pentacass · 5 months
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stuartette · 5 years
TESO/ESO (again)
Now I may sound like a mega noob but, who exactly is Sielaire? I know she’s an Aldmeri Dominion war hero but besides that I’m not really sure. How exactly does she play into the game? In the trailers I see her but then I also see raz (who is in the game) and I wonder what exactly her role is. Because ngl she takes my breath away. I mean look at her.
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whosyourvladi · 6 years
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So I based my character, Sondilwe, off of the High Elf hero from trailers. Unashamedly, I am absolutely head-over-heels for her and may start to write her into some FanFics in the future... provided I find inspiration.
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spatialheather · 6 years
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OC-tober Day 21 Grow: Virano
OC-tober Day 22 Dance: Princess...... Aurbirnawe? Aubrinawe?
More Sierenn Characters. The first borrowed from @pentacass . Virano, Sielaire’s brother and current caretaker of the family’s Shimmerene Cider Mill and Apple Orchard. He’s a bit of a loner with intense devotion to the trees and land that sustain him and his family, and a great respect for nature that further keeps other Altmer away. 
His grand niece becomes his protege and heir. The youngest princess, she’s free to chose her own path, and explore a wide variety of interests, but a strong sense of familiar duty pulls her back to the her grandmother’s ancestral home and the peace in the roots she finds there. 
(Her name is a WIP, but if this is it, she’d probably go by Birn or Brin)
Prompt list!
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ao3feed-wlw · 5 years
by Lycoriseum
The Queen and her Battlereeve, through thick and thin, in love and war. [Queen Ayrenn/Female Altmer]
Updated: 2019-11-02 Words: 129998, Chapter: 31/?, Language: English, Hits: 3047
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online, Elder Scrolls
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Ayrenn Aldmeri/Female Altmer, Ayrenn Aldmeri/Altmer Hero from ESO trailers, Ayrenn Aldmeri/Sielaire
Characters: Ayrenn Aldmeri, Female Altmer, Altmer, Sielaire
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pentacass · 7 months
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"I cannot imagine a world that exists without you by my side." "If it does not exist, then I will reshape the world - just for you."
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pentacass · 10 months
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sielaire 1/x
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pentacass · 2 years
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pentacass · 1 year
Summary: After the end of 'Raison D'etre'. :)) [cw: suicide/suicidal thoughts, non-explicit]
'You will find my body where it belongs-'
"No, no, no!"
The letter flutters to the floor, forgotten, as Razum-dar bolts out of the secluded cottage, its wooden door nearly slammed off its hinges by his shoulder. Heart and feet racing futilely against time that has passed him by, Raz flies down to the shore, kicking up sand in his wake as he sprints towards the seaside cave. He rips a runestone from his pocket, its inscribed sigils glowing to allow him entry through an illusory wall of stone, to find-
"No." His throat is so tight, the word barely claws its way out.
Four unsteady steps towards the tombstone that marks the resting place of his beloved friend's ashes, then Razum-dar falls to his knees beside the body that lies before the grave - face-down, hand stretched outward as if it had prostrated, seeking forgiveness.
His hands tremble as he clutches at her shoulder, and turns her over. Lips tinted an unnatural black, they stand out against Sielaire's ashen complexion, one final mockery as Raz stares down at his latest, grave failure. An empty vial lies beside Sielaire's head, and Raz hurls it out of the cave, the sound of glass shattering against rock a scant balm against his hurting soul.
He wishes he could say this is a shock. Sielaire's days without Ayrenn had been spent without the slightest interest in living. He has known her trajectory all along, despite his efforts to anchor her in the present, in life. He only hates the possibility that - in his need to delay the inevitable, to draw a smile from one whose joy had died - he had prolonged her pain, when release might've been more merciful.
Gods know how often that last thought had seeped into his mind as well.
Burying bitter envy in the depths of his heart, Raz takes her hands, and clasps them over her stomach. Gently stroking her red hair, Raz lowers his head to rest against Sielaire's.
"Go in joy, kitten. Watch over her, wherever you are."
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pentacass · 1 year
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whomst made the conscious decision to have her sword hilt jutting out at that angle
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pentacass · 1 year
Barbie and Ken mugshot meme but with your oc pairs.
I'm sure there might be more but concernerd barbie=aneril, shit eating grin ken =rey.
HERE WE GO!!! (milah art by hana-blogs)
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From our Very Serious Discussion™:
Rey is literally getting her mugshot done for fun cos she has a 'get out of jail free' card for murder from the government and never gets to go to jail 😔
Ayrenn has diplomatic immunity but we all know she would insist on getting her mugshot done or trick her jailers into doing it
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pentacass · 2 years
Devotion - 35: High Isle - 2 AO3 | FF.net
Summary: something something gay shit happens
With a quiet sigh, Sielaire bids caution goodbye and throws herself into the three-woman blitz - keeping close to Ayrenn and Caska as they charge into the fort’s entrance hall, spilling fresh red over gritty floor tiles as they strike down Serpents caught off-guard. Ayrenn’s victorious laugh rings in Sielaire’s ears, the adrenaline-fueled delight in her Queen’s voice sparking to life a fire in her own veins.
Read in the links above!
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pentacass · 2 years
Devotion - 34: High Isle - 1 AO3 | FF.net
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pentacass · 2 years
🤡 and 💬 - for both Sielaire and Vestra, pls!
ah...my lightning lesbians. u know the way into my heart inky :3c thenk for ask!! (art below by yarpell)
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🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
You mean other than her fuckin Victoria’s Secret lingerie battle outfit? (she doesn’t wear it in my fics i swear) Her ears are pretty expressive - they go red when she’s embarrassed or agitated, and twitch subtly in surprise. It’s not uncommon among elves, but it makes her self-conscious, given that she’s built up this stoic personality as a battlereeve but still has an obvious tell she can’t control. Ayrenn likes to tease her and watch that flush creep up her ears.
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
Mostly she hums ('mm...') or stretches out her last word to fill the gap. With Ayrenn, her most common filler is 'I will...' because 1) she is ever in service to her Queen and 2) gods fucking know Ayrenn can and will put her in situations where she needs to do something but think carefully before they cause a diplomatic incident.
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🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
It’s hard to make her feel embarrassed. She’ll own even the dumbest shit so she can come out looking Cool™. Her weakness is where she is most sincere - caring for her friends and being in love. She's really dedicated to looking like a cold-hearted bitch and stars help her, her loved ones are determined to prove otherwise.
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
She trained herself out of using filler words long ago. Self-image is a priority, she must always look and sound assured, eloquent. She speaks at a moderate pace, and if she needs time to think, she will pause for a bit. Ves either speaks well and to the point, or not at all.
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pentacass · 2 years
Sielaire: *carrying all groceries in both arms*
Ayrenn: *reaches out to help*
Sielaire: *immediately switches all groceries to one arm to hold her hand*
Ayrenn: That's not what I– okay.
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pentacass · 1 year
Devotion - 36: High Isle - 3 AO3 | FF.net
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Read in the links above!
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