#siding repair in atlanta
southernexterior · 1 year
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Discover The Step-By-Step Guide To Replace Vinyl Siding: A DIY Guide
https://southernexteriors.co/services/exterior-remodeling/siding/ -
https://southernexteriors.co/services/new-construction/siding/ -
Homeowners often choose vinyl siding for their homes due to its durability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of maintenance. However, as resilient as it might be, there may come a time when you'll need to replace your vinyl siding due to wear and tear or to simply give your home a fresh, new look. While DIY is an option, consider professional help from Southern Exteriors for a flawless vinyl siding replacement. Trust us for top-tier materials and quality workmanship.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to replace vinyl siding:
Assess Damage: Examine siding for cracks, holes, warping, or water damage.
Gather Tools: Zip tool, hammer, pry bar, galvanized nails, new siding.
Remove Siding: Unhook, pry out nails, and remove damaged siding.
Cut New Siding: Measure, cut to fit, match color/style.
Install New Siding: Slide, hook, gently nail center slots.
Secure Siding: Use zip tool to secure top piece lip, ensure all pieces are tight.
Contact Southern Exteriors For Top-Tier Materials And Free Estimates!
Southern Exteriors
Georgia Office:
101 Bunch Road, Jackson, Georgia 30233
Tel: 678-661-4438
Tennessee Office:
1084 Murfreesboro Hwy, Manchester, TN 37355
Tel: 931-438-3552
Chamblee Office:
1954 Airport Road Suite 130-08 Chamblee, GA 30341
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decaturroofers · 2 years
Siding Installation Services In Atlanta | Exterior Services
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We are aware that selecting a siding contractor can be a little uncomfortable. That’s why before beginning a project, RST Roofing and Renovations ensure that we fully understand our client's requirements and that they will receive the high caliber service they are entitled to.
The best siding installation, repair, and replacement services in the region are offered by RST Roofing and Renovations. Many homeowners have trusted us to take care of their siding issues. For more information, visit us: https://bit.ly/3VyAdzn
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robertreich · 2 years
The Dark Side of Sports Stadiums
Billionaires have found one more way to funnel our tax dollars into their bank accounts: sports stadiums. And if we don’t play ball, they’ll take our favorite teams away.
Ever notice how there never seems to be enough money to build public infrastructure like mass transit lines and better schools? And yet, when a multi-billion-dollar sports team demands a new stadium, our local governments are happy to oblige.
A good example of this billionaire boondoggle is the host of the 2023 Super Bowl: State Farm Stadium.
That's where the Arizona Cardinals have played since 2006. It was finally built after billionaire team owner Michael Bidwill and his family spent years hinting that they would move the Cards out of Arizona if the team didn't get a new stadium. Their blitz eventually worked, with Arizona taxpayers and the city of Glendale paying over two thirds of the $455 million construction tab.
And State Farm Stadium is not unique. It’s part of a well established playbook.
Here’s how stadiums stick the public with the bill.
Step 1: Billionaire buys a sports team.
Just about every NFL franchise owner has a net worth of over a billion dollars — except for the Green Bay Packers, who are publicly owned by half a million cheeseheads.
The same goes for many franchise owners in other sports. Their fortunes don’t just help them buy teams, but also give them clout — which they cash-in when they want to get a great deal on new digs for their team.
Step 2: Billionaire pressures local government.
Since 1990, franchises in major North American sports leagues have intercepted upwards of $30 billion worth of taxpayer funds from state and local governments to build stadiums.  
And the funding itself is just the beginning of these sweetheart deals.
Sports teams often get big property tax breaks and reimbursements on operating expenses, like utilities and security on game days. Most deals also let the owners keep the revenue from naming rights, luxury box seats, and concessions — like the Atlanta Braves’ $150 hamburger.
Even worse, these deals often put taxpayers on the hook for stadium maintenance and repairs.
We taxpayers are essentially paying for the homes of our favorite sports teams, but we don’t really own those homes, we don’t get to rent them out, and we still have to buy expensive tickets to visit them.
Whenever these billionaire owners try to sell us on a shiny new stadium, they claim it will spur economic growth from which we’ll all benefit.  But numerous studies have shown that this is false.
As a University of Chicago economist aptly put it, "If you want to inject money into the local economy, it would be better to drop it from a helicopter than invest it in a new ballpark."
But what makes sports teams special is they are one of the few realms of collective identity we have left.
Billionaires prey on the love that millions of fans have for their favorite teams.
This brings us to the final step in the playbook: Threaten to move the team.
Obscenely rich owners threaten to — or actually do — rip teams out of their communities if they don’t get the subsidies they demand.
Just look at the Seattle Supersonics. Starbucks’ founder Howard Schultz owned the NBA franchise but failed to secure public funding to build a new stadium. So the coffee magnate sold the team to another wealthy businessman who moved it to Oklahoma.
The most egregious part of how the system currently works is that every dollar we spend building stadiums is a dollar we aren’t using for hospitals or housing or schools.
We are underfunding public necessities in order to funnel money to billionaires for something they could feasibly afford.
So, instead of spending billions on extravagant stadiums, we should be investing taxpayer money in things that improve the lives of everyone — not just the bottom lines of profitable sports teams and their owners.  
Because when it comes to stadium deals, the only winners are billionaires.
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atlurbanist · 9 months
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Big freeway-capping concepts like The Stitch understandably grab headlines and build excitement.
I would also like to see some attention for other neighborhoods affected by freeways.
Here's a look at southwest Atlanta neighborhoods that were disconnected by I-20; same view, before (1949) and after.
This is the Mozely Park/Ashview Heights/West End area. Pedestrian pathways were greatly harmed here (not to mention the displacement and loss of homes). Can we repair those lost connections for pedestrians, and do so with a program for preventing displacement?
[Side note: when I see these comparisons I'm always struck by the density of development Atlanta used to have before the freeways -- notice all the empty lots in the current view.]
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elvensworld · 5 months
Okay…. I don’t usually do these types of things, but for once I am… I seriously need some help with everything going on.
As some of you know, my son was born March 28th and was not breathing. He was immediately rushed to NICU where he was put on a cpap and given medications to keep a ductal development open to save his life. We knew that he had a heart condition before he was born which allowed doctors to act quickly.
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To explain what is wrong with his heart…. He has dextrocardia, congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, pulmonary atresia, and VSD. To break all that down. His heart is on the right side of his chest, his heart is mirrored, he is missing the part of his pulmonary artery that connects to his heart (there was a ductal development that kept blood flow from the pulmonary to the aorta which was connected to the heart right at the VSD) and a hole between the bottom two chambers of his heart (VSD). Ductal developments are normal in babies. It is a small vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta while in the womb which provides blood flow to the lungs. Within 48 hours of birth, this ductal development will shrink till it no longer exists.
At 3 days old, we transferred from the birth hospital to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, where he went to cardiac ICU. Doctors were pretty sure they could place a stint in the ductal development to keep it open and get him home pretty quickly. At less than a week old, he went in for the stint where they discovered that the tissue of the ductal development was also in his pulmonary artery. This meant that he had to have open heart surgery to repair the pulmonary artery and place a shunt to allow blood flow into his lungs. His surgery was April 5th when he was only 8 days old and went well.
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The recovery from surgery was going to tell us everything we needed to know about his future surgery and what to expect. Thankfully this wasn’t as bad as it could be. He did recover a lot slower than we expected. Because of that, we have not moved to acute care yet and are still in the cardiac ICU. I have spent most days here with Erik while my husband is at home with our toddler. The reason for this is we can’t afford for me to drive back and forth. It’s 100 miles round trip which is rough, especially with gas prices being $3.49 or higher. On top of that, I am having to get food 3x a day, plus pay for parking and breastmilk bags because I am not allowed to breast feed him yet. I am having to pick up new clothes for him because he is so small he is wearing preemie clothing. I am staying at the Ronald McDonald House and they ask for $20 a day if we can and covering one meal a day. My toddler had to start daycare so my husband can work. We really are in need of some help. Every little bit helps and if you can’t, can you please at least share this to help get the word out. Maybe someone can help us in some way.
Other ways to help are:
Cashapp: $Cosmichairdesigns
Venmo: @cosmichairdesigns
To everyone who can share or help, thank you so much. You are appreciated more than I can express in words.
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porterdavis · 2 years
All in the family
I finally broached the subject of Fox News and the Big Lie with my Trumper sister. As I suspected, being a Fox-only viewer, she had never even heard of the Dominion lawsuit and exposure of Fox and its 'talent' as bald-faced liars. Here's what I wrote her in response:
I know it must be hard to realize there is a TV network that to all outward appearances is a normal news outlet but is in actuality a sophisticated propaganda operation. Trump, as Joseph Goebbels before him, knew that if you repeat a lie enough times people will believe it because...well...they've heard it so many times it just must be true. Fox follows the same strategy.
Trump's inauguration had the biggest crowd ever. Remember that? The lying started on the first day. Crime is rising and out of control. Cities are too dangerous to go out at night. Lies. NYC is safer than Tallahassee and Atlanta. You'd never know that watching Fox News. Convoys of criminals are swamping the border. False. In any event, the US needs immigration. Who will clean the pools and pick the strawberries?  Yes, current laws are a mess, but that's because the GOP torpedoes every attempt to fix them. Why solve a problem that provides such a juicy cudgel to beat your opponent with?
The US is a broken system right now and I'm not sure it can be fixed. One side is trying to conduct business as usual, even if they are flawed humans and make mistakes. Bridges and roads are finally getting repaired. LGBTQ+ problems are being addressed instead of condemned. Do I agree with every policy the Dems have? Christ I don't even understand some of them. I have to stop and do a mental walk-through to get it straight in my head what a trans woman is. But the other side is destruction and division. Marginalize the poor. Restrict women's right to control her own body. Banning books? The people in history who have done that never come out as the good guys. 
Turn away the refugee, despite what their Good Book says. Look the other way when thousands of innocent children are mowed down into grotesque chunks of meat by weapons of war in the hands of other children. It's not 'mental health', it's not 'too soon' to talk about it. It's too many guns of a kind that should never be in civilian's hands. 
I have to include one chart, but it pretty much explains why the country you and I grew up in is no longer. The ability to raise a family, buy a house, send your kids to college, and take a vacation every year on one income is long gone. Why? Here's your answer:
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Yes, the chart ends in 2010 but the damage had already been done. What it shows is that the profit made by producing goods and services was diverted away from the people producing them and taken instead by the 'rentier' class -- the owners. How? Well, Reagan broke the unions in his first months in office. (Air traffic controllers strike). The SEC bowed to pressure and for the first time allowed stock buy-backs, meaning companies could direct profits straight to the owners, bypassing the workers. The new oligarchs discovered they could buy the lawmakers and the courts and cut taxes drastically. The gap between the two lines in the chart represents trillions of dollars that were diverted from the workers to the owners. They should have just stuck to share-and-share alike and not gotten so greedy.
I could go on for a long time. There has been so much damage done...
As Jon Stewart said -- I guess I'm woke. I just thought I was good in history.
She basically replied "both sides are dirty" and told me to fuck off.
Oh well.
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afroflowerr · 3 days
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A work in progress of a longer blog post (and possible video) that I’ve been working on about how dear Besan @besan11 has inspired me as an artist! I’m using my art and clay charms to bring attention to her family’s GFM funds for tent repairs, medicine, food, and basic necessities.
(Image description under keep reading and atl)
Besan herself has been hospitalized multiple times as she’s been putting all of her time and energy promoting her GFM, which is still ongoing with £2,720/£8,000; a VERY achievable goal!
If you can’t donate, please share by reblogging this post or Besan’s GFM.
[Image Description:
Two photos on a white background. The first photo in the upper left section is of Besan's sketch of a heart with the Palestinian flag drawn at an angle on the left side, and a crisscross pattern representing the keffiyeh pattern on the right side. The date "30/8/2024" is written underneath her name in the image. The text on the left of Besan's sketch reads "Besan's Sketch - Gaza, Palestine" on a blue background in black font.
In the lower right section is an image where Ave has painting two clay heart charms in Besan's design. Ave painted the left side of the heart in the Palestine flag pattern and colors in red, black, white, and green. And has painted the right side in a tiny version of the keffiyeh pattern with black paint; a single row representing olives, three stripes representing the roads, and a row of slanted ovals with dots connecting them to represent the fishing nets. The text on the right of Ave's image reads "Ave's clay design - Atlanta, Georgia".
Below the text is the artist tagline "Afro Flower" in black font.
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liblib620 · 2 years
HC: Georgia is a lot more tech savvy than we give him credit for. I imagine that states will go to him sometimes for small electronic repairs.
I’m writing this because I have layover in Atlanta for a flight and I’m noticing all these robotic trash cans and air fresheners in bathroom stalls that have motion sensors. Also, side note: the Atlanta airport is HUGE!
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clarkbroroofga · 6 days
Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction
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Located in Roswell, GA, Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction is a family and veteran-owned company serving Fulton County and the Metro Atlanta area. We provide top-quality residential and commercial roofing, siding, exterior painting, window replacement, and gutter services. Our licensed and insured team ensures durable, beautiful results that enhance curb appeal, safety, and energy efficiency. From roof repairs and replacements to comprehensive exterior updates, we are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. We also offer deck installations, inspections, and insurance claim assistance. Trust our local experts for your next project—request a complimentary inspection today!
Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction Address: 1050 Fraser St, Roswell, GA 30075, US Phone: 678-928-8302 Website: https://www.clarkbrothersroofing.com
Visit Us: Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction Facebook Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction Instagram Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction LinkedIn Clark Brothers Roofing & Construction YouTube
Our Services: Roofing Siding Exterior Painting Decks Gutters Windows Insurance Claim Assistance Due Diligence Inspection
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Who Provides Reliable Siding Repair in Atlanta?
It’s crucial to choose a firm that provides high-quality materials and skills for dependable siding repair in Atlanta. Expert siding repair services improve the outward appeal of your house while ensuring that it is weatherproof. Skilled specialists can handle siding materials that are suitable for matching your current structure, such as vinyl, wood, and fiber cement.
gutter cleaning atlanta georgia
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masinadiamonds · 23 days
Pretty Flower Engagement Rings for The Avant-Garde Bride
If you’re looking for wedding bands in Atlanta, GA that are feminine, chic, and elegant, flower diamond rings are the ideal choice for you. Flower rings offer a slightly vintage look making it perfect for soulful brides.
This ultra-feminine ring style is both stunning and unique. Flowers offer significance and sentimentality to many brides as they symbolize something light in this dark world.
With flower rings, since all the gemstones are smaller in size and distributed evenly throughout the ring, this makes it much more cost-effective as opposed to buying one large diamond.
Reasons to love flower diamond rings
One of the main reasons why a lot of brides prefer flower diamond custom jewelry in Atlanta, GA is that they can be tailored to meet your needs.
You can either invest in an engagement ring with a halo that looks like a flower or choose two wedding bands on either side of your ring to create the look of a flower. This option gives you a lot more flexibility and allows you to stack bands for a glam look.
If you’re choosing a vintage flower diamond ring, then make sure to head to a reliable and trusted professional who can offer you a range of high-end metals and stones at an affordable price.
Make sure to check the condition of the piece, if all the prongs are intact, if any stones are loose, and if the metal is tarnished. This can help you pick a piece you love.
Some brides prefer to custom-create a flower ring with their jewelry designers in Atlanta, GA. This allows them to have a new heirloom piece that they can pass down to future generations for years to come.
While any stone can be used in your flower diamond ring, look for durable stones like diamonds, sapphires, and rubies that are tough, durable, and ideal for daily wear. You can also look for durable metals like yellow gold and platinum that are resilient.
The Takeaway
Flower diamond rings are timeless, romantic, and elegant making it ideal for vintage-loving brides. Make sure to take your ring to a professional every couple of months to clean, repair, and maintain it so that it looks new and shiny for years to come.
Your jeweler will polish your metal band, buff your stone, and tighten the setting so that it stays in good condition for a long time.
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Why Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing is the Best Towing Service in Atlanta, GA
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Imagine you're driving through the bustling streets of Atlanta, GA, on your way to an important meeting or heading home after a long day. Suddenly, your car sputters to a stop, leaving you stranded on the side of the road. It's a situation that no one wants to find themselves in, but unfortunately, it can happen to anyone. This is where Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing comes in—a reliable and professional towing service that you can count on when you need it most.
The Importance of Reliable Towing Services
In a city as large and busy as Atlanta, having access to a dependable towing service is crucial. Whether it's a flat tire, a dead battery, or a more severe mechanical issue, being stranded on the side of the road is not only inconvenient but can also be dangerous. This is why choosing the right towing service is so important. Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing understands the stress and urgency of these situations and is dedicated to providing prompt, efficient, and professional service to get you back on the road safely.
24/7 Availability: Always There When You Need Us
One of the key features that set Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing apart from other towing services in Atlanta, GA, is our 24/7 availability. Car troubles don't follow a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither do we. Our fleet of tow trucks and expert drivers are always on call, ready to assist you no matter the time of day or night. Whether you're dealing with a late-night breakdown on a quiet street or a busy highway during rush hour, you can trust Amanah to be there promptly.
Comprehensive Services: More Than Just Towing
At Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing, we offer more than just towing. We provide a range of roadside assistance services to address various issues you might encounter on the road. These include:
Flat Tire Assistance: If you experience a flat tire, our team can quickly change it for you or provide a tow to the nearest tire repair shop if necessary.
Battery Jump-Start: A dead battery can leave you stranded, but with Amanah's quick response team, we'll get your vehicle started and back on the road in no time.
Lockout Service: Locked out of your car? Our technicians can safely unlock your vehicle without causing any damage.
Fuel Delivery: Running out of gas can happen to anyone. If you find yourself out of fuel with no gas station in sight, we can deliver enough fuel to get you to the nearest station.
Winching Service: If your vehicle is stuck in mud, snow, or a ditch, our winching service can help pull it out and get you back on solid ground.
A Commitment to Safety and Care
When it comes to roadside assistance and towing, safety is our top priority. We understand that being stranded on the road can be a stressful and even dangerous situation. Our team of experienced drivers and technicians are trained to handle every situation with the utmost care and professionalism. We ensure that your vehicle is towed safely, minimizing the risk of further damage. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you're in good hands.
State-of-the-Art Equipment and Technology
At Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing, we believe that providing the best service requires using the best equipment. Our tow trucks are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to handle any situation efficiently. Whether you have a small sedan, a large SUV, or a commercial vehicle, our fleet can accommodate all types of vehicles. Our equipment is regularly maintained and updated to ensure that we can provide the highest level of service to our customers.
Why Choose Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing?
Choosing the right towing service in Atlanta, GA, can make all the difference when you're in a tough spot. Here are just a few reasons why Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing is the best choice for you:
Experience and Expertise: Our team has years of experience in the towing and roadside assistance industry, giving us the knowledge and skills to handle any situation.
Fast Response Time: We understand the urgency of roadside emergencies. That's why we pride ourselves on our quick response times, ensuring that help arrives as soon as possible.
Affordable Rates: Quality service doesn't have to come with a high price tag. We offer competitive rates for all our services, providing you with value for your money.
Customer-Centered Approach: At Amanah, we put our customers first. From the moment you call us to the time your vehicle is safely on its way, we prioritize your needs and satisfaction.
When it comes to roadside assistance and towing in Atlanta, GA, Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing is the name you can trust. Our commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and safety makes us the best choice for all your towing and roadside assistance needs. The next time you find yourself in a tough spot on the road, remember that Amanah is just a phone call away, ready to come to your rescue.
For more details: 📞 Call Us: (678) 618-3103 🏠 Address: 2628 Godfrey Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 📍 GBP Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fuhYezJkieUY785o6
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superseamlessgutter · 2 months
Secure Your Home with Expert Gutter Services in Gainesville
Imagine waking up to the sound of a torrential downpour, only to realize that the water isn't just outside your home—it's inside as well. This nightmare scenario can be prevented with properly functioning gutters. Rainwater is directed away from the foundation, walls, and landscape of your house by gutters in great part. Without them, your property could suffer from water damage, soil erosion, and other costly issues. This makes Gutter Replacement Services in Gainesville not just a maintenance task but a necessary investment in the longevity and safety of your home.
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The Importance of Professional Gutter Services
Handling gutters isn't just about dealing with occasional clogs; it's about ensuring that your entire rainwater management system is efficiently designed and maintained. Professional gutter services provide the expertise needed to evaluate, repair, or replace gutter systems, ensuring they operate effectively year-round. Employing expert services saves homeowners from the potential perils of improper water drainage, such as basement flooding and damaged siding.
Choosing the Right Gutter Service in Gainesville
When it comes to gutters, one size does not fit all. Homes in Gainesville vary in architectural styles and roofing materials, which influences the type of gutters that are best suited for each home. Professional Gutter Replacement Services in Gainesville assess your home's specific needs, considering factors like roof pitch, the average rainfall in your area, and aesthetic preferences to recommend the best gutter solutions. These tailored services not only enhance the functionality of your gutters but also contribute to the curb appeal of your property.
Maintaining Your Gutters: When to Call the Experts
Extending the lifetime of your gutters depends mostly on regular maintenance. Over time, gutters can become filled with leaves, twigs, and other debris that can obstruct water flow. This buildup can lead to water spilling over during rainstorms, which can damage your home's exterior and landscaping. Additionally, gutters can become loose or disconnected from the house due to severe weather conditions. It's important to have a professional inspect and clean your gutters at least twice a year to prevent these issues.
Enhanced Home Value and Safety with Gutter Services in Gainesville
Effective gutters are a critical component of your home's weatherproofing and water management system. Upgrading to a more efficient gutter system can enhance your home's value and curb appeal. Furthermore, Gutter Services in Gainesville ensures that your home is protected against potential water-related damages, making it a safer place for you and your family. Ensuring that your gutters are in optimal condition with professional help can save you from future headaches and financial burdens associated with water damage.
Maintaining and upgrading your gutter system is not merely a maintenance task—it's a crucial investment in protecting and enhancing your home. With professional gutter services, you can ensure that your home remains safe, dry, and beautiful, regardless of the weather. By trusting in the expertise of superseamlessgutter.com, you gain peace of mind, knowing that your property is equipped to handle even the harshest rainstorms. Remember, when it comes to protecting your home from water damage, professional gutter services are your first line of defense.
Our website has a wealth of information on this subject.
Gutter Installation Company in Atlanta GA
Reliable Roofing Services in Gainesville GA
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sidingdepot2 · 7 months
2024 Home Siding Replacement Guide
Whether you have been in your house for a few years or several decades, you have undoubtedly thought about updating the siding for housing once or twice. There are various advantages that a siding replacement project might offer your house. It updates the aesthetics of your house and increases curb appeal. Changing siding on house also raises the value of your house and improves its appeal to potential purchasers, should you decide to sell.
The fact that new siding shields the structure of your house from the elements and the weather is maybe even more significant.  Insect infestations, dampness, mold, and mildew growth all issues that can develop from neglecting siding over time, and they can all have detrimental effects on the underlying structure of your home.
This siding replacement guide is intended to assist homeowners in understanding various siding options, their associated costs, the anticipated return on investment from replacing their siding, and more. To find out everything you need know before starting a siding renovation on your house, keep reading.
Signs that indicate you should go for siding replacement in Atlanta
If your siding is made of wood, search for any brittle areas that have cracked or are about to crack. You'll notice that these areas usually don't appear as good as siding that is in better shape. This indicates that moisture has started to seep into your siding, eroding the qualities that make wood so durable. If you think that any of the siding in those locations has dry rot, give them a light tap. This will make it easy for you to spot a dry-rotted region because the siding will only be intact on the outside. If left untreated, rot will cause additional decay.
Siding boards that are warped typically point to an issue. Look at your house from different perspectives to see if there are any areas where the siding is no longer level with the panels next to it. This indicates that there might be significant damage—including rot—beneath the surface. To assess the state of the material and substrate, prod the surface area and underneath the siding with a screwdriver or hammer. It is definitely time to repair the siding if the substrate or siding seems flimsy or splits readily.
Any siding material that has visible fissures provides a site of entry for moisture and pests. It might be a good idea to get professional assistance to assess the extent and depth of your cracks and decide whether complete siding replacement is required or if patchwork would be adequate.
Small holes in your siding made by insects can be hard to discern, but if you notice a pattern of carved areas or see insects coming in and going out of small openings, you might have a bigger issue. Seek out bird holes that are somewhat higher off the ground.
The most commonly preferred siding options available these days are:
Vinyl siding
Fiber cement siding
Hardie board siding
Natural wood siding
Engineered wood siding
Brick siding
Natural stone siding
Stone veneer (aka faux stone) siding
Stucco siding
Aluminum siding
Choosing Colors
After deciding on the kind of siding you want, you can start choosing a color. Selecting colors for your siding might be one of the best parts of replacing your home. Although you might be tempted to a siding color immediately away, it's useful to apply the following guidelines and procedures to aid you through the process:
Choose the type of siding you want. Depending on the type of siding, your selections for siding color may be limited. For example, vinyl has nearly infinite color options, but brick and wood have limited color selections.
Think about your home's design. The ideal siding colors can typically be determined by taking into account the style of the home. For example, white, gray, and soft hues go well with colonial homes. Bold colors and textures work better in Victorian-style homes.
Examine your roof, windows, and front door. Selecting siding that complements other external aspects is a smart option. For example, you can contrast lighter-colored siding with a darker front door or roof, and vice versa. Remember that you may always change your door at a reasonable price to better complement your newly installed siding.
Look around the houses in the area where you live. You can find ideas for siding colors and styles by taking a stroll around your neighborhood and looking at other people's homes. Maybe there's a house that you like and that has similar design and construction to yours. Better still, find out online how much a house in your neighborhood is worth if it is for sale. This data may help determine whether siding increases a home's worth when it comes time to sell.
Siding Replacement Cost
You most likely want an idea of the cost before starting a siding replacement project. You may estimate the amount of siding your home requires on your own, even though your siding contractor will measure the required amount and present you bids.
The Conclusion
Looking to replace home siding? Siding Depot is one of the reputed siding contractors in Kennesaw and offers reliable siding installation in Atlanta GA in an affordable and effective manner. Over the years, the Atlanta siding contractor has carved a niche in the field of siding installation, siding repair and exterior siding replacement in Atlanta.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to know about how to upgrade vinyl siding.
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nirbobharvey · 7 months
Hail Damage Detection and Repair
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Avoid significant roof damage and leaks from severe hailstorms. Knowing how to identify hail damage to your roofing system will help you get the insurance company and the roofer started on repairs before minor leaks can become severe water damage.
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New Image Roofing Atlanta gathered information about hailstorms, detecting damages they can cause, and how to get your roof repaired or replaced when damages are sufficient for an insurance claim.
When is Hail Season?
When a thunderstorm reaches “severe” limits, it has intensified to the point that it will produce high wind gusts – 58 mph or more – and/or hail 1 inch in diameter or larger. Georgia’s peak severe thunderstorm or hailstorm season is March, April, and May.
Note: Autumn brings a secondary, smaller peak in hailstorms in early fall as air – higher in the atmosphere – cools down, while heat and moisture at the surface are still relatively high. Consider the following information about hail:
What is Hail – Hail is solid ice that forms inside thunderstorm updrafts. Hail can damage aircraft, homes, and cars and can be deadly to livestock and people.
How does Hail Fall – Hail falls when it gets heavy enough to overcome a thunderstorm’s updraft strength and is pulled toward Earth by gravity.
Note: Wind-driven hail can damage siding, break windows and blow into houses, shatter side windows on cars, and cause severe injury and/or death to people, vegetation, and animals.
Detecting Hail Damage
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Hail damage is not always immediately apparent, and homeowners may not realize the harm done until there is a severe problem. Here are some key signs to look for when assessing your roof for hail damage:
Dented or Damaged Shingles – Inspect your roof for dented, bruised, or cracked shingles. Hail can cause granules to wear off, exposing the underlying material and compromising the shingle’s integrity.
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Granule Loss – Check your gutters and downspouts for an accumulation of granules. Loss of granules can reduce the shingle’s ability to protect your home from UV rays, water, and other elements.
Soft Spots – Walk carefully on your roof and check for soft spots or areas where the roof feels spongy underfoot. This can indicate underlying damage to the decking beneath the shingles.
Dents on Metal Surfaces – Inspect metal components like gutters, vents, and downspouts for dents and dings. These are signs of hail impact.
Cracked or Broken Windows and Skylights – Hailstorms can damage windows and skylights. If you notice cracked or broken windows or skylights (it is a good indicator that your roof has sustained significant damage as well).
Dented, Cracked, or Damaged Boots and Flashing – Boots and flashing (protecting penetrations and joints) can be damaged or dislodged during a hailstorm, causing severe leaks.
Coordinating Hail Damage Inspections
Once you suspect hail damage, it is crucial to take prompt action to assess the situation and initiate repairs. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to coordinate inspections with your roofer and insurance provider:
Contact Your Roofer – Call a reputable roofing professional to schedule a thorough inspection. Choose a licensed and insured roofer with experience in hail damage assessments.
Document the Damage – Before the inspection, document the damage by taking clear photographs of affected areas. This visual evidence will be crucial when dealing with insurance claims.
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Meet with the Roofer – Accompany the roofer during the inspection. Discuss your observations and concerns, and ask for a detailed damage assessment. A professional roofer can provide an estimate for repairs.
Contact Your Insurance Provider – Once you understand the damage and the estimated repair costs, contact your insurance provider and give them the documentation, including photographs and the roofer’s assessment.
Schedule an Insurance Inspection – Your insurance company will likely send out an adjuster to inspect the damage independently. Coordinate with the adjuster and your roofer to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.
Review the Insurance Claim – Review the claim with your insurance carrier. Ensure all documented damage is included in the claim, and clarify any discrepancies.
Approval and Repairs – When approved, work with your roofer to schedule the repairs. Choose high-quality materials and ensure repairs address both visible and underlying damage.
Watch this video for more information about insurance claim deductibles.
Severe Hailstorm Roof Damage
In this article, you discovered crucial information about hailstorms, detecting damages they cause, and how to get your roof repaired or replaced when damages warrant an insurance claim.
Your ability to detect damages caused by hailstorms will keep you from coping with significant leaks and water damage.
Failure to identify and repair hail damage can lead to severe leaks and costly structural damage to your home or business.
Sources: nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/hail weather.gov/ffc/hail extension.missouri.edu/news/call-insurance-adjuster-to-determine-hail-damage learnandserve.org/hail-homeowners-guide-hail-damage
New Image Roofing Atlanta
2020 Howell Mill Rd NW Suite 232 Atlanta, GA30318 (404) 680-0041
To see the original version of this article, visit https://www.newimageroofingatlanta.com/hail-damage-detection-and-repair/
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