink water.
Poseidon : want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Hades : .....
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luxthestrange · 10 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#156 DADAA
Adam*Holding you in his arms wrapped like a burrito, cradling you in his arms for your nap...Even when you're an adult- In a hushed tone* You BEAUTIFUL and CAPABLE of GREAT things my child...
Adam*Whispering closer to your ears, eyes glowing blue and red*LIKE MURDER~...
Y/n*Snoozing comfortably in his arms*ZZZZzzzz
Adam*Eyes go back to normal, shaking head* Dont do that tho~...
Adam*Eyes glowing again in killer instinct mode*UNLESS ITS COMPLETELY NECESSARY
Y/n*Sleep talking,responding to him*Ok daa..daa...
Adam*Pecks your forehead happily*Thats my baby~ Dada will be your accomplice~... especially if it is to murder your bad boyfriend~oh Dada will BURY him in the yard~Yes their gonna be compost for your mama's garden~
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...Where was this pep talk when i was a baby-
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amoexii · 1 year
Saw this inflatable shell and immediately made this 🐚✨
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cafeinthemoon · 1 year
King - Chapter V
Chapter 5
Title The Particle of the Sun
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: A not so subtle (and very problematic) threat from Poseidon involving pregnancy
Tagging @cloveradora @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: Finally a new chapter!! Yay! I wanted this chapter to be as long as the previous ones, but I thought I've already reunited enough information in these less than 3k words (hope you don't mind). About the story of the Particle: a curious fact about Poseidon that I discovered recently was that he was deity responsible for the Delphic Oracle alongside Gaia before Apollo was even born. I couldn't find many details about this, but my headcanon is that Poseidon still has the gift of clairvoyance, or extended vision, as said by himself here, and this will show in crucial moments of this story. I also found a way to explain the existence of days and nights under the sea and I'm very proud of my work in this :)
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When you opened your eyes, you noticed a slight change in the shade of the curtains: the abyssal black was replaced by a softer form of blue, the same blue of the sea’s surface on a sunny day. There was absolute silence in the canopy’s interior, which only changed when you decided to sit on the bed.
It was strange that you were left to sleep there: you thought you would be sent back to the lodge after the wedding’s consummation, but you were kept in your husband’s chambers for that entire night. You were debating the reason for this when you noticed a tall shadow approaching the canopy’s entry, and a hand showed up between the fabric to open it.
When the curtains were separated, the morning light shone into the space, exposing the messed sheets and the tiny human cradled among them to the eyes of the Lord of the Seas, who kept observing you with a mixture of curiosity and disapproval, as if finding hard to believe that you needed such a long period of sleep.
Well, you had no idea of how long you’ve been there, but you found that absurd.
Does this man know nothing about the human nature? If he wanted me to wake up earlier, he could’ve just called me.
It was when you noticed he was dressed in a formal, bluish attire... and realized it was the first time you saw him properly dressed. That made you look at yourself and pull the sheets up to cover your torso.
Poseidon frowned at this attitude.
– Why are you doing this? There is no need for you to cover up now. I have already seen everything I had to see.
Your reply came in an impulse.
– I’m cold.
He stared at you for a moment, then pointed at the empty space beside him.
– Here.
You tried to leave the bed using the sheets to cover yourself but, once you were under his reach, he pulled them away, throwing them back on the bed and closing the curtains. You crossed your arms before your chest: staying undressed and disheveled in front of a god under the daylight and when he himself was wearing full clothes provoked a new, incomparable embarrassment in you.
– Come with me – he spoke it like an order and, before you could do anything, he took you in his arms.
Unlike you told him, you weren’t really cold, but the absence of the sheets caused you shivers that only ceased when you were on his lap, and for a moment you allowed yourself to relax, leaning your head on his chest. It was curious that, despite the sensation of complete unfamiliarity that surrounded every aspect of your relationship with that man, you were still able to find good things in them, such as this sort of safeness in his grip and the pleasure you experienced in his touch. If this was thanks to some spell or if you were just susceptible, you were yet to find out.
That time, you were carried to a dressing area: your husband stopped with you in the middle of a room with an infinity of clothes, shoes and other female accessories, ready to be worn; on a corner, there was a screen with hand painted illustrations of coral reefs and other marine concepts, similar to the one you had on your lodge and, beside it, an open door that led to a bathroom.
Poseidon put you down and turned to a rack at his left, taking a dress with him and giving it to you.
– Put it on and go wash your face – he instructed – I will be waiting here.
What you heard instead of this was Do not let me waiting.
You did as he said, entering behind the screen to put the dress despite what he said when you cover yourself up with the sheets, then cleaned your face and fixed your hair. When you went back to him, he held your shoulders and made you turn around; you didn’t need to ask what he was doing, for soon you noticed his fingers brushing your hair. After this, he took a shawl and wrapped it around you, then took your hair out of it. You didn’t think he believed when you said you were cold, but the message behind the gesture was clear: as much as he expected you to take his words seriously, he was able to do the same for his wives, so that you had all the reasons to pay attention to the things you said to him.
Poseidon brought his hands to your shoulders again, making you turn back to him.
– Still cold?
You made a negative sign with your head.
– No, my Lord.
– Good.
You thought he was going to take you out of that room, and maybe that was his intention, but he gave up on it when he touched your ears, making you flinch.
– They are a bit swollen. What happened?
– It’s probably because I slept upon them, my Lord...
You were going to say that they would stop aching soon, but he went to a vanity and brought a tiny pot of salve with him before you could open your mouth. Stopping in front of you, he took a bit of the product and spread it between his fingers, passing them on your ears, massaging around the earrings.
– It will soothe the ache – your husband went to put the salve back on its previous place.
You nodded.
– Thank you, Poseidon-sama.
His response was a sigh.
– You are so delicate it is impressive that nothing more than this happened.
That time, the impatience you felt bubbling inside you was too much, and you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.
– My fragility seems to be an issue for you, my Lord. I’d like to understand the reason I was brought here, if possible.
For a moment, you congratulated yourself for finally speaking out, but as soon as Poseidon laid his eyes on you, you sensed your courage diminishing in an impressive speed: you looked away, your fingers griping on the shawl’s fabric with nervousness; you felt his hand surrounding your jawline, his thumb caressing the corner of your mouth.
– It is just something I had to do, dragonet. For my own sake. It is nothing you should be concerned about.
You had your breakfast with your husband on a small table placed at the chambers’ balcony, as large as a common, human house, with a privileged view of the white beaches through which you’ve passed to enter the castle and the furious waters that surrounded them, now showing deep, mutable shades of green under the light.
It was something that has been intriguing you since you arrived, but you haven’t had the chance to bring it out in your conversations with Alyssa: when Poseidon brought you to the balcony – in his arms – and you were exposed to that light, the intensity and the warmth of it on your skin were enough to make you think that, if you didn’t know you were under the sea, you could be easily convinced that it was the true sun.
You were sitting on a white chair while your husband took the place before you, having a beautiful breakfast prepared for two, with fruits, tea and bread, everything with excellent aspect just like the food that was offered to you at the lodge. You weren’t sure if you should start eating now or wait for him to do it, but Poseidon didn’t seem inclined in this sense. At the same time, your hesitation was noticed and questioned by him.
– I’m not hungry, my Lord.
– At least take some tea – he replied – It will help you to stay warm.
You obeyed, filling a tiny cup with the liquid in silence. A conversation then took place.
– Are you still cold?
– No, my Lord.
– You don’t seem tired now. Did you sleep well?
– Yes, my Lord. Thank you for asking.
He nodded in approval, then suddenly changed the subject.
– You seem curious about the illumination system of this kingdom. Do you think it resembles the sunlight?
Your eyes widened at this.
Such sharp eyes, those ones.
– Yes, Poseidon-sama. It’s something I’ve been observing since I arrived.
– It is because you are indeed seeing the sunlight – he continued, answering the mystery – This is a story I do not mind telling you. Long time ago, I was the responsible for the Delphic Oracle before Apollo. All my houses were placed upon the waters by that time, but I was planning to bring all of them into one, on the seabed. I offered my connection with the Oracle to him and demanded a particle of the Sun in return, just enough to make life possible for non sea creatures in the depths of the ocean. Apollo accepted the deal and ordered the Particle to behave as if it was still in the skies, and this kingdom have been experiencing days and nights since then.
Poseidon told that story while observing the surroundings, as if talking to himself; he spoke as if all of that happened yesterday, and you were hearing in stunned silence. As someone who wasn’t raised to praise the gods, you knew nothing beyond their names, and cared little about them and their acts; that was entirely new for you. But if there was something you were quick to realize when you met them, specially the one who married you, was that they never did anything without a reason, or without expecting something in return, so that the story of the Oracle made total sense to you. You weren’t sure why Poseidon was telling you something that probably happened in a time when none of your ancestors existed, but it was intriguing that a proud being like him would give up on such an important treasure as an Oracle in favor of another deity, no matter what he would receive in exchange for it.
Since he didn’t oppose to it, you questioned him about it.
– Forgive my ignorance in these subjects, my Lord, but is hard to believe that such exchange really happened.
Contrary to what you expected, your doubts didn’t provoke the slightest sign of irritation in your husband: instead, he held a smirk on his lips, observing you with a sort of pity for the said ignorance.
– You really know nothing about gods, don’t you, dragonet? – and, without waiting for a response, – When I passed the Oracle’s management to Apollo, I was not sacrificing a belonging. Instead, I was delegating a responsibility to a younger god, in a way that his work would increase and mine would diminish. I no longer own the Oracle, but I still have the ability of extending my vision; besides, Proteus, who is a prophet himself, still works for me. On the other hand, Apollo has gained experience over the ages, and with experience came power. The Particle of the Sun that he gave to me will be forever a sign of his gratitude, since I was the one who made him the offer.
Gratitude? Was he trying to teach you a lesson about this? But why?
You chose your words carefully.
– I understand you have a reason to tell me all of this, my Lord. But I fail at perceiving it.
Poseidon opened a genuine smile of contentment, and that was the most unsettling moment you had with him since the wedding: though you were now dressed, you were still feeling exposed, too close to him to try and escape, whether with your words or your feet. You observed his expression and realized it was the first time you were seeing the natural light touching your husband’s figure, a vision that enchanted and scared you at the same time: the rosy shade on his cheeks and lips, the golden shine of his hair, the blue of his eyes glowing between those long, white lashes, all of this on an impossibly proud, young face, that has been like this since the oldest past and would stay the same in the furthest of futures. To you, it was inconceivable that someone could be so beautiful yet so menacing.
But not only this was possible through his looks, but also through his words, given what he said to you next.
– Good girl, always saying the right things. But I would like to know if you are just as grateful. So, tell me: have you already thought of how you are going to thank me for granting you my favor last night?
Since you took too long to understand what he was talking about, Poseidon didn’t mind explaining.
– I did you the favor of not making you bear a child right in your first night as my wife, though I still think it is a strange thing to ask, not to say foolish. This is what I want to know: what will you do for me in return?
You swallowed. In fact, your husband’s agreement with such an uncommon request came too quickly even for you, who didn’t know him so well. Of course such generosity wouldn’t come for free.
You opened your mouth in an impulse, but held your tongue just in time, granting yourself a moment to think of a wise answer.
– I... What do you need me to do, my Lord?
Poseidon still had the same content smile on his lips, to which you felt some relief.
He’s still having fun with this. And, as long as he stays like this, I’ll be safe.
– That you are very clever, I already know, and your talent with words might keep me entertained for quite some time. It would be a waste if you would just stay with the common duties of a secondary wife, so I have a task for you: since you will not use your time to bear and raise any child until the next year, you will have entire days to go to my children’s training area and observe each of them. You will figure out each one’s most efficient technique and find weaknesses in them. Once you do it, you will develop a solution for that. Given you are a smart girl, I believe it is something up to you.
You had your hands on your lap, holding each other with all the strength they had to avoid trembling, but you had no guarantee that the same nervousness didn’t raise to your face. Yes, you wouldn’t become a mother, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t have any contact with your husband’s children – that was the trap he has been preparing for you. And, by asking him what he needed you to do for him instead of thinking of something to offer, you easily fell into it.
I tried to examine the territory before making my offer, just like my father told me. But I should have known that what usually works with humans would be just useless while negotiating with a god. How stupid of me.
– What you will do to accomplish this is also up to you – he continued – Though I must warn you about the deadline: you will be given one year for this, nothing more. The counting will start tomorrow, by the morning, and will end in the next year, by a morning as well. By the end of this period, you will have to show me the results of your work. I will evaluate it and, if it is satisfying, your current condition, that is, of not bearing any children, will remain. However, if you show to be unable to fulfill this task…
Your heart ached, as if held tight by cold fingers, fearing what would follow those words. The table’s size was such that it allowed you to reach each other by touch, and that was precisely what your husband did: he stretched his arm over it to touch your face, making you startle despite the warmth of his skin. He brushed your hair behind your ear and you breathed deep, not daring move away.
– I still have to think of how things will be for you, dragonet – his voice was now a whisper; you looked at him and noticed an increase in his cheeks’ blush – But I cannot help thinking that you would look pretty with a rounded, swollen belly under your dress.
There was no need for explanations this time.
This offer, that sounded more like a threat, was absurd – not to say terrifying. But it was not the end for you: it was the beginning of a year full of work and discoveries, just like the ones that preceded it. And if you’ve already gone so far – entering that domain and staying alive, making a human friend where you thought you’d never see another human beyond yourself and managing to have your offer accepted by the Tyrant of the Seas – thinking of giving up didn’t make sense now.
I’m already in the bottom of the sea… What should I fear now?
You did your best to stand Poseidon’s gaze. He still had his hand close to you: you put your own upon it and turned your lips to his palm, giving it a soft, docile kiss.
– I will not disappoint you, Poseidon-sama.
And I will not disappoint myself either.
Chapter 6
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bones4thecats · 8 months
Hello! Could I request Hades and Poseidon (separatly) fell in love with dummy nymph!reader, who just doesn't notice their feelings, please? (◕‿◕)♡
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades and Poseidon Name: {Character} with a Oblivious Nymph! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: My first Record of Ragnarok piece in quite a while, and thankfully, this was quite funny to write. This is so full of fluff and crack that it makes broken attics look nice😂
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💀 Oh sweet mercy, this guy loves yet hates your obliviousness
💀 When he first met you, he would joke around about how you were so oblivious to things, but, when he tried to confess his feelings towards you for the first time and you just replied with something so platonic-sounding, he froze
💀 Your obliviousness was going to be a hint of a problem now
" My dear, have you ever thought about having a relationship with someone? " " I guess so, yeah. Why? " " How would you feel about courting with me by your side? " " Aw! You would help me with courting! You're so sweet, Hades! "
💀 Grabbing your hand when you were scared didn't get you to realize his feelings, even when he gave you the biggest hint while still hiding the straight-forward admission, you didn't get it
💀 Hades does understand that, because your a nymph, you haven't gotten that much experience when it comes to anything romantic, as many believe you only are attracted to things relationships non-romantically
💀 Zeus and Aphrodite have tried getting you guys to get together for centuries, from trying to have you guys go on a blind-date to having you literally go on a real-date with him, you always stayed blind to the real emotions hidden behind his gestures
💀 So, unsurprisingly, Hades eventually does have to straight-up admit his feelings, leaving you flustered and a hint embarrassed
" Y/N, I must admit that I am quite fond of you. So fond that I must ask, would you like to be in a courting relationship? " " You fond someone that wants to court me? Aw, Hades, how swe- " " Not someone else. Me, my dear. " " Oh... how long have you liked me like this?! " " About the past four centuries. " " Oh sweet seraphs... "
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🔱 Poseidon is not amused at all.
🔱 He is not fond of people not understanding what he said, and it doesn't help with the fact that he's very blunt and honest when it comes to his words
🔱 When he first met you, you were speaking to your boss, Aphrodite, and when he arrived to speak with her about the waves causing damages to the nearby forests
🔱 That was when he noticed how oblivious you were to pretty much everything
🔱 Aphrodite eventually noticed how Poseidon seemed to soften with his actions whenever you were around, and she was the one who prompted him to finally begin trying to tell you about his feelings, unaware that you had no clue how to take a hint
" Y/N, would you like to accompany me to Zeus' reunion next week? As my date, of course. " " Oh, yeah! It'd be fun to spend some time with my best friend! "
🔱 Okay, ouch.
🔱 It took him only two tries before he began to lose his already strained patience, and he burst that bubble the third time you pushed his advances off as a friendly confrontation
" Would you like to accompany me to Hades' meeting tomorrow afternoon, Y/N? " " Of course! Spending time with my favorite friend is amazing- " " Not as a friend. As a future spouse. " " Huh? "
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