#sick tatt bro
octuscle · 11 months
Hey support, you've recently helped my little bro Blake to get into the marines, I wanted to thank you for that and making him follow the family tradition.
But now he's slightly bigger and buffer than me and he's got more tatts than me. To top it off, he also outranks me since his promotion to sergeant.
Could you help me out to regain my place as big brother and show him what a real soldier should look like? I need to get way more muscle than him, so much that my uniform won't fit anymore and a sick looking full sleeve would be cool too. Oh and I wanna outrank him again too, you reckon that's doable?
Comrade, I don't fancy your little brother calling tomorrow wanting to be a little more muscular and a little more inked than you. You're brothers. You are comrades. Healthy competition may be supportive, but when it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is that you can rely on each other.
But since you're the older one, I'll take care of the promotion to staff sergeant. And your fullsleave goes down to the palm of your hand. And yes, your boner is an inch longer too. Cock comparisons are important in the military, so you should win.
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Satisfied? That would be better for you. Otherwise you'll be untattooed privates again sooner than you can imagine.
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sick face tatt bro!!!
who did it?
I got smacked in the face by a ghost!
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durbmorrison · 2 years
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Sick tatts bro, where’s you get them shot at?! @tattooerwithasign #tattooerwithasign (at RedTree Tattoo Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5hhzNrLo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Writing notes on your arm is useful to memorize stuff + I think it looks pretty
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 years
Okay so the minuet i fell in love wirh eddie and started headcannoning things for him i thought he would abslolutely be a sucker for musicals, especially Rocky horror.
it is one of my favs but i haven’t watched it in years because people told me i was weird for it so i lowkey forgot most of it.
but i was writing him and my OC in my fic to watch it and there is a character Eddie in it… bro. they’re both rock alternate in the 70/80’s, decked out rings and sick tatts (and he’s played by meatloaf which Eddie would this is funny, and they both died suddenly and were eaten.
like… coincidence… i think not.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Two Birds with One Stone (Bit 6 and The End)
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Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 6
I finished it! Yay! Still @godsliltippy​ ‘s fault. I’m just happy to have this one off my plate because yesterday I wrote 2000 words of a new fic! I’m incurable, I have to say ::headdesk:: Like I have so many waiting to be finished ::wails::
But lookie! I finished one ::distracts all with this single finished fic waving it around with glee::
Many thank to @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ and @janetm74​ for all their support through this fic and of course to Tippy for sparking it in the first place with this glorious piece of art!
I can actually archive something cos it is finished! Yay!
I hope you enjoy it...cos it is finished! It’s a miracle!
“A combine harvester?!”
“Totally cool sounding, don’t you think? I’m adding it to my list.”
Virgil stared at his brother. “You have a list? Of what?”
“Dramatic stuff. Near misses. Things worth bragging about at the bar.”
Virgil blinked, fortunately with both eyes this time, since the swelling was starting to go down.
He was sitting up in bed, surrounded by flowers. Grandma had gone all out this time with two boys in the hospital. Fortunately, they wouldn’t be in much longer.
Alan had dragged in one of Virgil’s sketchbooks and to Virgil’s surprise, he had found the energy to draw for a little while, though his head wouldn’t take much.
And his head was more than one problem.
He was missing half his hair.
And he looked stupid.
Worse, there was a jagged slice in his scalp where apparently a piece of that combine harvester had made it through his helmet and nearly sliced him in half.
The thought was downright alarming and he shunted it to the back of his mind with not a little terror.
He would examine it later.
But the problem at the moment, apart from the bandages that conveniently hid the issue temporarily, he only had half a head of hair and it looked stupid.
He had to appreciate that Gordon hadn’t laughed. In fact, none of his brothers had laughed at him. He couldn’t fault them for that.
Though there was a sparkle in Gordon’s eye that foretold at least one comment in the future, even if it was fond and caring.
He kept waking up to find Gordon sitting on the end of his bed.
It was done with nonchalance and a smile, but Virgil was beginning to suspect an underlying cause. Not that he couldn’t acknowledge that he was happy to see his little brother and sharing a room with him in hospital was actually a boon to the medical process, but honestly, Virgil was beginning to worry.
“Don’t you have a list?”
Of course, a fish without a pond tended to be a bored fish.
“No, not really.”
“You don’t count successful rescues?”
“John and Scott keep records. I don’t like to dwell.”
His little brother shrugged. “I get that.”
There was silence for a while and Virgil let himself settle back into his pillow. Dosing was a rare pleasure.
“So, you don’t take advantage of being a hero even a tiny bit?”
Virgil blinked and frowned. “What?”
Gordon rolled over holding his injured arm and settled so he could see Virgil clearly. “You know, leverage a little heroism to start a conversation? Get one up on the stiffs at parties?”
He stared at his brother. “Are you having trouble at Penny’s charity functions?”
Okay, that meant yes. “You should talk to her, Gords.” He shrugged. “Need a wingman? I could come with.” Though he had to admit, he could see where Gordon was coming from. Some of those attendees were definitely stiffs who had never lifted a finger to help anyone but themselves in their entire lives.
“I can handle it.”
Okay, Virgil was definitely filching an invite to the next one. Could even drag in Scott. Big bro would torch the social scene. He wasn’t a fan, but he could play...to every other man’s detriment.
Or Virgil could ask John. Having a genius brother in orbit who had a daughter who had been told off several times already for influencing the stock market was an advantage.
“Virgil, stop the plotting. It is fine. I’ve got this. I just flex a little muscle, mention a few scars and spin a few tales. Joe WallStreet, or whatever they call it in London, doesn’t stand a chance.”
He eyed his brother. The urge to step in was strong.
Gordon smirked. “It is fine. Besides, you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon with that hairstyle.”
It was an obvious subject change, but it still earned Gordon a blistering glare. “Shut up.”
A snort and Gordon capitulated. “Don’t worry, bro, it’s cool. Shave the other side, get yourself some tatts and no one will ever question you on a rescue ever again.” The second snort was almost a giggle.
If only he could reach Gordon, clap him up the head.
There must have been something in his expression because Gordon burst out laughing, rolling on the bed, holding his arm to his side.
“You’re an ass.”
“And you, my dear artist bro, are entertaining.”
“Shove it.”
But at least Gordon was smiling.
Virgil would take that any day.
Gordon was up and about long before Virgil and took to disappearing from time to time into the depths of the hospital, often with one brother or the other and on several occasions, with Penelope.
Virgil didn’t get out much. He still had headaches and occasional dizzy spells, a lead on from a massive concussion and was the reason why they were still in hospital. Virgil had no doubt Gordon could probably have gone home, but was hanging about just because Virgil couldn’t.
If it pinned Gordon under medical observation and not in the ocean after such a serious injury, Virgil wasn’t going to argue. But it was frustrating that he himself wasn’t very mobile and he was sick of staring at the ceiling tiles.
They always bugged him as his artistic brain always constructed designs out of them and they always lacked symmetry.
Grandma, Alan, John, Scott and even Kayo were regular visitors. The Tracy clan had parked themselves in a nearby hotel, no doubt fueling both news agencies and the local economy.
Virgil just wanted to go home.
And Scott was out of sorts.
Scott was always out of sorts when a member of the family was injured, but this was different. And it was bugging Virgil.
Between his own injuries and the inability to pin his brother down due to interruptions and the lack of alone time, whatever it was that was bugging Scott was festering.
Topeka hospital was a familiar place to all of them. It had been their local major hospital for much of their formative years and considering the tornado seasons and IR responses, a regular delivery point for rescuees. There was a rooftop garden that had been sat in on several occasions in the past and it was with some conniving that Virgil spoke to Kayo to arrange for a corner of it to be secured so Virgil could go and sit up there for a bit of fresh air and privacy with his big brother.
He had no doubt that Scott knew he was being railroaded, but the lack of protest just emphasised how troubled his big brother was.
The sounds of the city below were no longer familiar and Virgil found himself longing for the ocean and the quiet of Tracy Island. It was evening, the sun having just set and the sky was a welcome sight after being confined to ceiling tiles for a few days, but the stars were dim, hidden by light pollution and a touch of smog.
It made him even more homesick.
“You okay, Virg?”
Scott had pushed him up here in a hoverchair. Virgil still needed it due to the dizzy spells and it ticked him off to no end. “Just homesick.”
Hi brother sighed. “Won’t be long. A couple of days and I’ll take you down to the beach and you can lay on the sand and stare at the stars to your heart’s content.”
Virgil shot him a glare. “I’m not John.”
“But you miss the stars anyway.”
Virgil grumbled. “I’m just used to seeing them.” He waved at hand at the sky. “It’s not the same.”
“Uh huh.” Scott was smiling in that condescending big brother knows better way he was so good at.
“Shut up.”
Scott didn’t stop grinning, he just dragged the ‘chair backwards until it nestled beside a park bench and then sat himself down beside Virgil.
They sat in silence for a while and Virgil let the soundscape seep into him. It was quieter up here than inside the hospital. There was a breeze with the scent of farmland under that pervasive smell of the city and cooling concrete. The breeze spoke of a possible storm in the distance. Virgil hoped it wasn’t a supercell. He had had enough of tornadoes for some time.
He missed the scent of the sea.
A sigh. He was being pathetic and falling into the doldrums over nothing. He was getting better. He would be home soon.
And screw it, he would plant his butt on a beach and drag Scott with him just to piss him off.
“You okay?”
Huh? Scott was peering at him, that worry ever persistent in the darkness of his eyes.
“It is you who I’m worried about.” So, it was defensive, big deal. Needed to start the conversation somehow.
“Me? I’m not the one who took on a combine harvester and nearly lost.”
“It wasn’t exactly a choice, you know.”
“I know.” It was quiet and Virgil knew he had hit the nail on the head.
“Talk to me, Scott.”
“About what?”
Virgil flat-eyed glared at him. “About whatever has been bugging you the last few days.”
“I would have thought that was obvious with two brothers in the hospital.” Definitely defensive.
“No. This is more.”
“What? There are degrees? I don’t need analysis, Virg.”
Virgil pressed his lips together. “You’re hurting. You’re not talking. What other recourse do I have?”
“Do you need one?”
“Of course, I do! You’re you! Whatever this is, it’s weighing on you and I hate to see you in pain.”
“I’m not in pain. It’s you who was injured.”
“If you’re trying to tell me that doesn’t affect you, you’re either lying through your teeth or I should be even more worried because you’ve obviously suffered brain damage of some kind and are no longer the Scott Tracy I know. Perhaps I should check you for a holographic disguise.”
Scott let out an annoyed scoff and shot to his feet, his actions agitated. “Virg, it’s nothing.”
“Goddamnit, Virgil-“
“Talk to me!” And yelling apparently hurt his head, because it throbbed in protest. He grit his teeth and glared up at his brother. Please, Scott, for both our sakes.
“It was close, okay? Too damned close.”
Virgil swallowed. He knew that. “Not the first time.”
“So, I should be used to it by now?” Despite the darkness, Scott was lit up with internal fire.
But he had finally triggered the avalanche and Scott spilled it all over him.
“Do you have any idea how close this was? Millimetres and you wouldn’t be here anymore, Virg.”
“Again, not the first time.”
“But it was so senseless!” Scott’s hands shot out palm up, desperate for understanding. “You weren’t even in the middle of a rescue. The sky just opened up, stabbed down a twister and threw a chunk of farm machinery at you. It lasted mere seconds and it nearly took both of you. Why? If you had landed a few metres further away, if you had been a few seconds later in arrival, hell, the margin for error was astronomical, yet, it still happened. I nearly lost you and Gordy for no damned reason whatsoever!”
“You need a reason?”
“Goddamned, I do! If I’m going to lose a brother, at least it should be for a reason. A sacrifice made for the good of all.”
“You know it doesn’t work that way.” Virgil’s heart was thudding in his chest.
“Well, it should. We do so much, sacrifice so much already, I don’t think it is too much to ask. We’ve already lost...” Scott shoved his face into his hands and parked himself back on the park bench. “Why the hell do you ask me these things?”
Ever so quiet. “Because they need to be asked.”
“I hate it.”
“I know.”
“I nearly lost you for nothing.”
“We were there for a reason. We both went in knowing the danger, you know that.”
“Doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
“I’d be worried if it did.” Virgil sighed. “We survived, Scott. Thanks to you. You were fast enough.”
The grunt and groan that made it out between his brother’s fingers was pain itself.
The hoverchair made it awkward, but Virgil reached out and snagged his big brother with an arm and hauled him in the best he could. Scott, of course, protested, but Virgil’s arms were not injured and he was always smug that he had at least one thing racked up on the achievement scale that beat his almighty big brother and that was strength.
So, Scott was dragged into a hug whether he wanted it or not.
“Still here.”
Scott grumbled something unintelligible.
“Gords is adding it to his story list to tell at Penny’s parties.”
“He’s what?”
Distraction achieved.
“Wanna drop by Penny’s next charity dinner and play wingman to Gords? You get to take a few stiffs down a peg or million. Apparently, a few asses need a big brother kicking. We can break out Johnny and Eos for extra fun, if you like.”
“Who’s been messing with Gordon?” There it was. Exactly the trigger point needed.
“The Joe Wallstreets seem to think they are better than a fish Tracy.”
“Uh-huh. Want to help me educate them? Though admittedly Gords was doing quite well on his own, higher education is always a good thing.”
Scott was staring at him in the darkness. It was obvious his brother knew exactly what Virgil was doing.
“I’ll be there.”
“Great. It will be good PR for whatever charity Penny is supporting. With a bit of luck we can play it to her advantage as well.”
Scott was still staring at him.
Ever so quiet. “What would I do without you?”
Virgil swallowed, desperately ignoring all the implications and the reverse of that question. “Here’s hoping we never find out.”
Scott sighed and let his head drop onto Virgil’s shoulder.
Virgil just tugged him a little tighter and returned to trying to see the stars.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Any Graham/MC friendship headcanons?
Carl/MC relationship headcanons if the other one is too difficult?x
Graham/MC friendship
Probably has him under “fishman ham 🎣” in their contacts — or at least I would lol
idk there wasn’t much interaction in the house since they weren’t each other’s type therefore there was little social to no scenes (which I think is kinda dumb because you can still be friends with someone if you don’t choose to go the romantic route yet he’s not that much of a fan fav so maybe that’s why? They also had a lot of characters so maybe that’s it too? Anyways) unless mc was going after marisol or considered a friend of hers? I’m not too sure on the still carrying feelings towards marisol if she’s with graham route so that’s based off pure assumption
If mc did start a friendship while he was with marisol and they still had feelings towards marisol then it wouldn’t happen until some months after the show or when/if marisol broke up with him (I made it canon that ultimately they do split but yeah)
so let’s say mc began a friendship while he’s dating marisol and mc has no romantic feelings towards marisol then?
They’d probably bond over some shit-talking cause I view graham as someone who can and WILL talk his shit
Mc and graham are on different time lengths majority of the time since graham is always up at the crack of ass out on his boat to snatch the catch of the day
He sends selfies on his boat—again at the crack of ass
“lemme know if you find aquaman! B safe uglie”
“i AM YOUR own personal gorgeous aquaman 😏 x”
“Don’t ever disrespect Jason momoa again in ur life !!!”
“U disrespect my wife Wunmi Mosaku”
“No I disrespect YOU. She doesn’t want u.”
“She wnted Jordan Patrick smith on tht show.”
“🥱🤫🖐🏽...I don’t blame her but only if he has the beard.”
“yew n ur got damn beards 😒”
Loves his seafood...I think that’s a given
“Can we eat something else, please!”
“...My Omama (grandmother) made her famous dressed crab.”
I decided against making hcs of graham before along with some others but ultimately thought he be of German background?
Not the greatest at speaking but understands the spoken language and ofc the curse words and insults are his favs + teaches mc some
I feel like he’s rough handed and has no issue bumping hips, elbowing, and putting mc into headlocks—basically treating his bestie like anyone of his bros really but he does that with anyone (including his omama, who laughs sending a punch with her knuckles against his forearm. It’s more of a gentle firm grip but they do this in greeting?)
Has no issue lugging mc around like some fish in a net?
like if there’s a severe rainstorm in his hometown of Devon and mc is the type to hate rain and they have a long way to get back to the car after hanging on the sandy beach all day, he’ll throw them over his shoulder like it’s nothing and stalk his way back up the cliffs to get back muttering “I’m getting real sick of Der mist!”
“Blah blah blah, you love me. Kiss my arse.”
“I could drop you on ya head, I’m sure that’s happened before.”
Then comes the hits, pinches, and jabs
Convinces mc to get random tattoos that he may or may not have doodled when they’re drunk off their asses
The next morning, “graham...what the f—
“Ah, now you look like me!” He ruffles mc’s hair from behind as they’re staring at their reflection in horror, “except I’d never get face tatts.” He whistles in slight disapproval
Mc might have to choke him and ask Gary to help dispose of the body in the ocean
Mc helps trim his beard instead since they almost cut off the entire patch left on top of his head “you look a bit like a beet or a mandrake from Harry Potter. Just cut the shit off or grow it all out, you’re embarrassing me.”
“Whatever happened to my body, my choice?”
“...that doesn’t apply to you. I’m your friend, I love you, and I’m trying to help you.”
“Oh, Piss off!”
Lots of middle fingers are used and hugs
Messy car, messy office, the only thing that’s neat is his hair/beard and his work ethic when it comes to the fish
He’s comes to mc when marisol dumps him and he’s hammered so that either = mad af or sad as hell sometimes it’s a little bit of both depending on how much he’s had
“Who do I have to fight? Or do you want to hug it out?”
“I kinda wanna slow dance to snow patrol.”
And you know it’s bad when graham openly wants to listen to snow patrol in the early afternoon instead of jelly roll or some shit
Hey, whatever the heartbroken fisherman wants he gets. That’s mc’s bud so they do what they can to make graham feel best...even if that means stepped on toes—He’s not the best dancer
I do get single dad vibes from him or at least uncle graham, he’s got a 3 year old son/nephew named Roy and he speaks so highly of the mother of his child/nephew who struggles with addiction but he’s on extremely good terms with her family
You adore Roy, who much like his daddy/uncle loves the water and sailboats
Mc will post captions about how thankful they are to have met graham due to some mess of a reality tv show whereas graham will post embarrassing pics that he secretly took of them and say things like “mc suxx a lot of the time 💘
“Text me when you get home bitch!” Type of friend too, cause if he can send you selfies so early in the day that he’s on the water at work then mc can txt him to let him know that they’re home after a night out, coming from work, etc...if they both are aware that the other was out
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svn-daze · 4 years
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sick tatts bro
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babygirlgeralt · 5 years
tagged by shreya "president of the himbo rights activists" @billybvnes thank you king
1) do you make your own bed? yes but i don't have my life together or anything it's for anxieté reasons bc i once got told that not making it is bad luck fssdh
2) what’s your favorite number? not to kin shreya but 7 is a king
3) what’s your job? i work as a data technician part-time which is mostly monitoring the outputs of several machines to check they’re working properly, but what i actually do is a master’s in archaeological chemistry! basically i analyse dirt from inside roman pots
4) can you parallel park? i don’t drive anymore bc i’m too afraid i’ll hit someone but i was much better at parallel parking than bay parking but realistically parking? fucking sucks bro
5) a job you had that would surprise people? uhhhhhhhhhhh i used to work in a restaurant that was in a 500yo stable? like most service jobs it sucked tho
6) do you think aliens are real? i can only repeat what shreya said: dude duh
7) can you drive a manual car? yeah, i’m british (i know :///) so that’s just what i learnt in
8) what’s your guilty pleasure? uh? this is tough i’m pretty open about what i stan, like we cringe on main like men… oh maybe uh i’m medically not allowed to cos it fucks my gut up but i eat ice cream and chocolate all the time bc they’re so tasty!!!!
9) tattoos? i wish… god okay i desperately want an old three mast ship on my wrist, some kind of kandinsky in b&w on my shoulder, a dagger behind my ear, amos the expanse’s hexagons arm tatt, and a constellation one representing the five variations of the earth’s motion that govern  Milankovitch cycles in our climate bc i’m a paleoclimate nerd (yes i think about this a lot). Also possibly a dandelion on my butt for funsies
10) favorite color: to wear: purble, but like reddy purples; to be around: blues with hints of green like the sea, but genuinely… are there bad colours??
11) things people do that drive you crazy: oh bro. i’m too petty and judgemental for this question but i guess my top one is like. people who come over nd you cook for them and they don’t even offer to help clean up?? i’m like ooooh sorry didn’t realise i was your chef waiter AND potwash that’ll be £9.99 for your fucking curry please and thank you
12) any phobias? okay weird one but you know those really cheap paper napkins?? that kind of squeak when they rub together? fucking hate them actually makes my skin crawl to touch them. my dad is the same but about artificial sponge
13) favorite childhood sport? uh as a child i didn’t really do sport but i did ballet which i loved!!! honestly like my joints are fucked but it was so fun… unfortunately bc of a childhood accident i’m missing two toes on my right foot so i could never do pointe and eventually kind of… gave it up bc i finished all the non-pointe grades ddsssfj
14) do you talk to yourself? bold of u to assume i’m not doing it this very second
15) what movies do you adore? fssdh okay i can only really think of the ones i watch when i’m sick which are: singin in the rain (we stan a polyship), the princess bride, ferris bueller's day off (we stan a polyship- are u detecting a theme), howl's moving castle (we stan the og himbo), how to train your dragon and footloose (again we stan dancing himbos)
16) do you like doing puzzles? /stares at my portable jigsaw puzzle mat and shelf of lego/ no whatever do you mean 
17) favorite kind of music? 80s alt pop we gay babey
18) tea or coffee? coffee all the way. literally only have tea for a hot toddy when i'm ill
19) what was the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? i remember really wanting to be a vet for horses for a while which now i'm like. well i'm allergic and that's difficult and gross so no
i'm tagging @souldagger @gaylukecrains @valentimanes @undeathaura and @permetstu
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doebt · 4 years
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CHARLIE U FREAKING BEAST I LOVE U!!!! i love every single little bit of this letter!!! (the paint chip i added to my weird little partially sentimental outlet as u can see below.. i loved the little blurb u wrote on it thats insanely sweet) i was pulling out the little stickers n i just kept goin "oh!!! a little man!!!!" esp that little frog dude omg. the sick freaking temp tatt of the tiger i saw n went "oh man if this is a tattoo..... OH IT IS!!!!!" i was so excited i dont even know when n where i will put it though!! LOVED the tiny postcards those r so neat and adorable (my reaction: "oh? and who r u two?") SORRY IM RAMBLING THANK U SO MUCH! ps the actual letter is so cute i loved the feather jar and isaac drawing!! also wtf how did i Not know u had a bunch of prehistoric shark teeth??? u r the coolest thank u PPS i absolutely recognize the stickers u decorated my letter w u freaking Rascal!!! 💞💞💞💞
HELLO BRO tumblr is cooperating for this one thank Goodness..IM SO GLAD IT FINALLY ARRIVED LOL i was starting to worry it got lost in the mail bc that seems to happen to me a lot and i sent it out like. MANY days ago..whenever it was i got ur letter anyway (THANK U AGAIN FOR ALL THOSE FEATHERS!!!!) anyways lol SUPER GLAD U LIKE EVERYTHING im rly off my letterwriting game lately (i have letter-debt to like...10 dif penpals...god help me) and this one was v spontaneous bc i thought it would be cute to send u a letter instead of replying to urs in a message or something MAN. I SURE AM RAMBLING HUH. I LOVE U 💞💞💞💞💞
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 1: Can We Just...Ignore the Apocalypse? Let’s Just Ignore the Apocalypse.
Ah guys, we’re back, it’s a new season! Sort of! It’s a filler arc that probably won’t make a huge difference on anything in the plot but bro has promised is hella weird so lets dive into it.
Remember all the stuff we were talking about last season, and how I had to like basically carry around a notebook and take character notes like for the first time since my High School English class when we read Shakespeare? Remember how freakin complicated everything got?
Well the writers for this season decided to do a soft reset on all of that mess. Apparently they’ll get back to that crazy stuff we spent a whole season building up but with a new season they’d get a new audience of viewers, and maybe they didn’t want them to be confused. Because, lets be honest, nearly all of the latter half of S2 would be unwatchable if you did not know what was happening.
They also knew they had a problem, especially since they were waiting for the manga to catch up to the show at this point so they couldn’t accidentally step on the manga’s shoes and invent things that later negated the manga entirely. They had to edit. They had to stay as far away from the manga points as they could. And they did it in the most ridiculous way.
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Y’all don’t even know this blog was *almost* a SeaQuest DSV blog. But it was pulled. So then it was almost a Kolchack the Nightstalker blog. But that got pulled. Yugioh was my third choice. Much like my dating life.
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That’s right, we’re going to do a soft reset by adding a whole new set of characters! A whole new plotline to keep track of! To show us this tantalizing view of Kaiba island and then just.......detour.
It’s honestly, a welcoming thing for me, a reviewer, because I was getting hella lost and now it’s back to basics. Although, there are certain things they just...didn’t even address.
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Cold as ice, Yugi. Cold as freakin ice, like way to appreciate your most interesting friend. Like maybe put that house fern where Bakura died or something. Anything.
What teenager finds out their other teenage friend freakin died last night and is like “well...that happens” and of all teenagers--especially Yugi Muto. Yugi is usually so freakin extra but he doesn’t really...seem to be freaking out. I’m so used to this kid having a melt down so often, that when he’s not having a melt down, I assume there’s something absolutely wrong with him.
Yugi kind of glazes over the more complicated parts of Season 2 in some flashbacks, and then the blimp starts shaking violently to get us right off course in both location and plot.
(read more under the cut)
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We did not get a peek at anyone’s mirrors to see if the giant mystery purple bottles are still around. A shame.
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Also, guess what time it is, just by looking at this image. Just guess in your head, knowing that all these people went to bed at like 3AM last night.
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Yeah it’s canonically 5 AM. In grand Yugioh tradition, all these kids, mostly a bunch of really gross boys, who are still in clothes from the day before, who miiiight not have showered, are now going to continue their adventure, just piling on the gross as much as possible until this season ends. It’s like every little kid’s dream honestly.
Anyways, we’re gonna fly right into a plot dump that is maybe one of the most insane dumps this show has ever dumped--and y’all we’ve had some nuts dumps--but this one is especially weird because it actually makes sense within the continuity.
Just remember when you hear this that we are in Season 3. It is Season 3 and this has never once come up, not even once before. That one guy on the writing staff who really, really, REALLY stans Seto Kaiba apparently walked into work the day when they were making this episode and was he like “wow, everyone called in sick to work today and no one’s here but me and I can go home or I can finally just go NUTS.”
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So this entire time, the Kaiba’s were basically the Patriots. OK.
I mean, it actually makes so much more sense as to why these children know how to ride a helicopter and why Seto randomly knows CQC. I never thought I would ever get a proper explanation for this but here it is. Kaiba was being honed to devote himself to the...war economy...but then he said “actually nah, because that’s too effed up even for Yugioh” and then to spite his father replaced every weapon with trading cards.
And then...accidentally weaponized trading cards in the process thus turning into his own Father. 
I guess that’s why people are legit dying in this tournament and Seto and Mokuba are like “Yeah? This is what happens?” since they were literally raised by some Hideo Kajima mini-boss. They probably have no idea what children’s games are supposed to be like, so when Yugi loses his nut and starts Shadow Realming they’re like “hm. Is this what kids are into? I’ll go along with it. See Dad? I am blending into kid culture real well. Really good at kid stuff.”
Like, it’s a good layer of irony that these two decided to bring peace and harmony to the whole earth by replacing weapons with games you’d play with children--but then they chose the one game that will absolutely end the Earth quicker than a weapon of mass destruction. Congrats. You did it.
This show, man, sometimes I’m not sure what it wants Seto Kaiba to be. Because, yeah, Seto just showed us a very nice thing he did as he randomly does--he’s basically won a Nobel Peace Prize by default--but he’s still a complete asshole. Like did he just feel like he has to show up Yugi again for saving the Earth last season by reminding us that Seto has already done that before this show ever started? That he dissolved the freakin Patriots before this show ever began?
Like Seto single-handedly fixed the entire plot of Metal Gear. Like this is the child that ended how many wars with getting rid of the ammunition? This is the child the writers chose? Seto freakin Kaiba?
And then he turned around and essentially put cards into a bunch of guns and you wear them on your wrist what the hell is even going on with this kid?
But don’t worry we won’t get even five seconds to register this plot dump, much like that time they told me that Seto freakin Kaiba has a dead soulmate from 5000 years ago who is now four separate playing cards and also probably his Great^nth Grandmother.
The Seto lore is rapidly getting more complicated than the Yugi lore and Yugi Muto is two people. Just saying.
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Anyway, lets meet our new villain.
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So the theme of this arc seems to also be a theme that the writers are currently wrestling with. You got Yugioh which has a very--INTERESTING background, it’s this horror manga turned effed up anime turned much more tame child’s anime and it’s like, that’s a lot of pressure for this team. Kinda feels like every time they try to do Yugioh there’s going to be people that are pissed off because it wasn’t like what came before it. And so this whole story of Kaiba trying to get out of his problematic Father’s shadow is almost like the entire writing team at this point just begging us to please let them do a thing without having to do 158 on-screen murders.
(JK, they’ll murder off more people in this very episode.)
And so this arc they decide to make this character who, as bro mentioned, is a throwback to Season Zero Kaiba, but with better hair. Sort of. Honestly, I mostly only see the white shirt as a reference but I can see what bro is getting at, especially since their hair shape and eyes are like...VERY Kaiba-ey. Anyway, I called it right away before we saw this kid that he’d be a distant relative here to claim his cut of the Kaiba inheritance pie so, because his hair is Mokuba blue-green, we’ll just make him a Season Zero green. Because it looks like no one else’s font color.
Honestly, hopefully that won’t get too confusing if he and Mokuba are speaking at the same time but I have changed Mokuba’s font color once already and now I might have to change it again...
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They’re already kidnapped, right? Like all of these people on this blimp have absolutely been kidnapped by Marik and are at this moment at his mercy? (mercy meaning “he just doesn’t feel like it right now”)
So yes, Noah kidnapped them, but at the same time he’s just borrowing hostages from Marik for a little while. He’s just babysitting some other person’s kidnapees from how I see it.
Also, his name is Noah and he lives on a very big ship. That’s uh...a little on the nose there with the naming conventions, Yugioh. As far as villains go, at least this kid doesn’t live underground and get tortured with back tatts. But, with the way this show is going, I would not be surprised if all the Kaibas got Agent 47 serial codes on the back of their heads.
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*I love a good Star Trek tractor beam, don’t get me wrong, but never in my life did I think I’d see a sci fi tractor beam being used on a freakin party blimp*
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Marik, PS, is still standing here on top of this blimp saying “this will be very interesting to just let another villain waltz in here on my territory while I just chill on the couch for a little while. I am tired.” which was...actually pretty true to Marik. This kid will let anyone else do his job for him if given the opportunity. Such a lazy villain. In a show where all the villains have been pretty lazy.
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Now, Noah insists that everyone get the hell off this blimp, but Seto was like “Really, honestly, I just want to keep one secret today. Just any secret. Lets just have this conversation in private and everyone else, please don’t mind my family issues. No need to call the cops, it’s just a light kidnapping, no big deal. Family, amiright?”
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So because they’re getting shot at, they stubbornly get off the blimp.
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And then Marik wrote himself right out of this arc. At least according to my bro.
So, in honor of blimp, lets give that blimp a good send off. One last time, for blimp
I will miss you, blimp.
So, down a hallway and in a room of so much bloom they run into...these guys?
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I had to like really think for a while to remember who the hell these guys were, it feels like 10 years ago since that one-off MMO arc that I figured would never come back.
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Apparently time doesn’t work the same, much like in Narnia, so the Big 5 are just straight up insane now. Got it. Really glad I get to try and keep track of the names of 5 new people, don’t hold me to it, I’ll absolutely forget the name of every one of these mini-bosses. Anyways, while they were strapped to Kaiba’s game for 2 months, they freakin died.
Yeah, what?
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Wow Yugi killed 5 people and it’s not even Season Zero! Like this is a Yugi kill, right? Like Yugi did this entirely? Like that whole game would’ve been a lose if Kaiba wasn’t told exactly what to do by Yugi and Pharaoh? Nice.
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And then they got...the digital version of Shadow Realmed.
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Ah the digital space. We can go anywhere here. Any environment. Anywhere. lets see where they go.
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Man this show and it’s obsession with island climates.
I say that, forgetting they’re all from Japan.
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Apparently every season of Yugioh contractually has to have at least one reference to Tristan’s enigmatic ass. Thing is--assuming they’re all hooked up to sensors or whatever---is there just one that covers...farts? Like there’d have to be, right? Google, stop whatever weird self driving car glasses you’re making and get on that.
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After Kaiba proves that you can’t actually touch anything in this universe, Tea immediately sees a great opportunity and just starts touching all the stuff that she can’t touch, too. So she goes over to the bushes and sees this looking back at her. From a bush.
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This still doesn’t answer the question of why the hell there was a clone in the bush!
Anyway, apparently Kaiba has made hundreds of clones of himself so he could play cards since he had no friends growing up and that wasn’t even the weirdest Kaiba plot dump this episode. Kaiba and his Clone Wars just feels so tame now.
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So they go over rules--it’s a lot of words all right. Whatever, we don’t go into duels here, but overall they have to choose a mascot whenever they play to act a King in chessboard. So if their mascot card dies, then they lose.
Honestly they could just kill everyone straight up but youknow, it’s Yugioh so we’re gonna throw some honor into this murder by making it card murder. It’s fine. Don’t think about it.
Ishizu just slept through everything, right? Like she looked outside, saw all this go down and was like “NOPE” and then went right back to bed? I mean...that is also sort of what she did for half of last season.
And no, Yugi never ever once mentioned that Bakura freakin died last night. Amazing.
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4evrmore · 5 years
Another life update, I guess?
whew a lot going on here
- so my work fired me. startup problems. i’ve loved working for startups but it’s difficult. when it’s good it’s great but when the company struggles it affects you directly. two weeks ago they told me that my position wasn’t in the budget for the company and it’s been a lot of bs tbh but what can ya do
- it sucks but at the same time this wasn’t my dream job and there wasn’t really a solid path for growth. and i wasn’t passionate about it. my problem lately has been that the jobs i’m qualified for, i’m realizing i’m not interested in those at all. i’ve sort of narrowed it down and i want to do something i really care about. and i’ve decide the things i care about are women’s issues, lgbtq+ stuff, mental health, and dog rescues/shelters. so i’m focusing on that and trying to figure out how to do life and get a job i actually care about
- dating is exhausting. but i think i’ve finally, finallyyyyy come to terms that i’m gay. everything is falling into place when it comes to figuring out my sexuality which has been such a process for so long. i love girls. i’m so excited for pride this month and i think i might come out on social media. i’ve drafted up posts but i’ve always chickened out when it comes to publishing. but i think i finally feel comfortable and ready. i’m also sick of being hit on by guys and having to come out to strangers when i don’t feel ready. i think it’ll feel good to just put it out there
- i decided to cut back on drinking, like cut way back. i realized i’m too old for this shit, being hungover is the worst and it’ll affect me for the whole day. it’s not worth it
- i got a personal trainer and i workout with him 3 days a week. he’s this little 21 year old hottie bro dude but he’s amazing. so we train weights 3 days and then i’ve been going and doing cardio on my own an additional 1-2 days a week. it feels amazing. i lost 7 pounds in the past month and i’m starting to not hate my body. i have a long way to go but i feel hopeful and seeing progress makes it all feel worth it
- i found a psychologist i love. i went to one lady and she didn’t get it. i’d talk and she’d be like, “oh, thats... unique”. and no it really isn’t. i mean maybe my issues are a little different but it kind of hurt to be like, not understood, by a professional... whose job it was to understand me? but i did some more research and found a pansexual lady whose married to a woman and damn. our sessions are just like a normal conversation you’d have with a friend. i can tell her how i’m feeling and she’ll be like, oh, it’s like- blah blah blah, and i’m like, YES, that’s exactly how it is. she puts my crazy messed up thoughts and life into words that make sense. it feels amazing to have that
- i’m getting another tattoo in two weeks!! months ago i knew i wanted another, and i started researching fine line tattoo artists in LA. i found this guy daniel stone who is an incredibly talented artist. like recently he tattooed lady gaga. he wasn’t superrrrr famous but had a lot of like idk, b-list celebrity clients? so i emailed him and his wait list was like 9 months out. but i decided it’s a tattoo, it’s on my body for my entire life. what’s a few months? and as you’d imagine he’s really expensive. his minimum was $400... like for the tiniest little line. but again i decided it’s something that’s on my body forever. if i’m gonna invest in something, this feels like a worthy cause. I originally wanted a bunch of wildflowers that were special to me. and i wanted my grandmother’s handwriting woven into the stem of the daisy because it was her favorite flower. I have the word ‘love’ that she wrote in a card to me once and i wanted to incorporate that. but as we get closer and i have no job now, i’m worried that the original tatt idea will be a few thousand dollars which isn’t in my budget atm. so i started thinking of smaller tattoos i could get instead. so in lieu of the flowers i was thinking of getting a small but detailed little snake with some flowers around it. and this would have a really... multi-dimensional meaning. so that’s that. that’s my life update. i’m gonna talk about the snake tattoo idea below, just because. but yeah. there’s a lot going on and it’s stressful and hard and shitty and i feel like life is so unfair at times but... that’s just how it be sometimes :P
- for the snake tattoo... it directly relates to the rep album. so rep came out like, days after my [at the time] boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me. and i listened to rep but it was just this happy lovey album. which to be honest was the last thing i wanted to listen to at that time. so i barely listened to it because it made me sad. at the same time, i wanted him back and we talked a lot and ended up getting back together about a week later. but still i didn’t feel happy. and i was listening to this album that was like, all about this everlasting amazing relationship, with so much love and lust and attraction and sexiness and i just could not relate. and that raised a red flag to me. because i’m like, i’ve been dating this guy who is supposed to be the love of my life, for 3 years now and... i can’t relate. and it was then that i realized that he could be so great to me, he was funny, brilliant, attractive, had a great family, treated me so well. but no matter how “perfect” he was, he wasn’t a girl. there was a need, a void in my life that he would never be able to fill. so i did my own thing and i got a job in LA and broke up with him. so to me, reputation is what really helped or forced me to realize that i’m worthy of true love. something that comes from both sides. and not only love but intimacy, sexual gratification, feeling understood and wanted. so ya, bc of that album i had the strength to break up with the guy who could’ve given me almost everything i had ever wanted. i crave love and passion and i’m excited to have that in my future. my standards are higher and i have a better idea of what i want. so ya. i think i want a snake but.. like a happy snake. like with hearts or flowers around it. and to me it represents that album that changed the course of my life but also represents growth and rebirth and starting over
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taeguboi · 6 years
BTS as... Punks
So hahahahaha idk why it posted my extremely incomplete draft earlier (bug with the app?) So consider that now deleted post as a preview hahaha
Requested: “BTS as Punks please!”
anything that's for a good cause
he's behind it
probably makes his own charity
for something close to his heart
and puts on punk events a few times a week
all kinds of food stalls
suitable for everyone’s dietary needs
the occasional street protest
quite laid back though
but the things he has done have had a huge impact on people’s lives
he feeds the poor at his music events
he takes in donations from people to aid the homeless
basically against those unfair imbalances you get in society
he wants to be in a punk band 
but at the same time it isn’t really for him
so sometimes he just grabs a guitar 
and busks with improvised lyrics 
things that are on his mind
things about the world at present
and the things the talks and posts about to people inspire writers of bands
kind of like a journalist
he knows everyone on the local punk scne
he’s been involved ever since he was a kid
smokes a fair amount like
“cool mate, cool beans... right, I’m just off out for a fag”
not many piercings as you might expect
like mostly his ears
and a few intimate areas...
always has colourful punk hair
probably a low key mohawk
several meaningful tattoos
because his family is everything
so is this one person in his life
some drunken tattoos also hahaha
couple of face tatts
always a gentleman to girls
if there’s a creep on the scene 
just tell him
that guy will be exposed 
and gone for good from this local punk scene
and beyond as far as his contacts can take him
he just wants a safe scene
will fend for anyone though really
has a local watering hole
go down to that pub on any afternoon 
and there’s 90% chance he is there
mostly just for the people
maybe buys only 2 drinks the whole time usually
but if he gets drunk
get your notepad and pen
he’s gonna throw 196489 contacts your way
so if your band are ever in need of a gig
you know who to call
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at first, doing punk music is merely a hobby
but then it turns into something more
his pleasure in busking turns into a passion
a dream to make it with a band
so he gets together the best people he knows
and they fucking rock
no one can say a bad thing about Jin’s punk band
they rehearsed diligently for so long
so they sound so tight
he rocks the denim jacket
with all the patches
some badges too
a ton of badges are on his bag though instead
and stickers on his guitar case
a fan of every band he performs with
his guitar case is choc a bloc with local band stickers
so he doesn’t have a mohawk
but his bangs progressively get messier
occasionally he dyes them [example, like V’s green bangs in hyyh era]
he changes loads in little ways
like you leave school and he’s this ‘ordinary’ lad
but then you bump into him like 7 years later 
and wtf he’s stunning
like his aura changed
you thought maybe he’d go into like a business job
but he’s rocking the stage most nights a week
you can’t help but go support him more
and maybe something happens from there but that can be a story for another time
and so maybe he doesn’t get BIG with this band
but he earns a sustainable income
and that’s more than good enough
life is good
music, booze and girls
no drugs tho
wise in that sense, contrary to some punk stereotypes
kind of fluffy actually
some say he’s a poser
but he just likes to look good
and is aware how certain rougher looks just really don’t suit him
so that’s all there is to that 
actually that’s all there is to this
the end :P
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probably a performer too
maybe more into the dub / ska kind of genre
full of stage presence and hype
when he has a message
he fucking gets it across
because he’s so assertive
as well as those catchy melodies
just messy af hair
doesn’t care for it to be any particular length or style
just keep it natural
in fact, fuck visuals
no dress sense whatsoever
like he has a green shirt on with pink jeans and yellow converse
sound is all that matters
so what else?
like he could be backed up by a band
but fuck that
if he has the equipment that can do it all then why not?
it’s easier to work alone
so he supports like 876 charity events
and has a big share of festivals
headline material
especially at the proper hippie festivals
great for people high af
great for drunkards
great for sober peeps too
you get it, great for everyone
apart from perhaps kids 
cos swearing
sometimes you need that bit of aggression in lyrics, right?
he’s not as aggressive as he might seem on stage
but something is pent up in there
and he is one rough boy
actually, a lot like badboy!suga
can handle anything
but can you handle him?
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idk why I always imagine him as a skater
but here we go
in a skate punk band
bass player
can also do drums tho
backwards caps for life
that one band member you think is shy af
cos he seems so quiet
but the moment you say ‘hey’ and congratulate him on a good show
he can talk your ear off for hours
again no drugs
but plenty of beer
cos getting drunk is funnier
the world is a more enjoyable place with skate punk and alcohol
seriously it really is, take that from me hahah
graffiti projects
either for promotion
or to help like restless kids as a distraction or something
let’s just say that’s something he can relate to
may or may not be how he got into this whole skate punk stuff
so yeah will take any charity gig
doesn’t mind if venues pay him in beer
he would have spent the dollar on that anyways
all about living it up with his mates
bros before hoes
has a side band that’s like party punk
any excuse to get bros together
for a good old knees up
only bands of his close friends get played in the car
girls are quite interested in him
but lmao he’s having none of it
he just wants to embrace life
don’t need anything more than mates and family
but he writes really cool songs on the topic of love
you know without being too soppy with it being punk and all
but it’s fucking amazing
but no one knows where he gets the ideas from
no one knows where he gets his energy from either 
will jump off everything and anything
on certain days, he’ll climb everything and anything too
just a fun loving cool punk
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more or less that one guy you see everywhere on the scene
he’s not in a band
doesn’t really do his own music
but he’s a fan of his scene
every weekend, he’s somewhere to see punk music
be it the local pub for one of his faves
or a town centre for a punk charity thing
or even miles away to see someone he knows getting bigger
with a few patches
all the ear piercings you could imagine
lips and tongue
used to have an eyebrow one
but decided he looked too generic
or like a chav
something or other
he knows he doesn’t have the most original look
but he can’t stand being too similar to someone else
if anyone in this room tonight is wearing a leather jacket and completely black clothing
he might just tear it off himself and / or burn it
abs and tatts are a good look anyone so doesn’t matter
probably works out to punk music
high school drop out
because he started to realize how useless it is
so he’s generally clever where it’s more relevant in life
saves money well
good paying job
can fund his love for punk basically
and each and every band he supports fully appreciates it
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I’m sorry guys I swear there isn’t a not fluffy Jimin gif for me to use hahaha
so yeah I’m sorry if this turns out too similar to
because I literally made him a punk in that hc
I’m thinking he’s a lead singer of a punk band
that raspy voice works to his advantage
capable of hardcore punk genres
but prefers and sticks to a more rock n roll kind of punk
long hair
whatever colour he feels like this month
piercings galore
tatts galore
will put a needle anywhere on his body
lives on the edge
lives in the moment
he’s done it all
cos fuck the law man
if something about society bothers him
he will speak up
fearless boy
will get his band a gig anywhere in the country
he has things he needs to say
thoughts to spread
only uses social media for punk
his profile is just of gig pictures of his own and sharing events
not your typical singer
kind of writes everything
the band just copy / pick up what he shows them
busks alone sometimes too
may or may not make extra dollar from sneaky acoustic gigs
but it’s not out of selfishness, no
he will always have a goal in mind
and good intentions
like he wants to band to afford professional recordings
or he wants to set up and event
that kind of thing
pay attention
to the things he talks about in his music
you’ll learn a lot
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just needs to hit something
so as long as it isn’t people then great
basically the world screwed him over in some way at some point
and it made him rethink his views about the world
for ages it was restless frustration about it all
but then he discovered punk
the day he discovered his local scene
he wrote random poetry for days
the words had flow to them
but they were unconventional
and then a mate sees it
and he’s like “dude this is sick”
and a band is formed
likes a bit of everything
has friends he can go to the skate park with
has mates to mosh with at hardcore gigs
has friends he can chill with for ska
quite a late learner with the drums
but he must have a natural talent for it
because he becomes amazing in just under 2 years
can do any genre of punk
everyone wants him in their new projects
he’s the guy everyone needs if their guy quits
you know, the demand for Jungkook’s drumming is insance
fortunately he’s wise enough to just stick with the first 3 bands
cos like I say not only does he drum for them
but his creative input for lyrics is huge
just sit him down, give him a topic and bam
he’s just written you a verse and chorus
what else?
50% backwards caps
25% forwards cap
25% lost his cap
somewhat forgetful in areas other than drumming
maybe a bit of a stoner like
“oh yeah man! I forgot about that!
the way his cap is on does often depend on level of alcohol in his blood
forwards for business
backwards for sloshed party animal
breaks a lot of drum sticks by accident
breaks a few hearts by accident welp
I guess girls and guys just notice the muscle 
which he never hides well
cos of course as a drummer, you’re gonna wear a vest really
yeah, that’s pretty much it
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6 - 9
6. what would i like to have in 2018 that i didnt have in 2k17financial stability a bunch of bitchin tatts and a girl who is a friend of mine with a motorcycle and we get food together7. december 7th and the end of medicare enrollment biggest loss?8.continuing to talk to her at all or ever have anything to do with her9.did y'all get sick bro?i got kinda sick once and almost gave up smoking but then i didnt cuz im a nutttt!!!! a real screwball nutcase badboy!! im gonna die tmrw also ive been sick from birth im a living thrasher cover
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authorityissues · 7 years
thnk u i gotta go back over it thicker at some point
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tefpoe1 · 5 years
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I do miss Reggie. They don’t make them like him whatsoever. He called me for @thefader when he could’ve got Raekwon for a bigger headline. But bro was so loyal you can’t define him a few sentences. When I got back from Brazil he had me on the show immediately. After the interview he dropped me off at our gig in Brooklyn. He became one of my mentors whenever I needed advice because he was also an entertainment lawyer and had brokered some of the most legendary deals in the culture in his past life. Combat Jack was on a different level of authenticity. Allah took him from us as internet blogging turned the corner and started becoming what it was always destined to be. He was a pioneer in this field. Genuinely, wanted to see me win and make smarter decisions. We used to talk all the time even while he was sick. I used to text him about doing some things in the future, just so he could envision healthy and back working. Too many RIP tatts and initials on my body. I tend to forget I’m missing a few. #RestInPeaceCombatJack https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dIkMiBk9P/?igshid=1r34c32t1wjfs
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