#siirius black imagine
Book Smart, not Street Smart (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black)
In honor of Pride month, here’s some fluffy Wolfstar goodness.
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 It was Remus’s third year at Hogwarts and so far everything was going as usual; some of the first years looked absolutely petrified at the possibility of being sorted into the wrong house and some of the seventh year Gryffindors looked ready to snatch some of them up, and make them Gryffindors themselves. Remus idly paid attention, waiting patiently for the actual feast to start. He made small talk with some of his fellow Gryffindors, laughing as his friend Lily tried to hide herself from one James Potter.
“You know Rem, I’ve never been so thankful for your towering height until now… move a little to your left and I’ll be golden.” She whispered.
“Only if you give me your stash of chocolate frogs.” He bargained.
And so the rest of the feast went without a hitch, Lily was well hidden thanks to Remus and the two of them caught up. Soon enough they were both making their way towards the Gryffindor tower, Lily went ahead spotting her friend Marlene as Remus took his time walking towards the painting of the Fat Lady. He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard shouting, it wasn’t like Remus was trying to eavesdrop but he couldn’t help but hear the small squabble going on by the Gryffindor common room.
“Well at least our parents will finally have a son whom they’re proud of!”
“Sod off, Regulus! Why don’t you go back to your fellow slimy snakes?” A black haired teen said, enunciating the last bit of his sentence, both boys were glaring at each other so fiercely that Remus could’ve sworn that one of them was bound to make the other combust right there and then.
“At least I’m not a blood traitor.” The younger of the two said before turning on his heel and walking away from the older boy before the later could say something back.
“Come on, Sirius, your brother’s not worth it.” A third voice spoke up, patting the tall boy on the shoulder as he sighed, grumbling something that Remus couldn’t make out.
Sirius Black… he thought as he also made his way into the Gryffindor tower and towards the boy’s dorms.
 His first day of lessons were uneventful, it wasn’t until the second day that things took an unexpected turn.
“Alright class, this term I’ve decided to switch up your partners, you’ve known each other for what, 2 whole years? It’s time to learn how to work with someone new! So please gather your things and make your way towards the back of the class as I read off the new pairs.” Slughorn announced, as he made his way towards the front to pick up his clipboard.
“Potter and Evans…” Remus stifled his laughter as his friend Lily began complaining to Slughorn about her seating arrangement. Slughorn only had 6 students left to partner up, himself included.
“Let’s see here…ah yes, Lupin and Black, and please Mr. Black, don’t set your partner on fire this time around.” Slughorn warned. Remus’s eyes widened as Sirius chuckled before saying, “I make no promises Sluggy.”
The first lesson with his new one was an odd one, from what Remus could tell, he was going to have to be the brains between the two of them. Sirius was sitting there, doodling, adding the wrong ingredients and stirring too harshly. When he scrunches his nose up in concentration he looks quite adorable…Remus thought before shaking his head and going back to chopping the daisy roots needed for the Shrinking Solution.
They finally finished making the solution, well Remus did, he began bottling it up as Sirius cleaned up their area. Remus handed it to Slughorn just as class was dismissed, he made his way back to his seat to collect his book bag but before he could leave the room a hand stopped him.
“Hey, thanks for doing most of the work, Merlin knows I need all the help I can get.”
“It’s no problem, thanks for not setting me on fire.” Remus said timidly, trying not to blush by the physical contact and close proximity.
“Nah, you’re too cute to be set on fire.” Sirius said with a wink, exiting the room and leaving a blushing Remus behind.
 Weeks had gone by and now the two of them were close friends, Remus was even friend with James as well, which earned a glare and the nickname of ‘traitor’ from Lily but Remus would laugh her off knowing that she okay with his new found friends. But as the days went by, his crush on the dark haired lad was getting deeper and deeper. It wasn’t only him that noticed it, James and Lily had two. Both Remus and Sirius would make up excuses just to spend more time with the other, from “I just need help with that potions essay.” To “Sirius just stole a tray full of sweets from the kitchen and I need to try this Belgian chocolate.” Their friends were already making bets on just when they would actually start dating because quite honestly it was exhausting seeing them pine for the other.
“What if we just lock them in the room of requirements? They wouldn’t starve or die in there…”
“No, Remus is too smart to be lead into a trap… although we could probably lure him in there with a chocolate trail…”
“This is not some Hansel and Gretel shit, come on Potter, think.” Lily said, turning down another one of his ideas. They stopped talking as soon as said pair walked into the common room Remus carrying an armful of cookies and other treats.
“Merlin! Did you rob the house elves at wand point?” Lily laughed as he saw Remus struggling to balance everything in his arms.
“Not quite, Sirius baked all of these when he went home this weekend.” Remus said with a smile.
“Yeah, you know as a thank you for doing most of the work during Potions.” Sirius added, blushing slightly.
“But we had a textbook lesson last class… we didn’t make a potio-“ James didn’t finished his sentence since Lily elbowed him to stop him from talking.
“Well, as much as we want to stick around, James here has to help with the Quidditch try-outs. Come on, James.” Lily said, dragging a confused James from his seat and out of the common room.
Remus and Sirius sat in a comfortable silence as Remus ate his sweets. After a couple of minutes, Remus finally broke the silence.
“You know, James is right, we didn’t brew a potion during our last lesson, it was a straight off the book lesson. So what’s the real reason you made these cookies?” Remus asked, raising an eyebrow and looking intently at Sirius.
Sirius gulped, shifting uncomfortable in his seat and clenching his fist, Well here goes nothing…
“For someone so smart you’re actually quite dumb.” Sirius started, making Remus choke on the cookie he was eating.
“I beg your pardon?” he coughed out.
“I’ve been flirting with you for the last month and nothing! So this is my grand gesture, I know you love chocolate, quite honestly I hate chocolate but for you I’m willing to spend an afternoon being glared at by my weird house elf, and make you some chocolate frogs and chocolate chip cookies.” Sirius confessed, leaning back on the couch, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“You ought to be nicer to old Kreacher…” Remus pointed out, a playful smile on his lips.
“That’s beside the point! What I’m trying to say…REMUSLUPINWILLYOUGOONADATEWITHME?” he said, screaming the last part out so fast that if it wasn’t for Remus being used to decipher Sirius’s and James’s fast and loud rants when they were planning a prank, he would’ve been lost.
“Yes.” Remus answered.
“YES! I’ll go on a date with you, now stop shouting, you’re going to scare the first years off.” Remus laughed, grabbing Sirius’s hand with his own as Sirius fist bumped the air with his other hand.
 Weeks had passed since their first date and soon enough everyone in Hogwarts knew that they were a couple, the cutest couple if anyone were to ask. They bickered constantly because let’s face it, Sirius was like a toddler on crack, and Remus had to constantly make sure that he wasn’t endangering his life or that of the others around him.
Remus, Sirius, James and Lily were all lounging around the common room, Remus was reading a book, Sirius was sitting next to him, aimlessly twirling his wand between his fingers, James was playing with a snitch and Lily was finishing up her History of Magic assignment.
“So mum invited you to dinner this weekend.” Remus spoke up, glancing at Sirius briefly as he turned a page in his book.
“Hm, really? Alright, I’ll bake her something, what’s her favorite flower?”
“Yellow peonies and orange daisies.” Remus answered with a smile.
“Well I hope she’s ready for a dozen of each.”
“You guys are too cute, how come you don’t try to get on my mum’s good side, huh James?” Lily asked, a playful smirk on her face.
“I’ll bring her flowers next time…” James grumbled as Lily ruffled his hair.
“I need to make a good first impression.” Sirius shrugged.
“Aw, but it’s not the first time you’re meeting my mum.” Remus said.
“Yeah, but it’ll be the first time I’ll be meeting her as your boyfriend.” Sirius replied with a lazy grin as he booped Remus’s nose, causing the lanky boy to roll his eyes playfully at him.
“Are you fucking serious?” James chuckled.
“I am, I thought you knew.” Remus said, nonchalantly as Sirius fell off the couch laughing.
“Oh fuck you Lupin.” James said rolling his eyes.
“Sorry mate, that’s my current job and I don’t want to be unemployed.” Sirius answered back, between laughing fits.
“You guys are the worst.” James grumbled out, as the rest of the gang kept laughing.
Things at Hogwarts will certainly remain interesting with that power couple around.
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