#since they started dating and sleeping together my MC took out the dagger
spiocean · 1 year
before lesson 11 has come out
Solomon: You really just gave him the grimoire....
MC: I invested it in trust that will reforge my pacts.
Solomon: Well... I think you can call it the way, yes. Though you could have done more.
MC: You know, I don't even need it to control them.
MC: ...And if the grimoire was your version of a knife under the pillow I recommend you to remember who you sleep with. :)
Solomon: I—
Thirteen: You two, get out of here!
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Secret Studies ch.2 - Written in the Stars
The Elementalist
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 1810
Beckett and Oriana had an extremely intimate night together. What will happen the next day? Will they face it, or push it away?
A collaboration series between myself and @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
Beckett and Oriana laid a tangled mess in the sheets their breathing returning to normal. That was quite possibly the most insane and amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. I feel like I swallowed sunshine.
     Looking down at Oriana laying on his chest he smiled to himself. She’s incredible.
  “Hey,” Beckett said causing her to look up at him “Think you’re ready to tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours now?”
  Oriana’s face fell, and she looked away. “You have to promise me you won’t tell anyone.”
  Beckett brought her face back up to his “I promise you.”
  Oriana’s face softened, releasing a small smile “Before that day when I came in through the pond…I had no idea magic existed. I woke up for college after having a super terrifying nightmare where that shadow beast appeared, and my dorm mirror sucked me in and now here we are.”
  “Surely your parents must have mentioned something to you over the years?” Beckett said. 
  Oriana’s face was somber “I’m adopted, so I never knew my birth parents.”
  “Oh, Ori I’m sorry I didn’t know,” Beckett said rubbing smooth circles on her shoulder. 
  “And now I’m Sun and fire Attuned and I don’t even know how or why…and that thing keeps coming for me and I have no clue why…I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
  Tears threatened to spill over and she shut her eyes trying to fight them off, and Beckett felt awful.
  I have been an absolute prick to her, and this entire time she’s been innocent and dealing with the weight of all of this. She was literally afraid of me ...of what I’d do if I found out. 
  “Ori look at me,” Beckett said locking eyes with her “we’re going to figure this out together, alright? In the meantime, I will teach you everything I know about magic and I’ll help you in your classes if you need the extra boost.” Bringing his hand up to cup her face he smiled.
  “Why Beckett,” Oriana teased, “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were trying to spend more time with me.”
  “Ha you wish,” he said winking at her. Pausing for just a moment, he continued “I want to show you something.”
  Sitting up, Beckett focused his energy as a hologram lit the room. Stars danced around, forming constellations in the darkness of his bedroom. 
  “This is one of the first things you're taught about magic. Just like the stars belong in the night sky our affinity for magic is innate. It's inside of us. Those of us that can point out and define the constellations are destined to use that magic.”
  Beckett put a hand on Oriana’s. “Ori, I’ve seen how you nail every spell you’ve done. Magic is in your blood. You may not know who you are, but I do.”
  “You do,” she asked quizzically.
  “I do, you’re Oriana, the girl who drives me absolutely insane. Fire and Sun Attuned, amazingly talented and witty enough to keep up a grade A banter with yours truly.”
  Oriana giggled “You can be quite the charmer when you wanna be.”
  Beckett’s face tugged into a smirk “Only when I want to be, so let’s keep this a secret between us, eh?”
  “I doubt anyone would believe me anyway…no offense, but you have a snobbish reputation.”
  “None taken, I can be quite the snob, just normally I don’t care who it affects.” He responded
  Oriana blushed a shade of pink as Beckett gave her one of his million-dollar smiles. With the swipe of his hand, the stars disappeared, and the room dimmed back into darkness. Beckett laid back down
  “It’s far too late for you to sneak back into your dorm, not to mention I’m not entirely sure it’s safe for you to be walking around on your own with that monster still out there somewhere. As long as you promise not to hog all the covers you can stay here with me tonight” he said a smug sarcastic smile on his lips. 
  Oriana hit Beckett playfully in the chest as she settled down against him “Even if I steal all the covers I promise to keep you toasty” she said with a wink. 
  Beckett couldn’t resist smiling “Please don’t set any more things on fire. I happen to love my furniture.”
  Rolling her eyes Oriana laughed “You didn’t seem to mind when it happened before.”
  Beckett’s cheeks reddened “Well, yeah ...but. That was different” he said composing himself. “We’ve got a few early classes tomorrow we should get to sleep.
  Oriana closed her eyes relaxing into him before opening her eyes again “Wait how did you know my schedule?”
  Beckett only grinned while his eyes were still closed, and Oriana couldn’t help but snuggle into the crook of his arm.
  Oh, Ori, what on earth are you doing to me. Beckett thought as he drifted off to sleep with Oriana safely in his arms. 
  The following morning, Beckett woke up to find his bed empty. He frowned. Did I dream everything?
  He rolled over and looked at the corner of his room, where his jacket was. Nope. Not a dream. I need a new jacket.
  Sighing, he got out of bed and pulled on his clothes. He needed to get to class. At least he would be seeing her again shortly.
  When he arrived, his eyes instantly found her, sitting next to Zephyr, laughing at something he was saying. Beckett felt himself go rigid at the thought of someone else making her laugh. He glowered at them and walked towards his normal seat in the front. Unable to stop himself, he paused at her desk.
  “Oriana. Good to see you.” He said stiffly.
  She rose her eyebrows at him. “Good Morning, Beckett. I trust you slept well?” She smirked
  “Actually, I was a little cold when I woke up.” He muttered, continuing on his way.
  “What was that about?” Zephyr asked Oriana.
  “Oh, Um…well, you know we had detention together.” She started. “Well, we kinda started talking, and he’s really not as bad as you think. He can actually be quite…kind.” She finished
  Zephyr’s mouth fell open. “You’re blushing!”
  “What? No I’m not!” She defended
  “Oh girl, you have a crush on the resident Loner Nerd. You can’t hide this from me!”
  “Zephyr, shhh” Oriana whispered. “Seriously, shut up. I’m just saying he’s not so bad.”
  “I literally thought he was going to shoot daggers through his eyes at me. What really happened at the library?” he asked
  “Good Morning, class.” The professor walked in. “Time to get to work.”
  Oriana saw Zephyr shoot her a look that clearly said this conversation wasn’t over. She made sure she was first out the door when the class was dismissed. She was halfway to her next class when Beckett fell into step next to her.
  “Well. I see you felt like you needed to do the walk of shame this morning. Sneaking out before I woke up? Oriana, you could have stayed as long as you wanted. I…enjoyed having you with me.”
  Oriana laughed “You enjoyed a lot of things. I did too. But I didn’t know how you would feel this morning. Last night was…I don’t know what it was. I figured you wouldn’t want me in your room anymore, and I needed to change before class.”
  “You’re embarrassed.” He accused. “You’re embarrassed of me. To be seen with me.”
  “No! That’s not…”
  Beckett scoffed and, glancing around, took her hand and led her to a corner where two buildings met, out of sight from the rest of the bustling students.
  “Beckett…” Oriana began
  He pressed two fingers to her lips to stop her, then replaced his fingers with his lips. He kissed her soft and slow, and she moaned into him, flashes of the previous night rushing back to the front of their minds. He pressed her against the wall, deepening the kiss, before a burst of laughter sounded from somewhere and he pulled back abruptly.
  “Sorry, I…Sorry.” He muttered. “Clearly you don’t want…”
  “I do!” She exclaimed, a little too loudly. She bit her lip as their gazes met. “I do…want you, I mean. Beckett, last night was…I mean, God, it was amazing. I had no idea that when we touched, something like that would happen. I honestly thought you would be the embarrassed one! I didn’t think you would want me today, I really didn’t. I thought you might want to forget everything.”
  “Ori…” He breathed, and started leaning in to kiss her again, but stopped himself. He didn’t want to get carried away here, and something about being with her made him get carried away. He cleared his throat.
  “I should go.” He said, simply, and turned and walked away, leaving Oriana staring after him, completely confused by what just happened.
  She walked into her next class in a fog. Does he want more? Last night was incredible, and the magic he showed me…I’ve never seen anything like it. I guess I shouldn’t have snuck out this morning after all? No, what am I talking about? I need to focus on school, I don’t have time to figure him out.
  Beckett sat down in his next class, back to fuming. He couldn’t believe the emotions running back through him again. What is it about this girl? She’s amazing, and frustrating, and incredible, and sexy as hell, and something wants to hurt her, and I will die before I let that happen again.
  As his professor started talking, Beckett was once again pulled back into his thoughts. I’ve been a complete ass to her except for last night…I guess I understand why she would think she needed to sneak out of my room this morning. But after our worlds collided together…ugh. Damn it. Maybe she’s right. Maybe I don’t want more. I don’t have time to date anyway.
  But as the class wore on, Beckett found himself completely unable to focus on the lesson, a first for him. I guess there’s a lot of firsts happening since I met her.
  He glanced out the window just in time to see her rushing past the building, pausing for a moment, her eyes turned in his direction. He felt that strange yet familiar pull again, and all he wanted to do was go to her, pull her close, tell her that she’s his. But as quickly as she came into his view, she was gone again. It was such an unfamiliar feeling for him, caring deeply for someone. He needed to get himself in check, as he realized the class had ended and everyone was gone, except for him. He’d missed the whole thing. He sighed, running a hand through his normally perfect hair. This was going to be an interesting year.
     @marianagmt @divergentofhogwarts @flyawayboo @kate-omalleys @syltti78 @coldcollectornight08 @emerald-bijou @sweetest-marbear @blackwidow2721 @sleepwalkingelite @flowerpowell @agent-bossypants @annekebbphotography @carabeth @gardeningourmet @eileendannie @alesana45 @zigortega4life @imaketerriblechoices
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imagininghim · 7 years
You’re my only hope
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A/N: This was requested anonymously. I hope you enjoy!
Request: “ Firstly thank you. Wow, you did such a great job with Hale x reader. I loved it, was totally different and interesting. He had such a sweet side. Hmm, I guess Clays daughter the Samcro princess could end up falling for Hale, which the club notice her crush on him and the club is not happy making her hide the relationship that happens? I don't mind if you make it fluffy, smut and etch I think your a fantastic and really talented writer.” 
Warnings: swearing, violence, and mentions of sexual intercourse.  
Ah, Deputy Chef Hale.
Don’t you just like the way that roles off your tongue? I mean, I don’t know about you but I personally could never resist a man in a uniform. The way it shapes to his form, and the way his abs are visible through the tan beige shirt. And his ass… His ass. Have you seen it? Because if you haven’t, it’s quite remarkable. It’s tight and perky. I’ve always wanted to just grab it and dig my nails into his while he furiously pounds into me.
Sadly, I’ll never know what that feels like because I am what is know as Samcro’s princess. My father is the president of the redwood chapter of the infamous MC; Sons of Anarchy. My step brother; Jax Teller is the vice president.
I would never be allowed to date Hale because he was a cop and I was the outlaw.
But that didn’t stop us.
You see, Hale and I were secretly dating. We had been hiding it from the club for almost a year now.
We were like Romeo and Juliet.
Two star-crossed lovers living in a war between to different worlds.
A slam on the table tore me from my thoughts. I looked up to see it was my dad and brother.
“(Y/N), we’ve been saying your name for fifteen minutes now.”
“Sorry, I was in a daze. Did you need something?” Jax smiled down at me.
“Yeah, deputy dipshit and his band of misfits are here. They want to search the club so we have to leave.” I nodded with a smile coming across my face.
“Alright.” I stood up and fixed myself enough that I looked presentable for Hale. Jax just smirked at me as I looked at him with a playful raised eyebrow.
We walked outside to see Hale and the rest of the force leaning against their police cruisers. I sent him a quick smile before turning back to the club.
“Alright, deputy dipshit. You can search now but I promise you’re not going to find anything.” Hale rolled his eyes at Jax. Directing the rest of the force into the club, he made his way over to us.
“Samcro, you have been accused of harboring guns for the Mayans and the One Niners. Is this true?” Jax chuckled while standing next to me.
“We’re just a simple mechanic shop with a family club. We don’t do nothing bad except fix cars and ride our Harleys.” Hale raised an eyebrow before making his way into the club. The rest of the boys stayed by the picnic table, chatting amongst themselves. I looked around to see no one watching as I snuck back into the club. I spotted Hale standing in the church when one of the sergeants caught me.
“You’re not supposed to be in here. We are doing an investigation.” I turned to see Candy Eglee. Candy was one of the officers that worked on the Charming police department. She is known to be good with the club but she never took a liking to me, especially since I started dating Hale. Although she kept her mouth shut the club about my secret affairs with the deputy she was still not fond of me.
“Your point? I need to speak with Hale.” Candy rolled her eyes at me before roughly taking a hold of my arm and dragging me into the church.
“Deputy?” Candy said with an innocent-sounding tone. Hale looked up with a shocked look on his face.
“Yes, office Eglee? What can I help you with?” A smile came over her face as I mentally vomited.
“Uh, she wanted to speak with you.” She said with disgust in her voice.
“That’s fine, you can go now.” Candy nodded her head with a smile before walking out of the church and closing the doors behind her. Once she was gone, I spoke up.
“Finally, she’s gone! I couldn’t take no more of her attempts at flirting.” I exclaimed taking a seat on the reaper table.
“(Y/N)?! What are you doing in here?! Are you trying to get me fired or killed?!” Hale questioned angrily as I spoke up.
“Relax!” I said pulling him in between my legs by his tie. “The club doesn’t know I’m here and your sheriffs don’t suspect shit!” Hale laid both hands on my thighs while I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Especially, that officer Eglee. She was too busy flirting with you to notice what I was actually doing in here.” Hale looked at me confused.
“She was not flirting.” I scoffed at him.
“Yeah, and I’m not sleeping with the deputy,” I said in a sarcastic tone while Hale just looked at me.
“She was not flirting.” He stated again.
“Yes, she was. The innocent tone, the smile! Heck! Every time I visit the station she seems to always weasel her way into your office.” Hale just laughed at me.
“Someone’s jealous.” I looked at him offended.
“I am not!” I said playfully hitting his chest.
“You are! I can see it in your eyes.” Hale responded playfully.
“I’m a Morrow and Morrow’s don’t get jealous!” I said as Hale just raised his hands in defense and nodded his head.
“Sure, you aren’t but I do know that you are turned on,” Hale said leaning into my ear while his lips then began to graze my neck. I giggled when his lips pressed against my neck.
“Are you so sure on that?” I questioned with a smirk. Hale didn’t say anything, he just enveloped my lips into his. I kissed him back while beginning to undo his belt in the process. Hale’s hands moved from my waist to my hips in seconds, almost immediately he pushed my skirt up and slid my panties down my legs.
“These are mine,” Hale said slipping my panties into the back of his pants. I smirked at him before pulling him closer. I slid my hands to his ass and gave it a squeeze before whispering in his ear.
“Then this is mine.” Hale groaned, he was about to push pants down when a loud banging came to the doors.
“Deputy, we’ve done our search and we didn’t find anything.” Hale sighed before letting go of me and redoing his pants and belt. I slid off the table and fixed my skirt as I reached up and pressed my lips to his.
“See you around, deputy,” I said with a giggle and a smile once we pulled away from the kiss. I walked over to the church doors and pulled them open to reveal an annoyed looking Candy. I just smirked at her while I snuck my way back out to the boys.
Hale followed shortly after.
“Well, boys we never found anything but that doesn’t mean we won’t still be watching you guys.” Jax and the boys just chuckled with smirks plastering their faces.
“We wouldn’t want it any other way,” Jax said as Hale just nodded. His eyes flicked back to me as I sent him a smile. Hale turned to walk away when I notice that my panties were hanging out of his back pocket.
“Uh, Deputy?” I looked over at my dad, he began to make his way over to Hale. The club and I watched in confusion. “Is that my daughter’s panties hanging out of your back pocket?” I felt all the color drain out of me. Jax and the boys looked between Hale and me.
“Uhm, these must have been from when I was searching the dorms.” Hale walked over to me, holding out my panties. “Here you go.” Before I could take them, Clay grabbed Hale’s arm.
“You know, you shouldn’t mess with Samcro’s princess.” By now Jax and the rest of the club had come to stand behind my dad. I knew that I had to protect Hale, even if it meant going against my family and the club.
“Dad, leave him alone.” I began walking in between him and Hale.
“(Y/N), this doesn’t concern you,” Jax spoke up. Ignoring him, I spoke again.
“You can’t hurt him because… Because we’re dating.” Gasps filled the Teller-Morrow parking lot while anger just filled my dad’s eyes.
“You’re what?!” Clay snapped as I reached down and took a hold of Hale’s hand.
“We’re dating. I don’t care if you accept it or even like it. Hale makes me happy and that’s all that matters to me.” I said looking back at Hale with a smile. “And if you love me then that is all that should matter to you,” I said looking back at Clay. I watched Gemma came over and take a hold of Clay’s hand.
“Don’t be so harsh on the poor girl. Don’t you remember when we started dating and my parents weren’t too fond of you?” Clay sighed and looked at Gemma.
“I know but this is different. She is my daughter and I don’t want her dating someone who’s only going to use her for information or to get into her pants.” Clay turned back to Hale with daggers in his eyes. “And so, help you if you try to use my daughter for sex.” Hale raised his hands up in defense.
“Clay listens, I don’t ever plan on using (Y/N) for sex or information. I love her and I want what’s best for her. If you can’t accept it then we will continue to do this behind your back.” Clay looked at Hale before making his way over until he was on his face.
“If you make her cry, hurt a hair on her head or break her heart I swear to God I will have every single Samcro biker that exists come after you do I make myself clear?” Hale nodded.
“Yes, sir.” Clay stared at him once again before looking back at me.
“Are you sure you want this baby girl?” I nodded with a small smile.
“More than anything.” Clay sighed again.
“Alright, then I give you my blessing but like I said before. One little hair on her head and I’ll come for you and don’t you fucking doubt it.” Hale nodded while taking in a small gulp.
Once Clay walked away, I ran over and jumped into Hale’s arms.
“We can finally be together!” I said pressing my lips to his. Hale kissed back with just as much passion as I did.
“Just because I gave you my blessing does not mean I want to see it!” I pulled away with a giggle.
“Fine,” I looked at Hale with a smirk. “I’ll get you later in my dorm,” I said with a wink.
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choicessa · 7 years
Fairytale gone bad - part 2 (Liam's POV)
Pairing: Drake x MC, Liam x MC
Book: The Royal Romance
Raiting: T
Note: Ever since @catsrtheboss gave me an idea for making second part of this fic, this time from Liams POV, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it aaaaand while waiting for tomorrow’s new trr chapter my hand slipped and this happened. I broke my heart writing this because even though I love Drake I also love Liam and I just feel so bad for breaking his heart like that 😭 so you’ve been warn and forgive me 😭
Summary: It is a last night before coronation and Liam can’t sleep thinking about choosing his future bride and queen. He accidentaly witnessed the conversation between Drake and MC who spent their last night together which makes prince’s final decision even harder…
Part 1: https://choicessa.tumblr.com/post/163839919147/fairytale-gone-bad-drake-x-mc ~~~
He wanted to blame the moon for not letting him sleep but it would be a lie. There were his own thoughts that kept him awake. He was lying on his bed, eyes wide open, and for a long moment he was staring at the decorated ceiling above his head, until that sight became unbearable, only reminding him of what was inevitably coming tomorrow.
The coronation.
It seemed only like yesterday when his friends took him to New York for his bachelor party. And yet a few weeks have passed and Liam wondered where the time went, how could it have passed so quickly. So much had happened and tomorrow’s event was supposed to be the culmination of everything. But not only the fact of becoming a king made his thoughts restless. He still had to choose one of the suitors for his future wife.
The prince sat on his bed, rubbing his eyes, suddenly feeling very tired, much more tired than his young age indicated. But no one ever promised being a king would be easy. He stood up and after a moment his legs led him to the balcony. Crossing his arms on his chest he sat on the chair in the corner of the balcony and for a moment allowed his thoughts to wander, simply listening to the songs of the crickets who had orchestrated the garden concert this beautiful night. But after a moment his thoughts, almost freely drifted to Elizabeth Harris.
Lady Elizabeth…
So different from all the women he had ever known, so different from the other suitors. Back in New York he already saw there was something else about her. Something that didn’t let him forget her; something that made his thoughts always come back to her. That evening he spent the most wonderful moments with her and definitely unforgettable. And even back then the thought of leaving her was strangely painful. Although he knew that girl for one day, well, one evening, he knew he would never be able to forget her. With a strange longing he returned to Cordonia, thinking he would never see her again.
What was his astonishment when he met her again only a day later and in his own palace? Was it luck? Blind fate? Or destiny? He felt like a kid who won the first prize at the lottery. And when he learned that it was Maxwell who brought her here, he wanted to run to lord Beaumont and literally kiss both his cheeks, however strange and inappropriate it would be. He waited impatiently for every party, every event, knowing that lady Elizabeth would be there, that he would have another chance to meet her, to spend a few more moments with her, no matter how short.
Everything about her made him happy. Her smile, the way tiny wrinkles appeared in corners of her eyes every time she laughed, tiny sparkles in her gaze when she talked about something she loved, golden reflection in her long hair every time the sun brushed her hairstrands with its rays. He loved to hear her voice, loved every single minute spent with her. And before he realized he loved her whole.
He had known for a long time that when the time comes, he would choose her. He could no longer imagine his life with anyone else but her. There were days when he had seen it all through the eyes of the imagination. The two of them with their hands entwined, walking in the afternoon through the castle gardens. Shared meals, full of merry conversations when they would have a moment just for themselves. He and Elizabeth, sitting arm to arm in a meadow, a girl with her head resting on his shoulder. All the days filled with laughter, joy and kisses. But even though his heart had already decided, Liam still felt some uncertainty. Could he demand it from her? Liz was a free spirit and althought she found her place at the court, was she really ready for rest of her life as a queen? Could he put so much responsibility on her shoulders? He sighed heavily. He should have talked to her earlier, make sure if this is what she wants. But now it was too late for such conversation…
As he suddenly heard the creaking of the balcony doors that snapped him out of his thoughts, Liam turned violently, convinced that he had an uninvited guest. But the room behind his back was empty, and only when Liam heard a quiet sigh, he realized that the sounds were coming from the balcony downstairs. So he wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep that night, not only his thoughts and doubts made him unable to close his eyes. Without even wanting to, Liam began to listen, but for a longer moment he heard nothing but that single quiet sigh, still loud enough to reach his ears in the silence of that night. And then he heard muffled voice coming from the room below and quiet conversation.
Two voices. One belonged to a woman, the other to a man.
And then Liam began to wonder. Who had a room just below his chambers? Whose secret meeting was he witnessing? He heard creaking of the doors, someone’s steps and then another sigh. And the words he heard after a moment were clear as if the person who spoke them stood just a few inches away from him.
“What if… what if we tell Liam about us?”
He felt heart in his chest stopped beating for a few seconds when this time he recognized the voice.
He rose from his chair and walked to the balustrade, almost as under the influence of some spell.
What do you want to tell me, Elizabeth?
“Elizabeth, you know this is a bad idea…” Responded a second, male voice and Liam could hardly supress the scream of surprise.
Just as he knew Elizabeth’s voice, he would recognize the sound of his best friend’s voice everywhere too. And he couldn’t believe his own ears… it just couldn’t be real…
“What if he will choose me?”
“It’s simple, you’ll agree.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
Her raised voice reached Liam’s ears, her words loud as if she was standing right next to him and the prince felt his heart stopped once again that night, his lungs forgetting how to breathe. It felt like someone had suddenly stabbed his heart with hundreds of sharp daggers and the pain was almost unbearable as the true meaning of those words hit him. Lady Elizabeth didn’t want to marry him.
She doesn’t want me.
He wanted to run away, didn’t want to hear a single word more. But his legs refused to obey him and he stood there, almost like hypnotized, not finding the strength and willpower to move. His hands clenched on the balustrade, his pale face seemed to be a marble statue in the moonlight.
“You know that I don’t want Liam, I never wanted.”
Liam stepped back as if he was just slapped. He took a deep, ragged breath as another wave of pain and disbelief hit him.
She doesn’t love me. Elizabeth does not love me…
These words echoed in his head, not wanting to leave his thoughts. Just a few moments ago he dreamt of a life together with lady Harris and now he felt as if the whole world collapsed on his head. All these smiles, moments spent together… Although they were everything for him, they meant nothing to her… He felt another painful prick in his heart as different thought struck him.
For how long?
For how long has Elizabeth known she didn’t want him? For how long has her heart belonged to another men?
And suddenly everything started to make sense. All these times when he invited her for an evening strolls, when he proposed escaping from the castle just for a while… Some claws grabbed his heart as he remembered the evening when he was so nervous with excitement, inviting girl on their first date. And she refused. As always refused. She usually said that she was tired or she didn’t want to get them in trouble by sneaking out and he understood it, of course he did. He never wanted to force her to do anything and he knew that all the daily celebrations could be exhausting, especially for someone not used to them, so he never had any seconds thoughts. But now when he knew the truth… She didn’t want to spend more time with him than necessary, because her heart already belonged to someone else. Or maybe worse. Maybe all those moments she spent with h i m…
Suddenly Drake’s voice reached his ears, as the wind stopped and every word echoed in Liam’s ears.
“Whatever happens tomorrow… I will always love you, Elizabeth…”
And then he felt anger overwhelmed him. He was angry at Drake, at Elizabeth, at the whole situation. Drake could have anyone, could choose any woman, but no, he had to choose Elizabeth. His Elizabeth. And she did choose him too. How could they?
He clenched his hands on the balustrade so hard that his knuckles whitened, he felt the roughness of the stone on his skin. But this physical pain, even if for just a moment, suppressed the pain in his heart.
How could she chose Drake over him? How was he better then him? What could Drake possibly offer her, what he couldn’t give? After all he was just a snarky commoner, a whiskey addict, offended by the whole world and he was the prince who would love and cherish her for the rest of their lives. How could she fell for him? What did Drake have, that he didn’t?
“Elizabeth…” Said a persistent voice in his head. “He has Elizabeth’s love…”
For a moment he fed himself with that anger, he let fury consume him, thinking about all the possibilities.
I could have forced her to marry me. I would banish Drake, send him far away from here. And Liz would be mine. Only mine.
If he would sent Drake away… Once again his imagination gave him a picture of what could have been. Elizabeth surronded by bunch of their kids, the two of them holding hands.
Maybe she would learn to love him?
Maybe if the time healed her wounds, cured her longing for Drake, then she would be able to develop feelings for him? He would be a good husband, always by her side, taking care of her, loving her. Another vision of Elizabeth as the queen appeared in his head. Liz beside him, smiling to the camera, greeting crowd and waving. She would be great ruler, great wife but… Unhappy.
Liam loosened his hands and lifted them looking thoughtfully at the patterns left by the rough stone, almost surprised that he squeezed them so hard. And at the same time his anger began to weaken. How could he ever thought about getting rid of Drake… How could it crossed his mind to force Elizabeth to marry him? He would never forgive himself… The door on the balcony below closed with a crack, when the two lovers came back to the room and once again silence fell.
Liam was left alone and suddenly he felt lonely as never before in his life. And it wasn’t just the loneliness caused by that night. He felt like that not only because the girl he was crazy about was madly in love with his best friend. But now he didn’t even have anyone to turn to, there was no one to talk to, whom he could ask for advice. He knew that being a king involved making many difficult decisions, but he didn’t expect the hardest of them to appear so quickly, even before he became a king…
Anger mixed in his heart with despair. Pain with immerse helplessness.
Demon hidden in his chest still whispered in his ear to make them suffer. So they could feel like him. He wanted them to know how it is to live knowing that the person you love more than you own life belongs to someone else. The same voice whispered to him to go down, rush to their room, force them to confront him. He wanted to see the surprise on their faces, the shock that he k n e w. He wanted to grab Drake by his shoulders, shake him, even punch him straight in the face, asking him how could he? How could he take away the best what happened in his life? He wanted to look into Elizabeth’s eyes, wondering what he would see in them. An apology? Regret? Pain? He wanted to ask her all those questions, now left unanswered.
What did I do wrong? Did I ever have a chance of winning your heart? Was there anything I could do to make you love me?
What would they tell him? What excuses would they find? What kind of lies? Would they have the courage to confess everything?
Two of his best friends, two people he cared most in the world betrayed him. In a most painful way.
Liam shook his head, forcing himself to divert his intrusive thoughts. After all they didn’t do this intentionally. He knew himself that the choices of the heart couldn’t be controlled. But in spite of knowing this, he couldn’t get rid of this demonic voice telling him to get rid of Drake, to get his revenge and have a chance to live with his queen happily. But Drake always stood by his side, faithful, ready to jump into fire after him, ready to sacrifice everything for him. He was even willing to give up Elizabeth just for Liam’s happiness.
Why couldn’t he?
He could choose someone else. Hana, Olivia, Madeleine… any other suitor. Or he could still choose Elizabeth. Pretend he doesn’t know anything and make her his queen. He was pretty sure she would agree anyway and then he would have the life he always wanted. Life by the side of the woman she loved. The man looked up at the moon. Whatever decision he would make, he knew one thing - this fairytale won’t end the way any of them wanted…
Time has passed, hour after hour and Liam was just sitting there, restless in his thoughts. The night has passed and when sun started to rise, prince sighed, finally standing up.
He already knew what he had to do…
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