#silent reads bayverse
talewrites · 5 months
Fragile Part 8
Sorry for the long wait! This is a shorter chapter, because I’m making a poll!! :] Please go vote how you would like this story to end!!
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘dudette’ and ‘princess’)
Warnings: injury, blood, not proof read
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The brothers burst into the lair. They rushed past Splinter and April, who gasped when she saw you. You hung limply in Raphael’s arms. They quickly took you straight to the lab, where Raphael gingerly laid you down on the large table underneath bright lights. Donnie slid on his goggles and checked you, and cursed under his breath.
“Shit. Their blood pressure is extremely low.” He rifled through drawers and cabinets, grabbing various bottles and tools. Donnie filled a syringe with a clear fluid from a small glass bottle and brought it over to you. “Stockman took a lot of their blood. And if I’m not mistaken, they were fed a variation of barbiturates through the second IV in their back.”
“What does that do?” Leo placed his hands on the table at your side, looking across as Donnie rolled your broken arm facing up so he could slide in the needle and administer the injection. April, Splinter, and Mikey all waited by the door.
“Well, it has a highly sedative effect in large doses. That, and combined with the chemical soup that filled their tank, ….they’re starting to slip into an artificial coma.”
All eyes in the room went wide with shock. Raph turned away from the table and stormed over to the wall and punched the brick. Hard.
“And what do we gotta do to stop it?!” He said gritting his teeth.
Mikey rushed over to your side past Leo and picked up your hand, pleading with you.
“Come on babycakes! Snap out of it! We still gotta make fudge brownies together!!”
Leo placed a comforting hand on his little brother’s shoulder.
“Donnie?” Leo asked.
Donnie rubbed a hand tiredly across his face. “There’s not much I can do until I fully assess their injuries. I just administered some pain killers. They’re not strong enough to handle stimulants right now. Administering adrenaline like April did with us will only make their injuries worse.”
Everyone looked solemn. Leo was looking down thinking back to the lab where they found you. Trying to figure out if there was anything they missed. That’s when he noticed a purple splotch peeking out from underneath your shirt. He narrowed his eyes and reached out to touch you.
“Leo, what-?” Donnie swallowed his words as Leo lifted up your shirt marginally, and the blackened canvas of purple and blue skin was revealed decorating your stomach.
Leo let your shirt slip from his finger and his hand fell to his side, tightening his fist. His hands trembled with rage.
They all did.
“Bebop and Rocksteady….” Mikey said lowly. His expression hard and serious.
“Those bastards-” Raph was standing by the head of the table. Looking down and clenched his fists.
Donnie’s eyes looked far away as he reached out and hesitated to touch you.
“This is…. really bad.” Donnie’s hand trembled as he traced your stomach, pressing down in certain spots to feel the damage. Even while sedated with drugs and heavy pain killers you still winced at the probing.
“Three, no- Four broken ribs. Damage to the liver, spleen, and small intestine.”
Mikey turned and left the room silently at hearing Donnie’s report. April followed after him to comfort him. Splinter was standing in the doorway with a heavy frown.
Leo swallowed his anger and looked up at Donnie.
“How do we treat them.”
Donnie turned away.
“They need a blood transfusion.”
“But that’s-!” Raph cut in.
“I know. That’s why I’ll ask April and Casey to test their blood first. But most likely-“
“It’ll be from one of us.” Leo finished for him.
Raph looked between the two and stepped forward. “I’ll do it.”
“No, I will. It’s my turn to step up.” Leo looked from Raph to Donnie and nodded his head, then walked out of the room. April passed him by as she walked over to Donnie. She asked him what materials they needed her to pick up from their connection at the hospital, and Donnie started writing her a list. Raphael was assigned to go with her for protection and heavy lifting in case the Foot were out looking for them, and Mikey was sent to go meet up with Casey and bring him back to the lair after his meeting with the NYPD supervisor.
No less than 30 minutes later, Donnie had your forearm and ankle in casts, and two ice packs covering your stomach. Mikey had brought a clean pillow from his room to slide under your head. It was confirmed after some testing that Casey and April’s blood were not compatible with the mutagen in your bloodstream. You needed mutant blood to stabilize the transfusion.
You needed their blood to save your life.
Donnie was rushing to get the IV set up. By now you were breathing hard with a slight fever, skin cool to the touch despite the heavy blankets they covered you with.
“If we wait any longer there’s a chance they’ll go into shock!” Donnie said as he wiped down your arm with an alcohol wipe.
“And you said that our mutagen will help them, right?” Leo confirmed, sitting at your bedside with the other half of the IV already set up.
“I said it will give them a boost to heal faster, but we don’t know if it will destabilize their mutation or not. We have a higher concentration of mutagen in our blood than they do. If their antibodies can’t handle the shift, they could end up overwhelmed and mutate like Stockman did.”
“So there’s a risk they’ll end up like us?!” Raph protested. He was worried.
“But their body will reject the human blood because of their mutated antibodies, like you guys. We don’t have any other options.” Casey reasoned with him.
“I don’t want (y/n) to die. I’d rather they live and hate us than die when we could’ve saved them.” Mikey said sadly from the table he was sitting on at the other side of the lab.
“They’ll understand, Mikey. Don’t worry, we’re all here for them.” Assured April.
“We must have hope. Their safe recovery is what is most important.” Splinter said in contemplation.
“It’s a risk we have to take.” Donnie affirmed. He locked eyes with each of his brothers, Splinter, April, and Casey, and once he got nods of approval from everyone, he inserted your IV.
“Now, we wait.”
Part 9 [End]
Vote at the poll!!! [Finished]
@itsberrydreemurstuff @thecreat0r64 @eli-chris @kurlyfrasier @autisticnutcase @drenix004 @donniesgirlie @cherryp-op @foggyturtleknightangel @blackrockshooter780 @l-n-g-t @peachesdabunny @silverwatergalaxy @willy-the-witch @caeliasaida @veri-varily @xnorthstar3x @leonardo-dabitchy @sh1ga-to3s @thehighlordishere @bowbeforeyourphrogness
If anyone else wants to be tagged for the next update, let me know in the comments! :]
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turtlecleric · 2 months
Bayverse, angst, hurt/no comfort
CW: reference to death of a parent/grief
You’re almost finished getting ready when you hear someone clear their throat behind you. Whirling around, momentary panic makes your pulse spike before you recognize Leo standing in the doorway to your bedroom.
You laugh, partly at yourself for startling so easily and partly in relief that it’s him, before rushing over to him, shoving (ineffectually) at his plastron for good measure. In your defense, he hadn’t said he was going to escort you. Not that you’re complaining; seeing your boyfriend always makes you smile, even when he’s being a sneaky asshole.
“You scared me, you big jerk!”
This is the part where he smiles. Apologizes. Pulls you into his arms and makes some smartass remark about how you should really pay more attention to your surroundings.
He’s not smiling. Why isn’t he smiling?
“I was just about to head to the lair. I’m not late, am I?” You check the time on your phone, but- but no. Even if you spent another 15 minutes fussing with your hair, you’d still have enough time to leave and make it to the lair on time for movie night. You look back up at Leo, waiting for an explanation, but he just stares at you. Silent.
“You okay, Blue?” You search his face, but you can’t read him like you normally can. His expression is something you’ve never seen; something steely. Distant. “Leo? What’s-”
“I’m breaking up with you.”
The words don’t register for a long, long moment. When they do, you wait for- you don’t know what. For him to say he’s kidding? For your alarm to go off, waking you up from a weirdly vivid nightmare? You don’t know. You don’t know anything, apparently. You thought he was happy.
You certainly were.
His answer is immediate, just as firm as the first time. “This is over. You’re no longer welcome at the lair. Donnie has already deleted our numbers and any past conversations from your phone. We need to maintain our anonymity, so please don’t try to contact us again.”
Seconds stretch into little eternities as you try to push past the vice that’s abruptly closed around your throat, as you try to untangle the fishing line that seems to have wrapped itself around your lungs. A million conflicting thoughts ricochet around in your mind. This can’t be real. This was inevitable. This can’t be real, he would never do this. Why did you ever think he would stay with someone like you? He said he was in this for life. What did you do? What changed? How could he do this? How could you possibly blame him when it’s you? You’ve ruined this, somehow, and you want to ask him why, but - does it even matter? Of course it does. Of course it doesn’t. It’s you, you’re the problem. It’s always been you.
You unlock your phone, navigating with numb fingers. It’s true. Their contacts are gone. Over a year’s worth of messages, too. Gone. Like they never happened. You think back, trying to remember - too late, it’s too late, now - realizing it’s been a few days since you heard from any of them. It’s not like you talk every day, but- but you were busy with work, you didn’t- you didn’t even realize. No one has messaged you in days. You’d be able to catch up on movie night. On movie night, just like every other Friday, just like always, you’d thought. You’d thought.
How could you be so stupid?
A mess of emotions you can’t name. Heavy. Sharp. You can’t breathe. You’ve felt heartbreak before - was it always this painful? Has it been so long that you forgot how much it hurts? The floor is firm beneath your feet, but surely you’ve been sucked into the darkness of the Earth. Surely. But no, you’re still here. Your apartment hasn’t changed at all, the city still stands; it just feels like the world is ending. You’re fine. It’s fine. You shouldn’t have gotten so comfortable. What did you expect? It’s you. It’s always been you.
You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. You look back up at him, but his form quickly blurs along with the rest of your bedroom. He always hated seeing you cry, but when you blink the tears away his expression hasn’t changed at all. Was that a lie? You don’t know.
All the while he just stares at you. Patient, and silent, and clinical. Shouldn’t he be upset, too? At least a little? How long has he been planning this? It’s been days since any of them reached out, you remember. How long have their contacts been missing? Is it because you didn’t reach out?
“Leo.” Breathe. Breathe. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry-”
“You didn’t do anything. I’m just not in love with you,” he says evenly. Like he’s pointing out a fact. The sky is blue. You’re running low on detergent. I don’t love you. I never did. “I don’t want to waste your time, and, frankly, I don’t want to waste mine, either. I’m sorry, I know this is difficult, but I think it’s best if we just end it now before we get too attached.”
Too attached? Is that what you are? It must be. It must be.
He doesn’t sound sorry.
You manage to nod, wiping at your eyes. You’re not sure why you bother; the tears just keep coming. Another little eternity, and then he’s turning to go. Of course. He’s a busy guy. Why would he stay? Why would he waste his time watching you fall apart over something that obviously isn’t a big deal? Too attached. You must be. It’s you. It’s always been you.
He’s turning to go, and you- you’ll never see him again. Is this what burning alive feels like? You can’t breathe past the fishing line. Stop him. No, don’t be pathetic. He was very clear. You should respect his wishes. Stop him.
You watch him open the window. Watch him grip the windowsill, about to disappear for the last time.
“I would’ve married you,” you whisper.
He halts in his movement. A little eternity. His hands are still gripping the windowsill. “I know.”
Then he’s gone. And you’re alone again.
He makes it no farther than the third rooftop before Raph appears, shoving him hard enough to make him stumble.
“I knew you were a dumbass, Leo, but I didn’t know you were this stupid! What the hell is wrong with you?”
Leo rights himself, glaring. God damn it, Donnie. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Go back in there and tell her the truth.”
“I did. Besides, this isn’t your concern. Don shouldn’t have even told you, it’s my business.”
Raph huffs a humorless laugh, shaking his head and pacing. “You’re so goddamn stupid,” he mutters before facing Leo again, gesturing broadly as he speaks. “And a liar. You’re in love with that girl, and by some fucking miracle she’s also in love with you. You’re throwing that away? For what?!”
“I told you: this isn’t. Your. Concern. Go home, Raph. That’s a direct order.”
He expects Raph to bristle at that, but… he doesn’t. The fight visibly drains from him instead, and when he speaks again his words are sharp in a different way. “He wouldn’t have wanted this. You know that.”
“Master Splinter was happy that you were happy. He loved her. And if he knew what you just did? How cruel you just were to that poor girl? He’d be-”
“Shut up, Raph,” Leo snarls, the careful composure falling away. Chipping paint. “You don’t speak for him, and you certainly don’t have the right to comment on my relationships.”
Again, Leo expects yelling, or a fist sent his way - he’s ready for it, welcomes it, even - but Raph just sighs. His voice is too quiet, Leo thinks, when he responds. “We miss him, too, Leo.”
Leo closes his eyes, trying to ignore the gaping maw in his chest, to breathe past the ache. It doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked. Not once.
When he opens his eyes again, Raph is still looking at him like he’s some fragile thing. He’s not. He’s not.
“Go home.” Leo doesn’t wait for a response, turning on his heel and running.
He keeps breathing.
Taglist: @thejudiciousneurotic @khayalli @luckycharms1701 @yorshie @justalotoffanfiction @mxalmighty @shakeyourtrees @thelaundrybitch @silverwatergalaxy
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dysfunctional-doodle · 2 months
Do you have any Mikey angst fics you can recommend?
Yes I do! I keep meaning to update my list here. I will…at some point.
Here is the old list:
And here are a few new additions!
Wrong (ROTTMNT):
"His younger brother lies still in his lap, eyes closed and face sickly and pale. Mikey is silent and dripping in water, chilled to the bone. He's so cold.
He’s not breathing.
In that moment, everything clicks."
A presumed dead Mikey fanfic, featuring science facts about box turtles.
Disposable (TMNT 2003):
“The life of your brother, or your own? Better hurry up and choose if you at least want one of you to make it out alive.” Bishop pressed the pistol harder against Michelangelo’s forehead, staring Donatello down expectantly.
The Fixer (Bayverse)
-> You need an ao3 account to view !! <-
Donnie fixes, even when he breaks. April learns this the hard way.
Surface Pressure TMNT (All Media Types)
NOTE: actually, read everything by this author, I live for their writing style and characterisation
What if Mikey saw Encanto and realized something about his very own family?
Waterboarding (TMNT 2003):
If someone had asked Michelangelo a week ago if waterboarding would be effective on turtles, he’d have laughed in their face. Now thought? Now he wouldn’t be laughing. Especially as he tried to keep water from getting in his nose and mouth and wondered if he was about to set a new personal record for how long he could hold his breath.
Parasite (TMNT 2003):
After Leo is bitten by a bat, Mikey desperately tries to convince his brothers he’s no longer himself.
Leo gets infected by a parasite and is slowly infecting his remaining brothers.
Lost (TMNT 2003)
-> You need an ao3 account to view!! <-
Mikey and Klunk get separated from the others and lost deep below the sewers. Good old fashion turtle luck leaves them injured with no hope of finding their way out. But they continue on, determined to survive.
Fungus Humungous (TMNT 2003)
Michelangelo doesn’t answer, standing alone in the shadows. Leonardo moves to place a hand on his shoulder but pulls his hand back when the youngest screams in utter terror, his eyes wild and staring at the space around them. It’s a sound that haunts them all to their core, ringing over and over and Mikey keeps screaming and sobbing, begging for something they can’t understand. The fungi quickly latches onto his face, mushrooms digging into his eyes, across his shell -
“Mikey!” Raph yells but Mikey doesn’t hear them, lost in his own nightmare and unable to defend himself as the mushrooms consume his face completely. Instead, they can only watch helplessly as Michelangelo gets dragged into the darkness.
A mysterious infestation of fungi in the sewer system of their old home causes the turtles to each become trapped in the own never-ending nightmares. Imprisoned in the dark caverns and the last one standing, Leo must battle his own fears if he stands a chance of saving his brothers before they are all consumed by their own terror.
TLDR: remember that 2012 episode with the fungus? I rewrote that for 2003, but much darker.
Subsidence (TMNT 2003):
It is then, as his eyes travel to follow Michelangelo, that Leo spots the way the water is dripping thicker now, seeping through the concrete of the ceiling. There are signs he has carelessly neglected – the cracking on the stone, the groaning of pipes around them. His cheerful mood snaps.
Something must reflect this in his expression; Mikey pauses, a few feet ahead of him, face twisting to concern.
“Leo –“ he begins, but is interrupted when everything shudders. Rubble drizzles, then throws itself upon them as the roof collapses under the strain of the water pipes.
For a moment, Leonardo’s eyes meet his youngest brother’s and see the terror flash inside them. He barely has time to take another breath before the world caves in, and everything goes black.
While the brothers are out exploring a new sewer system, the whole thing collapses. With no way to get out and separated from each other, they all face their own struggles, injuries and fears as they fight to survive and find each other.
TLDR: a sewer caves in. Leonardo and his brothers are trapped because I like angst.
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yorshie · 1 year
Bayverse Headcanons
Just some headcanons I keep in mind when I'm writing bayverse. Will probably come back and add more as I decide on them.
Height/weight: 6’2”, 670lbs
Theme song : Loyal by ODESZA
Ambidextrous but if he needs to punch someone he uses his right hand
Has a dry sense of humor, more little quips and witty one liners than anything planned
Turns into a bit of a caveman when you’re in danger. He catches you going someplace dangerous? Straight to turtle jail for 1000 years. You don’t wanna be picked up and carried to safety? Too bad, it’s happening
Is the King of small touches. A hand on your back, a nudge of his knuckles to get you moving. Mr. soft eyes and low voice when he wants to get his way
Still gets into arguments with Raph. Sometimes they still dissolve into fisticuffs.
References vines to the horror of his brothers (his fav is “road work ahead”)
No one will play Risk with him because even if he’s losing he somehow bleeds everyone dry
Has a gameboy with exactly one game, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. All his animals have names like "Bob" or "Tilda"
can't cook, is banned from the kitchen, once set water on fire.
reads science fiction, fantasy and sagas a lot, though if you pay attention to his books the covers are sometimes swapped and it's almost always poetry or romances.
Not a big fan of PDA. Will give you a snoot boop or a chaste forehead kiss in public, but anything more is off limits. What’s that? You wanna snuggle? You better hope none of his brothers walk in because this turtle might panic and shove you off his lap in a snap decision instinct. You wanna go to his room? The scandal. What will everyone think? Fine, but he’ll ninja you in there. No one will know or see. Ninja silent. Except- Donnie will know. Donnie will see. Because he was sitting in the chair right next to you two and you both somehow forgot he was there.
Hogs the bed. And the covers. And the pillows. Basically if you want any bed commodity you better be prepared to snuggle
If you want him to watch tv that’s not sports it’s gotta be some older saga or classic that you actually have to pay attention to. Loves black and white martial arts movies. You once caught him hugging a pillow and watching Princess Mononoke with tears in his eyes.
Will just stare at the person who asked him to kill a little harmless spider before leaving the room
Height/Weight: 6’8”/ 680lbs
Theme Song: Frequency by Tim Wolf
Left handed
Donnie is THE sarcastic little shit. 
He realizes quickly that while Leo has softness, and Raph is filthy, he doesn’t need to stoop to theatrics to get what he wants. He just has to make eye contact, tilt his head, and tell you in a calm, plain voice what he desires, and it works. 
Can’t keep his attention on one thing for a long period of time, or has to have multiple stimuli going on to keep focus. King of multitasking
The turtle most likely to curse
Can’t sleep without a nightlight and either music or a movie
Listens to filthy music when he’s working. 
The others gang up on him during trivia night to give everyone else a chance
the adrenaline junkie
one time he got Leo's tea mixed up with his coffee and he spat the substance clear across the Lair.
can cook but it's kinda bland. Can't bake to save his life, despite arguing with every failed cake like it’s out to get him: “it’s science why won’t you work??!”
hasn't opened a real book since the invention of the internet. Has a library of hard drives with the subject matter clearly labeled in alphabetical order. Mikey doesn't know about it and thus it has stayed relatively in order.
Doesn’t use his bed much, so the upside is you always have room to stretch out. Bad news is, if you want this turtle to get any decent sleep, you have to figure out how to keep him trapped enough where he can’t move without waking you up. And he’s a ninja.
Donnie likes to watch informative things. Like how it’s made, or unsolved mysteries. His crack show though? Cryptid hunters. He’ll laugh himself silly over people trying to trap Bigfoot or corner Mothman
The one that kills spiders
Height/Weight: 6’5”/ 720lbs
Theme Song: Don’t Get in My Way by Zack Hemsey
Right handed
Turtle has a MOUTH and he is not afraid to open it to to get what he wants. Absolutely filthy when he wants to be.
Will turn into a little melted turtle puddle if someone is sweet to him. Doesn’t really turn to butter over words, but actions will get him every time.
Watches crocodile hunter and golden girls when no one else is awake. Loves animal documentaries, and zoboomafoo
Rough around the edges when it comes to heartfelt affection or feelings. With seduction he’s smooth, but telling someone he genuinely cares for them? Good luck stringing two words together my dude.
Prefers silence or listening when hanging out with someone. He’s slow with his input, careful with what he says. You’re winning if you can make him laugh
in the kitchen he’s either making the most disgusting looking thing that tastes fucking amazing or he’s grilling. Doesn’t tell anyone he learned how to make bread watching Julia Childe.
If he's doing something dangerous or something stupid, the worse thing you could say is along the line of "Leo said-" like, congrats, you just made sure he's gonna do the thing everyone knows he shouldn't. Flip side, he's trying to talk you out of doing something? Just sigh and say "ok, guess I'll go ask Leo-" Boom. Thing is done. Is it healthy? no. Does it work? yes.
Is the most considerate when it comes to sleepy time. He’ll make sure you have your own pillow, own blankets. He sleeps on his stomach and doesn’t move much, and is large enough that you could sleep tucked under the lip of his shell without fear of being squashed
Not the one to call if you see a spider. He will scream
Height/weight: 6’0”/ 640lbs
Theme Song: Handclap by Fitz and the Tantrums
Right handed but if he puts his mind to it he can use his left equally for everything but writing
Is legally obligated to use cheesy pick up lines, and is a Talker
Uses lollipops and hard candy to keep his focus, bit of an oral fixation
completely ruins heartfelt moments by getting sidetracked. Can be giving the mushiest compliments then in the next breath go "so you gonna eat that leftover cake in your fridge or nah?"
Changes nicknames for you on a semi-weekly basis just to keep you on your toes and to annoy his brothers
Prankster extraordinare 
Can cook, but like the annoying ‘these are the worst ingredients to combine and somehow this tastes good and I'm going to sue you over telling me what's in this’
Is the best with understanding emotions and expressing himself. Yes, Leo might be better reading body language, but Mikey has empathy over why someone might react a certain way, not just 'if I do y then x happens'
Will push buttons to see how much he can bug someone
The one most likely to help you sneak out and get up to shit. Also the one most likely to get you two caught.
Makes up song lyrics when he doesn't know the actual words. Will change them to suit his needs, or how badly he wants to tick off his brothers. Not sure who would get the MOST annoyed by wrong lyrics on purpose, but you just know he has a different set fine tuned for each brother
His bed is basically a storage container for pillows and blankets. Which is good, because he is a serial cuddler, and if you need space to sleep you’ve got plenty of pillows to act as a body double if needs be
Loves soap operas, iron chef, diners drive-ins and dives. The more drama is in it, the more he eats it up. He and Raph bond over Golden Girls once the bigger brother realized he wasn’t going to get teased over it
Will pick up the spider to show you it’s not something to be scared of
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ashtheketchum · 5 months
Bayverse Turtles with a Baby?
Tumblr media
A/N: I thought the idea of how the turtles would act in front of a baby and it was so cute! (Picture from Pinterest)
Warnings: GN.Reader, fluff, Mention of abortion and adoption, HC and little story mixed
The story, how it all happened:
You and your boyfriend were on your way to his home when you suddenly heard baby cries. You were in the middle of an alley and of course your mutant boyfriend immediately hid in case a mother showed up with her baby. But after waiting for several minutes, no mother came and the baby's cries didn't stop either. The screams came from a trash can and you walked towards that trash can. You opened it carefully, your mutant boyfriend jumped behind you, his weapon ready. "Darling, calm down, it's just a baby…" You just said.
You opened the trash can and saw a crying baby inside. It had a blanket wrapped around it and looked very dirty. From the looks of the baby, it had been lying there for a while and now seemed hungry. "The mother is not around and the baby is lying here alone…"
Before Leo could react properly, you already had the baby in your arms and you looked pleadingly at your boyfriend. "Can we keep the baby?" You simply asked, eyes pleading. Leo immediately looked at you in shock, before sighing softly and shaking his head. "The baby is definitely missing… we can't just take it with us…" Leo said. His words made you pout angrily and you hugged the baby closer to you. "The baby was in a trash can and the lid was closed! It won’t be missed, don’t tell yourself that!” You then said.
Leo looked at you frustrated as you gave him a stern look. He knew that if you wanted something, you always got it. So he sighed loudly again and then nodded slightly. "Okay… But as soon as a report comes out about this baby, we'll bring it back." "Deal!" And so we had the baby and we took it to the lair.
Leo and you told his family about the baby you found
His brothers were somewhat amused that you had won another argument, while Master Splinter was worried. He didn't know if the baby would be safe with them
Luckily the baby was allowed to stay and his brothers would sometimes look after it too
First you fed the baby by warming up some milk and putting it in a small bottle with a dinking straw
As soon as the baby was full, Leo washed the baby, while you looked for clothes for the baby
When you came again, Leo was completely wet while the baby was dry in his arms
You had to hold back your laughter before you dressed the baby (Meanwhile, Leo dried himself off)
It was a boy and you wanted a name so you came up with one
Most days just consisted of feeding the baby, watching him sleep, or making him laugh
Sometimes he also saw Leo training or reading a book
You forced Leo to read out loud so that your boy could also listen to his beautiful voice<3
The two of you looked at the baby for a moment before you took it in your arms and gently rocked it back and forth. "Woah, woah, what are you doing?" Raph then asked, with a suspicious look on his face. "What does it look like?" She needs help…" You then murmured quietly, stroking her gently. "She? Pff, how do you know it's a girl?" Raph briefly made fun of you before he became completely quiet and looked down at you. You just glared at him while holding the baby in a thin towel. It was too thin and she was freezing.
"We'll take her with us whether you want to or not!" You then said sternly before heading to the lair. Raph stayed silent for a moment before following you and calling out to you. It seemed like a really stupid idea, but you didn't listen to him.
Even though the rest of his family accepted the baby, he still remained tough. He had nothing against the baby, but you didn't know where it came from and who it belonged to, but he didn't argue with you
Raph only helped you with a few things, like making food or washing the baby, the rest you were supposed to do on your own
But once Raph saw the two of you sleeping together, his heart melted
"Why do you help now?" "Shut up and let me help you..."
He was somehow embarrassed that he suddenly wanted to take care of the baby, but he didn't show it
You had also sometimes caught him trying to get the baby to say Raph first instead of your name
Raph was on a mission to teach the baby how to fight so she would be a strong woman
His brothers tease him that he plays the mother pigeon better than anyone expected
Raph discussed with you for a long time what the little girl should be called
When Raph changed the baby's diaper, he always had to stop himself from cursing
Always calls the baby weird nicknames
He holds Mikey away from the baby
Donnie scanned the baby over before gently nodding for you to take it. With a big grin, you took the baby in your arms and then showed it to Donnie. "I wonder why it was in the trash can…" You murmured quietly. Donnie tapped on his phone for a moment before putting it down. "There's no news for a missing baby… So…" "So we can keep the baby?" Immediately you looked up at him happily and your boyfriend had to smile. He confirmed your question with a nod. "Yes, we can…"
While you were on your way to bring it to him in the lair, Donnie had looked for a list of everything you would need for a baby and he then set out to get everything.
In his lab, Donnie had prepared everything you might need for the baby
That means: Warm milk, a little bed, new clothes and a baby bathtub
But he moved everything away so the baby wouldn't be near the chemicals
Donnie was somehow completely excited and he found out about everything in no time while you were feeding the baby
Leo had also promised Donnie that he would support you just like the rest of his family<3
As soon as the baby was asleep, Donnie went back to his lab to do some work
He begged you on his knees to name the baby after his favorite scientist (cough cough Galileo cough cough)
He let the baby sit on his shoulders and sometimes let him play with his Bó
The baby would sometimes start crying when Donnie took off his glasses
Sometimes Donnie calls the baby his own son
When you were taking care of Galileo (yes, you named him like that), Donnie could only stare dreamily at you
Mikey looked at the baby in fascination before taking it and looking at you excitedly. "Babe, look, a baby!" "Careful Mikey…" You took the baby in your arms and looked at it carefully. Mikey looked at the baby too, but with a big grin. "She has your eyes." "How does that work? That's not my baby." Mikey kissed your cheek gently. "But you have the same eye color!" You could only roll your eyes before giggling. You had agreed to keep the baby, but only if Mikey would actually take care of the little one.
"Guys, I'm a father!" He shouted throughout the sewers when you finally arrived. With these words he immediately got the attention of his family, while you went with the little one to the others. Mikey looked incredibly proud and happy.
Mikey really did stick to his words. He fed the baby, washed her with you, and carried her around on his shoulders
But what he liked most was making the baby laugh and he didn't care what he had to do to make it happen
"If you were a boy, I would have called you Kevin." "Like your pizza delivery guy?" "Yes!"
Even though Mikey was very excited, he was also very worried about the baby. He babyproofed his entire home- (with Donnies help ofc)
Mikey had made the little one an orange scarf
Sometimes when he tried to feed the baby pizza, you kept having to stop him
He brags to his brothers about what a great father he is and what a great partner he had
He would take an incredible number of photos of the baby
When the little one really laughed for the first time, Mikey laughed too and he was incredibly happy
When he didn't know what to do, he asked Master Splinter or his brothers for advice
When you and Mikey had kissed infront of the baby, the baby would always laugh and point at you two
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Can you write a first kiss with bayverse raph and his s/o (she/her) it's been running in my mind that raph would be kinda shy? You know like he really wants to but is so nervous and flustered about it.
Nonny, I am so sorry this took so long. Hope you find it LMAO.
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Bayverse Raphael x Reader imagine
Info + Warnings: No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader. Set post movies.
Commentary: Nervous Raphael owns my ass. I hope I did him justice.
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"Woah, Red," You said as he abruptly pulled back from your space, crossing his forearms one in front of the other. Your hand found his one closest to you, where it rested on your table, and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You OK?"
"Yeah. Yeah, o'course," He muttered, voice low and gravelly and doing nothing to disguise his nerves. His eyes- bright, stunning, dangerous green- were wide and shadowed by a knit brow as he quickly wet his lips with his tongue. "Just- are you- you're sure about this?"
You fought to keep the smile off your face, not wanting him to think you were laughing at him. "I'm very sure," You said warmly, squeezing his arm again and dragging your hand back to find his and play with his fingers like you always did. "But we can stop-"
"No," Raph said quickly, turning his hand over and looping his fingers through yours with his signature little shake of your joined hands. "Just... c'mere."
You obliged happily, pushing yourself up out of your seat and leaning over the corner of the table, leaning on your forearms to look him in the eyes. "Hey, handsome."
"Hey yourself," He muttered lowly. His free hand came up to brush knuckles against your cheek, slowly, lightly tracing back towards your ear before unfurling and cupping your jaw, his eyes trailing the motion.
Then, Raphael pulled you forwards.
Really, it wasn't a pull. He was as gentle as he ever was with you, meaning he was barely even suggesting you lean forwards.
Luckily, you were well practiced in reading his small suggestions.
You were fully smiling when the suggestion stopped just shy of his face. Less than an inch separated the two of you, and you allowed yourself a moment to study those gorgeous half-lidded eyes of his as he watched you, silent and waiting.
Then, you closed the gap, and your lips met his.
Somehow, the coolness of his lips surprised you, despite his hands being the same temperature. Just a few degrees below your own body temperature- a feature of his turtle roots, one Donatello had explained to you months ago, back when you helped him winter-prep the lair- but enough to be a pleasant chill against your burning skin.
They were rough, too, but that wasn't a surprise. Neither was the gentle way they pressed to yours. Raph's kiss was hesitant and stilted, and his hands were ever so slowly relaxing against your skin, and you were somehow falling even more for the red-clad hero.
This side of him- soft, pliant, gentle- made fondness explode in your chest, and you squeezed his fingers as you kissed him.
He pulled back after a few seconds- too soon, in your opinion, but the way he squeezed your fingers back made it worth it- and you slowly opened your eyes to meet his.
"Hey, handsome," You repeated softly, making him chuckle.
"Hey, yourself." Raphael gave you a half-smile, searching your face. "You, uh... that okay?
You let a small laugh escape you this time, warmth and love bubbling out of you. He tensed, and you hurried to reassure him. "It was more than okay."
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oozedninjas · 2 years
Summary: The boys are fixing a tire one night when a girl emerges from the mist. She's escaping some thugs, and the boys fly to her aid. The whole situation winds up a bit more fucked up than they thought.
A/N: This was a former request on my past blog. I'm trying to rewrite and re-post all that I can find from there, although, I'm afraid is not much.
Dark fic
Here Leo is 27, Raph is 26, Donnie is 24 and Mikey is 22
Fem!reader she/her pronouns
Mutant turtles x reader (but Leo is the star guy)
Warnings: hurt (inflicted upon the reader by someone else) comfort (through the boys) / kidnapping/blood and injury / situational panic/victim self-blaming / chase
Only click on keep reading if you're 18+
"Stop being so noisy! We are not supposed to be here." Raphael grunted to Mikey, who was –and had been for the past hour–playing with the radio buttons.
"Chill out bro, I'm just setting the atmosphere!"
"What atmosphere? We're just changing a tire," Donnie scoffed as he made a few more adjustments.
"Well, the night is foggy, there's a chilling breeze… it might happen something spooky! I just thought it'd be nice to find a song to complete the–"
"We won't remain too long to need that" Leo cut. And when Leo said something with that particular tone, he knew it was a lost battle.
Mikey drew his gaze to the front glass of the truck, defeated. That was when he noticed something moving in the distance, a vague silhouette through the mist running towards the truck.
"Ummm, guys?" Mikey called, but everyone was minding their own business. The figure kept getting closer, and closer and closer. It was a human figure, running directly towards them. His eyes widened as a rush of adrenaline ran through his spine.
"Mikey for the last time, we are not setting on spooky music!" Leo stated loud and firmly.
"Someone is coming!" he shouted
"What?!" they gasped.
"Hide!" Leo commanded.
Everyone jumped to hold onto the tunnel roof. If it wasn't for the boosted tire they could be chilling with a warm pizza box back at the lair.
"What kind of human just runs into a drainage tunnel in the middle of the night?!" Mikey whined to Donnie. He placed a finger over his mouth, silently telling Mikey to be quiet.
The silhouette finally pierced the fog, revealing a human girl. She was dressed only with a blood-stained white blanket. Her breathing was agitated. She turned her head back in distress, as to check if someone was following her. She hit the front of the truck, smudging it red.
"What the hell…?" Raph whispered.
"Where the fuck is she?!" shouted a voice in the distance. "You better find her, or you'll be the one telling the boss you fucking lost her."
"I think she ran over there!" a more sticky voice put in. It wasn't hard to put two plus two together.
The three boys exchanged a look.
"Go," Leo said.
They jumped ahead, right in front of the truck. The aggressors stopped in their tracks.
"Looking for something?" Raph smirked.
-- Meanwhile, the female human got inside the truck. A window busted. She shrieked, closing the door. Screams. Beating. Metal clanking. She curled up, covering her ears.
Suddenly, silence. Then, steps approached. They were heavy, way more than her captors. She held her breath.
"Where is she?" someone asked in a whisper.
"I think she went inside the truck," another answered, dramatically lower.
"Are you sure?"
"This is bad. Shall we warn her about, you know, the shells?"
Someone huffed "Right. Like that's gonna make a difference."
They knocked on the door. Her breath hitched.
"Miss?" one of them called in a rather polite tone. "Are you in there?"
She shivered. It was true that now the ones chasing her were put down, but still, there was hardly a reason to trust these new men. She didn't answer. How stupid was she? She should've kept running.
"Miss we're gonna open the door." the polite voice stated. "One…"
She grabbed a soda can.
She hid it behind her back. It wasn't much, but if she smacked it hard enough-
The door opened. Darkness dissolved in green lights. Before her, four giant… turtles? her eyes widened as much as was humanly possible.
Their expressions showed something close to repressed panic, worry, and dismay.
“Oh my god, she’s bleeding!” one of them squeaked, pointing at her. Then, another one made his way thru the others. He reached out. She flinched back.
“Hi, Donnie here. I mean no harm. Let me check you up,” he said. A white light lit up over his head, it was attached to his glasses, and these last were somewhat bound to a purple-torn cloth that resembled a mask. They all wore one.
"She has signs of post-traumatic stress. The blood seems to come from the lower part of her body. I think we should take her to the hospital."
Hospital? her eyes glowed with hope. The hint of panic within her soul eased. They were good guys!
“Miss, what's your name?” Donnie asked, but she didn’t even move. “Do you know the date?” he tried again.
“Not mine…” she whispered so low it was almost inaudible.
“Not mine?” The male turtle repeated back, frowning a little. It was obvious that she was abused emotionally and physically. A shiver ran down Donnie’s spine. “What exactly do you mean by that?” but she remained in silence, just looking at him, and his brothers while trembling.
“Look miss, we are gonna try to help you but there’s little we can do if you don’t cooperate. Please, try to answer the questions.” said the one with a blue bandana. She took a deep breath. He was right.
“It's not my blood,” she mumbled. Her breath became agitated. “It was over the floor… I tripped and fell.”
The signs of a possible panic attack loomed through her expression. Even Raphael softened his gaze. Poor girl, she seemed fucked up.
“Calm down miss, we’re gonna help you.” the one in blue stated. “You’re safe now. Donnie, is there something more you can do?”
Donnie backed up to face him.
“I could do more, but I think it’s better if we take her to the hospital. This a serious situation. Police might get involved,” he noted thoughtfully.
“Focus on the tire then. Let's finish that to start moving. We drop her at the hospital, then we head back to the lair.” he ordered. “Mikey, stay here, Raph, you go watch that no one follows us.”
Everyone took their places. She grabbed the one in blue when he motioned forward.
"No," she mumbled. He relented. "Don't go."
He sat beside her. "I won't."
The truck started moving a few minutes later. She was leaning over his bicep, observing his frame: from the marked jawline to the blue bandana. His eyes were almost the same tone.
"What's your name?" she asked.
He eyed her before giving out a comforting smile. "Leo."
She nodded, processing.
“I went to a birthday party, Leo. It ended late. I was- they offered me a ride- I didn't think-" She puffed. Her hands gripped the sides of her hair, close to her scalp. Her knuckles turned white. she pulled. "I'm so stupid. So stupid! Stupid!"
She trembled. Her voice cracked.
Leo grasped her hands. "No, you're not. You just trusted the wrong people."
“It was October when I was taken," she sobbed. "I don't know the current date.”
Leo’s heart ached and Mikey’s gaze fell.
“It’s December,” Leo told her.
She nodded as tiny weeps slipped through her mouth.
The girl scooted close to Leo. Her hands pressed against his plastron. He panicked for a brief moment, glancing at Mikey, not quite sure if he should hold her back. Mikey motioned in approval. Leo then placed his arms around her.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now,” he repeated.
She knew Leo wasn't lying. She knew it by the way his arms held her protectively, the tone of his tender voice, and by the tenacious look in his eyes.
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
may I request some platonic bayverse! turtles x reader headcanons where the reader has a taste for very emotional (borderline depressing) music? like they’re just hanging out and reader gets a turn picking the song and they play glimpse of us or something. (maybe one of the boys is like “dude, are you okay??”)
Hehe, I'm guilty of doing this, sometimes sad songs just hit different lol
HA I just finished writing it and went back to read your ask and you specifically said "platonic" sorry there's some dating references but it's mostly platonic, whoops
Sad Music headcannons
I think shock would be the first things they feel. Like you get the aux cord, you're typing away on your phone trying to find a song, and then it starts playing
Starts pretty slow, they momentarily stop what they're doing to listen to the words, and its...pretty sad.
They glance to you and you seem...happy? Why are you bobbing your head? And you know all the words???
Why do you know all the words to this depressing breakup song???
(If you're dating one of them) and you put on like Olivia Rodrigo or the Kelly Clarkson cover of Happier than Ever, this boy is going to panic.
Immediately pulls you aside if you're not ready alone and is all sad puppy dog eyes. "Is...is that how you feel? Did I make you feel that way?" Practically breaks down into a sad little turtle puddle
But when you very quickly reassure him that you just like it as a song and it doesn't personally mean anything to you, he calms down
If you're in a big group, let's say you're helping them clean or going on a road trip or something that involves playing music
They all just stop and stare for a moment
Mikey 100% knows the song (not because he's sad, he likes all kinds of music) and is singing along
Leo is most concerned. Dad mode activated.
"Are....are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Donnie and Raph silently chuckle at how nonchalant you are, as if you didn't just put on a super depressing song
Depending on how close you are with them, you'll probably get pulled aside and genuinely asked if you're alright, or you'll get a text later asking if you want to talk
They don't mind the music they just want to check in and make sure you're doing okay <3
(Donnie may or may not have added some of the songs to his Playlists)
Leo doesn't really like the songs but he doesn't have the heart to tell you to change it. Depressing songs make him sad.
If you play over like 3 sad songs Mikey steps up and asks to play something. He's an empath and can only handle so much of Kelly Clarksons breakup songs
Raphs just annoyed cause the songs active his feelings. He doesn't like sad feelings
Donnie claims he's got nerves of steel and hasn't asked you to change them.
(But one time when he was in the middle of a breakdown he put on music to distract himself and calm down and one of your songs came up and he bawled. Tears, snot, everything. He refuses to tell anyone)
In the end, they don't mind so long as it's in moderation, like 1 sad song per hour, but do NOT let Splinter hear it, his dad mode is worse than Leo's and you won't leave the lair until you tell him everything
Rats persuasive
tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @mysticboombox
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raisin-shell · 1 year
The Blindfold
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TMNT Bayverse x fem reader
18+ language/SMUT
Warnings: ⚠️ all situations are presented in a consensual form. The boys would in no way shape or form force themselves upon another against their will. That said, read at your own risk.
Chapter One:
Leonardo breathed in deeply as he looked on into the night’s skyline, the docks were always his favorite to patrol. He loved the smell of the salt in the air but particularly for the last couple of days, a new scent had presented itself.
“She’s close.”
He says this in a hushed tone, almost stupidly as if his own brothers couldn’t pick up the smell of a mature human female in close proximity. His brother Mikey let’s him know this by loudly whispering a ‘duh’ into the wind no doubt startling the curious woman which was the last thing they needed.
You could remember the exact day you first heard rumor of these vigilantes. It was the day the so called Vern The Falcon took down the Shredder. You were there, a news reporter from Channel 3 Eye Witness News. Channel 6’s biggest competitor and you had several eye witnesses tell the same story. Stories of these… creatures that saved the city. Despite your best efforts, April O’Niel’s story made headlines and your story? Well… you started going a tad bit over board. You went back to witnesses, asking them every little detail they remembered. What they looked like, where they went and finally one day you discovered your first clue. The old man who owned the market on 3rd claimed they disappeared underground through the manhole cover just across from his shop. Bingo.
✅ ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
You started mapping out foot attacks, noticing a sort of pattern as if these creatures as the witnesses put it, had a routine. And while their pattern was certainly different and much more difficult to decipher, the foot’s on the other hand was not. Your eyes widened as your finger busily tapped right above the location of the docks on your map tacked neatly upon your bulletin board. According to your calculations that’s where they would hit next. A sudden shudder of danger, the realization of it at least fluttered through your body. You knew the risks but should the foot show up you also knew these protectors would be there. You were hell bent on it. You grabbed your keys and cellphone and bolted towards the exit of the 25th floor of the building. Your destination… the docks.
“Keep it down. She’ll hear us!”
Raph’s burly voice somehow boomed even louder than Mikey’s hush. Leonardo could do nothing but shake his head. They were supposed to be ninjas yet every time a woman entered the picture they acted like a cluster of numb skulls. Still his brow arched to the slightest of movement coming from the woman’s direction. All four brothers fell still and silent, four sets of eyes honed in on their target as the view of the top of her head slowly rose over the air vent. Leo lifted his finger to a point then dropped it sharply, a silent que for them to scatter. Limber muscles encased in hard shells vanished in thin air or so it seemed. For now they had this woman confused and now even more curious, eyes glaring at her from the comfortable hide of the shadows. She was walking right into their trap.
The Docks
You had barely parked your car along an adjacent street a couple blocks away, hearing gun shots and loud crashes inside what appeared to be an old abandoned marina you quickly ran towards the commotion.
“It’s gotta be them. I fucking know it’s them!”
You pant as your sneakers bounce against the pavement, running stalled by a bared up door with chains and locks wrapped around it to boot.
Your head darted back and fourth frantically, looking for any possible way in when the sudden sound of silence sent a frightening chill down your spine. Head pressed against the bared up doors, you listened. You could hear the sound of voices. It sounded as if they were celebrating, possibly gloating about something. In this moment of slow motion your eyes happened to fall upon a small broken window to which you could easily crawl through so you took full advantage of the opportunity. Lights barely flicked inside the building. Old rickety boats left stalled and forgotten to rot were all that remained it seemed until you turned the flash light on on you phone and saw several foot soldiers badly beaten, tied together…. Some lifeless and lying on the ground in pools of blood.
It took every fiber within your being not to scream but you were on a mission. You knew the foot would be here, now it was time to find out who these vigilantes really were. Your head flicked upward as the voices continued to echo throughout the decrepit building. They were on the roof. You started scanning the walls with your phone light, searching for a ladder or a garbage shaft. You did happen to find the maintenance ladder for the boat lift that led up to a long set of glass windows.
“That could lead to the roof.”
You stirred towards the ladder, hoping over a body or two along the way before you reached the first rung and started making your way up. The closer you got to the windows, the louder the voices would get. Your heart began to race in excitement, phone in hand and camera at the ready. Once you were finally at the top you slipped up against the windows, unlatching one and pushing it through as you peered out into the darkness. This did give you access to another roof to another building but the voices seemed to be coming from there so you followed.
“Dude, you’re just mad because you don’t got my skills!”
One voice rang out.
“Skills? Skills? And who got the most kills? I rest my fuckin’ case.”
Another Brooklyn accent boomed.
“You know Raph, there is this new thing. It’s called restraint. Breaking every neck of every opponent is not it.”
Another scolded as you slowly continued to make your way towards the humongous forms still hidden by the darkness. You couldn’t make out exactly what they were. They spoke English. From the way they spoke they seemed to be in their early 30’s. Your hands began to tremble and you swallowed hard as you overheard one of them say “she’s close”. Shit.
You ducked down swiftly, back against the air vent making a deep pop and you could have swore you felt your soul leave your body. They had to of heard that. Your chest heaved as your breathing shuddered in sheer fear. You waited in silence. Trying to hear anything else but there was nothing. You could only hear the pounding of your heart in your ears as your back slid upwards and you tilted your head up and over the air vent to take a peek. They were gone.
You whispered breathlessly, slowly slipping your way from behind the air vent and making your way into the open. Only the light of a very pale moon guided you across the clearing surrounded by darkness. You decided to be brave. They couldn’t have went far so you called out to them.
“Hello? I… I mean you no harm. I just… I just wanted to know more. More about the true saviors and protectors of this city.”
You pause in the silence, turning slowly to check your surroundings when suddenly a swift push from behind hand you on all fours and a blindfold was quickly draped over your eyes. You froze, all intentions were to struggle but if these were indeed the massive forms you had spotted from earlier, you wouldn’t dare try to fight. Slowly with your hands held high and spread you rose. A signal to them hopefully that you meant no harm.
“Well well well would ya looky here. Ha! Seems we got a stalker boys.”
The Brooklyn accent boomed close from behind you, vibrating your entire body and sending a slight tingle to your core. Your thighs rubbed together tightly, you more in shock that this was turning you on more than scaring the ever loving shit out of you.
“Hmm… yes. It seems miss that we have taken your fancy here of late.”
A smooth, calm and deep voice patted against your ear as your jaw dropped in a soft pant.
“What should we do with her?”
A charismatic yet friendly voice chirped up through the rugged two.
“Well, seeing as she’s so interested in finding out more about us, I say we take her to my lab… for testing.”
A highly intelligent voice rang through with a dark chuckle. It took all you could to not weaken in the knees. You knew what you were in for when you signed up for this. Well, maybe not exactly being blind folded and kid napped but who’s to say you wouldn’t ensnare a stalker should you have one? Right? You nodded obediently no sooner than you felt the grip of two large strong arms wrap around you, lifting you up over one massive shoulder and scampering of with the elegance of a deer. Each movement beneath you was precise, smooth and surprisingly gentle despite the massive muscles laid beneath your body.
After about twenty or so minutes of feeling the wind in your hair as this creature pounced along with your body in tow, you came to a complete stop. You could hear the sound of heavy metal scraping against the street beneath you when the being began to move forward again and with one swift movement you both dropped down only to meet the bottom with a loud splash. There was this stench. All too familiar. You knew you were beneath ground in the sewers. Where at exactly was a complete mystery to you.
#let me know in the comments if you want me to keep going with this story, each encounter with each turtle will be it’s own chapter#
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talewrites · 3 months
Fragile Part 9
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘babe’ and ‘princess’)
Warnings: injury, fluff, not proof read
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
When you awoke, you felt a heavy weight across your chest. You blinked your eyes open and looked around. 
The sight that greeted you made you grin. Mikey was sprawled like a starfish across your queen sized bed, snoring away with an arm thrown over your midsection. Poor Donnie was confined to huddle up on his side on the very edge of your bed, in his attempt to be closer to you. Leonardo, when you looked, was sitting on the floor fast asleep with his shell resting against the side of the bed.
All that was left was-
“You awake, shortie?” Raphael was standing in the doorway with a towel around his shoulders. A soft expression on his face that he reserved for just the two of you. 
You didn’t want to wake up the rest of his brothers so you nodded silently at him. He extended his arm out above you for you to grab onto, and he slowly pulled you up out from underneath Mikey without disturbing him, careful not to bonk anyone with your cast. You were left dangling above your bed while you clung onto Raph’s arm like you weighed nothing. Raph chuckled quietly and swung you over to a vacant spot on the floor where you stretched out and touched down gently onto the fluffy rug. 
Raphael nodded in the direction of the door, a silent invitation to join him for his morning workout. You quietly grabbed some clothes from your drawers and trudged out to change in the bathroom as he went ahead of you to the gym. When you joined him a few minutes later, he was doing stretches. 
“How’s the arm?” He asked you in a hushed tone. Not wanting to sound too loud in the quiet of the empty gym. 
“Better!” You said gratefully stretching out your shoulders with your arms above your head. “Donnie said I should be able to get the casts off by the end of the week.”
”Wow, that was fast. I guess you heal like us now, huh.” Raph said with a grin, hiding his relief. “Wanna work on your physical therapy first?” 
“Mh!” You nodded enthusiastically. 
These quiet mornings working out with Raph had become the norm in the past 2 weeks since you had woken up. At first it started as an escape from the insomnia, when you woke up early and couldn’t sleep. Bad dreams and flashbacks from the tank plaguing your mind. Raph would come in and scoop you up and take you with him while he worked out. Not allowing you to be alone with your thoughts. You would lay on his back while he did pushups, and sit in his lap while he did reps. ‘For motivation’ he would say.
After a long hour and a half, and a playful but careful wrestling match that turned into a tickle fight, you collapsed limp onto Raph’s chest out of breath. 
“You’re getting harder to pin down, shortie.” Raph’s chest rumbled with his chuckle.
”Is that so? I think you’re still going too easy on me.” You said with sly eyes and propped your head up on your arm cast to look down at his face.
”So what if I’m going easy on ya? You can try and kick my ass once you’re all healed up, Princess.” He met your sly grin, hands coming up to grab your sides.
You giggled and squirmed in his hold, still feeling sensitive as he moved to sit up with you sat in his lap. You reached up and looped your arms around his neck and hugged him, body flesh against his chest. The big turtle froze a moment then relaxed and wrapped his big arms around you gently. He took in a long deep breath and exhaled in a long huff against your shoulder.
After a long pause, you quipped, “At least I can still throw you on your back whenever I want~”
Raph grinned and started to lightly tickle your sides again, making you squeal and giggle as you tried to escape his hold. “Just because you’ve got mutant strength all the time now doesn’t mean you’ll always have the drop on me!” He whisper yelled as he continued to torture you.
Donnie cleared his throat from the doorway where he was casually leaning against the frame, sipping a fresh cup of coffee. 
“He’s ticklish under his arms.” Donnie said loud enough for you to hear, grinning into his mug.
Raph’s eyes went wide with horror. ”Traitor!” 
Your hands dove for his exposed skin, but before you could reach, Raph grabbed your sides and held you away at arm’s length like a cat. “No fair!” You laughed, calming down from the excitement.
Donnie set down his coffee cup and strolled into the room. He scooped you up and tossed you over his shoulder, rescuing Raph from your attack. The red turtle made an exaggerated sigh of relief, but he was betrayed by his playful grin.
“My turn.” 
Donnie strolled out of the room with you in tow as you waved a goodbye to Raph, and retrieved his cup of coffee as he left.
They had waited for weeks.
They were not able to prevent you from falling into a medically induced coma, but with the blood transfusion you received from Leonardo, your blood pressure had returned to safe levels. With the new medications Donnie was feeding you through your IV, it was expected you would wake up in only a few days. But there were…. complications.
It began as a small rash at the spot of the IV, rough dry skin turning into green scales. After 3 days, small hints of animalistic qualities started to morph your body in strange ways. Your fever only got worse with the changes. But along with the destabilized mutations, your body began to heal the overwhelming damage at amazing speeds. Your blackened bruises changed to green, then yellow, and slowly started to fade, your broken bones were set and mending, and your pallid complexion slowly started to improve. 
Donatello was closely monitoring your body as you healed, but he was also amazed at documenting the changes. Your mutation fluctuated and changed the structure of your muscles, improved bone strength, and appeared to enhance your senses. Changes that before were fleeting and temporary. Any fleeting changes to appearance came and went in waves as your body fought over whether you were more human or mutant.
Leonardo sat by your bedside just as he had during the blood transfusion. But you remained motionless in a deep sleep. By now your body was almost completely healed. So why hadn’t you woken up?
Leo held your hand and stroked your wrist with his thumb. Your hand was so small in his. 
Mikey was sitting at the foot of your bed playing on his Switch, picking weeds in your Animal Crossing save file so when you woke up it wouldn’t be a mess. 
April had been helping to make sure the boys and Master Splinter were all still eating well without you to cook meals for them. She had been by the lair earlier that day to deliver boxes of chinese stir fry and Mikey’s favorite orange chicken. 
Some rustling could be heard from the kitchen as empty paper take out boxes were thrown in the trash, and Raph soon entered the room. 
“How are they doin’?” Raph had worked the past week with Casey as a team to covertly uncover the Foot agent in the NYPD, and discovered some other officers selling their information to the gang under the table. Casey was given a promotion by the commissioner, and the rest of the uncorrupt police department came together to buy Raphael his own motorcycle as a thank-you present.
“Fever hasn’t gone down. No changes yet. Their vitals are still stable and the scales appear to be discoloring.” Donatello updated from his chair he had practically lived in since they returned with you.
Mikey had spent days with his eyes glued to the spot on your arm. As the green started to fade to match your skin tone and flake off he seemed to become more relaxed.
“Do you think they’re going to end up like us?” Mikey said solemnly.
Leo half smiled at his little brother. “It’s possible… and if they do, we’ll be here for them.”
Mikey hummed in response. 
“Shouldn’t we be like, talking to them to pull them out of the coma?”
“This isn’t one of those cheesy hospital soap operas you watch with Master Splinter, Mikey.” Raph gruffed. He took up his usual seat by the door, picking up his whittling knife and resumed his project of shaping the wood block into a dainty flower. 
“Well, technically research shows that speaking with a coma patient can stimulate brain activity and draw them into consciousness. So it’s worth a shot.” Donnie shrugged and returned his attention to his computer station. He had rigged up 3 open laptops that he used to monitor your vitals next to police radio chatter and the updates on Stockman and Bebop and Rocksteady’s whereabouts. 
After all, they still had a score to settle.
“Hey (y/n)…” Leo started. “We’d really like it if you’d wake up now… It’s too quiet around here without you.”
“Yeah! It’s not the same without you.” Mikey folded his arms on your bed and rested his chin. “You still haven’t taught me how to make your lasagna! And I need your help to beat my game!”
“You need to wake up so you can eat something! It’s not good for your body to be stagnant this long. Usually you’re the one bugging me about my health… And… I miss the way you make coffee. It just tastes better when you make it.”
Raph paused in his whittling and looked at you for a long moment, seemingly looking for any sign of movement. His brothers were all looking at him expectantly. He looked away and blushed.
“...You know you don’t gotta do nothin’… to have our attention, I mean. We just want you back safe and sound. Wake up soon shortstack, don’t keep us waitin’.”
An alert sounded on Donnie’s computer, drawing the boys’ attention. 
Donatello fumbled around to grab his keyboard and started typing into the console to pull up the news Casey was forwarding them.
“It’s Stockman. It looks like he’s made more mutants.”
“More mutants?! I thought he used up all of (y/n’s) mutagen on himself!” Leo exclaimed. He walked over to stand behind Donatello and peer over his shoulder.
“There’s a possibility that the puddle left behind in the lab was just enough to use on some small animals, but not enough for a human. The police report reads that 4 frog-like mutants have appeared trying to rob a bank. Luckily the police didn’t mistake them for us.” Donnie rubbed a hand down his face and straightened up.
“Yooooo, frog mutants? You think they might be friendly?” Mikey suddenly looked excited.
“What are we gonna do about (y/n)? We can’t just leave them behind. They’re still sick.” Raph folded his arms looking worried.
“Leave (y/n) in mine and April’s care. She is due to arrive soon, is she not?” Master Splinter entered the room. He stroked his beard thoughtfully. “We can care for them in your place until you boys return.” 
Donatello looked nervous as he fussed with his hands. He looked between Splinter and your resting form, and the location flashing on his computer. 
“Will you be able to monitor their temperature okay? I can stay behind if-“
Leo placed a hand on Donnie’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, dad’s got this. If anything happens he can give us a call.” Leo reasoned with him.
Donnie still looked unsure but he nodded anyway.
Mikey whooped in excitement and headed for the lair’s exit, followed by Leo.
Raph approached Donnie, his gaze trailing back to the med bay door. “....Any sign of Bebop and Rocksteady?” He asked in a low voice.
Donnie shared the dark look in Raph’s eyes and double checked the report on his wrist.
“Not yet. But with Stockman involved, they shouldn’t be far behind.”
“They better be.”
Donnie grabbed his staff and him and Raphel jogged to catch up to Leo and Mikey. Master Splinter watched the retreating form of his sons from the door, his eyes traveled over to the blinking red light on the screen as the police chatter continued over the radio. The words “armed” and “dangerous” followed the descriptions of the kung-fu wielding amphibians, making the old rat sigh.
He prayed for their safety, and that you would be well and waiting for them upon their return.
Attila the Frog, Genghis Frog, Napoleon Bonafrog, and Rasputin the Mad Frog turned out to be a group of mild-mannered mutants. They were well meaning and naively followed Stockman’s orders thinking that the turtles were the bad guys. With Mikey’s help, they quickly discovered that the amphibians had no intention of helping Stockman take over New York. With some persuasion, Casey agreed to help arrange for the frog mutants to leave New York, and move down to the Florida Everglades away from the city. 
But their fight was not yet over. 
The Punk Frogs, as they called themselves, had offered their assistance in taking down Bebop and Rocksteady. They knew of the location where Stockman and the two henchmen were hiding, and led them to an abandoned sewage plant at the edge of the city. 
There, with the help of the frog mutants, they were able to defeat the mutated Stockman. And no doubt, Bebop and Rocksteady appeared. With the help of the amphibious mutants, the 8 of them managed to subdue the tough duo. The four brothers tried to take it a step farther and beat the living shell out of Stockman and the two, but the peace-loving Punk frogs stepped in and convinced them to rethink their actions and let go of their pent up rage.
That didn’t mean they had to like it.
With Stockman, Bebop, and Rocksteady safely behind bars, they returned home feeling dejected. No matter what they did to Stockman, Bebop, and Rocksteady, it wasn’t going to make you wake up.
The four trudged in through the entrance of the lair, and were met by April running up to them from the med bay. 
“It’s (y/n)-!” There was no time to explain as the boys immediately rushed past her and burst through the doors. They were met with the sight of Splinter by your side, holding your hand with a relieved smile on his face as he chatted with you, sitting up in bed.
The turtles held their breath as your vibrant eyes turned to them, and your face lit up with a smile and welcomed them home. Mikey broke down blubbering in tears and the boys all rushed to you. Embracing you in a crowded desperate hug proclaiming how much they missed you. Even Raph shed a few tears of relief.
Since then, they boys only left you alone to bathe and use the toilet without their constant supervision. Strangely enough it became a routine around the lair, the brothers taking turns spending time with you. You could almost call it suffocating, if you didn’t love spending time with them as much as you did. You knew they needed your attention after the scare you gave them being unconscious for so long.
This was just their way of showing you how much they missed you.
Donnie had abducted you to give you a detailed health check up, as usual, making sure everything was healing right and to test your now permanent mutant reflexes. 
“How would you say you’re adjusting to the change in strength and reaction time?”
”Good! I haven’t broken anything since Tuesday!” You said proudly.
”…That was only 2 days ago.”
“So…. I haven’t broken anything in two whole days!”
Donnie pinched the bridge of his snoot under his glasses and sighed. Ever the optimist.
Later you joined him at his computer station while he ran simulations on a new program. You parallel played on a free computer until you got bored with what you were doing, and wormed your way into his lap.
You nuzzled your nose under Donnie’s chin. He chuckled at the ticklish sensation before looking down at you and giving you a quick kiss on the head. 
“You are not helping my productivity.”
“No, but you could say this is a different kind of productive.”
“And what kind is that?”
“Taking a break.” You smiled at him.
He sighed. 
“Okay, you win.” He clicked away from his programming project and changed the window to a website you were streaming Cowboy Bebop from. Donnie hit play on your current episode and snaked his arms around your waist before relaxing back in his chair.
You were beaming, delighted you had won in convincing the overworked turtle to take a break, and relaxed against his chest.
He switched from drinking coffee to water (which he only did on your regulated ‘breaks’), and turned the brightness down on his screen to give his eyes a break.
After 2 episodes, Leo passed by. He paused behind Donnie’s chair for a moment before exiting to the kitchen. A few minutes later he passed by again and loitered around by the computers, pretending to look busy checking the local news reports running on one of the screens. 
Donnie groaned and you chuckled. 
“I think it’s Leo’s turn to borrow you.” Donnie bemused before releasing you to stand up from your spot on his lap. 
Leo perked up and smiled at you, looking a bit bashful at being caught and muttered a quick apology to Donnie for stealing you away. Then he scooped you up and carried you in the direction of the dojo.
“How is your physical therapy going?” He asked casually. 
“Good! My shoulder is all better, and I can do sit-ups without any pain now. Though once I get these casts off I can really test my new strength.” You said kicking your leg out emphasizing the cast. 
Leo chuckled. He set you down in the dojo where he had prepared a pot of tea for the two of you to share, steam still wafting off the lid.
You sat down on the pillow across the table from him, and began your afternoon chat. He talked about his recent training, what they saw on patrol the night before. And you talked about your life from before. Before you were kidnapped. Before you worked for Stockman. About your life in Japan, where you had been, where else you had traveled to. Leo hung on your every word as you described the different cultures and vibrant cities beyond the glow of New York City. He loved listening to you talk.
“You’ve been to Brazil before, right? What was it like?” You were beaming.
Leo blushed as he straightened up, realizing he was leaning across the table as he listened to you. He fake coughed into his fist to clear his head and center himself again.
“Well, we didn’t exactly get to go sightseeing or anything- but we did get to hike through the Amazon rainforest! There were… a lot of bugs.” He said sheepishly, trying to think of a better way to describe it. 
“How big were the bugs? Did you see any snakes?!” Even though Leonardo couldn’t describe things as colorfully as you did, you still ate up everything he said with equal enthusiasm.
Leo’s expression softened. This is why he enjoyed chatting with you so much. His brothers often called him ‘boring’ but you had a way of making him feel unique and interesting. Your change in perspective always kept him guessing and brought new life to things that to him were old and tired.
“Well, actually Mikey thought he had tripped over a tree root, but it was actually an anaconda! He screamed so loud it drew the attention of a nearby research team and we had to hide in the trees when they came to investigate. They thought it was the shriek of some new species of monkey-“ 
You laughed along with Leo as he continued his story. Your chat lasted well over 2 hours, and eventually Master Splinter came by to remind him that he needed to complete his meditation before nightfall. Leo was a little bashful when he realized how late it was getting. 
“Would you like to join me in meditation for a while?” 
“Of course!” Leo lended you a hand and pulled you to your feet, then led you over to the tatami mats covering the dojo floor. He took up his usual spot cross legged on the mats, and before he could protest you sat right in his lap. 
Leo rested his chin on the crown of your head and mumbled, “Do you think you can concentrate like this?”
You adjusted to sit comfortably with your back straight so you weren’t leaning your weight against Leo’s plastron. “Yup!” You answered comfortably. You closed your eyes and rested your hands in your lap.
Leo chuckled and straightened his posture, rested his hands on his knees, and closed his eyes. Master Splinter passed by and smiled at the antics, shaking his head at the bold youth.
No more than 20 minutes had passed when the sound of Mikey’s rocket board starting up sounded across the lair. Everyone out in the common space ran for cover, and soon the hoots and hollers of the orange ninja echoed down the tunnels. 
Leo groaned as he tried to remain focused, while you cracked open a curious eye. 
“Woooo hoooo! Surf’s up dudes!” Mikey circled the living room a few times before Donnie got fed up ducking and bumped the bottom of his board with his bo staff as he passed. Mikey flailed his arms correcting his weight and ended up flying into the dojo.
“Incoming!” Mikey hollered as you and Leo easily ducked as his board passed by overhead, undisturbed. 
Mikey collided with the weapons rack and caused a loud clatter as the contents crashed to the floor. 
“Duuuude…” Mikey was left laying on his shell slightly teetering from side to side. He tilted his head back and looked over to you and Leo, and scrambled to his feet.
“(Y/n)! Did you see me? I totally landed that heel flip! Well- before I crashed. Do you wanna go play Street Fighter with me?” He rambled sliding onto the floor in front of you, posing dramatically on his side. 
“Mikey…” Leo started, his tone threatening as he continued to keep his eyes shut. You giggled.
“Okay! Okay! Buuut hear me out! I just unlocked this new character and-”
Leo sighed long and loud. That was your cue to take Mikey and get outta there. 
You got up and pecked Leo’s cheek, which immediately extinguished any frustration he was feeling and melted his face into a grin. 
“Thanks Leo! Come on Mikey, let's go play games.” You let the orange turtle excitedly tackle your midsection, carrying you over his shoulder and rushing you both out of the dojo leaving the mess behind.
“So Donnie unlocked this new character for me using some cheat codes and he has some sick combos I wanna show you!” He rambled as he flopped you down onto the big couch and started setting up his controllers.
He came back over around the coffee table and handed you your controller before sliding into the seat next to you. 
“No going easy on me, okay? I think I finally have the buttons down!” You warned as you prepared yourself to focus on the TV.
Mikey smiled brightly, and selected the new character. His inexperience with the character was his secret handicap. 
“You’re on!” He started the match and when the game announced ‘Fight!’, the sound of button mashing echoed throughout the high ceilings. 
You fought a few rounds. You hadn’t won any yet but you were starting to come close. Right before Mikey’s character could lock you in a hit combo you nudged him in his side, making him fumbled his buttons. He squawked in protest and leaned into you, trying to push away your controller as you giggled. Some more button mashing and a few well timed strikes later, you managed to defeat Mikey’s fighter.
“Noooooooo!” Mikey lamented as you cheered. He dramatically laid his weight on top of you, smushing you against the couch cushions as you squealed and tried to push him off of you with your good arm. Even with mutant strength it didn’t do you much good.
“Ey (y/n), what’s for dinner?” Raph called over from the kitchen. He was drinking his post workout shake by the fridge, fresh out of the shower. 
Mikey and you both quickly sat up on the couch and looked at each other in excitement.
“Pasta and meatballs or raviolis?” You asked Mikey.
“MEATBALLS!!!!” Mikey jumped up onto the couch and cheered.
You laughed at his antics until he suddenly swooped in and grabbed you from underneath your arms and lifted you up, making you squeak in surprise. 
“To the kitchen!” He announced to the lair, posing dramatically with you tucked under his arm. 
Mikey leapt from the back of the couch, and jogged to the kitchen. He then set you down next to the fridge and opened it.
“Let’s see. We got ground beef, carrots, tomato sauce, ….what else do we need?” Mikey said as he pulled out the ingredients from the fridge.
“Bread crumbs, parmesan, and I’ll add some zucchini for some extra vegetables.” You listed off, pulling out the seasonings you would need from the spice cabinet. When you tried to reach the mixing bowl on a high shelf, Mikey’s plastron pressed against your back as he reached up behind you to grab it. 
“Thanks Mikey!” You grinned as he handed it to you.
“No problem babe!”
Mikey gave you a mischievous grin over your shoulder and snuck his hands around your waist. You got a bad feeling and set down what you were holding before Mikey suddenly hoisted you up.
“MIKEY!!!” You hollered as you were spun around the kitchen. 
Donnie took notice from where he was relaxing in his computer chair and flipped open his phone to connect his music to the bluetooth speaker. The song “When It Feels Right” by Chase White started playing on the speaker as Mikey obnoxiously mouthed the words. You squealed and started to giggle at the antics. He twirled you around and led you to dance into the lounge. The rest of the boys started to emerge from their corners of the lair, drawn out by the music. 
Leo stepped up to politely tap Mikey on the shoulder, and the orange turtle let his older brother cut in. Leonardo let you stand on his feet as he led you confidently in a little waltz around the room. 
Next, Donnie swooped in and stole you away. Since he was so tall he held up your legs for you to sit on his forearm while you looked down at him. Donatello held your hand in his as he spun with you romantically in a dizzying dance. 
Raph came in last to snatch you away, grabbing your waist to pull you away from Donnie. He didn’t care so much for dancing, so he let you lead. You held his hands, and giggled as you rocked and stepped side to side. He smiled, and when he felt confident, Raphael lifted your hand and gave you a little spin.
When the song finally came to an end, the dream-like state didn’t cease. The music was turned down a little quieter, and all the boys came to sit around the kitchen table as you and Mikey worked together to prepare dinner. The lively conversation floating in the air drew out Master Splinter who joined his sons at the table. You held out the wooden spoon to give Mikey a taste of the sauce, who gave his approval. And dinner was served. 
Spaghetti and meatballs. 
And a new happy family.
The End :]  
@itsberrydreemurstuff @thecreat0r64 @eli-chris @kurlyfrasier @autisticnutcase @drenix004 @donniesgirlie @cherryp-op @foggyturtleknightangel @blackrockshooter780 @l-n-g-t @peachesdabunny @silverwatergalaxy @willy-the-witch @caeliasaida @veri-varily @xnorthstar3x @leonardo-dabitchy @sh1ga-to3s @thehighlordishere @bowbeforeyourphrogness @raphies1wife @mythirdlife235 @truths33k3r4 @aweleyirene @horniergirl @glitterystarfishfestival @rozencorpse
Thank you everyone for joining me on this journey!! I deeply enjoyed reading everyone’s kind comments, and I look forward to sharing other stories with you in the future! 😄💖
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eclipsedrgn · 1 day
May I please request the bayverse tmnt boys with a goth female friend? (Bonus points if she’s a lesbian) if not that’s totally fine just remember to drink water and have a good day 😚🫶
finally had the time to respond to requests! thank you so much!
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Being the goth girl of the group was something you had always worn as a badge of pride. In your world of black leather, silver chains, and a love for all things macabre, you found yourself surrounded by the most unexpected companions—four giant mutant turtles who fought crime in New York City. You’d never admit it out loud (you had a reputation to maintain, after all), but there was something strangely comforting about the way the brothers accepted you without question.
You had met them a year ago after one particularly chaotic night where you accidentally stumbled upon them fighting off the Foot Clan. You’d been walking home after a late shift at the bar, minding your own business, when you saw them. To say you were intrigued was an understatement. Giant turtles, ninjas, and chaos? It was like something straight out of a comic book.
Of course, they hadn’t exactly known what to make of you at first either. You were dressed head to toe in black, your arms covered in tattoos, and your jet-black hair and dark lipstick practically screamed trouble. But you were good at keeping secrets—one look into their eyes had told you they weren’t a threat to you. In fact, you’d been the one to offer to help patch them up that night. And somehow, since then, you had become their closest human friend.
That’s how you ended up here, lounging on the worn-out couch in the lair, scrolling through your phone with one hand and sipping from your ever-present black coffee with the other. The glow of your phone screen was the only light illuminating your pale face in the dim, underground hideout.
“Yo, (Y/N)! You’re looking extra spooky today. Rocking that Wednesday Addams vibe, huh?” Michelangelo, the orange-masked turtle, grinned as he slid onto the couch beside you, tossing an arm casually over the backrest.
You gave him a deadpan look, raising an eyebrow as you took another sip of your coffee. “I am the goth girl of the group, Mikey. Gotta live up to the title.” Your tone was dripping with sarcasm, but you smirked slightly despite yourself.
“Yeah, yeah. I get it. You’re all about the dark and mysterious stuff,” he teased, leaning back. “But seriously, I don’t think I’ve seen you wear a color that’s not black.”
“Orange is disgusting, Mikey,” you shot back, unable to resist the jab at his mask color. “No offense.”
“None taken!” he replied, flashing his usual easygoing grin.
You rolled your eyes and glanced around the lair. Leonardo was off training—typical—while Donnie was engrossed in some experiment at his desk, probably involving a bunch of tech you didn’t even pretend to understand. Raph, as usual, was brooding in the corner, arms crossed over his massive chest. The guy always looked like he was ready to punch something—or someone—at any given moment.
But he wasn��t a total hardass all the time, especially not around you. Over the months, you had gotten under his tough exterior, and he had grown to appreciate your blunt, no-nonsense attitude. If anything, you were the one person who could hold your own in a verbal sparring match with him, and he respected that.
“You still sulking over there, Raph?” you called out, raising your voice slightly.
He huffed, his arms tightening across his chest. “Ain’t sulking. Just thinkin’.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” You couldn’t help but smirk. “Thinking about what? How the color red is the superior choice?”
Raph shot you a glare, though there was a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “Nah. Just thinkin’ how annoying ya are sometimes.”
“Right back at you, big guy.”
Donnie, who had been silent up until now, finally chimed in from across the room, adjusting his glasses as he peered over at you. “You know, you could try wearing other colors every once in a while, (Y/N). I’ve read studies about how wearing different hues can impact your mood.”
“Don’t even start with me, Donatello,” you muttered, narrowing your eyes at him. “I’m perfectly happy in my black-on-black aesthetic, thanks.”
“Yeah, Donnie, leave her alone,” Mikey added, reaching over to poke at your silver chain necklace. “Besides, she’s got a look. It’s iconic.”
You snorted. “If by ‘iconic’ you mean no one ever bothers me because I look like I’ll hex them, then sure.”
The banter between you and the turtles was always easy, always natural. It felt like home in a weird way, even though you’d never really considered yourself the “friendship” type. Growing up, you had always been the weird kid—too into dark art, too blunt, too… well, too you. And then there was the fact that you were also very, very gay, which didn’t exactly endear you to your more conservative hometown. But the turtles? They didn’t give a single fuck about any of that.
You had come out to them a few months after meeting them, and their reaction had been one of complete acceptance.
“I mean, duh, I’m a lesbian,” you had said casually during one of your late-night hangouts, kicking your boots up on the coffee table. “Hope that doesn’t freak you guys out.”
“Why would it freak us out?” Donnie had asked, looking genuinely confused.
“I think it’s awesome!” Mikey had chimed in, flashing you a thumbs-up. “More ladies for you, am I right?”
Raph had just shrugged. “Ain’t no big deal. Ya like what ya like.”
And that had been the end of it. No awkward questions, no judgment. Just support. It was one of the reasons you had stuck around.
“I don’t get it,” Mikey mused aloud, breaking the silence as he stared up at the ceiling. “You’re such a badass goth chick. How come you don’t have, like, a million girls lining up to date you?”
You shot him an amused look. “Because I don’t exactly have time to date, Mikey. And besides, most girls aren’t into the whole ‘death and darkness’ vibe I’ve got going on.”
Mikey frowned. “That’s their loss, dude. You’re a total catch!”
“Thanks,” you said dryly, shaking your head. “But it’s fine. I’m not exactly in a rush to find someone.”
“Well, if you ever change your mind, I could totally be your wingman,” Mikey offered with a wink. “I’ve got moves. The ladies love me.”
You raised an eyebrow, your lips twitching into a smirk. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Meanwhile, Raph let out a snort, clearly unimpressed by Mikey’s self-proclaimed ‘moves.’ “Yeah, okay. You’ll be lucky if ya don’t scare ’em off, Mikey.”
Mikey gasped, clutching his chest dramatically. “Rude, Raph. I’ll have you know I’m very charming.”
You chuckled softly, leaning back against the couch. “Charming or not, Mikey, I think I’ll stick to handling things on my own. But I appreciate the offer.”
“Suit yourself,” Mikey said, flashing you a grin. “But don’t say I didn’t offer.”
The banter continued as the evening wore on, the warmth of their companionship wrapping around you like a well-worn blanket. You didn’t need a million girls lining up to date you, or even one right now. For now, you had something better—a group of friends who accepted you exactly as you were, who made you laugh, and who, in their own strange way, made you feel like you belonged.
As the evening rolled on, the warm buzz of the lair and the banter with the guys created an almost surreal sense of comfort. The world above might have been a chaotic mess of noise and neon, but down here, surrounded by four massive mutant turtles who had somehow become your closest friends, it felt like time slowed down, just for a little while.
You sipped your coffee, watching Mikey and Raph squabble over something completely irrelevant—probably pizza toppings, knowing them—while Donnie busied himself with his experiments. Leonardo, who had been missing for most of the evening, finally wandered back into the main room, his usually stoic expression softening slightly when he saw you lounging on the couch.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Leo greeted, nodding toward you as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "I see you’ve survived another night with these three."
"Survived is one word for it," you replied, shooting him a smirk. "But yeah, I’m still in one piece. Barely."
Mikey grinned, clearly having overheard. "Oh come on, (Y/N)! You love hanging out with us. Admit it!"
"Love is a strong word," you teased, but there was a fondness in your voice. "But… yeah, I guess you guys aren’t the worst."
Leo shook his head, clearly amused by the dynamic you had with his brothers. He had always been the more serious one, the one with the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. It was one of the reasons you liked giving him a hard time every now and then—helping him loosen up, even if it was just a little.
"By the way," Leo said, his tone shifting slightly as he turned his attention fully to you. "Have you ever thought about coming topside with us for one of our patrols?"
You raised an eyebrow, momentarily caught off guard by the question. "You mean… like, with you guys? On a mission?"
Leo nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah. You’ve been hanging around with us long enough. You’ve got the attitude for it. We could use someone like you to help scope out the streets."
You scoffed, leaning back on the couch with a wry smile. "Me? Patrolling with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? What, you think I’m just going to scare off criminals with my killer goth aesthetic?"
"Honestly? You might," Raph said, dead serious. "You’d scare me."
Mikey snorted. "I dunno, dude. With (Y/N)’s ‘I-don’t-give-a-shit’ vibe, she might actually scare the bad guys off."
You rolled your eyes, but there was a flicker of curiosity growing in the back of your mind. You had spent so much time with the turtles, you’d gotten pretty good at reading their movements and understanding their tactics. While you weren’t exactly trained in combat, you weren’t helpless either. But still, the idea of actively participating in one of their missions… it felt like a whole other world.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys," you said, half-joking, half-serious. "But I’m not exactly equipped to fight off the Foot Clan. My best weapons are sarcasm and caffeine, and I don’t think either of those are going to help me in a fight."
Leo tilted his head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You’d be surprised how useful those can be. Plus, you don’t have to fight. Just being an extra set of eyes and ears could make a difference."
There was something in his tone—something serious, almost hopeful—that made you reconsider. You had always admired the way Leo took his role as leader so seriously, how he cared about his brothers and their safety more than anything. The fact that he was even offering to include you in their patrols was… unexpected. But also kind of flattering.
You hesitated for a moment, biting your lip as you mulled it over. "I’ll think about it."
"That’s all I ask," Leo said with a nod, clearly satisfied with your response.
But before the conversation could go any further, Donnie’s voice cut through the air, a note of urgency lacing his words. "Guys, we’ve got a problem."
Immediately, the energy in the room shifted. The playful banter disappeared as the turtles moved into action mode, all eyes turning to Donnie as he typed furiously on his multiple screens.
"What is it?" Leo asked, his voice calm but firm.
"Looks like some Foot Clan members are stirring up trouble near the docks," Donnie explained, his eyes scanning the data. "I’m picking up increased chatter. They’re planning something, but I’m not sure what yet."
Leo’s eyes narrowed as he stepped closer to the screens. "Alright. We’ll need to move quickly."
"Sounds like a party!" Mikey chimed in, already grabbing his nunchucks. "Let’s go kick some shell!"
Raph grunted, his expression already set in a scowl. "’Bout time. I was getting bored."
As the brothers prepared to leave, you watched from the couch, feeling that familiar tug of curiosity again. You had seen them go on countless missions, always watching from the sidelines, always waiting for them to come back safe. But now, the offer Leo had made just minutes earlier echoed in your mind.
Patrol with them. Be an extra set of eyes and ears.
It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been tempted before. You were far from a damsel in distress, and you knew you could handle yourself in dangerous situations. But this? This was different.
Leo noticed the look on your face and raised an eyebrow. "You still thinking about it?"
You let out a long breath, standing up from the couch. "Yeah. I think I am."
There was a beat of silence as the brothers exchanged glances, clearly surprised by your sudden decision. But there was no judgment, no doubt in their eyes—only approval.
"Alright then," Leo said, grabbing his katanas. "Stay close to us, keep your head down, and listen to my instructions. Got it?"
"Got it," you replied, your tone more confident than you felt. But as you grabbed your leather jacket and slid it on, there was a strange excitement building in your chest. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.
The docks were dark, lit only by the faint glow of distant streetlights and the occasional flicker of a passing boat’s light. The air was thick with the scent of saltwater and gasoline, a heavy fog rolling in from the bay. You stuck close to the shadows, your heart pounding in your chest as you followed the turtles through the maze of shipping containers.
This was real. This wasn’t just another night in the lair, sipping coffee and exchanging sarcastic comments. This was a mission, and the stakes were higher than ever.
"Remember," Leo whispered as the group crouched behind a stack of crates, "we need to get closer to figure out what they’re up to. Stay low and move quietly."
You nodded, your pulse racing as you crouched beside him, trying to steady your breathing. You could hear the murmur of voices ahead, and when you peeked around the corner, you spotted several Foot Clan members gathered near a large container. They were unloading something, but from this distance, you couldn’t make out what it was.
"I’m picking up something on the scanners," Donnie muttered, his fingers flying over his handheld device. "Looks like they’re smuggling more than just weapons. There’s some kind of tech involved."
"Great," Raph growled under his breath. "Just what we need—more of their damn gadgets."
Leo shot him a look before turning his attention back to the scene in front of them. "We need to split up. Mikey, take the west side. Raph, you go east. Donnie and I will cover the center."
He glanced at you, his expression serious. "Stay with me."
You nodded, your palms slick with nervous sweat as you followed Leo around the perimeter of the dock. Every sound seemed amplified in the quiet—your footsteps, the soft rustle of your jacket, the distant clang of metal. But despite your nerves, there was something exhilarating about it. For the first time, you weren’t just an outsider looking in. You were part of this.
As the group moved into position, you felt Leo’s hand on your shoulder, guiding you into the perfect vantage point. You crouched low behind another set of crates, your eyes locked on the Foot Clan members as they continued unloading whatever tech they had smuggled in.
It was tense. It was dangerous.
But for the first time in a long time, you felt like you belonged.
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
Hello, how are you? Umm, 👉👈
If it isnt much trouble, can you write a Bayverse tmnt Donnie x shy, nerd fem with glasses ( me). He saves her from being mugged and they will talk and become friends, maybe something more
TMNT Donatello x reader
A/n: Hello! Thanks so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy it!
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It should have been a simple trip. A simple grocery run for the week and then I would go home and relax. Maybe read a book.
I knew the city wasn't the safest of places, but never did I think I would be getting mugged. All I wanted to do was bring my groceries home, but no!
So here I stand in the alley way trying, and failing, to wrestle my bag back from this crook. Who deemed me as the best person to steal from this afternoon.
"Give me back my stuff!" I shouted and all I received is a grunt and another tug from him as he tried to rip my bag from my grasp.
I have no clue where my sudden strength and resilience came from, but I really didn't want my stuff to get stolen.
But I didn't have to wrestle this idiot for much longer, because he was hit by someone behind him and he landed in a heap onto the cold concrete.
I flung backwards from the force of my bag being let go so suddenly and landed with an umph onto the ground along with the crook.
I scrambled up off the floor and slung my bag back onto my shoulder before picking up my fallen groceries.
"T-thanks." I announced to the tall figure that stood in the shadows now.
I didn't notice him at first, but once he shuffled I noticed and everything that just happened caught back up to me.
"Your welcome..do you need help?"
I looked at the rest of my items strewn across the alley way and sighed and nodded silently before the talk man..turtle?! Began to help me.
I was shocked. I mean he's a turtle and the turtle saved me and is talking to me and picking up my groceries?!
"Here you go.." I stared up at him as he handed me some fruit that had fallen out of the bag and I slowly took it with a shaky hand and placed it where it belonged.
"Uh..thanks.." I slowly stood up and he reached down and picked up the two bags before staring at me once more.
"Would you like me to walk you home?"
"Uh..yes that would be nice. Uhm thank you." I fumbled with my bag before slowly leading the way.
"Sorry if I scared you I was just passing by and I couldn't let you get mugged and not help..I'm Donnie by the way." He gave me a smile and it eased my nerves slightly.
"Thank you for helping me. You didn't scare me I'm just not good at talking with people..I'm y/n." I gave him a smile back and turned to look ahead of me.
Agh! This was so frustrating and embarrassing. I mean I wanted to talk to him, but I have to be honest with myself. He's kind of cute and what the hell was I supposed to say to a cute turtle boy?
"You seem nervous?" I looked over at Donnie and shrugged
"Just a little bit.."
"Well..if it makes you feel any better I'm a little nervous too." Why would he be nervous?
"Why are you nervous?" I came to a stop in front of the small apartment complex I called home.
"It's not everyday I get to talk to a pretty girl." He smiled again, but it was a nervous smile.
"Oh." I felt the heat spread along my face. I knew I was blushing.
"Well it's not everyday I get to talk to a cute boy.." I trailed before looking at the door to my apartment.
"Here you go." I turned back and he carefully placed my bags into my hands.
"Thanks again.."
"Of course anytime." He smiled before I panicked and hurriedly walked to my door.
But In either a moment of bravery or stupidity I turned to look at him.
"You should go on a date with me sometime!" I shouted out before turning back to my door fumbling with the handle of it.
"I would love too." I felt him stand behind me before placing his hand above mine. Turning the handle of the door and gosh I bet by now I looked as embarrassed as ever.
"Oh..okay..how about tomorrow?" I drifted off before slowly turning to look at him.
"Okay..see you tomorrow then." He smiled and I smiled too before stepping inside of the complex. Turning and giving Donnie one last glance before the door shut.
Smiling as I heard him shout out a
For once I was glad I was a little brave.
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yorshie · 1 year
Burnt Out
Bayverse Leo x Fem reader - Part 1
Part two
summary: SFW, After confessing your feelings for the Leader in Blue, he makes a decision that challenges your relationship with all four turtles. (warnings for relationship based arguments, yelling, and an altercation with some drunken men) set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25
You paused on the stoop to the employee’s entrance, hand dipping automatically to palm your phone in your coat’s pocket. It was dark, far darker than you expected. You gave yourself a little shake at the instinctual hesitation, annoyed that you didn’t factor in how fast night fell in the winter before taking this last-second shift.
But you needed the money, and walking at night had never been a problem before… well, before you could always count on someone waiting for you, because you always let someone know your schedule. But now-
You huffed, annoyance seeping deeper as you weighed your options.
You didn’t necessarily feel unsafe, walking home at night but… 
Maybe it was always hearing about the crimes being committed and thwarted through your friends’ grapevine, but something about being alone seemed a little more ominous tonight.
You pulled out your phone, tapped the device awake, and pondered the short list of contacts on your favorited screen.
April was working. Casey was on an away trip, training for his new promotion. Vern was-
Vern was a no go. 
You were stalling. You knew you were, but you still grimaced, bit your lip as you read over the last four names. They should’ve been your first choice, would have been your first choice, if things didn’t still feel stilted whenever you thought about him.
You purposefully skipped over the first name. Shuddered  away from the echo of shame and the low pang of sadness that came with the memory of your last conversation, and went stubbornly to the next option.
Donnie was probably working on the shell-raiser. Last time you’d called Raph, he’d been in the background while the red brother had been tinkering with his motorcycle. You could clearly recall not only his excitement, but the non-stop barrage of information he was dumping into the conversation he’d butted into, ecstatic about some new fangled what-cha-ma-call-its and doo-hickey-ma-things that he was apparently installing. 
So, no on the Donatello front.
Raphael was in the ha’shi, which meant no phones. He’d taken the time to let you know at least, earlier in the day, and while you had hinted for a reason why, he kept whatever he’d done silent. Getting sent to the ha’shi wasn’t new, but it was odd that only one brother was being punished, and usually Raph would at least give you an overview on who was to blame for the sentence.
Which left Mikey. You knew he would make time for you, he always did, but it still felt like running away. Still felt like you were creating- being- a problem. Your finger hovered over his name, letting your lip escape your teeth before you breathed out and hit the button. 
It rang twice before he answered, singing the last few words of your personalized ringtone before breaking off to greet you, “well heeeeellllloooo, babycakes! What are you up to on this fine evening?”
You smiled despite yourself, caught up in the shine that glinted off him even over the phone, and took a step away from the stoop, heels clicking in time with your words. “Hey Mikey, not much, just wanted to talk while I walked home from work.”
He made some low sound at that, half confirmation and half question. “Didn’t know you were working a late shift tonight- Need me to come get you? I can give you a lift home?”
You shook you head, already at the corner, mentally counting down the streets until you were home. “Naw, it’s alright, just- will you talk to me for a bit?”
“Sure thing, babes. I always got time for you.” He sounded like he was parked in front of the tv. You could faintly hear the rolling music of that new game he had gotten, likely paused while he entertained you. Beyond that however, it sounded like the Lair was relatively silent, and you felt a stab of curiosity if he was listening in to the conversation.
Best not think about that.
“Tell me what’s been going on? Has Don got the shell-raiser up and running?” You asked to distract yourself.
“Dude, he’s made the biggest mess in the garage. It’s a good thing sensei never goes out there, because he’d have a conniption over it. Leo’s already had to remind him to clean up twice.” 
You gave an annoyed hum, heart spiking at the mention of the someone, but you squashed the feeling, “yea, bet Dee just let that go in one ear and out the other.” 
Mikey snorted. “You know it. And now that Leo and Raph are both in the ha’shi, Donnie’s got free-”
“Hang on,” you interrupted him, foot scuffing the sidewalk as you jerked to a stop. “Le-They’re both… in the ha'shi?” That- that made it sound like they were fighting again.
But- surely Raph would have mentioned tension with his brother? Between you and April, it seemed like at least one of you knew when the two were butting heads, and as far as you knew it’d been quiet on that front.
I… guess not?
“Uh… Yeah?” Mikey sounded a little further away, like he was looking at the phone instead of speaking directly into it. You got the distinct impression he felt he had said too much, and hurried to try to get a read before he could clam up:
“Raph wouldn’t- he didn’t say-”
“Yeah, neither of them are in the mood to explain much.” That didn’t sound like something Mikey would normally say, and you were about to push him on that, make him explain, when suddenly the hair on the back of your neck stood straight up, and you stiffened.
Mikey sensed the change immediately. “Woah, what’s up, angel? You ok?”
“Um.” You repeated the word, fighting the urge to glance around, wincing as you heard a commotion at the end of the street. A small group of drunken men spilled out from a bar, and normally it wouldn’t be cause for alarm-
But they’d straightened at the sight of you, had gone from stumbling and leaning against one another to a pointed fixation that did not bode well.
You could hear Mikey on the other line as you abruptly turned and crossed the street, fighting to blend in and not draw anymore attention to yourself. You heard a clatter over the phone, something yelled, then Donnie was on the line, voice clipped high and tight:
“Where are you?”
“Um.” You repeated the word for the third time, voice tightening and pitching up, trying to make out the street sign at the corner, but it was too dark, and you were too panicked, opting to speed walk past instead of slowing. The lights of passing cars and the blinking neon hum of signs melded together, overlayed with the drunken whoop not far behind you. 
More clatter over the phone, the distinct sound of something being knocked over followed by a frazzled cuss word. You could tell Donnie still had the phone, because he was breathing heavily into the speaker, too preoccupied to regulate his breaths in what you assumed was a mad dash to his computer.
You turned a corner, dodged across another street, flinching as a rock skipped past your ankles, obviously thrown. You knew now, without a doubt, that you were being pursued.
You could hear the click clack click clack of Donnie’s keyboard, and your phone chirped in your hand, informing you he was pinging your location. Your relief was short lived however, when a heavy arm looped over your neck.
You gasped, feeling the bite of whatever buckle was on the side cut into your cheek, and the man next to you drew you upright, until your spine protested at the movement.
“Babes, take the next right, we’re on our way.” Mikey at the phone again, but you could only whimper, hoping he understood.
A second man took your phone, terminated the call, and you had half a beat to wonder how you hadn’t heard them get closer, loud as they were being now, carousing and laughing as though you were a part of their group. 
You couldn’t see your phone anymore, but the tight hold on the hand that had been holding onto it kept you from looking too much. A touch low on your back made you up the number of people surrounding you, as the man with your head still pulled close to him jerked his head into your space, tone slurring:
“Hey beautiful, how ‘bout we buy you a drink?”
You didn’t bother replying. You dug your nails down into the meat of the hand holding your own, while simultaneously biting into the jacket pressed against your face, determined to put up a fight.
Hindsight was flashing in your mind’s eye next to the scant self-defense information you’d let Leo drill into your head. You hadn’t taken the lessons very seriously, too preoccupied with keeping your budding feelings under leash. His calm tone washed over you now, but the words were garbled, proof you’d been too busy staring at him to pay attention.
Always create space, if you can.
You rocked a foot backwards, seesawing in their grip, dropping low and jabbing an elbow to the side in order to create some space. You counted your blessings that your coat was unzipped, as you pulled your arms through the holes, dropping your purse in the process. 
Forget your purse/bag, it’s not more important than you.
Only one man still held on, but you realized halfway through pulling your clasped hands through your bulky coat that you were, in fact, holding onto him. You let go at the revelation, pushed your coat into his face, and pivoted, taking off in a run down the street. 
If you can get away, do so. Fighting is a last re-
A hard grip on your arm brought your internal dialogue short. You were moving too fast to stop, barely bringing your hands up in time to stop from slamming head first into the wall you were pivoting towards. Your palms scraped against the worn brick, and you hissed at the pain. 
The three were ringed around the opening to the alley, and you almost flinched at the echo of another night, another time you had to be rescued.
“You really don’t want to do this.” You promised them, voice breathless, and the closest one laughed.
“All we wanted to do was buy you a drink, but I guess you’re too good for-”
His words were cut off, something big and bulky dropping from the roof to land between you and your attackers. He hit the concrete with a low thud, and you sagged in relief, taking in the chipped blue paint across the shell suddenly facing you.
Slowly, Leo straightened, and the growl coming from him rattled your bones, the sound all but drowning out the thumps of the other brothers cutting off the mens’ escape.
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding here.” His voice was low, dangerous, and you almost shivered in sympathy for what was about to happen. “When a lady says no, she means no.”
You covered your eyes, knowing it wasn’t going to be pretty, having no stomach to watch the men be apprehended. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was bad enough, though you were relieved to not hear the hiss of steel being drawn. 
You stayed against the wall, counting to drown out the wait, until a soft hand touched your arm, and you dropped your arm. 
Mikey peered back at you, concern crowding his sky blue eyes. “Hey, babes. You ok?” 
You shot to him, hitting his plastron hard, pulling a puff of air from him before his arms wrapped around you. You shuddered against him. He held you, one hand smoothing up and down your back in a rhythmic motion as he cooed into your hair:
“Hey, you’re ok, you’re alright, don’t cry-”
It took you a few moments to become aware of your surroundings, sounds filtering back in slowly. Donnie was on his hologram, co-ordinating pick up with police, hands moving fast as he tracked over vitals and communications. You became so dizzy at the small glance towards the scrolling data that you burrowed back into Mikey’s chest before another noise pulled you back up.
Raph was cursing low under his breath, sulky and frustrated. He looked up from where he was securing the men to a heavy metal dumpster, and something complicated chased over his expression. You pulled in a breath, knowing you were crying, knowing he hated it when you did, but his mouth compressed, eyes all but darting to the side as though begging you to follow.
Your eyes flitted in the direction he indicated, caught on the sway of swords over shoulders, and you stubbornly returned to the red banded brother. You knew your face was pale, set in a scowl, but he matched it, jerking his chin at you in clear reprimand.
You took in a deep breath, turned away, clung to Mikey as though that would dismiss the problem. But the problem was still growling, the sound low and ominous, a rumble at the bottom of your auditory register that wouldn’t let you settle, that kept you on edge.
It was getting closer, and you felt your shoulders tighten, Mikey’s hands coming up to give them a squeeze before he shifted you back.
“Are you alright?” Came the question, and you turned to stare at Leo's plastron, watched it rise and fall underneath the straps of his harness. The little camera across his chest winked at you, and you reminded yourself that Donnie recorded everything.
“I’m fine.” You whispered the answer, conscious Mikey was moving away, giving you space. The tightness in your shoulders doubled as Leo swayed closer.
Apparently your answer wasn’t good enough, because a strong hand cupped your cheek, tilted your head back until you met narrowed blue eyes, crystal clear and angry as he smoothed a digit over the imprinted divot on your cheekbone.
Leo’s other hand engulfed on of  your wrists, held it upwards to take in the scraped skin, and with his head bent over your hand you had a vivid flashback to the last time you two had talked.
His words from then buzzed in your ears, professional and precise, calm and confident in his verdict. Faced now with that same bowed position, an echo of that nauseous feeling bubbled up, and you closed your hand without thinking.
Leo looked up, eyes locking on your own, and whatever he saw ticked the frown deeper across his face. His hands lingered, his eyes catalogued, and you saw the exact moment his need for control won whatever silent argument he was having.
“Mind telling me what happened?” He dropped your hand, stood to his full height, and you felt the retreat as keenly as you did the last time, the hand at your cheek suddenly cold.
“Yes.” You answered, tugged your face from his grip, watched as the appendage fisted in mid air before he let it drop to thump against his thigh twice. 
“Why’d you hang up?” He tried again, and you relaxed a little in the face of a question you had the patience to answer.
“They took my phone.” You gestured the mime with your hand and he jutted his chin towards Raph, silently ordering him to preform a pat down and find the stolen device. 
You lifted that same hand to your temple, feeling the beginnings of a stress headache start. His hand raised in tandem, fingers gliding against yours before you pulled your whole head away with a jerk. 
That growl spiked with the movement, and you saw him stiffen, hand falling once again.
You sidestepped to face him, squinting as the sound didn’t dissipate. “L- Are you growling?”
He blinked, surprised for half a beat, before his fist pressed to his plastron, and you watched in real time as he processed something. The growling dropped off, a bare thrum of sound, until he took a deep breath and seemingly wrestled it back under control.
You watched the entire time with wide eyes, but when you went to ask what the hell that was he beat you to the punch:
“We’ll take you back to the lair, let Donnie patch you up-”
“I’m literally three streets from my apartment.” You interrupted him, conscious that it was something you would normally never do, but he only turned expectantly towards you, eye ridge up in a firm contradiction. 
And anger flared up at the I know better clear in his eyes. You admired his ability to command attention, to lead his brothers, but the order in his gaze rankled up your spine in such a way that you couldn’t contain your next words.
You jabbed a finger at him, before turning it to sweep up and down your person. “You don’t call the shots for me, buster.” Defiance, words unspoken: You made it clear you didn’t want responsibility for me.
That growl kickstarted up again, though this time he seemed aware of the noise, snout curling back over his teeth before he forced his lips flat.
A hand appeared at your back, Raph softly pushing you to the side and away from Leo. “C’mon, sweetheart, just come hang out for a bit. Let Don fuss over you, let us call in pizza. I’ll even carry you.”
“I’ll carry her.” Leo interjected, and you sensed a different tension in the quiet that followed, silence thick enough that you stepped back all on your own.
The two brothers were clearly not getting along, and the fact made you even more wary of going with them. “I’m not going if you two are going to be at each other’s throats.”
Leo jutted his chin towards his brother, clearly a challenge, and you watched as Raph scoffed, held his gaze for a long minute before letting his gaze slide to the side in acceptance.
Leo tilted his chin up. “Move out, Raphael,” He ordered, swinging his head toward you expectantly, hand held out in what would have been an instinctual move to scoop you up a month ago.
“Mikey can carry me.” You said it low to him, kept your voice calm and even, as you passed his outstretched hand. The last thing you needed right now was his arms around you, and he was being weirdly territorial. 
Maybe it was just to get under Raph’s skin. Maybe it was his odd way of trying to make up for the distance he’d imposed. Either way, you really weren’t in the mood. 
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iheartchv · 2 years
Can You Do A Vampire Leo x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Do A Lemon For It Too
89. Mating season 74. “Just relax.” 79. “Lay back and let me take care of you.” 58. Turtle bedroom 142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.” 123. “Don’t hold back.” 5. “MINE.” and Turning into a vampire
Im sorry for it being short/ messy, i ran out of time and didnt think id be busy during my vacation >×<
Prompts (c) @turtle-babe83
18+ content below; Leo x Reader are over 18. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! ⚠️
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Leo had been in a mood since you came to visit after work. He stayed quiet and kept his distance. What was his deal? It was time to confront him about it.
"What's wrong with you?" you asked him with your hands on your hips.
He made eye contact with you. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm not stupid, I know when something's bothering you."
He turned towards facing you, arms crossed at the chest. "You ought to know. Maybe something happened at work?" he hinted. A brow ridge raised indicating... he knew something that you didn't?
"What happened-" It took you a second. "Oh! That!" Your cheeks turned dark pink. Today there was a cute looking guy you worked with who got a little flirty. He acted ( or pretended to act according to Leo ) like a gentleman, opening the door for you and leading you inside by gently placing his hand at the small of your back.
"Honestly, Leo? Why are you letting that bother you?" Could it be... "You're jealous."
Who wouldn't be? he thought to himself. He thought you were the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. And one day he was going to make you his.
"You don't own me, Leo. No one does." Though that was half a lie. You did find Leo most attractive, despite him being a vampire and a mutant turtle. And you did have daydreams of being his girlfriend, wondering what it'd be like to be with him.
Leo knew this, too. He smirked at you."Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me."
Before you could argue back, Leo stole a kiss from you. It was a long, slow lingering kiss that took your breath away and made you feel weak in the knees. How could he make you crave him so? (It was probably his charm)
You pushed away from him, trying to bring oxygen back into your lungs. It caught you by surprise but you wanted him to kiss you. Whether he read your mind or not, he gave you what you wanted. Tears filled your eyes and fell down your cheeks.
Did he scare you? Did he just ruin a chance with you? If he had a live beating heart, it would have felt like it tore in two.
"I have to go."
You left in a hurry. When you felt safe in your room, in your apartment, you replayed everything that happened. The way he kissed you, the way he touched you set your body aflame. Your fingers lightly touched your lips, remembering the feel of his lips over yours. You sank into your bed, your heart aching as you remembered that he was immortal, able to live forever, while you can't. The thought of leaving him alone in this world hurt you. One day you were going to convince him to turn you into a vampire.
》 ---------------------- 《
You and Leo are dating now, despite it being awkward; it took probably a week before you could look him in the eye. But every evening he waited for you to come home to spend sometime with you till dawn, even if you were asleep before then most times. All you had left to do was gather the courage to tell him that you wanted to give up your humanity. In the back of your mind you knew he'd probably say no, but it wouldn't stop you from trying anyway.
One Friday night in October, you called Leo. You were going to tell him. Even if he said no, you weren't going to give up easily. Plus it'd been almost a week since you seen each other and you missed seeing him outside your window when you came home. The phone ring until you heard a click.
"Leo, if you aren't busy, I need to tell you something." It was silent. "Leo? Are you there?"
"You've got bad timing."
He sounded like he was irritated. "Why? What is it?" He didn't say anything. When he finally spoke his breathing hitched like he had run a marathon.
"It'll have to wait. Don't come to the lair."
"I mean it."
You sighed in 'defeat'. "Okay. I love you." "I love you, too." he replied before hanging up. You were going to the hideout, whether he said so or not.
In a blurred rush, you found yourself standing outside his bedroom door in the middle of the night. You knocked on the door and heard him on the other side. "Who is it?" he asked.
"It's me."
"I thought I told you..."
"But it's important. Please? It involves us..."
You waited patiently for the door to open and quickly stepped inside. He sat on the edge of the bed with his hands folded in his lap. "What is it?" He looked a little uncomfortable, you noticed.
"I..." You have yourself a mental push. "I've thought about it and... I want to be with you, forever, as a vampire like you."
Leo stood back up and walked up to you. You thought you were going to get lectured at but instead received the unexpected. He lips curved into a smile, his fangs showing. "How did you know that that's what I wanted to tell you?"
You was surprised to say the least. "Because... It's what I want, too." You softly smiled as you tiptoed and cupped his face in your tiny hands. His mouth took yours and his strong arms pulled you into him.
He paused for a moment. "You do know that its mating season?"
"I said it before. I'm yours, all yours."
He was going to be as gentle as he could, he'd said. You let him know that if there was something that made you uncomfortable you'd tell him. The makeout session continued and went from long and slow to hungry and longing.
"Oh, Y/n, my love, how I longed to be with you just like this." he softly declared as his lips grazed down your neck, determined to kiss every inch of your skin. He got drunk off of your scent, your moans, eveything about you. "MINE. You're mine. You belong to me."
"Yes, Leo~ I'm yours, and you're mine." Your arms snaked around his neck, keeping him there at the crook of your neck. Chills ran up your spine and your knees felt weak so its a good thing you were held against his body.
Pieces of clothing were peeled away to reveal bare naked bodies. You were going to pleasure Leo until he held your wrists, stopping you. "This is about you tonight, darling. Just relax. Lay back and let me take care of you."
You laid back on his bed while he climbed to sit on his haunches, between your legs, taking in the delicious flush that colored your skin. He lavished your breasts, your stomach. His touches were urgent but firm, not too rough. Your body squirmed and bucked into him, wanting more. Your arousal fulled his nostrils and he couldn't resist to taste you.
You wouldve jumped off the bed if he hadnt held your hips down. His finger slid inside your wet sex while his mouth and tongue played with the bud there. "Ooohhhh~" you moaned loud and long. "Just like that, baby." He had worshipped you from head to toe, letting his own arousal grow. You soon felt dizzy from all the pleasure flooding your body. You didnt want it to end but wanted this knot in your belly to become undone.
Leo made you have your first orgasm of the night. He licked and slurped up your juices as if it was a fine wine. "You taste even sweeter when you cum, baby." He climbed beside you and rolled you both on your sides, kissing you and bringing you down from your high.
You could taste yourself on his lips. It was a taste you were going to get used to. He played with your body a little more, making you ready for him again.
"Don't tease me." You whined impatiently."Bite me already."
He warned you that youd probably be sore for a while, but you didn't care. You wanted him. He prepped himself and then was sliding inside you, trying to get used to your tight cavern. But once he adjusted you, he was deep inside you. You never felt so full, so stretched out.
"Move, please." you begged after waiting forever. "Don't hold back."
Leo sure didn't hold back. He was pounding you hard and fast. His bed squeaked underneath the weight amd force. Lewd noises filled the room, which only turned you on.
"Oh my god, Leo! LEO!"
He growled and grunted. "Y/n. I'm. Not. Going. To. Last." He whimpered with each thrust as he buried his face into your neck, breathing hot breaths near your ear, which sent wicked shivers through your body.
"Leonardo, I'm cumming!"
He jackhammered into you at an incredible pace. You came really hard, barely making any sound at first. You screamed as you clenched around him and then felt something sharp pierce your neck. Your vision was getting blury then turned black.
As he drunk your blood, streams of hot cum flooded you, filling you to brim. He felt like he had died for a few moments. Still inside you, he cradled you to him, allowing you to rest from the intense orgasm. When you awoke, you felt different... and thirsty. He softly smiled and cradled your head to his neck, allowing you to drink his blood.
"We are connected, by blood and by bond."
"For eternity, or however long we can stay together... like this..."
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theiceemperor · 2 years
In total, I've written 38 061 words for Whumptober 2022. The number kinda takes my breath away, because all of this was written in one single month, and I feel like this October was my most productive month in years. And while I didn't become a completionist, as I've intended, it's still most of the prompts done. (I do plan to write the rest of the fics for the rest of the prompts, though.)
First is the day and its prompt(s).
Then the relationships/relevant characters.
Then fandom.
Then other relevant tags.
And then a link to AO3 where you can read the story. :)
No. 1 “This wasn't supposed to happen.”
Horus & Bek, Horus/Bek
Gods of Egypt
read on AO3
No. 2 Nowhere to run | Caged | Confrontation
Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Kai & Nya & Jay Walker & Zane
read on AO3
No. 3 Impaled
TMNT 2003
read on AO3
No. 4 Hidden Injury
Transformers Prime
read on AO3
No. 5 Blood Loss
read on AO3
No. 6 Proof of Life | Ransom Video
Peter Parker-centric
MCU, Spider-Man
Iron Dad and Spiderson-themed
read on AO3
No. 7 Shaking Hands | Silent Pannic Attack
Scott McCall-centric
Teen Wolf
read on AO3
No. 8 Back from the Dead
Scott McCall-centric
Teen Wolf
read on AO3
No. 9 Tossing and Turning
Slade Wilson & Oliver Queen, Slade Wilson/Oliver Queen
possible to read both as romantic and platonic
read on AO3
No. 10 Taser
TMNT Bayverse (2014 movie)
read on AO3
No. 11 Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid
read on AO3
No. 12 What could go wrong?
Scott McCall & The McCall Pack
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall-centric
read on AO3
No. 13 “Are you here to break me out?”
Donatello & Leonardo & Michelangelo & Raphael, Leonardo & Shredder
TMNT 2003
read on AO3
No. 14 Failed Escape
Jack Darby-centric
Transformers: Prime
read on AO3
No. 15 New Scars
Oliver Queen-centric
read on AO3
No. 16 “No one's coming.”
Peter Parker-centric
MCU, Spider-Man
read on AO3
No. 17 Breaking Point
Clarke Griffin-centric
The 100
post Praimfaya
read on AO3
No. 18 Let's Break the Ice
BAMF Zane and the Ice Emperor
read on AO3
No. 19 Knees Buckling
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus
read on AO3
No. 20 Prisoner Trade
read on AO3
No. 23 “Hold them down.” | Tied to a Table
Oliver Queen-centric
read on AO3
No. 25 Lost Voice
Scott McCall-centric
Teen Wolf
read on AO3
No. 26 Rope Burns
Thor (Movies), MCU
post-Thor 2011
read on AO3
No. 27 Pushed to the Limit | Muffled Screams
Percy Jackson-centric
Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus
read on AO3
No. 28 Anger Born of Worry
Percy Jackson & Clarisse La Rue
Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus
read on AO3
No. 29 “Better me than you.”
Leonardo & Raphael
TMNT 2003
read on AO3
No. 30 “Please don't touch me.”
Thor (Movies), MCU
read on AO3
No. 31 “You can rest now.”
TMNT 2003
read on AO3
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A New World: part 4
Bayverse!Leonardo x reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 / Part 5
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A/N: So I wrote this part last year, the night before my birthday. I woke up to my brother having brought me a TMNT comic. He’s awesome!
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Leo is 25, reader is 22 - 23.
Warnings: None so far💙
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Leonardo sat quite at the dining table, when (Y/N) placed a pizza box in front of him. He was very hesitant when he finally decided to open the cardboard box. It was a big pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms, smelling absolutely amazing. He had had pizza for breakfast that day, but for a time it was as if he had forgotten what pizza tasted like. Thoughts of him and his brothers sitting around the table in the lair, with the pizzas they had gotten from Kevin, while master Splinter talked about how they were interesting yet another year, and how they grew stronger and better for each day. Yet Leo focused on the fact that (Y/N) had brought him a pizza, who’s size was way bigger than hers. Completely off the first topic in his head, but it was all he could focus on. Was it shock that caused him to do so, or was he still a little fearful. He did not know.
Leo’s continued staring caused (Y/N) to stop mid bit, in a less than graceful way with the tip of the pizza just inside her mouth.
“What?” she asked. Leo didn’t answer but just looked down at his pizza. “Isn’t that the pizza you asked for?” Boy, he was way more silent than she had thought he would be. That was when she suddenly realized the feeling behind his eyes. Guilt. Confusion. Those were at least the emotions (Y/N) was able to read. “I got you that size on purpose. You seemed tired, so I thought a good amount of food would be good for you. And… you know, big boys gotta eat”.
The last sentence made Leo breath out in a small chuckle. He finally took a slice of his pizza and began to eat.
The both of them sat in silence, not sure of what to say. Leo had so many questions, yet he did not know where to start, or if (Y/N) would be able to answer them all. (Y/N) too had many questions. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she still had a hard time believing that the leader of the ninja turtles sat in front of her, chewing on a pizza slice. Leo’s chewing only became slower as he started wondering about what people in this world knew about him, and what else the girl in front of him knew. She had asked him for what kind of pizza he wanted, but something in him told him that she already knew. As Leo wondered, he noticed the way (Y/N) looked at him. A look of fascination and skepticism. It was not a look he was used to. Leo had seen extreme fascination in the eyes of Eric Sacks when he and his brothers was held captive, but this was different. Sacks had shown malice, but not (Y/N). It was as if she really wanted all of this to be real, yet something in her that tried to rationalize it all, as if it all was in her head. She didn’t seem scared of him, more shocked. Leo just wasn’t used to that.
(Y/N) noticed Leo’s slow chewing, and how his blue eyes went from the pizza, to hers and then back to the pizza to stay there. His chewing eventually came to a halt, still staring at the pizza, thoughts running in his head.
“Hey”, (Y/N) said and reached out for the big three fingered hand on the table. At the contact Leo looked up at her, once again shocked by the skin against his. He almost looked offended, frozen mid in his chewing. “We will figure something out. And if not us, then Donnie will. You guys always figure something out, and this time is no different. You’ll get home in no time”.
Leo nodded with a small smile, yet it felt forced. (Y/N) meant well and Leo knew it, yet he couldn’t help but feel off. It wasn’t anything personal against her though. No, she didn’t do anything wrong. She did that thing Mikey always would do. Lightened the mood when he found it hard to do so. Sure, she had already shown Leo that she could be just as annoying as his brothers, but she could surely bring his mood up the same way that they did.
“Thanks”, he said, taking another bite of his pizza slice.
They continued to eat in more silence. Half of their pizzas was gone at that point. (Y/N) had brought them some glasses so they could get some water to drink.
This time it was finally Leo’s turn to break the silence.
“Sorry”, he said, fidgeting with his now empty glass on the table.
“For what?”, (Y/N) chuckled while filling his glass up with more water.
“For how I reacted. It wasn’t exactly ‘leader Leo’ like”.
(Y/N) chuckled once more. “Don’t worry about it. If it was me, I would probably also be freaked out”.
Leo nodded with a bigger smile this time. Then he started thinking once again.
“How do you know that we will figure something out?”, he asked. “You sound so sure of it”.
“Because this is not the first time something like this has happened to you guys”, (Y/N) said. “Those DVD’s I showed you, in those, it is not very uncommon for you guys to travel between dimensions. Although this is the first time any of you have traveled to this place”.
“You’re joking right?”, with a small smile fighting it way to his lips.
“Not at all. Travel in space and time, from one side of the universe to another, from one dimension to another. Just because the only dimension jumper in your world is Krang, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen in other’s”.
“That just sounds too strange to be real”, Leo said and ate some more of his pizza.
“You are a teenage mutant ninja turtle, who’s dad is a mutant rat, living in the sewers of New York City with his mutant ninja brothers, while fighting evil ninja clans and aliens from Dimension X, but yet this is what sounds strange to you?”
Leo was taken aback, slightly embarrassed. She had a point.
“I’m not a teenager”, he said, as if it would tear her whole argument apart.
(Y/N) tilted her head to the side. “How old are you?”
“Make sense. It is 2024”.
“How old are you?”, he said, cringing at the way it sounded.
“22”, (Y/N) giggled, as if she could read Leo’s cringe.
“Ah”, he said, feeling less embarrassed. He took another look around her apartment while chewing on his pizza. “Do you live here alone?”
“Yeah, been living here for about a year”, she said, taking a moment to admire her surroundings.
“It’s nice”, Leo said. “It is different from what I’m used to, but it’s nice”.
“Thank you, I’ve spent a lot of time on this place. It really helped me get my mind off stuff”.
“What kind of stuff?”, Leo asked before he could stop himself.
(Y/N) huffed a laugh, suddenly getting very focused on the pizza slice in her hand. “My ex”.
Leo closed his mouth quickly, mentally slapping himself. He should not have asked that. He couldn’t believe he had asked that.
“Sorry”, he said once again.
“Don’t worry about it”, (Y/N) smiled. “Harmless questions don't bother me. You couldn’t have guessed the answer”.
“No, I guess you’re right”.
The rest of the evening went by with small talk. Leo asked (Y/N) simple questions about her job, family and hobbies. The usual, the easy, and the only things Leonardo could think of in that moment. (Y/N) asked Leo about how he and his brothers had been doing since the Krang attack in 2016. Were they still going strong with the NYPD? Did April and Casey end up together in the long run? And how was Splinter doing? Leo knew that he shouldn’t be surprised at this point, but he continued to be. The thought that someone knew all and everything about him, because they had read about him in a comic book or seen him in a movie, didn’t seem like one he would ever get used to.
As the sky was getting darker and the night crept upon them, (Y/N) showed Leo to the guest room.
“I know it’s a little small”, (Y/N) said as she turned on the lights. “And I know the bed isn’t that big. If it causes too much trouble we can just switch rooms, as mine is a little bigger”.
“Thanks, but I don’t think that'll be necessary”, Leo said, taking a look around the room. It was indeed small. Leo was scared that whenever he turned that his shell would knock something down.
“Sure you say that now, but if you ever need to, you just tell me”, (Y/N) said.
That night Leonardo laid in (Y/N)’s guest bed, staring up at the ceiling above him. It was all so strange to him. The air didn’t feel any different, nothing he touched felt different, not even the pizza felt different, yet there was just something about this whole world that felt so off to him. It might have been the fact that neither he nor his brothers really existed in this world, and was in fact fictional characters, based on a comic book. Mikey would probably find it amazing, but Leo not so much. Leo couldn’t put a finger on it, but something just felt wrong. It wasn’t (Y/N). So far she had been nothing but nice to him, even if they got off on the wrong foot. There was just something off about the world he now found himself in.
In the other room next door, (Y/N) laid in her bed, staring at her own ceiling. Leonardo was in her house. Her favorite ninja turtle since she was a little child. But it wasn’t just any Leonardo. It was the bayverse Leonardo, and as far as (Y/N) knew, he was asleep in her guest room. He had somehow managed to get transported from his own dimension to hers, and of all the living rooms he could have been dumped into, he was dumped into hers, face first, in her brand new sofa. (Y/N) had so many thoughts and questions running through her head, but one seemed to pop up several times. How were they going to bring Leo back home? And if they somehow managed to get him to another dimension, how could they make sure that it was his own, and not just another turtle universe. That led (Y/N) to another thought: If the bayverse existed in another dimension, then there would be dimensions for all the other ninja turtles, right? It wasn’t just a funny plot point, made as an excuse to have the different versions of the turtles meet each other. It was all real. That led (Y/N) to her last thought: If the turtles was real, then that meant that their enemies were real. That thought had (Y/N) up for most of the night, long after Leo finally fell asleep. Thank god (Y/N) also had the next day off.
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