#since i'm sure there will be some that improve on the singing without changing the music tone too much
thatrandombystander · 4 months
16 years later and it must be said that Akuno-p's Daughter of Evil feat. Kagamine Rin does still slap
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gritsandbrits · 3 months
Regarding Wish, I don't know why people seem to hate the movie since IMO it wasn't even that bad at all, if anything, it's actually a really cute movie.
While I do have small issues with it, it's mostly just the songs ( except 'This is the Thanks I Get' ) since I found them not having that 'Ohmmph!!' energy where people would love to sing and repeat the songs over and over again.
And just Amaya immediately getting over Magnifico so quickly, I'm not against her turning her back on him after he literally pointed his magic staff on her, I would've like it if it's a long process where, sure she'll fight for what is right, but by the end of the movie, needed more time to sort her feelings and get over him, slow yet natural.
Other than that, there's no issues in the movie that I have a problem with, Asha is a cute protagonist, and for some reason, people think of her as some evil young teenager when she's just simply, and politely ( might I add ), suggesting Magnifico to hand over the wishes if he couldn't grant a lot of the people's wishes ( even calling her own granfather's wish 'evil' or 'dangerous' is a stretch, given it's just him playing an instrument ).
The funny part is the movie gave them exactly what they wanted. They wanted to movie to fail and have a bad story and it did kinda, so now they're walking around with an inflated sense of superiority because they were right. But it's not enough, now they're celebrating by shitting on people who like it while also making up problems that weren't even in the movie, just to find a reason to drag it just that more. They can't even praise Nimona without having wish in their mouths which shows just how obsessive the hate train has gotten. And I love Nimona!!
And funnier still, in the off chance Wish get a spinoff or sequel that does improve on its faults, Twitter will still find a way to drag it down because to them, media can't change for the better, especially media they already hate, so they need to have come up with excuses to not give it a 2nd chance. It's like with the recent He Man cartoon. Revelation had a ton of issues that got better by the time Revolution came out, but some grifters still tried to bash on Revolution because they couldn't stomach the fact the show actually listened to the criticisms and fixed itself. It didn't give them to satisfaction of getting worse and it pisses them off.
I also noticed when raya or Asha show up in official art or tweets people get angry, but I'm over her saying, even Disney acknowledges characters from Cars 2 and chicken little and they had bad stories yet they not allowed to mention Asha and raya?
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musicofthesoul-j · 7 months
Happy JATP FanFest!! Here is a Reggie centric fic for @ginervacade
It's a bit shorter than I wanted it, but I hope you like it! I may post it to the FanFest AO3 collection at some point, but I'm not sure yet.
Reggie wasn’t sure how long he had been watching. Sure, standing behind the studio door for any extended amount of time wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it didn’t matter because Julie and Luke were working on songs together. Seeing them sing together made Reggie feel calm, happy, and proud all at once. He’s shared the mic with Luke before. Reggie has felt the indescribable energy that Luke radiates when singing. Seeing Julie being a part of that energy always gave Reggie’s stomach butterflies.
“I think that was our best yet!” Luke exclaimed, the first spoken word in a while.
“Maybe,” Julie sighed.
“Maybe? Maybe what? It was incredible!” Luke sounded offended at the idea that anything needed to change, but Reggie knew that the singer would jump at the change to improve if Julie thought the song needed something.
“I’m not sure. I think we need a second opinion.” Julie seemed to be hinting at something, but Reggie couldn’t think of anything. Luke, however, seemed to catch on to whatever Julie was getting at, if the knowing look on his face was anything to go by.
“Well, maybe the single audience member would like to come out from behind the door and give us his opinion,” Luke remarked without taking his eyes off Julie. The two singers just stood silently looking at each other for a moment.
Then Julie sighed and turned to look at the door Reggie was standing behind, before stating “We’ve known you were there for at least two hours, amante. You might as well join us in here.”
Reggie took a deep breath and slowly walked around the door. He looked at the ground as he knew the embarrassment showed on his face. “Heyyyyy guys,” he squeaked. “Whatcha up to?”
Julie and Luke laughed as they walked over to Reggie and pulled him over to the couch, Luke setting down his guitar on the way.
“Well, since you already know what we WERE doing, how about we tell you what we intend to do now,” Julie reasoned. “Now we start cuddle time with our wonderful boyfriend.”
Reggie sat sandwiched between his partners. He relaxed, knowing neither musician was upset with him for watching from outside, and closed his eyes.
“Well, look at that,” Luke mused “We got ourselves a sleepy bass player.”
“How could I not when you make such a comfortable pillow, darlin’,” Reggie laughed.
The three of them stayed cuddled and sleepy on the couch for a few hours before Alex and Willie came back from their day out, Alex smiling twice as much as he had been in the morning. Julie got up to help Alex with dinner while Luke and Reggie continued laying on the couch.
“How did I ever get this lucky?” Reggie thought the question was in his head, but was proven wrong when Luke actually responded.
“It’s us who are the lucky ones, Reg. Our lives got better the day we all started going out.” And with that, both of them fell asleep, deciding to nap until food was ready.
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] Main Story S5CH7 ‘Wait and Hope’ - Final
Part 2
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Chapter 5
-old starless, stage-
yoshino: .......
kasumi: What're you doing in a place like this~?
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yoshino: ...! Oh, Kasumi, why are you...
kasumi: With a complicated expression on your face, you walked all the way here to the old Starless building. How could I not be curious? So, what's wrong?
yoshino: It's nothing...
kasumi: Reminiscing about the past?
yoshino: I guess so. To me this place is like my own Château d'If.
kasumi: ...? Are you referencing the original text of your show?
yoshino: Yeah. In the final stages of the story, Dantès revisits the prison he'd been trapped in. And there, he once again engraves Faria’s words into his heart... I wanted to confirm whether or not this place is that kind of place to me. I was wondering how I felt when I first came here. Back then, nothing was going my way, but I didn't give up... I wonder why.
kasumi: You kept facing challenges that were too big for you to handle.
yoshino: You don't sugar-coat your words huh... But, you may be right. Do you remember? A while ago, I spoke about how I wish I could sing honestly and express myself without holding back, like Heath does?
kasumi: When we spoke about living ones life at 0 or 100 yeah?
yoshino: Back then, you said that some people have no choice but to choose 100. I'm still envious of that even now... Since it's a way of life I could never live.
kasumi: .......
yoshino: In the past, I wasn't able to sing, I'd get lightheaded in front of a crowd... And then, once I was finally able to sing properly, the very opportunity for me to sing was nearly stolen from me. Both in the past, and even now... I've just been struggling this whole time.
kasumi: That may be so, but, you never ran away from those struggles, did you?
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yoshino: That's because— I didn't want to give up.
kasumi: Is that so? I'm not a singer myself so I'm not sure if my words will mean much but... The past is the past and the present is the present. Because you're who you are now, there are more songs that you can sing.
yoshino: Because I'm who I am now...? I was always looking for validation... To do so I thought I needed to be stronger... 
-yoshino seems to realise something-
yoshino: I'm going to head back to the store.
kasumi: Ok. I should get back too, I need to help Unei-kun out.
yoshino: And yet you still chased me all the way out here. You're surprisingly interested in other people’s business.
kasumi: We wouldn't want something happening to the singer of our current show now would we?
yoshino: True, that would be no laughing matter.
Chapter 5 extra
-starless lobby-
takami: Thank you for your patronage once again today. Was the show to your liking?
yoshino's father: I will be judgin’ the show based on how successful it is as a fellow businessman.
takami: I'm happy to hear that.
yoshino's father: However I will not praise the singin’. As the pivotal point of the show, that lacklustre performance is not enough to convince me.
takami: Is that so?
yoshino's father: ...Though, compared to the first day it has improved somewhat. The final show is soon approachin’, I look forward to seein’ what he'll do about it.
takami: Thank you for your valuable feedback. We will await your next visit.
-yoshino's father leaves-
takami: What a strict person he is.
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-starless office-
sinju: Welcome back! We didn't have enough flyers left so I'll restock them.
takami: Yes, thank you.
sinju: Oh by the way, were you talking to that older man in Japanese clothes?
takami: Yes, for a bit whilst I was seeing him off. Is there something you're concerned about?
sinju: That man keeps visiting us but he always has a really stern expression on his face. However, today he looked like he was in a better mood!
sin: You're able to perceive such a change?
sinju: It's just a hunch! I hope he can enjoy his time here at Starless. I'll take these flyers out now.
-sinju leaves-
sin: What impression does that man with the snow white eyebrows hold within?
takami: The shows aren't to his taste. However, if the guests enjoy it then it appears he doesn't outright disapprove of them.
sin: Weighing like and dislike can cloud even the clearest of waters. The king of the Shang dynasty does not forget to keep an eye on the bigger picture.
takami: It's to be expected from the owner of such a long established business. His thoughts on Yoshino's singing specifically is a different story though.
sin: Whether or not the red bird takes flight depends on the strength of the wind. It has no choice but to clear the fog or make its appeal.
Chapter 5 SideA
-starless lobby-
-gui peeks into the restaurant area-
gui: ...Yoshino?
yoshino: .......
gui: He's cleaning...? It's not time for his shift yet though.
rindou: What are you looking at?
gui: Yoshino. He's cleaning the restaurant floor.
rindou: Aah. I guess it is strange to see him start his shift early.
gui: Yeah. Why did he do that?
rindou: Probably because it makes him happy to imagine the 
guest's excited faces when they arrive.
gui: Isn't that the same thing that you've said once before?
rindou: You have a good memory. It probably is.
gui: The guest's excited faces...
-time pass, starless restaurant area-
female guest 1: Hey hey, don't you think Yoshino-kun's singing had more depth to it today?
female guest 2: I know what you mean! Just listening to it made my own heart hurt!
saki: (Yoshino-san's singing really was amazing... I feel like I've been overhearing the guest's talking about Yoshino-san more and more recently too.)
maica: I've brought you a new drink, Saki. I'll leave it here for you.
saki: Thank you.
maica: Are you enjoying the show?
saki: Of course. Especially Yoshino-san's singing, it has a real edge to it tonight.
maica: ...Yeah. It gave me goosebumps. It was as if he'd taken everyone's anguish and carried it on his back. I didn't know Yoshino was capable of expressing something like that.
saki: Yes. I was completely captivated by Dantès.
-yoshino walks up-
saki: Good job on the show, Yoshino-san. It was wonderful.
yoshino: Thank you, Saki-san.
saki: (Somehow Yoshino-san looks really relaxed today.)
yoshino: Did you enjoy my singing?
saki: Of course. It was great.
yoshino: I'm glad. It was because I was watching the smile on your face.
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Chapter 5 SideA extra
-locker room-
yakou: The audience's reaction to our show today was amazing wasn't it?
yoshino: I think it's the best show I've put on so far.
yakou: Honestly, your performance was so good I felt like I was falling behind.
yoshino: Thanks.
yakou: I could hear that your singing had changed, does that mean you found your answer?
yoshino: I don't really want to admit it but... For a long time now, I think my goal had just been to gain approval.
yakou: Through your singing, huh?
yoshino: I pushed away my obligations and compared myself to other singers. However now I've realised that... I don't think that was my own way of singing.
yakou: I see.
yoshino: That's why, these struggles aren't just going to disappear. But rather than hide them, I think I need to express myself instead.
yakou: I think I understand what you mean.
yoshino: Of course, I don't mean I should just vent whatever I'm feeling, but rather I need to make the struggle and frustration my own, and use those feelings to make my singing resound even more beautifully.
yakou: I see... Kei and Ginsei's judgment was correct after all then.
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yoshino: Ginsei's?
yakou: The one who recommended you to be this show's singer from the very start was Ginsei.
yoshino: W-what? But why...?
yakou: Because your voice suits the original text of our show, that's what he told Kei right to his face
yoshino: I-Is that so... In a way, Ginsei doesn't back down from his beliefs either, huh.
yakou: You said it.
Chapter 5 SideB
-break room-
ginsei: Thanks for coming to watch us again today, Princess. Did you like the show?
saki: Yes. You all seemed so lively this time.
ginsei: I got really into the show today actually.
saki: Yeah, it had an impressive atmosphere to it that wasn't present before.
ginsei: Yeah exactly. Especially Yoshino, the way he sung matched how I envisioned the script perfectly.
sotetsu: Meaning the real show is about to begin now hm?
ginsei: ...Are you up to something again?
sotetsu: Of course not. As always I just want to see some entertainment.
ginsei: I don't really get it, but keep whatever it is in moderation.
saki: Ahaha...
ginsei: You're going to head him now right, Princess? I need to get back to work sadly...
sotetsu: Don't worry, I'll escort her. Let's go, Saki.
ginsei: Be careful getting home. See you tomorrow.
-time pass, street, night-
sotetsu: So, what did you really think about tonight's show?
saki: Everyone's acting along with Yoshino-san's singing really moved me, it was amazing.
sotetsu: Ooh? Which part in particular impressed you?
saki: The scene's between Kei-san and Yoshino-san... Their conversations were so impactful, it made my heart race.
sotetsu: I see I see. In that case it was worth giving him that push.
saki: ...Are you talking about Yoshino-san?
sotetsu: Yeah.
saki: Kei-san had said that some members of the team had vouched for him... Could it be you were one of them, Sotetsu-san?
sotetsu: Correct.
saki: I see... But why did you do that?
sotetsu: ...I'm not so sure myself.
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saki: ...?
sotetsu: Anyways, I'm sure you're looking forward to hearing how he'll sing in the closing show. Enjoy yourself until the final curtain closes, alright?
Chapter 5 SideB extra
-starless restaurant area-
hinata: Aah... It's over... I'm so tried, I can't move another muscle...
lico: Drama queen.
hinata: I'm being serious! There's been so many guests visiting this show... Wait actually, where's Saki-san?
taiga: She went home ages ago.
hinata: Whaaat! But I wanted to walk to the station with her~
mizuki: You're weak as shit so that ain't happening.
hinata: Hey what's that supposed to mean?
lico: Public safety isn't too great in this area. Do you think we just let anyone walk her home? There's all sorts of weirdos that loiter around out here.
hinata: Oh~ I did get told about that! That this area is super dangerous~
heath: .......
taiga: Speaking of... Well, I wouldn't call him shady but... What's up with that old guy who keeps visiting lately?
lico: Who knows.
hinata: Oh yeah, you mean that out of place looking old guy? I wonder what he keeps visiting for.
mizuki: Were the bad reviews his doing?
taiga: Oh yeah... Kongou was worried about needing to change the menu.
heath: That man...
mizuki: Huh? You know him, Heath?
heath: Not at all. It's just, his colour resembles how mine used to look.
(note: Heath means that Yoshino’s father’s colour looks like how his was when his health wasn’t good.)
Chapter 6
-starless hallway-
saki: (It was an amazing show all the way up until the end... I want to congratulate Yoshino-san on the successful performance, but I'm not sure where he went...?)
-behind starless, night-
saki: (He's speaking with his father...? I shouldn't eavesdrop...)
yoshino: ...What did you think of the show?
yoshino's father: First, congratulations on makin’ it to the closin’ show. It was a good performance.
yoshino: ...! T-thank you very much.
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yoshino's father: Good 'art' should be properly evaluated as such.
yoshino: Yes...
yoshino's father: I understand your resolve, however our time on this earth is finite. You can't just spend it deliberatin’ forever. So what ya should do is settle how you feel and come back home once you're done— That's what I'm tryin’ to say.
yoshino: (holds back a laugh) 
yoshino: I think this is the first time you've spoken to me like this.
yoshino's father: I'll be headin’ home now.
yoshino: Yes. Thank you for coming and watching Team K's show.
-yoshino bows as his father leaves-
yoshino: ...I'll sing until the very end. Even if that's just my ego talking.
-yoshino goes to leave but spots saki-
yoshino: ...! Saki-san, you were here?
saki: Yes, um...
yoshino: Thank you for watching over me until the closing show. Since we're already outside, allow me to escort you home.
-in front of starless, night-
yoshino: Thank you again for coming to see the show tonight.
saki: No worries...
yoshino: I hope you were satisfied with it.
saki: Of course. It was a performance that touched my heart.
yoshino: It means the world to hear you say that. (yoshino glances up) It won't be long before it's cherry blossom season huh.
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saki: Hm...?
yoshino: Whenever I look at Starless' signboard like this, I remember the past. And the way it makes me feel changes each time I look up at it. I wonder how many more times I'll be able to see the cherry blossoms bloom in Tokyo...
saki: Yoshino-san...
yoshino: It's special to me after all. Since my stage name is based on the yoshino cherry.
saki: I think that it's a name that really suits you.
yoshino: Fufu, that makes me happy. I'll have to keep giving it my all. So that, like the yoshino cherries, I can bloom beautifully and scatter beautifully afterwards... However, right now I'm still far from being in full bloom. So until that time comes, please continue to watch over me.
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EX 1
-starless office-
unei: Hm? Yakou-san isn't here? We had a meeting scheduled...
taiga: Yakou ran out of here in a hurry. He got a call from the hospital and said he needed to go right away.
unei: Ah...
hari: Is the situation ok? Yakou too, did he look distressed?
unei: N-no way...!
-time pass, office-
yakou: Apologies for calling you all here whilst you're busy.
saki: (I wonder what happened...?)
kei: Begin.
yakou: Haseyama has had a no visitors policy placed on him. We won't be allowed to visit him for the time being.
unei: Oh no...
saki: Haseyama-san...
rindou: Is that so? I had thought his condition was looking stable though.
mokuren: That's all? I'm returning to training then.
unei: A-are you guys really not worried about him...?
kokuyou: You're asking that now?
mizuki: Kouichi should just return to being owner already.
kei: Either way, what it is that we must do has not changed. Put on the highest quality of shows, that is all... Are you content with that, Yakou?
yakou: Yes.
-leaders all leave-
yakou: Sorry for startling you with the news, Saki-san. You too, Unei-kun...
saki: No, it's ok...
unei: What is going to happen now?
yakou: I'm not sure, but all we can do for now is keep at it.
-unei and saki leave-
yakou: ...Just what is he thinking?
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EX 2
-behind starless, day-
sotetsu: Yo.
kei: On another reconnaissance mission?  
sotetsu: I'm just confirming the result. We made a deal, remember?
kei: There's nothing to confirm. Everything went as you said it would. There's nothing more to discuss.
sotetsu: As I said, things got interesting right?
kei: It is true that the show eventually reached my desired level by the end. I shall recognise at least that.
sotetsu: You can just compliment him honestly y'know. Welp, since I won the bet that means I have no need to apologise.
kei: I do not care. It was you who started this bet of your own accord.
sotetsu: Oh right, did Haseyama's condition take a turn for the worst? Unei-kun has been all over the place.
kei: Apparently so. I don't know any further details either.
sotetsu: I see. Well, means we can't just be taking it easy then huh?
EX 3
-behind starless, evening-
aogiri: Hm...?
suspicious man: .......
aogiri: Do you have business with our store? If so I'd be happy to help you.
suspicious man: ....... 
-man runs off-
aogiri: That behaviour is practically begging to be called suspicious.
-street, evening-
suspicious man: .......
aogiri: ....... (following the man)
-alleyway, evening-
ran: What's this~? If it isn't Aogiri. Heyo~
suspicious man: !
-man runs off-
aogiri: ......
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mizuki: Oi, what's a guy like you doin' here?
aogiri: Mizuki, Ran. There was a man I hadn't seen visit before hanging around the back entrance of Starless... When I tried talking to him he ran off in a hurry, so I couldn't help but be curious.
ran: And so ya were tailin' him? You've got guts! Did no one tell ya that this area is dangerous though?
aogiri: Ah, now that you mention it, yes. It must have slipped my mind.
ran: Looks like ya got lucky this time, but be careful yeah?
aogiri: I wouldn't want to get caught up in a fight scene like you see in movies. I shall proceed with caution from now on. Thank you very much for the warning.
-aogiri leaves-
mizuki: What's up with that guy?
-park, evening-
-phone rings-
iwami (on phone): Oh, it's you. What is it? He's not allowed any visitors, right?
iwami (on phone): Hmm? Well that's troublesome ain't it? No, I'm worried for him, I swear.
iwami (on phone): Oh by the way, Hinata. I have a little favour that I'd like to ask of you…
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theheroheart · 2 years
Finally saw Chess in Oslo.
Here are lots of observations, mostly on staging/acting and things you don't get from the cast recording. Somewhat in chronological order, except for overarching stuff. (Some observations dip into deeper analysis, oops.) Some things you might know if you've seen Svenska Chess.
First of all I got alternate (Sanne Kvitnes) and Arbiter (Cornelia Børnick). Florence was absolutely fantastic, she killed it. Easily could've been main cast. Arbiter was absolutely solid, but she didn't blow me away - but then it's kind of hard to do that as the Arbiter. Think I like both of them better than main cast, but it's hard to judge fairly without having seen them.
Rest was as expected. Adored Freddie, but I already did. Anatoly is fantastic. Svetlana surprised and impressed me, her acting improved my opinion of her. Molokov's great, but less notable. Ensemble was solid, there's a few notable ones that delighted me.
Since I'm one of the only really avid Chess fans who's also Norwegian, I feel like I should comment on this.
I think the translation is fantastic. It flows well, it's overally very intelligible, it's emotive, it uses some fucking fancy words like "polemic", it's the right level of cheesy...
Adaptation-wise they also did a lot to make the story as clear as possible, adding context when necessary. Without delving too deep in the broader political context, which they don't lean as heavy on.
There's bits I would change, but overall it's really solid.
They did such a good job establishing the shitty homelife of the Sergievskies - not in the relationship way, but that they live in a tiny apartment, and Anatoly does so much for Russia that he never gets to see his family. They even list things: tournaments, performances, greeting and handshaking workers and students, political functions... It illustrates his struggle much way than just making vague statements.
Properly showing Anatoly's homelife at the beginning is also such an improvement to just off-hand mentioning it in a way you don't really feel it.
Related: it's really obvious how much Anatoly is controlled. They make unspoken points of the passports several times. And Molokov always keeping a watchful eye. KGB guards everywhere, and blocking reporters from approaching him.
The 80s costuming is a delight. The wigs and mustaches are wild. I need to draw Freddie's sparkly party shirt cause it was insane.
I knew Freddie spilled wine all over Anatoly, but I did NOT know that that he grabs a (male) reporter's face with both hands and plants a big kiss on his lips. Barely a minute after he comes onstage.
The Hungarian revolution flashback is heartbreaking. The ballet is lovely and sad, but what's notable is that while it's happening, Florence is sitting on the stairs and crying her eyes out. Like she's having a PTSD flashback.
What's interesting is that this Freddie's rudeness feels less spiteful/defensive, and more... like a controlled performance? He's very intentionally disrespecting them. This Freddie doesn't lose his temper.
Of course, then they go to the opening party, and Freddie very clearly flirts with (or lets himself be flirted with) two ladies. (Listen, the man desperately craves approval and attention from women. Mommy issues.)
Florence goes outside to get away from the party, and to have a smoke. That's when she sings Nobody's Side. Can't remember for sure, but I think this scene has lots of focus on hotel staff in the background.
Notably there's two hotel staff that have an ongoing background romance most of the show??? They slow-dance while tidying a hotel room. They smooch every now and then. And then much later on, when Florence shows her heartbreak at the waitress, the waitress gets notable stage attention in also reacting to the heartache? (Then when Anatoly shows up, said waitress immediately steals Florence's coffee and gives them both wine, which was absolutely hilarious.)
One detail I REALLY enjoyed about the actual chess match, is that they both note down the moves in their notepads after each move. This is a big chess thing I can't remember ever having seen in a production.
And then Freddie leaves the match. Which he does by.... very calmly standing up, picking up the tiny Russian flag, then gently placing it in the middle of the board. Then he slowly walks away from the table. Takes his jacket. Calmly walks away. It's the least dramatic walk-off I've ever seen, and it was kind of a delight. And goes back to what I said about Freddie's carefully controlled performance.
Quartet is still a great song but man I remember nothing about the staging because it was very unremarkable. Florence is fucking pissed at Molokov though, and it DOES really show off what Freddie says about Florence hating Russians.
Also the Arbiter is such a bitch and I love her.
And then in the hotel bar again, Anatoly approaching Florence and she's so uninterested. And then he starts weirdly quoting Dostoevsky, and she has the biggest WTF face, and it's hilarious.
They did do a good job of showing Anatoly actually proving to Florence he's not awful, by him talking about how he heard about the Hungarian revolution, and implying some unkind things about the Russian government. And then he asks about Freddie and she's like "None of your fucking business" and he apologies and leaves, but then she's like "ACTUALLY I'M LEAVING HIM."
And then she sings "Not Me" (rewritten Someone Else's Story), explaining her frustration with her relationship with Freddie, directly to Anatoly, which I also did not expect. (This will happen multiple times in this show!)
And then ofc when Anatoly flees with Florence to defect, we get back to more proof of Svetlana's sucky life. We see her visiting a church with Micha, and being escorted out of there by armed guards. Who pack her suitcase for her. And then when she sings Where I Want To Be Reprise, she crumples and cries over her suitcase, and it's so heartbreaking.
And then we get to the fancy party, and apparently Freddie is from Pennsylvania? Lol ok. And Arbiter is partying with the head of the police.
There we this one reporter I absolutely adored. Comedically hilarious, and the 80est 80s. Real impressive mullet.
And then Florence and Anatoly invidually dealing with the press on each side of a room, singing Mountain Duet in a very different context that I'm used to. Also enjoyed how every time each one sang, their respective journalists would freeze-frame to show it's internal monologue only.
And then there's the headline of "Anatoly's defecting, and he's in love again", and THEN YOU SEE FREDDIE WALKING THE STREETS, HOLDING THAT NEWSPAPER.
And then he sings the Pity The Child prequel, and fucking breaks my heart. He's bitterly critizes them, but then also says "Is this true? Did I deserve this? Truth is, she was my only friend... Now I'm left lonely on my own again." WHY IS THIS NOT ON THE CAST ALBUM.
Fuck tho, but I love a sympathetic Freddie.
You get more Florence backstory - she fled to the US, but her mother and brother (uncle?? just guessing based on actors) got caught when they tried to flee.
During Anthem, the backdrop has mountains and sky -- which slowly turn to red during the course of the song. Which is GREAT when later on, Svetlana sings her "Who Am I" song and says "He paints Russia's sky red."
Opening on Argument is such a choice? So wildly different from ONiBangkok. The vibe is extremely different and intense.
Freddie's in the hotel room with the newspaper when she comes back. Also he drinks whiskey. I love this song though, Freddie is SO spiteful - something he didn't really get until Florence appears to be leaving him. Honestly, this Freddie really isn't that much of an asshole TO FLORENCE. Until she hurts him first.
But what really hurts is that when the argument ends, he just sits down on the bed while she packs her suitcase...
And he sings Pity The Child to her. This makes me absolutely feral, let me tell you. The way he turns to look at her when he sings "Just in case they said no". The way she gradually becomes sympathetic while he opens up, about how his parents abused him. (They are explicitly abusive and violent, not just neglectful.)
And then when he gets to "I was only her son", he breaks down and cries, and Florence walks over and sits down next to him, and he cries into her lap, desperately clinging to her. And then as she comforts him, he tries to kiss her - and she pulls away. And gets up, grabs her suitcase, and leaves.
And then he continues the song, sitting there alone. FUCK ME UP, CHESS.
And then Svetlana appears, still closely controlled. Micha is taken to a different room and there's nothing she can do about it.
And then you get Endgame prequel! Anatoly's "you all think you see a man", they just like, put here. And you know what, it works great? Because it's when he's been dragged back by the KGB, and he's calling out their opinion to them.
And then he walks into the hotel room and Svetlana goes to embrace him and he PUSHES HER ASIDE, and starts ripping into her about how she's "letting herself be used as a tool". She is VERY JUSTIFIED in calling him out, because yeah, they've made it really obvious she's been forced to come here. And somehow HE'S complaining? I love her calling him out here.
And Micha comes in and hugs Anatoly - and Svetlana goes to hug Micha as well, but Anatoly turns, pulling Micha away from her. Ugh.
And then Svetlana leaves and sings her heartbreaking song about how she's a powerful woman who's been loyally waiting, and for what? She's on a bench, and she collapses on the ground crying. And Florence walks by (not knowing who Svetlana is), and gives Svetlana her handkerchief for her tears. CHEKOV'S HANDKERCHIEF, this will come back later on.
And then Florence alone in the cafe, breaking my heart with Heaven Help My Heart. (Also the waitress's heart, as previously mentioned.)
And then Anatoly shows up and we get Merano reprise (yeah that's a thing now). And then Freddie shows up, VERY DRUNK, and we get Totally-Not-The-Deal. Which is just Freddie calling Florence out, pubically saying awful things about her. Freddie's lowest point, right here.
Freddie throws like, peanuts at Florence or something by the way. It's funny as fuck. He grabs a reporter's camera. AND HE SHOVES THE LOVELY WAITRESS SO SHE FALLS OVER, which, Freddie, please. He's actually kind of grabbing Florence at this point.
And then when Anatoly and Florence both call him out on his shittiness, after the song Florence just stares Freddie down, until he dejectedly walks away.
And then we get everyone panicking about Micha being missing. Except for Molokv, who has taken Micha out and has given him a yoyo and a glass coke bottle. Amazing. (He also leaves an envelope inside a newspaper on the bench. The Arbiter's lesbian lover assistant will pick this up.)
And then you get Florence and Anatoly undressed in the hotel room, and EXCUSE ME, WHY IS YOU AND I NOT ON THE CAST ALBUM? I mean it's a short version, less than 2 minutes, but I love a completionist cast album.
Lyric appreciation: "You and I, shaking like leaves. Whirling along the path of hope. Standing in the middle of the storm. We're woven together, now and forever." That's some evocative, descriptive language, right there.
Arbiter reprise: The reunion of the chess players. FREDDIE IS SO POLITE, smiling, offering his hand to Anatoly, taking pictures with him. Honestly, Freddie's ability to keep it together in these situations makes it SO MUCH MORE INTENSE when he does fall apart.
And then Florence and Svetlana get to meet, and guess what, THEY SING "I KNOW HIM SO WELL" TO EACH OTHER, I told you this would happen a lot. And it's fantastic, instead of two isolated viewpoints, Svetlana's first opening up to Florence, then it's them having a disagreement. It changes some lines, when Svetlana says "he'll choose his own way and leave you", she's saying it to Florence, not to herself. And Florence says, this is what she wanted to avoid.
Anatoly tracks down Molokov, demanding to see Micha. And then calling Molokov out hard, saying they've known each other 15 years, and listing examples of his loyal service that are despite the fact he still lives in a tiny apartment and can barely support his family.
And then Anatoly calls Molokov a bachelor and says he's not allowed to criticize his family. AND THEN of course we get Molokov's backstory song.
Which I'll admit I always feel weird about, but it was way better in context. Molokov using it to give Anatoly insight into what he's sacrificed. (And the lovely ballet dancers acting out the failed relationship helped.)
And then when he's calmed Anatoly down, of course he GOES STRAIGHT INTO THREATENING HIM. Saying he's going to play his last chess match ever, and lose. And then he'll be admitted to the hospital in Moscow. And then he'll release a statement saying his attempted defection was done after taking large amounts of pills and alcohol. And that he regrets the problems he's caused his family and country, and recinds the defection. And Florence will be kept under close watch, but that's it.
"What will happen to your family if you choose to stay in the west, I don't want to get into right now."
And as Molokov is saying this speech to Anatoly, there's this quiet ominous background hum that just gets louder and louder and more intimidating, and it was actually really effective and REALLY making you see the threat and the control.
And then you get a very cool scene as Endgame starts. Anatoly standing there in a spotlight, back against the audience. In the distance, the choice is lit in evil red. As they start listing grandmasters at him. You see him crumpling under the pressure - at "Capablanca", he falls to his knees.
I thought this would be GREAT if Anatoly chose to win. You don't have Talking Chess, but you have these grandmasters calling to him, like the true "win for chess" moral. But if he loses, are they judging him? Saying he's failed?
Endgame staging is actually real simple, everyone lined up. Awesomely backlit choir in the far back. Then the board is taken out, and the last match begins, and it's very intense. Freddie looks focused - not as laid-back as earlier. Anatoly looks harrowed.
I especially loved when Freddie and Molokov share the line "The clock is ticking down the minute - the circle is complete". And everyone is singing - this final move, will he resign?
And nearing the end of Endgame, Anatoly is describing the different pieces desperate attempts ("The pawn wants to be sacrificed, rook at the end of the line, a weaked knight galloping towards the king's court"), and as he does, Florence/Svetlana/Molokov all shouting at him, and he holds up his hands against each one when they yell, like he's trying to shut them out.
And then.... he picks up his king, and he lays it down. Resigning. How do they make a chess match feel this dramatic?? It's really good.
And then You And I Reprise. And during one moment, you can see Freddie in the back (back to the audience), surrounded by people, wearing a giant wreath and holding a trophy proudly.
As Florence and Anatoly draw closer, they ALMOST kiss, it looks like they'll be together - but Micha runs in and hugs his dad. And oof, man. He asks Florence to forgive him and that he loves her - IN FRONT OF SVETLANA AND MICHA BTW, who start walking away when they hear this.
And then as they part ("You and I, shaking like leaves. Whirling along hope's path. We stand in the ruins. We're woven together -- parted forever.") Anatoly goes back to his family. And get this, Svetlana walks across the stage and HANDS FLORENCE BACK HER HANDKERCHIEF. Absolutely ruthless. I adore it.
The next part is all Story Of Chess reprise. Freddie gives Florence her suitcase, and tries to get her to leave with him. She refuses and pointedly walks the other direction.
The Arbiter's lesbian lover assistant gives her the envelope full of cash, but Arbiter lets her keep it I guess. But then Molokov shows up and gives Arbiter a briefcase? The fuck does this even mean, I don't know.
Final 'You And I' now. Florence: "Is my fate controlled by someone other than me?" Anatoly: "Do we have free will? My answer's clearly no."
And you see Anatoly in his depressing Moscow apartment. And Florence in her own apartment, and oh yeah SHE'S PREGNANT. In case you hadn't heard about that little tidbit.
This is the most downer Chess. What's even the moral? Shit sucks? Don't count on love, you'll only be hurt? It's awful.
HERE'S THE THING: STILL FUCKING LOVE IT THOUGH. It was a fantastic ride. I enjoyed the downer ending. Even if I can't possibly argue for why it should be that way.
I feel like it does "show, don't tell" better than a lot of Chess versions. It doesn't just state things, it shows you why/how. It made me feel for Svetlana in a way I haven't been able to before.
It provided that fantastic fresh intepretations/stagings of songs I've never seen before.
And it showed a version of Freddie I almost never see - way less chaotic and volatile than I'm used to.
It's interestingly very light on literally anything American. Anatoly's defection never really happens, Walter doesn't exist, there's no politicians or delegates... The only American seems to be Freddie. If anything, it's more against Hungary vs USSR. It feels decidedly Eurocentric, which I guess makes sense given it's Norwegian and based on the Swedish adaptation.
Anyway I adored it. Probably new favourite version???
Glad I've already got tickets for 3 more performances before it closes. Trying to resist getting ticket for yet another one. But I might give in if I get on at a great seat.................
EDIT: Forgot to mention Florence's full name is Florence Csilla Vaszi. Which is pretty awesome.
Anatoly (spelled Anatolij in this) and Molokov call each other Tolya and Sascha, which also shows how long they've known each other.
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hesnotsinging · 2 years
Adore You
TLDR: it's my personal belief that he started lip-syncing Adore You during the second show of the European leg of Love on Tour 2022 (Manchester Night 1) and has been doing it ever since. So, just to be clear, if he is lip-syncing this song, it's a very recent development.
I fully admit that this one is tricky and I could be wrong. Let me explain why: this is a song that I truly think Harry has a lot of trouble singing live as it was written and always has which isn't ideal as it's one of his most well-known songs. It's why he lowers parts of the majority verses and chorus an octave for most performances. He especially struggles with the ending of it in the current tour arrangement when he finally attempts to bring the chorus up to its original higher range. Realistically speaking, this could simply be a case of him singing the song enough times that he's now gotten the hang of the harder parts and doesn't struggle with it as much as he used to. Singing is like anything else, you do it enough, and you're going to improve in certain ways.
...but I'm still like, 99% sure he currently does not sing it live anymore.
The first thing I'm going to do is show you a video of him clearly lip-syncing it. It's his performance of the song at the 2022 Capital FM Summertime Ball and it's absolutely insane how mechanic his vocals sound here. If I'm right about when he started lip-syncing Adore You, this was one of the first times he did it. It'll also not only be a great reference for the rest of the videos in this post both actually live and fake but it's a great opportunity to tell you exactly what to look for when it comes to this song being lip-synced. Here it is:
A lot of it has to do with the fact that he never strays from the current arrangement. Ever. All performances of it sound exactly the same verbatim but there are some particular moments to look out for:
0:55 he never sings the 'you' to finish the phrase 'adore you' at the end of the chorus, just goes right into 'like it's the only thing I'll ever do.' While this could simply be a phrasing choice, the fact that he never sings it is interesting.
1:00 he never sings the second 'like it's the only thing I'll ever do' at the end of the first chorus.
1:30 the lyric 'I just want to tell you something' always sounds exactly the same with ascending notes.
1:35 he always does the riff at the end of 'baby you've been on my mind' during the word 'mind' and it always sounds the same.
1:58 This time, he sings the second 'like it's the only thing I'll ever do' and comes in late on the word 'only.' It always sounds like this. I'll give him and his team credit for this cause it's really clever. It seems he pre-recorded a line to start late so it sounds like he's singing it live.
2:20 I'd like to point out that his mic seems to randomly shut off here cause he says something but nothing comes out. The lyrics even seem to come out just fine but his cute-sy little "okay" is extremely quiet. Technical difficulties? Maybe but the arrangement of this section is always the same with or without his "okay" being loud. He always lets the audience sing 'just let me adore you' here.
2:42 the "hey" is one of the only things in this song that he does live anymore, at least as far as I can tell.
2:47 his little riff at the end of 'walk through fire for you' is always there and the ending is always the same, with no changes ever.
Just as a quick comparison, this is a video of him singing Adore You live at the Capital FM Jingle Bell Ball in 2019:
It's pretty obvious if you ask me.
As always, I'll be fair. Here are some actual live performances so you can tell the difference and again, you can watch as many or as few of these videos as you want:
SiriusXM 2020
Howard Stern 2020
Today Show Soundcheck 2020
Graham Norton 2019
From what I can tell, he sang this live during the entire American leg of LOT 2021. Here are some examples of that:
LOT Las Vegas 2021: this was the first show of his LOT tour, he also forgets words during it so it's absolutely live.
LOT Los Angeles 2021
LOT San Antonio 2021
LOT Glasgow 2022: This was the first show of the European leg 2022 and I honestly believe this is the last time he sang Adore You live on tour.
LOT Manchester 2022: (warning to headphone users!) Just based on what I've watched, I do believe this is the show when he started fully lip-syncing this song. After this, every performance of this starts sounding exactly the same.
LOT London 2022
LOT Stockholm 2022
LOT Hamburg 2022
LOT Vienna 2022
LOT New York 2022
LOT Austin Night 1 2022
LOT Los Angeles Harryween 2022
LOT Los Angeles Night 1 2022
LOT Buenos Aires 2022: as of writing this, this is one of his most recent performances of the song.
In conclusion, if he is lip-syncing it, he hasn't been doing it as long as TPWK which has been for the majority of Love on Tour.
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hey since you gave me a bunch of questions im gonna give YOU a bunch of them so how about 1, 6, 7, 20, 27, 39, 46 >:)
Damn, Lee, making me face the consequences of my actions. Greetings hello hi by the way :D
1) What was your first exposure to Danganronpa?
There's a few different answers to this depending on the level of awareness I had on what DR was. In like 2014-ish I had a friend cosplay as Monokuma, but had literally no idea what DR was at that point despite them enthusiastically recommending it to me. A few years later, another friend cosplayed as Chiaki, equally clueless then. It wasn't until like lockdown that I saw a play through of DR1 come up in my recommended on YouTube and I was just like "I vibe with detective games right now, sure" and then I experienced The Horrors (cautiously affectionate). Though I did vaguely recall Hifumi's death when I saw it for the first time, definitely hadn't seen the whole game before.
6) Do you have a fan character? Tell us about them!
I somehow don't have a DR fan character yet! Mainly because my brain took a different route and just started throwing my own characters into a slightly modified DR-like scenario as a game design challenge for myself. More focused on changing parts of the killing game formula and stuff. :p
7) You get the chance to reassign five characters new talents. Who do you choose, and which new talents do they get?
Gonna do this with the angle of characters keeping their underlying personality, and force myself to choose at least one per game. Leon is now the Ultimate Stage Actor, and yes he still wants to be a rock star - dude never learns his lines, just improvs flawlessly. Taka is now the Ultimate Lawyer, and my boy does NOT cope with the changed rules of killing game trial mayhem, repeatedly explaining that you can't just do the death penalty like that and Monokuma telling him to stop being a spoilsport. Hiyoko is now the Ultimate Opera Singer, partially because it makes it ten times funnier that she likes Ibuki's screamo, and because I find it very funny the idea of her absolutely dragging someone through the mud with words while singing Like That. Gundham Tanaka is now the Ultimate Janitor. No further comment, imagine what you will. Finally, I'm gonna say that Shuichi is now the Ultimate Marksman. He retains a literal eye for detail, the insecurity from rooty-tooty-thing-go-shooty thing going wrong, and a better background for the trial text going as absolutely buckwild as it does while the player still handles it, as well as better meta for not participating in the fundamental trial stuff near the end. You're asking the Ultimate Marksman to not take any shot.
Not all of those are amazing choices but it is 6am and I'm writing this because I can't sleep lmao
20) What is your favorite aspect of Danganronpa?
For as flawed as they are, the characters are what I latched on to and made me keep playing. Don't have much more to say without going on essay-length rants about individual character analyses right now though. But the characters are definitely a big draw.
27) You’re placed in a Killing Game as yourself (who you are now, no perks). How far do you believe you’d get?
Bestie, I am fucked. I am exceedingly killable and the embodiment of the Barely Hanging In There Star. I'd be paranoid, self-isolate as much as possible, and that would give anyone that figures out where I go an easy place to kill me with no witnesses. If I don't die first, I'm either a dishonourable second, or the least memorable of the two chapter three victims (because I'm assuming the others are still Ultimates, so I'm literally Just Some Guy) that the writers just get rid of because I outlived whatever subplot significance I had.
39) Which character do you feel deserves more love?
This is a hard one to answer simply from the fact I'm very much in my own bubble and don't really know the fandom's most beloved blorbos. Gonna do a few different ones for different interpretations of the question. Korekiyo was done dirty by the writing and could've been an interesting character but instead just feels like a waste of a good motive, so he deserved more love by the DR writers. Leon seems very ignored because first killer, obvious killer once the investigation started and his literal name was at the scene, and relatively shallow what we got in just the original game. So he could probably do with more attention to expand on his character. And I just don't want the TERFs to have Tenko, so I'm gonna say Tenko. Tenko would aggressively support trans rights, you can't change my mind. Deserves more love from non-TERFs.
46) What are some of your pregame headcanons?
I'm going to assume this is mainly about the V3 crew and answer based on that. And because I'm not creative, one pre-game headcanon per character.
Rantaro was a hell of a homebody, but got very good at cooking, and enjoyed trying to create foods from different cultures as accurately as possible. Danganronpa had a hell of a time getting ahold of him for the 52nd game.
Kaede was actually incredibly good at maths. Never saw herself as the creative type because of it.
Ryoma was actually a relatively happy-go-lucky guy, before the Character Writing made him depressed. He was a very good singer, too.
Kirumi was one of the popular kids, but like... the Secondary Character of the main popular kids friends group. She let you copy off her homework because she was equally as confident when she was completely wrong as when she was right.
Angie regularly ran DnD campaigns for a small group of people. She was the glue holding the friend group together, and the one who stopped them drifting apart.
Tenko was studying psychology in her free time in a desperate attempt to try and find a way to outwit her ADHD. Mainly she just ended up going down Wikipedia rabbit holes. Very good on the clarinet.
Korekiyo was just a normal guy. Didn't have a sister. Healthy relationship with his existing family. He had a pet dog that he hung out with a lot after school. He never brushed his hair.
Miu was actually a completely average student, the kind of person you'd never happen to really meet unless someone introduced you. But by God she was passionate about writing. Not that she ever told anyone.
Gonta was very much a gym bro. Neglected a lot of his studies to get back on the grind, but was still quite naturally smart. He paid no mind to people wondering how a teenager like him was jacked as fuck.
Kokichi was very much your archetypical emo kid. Got very good at pretending everything was fine for the sake of not getting bothered by people, and tried to blend into the background. He wanted to hack the school website for fun but couldn't be bothered to figure it out.
Kaito was the guy to go to if you needed to pretend you had a boyfriend for an event. He'd do it for a day's lunch money. Solid C+ student in everything but art, where he was a B+ student.
Keebo, I have always imagined as a regular guy who was augmented into a cyborg masquerading as a robot. Aka, not actually even a robot, but Danganronpa fucked him up big time for their purposes. He was a very sporty kid, but didn't like people drawing attention to it. He just had a lot of energy.
Tsumugi... I find it hard to do a headcanon for her because I can't even agree with myself whether she's actually a teenager or an adult cosplaying as one. But she had a small close knit group of friends that she'd spend at least one weekend a month with.
Maki was really looking forward to studying literature in her higher education. But then someone made her apply to Danganronpa on a dare, and she did it to shut them up, intentionally making herself sound as boring as possible to reduce the chance she got picked. Unfortunately, Team Danganronpa took it as a challenge.
Himiko was the one who you'd hear about doing some wild shit, but then you'd meet her in person and the vibe can only be described as the gif of SpongeBob sitting in a coffee shop looking sad. You could never be sure if the things you heard were rumours or true.
Shuichi was the disruptive one with anger issues. He'd aggressively disagree with the teacher's opinion just because he could and he was bored. The only exception was in Geography. It was the one subject that for some reason calmed him down.
Hope those answers were alright! I'd link to the ask game but I'm on mobile and can't be bothered right now, might edit to add it later though lmao
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allthemusic · 1 month
Week ending: 20th June
Well, after three rather mid versions of the exact same song, it's hard to imagine that this week won't be a considerable improvement, especially with a Lonnie Donegan double A-side on the table. So without further ado, let's go!
Gamblin' Man - Lonnie Donegan (double A-side, peaked at Number 1)
As ever with Lonnie, this is a very American-sounding tune. Heck, it starts with a description of how I've gambled down in Washington / And I've gambled up in Maine / I'm going down into Georgia / To knock down my last game. With all this Americana, its hardly surprising to learn that this is a Woody Guthrie original, a product of the folk revival going on in the US. His version was called Roving Man, and was also about a man who travelled around gambling.
Actually, that's basically all there is to this song. Sure, there are verses where Lonnnie sings about how he fell in love with a girl back in Washington, despite her parents' objections, and she apparently loved him back enough to boldly proclaim that I would not marry a farmer / Who's always in the rain / I'd rather marry a gambling man / With a gold watch and chain. Similarly, she wouldn't marry a railroad man, since I never knew a railroad man / Who wouldn't tell his wife a lie. Fair enough, I guess, though I'm not sure gambling's much better.
Ah well, it's not like we're really here for a message. No, most of the song here is just a single lyric about how He's a gambling man, man, man / He's a gambling man. The sheer repetition almost turns the lyric into a piece of nonsense, something that Lonnie uses more for its sound than for its meaning, his voice blending with the instruments, which are raucous and wild as ever.
Honestly, Lonnie is just on good, wild form here. I thought at first that this sounded a bit rougher round the edges than some of his other tracks, and it turns out that it was a live recording, which I can kinda hear, especially when the solo begins, with a shouted How about Jimmy?! It's a guitar solo, with these frantic, bashy drums that you could copy and paste straight into an early punk song without much change, and it's honestly pretty great.
I also like the way that the song just dissolves into a drum roll and Lonnie going man, man, man, man, maaaaaaaaan at the end. Peak chaos, just some real feral gremlin energy right there.
Puttin' on the Style - Lonnie Donegan (double A-side, 1)
Okay, this side of the double A-side was clearly playing it a bit safer. It's still a folk song, this time from the Catskills, and recorded with some success apparently by one Vernon Dalhart in 1925, but its energy is just different to Gamblin' Man. It's got the same sturummy guitar and wailing vocals, and its also a live recording, but it's calmer, with a note of comedy or social commentary to it that Gamblin' Man lacked.
We start with a girl, who's sweet sixteen, goes to church / Just to see the boys. She giggles and chats, and seems very fashionable, But everbody knows she's only putting on the style. And that's the whole conceit of the song, from then on. Don't young people do ridiculous things for fashion, eh? That's literally it: Putting on the agony, putting on the style / That's what all the young folks are doing all the while.
It's fine. Funny, even, and a lovely snapshot of an early 20th century American church-y community, where the girls go to church to see the boys and where the young men drive round in hot rods and driving gloves. And the best moment is probably when our fire and brimstone preacher roars with all his might / Sings glory, hallelujah, / Puts the folks all in a fright. Suddenly something frightful appears: Now you might think it's Satan / That's a comin' down the aisle / But it's only our poor preacher boys / That's puttin' on the style. Awww, bless! It's a little, deft, gently satirical picture of a whole social scene, a little bit Jane Austen in its sensibilities, and I do like it a lot.
Still, there's something a bit mean-spirited about it, a bit "get off my lawn". I kind of assumed that Lonnie must have been older, at this point, but no, he was only 26! He should also have been putting on the style, not complaining like some old fogey about it - and honestly, at this point, complaining about whatever teenage girls have going on just feels a bit tired. It was tired already in the 1950s, and to modern ears, it's a bit tiresome. Let her dress up and go to church and giggle with her friends - it's literally none of your business, Lonnie!
I can see the appeal of the song, though. It's Lonnie in a different kind of mode, a sort of comedy mode that's peeked through in other songs, and that I know will become his default in the future. It's in the comedy lyrics, but also in the broad Cockney sort of accent he puts on when he sings about the young man's yellow gloves 'e's borrowed from 'is daaaad. It's incongruously British-sounding, especially in a song that's otherwise so American, and it hints at a completely different, more British folk tradition, that of the music hall, with all the daftness and mugging that that entails. I wouldn't quite call it a novelty song, but it's on the borderline, for better or for worse.
Interestingly, I did briefly think that the guitar work here did actually sound quite Beatles-y, and apparently a low-quality 1957 verison of this by John Lennon's Quarrymen group is one of the first tangentially Beatles-related recordings we still have. So that is kind of interesting - and actually, I can see touches of the same music hall style in a lot of Beatles numbers, so there's definitely a link there. Huh.
Little Darlin' - The Diamonds (3)
Okay, we're starting with castanets and cowbell, and then this fabulous piano glissando. A strong, if cheesy, start. And it sets the tone excellently for the rest of the song, which is great, but very cheesy.
It's a R&B number, a cover of a track by a band called the Gladiolas, and it's very doo-wop, from the a-ya-ya-ya-ya opening, to the stuttering delivery of lines like O-oh where a-are you-ou? and the supremely silly ah-uha-uha-uha-uha line. The main vocalist sounds like he's having the time of his life, and the backing vocalists are also having a field day.
The story, if there is one, is one of the singer making a mistake that he regrets, sainging about how My lover, I was wrong-uh / To-ooh-ooh try to love two / Knowing well-uh / That my lov-uh / Was just for you. So yeah. He cheated, and now he's regretting it, and realises that he shouldn't have. It's simple and heartfelt, though the funny delivery and hiccupy "uh" noises go a long way to stop you taking it too seriously. I don't get the feeling that the Diamonds were too cut up about this all, you know?
We also get a spoken word section, which I normally don't like. I find them cheesy, and kind of annoying. Still, here, it kind of works for me, not least because it's mercifully short, and done in this sort of deep, sleepy-sounding voice that it's hard to take at face value. There's something a bit insincere in the Please, hold my hand, in particular, but in a way that I somehow just find really funny?
I think it also helps that this song doesn't overstay its welcome. It arrives, goofs around for a bit, has some cool, tight harmonines over a tight, Latin sort of rhythm, and then calls it a day. Which I can respect, for sure.
Hmm. I liked all three songs this week. I think on a gut level I enjoyed Gamblin' Man more than Puttin' on the Style, but I found Puttin' on the Style more interesting, as a hint at the direction that Lonnie's going in and a possible early link to 1960s acts like the Beatles. And then Little Darlin', which is such a goofy little song that you can't help but want to sing along, just a bit. It's lightweight summer fun - just what the doctor ordered!
Favourite song of the bunch: Little Darlin'
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tcock-of-the-walk · 3 months
I kinda dig that even though there haven't been massively noticeable changes to my appearance; getting on t has basically nuked a fair bit of my dysphoria.
I just cannot give that second fuck about it now. I left the house without my binder on today because of some Scary Medical Bullshit, went into the doctors office and stopped into a couple stores on the way home.
A year ago just thinking of that would make me want to wretch and I wouldn't be able to leave the house even With my binder because the damage would already be done. I would be crumpled on the floor half dressed and sobbing trying to cancel appointments because I just couldn't do it.
But now it's like. Who the fuck even cares. I feel great, I don't think I've been this genuinely happy and comfortable in my body since I hit puberty.
I'm 4 months in, I'm a little hairier, I think some fat moved around in a handful of places. I had hoped my face would look leaner, but so far it's looking more square and it's honestly still pretty great. I never liked my smile before, I still feel like it photographs kinda rough, but I like seeing it any other time now.
Even with my body physically falling apart around me due to my medical conditions, my dysphoria and depression have significantly lessened and I kinda feel like a person, which is super fucking new.
My voice is so wonky rn but I love it so much more. I never realized how much I cringed at the sound of my own voice and how much of my energy and brain power went into taking like shit about it. I sounded nice before, but even when I thought my voice was pretty it made me feel sick. Right now it's crackly as all hell, sometimes if I've been singing in the car my throat gets rough and I sound like a heavy smoker, I can't carry a tune to save my life at the moment, but I'm so fucking happy, and it feels so much better. Love hearing it in the morning too, like who the hell is this man? What is he doing in my throat? I honestly don't care, he can stay if he wants, but the fucker always dips after I take my pills
I keep thinking about that post that's like "don't kys if you haven't tried adderal or hrt or killing your dad". And like. My hrt is making me feel pretty great, I think adderal might improve my situation, I'm pretty sure somebody already killed my dad and replaced him with some kind of Tolerant Alien.
Like so far so good. I think everybody should try this. Enjoying Life (even just sometimes) Really Kicks Ass. Even if you don't get exactly what you're hoping for from it, you might still feel a hell of a lot better.
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zllp000 · 2 years
Since the establishment of Venice, Pete has taken good care of him every day. He is really a very qualified mother, which makes Vegas very unhappy, but he is just unhappy because the protest is invalid. Every time he secretly eats the vinegar of the little broken child, Pete will nag him, saying "you are a brother, you should let him" and "he is too young to leave others", which makes Pete sticky and annoying, and he will also be pushed to the bedside. Therefore, Vegas has learned to behave well. It is a piece of cake for him to pretend to be obedient and please Pete.
So recently, their "family of three" have enjoyed themselves. During the day, Vegas goes to the company to work on family business. Pete takes care of the baby Venice. Tankul always asks him to go to the first family to sing a song and play. Pete feels like he is taking care of two babies, physically and mentally exhausted. Fortunately, Vegas' attitude towards the baby has improved recently. He occasionally teases Venice with toys, which makes Pete very happy. So after the nanny takes Venice to bed, he will get closer to Vegas. Kissing Vegas' face is a reward for him.
"You are really a good mother." Vegas said with some gusto.
Pete's reaction was not small, but he was obviously lacking in confidence: "what... What! I'm my brother!"
Vegas pretended to be pathetic and tried to drill into Pete's arms: "do you have the heart to let Venice have no mother? He is still so young. If you love him and love him, he is willing to be his mother, then he must be a happy child."
Pete became more tangled when he heard this. For a long time, he had nursed Venice, changed diapers, bathed and slept. He almost assumed that he was a mother. Although he had a nanny, he often did it himself, because the child and his lover shed the same blood. After looking at it for a long time, he still felt that Venice's nose looked a bit like Vegas.
But he was suddenly called by Vegas as the mother of the baby. He felt very ashamed, so there were still some small resistances, but now these small resistances have been dissipated by the poor way that Vegas disguised. He has some desire in his heart, which makes him more connected with Vegas. He likes to have something to do with everything in Vegas.
"Then you should be Venice's good brother." Pete gently rubs Vegas' hair, thinking that Vegas looks so big and looks like a child.
"It's a mess." Vegas grabbed Pete's hand. "You're mom, so I'm dad."
Pete was speechless and tried to push him away to take a bath. As a result, Vegas held him tighter.
"Do you mean to say that? Do you want to play mother child taboo with me?" Vegas hugged Pete tightly and compacted him under his body.
Pete's face turned red without saying anything. He wanted to kick the annoying Vegas away, but he was too pressed to move. He had to open his mouth and deny: "I didn't! What are you talking about, stinky Vegas? Get up and I'm going to take a bath."
Vegas kisses Pete's mouth. Pete's heart is beating wildly because he knows what will happen next.
Sure enough——
Vegas kissed him hastily and ruthlessly. He was always unable to control himself when facing Pete. Pete also fell quickly. He was always easily aroused by Vegas. He was almost out of breath after being kissed, and pushed Vegas feebly with both hands. Vegas understood Pete's heart, so he grabbed his hands and pressed them on both sides of his body. He continued to use his tongue to lick Pete's upper jaw. However, he let Pete go before the meeting. The separation of his lips allowed him to breathe. A little suffocation will make Pete more excited.
The poor look of Pete under him made him so excited that he picked up Pete and walked to the bathroom. As he walked, he bit the neck of his wife. Pete hung in the air and wrapped his arms and legs around Vegas. He could not help panting in Vegas' ears, as if he were seducing people.
After closing the bathroom door, Vegas put Pete on the washing table, patiently unbuttoned Pete's shirt buttons one by one, reached Pete's ear and said:
"Let me bathe you, mother."
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jay-and-dean · 3 years
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So ! You want some asks and talk and all ? Here I am :)
As I start this ask I don't know what I'm gonna say so I don't know how long it's going to be either ahah
Okay, first of all I'm sooooo excited to read the last chapter of Locked, I didn't have time to read it on Sunday (busy weekend lol) or yesterday but just so you know, I absolutely can't wait !!!
Also, your new series 'Highway To Hell' is soooo interesting, I don't know if you saw my comments and it's no problem if you didn't but since I'm here I wanted to tell you that I love how you write the topic of prostitution, the way you write the horrible situation Dean is in and how he feels and I'm soooo curious about the female character ! I always love your female characters, actually. I love that they aren't just some love interests, that they have a strong personality, badass and smart.
Anyway, while I'm here I also wanted to tell you that your fics are ones of the first I read and after reading all your stuff, I remember thinking "Wow... She writes so well and I love her ideas and I love the way she writes Dean. I admire her." And I just continued to read your stuff in secret over and over and I was excited when you posted something new and I loved your collab with @roonyxx so I started to read her stuff too and she's an incredible writer too ! Anyway, I quickly became a fan of someone I didn't know AT ALL ! Like, when I talked about your fics I couldn't even tell people what your real name was (until I stopped being an idiot and understood your username lol). But it wasn't important whether I knew your name, your nationality, your looks or not, I was a fan.
SO ! You need to know that, the fact you know I exist, that I've got the courage to DM you so I could post my fic (your writing kind of helped me improve my english and gave me some courage to try writing on my own) and you were very nice, the fact that you gave me a nickname and that we talked even a little bit makes me really really happy.... I don't know how to explain but I'm excited to hear about you, to read your stuff, to see your post appear on my dash because I'm a fan. But not a crazy one I swear ! I'm still amazed that I've got the courage to participate to your celebration and that you read my fic and liked it !! It's like if you loved a singer and when you sing your own song in front of them, they like it and say "Well done, kid."
So, I wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for writing your AMAZING stories ! For sharing them with us. Thank you for having wonderful, interesting ideas. Thank you for being nice and funny to talk to. Thank you for paying even a little bit of attention to me. Thank you for reading my rambling on my feedback and in your asks. Thank you for making me discover my hand kink ahah. Thank you for being the amazing, talented woman and writer you are. You're awesome, don't ever change or doubt yourself.
I send you Love 😘
PS : told you it was going to be long, and I'm sure that once I'll press the button "send" I'll realize I wanted to add something else.
My (SO FUCKING) amazing Vivi,
I'll try to answer everything in order (love the gif).
Take your time for Locked, I really hope you like it as much as the rest. For Highway to Hell, thank you very much. I took some time to write the beginning, and then to post it. I knew the theme was going to be heavy, and I wanted to give it the attention and serious it deserves, without making it too triggering or insulting for people who live this kind of situations in way less lucky way.
It's such an honor that you started reading here with my fics, and it's incredibly flattering that you would want to talk about me to people. (We have the same nationality ! hehehe)
It's totally insane to have people tell "I'm a fan of you" like, wow, this makes me dizzy and blushing ! I mean, of course I answer you and of couuurse you can talk to me. The fact that I'm busy sometimes makes me a little slow at answering but I looove to interact. I'm a huge fan of you too. And I'm happy I could make you happy to interact because the person on this site that made me super nervous and fangirling never answered me when I started on this site (I'm not angry, she deleted her blog after so I guess she wasn't here anymore already).
Now, really you're welcome, and you don't have to thank me for reading your feedback, it's literally the reason why I write, or to thank me for acknowledging you, I'm not Maria Carrey lol.
For the handkink I'm sorry... not it's a lie.
All the LOVE
So shoot if you want, about literally anything, fics, questions, wtf comments, tell me about your day, your country...
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sugadaily · 4 years
SUGA has this way of talking passionately with a deadpan look on his face. Full of passion about his life and music. How is your shoulder? SUGA: Good. I think it’ll get even better once I take off this brace. Apparently, it takes several months for a full recovery, but I'm trying to get better as fast as possible. How does it feel like to have resolved a problem that has distressed you for long? SUGA: First of all, I'm glad. The pain is one thing, but when my shoulders got worse, I couldn't even raise my arms. But when I heard that this might recur when getting the surgery at a young age, I waited for the right time and had decided to get it done early next year regardless of the COVID-19 situation. I had planned to get the surgery after the year-end stages, but I got it done this year (2020) because my doctors advised me to start preparing early for next year’s promotions and activities. How does it feel like watching the other members doing promotions? SUGA: I can't say it feels great. I could see the emptiness because we've been together as a group of seven for so long. Not necessarily because I'm not there but because something that should be there is missing? Is that what made you join the promotion as much as possible? You shot lots of video footage in advance and you even appeared in the Mnet “2020 MAMA” through VR. SUGA: Fake SUGA (Laughs). There’s this 3D studio where we shot it. I shot, scanned, and acted there, but couldn't see the actual result at the studio. I thought a sense of displacement was unavoidable, and that was exactly the case. (Laughs) I acted normal because it would have been aired anyway even if I hadn’t had the surgery, but it seems a lot because it’s aired after the surgery. You must feel restricted not being able to go on stage. SUGA: The thing is, it's only been a month after I got surgery, but my absence on stage is so apparent. But my doctors keep telling me that I shouldn't be impatient and in fact, many athletes get a resurgery when they return to the field without proper rehabilitation. So I'm working on trying to care less. For the first two weeks after surgery, I felt so frustrated that I tried out new things. I even watched movies I didn't watch.
What movies did you watch? SUGA: I watched ‘Samjin Company English Class’ as it happened to be on IPTV, and now I have ‘Tenet’ on my list. ‘Parasite’ was the last movie I saw at a cinema. As the social distancing measures became stricter, I haven’t been going outside, except going to the hospital. I even eat at home. I'm also watching a lot of TV nowadays. Watching music shows like ‘Sing Again’, ‘Folk Us’, and ‘Show Me The Money 9’ made me think of what I should do in the upcoming days. Could you elaborate on that? SUGA: A lot of candidates on ‘Sing Again’ are very talented but hadn't had the opportunity, and on ‘Folk Us’, I noticed that many took their own guitars on stage. I started playing the guitar lately and I'm having this urge to broaden my scope of music. And since my interest in the music industry in the U.S. grew, I'm getting prepared, studying English and all. What fueled your interest? SUGA: In some ways it’s the most commercially developed market. You could lose the industry attention in a flash if it's not feasible. So in this system, you would try everything and that would be an efficient way. I want to do music for a long time, and to this end, I always want to learn more about the global music industry because I want to do music that’s loved not only in Korea, but also in the U.S., Japan and Europe. Speaking of which, it seems BE was influenced from music of the past rather than today's trends. SUGA: I especially like impromptu music. I love the songs that were made in one take instead of being recorded several times. In this era of crossover genres, the desire to do better in music is growing inside me. As the genres become more blended, the melody you use must be more important. Does starting to play the guitar affect your composing in any way? SUGA: I always liked using guitar sounds. And I have always liked the Eagles. If you play the guitar, it’s way easier to write songs because you can carry it along wherever you go, pluck on the strings to create melody lines. Keyboards are difficult to carry around. (Laughs) I usually work on my laptop but I had this thought that I definitely needed an instrument. It accelerates my work and improves my understanding of chords. It makes me think you could intuitively make melodies. SUGA: It’s easier to write a song because you can intuitively make a progression and try many different things. During my work on ‘Eight’, IU had recorded and sent me a song from her phone. At the time I couldn’t play the guitar, so we tried to make sure we’re working on the same page when keeping track of each other's progress. That made me feel the need to learn an instrument.
This is actually before you started playing the guitar, but I found ‘Telepathy’ in BE very interesting. The varying melodic progressions between hooks for each member made me wonder if you wrote the melody intuitively for each part. SUGA: I tried a melody for the first time this year (2020), and as I started knowing the fun of music, it opened a lot of new doors for me. So it was kind of easy working on it. I just played a beat and wrote from the beginning until the end. Done. I wrote it in just 30 minutes. The song almost wrote itself. The trends of pop and hip-hop these days cross boundaries between vocals and rap. I like this trend. When I listen to your singing, it feels like you’re hitting the beats rather than singing along the notes. So I thought perhaps you're singing as if you're rapping. SUGA: When you're rapping, you just think of the rhythm, so it’s like simply putting on a melody to a rhythm. To define which comes first, I think melody adds to it while writing the rap. In ‘Life Goes On’, the lyrics ‘Thankfully between you and me, nothing’s changed’ are somewhere in between. It's not rap but it’d be mundane to say it's a mere melody. SUGA: There are obviously songs where the rap needs to be highlighted. For example, in ‘Dis-ease’ or ‘Ugh!’, you have to be good at rap. But in songs that should be easy to listen to, impressive raps are not always the way to go. Sometimes, you want smooth transitions without obstacles. In that sense, the rap flow of ‘Blue & Grey’ was impressive. Rather than a dramatic effect that emphasizes each part, you extended the rap just as much as the slowing beat. SUGA: To be honest, this beat is difficult to rap to. The beginning of the song only has a guitar line, which made it even more difficult. I participated when we wrote lyrics for ‘Blue & Grey’ and I've always wanted to work on a song like this. It was because verse 1 talks about the theme of the song.
It seems you achieved almost everything that you wanted in BE. SUGA: I think it took less than a week to make my part in the album. After having written one or two melodies for ‘Life Goes On’, I wrote a version complete with rap, and liked it that I even worked on a separate arrangement and lyrics. Rather than pondering over the ways that might work, I choose to simply play the music and write. Many creators are unsure even after they’ve produced good work. How do you get the conviction to release your work? SUGA: Many musicians are unsure whether they should release their music or not. It was the same for me, but the thing is, you’ll never release anything if you nitpick everything. For example, if we release 10 songs, we have a chance to unveil them in concerts or fan events. And sometimes, as we listen to the song, we think, ‘Why does this part that had bothered me no longer bother me?’ Some things might feel awkward at some point, but in time, it no longer feels awkward. Even I forget about it. So it's more efficient to fine tune, looking at the big picture, rather than thinking too much about the details. On top of that, during promotions, I don’t have the time to pick tracks that others have sent for 10 hours. It would be a success for all of us if each of us play and write a melody in their own time and collaborate with others on the details. So the way of songwriting has evolved in many aspects. What motivated such evolution? SUGA: I think it evolved naturally. I've changed in personality this year (2020), as well as in terms of my interpretation and attitude toward life to the extent that I almost thought I've been rehearsing. How would it feel like if there were no stage to go to or anyone looking out for me? This thought made me realize the value of these things. In ‘Dis-ease’, you sing ‘I don’t know if it’s the world that's sick’. Was it this lifestyle that changed your thoughts about your work? SUGA: Yes. When I was young, I had embraced the belief that ‘It must be my fault’, but as I got older, I realized that this is not always true. Most of what I had thought was my fault was in fact, not my fault. On the other hand, there are things that I did well and times I had been lucky. ‘I NEED U’ came out during a time when you were still thinking, “It must be me”. After the members put on a stage with ‘I NEED U’ in KBS' ‘Song Festival’, you wrote on Weverse, “It’s the same as five years ago.” How would you compare with back then? (This interview was held on December 19, 2020.) SUGA: We've matured quite a bit. And our stage performances have become more natural. I still like ‘I NEED U’. Just listening to the beat makes me sentimental, and above all, the song came out nicely. So as I was watching this and that when I stumbled across old videos. Watching them made me think that we haven’t changed much.
In what aspect haven't you changed much? SUGA: Before the social distancing measures got stricter, I talked with the photographer for BE, whom I had met four years ago. The photographer was surprised that we hadn’t changed much after all the success, even though he had assumed we’d be very different. I'm amazed personally. I’ve had the chance to meet the members before your debut, but from your way of talking with members or others, it seems you haven't changed. SUGA: I think it's because we don’t give it a big deal about success. For example, it's incredible to be ranked first on the Billboards, but there’s also this sense of, “Okay, and?” Even the Grammys? (Laughs) SUGA: When we got nominated for the Grammy Awards, we thought, ‘Is this real?’ (Laughs) Of course we were delighted, but it didn’t make us think, ‘We're singers nominated for the Grammy.’ If you're nominated, you're nominated, and if you get the award, you get the award. You don't get shaken by that. I know it's a great award and would be so grateful if we receive it, but we know that nothing is possible without the tremendous support of our fans. What’s more important is that the fans are more flattered than us when we receive a great award. So everyone's rejoicing, but it’s like, ‘Let's do what we have to do.’ We've been training ourselves to keep finding our places, so no one remains overexcited. In ‘Fly To My Room’, there are lyrics that say, ‘This room is too small to contain my dream’, and ‘Sometimes this room becomes an emotional trash can, but it embraces me.’ I had this feeling that the room had been such a place and that you were accepting that you have changed. Then the essence must have remained the same. SUGA: It wasn’t easy to accept that we eventually change. But I think it's a good thing that we changed. What we did back then was possible only at that time, and we could change because of the things we had accomplished. Then, what new things are you dreaming about? SUGA: I'm eager to continue doing music. Since all performances were canceled due to COVID-19, I had a chance to talk to so many musicians in Korea. I talked with legendary singers as well as people who are my contemporaries. Talking with them once again made me realize that I love music so much. Because music is my profession, I can’t imagine myself not doing it. I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music.
What kind of music do you think you’ll be engaged in in the future? SUGA: I was greatly motivated when I saw the concert of Na Hoon-a last Chuseok . I wondered how many musicians would actually be able perform and write music for so long like he has. At that moment, it occurred to be that ‘I want to be like him’. He has passion and desire, and most of all, he is a superstar. A few years ago, I took my parents to a Na Hoon-a concert, and when they watched the performance last Chuseok, they said it was way less impressive to see him perform through the TV. (Laughs) That must explain your interest in a broader spectrum of music from instruments to composing and musical genres. Because you want to be doing this for a long time. SUGA: My goal is to continue doing music in any shape or form. In that sense, I have this great respect toward Cho Yong-pil. He takes the best sound there is and reinterprets it into his own. I think that’s something I want to emulate and keep changing and evolving so that I can continue doing music for decades to come. The lyrics ‘Thankfully between you and me nothing’s changed’ must sound more meaningful for the fans because they will be listening to your music for a long time. SUGA: A month and a half in the current times must seem like a lifetime for the fans when we're far apart. I feel the same. But I think that's proof that we worked hard for the past seven years and that the fans have been passionately reaching out to us. I'm striving to get to them as fast as I can, and I'm eager to go on stage. I'm going through this because I want to be better on stage in a better condition, so don't be sad, and please hang in there a little longer.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 9
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@starlightbydaybright hat gefragt:
Hello! Saw you were taking match-ups and I was wondering if I could request one. Only done one before for another fandom, and I was wondering who I’d align with for One Piece ^^
I'm an INFP and generally an introvert, finding it difficult to express myself when I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with or just not close to. I can be both quiet and shy; quiet when I have no interest in making good impression on that person (a stranger I'll see once and never again) and shy when I'm genuinely trying to make myself acceptable to them. But, I do trust easily, so it's not hard to get close enough with me that I'll open up about almost everything, so long as they understand have my boundaries (that'll shift depending on how close). I'm also very affectionate with people I'm close with, particularly through physical touch, since I've been pretty touch starved. If you're close friends with me, you can find me constantly looking for a hug, but I can respect boundaries since not everyone enjoys contact.
The situation would be a bit different romance wise, since I’d revert a bit back to my introverted side, but also very affection-seeking at the same time. I say affection seeking as in I’d crave time and activities spent together with them, but I’d be afraid to ask/initiate, at least during the early beginnings of the relationship. I’d be constantly seeking affirmation of their love, and since I’ve never been in a relationship before (but desperately wanted one), they’d be constantly receiving my love too ❤️
While being an introvert in reality, I find it much easier to speak with confidence online. as I actually have time to contemplate what I can say. It's when I'm either with close friends or on the internet, that I can go on passionate endless rants or show my passive aggressive side. I'm usually pacifist, but if something irks me enough, I can and will pitch in snide/sarcastic remark or two, or if it's more serious; I will write out whole sophisticated and well worded paragraph that'd sound all polite with a hidden snarky tone.
I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic, so there's lot of couple things I want to try when I find someone. Back hugs, bridal carry, tickle fights, you name it. While I do enjoy these displays of affection (comes with the happy kind of embarrassment aka. I feel embarrassed that others sees it but I’m happy because I know they’re not doing it out of maliciousness and because they truly love me), small gestures are appreciated too; a gentle squeeze of the hand, a passing smile, etc.
As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, (occasionally) drawing, but most of all; probably singing. I enjoy a wide variety of songs, depending on what mood I'm in, but I particularly like songs about love. Looking for someone to sing the duet love songs with me, doesn't matter how good or bad they are at singing. They can be tone deaf for all I care, it's the thought that matters 😊
I'm very emotionally sensitive, and can both laugh and cry easily. A random stranger online wished me good day? I'll be in good mood for awhile. Watched a 'mildly' sad movie? (Extra emphasis on mildly) I better have new box of tissue on the side just in case. It'd be nice to have someone that can either comfort me or at least tolerate my emotions, so I wouldn't be irking them 😞
I don't really have a type when looking for significant other but being an INFP does make the romance thing complicated. It'd be nice to have someone that's far along on the extroverted side (just not happy go lucky and can be serious) since, despite being introverted, I like to experience new things. I'm just too afraid to try alone and prefer it if someone else recommends it first. Someone to prompt me and nudge me to do something, but won’t take it too far if I really looked uncomfortable. (I’m also a procrastinator so they gotta find out the right ratio between pushing vs. taking it too far 😅) In relationship, I'd value trust and loyalty the most, since both are important in keeping the healthy relationship. If both sides could equally trust and be trusted, then there wouldn't be place for insecurity or fear. This ties in with another part of me being an INFP; I want a relationship that lasts forever. While it's weird to decide how long lasting the love will be early in the relationship, I don't think I can fully commit myself to someone, knowing that it'll end (through the other side falling out of love with me, finding interest in someone else, etc.) (natural causes like death are fine, even though I will still be sad 🥲)
As for appearance, I’m a 5”4 female with slightly wavy black hair that reach nearly to my waist. I don’t think I’m particularly short, but then again, every anime character seems to be straight up giants XD (Man, I was born with the wrong genes) I’m overall very plain, with black hair, brown eyes, but I’ve always been told I had pretty long eyelashes and big bright eyes. Average weight for my height, and flat chested :’)
As for the preference for gender, I’m mainly attracted to guys. I had some (very few) crushes on a small selection of female anime characters, but that were very rare, like 3, compared to my (insert large number) male crushes
Thank you in advance and sorry for how long this is 😔
P.s. I feel like I need to emphasize I’m still an introvert, since the personality I described is only limited to my very small friend group
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Hey there? How are you doing? Thank you so much for requesting. First off I should be apologizing for making you wait so long. I hope you´re not mad at me but lately there is a lot happening in my life. In my private life but also in my college life. But let´s put that aside and get to your request.
I have to thank you for the detailed info about you because that helped me to choose a match up for you so much. Like I instantly could think of someone. Not only did it help me to match you up with someone but also to come up with a plot. So I came up with this little imagine/hedcanon… I really don´t know what to call my work for the imaginies so I go with work. XD Anyways I really don´t know what to do at this point. Your request and your personality gave me such a good idea for a plot that I tried my best to keep it short because I decided to turn this request and my ideas and thoughts that are flying around in my mind to an actual FANFICTION! AHHHHHHHH. I can´t stop thinking about it. The idea sounds so damn good in my head that it makes me smile like an idiot right now! Uff I can´t wait to find time writing it down. AHAHH, but I fear that I already gave aways so much with this!!!! *pouts Doesn´t matter I´ll do it anyways. AHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you so damn much for requesting!
Anyways! Back to my work now. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can change it and give you whatever you´d like. Other than that happy reading my dear!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: I sadly don't know. Please tell me of you know so I can give credits. Thank you in advance. !!!
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· I decided to pair you up with KILLER
· Like am I the only person that thinks that he is not getting the screen time and appreciation he deserves? Because that is the damn case! ODA GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION HE DESERVES. And while we´re at it I wouldn´t mind if I would get a bit more of Eustass Kid too… Thank you in advance. <3
· But that’s not the point. Please dear requesting beautiful human being give this man and me, your hopelessly dreamy author a chance. Thank you, I really appreciate. <3
· aNyWaYssssS.
· “y/n? Are you still awake?”, asked the blond man softly. “No worries I won´t make you carry me to bed again.”, you said with a giggle. You couldn´t see his face but you knew that he was smiling. “I don´t mind that you know? I like having you close to me without having to fear to see you hid under the blanket for who knows how long.”, you rolled you eyes and hit his arms. “That only happened because that idiot captain of yours annoyed the hell out of me. That was embarrassing Killer.”, you slowly put one leg over the railing and then the next one. Making sure you don´t fall down the ship. “What happened? Didn´t you drag me out our cabin to watch the stars?”, asked the muscular man who held you close to him while making sure you didn´t fell. “I did but now I´d like to look at something different. Something even more beautiful. Something that gives me warmth and happiness. Something that keeps me alive and always makes sure I am doing fine.”, talking to the blond pirate while sitting at the railing was one of the rare moments you were close to an eye level with him. “You mean my mask?”, asked the man with a tiled head that got you to roll your eyes and hit his chest. “Great you destroyed the sweet moment. I hate you. Make a step back so I can get down. I want to go back to bed and drown in regret of dating you.”, you tried to push him away but he was obviously stronger and threw you over his shoulder. “Of course you hate me. That was also the exact same thing you were moaning a while ago. Let´s go back to bed nerd.”
· As sweet and loving your relationship was now with the pirate it also started like that. Wanna know how? Alright let me get comfortable in my bed and get started. Story TIIMMMEEEE!!!
· An island well known for their universities and scientist. An island full of top ranked doctors.
· Physics, chemistry, biology, astrology was well thaught in the schools of the island. An island well known around the world. An island ruled by a powerful devil fruit user.
· An island in which every civilian had a talent in another field. And you? You sadly had an impressive talent for languages.
· Why sadly you wonder? Well the amount of times you had to run for your dear life because some pirates could come and kidnap you and make you read the poneglyphs is immense.
· Once even the infamous Red haired Shanks came and asked you with the hope to have someone who could read them. But sadly you couldn´t. You told him that you were done with pirates coming for you or your best friends. You regretted learning all of that and hated yourself for that. Shanks and Beckman to whom your were talking to really felt bad for you and claimed the island as their territory after they had a chat with ruler and made a deal.
· That was that saved you and your friends for years and made you happy. You were thankful to the red hair pirates and always treated them with meals and drinks when they came visiting the island. You were happy for 5 years. 5 years until these stupid reckless pirates came.
· And now? Now you hated yourself all over again
· You knew that not every pirate was like the red hair pirates. Nice and respectful. They didn´t kill innocent people and destroyed civilizations only to get some gold and diamonds. But these? These were horrible. Cold and cruel.
· “Someone make this btch talk otherwise I´ll do it by cutting her into pieces only stropping when IT actually starts to answer my god damn questions!”, screamed a tall and guy with red hair.
· You were scared. Tied on a mast on their ship, you feared for your life. Screaming for help was not an option since you were already on the sea since a while now.
· The man that was yelling at you none stop was now holding a blond man with a mask at his collar and growling at him. The man might have a mask on but you somehow had the feeling that he was talking to the man with the red fur coat. “Clear the deck! NOW!!”; yelled the man before he left inside the ship. Slowly every man on deck was leaving you alone. You wanted to ask them were or why the left but you knew that they wouldn´t give you an answer. You were a prisoner. A captive. A pathetic human they took on board. With the last pirate leaving you behind, a door that was located behind the mast you were tied on closed while the need to cry grew inside of you. How long am I here by now? One hour? Two or three? Was anyone missing me back at home? Were they already looking for me? Thoughts that occupied your mind were blurring your vision. You were looking right in front of you but also not. Your eyes were wide open but your vision was back at home. Home were you belonged.
· “Hey. Hey can you hear me? Hey you alright, woman? Hello?”, a man was squatting in front of you and waving with his hands in front of your face. You were deeply lost in your thoughts that you neither heard him coming nor saw him sitting right in front of you.
· But the moment he touched you tight you screamed and got back to reality. “Please don´t touch me. Please don´t hurt me. Please I beg you. Please.”, fear was written all over your face. You saw yourself death with a huge puddle of your blood. “Alright I won´t touch you. It´s just that I´ve been sitting in front of you for 5 minutes now and the only thing you did was breath and say no. Anyways here is something to drink. You´ve been her for four hours now. Half of the time unconscious and the other one either basically mute or in a trance.”, the guy in front of you was the same one who got the mad man to leave and clear the deck. It made you wonder who he was that he had such a power but you didn´t dare to ask. “Here I hold it for you and you drink.”, the glass was put on your lips and you drank. You didn´t knew how thirsty you were until your lungs were wetted by the water. Finished drinking he put a blanket over your legs since the position your were in didn´t allow you to cover yourself properly. And the fact that you were wearing a dress wasn´t helping at all.
· “Alright. You had something to drink I got you a blanket now tell me are you able to talk to me and answer my questions?”, you nodded. “Good. Now listen to me. There is this language that is called Krisanasy. As far as I know there is a tiny amount of people who are able to speak that and you are one of these. Am I right?”, you nodded. “How well are you in it?”, you gulped and looked at the man with the mask “I know the most important basics. I remember basic grammar rules and a good amount of vocabulary but I´m not that good in it. I didn´t worked with anything that included this language since years now.”, the masked man nodded and fully sat down now. “Would you be able to get back in it if you had some books and scripts to work with?”, slowly you understood where this was supposed to lead. You knew that if you said yes they would keep you as their prisoner and make your work for them. And if they had everything they would kill you because there would be no more use for you. But if you said no now and refused to talk to him he would probably also kill you. You were in a dilemma. You didn´t wanted to die but also didn´t wanted to die after you helped them. They were criminals. Feared and hated by the government and any human around the world. You looked down on your lap and let your head fall forward so your long black hair covered your face. “Hey I asked you something. Would you be able to do that?”, his voice was deep and rough but in the same time soft and gentle. That irritated you. it make you realize that him being nice to you now was just a way to get under your skin and make you do whatever they wanted. And then they simply would kill you in the most brutal and cruel way. “Hey, woman. Are you listening?”, you felt helpless. “I don´t want to die. Please let me go. Please. I beg you. Please.”, tears were streaming down you cheeks you couldn´t hold back anymore. He came closer and lifted you face. “Listen here you are a smart woman. Stop crying for fcks sake. If I would be you I would have made these pirates work for me. Use your damn brain and stop crying. Do you really think anyone in here would kill you? Heck no! They need your help. They need your brain because all of them are basically stupid. Like damn I need you to answer all of my questions before my captain with anger issues comes and beats the sht out of me. Now answer me woman. Are you able to get back in it if we got you some scripts to work on?”, you nodded while more tears streamed down you cheeks. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless and used. Helping them would turn you into a criminal too and ruin everything you worked on. Everything the emperor did for you and the island would be wasted. “See wasn’t that hard to answer.”
· The questioning went on for a while you didn´t know for how long but you knew that a long time passed since the sun stared to set. “Alright. Now I give you two options. One, stay here. Tied up on the mast no matter what kind of weather we face. Two you swear to obey me no matter what kind of order I give you and you will be able to sleep on a bed. You will get food and tomorrow you will start working on the scripts we give you. You choose.”, with your head hung lowly you said number two and instantly got released from the chains and handcuffs. He helped you stand up and covered you in the blanket before he led you into his cabin. “Wait here. Sit there and don´t do anything stupid as long as I´m not here. If you do anything stupid I won´t be able to help you. Got it?”, he didn´t even wait until you answered or gave any reaction he simply left and closed the door after him. So you waited while sitting with a lowly hung head. Minutes passed and he came back. “Your clothes are dirty. The bathroom is empty so you can take a bath or shower. Anything you want but I´ll be in the room with you. Because of one I have to make sure no one is coming in and secondly to watch over you and make sure you don´t do anything stupid. Got it. Fine. Take this towel and these clothes. We don´t have any female crewmates so you have to be wearing with my clothes until we dock on another island and you get to buy clothes.”
· The man with the mask took care of you for the rest of the day. He took you to shower and gave you fresh clothes. You had dinner with him alone in the kitchen when no one was around and got back to sleep. And no matter what you did he made sure to keep a respectful distance towards you. Whenever he had to come closer or touch you to take care of your wounds he would warn you. The day kept going like that. Nothing else was said about the following days and the thing they wanted you for. Only necessary things were said that were needed at the moment. And you only gave short replays or only answered with a head movement.
· Slowly the day passed by and the night took over with the moon putting the world alight. You were back in his cabin with him sitting on an armchair and you lying in bed sleeping with one hand tied up on the bed.
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retvenkos · 3 years
anyways i guess i'm a portwell stan now (enemies to lovers/best friends brother/make each other better trope & troy and gabriella parallels my beloved)
and i'm also exasperated at the writers at ricky's path this season. and the writers in general.
i just. want miss jenn and mr mazzara to get together this season and ej and gina to be happy, if that's too much to ask for.
nobody wants it, they're not needed- all this season has been about romance, with a few crumbs of musical theatre, and it's not what i signed up for! i want more friendship moments between kourtney and seb, and i want more of the dorky improv games.
let the kids be kids.
the north high rivalry is getting unrealistically annoying. if anything, the theatre community is supportive of each other (i'm in a performing arts school, i should know lmbo)
ricky's parents' divorce plot was completely thrown out the window.
nobody wanted the redlyn angst.
why is carlos being kinda mean?
this whole has season has been a mess, and the only people carrying the show on their backs now is ej, gina, mr. mazzara and howie's rendition of "if i can't love her".
i'm so sorry for vomiting this all over you, i just felt this show is going downhill- kinda like glee.
dfghjdsfghjhgfdsdfghjhgfd,,, i haven't watched glee but i know enough about it to know that was a sick burn, cass. i love it.
and omg,,,,, do i have thoughts™. let's unpack them, shall we?
i agree that this season has been..... a lot™. it’s just a cluster of half-baked plot points that are strung together really losely. i feel like they should have scaled back on some of their ambitions.
namely, the north high rivalry is really bland and unnecessary. the only good things to come out of it is howie, the song around you, and the stunning location (i mean, art deco ogden high? count me in). you could take out the menkies entirely and so little would change to the overall story. i’d argue the story could have been even better without it because.... big shock..... we could focus on the characters.
because, truly, they’re trying to tackle too many things at once. whatever angst is happening with carlos and seb is the worst developed plot point we’ve had to suffer through. carlos says “does chip have any big scenes?” and it’s the catalyst for a fight? then we have them split for spring break and it’s just snippets of them fighting? literally, there’s zero reason for seb and carlos to fight - their dynamic is cute but it’s background chatter when you have whatever the hell is happening with ricky, nini, ej, and gina front and center. there was no reason to make then fight and it doesn’t add to their development, it isn’t well executed, and it isn’t particularly interesting. just let them be happy?
and i feel like that’s such a running theme for all of the side relationships? like you said - redlyn didn’t really need angst? i feel like the whole “career day” arc was well done and was compelling (but maybe that’s just because i had a friend who went through the same thing as red, so i’m sympathetic to it), but whatever went on with antoine and ashlyn was just.... really unnecessary? it didn’t add anything? maybe they’ll be revisiting the plot point, but as it stands right now, it was just really random to add in, and perhaps if i were more invested with north high, i would appreciate it more. but they’re.... so inconsequential.
and now we get to talk about one of my biggest gripes,,,,,,, ricky’s parents’ divorce. listen, i thought it was well developed in season one. it had importance. it affected ricky. it affected the plot. it raised the stakes. now it’s just underdeveloped. we’ve barely seen ricky’s homelife, given the sheer amount of plot points the show is juggling, and since ricky has mainly had negative scenes through the totality of the season, viewers aren’t really interested in seeing how the crumbs of his tumultuous homelife are affecting his behavior (which is kind of important, seeing as it accounts for the degradation of his character). 
ricky is going through a lot this season, and i feel like the main reason why people are so upset with him is because the writers leaned into his sad boi™ status. maybe it’s because the screentime is so divided and the stakes are higher, or because the writers really just got rid of all of ricky’s personality, but ricky has had two personality traits this season - sad clingy boi and bitter, passive aggressive boi. 
now, these personality appeared in season one - quite a lot, actually - but because it was framed  between light hearted moments and exploration of his conflicts, it was palatable and understandable. viewers understood why ricky was so desperately clinging onto the past and resisted change so much. we saw the tempest he was in! we had moments where friends like big red or even gina mentioned it. his reactions had merit because the viewer saw the buildup! 
this season, we have not had that. we see ricky’s dad trying to do his best with moving out, and with trying to move on, and we see ricky’s mom trying to do the same, and this is all strong for them, but when ricky can’t move on, and we see less of the struggle that ricky feels, we become disenchanted. ricky has stagnated, and we see everyone else moving on, and we do not focus on hat influences ricky to stop dead in his tracks. 
what’s worse is that the writers have ricky blow up so much more than last season, when we see less reasoning, and when he mentions how his parent’s divorce is a main reason for his angst, we really have no basis for that - except for what we saw in season 1. season 1 isn’t enough anymore, though, because ricky’s dad has moved on! so has ricky’s mom! 
i’m just scREAMING because ricky’s story is important and it was done well in season 1 and now the writers are losing ricky in the crossfire and pulling out the most degraded, negative traits of his character and running with them.
where is the ricky bowen i love and miss????
and lol, i’ve spoken so much about north high already, but i agree 10000% that it’s just getting out of hand. it’s just so not realistic. the rivalries aren’t like this,,,, someone please make it stop. they north high kids are also just so underdeveloped? the only exception is howie, and we didn’t even know he was a north high kid for half of the show,,,,,, (which, imo, should have been built up much better. kourtney said they never hung out with his friends, but we should have seen that so the mystery was more fulfilling. we should have also gotten hints he was in theatre - maybe kourtney hears him sing beauty and the beast, and she thinks it’s vvv cute, and she asks him he didn’t try out, and howie has to do some mental gymnastics to come up with a decent lie.) 
there’s so much poor or just underdeveloped writing in this season,,,, i’m crying.
even gina (my beloved) is the subject of poor writing because literally what happened between her and ricky? she was so emotionally involved she was about to leave, and then she suddenly decides to stay? and she suddenly just ignores ricky? girl worked through all of that off camera and while it’s not bad per se, it’s just lazy. they just underdeveloped that entire story.
the only one who has really shined this season is ej, and that’s just... really out of left field, but i’m not complaining.
and, i mean, i could talk about my earlier gripes with nini, but i see that they’re making narrative sense, now that the show has progressed a little further. i just wish she had stayed at yac longer, or we had seen more of her, there, so that when she says “she liked who she was [at yac],” we would have more basis for that. and i kinda wish we saw more of her sans boy drama, but i’m sure that’s coming.
and the love triangles,,,,, don’t get me started. rina didn’t have to be angsty or happen at all,,,, they could have just been friends and it would have had the same effect. don’t believe me? they’re friends and they lean on each other, but then nini comes into the picture and ricky just wants to be with nini all the time. he starts to really blow gina off and gina wonders if they were ever friends at all, or if she was just a cardboard cut out that ricky projected nini onto. the angst happens, gina realizes she has friends with carlos, she has that moment with ashlyn that gets fixed, then gina gets close to ej,,,,, literally no difference.
and lol, mr. mazzara. i think he and miss jenn are vvv cute together - definitely my favorite out of the miss jenn romances. i love a good slow burn, so i’m willing to wait for an eternity to have it. i just think they’re neat.
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fyeah-bangtan7 · 4 years
SUGA “I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music”
SUGA has this way of talking passionately with a deadpan look on his face. Full of passion about his life and music.
How is your shoulder? SUGA: Good. I think it’ll get even better once I take off this brace. Apparently, it takes several months for a full recovery, but I'm trying to get better as fast as possible.
How does it feel like to have resolved a problem that has distressed you for long? SUGA: First of all, I'm glad. The pain is one thing, but when my shoulders got worse, I couldn't even raise my arms. But when I heard that this might recur when getting the surgery at a young age, I waited for the right time and had decided to get it done early next year regardless of the COVID-19 situation. I had planned to get the surgery after the year-end stages, but I got it done this year (2020) because my doctors advised me to start preparing early for next year’s promotions and activities.
How does it feel like watching the other members doing promotions? SUGA: I can't say it feels great. I could see the emptiness because we've been together as a group of seven for so long. Not necessarily because I'm not there but because something that should be there is missing? Is that what made you join the promotion as much as possible? You shot lots of video footage in advance and you even appeared in the Mnet “2020 MAMA” through VR. SUGA: Fake SUGA (Laughs). There’s this 3D studio where we shot it. I shot, scanned, and acted there, but couldn't see the actual result at the studio. I thought a sense of displacement was unavoidable, and that was exactly the case. (Laughs) I acted normal because it would have been aired anyway even if I hadn’t had the surgery, but it seems a lot because it’s aired after the surgery.
You must feel restricted not being able to go on stage. SUGA: The thing is, it's only been a month after I got surgery, but my absence on stage is so apparent. But my doctors keep telling me that I shouldn't be impatient and in fact, many athletes get a resurgery when they return to the field without proper rehabilitation. So I'm working on trying to care less. For the first two weeks after surgery, I felt so frustrated that I tried out new things. I even watched movies I didn't watch.
What movies did you watch? SUGA: I watched ‘Samjin Company English Class’ as it happened to be on IPTV, and now I have ‘Tenet’ on my list. ‘Parasite’ was the last movie I saw at a cinema. As the social distancing measures became stricter, I haven’t been going outside, except going to the hospital. I even eat at home. I'm also watching a lot of TV nowadays. Watching music shows like ‘Sing Again’, ‘Folk Us’, and ‘Show Me The Money 9’ made me think of what I should do in the upcoming days. Could you elaborate on that? SUGA: A lot of candidates on ‘Sing Again’ are very talented but hadn't had the opportunity, and on ‘Folk Us’, I noticed that many took their own guitars on stage. I started playing the guitar lately and I'm having this urge to broaden my scope of music. And since my interest in the music industry in the U.S. grew, I'm getting prepared, studying English and all. What fueled your interest? SUGA: In some ways it’s the most commercially developed market. You could lose the industry attention in a flash if it's not feasible. So in this system, you would try everything and that would be an efficient way. I want to do music for a long time, and to this end, I always want to learn more about the global music industry because I want to do music that’s loved not only in Korea, but also in the U.S., Japan and Europe. Speaking of which, it seems BE was influenced from music of the past rather than today's trends. SUGA: I especially like impromptu music. I love the songs that were made in one take instead of being recorded several times. In this era of crossover genres, the desire to do better in music is growing inside me. As the genres become more blended, the melody you use must be more important. Does starting to play the guitar affect your composing in any way? SUGA: I always liked using guitar sounds. And I have always liked the Eagles. If you play the guitar, it’s way easier to write songs because you can carry it along wherever you go, pluck on the strings to create melody lines. Keyboards are difficult to carry around. (Laughs) I usually work on my laptop but I had this thought that I definitely needed an instrument. It accelerates my work and improves my understanding of chords. It makes me think you could intuitively make melodies. SUGA: It’s easier to write a song because you can intuitively make a progression and try many different things. During my work on ‘Eight’, IU had recorded and sent me a song from her phone. At the time I couldn’t play the guitar, so we tried to make sure we’re working on the same page when keeping track of each other's progress. That made me feel the need to learn an instrument.
This is actually before you started playing the guitar, but I found ‘Telepathy’ in BE very interesting. The varying melodic progressions between hooks for each member made me wonder if you wrote the melody intuitively for each part. SUGA: I tried a melody for the first time this year (2020), and as I started knowing the fun of music, it opened a lot of new doors for me. So it was kind of easy working on it. I just played a beat and wrote from the beginning until the end. Done. I wrote it in just 30 minutes. The song almost wrote itself. The trends of pop and hip-hop these days cross boundaries between vocals and rap. I like this trend. When I listen to your singing, it feels like you’re hitting the beats rather than singing along the notes. So I thought perhaps you're singing as if you're rapping. SUGA: When you're rapping, you just think of the rhythm, so it’s like simply putting on a melody to a rhythm. To define which comes first, I think melody adds to it while writing the rap. In ‘Life Goes On’, the lyrics ‘Thankfully between you and me, nothing’s changed’ are somewhere in between. It's not rap but it’d be mundane to say it's a mere melody. SUGA: There are obviously songs where the rap needs to be highlighted. For example, in ‘Dis-ease’ or ‘Ugh!’, you have to be good at rap. But in songs that should be easy to listen to, impressive raps are not always the way to go. Sometimes, you want smooth transitions without obstacles. In that sense, the rap flow of ‘Blue & Grey’ was impressive. Rather than a dramatic effect that emphasizes each part, you extended the rap just as much as the slowing beat. SUGA: To be honest, this beat is difficult to rap to. The beginning of the song only has a guitar line, which made it even more difficult. I participated when we wrote lyrics for ‘Blue & Grey’ and I've always wanted to work on a song like this. It was because verse 1 talks about the theme of the song.
It seems you achieved almost everything that you wanted in BE. SUGA: I think it took less than a week to make my part in the album. After having written one or two melodies for ‘Life Goes On’, I wrote a version complete with rap, and liked it that I even worked on a separate arrangement and lyrics. Rather than pondering over the ways that might work, I choose to simply play the music and write. Many creators are unsure even after they’ve produced good work. How do you get the conviction to release your work? SUGA: Many musicians are unsure whether they should release their music or not. It was the same for me, but the thing is, you’ll never release anything if you nitpick everything. For example, if we release 10 songs, we have a chance to unveil them in concerts or fan events. And sometimes, as we listen to the song, we think, ‘Why does this part that had bothered me no longer bother me?’ Some things might feel awkward at some point, but in time, it no longer feels awkward. Even I forget about it. So it's more efficient to fine tune, looking at the big picture, rather than thinking too much about the details. On top of that, during promotions, I don’t have the time to pick tracks that others have sent for 10 hours. It would be a success for all of us if each of us play and write a melody in their own time and collaborate with others on the details. So the way of songwriting has evolved in many aspects. What motivated such evolution? SUGA: I think it evolved naturally. I've changed in personality this year (2020), as well as in terms of my interpretation and attitude toward life to the extent that I almost thought I've been rehearsing. How would it feel like if there were no stage to go to or anyone looking out for me? This thought made me realize the value of these things. In ‘Dis-ease’, you sing ‘I don’t know if it’s the world that's sick’. Was it this lifestyle that changed your thoughts about your work? SUGA: Yes. When I was young, I had embraced the belief that ‘It must be my fault’, but as I got older, I realized that this is not always true. Most of what I had thought was my fault was in fact, not my fault. On the other hand, there are things that I did well and times I had been lucky. ‘I NEED U’ came out during a time when you were still thinking, “It must be me”. After the members put on a stage with ‘I NEED U’ in KBS' ‘Song Festival’, you wrote on Weverse, “It’s the same as five years ago.” How would you compare with back then? (This interview was held on December 19, 2020.) SUGA: We've matured quite a bit. And our stage performances have become more natural. I still like ‘I NEED U’. Just listening to the beat makes me sentimental, and above all, the song came out nicely. So as I was watching this and that when I stumbled across old videos. Watching them made me think that we haven’t changed much.
In what aspect haven't you changed much? SUGA: Before the social distancing measures got stricter, I talked with the photographer for BE, whom I had met four years ago. The photographer was surprised that we hadn’t changed much after all the success, even though he had assumed we’d be very different. I'm amazed personally. I’ve had the chance to meet the members before your debut, but from your way of talking with members or others, it seems you haven't changed. SUGA: I think it's because we don’t give it a big deal about success. For example, it's incredible to be ranked first on the Billboards, but there’s also this sense of, “Okay, and?” Even the Grammys? (Laughs) SUGA: When we got nominated for the Grammy Awards, we thought, ‘Is this real?’ (Laughs) Of course we were delighted, but it didn’t make us think, ‘We're singers nominated for the Grammy.’ If you're nominated, you're nominated, and if you get the award, you get the award. You don't get shaken by that. I know it's a great award and would be so grateful if we receive it, but we know that nothing is possible without the tremendous support of our fans. What’s more important is that the fans are more flattered than us when we receive a great award. So everyone's rejoicing, but it’s like, ‘Let's do what we have to do.’ We've been training ourselves to keep finding our places, so no one remains overexcited. In ‘Fly To My Room’, there are lyrics that say, ‘This room is too small to contain my dream’, and ‘Sometimes this room becomes an emotional trash can, but it embraces me.’ I had this feeling that the room had been such a place and that you were accepting that you have changed. Then the essence must have remained the same. SUGA: It wasn’t easy to accept that we eventually change. But I think it's a good thing that we changed. What we did back then was possible only at that time, and we could change because of the things we had accomplished. Then, what new things are you dreaming about? SUGA: I'm eager to continue doing music. Since all performances were canceled due to COVID-19, I had a chance to talk to so many musicians in Korea. I talked with legendary singers as well as people who are my contemporaries. Talking with them once again made me realize that I love music so much. Because music is my profession, I can’t imagine myself not doing it. I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music.
What kind of music do you think you’ll be engaged in in the future? SUGA: I was greatly motivated when I saw the concert of Na Hoon-a last Chuseok . I wondered how many musicians would actually be able perform and write music for so long like he has. At that moment, it occurred to be that ‘I want to be like him’. He has passion and desire, and most of all, he is a superstar. A few years ago, I took my parents to a Na Hoon-a concert, and when they watched the performance last Chuseok, they said it was way less impressive to see him perform through the TV. (Laughs) That must explain your interest in a broader spectrum of music from instruments to composing and musical genres. Because you want to be doing this for a long time. SUGA: My goal is to continue doing music in any shape or form. In that sense, I have this great respect toward Cho Yong-pil. He takes the best sound there is and reinterprets it into his own. I think that’s something I want to emulate and keep changing and evolving so that I can continue doing music for decades to come. The lyrics ‘Thankfully between you and me nothing’s changed’ must sound more meaningful for the fans because they will be listening to your music for a long time. SUGA: A month and a half in the current times must seem like a lifetime for the fans when we're far apart. I feel the same. But I think that's proof that we worked hard for the past seven years and that the fans have been passionately reaching out to us. I'm striving to get to them as fast as I can, and I'm eager to go on stage. I'm going through this because I want to be better on stage in a better condition, so don't be sad, and please hang in there a little longer.
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mickmarstookmyheart · 3 years
Life's a Sick Joke pt 16
Would like to start from the beginning? Here is Part 1!
Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader
A/N: Good morning/night/afternoon, you beautiful creatures! I know this story hasn't been really active recently but here you go the next chapter. There isn't much action in it, although it contains emotions and deep conversations. I hope you will like it. Stay safe, drink water and listen to music louder than hell!
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16. Being There For You
After you got Mick from jail, which was pretty hilarious regarding that he never did anything to be in there, not even this time. He was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. He was still angry with you for not helping him immediately, but you let him fume a bit.
You were concentrated on something else. It was finally the day your brother would be out so you intended to get him, too. You seriously were tired of getting everyone out of jail. You were driving the car, staring at the road, your fingers drumming on the wheel along the music; Accept's Balls to the Wall was on and you couldn't help but silently sing along.
"I'm glad you have the energy to sing, but I couldn't sleep last night since someone let me rot in a fucking cell!" Mick snapped and you turned the music down. You took a long breath not to say anything you would regret.
"Mick, you only spent 6 hours there. You could've slept while waiting you know. And don't be angry with me, I wasn't the one who got you there." You arched a brow still not believing he was mad at you instead of Tommy.
"Speaking of, I can't wait to slap drummer. With a chair." He barked looking out the window. "And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harsh on you, I'm just grumpier than usual for not sleeping."
"It's okay, I understand." You were smirking at him. He placed his hand on your right hand which you rested on the gear shift. "But you have to wait with your revenge until next Monday. You know we have the whole week off."
"Finally. We can be alone for a bit. Without anyone harassing us." He stated, closing his eyes and leaning back his head. You bit your lip down fearing his reaction to what you were about to say.
"Umm...but I hope it's okay if Dylan will be around for a bit. Or I can go back to our old apartment and let you rest at your house. I would like to spend some time with Dylan before we hit the road again." You turned in the next corner after looking in both directions. It felt like ages until Mick said something.
"Babe, it's totally okay. Your brother needs you. And he won't bother me unless he runs in the hallway screaming and almost naked smashing everything in sight." You chuckled knowing exactly whom he was talking about. Luckily, Dylan has never acted like that. Alright, maybe a few months ago but that wasn't the true him. Sharon exclaimed that he was improving and was on a good path. You had every reason to believe her so you weren't so worried about being with him in one room again. On the other hand, you were thinking of how jail time might break him. He was always so strong, although terrible things happen to people in jail who spend months in.
"I'm sure he won't cause any harm. So you truly don't have any excuse to have him in your house for the week?" You asked him cautiously for reassurance. To be honest, you were the scared one. You were scared as hell since you have never been to his home. You got together during the camping you brought them on and since then you weren't home or nearby even. The tour and then the hospital, the travel to your sister.
"(Y/N), there are a few guest rooms so he can crash at my place if he wants to. Or if you think environment change is the last thing he needs right now, we can bring back him to your shared apartment." He said warming your heart how kind he was with you, with your family. How much he cared for your well-being. Your eyes welled up and you got rid of the tears by wiping them away with the top of your hand. "(Y/N), what is it?" He stiffened thinking through what he has just said. "Did I say something?"
"Yes. But nothing bad, don't worry." He relaxed a bit but still couldn't understand why you were crying. "It's just, in my whole life I only got hatred, stating with our parents. I always I was just giving and giving until nothing remained for me. I started to drain out from goodness but kept going as Isabelle and Dylan needed me. It's not that I don't love them or they don't deserve it. I didn't have anyone I could rely on, or just have a nice decent talk about what is bothering me. And after meeting you, I thought I hit jackpot. And still, you keep amazing me with your kindness, selflessness, and your big heart." You exhaled when you finished your monologue making Mick speechless again. In the meantime, you parked the car in the prison's parking lot and stopped the car. Your hands rested in your lap playing with the key. Mick got out of the car and closed the door after himself before leaning on the car with his back. You were truly afraid. You hesitated at first but then got out of the car and walked next to him, leaning on the car. You didn't say a word. About Mick, he was fighting back tears, his chest rose and fell rapidly and you couldn't help but notice his jaws were tightened.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there for you." He begun, finally breaking the silence. Although, what he said made your brows knitted.
"Mick, we hadn't met, you wouldn't have been able to do much about it." You leaned your head on his shoulder making him calm.
"I know, but it's so unfair. You deserve the world, (Y/N). And if someone dares to tell me otherwise I will beat the shit out of them. And may your parents rot in hell, what they did to you is unforgivable. And I'm admiring you, (Y/N), for being able to smile and keep making everyone happy after all those horrible things happened to you. You are a survivor and I have fallen in love with you madly, deeply, and undeniably." You looked up at him, feeling lost in his blue eyes. You cracked a smile and hugged him tightly, filling your lungs with his scent. He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, his arms resting on your waist pulling you closer.
"I love you, too, Mick. With every cell of my body." You whispered. You didn't know how quickly you found each other. You completed each other, you were partners, not just lovers. You were soulmates. A loud screeching noise broke the moment making both of you look towards the source of the sound. It was the huge rusty gates opening. Your heart was hammering and you were grabbing Mick's hand strongly.
"Hey, easy, Tiger." He whispered in your ear making you loosen your grip. At first, you only saw guards but then you noticed your brother in the distance. You were grinning and couldn't believe he was finally free after months. When the guards went back inside and the gates were closed Dylan looked in your way and dropped his bag on the ground. You let go of Mick and started running towards him. When you two met you jumped on him almost making him fell.
"Hey, (Y/N)." He greeted and spun you around as you were still hanging on him like a monkey.
"Hey." You could only say this. You were so happy to have him in your arms again. The real Dylan. Not the one who hurt you or left you alone. This was the Dylan you knew in your whole life. The caring, the funny, the goofy.
"I would love to carry you like this all the way home but it's either that you eat too much recently or I am out of shape." You chuckled letting him go. You were on your feet again when Mick approached you and you saw Dylan bow his head from embarrassment and guilt.
"Hello, Dylan." He said casually. No emotions, just words.
"Hi, Mick." He muttered still not looking in his eyes. He balled his fists then loosened them again by his side. He was still battling. It broke your heart seeing him like this. "I would like to apologize. For all the things I have said and done. For acting crazy and almost hitting you in the face. I wasn't myself. And I would like to thank you for taking care of (Y/N) when I couldn't. It means a lot to me." He offered his hand to Mick as an apology. Mick glanced at you and after you nodded he shook Dylan's hand.
"Apology accepted." He gave a half-smile and winked. He knew it wasn't Dylan's fault, well, mostly. He inherited anger issues from your parents, but he should've asked for help. "So, are you hungry?"
"Hell yes. The food was horrible in there." He complained, dropping his bag on his shoulder lazily. "Sadly, they didn't serve (Y/N)'s famous spaghetti Bolognese. You could say, I'm craving that."
"I didn't know a chef lives inside you." Mick laughed arching a brow.
"I haven't had the chance to show it." You crossed your arms in front of your chest like a shield.
"Then it's high time. So, Dylan, it's your decision. Where would you like to go?" Mick asked. Dylan's eyes googled from the shock but then went back to normal.
"I'm sure your kitchen is much bigger than ours. Right, (Y/N)?" You burst into laughter from that statement because you knew damn well how small that kitchen was and barely one person could fit there, not even three.
"Then, it's settled then."
"Woah, you didn't mention you live in a fucking castle." You admired the beautiful house which was settled in a forest far away from any human. It was definitely something Mick appreciated.
"It's not much. But come inside." You got your bags from the back where Dylan stood.
"Are you nervous?" He asked noticing you were biting your lip and struggling to breathe properly. And the son of a bitch was smirking. Righ in your face.
"Fuck you, Dylan." He just laughed and took the bag from your hand. Mick has already opened the door and was waiting for you.
"My lady." He gestured with his hands, letting you go first. When you stepped into the house your eyebrows were nearly invisible. When you thought about Mick and his personality you were sure he lived in a dark castle, like vampires or just a dirty apartment. You expected everything but not this. The living room was bigger than your apartment, it was light and neat. There were two huge black leather sofas in front of the fireplace with a glass table between them. The walls were white and pure.
"Like it?" Mick asked smirking and wandering his eyes in the room.
"It's freaking beautiful." You stated.
"Bloody hell, this is awesome." Dylan had almost the same reaction as you.
"This way." Mick said, you and Dylan followed him. "So this is the kitchen, I know it's not much but I hope it is big enough. And the bedrooms are upstairs.
"(Y/N), don't droll. So nasty." Dylan joked earning a scoff from you. You had to admit, this was the most fascinating kitchen you have ever seen. You quickly wiped your mouth but there was nothing.
"You are nasty!" You elbowed him in the stomach when Mick didn't pay attention earning a groan from Dylan.
"You haven't changed a bit." He murmured, trying to keep up with you.
"So, Dylan, your room will be at the end on the right. You will find towels in the wardrobe, too." He noted.
"Thanks, man. I think I will go, I don't want to bother." He winked and headed to the room but before he entered he winked and gave you a thumb up.
"Sometimes, I feel the urge just to choke him. Just a little bit." You said. Mick chuckled and took your hand into his. Butterflies in your stomach kept reminding you that you were in his house and apart from Dylan, only the two of you were there. No Nikki, no Tommy, no Vince. No concerts, no shouting, screaming, or breaking glasses. Just quiet, peace, and you.
"I'm pretty curious about your reaction so close your eyes and don't open until I say so." You nodded and did as told. He helped you not to hit anything. "Okay, now you can open it."
You cautiously and slowly opened your eyes from the sudden brightness. Huge windows were in charge of the light. However, many other things drew your attention. At least, 10 guitars were hanging on the wall along with pieces of vinyl. He knew guitars were your weakness and he was right there smiling from seeing your reaction. You were speechless.
"Dear Satan, this is beautiful." You held up your hand to hide your open mouth.
"I knew, you would like it!" He snickered and showed you around in his room. There were some bookshelves, tapes, and other types of vinyl as well. You noticed some family pictures as well. "Yeah, well, Susie hasn't changed a bit."
"These photos are adorable." You put down the frame and turned to him. "So, do you have any plans for the day?"
"What about your famous Spaghetti Bolognese Dylan was talking about?" He asked pulling you closer his eyes not leaving yours. You could feel his breath on your skin and his hands on your hips. "Or we could let him rest a bit and try if we fit in the bed?"
"Oh, I thought I would get a guest room as well." You joked earning a small laugh from him.
"Gosh, how much I missed this!" Dylan was filling his mouth with your spaghetti and it appeared that Mick loved it, too. You were holding a glass full of wine and were watching them.
"It's nothing special, actually. Just some secret ingredients, that's all." You noted. "However, I'm glad that criminals love my food." You added while taking a sip.
"What?" Dylan inquired with raised brows. "Don't- don't tell me you were arrested, too. Cause I won't believe it."
Mick rolled his eyes and kept his attention on his plate.
"It wasn't me, alright? And can we just forget about it?"
"Then welcome to the club, man. Don't worry, you are not bad. She also sat in there for a few days." He tilted his head towards you making you choke on your wine.
"Nothing surprises me anymore." Mick chuckled shaking his head.
That day, you felt loved. By Mick, and by Dylan. Both are a different kind of love, but you felt special. For a long period, it was the first day, you felt safe. No fire, no drunk people trying to flirt with you, no drugs. Of course, only for a week. Then you will have to go back, but first, you wanted the enjoy every minute of being with Mick and your brother.
Taglist: @leatherandheels @safari-karrot @cmft-jr-winchester @crazyrockrlady @savageandnikkiapproved <3
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