missriyochuchi · 2 months
The Torchbearer and the Flagbearer
Summary: The Torchbearer and the Flagbearer meet in the Jardin des Tuileries after the Opening Ceremony and commiserate about the Olympic Games.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Established relationship. Mentions of death.
Notes: I imagined these two like otherworldly beings blessing the games, what with the Olympics being invented by ancient Greeks as a partly religious event. As such, I would have preferred to keep them gender neutral, but because I’m writing this in a pinch and want to be able to distinguish between them without constantly using their names, I opted for gendered pronouns. But nothing about their physical descriptions are particularly gendered; I’m just leaning on the old linguistic quirk lol Also, how tf is there no video of the Flagbearer!? I wanted to gif her/their entrance but couldn’t find a damn thing! She/They deserves more love!
Read on AO3 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Darkness cloaks the Jardin des Tuileries. Even the cauldron floating above its center offers little illumination on the ground. Shadows play along the perimeter, tourists passing in the midnight hour, their idle conversations lost to the humid air. The soft patter of rain echoes across the masonry scattered throughout the empty park. Only the occasional creak of metallic plates and restless hoofbeats betray the garden’s solitary visitors.
The Flagbearer looks up at the orange orb in the sky. She marvels at the city’s ingenuity. Decades of oil and gas have finally given way to an electric fire. Only with such technological advancements could engineers even dream of safely flying the eternal flame above the City of Lights. If only the future was as assuredly bright, the Flagbearer thinks. Her gaze drifts back down to the darkness below, the surrounding chill creeping back into her senses. Her horse stirs beneath her and jostles her mind back to the present.
“Easy, Zeus,” she murmurs as she presses her legs to the animal’s sides in an attempt to soothe both their anxieties. “Patience.”
No Olympic Games are ever truly free of political problems, an inevitability of any gathering between disparate peoples, but they weigh heavier on the Flagbearer’s mind now more than ever. Her part in the Opening Ceremony is small but significant, and though she spends less time among the crowds than her eternal counterpart, she catches enough to gauge that tensions are higher than ever before. The darkness of the night seems to encroach and bleed into the darkness in her mind as she ponders human history and her role in it. Before her resolve could lurch under the gravity of her thoughts, the light crunch of gravel announces his arrival.
“You are late,” the Flagbearer intones harshly. She steers her steed to turn around and face the approaching footsteps.
Enough ambient light creeps across the park to distinguish the Torchbearer’s silhouette, catching on the gauzy pieces of his attire bobbing in the breeze. His stride is sure, his stature straight, betraying neither weariness nor arrogance. Only a few meters away, he shrugs and raises his palms out at his sides, teasing, “I did not have a ride.”
The Flagbearer is unmoved but in no mood to quarrel. “How are you, my love?” Her voice floats soft and light through the misty drizzle.
“Exhausted.” His shoulders slump fractionally, perceptible only to his eternal flame facing him. “And you?”
The Torchbearer reaches for the horse’s muzzle and runs a familiar hand along his nose. “I hope you are not as troubled as your rider, mon joli cheval.” Zeus bows his long head and huffs in response. His palm runs along the animal’s left flank, lifting once he reaches the Flagbearer’s side. He extends both hands to her gloved ones and helps her to the ground.
“What ails my sweet?” He pinches her chin.
She hums and takes one of his hands in both of hers, squeezing hard enough to convey her worry. “In all our years shepherding these games, did you ever know the atmosphere to be this—”
“I know. The world is—”
“Yes, and—”
“Not at peace.”
“Never has been, my love.”
“I do not remember it ever being this—”
“Your worries are not unfounded, cherie, but you must redirect your attention elsewhere.”
They circle the base beneath the cauldron, hand in hand. Zeus follows close behind, his reins tied to the saddle. While the nightlife bustles beyond the park’s pocket of silence, the few security guards on duty watch the hooded figures from a distance.
Event organizers had explicitly and numerously instructed personnel not to approach or engage with the Torchbearer and Flagbearer. They were both host and blessing to the festivities, and decades of tradition dictated that a respectful, neutral distance be maintained between the host nation and the two Olympic guardians so that there would be no suspicion of impropriety or favoritism during competition.
The Flagbearer recoils, incredulous. “How can you be so indifferent to the violence and rhetoric—”
“I am surprised that between the two of us, you, in your glittering armor, are the first to lose hope and declare defeat.”
“I have not!” She stops them in their orbit and shoves his hand back to his side.
The Torchbearer laughs. He crooks a finger under her chin and raises her gaze. She sighs and closes her eyes as the backs of his fingers graze her cheek. Her hands come up to open and press his palm to the side of her face, his pressure more than his warmth a soothing balm to her inner turmoil. Her voice is low and leaden when she continues.
“I merely wonder if the gods have not tasked us with an impossible mission.”
The Torchbearer falls silent as he contemplates the Flagbearer’s concerns. She did not interact with humans as much as he did, a natural consequence of their separate roles. While the Olympic torch exchanged hands with every kind of man and woman, the Olympic flag exchanged hands with a significantly select few. As a result, the Flagbearer’s opinion of humanity often leaned towards the optimistic while the Torchbearer’s leaned towards the pessimistic. He had come to know, better than she, the complexities of human nature, their heavenly highs and their hellish lows. They spent decades arguing about the tenuous balance. Now, as he watches his partner’s shoulders sag with the weight of the world, he finds himself despondent that she seems poised to concede to his viewpoint and knows it, knows that she lost this one important battle. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and guides their walk away from the cauldron.
“Plus vite, Plus haute, Plus fort.” The Torchbearer rattles off the Olympic motto.
“Citius, Altius, Fortius, my dear. Latin may be dead, but it is still your mother tongue.”
“‘Ensemble.’ C’est la partie importante. And that is precisely what they are doing and continue to do.”
“But for how long? We do not have a future if they do not, and my darling, I do not see—”
“We cannot predict the future any more than humans can. It is none of our concern. The gods will take care of us.”
“The gods have abandoned us, just as the humans have abandoned them.” The Flagbearer catches the ice in her voice and does her best to warm her vitriol. “We do not exist outside these games, my love. And if these games end, if the world can find no purpose to these communal competitions—”
Silence. The specter of death looms large in their periphery. Every Closing Ceremony marks the end of their days on Earth, a return to a darkness beyond darkness. And every two years, they are reborn and reimagined back into existence to inspire and perform and protect the Olympic Games. Despite the constancy of this cyclical event, the eternal guardians find humans increasingly less hospitable to the ideals they represent. What is sportsmanship to a world where even the rules of war no longer hold?
“Steel your heart as this city has steeled your form.” The Torchbearer steps close enough for the edge of his hood to kiss hers. “The next host cities have been decided, their venues under construction. We still have a future. There is no reason to despair.”
“For now.”
“For now.” He sighs at her obstinacy, but knows not to push further or risk wasting precious moments on a fruitless fight. “In the meantime, the games have begun, and we do not have much time together.”
A smirk plays beneath the Flagbearer’s hood. She perks up at her partner’s motives. “Sixteen days is not enough to spend with you.” She steps closer and brings her forehead to his. She squeezes his biceps, and he rubs her elbows in return. They exchange breaths for a moment of eternity.
“Come.” The Torchbearer takes her hands and swings her in circles. Their laughs echo as they near the horse. “Much of the city has changed since we were last here, and you will not see them if you continue to sulk beneath the cauldron.”
The Flagbearer mounts Zeus and extends an arm to help the Torchbearer take a seat behind her. He presses his front to her back, unbothered by her damp cape. He slides his arms along either side of her waist and rests his hands atop hers on the horn of the saddle. The horse ambles forward towards the city streets.
Buoyed by the Torchbearer’s embrace, the Flagbearer regains a sliver of her hope and optimism. “The Italians will call on us next. Perhaps we will meet a changed world by then.”
“We always do. I wonder what forms they have planned for us.”
“I quite like this form on you, my dear. The cut of your jacket complements you well.”
“As does this armor on you, mon amour.” His hands find the edge of her cuirass and sneak nimble fingers to the suit underneath.
She giggles at the light pressure below her ribcage. “I will miss hearing you speak this city’s language.”
The Torchbearer tightens his hold on the Flagbearer, impressing his being into hers. “You worry about community and forget that we are in the City of Love.”
“Paris is not the world, my dear.” They sway in sync as Zeus carries them towards the edge of the garden.
“Perhaps, but the Olympic Village is, or at least, as close an approximation as the humans are capable of producing. If it is unity you seek, we will surely find a certain kind—”
“You said you were exhausted.” Amusement lightens the Flagbearer’s tone, her heavy mind now fizzy with thoughts of the Torchbearer’s amorous intentions.
“Never enough to deter me from you.” He presses his chin to her shoulder, his words vibrating down the expanse of her armor. “Would you waste the energy of the players’ liaisons?”
Her hood whips to the side as he squeezes the unarmored flesh of her upper thigh. Before she can answer, he takes the reins and brings Zeus to a gallop towards the Olympic Village.
“No more talk,” he heaves with urgency. “I need you before the sun rises and our duties begin again.”
mon joli cheval - my pretty horse cherie - dear Plus vite, Plus haute, Plus fort (French) / Citius, Altius, Fortius (Latin) - Faster, Higher, Stronger ‘Ensemble.’ C’est la partie importante. (French) - ‘Together.’ That is the important part. mon amour - my love
“The 100% electric flame burns no fuel. The ring of fire uses 40 LED spotlights to illuminate the cloud created by 200 high-pressure misting nozzles.” (source)
According to the engineers who built the mechanical horse, its name is Zeus.
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clairemation · 15 days
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Shit, I forgot this story has a horse in it and nobody knows how to draw one. Their form is inscrutable and their composition is unknown to science
Also, if I ever say I’m gonna do “just a quick study” and I start painting in color, one of you please come up and SMACK me in the head
Anyway, this sketch is kind of funny because in the characterization I’m giving the Torchbearer in this fancomic, he is… not a fan of horses
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zeddpool · 2 months
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I have no explanation for this, just that I've shipped some of these since I was 8 years old
Fantastic Polycule for your consideration
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jellyfishsaliva · 1 month
They made silvertorch real. I can sleep peacefully tonight.
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Wednesday 1 February 2023
Adding a vertical element to this cacti house is Cleistocactus strausii (silver torch). This is a vigorous cactus covered in white spines on hairy, bluish-grey columns. It must be lovely when covered in tubular deep red or burgundy flowers which are scattered along the stems in summer.
Jill Raggett
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sapphic-xmania · 3 years
Johnny and Pietro looking real friendly here…👀👀
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humantorch · 4 years
silvertorch au where johnny tags along with reed n tony n hank (both hanks) to break into area 51 and finds norrin and essentially abducts this alien from a government facility bc he thinks he's cute. yes this is a dead meme no i do not care.
Honestly... if I had gotten the chance to snatch a cute alien gf from Area 51 I would’ve taken it. So I’m really kinning Johnny atm. Good for him. Get that cute alien bf. Honestly though can you imagine...
Reed: Tony Stark wants me to help him get into Area 51 because “blah blah blah”
Johnny, already thinking of his future alien bf: CAN I COME
He brings home this tall silver fucker because he convinces Reed it’s for scientific purposes and Sue and Ben aren’t even fazed. Ben’s like “you’re cooking for him” and Sue’s like “just keep him out of trouble”. End of story. Franklin and Val are DELIGHTED they’ve got a pet alien. Reed is just happy to study him. Johnny gets a boyfriend it’s a win for everyone. Norrin is mostly confused but is content following Johnny around. Friends to lovers 50k slow burn I’m gonna make it happen.
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cactus-kingdom · 5 years
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🚨 Auction 3 🚨 Big sunburnt #silvertorch cactus. 17”. Ready to root. Starting bid $5. Comment to bid. Buyer pays shipping. No reserve. Ends Thursday. Good luck #cactusauction #cactusforsale (at Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJf7X5F3ZQ/?igshid=1ev85x96dsb7o
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max-plants-blog · 7 years
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Potted cacti: Opuntia microdasys var. albispina, Cleistocactus strausii, Pilosocereus cephalocereus palmeri.
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brw · 4 years
for the ask thing K, J & B
k - what character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
🤔🤔🤔 hmm.. it’s hard to say bc. main fandom obviously has... a LOT of different writers and all too often will writers decide that one arc or characterisation was dumb and then throw it out the window and then it’s lost to the sands of time forever or until another writer shows up and decides to take it further but by that stage you’ve moved on and then u have to get caught up on everything you’ve missed and it’s a whole thing-
ANYWAY. there’s a lot of one’s i like so i’m gonna list some at random; herc quitting drinking and getting his life in order was very nice and i appreciate, scott summers getting radicalised is quality, vision going from “i am only a mockery of humanity” to “i am myself and that is ok” lowkey makes me cry (if only writers would keep them that way 🤡🤡🤡), susan going from like, certainly not weak, but not exactly strong either to becoming undoubtedly the strongest & most powerful member of the fantastic four is GREAT and no i do not accept criticism on this both reed and victor agree that she is the strongest it is CANON >:( . oh also idk what happened to mr sinister and why he is like this now but i am enjoying it he is an absolute bastard but he’s funny as hell lmao
answered j here!
b - a pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
@captainamericasamwilson has slowly but surely convinced me of samsteve & honestly it’s so good like. i don’t read much of either of them outside avengers issues (tho i want to now 👀👀👀)but they are SO sweet and incredibly underrated like??? their dynamic is very good romantic or nonromantic they stick together and it is. very sweet i appreciate. honourable mention to @humantorch & silvertorch they came in and said they looked like a couple and. u know what they were right! hdhdhgeehge
send me fandom/shipping asks!!!
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therevue · 7 years
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In preparation for Thanksgiving, the #MelodicTonic offers six #newmusic cocktails to get you through hump day. Click the homepage link in our profile to hear new songs from Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (Official Page), The Wood Brothers, Darlingside, Silver Torches, BASH & POP featuring Nicole Atkins, and Cosmo Sheldrake. ... Supporting labels: Vagrant Records, Thirty Tigers, Fat Possum Records, Rocket Heart Records .... #indiemusic #BlackRebelMotorcycleClub #BRMC #TheWoodBrothers #Darlingside #SilverTorches #BashnPop #NicoleAtkins #CosmoSheldrake #psychrock #folk #indiefolk #altfolk #experimentalpop #indierock #cinematicrock #newmusicalert #newmusicdiscovery #pressplay #takealisten
0 notes
missriyochuchi · 2 months
Race to Capture the Flagbearer
Summary: On the eve of the start of the athletics events, the Torchbearer and the Flagbearer race to the Stade de France, betting that whoever enters the stadium first with the Flagbearer’s cape gets to chose the method of blessing the track.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Established relationship. Sexual tension. Kissing. Very lame sexual innuendo I’m very sorry lolol
Notes: In honor of the start of the track and field events, my favorite because I used to run track, I give you this hot mess! This one really got away from me. Full disclosure: I have never been to Paris. GoogleMaps and Google Images were absolutely indispensable!
Once again, I strongly recommend reading The Torchbearer and the Flagbearer first, but if not, only a few details carry over: the two exist only during the Olympics, so they die and are reborn every two years; interaction with humans is strictly limited; and the Flagbearer’s horse is named Zeus. I use gendered pronouns only to distinguish between the two; otherwise, their physical descriptions are not gendered.
Read on AO3
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Beyond the city center, just north of the historic hilltop of Montmartre, Paris slumbers as though it were any other balmy summer night. A few stores and restaurants remain open, hosting those too restless to neglect the City of Lights. The low murmur of conversations warms the air beneath the amber glow of streetlights and the verdant canopies of deciduous trees. On the Avenue de Saint-Ouen, the soft, unmistakable clops of a horse turn the heads of those shocked to a standstill on the sidewalk.
The Flagbearer sways in her saddle as she guides Zeus down the northbound lane at a leisurely clip. The few cars caught behind them pass when able, unhurried by the late-night hour. Whispered surprise and pointing fingers follow in their wake. She turns and nods to the few aiming cameras and smartphones in their direction. Several meters behind on the northwest corner of the Boulevards des Maréchaux, two tourists watch the hooded figure continue on her journey.
“Where’s the other one?”
“Other one?”
“They’re always together at night.”
“What are you talking about?”
From behind them, a woman points up and shouts, “Là-bas!”
Heads tilt towards the rooftops. On the east side of the avenue, beyond the cover of the streetlights’ shine, onlookers catch the faint, bright material of the Torchbearer’s hood bobbing from building to building. The gauzy fabric travels quickly, seeming to fly across the uneven architecture, unbothered by safety or gravity. 
Sounds of the spectators acknowledging the Torchbearer’s trajectory build to a wave that rolls down the road and crashes on the Flagbearer’s cape. Her hood turns around, the shadow beneath facing the line of buildings to her right. She whips forward and digs her heels into the horse’s sides. In a flash, the rider and her mount take off on a gallop, and the telltale signs of the nimble nightwalker disappear from the rooftops’ edge.
“What happened?” A fourth bystander, looking as confused as the first two, joins the three on the corner.
“Elle l'a vu.” The woman smiles and, with her fore- and middle fingers, gestures from her eyes to the rooftops to the north end of the street.
“Oh, uh, pardonnez-moi,” one of the two tourists attempts haltingly, “je ne parle pas français.”
“Dude, you don’t need to know French to know what this,” his companion mimics the woman’s gestures, “means. She said—”
“‘She saw him’ is what she said,” clarifies the fourth bystander.
“He’s chasing her?”
“Ils font la course.”
“I— Where’s my dictionary? Sorry, could you, uh— répétez, s'il vous plaît?”
“‘They’re racing.’ Dude, I’m going to strangle you.”
“What? But he can’t win. She’s on a horse!”
The woman and the fourth bystander share a laugh as they continue down the road. “Depends on where the finish line is!”
No announcements had been made declaring the particulars of this after-hours contest, but the more observant tourists and Parisians who had witnessed the two hooded figures about town before could more or less divine where they were headed. The Stade de France marked the end of their race, the venue housing the track for which their relay was honoring. No one, however, not even those with firsthand experience of past Olympic Games, could guess the particulars of their side bet.
“The athletics events begin in a few hours,” the Torchbearer had said to the Flagbearer, 90 minutes earlier, as they crossed the esplanade of the Palais de Chaillot in the direction of the Seine.
She hummed and smiled, gazing at the ground and matching his stride, her hands folded behind her back. “One of your favorites,” she said fondly.
From the top of the steps leading to the Jardins du Trocadéro, the Olympic Torch was still visible in the sky. Small groups of tourists flitted about the site, aiming all kinds of photographic equipment between the Olympic Flag flying above the Place du Trocadéro to the Eiffel Tower glittering above it all.
“The stadium is about 10 kilometers away,” the Torchbearer continued, pointing in a general northeasterly direction.
“I am aware of the distance, ma chère.”
“Shall we go over the rules?”
“Zeus,” the Flagbearer lilted, turning to face her mount, “do you need to be reminded of the rules?”
Following close behind, the horse shook his head. The two Olympic guardians had spent the last few nights inventing details to include the stallion in their quirky tradition. He was forbidden from trotting faster than 12 kilometers per hour, the average speed of a human man running. Only when the Torchbearer was in sight could Zeus gallop to his top speed; once out of sight, the horse would return to an average walk. The Flagbearer had offered to send Zeus ahead to the stadium in an attempt at fairness, but even she knew her armor was a handicap in the Torchbearer’s favor. She needed her steed.
“Perhaps we should lift the ban on mechanical vehicles, just this once,” the Flagbearer offered sheepishly. She felt guilty that for all of the Torchbearer’s physical prowess and show on the rooftops during the Opening Ceremony, he was still no match for one of Earth’s fastest land animals.
“No, my love. I do not believe Zeus gives you an undue advantage. Besides, I have my own ideas for bypassing our usual rule.”
“Oh?” She stopped at the edge of the esplanade and crossed her arms. “Then perhaps I should remind you that a bicycle is a kind of vehicle and therefore forbidden.”
The Torchbearer laughed. “I know better than to repeat my own mistakes. No, I have something even less mechanical in mind.”
“Would you care to share so that I may approve your means of cheating?”
He gasped and recoiled in faux offense, bringing his fingertips to his chest in mock shock. “Darling, how dare you accuse me of such a thing! It is not in our nature to cheat!”
“I know,” she conceded carefully before resuming her command, “but just because the equipment is featured in the Games does not mean it is allowed in our little competition. However, I suppose for tonight, I can allow you to skateboard.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “You still have not guessed correctly. No, I am certain these types of wheels are permissible. No human law has ever classified them as a form of transportation.”
The Flagbearer dropped her arms to her sides and squared her shoulders, straightening her posture. “Now I am intrigued.”
Light cheers and applause bubbled up around them. The two looked up in time to watch the Olympic Torch descend out of sight. Only the Eiffel Tower remained bright in the inky night.
“That is your cue, chérie.” The Torchbearer extended a hand in a show of sportsmanship. “Good luck.”
The Flagbearer accepted the gesture. “Bonne chance à toi, aussi, my dear. If you do reach me, try not to pull too hard. Falling from Zeus’s height would hurt even more in this armor.”
“I shall hold back my strength for your safety, mon amour. Now go.”
The Torchbearer watched his partner mount her steed and quickly gallop back through the esplanade, gaining more spectators with each echoing hoofbeat. When she reached the road, she brought Zeus to rear on his hind legs. Gasps of surprise followed. Once Zeus righted on all four legs, she blew a kiss to the Torchbearer who caught and tucked it into his vest against his chest. With a nod, horse and rider trotted in the direction of the Arc de Triomphe. He waited for the sound of hoofbeats to fade away before running down the steps and across the garden and banking left to try to cut them off through neighboring roads.
What would normally have been a swift, straightforward race from the Place du Trocadéro to the Stade de France turned into an extended excursion into the more hidden side streets of Paris. Previous incarnations of the Olympic guardians allowed them to run unencumbered. The Flagbearer’s armored form, paired with Zeus’s presence, meant that they needed a creative twist to make up for their unique limitations. Eyeing the Flagbearer’s cape one night, the Torchbearer suggested a riff on the rules of Capture the Flag: one flag and one territory instead of the usual two each, her cape standing in for the desired marker and the stadium the sole safe place. Whoever entered the Stade de France first with the Flagbearer’s cape would win. What was once a race became a chase.
For more than 10 kilometers, the Flagbearer evades the more agile Torchbearer. She never hears him coming, his footsteps too light even in the silence of empty streets. She had been halfway through the Parc Manceau, hoping to use its lawns and trees to muffle Zeus’s steps, when she felt a rush of air graze her right leg. Her arm shot behind her and grasped her cape, its tough material caught up in the momentary gust. She sighed in relief just as the scrape of plastic wheels echoed on the pavement. She turned around and watched the Torchbearer come up from a crouched position and straighten up a few inches taller than his usual height.
“Rollerblades!” The Flagbearer was impressed. “Darling, you think of everything.”
He laughed. “They are not as quiet as I need them to be, but at least I have a chance to match Zeus’s trot.”
“It is not your speed that needs improvement.” She threw her cape behind her, taunting him as it fluttered back into place. “Your grip is lacking, my dove.”
With a swift tug of her reins, she brought Zeus to a gallop across the lawn where the Torchbearer’s wheels could not follow. He glided down a path to try to cut them off at the park’s edge, but lost sight of them behind the foliage. He stared at the five-road intersection and quickly picked up Zeus’s hoofbeats echoing down the Rue Georges Berger. Though he couldn’t see the source of the sound, he was sure of its direction. He took off down the Rue de Thann, hoping to catch them at the Boulevard Malesherbes. When he reached the corner, he found Zeus waiting riderless. The Flagbearer would repeat this strategy throughout the night.
With Zeus’s hoofbeats no longer a reliable sign of his partner’s presence, the Torchbearer takes to the rooftops for the higher vantage points. He flies freely — no cars or pedestrians to block his journey, no trees or walls to block his view. Despite the cloak of darkness hiding potentially dangerous nooks on which to trip, his step is sure. He falters only when he reaches the main thoroughfares, several lanes too wide to jump, and is forced to climb back down to the sidewalk. When he swivels around, hands on his hips and unsure of the Flagbearer’s location, a few wide-eyed tourists point him in the right direction. He nods or salutes before sprinting to the nearest building and resuming his flight across the darkened rooftops.
Meanwhile, the Flagbearer continues to use sound to her advantage. When she is not deploying Zeus as a decoy, she also relies on the few onlookers in her wake. Every time the Torchbearer nears, a low swell of claps and gasps announces his proximity, the spectators’ excitement at witnessing the phantom figure reenact his debut performance rippling through the air like a lighthouse beacon on a foggy night. The audible warning allows her enough time to pinpoint his location and break for a darker or wider street. Despite the weight of her armor and the agreed-upon limitations on Zeus’s abilities, she manages to stay ahead and out of reach of the Torchbearer.
Eventually, after breathless hours of looking over her shoulder, the Flagbearer comes into sight of the Stade de France. She is relieved but restless. It had taken longer to reach the stadium than she’d anticipated, and her daytime duties began to slip into the forefront of her mind. She senses dawn just below the horizon, hiding for another hour before warming Paris once more. She felt the urgency of concluding their game.
With no sign of the Torchbearer, the Flagbearer dismounts and walks the remaining distance to the parking lot surrounding the stadium. Zeus’s hoofbeats punctuate the whoosh of the few cars passing on the highway. They are 100 meters from a western gate when she hears the familiar roll of plastic wheels fast approaching behind her.
Without turning around, she smacks Zeus’s rump and grabs the horn of her saddle. She lifts herself high enough to put a foot in the stirrup as the stallion gallops towards the gate. She clings to her steed’s side, pushing sore muscles to their breaking point as her cape whips and drags in the wind. She pulls herself up and over to straddle the saddle and grasps for enough stability to turn her head around. She sees no hooded figure. 
Only when Zeus stops abruptly in front of a gate does she see the Torchbearer. He had rolled to a stop a few meters from her position, holding her cape aloft in his right hand and waving low with his left. The Flagbearer quickly dismounts and points for Zeus to step away from the gate.
“Looks like I won, my sweet,” the Torchbearer taunts across the distance. 
“Not yet, darling.” The Flagbearer advances slowly, cracking her neck and loosening her shoulders for what she assumes could turn into a wrestling match. “You have not entered the stadium proper. This parking lot is open space.” 
His right hand drops to his hip, her cape billowing in the breeze. “You cannot outrun me in your armor.”
“Then play fair, ma chère. You know your agility is hampered by those tiny wheels.”
He lets out an amused huff before agreeing to her concession. He kneels on her cape, alternating knees so as not to lose it to the wind, and takes off the rollerblades. From behind his jacket, he produces and quickly puts on his shoes, readjusting his leg gaiters over the treads. All the while, the Flagbearer maintains her distance.
“A lesser opponent would have rushed me by now,” the Torchbearer observes as he stands up.
“A lesser opponent would have conceded defeat,” she counters as she steps forward.
He strides to the side, and she mirrors his move. “How do you imagine this will end, my dear?” 
“With you pinning my cape back on me and blessing the track my way.”
“Darling, I would gladly pin you any day, but do tell what you had in mind if you do indeed win.”
The Flagbearer shakes her head as she takes another step closer. “As much as I enjoy your sense of humor, I would not deign to give you ideas before my victory is secured.”
“A wise move perhaps, but in truth, you read my mind.” The Torchbearer jumps several steps to the right, the entrance briefly in view, before she blocks him. “I can tell you with the utmost certainty that when I win, I shall pin you on the track.”
He is close enough to spy a smirk on her lips. She giggles and says, “And you call me insatiable.”
“My hunger burns eternal for you, my angel sweet.”
She comes up to her full height and points a finger in his direction. “You are distracting me.”
“An effective strategy, I would say. I have lured you away from the entrance.”
“By closing the distance between us.” The Flagbearer reaches out and jabs the Torchbearer’s shoulder with a firm finger. She enters into a slight crouch, palms outstretched, ready to reclaim her cape.
“Well, if we are to dance, mon amour,” he takes her cape in both hands and bunches opposing corners in his fists, “we must step closer.”
He swings the length of the cape over the Flagbearer’s head and around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. She looks up, grabs the remaining free corners fluttering above their heads, and swings them behind his shoulders. They land in each other’s arms, enveloped by the Olympic Flag.
Hidden beneath the cover of the opaque cape, the Flagbearer removes her gloves, stuffs them into her belt, and brings gentle fingertips to the bottom edge of the Torchbearer’s mask.
“You win, my love. Would you like a taste of your prize?”
She lifts the mesh just enough to expose his mouth. His breath warms her hand as she presses the pad of her thumb across his soft lips. She cradles his jaw in both hands, keeping his mask in place over his nose, as they meet for a fevered kiss.
Only the Flagbearer is privy to the face beneath the Torchbearer’s mask, the covering quickly removed during private moments behind closed doors. No rule existed banning the public exposure of their countenances, but the Olympic guardians thought it best for their appearances to remain as neutral as the intentions behind the performance of their duties. They are as much a symbol of the Games as they are its players, and only with their features hidden can they best represent the best of humanity in all its forms and functions.
From the top of the steps leading to the upper parts of the stadium, the crackle of a security guard’s radio travels through the air and interrupts the lovers. They part lips with heavy sighs, reluctant to meet the world and its inhabitants.
“Change of plans,” the Torchbearer mumbles as he chases the Flagbearer’s chin with his mouth and finds the lower edge of her cuirass with his hands. “This audience will not do.”
She giggles and runs her hands down his chest, searching for the warmth beneath his many layers. “Our race took too long. If only we had reached the stadium sooner,” she sighs as he traces her jaw with the tip of his tongue and latches his lips just below her ear, “when it was less populated.” She pulls him closer, reaching for the backs of his neck and waist.
“A simple walk must suffice.” He pulls away, lowering the Flagbearer’s hands by her wrists. “I have had enough racing for tonight.”
“Have I worn you down?” She tugs on the Torchbearer’s lapels.
He laughs as he removes her gloves from her belt and glides them over her hands, the wind at his back keeping the cape in place. “I bow to your mastery of stealth and strategy.”
“Well, I learned from the best.” She readjusts his mask under his chin before he flips the cape behind her and secures it under her spaulders. “Be honest, dear, did I tire you too much?”
“I can manage a 400-meter walk.”
“And afterwards?” The Flagbearer nudges her hand into the crook of his arm, pressing her shoulder to his, and starts towards the stadium.
“I have enough strength for my duties. You need not worry.”
“I know. I had hoped for my own blessing before sunrise.”
The Torchbearer laughs to the sky before swinging his arm around her waist and opening his side to her embrace. “Darling, you truly are insatiable.”
“I merely wish for you to claim your prize.”
“The walk around the track—”
“Is still part of our duties. Your prize for catching me is far more enjoyable.”
He stops to hold her hands and run a finger along her jawline. “Then let us race properly, quickly around the track, so I may claim you.”
The Flagbearer giggles and starts down a tunnel leading into the belly of the stadium, the weight of her boots and the drag of her cape slowing her sprint. The Torchbearer captures her quickly.
Translations: Là-bas! - Over there! pardonnez-moi, je ne parle pas français - forgive me, I don't speak French répétez, s'il vous plaît - repeat, please Bonne chance à toi, aussi - Good luck to you, too
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theindyreview · 5 years
New Music Friday - March 20, 2020
#NewMusicFriday w/albums by @SeaWolfMusic @SilverTorches @Alkaline_Trio & songs by @NewFoundGlory @AllTimeLow @NBThieves @YelyahWilliams @USAquarium @Northcotemusic @TrevorHallMusic @BallParkMusic @JohnLegend @TheAvalanches & more!
So things are really really nuts right now. Most of us are quarantining ourselves at home, entire industries are shut down, and people are really struggling. We are a simple music site, sharing tracks and tunes we love, often from up-and-coming acts who need all the support they can get.
While we still want you to take a listen to all the new tunes in the playlist below, also consider buying…
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canalelectrorock · 7 years
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Wednesday 8 February 2023
In the cactus house of Inverness Botanic Garden, Scotland, there was a fine display of Cleistocactus strausii (silver torch). This was last featured at a glasshouse in Aberdeen (Wednesday 1 February 2023) but these looked so great I couldn’t resist including this dramatic and vigorous cactus again.
Jill Raggett
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humantorch · 4 years
silvertorch playlist making me feel things
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speaking of my playlists, I haven’t posted one in a long time. I’ll do that sometime this week!
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