#since i will take any opportunity i can get to shit on hisoka i think its also partially hisokas fault that gon has so much compassion for
morallygreyyn · 2 years
Please a contuination of 'a rare opportunity' / more drunk illumi / or even a illumi smut😔 AND ADD GOSSIPING WITH HISOKA WE CANNOT FORGET MY BOY👀
jealous confessions pt 2. - (drunk! illumi x reader)
description: having seen what illumi was like a few nights prior, you were desperate to see it again and to know once and for all whether the zoldyck assassin had feelings for you too. so you and your best friend hisoka devise a master plan to get illumi drunk again but this time, make him jealous...
warnings: implied nsfw, implied dubcon, drunk illumi, sober reader, maybe blackmail?, just some really sketchy shit all around
authors note: ahh another request! thanks so much anon! 💗 seems like drunk illumi is quite popular with y'all huh? 👀 well your wish is my command (and i just really love illumi 🥴) so here is part two of a rare occurance (with ofc added gossipy hisoka) ! i tried my hardest not to make this too ooc but it’s illumi and emotions so what can you expect really 💀maybe i should make this a series haha 🫢 implied smut happens at the end so lemme know if y'all want another part where the reader gets to do the diddly doo with you know who 👀 anyway that's all from me! enjoy!
read part one here!
read part three here!
word count: 2.1k
requests are open!
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“What happened next?”
“He couldn’t stop kissing me.” You mused, reminiscing on that glorious night you had with your favourite Zoldyck. 
It had been a couple of days since then and you only now had the chance to spill all the juicy details with your partner in crime and gossip.
“No wonder you were smiling like that.” Hisoka had been thoroughly entertained by the whole ordeal, finding you trying to get Illumi to have emotions wholly amusing.  “I couldn’t get any information out of him when he came out of your room.”
“I’m not sure how much of it he remembers.”
“Oh he remembers, he would’ve said so otherwise.”
“Would he? What if he’s embarrassed?”
“It’s not in his nature.”
“Yeah but trying to squash his feelings is.” You were both all too familiar with how the robot you called a friend dealt with his inner turmoil.
The conversation naturally died out, your thoughts too focused on your hopeless crush. Maybe you really should move on and find someone who could actually give you a positive response to your attention.
Hisoka didn’t seem to want to give up however. He turned to face you, the embers of a plan flickering to life in his wicked eyes. “What if we take it a step further?”
“How so?”
“Jealousy is a powerful emotion to play with.” His eyes flashed with mischief. “Which is only amplified when drunk. Surely even the most heartless of us can be affected.”
You couldn’t help but grin once you caught his drift. “That is an interesting idea. Jealous how?”
“Hmm.” Hisoka looked up, putting his devious brain to good use.
“We could kiss in front of him.” You threw the idea out there, what had you to lose?
“Do you mean to kill him?” Hisoka laughed. “Surely that would be too much for him to handle if he does have an interest in you.”
“But if it works?”
The magician tapped his chin. “Then yes, it would be a very powerful weapon to use.”
“I think it’s worth a shot.” You turned to your diabolical friend and he met your eyes in a sidelong glance. “So how are we going to do this?”
Three plans, a couple of shots and a script later and both you and Hisoka had devised a masterful way of seeing whether Illumi had feelings for you once and for all. 
Plan A was already in motion by the time you had finished plotting. Step one was to get Illumi to agree for a night out at the local bar. It wasn’t too difficult to get him on board. He replied to your invitation with a simple, “Ok.” and that was the end of that.
Then it came to the night itself. You arrived at the same time as Hisoka, making sure that when Illumi arrived the idea of you two together would be in his mind for the rest of the evening. 
“It’s time.” You whispered in Hisoka’s ear just as Illumi walked through the front door, trying to make it look as suggestive as possible.
The magician simply laughed, sauntering off to the bar to put the plan in motion. All you had to do now was sit back and put your faith in Hisoka’s very capable hands.
You had found a booth in a quiet part of the bar and settled in, wondering if this plan would go as smoothly as you had hoped. The most difficult part would be getting Illumi to drink the desired amount but you trusted Hisoka would get him there.
There was movement next to you and you turned to see Illumi sit next to you, staring at you with his fathomless eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Waiting for Hisoka, it’s drinks on him tonight.”
Of course, you weren’t drinking. You had to make sure this night went in your favour and you would be damned if you risked another chance with Illumi.
“You’re smiling.” He observed, his light voice cutting through the silence. “Why?”
Thankfully for you, your smile could be read that you were just happy to be spending time with Hisoka rather than the fact that you were quite excited to meet drunk Illumi again.
“Is it illegal to smile?” You teased, knocking his shoulder with your own.
“No.” Ever the man of little words.
Just then, Hisoka returned with a couple of shots, whisky on the rocks for Illumi and what looked to be a neon red cocktail for the magician himself.
“Drink up.” You muttered, one finger under Illumi’s glass guiding it to his lips. You watched closely, perhaps like a predator would watch its prey in the wild, as your crush swallowed the amber liquid. 
You retracted your finger, satisfied that the plan was in motion while Hisoka almost choked on his drink from trying to suppress a laugh. Illumi noticed this too and cocked his head, confused at the magician’s reaction.
“Oh, nothing.” He waved his hand, feigning innocence. 
The assassin shrugged and finished his drink. It was nowhere near enough for him to feel a buzz, but you smiled regardless in anticipation.
Nine drinks later and the familiar red flush was creeping its way back onto Illumi’s face. He was definitely feeling some sort of a buzz now. Time to see if he was drunk enough to feel jealousy.
“I wonder if I’ll get lucky tonight?” You pretended to be absent minded, twirling a straw that had come with one of Hisoka’s many cocktails.
“Get lucky?” Illumi questioned, seeming the same as he usually did. Hisoka had gone to the bar to order more so now was your chance.
“Mhm, I wonder if Hisoka would be down to do something fun.”
“Fun how?”
“Oh, you know,” Your grin was positively wicked as you leaned closer to him, as if you were about to spill your darkest secrets. “Like sex.”
As fast as lightning, the boy next to you grabbed your wrist in that familiar way of his whenever the alcohol kicked in. 
“Why him?” His voice was unaffected but his hand never moved.
“Who else would be willing?” You asked innocently, meeting his gaze. “You know Hisoka likes to get frisky with anyone.”
He didn’t respond, you didn’t think he would anyway so it didn’t come as a surprise but it was still very apparent that he didn’t like the sound of your answer.
You stared at him incredulously. Was he actually jealous? The thought was so absurd you had to laugh. No, you shook your head, surely not. You knew that you had set out to make him so but never did you actually think that it would work. In all honesty, you didn’t think Illumi had the capacity to be jealous. That was too advanced in the feelings department for him.
Hisoka returned, grinning ear to ear, having seen the whole thing go down from the bar. “Round two.”
Illumi and Hisoka were fifteen drinks in each by the time anything promising happened. The Zoldyck assassin had seemingly returned to the state he was in that night and both you and Hisoka knew it was time to enact the final stages of the plan.
You promptly stood, attracting the attention of both of your companions.
“Wanna dance?” You offered your hand to Hisoka, blatantly ignoring the boy next to you. It crushed you a little to have to do this but you kept reminding yourself that it would be worth it if the results went in your favour.
The magician accepted with a grin and the two of you made your way to the centre of the room, leaving your crush behind. You didn’t dare spare a glance at him, as much as you wanted to. Hisoka however, was openly staring at Illumi, as if presenting a challenge.
“Is it working?” 
“Just about~” Hisoka sang and leaned in, lips inches away. “One more push should break him.”
Just as you were closing your eyes, there was an ear shattering crash from behind. Whipping your head around in the direction of the noise, your jaw almost hit the floor at what you saw. Illumi was standing upright, hand balled into a fist, and underneath was a table in smithereens. All noise in the bar had stopped, eyes focused solely on the drunk assassin. 
“Congratulations, we have successfully broken him.” Hisoka muttered, you could feel the curve of his lips against your ear.
“Yeah.” You couldn’t really comprehend what you were seeing, and you still couldn’t when the bartender started walking towards the cause of the commotion.
“Um sir, I think you’ve had too much to drink. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” It was quite foolish of the bartender really. For him to approach someone he just witnessed shatter a thick, wooden table with his bare hand. You couldn’t feel too bad for him when Illumi reached out and crushed the man’s neck. You could’ve done without the screaming that followed though.
“Time to go.” You watched the body of the bartender crumple to the floor as you sprinted to Illumi, not wanting to push his unpredictability any further. As you approached, his eyes locked onto you and he reached out again, only instead of meeting the same fate as the bartender, he grabbed your wrist instead.
Was he jealous?
You couldn’t think too hard on the topic as people were screaming, rushing to get out. You were fairly sure you could hear sirens in the distance. Not that the police could do much against you three but you wanted to enjoy Illumi in this state more than you wanted a fight.
“C’mon sunshine, let’s go home.” You looped his arm over your shoulders and began to drag him to the exit. He didn’t put up a fight but that didn’t make it any easier.
“Hisoka, a little help here?” You grunted, forgetting how difficult it was to carry a drunken Illumi and being swiftly reminded at an alarming rate.
“No, no. You’re doing great.” Hisoka’s voice came from behind, clearly amused at your struggling. “You don’t need my assistance.”
“Thanks so much.”
Somehow, you successfully managed to get Illumi out of the building and to your apartment block with little issues. Your body ached with the weight but that was about all you had as far as problems went.
“And this is where I leave you.” The red head announced, bowing with dramatic flair. “My work here is done for the evening.”
Ever grateful to the best wingman, you gave him an appreciative nod. “Whatever would I do without you?”
With that, Hisoka took his leave knowing that you would update him of any and all developments later. Pulling Illumi inside, you were grateful that you decided to live in a place with elevators so getting the useless body to your apartment proved little to no issue.
The door swung closed behind you and suddenly it was just the two of you. Almost as if a switch had been flipped, the second you were alone, Illumi attacked you with as much passion as his lithe, emotionless body could manage. Illumi when intoxicated could never seem to keep his emotions in check. It was quite entertaining to watch him go from an expressionless assassin to a car crash of desperation. You loved every second of it.
It was a struggle to keep up with his feverish kissing, not that you were complaining in the slightest. This was exactly what you wanted.
The first time Illumi was drunk, he didn’t speak unless spoken to. So it shocked you when he pulled away, half lidded eyes boring into yours.
“Don’t ever do this with Hisoka.” 
Ah, so this was jealous drunk Illumi.
His eyes never left yours, as if waiting for your word that you wouldn’t. He was bold in the way he looked at you, long hair mussed and wild from your fingers, cheeks twinged red from the alcohol.
You smirked and leaned in, lips purposefully brushing his ear. “Only with you then, if that is what you want.”
Illumi leaned back in for a kiss but you put your finger to his lips, halting him immediately. “But I want you to do something for me in return.”
The very final part of the plan. “Tell me you like me." “Why would I do that?”
“So I know you’re serious. Why would I waste my time on someone who didn’t like me too?” You knew this wasn’t true, you would always fool around with Illumi even if you thought he had absolutely no interest in you whatsoever. He didn’t know that however and you were using that fact to your utmost advantage.
He nodded, your words making sense to him even in his drunken state. You held your breath, waiting for his honest answer.
“I like you.” His voice was heartless, and there was very little emotion in his delivery but you knew Illumi always spoke the truth with you. You smiled at his confession, your plan a huge success. “So don’t ever do this with Hisoka or anyone else.” 
“Only you Illumi, only you.” You barely had time to finish your sentence before he was on you again.
Oh yeah, you could definitely get used to this. 
Promptly deciding that kissing wasn’t enough, you began to lead the assassin to your bedroom. However you managed to shoot Hisoka a quick text first. It only consisted of one word, but it was all he needed.
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deadlockorignalfilms · 5 months
I wrote a really long thing about my opinions on the different adaptations of Hunter x Hunter for my personal Facebook
Since I spent like an hour on it and realized no one was going to read it, I decided I should probably post it somewhere else that no one would read it as well
I used to post my stupid art opinions on Tumblr a lot, before I realized that they were stupid and nothing I said made sense
Also I have, like, two friends now, who listen to what I have to say, which is something that I didn't have before. Now it seems like a horrible idea to post my bad takes on my COMPANY'S social media, because I can just say dumb shit to my friends in private instead of screaming nonsense into the void until somebody inevitably ratios me when I say something stupid enough
Anyway here's this dumb word vomit
So far the 1999 Hunter Hunter has been immeasurably better than 2011. Absolutely no contest, completely blows the later version out of the water
except in one regard
Having seen both versions, I think they kind of weren't able to do Heaven's Arena Justice in the original show.
Aside from the most obvious problem, that the hisoka vs kastro fight is completely removed in the original adaptation, 1999's more dark, lethargic and Atmospheric Vibe doesn't really mix well with the fun tournament Arc it's trying to adapt. It kind of just ends up being boring. which is a real shame
The 2011 version has a lot of problems of it's own in the heavens arena section but it gets the tone right. the biggest problem in 2011 being that the show seems unwilling to animate a good fight scene for most of the first 76 episodes. so the fights, the main things that happen during a tournament arc, are really underwhelming.
It kind of seems like Madhouse was so dead set on keeping the characters on model at all times that they had trouble moving them around too much, or having them do anything exciting at all? (until the Chimera ant Arc, when the show gets a lot more High effort). That's just a theory though, I have no idea why 2011's animation is so underwhelming for the first 76 episodes. (The less charitable interpretation is that maybe they just decided not to put any effort in until the Chimera ant arc, because that was the only section they actually WANTED to do, and they were doing the rest of the show out of obligation)
Another problem with 2011 is that the scenes where the characters are introducing the magic system to the audience for the first time are really half-assed, boringly staged with flat angles and no dynamic cinematography or lighting. I should be feeling wonder and amazement but instead I'm just looking at a cup in a boring hotel room while standard OST track 3 plays for the fifth time this episode. So much wonder, much Whimsy
But in spite of those problems, the more adventurous, upbeat and exciting tone of the 2011 version matches this particular story a little bit better then the dreary berserk-like tone of the previous adaptation. Madhouse didn't put anywhere near as much effort in as Nippon Animation did,
( outside of gon vs hisoka there's almost no good great fight animation. the scenes of gon fighting the guy with the dreidels are especially bad, especially in comparison to shows like Naruto Shippuden that regularly have exhilarating fights, with the trade off being that the higher frame rate means that they can't always keep the characters on model )
but at least it's more fun to watch and in the end that's the most important thing
(except for the agonizing nen explanation scenes in flatly lit hotel rooms, which are just unbearably bad in 2011)
Also since I'll probably never have another opportunity to bring this up
While I'm complaining about the 2011 version of Hunter x Hunter
Why is it so horny?
Specifically, why is there so much fan service?
The 1999 version isn't like that, the manga isn't like that from what I've seen, but any time there's a female character on screen madhouse animate jiggle physics for no reason
When chairman and Menchi are having a conversation in the 2011 version, for absolutely no reason they decided to add a moment where the chairman stops listening to her and just stares at her tits. As far as I can tell that doesn't happen in any other version
When stuff like that happens it really just kind of feels like they were bored with the show that they were making.
I'm sorry you didn't like making this show, I also wish somebody else had done it because then maybe it would have turned out good 😕 (well it does get good, almost 100 episodes in)
The pre-chimera-arc good parts of the madhouse Hunter x Hunter are the parts where Togahi's storytelling is so good that it shines through the lackluster adaptation. which to me seems like the ultimate proof that they did a shit job. Since the average anime adaptation is very faithful to the source material, the one job that the adaptation is supposed to fulfill is to elevate the story through movement, cinematography, music, voice acting, and editing. Madhouse doesn't do that until the final Arc, up until that point it's just going through the motions, in cartoon form.
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hysokaz · 3 years
gon has got too much compassion. specially for his enemies.
when he over and over tells the ant hes fighting that he doesnt have to die if gon wins, that he can surrounded, then hes just continuously putting it in his head that no matter what, life is always precious and should be sacred. i guess. and its not like its bad for him to think that way but the ant literally all it wants to do is eat him. and gon still offers an olive branch. when you hear "too kind for his own good" its litearlly this-- hes going to die trying to talk no jutsu someone
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madam-agony · 3 years
The Exaggeration of Problematic Ships
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WARNING: Mention of Abuse, Death Threats
Hello! In this post, I will explain my point of view on this whole thing about “problematic ships”.
The reason why I decided to discuss about this kind of subject is because I’m completely tired of seeing people throwing hate and bullying other people over something so harmless.
By the way, excuse me if there will be any grammar mistakes.
First of all, I will explain what “problematic ship”, “pro ship” and what “anti” means
“Problematic ship” means a ship between two or more fictional characters, regardless if they’re abusive, age-gapped, blood-related, or just considered wrong in general. (examples of proships: Sebastian x Ciel, Hisoka x Gon, Endeavor x Todoroki, Bakugo x Deku, Illumi x Killua, etc)
“Pro ship” means to believe it’s completely fine for people to ship whatever they want, even if it’s a problematic ship.
“Anti" means to be against pro shippers.
Now, I will explain why being a pro shipper is completely normal and deserve respect just like all of us.
Never compare fiction with reality. It’s dumb and makes no sense when you compare these two different things in a case like this.
A problematic ship would be bad in real life because it does harm someone. Though, in fiction, nobody gets hurt.
We can do whatever the hell we want in fictional world and no one can tell us what to do, and that’s the beauty of it. We can do whatever we want without caring about anyone else. Telling someone to stop fantasizing about something just because you find it wrong is pointless and dumb
Fiction doesn’t affect reality. At least, not in the way to be considered as dangerous. It’s silly to blame a video game for a person’s actions, the game has no fault. An adult is completely aware of what they are doing, so they should know that any action they take has consequences they must consider. If it’s a child or a minor, then it’s the parents’ fault for not checking up on them and not taking enough care of them.
I understand that it may trigger you and may be a sensitive topic, but it’s not our problem. I don’t want to sound rude, but it’s honestly not our problem. We can create, post, and discuss about whatever we want as long as it’s not harming anyone directly. If it makes you uncomfortable, just block us. It is not up to us to create content that you find enjoyable or at least decent. It’s our posts, our accounts, our lives. We don’t hurt you on purpose.
Don’t say “but it teaches children to behave badly because they saw in a fanfiction it’s okay to be abusive or be fondled by adults!” just no. As I said, the parents should be more responsible with their children and check up on them whenever possible (not as in “spying your child every time you’ve got the opportunity” but you get my point). Also, if you really need to believe that everything displayed in fanfictions is normal/healthy, then you should get proper education.
I am myself a pro shipper, and while I’m not that hardcore of a fan, I still had previous experiences with angry and frustrated antis.
I know it will make me seem like I’m complaining or anything, but this will be an easier way I can guarantee you that people like these exist, since it was in my own experience.
I once wrote a fanfiction that implied pro shipping. I did put warnings in the description and before the story began, but I see that it was useless because people prefer to get triggered and shocked than read the description and pay attention to the warning so they can insult the living shit out of me later on. The next day, I woke up with 20+ hate comments and death threats in the comments.
All of them were horrible, it made me feel like shit and made me wonder why people are like that. Luckily, after a hour or two, I calmed down and realized that I shouldn’t stress on people like these so much. I should take this bad experience and make it something good to teach other people, something that I can give to other people so they can learn from my experience. I was stronger than before. (as cringe as it sounds lol)
At that moment, I realized that people like that barely even care about the real “issue” here. They only see it as a chance to bully someone without looking bad in front of other people. They are so sucked up in their own mind that they think what they’re doing is right.
People like that are the worst. Their morality is corrupted.
Because, their morals is like: it’s not okay to write things like that, but it’s okay to send death threats and bully them”
Don’t get me wrong, it’s completely fine to dislike a ship! I dislike some ships too, but that doesn’t give me the right to go and jump on them like a wild animal.
Not all antis are mean, but most of them are like that. It’s okay to not like something, but don’t make a mess out of it.
Now here are a few examples of frustrated and crazy antis.
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Hell, they are so annoying when they put heart emojis at the end of their comment so they can make themselves look quirky and cool. Disgusting, that’s all I have to say about this kind of people.
If you really believe someone is doing something wrong, approach them in a gentle manner and talk respectfully towards them.
I’m sorry if I sounded rude in this post, and remember that you should look in other perspectives too, not in only yours. Even if someone does something wrong (but pro shipping is not the case), then explain to them what they’re doing wrong, not fuck them up.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
If you have any questions, just comment on this post or message me privately.
(Yes, I edited this post because I have mistaken the difference between “problematic ship” and “pro ship” and fixed a few typos. Don’t worry, my points in this post are still the same and I fully mean them.”
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icharchivist · 7 years
I'm really worried about Leorio in this arc. Like he hasn't seen half the shit Kurapika's been through and not even a quarter of half the shit Killua and Gon have been through. And this arc seems like/was stated to be even worse than the chimera ant arc? He's gonna get thrust in the middle of all of it! Thought it might also be his time to shine. Kurapika's def gonna get hurt and while he can heal himself normally he won't be able to if he's passed out/weakened from emperor time.
Yeee definitly agreed. Some shits are going to go down and that’s going to be hard.
I love Kurapika with all my heart but tbh I really wanted this arc to be more Leorio centric. I’m still a bit frustrated we didn’t get much of him, but I think the arc can set up a few things for him now if the storyline takes it.
and if it does? Leorio is going to suffer.
The thing is that, I think the main four are complementary in a sort of way when it comes to their respective trauma. Gon’s was dormant and truly kicked in in the CA arc when everything happened to Kite. He actively tried to confront that trauma and it ended badly. Killua’s was always kinda there and is still there, without exactly being addressed directly by Killua - he’s slowly recovering without exactly realizing it since it’s just by being away from a toxic environment that he’s doing better.Kurapika's trauma is still vivid and active and he’s completely aware of it, and he deals with it with the most unhealthy ways possible, and like Gon he tries to confront him.
If we go by that logic, Leorio’s trauma happened officially pre-canon with the death of his friend, and he had tried to recover as much as possible in the most healthy ways (how he’s becoming a doctor to prevent this loss to happen again). 
Out of the Four, it’s true Leorio is the one who suffered the least, and he’s the one who moved on from the trauma that kickstarted his plotline - as much as we can say, he recovered. 
Which is in itself a good theme when it comes down to it, but since it’s not exactly exploited by the narrative, it’s not exactly obvious and I doubt it was meant to be a point in itself but more a set up.
If it is a set up, we saw already a bit of payoff thus far. The multiple times he worred about Kurapika before the end of the York New Arc and grew concerned was one part, and his direct reaction to almost losing Gon was extremely frightening for him. It’s eventually what led him to ask the Zodiacs if they could find a way to get to Kurapika. 
I think that, at this point of the story, Leorio is more worried for his friends than ever. In the begining of the story he mostly focuses on his goal, becoming a doctor in order to be able to prevent the harm that could happen to people, but he ended up feeling extremely guilty in the Election arc where, after all this studying, he still wasn’t there when his friends were suffering, and he couldn’t have done anything to prevent it - and now again he was powerless.
Even when Gon wakes up Leorio still feels guilty for not having been there when all those troubles with Killua and Gon happened - he mentions it especially when Gon mentions the “horrible things” he said to Killua, which means more than saving his life, Leorio wanted to have been here to prevent all those bad things to happen, to even talk with them if possible.
Which is imo why he tried to reach out for Kurapika a bit more and ended up asking the Zodiac for a favor - because he wasn’t there previously and his friends ended up near death. And it’s all good to be able to help people, but if you’re not there when it happens, what’s the point?
I’m still a little unsure about that because as much as i love Leorio caring for his friends, I would have loved a more “Leorio-centric” narrative, but as the story is going on, I wonder if the catalyst won’t be even more harm happening to his closed ones and eventually re-traumatizing him, and having him try to do something about it.
That’s why I’ve kinda been thinking that Kurapika may not die but will be badly harmed by the end of the arc and it may bring oil on the fire for Leorio. But at the same time i’m still a bit doubtful, because a repetitive narrative can be either extremely clever as parallelism, or downright stupid because it’s basically the same thing. But it’s been in the back of my mind for a while, since it would find a place among Leorio’s themes in general.
Personally, I would wish to see him more involved with the Zodiacs and uses his political position as a means to an end. I would love to see more of his training too, but I don’t have any precise idea of where it could go from that point on in order to explore that.
All i still wish for though, is that - Leorio is supposed to be busy on the lower levels of the ship. Kurapika is dealing with the princes now, but Leorio is down there, far from the political fighting.
Mizai had said that riots started happening on the lower levels, and I want to know if it’s going to bring somewhere, especially with Leorio who’s after all, working in that aera. It would be an opportunity to open up a plot line for him.
If we can’t have a totally centric Leorio arc like I wish, there’s still the fact the Troupe and Hisoka are also on those lower levels. At best, Leorio could get involved because he knows them and can try to come up with ways to limitate the damages (also it could also finally explore why Hisoka took an interest on him in the Hunter Exam by having those two at least having a conversation.). At worst, if it’s not entierely Leorio-centric, he could be worried that learning the Troupe is on board would be of harm for Kurapika and try to deal with it for it.
Regardless, I still believe the arc will be divided in, well, 3 for now. First part was the introduction we saw so far, until the departure of the boat, second would be the Succession War and everything happening on the Boat to the Dark Continent. Lastly, the Exploration of the Dark Continent itself.
I think it may be why the likes of Ging and Pariston hadn’t been seen again since the Succession War sub-arc started. The introduction would have set the players for the following arcs, and the Dark Continent exploration would be a complete different story.
Kurapika’s entiere purpose for participating in that arc is the Succession War (which again is one of the reason I think he’ll be out of commission by the end of this pat). Leorio, however, promised to help alongside Cheadle with every means he could, and I believe it might be that he’ll therefore be a more major player in the Exploration of the Dark Continent itself.
Whenever it would be to further his own storyline, which i really hope for, or to help wounded friends (after all, one of the wonders of the Dark Continent includes a rice that makes you life longer, that would come handy), i think Leorio would have more of a plotline in the Dark Continent Itself.
(especially even more if the Dark Continent would head up into a commentary about collonialism the way the CA arc had a commentary about war, and that I think (really take it with a grain of salt bc it’s something i’ve been thinking to myself for a while) that therefore Nanika’s powers could have been a forshadow of the commentary itself - for your selfish gain you will only get suffering, a suffering the next people involved, regardless of their own intend, will pay even harder, but if you’re there because you want to help, if you work it out of love, either toward the land/the person or toward the people you’re trying to help, you may find a welcome. I think it was stated that the guardian of the DC wouldn’t let a lot of people in, and we saw the scientific team talking about the DC only see horrors from the people who came back - yet apparently Don Freecss, who embrassed and loved the new land, could benefits from its goodness.)(and i’m completely overanalysing so don’t take that part any seriously until we get any confirmation, because for now we don’t know anything.)
Also the Zodiac are planning on letting all the people on the Boat (aside from those who are actively working on the exploration of the dark continent) into an Unknown Continent, I suppose eventually a few stuff could happen there, at least as it would come to organize the people who will be brought there.
I’m really scared for what’s to come though because ye, it seems to be going in a dark path, and things are going to get tense. And I worry too that Leorio’s “lack of drama” (for lack of better word) will eventually backlash on him getting even worse on his head.
The problem is that so far the most I can think about is him reacting to his friends and... While on one way I consider it to be in character, and it’s not a shame for character to be dedicated to their friends (a lot of Killua’s storyline centers a lot more around helping Gon that it does on his own goal, textually so. And Leorio’s goal is, as a mean to an end, a way to help people, among those, his friends.). 
On the other, I would love a storyline that would explore much more about Leorio, first because I really want to see him evolve and see him going through stuff, and second because I don’t want to hear anything about how he’s not interesting or useless or any Bad Word Of The Month people use on him. And the sad truth is that people who’s goal are usually really “caring” centric are often sidelined, both by the narrative and the fandom, more than once.
So in recap, i do think he’ll get involved in the plotline and he will end up getting in danger in one way or another. But I also believe he will be more involved either with the Zodiac or with the Exploration, and maybe with the Riots on the boat, which could be an excellent opportunity to explore much, much more of him. Even if you have to use other people’s suffering to come there, i just wish at least it wouldn’t break him.
I’m still hopeful for Leorio’s involvement and story arc, but ye, there’s no way it will happen without suffering. Brace for it.
All of that being said, there’s still a lot this arc has to offer and Togashi had always managed to surprise us in one way or another, and he always added stuff to the scenario that we couldn’t exactly anticipate. Notice that all I say is my overanalysis of current information that might be completely wrong after a next update because of new elements. I totally believe Togashi can be completely misleading, and that he will bring the story where it has to be brought and that it will be interesting.  But we can’t predict it, even with all the amount of overinterpretation one can use.
Take care!!
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