emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
have you seen/do you have an opinion on Goalkeeper of the Galaxy (2019), aka Cosmoball (2020)?
I don’t know anything about either of those things, so I don’t have an option lmao.
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natalieironside · 1 year
Is your podcast Patreon-only? I didn't see a link in your pinned or your carrd
Oh, no, I just haven't posted about it lately since it's been on hiatus since Moses was in the third grade. It would be criminal to charge money for this garbage (affectionate).
The Freeloaders Present is a TTRPG play podcast I do with @mahlonposts @coyotechris @sic-semper-hominibus and @spacecowboy116. We've done a Delta Green campaign (which I still need to finish the last episode of....) and a couple of 5th Edition D&D oneshots, and right now we're working on a new fantasy campaign in a homebrewed d20 system we've decided is called GAME. That'll be The Riddle of Kings and you can expect the first episode just as soon as my computer does the computer thing.
This is 100% a no-money, minimum-effort hobby project, and consequently the sound quality is utter ass. The best part of doing something just for fun is it's allowed to suck.
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sic-semper-hominibus dot tumblr dot com is brought to you by:
me, lol
you really think anyone's gonna sponsor this shit?
come on, now
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the less/more thing is definitely part of it. the bigger part is that what there is implied to be less/more of is brokenness; "functioning" serves as a euphemism for humanity, with so-called "low-functioning" people being regarded less like people and more like pets. essentially, it's the same distinction hans aspberger made between people with his syndrome, who he thought could be rehabilitated to benefit nazi germany, and autistic people, who he sent to the camps
the support needs framework takes an entirely different focus; rather than how "severe" someone's autism is (read: how much of a problem they are for the people around them) it centers the autistic person and what they need in order to live the life they want
on the surface, the difference is a subtle distinction between "how much accommodation do you need" vs "how much of a hassle are you" but the underlying attitudes are very different
i am autistic if that affects your reading of my response
Last reply first, for clarity for anyone else who wants to respond, I am open to both autistic and allistic voices. I’ve heard the idea that functioning labels are bad, but levels are necessary and non-problematic from enough autistic people that it’s not that I’m not like, I need to know what Autistic people think. It’s more like, I need to understand why the people who do think that way are thinking that way if that makes sense.
So essentially, and feel free to correct me if I’m misunderstanding, the issue that functioning labels has, that support needs does not, is the language of functioning is tied closely to eugenics, and the language of support needs has better connotations, by being “person-centred”
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falconmason · 1 year
@sic-semper-hominibus your holding of the R key caused my browser to crash while trying to scroll past the deluge of duplicate posts. I've never had that happen before. how -
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imgonnahutt · 1 year
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@sic-semper-hominibus ok i shouldve Expected. ask and ye shall recieve but i CANNOT make it my icon 😖
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vidtape · 1 year
thank u alice @sic-semper-hominibus for tagging me 😌❣️ here are some songs ive been listening to!
1. heaven, iowa and the kintsugi kid and so much (for) stardust, which are my favorites off of smfs by fall out boy <3
2. as always, bis zum ende and bring mich nach hause by betterov
3. this is so basic but i adore ghosts again by depeche mode i think its really nice
tagging @generallynervous @holdsteady @xxgrimmreaperxx <3
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phoenyx-rising · 8 months
I’m wary of anyone who calls for the sympathy and humane treatment of literal rapists/pedophiles… people who are actually inhumane in their actions… this is the hill we want to die on?? Defending criminals??? Defending RAPISTS AND PEDOPHILES?!??
Either you didn't read the post that was on and just cherry-picked for shock value to make yourself feel better, or you are a troll. If you respond to this and continue the trend of not reading, I won't continue. Sorry to anyone who follows me for the wall of text that's about to occur. That being said, let's try to un-cherry pick your grievance, and I'll start with the TL:DR sic-semper-hominibus kindly put in the actual post: "your disgust-based violent politics are not less reactionary than any run-of-the-mill homophobe or racist's disgust-based violent politics". This is important to remember whenever you start demonizing any group, regardless of their crimes, because it allows for Literally Any group to be demonized. When the flamboyant gays are targeted first and people look the other way cuz they're strange, it shouldn't come as a shock when other queers are attacked next. It's to protect children from pedophiles, don't you know? And well, Florida is registering trans people as sex offenders now, and sex offenders aren't human. (Points 3.a and 3.c in case you really did not read the post you are commenting on... again, a little silly if you ask me, but referring to people as sub-human because they committed a crime is a slippery slope to allow groups to target people they don't like.) That is obviously terrible, and should be seen as terrible from any group, regardless of their politics. Now, regarding Actual sex offenders, pedophiles, murderers, billionaires, etc? Yea, they also deserve a fair trial and to be treated humanely. Part of that is because it is - once again - easy to point fingers and claim someone is a rapist and if we just immediately go welp, gotta kill them now? Well, that's happened. As was stated in the original post (point 3.b, if you want to look back and rethink your horror) it was really easy for white women to point at a black man - man used loosely here, as teenagers were also accused - and have them lynched. But the other part that you might disagree with and I will wholeheartedly defend, yes, is that even if we put them through a fair trial and it's proven without a shadow of a doubt that they did indeed commit the crime, then at the end of the day they are still human, and deserve to be treated as such. They broke the laws of society and a just response as decided by that society needs to happen, but there is a reason so many countries have abolished the death penalty. There's a reason why so many US states have abolished or placed a moratorium on it. There's a reason why many people condemn countries that haven't and continue to execute their citizens in painful ways. It's because current methods of execution are painful and inhumane, and the criminals are still Human. (It's also cuz capital punishment is more expensive than life imprisonment, and because the racism, sexism, ableism, etc etc etc in our Not perfect justice system means that innocent people are convicted of crimes they did not commit, which brings me back to the beginning where just cuz someone is Accused of committing a heinous crime does not mean we get to treat them as sub-human. Vicious cycles and all that which only ends up hurting innocent people). Anyways, now that I have reiterated the original post that was more clearly written - which I hope you read and just didn't understand, and that's why you're here, not cuz you're a troll - maybe now you will better understand why human beings - even criminals - should be treated as human? Like, it is basic empathy levels, but it's also just humanity. So yea, go re-read that post that I left TAGS on, and the responses on it, and have a good day :)
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sinistersinister · 9 months
@sic-semper-hominibus i have a great idea for how hobby lobby can rehabilitate its image in a brand new pride month campaign
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rausule · 1 year
1983. Bourgeoisia, satis stabilis in periodo inter 1881 et 1951, crevit inde ab 1.9% in 1951 ad 3.3% in 1983 .
Inclinatio incrementi mediarum urbanarum classium adhuc continuatur, sicut est declinatio agricolarum et classis operariorum. Medium genus praeterea, secundum Sylos Labini, non semper est homogeneum, complectens autonomum pusillum bourgeoisie (mercatorum, artificum et professorum minorum), collaris petiti bourgeoisie (technici, magistri et operarii varii generis) et particularia, uti. e clero et militari. Haec categoria, quamlibet numerosa, in rebus oeconomicis diversi sunt et interdum repugnant; diversos gradus culturales exhibent et aliam moralem civilem. Classis media dissimilis, nam Sylos Labini, bourgeoisie propria (superioris bourgeoisie) et operariorum genus magis homogenea sunt et eo magis classes similes.
Ad principium industriarum processuum, inaequalitates sociales decreverunt, quamvis adhuc altae differentiae manent et novae machinae ortae sunt quae novas paupertatis formas determinant (cf. fenestra 3, Absoluta paupertas et paupertas relativa in Italia).
Sociologi vocant stratum sociale, quod ab hominibus constitutum est, modo admodum irregulari et precario, in humilibus negotiis et cum demissioribus proventibus sicut in proletariis.
3 Absoluta paupertas et egestas relativa in Italia
Absoluta paupertas reditus significat, innixus nummariae valore modii bonorum et officiorum essentialium, sub quo quis in hanc incidit conditionem (exempli gratia, anno 2002 pro uno homine in Italia ad 382, ​​66 nummos per mensem constituto; duos denarios per mensem in 573.63). Absoluta paupertas in Italia erat 4% in 2005, surrexit ad 4.1% in 2006 et 2007, et ad 4.6% in 2008.
Cum paupertas absoluta pensatur secundum postulata fundamentalia, relativa paupertas provenit ex calculo statistico, qui considerat valores mediocris reditus hominum. In Italia, exempli gratia, anno 2002 relativae paupertatis limen constitutum est 494.07 euros per mensem pro uno homine, ad 823.45 nummis per mensem pro duobus hominibus (limina quae periodice renovantur secundum "inflationem). Paupertas relativa in Italia erat 11.1%, eodem gradu permansit anno 2006 et 2007 ut 11,3% in 2008 surgeret. Haec paupertas
praesertim ad meridiem, magnas familias cum liberis minoribus et senibus. Ceteri paupertatis factores sunt: ​​humilis gradus educationis, defectus operis stabilis vel profile professio humilis.
Ad traditionalem paupertatem sic dictas "novas paupertates" addere debemus, quod significat omnes formas incommodi non directe ob inopiam accepti, sed ad factores relationes (coniuges discriminum, conflictus in familia), salutem (morbos inactivare). vel sociale (de segregatione et exclusione particularium coetuum socialium vel ethnicorum). Hae factores vim oeconomicam familiarum afficiunt et "multiplicatiorem" effectum habent, si vere modesti reditus consociantur.
Fontes: Ministerium Laboris et Politiae Social, Relatio de agendis contra paupertatem et exclusionem socialem. Anni 2003, 2005 et 2007. ISTAT, Paupertas in Italia in 2008.
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prehensilepussylips · 2 years
#tumblr user prehensilepussylips i am very sorry to not give you a serious answer but i am compelled to say "pink lemonade" #undescribed (tags by @sic-semper-hominibus on the subject of how my blog tastes)
That's Pussy, Babe!!
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mtfautoandrophile · 3 years
im considering a tattoo with "The rattlesnake is an admirable creature whose virtues we should emulate." are you okay with that, since it's your post?
whoa yeah that's fine. i didn't expect this message but that's not an issue with me. it's not a personal post or anything like that. i would be interested to see how the tattoo turns out if you end up getting it
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quaxorascal · 3 years
top 5 van Dates
do it. pick 2 to leave out and rank the rest. i dare you
Dare accepted, and I am going to simply
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and rate the van Dates in ascending order of how much I Care Them
5. Roxanne
4. Beatrix
3. Rowan
2. Xavier
1. Xander
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natalieironside · 2 years
Hey Natalie, some of the other Freeloaders have blogs here right?
Yeah! There's @mahlonposts, @spacecowboy116, @sic-semper-hominibus, and I don't remember Chris's URL and am too embarrassed to ask
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sinistersinister · 11 months
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quaxorascal · 3 years
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with
got tagged for this by @grapecaseschoices @wywrds and @narrativefoiltrope !! thanks y’all u3u
favorite color: green! i am slowly turning my whole wardrobe green lmao
last song: all this and heaven too by florence + the machine
currently reading: stormsong by cl polk! i have said this before on this blog but i cannot recommend this novel enough, the political intrigue and attention to detail in this particular novel is fantastic and i really adore how polk writes the characters in this world. grace is a joy to read, both when she is in her element and when she is fumbling
last movie: i love you phillip morris (2009), thank you to my beloved friend alice for finding movies like this for us to watch together
savory, sweet, or spicy: i’m always up for sweet as a general rule! savoury is also nice sometimes, but between the three, def sweet
currently working on: an oc playlist (hence the aforementioned song), a batch of split pea soup, and my geography homework lmao
tagging: @samusthedude @sic-semper-hominibus @actionsurges @aliensmoocher @merry-harlowe @patchodraws @argonnessen @alounuitte ​@sleepysak (no pressure for any of you though!)
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