#simone Ashley fandom
blitzosblog · 5 months
Marigold Sky - A•T
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC Aliya Martell
Summary: Aemond is to be wed, alliances and loyalties hang in the balance and soon an unforeseen union rears it's head.
Warning: Profanity, Targaryens and Hightowers, mention of alcohol and violence, mentions of nudity, mentions of sex, sexual scenarios, bodily anatomy.
Main Locations:
Kings Landing & Dorne:
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Main Characters:
Aemond Targaryen: Ewan Mitchell
Aemond (A-Mond) Targaryen (Tar-Ger-Rian)
Aemond is an intellectual man, who enjoys reading, swordsmanship and flying Vhagar. He is stand-offish to those who meet him, family-oriented, loyal, brave, introverted. He dislikes people mentioning his accident.
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Aliya Martell: Simone Ashley
Aliya (Ahl-ya) Martell (Mar-Tell)
Aliya is a passionate and free spirited woman, she enjoys nature, music and art. She is very confident, loyal, quick-witted, extroverted and caring, she has been told she is hot tempered and fierce. She also enjoys dancing and is very proud of her Dornish heritage.
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(I also looked up GRRM's inspiration around Dorne and it said it was more Indian and Spanish, I delve more into the Indian side. I also may divert the original story of ASOIAF as I move forward)
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shewhotellsstories · 3 months
I'm so glad someone said it. Between the writing and the racist fandom, I can't blame the Black actors for not wanting to stick around long.
"Bridgerton seems to reserve its true horrors for its Black characters in a similar way, with even the cast working to bring this show to life suffering for it. With every new season that is released of the Netflix phenomenon, a new wave of toxicity is unleashed on social media, varying from racist TikToks with thousands of likes disparaging how “ugly” Black characters like John Stirling supposedly are, or tweets harassing any actor of colour who they deem to be a “bad character” on the show as fans did with actress Ruby Barker (Marina Thompson).
The fun of a show like Bridgerton lies in its romantic escapism; we want to watch pretty people fall in love and court scandal in frothy gowns. We want the angst and the drama we were promised, but at every turn Black and brown fans of the show are reminded that they are simply guests in the Bridgerton universe."
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liminaltrickster · 2 months
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"There is certainly a darker, racist side to the fandom. There is an idea that the aesthetics of black and brown characters are wonderful, with many fans who spew hatred praising the beauty of the show. It seems that characters of colour are to be visually enjoyed while wearing bright colours, outrageous wigs and dancing beautifully to orchestral versions of Alicia Keys – but if any depth and meaning is given to them, all hell breaks loose on the internet."
- Yup.
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The contingent of this fandom that refuses to interrogate its internalized racism, homophobia and misogyny:
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The rest of us:
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I haven’t said anything about it because I genuinely think that most of it is simply ignorance rather than anything else, but it makes me extremely sad to see Sophie referred to as the “first Asian lead in Bridgerton”, when Kate is literally from India, a country that is very much located in Asia.
South Asians (and Southeast Asians as well as Central Asians for that matter) are Asian. Just as Asian as East Asians. And I hope more people become aware of the fact that often the denial of this stems from racist rhetorics rooted in eugenics. So that they don’t end up accidentally repeating and furthering it.
Kate and Sophie are both Asian leads in Bridgerton and the world is a better place for it.
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beastsovrevelation · 3 months
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and their daughter.
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I've decided her name is Asherah. She's an angel, but she has sharp teeth.
But seriously, she looks like she inherited Beelzebub's eyes and complexion, and Gabriel's bone structure.
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bellessimaa · 3 months
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Chapter 2 of Awaited- OUT now
Anthony Bridgerton’s guide to seduction, conspiracy and ofcourse, love. Slightly non linear, so be warned.
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agir1ukn0w · 5 months
Oh but polins are allowed to say that Simone is manly with a large jaw and that she’s the ugliest actor on set. Or how Because jonny is gay that means he shouldn’t have been promoted. A polin said, and I quote “Jonny should have stayed in the closet if you wanted your faves to get promotion”
Odd how you see the “hate” against polins, which the legitimate hate does get called out, but you like everyone else don’t see the vulgar bigoted hate against Kanthony.
On every social media platform, there are a group of polins making over 50 accounts (yes, we counted) to body shame and defame Simone. They’re everywhere, calling her a whore and that she “flaunts her body”, that she’s a diva who abuses her crew on set (this one was even featured on deuxmoi)
As for characters; polins have been attacking kate and anthony since the start and to this day. My favourite is when they said that kate sharma is a grooming and manipulative abuser.
Educate yourself on contexts of situations before you end up throwing the ship you like, your fellow fans, and the actors under the bus. You’re victimising a fandom full of racists and homophobes
First of all, I NEVER said anything about the kanthony fandom/Simone and Jonny NOT having to deal with plenty of bs bigotry, racism, colorism, sexism, and homophobia!! That’s not what my post was about and if you’d actually read closely you’d notice that I said, MULTIPLE TIMES, I wasn’t accusing ALL kanthony shippers of being rude towards polin shippers/Nicola and Luke. I was very careful to differentiate there.
As far as I can see at this point, it seems very clear to me that BOTH polin shippers AND kanthony shippers have a history of attacking and being attacked by each other. I can’t speak to how much one is more than the other because I haven’t been part of this fandom for very long and I don’t look deep into metrics like that. I was simply responding to another person’s post where they called out a few kanthony shippers, and BECAUSE I LOVE KANTHONY I wanted to send a message to my community because I know that we as a whole are better than that. Perhaps I could have worded it better (I was going for humor, sorry if that fell flat), but I wasn’t trying to throw the whole group “under the bus”. I think the entire Bridgerton fandom is due for a wake up call and needs to stop fighting each other over things that are supposed to make us all feel happy and seen.
Lastly, you don’t know anything about what I do or don’t “see” in this fandom, aside from what I’ve just told you. Of course I’m aware of the racism and homophobia and sexism and all of that!! Maybe you shouldn’t assume you know everything about a person either before you accuse me of being deliberately ignorant.
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romanticatheartt · 4 months
Saying the reason Kate wasn't dressed in more vibrant and more colorful dresses so Nicola could shine in her season is so...
You're literally saying Nicola can't shine on her own.
Hope that helps!
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
BRIDGERTON’s Simone Ashley in Cannes, France 2024.
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tehremy · 2 years
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Twitter made me draw Kate Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton celebrating their little honeymoon in India by a river with some tiny turtles. Kate talks to turtles 💜
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apinchofm · 1 year
Women of colour in the Bridgerton fandom + the actresses receive so much hate and it's so tiring. the antibrown and blackness in this fandom is insane - noticed some come from fans who baby the white characters and like to turn the characters of colour into character villains or hypersexualise or fetishize.
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thesimoneashley · 30 days
Bee show fandom being trash again. Kanthony stans are at it too, no surprise—undermining Simone’s achievements while propping up JB, who couldn’t even mention Simone’s or Masali’s name (guess him throwing in Michaela is enough for you white man losers) Polin fans are trashing Simone again because some Kanthonies and Benophies can’t keep Nicola out of their mouths, running their dirty anti blogs. You all claim to looooove Simone and Kate so much, but you’re disgusting, pathetic excuses for fans. Seriously, f*ck you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you all choke on your hypocrisy.
Wow, I miss Annie because at least she knew how to bother your stinky asses. And to those of you who run a Simone fan page, choke on your hypocrisy too.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 months
I know Black and brown feminists have critiqued the body positivity movement for its lack of intersectional thinking, now I guess it’s my turn. James Baldwin has a quote about how some white LGBTQ folks were angry because one part of them was denying them full access to the white privilege they were promised at birth.
That can be said of so many people who only marginalized in one way. Thinking of that ask I got about Polin/Pen stans calling Simone Ashley manish, I think plus sized white women hurling this kind of vitriol at WOC are angry that their size denied them the promise of always being seen as the most desirable due to their whiteness.
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waitingforeddyneddy · 9 months
Lmao I looked at the comments under my Reddit anon post. And I just wanted to respond because, lol I wasted two years?? Where?? Check my Reddit history lmfao. The last year I haven’t even been active in the Kate/anthony subs! Plus posting a comment takes all of, what, 10 seconds? I don’t live online like some people.
I said a lot of nice things about Simone that people overlook because I said I thought it was weird she wasn’t booking quickly, good lord. As for liking Siena? J did like her in s1, but I have plenty of comments stating I wouldn’t want her back for 3. I think the actress who played her did a good job 🥴. I’m not a fan of either of them, as in, I don’t follow their careers and only know about what’s posted on fauxmoi or something like that. Do I HAVE to be a super fan of Simone? Some of you guys hate JB but know his entire schedule.
As for Cynthia, what have I said about her? lol I don’t really know anything about her other than she can sing. She also had her own affair scandal, but I know little of it. She DOES have haters because, if I recall correctly, she said something off about American black women years ago. That would be something for you all to research, if you cared, which I’m sure many of you don’t. I, actually, recently spoke about how I hated how interviewers don’t being her UP when speaking about wicked.
And well, as for Ariana, yeah, I don’t like her. She sucks. And anyone who thinks she doesn’t is weird??? She literally just helped break up two marriages tf??
Also I never said JB carried the show on his back. I said I preferred his performance and I thought he was great. And I said Simone did a good job. Again, why do we have to be fans of both? You guys aren’t fans of him and I honestly am ok with that lol. My Reddit history is there for all to see, it’s strange to see people just make shit up. And yes, I am a woman for those stalking me and wondering lol.
I don’t really get why people in this fandom can’t disagree in a normal way. Not everyone will like what other people like.
listen I haven't been on reddit for many months and I don't remember having beef with a particular person because I was disgusted by pretty much the majority of people. I think I only visited BridgertonNetflix and I couldn't believe my eyes that there were so many gaslighters in the fandom who would say that we imagined Kanthony being done dirty or that downplayed what happened regarding Simone. I can't honestly say that I ever came across one of your comments so I really don't know what to think on this matter. I agree with you saying that people have to learn how to disagree politely. I appreciate you coming into my inbox with manners and for being honest about your declining interest in JB, my blog is a place to rant after all and as long as it's done on my terms, everyone is welcome, even JB fans or former JB fans.
on another note I don't want to downplay JB's talent as an actor because as much as I don't like him I can admit he's good at his job, but I think it would be fair to say that he was able to shine more because the script allowed so. What did Simone have by the scripts? Crying in rooms alone and being in a coma for the majority of the last episode? Let's remember she wasn't the sister with the central episode about her even tho it was supposed to be ALSO her story
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mexicanfairyy · 2 years
"I did not ask for this--to be plagued by these feelings." -Kate Sharma
Poor Kate she was in the trenches fighting the urge to jump his bones.😩
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beastsovrevelation · 9 months
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Kate Sharma in "An Unthinkable Fate"
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