🌹 Giovanni
Time to give Silver a step-parent that hopefully treats him better than his father!
Giovanni & Ariana // SilverSpawnShipping
That's the worst ship name I've ever heard in my life, first of all, and second of all, we LOVE TO SEE A GIRLBOSS WINNING!! I like to think that she sort of does whatever the hell she wants and Giovanni just throws money and kind words at her every once and a while and they call it a functional marriage.
Giovanni & Cyrus // AbsoluteControlShipping
Like I said, it's not my favourite, but it's cool. I really only like it when the artist/writer portrays them accurate to their characters as opposed to changing them entirely to fit eachother, because it feels like that's what happens a lot with this ship specifically.
Giovanni & Maxie // WealthAndTasteShipping
Definitely another mouthful name. I ONLY ship them as exes. Do not send me WealthAndTaste unless it's bitter exes /hj
Giovanni & Guzma // MafiaShipping
I went to find the ship name for Gio & Ariana and I found out that this is also called UltraRogueShipping for some reason? I've never heard anyone call them that but I also rarely see fanworks for them so,, I gave most of my reasoning on Guzma's but also I love the idea that Guzma found this random dude to be his sugar daddy, saw Silver and went "Yeah, okay, gotta stick around, that kid needs someone to tell him he's doing a good job."
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pkvillains · 1 year
📌 ▓ • tags • ▓ 📌
team Rocket 🚀 team Aqua 🌊 team Magma 🌋 team Galactic 🪐 team Plasma 👑 team Flare 🔥 team Skull 💀 Aether Foundation ⚜️ team Rainbow Rocket 🌈
🩵poké art 
🩵poké fusion 
andeshipping (Miyamoto × Madame Boss) 🩷 antigravityshipping (Ghetsis × Colress) 🩷 beautifulperfectionshipping (Lysandre × Ghetsis) 🩷 catlovershipping (Giovanni × Nanu) 🩷 fallershipping (Looker × Anabel) 🩷 hardenshipping (Maxie × Archie) 🩷 kokoshipping (James × Butch) 🩷 mizuhikishipping (Cyrus × Cynthia) 🩷 neoshipping (Cassidy × Butch) 🩷 ROCKETSHIPPING (Jessie × James) 🩷 rumishipping (James × Jessebelle) 🩷 researchethicshipping (Faba × Colress) 🩷 silverspawnshipping (Giovanni × Ariana) 🩷 syntheticruinationshipping (Lusamine × Guzma) 🩷 skullflowershipping (Guzma × Plumeria) 🩷 tomorrowshipping (Jessie × Mondo) 🩷 twistedshipping (Jessie × Butch | James × Cassidy) 🩷 yamushipping (Jessie × Cassidy) 
Adaman ▫️ Amethio ▫️ Archer ▫️ Archie ▫️ Ariana▫️ Attila ▫️Avery ▫️ Butch ▫️ Cassidy ▫️ Colress ▫️ Cyrus ▫️ Faba ▫️Ghetsis ▫️ Giovanni  ▫️ Grusha ▫️ Guzma ▫️ Harley ▫️ Hassel ▫️ Hun ▫️ Ingo ▫️ James ▫️ James' parents ▫️ Jessie ▫️ Jessebelle▫️ Kukui ▫️ Larry ▫️ Looker ▫️ Lusamine ▫️ Lysandre ▫️ madame Boss ▫️ Maxie ▫️Melli ▫️ meowth ▫️ Miyamoto ▫️ Mondo ▫️ N ▫️ Nanu ▫️ Petrel ▫️ Pierce▫️ Plumeria ▫️ Proton ▫️ Raihan ▫️ Rose ▫️ Shelly ▫️ Silver ▫️ submas ▫️ Sycamore ▫️TR executives ▫️ TRio ▫️ Volo▫️ wobbuffet 
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Ariana, holding a mug that says "World's Best Mom": Oh Silver, you shouldn't have!
Giovanni, holding a mug that says "a dad": Yeah Silver, you shouldn't have.
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articunochick · 2 years
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“That’ll make a sick reveal when I attack your father with the information in a decade or so.” - Ariana, probably
Made a version without text too for SilverSpawnShippers to enjoy free of my headcannons. :)
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Why was Giovanni and Ariana's marriage so toxic? Was it an arranged marriage or something? Were they ever happy together?
(Update this is like 850 words long putting most of it under a cut I'm so sorry I do not know restraint.)
Long story short, it's complicated, but basically the only time they were truly happy together was before they married, and were simply best friends. The marriage is what ruined their relationship.
Ariana was childhood friends with Giovanni and his twin brother Giorgio, thanks to their parents all being the leaders of allied crime syndicates. While there was never a formal arrangement, there was always a loose understanding that it was likely Ariana would marry one of the brothers when they were older, to solidify the ties between their families. Ariana knew this and was perfectly fine with it, since she had quite the crush on Giovanni. Giovanni in turn had no real romantic feelings for his childhood friend, while Giorgio did, but Ariana had no interest in the younger twin. When Giovanni announced that, with his mother's blessing, he was traveling to Kanto to form a new branch of Team Rocket, Ariana asked him to marry her. He accepted, figuring it would happen to him or Giorgio either way, and even if he had no real feelings for her, they say you should marry your best friend, so it should be fine.
It was not fine.
The newlyweds found themselves quickly spiraling into endless arguments, disagreeing on small matters of how to run Team Rocket to what their relationship was - Giovanni assumed that they were just married for the sake of appearances and alliance and it'd be fine to pursue other attachments outside each other, while Ariana was furious at the idea of her new husband already planning to find other lovers so soon after marriage. She loved him, why couldn't he see that and love her back exclusively with his whole heart? Ariana becoming pregnant about a year later didn't help matters, as they disagreed on the topic of children as well. Ariana hoped raising their child together would finally make Giovanni fall for her, already planning ways to use the baby to win him over, while Giovanni was dreading the prospect of becoming a father, having little interest in children but knowing it was expected of him. It was during this time that he began his affair with one of his underlings, Delia, dating her in secret even after the birth of his daughter, Marcella.
Despite Ariana's best efforts, Giovanni never bonded much with Marcella. He spent time with her and did his part to take care of her, but she could tell his heart wasn't truly in it. When Delia announced her resignation from the team unexpectedly and Giovanni grew upset and moody afterwards, Ariana grew suspicious and after a little digging, was able to uncover evidence of the affair. She was furious at her husband, but not particularly surprised, so decided to get revenge. She knew that Giorgio had held a torch for her for ages, so it wasn't too difficult for her to seduce him, giving Giovanni a taste of his own medicine (and Giorgio a surprise son to raise on his own once she was done with him). It worked, Giovanni baffled why his own twin brother would go behind his back with his wife. Even if he wasn't in love with Ariana, it still rubbed him the wrong way, and he's never been able to quite look at his red-eyed nephew without a trace of annoyance.
After this incidence, the two realized things were quickly heading into irreparable territory, and if they wanted to be able to run Team Rocket together, let alone raise Marcella, they needed to come to some kind of agreement. For the next couple years, they had a tenuous peace, both making concessions for the other and trying to focus on productivity over arguing. This lasted, not without plenty of smaller fights, until around when they were expecting their second child. While Giovanni still hadn't really warmed up to the concept of fatherhood, he had grown more comfortable spending time with a now 4 year old Marcella, and both he and Ariana were hoping a second child would help continue to smooth things over. Spoiler alert it didn't.
When Silvio was born, Giovanni felt instantly attached to him in a way he hadn't with his daughter. Perhaps it was due to being in a better mindset about parenting, or just something unknowable, but his fondness for his son was obvious. Ariana was delighted seeing her husband showing more interest in parenting since this could be the first step to him showing more interest in her too, but this instead seemed to come at the cost of their relationship. A second child added more stress to the already on-a-thread peace they had and more arguments and petty fights broke out than ever. Before long, they could barely be in the same room and things never really recovered from that point.
The two never formally divorce, but they essentially are and while Ariana still holds feelings for her husband, they're mostly overshadowed by bitterness. Giovanni continued to ignore his crumbling marriage with a string of affairs, and their children grew up fully aware of their parents' broken relationship, both leaving home and mostly cutting contact as soon as they were old enough to. And that's the current state of things when the events of the game plots kick off!
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honchkrow2017 · 6 years
“and they were roommates” - a pokémon IRL AU
i said i’d type this up so i’m going to whether you like it or not
basically it’s just a lot of fairly incoherent ideas about my 2 faves, team galactic and team rocket, in a kind of... mundane au? everyday au? What If Pokémon Was In Real Life au. of course evil crime syndicates very much exist in real life, but where’s the fun in that when you could just make them work in like, tech support or something
PART 2 COMING... maybe tomorrow if i manage it. by sunday, anyway.
the ultimate irl profession for giovanni, aside from like, Crime Lord, would i think be something very shady and capitalist and just about obscenely high-paid... something like investment banking. something in The City. anyway, that’s how the story begins - giovanni, charismatic and ambitious as he is, the man who ALWAYS gets what he wants, swooping down on young starters and plucking off the ones he thinks he has the most use for (though petrel was more of a pity choice). he ushers them into his sphere of influence, even giving the three young men a place to live in his house (more than big enough, being a 21st birthday gift from mummy to her beloved only child). technically they all work for the same company, but everyone knows that archer, proton and petrel really work for giovanni and giovanni alone.
after a little while giovanni finds he has a rival. her name is ariana and she has seemingly come out of nowhere, an unknown less than a year ago but rapidly earning herself a fearsome reputation. she is intensely secret about her home life, and despite her talent has no interest in picking up lackeys like giovanni does - in fact, she doesn’t seem to want to socialise at all. but giovanni is a determined young lad. he can see how valuable ariana could be to him, so he turns his charm up to previously unforeseen levels. i’m talking off the charts. he has the exact right balance of suaveness and politeness. he defends her against that good ol 80s office sexism, without being a white knight about it. he knows what he’s doing.
of course ariana doesn’t just sway to his influence easy-peasy; she has her reasons for being solitary. she and giovanni find each other equally challenging and, in a horribly heterosexual tale as old as time, things take a turn for the romantic. and once that train gets started, it doesn’t slow down. there are a lot of motivations for making things serious so quickly - giovanni for one is under STRICT orders to produce grandchildren - but the biggest is the reason behind all ariana’s secrecy in the first place.
she has a young daughter named minerva at home. the father abandoned the two of them before she was even born, and though devastated ariana pushes it down, channeling her despair into the ambition and ruthlessness needed to keep a roof over her daughter’s head (just barely, anyway. she earns half of what giovanni does for the same job, and without the family wealth to fall back on). when giovanni finds this out, or rather ekes it out of her, he’s alarmed to notice that he actually CARES. not just for ariana herself, but even somewhat for minerva. if she’s safe, it’ll make ariana happy, so in a lifetime first and last, giovanni does something purely to make someone else happy and invites them both to live with him too.
having a child in the house is difficult. only petrel is any good with children; proton shows open disgust, and archer is too busy sulking because giovanni has a new favourite person. even ariana isn’t the most naturally motherly person, and uses her new support network as a chance to focus on her career, this time with giovanni as her ally instead of a rival.
not pictured: madame boss rubbing her hands in delight over this power couple and the sort of grandchildren they’re going to produce. and produce they do, though rather sooner than planned, and necessitating a hasty wedding as lipservice to giovanni’s very lapsed catholicism. they have a son. he is named silver, after ariana. though minerva is still only a toddler, she’s able to notice that she’s being sidelined. silver, after all, is Giovanni’s Son, the rocket messiah. the family heir. minerva is more of an unfortunate footnote.
that’s not to say silver has an easy time growing up, though. the house isn’t much of a place for children, a place where money rules above all else. the adults are too busy working overtime to teach lessons of compassion and humanity (petrel tries, though he didn’t have the most solid start in life himself). and though the little giovanni-ariana-silver family is all well and good for a little while, it can’t last. giovanni happens to be an extraordinarily self-centred person, in case you couldn’t tell. he is not what you’d call ideal husband/father material. that’s not to say ariana isn’t almost as bad, too. the two get wrapped up in long arguments that are hardly even arguments as that implies listening to each other - more like competing monologues.
then - when minerva is about ten and silver eight - big shit goes down. giovanni, in a bid to finance his mother’s expensive retirement village, has embezzled tens of thousands from the company he works for. he’s actually exposed by an eleven-year-old visiting on ‘bring your kid to work day’. but to cut a long story short, it’s BAD. the other four go down with him, but giovanni has the furthest to fall, so he does what any reasonable person who’s spent his life getting everything he wants but is now faced with catastrophic failure would do - he fucks off. leaves behind ariana (though they’re now separated), silver, the whole gang, without so much as a word. the only one he doesn’t leave is his cat pierre, much to minerva’s despair.
from then on, things are catastrophic. minerva enters her teenage years neglected and sometimes treated with outright malice from the adults in her life. the ‘family’ goes into financial ruin, involving themselves in less-than-legal things to make ends meet (there might be more kosher ways of making money, but for these guys exploitation is the default setting). minerva is near-solely responsible for her brother, a difficult task as she still resents him, though it’s a long time since he’s been the favourite child. he keeps running away to try and find his father, until minerva starts to get tired of chasing him.
she has other things on her mind, anyway. she has decided she is in love. he’s older, a physics student at a nearby university who she first met when desperately enlisting him into a search for silver, back when she cared about such things. as soon as she finishes school, he will be her ticket out (or she hopes so, given they haven’t exactly talked about it yet). there’s the matter of his friends from university - jupiter, much taller and older and ruthless towards minerva, then later saturn, an earnest first-year environmental studies student. minerva may not be as clever as them, but it doesn’t matter, because she understands cyrus like they don’t, she can tell. it’s just a matter of time before she’s the only one, and he can see properly how much she cares and how devoted she is. he must care too, a little bit, because he has given her a new name - mars, the god of war.
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i have just learnt that the ship name for ariana/giovanni is apparently silverspawnshipping and i love it
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More Pokémon fanart? More Pokémon fanart. I definitely subscribe to (and am quite fond) of the theory that Ariana is Silver’s mother (and I’m quite fond of Ariana in general).
Interesting: One of the possible meanings of the name Ariana is ‘silver’... And her original namesake, Athena, is referred to as ‘silver-eyed’ among her many epithets. Unlike the other Executives, these are the only names used for her across the localisations.
I see what you did there.
Anyway, the result... really domestic fanart. I’ve actually already inked and started to colour this one, but it loses so much from the sketch, which I am quite pleased with, so I’m going to start over. For now, this.
OpenCanvas 6, Windows Surface Pro 2.
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perelka-l · 8 years
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I wanted to draw a) Ariana, Archer and Giovanni together in one bed and b) Rockets having irezumi so I did both. Finally. 
Note that I have 0 idea about traditional japanese used in this sort of tattooing symbolism but it’s not like pokemon universe would use their own symbols, right? 
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rainbowrocketquotes · 11 months
🏳️‍🌈 Giovanni?
Controversial opinion time!
Everyone hates my trans Giovanni headcanon but me :[ Why must you cis all of the villains. t4t SilverSpawnShipping my beloved. Anyway he's also bi, but regardless he's heavily closeted in both of those regards and if it ever came out that either was true, he'd probably change his name (again) and run off to Poké-Mexico.
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erlenwald · 9 years
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A commission for maruminesweeper! Ariana enters her office only to find Giovanni sitting on her desk— “wearing a red bow, a dirty grin, and nothing else.”
This is the best commission I have ever received, oh my god.
(Full view, please, there’s a lot of detail here)
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articunochick · 3 years
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I have so many questions about Silver’s abduction.
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All the Evil Team leaders for the ship thing! (since I've always felt about half of them are difficult to ship)
You’re right, they are hard to ship, so apologies if this is a bit shorter than the other asks I’ve done. Giovanni- My NOTP for themNot the hugest fan of Gio/Cyrus (AbsoluteControlShipping) but that’s more to do with me not shipping Cyrus with anyone.  - My BROTP for themThis one is weird but I like the idea of him and Nanu knowing each other/being friends?- My OTP for them Giovanni/Angelo aka my crack pairing of Gio and Lyra’s dad whoop. They’re childhood friends in the fankid AU and are each other’s one true love~- My second choice pairing for themNo one.- My fluffy pairing for themGio/Angelo.- My angsty pairing for themGiovanni/Ariana (SilverSpawnShipping) since they were an unhealthy relationship in mine. Otherwise, unrequited Archer/Giovanni (SubordinateShipping).- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themGio/Angelo, by virtue of it being an OC/canon pairing.Maxie- My NOTP for themNone.  - My BROTP for themMaxie/Courtney. - My OTP for themMaxie/Archie (HardenShipping).  - My second choice pairing for themNone. If it’s not Archie it’s not anyone.- My fluffy pairing for themMaxie/Archie.- My angsty pairing for themMaxie/Archie, it’s my only ship for him so it gets all the fluff and all the angst and everything.- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNone. Maxie/Archie is mainstream.Archie- My NOTP for themNone.  - My BROTP for themArchie/Matt. BROS.- My OTP for themArchie/Maxie.  - My second choice pairing for themArchie/Shelly (ShiverMeTimbersShipping)- My fluffy pairing for themArchie/Shelly is probably fluffier than HardenShipping tbh.- My angsty pairing for themArchie/Maxie, especially if it’s a love/hate type thing.- My favorite poly ship for themMaybe something like Archie/Shelly/Matt (AquadanShipping)?- My weirdest pairing for themNone, really. I only ship him with Maxie or Shelly and both I think are fairly mainstream for him.Cyrus (I hc him as aromatic so ….. this will be brief).- My NOTP for them None. (Excluding obligatory ‘they’re related in my headcanon’ squick ships Cyrus/Johanna and Cyrus/Dawn (AkatsukiShipping).)- My BROTP for themI think under different circumstances he and Cynthia could have become good friends.- My OTP for them None. I don’t ship Cyrus with anyone.- My second choice pairing for themNone.- My fluffy pairing for themCyrus/Happiness.- My angsty pairing for themCyrus/the Void. (But more seriously, unrequited Cyrus and any of his admins, especially Saturn.)- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNone. (wow this was easy round)Ghetsis (I also hc him as ace/aro so this will be brief yet again.)- My NOTP for them  Since he’s not interested in relationships in my hc….. kind of anyone?- My BROTP for themDoes he even have friends. Maybe once upon a time he had a bro. Or some of the more fanatical sages.- My OTP for them None.- My second choice pairing for themNone.- My fluffy pairing for themNone.- My angsty pairing for themI guess any scenario where he’s forced to be in a relationship since he would hate that but don’t we want him to suffer.- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNo ships for the nasty man.Lysandre- My NOTP for themNone, really.  - My BROTP for themI hc him as having been a father figure to Alain and Calem, so them I guess, but hopefully in a happier world where he didn’t try and kill everyone. - My OTP for them Lysandre/Augustine (PerfectWorldShipping).- My second choice pairing for themLysandre/Malva (BeautifulWorldShipping)- My fluffy pairing for themLysandre/Augustine in a happy AU.- My angsty pairing for themLysandre/Augustine and Lysandre/Malva in canon.- My favorite poly ship for themAugustine/Lysandre/Malva or something who knows.- My weirdest pairing for themHe hooked up with Bryony (RiskShipping) in the fankid AU if that counts.Guzma- My NOTP for themNone.  - My BROTP for themGuzma/Kukui or Guzma/Plumeria.- My OTP for themGuzma/Molayne. (SteelSkullShipping)  - My second choice pairing for themGuzma/Plumeria. (SkullShipping)- My fluffy pairing for themGuzma/Molayne.- My angsty pairing for themGuzma/Lusamine. (SyntheticRuinationShipping).- My favorite poly ship for themGuzma/Kukui/Burnet. (OsteologyShipping.)- My weirdest pairing for themGuzma/Molayne.Lusamine- My NOTP for themI’ve seen enough porn of her with her kids I feel like I should mention it here.  - My BROTP for themLusamine/Alola Mom- My OTP for them Lusamine/Mohn.(MeanBeanShipping)- My second choice pairing for themLusamine/Healthy Life Choices- My fluffy pairing for themLusamine/Mohn pre-bad things happening.- My angsty pairing for themLusamine/Mohn with amnesiac Mohn or Lusamine/Guzma.- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNone. I only ship her with her canon husband.
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coyo-art · 9 years
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Draw Every Day Challenge: Day 178 and 179
Super lazy pokedoodles
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coyotes-headcanons · 9 years
Giovanni and Ariana are actually pretty young to be parents. They had Silver when Gio was 22 and Ariana was only 18.
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powergempayday · 10 years
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Y'all might be sick of this ship by now but have some couches and socks and a big sleepy carbuncle.
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