y'all ship anime characters
I got head cannons for 25 year old obscure British sitcoms
we are not the same
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excelsior9173 · 6 months
whoop whoop more live music for exie!!
as long as there are $15 concerts at my fave show bar i will keep going
tonight i went to an album release party for a wicked awesome local band! i’ve never gone to an album release show, but holy hell was that a riot!
i didn’t take any photo or video because i was in the pit and having far too much fun! (also i’m average height and everyone tonight seemed to be much taller than that so i couldn’t actually see much)
but i’m totally coming back in the morning with another band rec post!
tonight i saw:
cupid’s heart
blind commentary
the radiant
and all four of those bands blew me away. i am a happy little beast after having a terrible spiral earlier lol. live music fixes everything
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
referring to the small guy, big guy reblog post:
you know what anon? sure. why the fuck not. i'm not a coward. here you go.
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sanjerina · 6 months
Just contemplating how Victoria Goddard skillfully used worldbuilding to not only pack, but credibly pack, just so. much. parent-based narrative drama/suffering into Jemis Greenwing
You got your “tragically orphaned scion” “major daddy issues” “mysterious maternal-line powers” AND “only son of a forbidden marriage” and that’s before she even gets to his stepparents 😳
you can fit sooooooo much angst in this bad boy
(I’m not going to slap Jemis’s ass, that’s Perry’s job to do or delegate)
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myriad-rainbows · 1 year
Love that Victoria Goddard really went hard on the highly specific academic wish fulfillment fantasy in Blackcurrant Fool. What if the argument you made in your extremely niche obscure literary analysis thesis was not only TOTALLY RIGHT (and you got direct experiential proof!), but also the key to saving your own and your friends' lives? What if you not only got to meet the long-dead author of the poem you analyzed (and she was COOL!), but also she told you that art isn't finished until it's experienced and interpretation is generative and she is deeply moved by how much you cared about her work??? Fantastic.
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annoyingblondebracket · 9 months
Round 1 | Poll 14
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary.
Propaganda under the cut!
~ Surprisingly, Reigen doesn't have any propaganda i feel I can fit here 😭
~ The main character used to be friends with him, but they fought before university and since they returned Roald has been "like silver-plated tin when you wished for, expected, *needed* silver", wandering around flirting with dairymaids "almost as big and blond as he was", stealing the main character's pen, and just generally making a nuisance of himself in every way that occurs to him
~ Roald is, in the narration of the main character Jemis, described as dark blond of hair (along with choice adjectives like strong, broad, and muscular), he is loud and friendly (very rude, Jemis is busy thinking everyone hates him), he flirts with the milkmaids and dresses in outrageously loud old-fashioned style (neither of which makes Jemis jealous nor envious, obviously), he catches Jemis falling off a ladder and then blows right through his careful attempts at distance by calling him by last name and ‘sir’, his thighs are SO muscular (Jemis will never achieve that kind of stature and it vexes him), Roald appears to not hold a grudge against Jemis for that big fight they had before parting ways for university, and now he goes about town drinking and gambling and all around pretending to be an air-head which Jemis KNOWS isn’t the case so WHAT GIVES, they’re childhood friends, why is he pretending to be both unintelligent and careless, and Roald CLEARLY has secrets but he won’t tell Jemis about them (so rude), instead he goes about not answering direct questions and making meandering conversation with Jemis in public (VEXING), pretending to be uninterested in the local mysteries despite always appearing front and centre, casually eating the eyes out of the mysterious fish pie Jemis found in the town square, STEALING his BEST PEN, getting inexplicably snappy when Jemis’ university roommate comes to visit, and going around calling Jemis a “good boy” out loud on several occasions. No one has ever suffered anyone’s company, as well as the inexplicably terrible lack of same person’s company, like Jemis has. Truly what is Roald making of his life. Not even referring to him by a silly nickname can calm Jemis’ annoyed (and nothing else) heart.
~ According to our EXTREMELY reliable narrator, Jemis Greenwing, Roald Ragnor is very simply the most annoying man in town. He’s a good-natured idiot jock, but he and Jemis used to be friends and Jemis knows he could be so much more than that if he just tried. Like, at all. But does he try? No. Instead, he spends all his time gambling (annoying) and drinking (annoying) and bothering Jemis Specifically (annoying) and bothering people who aren’t Jemis (annoying) and flirting with the local girls (annoying) and talking about hunting (annoying) and – well. You get the idea. He comes across as an airheaded twit of a noble, except for the part where he keeps showing up in places he isn’t supposed to be and being blatantly cagey about what he’s doing there. Both of these aspects are, independently, annoying. He’s also obnoxiously large and obnoxiously loud and obnoxiously blond and has obnoxiously muscular thighs. I swear to god I am not exaggerating this. Did I mention Jemis thinks he’s obnoxious?
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plankton-in-space · 1 year
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Fanart of Jemis Greenwing, the goodest boy of them all!
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vote yes if you have finished the entire book.
vote no if you have not finished the entire book.
(faq · submit a book)
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sroloc--elbisivni · 10 months
greenwing and dart is a fun book series because you've got the two titular characters who are two men with a very intense and devoted and completely platonic relationship and part of the reason it's very obviously platonic is because our narrator spends every scene he interacts with the DIFFERENT guy who has an enormous, visible-to-all-bystanders crush on him, he just goes 'GOD this guy is SO ANNOYING why is he LIKE this'
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toopunkrockforshul · 6 months
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POV you're about to be accused of murder
(Ace Attorney Jemis Greenwing, as inspired by a joke in the liveblogging channel of the Victoria Goddard server!)
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ofliterarynature · 9 months
“[A]nd I swore then and there that for the bees and the fireflies and the Tillarny limes I would be the Viscount St-Noire, crazy grandmother, unpleasant castle, mysterious curses, dragons, riddles, high Gothic melodrama, and all.”
- Victoria Goddard, Bee Sting Cake
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aluradragon · 2 months
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Ballory in her cardigan 🦄
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taryo88 · 7 months
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"Sir Hamish had captured love in their expression, and a fierce pride; but I thought, for the first time, how very young they had been." - Stargazy Pie
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fr-familiar-bracket · 8 months
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sanjerina · 5 months
Seeing all the aro/ace/demi/queerplatonic characters in Victoria Goddard’s novels and the assorted fanfiction gives me so much life! But also consider: I too would like a small household of utterly loyal retainers who give me endless snark, and/or to swear my service to my lord and bestie in the eyes of our shared gods, and/or a company of adventurers to ride out with in search of justice, good mead, and timeless chart-topping popular music.
The only reason I can’t be more self-pitying about it is that basically all of those characters were lonelier than I can even fathom before they became legends of love for the ages.
But I confess: I’m a little lonesome. If you are, too, have a hug on me. 💛
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myriad-rainbows · 11 months
Jemis Greenwing, ill-loved nephew of the new chief magistrate, was scrutinized and accused by the court of public opinion of every sensational act in the barony.
I made a tally of said sensational acts attributed to me. All right, I had rescued a mermaid from a burning building, and I had slain a dragon, and the two of my university friends who had so far shown up had been a beautiful cross-dressing Indrilline spy and an Imperial Duke, and I had broken a curse on the bees of the Woods Noirell, and I had been involved in the strange matter of the disastrous Late Bastard Decadent dinner party given by Dame Talgarth, but that was incognito, as was the small matter of the cult to the Dark Kings sacrificing cows at the Ellery Stone, which Mr. Dart and I had witnessed.
The rest of the rumours were totally wrong.
Whiskeyjack (book 3 of Greenwing & Dart series), Victoria Goddard
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