#sighs really heavily
jingledbells · 3 months
gotta love seeing blocked tags on my dash 👍👍
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zombzgutzz · 1 year
worst thing abt the invader zim fanbase on here is the fact that it's almost impossible to find good fan content in the tag because it's so clogged with zadr. which I have blocked. so literally 90 percent of the posts are just warning you have this tag blocked you don't want to see this. and i dont
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saturnaous · 4 months
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I think. Alphonse has a lot of dealings with disassociation and being in a body without nerves.
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legobenkenobi · 8 months
yeah i know ive said Mitski has codywan coded songs before but this one. My Love Mine All Mine is in fact codywan EXACTLY.
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nothing in the world belongs to be but my love. Yeah. yeah that’s Commander Cody alright
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verdantglow · 3 months
Some facts about the Retail Hell AU fic I’m writing so far:
- It’s SmallEtho focused because of course it. I’ve got the brain rot bad & don’t think I’d even be able to focus on another pairing or gen at the moment.
- But the secondary ship is established, healthy, happy shadowbeans. (Because in this house we love Lizzie.)
- Everyone is bisexual & polyamorous. Because I said so. (& because there aren’t enough fics in this fandom where characters are multisexual; lots of strictly gay headcanons & I wanna shake that up.)
- Except Scott. He is my monosexual exception, he gets to be The Full Gay.
- There are A Lot of other pairings in this AU as well, some of which we’ll get glances of throughout this fic, but I might write some one shots focusing on other pairings after I finish this fic if I’m still vibing with the AU.
- I am having so much fun brainstorming with my fiancé, they are totes on board with helping work out world & plot details, & we literally spent most of last night just talking about this.
- I currently have somewhere between 2 & 4 chapters thoroughly outlined, coming in at ~4000 words. This includes chapter one & a few(?) chapters that take place about 2/3s of the way through. Still gotta outline at least like. 4 or 5 chapters in between & then 2-4 more to finish the fic off.
- I am a little nervous at how much of a beast this is turning out to be.
- To prevent my usual mo of ‘have vague plot, write & post two chapters, not know where to take it, get overwhelmed & abandon work,’ I’m probably gonna hold off on posting it until I have the detailed outline completely finished & at least a few chapters of buffer. I genuinely have no idea how long this will take, as I have never done this much planning for a fic or ever finished something this long.
- But yeah I’m really hype about it & can’t wait for it to be at a point for sharing!
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retconomics · 2 years
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"We're all mad here."
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making-music-with-you · 6 months
Anyone else get like. Uniquely flustered when making your F/O in a game like sims,,,
It's not that I'm embarrassed to do it or that I think I'm doing it wrong, it's just... I get so red faced and have to stop like half way through creating them.
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klanced · 1 year
Man ty for popping up on my dashboard. I miss voltron, but whenever I try to check what's up I get reaaally bad flashbacks as to how the fandom was. It's kinda worse when u accidentally triggered a community of a popular ship (its not kl@nce) :')))) hnghjgn idk how u do it
voltron is just. such a funny phenomenon. the show was like a C+ at BEST but we all stuck around anyway clinging to the hope that things would eventually improve and then they NEVER did. & so we all had to make do with literal scraps and we were RESOURCEFUL!!! 😭 I have honestly never seen a fandom where the fan content was so divorced from the actual source material like 💀💀💀 and i think this scarcity of good content forced people to be extra creative, which is why the voltron fandom was 1) so genuinely hilarious and 2) full of content producing MACHINES
Literally all we could do was just talk to each other. we were forced to survive off each other’s kindness & it made everyone super co-dependent. it really was a bunch of high schoolers forming parasocial relationships with other high schoolers; of course it got messy!!
also this is such a minor detail in the grand scheme of things but voltron hit tumblr at like the exact time social media became more accessible to people under 13 years old. and like. conflict and discourse is an inevitable part of fandom. but the end result was we had college students picking fights with LITERAL middle schoolers. and I genuinely cannot believe we all thought this was normal behavior!!!!!
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 3 months
rwby volume 5 is so fucking good EXCEPT for the entire final battle and that i think sucks so much ass
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gio-cosmo · 7 months
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bereft-of-frogs · 23 days
the 'why are they making star wars woke' reviews on high republic books are always stupid (just leave dudes, let us have this one, fuck off) but I can't stop thinking about this one for path of deceit that was like 'and WHY did they have to keep pointing out that those two girls were raised by LESBIANS'.
babe. they're cousins. not sisters.
I keep thinking of this. because I too honestly keep forgetting Marda and Yana are cousins not sisters, I just accepted them and their lesbian moms
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404shcats · 1 year
Ok it’s ranting time.
I swear every time I see a cis person or a binary trans person (who don’t use mogai labels themselves) talk about mogai it just starts a whole thread of queer people treating those within the mogai community as some ancient strange species that died out after 2014. This irritates me for (mainly) two reasons 1. Mogai is not “dead” while yes it was more “trendy” a few years ago that doesn’t mean that now mogai is irrelevant. 2. Jfc they infantilize mogai (specifically mogai coiners) so much, mogai is not “teenagers on tiktok making up fake genders on tumblr for attention” mogai is anyone of any age creating new labels to describe their experience. -Bones
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valeffelees · 9 months
HI HELLOO 📓 !!!!
okkk, lemme think... OH, ok. i've got one, and i think i'm just going to have to accept the reality that i have no true "unwritten" AUs 'cause i do have a couple thousand (yes, thousand) words of this fic in a docu somewhere, but i can't even remember what the working title for it is at this point.
i think it might be "There's a Werewolve in London" or something? but really, who knows. LOL and so, yeah, the plot is about werewolves.
i'm gonna hide the rest of this under a cut tho bc turns out i don't know how to be normal about my fic ideas??? and this is just, so fucking long. like, i-would-not-blame-you-if-you-didn't-read-it fucking long.
but hey, at least i had fun! 😂
i dunno if i've already talked about this fic before? i'm nervous i have just on account of how OLD this idea is, it's one of my early early early snowbaz fic ideas bc i went through a phase where i was just, desperate for werewolf!Simon content??? but n e way, the tune of the plot goes: at the beginning of seventh year, Simon goes out on a mission and disappears without a trace, so of course the WoM has to assume the worst bc there's just no way for a magician with that much magic to blink off the map unless he's... well, yeah.
but life goes on. the Insidious Humdrum stops attacking Watford, the holes in the magickal atmosphere stop spreading, so really, what else is there to do?
Baz plays football. he studies in the library. he turns nineteen. he finishes at the top of his graduating class, wins a half-dozen academic awards, and skips the Leaver's Ball. he moves to London by himself and adopts a cat. what he doesn't do is think about Simon Snow, because he's twenty-three, and in university, and life goes on.
and then one day Baz is on his way to class and he sees a familiar mop of bronze curls and okay, fuck, sure life goes on, yadda-yadda, whatever, he knows those curls. he knows those shoulders, those freckles. he knows—
Simon Snow. older and healthier and standing there in the middle of the library, browsing fucking books. after a moment, Simon's nose flares and his head snaps up. "... Baz?"
and Baz thinks that, really, it's a bit cruel of the universe for him to still be in love with Simon Snow, even after all these years. (he thought, at least for a while, that he wasn't anymore, bc it didn't ache so deep when he thought about him) (but that was when Baz thought he was dead and Simon wasn't in front of him with his eyes and his mouth and that little pinch between his eyebrows, alive alive alive.)
Simon asks how Baz found him, and Baz says, "found implies i've been looking for you," and Simon replies, "right," and is clearly just, so fucking uncomfortable, like this boy wants to get the fuck out of there, but Baz knows that if Simon leaves now he'll never see him again, he's so fucking sure of it, so as Simon is bumbling his way through something to the tune of, "haha well funny catching up, see you around, mate—" Baz blurts out, "do you want to get coffee?"
and Simon stops, and stares at him for a minute, and looks down at the takeaway coffee cup Baz is clearly already holding, and then shoves his hands in the pouch of his hoodie and is like, "yeah, okay."
so they go for coffee, right, and Simon of course eats his body weight in pastries (but he's funny about it) (Baz doesn't comment, but he won't touch things with chocolate, with raisins, with nuts or seeds, and he doesn't actually order a coffee, or even a tea) while Baz sits across from him trying to figure out what to say, but Simon has always been the brave one and starts up with some small talk, polite things, like they're old friends or something, asking what Baz is studying, if he still plays the violin, and then strangely, "do you have a cat?" and Baz is like, "... i do. Olivia. she's orange." and Simon just nods, and keeps eating, and Baz realises Simon isn't going to be the one to bring it up so he finally asks, "Snow, where the fuck have you been?"
but Simon like, dodges the fuck out of that question, he doesn't even acknowledge it, he replies with something like, "i like these," about whatever baked good he's shoving in his face.
Baz: "Snow."
Simon: "i love pumpkin, i make a thing sometimes, like a butter. pumpkin, brown sugar, maple syrup. s' good."
Baz: "Snow."
Simon: "this has been nice," and then he's pushing back his chair and brushing the crumps off his lap and shrugging into his coat and he drops two ten-pound notes on the table and then he's turning to leave, he's leaving, so Baz lurches forward and grabs his sleeve and says, "Simon," and Simon stops, and takes a breath, and mumbles, "please don't ask me again. i can't say no to you, Baz. so please, don't. because i'll tell you. and i can't."
and Baz doesn't ask again. but he tells him, "the whole World of Mages thinks you're dead," and Simon replies, "i know," and looks back at him over his shoulder, "do me a favour and keep it that way."
Baz: "then let me see you again. i don't want this to be the last time."
so Simon agrees and they start meeting there, at that coffee shop, every day, the hour between Baz's morning and afternoon classes, and he doesn't ask about it again bc Simon is here, showing up, and that's fine, that's enough, he doesn't need to know, and if Simon is a little different, well, that's fine, too. and they carry on like that for a whole month, or just about, and one day they're wrapping things up and like usual Baz says, "tomorrow?" and Simon's face falls a bit as he replies, "i—can't, tomorrow. or the day after, i'm, well, i have a thing but, Tuesday?" and Baz wants to ask, but he doesn't.
"Tuesday, then."
and so—holy shit, am i still talking? i'm gonna have to add a cut to this at the top, i'm sorry. but n e way, it is by the pure chance power known as 'this is a fanfiction' that that night Baz goes out hunting later than usual. had a friend-date with a girl in one of his classes and had to stay up later than he thought to catch up on studying, so he goes out and instead of going poking through catwalks for rats and shit, he decides to take a drive so he can get his hands on something more substantial and maybe go on a bit of a walk, so now Baz is in an ambiguous Forest location and it is the middle of the night, and the weather fine, and the moon is full, and... it's very quiet.
nature is never this quiet, even around him. and that's when Baz hears it. a low, thick growl that makes every hair on his body stand, and before he can think better of it, fight or flight has him sprinting, and something is giving chase, something fast enough to keep up with a vampire, snapping at his heels, and Baz isn't stupid, but Crowley, that's just his luck, isn't it? the one time he decides to hunt in the forest at night on a full moon, there's a fucking werewolf in London. teeth catch the ankle of his jeans and Baz goes down, and instantly rolls himself onto his back and hikes his legs up to catch the wolf on the chest and hold it back from his throat, his back drags and drags and drags into the ground until he slams into a tree, and there are teeth snapping for his face, and through the dark, its eyes are sharp and bright as moonlight and narrowed to a point and blue blue blue—
and he knows that blue, like he knows the toffee-brown of its fur, the dappled pattern of spots in its coat—
and it, he, stops. Simon is panting, and staring at him, and still baring those huge (fucking huge) teeth at him, and so Baz says his name again, and he blinks. and blinks again, his eyes blowing in the dark, softening, recognising him, just for a moment. and then he's gone, disappearing into the trees, the sound of his paws pounding the ground echoing in Baz's head long after he's stopped hearing them. or maybe that's his heartbeat.
Baz gets the fuck out of there as fast as he can, but he doesn't sleep that night. he stays awake until dawn, and then he's back in his car, back out at the forest, waiting. the sun comes up, and Baz almost thinks he has it wrong, but then the trees shift and Simon Snow comes stumbling out looking like he's been run over by a fucking train, he's in joggers and a zip-up hoodie, his chest is bare and so are his feet, and he doesn't notice Baz at first but when he does, he stops walking and glances behind him like he's thinking about running back into the trees (LOL), so Baz is like, "come on, Snow, i don't have all morning," and Simon does the world's most awkward monster-walk-of-shame in history, toddles the fuck up to Baz's car and gets into the passenger's seat without a word.
in the car Baz asks Simon if he remembers what happened. Simon says, "a little. m' sorry for, um—" and Baz tells him it's okay, and they don't speak again until they're pulling up outside Simon's flat where Simon opens the door, and gets out, and then stands there for a second before ducking his head back in and asking if Baz wants to come up for breakfast. "i won't be awake very long," Simon says, "but we can eat. and you can stay, if you want."
Baz, of course, does, so he follows Simon up, and this is kind of where the idea starts to fall apart and the details turn to mush, but i know Simon makes breakfast and Baz sits on the kitchen counter and lets him talk about things at his own pace, and that Simon has a roommate, an older werewolf from his pack named Drew who comes in while Simon is in the shower and tries to tear Baz in half, and prolly would've succeeded if Baz wasn't a magician, and the gist of the story from there is mostly about Simon and his pack, who've come to England from Wales to help a local pack whose youngest wolves have been going missing during the full moon, and Simon and Baz running into each other and doing their whole... thing, has really just been a chance encounter in the middle of something much bigger, and of course, now that Baz knows about it, he's hell-bent on helping.
there's also a neat scene (and actually, this is the scene that inspired the entire idea of this fic) where Simon and Baz go to the Bunces at some point and Penny is going on and on about how, "this doesn't make sense, there haven't been werewolf packs in England since the 1750s," and Simon laughs and opens her kitchen window and leans way out and cups his mouth and howls... and a minute later, a dozen voices howl back, and then he rests his elbows on the windowsill and grins over his shoulder at her and Baz and says, "turns out magicians don't know everything."
and yeah, i think i should stop talking now, but that is my werewolf!Simon fic. 😄
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topflights · 2 years
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lesbianraskolnikov · 27 days
Sigh i fucking miss rodya
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zombzgutzz · 8 months
if you redesign an oc like 20 times complete with name changes it is it even the same oc anymore...
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this is my ever-changing gf self insert his full first name is stella andromeda (he/it) and hes like the mettaton of the nightmare realm because . its cool 👊🔥🔥🔥💯
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