#sims 4 story challenge
folkling · 3 months
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ACT I - Chestnut Ridge "Desert Trails" Easton is convinced that the horse ranch he’s just inherited from his now deceased grandfather would be a great business venture, once in a lifetime actually. Down on his luck (and his finances) he hoped this was the break he's been hoping for. He scraped together the last of his savings, sold his apartment in Del Sol Valley, and headed to Chestnut Ridge. However, little did he know, the ranch was left in pretty rough shape. The facilities were in desperate need of upgrading and business operations needed restructuring. Overwhelmed with the task at hand, he narrowly convinced seven of his friends that this was a once-in-a-lifetime oppertunity; and to temporarily relocate and invest in this new project with him.
These eight friends/colleagues have decided to invest a year of their lives (and their money) to this project. With few resources and little experience, who knows how this venture is going to turn out.
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windslar · 2 months
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breaking and entering to take a shower and eat a meal devoid of nutrients
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shinnith · 1 year
✨Entire Sims 4 Game Cost: (ongoing updates)
→April 2023:
💫Time to celebrate- with every single expansion pack, game pack, stuff pack and kit, the game now costs a beautiful
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And this is why piracy exists. Fuck you EA.
Edit: I encourage you to rip EA the fuck off. Here's Anadius's DLC unlocker/entire game.
⇾November 2023:
💫The game is now a pretty lil price of
and again, here is the official link to Anadius's work. Idk why tarac has it but... it's not theirs so make sure your actually getting it from Anadius.
If your not into officially pirating it, give @ts4-dlc-bgc a visit. They saved my ass before i went into the high seas and are are vital to this community with their compiling of different creators who make pack assets bgc♡
♡ my simblr: hood-simz ♡
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whispyfigs · 4 days
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after 5 years of loneliness and struggles, sora finally decided to return to her hometown to begin a globetrotting quest. first step? spend the entire summer in mt.komorebi. as soon as she got out of the bus, she took the biggest breath of relief as her grandparents welcomed her back. it's time to heal.
eat food at the festival of light, snow, or youth
take a selfie with yamachan
collect a simmi by popping open a simmi capsule
swim for 1 hour in wakaba’s river
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
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Dearest Zelda,
First let me say what a joy it was to receive your latest letter! Truly I was so delighted upon seeing it in the mailbox that I ran straight for Isaiah. He is not one to worry, but when our latest contact to the address we had for you in New Orleans once again went unanswered, I fear even he had begun to grow concerned. 
I am delighted to read that your silence was not without good reason, and to see the wedding portrait you sent of you and Antoine as well as the photo of your daughter. How she has grown since we last saw her! She is not much younger than our eldest now, who I fear every day is so like your brother there is simply no one thing in this world that can tame her.
It does sound like your Violette is much the same, and how much joy it brings me to think that perhaps it is Florence’s spirit manifesting through them.
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Our youngest have also begun to grow like weeds, much to my chagrin. Does it ever seem like sometimes you awaken and it’s as though the grass has grown a foot overnight? That is oft how I feel looking at them, and Rosalie seems to desire all the independence of her namesake. 
She wasn’t but a day over six when she began poking into Rosella’s old room, curiously pulling forth toys and books from the gathered dust like a miniature treasure hunter. Truthfully, I could not tell you why your brother and I had yet to bring the room back into the light of day. Once you took the portrait from it it was like a pall had lifted, but I feared that stirring it would upset your brother’s long-standing grief over your mother, so I daren’t say a word. 
But as children often do, Rosalie saw little of that other than a space to call her own, and we have now finally found the heart through her to give it a new life. I do hope your sister would love to see her in there, playing dolls and writing grand romantic stories for them aloud to her ever attentive twin. It is a joy to see them rediscover the beauty in the world that pain often hides, is it not?
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Have you written to Virginia as well? I fear she may not be quite as conscious of the time that has gone by. With the dissolution of The Women’s Political and Social Union, her work has turned increasingly to involvement with the Women’s Labor League, eventually coming to the attention of the Labor Party themselves. 
I will admit that I am not as informed on the goings on of London as I perhaps should be, but even still it came as no surprise when the party nominated her as their candidate for Member of Parliament. As she so painstakingly explained it, the party itself has suffered great losses from their prominence in the 20s, what with the general bias of their associations with the communists and their seeming inability to stop the rampant unemployment that has taken hold even here. 
I suppose she is fully aware that this was the cause for her nomination, as she was able to run more on the merit of her charitable associations than the negative reputation the party has recently taken on. Yet if she was surprised that this platform worked, she has never let on; but her work in the House of Commons has all but taken over her life since her election in 1931. How I do miss her and Wally, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing that she keeps her seat in the upcoming election of ‘35, even if it means we will see less of them than ever.
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I imagine that what little free time she has is now spent nearby at Oxford, where Wally was accepted upon his graduation from secondary school. While I’m sure being the son of a governing member of parliament was not a mark against him, I have no doubt he was accepted there on the merits of his intelligence alone. Even from the small amount of time he spent here in his teen years, it was clear to me what a bright boy he was. 
I am told he is majoring in physics there, a field that even in the briefest explanations Virginia has given me is quite beyond my comprehension. I suppose what else are we to expect with Virginia as his mother? I’m sure he’s had but the most informative, intellectual upbringing, even when it must have been colored by the high expectations that I can only imagine your sister set for him.
Despite her near constant work and best attempts to shield her vulnerability, there are moments when we speak and it seems as though Wally's departure brought forth much of the buried sentimentality within her. I suppose under it all she is but a mother like us all, proud of her child and yet sorrowful as his life grows beyond her own.
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Before I sign off your brother has instructed me to ask you to include the most minute of details regarding your predicaments with the soil in your next letter. He has also asked me to attach a veritable field guide of advice, although I have told him that everything you have written points to the fact that you are in waters we could not navigate any better even if we tried.
I must admit that when I hear the word soil I think simply of the ground beneath verdant green grasses or darkened Bramblewood canopies. It makes me realize just how little of the world I have seen, but also how lucky we have been even in the throes of what seem to be such tumultuous times. I can only hope that such good fortune will last in England for many years to come, and that some of our knowledge may bring success to your efforts as well.
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I must once again thank you for the photo of you and Antoine on your wedding day. We’ve placed it in our living room next to the photo of your mother and father when they were wed, as seems only right. In return I have also included a photo of all of us when we were last together to visit Wally’s new home in Oxford; although I’ll be the first to admit I do hope we spend the next high holiday together in Henford instead. Anything that close to London makes me long for the forest more than anything else.
Your mother once told me that she sent you every photo we took, and that you have been collecting them over the years. I hope this can make a welcome addition to such a tradition, and do always know that you are welcome here should you ever find need of solace in the place you once called home. 
Your sister in marriage,
 Summer Darlington
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jaysims00 · 6 days
004 Skin Overlay
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New body and 360 textured head uploaded to my patreon! Link in my bio!
100% Made by me
Make sure to hashtag me at #JaySims on TUMBLR AND TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM
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coatedinhoney · 10 months
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Solana's Skin Care Routine | CC Showcase
Lana has uploaded for her followers her secret recipe to perfect skin! See the video here ~
vaniety planet facial brush 2. facial serum 3. balm dotcom
4. bunny stick 5. facial cleanser 6. facial mist
7. lotion 8. sheet masks 9. dropper face serum
~ all credit goes to the gorgeous cc creators ~
@aira-cc @dscombobulate @simkoos @leaf-motif
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antiquatedplumbobs · 2 months
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Spring 1916
It was spring in Brindleton, which meant the calving season was in full swing and sleep was a luxury no longer promised. The whole family felt the strain of it, Hamish and Will the most, but little Charlie came in a close third as Hamish insisted it was time he learned the ropes. Will had experienced almost ten full calving seasons. One morning — when he was unable to crawl to bed until well after the sun rose and breakfast had been served — he found himself desperately glad he wouldn't experience another.
With barely any time for sleep, Will hadn’t seen Clara in weeks. It wasn’t as if she had all the time in the world, either: her own family’s herd wasn’t much smaller than that of Sable Dairy. Despite each other's absence, it would seem neither was far from the other's thoughts. Will had found a small basket of still-warm rolls and a crock of honey sitting on the front stoop in the pearly near dawn that morning; Clara’s initials neatly embossed on the corner of the napkin they were wrapped in.
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Will had been unable to stop thinking about Clara after Hamish’s well-intentioned question, and once he began thinking about Clara, he began thinking of his own friends' lives. He had uncomfortably realized that they were all married or engaged, leaving him the only bachelor. Albert and Posie were close to celebrating their second anniversary, and a baby was expected to mark the occurrence. Clive and his new wife had set up his medical practice in a small house overlooking the bay (after throwing the most extravagant wedding the town had seen in years). John — always the more wild of the group — had fallen head over heels for the new baker’s assistant and spent the past six months making an absolute fool of himself as he wooed her. The entire town had breathed a sigh of relief when she had accepted his proposal and the antics came to a halt.
Will had laughed along with everyone else at John (good-naturedly of course) but he had also harbored a secret jealousy of his friend. To find someone and fall so deeply in love so quickly that you would prize your love above all else seemed to Will like a true gift. His father’s stories of love at first sight had set him up with lofty expectations, and Will was still trying to readjust them to fall in line with everyone else's. Most folks knew they wouldn't immediately fall deeply in love; successful, well-matched marriages were built on a foundation of mutual respect and well-matched interests. Clara was a good match for Will.
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He had repeated that line over and over again, trying to imbue the truth of it into himself. He repeated it as he looked over the array of delicate rings nestled in velvet at the jeweler's in Britechester; he repeated it as the simple ring was wrapped by the portly jeweler and he parted with a sum greater than any he had ever spent; he repeated it as he sat on the train home, unable to keep from staring at the unassuming ring in its small red box. He had repeated it until it became his truth. He had the ring; her father's blessing had been secured the week before, now all that was left was asking Clara to be his wife.
next / previous / first
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ginovasims · 4 months
A mini legacy challenge that focuses on the four seasons. Each generation will have a different set of goals and requirements before the new heir takes over.
Pick any three of the five traits offered for each generation, and one of the two aspirations. For an extra challenge, you can try and complete both aspirations.
This challenge contains a lot of gameplay from a variety of expansion, game, and stuff packs. Feel free to skip or adjust any rules if you are missing content.
If you do this challenge, please credit me (@ginovasims).
Vague guidelines/suggestions:
The heir can be any gender, they don’t have to be female. They can also be any sexuality. 
Children don’t have to be genetic, they can be adopted, and you can have science babies.
Mods and custom content can be used.
Use the hashtag #SeasonsLegacy on tweets, posts, and videos. Check out my video where I introduce the challenge in more detail: https://youtu.be/j0R4fVdiLfI
Generation 1 - Spring
Spring is the season for new life and new beginnings, so what better time to start a new family legacy?!
You make the most of the weather warming and enjoy spending time outside with animals. Fresh is best and you won’t settle for anything that’s not the best quality, in all aspects of life. Your true love is out there and you won’t stop looking until you find your perfect soulmate. 
Date around before finding your soulmate and settling down
Meet your soulmate at a park
Always keep your home in pristine condition
Raise chickens and/or a cow/llama
Befriend a rabbit and/or a flock of birds
Buy groceries from market stalls in Henford-on-Bagley
Win a competition at Finchwick Fair
Frequently have picnics in the park
Discover Sylvan Glade and/or Forgotten Hollow
Gain the hungry for love lifestyle 
Always have the simple living lot challenge
Celebrate Spring Festival and go all out with decorations and festivities
Complete the insect and/or decorative eggs collection
Reach the top level of any outdoor based career (e.g. gardener, conservationist, lifeguard etc.)
Master two of the three skills: fishing, herbalism and flower arranging
Complete either the Country Caretaker or the Serial Romantic aspiration
Colours: Pink and Green Traits: Neat, Romantic, Cheerful, Perfectionist, High Maintenance Aspirations: Country Caretaker or Serial Romantic
Generation 2 - Summer
Did someone say beach party?!
Growing up, you spent a lot of time outdoors with your family, and you loved every second of it. You’re both laid-back and the life of the party. The sea calls your name and you always make the absolute most of your summertime memories.
Throw weekly parties (at the beach if it’s good weather!)
Frequently have BBQs in the garden
Frequently go bowling with friends/family
Have a sun tan as often as you can 
Go camping at least twice as a young adult
Have a pool in your garden
Have swimming as a hobby
Meet your lover at the beach
Build sandcastles with your children
Gain the people person lifestyle 
Always have the volcanic activity lot challenge
Celebrate Summer Festival and go all out with decorations and festivities 
Complete the seashell and/or message in a bottle collection 
Reach the top level of any active career (e.g. actor, doctor, police etc.)
Master two of the three skills: dancing, mixology and bowling
Complete either the Beach Life or Party Animal aspiration
Colours: Yellow and Red Traits: Dance Machine, Party Animal, Loves the Outdoors, Child of the Ocean, Outgoing Aspirations: Beach Life or Party Animal
Generation 3 - Autumn/Fall
The spooky season is among us…
You’re more of a homebody than your parents and grandparents and prefer to spend time tucked up at home, reading a book by a warm fire. You’ve always been interested in the supernatural, believing them to be fictional your whole life, until discovering one day that there’s more out there than you could ever have imagined.
Turn into any occult 
Marry a different type of occult
Always own a black cat and encourage them to have kittens (with success) at least twice
Earn a distinguished degree
Join a university club/team
Throw a costume party every other week
Light fireworks at bonfire nights
Have a family club gathering at least once a week
Write children books and read them to your own children 
Gain the indoorsy lifestyle
Always have the spooky lot challenge
Celebrate Autumn/Fall Festival and go all out with decorations and festivities
Complete the space prints and/or postcards collection
Reach the top of any mental/academic career (e.g. education, secret agent, scientist etc.)
Master two of the three skills: medium, vampire lore and research & debate
Complete either the Spellcaster & Sorcery or Bestselling Author aspiration
Colours: Orange and Purple Traits: Bookworm, Insider, Overachiever, Creative, Cat Lover Aspirations: Spellcaster & Sorcery or Bestselling Author
Generation Four - Winter
Life is like your own winter wonderland! 
You grew up with your whole extended family around you and so this has become a very important part of how you are. Your family are everything and you want to treasure every moment and memory. Food is another big part of your life, and you relish in spending time in the kitchen with your loved ones.
Have a blended family (e.g. step children, adopted, etc.) 
Bake with your partner/children every weekend
Always gift your household members a present for the holidays
Play outside whenever it’s snowy - build snowpals, make snow angels, have snowball fights etc.
Go ice skating on every first date
Always have a caged pet for your family
Have perfect relationships with all of your children - spoil them!
Decorate your house with family pictures
Gain the junk food fiend lifestyle 
Always have the gremlins lot challenge
Celebrate Winter Festival and go all out with decorations and festivities
Complete the snow globe and/or simmies collection
Reach the top of any stay at home career (either freelance or always choose work from home option)
Master two of the three skills: knitting, baking and photography
Complete either the Mt. Komorebi Sightseer or Big Happy Family aspiration
Colours: Blue and White Traits: Gloomy, Family-Oriented, Foodie, Materialistic, Childish Aspirations: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer or Big Happy Family
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lotuso3o · 5 months
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fizzytoo · 5 months
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sudden storm caused a power outage :( luckily, there's battery powered radios and board games to pass the time
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simschai · 9 months
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hi! new simblr here.
my name is olive. im 19 years old. i’m relatively new to the sims as i’ve only been playing for a year, but i’ve always wanted to share my experiences playing with others. this blog will probably be mainly gameplay, as i’m a very avid storyteller and quite passionate about it.
my personal style is primarily maxis match. i’m looking for mutuals who enjoy the sims 4, regardless of your content so please reblog and follow! i will, of course, follow back.
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windslar · 1 month
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it's not the cutest, but it'll do
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bunnithechubs · 1 month
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Round 3: Beatrice (Bea) Jam
Beatrice moved to town (still thinking of a name) and immediately got herself a boyfriend. queen shit.
Bea's Goals are:
Build a Bakery
Contribute a "grocery shop" to the community center
Marital Status: Couple
# of kids: 4
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whispyfigs · 6 days
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Starting the Globetrotter Challenge! by @moonfi
Sora Sugawara (she/her): loves outdoors, adventurous, loner.
next: day 1
Round 1: Mt. Komorebi, Summer -
TO DO MT. KOMOREBI SIGHTSEER - Eat Food at the Festival of Light, Snow, or Youth - Take a Selfie with the Mt. Komorebi Mascot - Collect a Simmi by Popping Open a Simmi Capsule - Swim for 1 Hour in Wakaba's River
Since Sora was born and raised in Mt.Komorebi, the first round of the challenge will not be spent in a tent but in her previous home with her grandparents. We will be discovering her life and relationship with them as well as reminiscing memories of her prior to her parents tragic death.
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Zelda was walking back to her own bedroom after preparing Violette for bed. It was rarer and rarer that she got to spend these moments with her daughter anymore. As she grew older it was more likely for her to ask her father to bring her to bed after an afternoon in the farmyard; or, as was her new habit, to insist on her independence by asserting that she could wrap up her own hair and tuck herself into her embroidered sheets alone.
So as Zelda turned the door handle and stepped over the threshold, the last thing she expected to hear was a small voice calling Momma from behind her. Immediately, Zelda turned around to see Violette with an uncharacteristic fear in her eyes. But she had grown quiet, so Zelda tried to prompt her to speak again by asking if everything was alright. When she didn't answer, Zelda walked nearer, trying to ignore the voice in her mind that told her maybe she had only imagined her daughter calling out after her.
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As she sat on the bed, her repeated question only prompted another bout of silence, before Violette brought her knees up to her chest and spoke looking at them, "Momma, do you - do you ever have nights when you can’t sleep?”
A rush of memories distracted Zelda from the question, vivid sounds of waterfalls and the smell of trees in the damp morning air. She pushed them aside to speak to the child in front of her who knew nothing of those nights. “Of course, my love. Do you want to tell me what’s keeping you up? Are you afraid?”
Violette shook her head vigorously, “I’m not afraid. Of anything. It’s just..why’s it so quiet here? I try to sleep and there’s nothing. Back at home - I mean New Orleans, it was never quiet. When I would lie in bed I would just listen to you and Poppa and then I could always sleep.”
Zelda’s focus on keeping herself in the moment distracted her from her daughters accidental admittance that she still knew of her parent’s late night careers, or the way she still called New Orleans home. “You know when I was a girl I could never sleep. It was like the thoughts in my head wouldn’t quiet down on their own, especially when they were supposed to and everything else had gone silent, is that how you feel?”
When Violette nodded in agreement Zelda brought her hand to her face, “Do you mind if I go and grab something for you? I’ll only be gone a minute.”
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For a moment Violette looked nervous but she signaled for her mother to go, only for Zelda to return a moment later with a book in her hand. She sat next to Violette and opened it, “This was my favorite growing up. It’s part of the reason I came here, to America, where I met your father. The girl reminds me an awful lot of you, so when you can’t sleep or your mind won’t quiet, you can go here, into a new world in your imagination for a little while.”
Violette eyes scanned the golden script of the title page intently. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Then she turned the page, and another, and another. It was unlike any other book she had ever seen. All of the words were set alongside pictures, fanciful drawings of a girl with her hair in pigtails as she walked alongside a proud lion and a shining man made of metal.
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Zelda watched Violette’s fingers trace along the words, exactly where her own had hundreds of times before. Knowing that her daughter was already gone yet again, she looked down at her a bit sadly, “And if you still can’t sleep just come find me or your Poppa, okay? We’re right next door.”
But Violette was too engrossed in the colorful drawings to answer, so Zelda rose to her feet and walked back to her own room where she had always kept the book near her pillow before that night.
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Night after night as she read it, Violette never took her mother up on her offer, although she still rarely slept. Rather she laid in bed reading and rereading the book her mother had given her and imagining that she was Dorothy, swept up in something so powerful and grand that it turned everything upside down and suddenly she was in a land of magic and fantasy.
Then finally, somewhere between the pages, she would drift off into a dream-filled sleep. Through the corridors of slumber she would walk amongst a city just like Oz, one that was never quiet or dark like the desert outside her window. Each and every corner was filled with beauty and life, luminous with people who danced and sang more magnificently than anyone could ever imagine.
The lights there twinkled even more brightly than the night sky ever did; and in her mind she would stand between them, halfway between the ground below and the sky above, shining more dazzlingly than either. It was a place made just for her, one where all her dreams would come true. A land of fantasy and wonder and endless lights shining just for her in the darkness…
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