#since the MC said celestials can't leave their realm
mostlymobilegames · 6 months
I just realised that the MC's hatred for Walter's singing doesn't exist just because she's a colossal hater, it's because he's basically an angel ("celestial", whatever). His singing isn't actually shit, it's just how it sounds to her ears because she's a demon.
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No wonder he didn't get hurt at all by being regularly insulted. Even the chillest himbo would eventually feel bad after getting his artistic spirit ripped to shreds in every interaction, but he knew the MC didn't hear the same thing as the humans since he knew she wasn't one of them.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Diavolo: MC? Where are you going? *has seen them leaving their room*
Kid MC: I'm going to send this letter to Uncle Luke!
Diavolo: A letter? Hm. But it's already late. Can't you just send it tomorrow morning?
Kid MC: Yes. But Uncle said I need to send it tonight!
Diavolo: Just you alone?
Kid MC: *nods*
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: I'll accompany you. Is that okay?
Kid MC: Yes! And Lord Diavolo? Can you check my letter too? To see if I have written it right.
Diavolo: Of course.
Kid MC: *gives the letter to him*
Diavolo: *reads it*
Diavolo: ...
Kid MC: How is it, Lord Diavolo?
Diavolo: *smiles* You've got the skills of your father. You're quite eloquent.
Kid MC: *giggles* I used a dictionary!
Diavolo: *chuckles* That's great! Here. I'm sure Luke will be happy to receive your reply.
Luke: *smiles as he reads the letter of MC*
"Dear Uncle Luke,
Thank you for inviting me to go on a vacation with you. But I need to ask Papa first.
Instead, why don't you stay and have a vacation here? Lord Diavolo can give you a room in the castle! Oh! And in the House Of Lamentation too!
I can't wait for you to join us, Uncle!
Luke: *then reads Simeon's note next*
"Luke, I really appreciate you updating me on the situation. I must say, I'd feel much better if you didn't get involved any further. It's probably best if you head back to the Celestial Realm. MC and I are doing fine, just as you wished for us. Please take care, and rest assured, we'll meet again soon. Don't worry too much, and I sincerely hope you're doing well. — Simeon"
Luke: ...
Michael: It seems you have no luck either.
Luke: ...
Michael: Have you mentioned about the consequences?
Luke: Yes.
Luke: Simeon is... willing to take the risk.
Michael: ...
Michael: However, you felt relieved reading the child's letter. Why is that?
Luke: MC... They have a pure soul. They may look like a demon, but I would say that they have the heart of an angel.
Michael: ...
Luke: *looks at him* Michael, is there no way for father to reconsider?
Michael: ...
Michael: I'm afraid not. Unless if Simeon becomes honest and confess.
Luke: ...
Simeon: MC, there's something Papa would like to ask you.
Kid MC: What is it, Papa?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Would you still love Papa if I became a human?
Kid MC: What's a human?
Simeon: *smiles* They're neither angel nor demon. You can say that they're someone that stands in the middle.
Kid MC: Okay? But why do you ask if I would still love you if you were a human?
Simeon: You know how Papa writes stories, right? I want to know your opinion.
Kid MC: Hmmmmmm... Papa? To be honest, that's a dumb question.
Simeon: *chuckles* How so?
Kid MC: Because I will love Papa no matter what. You can be a demon, an angel, a human, a bird, a worm—
Simeon: Worm?
Kid MC: I added that just in case.
Simeon: *smiles*
Kid MC: Anyway, I'm saying that you can be anything or anyone but you will still remain my Papa! So of course, I will forever love you!
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *hugs them* Do you know that humans have short lives? What will you do if Papa really did turn into a human?
Kid MC: Another dumb question, Papa! Then I'll turn into a human too!
Simeon: *hugs them tight* Oh... How did I deserve to have a child like you?
Kid MC: What's wrong, Papa? You're acting weird!
Simeon: Nothing. *chuckles* Papa loves you so much.
Kid MC: I love you so much too, Papa!
Raphael: Simeon, you finally agreed to meet us.
Simeon: Yes. After all, I need to give you an answer.
Michael: Then, I would like to remind you of the consequences. Since you refused to entrust your child to us, father has decided to turn you into a human and that would be your punishment for disobeying him.
Michael: However, if you choose to tell us the truth—
Simeon: I'm sorry. But I accept his punishment.
Raphael and Michael: ...
Raphael: Why? He's giving you a chance!
Simeon: *smiles* I'm just protecting my child, Raphael. If the truth comes out, that will ruin them.
Simeon: I will never do anything to ruin my child.
Raphael: ...
Michael: If that's what you've decided.
Kid MC: Papa?
Simeon: Hm?
Kid MC: *looks into his eyes*
Kid MC: Did you become a human, Papa?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *smiles* Yes.
Kid MC: ...
Kid MC: *pouts* Why just you?
Simeon: *chuckles* *lifts them up*
Simeon: *smiles softly at them* Papa wants to see you grow up as a demon.
Kid MC: But you are a human so I want to be human too!
Simeon: We'll get into that, okay? Once you're old enough to make decisions. *kisses their forehead*
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lancermylove · 1 year
Trauma (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon Brothers x gn!Reader
Warning: SA trigger
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: OM headcanons for an MC who was SA by a family member just a few hours before being summoned to devildom? Maybe Mc is quiet and shaken for the next couple months?
A/N: Sorry for taking this long to write this, anon! Thank you for your patience. 💖
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Lucifer knew immediately that something had happened to you before you came to Devildom. At first, he thought to give you space, but when he noticed you hadn't said anything for months and avoided others, he decided to reach out to you.
Even when he asked if you were okay, you remained silent. Nothing he said reached you until he stepped closer, and you backed away quickly.
Lucifer noticed your breath growing heavy, your body shaking, and your eyes as wide as possible. That was all he needed to know what exactly had happened to you.
He took a few steps back, putting more distance between you and him. Lucifer said in a soft voice he rarely used, "I have no intention to harm you. If anyone attempts to harm you, I will be your shield. Know that you are not alone, (y/n)."
His words were enough to bring tears to your eyes, and as you sobbed your heart out, Lucifer quietly watched you with a gentle gaze.
If you permit him, he will embrace you gently and protectively.
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Mammon thought you were shaken because you were taken from your world and forced to come to Devildom; moreover, you were face-to-face with demons.
But then, he noticed that you were quiet and still shaken. His mind told him you were still scared of being in Devildom, while his heart said something was wrong.
In an attempt to be friendly with you, he slung an arm around your shoulders, but before he could say anything, you screamed, pushed his arm off, and backed away. Your back was pressed firmly against the wall as you trembled and stared at him with teary, wide eyes.
Initially, Mammon was speechless, but your tears tugged at his heartstrings. He raised his hands in defense and whispered an apology, "I ain't tryin' to hurt ya. S-Sorry...I...um...are ya ok? Did somethin' happen to ya? Did someone try to hurt ya in Devildom?"
In response, you lowered your head and stayed quiet.
"I ain't gonna hurt ya. Since you came to Devildom, you ain't been talkin' to no one. You also look sad...and I just wanna be there for ya, y'know? I wanna see you smile." His voice held sincerity and kindness. "Will ya lemme make ya smile? And if I can't make ya smile...you can hang me upside down from the ceiling."
Every day after that, Mammon will try to make you smile while maintaining a respectful distance from you. Even if you tell him to leave, he won't stop, as he truly wants to be your friend and see you happy.
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Initially, Levi assumed you were like him - an introvert put in a very uncomfortable position by being dragged out of their room to an unknown place filled with demons. On top of that, you were forced to communicate with them.
Levi wasn't sure what he could do or say to get you to talk to him, but he took a chance to approach you when you were sitting alone in the planetarium. Unlike his brothers, he kept his distance from you.
The two of you sat in silence for a while until Levi began to talk about his past in a quiet, shaky voice. He wasn't sure why he was sharing his past with you and was uncomfortable doing so, but something in his heart told him to. He told you about his struggles in the Celestial Realm, during their fall, and his time in Devildom.
"I don't normally share this with anyone...especially normies. If you want to share anything with me, I will listen. Don't worry, I won't judge you...and if you don't want to say anything, that's okay too." Levi softly said. "When I am sad...there's one thing I always want to hear, but no one says it to me. So, today, I'll say it to you: I'm here for you."
If you open up to Levi, he will listen to every word without judging, but he will be angry at the person responsible for hurting you. If you choose to stay silent, Levi will be a little hurt but will respect your decision. He will give you the passwords to his room's door so you can visit him if you feel like it.
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One look is enough for Satan to tell you something happened to you before you came to Devildom. He didn't care to know at first as you were nothing more than a stranger to him.
But the more he saw you struggling, the more Satan wanted to ask you what was wrong. He knew better than to walk up to you and ask you directly.
Satan slowly approached you when you were sitting on the steps outside of the House of Lamentation and put two kittens close to your feet. As you watched the kittens play with your shoes, Satan sat down beside you with a decent distance between your bodies.
"When I am sad or angry, kittens and cats help me calm down. I hope they have the same calming effect on you." His tone was normal, but his voice had a hidden softness. "You have the right to be upset with us, rather with Diavolo and Lucifer for bringing you to Devildom without consent. We may be demons, but we aren't that demonic. We can understand emotions, suffering, and pain...and I can tell you have been in immense pain since the day you came to Devildom. I won't ask you to tell me what happened, but if you want to share anything with me, I will listen and believe every word you say. I will not judge or jump to conclusions."
Satan offered you a warm smile before continuing, "If you don't want to talk, that's fine too, but don't continue to suffer alone. It will only hurt you more."
If you pour your heart out, Satan will comfort you verbally and even hug you if you ask. If you decide to stay silent, Satan will talk to you daily to see if he can alleviate even a little bit of your pain.
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Asmo noticed your shaken behavior immediately and approached you the first moment he found you alone. He asked if you were okay, but when you avoided him and ran away like he was a scary monster, Asmo was shocked.
At first, he was upset with you for not noticing his beauty and treating him like a scary monster. Then, he started paying close attention to your behavior and realized that you behaved this way with everyone. Finally, it dawned on him that something might have happened to you, and considering you didn't like anyone coming close to you, he figured it had to do with something physical.
It didn't take long for Asmo to figure out what could have happened. He was deeply disturbed by the thought of someone touching you against your will and wanted to comfort you however he could.
"Sweetie, wait, please don't run. I am not here to hurt you...please believe me when I say I am not a monster." Asmo's voice was sweet and soothing. "Whatever happened...it was not your fault...and you didn't deserve it. I want to help you in any way I can, so will you please put some trust in me?"
Asmo holds his hand out to you to show he is trustworthy and his touch is not harmful. If you take his hand, he will gently hold your hand in his and stroke the back of your hand with his other hand. Whatever you want him to do, he will happily do for you. If you can't trust him, he will try again and continue trying until you can open up to him.
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When Beel saw your shaken state, he felt uneasy. He didn't say anything or approach you, but as more time passed, Beel had the urge to give you a protective hug.
He followed his instincts without taking anything else into consideration. So when you pushed him away and ran to the other side of the room, Beel was shocked and hurt. He couldn't understand why you were scared of him, or did you just not like him?
"I...am sorry. Am I scary? Um...I am not bad, I promise. (Y/n), you have been sad since the day you came to Devildom, and I just wanted to hug you to make you feel better." His voice was genuine and innocent. "I needed to ask for your permission before hugging you. You are now part of the House of Lamentation, and since my family lives here, that makes you part of my family. I don't like seeing my family members sad or hurting."
Beel carefully took a step closer to you and gave you the most serious and sincere expression he could.
"I will do anything to protect my family, including you, (y/n). I will protect you from pain and harm from now on. I will also share my food and snacks with you...I will do whatever it takes to make you happy."
Beel held his arms out before asking sweetly, "Can you give me permission to hug you?"
Beel will envelop you in his warmth and hold you protectively against his chest if you run into his embrace. If you don't hug him, he will be heartbroken, but that won't stop him from trying again another day.
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Belphie noticed you were shaken but felt he would be nosy if he asked what happened to you. So, he chose to ignore the words of his heart and mind. He ignored your behavior most of the time as he was asleep.
But when his brothers talked about how quiet you were and how you seemed shaken by something, Belphie's curiosity grew.
As he approached you in the planetarium, he saw how exhausted you looked and figured you hadn't been getting much sleep. Every sign he picked up on stated that you had experienced an unforgettable trauma.
At first, he only spoke to you, but since Belphie was hellbent on figuring out what happened, he intensely observed your reaction to his words and actions. The moment he saw you flinch when he slid his hand closer to your hand on the planetarium bench, Belphie could guess what had happened.
He immediately withdrew his hand away from you as he searched for the right words to say to you. "I am sorry for what happened to you. We probably made your situation worse by bringing you to an unknown place and telling you that you will stay here for the year. I will be honest with you...I am not good with words or emotions to a certain extent...but (y/n), I am here for you if you want to talk or spend time together. Anything you tell me, I will keep to myself. You don't have to fight alone. We are here for you. I am here for you. Always remember that."
Belphie doesn't push you in any way and gives you space. If you approach him with your pain, he will help to alleviate it in any way he can. If you stay away from him, he watches you from a distance to see how you are doing. He will approach you once in a while to talk to you and try to divert your mind from your trauma, even if for a moment.
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tragedyofdevotion · 1 year
Well I really enjoyed Obey me nightbringer! Getting to know the boys' past and their true feelings gave depth to their characters. Below is my view on Obey me Nightbringer. But they might be wrong because I am stupid and I have only read until chapter 5.
But I can't help but think about how everyone in the original timeline would react if they woke up one day and mc is gone. And no matter how much they search the three realms, they can't find mc anywhere.
I feel like this would hurt the brothers most since this literally was their nightmare. Among them, I think Mammon, Asmo and Belphie would react the worst. And while the others would not berserk like those three, they would waste themselves away in finding you.
And in the nightbringer, Solomon was reminding mc about how a place they belong which is the present.
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So, will there come a day where mc have to choose between going back to original timeline or staying in the past?
It is clear to see that the "past" brothers need their attendant's help more than the "present" brothers need their master because the past brothers are very recently fallen and all of them are all lost as to what they should do from now on. (The angst of these chapters are just plain heartbreaking. I just wanna go inside the screen and hug those boys tight.)
But if mc stayed in the past in favor of them, the brothers in the present would have to spend centuries in despair while searching for their master who would never return.
On the other hand, if mc went back to present, the brothers in the past would lose the only one salvation they had found amisdt their pain and misery.
The ironic fact is that although there were countless fanfics about replaced mc au, it was actually mc who would replace them. I know it was not their intentions to go to the past, and they are trying their best to return as of now. But although they technically didn't "replace" the brothers, they did leave the "present" brothers and now bonding with the "past" brothers.
So, basically Nightbringer is just a huge replaced brothers au.
Another fact I am extremely worried about is how would the brothers in nightbringer would react if they found out mc was actually human. Right now, it was not clearly expressed that mc has horns growing out of their head. So, it can be that the demons just assumed mc is a fellow demon because they are in devildom and there is no way a human would be in devils' realm in the current state of things. Or even if they reincarnated as a demon when they got sent to the past, mc was originally a human.
If that were made known, what would happen? Belphie decided to kill the first human he saw even hundreds of years after the celestial war. Right now it has only been one year since the war. So the hatred is still fresh in the mind of not only Belphie but also other brothers. (Levi said that if Belphie didn't get close to humans none of these would have happened.) What if they knew their attendant they trust and love is a human they hate?
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There are still so much left to learn. Why did Barbatos send mc to the past? Is Solomon is an accomplice? Does Diavolo know of what Barbatos did? Does Barbatos in the nightbringer know of these facts?
All in all, Nightbringer is very beautiful and the stories are great! I am looking forward to the development of the storyline so much!
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lorkai · 1 year
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・゜゚ A/N: The ending was kind of rushed but that idea hadn't left my head since Nightbringer came out so I had to write it. All the turmoil, all the fear Mc felt being sent back in time, waking up and knowing that no one remembers them but they remember everyone??? Lots of potential for angst 🥹☕
*・゜゚ Warning: Gn!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, this can be read as platonic or romantic
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You are no longer their friend, you are no longer their lover. And worst of all, you are no longer a family member to them, everything you went through with them, all the shared stories that were the reasons for your tears and smiles, none of that has a meaning now. Because to them you are just a stranger, just the attendant who is there to help them.
Nothing more and nothing less.
And it hurts. It hurts when Lucifer kicks you out of his office because you aren't close enough for him to hear you or when you're not greeted by an enthusiastic Mammon who's about to drag you off on some silly adventure, it hurts when Levi doesn't chatter about anime he's seen and how he craves your company. It hurts when Satan doesn't look at you like he used to, with love and care, soft. It hurts even more when Asmo kicks you out of his room instead of inviting you in and telling stories from the Celestial Realm time while the two of you skin care each other, or the way Beel doesn't hug you the way he used to, and even the naps with Belphie and the constellation talk aren't what they used to be.
Tears flow freely down your eyes without you noticing. Nothing is like before and you are mourning people who are still alive, people who are by your side almost every day. Small sobs leave your throat, but you control yourself well enough for the sound not to echo through the kitchen.
You have to endure this, you have to be strong. But you can't, not now.
The pact marks on your body were transparent, still and cold, so different from the warmth and good feeling they had on your skin. And the thought that you and the brothers were once really a family seems so far away now, almost like a dream.
"Mc..." A soft voice sounds from behind you, as wistful as you feel.
He knows, of course he knows the pain that consumes you every day and you don't expect him to come to you to comfort you, you turn and throw yourself into his arms, hugging him as tight as you can. You need to know that this is real, that he is real.
And Solomon holds you gently, holds you when you scream and cry against his chest, he holds you as you spill the words that were stuck in your throat. No words he could utter would be good enough to assuage the pain that resides in your heart, nor could he understand the pain of losing such important people. He himself said that he was alone for a long time.
But you forget one thing.
"I'm here for you, Mc." Solomon reminds you, voice soft as he rubs circles on your back with one hand and wipes your tear with the other hand. There's a kind of urgency in his eyes as if he doesn't know if this will offer the comfort you need, but it does.
The warmth and soft scent of him are reminders that all of this is happening, but at least someone is there for you. He is there for you, Solomon is there by your side every morning, to protect you, to stand by you and to help you, especially help you to bear this giant weight that the world has thrown on your shoulders again.
"I am here." He whispered between the conjecture of your neck and shoulder, blowing raspberries against your skin to hear you chuckle softly. "Share your burdens with me more often, Mc. We can take this together, two pairs of hands are stronger than one."
You nodded, tired. All this turmoil of feelings made you want to lie down on the kitchen floor and sleep there in the fetal position, just like you and Belphie once did. And the memory made you laugh, especially when Lucifer failed to wake you up and decided it was best to just cover for you.
"Thanks, Solly." You hugged him again and buried your face in his chest, a mere contact was enough to relieve the pressure you had carried with you for an entire week and you looked at him with sparkling eyes as if he was the most precious thing to you. "Thank you for coming after me and for being by my side."
He flicked your forehead, barely suppressing the laughter in his expression. "All for my dearest apprentice. Now come on, Simeon has made some delicious cakes and I want to eat them with you."
Solomon dragged you out of your room and into the living room and there, he didn't give you a second to worry or overthink things. And you thanked him for it, for a moment you were almost back home and any moment everyone else would walk through that door. Except they wouldn't, but that was okay because you would find a way to get back home on your own.
And it was with that in mind that you went to sleep with a new determination rising in you.
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666writingcafe · 5 months
Going Home
NSFW Content Warning For Simeon's Fantasies
While Mammon and Luke still want to find a fairy ring, the rest of us are exhausted. I could be persuaded to continue the search, but it's clear that both Simeon and Satan are over it, so I suggest that we end our little adventure and head home.
As expected, Satan practically has to drag Luke and Mammon towards the opening of the woods. I stay behind with Simeon. He's been silent since our return from the past, and he seems like he's about to break at any moment.
"Hey," I murmur. "You okay?"
"No." Simeon's response is blunt, almost rude-sounding. But, he did succumb to wrath multiple times over the span of 48 hours, and that can't be good for his mental health, especially since he's an angel.
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Unless you can find the Fairy of the Wood and bring me his head, then no." He clearly sees my confusion, for he explains,
"He was waiting for me in the observatory. He revealed that he sent us to that particular period of time."
"Did he explain why?" The chuckle that comes out of his mouth is unusually harsh.
"Oh, he explained, alright. He wanted to play matchmaker by getting you and me alone. He was going on and on about how you would be so good for me, and the more he kept talking, the more I wanted to punch him in the face."
There's a part of me that is hurt by his angry tone. Did I do something that made him change his entire opinion of me since the carnival? I mean, I did cause his first surge of wrath during this trip. While it was a complete accident on my part, I can see how that might cause him to reconsider what he thought of me. Am I too dangerous for him?
"There is one positive thing that came out of our conversation," he continues, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a few flowers.
"Is that what I think it is?" I ask. Simeon nods.
"He was amused by our little adventure. Plus, he didn't want to see Luke sad."
"How much did he give you?"
"Enough for Barbatos' tea and Luke's sweet treats."
"What about Mammon?" A slight smirk.
"The Fairy of the Wood explicitly told me to not let him get a hold of even one petal. Apparently, Mammon's created a bunch of messes for him to clean up over the years, and he's sick of it."
"That reminds me: I have a note for you."
"Not from him, I hope?" I shake my head. "Good. I'll read it when we return to the Manor."
Later, At the Manor
After securing my room from possible intruders, I give Simeon the note that Lucifer the angel wrote for him. Upon reading it, he develops an amused look on his face.
"Leave it to Lucifer to tell me what I need to hear," he mutters, setting the note down on my desk.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask, making myself comfortable on my bed.
"We used to write notes for each other all the time, giving each other advice. All the seraphs had to write in Latin, and any correspondence was subject to inspection at any time. So, the two of us created a code using simple phrases that wouldn't raise suspicion." That makes sense, especially if they were talking about taboo topics that would get them in a lot of trouble if they were caught.
"So, what is Lucifer advising you to do?"
"To stop thinking so much and simply follow my heart." Simeon pauses, taking a deep breath.
"Ever since we said goodbye the last time, you've been on my mind," he continues. "It's like you've set up permanent camp there and refused to leave no matter what I do. Knowing you has been both a blessing and a curse."
"Why's that?"
"Because I would do anything for you, MC, even if it cost me my life." He walks over and sits beside me on the bed, adding rather softly,
"But I also want to completely destroy you."
I should be scared by his statement, but instead I see it as an invitation to do what I wasn't able to do in the Celestial Realm woods earlier. I extend my hand out to Simeon, and he silently takes it.
The visions comes immediately. At first, they're merely memories of our time together, but then the emotions come in full force.
Sadness. Longing. Excitement. Lust.
He leans in and kisses me, and the memories morph into something else.
I see us going at it in his bed.
My bed.
Up against walls.
Over tables.
On top of counters.
In tight spaces.
His wrath gets mixed in with his lust.
Hair pulling.
A rough, unrelenting pace.
In front of the brothers.
The royals.
Angels I assume to be Michael and Raphael.
Someone that appears to be God Himself.
I gently pull away, ending the kiss. Glancing down at my hand, I notice a star that wasn't there before. Showing it to Simeon makes him smile softly.
"The star of patience," he murmurs. "It suits you." He leans in again, gently grabbing my chin between two of his fingers.
"Someday, when our roles are reversed, I'd like you to be my guardian angel."
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
It's been a while since I've sent an ask, I'm quite busy as of now so I'm sorry if my thoughts end up jumbled so I'll try to be as coherent as possible.
Recently I've managed discussing om with friends and in social media as well.
So basically, I recently found a theory that Micheal was lying about the brothers being pardoned in an attempt to sneak them into the celestial realm because as far we know his coping methods are shitty to say the least.
I also saw that maybe the reason that Micheal didn't include Satan/not that nice to mc is because of his own jealousy. After all he was close to the brothers but definitely didn't fit as one of the brothers as quick as Satan did. And since they fell Micheal only really has Raphael while Satan and mc have the rest of the brothers as well as diavolo, barbie, solomon, simeon, Luke, 13. So the concept of jealousy is there.
What are your thoughts?
Welcome back to my ask box, anon!
I absolutely think it's possible Michael just lied about it. We don't really know how present Father is in the Celestial Realm, but let's assume he's the one who has to approve a pardon. Michael could certainly just tell everybody that he did even if it wasn't true and I don't think anybody would question it. They would just believe him. He's the most powerful angel, etc etc, the other angels trust him.
It seems unlikely that Father would agree to give the brothers a pardon, considering what happened.
But the reasoning behind it is that the brothers are now too powerful in the Devildom, tipping the balance of power between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm. So while I don't think Father necessarily wants to forgive them for what they did, he might feel like he has to in order to maintain a balance of power.
That being said, it could be that Michael heard about all that and decided it was the perfect excuse to offer them a pardon that he just made up. I don't know how well he'd be able to sneak them in, though... just because I can't imagine Father wouldn't notice. But if for some reason he didn't, I don't think the other angels would question Michael at all. They'd just take his word for it. So really, it'd be pretty easy for him to fake it, I think.
It also makes sense that Michael is jealous of both Satan and MC. He kind of acts like he doesn't know anything about either of them, but he's also pretending to be Raphael at the time. And we know that Michael is fully aware of MC as well as the fact that MC is from the future. So I don't believe that he doesn't know full well who Satan is and why it's a big deal for the brothers to consider leaving him. And I don't doubt that Michael is lonely with only Raphael left. So I think it makes sense that he's jealous. And actually being in the Devildom long enough to see how they all are with each other probably only makes that worse. He sees how they're a found family and how he's not part of that. And if he knows MC is from the future, maybe he also knows that Raphael eventually joins the exchange program, too. And then he's really the only one left.
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djtheabishai · 1 year
Master! Part: 2/?
It was originally gonna be two parts! But since Tumbler has words limits, I'm gonna have break it into more than two parts (maybe 3 or more) so here's part 2 (though it isn't as long as the first)
For only Two parts (like intended), It is also up on my AO3 (Archive of Our Own) page under Dizzy_Sight.
For all the parts that's currently up, click the "Master! Simebarb" Tag
"I'm sorry Barb! I haven't eaten at all today."The angel explained for his stomach's rude behavior. The steward chuckled again. "Not to worry, Simeon, Luke told me you didn't have enough time to eat due to unfortunate circumstances. I had been planning this lunch for us for a while. But I've been too busy to clean the music room and if I had known there was gonna be a problem with breakfast, I would've made more for Luke and Solomon as well." The steward sighed and frowned.
"Well, let's not stand around and hear your stomach scream for something to be in it." Barbatos then said, kissing the angel's nose and guiding him to a couch and a table with a small verity of food from looks like the Human Realm and a pitcher of tea, a couple cups and plates.
"Human Realm?" Simeon asked, looking at the steward. Barbatos nods and sits down, grabbing one of the plates. "Is it there something wrong with that?" Barbatos asked, looking up at the angel. Simeon sat down beside him. "I've just gotten use to Devildom food is all." He admitted.  "We can go down to the cafeteria and get some Devildom food. I just thought that Human Realm food will be a good break between the Devildom and Celestial Realm and not have whatever Solomon makes. And with MC not being around Purgatory Hall very often, I'm sure you don't experience their food as often as the brothers. Not to mention the time and effort I put in to make this happen and I just -" Simeon gently shoved the steward to shut him up, causing the demon to laugh.
One of the reasons Simeon fell for the demon. He was a different person that can be himself when he's not playing "Diavolo's Loyal Steward".
"Now, shall we eat? Or do we need your stomach yelling at you again to start?" The steward teased. Simeon nodded, chuckling.
The couple started their lunch and when they got done eating, they cuddled on the couch. Barbatos's back against the arm of the couch and Simeon layed between his legs, the demon's arms and tail wrapped around him. Legs tangled together till the bell rang.
Simeon went to get up to go to class but Barbatos wouldn't let him move. "Barbatos." He tried to get up up again, only to have the demon's tail bring him back down. The steward rested his forehead on the angel's shoulder. "You can't keep me here all day." The angel laughed. "Watch me." The steward said, tail and arms tightening around the angel. "And what will the teachers think when I show up absent?" "I can give you a pass for the rest of the day. What are they gonna say against me? Tell the Young Master? He already knows I plan on keeping you after lunch." The demon explained. "Barb-" "If Lord Diavolo and Diciria can do it, why can't we?" The steward playfully whined.
The angel huffed and tried to playfully glare at the demon but it hard to see him and not get poked in the eye by the demon's horn. "There's no point in arguing with you, isn't there?"" Why bother?" The demon agreed, grinning. " Alright fine, you win." Simeon said in mock defeat. Truth be told, he didn't want to leave Barbatos's side either. He was too comfortable being in the demon's grasp.
The demon chuckled. "Yay." He cheered, making them both laugh. 
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Alrighty then: Sisters keeper
- I have a theory that Harper won't be the one to die when ( or if ) lesson 16 comes around. I can't remember if you said harper was adopted or not, but I think MC is going to also take part in inherenting Lilith is powers ( or already has and hasn't found a way to access them yet, but that's a story for another day. ) due to MC also being Liliths decendant and just not inherenting Liliths looks. Instead maybe they leaned more towards her personality and powers than harper did.
Waves Are Calling:
- Although this story more than likely won't get another part, I have a headcanon that Lotan ( or Henry ) would / would've found some way to escape or overpower their master and help MC. This is due to how Lotan seems to have some freedom and doesn't seem to like Levi, mainly just being loyal to him due to being a familiar. I honestly thought MC was gonna die and Daivolo would've been involved in punishing Levi and taking MC for himself, but maybe Lotan or one of the Henry's ( if not both ) would've found a way to escape ( or kill ) Levi.
Nothing Left to Pay:
I have a theory that the celestial realm was more involved in what happened with Solomon and MC than either Simeon or Luke know. This is due to the nature of Solomons and MCs magic. I believe Michael was probably aware of what was happening since ( slight spoilers for obey me S2 ) the ring that Solomon has was given to him by Michael. This leads me to believe that maybe the celestial realm had something to do with/had some plans for MC or Solomon but Simeon and Luke getting involved had disrupted it somehow.
A Pain You'll Soon Regret:
- I think Lilith had something to do with MC coming back, again. Mainly because I think those demons had, in fact, killed MC. I believe that Lilith had helped Solomon Save MC or that she had something to do with the baking getting screwed up as a way to alert Luke. This theory is a little less thought out since it has essentially nothing to go off of and is just an idea.
Fool Me Twice:
- Although I know this one isn't getting any form of expansion. I had a few theories that the other demon that died innocently either had more to do with it than he lead on, the demon that died innocently would enact some revenge of some sort ( whether by his hand or his family ), or that the whole "making the lords tougher" thing wasn't just some little rebellion and instead was something that was being conspired behind daivolos back by other kings, queens, or higher ups from the devildom or other realms. The first two were based off the demonic nature that the demons in that fic held, but the last one was based off of the way the demons had been able to kidnap MC in the first place. Even with the brothers protecting them, both Barbatos and Daivolo in your fics have always had a tendency to go through extra measures of protecting MC if the brothers didn't deal with it first, which lead me to believe that there had to have been something that wasn't just a normal rebellion.
Never Letting You Go:
- I had a theory that the reason MC left the brothers wasn't just because of everything that had happened with the masks, but because of what happened afterwards. If I remember correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Levi said something about "Demons acting on demonic urges is dangerous." And that leads me to believe that MC didn't just leave because of what happened with the masks, or that they knew those urges had already existed in the brothers, but because they thought that they weren't safe in the devildom anyway.
There and Back Again:
- I have a theory that MC isn't back in the original timeline, but instead one where Barbatos choose to send them. Thos is more based off of a headcanon combined with what Barbatos said and how Daivolo acted more than anything but in the list it goes. Due to Barbatos saying something along the lines of "this timeline is more beneficial because you're here." ( My apologies if he didn't say that. ) but this and Daivolos ( i think ) suprise when MC returns leads ne to believe that Barbatos choose a timeline where it was safe for MC to come back to/one where they could come back to without much being different/one where they simply weren't dead.
There's more, but this is getting long and my fingies are getting crampy, so this is all for now!
Okay! Let's disect (Im going to use acronyms for the titles)
1) SK : While I can't reveal what will be happening WHEN the lesson 16 drama comes around and there will be more sibling lore to come, I can confirm that MC and Harper are biological siblings! I still love these ideas though.
2) WAC: Okay, but Lotan helping MC escape would've been amazing! I also love the throw in of Dia taking MC for himself! The options you give are quite wonderful. I don't plan on writing another part for that piece, but if I had, it would've been MC escaping either through one of the other brothers (or Solomon) or through Lotan
3) NLTP /Dark Mage Solomon: The Father/God definitely had a hand in making sure the prayer actually went to Simeon and Luke rather than anyone else, but I hadn't thought of the rest of the realm! Interesting!
4) APYSR: I hadn't thought of that, but fuck it, that's now canon. Because that makes SO MUCH freaking sense! I love it!
5) FMT: This fic is completely finished, BUT the idea of a rebellion occuring as a result of A Day Out and the actions of the brothers in it is really really cool
6) NLYG: You are 100% correct! MC left because they no longer felt safe. All with the brothers, demons in general and the Devildom! It reminded them too much of the incident.
7) TABA: This was my first fic, so I wasn't nearly as knowledgable or comfortable with Dia and Barbs which is probably why they're acting so strange, but that is a very cool thought!
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ruhorih4ra · 2 years
From Eden 💙
Synopsis: 10 years after your death you reborn in the celestial realm, becoming an angel and protector of the gardens of Eden. You tried to forget your life in the Devildom but it seems that fate has other plans for you.
It contains:
Grammar mistakes (╥﹏╥)
Same as Chapter 1.
MC's thoughts are written like this "Baahh"
Chapter 2
Raphael was fierce, his movements fast and precise. He has been the Celestial Realm’s hitman for an eternity and every blow he sent your way was proof of that.
2 minutes.
“You're not paying attention.”
He attacked you with his wings and you barely avoid him by jumping to the side, you didn't make a good landing and ended up in the floor, out of breath.
“Do you really believe you can allow yourself to think other than the fight with me?”
You screamed, charging towards him.
3 minutes.
He cast a spell and the next thing you knew was that 20 or more spears were chasing after you. You dodged the first ten spears without a single scratch, for the next nine you used a sword, blowing them away. You knew what was coming, the last spear was the worst since it was the fastest, the strongest. You were ready to take it down when you heard Beelzebub’s voice, shouting loud and clear:
“Lilith, watch out!”
It was so desperate, so cold and full of pain that your whole body froze. You looked to the side, expecting to see the red-haired demon but there in his place was Simeon.
5 minutes.
“Simeon? Why does he look so scared?”
The last spear got through your right shoulder, thrown with such force that it sent you miles away with it still impaled in your body.
Simeon shouted, spreading his wings to get to you faster. When he knelt to check on you, you could see someone else behind him: Lilith, wearing a white dress full of blood. You blinked twiced and his image faded to show you Raphael, to your surprise he looked worried.
“I told you to go easy on them!” Simeon angrily said.
“They need to learn, they're an angel now.”
Raphael got closer and smiled, satisfied.
“Five minutes, Mc. That’s a new record!”
Your vision got blurry and you could only hear the voice of an angry Simeon, slowly vanishing.
You woke up in your chambers, still sore because the wound in your shoulder. Your room was in the Gardens of Eden, before becoming an angel you were just a human who lived here but when your wings started to grow, Michael decided that it was your duty to became one of the protectors.
It wasn't easy. You sighed, slowly walking through the flowers. Everything was always so sunny and peaceful, but the daily training was exhausting. While you were lost in your thoughts you heard two children’s voices.
“I'm going! He should be here with me! He didn't do anything bad!”
“No, Thiago! If they find out that you went to the Devildom, father will punish you!”
"What? Going to the...Devildom? Why?"
Thiago was a little skinny boy, since he arrived he asked about his older brother. He was sure that they had die together, turned out he was right but his brother took a different path.
“Please, Thiago!”
The girl trying to convince him was Miri, a young girl that was born in heaven.
“I know a secret shortcut. Wish me good luck.”
You looked back to your chambers, Simeon and Luke were probably thinking of visiting you so you didn't have much time. You should stop Thiago… but maybe going to the Devildom would give you some peace, you touched your wound, the voice of Lilith still clear in your mind.
"I’ll wait, I have to trust Michael."
“Good day, young and beautiful lady. Where is Thiago?”
Miri paled. She looked like a fish, opening and closing his little mouth.
“He... He's painting!!”
“Lying is a sin, Miri.”
“Please, Mc. Don't tell father!”
“He can't leave the Garden.”
You tried to sense his halo but it was gone and now it was your turn to panic.
"How the fuck did that child go away so fast?!?"
Your jaw dropped.
"Raphael is going to kill me. My only job and I did it wrong."
Miri asked, anxious.
“You won't tell father, right?”
"Of fucking course I won't tell father."
“I'll stop Thiago. Go with your parents and don't say a thing. Understood?”
“Yes! Thank you!”
She ran and you waited until you knew she wasn't close anymore. When you felt completely alone you ran as fast as you could to the limits of the Gardens of Eden. That's probably the shortcut Thiago was talking about.
“Okay, okay. I'll go quick, take Thiago and come back. No one would ever know.”
You breathed and gulped.
“Well, here goes nothing.”
Chapter 2.5 ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
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r0-boat · 4 years
Obey me AU heavily based on a dream I had
Hi part 2 is up now
This is basically just the introductions
Tw: slight brainwashing and drugging abusive parental relationships
( this will hit you right in the Lilith feels y'all)
Read more this shit is very long
You received a letter addressed to you in the mail.
The letter had a very detailed drawings of daffodils and gardenias
Contained in the letter was inviting you to meet the demon Brothers' father somewhere in the human Realm
Lucifer and the rest of his brothers absolutely refused with you to go. But after days of convincing you finally meet.
Simeon and solomon was your escort to an airport. You had your goodbyes although Simon had a worried look on his face.
After I paint a long flight( or shorts flight if you live in Italy) you finally Hobby Airport and a white fancy looking car was waiting for you.
The driver was going to take you to the estate where you'll be staying for a week.
The driver looked and was clothed like Simeon and Luke but he was in a suit and tie.
Thoughts of what their father would look like. Perhaps an old man with a beard slightly balding.
You Snicker to yourself continuing to think about what does man would look like as you look out to the buildings in Italy,
But your mind drop that topic quickly after you saw all the car leaving the building behind and going into the countryside.
Hours and hours and all you saw was green grass occasionally he would see one or two old buildings or farmland, but even they became scarce as time went on.
Finally, FINALLY the road trip was finally over when the driver sternly said "we are here..."
You rub your tired eyes from your nap you had in the car.
The "house" was huge. It rivals of mansions you seen. Yet it still had a Renaissance looking look. Building was a blinding White, as if untouched by dust or dirt that would normally easily get on white color.
The garden had hedges and flowers and rose bushes and statues. Something you definitely have scene in a fantasy movie or novel
Started to feel a tiny sense of regret accepting the invitation when you saw a man sitting on the front porch of this massive building, a well-built yet slender.
Extremely well-dressed perhaps rival the likes of Lucifer. You could feel his wealthy snobbish Silver Spoon Aura from here.
He saw you stepping out the car besides getting up from his seat after finishing the tea he was drinking.
The moment he got up is when you realize you can't win in a fist fight with this man even if you tried
This man looked like all the brothers combined he had one physical trade of each brother.
he looked on the verge of 7 feet tall,his sleeves rolled up neatly in his arms were built like Beel.
His hair was long and blond, hair color was it similar to Satan.
But if you look closely you could see random white strands of hair it could be belphegor or Mammon. Since the gods cannot age
When I was gold and warm but the other was orange and piercing.
But it was when he smiled is what got shivers down your spine.
It was like someone photoshopped Lucifer's mouth on this man's face.
That was Lucifer's smile
" you must be Mc I've heard quite a bit about you... word spreads in the celestial realm like weeds in a garden..."
This man's voice sounded smooth and poetic maybe another trait of Satan or...Lucifer.
This man was nice he was too nice
You are too tired to think,the sun was already setting.
" oh dear our guess is tired,Come I shall take you to your room"
The interior of the house looked exactly like how you would expect the inside of a Roman renaissance building would look minus the furniture.
You're tired eyes wandered around the building, white furniture, white statues, white rugs, white appliances.
Curious you looked at his hands... yep those hands can definitely crush your skull... oh look your hunch was correct white nail polish...
You decided to keep your distance from him, for now
You went up a flight of stairs and went down a long hallway until you reached a rather large room with double doors.
" this is where you'll be staying..." he spoke " your belongings are already in that room "
Your eyes narrowed still Weary "...thanks...ummm"
He chuckled " I go by many names, but in the human Realm you may call me Abraham..."
(ahhhh I don't know Christian names I'm sorry)
You tried you a damn hardest to smile, it was really hard a piece together this man personality from what you've been told before versus to what you're saying now.
He left closing the doors behind him saying something about house rules tomorrow and hes have his Maids bring you some tea...
Yeah you did kind of expect him to be strict
Okay I'm going to stop here and leave it for part 2. I literally just woke up and start typing this I'm going to write part 2 while it's still fresh in my memory
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yrenesposts · 3 years
Obey me! Brothers babysitting Luke
So, Simeon, Luke's legal guardian, has some important stuff to do in the celestial realm and he can't bring Luke. So Simeon leaves Luke in the care of ...
Luke *will* be rlly angered by the fact that of all beings he left him with Lucifer.
Luke made sure to make it even worse for Lucifer
But ofc Luci has babysitted other 5-6 demons/angels at once so he has experience
Constantly reminds himself that he can't hang Luke from the ceiling
Stressed Wine aunt
Simeon, wHy?
Mammon can't even take care of MC but now he also has Luke?
"Ok Fido, Simeon's gone for some time, now dont.you.dare. cause any trouble because Lucifer will hang *me* from the ceiling" "Are you scared of Lucifer?" "Pfft, me? Scared? You got it all wrong Fido" ...mammon is bad at lying
Simeon wished he didn't choose Mammon to take care of luke
Doesn't know how to take care of a child
He is giving his best
But he doesn't rlly care abt Luke *that* much
They played some video games
They watched some anime
Out of all the brothers Levi took care of Luke the best
Before Simeon took Luke and left he said "Next time!". Levi was just standing there.... "N-next time? Is there gonna be a next time?" He felt his nonexistent soul leaving his body
Knows how to take care of a child and would be a pro at it... if the child wouldn't be Luke, ofc
Pulled out his babysitting books "If i get him exhausted he will sleep. Hopefully untill Simeon comes back."
It was hard to get Luke exhausted, maybe he got him just a little tired.
Made him sleepy eventually
Out of all those books he has in his room Satan found some childrens books to read to him, but like, for really young children (0+)
Simeon wHYyYYYYyy
Out of all demons Simeon left his child with the avatar of lust. Smh.
Anyways it turned out better than the other bros thought
Asmo did his hair and stuff, like, with a curling iron
Luke didn't know if he likes the ends of his hair curled
They played dress-up
Wine aunt 2.0
Luke got kinda bored since all Beel did was eat
They cooked together
They ran out of food......(yk what happens next)
Bringing back this picture
Tumblr media
For legal reasons im joking
They had fun tho
Smh he didn't even do anything
"look, I'm going to go to sleep do whatever just don't.you.dare.wake.me.up. Understood?"
Luke just did chaos around the house of lamentation and Belphie didn't even care
Eventually Luci found him and brought him back to Belphie "child wtf- Oh, Lucifer, its just you" "Until Simeon comes back Luke is your responsibility so you better keep this yapping chihuahua under control." "You disgusting demon! I'm not a chihuahua!"
After Luci left he just went back to sleep
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icejello · 3 years
Chapters of Life: chapter 7 (end)
Characters: Satan, Mammon, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Twyla, Solomon, MC
Words: 4841
A/N: Ahhhh it finally came to an end with the longest chapter! I'm sorry that this one is way longer than the other 6. I can finally focus back on the two fics I was working on since my brain can no longer be little shit and not let me write until after I finish this one, well given if I do write that is, you never know when my writer's block, or should I say depression, hits me again. No one asked but I just felt like saying that the other two fics are both OM ones too, the first a what if MC gets a guardian angel during the exchange program and the other one is a Mafia AU since I wanted to write about an enemies to lovers between Belphie and MC and my brain said "what better way than a Mafia AU?" and ever since then the idea won't leave me alone. Am I actually writing two fics at once, three counting this one? Yes, yes I am because I am dumb that way. I procrastinated on like all of my school work and wrote this instead. Well, all that aside, I hope you enjoy this last chapter and would appreciate knowing your thoughts on it despite me believing that no one would read this because I am honestly surprised when the past chapters actually got notes but it does make me happy!
He can't actually believe it. Has it really been four years now? Sometimes it still feels like their death was yesterday, grief still gnawing at his heart. But all of them have moved on, as best as they could at least. They had, at the very least, come to terms with their death. At first, all of them had been in worried state. Going back to Devildom, they had not found MC's soul there but had figured that they might be at the Celestial Realm but message from Simeon told them that after checking there, MC isn't there too.
For a while, all of them had panicked wondering where they are and trying to look for their soul. A search proved no result and soon they just decided to make peace with the fact and hoped that wherever they are, they would be safe. Slowly, but surely, all of them start to heal from the scar their death had given to all of them.
Every now and then, all of them would do gatherings and get together to spend time and be with Twyla despite the business of their lives. Now is one of those times and this time, they did it at the Devildom. This, of course, isn't the first time Twyla came here and it was nice to know that she wasn't the even a little bit spooked by the idea that the majority of her uncles are demons. Of course, she also considers Simeon her uncle along with Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. Luke, it seems, is the only one she would call as her big brother, probably because of his young physique. He now looks like a teenager around 15 - 17 and is proud to finally not be the smallest one.
Twyla, the curious little girl she is, seems delighted whenever she could visit the Devildom or Celestial Realm though trips to the Celestial Realm are fewer compared to the Devildom. She would marvel at the fact that the Devildom is always at night, finding beauty in the darkness of this actually cruel place made for demons to live. It amazes him at how interested she is to explore the Devildom, so eager to gain more knowledge about this place despite only being an eight year old. Of course, none of them would let her go on one of her 'adventures' without anyone accompanying her. A little human girl walking around the Devildom unprotected is a really unwise choice and they have seen the intrigued glances other demons had thrown at her.
She seem to grow up way too fast for him. How different she is now compared to the small baby he had held in his arms all those years ago. The more she grew up, the more she resembles MC. Her blue brown eyes sparkling with curiosity of everything happening around her. A lot of his brothers say that she spends too much time with him that she gets his thirst for knowledge but in his defense, her father is as much of a curious person who is hungry for knowledge as he is.
She too, it seems, to be quite the mischievous child, poking around her nose at places where she shouldn't and they put the blame on Mammon's influence but really, her parent is just the same. It is, after all, one of the things that had annoyed the eldest born so much back then.
Diavolo too, enjoys the child's presence and would often invite her to the Demon Lord's Castle, if her father approves that is. Often treating her with sweets made by Barbatos and spoiling her with gifts too. He would also let the child climb and sit on his throne despite Lucifer, Barbatos and Solomon saying against it. Barbatos too seems fond of the child and would actually stop whatever duties he's doing to give her attention, sometimes even letting her join him do whatever errand he has to do. Sometimes, Twyla would join him and Luke and together the three of them would bake sweets together.
She would also spend her times with Belphie and the demon surprisingly would give up on his sleep to play with her. Most times, the two would be at the planetarium or sitting outside as they gaze at the star and she would ask Belphie for stories about them. She seems to have a fondness for the twin stars that belong to Belphie and Beel and is quite upset with the fact that she couldn't see it from the human world.
His other brothers, as always, would fight to get a chance to be with her. Not him though because she always has a special time reserved especially to be with him, perks of being her favorite uncle he supposes. And it seems, she had inherited her father's magical abilities. She would proudly show them the little tricks she could do and it's cute to see the sparks that come out from her fingers every time she gets excited.
The high-pitched squeals of the young girl pulled him out of his thoughts and he turns to see a giggling Twyla running away from Mammon, holding something in her hand. "Hey give that back!" Mammon yells and races after her. He know that Mammon could easily catch her, he is one of the fastest among them brothers after all, but the fact that he's actually letting the child win for now is actually quite cute. But that doesn't last long as Mammon finally runs faster and immediately catches the child, throwing her over his shoulders as she shrieks. Now that the second born has the squirming child over his shoulders, he could finally make out what Twyla had been holding. Looks like Twyla had somehow managed to swipe off Mammon's credit card, or as Mammon likes to call it, Goldie from him, maybe Mammon really did rub off on her after all.
"You really are fond of her, aren't you?" He looks up to see Lucifer, eyes trained on the child and Mammon too.
"You're saying that as if you aren't," he shrugs.
"Yeah Lucifer, you too seem to have a soft spot for her," Asmodeus, who had been sitting next to him, pipes up.
"And what if I am?"
"Is the ever serious Lucifer finally softening?" Asmo fakes a gasp.
"Quit being ridiculous Asmodeus,"
"He is just stating the facts Lucifer," he can't help but wanting to taunt the first born.
"And you too Satan," he glares at them but there are no harshness in his eyes that would usually be there when he is pissed.
"She grows up too fast, doesn't she?" Asmo sighs as he turns his gaze towards the child who Mammon had already lowered back to the ground is currently tickling her, the child laughing and squirming trying to get out of his grip.
"She does," he agrees.
"Solomon raised her well, didn't he?"
"Hey, we had some hand in it too!"
"You are not the parent Asmo,"
"Well the point still stands!"
"We know MC is the main reason why she grew up like this," he interjects softly which immediately cuts Lucifer and Asmo off.
"You're right," Asmo agrees with a soft smile on his face. They watch as Twyla finally manages to break free from Mammon and run towards where they were sitting with Mammon close behind her.
"Uncle Lulu help meee!" She shrieks as she immediately clings to him. Lucifer picks her up as she tries to catch her breath.
"Kiddo I'm not done with you!" Mammon threats her as he reaches them but they all know he's just joking.
"No go away!" She shoos him away as she clings to Lucifer's neck.
"No bullying her Mammon,"
"Bullying her? She started it! She took my Goldie!"
"That's smart of you to be able to take Goldie from him Twyla,"
"Don't encourage her!"
"How did you do it darling?"
"Hey, don't ignore me!" Really, even as they grow older, his brothers never change. Twyla just giggles at Mammon's reaction. "What're ya giggling for?"
"You're funny Uncle Mammon,"
"Of course, I am The Great Mammon after all!" He says proudly.
"I think that's her way of saying you're an idiot Mammon,"
"Twyla, I told you not to ask your uncles to carry you anymore. You're a big girl already," all of them turn around at the sound of Solomon's voice.
"Papa!" She squeals and Lucifer puts her down as she runs to hug him. Solomon pats her head as he chuckles.
"I don't really mind carrying her," Lucifer tells him.
"So I was right! Lucifer is getting softer!" Lucifer glares at him but Asmo just grins.
"Solomon, I think Mammon is really starting to rub off on her, she just managed to steal Goldie from him,"
"Did you now?" Solomon ask with amusement twinkling in his eyes as he looks down at his daughter. "That takes some skill, I must say I'm impressed,"
"Hey, don't encourage her to steal!"
"You talk as if you don't steal Mammon,"
"Uncle Mammon is a thief?" Twyla ask in confusion.
"Just don't be like him, okay darling?" Solomon tells her without answering her question.
"Oi!" All of them laugh when Twyla just nods.
"Sweetie, come here and sit with me!" Asmo calls to her and she went to him. Asmo pulls her into his lap before nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, earning giggles from the little girl.
"All of you spoil her too much," Solomon says with a shake of his head as he watch his daughter with a smile on his face.
"And you don't?"
"She's my daughter, of course I'm allowed to spoil her,"
"Are ya saying we're not? She's our niece, we have every right to spoil her too, ya know!"
"Who would have thought my daughter would earn a soft spot in the hearts of the strongest demons in Devildom?"
"She does have a certain charm about her, it's hard not to,"
"She gets it from MC," Solomon adds softly.
"She certainly did," Lucifer smiles as he watch the little girl talk with Asmo.
"Oh sweetie, you are such a cutie! You are so adorable! You might actually be cuter than me, you know?"
"Asmo saying someone cuter than him? That's a first, I wonder who among you brothers have the softest spot for her,"
"But Uncle Asmo, you're prettier!"
"Oh you are too kind! Too adorable!"
"Him being modest about a praise? Well, that certainly is a first alright,"
"Solomon, she's so cute that I could just eat her up!" Asmo says as he squeezes the child's cheeks.
"No eating my daughter Asmo,"
"Would you really eat me Uncle Asmo?" Twyla doesn't look the slightest bit disturbed by Asmo's claim, the kid really is something, isn't she? He can't help but wonder if the child just really trusts Asmo and brave and confident like that or she just so happens to inherit MC's trait of not having any self preservations.
"Of course not darling, I could never eat you!" He exclaims as he pecks the child's nose, making her giggle.
"Hey kiddo, don't think I'm done with you!"
"Uncle Asmo!"
"Let's go darling!" And then Asmo as gone as he takes off with Twyla, Mammon chasing them. All three of them laughing as they chase each other.
"You did a great job raising her Solomon,"
"Such praises from the Avatar of Pride? I had the impression you disliked me since you refuse to make a pact with me,"
"Don't get me wrong, I still won't make a pact with you even if you use my niece as reasoning but I do feel like I should tell you that she's a good kid," Lucifer shrugs. His eyes watch his two younger brothers and niece carefully before a look of concern comes washes over his face.
"What's with the face?"
"Solomon, I think..." he pauses, "I think it would be better if you don't bring her here for the meantime,"
"What? Why? Is something wrong? It would break her heart to not be able to come here and I would like to explain it to her nicely to avoid that,"
"It's not safe,"
"It's not safe for humans? This place was never safe for humans to begin with but that never stops us from visiting, why now?" Satan shares a look with Lucifer before nodding, immediately understanding why.
"It's not about Devildom, it's about being near us, Lord Diavolo specifically,"
"What? Did something happen?" Solomon looks surprised at first but it didn't last long as his expression turns into one of concern.
"It just started not too long ago and we don't know why they are doing it or even who it is doing it,"
"What happened?"
"Diavolo has been getting threats these days..." Lucifer trails off.
"What kind of threats exactly are we talking about?"
"Someone's been making assassination attempts towards Diavolo, we never managed to catch the perpetrator nor any clues about them,"
"Why would they do this?" He asks in quiet shock. "Why now? No one tried to do anything before so why now? How long has this been going on?" The two brothers share a look again before answering.
"A month,"
"A month? Why didn't anybody tell me? Does Simeon and Luke know about this,"
"Yes," he hesitates before answering.
"They do? So why am I the only one knowing this now?"
"We didn't want to bother you, you were busy enough with raising Twyla on your own, we figured telling you would add more worry to your plate,"
"And not know about a friend of mine's life is threatened? What if the assassination succeeded? Twyla would be heartbroken to know,"
"That's also another reason we didn't tell you, we don't want to risk Twyla knowing,"
"And what? Let her know once he's dead? She deserves to know this as much as I do,"
"Diavolo is not dying because of some assassination attempts, there was no reason to-"
"There is every reason to, she may be young but she cares about all of you deeply. She would've wanted to know, I would've told her, MC would," he adds and all of them fell silent. It was weird to see Solomon lose his cool, the sorcerer is usually a very calm person.
"You're right, they would," he didn't bother to stop the bitter chuckle that escaped his lips as a memory of MC smiling flashes in his mind at the mention of their name.
"So you know how dire the situation is then? We might not be worried about Diavolo actually getting killed but the assailer would try to hurt the people close to Diavolo too,"
"You're saying that as if... are you telling me, that not only Diavolo is getting these threats, but you and your brothers, along with Barbatos are getting one too?"
"Yes," he admits.
"I can't believe you're hiding this fact from Twyla, I would understand it better if it were me, it's clear that even after years knowing each other, a lot of you brothers still don't trust me but Twyla?" His words were sharp as he said it, looking between the two of them in disbelief.
"No, alright, I get it. I'll explain it to Twyla, all of you better say good bye to her nicely because she would surely miss you and worry about all of you." Without another word, the sorcerer left the two of them and head over to where his daughter is. He had a brief conversation with Asmo and Mammon and the two of them nod before leaving the two alone.
"What's wrong? What happened? Solomon looked pissed, I never saw him like that before," Asmo asks with a worried tone as they near them.
"We told him about the current situation,"
"Ya mean... the threats?"
"Oh, I see then," Asmo glances at the father and daughter, "so is this the last time we'll be seeing them?"
"No, just until we manage to catch whoever is responsible for the threats,"
"I'll miss her,"
"It's not just you Asmo, we all would." He tune out his brothers talking as he watch his niece and Solomon together. He should say something to them and he let another few minutes pass before getting up.
"Satan? Where are you going?"
"To talk to them,"
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"It would be worse if we didn't say anything and just let it be like this and just say goodbye," he didn't give his brothers a chance to say anything else as he nears the two people.
"Uncle Satan," Twyla was the first one to look up as he approaches them and Solomon glances at him from over his shoulders. Twyla was sniffling and he could clearly see the sad look in her eyes which breaks his heart and floods him with guilt, knowing that they had caused this in some way.
"Hello sweetheart,"
"Is it true? Is it really true what papa just told me?"
"Unfortunately, yes," that was all it took and suddenly Twyla is wrapping her arms around him as she buries her face into his shirt.
"But I don't want you to die," she mumbles against his stomach and he had to try and discern her muffled words.
"Don't worry, we're going to be fine, none of us are going to die," he kneels down to hug her and she moves to wrap her arms around his neck. One look at Solomon shows that the sorcerer was already looking at the two of them.
"You promise? You won't die? Really?"
"Yes, all we need to do is catch the bad guy and then you can come here again and we could play together again. And don't worry, we can still visit you up in the human world even if you can't come here," he reassures her as he rubs her back.
"Pinky promise?" The child pulls back and raises her pinky finger to him. He smiles, it's a childish idea, but still he raises his own and hooks it with hers.
"I promise." This seems to cheer her up a little bit as she sniffles and he could see the tips of her mouth twitch into a smile.
"You don't have to worry darling, your Uncle Satan is a great detective after all, he'll catch the bad guys in no time," Solomon jokes and he felt relieved to know that the sorcerer is no longer pissed.
"Hey, I came here to say sorry on the behalf of all of us for not telling the two of you any sooner,"
"No, it's alright, I really get it. I shouldn't have lost my cool, it was foolish,"
"Well, I'm just glad you're not mad," he offers the sorcerer a smile. And then it happened.
He doesn't know what it was, his quick reflexes or his demon senses but he immediately felt something is wrong and his body just jumped into action. Suddenly, he felt alert of the presence of someone behind the hedges and everything inside him, his mind and body, screamed danger. He didn't realize it but the next thing he knows, he's in his demon form, turning Twyla who was still in his arms around and pushed her over to Solomon, his demonic strength making the two of them fell before Solomon manage to catch his balance. The spear pierced through his stomach as he uses his tail to spear the person behind him, the sharp edge of his tail easily going through the demon's chest as they scream in pain. If he had not acted, it would've hit Twyla.
He looks down as he starts to feel dizzy and his view blurs to see the end of the spear through his stomach, the end coated green and he knew, he just knew it is one of the deadliest poisons, deadly even to demons, especially to humans. He raised his hand to his mouth as he felt his chest tightens and he coughs. He pull his hand away to see the blood on it. He could feel the blood running down from his mouth, blood and drool mixed as he finally fell to the ground.
He could hear someone screaming, Asmo? He doesn't know, his vision has become too blurry by now and his mind clouded. Someone gripped his shoulders, yelling his name and he force his eyes to focus back as much as he could.
"Satan! Satan! No, don't you dare die! Satan!" It was Solomon, his eyes wide with shock, grief, gratitude and a bunch of other emotions.
"Solomon," his voice came out hoarse and he coughs again, "it's fine-"
"Fine? FINE?! This isn't fine Satan! There's a spear through your stomach and you're saying it's fine! And-" he stops when he notices the tip, and he knew that Solomon immediately recognized it, he's not a wise sorcerer and researcher for nothing after all. "No, don't tell me that's what I think it is,"
"It is,"
"I said don't! Do you have any idea what this means?!" He yells.
"I do, I'm not stupid," he took in a sharp breath as he feels his chest tightens again.
"Not the time for jokes Satan," it was the first born, his eyes filled with emotions he can't discern.
"I... wasn't making one,"
"How could ya even be talking right now? Shut up or it'll get worse!"
"Satan! Oh Satan! No! No no no no no!" Asmo wails as he grips his face and he could see the tears in his brother's eyes.
"I'm fi-"
"No it's not ya fool! Stop saying you're fine, you're not!"
"You're... calling me... a fool?"
"Yeah because you are!! Now shut up already! Don't talk anymore!"
"Uncle Satan, you- you saved me, w- why?" His niece choked out as tears run down her face. It reminds him that this is the first time she has ever seen any of them in their demon form and right now she doesn't seem even a little bit scared of him.
"B- before MC died," he had to stop to breath, it was starting to get harder now to talk, "I- I promised them that I w- would protect you and I d- did," he force himself to smile as he raise his non-bloody hand to stroke her cheek.
"B- but you promised me t- that you w- won't die," she chokes out as she grips his hand tightly.
"I- I'm sorry for b- breaking the promise darling," maybe he shouldn't have promised the little girl a promise that he knows he can't keep but how was he supposed to know his death was just a moment away?
"It's him, the person we were looking for, it's the assassin." He tries his best to crane his neck to see Lucifer drag the demon he had stabbed with his tail by his hair. A black aura swirled around the eldest brother and everyone could feel the rage boiling inside him, the same rage that boils inside Satan.
"Guess you w- were right Solomon, I d- did catch him,"
"Seriously Satan? You're joking right now? RIGHT NOW?!"
"It ain't funny Satan now just shut up before ya make it even worse!"
"Satan don't die! Please! Don't you dare die on us!" Asmo's grip on his face tightens.
"It's too late for that now," he lets out a shuddering breath, "Lucifer, I- I never thought I'd say this b- but I'm- I'm thankful that I could exist,"
"And I'm proud to have you as my brother," he says quietly, grief the only thing that could be seen in his eyes.
"You are not saying good bye right now,"
"None of us here are that much of an idiot to believe that Sol," he could feel the poison spreading in his body as he slowly feel his consciousness fade away. "Take- take good care of her Sol," he grips the sorcerer's wrist, not even having enough energy to say his full name.
"Of course I would, I'm so angry at you right now," he tells him as tears runs down his face.
"Be a good girl, will you Twyla?"
"Uncle Satan-" She doesn't continue as she breaks into a sob and Asmo pulls her into his embrace. How did today end up in such way?
"Thank you Satan," was the last thing he heard before he took his final breath. Solomon doesn't need to say anything else, the both of them understand enough with just those three words. Even so, a soft smile was on his face before his consciousness completely fades with one thought on his mind, MC, will I finally meet you again?
He find himself sitting up on... not the floor. No, this doesn't look like a floor, nor does this place look like a room. It's... a white void that seem to stretch for miles around him and he's here... is he floating? No, he was lying down and he could push himself up but... what is under him is certainly not a floor since it also seems to stretch under him endlessly. He remembers dying, he was pretty sure he died so where the hell is he right now? He died a demon so the only sensible place would be for him at Devildom, right? But this place doesn't look like any part of the Devildom at all and he's pretty sure the Celestial Realm doesn't look like this too, so where is he?
It took him a while to realize that he's wearing an all white shirt with matching pants. How did he end up wearing this? He brought a hand to his stomach and... no blood, no injury, no anything that indicates him dying. Lost in his own confusion, he completely missed the person who had been watching him.
"I have to say, this is a first seeing you look so confused Satan," a soft chuckle and Satan stopped moving at the sound of that voice from behind him. His breath seems to stop, is he even breathing to begin with? Can the dead even breath? Slowly, in full disbelief, he turn around, convinced that his mind must be playing games with him.
"MC..." the name left his mouth as he stare at them sitting a few feet behind him, chin propped up on their palm. He lost all words as he watch them, a soft smile on their face, dressed in an all white outfit. He said their name again, unsure whether to convince himself this is real or his imagination. "MC," their name came out of his mouth soft, like a spoken prayer, and their smile grew as they nod at him. "Is it really you?" He whispers.
"It is me," they smile and open their arms for him. He didn't waste anytime before running towards them and tackling them into a hug. Is he dreaming? He takes a shaky breath and no, this is real, he could smell them, the same scent that he always find calming.
"I've been waiting for you, you know?"
"D- did you knew that I was going to die?"
"No but I follow my daughter wherever she goes to keep an eye on her and I saw what happened, thank you," they whisper as they hug him back, "thank you for keeping your promise and taking care of her,"
"I would've done anything... anything for you," he whispers as he wrap his arms tighter around them. He could feel the sleeves of his shirt getting damp, he didn't even realize he was crying but he couldn't care less right now.
"I know and I'm sorry, for all the hurt I put you through, I don't deserve you Satan," they whisper back as they rub his back to comfort him.
"Who cares about that MC? I could never deserve you,"
"I gave you more pain than you deserve, why didn't you ever tell me?"
"I let you go, I doubted that I could ever make you happy. But you're here now, that's all that matters right now,"
"I'm here and so are you, we're both here and we would always have each other so you can let everything go now Satan, you've done your job, it's time for you to rest,"
He's heard of the words "he is half of my soul, as the poets say". Right now, he knows that MC is half of his soul even if they would never love him the way he loves them. He always told himself that maybe in another life, and he did it. He found the other life and MC, they would probably still love Solomon but right now, he has them alone to himself. All those past 4 years without them is here now and he is more than grateful for this chance to be with them, even if the distance is still there. He would be a total fool to let them go again.
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Holy Hands
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Complete Work
Chapter List
Chapter 41
MCs face went white.
Start over? As in kill them all?
"Y-you can't do that. We all still live down there we...we have lives and jobs and…" they realized He was no longer listening. They balled their fists. "You have no right!"
"No right?" He raised his head but didn't turn around. "I am the creator of your world child, I am the only one with a right." He spoke with no anger in his voice. Only understanding. MC pressed harder.
"I don't think you are."
"You think I'm not your creator? Then tell me who made you."
They thought for a moment, technically it was their mother, but not really. She birthed them, and she tried hard to mold them into exactly what she wanted, but in the end she failed. They'd taken Acacia and run away, building their own life. That was their answer.
"I did." They said soundly. Lucifer looked at them out of the corner of his eye. How could they just stand there and say things to Him ? Why was he too weak to?
"Really?" He said softly. "Then who made me?" That was a more difficult question. If He wasn't god then someone made him. They looked at the specter and couldn't bring themself to believe He was god. They'd never believed in god before. He was a figure created by man to explain things, to affirm their morals, to send their prayers to.
Perhaps the thoughts and beliefs of the humans were so real that they created Him. If that were the case then the answer would be the same.
"I did." They said again, softer this time. Lucifer almost cried from embarrassment, what the everloving fuck was the human talking about? But He just hummed in thought.
"Well child, if you made me and you made you...wouldn't that make you God?" He asked. They could tell the question was meant to trap them, to show them how silly their logic was, but they didn't see the flaw. They just doubled down.
"Yes it would." That seemed to throw Him , as much as one could throw a deity. He thought for a long moment.
While he paused, MC crouched beside the uncharacteristically upset Lucifer.
"You good?"
" No " was his only haunted response.
"Yeah I figured."
"How do you...and I can't…" his words came in heavy panicked pants. MC seemed to understand regardless.
"Yeah you're kinda struggling, but that's normal cause this is traumatic." They shrugged and stood again at His address.
How were they not feeling the guilt? The oppressive feeling that you've betrayed someone who loved you unconditionally? How were they unaffected? Perhaps being near his father was harsher on him because he used to be an angel.
"Alright child," the many voices spoke. "You are mistaken, but I forgive you for that."
"Mistaken?" They asked. "About you not having the right to destroy my home?"
"I will make the Earth again, I will make it better. You are mistaken about many things."
"What if I can prove it?" They shot back. He turned slightly but said nothing. "I can prove you don't have the right because I can prove you didn't make me." They straightened their posture and steeled their resolve, if they were going to make this work they had to be thorough. He chuckled.
"How do you plan to do that?" His tone wasn't harsh, just mirthful, He found MC funny.
"I have a bet for you." They said carefully. It was risky to bank off the personality of Lucifer to get a read on God, but it's the only comparison they could really draw from. A God has to be at least a little proud, would He rise to the challenge?
"Alright, what are the terms of this bet?" His tone slipped so imperceptibly a mortal couldn't notice, well, a mortal who didn't already know that tone from His son. The tone of slight condescension. They were right, now they had Him.
"If you win I'll leave, Lucifer and his brothers will stay here with you. They will never question you again. You can remake Earth however you please with your son's by your side." They said methodically.
"Excuse me?!" Lucifer looked up at them with a murderous expression. They dare sell his and his brothers lives for a stupid bet? They pet his hair lightly, not taking their eyes off his father. A silent promise that they knew what they were doing, a plea to trust them.
"My son's back home without question?" He repeated. "That's worth more than you know...and what do you ask for in return?"
"If I win I want the Devildom to be given back to the demons, I want the earth left as it is and…" they'd only asked for things to go back to how they were. They were risking a lot so they wanted to ask for something selfish, something just for them. "And I want to live with my family... forever." They finished.
He pondered the terms. He was willing to risk his earth project, but making them immortal could pose some issues. Especially since He knew their "family" encompassed both the brothers and their human sister. He'd have to make her immortal as well.
In the end it wasn't even a risk, He couldn't lose a bet with a human. He'd made them, sculpted them from the soil and given them life. There was nothing they could do or say that He didn't know.
"I agree to your terms. What is your 'bet'?"
Now was the determining moment, they had to make this as clear as possible.
"Would you say everything you make loves you?" They asked. They knew where they were going, they just had to bait Him.
"Nothing has reason not to love me." He was deceptively humble.
"If you made someone, they love you no matter what. Just look how Lucifer cowers after he disappointed you."
Lucifer did not appreciate MC using him as an example, but he held his contempt in. It was obvious whatever they were doing was delicate.
"You must speak franky child, no more questions."
"I bet you can't make me love you." They said coldly.
He said nothing as he pondered the declaration. Their heart hammered heavily in their chest. Whether He made them or not, He could squash them like a bug.
"When I gave you your first breath, you cried." He said. "I've seen many children cry, but it always breaks my heart. It still breaks my heart when you cry."
They nodded.
"When you left your mother I thought of sending you a guardian angel, but you just seemed to be your own. You guarded your sister."
They nodded again.
"You do love me, how could you not after all I've done for you?"
They closed their eyes and thought of Him. Thought of what He'd said. They searched themself honestly, He would know if they lied.
They found no fondness, no love for this stranger. They opened their eyes and He already knew what they found.
"How selfish of you." He said sadly.
"I know I'm a broken record on this" they crossed their arms loosely, "but I don't owe you, no matter what you've done."
They took a step forward.
"You love me though" they said accusingly. "Your statements reveal you pretty obviously hold love for me, I think that further proves my point."
He said nothing.
"I win"
He said nothing.
The ground beneath them opened and they dropped in the blink of an eye. There was a moment, a heartstopping moment, where Lucifer was an angel again. Plummeting helplessly away from his home. Then he was back, in the present he was a different man, a demon who could save himself. He had wings.
MC did not.
It took no thought, he spread his wings and caught the air like a parachute. His hands reached for MC and pulled them away from the fall.
He lowered them to the ground and set them down gently.
Looking down to earth from the Celestial Realm, he didn't feel dizzy from the height. He knew he could fly, he could save himself and anyone else who might fall. It was so simple. He was confused how he'd ever been afraid to begin with.
MC looked up and saw the hole they fell through closing up.
They'd won.
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