navyblueart · 2 years
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take a body, maybe your own, and dump it gently.
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blacknidstang · 7 months
It's always good to remember that Sam wasn't just paralleling Colette or Abel, he wasn't just combination of both, he was so much more than that. He did the thing neither of them could. He freed Dean from the mark at cost of the universe and it was something even the original lover and brother could do for Cain, neither of them obsessed and insane enough to truly save Cain.
Supernatural does this thing where it creates parallels between some duo and samdean and always ends it with "sam and dean were even more inseparable and obsessed than the thing we introduced". They were beyond biblical brothers, their bond was deeper and more intimate than anything represented in the show and there was ALWAYS this reminder that they are like no one else.
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gabriestat · 9 months
all in all one of the funniest things someone could have ever said to sam
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shinelikethunder · 11 months
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babyhasohioplates · 9 months
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smaeemo · 4 months
It’s crazy to see how people interpret dean and sam’s brother dynamic as “wincest”
Some people have clearly never had a parentified older sibling. Then you take into account the degree of trauma that they have been through and continue to go through. Their codependency stems from their childhood and current traumas, their mental states due to that, the way they grew up with their father obsessing over the importance of “family is everything,” and the deep parentification of Dean, AKA Dean having to be a CHILD while raising his little brother, and taking care of his insane father. It’s not “wincest”/incestuous in anyway, it’s called trauma, parentification and general unstable family dynamics.
I think that a lot of “wincest” shippers don’t actually see what trauma can do to a person and their dynamics, specifically the people that endured that trauma with you. Dean, who was the older one that had to in HIS WORDS “be the mother, father, and brother” of his younger brother since the age of !4! is obviously going to be extremely protective/codependant of/with Sam, both because of the parentification and the words of his father carved into his very being. As for Sam, having Dean be all those things for him, means that more than anything, Dean is it for him because Dean RAISED HIM. Which is why, for so many reasons, what John said to Dean (killing Sam), was one of the most cruel things he could have done. John if not straight out, on some level knows that Dean and Sam will forever have a different dynamic because Dean raised Sam, ergo, Dean being more of a Parent to Sam than he ever was.
That’s not to say I think Dean was a “perfect parent” to Sam when he was raising him. No one can be “perfect” especially not a teenager raising his baby brother. What it means is that Dean had to sacrifice his childhood and grow up quickly for Sam to be not only Alive, but also so that Sam could -have- a childhood. All of this while Dean was still actively growing up, enduring his father, hunting, and having to come to terms with monsters. But he couldn’t allow himself to mess up, and going back to the idea of “perfect parenting” we see that no, he in fact was never “perfect” specifically when he leaves so that he can play games, and he sees that Sam’s safety is (extremely unfairly) placed on his shoulders. All of this, yet again along side with never having a stable home, having an unreliable source of income, and having to basically learn how to be an adult at 7, was the start of their dynamic.
As for Sam, we see that he got to play on soccer teams, go to school, and exist (while still having to endure all of the nightmares that is his homelife) outside of the hunting. Whereas Dean was the one who gave him this chance. This is not to say that Sam should ever feel guilt over this, or that Dean needed to do this. This is to show just how different their sibling relationship is, due to the trauma.
Dean treats Sam like a brother many times, but underneath it (or on top) you will always see that he is a parent to him more than anything.
“Wincest” is talking about their “strange/codependant relationship” in a romantic or purely sexual manner. This in itself just shows how many people don’t understand what it means to either have a kid or be a parentified older sibling. (I personally am not a parentified older sibling, but my sister who practically raised me is) and because of MY family dynamic I can speak from experience (definitely not to Dean and Sam’s extent) of having a parentified older sibling, and how that differs from regular sibling relationships.
Ok, this was a ramble, but as a whole “wincest” is extremely disturbing to me as a whole. And I don’t know what the rules are on this specific topic, so Idk how much I should say. But I definitely don’t condone inc*st to any degree, but to each their own ig.
Alright, I have SO much more to say on this topic. But I will hold back for now, just because I am sleepy.
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"We're not stronger when we're together, Sam, I think we're weaker. Because whatever we have between us, love, family, whatever it is, they're always going to use it against us. And you know that.”
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sonnendeathiccur · 1 month
firm believer samdean argued about rock bands and sam was the biggest nirvana defender while dean did not give a FUCK and wanted sam to listen to actual music like come ON buddy as he lists up everything he father loves to hear in the car.
( of course, dean would listen to nirvana when sam isn't around )
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bloodfreak-boyking · 8 months
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"hey sam just so you know i have killed a human being in cold blood for you and would do it again" things normal people would do for their brother :))
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ardentpoop · 26 days
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you know.
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it’s so funny to me when hellers and Wincest antis say things like “oh god I hope no wincesties have siblings” and then turn right back around and start bullshitting that these brothers cannot be fucking what do you mean they’re just normal brothers why are you making it weird??
Like sorry honey but if you think these are normal brothers wincesties are not the weird ones here
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blacknidstang · 11 months
The post about "fandom proclaimed sibling coded pair" really brings to mind that time when Dean told the gay couple hunters "ahah you two are soo like me & sam, you bicker like brothers" and the gay dudes looked him in the eyes and said "like old married couples you mean"
Dean really tried to sibling code a gay couple only to realize it's him and sam who are like old married couples and i think that hilariously is relevant to all the people in fandoms crying & shaking about two deeply bonded characters being sibling coded.
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nartml · 3 months
Not one who dabbles in kink shame, but there's an exception to every rule.
All of y'all who ship wincest need to touch some goddamn grass jesus
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cuppedbottledwater · 11 months
I'm not a wincestie but like I watched supernatural with one of my brothers and let me tell you there was a lot of "...what-" moments where we both acknowledged that we would never act like that with each other ever. His wife even said she would be concerned if we did. Especially during the earlier seasons. Like either the writers didnt know how to write siblings or they just did it on purpose but like the wincesties do have a point
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lovelikehunger · 4 months
the only d*stiel fic I need is Dean telling Cas that he sees him as a brother and then having to be like "dude put your fucking pants back on that's not what I meant"
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collegeboysam · 2 years
i just think dean wanting to kill himself the whole time sam was in the cage but also knowing that dying would still not allow him to see sam again, which makes him want to fucking die even more, rinse repeat, is pure crazy codependency poetry
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