#silverwindsblog writes
silverwindsblog · 5 months
I am glad that I don't have class until 5:30pm because I can watch Hades 2 instead of doing my homework
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ziggyzagreus · 4 years
The Craftsman’s Son
[Note: Hey y’all! So, I mentioned briefly in an ask reply to @silverwindsblog that I have an OC design and layout for Icarus!!! But, since I am not an artist, I have to write a bunch of drabbles about Icarus instead!!
I intend to make this a recurring series, basically just Zagreus meeting Icarus from time to time throughout the regions... It would mean a lot to me if you guys would let me know what you think!!! I have had ceaseless brainworms about Icarus since I started Hades and found he wasn’t in it. Feel free to tell me what you think of him, I can also use prompts/feedback as ideas for more drabbles with him!]
[AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28960650/chapters/71065722 ]
[Summary: In Zagreus' many escape attempts, he runs into a mournful Shade who knows a thing or two of failed escape attempts. 
Icarus wanders alone through the levels of the Underworld, too afraid to face his father, even if the man weren't cursed to never see his son again.
Zagreus once again tried to pull some strings with his father's contracts.]
Chapter 1.
The chambers in which Daedalus forgot his tools were always empty of genuine company when Zagreus arrived – no sign of the master architect before nor following confrontation with any shades commanded to cease the Prince’s forward venture.
Emptier still, were the chambers before much more threatening foes, the terror at the brink of every region. Zagreus had been hoping for Charon’s shop, but instead heard over the bubbling lava of Asphodel the familiar chime of a blessing. Even from a shade, and one who was so meticulous in life now cursed to be somewhat forgetful with his things, the improvements granted by Daedalus’ craft were nothing short of miracles.
Rounding the corner and bounding up the few stairs into that waiting chamber, what Zagreus did not intend to see was a figure already at the tool itself, examining the binding at its handle with such familiarity that the Prince would take to dismiss.
Zagreus slowed his fiery pace and entered the room calmly, though his heart pounded in wary anticipation. “There is usually no one to greet me at these things, mate. I do hope you’re not some new, frightening instillation sent by my father to keep me from getting to that hammer.”
The shade looked up then, wide eyes a dark brown that would be welcoming if not for the hollow expression they took on. The shade was that of a young man, tousled brown locks curling about his ears and in every form of heedless unkempt. The shoulder of his chiton was clasped with one firm buckle, leaving much of his torso bare, as bare as his feet on the thankfully cool stones. Not that shades could feel much, that were, but Zagreus still cringed to think of this young man wandering about the flaming coals with nothing but the skin of his toes as a barrier.
The shade spoke then, and his voice was the deep timbre of a young man past adolescence – yet it carried a wispy, wistful nature of sorrow to soften it. Zagreus’ eyes came back to his face, met those eyes. “No, it would do me no good to believe I could cause you trouble. Just passing through at the same time, so it seems. Would you… like me to fix up that blade for you?”
He gestured toward Stygius, held firmly in the Prince’s grasp, and the creak of wood and leather, the rustle of feathers suddenly drew Zagreus’ focus away from his face and now to the tattered, scorched skeleton of wings fastened to the shade’s arms. The leather straps of harness bound to his shoulders and over his pectorals was clasped with welded metal, but the wood and wax of those wings melted in bubbled white scarring – melted, combined with the skin of his muscled arms and marred back.
“You’re Icarus,” Zagreus blurted out, and instantly regretted the insensitivity. He had heard of the tragedy of Daedelus’ son, heard how the father mourned in sorrow just as much as his anger. Zagreus did not expect to meet the boy himself at all, figured he had been cast into one of the lesser shades wandering Tartarus for some crime of little achievement.
Icarus huffed a soft, bitter laugh, lips curling into a delicate smile. “I am. Does that surprise you? Son of the great Daedalus wandering about, picking up his father’s forgotten tools instead of working at his side.”
Zagreus stepped forward, comfortable now in the knowledge that he would be done no harm, but guilty curiosity swept over him in this unfortunate legend’s presence. “Not really, just… Well, I’ve never seen your father about these parts either. Always seem to miss him, I usually find his hammers to fix up my own weapons and be on my way.”
“Well, leave that to me, then. You look like you could take a rest.”
Zagreus nodded and handed Stygius over, watching as Icarus examined the blade delicately, the muscles of his tattered arms shifting as he held and hefted the blade to check for imperfections. “This will be better done by the hands of an apprentice craftsman himself, no doubt. Thanks, mate. Really.”
“It’s my pleasure, good Prince. Wouldn’t do well for you to be running forward complacent in this blade’s integrity. I’ll have it fixed up in no time.”
Icarus got to work. Zagreus watched, the clanging of metal ringing in his ears, reverberating off the cavernous chamber, the stalactites above and the stone tiled floors, the rock walls surrounding them. Despite the state of his body, Icarus worked quickly, much more surely with the tool and the blade than Zagreus had in his own attempts to improve his weapon. Being in the Underworld alleviated him of the hurts of mortals, and while the lingering scars remained, his movement was uninhibited by anything more than the remaining bulk of the wings.
“Have you seen your father about, Icarus? One day – or, er, night – I’d like to thank him for his skill. Even with only one of his tools and little crafting knowledge, I can usually make something of my weapons.”
Icarus stiffened slightly for a moment, his smooth motions interrupted with a pause. Zagreus cringed, knowing immediately he had broached an uncomfortable topic. Much like when he pestered Eurydice about Orpheus and she grew heated, Zagreus felt a guilt bloom from that curiosity that still did little to quench it.
“I have not,” Icarus replied sorrowfully. “Part of my father’s sentence here is to work without furthering his legacy. And that means I will never complete my apprenticeship.”
The Prince’s brow furrowed, laurel sizzling. “But thousands of mortals read his writings, follow his plans and skills up on the surface, surely that accounts for something? Daedalus’ legacy is everywhere, even in the walls of my father’s house. How does that make sense to be his curse?”
Icarus shrugged and held up the hammer. “He’s not the man he once was. There are flaws in even the finest of his architecture, now. And the other humans cannot copy exactly what his intentions were.”
“Oh. I… think I see. Still though, surely you’re bound to run into him one time or another, picking up after him like this.”
Icarus frowned again. He resumed the work on Stygius, nearing the end of his repairs and brow furrowed in a thoughtful brood. “Forgive my bluntness, Prince, but I don’t think I could face my father even if given the chance. Here is your blade, how does it feel?” He dropped the hammer handle-first into a slim loop on his belt, the weight tugging the leather down just slightly, but seeming at home tucked against the apprentice’s side.
Zagreus acknowledged the subtle suggestion to change topics, and took Stygius. It felt lighter, somehow, and cleaner. He spun it experimentally a few times, rolling his wrist to follow the motion. It felt lighter, but more lethal. He wondered if it would be possible to pierce armor, now. “Razor sharp.”
Icarus smiled softly, a pitiful twitch of the expression registering on his sad face. “It is. Do be careful, good Prince. I… I know you are determined in your path, so I will not tell you to turn back. But do not underestimate your foes. No amount of confidence makes you impervious to error.”
“I will be careful, thank you, mate. Where will you be next?”
“Somewhere my father had been before, most likely. I hope we do not meet too often, for your success in escaping this place. I know a thing or two of failed escapes.” Icarus looked down, once again exhaling that brief huff as if he had said something painfully ironic; in all fairness, he had. But Zagreus knew it not his place to take any humor in this shade’s cruel fate.
Zagreus nodded, and rest Stygius on his shoulder, walking ahead while waving back. “Until next time then, Icarus. I wish you well in the meantime.”
To be continued...
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Hey ALG. It's been awhile since I heard from you. How are things with you? I hope things are okay in your life. :) Life is busy for me and I apologize for not reviewing your latest chapter of Vice. Sadly I was unmotivated reviewing and contributing to revolutionshipping due to real life stuff & it's tough to create things when so much things going on. Wishing you a good weekend!
Hi @silverwindsblog, thanks for checking in :-) life has been awesome. Crazy, but really great. I’ve been working a ton, more than I ever have, my projects are taking off, and lots of other stuff. It has been a super positive year so far, unfortunately it’s 100% cutting into my fanfic writing/reading time, which I anticipated would happen. I completely understand not being about to commit to such things when life gets busy as you mentioned. I still have ideas for Vices brewing in my head, just most of it’s not written down yet. The interlude this time will be short, as the plot is really moving along now. I hope things are going well for you as well! I’m going to answer your ask now XD
xo ALG
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sothis18 · 6 years
I lost sleep to write this, and I spent the whole day editing this...so here it is, finally off my chest.
In light of great tragedy and unrest in the world, I feel like it’s my civic duty to say this: Don’t give up on hope. Hope may seem frail, but it’s hard to kill. And why should we hope? Because there’s a beautiful, shining truth out there for us all. Like the light from a lighthouse, this truth will lead us to safety in dark times.
I may not be much of a socialite on here, and I may have some very different opinions. But I’m willing to listen and, if need be, share how the light of hope and truth has come into my own life. I have struggles and fears, just like everyone else. And current events can really get me down. But I have peace as I look forward to a day where everything will be set right, and I hope that we’ll make it there, together.
Please don’t be afraid to pm me to share your burdens or ask for prayer. Stay safe and stay encouraged.
(Special shout-out to @silverwindsblog for inspiring me to write a statement of my own.)
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silverwindsblog · 1 year
I got around and create a carrd! If you guys want to find me in other places. I added it in my about page.
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silverwindsblog · 1 year
Twitter is a shitshow with limiting how many posts you can see, so I am camping in tumblr.
I’m going to update my pages since some of the tags don’t work and the Hades sideblog I used to co run no longer exist
Yes I still love Hades and Genshin is still holding me by my neck and refuse to let me go.
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silverwindsblog · 7 years
The Fallen Kingdom
Summary: “Aknamkanon's death shocked Atem and the kingdom, leaving little time for Atem to grief. He must take the throne and the responsibilities with it.Will he able to handle them and his grief? Or will grief and despair lead to his downfall? Oneshot.”
Rated T for mid violence and cynical themes.
“Atem. It’s time to go. I know that your father’s death have hit you hard, but as future king, you must keep your head high for the sake of people. Remember that you represent the virtues that people strive for. Even in hardships, it is important to be resilient.
“Yes Siamun.”
Atem looked at his father’s tomb. The chamber was cold, but Atem hardly noticed the goosebumps in his skin.
It’s too soon. Far too soon for his father to leave the world. Death simply does not stop after the burial of an important figure.The mourning of the dead lingered in Egypt, the sorrow consumed people’s hearts, leaving the kingdom paralyzed.
Whispers roamed among the streets. What will become of Egypt? Will his son be ready? Will his son will be strong as his father?
Remember son, your duty and more importantly, you are above the people.  You are blessed by the powers of Ra. Your actions are example to the people you will govern.
“My prince?”
A familiar strong voice boomed within the chamber. Atem didn’t noticed the man with his trademark staff and magician robe.
“My apologies for startling you pharaoh, I have not grow accustomed to your new title. I noticed your long face. Do you need a lending ear?”
“Thank you Mahaad, but I do not wish to burden my troubles to you.”
“As your friend and guardian, it is my obligation to help ease your mind. Not just for the sake of the kingdom, but for your well being. Even a king has his own limits. He cannot hold all of his burden by himself or else his burdens will overwhelm him.”
“Thank you for your concern, Mahaad.” His heart grew lighter at Mahaad’s concern. “Yes, I would love nothing more than to chat. Unfortunately, I must attend these meetings. How about we meet at our usual spot? By the garden?”
Maahad nodded. “I shall see you then. Do your best to not yawn at Seto’s cropping reports.”  
Atem couldn’t help but gave an impish grin at Mahaad. “Well it’s not my fault that Seto talks with that dull voice of his. No guarantee.”
He stood and “But I can guarantee this Mahaad, I always make time with you and Mana no matter how busy I am.”
The scent of lychnis and jasmine flowers soothed his mind. For a moment, the world felt still. The smell of the fresh earth brought the memories of tiny vases, dirty feet, and magic tricks.
Moments when once upon a time, his worries were consist of hide and go seek with the guards, surviving Seto’s dull lectures, and keeping a straight face as Mana apologized for her latest magic mishaps. “Well, at least the purple hair suits you. Beside, you need more color in your wardrobe. Atem couldn’t help but giggled with Mana as Mahaad’s stern face broke into laughter.
The three of them stuck together like glue. Days were filled with juicy mango, sunsets on their secret spot, and shirking reports. Before their lives are separated by their occupation, they explored the palace as though it’s their playground. When they grew tired, Mana would always climbed up the tree to get the oranges.
The orange tree was planted when Atem learned to walked. He vividly remembered his father’s worried face as Atem eagerly climbed to the tree for the first time. Atem’s young face soften his father’s expression as he happily gave one of the orange to his father. The tree marked the day when he met Mana and Mahaad for the first time.
Ever since, they were inseparable. They bonded over their thirst for adventure, before the complex rules that defines their identities. Time was irrelevant to finding the rarest treasure, combat against their imaginary foes, and discovering new exotic items at the market. The orange tree no longer lies in the garden, as Mahaad explained to Mana why she can’t glomp him in public. Even the dirt that doesn’t shifts sprouted new plants as the old plants dropped its seeds before it withered away, vanished without a trace.
Just like plants, people will eventually died and will disappeared into the earth. Unlike plants, memories never fade away. His people remembered his father for his kind words, tactics, his strong voice, and his dedication to defeat evil. What kind of legacy will I leave? Will my legacy mirrored my father’s? Will it be a legacy that I can make my father proud?
“My pharaoh.”
Atem looked up and find Mahaad staring at him.
“My apologies to startle you with your thoughts.”
Atem gave a small smile to Mahaad. “No need for the formality. It’s just the two of us.” Mahaad quietly sat at the bench next to Atem.
They shared a moment of silence. He appreciated Mahaad for his presence. Perhaps it’s Mahaad’s magic or their extended time together, Mahaad have an incisive sense when Atem wanted to be alone with his thoughts and when Atem wanted to confide his troubling thoughts. Mana has her own way to ease Atem’s worries with a wink and a smile as she cast her often disastrous spells. Few people, let alone some of her closest friends knew that Mana has an attentive side. Her keen sense however, cannot compare with Mahaad’s intuition and his vast knowledge of magic.
“Atem. Are you okay? I know it’s difficult for you to deal with his death because you have admire him for his courage and selflessness. I have to admit, I admired him for these qualities.”
“Mahaad, I have to admit, with the amount of work to prepare for coronation, I have little time to dwell on my feelings. When the advisors depend on you, you have to set aside your worries for the sake of the kingdom.” Atem looked wistfully at the stars.
Mahaad could not see his face. He spoke quietly to him.
“Atem, I appreciate you for everything you done for the kingdom.”
“As well I appreciate for you, to be by my side.”
“Atem, you are always working hard which is one of the qualities I admired about you. But I’m worried that you focused on the state of the kingdom and neglected your own health. I see shadows in your eyes.”
“There’s little time to grief when there’s so much to do.”
“Your feelings are important. Even if you have to fulfil your duties as the future king, remember to not push yourself too hard.”
Mahaad continued to coaxed Atem. “I know you for so long and I know when you use the voice to mask your feelings. Please tell me on what’s on your mind.”
Atem finally turned to face him. Mahaad could see his eyes were slightly moist.
“It’s been difficult for me to get through his death. My father, he was one of my anchors in my life. Not only did he guided me through court life, he nurtured me and I… miss him. Never did I felt alone in my life with all the responsibilities thrust before me.”
“Atem.” He assured Atem with a small smile. “Remembered that you’re not alone. You have me, Mana, and the court to help you and share the burdens. We will be by your side.”
“Thank you Mahaad. I can always count on you to ease my mind.” Atem smiled warmly back at him. “You’re a valuable comrade in battle and court. You’re always at my side and that is something I can say without any doubt.”
Mahaad took a solemn look at Atem. He knew the very words he uttered. Those words he etched in his mind and the promise that bind them together. He remembered the oath he did when Atem’s father announced that he will be Atem’s guardian. No doubt that Atem remembered that important day as well.
He kneeled down in front of Atem.
“I swore to protect you with my life, so long as I live. I will remain by your side as my duty to serve the future king.”
These words never fail to bring comfort for Atem.
“No matter what, you will be always my king and friend.”
No words needed as Atem hugged Mahaad.
In the world where uncertainty threatens with life, death and calamity, his only solace is Mahaad’s words, along with his strong arms brought him peace. He knew that there is one thing that will never change.
He will never have to worry about fighting alone again.
One night, alone in his private garden, Atem felt his mind lulled to the moon. The moon never looks brighter as the crickets chirped with the wind.
A shadow creeped by the rock. Atem was taken back and stood, preparing to draw out his sword.
“Who are you?” The woman before him wore a long, silky, white dress. Her green eyes were the prominent focus. They were deep as the Nile river. No doubt that her eyes held wisdom. Her dress while it blends in with the nobles, her luminous white skin made her stand out.
“My pharaoh, I am Kamilah. Caretaker of your late father. I had been close to your father. Because of my importance and power, few people knew me. I have to kept in secret so enemies don’t use me.” Her voice, powerful and full of pride. It reminded Atem of Isis the way she enchanted the court with the guidance of her vision.
“I am here to guide you, fulfilling your father’s request. His dying words to me was to watch his son.”
Atem shifted his eyes in his surrounding, checking to see if there’s false serenity. “I see. If you claim to be my father’s caretaker, then why did my father and the advisors never mention your name to me?”
“Your father ordered me to never appear in the public’s eyes, nor in the advisor’s eyes. I was served to follow orders after your father’s death. My role is to guide you in order to continue Egypt's prosperity. Your father and I decided that I work in the shadows, to avoid potential enemies finding me and using me for destroying Egypt. My knowledge is vast beyond the seas, beyond the skies. Your father trusted me for my wisdom and I have guided him for Egypt to thrive.”
Atem’s eyes narrowed. “How do I know that you are not lying to me?” It’s unusual for his father to not mention about her to him and his advisors if she provided a vital role for Egypt’s success. What if she’s a spy?
She reached for her pocket and pulled out a scroll. “These are the records that your father wrote for our private meetings. I think you will recognize your father’s plan on the millennium items.”
Atem’s eyes widen open as he read the scroll.
Be discreet about the spells. Continue to seek for the the method to defeat Zorc. Assure the advisors that the spells will strengthen the people. Let Kamilah keep Atem safe until he is ready to shoulder the responsibilities by himself.
No doubt that this was his father’s words.
Father… I will make you proud.
“Yes my pharaoh?”
Atem hesitated. What were his father’s dying words on Atem?
“Did my father talked about me before his death?”
“What did my father thought of me?”
“Your father is very proud of you and have no doubt that you will be a great king.” Her eyes reflected in the moon with affirmation.
Atem’s eyes widen. Father… he was proud of me. His face filled with newfound determination. “I’ll make sure that I continue Egypt’s legacy for my father’s last wish. And for the people.”
Kamilah gave an encouraging smile. “I’ll make sure that I fulfill my role to serve you and Egypt.” She gave a respectful bow before Atem.
Mahaad met Kamilah once. She has a motherly and benevolent appearance that no doubt reminded him of the late king. Despite the introduction, Mahaad felt uneasy around her. It was not her manners for they were professional, it was rather something… off about her. As a magician, he is an expert on reading people’s aura. Her words, kind and supportive despite she spoke very little around him. Yet, he couldn’t depict her mind. Her face while soft and has warm eyes, Mahaad noticed her face remained guarded around him.
“Be on your way, magician.”
“As well as you.” Mahaad bowed respectfully as he watched her leave to Atem’s room.
Atem spent most of his time at the library. Rarely does Atem get sleep. His advisors became concerned on Atem for his nightly reading. Rumors spread about the mysterious woman. Perhaps it’s Atem’s mistress? Atem confirmed that the woman knew his father and was advised to protect her identity. No one heard, let alone able to spoke a word with the woman. Some attempted to follow the woman in the hallways. However, whenever they turned to a corner, she disappeared.
“I beg to differ. Mahaad is my valuable guardian. He have been with me since we were little. He is humble, kind, and dependent.”
“Are you doubting my trust on Mahaad?”
Kamilah couldn’t help but find it mildly surprising at Atem’s outburst.
“I did not mean to offend you my pharaoh. I wish to offer a suggestion to better serve you and the kingdom. I thought that it would be more suitable if the king does not fully trust someone close to him. It can lead to conflict of interest, should there is a traitor among the advisors.”
“I am thankful for your guided words Kamilah, but I believe that I have good judgement of who I can trust.”
“Very well then.” She stormed off into the hallway.
Atem was rather amused that this was the first time Kamilah have an annoyed expression.
“My father would show him mercy.” Atem struggled to steadied his voice from the shock of the murder of the villagers and Kamilah’s punishment. Frustration etched in his face as Kamilah cooly attempt to calm him.
“Your father wouldn’t let the thief’s crime go unpunished. I know your father’s mind. Instead of letting this thief go, he would have killed him. By killing him, perhaps you would have save from more bloodshed among the villagers.”
“My father taught me kindness and to show forgiveness for those who are wrong. He would never punish someone out of ruthlessness. In all the years I spent with my father and the training with him, he taught me to be strong.”
“Your father was a kind man indeed, one of the qualities I admired about him. However, even you held the power of Ra himself, you cannot deny the fact that humans are fallible. Do you think humans are capable to not perform wicked acts? They are not capable to see their errors. Look at this thief you forgive. In return of your weakness, he killed five villagers and injured one of the guards.”
She circled around Atem, her eyes twinkled with amusement.
“As the future king, kindness will get you so far. If you want to rule over Egypt with efficiency, you have to be strict,” her voice suddenly turned stern. “Wouldn’t you like a world without crime? Without anyone get hurt over someone taking another person’s life?  Don’t waste time and resource correcting people’s crime if they are not going to learn from them. If they can’t be useful for Egypt, then they should be put to death. Or at least become slaves for the rest of their lives.”
“Let me teach you lesson. I’ll show how to run Egypt with everyone obeying you. You shall learn that people will be loyal to you if you give them fear. People can betray you. If they know that they receive punishment if they betray you, then it’s the only way to know that people will remain loyal to you.”
“Hold out your arm.”
Atem yelped in pain as she cast a spell, leaving a red mark.
“You’re too naive. You must not let your guard down. There are enemies lurking that will take advantage the moment you show your weakness. Let’s try again.”
“Please follow me.”
Atem’s eyes furrow. A shot of purple magic went near his left leg. Atem quickly jump aside to the right as he pull out his sword. He glared at her as she gave a satisfied smirk.
“Much better.” Her voice has a hint of mischief. She gave him a satisfied smile, as though she finally got her child to understand his potential. “I’ll see you tomorrow night alone.”
“Atem, my king are you alright? You… learned about your father and the creation of the millennium items? It must have been devastating to learn about your father.”
Why…” Atem stunned and astounded he stared at Kamilah, absorbing all the information from the advisors. “Didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you weren’t ready for it.”
“My father… Why did hid this from me?” Stunned and fury seeped into his very core. Betrayal and doubt invaded to his mind. “How… Why…” Silence tighten the room, his breath grew more pronounced.
“Forgive me my king from withholding the information, your father and I thought that the truth is too much for you.”
“Don’t patronize me! I’m not some fragile person.”
“I did not wish to offend you, my king. There has to be the right time to open up the truth. One must reveal the truth at the right time, revealing too soon or too late can lead to misunderstanding and resentment.” she bow at Atem.
“He wanted to wait until you are older to understand the reasons he did. He felt remorse for his actions and he hoped that you’ll understand him why he had to do it.”
“He had to do what he did to protect the kingdom.” Her solemn words echoed in Atem’s mind as he pondered over his bed.”
You will understand why you must do what your father did when the time is right. If you want Egypt to thrive, you must be willing to spill some blood.
Few rulers led a clean life after all.
The words haunted Atem, weighting him down. As he is drifted to sleep, he shivered from the cold. Oddly enough, the recent heat wave cause the crops to die out. The last thing he heard before he fell into deep sleep was a cackling voice.
“How do I know that you are not lying to me? Kamilah, I have no doubt that you are knowledgeable about human relations, but I have to raise my doubts on your cynical attitude towards other people. Seth is one of my loyal advisors and I entrust him to assist carry my duties.” Atem insisted.
“With all due respect my pharaoh, I have been in many situations where my life was compromised due to my trust on the wrong people. I was kidnapped for my ability to see the past.”
“Let me show you my vision. Actions can speak louder than words. He may have swore his loyalty to you, but did he meant it?”
“So son, my brother was a rather a rotten king. The throne should belong to me, not him! Your cousin is also like his father, taking something that he doesn’t deserve and getting all the credit! We shall kill him. Tonight we will bring the pharaoh to check out the village that has the source of magic we seek to strengthen our powers. The village is filled with curses, strengthen by the villagers’ despair. There’s a cavern near the village and that’s where we kill him with the Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Atem and Kamilah couldn’t see Seto’s expression as the vision was obstructed. Seto pulled out the scroll and gave it to Aknadin. Seto shouted at Aknadin before the vision faded away.
Atem’s eyes widen in horror as he stood back at their room. He was shaken with anger and felt a wave of disbelief.
“Forgive me my pharaoh, for showing you this vision. I was reluctant to reveal this to you because your close relation with Seto. But my conscious tells me that I must show for your sake and the kingdom.”
Now, do you see why you can’t place your trust on anyone but me? Putting your full trust on one person can cost your life, as well the kingdom. We can’t risk losing your legacy because of betrayal. ”
“You’ll right. I’ll do whatever I take to make my father proud of me. He wouldn’t want the kingdom be run by corrupt advisors. All of the advisors must show dedication and loyalty to the kingdom.”
“If you wish to have loyalty among your advisors and people, you must teach them the consequences for betrayal and treason against Egypt. Execute both of them and show it to the public. You will guarantee loyalty and prevent potential rebels for carrying their plans. It is essential to teach people with kindness, but show them no mercy for those who commit treason.
Her smile widen. She gave a small, hearty laugh. “Come here, I have a perfect plan to do this. Give me the sharpest knife you got. I’ll deal with the traitors while you formulate the speech.”
The next morning, the advisors arrived at the throne room, confused at the pharaoh's sudden request. Everyone is concerned on the absence of priest Seto and Aknadin.
“My advisors, I have an announcement to make. I discovered that here are traitors among us. The proof is in this very scroll. One of our advisors was plotting an assassination. As a result, they are punished for treason. They are denied to the Afterlife.”
Atem pay no heed to the loud gasps and disapproving eyes before him.
“It is forbidden to speak the name of these traitors. Their names shall be erased in the texts.  Anyone who dare uttered their name before my presence shall be punished. Due to the recent events and threats in our kingdom, every advisor and worker are subjected to be questioned. That is all.”
Beneath his stoic eyes, Mahaad’s body shook with rage. What cause for his pharaoh’s sudden demeanor? What happen to his king? What will become of Egypt?
“Onward to the palace!”
“Mahaad, you are the only one who can stop the king’s madness. We’ll counting on you. Give us the command when you’ll ready to ambush them.”
“My fellow warriors, we shall fight back against the tyrant who submit the people through fear and cruelty. I was once his guardian, served to protect him and the kingdom. When he started to suddenly distrust the people and slaughtered innocents through shadow magic, I cannot let this injustice slide by.
Atem stood in the throne, awaiting for his duel. He watched Mahaad marched to the empty room.
“Well look who decided to show up. The man who betrayed my trust. The man who refused to face the truth that the kingdom cannot thrive without wars and sacrifices. No matter how good your intentions are, a ruler cannot provide peace without spilling blood. The blood of the thieves, traitors, and prostitutes are spilled for the sake of maintaining the purity of the kingdom. A successful kingdom keeps the people safe by controlling the crime.”
"You have many people who are willing to throw their lives away, even betraying their friends to protect you. But I will never die for you." His voice seethed with resentment and anger.
For a blink of the moment, he swore that the king’s eyes flickered to his defiant words. Perhaps it’s the flames from the torches surrounding the throne that gave the illusion that the king’s eyes has life in it.
“Why is that? Aren’t you my loyal servant?”
No, that cold hearted voice didn’t fit him at all. The red, harsh eyes pierced to his soul. His body stiffed.
He gripped his staff, taken aback from his eyes as he steadied his voice. He stood still, yet he was shaken with fear.
Mahaad never thought that he would uttered those words to him.
“I’m not you loyal servant.”
“You are not the king I know. You are the son of Aknamkanon, blessed by Ra. I have been loyal to you even when you unjustly killed thieves, even your severe punishments cowered you enemies with dread. You once believe in justice and kindness, but now you are no longer the king I know. Greed has filled your heart as you strive for ruling the kingdom with an iron fist. That’s not what your father wants!”
His voice which was firm, echoed loudly in the throne. No longer can he hide his irate tone, his displeased and disgust against him.
“It pains me seeing you turn against your fellow people and I cannot stand by your side any longer while you continued to harm others with injustice and cruelty!”
“This is not the Atem I know!” His voice boomed across the throne room.
“I know that somewhere, deep in your heart that you feel regret for everything you did to your people.”
He bow as his voice cracked, “I’m sorry Atem.”
He raised his magic staff for the last time and aimed at his former king and best friend.
It never felt as lonely to be at top. Servants bid to every his command, yet their comfort meant nothing to him. Their serene smile and gestures are empty. Cold. Just like her eyes. Egypt has thrived. Crops are abundant, trading is booming, everyone pledged their loyalty to him.
Everything he did, he did it for the sake of his people. For the sake of his father.
The kingdom flourished that generations of his people would tell their children how their nation thrived. Never before Atem felt so much pride in his heart.
He does not need anyone. His power, his resources is all he needs. To rely on anyone is a sign of weakness. Why waste his time and energy? Humans make mistakes, the moment that they found opportunities that benefit them, they turn against him, and in the end, it hurts.
Those purple, defiant eyes suddenly flashed upon him. The flame in his eyes.
How. Just how that the spark in his eyes never extinguish?
He’s dead. He defies me and that’s his punishment.
It wouldn’t matter because he fulfilled his duty as a king.
Anyone who dare betray him, or attempt a treason against his country shall die.
Yet that throbbing pain in his heart wouldn’t go away.
The spark that is filled with fierce determination. Was it fuel with hatred?
Atem suddenly turned to his right, expecting for the familiar face to be by his side.
He cursed himself for the tears that drenched his face.
I’m… so sorry Mahaad.
Have I done well as a king? Would father be proud of me? Would my father will be happy for the legacy I left behind?
His muses left him empty in the throne. Walls smeared with blood and remnants of bones decorated this once lively room. Flowers, which were once brought the room with joy and life now were replaced with rodents who seek for the remaining flesh.  
The sun rises every morning and rays of light reaches him, yet the warmth of the sun failed to fill in the void.
The sunny skies mocked him everyday. His speech to punish any wrongdoers and the daily interrogations blurred in his mind. Every night, he returned for the servants who bowed in fear before heading back to his quarters.
He never knew how painful it is to be lonely.
Perhaps death would spare him from the agony of living in an empty shell.
Darkness fall as he drifted to sleep. A figure crackled as it consumed him, poisoning his words, twisted it into a spiral of nightmare. Smokes of purple and black entered into his dreams. He knew this type of magic. This was the same magic his father used to sacrificed the villagers. The same magic that killed his uncle and Seto.
He heard a familiar voice, the voice that guided him to his coronation. He saw her cold, sharp eyes, the eyes that were once warm and motherly, now froze him on the spot. Twitching in pain, his screams echoed in the hallways, yet no one heard.
She smiled wickedly as her enchantments of the servants vanished into thin air. She gave her farewell words to Atem as she mockingly bowed before him.   
Long live the king.
Sands shifted over the ruined kingdom. The wind grew harshly as a lone figure stood over the cliff. Her skin, light as a milky flower smirked, satisfied with her work.
Humans are easy to fool. Place doubt on their minds and they turn against each other.  When trust among other humans fail, civilization crumbles.
Isolation makes it easy to bring a powerful god into despair.
Like light, darkness does not last forever. Time is eternal. It does not matter how long the next civilization will arise, so long I can take my next victim to my despair.
Her ghostly words echoed in the endless sea of sand. Her body disintegrated into the darkness, leaving nothing but fragments of sorrow.
A/N: While there are parts I wish I expand such as Atem and Mahaad’s relationship, I enjoyed my attempt to write a cynical fanfic and exploring the dark side of human nature. Atem faced many emotions after his father’s death, which made me wonder what would happen if Atem became depressed and delusional from the death and the failures? That’s where Kamilah comes in. To me, I don’t see her as a character, but as a personification. I‘ll let the readers decide on what Kamilah represents.In the meantime, the next oneshot will be either revolutionshipping or sealshipping with a happier story.
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silverwindsblog · 7 years
Summary: Even infatuation can lead to something more. Anzu felt guilty from the ferris wheel incident, prepares her apology to Yugi and Yami. Little did they know, their flaws and insecurities made them closer. Introspective oneshot with both anime and manga references. Revolutionshipping.  
Inspired by Wonder Woman from this quote: "I wish we had more time. I love you."
Warnings: None
Blue eyes and amethyst eyes stared at each other. Tear streaks filled the tragic couple’s faces as they knew their fate. Time was against them. From the moment they first met, there was a bond. A shallow one, the one that you have your heart set out because he was a hero in your eyes. Strong, assertive, confident, fearless.
But nonetheless, a bond. Sometimes it takes one moment to start that spark. No matter how trivial her feelings were when he saved both Yugi and her from the convict, her heart was ignited with powerful emotions that she can’t imagined from love stories she read and heard.
He’s perfect in her eyes. He may use more force than needed to defeat the villains, but who can blame him? Yet underneath his intimidation, an unwavering sense of loyalty and devotion lies within his spirit. Much like her, he is willing to defend his friends from anyone. No one would dare lay a finger on any of his friends unless they want to suffer his wrath.
Passion overwhelmed her. The only thing she knew is this man saved her and Yugi. No fairy tales and movies can help her now. How many love stories are about an amnesiac spirit that lives inside your best friend’s body? Would Jonouchi, Miho, and Honda notice that Yugi have another personality inside of him? Or perhaps it’s a figment of her imagination? She never thought she acts like those smitten high school students in her school and before she knew, she was trapped in the ferris wheel.
Regret washed over her as frightening purple eyes: The very same eyes that watched over her dance practices, the eyes that twinkle with triumph whenever they snatched the extra cookies from Yugi’s grandpa’s jar stared helplessly as one of the seats blew up. How can she do this to Yugi? As they ended the date, they parted their ways. The moment she turned around the corner, tears came rolling down in her face.
Damn it. Yugi… How could I do this to my best friend? How could I be so stupid to put myself in danger? I can’t believe that I did this. Her hands trembled as guilt filled her thoughts. How can I face Yugi? I’m a selfish friend for using him just to see my savior.
Or perhaps her savior is in front of her all along.
But Yugi never wanted to hurt anyone or declare a challenge with his life on the risk. Yet, her savior has a face of Yugi. His eyes, she remembered them on the nights by herself. Sharp, fierce with danger, yet with a hint of protectiveness underneath them. Dark magenta eyes that once made her feel restless at nights with excitement, now left her dazed with the contradictions occupied her mind. A burst of joy in her heart when Yugi smiled as he and his friends defeated Dark Bakura in the role playing game. She can never forget this day when she properly saw the other Yugi for the first time.
Her heart throbbed painfully as the memories reminded her of the ferris incident. Flashes of the other Yugi glared down his opponent, clenched tightly the transmitter as he coolly took command of the situation made her heart beat faster.
Why does my heart do this? Even though my mind told me that it was dangerous to do this, my heart, my body won’t listen. This intense feeling, it frightens me that I can’t control it. Tossing over her head as she was plagued by her emotions, she clenched her hands on her blanket. Silently the restless nights went by with tears masking her face.
Wiping away her tears, Anzu steadied her breath. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply as she uttered “One, two, and three.” She concentrated on herself, drowning out the city noise as she channeled her energy. “Four, five, six,” She drew her breath out. Her heart slowed as her blue eyes became sharp as a hawk, as though she’s challenging someone to a dance battle.
“At times my swan, it is important for a dancer to express one’s emotions to captivate the audience, but there are times when it is important to control them and not let them take charge of our actions.” Her dance teacher’s words echoed her mind as she finished her breathing exercise.
“This isn’t me at all! Running away from this! “I have to make this right!” Her determined face suddenly fell as her thoughts wandered off about Yugi and Yami. “I can’t just say that I’m sorry to Yugi and Yami and that would be the end of that. But what if they don’t forgive me?” Her eyes widen as she imagined Yami’s furious face and Yugi’s eyes glumly staring at her before telling her that he won’t forgive her for using him.
Come on, Anzu. You’re overreacting.Yugi is selfless and compassionate. He will know that you regret the ferris wheel incident. You slammed the globe at the possessed professor, you auditioned in front of the elites for scholarships. You can do this. You are not perfect, but you can fix this.
I'm not going to let my doubts stop me from mending my bond with Yugi. It has to be perfect. And I won’t stop until I got it.
After all, big girls don’t run away from their problems.
“Yugi… and Yami... I’m sorry.” Her voice shaken through the cool night. The wind blew through the forest of the Duelist Kingdom as the lake reflected the dim moon. Like a rigorous dance recital, she wants her words, her movements, her remorse, to be genuine. For Yugi, for Yami, for her bond with them, regardless of the ambiguity with her feelings with both of them. She took advantage of the window of opportunity to be alone with Yugi. With duelists challenging him, Jonouchi and Honda‘s presence, it was difficult to rest from the battles and the quest to restore Yugi Grandpa’s soul. This couldn’t be any more perfect. This is it.
She saw forgiveness in his eyes.
“It’s okay Anzu. I knew that you didn’t mean it. It was- ”
“No it’s not okay!” Anzu shouted. Yugi flinched from the unexpected outburst.
“Yugi, I know you. I know that you have a good heart Yugi and that you still viewed me as your best friend, despite what I did was wrong and reckless. And selfish.” Her eyes struggled to look at Yugi. “I know that the ferris wheel incident hurted you. It hurted you because I used you to see the other Yugi. I put myself on danger without knowing that the bomber will blow up the ferris wheel. Back then, I thought that maybe there’s another person inside you and I thought I was going crazy. I wasn’t thinking about you or the other Yugi’s feelings. I was only thinking about myself… and…”  Damn it, how could I tell Yugi and Yami about my feelings? “I… I can’t…”
“Anzu.” Her hands were once shaken are now steady and warm by a familiar touch. “I understand. I know that you feel guilty for tricking me to see the other me. Anzu, you’re right. I was hurt from it, but I’m not angry. I felt hurt when you didn’t tell me all the guilty feelings you held back.” Yugi lowered his eyes to their hands. “But you don’t have to face this all by yourself.” Yugi reassured.”I.. Should have tell you the blackouts I had, but I didn’t because I didn’t want to burden you.” Anzu gasped. Their hands were no longer touching as they figured out how to break the moment of silence.
“Yugi… We have been best friends since elementary school. You were never a burden to me. I was always there to protect you from those bullies before I moved around with my family. I know that we haven’t see each other for awhile and we kinda drifted apart. But you know that I’ll be there to defend you from anyone who dare to hurt you. Or when you have a problem, my ears are always open for you, Yugi.” Her voice grew stronger and gave her the strength to continue with her words. “I don’t want to lose the bond we have. Yugi I still want us to be friends. I want us to be close again.”
Yugi stared in awe. “Anzu..?” I was worried that you wouldn’t want to get close to me. Because of the bond with the other me and Jonouchi and Honda. I didn’t want to tell you about the bullies because I want to stand for myself...” Yugi’s eyes pierced through her own eyes. His eyes shone with confidence and for a moment she could have swore that she heard a familiar deep voice. “I know that people protect me and they love me. But I want to do the same with them. I want to protect the ones I love. And I want to find my own voice.”
The wind blew gently at the couple as they watched the night sky. The star shone dimly as Yugi nervously traced the puzzle with his hands. After a few minutes of silence, Yugi looked at Anzu.
“To be honest Anzu, I’m not sure about myself. I have other me inside of myself. He’s the opposite of me, yet we are the same. Sometimes I don’t know which is me when I let other me took over my body.” He couldn’t read her pensive look, which made him more anxious.
“Oh. I must have bored you Anzu with my ramblings. I’m sorry.” Yugi smiled sadly. “I bet you want to talk to the other me right now. Wait just a sec. I’ll call him from within my heart...”
“No it’s okay Yugi!” Her hands reached over and grabbed both of Yugi’s shoulders. His eyes widen in shock from the unexpected touch. His face became suddenly warm. “I don’t want the other Yugi right now. But I want the other Yugi later because I want to thank him personally for saving us. But right now, I want to talk to you, Yugi! Because it doesn’t matter which Yugi it is… because...” The words Anzu wanted to say vanished slowly from her mind. “Because…” How could she tell if the other Yugi is part of him? Or if the other Yugi is a separate person?
“You are you! It doesn’t matter which Yugi. Because the Yugi I know is my best friend!“
She smiled. “You’re the same Yugi I know. You brought your games to school and we played countless hours. Remember the time when you brought your zombie video game? I was upset when I couldn’t beat the first level and I broke it. But you just gave me a smile and brought an easier game for me the next day.”
Yugi smiled fondly. “I remember. I never saw a grin that wide when you finally beat Bowser. And we celebrated your victory with cherry popsicles at grandpa’s game shop.”
“Remember that we went to see Babymetal? Anzu I never knew you like Babymetal! To be honest, I didn’t know you were the type who enjoyed heavy metal.”
“Well this is coming from a sweet and quiet guy who wears chains and chokers. I can’t forget your face that you made when I introduce you to ‘Gimme Me Chocolate’. It was priceless.”
Yugi giggled. “Not as priceless when everyone in the dance class was shocked that you learned the K-pop dance so quickly.”
The moon shone more brightly as both chatted away the memories of Yugi sneaking away late at night to support Anzu’s dance recitals, the noodle mishaps, Anzu buying Yugi’s favorite action figure for his birthday, their good luck rituals that Yugi came up from their favorite anime they always did before Anzu’s plays. Memories slowly came, lazily ease their minds as they chatted away as though Duelist Kingdom didn’t exist. Their memories of nostalgia slipped away as they felt the strong gust of wind blowing through the grassy meadow.
As much Anzu wanted to continue chatting with Yugi and reminisce together, she knew that she have to talk to the other Yugi soon. It was time.
“Yugi…” Anzu nervously asked him. “Would it be okay… if I talk to the other Yugi for the moment? I know that the other Yugi can hear me, but I just want to personally thank him he did to us. It won’t take too long.”
Yugi nodded with a solemn face. “I understand Anzu. Hang on for a second, let me talk to the other me and I’ll summon him.”
“Wait Yugi.”
“Remember Yugi..., you are you. No matter what, stay being you.” Anzu gave a small smile.
“Okay Anzu.” Even though Yugi didn’t know what to make from her, it gave him some sort of relief that Anzu like him, regardless if they were apart or his bond with his other self.  
The other Yugi…
His face which is like Yugi, except sharper and his eyes are darker and mysterious. His curious expression replaced his usual intimidation mode he reserved for dueling. Every window of opportunity she seeked to be alone with the other Yugi was snatched away from her hands. The fake psychic drugged her. The ferris wheel incident. There’s no way she’ll let her nerves take her rare opportunity away.
“... Hi Yami.”
“Hello Anzu. What is that you want to talk about with me?” Somehow, Anzu thought, he made himself look cooler. How did he do that?  His voice rolled off, like a warm and rich velvet, the voice that she imprinted it in her mind.
She shook her thoughts away. This is no time to dwelled on these bubbly feelings. This is the chance for me to thank him for protecting Yugi and us.
“Yami, I wanted… to thank you for everything. Thanks for saving me from the convict, the fake psychic, and the bomber. Not only me, but thank you for protecting Yugi and everyone else. Thank you for being a good friend to Yugi when I wasn’t there… I may not understand the bond between you and Yugi, but… I know that it’s important to both of you.” She bow to Yami before looking directly at him, trying not to flinch from his sharp eyes. Those eyes… she could have swore that it can penetrate her soul.
“No problem Anzu. It’s my pleasure to protect you and Yugi’s friends. I never want anyone hurt you or any of my friends.”
He hesitated to move his lips for a minute as he picked up a leaf that landed on Anzu’s left shoulders. As he studied the leaf carefully forming his thoughts, Anzu could felt her cheeks slightly warming up. He dropped the leaf to the ground, his purple eyes calmly staring at her.
“I am thankful for your words Anzu. But I couldn’t help but  wondering, why did you want to thank me in person? Even if you didn’t say anything to me, I know that you are grateful that I protected Yugi, you, and your friends.”
“Because…” Anzu trailed off from staring to his hypnotic eyes. She felt a thumping from her heart. “I want to show you that you are being appreciated for protecting us. I think everyone deserves to be appreciated. You even risk your life many times for us even before we met you. For that, the least I can do is to thank you.”
Yami couldn’t help but gave a small smile. “Thank you, Anzu. For your words. And Anzu?”
Her eyes went up.
“I know that you didn’t mean to at the ferris wheel. And I understand your actions.”
The puzzle shone and transformed into Yugi again.
Yami widen his eyes in disbelief. He was used to hiding in the shadows, appearing just him and his victim. While Yugi is out there, Yami is left alone with the enormous labyrinth, either wandering off or peer into Yugi’s world to pass the time. He didn’t expect for anyone aside from Yugi to acknowledged his presence outside of dueling.
Anzu’s words warmed him up that night.
He knew what the swelling feeling in his heart is called.
Yami couldn’t help but admire her. She’s fascinating in his eyes. Loyal, headstrong, kind, and brave. Yet underneath that caring side, she has a decisive mind. Much like him, she’s a strategist. He can never forget that spark in her eyes as she confidently guided the group from the falling blocks in Death T. She wore her heart in her sleeve, yet she faced the danger without fear. Even without his own physical body, he could detect the sharpness and the fire of her spirit. It burned to his mind how someone is the light yet firmly held her beliefs without falling into darkness. Where did her flame go? He took every opportunity he was out from the mind cell to find that same spark that made his heart felt alive. That feeling is similar when he experienced danger or dueling a worthy opponent, yet he couldn’t describe this feeling. Much to his disappointment when he has the chance to glance at her, after the RPG battle with Bakura, Anzu’s eyes appeared fragile, even timid just like Yugi before he solved the puzzle. Was she afraid of him? He didn’t want Anzu to be afraid of him. What does he want? He wanted to know more about this fierce yet sweet girl that happened to be his partner’s best friend. But why? Because she’s important to Yugi? Perhaps that’s why. I have no memories of my past, my friends, or even my name. Yugi’s my anchor for who to trust. It’s natural to be curious to someone who is dear to Yugi’s heart.
Unknowingly to Yami, he finally got the chance to see that same flame in the impromptu date with Anzu.
“I’m not afraid of him! His flashy moves don’t scared me.”
“Anzu, where are you going?”
“To challenge Johnny of course.”
“He’s not worth our time.” He didn’t want Anzu to be humiliated by this arrogant dancer. Little did Yami know that he was wrong.
“And to turn down a challenge? No way I’m backing out.” She smirked as she stepped in the dance arena and toss her pink jacket at Yami, leaving him dumbfounded.
He saw the glint of excitement in her eyes. It never left as he and the audience were mesmerized by the dance battle. He didn’t know the rules, but based on the score, Anzu was winning with a slight advantage. Her moves were quick yet poise. Even if Johnny tried to trip her and elowed her, Anzu continued to dance gracefully.
He couldn’t help but smile on that victory. To end up winning that you well earn it with your blood and sweat, what made it sweeter is that she won without stooping down to Johnny’s level.
“Who knew that 100 yen would help me rediscover my spark for my dream?” The sun sets as the couple rested at a nearby lake.
She smiled brightly at him. He couldn’t help but smile back. Her smile is contagious as her passion in the dance floor. Even though he worried that Johnny might pull something dirty, he couldn’t help but feeling pumped up, anticipating to see what moves they will do next.
“I was in the rut and I lost my way from my dream to dance in New York. But the dance battle reminded me how much I love to dance on the spotlight. It reignite my passion for dancing again!”
Yami couldn’t find words to reply. Even someone who is confident like Anzu, just like him, she stumbled from her path. At times, she doubt herself. Yet she is not afraid to open up her feelings in the air and be vulnerable, which he finds it admirable.
“That’s amazing Anzu. I know that you will pursue your dreams. It’s possible to pursue dreams even if they are on hold.” Yami said with a smile. Hopefully that would cheer her up.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to postpone your dreams. If you hold on too long, you might forget your reason for having your dream in the first place...” she trailed off, looking at the sunset. Yami looked at her eyes. Her blue eyes were absorbed into the glitzing lake, as though she recalled an unpleasant memory.
“Oh.“ Guess I didn’t really help cheering her up. He shuffled his feet and stared at the sunset. The sunlight reflect the lake so perfectly that it created a mix of fuchsia and orange, making the sky appeared hazy.
Before Yami got a chance to comment on her great performance, Johnny appeared in an inconvenient time.    
He curled his fist. Who do he think he is for daring to challenge Anzu? And the nerve of him to badger her after Anzu rejected him. At least he’ll beat Johnny with his own games. He stepped in front of Anzu and turned his head at her.
“Anzu, would you mind if I have the honor to duel Johnny?”
“Sure Yami.”
It took him by a surprise as Johnny surrendered upon knowing that he was facing the King of Games. Anzu stood in front of him with her hands on her hips, annoyed.
“What, are you going to give up and not trying anymore? If you spend so much time and effort on picking on girls, and dancing, why not put all the effort on your dream?”
"Being a pro dancer is a faraway dream." Johnny dejectedly replied.
"Have you been to any auditions?"
"O-of course I have."
"How many?"
“Just... one.”
"One?" Anzu stared in disbelief. "You ran away with your tail between your legs just after one failure?
"You don't know how it feels to be a loser."
"I've failed more than a dozen times myself, you know!"
"You too?"
"But I never gave up. I mean, nothing starts for you if you run away from yourself. Her crystal clear eyes were firm with spirit. She continued and gave a small smile. “When you face yourself honestly, won't the future open up for you?"
"Yeah. I'll... give it a try once more. Thanks Anzu." Johnny smiled.
"No problem."
Anzu gave a small smile. “I think he’s going to continue trying it out. I guess I talk too much.” She giggled sheepishly.
“No you didn’t Anzu. Hearing you talk helps me to face my fears.” He smiled. “Let’s go to the museum.”
He remembered his nervousness and confided to Anzu how a part of him is resisting to go in. What if everything I learn is a lie? What if I learn about myself that I don’t like? Her smile and reassurance put him at ease to be honest about his doubts and not running away from his feelings. His mind became relaxed as he lazily played his chain necklace.
I don’t have to fear the unknown. Because I’m not alone. I have Yugi and his friends that will support me.
And an equal. Someone who he can trust to share his fears and secrets aside from Yugi.
Like a moth attracted to the fire, he was intrigued by Anzu’s new side he saw today. For him, the date was an opportunity to find not only the clues for his past, but to learn about Anzu. He couldn’t help himself but admired her perseverance and toughness. Her sense of pride for dancing, never back down from a challenge. Anzu helped Johnny to get back to his dream despite that he was unpleasant and tried to date her.
He can hear the beats of his heart growing louder and faster as he dwelled on the date as he tried to rest for the Battle City tournament.
Just what is this feeling?
Those icy azure eyes as she stepped in the dance floor. Her smile that Yami couldn’t help but etched it in his mind, tucking it away in the hidden depths of his maze.
The sudden rush surging through his heart is nothing new. Rather, he crave for the rush whenever he’s dueling, or fighting for the sake of others.
Yet these confusing feelings are swirling into my mind. My hearts aches for her… It is love?
No it can’t be love.
I don’t even know what love feels like. After spending so long without human connection before Yugi, the idea of love, let alone relationships seems foreign. Even if it’s love, it’s not possible to be together... And Yugi has feelings for Anzu. I can’t do this to my partner. And it wouldn’t be right to Anzu to offer something that would be short lived.
It’s definitely not lust. My feelings were nothing like Yugi’s reactions to the ‘strange videos’. Though Anzu is rather attractive, especially when she showing more of her skin in the dance battle with her strong legs...
He shook his head away. Hopefully his blush isn’t visible in the dark.
I don’t belong in this world. Eventually I have to leave Yugi and everyone behind. I must find my name and defeat the evil that threaten Domino city and potentially the world.
Still, despite that Yami is determined to focus on his destiny, a small part of himself managed to wormed out his feelings. The feelings that he desperately wanted to lock it from Yugi, the world, and from himself. With her fierce personality yet underneath the flame of her azure eyes lies within kindness, devotion, and unwavering sense of determination, who can blame him for his growing feeling (regardless of what is it) towards Anzu?
As he stared at the 3 God cards he won from Battle City, he prepared for his second date with Anzu. So much has happened. Now that I got the God cards and the Malik clan was resolved, what lies in store for me now? After everything in Battle City, he wanted a peaceful day. More importantly, a time to talk to Anzu. Upon her date with Yugi, despite Anzu’s usual cheerful attitude, she was distinct. Oddly, when Yugi talked to Anzu about Battle City, she quickly changed the subject. Upon his request to Yugi that he need to borrow his body for a day to see if he can help Anzu. Surprisingly to Yami, Yugi approved it with an understanding look. He felt a bit of dread from the memories of Yugi and Anzu’s date. As much he wanted nothing but happiness for his partner and Anzu, he couldn’t help but feel betrayed to Yugi towards his unfamiliar feelings towards her. He couldn’t do this to both of them. Yet, he cursed himself for these fleeting feelings. No matter how well prepared he planned to combat each thought to his heart, it didn’t stop him from thinking about her. It didn’t stop from his heart beating faster, from struggling to steady his voice whenever Yugi unexpectedly interrupt his thoughts: How wonderful her hazel hair when the wind blew and how intriguing her eyes changed from ice cold to the bright cerulean with that spark he grew to love. Somehow, these fleeting feelings are difficult, even more than the hardest duels he fought so far.
After eating at the same cafe from the first date, they headed to the park before traveling around the trains and wandering off on the quaint streets where few young people dwelled at. They watched people moving around the wooden strainer in rhythm, washing off the pulp with chemicals before dipping it with water again, coating each layer before drying off. Yami was rather amazed by the way the workers never miss the beat, as Anzu explained how washi paper is made before heavy machines were commonly used. The couple grew hungry and stopped by a ramen shop before heading out to the lake where they sat on the bench. Duels, danger, and magic became nothing as they chatted away the wonders Yami saw today and the delicious noodles that Anzu raved.
“So what do you do when you feel nervous in a duel? Anzu asked. You always look fearless whenever you face a tough opponent. I bet that after fighting evil spirits, dueling in the arena doesn’t scares you.”
“Me?” He chuckled. “Believe or not Anzu, I do get nervous in matches. I’m just good at hiding it. I remembered the times when I was truly afraid that I lose Yugi in the shadow game with Malik. Not only that, I fear that I would lose you Anzu.” Suddenly Anzu finds the ground more interesting to stare at. “I felt powerless that I couldn’t stop Malik from controlling you.” He curled his fist as he dangled his puzzle with his other hand.
“Well I would believe in myself. I trust my cards and my skills. If I have any doubts on my skills, Yugi’s there to encourage me.” Yami said. “I gave myself a pep talk with my duel monsters. I felt much better when I have Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl on my side.” He turned his head to Anzu. “What about you Anzu? What do you do when you get nervous dancing for auditions?”
Anzu picked up a leaf from the ground. “I gave myself a pep talk. Sometimes I would do my breathing exercise that my dance professor taught me.”
“Breathing exercise?”
“Basically you breath in and out in a rhythmic pattern.” She absentmindedly traced the cracks of the bench they sat. “It sounds simple, but it really helps me when I feel nervous or I feel mad. She’s a great teacher. I feel that she’s like my second mother in a way. She told me that it’s not healthy to bottle up emotions and it’s okay to express them. She also taught me to not let our feelings get in the way of our actions. It’s like finding a balance between following your heart and not letting them stopping you from what you want to do.”
Yami nodded. “That makes sense. Your teacher is wise indeed. Guess being a dancer is no different from being a duelist. Not only you have to carry your pride and spirit without fear, you can’t be distracted by your opponent and your emotions.
“When I feel upset, sometimes I visited my favorite spot nearby the lake by myself. I know, it’s odd for me to need alone time. After all, I’m the one in the group who always talk about supporting each other. Believe or not, there are things that you end up facing by yourself.” Her smile became strained, much to Yami’s surprise. Her eyes has a look that Yami recognized instantly whenever he is alone with his thoughts, seeking for an anchor to hold on in this uncertain world.
“I used to move a lot with my family because of my father’s work. We went through many places. Since we move a lot, it was hard to make friends. I learn to adapt the lifestyle quickly. There’s always something new to explore and travelling was fun! It can be tiring and lonely, moving constantly. When I feel tired of moving and my parents aren’t home, I would listen to my favorite songs or go for a walk. But nothing can replace my friends. That’s why I told my family that I wanted to go back in Japan until I graduated from high school. When I moved back, but I felt that I drifted away from Yugi. I thought I was losing him because we didn’t see each other for so long. “Whoops! I talk too much again.” She gave a small, nervous laugh. “I’m sorry if I’m boring you with my life.”
“Not at all Anzu. I never knew that you move a lot. You’re pretty strong from travelling a lot and not having a steady group of friends. I’m not surprised that you have an adventurous spirit. That’s one of the things I admire about you.” Her heart beated faster. A warm wave of giddiness rushed in her head. Her hand intertwined with Yami’s hand as she rested his shoulder with her head. They held closer to each other as his and her eyes gazed ahead. Yami leaned in, she can smell his cologne. By the name of holy, he looks so handsome up close...
“...I enjoy listening to you Anzu. Your concerns are my concerns. I want to continue supporting you because you supported me through Battle City. It’s the least I can do.“
Anzu nodded. Right. Damn my thoughts. She composed herself, hopefully that Yami doesn’t catch her day dreaming.
“Don’t be afraid to reach out to me. Alright Anzu?”
“I will Yami.”
“Speaking of Battle City, I wanted to talk to you alone, but there weren’t many chances for us to be alone. Because, I was worried about you under the control of Malik and that...” He trailed off, trying not to show his anger and desperation in his voice. “I couldn’t do anything. I felt helpless and I wanted you to be safe.” She was hypnotized by his concerned eyes. “I wanted to see if you are okay.”
“Yami, I’m okay now.” Her warm smile soften his solemn expression.
“Good, I’m glad that you are alright.”
“Malik didn’t harm me when he controlled my body in the blimp. I felt that Malik wanted to stop his darker half and redeem his mistakes. He apologized for controlling my body and all the things he did. I wanted to also help stop Yami Malik and let him took over me after he asked me to control me.”
“I see.”
“Actually... I’m not okay.”
“What’s wrong Anzu?”
“ I wasn’t able to break from his control the first time. How come Joey is able to break out while I couldn’t? Am I so weak?” A firm hand comforted hers.
“I don’t know why you couldn’t get out of the spell. But Anzu, you’re not weak because you couldn’t break out of his control. Strength comes from more than sheer will. It also comes from being honest with yourself and your feelings... It’s not easy for me to express my worries to many people or so openly to someone close. But with you, it’s different. To me, you’re a strong and independent girl and I’m glad that I get to know you more.” His purple eyes became intense. Anzu could look forever into the deep depths of his eyes.
“Thank you for being here with me.”
“That’s what friends are for.” Anzu chirpy voice suddenly became faltered. He’s not from my world. I can’t let our bond grow. Yet my heart does not listen to reason. Regardless, I’ll use the time to spend every moment with him. Between villains and high stake duels, where can I find the time to have happy moments with Yami?”
A whiff of the festival food answered her prayers.
“So this is takoyaki?” The aroma of savory meat and fried batter overwhelmed Yami’s nose. Onions and ginger simmered over the batter as the man skillfully rotated the meat, forming into perfect circles. He knew the name of the round snacks from Yugi’s memories.
Anzu couldn’t help but find it amusing seeing the stoic pharaoh with his eyes wide open, carefully watching the cook like a child who saw snow for the first time. He’s rather adorable with his clueless expression.  
“Yeah! You want one? I’ll get one. They’re sooooo good.” Anzu grinned.
“Sure.” Yami couldn’t help from smiling back at her.
Anzu got two orders and gave a box of them to him.
“Careful, they’re hot.” She picked one up with a toothpick and ate it. “Ahhh nothing is perfect to spend a night at a festival with takoyaki.” A big smile appeared in her face as she closed her eyes to savor the taste.
Yami took a glance at his snack before taking a small bite.
He couldn’t help but gave a huge grin. The sweetness of the white sauce goes well with the well-coated meat. The tempura flakes gave a light crunch which complement well with the mild flavored octopus.
“These are amazing!” He quickly ate a second one.
Colorful lanterns dimmed as the vendors packed up their supplies, signalling that the festival is ending. With their bellies full, Yami led Anzu back to her house. Anzu thanked Yami for today. It was one of the moments that Anzu will treasured in her heart. Unknowingly to her, he remembered the memories they shared together on this date.
Time was running out for them as they desperately grasp the moments they had together.
The venom words he spat out to the criminal that dare to hurt his precious Anzu.
Anzu's smile as she stood in triumph, glaring down at Johnny.
Butterflies in his chest that made him feel up in the sky as they both watched the colors faded from hazy yellow to deep purple.
Her melodic laughter as she picked a leave from his hair.
His puzzled look as he watched the man made taiyaki right before his eyes.
His real smile, not the usual smirky smile for duels and villains, but the smile that gave her endless joy of sunshine.
Atem's warm embrace as his hands held tightly onto her body after she leaped to the other train department.
The cartouche that not only he discovered his name, it was a reminder of her stunning, sky eyes.
Anzu’s sudden kiss that was so wrong yet he couldn’t help but yearn for it, even embrace this fleeting moment.
“The only thing I regret is that we didn’t have enough time to know each other more. I love you, Atem.”
Silent tears as Atem spent alone in the cabin, shuffling his deck, as Yugi occupied in the puzzle. Regret filled his mind yet his heart cries out of happiness from the burden. He cursed himself for losing control. Duels are easy to predict, the heart on the other hand... Was it the right thing to do? To do this to Anzu? To Yugi? To utter these 3 words?
“Anzu, I want you to live your life in the fullest. I don’t want you to not fulfil your dream because of me. Pursue your dream to be a dancer. I’ll always watch you from the night sky.”
Time may rob their future, the endless opportunities they have yet explore together.
Yet time will never rob their memories they shared, they embraced together.
Their bond.
It will never rob her beautiful eyes that brought light to his life, the hands that he held them and never want to let go.
Her smile that knows no boundaries and etched upon in his heart.  
Nothing will stop them from reuniting in the afterlife.
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silverwindsblog · 4 years
10 Types of Hades fan
Chthonic gods: All powerful creators. artist, writers, and cosplayers who create good shit. They are the best.
Zeus: Horny for the characters because everyone is hot.
Poseidon: Obsessed about the game and won't stop talking about it.
Athena: Greek Mythology geeks who likes classics before it was cool.
Artemis: Aka angst ridden fans who read TSOA and got the game because it has their favorite sad dads.
Aphrodite: Ships everyone on the game like there's no tomorrow.
Ares: Play it for the gameplay and sharing their best build for speed runs. Might be a masochist.
Hermes: Constantly shares content from the Chthonic gods and shares headcanons & theories about the game.
Dionysus: Everyone's favorite shitposter.
The Confused fan: Never played the game itself and has no idea why everyone is thirsty for Greek gods and dead people. Either appreciate the good content from the Chthonic gods or create Hades content.
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silverwindsblog · 4 years
Hades fandom what do we tag for the poly pairing of Zafgreus/Thanatos/Megaera?
Is it thanzagmeg? megzagthan? zagthanmeg? thanmegzag?
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silverwindsblog · 4 years
The only thing that is standing in my way for completing the story is writing this fight scene which I clearly don’t know how to write.
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silverwindsblog · 4 years
So I “borrow” the obol bag from Charon and summon Thanatos. Did not expect for Thanatos to tell his brother to stay away from Zagreus. Awww, what a protective boyfriend. <3
I wish that I took a screenshot on the moment. :(
Sad to say that I got Charon to bellow 50% of his health before I got killed.
I battled Charon for the second time and beat him! Then I died again shortly after because I use up all of my death defiance from Charon.
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silverwindsblog · 3 years
how I can stop myself from making thanzag enemies to lovers fanfic?
most likely won’t happen because I can’t see myself writing multi chapters and it involves Mount Olympus and the Underworld drama. And I‘m borrowing elements from RE8 except it’s about zagreus who tries to undo the curse everyone is in and fighting against Demeter and Zeus.
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silverwindsblog · 3 years
Strange day at work. So far we got things situated and switched our plans today. I end up with a temporary small space and I fell asleep in a comfy chair, and woke up feeling refreshed. Now I don’t have any urgent work to do and will spam Hades fanart because why not.
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silverwindsblog · 3 years
I apologize if I am not posting here often. My new job kept me busy and I have intense training this week. Hopefully work will be lighter next month.
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silverwindsblog · 3 years
I can’t think of a way to create a transition from one scene to another so I’m just writing down random dialogues. My current mood for writing is idk what I am doing so I’m writing down conversations.
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