dokidokimaster · 7 months
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On March 8 2022 I uploaded Chapter 1 Part 1 of my comic series, so I made a pic to celebrate the 2-year anniversary! (Silabus is there b/c this is meant to represent Chapter 2 lol) Thank you all for your support!!
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whisky-mac · 10 months
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wasongo · 11 months
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Repostober Day 15
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pixelfont52 · 1 month
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i really like silabus so i learned how to sew by making a plushie of him
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gentlehands · 2 years
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Artist  @higashi_cc2
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mjm5655 · 1 year
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❝ if she breathes she's a bitch ! ❞
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aaternum-a · 1 year
someone: no ryu: :(  ryu: (manipulatively)
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lecliss · 2 years
So I bought Scarlet Nexus cuz it went on sale, and then I saw the .hack trilogy was 90% on sale for 5 bucks and I was like, welp I cant pass that up and I knew like two things about the series but I gave it a shot cuz at that price thats practically a steal. So I played like two hours of SN and was like, yeah this is okay. But the first .hack game took only until the end of the tutorial for me to be like, holy shit what is this???? I am hooked. And now Ive played like at least 14 hours of it so far. So, goes to show that sometimes things made in 2002 are still superior to things made in 2021.
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mccncutter · 2 years
💬 + isshin :)
| | |  @tahtsuki  | | |   ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ:   ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ   !
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                                  The old man huh ...
          Brows furrowed in annoyance,   infuriation at the thought of many peaceful dreams interrupted by flurry of punches and kicks.   Their relationship was ... strained at the least,   but that wasn’t anyone’s fault really.   Between the loss of Masaki,   secrets being kept all around,   and the ever determination to move forward,   even if it meant losing something,   or even someone,   along the way ... the family had to move past it all.   It was no secret Substitute was much closer to Masaki than Isshin,   and that he held that sickening guilt about getting her killed deep down,   where it could fester,   clawing at a young boy’s heart day after day ...
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                                  ❝   The old man is so annoying  !!   Man,   you’d think he’d take a hint once in a while,   read a room ...    ❞
         Insult felt like acid upon tongue,   hazel glare drew away in a huff.   After the initial thought of Isshin,   black sun delved deeper into the thought,   where heart would warm and lay vulnerable.   Their talk after the ‘ defeat ’ of Grand Fisher ... Isshin protecting him from Aizen without a second thought ( even in a weakened state ) ... the story about their love and how Ichigo came to be ... and even the decision to become a Medical Student.   As thoughts began to swim, lips soon furled upwards into heartfelt grin.
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                             ❝   Maybe the old goat’s not so bad after all ...   ❞
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tidalwaveofcolor · 5 months
Aaron Minyard's Math Troubles
Aaron Minyard would rather be anywhere else in the world than where he was right now. 
His situation was quite simple. Aaron hated math with a burning passion. For some reason, no matter how hard Aaron tried, he could never truly understand the concepts. Besides, most of his study time was taken up by his biology and chemistry classes. He hardly had any time left over to review his notes from calculus. Sure his grade in calculus wasn't anything special but one subpar math grade wouldn’t mess up all of his other hard work. 
Or so he thought.
Honestly Aaron had been so busy with his other coursework that he had completely forgotten about his upcoming calculus midterm. At first he panicked, tearing through his backpack and trying to make sense of his hastily scribbled notes before giving up and checking to see if the professor had posted any of their powerpoints online. No luck. So, he turned to youtube, watching and rewatching videos on concepts he had never heard of. He even asked Nicky to help but only got a sheepish smile and a small sorry. 
So yes, Aaron Minyard would rather be anywhere else in the world than where he was right now. Standing in front of Neil Jostens dorm room trying to swallow his pride and ask for help. 
Andrew answered the door after Aaron knocked twice. His eyes flashed slightly with surprise before he schooled his expression and regarded Aaron with a bored look. It took almost everything in Aaron to not turn around right then and there. But, instead he cleared his throat before speaking.“I need to talk to Neil.” 
Now the surprise in Andrew’s eyes was back. “Why?” he asked, regarding Aaron with some kind of emotion other than his usual bored indifference.
Aaron clenched his hand into a fist, fingernails digging into the soft skin of his palm. “I need,” he paused here, trying to figure out what his next words should be, “assistance, on my math work.” Aaron nodded to himself, satisfied. 
At that Andrew relaxed and started to look ever so slightly amused. He opened the door further before walking into the living space of his shared dorm and plopped down in one of the beanbags in front of the TV. “The junkie’s at his desk in the bedroom, try to not yell at each other will ya?”
Aaron, who was still standing just outside the door, hesitated slightly before following his twins direction. With no further ceremony, Aaron knocked on the door leading into Neil’s bedroom. 
“You’re good to come in.” Neil’s voice sounded from behind the door. “Why would you even knock Andr-” Neil continued as he turned towards Aaron who had just opened the door. Freezing Neil narrowed his eyes at Aaron, “What the hell are you doing here Minyard.” Neil’s mouth twisted into a grimace, almost like the sight of Aaron caused him physical pain. 
“Don’t look so disgusted, Andrew and I have the same face asshole.” Aaron refuted as he approached the desk that Neil was sitting at. “And I need you to teach me how to do math.” Aaron offered his test study guide and course silabus to Neil before he could make another smartass comment. 
“Well that's such a nice way to ask for something.” Neil grumbled, snatching both of the documents from Aaron's hands. “Limits, derivatives, and integrals.” He hummed as he thumbed through the review sheet. “This all looks pretty easy, are you sure you need my help?” Neil questioned raising his eyebrow at Aaron. 
Aaron grimaced at the word help. “I have a midterm tomorrow and if I fail I might have to retake the class.”He made eye contact with Neil, trying to make him understand how dire his situation was. 
“So basically,” Neil drawled, “you forgot about your test and now you're whining to me because you don’t know what to do.” Neil finished summarizing, a wicked grin growing on his lips at the thought of having something to hold over Aaron’s head. 
“Yes.” Aaron mumbled through gritted teeth, already regretting even considering asking Neil for help. At this point, failing his midterm might be a better option.
“Fine,” Neil sighed. “Grab Andrew or Kevins chair and sit here.” He gestured vaguely to the area to the right of him. “We won’t have time for all these concepts so you’ll just have to pick the ones you feel the least confident in.” Neil started grabbing out some pencils and paper. “I’ll show you how to do the first few problems and then you’ll do the rest.” He paused again, and smiled almost benevolently at Aaron. “I’ll even make you some practice problems and grade the ones you do.” 
Aaron once again questioned his decisions that led him to this point.
From there, Neil and Aaron settled into a tense routine. Aaron would complete as many problems as he could before handing the paper over to Neil. Neil would then grade his work critiquing Aaron’s work the whole time.
“Your notations all off, It’s not that fucking hard to write plus C after your integrals.” Neil hissed at him like he was scolding a child. “If you can’t even remember that, I don't know why I bothered to help you.” 
“It’s not my fault we can’t all be math freaks like you.” Aaron shot back, venom dripping from his every word. 
They would continue like that back and forth before inevitably quieting down again to do the next problem. Then one of them would make a rude or snide comment and the cycle would repeat all over again. 
“Why the fuck would you put plus C on this problem it’s not an indefinite integral.” It was Neil who started the fight this time. “Did you not listen to anything I told you five fucking minutes ago?”
Aaron scoffed mentally curing Neil and his temper, “Five minutes ago you told me to add it asshole.” 
Neil rolled his eyes, “Yes but that was a completely different problem.” He pushed the problem in question closer to Aaron so he could look at it again. “You see the difference?” 
As much as Aaron was loathed to admit it, Neil was a good teacher. He was thorough in his critique but did well at explaining topics in a way that Aaron could understand. Though, Aaron doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to forget how Neil yelled at him for his, as Neil put it, notation so bad that a sixth grader could have written it better.
Aaron left Neil’s dorm four hours later with his papers in hand and feeling of utter exhaustion. He couldn’t find it in himself to study anymore and instead opted to sleep before his exam. 
The next day, Aaron sat in front of his midterm paper and said a quick prayer before opening his test. He walked out of the exam hall two hours later feeling just as exhausted as he had the night before. 
Neil would never let Aaron live that night down especially after learning he got an 86%. And Aaron would never admit that Neil became his go-to math tutor.
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wasongo · 2 years
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2k22 hasesila
i drew a handful of hasesilas for my apr'22 patreon pack but this was the only one of the bunch that i can post here on tunglr dot com lmao
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pixelfont52 · 1 month
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got bored and decided to doodle some characters in ms paint. wow
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maitsafatharani · 1 year
Menghadirkan Rasa
Sebuah paragraf di buku yang sedang kubaca, menjadi sangat menarik perhatian. Berikut kutipannya.
Iseng membaca - dengan kata lain, membaca karena suka saja, mungkin berdampak lebih besar terhadap hidup anak daripada yang kita sangka. Bagi banyak orang di antara kita, buku yang kita baca atas pilihan sendiri merupakan yang paling melekat di benak kita. Ternyata, buku tidak lagi terkesan ajaib begitu tercantum di bacaan wajib atau silabus guru. Tindakan memilih buku sendiri dan membacanya semata-mata karena kita suka bisa membuahkan dampak yang signifikan. - Sarah Mackenzie, The Read Aloud Family
Disini penulis mengemukakan pendapat, kenapa membaca karena rasa suka lebih berdampak daripada membaca karena tujuan tertentu yang ingin diperoleh (misal, membaca untuk tugas di sekolah).
Dalam hal ini, aku tidak terlalu sepakat dengan kata-kata, "buku tidak lagi terkesan ajaib begitu tercantum di daftar bacaan wajib atau silabus buku.". Karena bagaimana pun cara hadirnya buku di hidup kita, baik melalui proses yang menyenangkan maupun tidak, tergantung kemudian kita menyikapinya. Buku-buku itu akan tetap terasa ajaib, kok. Tinggal bagaimana setiap orang menemukan cara untuk menyukai aktivitas membaca.
Nah, dan ini yang penting. Aku menyetujui premis: untuk bisa merasakan bahwa membaca adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan, butuh menghadirkan rasa suka membaca terlebih dulu. Dan rasa suka itu yang biasanya, agak sulit (meski bisa) ditumbuhkan dengan keterpaksaan. Karena bagi sebagian orang, keterpaksaan bisa menimbulkan trauma tertentu. Jika ini dalam konteks membaca, akan berujung menganggap membaca adalah aktivitas yang sangat membebani.
Tentang menghadirkan 'rasa' suka ini, membuatku terkoneksi dengan hal-hal lain di luar membaca. Aku jadi teringat akan sesuatu.
Bertahun-tahun lalu, sebuah status line (zaman kuliah dulu status line ini sempat hits wkwk) menarik perhatianku. Ditulis dalam status tersebut, tentang bagaimana cara untuk menyukai murottal Al Quran.
Menarik, pikirku. Aku merasa membutuhkan life hack nya. Jujur, aku bukan penikmat murottal ataupun senandung sholawat sebagai pemuas auditoriku. Meskipun kuakui, mendengarkan murottal itu rasanya menyejukkan, tapi aku tidak sampai di tahap 'suka'. Suka yang sampai ingin kuulang-ulang terus mendengarkannya.
Di status itu kurang lebih dikatakan begini, biasanya kita cenderung menyukai lagu-lagu pop kekinian kan. Coba, apa yang membuat kita suka dengan lagu-lagu itu? Liriknya kah? Tipe musik kah? Penyanyi nya kah?
Misalnya, kita suka dengan karakter suara penyanyi dan nada lagu. Akhirnya hal itu membuat kita ingin terus mengulang menyetel lagu tersebut. Nah, sekarang tinggal terapkan itu dalam mendengar murottal al quran.
Cari qori' yang karakter suara dan nada tilawahnya paling kamu suka. Pasti beda-beda dong antar qori. Dan itu bisa jadi kunci buat pelan-pelan membiasakan mendengar dan hopefully, menyukai murottal di atas lagu-lagu.
Kalau kita suka dengan seni nada para penyanyi, mungkin kita juga bisa menyukai seni nada qiroat para qori'. Kita mungkin perlu mencoba berpindah-pindah antar satu qiroat ke qiroat lainnya supaya menemukan ritme 'asik'nya.
Setelah membaca dengan seksama status tersebut, aku mencoba menerapkannya. Berhasil! Aku mendapatkan qori yang bacaannya paling terasa cocok buatku. Beberapa kali, itu membuatku lebih bertahan lama dan lumayan sering mendengarkan surah-surah Al Quran yang dibacakan oleh qori tersebut. Sampai sekarang :)
Begitu juga dengan memahami Al Quran. Aku bukan orang yang betah berlama-lama membaca terjemahan Al Quran. Kalaupun membaca, kadang rasanya hambar. Aku seringkali bingung dengan benang merah antar ayat. Namun belakangan, aku mendapati bahwa aku bisa lebih menyelami dan berlama-lama berkutat dengan Al Quran saat aku membaca tafsir atau mencoba mentadabburinya. Karena dengan begitu, aku merasa ada hikmah lain yang terungkap. Dan itu tidak bisa kudapatkan dengan hanya membaca terjemahannya. Tafsirnya pun, tidak semua tafsir. Sejauh ini aku merasa cocok dengan Tafsir Al Azhar karya Buya Hamka.
Ibaratnya, dengan membaca tafsir dan tadabbur aku bisa mendapatkan storyline Al Quran.
Juga memasak. Sebelum menikah, apakah aku suka memasak? Nggak juga, wkwk. Kalaupun memasak di rumah, labelku adalah asisten, bukan koki (yang tentu saja adalah ibuku). Malah seringkali aku mengeluh, 'kenapa sih ibu masak terus, memang nggak capek'.
Tapi rupanya, pekerjaan yang kulihat melelahkan dilakukan ibu dulu, adalah pekerjaan rutin yang sekarang aku lakukan juga setiap hari. Lalu apa yang kemudian membuat rutinitas memasak menjadi tidak melelahkan?
Buatku, kuncinya variasi. Aku mudah bosan ketika sesuatu terasa monoton. Sama halnya dengan memasak. Memasak jenis makanan yang itu-itu lagi kadang rasanya membosankan. Jadi, aku mencoba untuk memasak menu yang lain dari biasanya sebagai selingan (meskipun juga sering failnya XD, yang penting variasi wkwk). Dan ini berhasil menghadirkan 'rasa' untuk memacu semangat untukku tetap melakukan rutinitas harian.
Banyak, banyak hal lain selain itu yang kalau kurenungi, bisa aku lakukan dengan lebih bersemangat karena hadirnya rasa 'suka'. Dan menghadirkan rasa suka itu, yang mungkin akan berbeda resepnya di tiap orang. Bahkan diriku sendiri memiliki cara penyikapan yang berbeda-beda untuk bisa menghadirkan rasa di satu kegiatan dan kegiatan lainnya.
Kita hanya perlu menemukan kuncinya untuk meng-unlock kebiasaan, aktivitas, dan hal-hal baik lain yang ingin kita upayakan. Dan start it inside. Kalau kita benar-benar ingin membiasakan sesuatu, temukan apa sih yang bisa membuat kita mau memulai dan mau mempertahankan kebiasaan tersebut. It may be not easy from the start, but it is possible as long as you don't stop.
Mumpung juga ini Ramadan, mungkin kita bisa menemukan kunci itu dan memulai. Semoga dengan menghadirkan rasa, apa pun hal baik yang kita mulai lebih bertahan lama nantinya. Good luck :D
Pamekasan, 28 Maret 2023 19.33 WIB
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lumeha · 8 months
Started on volume 3 of G.U. ! And ! I am ! loving Haseo even more once again. I feel like every time I pick up the game again there's just something that makes me appreciate his whole character arc all over again.
It's just really nice to see him actively decide to do something for his guild, when he started as a lone wolf who barely wanted to be dragged around by Gaspard and Silabus (... and later when he did want to but said he didn't because he's just like that <3)
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magicalblerdpenn · 9 months
So I've been playing .hack//gu vol. 2 and the part where Haseo initially abandons Silabus and Gaspard on the job extension quest before going back for them struck a chord with me. I've played a handful of JRPGS with prickly loner male protagonists who are "jerks with a heart of gold"; Haseo reminds me a lot of Senel from Tales of Legendia and also Luke from Tales of The Abyss. I'm also reminded a little of Neku from The World Ends With You.
Haseo initially abandoning his guildmates due to being betrayed in the past made me realize that I have lowkey been scared of friendship this whole time.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I don't have many friends in IRL but have a couple internet friends that I'm close to. These internet friends are fun, kind, compassionate, and honest and we've been virtual friends for years. They've supported my career and hobbies and encourage me when I need it, and I do the same in return as much as I can. Their kindness has literally made cry or tear up sometimes.
Yet, I'm sometimes scared that what we have isn't real and that the me that I share with them isn't real either.
And yeah, I know that all of this is due to trauma, trust issues, abandonment issues, a whole lot of dark messiness inside of me. I also know that I don't want to feel alone, that I want to be happy despite everything I have endured. As scared as I am of friendship, I need it in order to survive and thrive. Haseo is starting to realize that and so am I.
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pinkpain · 1 year
i told silabus earlier "support womans wrongs" and seju popped up in my head yes queen i'm talking about your problematic ass💗
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