rambird12 · 25 days
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Colored version of Atem dragifcaion
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
Wouldn’t it be really funny if Jaden had like The Most Messed Up Traumatizing Childhood but is completely unaware that what he went through isn’t normal? And every time he says something his friends take +1000 points of psychic damage. (It’s like that one meme of the guy in the fast food drive thru talking with the employee looking like they’ve witnessed The Horrors) For example:
Chazz, fed up with whatever dumb crap Jaden has said this time, not expecting a serious response: oh my god why are you like this, were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
Jaden, goes to retort, but then pauses, actually considering something, then half mumbles to himself: hmm you know that might explain the botched lobotomy actually…
Chazz & everyone else in the room: I’m sorry the what
Or alternatively:
Alexis during lunch with the crew hanging outside the Silfer dorms, concerned at how run-down they seem to be getting: Why don’t you move up at all? If you’re that attached to the red, at least see if you can just move into the Ra or Obelisk dorms, I’m pretty sure the Slifer dorms are an actual health risk at this point, the building looks close to collapsing…
Jaden, completely unbothered, eating a sandwich: I mean up until enrollment I was living in a cardboard box in some back alleyway, the Slifer dorms are paradise compared to that. Plus the other dorms are too fancy for me idk-
Everyone: You what.
Jaden, taking another bite of his sandwich, entirely oblivious the growing looks of horror that worsen with every word out of his mouth: I mean it wasn’t so bad, it was only for what? 3 years? The rats were actually pretty friendly if you gave them food scraps! Better than the giant possums at least.
Everyone: The what.
Jesse, hanging out with Chazz and Jaden in Jaden’s room and going through decks: You have such a good relationship with Winged Kuriboh, I can tell he cares about you a lot, you must have been friends for a long time!
Jaden, casually sifting through his cards: Oh, no actually, I got him the day of the entrance exams. Actually I didn’t even know I could see duel spirits until I got to the academy. Or at least I think I couldn’t? I have vague recollections of something from way back when, but I try not to think back too far, otherwise the screaming gets in the way
Jesse, completely unexpecting the way he says it so nonchalantly: The,,, screaming?
Jaden: Yeah if I think to like,,, any time before I was 8? All I get is a bunch of static and screaming. Weird huh?
Chazz, half paying attention, once again joking and not expecting anything seriously: Screaming huh? What, you commit a murder or something?
Jaden, once again pausing before contemplating, unaware to the horror building the longer he stays silent, before finally responding: Huh. Y’know that might explain the blood that pops up too actually-
Chazz, now fully paying attention and regretting every life decision that has led him to this point, and is barely holding onto his sanity by a thread: *deep bone-weary sigh* was this before or after the botched lobotomy
Jesse, who is completely and utterly devoted to Jaden, but is unfortunately New and has not yet been exposed to his special brand of out-of-pocketness, and is now internally screaming: excuse me the what-
I’m realizing now I wrote a lot on this BUT I want to see your interpretation too sgshdjd This is just the funniest thing to me, I love it when a character is completely unaware of the psychological damage they unintentionally inflict on others it’s so funny hahashsjsjs (all of the scenarios are from before the Dark World arc do with that information what you will)
Being Jaden's friend is an occupational hazard.
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Is silfer spoon a sillie guy???
Sooooo silly you wouldn't believe it
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my-friend-meowth · 2 months
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Pekilo Tehtaankatu 21 35800 Mänttä
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Anne Meskanen-Barman, Piilopaikka, 2024
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Rosalia Silfer, KOTIHINI, 2024
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yukii0nna · 1 year
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Sage Nguyen
Age: 15
Birthday: 9/18
Voiced by Genesis Rodriguez
Profession: Duel Academy student (General) Silfers Red
Magic: Potions , Aura vision , mist magic
Flaws: Everyone says I lack focus and Crowler calls me"An example of slacker Silfers" which is not- hey a butterfly
Pet Peeves: Try not to mock my craft man. It's not lame or as Crowler calls it "New age nonsense mixed with magic"
Style: 60s fashion and loose clothes are my feel. Also slippers and bare feet. And a headband to complete the look.
Favorite subject: Chemistry, it's like potion making only with different ingredients and .... What was I talking about
Least favorite: Duel mechanics,All those rules and levels bah.. not my thing
Hobbies: Potion making my vibe. Plus I love a good drum circle
Favorite food: Chicken and waffles. With hot cocoa. Chicken topped with matcha powder. What?
Sage is an introspective girl with a knack for mist magic. This girl is always calm maybe even too calm. She has a habit of getting distracted and often has her head in the clouds but she can stay focused for potion and when it really counts. She also has a habit of being forgetful
Potion making; She is an amazing potion maker. She did as a hobby since she was a kid
Aura vision; Can see aura's as of people,it can give her a sense of who a person is.
Mist magic: Can create and manipulate mist that has different affects
Jaden Yuki
Iv Pearce (BBF)
Bastion Misawa
Syrus Truesdale
Chumley Huffington
Many have called her creepy before and after she got into Duel Academy.
Earned the name "Slifer witch"
@ygoc-week @yugirl
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It is once again time to cope with my poor mental health by watching Yu-Gi-Oh. The question is, should I:
(1) continue watching Vrains Season 2 and get to know Soulburner/Takeru;
(2) continue watching season 1 of GX because I just got to the part where Manjoume joins Silfer Red and need to catch up on Judai's nonsense;
(3) start Zexal because every post I see of Zexal and Yuma makes me think, "What the fuck happened in Zexal?", and my friend just informed me that a lot of people died in Zexal????
or (4) start Arc V because what the fuck is Yuya's deal, why does everyone say Arc V has a terrible ending, and how the fuck does pendulum summoning work?
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koukaaa-descent · 2 months
who is bilk silfer again I forgot /gen
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bxrninglegends · 4 months
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"Just a reminder this is coming from a guy. Who was petty enough to make his rival's god card the lowest rank and his own god card the highest rank. In an academy for Duelist. And the irony to all of that? The best duelist in said academy came from Silfer Red."
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in honor of our favorite 33 to 100000+ year old unemployed terrorist’s birthday (korean time), i present to you: puzzleshipping time loop au where yami yuugi gets worse instead of better from s0.
ok so we all know that the Gang(TM) got through some shit throughout the story, where they are pretty close to dying. a lot.
how consider, instead of making it through barely, they dont. (gets shot multiple times-)
ok but more specifically yuugi dies from the strain of shadow games and stress or a mishap in those games. and yami PANICS HE PANICS SO HARD PRAYING TO EVERY GOD THAT YUUGI DIDNT DIE AND THEN THE MAGIC OF THE PUZZLE ACTIVATES AND YAMI IS BACK IN TIME AND SAVES YUUGI and everyone gets out safe and sounds and sane :)
Except It Keeps Happening. Yuugi Keeps Dying. Yami Keeps Turning Back Time.
he can get it right if he just had another chance. he wont let yuugi die again. that wont happen and they would make it to the end of their journey this time-
Yuugi Dies To A Bully. (one more chance. please. i can make this right-)
Yuugi Dies To Silfer. (no please i not like this hes my partner i cant go on without him-)
yami gets more desperate, protective, and unhinged as the cast makes it through their journey. he gets jumpy, withdrawn, and snaps at anything that might seem like a threat. his already tense relationship with kaiba because more testy as he loses trust in those around him other than yuugi’s close friends. hes also more violent and harsh, not really giving up penalty games like he does in the transition to duel monsters.
yuugi is scared of yami. he never quite got over it even with his friends’ acceptance of yami. but he also knows yami is scared and he cant pinpoint why exactly other than its related to protecting him. but hes also scared to ask because what if yami snaps at him. he doesnt want yami to hurt anymore but also doesnt want him to hurt anyone else.
eventually, the continuous use of extremely taxing magic starts eroding away at both of their souls. cracks form in yami’s soul room first. stair start crumbling and doors are barely holding on. yami slowly starts losing himself and he knows it, but he also cant let yuugi die. the cracks reach yuugi’s soul room after a while. a few of the toys start showing wear, board games losing pieces, cracks in the walls. thats when yami comes clean.
its a terrifying and heartwrenching experience for both the yuugis and the rest of their friends. Yuugi has been dying. These games are dangerous and they haven’t been making it through them like they thought. the only reason why yami kept going and pursuing his memories? because yuugi keeps encouraging him to find himself and he thinks he can protect yuugi better next time. and because he thinks that once hes gone, yuugi will be safe again.
they figure it out though. they make sure yuugi stays safe. why do they keep going? because yami deserves to know who he is, and yuugi is willing to risk his life to get there. as he already had, but this time it will actually be different.
and yami learns an important lesson on friendship, learning when to ask for help, and communication. and then we have the rest of  normal canon just with yami’s major ptsd and a slower to warm yami who is still willing to burn someone to the ground in like season 4.
how does this relate to orv? idk man i just think time loop and go “omg yjh vibes fr fr” i think it would be an interesting parallel between yami and yjh, they just match in my brain for some reason. doesnt quite follow yjh’s character arc tho LOL
anyway i like angsty time loop aus as much as i like silly time loop aus. they just have so much potential. here i just wanted yami to suffer :)
anyway back to silly au ideas
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rambird12 · 29 days
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For smaugust day 23 I decided to draw Atem going through dragonification into a Slifer/atem dragon. Will color and clean this up later.
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argleblarg · 7 months
1 Ou zeet thuou vert is my bruzeer, zeet suocked zee-a breests ouff my muzeer! vhee-a I shuould feend zee-a vithuout, I vuould keess zee-a; yea, I shuould nut be-a despised.2 I vuould leed zee-a, und bring zee-a intu my muzeer's huouse-a, vhu vuould instruoct me-a: I vuould cuose-a zee-a tu drink ouff spiced vine-a ouff zee-a juoice-a ouff my pumegruonete-a.3 HEEs lefft huond shuould be-a under my heed, und hees right huond shuould imbrece-a me-a.4 I cherge-a yuou, Ou duoghters ouff Jeruoselem, zeet ye-a stur nut up, nur iveke-a my lufe-a, until he-a pleese-a.5 Vhu is zees zeet cumet up frum zee-a vilderness, leuoning upun her belufed? I reesed zee-a up under zee-a ipple-a tree-a: zeere-a thy muzeer bruought zee-a furt: zeere-a she-a bruought zee-a furt zeet bere-a zee-a.6 Set me-a is a seel upun zeene-a heert, is a seel upun zeene-a irm: fur lufe-a is strung is deet; jeeluousy is cruoel is zee-a grefe-a: zee-a cuels zeereuff ire-a cuels ouff fure-a, vheech het a must fehement fleme-a.7 Muony veters cuonnut quoench lufe-a, neezeer cuon zee-a fluods druon it: iff a muon vuould geefe-a ill zee-a suobstuonce-a ouff hees huouse-a fur lufe-a, it vuould utterly be-a cuntemned.8 Ve-a hefe-a a leettle-a sister, und she-a het nu breests: vhet shell ve-a du fur ouour sister in zee-a dey vhee-a she-a shell be-a spukee-a fur?9 Iff she-a be-a a vell, ve-a vill buoild upun her a pelece-a ouff silfer: und iff she-a be-a a duor, ve-a vill incluse-a her vit buerds ouff ceder.10 I im a vell, und my breests leeke-a tuoers: zee-a ves I in hees iyes is oune-a zeet fuound fefuour.11 Sulumun hed a fineyerd it Bealhemun; he-a let ouout zee-a fineyerd untu keepers; ifery oune-a fur zee-a fruoit zeereuff ves tu bring a thuousuond pieces ouff silfer.12 My fineyerd, vheech is meene-a, is beffure-a me-a: thuou, Ou Sulumun, muost hefe-a a thuousuond, und thuse-a zeet keep zee-a fruoit zeereuff tvu huondred.13 Thuou zeet dvellest in zee-a gerdens, zee-a cumpuoniuns heerkee-a tu thy fuice-a: cuose-a me-a tu heer it.14 Meke-a heste-a, my belufed, und be-a thuou leeke-a tu a rue-a our tu a yuoung hert upun zee-a muounteens ouff spices. Bork Bork Bork!
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kaiseinx · 10 months
Blade ( Honkai star rail )
request from : @veyalexsa (i don't know why i can't tag the person)
people was shocked when they found out you're married to yingxing, or now known as blade.
neither one of them expected you're married to him.
because from their point of view you guys are really different?
even kafka and other stellaron hunters are shocked when they hear about this, sure. they noticed you wearing a ring on your ring finger but they've never seen blade wearing one, so when silver wolf asked about your ring she was shock that you're married to blade.
because you didn't join the stellaron hunter at the same time as him, you joined a few months after him.
one day, you're talking to kafka after being in a mission with blade.
"so.. you've been with him for so long, how do you feel meeting him after he changed?" she ask you
"a bit shocking? because I didn't expect to see him here, after all we lost contact after some accident. because even when i was married to him back then we more like work partner? i mean we just get married because of a coincidence? how should i say this.. we have a win-win relationship, i need to get away from my relatives who just want my inheritance and he need a healer. back then when i healed him he would be cooperative and calm then after that he thank me. but right now i have to chase him like tom and jerry just to heal him, i remember one time when is health is almost red he says "When will death come for me? My patience is wearing thin." and i suddenly healed him and he sigh in frustration and looked like he wanted to eat me alive but he couldn't do it. well i don't blame him because if i had to go through what he had gone through i would probably end up worse than him," you replied
"i admit he sounds strong, but i think you're stronger, well if we looked at the fact you're also getting mara-struck but you can keep yourself from being controlled by it was interesting.." she says
"you can see it? i thought i can fool anyone but i think i couldn't fool you" you replied
"you're strong, my dear. if you ever need help controlling it just come to me, I'll gladly help you" she says
"my top priority is now him, and me getting mara-struck is something i wish he never finds out, i just want him to focus on his revenge. because back then i wasn't good enough to save him that he ended up like this, thanks kafka. and i really appreciate it if you would hide this, because i wanted to be the one to tell him" you replied
"you want to save someone who's dying even tho you're dying yourself? good luck then" she left after saying that leaving you alone staring at the night sky.
(btw the place is where kafka and silver wolf talked when silfer wolf account got closed down by herta)
"you hear that right? are you satisfied that your concern turn out to be true?" kafka was talking to blade who heard everything.
"just as i expected.." blade mumbles
"i already helped you with this, you have to make your decision by your own" she said and left blade alone with his thoughts
"you never changed. you're still the same. a self-reckless person who always care about other and keep everything to yourself.." he left so that you wouldn't find out he heard everything.
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realduelacademia · 1 year
Ah, yeah, can confirm from personal experience, Judai is VERY good at headlocks. What he very much lacks in strength he very much excels in technique.
If you're wondering how that happened, let's just say I may have tried to teach Judai self defense at one point, and uh. learned the hard way that Judai already knew how to defend himself. Aka: Promptly got my ass beat.
Although in his defense he told me he already knew how to fight but I didn't listen. *REALLY* should have tbh, my bones still hurt thinking about it. (Although that was surprisingly not the incident that got me downgraded to Silfer, hilariously enough)
-Ra Student 🐝
jiu-jitsu expert judai real⁉️
but seriously, why were you trying to teach judai self defense?
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Cesē also tangst lyk theos “Doritos,” thou hast gifted unto me, and thy pockett mirror of blæken-silfer parforms sulch shadwed miracles!
Prithee, myght it parform the Harrowing of Hell?
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cake408 · 1 year
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Drawing based on the artfight theme garlic (becouse vampires) and silfer bullets (becouse wearwolves)
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themovieblogonline · 2 years
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