sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Heart Creek Trail | Happy Monday, everyone! Yesterday, we ventured through another hike after being in home quarantine for a week. We opted for a shorter, easier trail after getting few cms of snow overnight- and we thought Heart Creek Trail fits bil.
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This 2.7 mi round-trip trail is definitely a winter wonderland, and spikes are almost not required after the fresh powder overnight
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The trail ends in a Heart Canyon Falls, which I think was the hardest part to traverse as it’s a slippery incline, although I’ve seen little kids climb this bit with their Uggs... lol
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This trail is obviously all about the journey than the destination. It’s just so beautiful to take in the scenery after being cooped up in the house for a week. I’m just a bit disappointed with the fact that there are so many people there with their kids, and they did not seem to be practicing social distancing. 
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It took us about 1 hour 20 minutes to finish the whole trail. We will definitely be back in the summer and hopefully do the Heart Mountain trail this time!
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sierradorotheia · 3 years
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BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS, FRIENDS! Four days late! I’ve been off for a week at work... and I tried to steer clear of my computer to check work stuff but I’ve been meaning to do a Christmas post.
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Christmas is VERY different this year for obvious reasons. J & I wanted to spend it with both our families, and we had grand plans on his side of the family to spend a weekend in the mountains but with the new Covid restrictions... that had to be canceled. We also booked a flight to visit my family for a couple days, and had to cancel that, too... so for our first Christmas as husband and wife, we spent it just the two of us. I’m so grateful for J--- and I know he does not read my blog (I don’t even think he knows it exists lol)--- but I can’t imagine going through these times with anyone else but him. He TRIED SO HARD to make everything special for us even when I have some episodes here and there. I have no words about what he brings in to my mental health... it’s just tremendously helpful and I can only hope I am reciprocating the same way.
We’re also celebrating New Years just the two of us, just like we always have in the past, but this time we’ll be staying home. I checked my Facebook memories and in the past three NYEs, we have been out of the country! I know it will still be fun, but we’ll do an update then :) 
I can’t believe I just finished writing my New Year’s resolutions as well. I’ve been serious about it for a few years now, and I just like how it keeps me on track. New Year, new beginnings. New opportunities. Reset.
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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September 17 2020 || Our wedding! Hey y’all... surprise! I know I have been MIA for over a month--- but I do have a reason for it. I am now officially Mrs Lalonde! 
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We got married last week and it was truly a magical moment- I wish I can put into words how happy we are to finally tie the knot. We planned a Covid wedding in the span of 56 days and 10/10 I will not recommend! Haha. So happy with how everything turned out though- thanks to our amazing vendors and of course our family and friends. 
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I have plenty of stuff to catch up on in terms of the blog- but right now I’m still riding the newly-wed high and just want to announce this big milestone to y’all  ♥   Chat soon!
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Windtower Mountain | Woo! We were able to squeeze in one last summer day hike before that white stuff fell on the ground- the Windtower Mountain. J and I are so out of shape for hiking, although I’ve kept up with running and he’s kept up with tennis, we haven’t hiked in weeks in part of the wedding planning.
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It was so nice to be reminded of how beautiful it is to be back in the mountains... in nature. It’s even more surprising to still be climbing mountains in October!
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Kelowna, BC || Oh Kelowna, how I love you! This is probably the first time I’ve visited this City during the summer time- as I’ve always been here before during late-Fall and in the middle of winter. 
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It’s always been a treat every time I visit, but this time we got to some boating and hiking and wine tasting (separate post!). The boating was such a treat- and it was J’s first time driving a boat and you can tell it’s been a stressful few moments (lol). The day started fairly gloomy and windy, which put a damper on the first moments that we almost bailed out, but thankfully we caught some sun and was still able to enjoy a warm weather while in the water.
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I’ve been wanting to hike in Kelowna for ages now, and finally got to do it this time. Kelowna does not have high mountains like the Alberta Rockies, so we picked a moderate one close to our Airbnb - Mount Boucherie. We actually ran up the 3KM and were rewarding with amazing views up top! We can see the winery that we will later visit from the summit, and the Okanagan Lake views will just never get old.
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We definitely wined and dined in in YLW- and checked out the breweries that I visited before - BNA Brewery and Tree Brewing Co.
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You just never run out of things to do, see, eat and drink- and that’s one of the reasons I will keep coming back in Kelowna ☺
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Canyon Creek Caves || Hike # 2 this Victoria Day weekend! This time, we opted for a moderate hike at West Bragg Creek... with only 486 m elevation gain- but you will have to walk 5 kms each way to the trailhead! The “ice” caves are pretty neat, and can be rocky and difficult depending on your comfort level. 
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We hiked with J’s parents, and they are physically active people in their 60′s and they had to turn around when we arrived at the rocky parts, where I was in my all-fours for the most part.
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I know the Ice Cave would be cool in winter, but I don’t see myself traversing this trail during snow season.
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Also another pretty hike in a warm afternoon- with a perfect mix of mountain views, forest, and some clearings.
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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May 31st 2020 || Today would have been our third hike of the season, and Summer has not even officially started yet. We went to bed at 9 pm on a Saturday night, had our hike lunch and our backpacks ready to hit the road at 6 am today. The trail head is a bit more of a drive from us, and it’s an estimated 5-hour round trip hike and was supposed to be a doozy, so we decided to get an early head start as there also was rain in the forecast around noon. J and I also thought that maybe we need to start our hiking out early in the morning, as it feels more efficient and routinely that way. I thought we did everything right- when we get to the trail head at 8 am, there was no other cars in the parking lot and we thought, sweeet, for once maybe we’ll be the one descending and greeting people as we meet them during their ascent.
The trail started out with knee-deep snow, and for a few hundred metres, it did not bother us as we know it won’t be like this for long, and there will be clearing soon. We were following tracks as we go, and did not think about checking the map that early on- and we realized the terrain had been very challenging and there’s not even any incline yet. We were 45 minutes in when J decided to check the map, and alas, we were not following the trail. We made our way back to where we came from, and thought we found the trail but it was very dense forest that we were a bit worried about wildlife just springing on to us, so we went back once again. It had been a really hard trouble looking for the right trail, and we already wasted an hour when we realize we were reading the map incorrectly. So back to where we came from, yadi yadi yada... there had been constant bickering throughout- the yapping mostly coming from myself as J was not even giving me the time of day anymore- and it had been a mental battle until we both decided maybe we will do this trail on more favourable conditions sometime in July.
I felt like a failure- for planning a hike and actually making it to the trail head and not being able to complete it. We went back home feeling defeated, myself mostly. J treated me to a gelato, and I felt even worse than I did- for how I treated him during the adversity and he still chose to reward me. It was as if I was blaming him for everything that happened that day- when I did not even contribute to the solution when were faced with challenges during the hike. And worse, I was panicking constantly but not helping out the situation. I relied on him to find solutions on his own- when the hike was both of our ideas.
Too many things come across myself- how mentally inept I am to deal with hardships, and how quickly I am to throw in the towel when the going gets tough. And this is even just a day of leisure- what about real-life stuff? I had to take a step back and ponder on my actions- and try to see things in my partner’s perspective. J was able to keep a level head the entire time, and to see it as a challenge- and still to see the positive in things. I have patched things up with J today, thanks to his cheesy spinach bread and wine, but I really have to tackle a lot of things with my mental toughness.
This month (and the months to follow), I vow to pay attention to myself more- to know my triggers, to calm myself before an outburst ensue. To meditate more, journal more... deliver more daily affirmations to myself, to find more things to be grateful about, and most importantly, to see the glass always half-full. 
In order to love those around me, I need to learn to fill my own heart with self-love and to focus on the things I have control over. I would like you, reader, to do the same. I know we tend to forget the important things--- so what if we did not complete the hike today? That summit will not go away. But the love of my life might, if I don’t change the way I think sometimes. I know he’s always been very supportive and patient with me every step of the way, but even the nicest guys crack, too. And I know the view up there is so much better with him, so no mountains will be insurmountable... both literally and figuratively.
I’m wishing all of us a very great week! Always remember to love yourself  ♥
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Peace Bridge || Definitely got my steps in this weekend! Had a lovely stroll at Downtown Calgary on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. There were a lot of people out and about, but I could say social distancing protocols were followed. Look forward to more sunny days like this  ☺
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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East End of Rundle || Our first summit of the season - the EEOR. I’m really not sure why we picked this hike... J and I were looking at some hiking trails for the May long weekend and came across this. It’s a very beautiful hike all the way up.. and I would have been perfectly fine if we just made it to the meadows. 
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This summit is rated hard by AllTrails, with a distance of 5.6 kms and 877 m elevation. This has challenged me both physically and mentally- mentally I guess due to sporadic rain/hail downpours. The view from the summit is just unparalleled even when the visibility is not clear- and it was a definite immune booster. 
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While I’m proud that we were able to surmount this trail, I was not proud of my mental weakness when things went wrong. We got lost on our way down- and that really had me panicking so hard that I took it out on J instead of looking for solutions. This trail was meant to only be 5.6 kms but after we got back to our vehicle, we racked up a total of 8 kms from getting lost. I felt so bad for the way I acted and it just made me realize once more how lucky I am to have a partner like J- he even said he understood my actions and reactions at that time and he did not feel it was directed at him, but in the anxiety I felt at that moment.
I can’t wait to do more hikes this season... I would say it was a perfect season opener.. but I will not recommend that to anyone. lol! 
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Johnston Canyon || 48 hours in to social distancing and we decided to distance ourselves even further... to the mountains! I’ve been wanting to check out the Johnston Canyon trail but it’s about half hour farther than Banff so it’s always just been a “next time” situation. NOT ANYMORE!
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It’s been 10 days since I’ve gone to the gym as I have been avoiding it. Tennis clinics are also on the verge of getting canceled at this point... so I really, really need some fresh air. The Canyon did not disappoint... although there were quite a bit of people there to our liking, we still kept our distance to others.
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There’s a beautiful frozen waterfall on the Lower Falls that you can access through a tiny cave- and I can only imagine this falls in the summer! 
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The Upper Falls is where you can check out these, err, ice climbers? lol and they’re so therapeutic to watch... also nerve-wrecking, too! I wonder if they feel the same with all the eyes on them- and if it makes them even more nervous. 
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We contemplated on doing another 3 km to the Ink Pots but decided to wait that out for the summer... and decided to make our way to the town of Banff instead. It’s almost close to ghost town with less tourists on a Sunday due to the pandemic, but the Banff Ave Brewing Co is still bustling with beer patrons. 
It’s so unfortunate that on our way back home, we heard on the news that Alberta is closing down all of it’s K-12 schools and day care across the province, declaring a State of Emergency. I have also been notified that we are to work from home, but J’s work still requires them to show up to the branch albeit in modified hours. I honestly did not expect anything like this to happen in our lifetime... just stay positive guys! Hang in there! 
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Maui Brewing Co. || Up until this day, we have been avoiding Maui Brewing beers on booze aisles when we’re going out shopping... for the reason that we really want to try it for the first time at the Mecca itself.
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We’re so happy we waited! We booked a reservation for happy hour, and the brewery is just less than 10 minutes from our apartment. I was not very thrilled with the food- but the beer, y’all! It’s so good, and so strong, too. Lol... I have a blurred memory of everything that transpired after a few flights and pints, but I will never forget the beer.
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We brought a couple of howlers back, and J and I unanimously agreed that the King’s Tide is our favourite brew. Funny enough, after our visit to MBC, we’ve only been getting their beers from the grocery stores. 
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Mahaulepu Heritage Trail || I don’t think we’ve ever done a coastal hike/trail before, but this has got to be the most beautiful trail we’ve ever done.
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Not a hike per se, as it is more like a stroll although you pretty much have to climb a few rocks here and there and the trail does not seem to end, so you still get a cardio in.
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It was a bright and sunny start to our second day in Kaua’i, which rapidly deteriorated later that afternoon so we’ve been pretty blessed to be able to do the trail in such nice weather.
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Remember when I said the trail will never end? Yeah, we decided to turn around as we had an activity planned later that afternoon, and J did not want to go the same way we came so we ended up in this off-the beaten path. We were actually bickering at the time this photo was taken, but I thought I’d include it so you guys know I’d rather be walking on a coastal trail than this unpaved road with bugs... lol
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Due to inclement weather, the activity we had planned that afternoon did not push through (more on that later), so we decided to do the next big thing- we checked out a brewpub nearby called Kaua’i Island Brewery. I’m unsure whether they brew their own beer, but the names of the beer were along the lines of Na Pali, Waimea, etc... regardless, the food was very good! I’m still dreaming of the Kalua pork nachos we had!
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sierradorotheia · 5 years
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J and I got our portraits professionally taken three weeks ago at Barrier Lake, and they finally arrived! I am truly, unequivocally happy with how the photos turned out. We’ve been meaning to do it for a long time, even toyed with the idea of having it done in either Barcelona or Venice... and I am so glad we waited to be back in the Rockies to do it.
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We can definitely feel the love and romance while going through these pictures. I’ve ordered some prints to share to our parents and to display in our living room as we do not have any right now... and I am thinking about ordering photo books as well, depends on how the quality of the prints turn out.
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I hope our love stays as beautiful as it is now... forever  ♥
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Glenbow Ranch || I was patiently waiting for the clock to hit 4 PM so J and I can venture outside as it had been bright and sunny and inviting outdoors while I was “on the clock”. We decided to go for a run nearby and it started getting gloomy! I regret just wearing one layer of thermal and my yoga pants as it got really unbearably windy and brisk, forcing us to sprint even faster, but it still was not enough. We ambitiously tried to do 10K, which is really very opportunistic considering we’re not runners at all, but we just could not as it also started getting extremely windy and snowy.
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In the end, we ended up doing 4.5 kms, which I’m still proud of... maybe we can re-do this run when the weather is more favourable. I’m stoked to get a head start on running outdoors, though. 
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Maui Beaches || We checked out a total of SEVEN beaches in Maui during our 9-day stay, and that’s not even all of it! What I love about the beaches in Hawai’i is that they’re all public and the big resorts will not be able to capitalize on it. Sure, it’s nice when a cabana boy comes up to you and ask if you need a towel or sunscreen or a drink... but I find it’s very cost-friendly to just pack up your beach chairs and your lunch and just camp on whatever beach you decide to go to.
First on the list is the walk-out beach from our Airbnb, Sugar Beach. This is the longest beach in Maui, and I believe we were at the farthest-end of it. Thing I like about the Sugar Beach is that it’s not busy at all! We’ve watched a few sunsets and once lounged on this beach on an afternoon and there were hardly anybody, so we usually have the best seats on this beach.
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Next on the list is the Makena Beach, which J and I agreed is our most favourite. The beautiful blue’s just meshes with the fine sands and while I enjoyed the idyllic vibes Sugar Beach has, Makena Beach might be busy but the energy is different, in a good way!
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The most interesting one for us would be the black-sand beach, Holokalani Beach. We’ve visited this beach in Hana on a rainy day and we’re already in awe of how beautiful it is, and I can only imagine it during one fine day. I’ve never been to a black sand beach before! This beach is so much fun and has a little bit of a coastal trail where you can have a better view of the blowholes.
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I knew we were bound to visit the Kanapaali Beach  at some point, but I did not know that it would be on the day we planned to go shopping at the Whaler’s Village- so you can see I was all dressed up and made up and not at all on a beach-day getup! Apparently this beach was voted the best in the world at some point. We saw a bunch of boogie boarders and J decided to test it out as well while we were on this beach. 
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The next three beaches I’m about to mention... we visited in one full day. First is the Oluwalu Beach where we had our whale-watching (more on that on the next post!). Our whale watching was scheduled for 7 am so we arrived at the crack of dawn- and  what I love about this beach is the gorgeous mountain views and this is apparently where everyone goes for snorkeling. 
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Ulua Beach is where we spent most of our last moments in Maui as J really wanted to go snorkeling here. I did not go in the water so I just lounged- and this beach is pretty crowded during our stay. It’s pretty small, and it’s in Wailea where I think is a prime destination for most tourists in Maui- but I could say we had a blast during our couple of hours’ stay.
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Our last beach where we watched our last Maui sunset - Palauea Beach. We just had one last shot at aloha hour at the Monkey Pod and decided to watch the sunset one last time before we make our way to the airport - and it did not disappoint! I already miss the beaches in Maui and hoping to explore more of Hawai’i someday  ♥
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sierradorotheia · 4 years
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Na Pali Coast || Ahhh... the highlight of our Kaua’i trip. This cruise was rescheduled due to inclement weather, and we were SO glad the weather was much more cooperative when we finally got to do it the next day.
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J & I have been to a few boat tours before, but nothing like this one- the very beautiful view of the Na Pali Coast gave us Jumanji feels... and to just cruise by it was such an experience. Unfortunately, about two-thirds way of the trip, we both felt sea sick from being on the boat for almost 3 hours that we did not get to fully enjoy the last moments of this cruise. We both forgot to take our anti-nausea pills prior to the trip! But we still tried to make the most of it. Our cruise attendants were very, very helpful- and even when we were feeling like retching, she offered us rum and ginger ale and... I don’t know guys... it just really worked like a charm!
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We saw some wildlife on the ocean during the cruise- from whales spouting from a distance to these cute little dolphins. I’ve never seen dolphins like this before, and it’s so much better to see them in their natural habitat like this than in a contraption at the zoo or sea land (although I’ve never been to one- it makes me sad just to think about it!)
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What a perfect ending to our stay in Kaua’i. Although there were a lot of bickering around the time J and I were both getting sick, I would still remember the beautiful moments like this one on this trip.
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