#since they'd show up on the regular tags
steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
oh, that's why
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is showing up when someone doesn't ask'
rated t | 1,533 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: friends to lovers, getting together, realizing feelings, love confessions, fade to black
Eddie was nervous.
He hadn't bothered mentioning Corroded Coffin's first show back to anyone except Wayne, didn't want anyone he knew to see him stumble over chords and lyrics with nerves he'd never had before Vecna. The guys didn't really say anything, but they'd casually suggested some slower songs mixed in to give him a break during the set. They just seemed to know that he didn't have the stamina anymore.
It's not like the Hideout was Madison Square Garden, but news had spread amongst the locals about Eddie's return to the stage and people must have gotten curious. The bar was busier than Eddie'd ever seen it, people lined up against the tiny stage and filling the tables spread out around the room. Every stool at the bar was filled, the door constantly opening to welcome someone new with a chilly breeze from the fall air.
"Hey, man. You ready?" Gareth's hand on his shoulder was meant to be comforting, but all it did was remind him of how much everyone in the crowd probably wanted to watch him fail.
"Yep," Eddie breathed out.
It was fine. This would just be another show, maybe not the best they've ever had, but they did fine during practice. He was fine.
There was no announcement for them, there never was. The bar owner and the main bartender pretty much only invited them back because the regulars would order double the amount of drinks when they performed.
The lights were already dimmed in the bar, and the spotlight stayed on on the stage all night.
It wasn't anything special, but it still felt like a step towards more.
The crowd was loud, and barely paid them any attention during Jeff's introduction.
They started playing Master of Puppets, a shorter version without the solo since Eddie still struggled getting through it without having a panic attack. It was part of "reclaiming his trauma" or whatever the government appointed therapist told him on his second and final visit.
He took the first minute to really look out at the crowd, passed the obnoxious spotlight.
Most of the people were unrecognizable, dressed a lot like Wayne, but lacked the friendly smile he gave him when he managed to make it to his shows. He saw a few people he knew from his first two senior years hanging by the back, probably trying not to be noticed by him.
And then he saw him.
His fingers skipped over the strings, missing a note and then two, though only his band and maybe the bartender would notice.
Steve smiled back at him, mouthed 'lookin' good', and gave him a thumbs up.
How did Steve even know about this? None of the other guys had told him, he begged them not to, made them pinky swear that they wouldn't invite anyone they knew for the first show.
Eddie smiled back at him still, happy that Steve was here, realizing now that a friendly face was the only way he would get through this set. He should have told them all.
Most of the set went surprisingly well, and most of the crowd seemed content to watch and sing along. Only a few people walked out when they realized it was mostly metal music, but he figured they weren't really there for any music at all. Watching the freak was the only entertainment a lot of people had in this town.
Steve was nodding his head, nursing the same beer for the entire hour they were on stage, smiling every time Eddie made eye contact with him. He seemed to be enjoying it, despite his usual refusal to listen to any of Eddie's music.
When they got off the stage, Eddie rushed to Steve, not even bothering to put his guitar back in its case first. Most of the crowd had gone outside or settled around the bar anyway, so his sweetheart would be safe.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie bounced on his toes, adrenaline pumping after a successful show. "I didn't tell anyone about this."
"Wayne mentioned it by accident. He assumed you'd asked me to come," Steve shrugged. He didn't seem hurt about not being invited, thankfully, but Eddie still felt guilt bully its way into his chest.
"Sorry. I just wanted to get the first one done before I had anyone here," Eddie nudged his hand. "But thanks for coming. I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad I did too. I'll always be here if you need me, Eds."
It sounded serious, less like what friends do and more like what love does.
"How do you always know what I need?" Eddie couldn't help asking. "It's like I think I'm fine, but then you're there with a glass of water because I haven't remembered to drink all day. Or like tonight, when I thought I could do it on my own, but played much better because you were here."
"I just know you," Steve smiled.
"Wait," Eddie started thinking back to all the times Steve was there. All the times he would show up at the trailer after work to make dinner, not knowing that Eddie had been feeling lonely. All the times he sat next to him on the couch while he planned out Hellfire campaigns because he needed someone to bounce ideas off of who wouldn't be involved. All the times he had to brave the general public and Steve always managed to find a reason to be right by his side, silently protective. "Wait."
"I'm waiting," Steve said. And was he sounding smug? What was that smile on his face? "How long am I supposed to wait?"
"I didn't ask you to be here."
"That's true. You didn't even tell me you'd be here."
"I never ask you to come over. Or go places with me. Or anything."
"You do sometimes," Steve argued.
Steve's lips pinched together, but a smirk was starting to tease its way onto his face.
"You're here because you want to be. Because you knew I'd be a mess and would actually want someone here even though I didn't tell anyone. Because you're always there when I need someone even when I don't admit I do. Because you care about me."
"Love, actually."
Eddie stopped in his tracks. "What?"
"You said I care about you. Duh, of course I do. But I actually love you."
"Like...the way you love Robin?"
"No. Like the way I thought I loved Nancy. But with you it's more. It's way more, Eds."
Eddie was grateful for the dim lighting and Jeff's sudden appearance by his shoulder.
"Eddie! We fuckin' nailed it! I signed an autograph for a girl who knows my name!" He yelled before he noticed Steve. "Oh, hey Steve. Enjoy the show?"
"You all did great, man. Glad you're back out there," Steve reached out to grab his shoulder, a friendly gesture that Jeff wasn't expecting judging by his face. "Need any help loading up?"
"Uh. No. I was actually gonna let Eddie know Gareth's dad came by to help bring all our stuff home so we don't need his van." Jeff gave them both a knowing look, then smacked Eddie's shoulder and smiled. "See you tomorrow!"
Eddie waved at him, still in shock from everything Steve had said before Jeff interrupted.
"You should probably put her in her case, Eds," Steve gestured to the guitar still slung across his back. "People aren't that careful in a bar."
"You've said that a lot tonight."
"Because I'm having a stroke or something. I'm having a very lucid dream. Or maybe I got too high." Eddie shook his head and pinched his own arm. "You love me."
"That's what I said, yeah."
"And you meant it?"
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."
Eddie still felt like he might be dreaming, but he decided to lean into it. If Steve loved him, then that meant-
"Oh my God," Steve groaned, but he was smiling. "What now?"
"I love you, too."
"Yeah? You just figure that out?" Steve definitely sounded smug now.
"Yes! I thought I just had this stupid crush on my straight friend. Sorry I didn't realize the way my stomach does cartwheels when you're next to me meant I loved you!"
They both started laughing.
"So, that's why you were staring at me like that at the pool," Steve finally said through his laughter.
"And that's why you asked me to read to you when you had a migraine," Eddie crossed his arms across his chest to avoid doing what he really wanted to do: pull Steve into the most John Hughes-esque first kiss ever.
"We should probably get out of here," Steve said when he recognized Eddie's twitching fingers fighting to not reach out. "Don't think anyone here would like it too much if I made out with you next to the bar."
"Give me two minutes. I'll meet you outside."
Their actual first kiss was just as John Hughes-esque, but it was in the privacy of Eddie's bedroom, and immediately followed by Steve pushing him against his own door and dropping to his knees.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
GOD I AM SO FERAL FOR SUB!READER W/ MIGUEL AND PETER (im so sorry for the all caps its how I show my enthusiasm 😭😭) but I rlly wanna see the yandere hcs ,,
headcanon : yandere!miguel o'hara x reader x yandere!peter b parker content warnings : yandere content, mention of violence (miguel and peter killing torturing and killing someone), reader being injured, peter and miguel are really manipulative in this, genderneutral!reader, no use of Y/N word count : 1,4k tag list : @fandom-ash
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firstly, they'd had their eye on you for some time now
you were a much-loved spider, and everywhere you went people were smiling and complimenting you, not so much for what you did as a spider, but because you had such a delightful personality
you'd only recently made your debut with the Spider Society, and Peter and Miguel in turn seemed to slowly fall under your spell
peter came to see you regularly to check up on you, and Miguel called you more often to get more details about your reports
then one day Miguel started keeping a tab open on the side of his business activities with your locations backed up by surveillance cameras
obtaining a watch for you had turned out to be the quickest watch delegation in Spider Socety's history
the attraction they felt for you was becoming far too great to ignore, even for the workaholic Miguel, who thinks of nothing else but the maintenance and balance of the universe
peter had been following you around the society from higher up, and one day he noticed something that he immediately reported to Miguel: you were starting to see another spider on a regular basis.
he was such a lesser guy than Miguel and Peter that they wondered how you could have even crossed his path
you started greeting him every day, laughing with him, joking around, and they watched from afar
well, as long as you were just friends, there shouldn't be any problem, right?
but just as Peter was coming to eat with you in the cafeteria, the notorious undesirable individual showed up and sat down next to you.
too close, Peter thought. How could you smile at him, laugh at his jokes?
and what he saw made his jaw clench: the spider's hand caressed your cheek
how could he breathe the same air as you?
miguel had obviously seen the whole scene from the security screens, and he'd nearly smashed one of the desks
the next day, when you ventured to the cafeteria as usual, you didn't find your spider in your usual spot
strange, he never failed to find you here, but instead you found Miguel and Peter, coming to sit with them.
when you asked them if they'd seen him, they replied that he had some business in his own reality that required him to stay away from the Society for a while
of course, they would never tell you how slow and painful his death had been
as the months passed, you inevitably grew closer to Miguel and Peter. Since they were gradually pushing every one of your friends and acquaintances away from you, they were the only ones left.
you visited them more frequently, sometimes just keeping them company while they took care of reports.
you had become an inseparable trio, and not a day went by when you weren't with them.
in fact, they started gaining new habits such like showering you with gifts
everything they do to make sure you're comfortable enough to never ever think of leaving them is pretty amazing
(as if you had a choice to leave anyway)
saw a new cute little top that you like? already yours
it was almost uncanny how much they observed the details in your behavior
sometimes you'd simply walk past something, your gaze lingering on it for a few seconds longer than you'd normally wear it out, and the same day you'd find yourself with it in your hands
because let's be honest, they're extremely rich.
The technological advances Miguel had brought to the entire dimension had made him rich for the rest of his life and beyond, so he had no worries about covering you in anything you wanted.
and as for Peter, you weren't sure how he managed it, but what you were sure of was that he, too, had no financial worries
they were becoming a little more tactile too
peter took your hand in his, caressing your back and cheek gently, while Miguel had got into the habit of having you sit against him while he worked
your whole day consisted of keeping them company, but you had duties as a citizen of the Society
however, since they ran the Society, they could change the rules just for you right ?
it had started slowly, with them preventing you from going on missions and putting other spiders on the job
but your spider instincts soon kicked in, and you insisted on going on the mission
so they had a silent agreement that their eyes exchanged and managed to find an anomaly that was far too tough, sending you out in its dimension, alone, supervising you with the security screens
the anomaly was horrible, far too fast for you, far too powerful, far too cruel. It wounded you with terrible ease, while you struggled to even scratch it.
you found yourself in a corner, at the mercy of the anomaly, and of course, absolute fear gripped you along with the panic of not getting out of there
you screamed repeatedly for them to come and get you, as the anomaly was closing in fast, but they needed you to understand. you were completely weakened and scared you'd never be able to finish this fight, tears streaming down your cheeks as you called out to them, and they finally arrived.
they quickly took care of the anomaly, then came back to you, sobbing and shaking in the corner. they took you in their arms, cuddling you gently, whispering "now you see why we don't want to send you on a mission? it's far too dangerous, do you understand?"
you had to go through a painful little lesson to realize how much you needed them, didn't you?
they took you back to the infirmary, where they remained at your bedside until your recovery was complete
since then, you've never been on a mission again
you were a little bit too traumatized by the experience, and they'd managed to make sure that they were the only people you could turn to in case of trouble
so they offered to let you live in their apartment so they could be ready to provide for your every need, which you accepted. and on the very day of the offer, you moved in with them - they'd already had a room ready for you about a month before
it wasn't long before the three of you were growing closer together - which is, of course, somewhat inevitable when three people live together
the looks Miguel and Peter sometimes shared when they saw you were full of pride and mischief
they frequently exchanged them. when you'd come out of the shower for instance, when they'd deliberately remove your clothes from the bathroom while you were showering to see you dressed only with a towel to look for clothes - it always ended up with Miguel and Peter making you wear clothes of their choice
soon enough, you were an official trouple
from then on, you'd always have something on you to show that you belonged together: a necklace, a bracelet, you'd wear one of their t-shirts-
speaking of which, the first time they saw you wearing one of their T-shirts, they froze in their tracks while you simply went about your life in the apartment
you didn't go out for a week after that. the reason? there were several, such as the fact that, obviously, as beautiful as you were in their clothes, they couldn't allow anyone but themselves to see you like that, but also, and above all, because you hadn't been able to walk properly all week...
once you'd had the misfortune to go out without telling them, just to buy ingredients for cookies to make them a treat, and they'd moved heaven and earth to find you until you came home like a flower.
you'd been badly scolded. what if something had happened to you and they hadn't been able to get there in time to help? what if someone came to you and asked you to do a job for them that you couldn't refuse? What if someone was mean to you?
their anger had frightened you terribly, and you'd ended up in tears
they took you in their arms, reassuring you, comforting you and making you promise never to do anything like that again
it was from that moment on that your restrictions on going out were tightened. you couldn't go out without the company of one of them, and if you wanted to go out alone, Lyla was there to watch your every move.
one thing was certain: they were loving and soft, as long as you obeyed them
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neteyamssyulang · 11 months
Day 31
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Pairing: Alpha Neteyam aged up x Fem omega omaticaya reader.
Summary: You always had eyes for Neteyam, unfortunately you never thought they were reciprocated as he was eventually promised to another. Little did you know they actually were
Warnings: Dom Neteyam, Sub reader, Kinda cheating Neteyam, Oral (F receiving), Fingering, P in V, Marking, Knotting/Creampie.
Word count: 1221
Translation(s): Paskalin -> Honey, Rutxe -> Please.
A/N: First time writing full on A/B/O so I’m not sure if it’ll do well but enjoy and happy Halloween!
Tags: @teyamsatan @pandoraslxna <3
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Being born an omega was difficult, well for you atleast. Whether it be female or male alphas they all tried having you, and each time you had to deny them.
No one except Kiri knew you had eyes for Neteyam, I mean who wouldn't? With his toned body, handsome face, and the way he can make any omega drop down to their knees for him.
Neteyam was your bestfriend and had been ever since you were teenagers, he had saved you from a group of alphas who wanted to have their way with you not caring if you didn't consent.
Ever since then you stuck to his side and eventually grew feelings for him, unfortunately they weren't reciprocated as once he turned 20 his parents had betrothed him to the daughter of the Kanesätaw family.
Li'ona was beautiful you had to admit, she was skilled weaver and hunter but she was also a beta. Everyone was under the impression that they'd make such a cute pair once his father passed the mantle of olo'eyktan to him.
What they didn't know was that Neteyam didn't like Li'ona, he liked you but didn't want to admit it as he didn't think you'd like him back. Li'ona knew Neteyam didn't like her but still tried for the sake of their people.
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It was just a regular day not much to really do, you had helped out in the healers tent with Kiri before bidding her goodbye to head back to your hut to finish up some tops you started weaving the night before.
In the corner of your eye you see Neteyam and Li'ona, she was pushing at his chest and you could see she was yelling at him. For what though? You didn't know.
It wasn't your business anyway, you made your way inside your hut and started weaving the top when not even 5 minutes later Neteyam bursts through the flap of your hut turning around to quickly tie the flaps shut.
"Neteyam?" Your head tilts confused as he walks over now "What are y-" he shuts you up by leaning down to capture your lips with his. His pheromones a mixture of lust and nervousness.
Without even looking he picks you up and walks over to your bed laying you down on it while he hovers over you. Breaking the kiss he sighs "I can't do this anymore Paskalin.."
"Do what Teyam?" You didn't know what he was talking about or why he was doing this, it felt wrong since he's promised to someone else already.
Neteyam hisses out of frustration "I can't keep denying my feelings, I love you y/n." Did- did he just say what you thought he said? He loves you? You must be hearing things you have to be.
The male has a look of worry on his face as you don't respond back to him, feeling his heart break he goes to get off you when suddenly he gets pulled closer till your lips meet in a passionate kiss.
He groans into your mouth as he quickly unties his tewng throwing it somewhere off to the side before ripping yours clean off your body along with your top all while never breaking the kiss.
Eventually you need to catch your breath so you pull away panting, his eyes lock onto yours, they aren't the beautiful golden orbs you always got lost in no.. his eyes are dark and filled with lust.
Neteyam was about to lean in to kiss you again when you scooted back earning a growl from him "W-wait, what about Li'ona?"
"Fuck her I want you y/n! I choose you as my mate not her. Please.. I will deal with the consequences later but right now let me show you how much I love you." Your heart melts at his words as you give him a nod.
The male smiles and kisses from your neck all the way down past your stomach leaving marks, in the process copious amounts of slick drip out of you and down onto the bedding below.
Your breath hitches as he licks a long stripe up your folds, a deep growl rumbles through his chest savoring your sweet taste.
Without warning he dives in licking your clit and sucking on the little bundle of nerves, your head falls back against the bedding as your hand reaches down tugging on his hair.
He moans against your pussy sending the vibrations through you, Neteyam then sinks two of his fingers inside you curling them just right.
"Nete- youch!" You yelp as he smacks your thigh with his free hand, "That's not my name." A pink hue flushes your face and you know what he's expecting to hear.
"Alpha- please.." this time he rewards you by trailing wet kisses up your body till he gets to your neck "What a good little omega~" Neteyam purrs into your ear, his cock already emerging from his slit.
Pulling his fingers out of your sopping cunt he replaces them with his cock sliding slowly into you, the stretch was painful but welcoming. Neteyam sensed you were a bit uneasy so he released comforting pheromones to relax you more.
Finally he bottomed out, leaning his head down to the crook of your neck he took a deep breath of your pheromones then licked over your scent gland sending shivers down your spine.
You tapped his shoulder giving him the ok to start moving, leaning back up he hauled your legs over his shoulders and set a fast pace.
The only sounds to be heard was both your moans and the loud squelching sound from your slick as he slammed his hips against yours. You could feel your orgasm approaching rapidly “A-al-pha rutxe..”
“Please what princess?” He smirked looking down at you, sweat dripping from his hairline “Please can I- can I cum?” You spoke softly.
Tsking he sent a harsh thrust into you stilling his hips, “Hm? What was that omega?” Tilting his head, he knew what you said he just needed you to say it louder for everyone to hear.
Your omega instincts were begging you to listen to your alphas command but you were also stubborn so you stayed quiet looking away. Not having any of that he rolled his hips coaxing out a small whimper from you.
“Be a good little girl and answer me or you wont get what you want” he said while grabbing your jaw turning your head carefully to look at him.
Letting your instincts win you gave in “Please alpha, let me cum” this time in a more louder tone but still soft so none outside could hear.
“Good girl” he purred now fully moving again slamming into you. Your nails dug into the bedding as you came chanting his name like a prayer, Neteyam groaned at the feeling of your walls clenching around him.
His knot prodded against your hole begging entry which your body agreed to by producing more slick. Leaning down he sank his fangs into your neck as he pushed his knot inside spilling his seed into your empty womb.
Your body shook as a small whimper left your lips, finally Neteyam unlatched from your neck and leaned up panting.
“You did so well for me my little omega.”
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1863-project · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot lately about my experiences as an autistic adult and how difficult certain things actually have been for me, and one of the things that really hit me recently was how I can tell the patrons at the library I work at are judging me. They say things to me they'd never say to my co-workers, because my co-workers seem "normal" to them. But I can think of two different cases in the last year or so that really stand out to me that illustrate this.
The first was a patron who wanted the writing address of the governor of New Hampshire. I found it and went to write it down for her. She didn't want it that way, she wanted it printed. Of course, Wikipedia wasn't going to print well, and she was starting to get difficult about it, so I came up with a solution - I'd type it into a Word document and print it for her. I was excited that I'd come up with something, and I enthusiastically expressed this excitement by raising the volume of my voice. She decided I was "weird," told me so to my face, and left instead of letting me help her.
More recently, I showed similar excitement when showing a patron how to use Google Maps, excitedly reassuring her that we'd do it together and that I wasn't going to just tell her to do something she didn't know how to do. This patron told me my enthusiasm made me seem "like a schoolgirl." I deflated immediately, pointed out I was actually 34 years old, and did everything else with an extremely dampened mood.
Being an autistic adult in the workplace - or anywhere - is an uncomfortable experience. The first patron decided I was scary. The second patron infantilized me. The dichotomy of being an autistic adult is that some people decide you're uncanny and scary and some people decide you're actually a child. Both are microaggressions. Both are ableism. The third option is, of course, to mask so well they can't tell, and then get told "But you don't seem autistic!" when you drop the big reveal on them (if you do). There's no winning here.
I think, often, of Ingo and Emmet, autistic adults who, like me, are in the workplace, are really good at their jobs and take them seriously, and are really enthusiastic about what they do. I think about what sorts of things people must say to them, about the judgment they likely experience from passengers and trainers. I think about how gratifying it must be for them to repeatedly face trainers like Hilda, who only cares about battling and not who she's up against, because in those moments there's no judgment, just Pokemon battles. Just as my regular patrons who know me and are okay with me are a comfort to me, so too must their returning trainers be one to them, a beacon of acceptance in a world that refuses to understand.
I think sometimes about how I can't go into the tags for these characters that are just like me, because there's content that treats them the way the real world treats me. It isn't all of the things people make, but it's enough that I can't take the chance of looking myself, because you never know. It's been this way since 2010, and it shows no signs of stopping. I think about how all fandoms have this problem, about how many people experience this, and it hurts deep in my chest. I wish desperately for a kinder world in which people like me aren't treated as "weird" because we're enthusiastic about work, because we don't have volume control, because we can't mask, because we're not like most people.
I do what I've always done - I generally just talk about the things I like with trusted friends who also like the things I like. It's safer that way. I don't have to worry about stumbling upon the things I already experience in real life. If my friends find something safe, they bring it to me, a wonderful show of kindness and affection that I am always deeply grateful for.
I just wish I lived in a world that thought about how things affect people more, about how a respectful portrayal can give someone hope and help them love the person in the mirror. But every "unhinged" or "scary" depiction of normal autistic traits reminds me how far we still have to go, how Autism Speaks and other hate groups still dominate the narrative even as they fade into the background.
Everyone can do what they want in fandom, but it's supposed to be an inclusive space, not an alienating one, and I think it's good to be thoughtful. You never know who you may be helping or hurting.
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aibouart · 3 months
unless i tagged it wrong, i apparently NEVER SHOWED RED'S STEVEN UNIVERSE AU??? evEN THO I WAS (and still am) OBSESSED W IT?? bro i drew like 50 images for his gallery on th in like a month (exaggeration but he does have over 50 on there)
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i decided to make him a fusion between a red beryl and a garnet (almandine). red beryl is pretty skittish, naive, and likes to organise, and almandine is a bit too proud, analytic, and can tend to be cold.
when fused as red quartz they lack any real quartz abilities (since they're a fusion and not a quartz) and resemble regular red's standard demeanour.
long...... (also it mentions fusion experiments and whatnot i know a lot of people don't like that stuff)
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while they live on earth, now, they originally were stationed at a planet far from there. almandine was to oversee gem production, and was assigned his beryl to help him organise information and other technical things.
the planet ended up with a lot of iron and other mineral deposits, resulting in a lot of the created gems being off-colour. he couldn't bring himself to destroy them, so he sent them all off to a different planet in hopes they'd survive together.
but the whole gem production and whatnot was mostly a cover up for fusion experimentation. namely, seeing if they could control large fusions.
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almandine was told by his higher up (iirc they're a lapis..? or something? i never drew em and remember struggling to find a fitting gem, esp with limited knowledge on hierarchy admittedly) that his role was to fuse with established out of control fusions, and maintain control over them. it was believed due to garnet's natural ability to lead and command others, he would be able to do this task eventually.
he was never fully able to achieve this and the fusions would often have to be destabilised to undo them, and as a result his gem is a bit unstable, itself. whenever he fuses with others he demands as much control as he can, and is often very afraid of losing his individuality in the fusion (which is counter intuitive to fusion itself ofc). his gem also struggles to keep form whenever he is under a lot of stress, causing him to poof easily.
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(ofc orchid the ametrine here belongs to @theotherkoifish)
despite this, his initial bond with Beryl is very important to them and their long history + compatibility lends to their relationship working well. Beryl doesn't mind at all doing whatever Almandine asks of him (which isn't a lot since he doesn't want to impose), and Almandine feels safe in their fusion as red quartz. esp cuz he feels comfort with Beryl
unfortunately, he fights with anyone else in a fusion causing it to become undone pretty quickly.
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this is Tiger's Eye, a fusion between Almandine and Orchid (Ametrine). they don't usually last very long KJSDFBSDJKBFK the tail is actually their ponytail
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anyways there's WAY MORE including other OCs i threw into the mix but this is so long already omg sowwy
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arc852 · 19 days
I saw your tags on my last post, so here goes.
So, around this time in 2019, a G/t friend told me that there was a con for kaiju movies three hours' drive away from me, that - while it wasn't for G/t, had adopted the G/t community as sort of, valid alternative guests due to some drama relating to our own con. And how at this con, my friend told me that they'd even cracked a few G/t eggs among the regular guests.
Because of this, I formally told my parents about my interest in G/t and explained that I wanted to go to the con next year. Considering that I found out about this con in 2019, I think you can guess that this didn't end up happening, lol.
I had avoided telling my parents I liked G/t partially because my mother was very judgey, but also because my parents are the kind of people who, if you give them a gift idea with specific detail, might remember the general idea but not the specifics. Stuff like, telling them that you got yourself a Switch and getting you games would be a great gift, only to end up getting Xbox games in your stocking or something (my parents are actually good about consoles, this is just a general example). So I was worried that if they knew I liked G/t they'd remember I liked size difference but not the direction I leaned, and end up getting like, "Attack of the 50-Foot Woman" posters that would make me feel size dysphoria.
But, surprisingly, my parents knowing I liked G/t basically lead to nothing. Like, actually nothing for three years, to the point that I wondered if they forgot.
That was until Thanksgiving 2022. I was visiting their house for a family hangout, but all my siblings had gone out of the house to do something I didn't care about. My parents were in the living room watching American Horror Story. And I needed a haircut sometime before Christmas.
So I went upstairs with intent to ask Dad about getting a haircut. But they were very invested in the show, so I didn't want to disturb them. I sat down on the couch and started watching with them just because otherwise the wait would be boring.
But every time a commercial started, Dad would immediately get up and go do something he had to do for preparing the house for Christmas decorations, so it ended up taking me an hour or two before I was able to ask him basically, "before I go home tomorrow, can I get a haircut?"
I get the answer to my question, thank them, and head back downstairs to go chat with some online friends. And as I'm heading downstairs, I overhear this exchange:
Mom: "Did something happen? He seemed kinda invested in the show, why'd he suddenly leave." Dad: "Well, considering his tastes, I imagine that last episode was quite traumatic." Mom: "O-oh."
The episode in question was one in which the shortest woman alive had been killed and taxidermized into being a museum exhibit. So hearing that coming from Dad, while it wasn't the reason I had left, still felt very validating because no, he's right. She wasn't actually tiny but she still was sort of G/t within the context of the show. Her death is traumatic, and thank you for remembering G/t but not making it weird.
That next morning I woke up to Dad going through my clothes and looking specifically at my favorite sweatshirt for the size - since I personally had owned it for a decade and it had belonged to my younger brother for a few years before that, it was definitely falling apart, so I think they were considering getting me a new sweatshirt - so I wondered if he'd maybe put two-and-two together to figure out why this was my favorite sweatshirt (the pockets are positioned perfectly for holding tinies comfortably), but when I relayed this information to my then-gf she was like "his brain isn't wired for G/t, he's not gonna realize it. Last night is the best you're probably going to get."
I think it's really cool that your parents didn't make you liking G/t anything weird and instead were looking out for you.
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I Will Find You in the Dark Ch. 5
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Series Summary: Dean and Julie's story continues through turbulent times in the Winchester's life. Can Dean and Julie survive through it all? Can their love survive?
Chapter Summary: Julie and Sam have been looking for Dean for two months. What will happen when Julie finds him?
Pairings: Dean x OFC (Julie) Established Relationship
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence throughout. Smut throughout. More detailed chapter warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Show level violence, Demon!Dean (with all that his black eyes bring with them), mentions of smut, Demon!Dean being cruel for the fun of it, threatening behavior, mentions of pregnancy.
Word Count: 2,291
Series Masterlist
A/N:  The fifth chapter in the sequel to my fic, Green is My Favorite Color. I strongly suggest that you read that one first, since there will be references made to it throughout this sequel. Also, I suggest you read the Dean and Julie Mini-Series I wrote as a bridge between that fic and this one. (The Mini-series’ title is a bit of a spoiler for the original series, so I won’t post it here, but it can all be found here.) I had a lot of fun writing that original series, and the mini-series, and certainly hope those who read and enjoyed those, enjoy this sequel. 💓
The beautiful dividers below and at the end were created by @talesmaniac89. 💗 Title card was created by me.
Masterlist || Tag Lists
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Despite the sun recently rising over the eastern horizon, the room was dark, the newborn sun unable to pierce through the drawn shades and smoke-glazed wooden walls of the ugly dive bar where Julie stood. The scent of old body odor mingled with the stench of stale beer and rotted wood to make her stomach churn.
She put one hand over her nose and the other over her almost non-existent baby bump as she attempted to keep the bile down. She pulled the neckline of her t-shirt up and ducked her nose inside, taking deep breaths through the cotton filter until her stomach calmed down. When she could breathe normally again she dropped her hands to her sides and started towards the cash register again.
When Crowley had given up Dean’s whereabouts, and told them to get the former hunter as far away from him as possible, he’d directed them to this bar, telling them that Dean was frequently a regular there. 
So, they’d staked out the place the night before, sitting for hours in the Impala watching the comings and goings of the patrons. 
Julie had been nervous the entire time, anxious and jumpy. This was the closest they'd come to finding Dean - the closest by a long shot- and the prospect of seeing him again had made her feel like she might jump out of her skin.
But Dean never showed. So, they’d gone back to the motel to get a few hours of sleep before starting the hunt again. However, after doing nothing but tossing and turning for hours, Julie had decided to go check out the bar when no one else was around. She was hoping that maybe, behind the counter, she could find a credit card receipt from one of his aliases, which might give them a possible phone number or address, if they could track his card.
She’d left Sam a note saying he could join her at the bar if he woke up, or else she’d be back in less than an hour. 
So now, as she tried to jimmy open the cash register, she heard the front door creak open and looked up, expecting to see Sam coming after her. 
Instead, a cry of surprise fell from her lips as Dean strolled through the door to stand tall and powerful-looking, across the room. 
Her desperate eyes took in every inch of him, especially his beautiful face; the face she’d seen smiling and laughing in her dreams every night over the last two months. She constantly dreamt of him coming home, of him being Dean again, the mark vanished - his soul his own once again. 
But now, as he stood in front of her, she knew none of that was true. This was Dean, and yet not. 
He wore a red work shirt over a black t-shirt and blue jeans. His hair was a bit longer and parted to the side. He wore a soft smile that just turned up the corners of his mouth, and that smile made her melt a little. Whatever darkness lingered under his skin, he was still so beautiful, and in spite of everything, Julie ached to see him again. 
“Hey, Jules.” He said, his voice silky.
She let out the breath she’d been holding. “Dean.” She whispered.
“Whatcha doin’ here, kiddo?” He asked.
She bit into her lower lip before answering. “The same thing I’ve been doing for two months straight. Looking for you, of course.”
He shook his head. “Told you and Sammy to let me go, didn’t I?”
Julie swallowed down all the tears and the bitter anger she’d felt since the moment they’d found that note. “You know we can’t do that. You had to know we were going to look for you everywhere.”
Dean nodded and gave a low chuckle. “Well, you found me, sweetheart.” His warm smile chilled a fraction. “But you should have known better than to come alone.”
Julie felt icy fingers slide down her back and she swallowed hard and tried to bluff. “I’m not alone. Sam is keeping a lookout in the back.”
Dean’s smile disappeared and his gaze became laser focused on her. “No he isn’t.”
As she scrambled to come up with a lie or a way out, Dean took a few steps towards the bar that she was standing behind. She stepped away from the cash register, shifting towards the swinging doors to her right, that led to the back rooms and a possible exit. 
Dean shifted with her.
“So,” He began, but then he stopped talking and took a few steps closer to her. He cocked his head slightly and let his gaze sweep up and down her body. A look of surprise spread across his face for a moment before he shook his head.
“Well, son of a bitch.” He smiled a cold smile at her. “You’re knocked up.”
Julie’s heart beat triple time as he moved even closer. Only the bar separated them now, as they stood on either side of it. She had no idea how to respond.
Dean nodded his chin towards her belly. “Don’t bother trying to lie about it, I can hear the second heartbeat.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Is it mine? Or, uh,” He pushed his lips out and shrugged. “Maybe Sammy’s? What have you kids been up to while I’ve been away?”
Julie felt anger build and Dean laughed when he saw it, raising his hands in a mockery of surrender. “Hey, I’m just curious. I mean, for all I know, it might belong to some other demon spawn.” 
His face became calculating. “You know, I’ve wondered about that for a while now - just how many guys you spread it for while Abaddon was riding you. But,” He shrugged again, “I didn’t want to ask you before. I was worried it would hurt you to tell me.”
He let out a rough chuckle as though the idea of his concern for her was absurd to him now. He walked slowly around the end of the bar, and suddenly he was barely a dozen feet away from her, with nothing separating them. 
Julie took a step back, and he took two long strides forward, stalking her.
“So?” He asked, nodding towards her stomach.
Julie gritted her teeth and hung on to her anger to avoid the excruciating sadness of the moment. This was how Dean was learning he was going to be a father. This was the moment she’d wanted to be so perfect, now turned into a dismal nightmare. 
“It’s yours.” She croaked out through a tight throat. But as she said it, she realized it wasn’t true. The life she was growing and nurturing inside her body had absolutely nothing to do with the creature in front of her, who looked so much like Dean, and yet, wasn’t.
Dean grinned and nodded. “Huh…you didn’t answer the other part of my question though. How many guys did you and Abaddon fuck while you were away from me?”
Julie balled her hands into fists. “Go to hell.”
She glanced quickly behind her to gauge the distance to the swinging doors. She continued the conversation, hoping it might keep him busy and distracted. 
“I’ve never slept with anyone else, and Abaddon was a bit too busy trying to become queen to spend a whole lot of time scrolling dating apps.” She said sarcastically, making Dean smile again.
“Huh, so I’m really the only person you’ve ever slept with? Really? Even the times when I took off and left you behind, you never slept with anyone else?” 
Julie didn’t answer, just inched ever closer to the doors behind her.
Dean licked his lips. “Well, I guess after you’ve had the best, why try the rest, right?” He nodded and then stopped advancing towards her to lean his hip against the bar and cross his arms over his chest. 
“I get it. I really do. I mean, it’s the same with me.” He paused for a beat and then dragged in a breath, shaking his head wistfully. “No matter how many women I’ve fucked in the last two months, I just can’t seem to get your hot, ripe, little body out of my mind.”
Julie gasped as though a bucket of ice had been thrown over her. She felt like a vice was squeezing her heart and lungs together so she couldn’t breathe; her chest felt constricted, crushed. Once again, she felt like she was going to be sick.
She watched the look of victory enter Dean’s gaze and realized that he was taking great pleasure in knowing his words had had their intended effect, causing a ripping pain to rush through her. She closed her eyes as tears filled them, and she couldn’t stop them from spilling down her cheeks, no matter how desperately she wanted to. 
When she opened her eyes she gasped again because Dean was suddenly mere inches in front of her, somehow moving utterly silently in the span of a few breaths. He raised his fingers to grasp her chin, rubbing his thumb over her lower lip. The gesture was familiar enough to raise butterflies in her stomach, but the butterflies were so unwanted that she felt sick again. 
He put his hands to her waist and pushed her backwards until she bumped into the wall behind her. The swinging doors were less than two feet to her right, and she tried to focus on them, and on how to extricate herself from Dean’s unyielding grip. Power rolled off of him in waves, a kind of menacing, dangerous energy that surrounded him and made Julie want to scream in fear. 
But she held onto her wits even as he leaned into her, inhaling deeply and then setting his lips against her ear. “God, I have missed you, Jules.” 
His voice was a low rasp, and combined with his hard body pressed against her, Julie’s mind was overflowing with conflicting feelings. She’d missed him so much, that to feel him close again was making her knees slightly weak. But there was a bitter taste in her mouth that reminded her that this man was not Dean, that his soft, plush lips may be familiar, but they dripped poison.
“You know what I was thinking about the other day?” He asked her as he let his forefinger trace along the neckline of her t-shirt. “Purgatory.” He looked deep into her eyes and Julie was mortified to find that the heat and desire she saw in his gaze still caused her stomach muscles to clench. 
“Mmm, yeah.” He purred. “Do you remember how you were there? What you let me do to you? Mm? Do you remember?” His teeth tugged on her earlobe briefly and Julie gasped.
With a dark chuckle he continued. “Yeah, I remember too. I remember the way you let me take you, like an animal.” He suddenly grabbed both her wrists and slammed them against the wall beside her head. “You were just a bitch in heat, and fuck, I filled you so good.”
Julie’s fear finally won out, and she began struggling against the vice-like grip he had on her, but Dean just laughed. 
“Aw, you seem afraid, Jules. But you told me once that there was nothing I could do to make you afraid of me.”
Julie stopped struggling, her breathing ragged as she looked up into Dean’s beautiful emerald eyes. They were filled with heat and malice and the sight made her shake her head.
“No, you’re right.” She said, panting slightly. “I could never, ever be afraid of Dean.” She jutted her chin forward in defiance and spoke quietly. “But you are not Dean.”
An ominous gleam came into Dean’s gaze before a quick blink replaced every spec of green with the oily black slick of his demon eyes. He flashed his bright white smile as a horrible contrast to his sinister stare. “You’re right there, sweetheart, I’m a whole new man.”
As he leaned forward, seemingly intent on reaching her mouth, Julie brought her knee up as hard as she could between his legs. With a scream of pain, he staggered back, dropping his hold on her. 
Julie didn’t waste a second, immediately sprinting to the right and running through the doors into the back of the bar. She saw an exit sign through a pile of boxes that blocked her way. She began tossing them aside, but before she could get through them all, Dean grabbed hold of her arms from behind and hauled her up against his chest.
“That was a dirty trick, Jules.” He breathed roughly into her ear. “But if you want dirty, well, I’ve got lots of tricks to play too, sweetheart.”
She lifted her booted foot, intending to stomp on his instep, when suddenly she heard him scream again and felt water splash against her cheek. He dropped his hands from her and she spun around in time to see him fall to his knees as one side of the demon handcuffs closed around his right wrist.
Sam was struggling to bring Dean’s left hand close enough to get the cuffs on properly. Julie stooped quickly to pick up the flask of holy water where Sam had dropped it, and threw another generous splash into Dean’s face. 
The demon roared in monstrous anger, but Sam managed to get the other band around his brother’s wrist. “It’s over, Dean.” He yelled at him. “This is over.”
Julie was shaking and more grateful than ever to see her brother-in-law. But she had to wonder, as Dean growled up at him again, harsh and menacing, pure rage sufficing his face, whether in fact, things had just begun. 
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @nt-multi-fandom @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @saikosheadcanons @lgranger67 @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @sunshineandwings86 @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @awkward-and-indecisive @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @b3autyfuldisast3r @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @mysherlock221b @jensensgotyoudean @stixnstripesworld @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @norman1967 @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @b-i-t-c-h-i-e @twirpbunwarrior @mysweetlittledesire @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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sp00kycrumpet · 10 months
Paradise (5/10)
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Rating: E
Tags: Javi is baby, fluff, holiday romance, Nick Cage is Nick Cage, reader is bilingual
Warnings: swearing
Summary: Working as Nicholas Cage's personal assistant was your favourite job; so when he asked you to accompany him to Mallorca for this birthday party he'd been invited to, you were more than happy to go. What you didn't anticipate was the host himself.
Will also be posted on my AO3
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four)
That evening, you found yourself sat around a table with Nick and Javi. Having a few drinks and just chatting. It felt so relaxed and normal, Nick teased Javi light-heartedly about his shrine and Javi just puffed his chest out and said you seemed to like his collection. Gabriela joined the three of you for a while and you were privately glad for someone else to talk to since Javi and Nick kept going off into tangents about cinema and it's history.
"You saw Javi's collection?" She asked, you looked over and nodded.
"Honestly I don't think even Nick's company has that much stuff of his. It's impressive. Makes me feel like I should step up my collections for bands I like though!" You both laughed, the conversation turning to talking about what music you both liked or artists you'd seen live. You showed each other a couple of songs before Nick and Javi were suddenly interested and it turned into everyone taking turns picking songs to play while talking. You never wanted to leave Mallorca, you would love nothing more than for this to become your regular routine.
As was often the case, the evening wound down with just you and Javi being the two left. Finishing off a bottle of wine as he explained some of his favourite parts of the island, promising a proper tour for both you and Nick once the movie was done. Just like most nights before, he walked you to your room before bidding you goodnight with a soft kiss to your knuckles and a warm hug. Yeah, you could imagine this becoming your life.
The next day, Javi had decided he wanted to show Nick his clay pigeon shooting. Something about it helping creativity. You definitely wanted to see this but didn't want to get in the way, so you'd sat yourself on a balcony above them. Laptop opened dutifully on the table as you did some work. Or tried to before curiosity got the better of you. You leaned against the balcony, watching Javi and Nick as they spoke. Surprised to see Nick taking the rifle as they shot clay pigeons while talking. Yeah he handled prop guns in movies but you couldn't recall ever seeing him with a real gun in his hands. They were bouncing ideas back and forth as they shot, your eyes followed Javi as he took the gun to reload it. You smiled softly, he looked so good in an orange shirt, it complimented his skin tone and the fact that it hung open by a few buttons was such a distraction. You blinked out of your daydream when you heard Javi yell.
"Don't fucking lie to me!" You'd never heard him raise his voice the whole time you'd been there, but you could sense something was a little off as Nick backed up against the railings beside him. His body language looked like he was uncertain, almost afraid, as he held out a hand to try and get the gun back. Javi was approaching him while speaking, a frown creased your brow as apprehension crawled up your spine. Their voices lowered again and you could no longer hear what was being said. But the way Nick's shoulders finally lowered, you figured they'd sorted it. Javi yelled for the clay pigeon to be fired as they seemed to end their discussion. He shot it without even thinking about it and seemed to be done for the day. Nick glanced up, seemingly realising he's being watched. He gave you a tight smile before turning to lean against the wall in front of him.
Abandoning your things, you headed into the house. The conversation seemed to have riled Javi and you wanted to make sure they were both okay. You went out to Nick first.
"What the hell just happened?" You asked, a hand gently on Nick's shoulder. He shrugged, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Just… artistic differences. It's fine, he's just passionate about this movie. I guess he didn't like my ideas today." He mumbled, his jaw clenching briefly before he looked at you. "I'm fine, I promise. Javi's just upset." You pursed your lips and nodded, patting Nick's shoulder.
"You have been working on this nonstop. Maybe a break would be good so you don't burn out, hm?" You headed off after Nick finally agreed and said he was going to go for a walk. You watched him for a brief moment before turning to go back into the house, one thing in mind. Finding Javi.
Eventually you found him pacing the same office he'd been in the day before. You knocked on the door, Javi faltering in his steps as he looked up at you.
"Javi… are you okay?" You tried, stepping into the room as he sighed heavily.
"I'm sorry if you heard any of that." His voice was softer now, the frown of frustration easing off of his face as he watched you. You tried to not get distracted by the hint of skin you could see where his shirt hung open on his chest, he needed a friend. Not to be stared at like a piece of meat.
"I was on the balcony, I didn't hear much beyond that one time you yelled." Javi nodded a little, his arms folding over his middle as he leaned against the edge of his desk. He toyed with his thoughts for a moment before his eyes found yours again.
"Nick… suddenly is throwing out these stupid clichéd ideas. It'll ruin the movie and wouldn't flow properly! It's all because of his own guilt so I shouldn't get angry but it's frustrating." You pursed your lips slightly, drumming your fingers over your arm gently.
"Guilt about what?" You asked, studying Javi as the man rubbed a hand over his face in frustration.
"I think it's about his daughter. He kept talking about a stupid kidnapping and whatever." Javi muttered under his breath as he looked back at you again.
"Ah… yeah, there's a few issues there. He was in therapy back home with Addy and sometimes Olivia. Trying to talk everything out and see if they can solve their issues." You figured if Nick had told Javi snippets about himself, he probably told him about Addy and Olivia. Javi studied you for a moment before a grin broke out across his face.
"You're a genius!" He grabbed his phone and headed out, pausing to thank you before he went. You blinked in confusion and shook your head, figuring you must have helped in some way.
You went back to the balcony area to gather your things, taking them back to your room. You clearly had no motivation to work now, so you decided to just relax in your room for a little while and figured you'd carry on working later on. You'd barely been in there an hour when there was a knock at your door, you put your book aside and headed over; surprised when you opened it to find Javi stood there. He lifted a bottle of wine and gave a smile.
"Want to join me for a drink?" You smiled at him, nodding almost instantly as you grabbed your phone and followed him outside into the garden. As you sat, Javi opened the bottle and poured some wine into a glass for you.
"I wanted to apologise. For the shouting earlier, it's really not how I am. I just…"
"You're passionate about your movie Javi. Nick can be a pain at times. Please don't worry." Javi watched you before he nodded, sitting down beside you with a little hum in the back of his throat.
"And then for running out on you when you came to check on me, I really appreciate your kindness." You chuckled, sipping your wine as you twisted in your seat to face him.
"Javi, you're worrying too much. Nick is rubbing off on you. You've been nothing but a gracious host and always so lovely, please don't worry about a thing." Javi beamed at you, his whole face lighting up at your kind words. The two of you sat talking for a while, eventually Nick emerged from his room. Also full of apologies and wanting to keep the peace. The two really were two peas in a pod with their worrying.
(Part Six)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 10 months
For the if they were canon ask game: 🎬 + Bailey Taylor, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💛✨
Thanks so much for this ask, Alexandra!! <3 (Also gonna tag @luucypevensie and @carmens-garden since they’re also part of the Glee OC gang!)
Bailey first shows up in the first episode of season two, so I can imagine her being introduced in a scene where Tina enters her English class, maybe talking to Artie or Mike before one of them has to go to another class, before Bailey enters the classroom and asks if she can sit beside Tina. Thus begins their first conversation where Bailey compliments Tina’s aesthetic and falls in love with her <3.
For sure the main ship for her would be Tina! But I can also see some people shipping her with Mercedes or Brittany, and probably even a few people would put her in a poly ship with Brittany and Santana.
Not only is she a really good performer whose songs are usually a hit with the fandom, but she’s also a really cheerful, friendly, confident person who gives some of the jocks and meaner Cheerios some iconic tongue-lashings that the fandom would love to quote. I also think a lot of people would adore her relationship with Tina and her being sweet besties with Sam.
I think a lot of people might get annoyed with her whole Southern belle schtick after a while, and any fans who don’t like country music probably wouldn’t like her at all because that’s pretty much all she sings. A lot of people also might not like her for getting in the way of Tina and Mike or Tina and Artie, and who might accuse her of getting in the way of Brittany and Santana since she flirts back and forth with Brittany pretty regularly, even though they don’t actually like each other like that.
I think it would be amazing! Meg Donnelly is an absolute sweetheart, and I can definitely see her getting along amazingly with the rest of the cast, and probably even being real-life besties with Chord Overstreet.
I imagine it would either be her first conversation with Tina in English class, or when she auditions for the New Directions with Dolly Parton’s “Dumb Blonde”. It might even be a combination of both, really, because they would need to test her singing abilities as well as her chemistry with her character’s love interest.
I’m pretty sure the Glee cast never went to any conventions, but during regular press and interviews I think Meg Donnelly would probably be with Jenna Ushkowitz, since they play love interests, or Chord Overstreet since their characters are besties! I think either combination would result in really cute interviews and lots of jokes and giggling.
I’m pretty sure Meg Donnelly never actually has, but I can still see her spoiling one or two things during interviews, like when Bailey and Tina finally get together or what song would be coming up for Bailey and Sam’s next duet.
I think Meg Donnelly would be happy with both. After all, Bailey ends the show having just signed a recording contract with a big country label and engaged to the lady she loves; I doubt any actor wouldn’t be happy with an ending like that.
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send me 🎬 + an oc!!
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
On Repeat tag game
In the unlikely event anyone saw the original version of this post that was up for 12 minutes before I realised I'd done it wrong and panic-deleted it only to realise 12 seconds later that no one would KNOW I'd done it wrong...
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...no you didn't
It's Friday evening, I'm blaming weekend brain.
Tagged by @visualtaehyun @sorry-bonebag and @thegalwhorants I feel so popular! Thankyou!✨
The game: Put your Spotify On Repeat playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs! (don't forget the shuffle like I definitely didn't)
Let's see what happens, I was very relieved to realise this is like RECENT on repeats lol, if it had been for the whole year...who knows what would have appeared. My music get's updated very rarely but recent joining of a spotify blend has dragged my music tastes kicking and screaming towards a little bit of variance lol.
Also this On Repeat thing is very cool so TY for the new feature!
Unsteady by X Ambassadors
ahhh what an opener. As some of you may know my bestie @plantsarepeopletoo has been breaking down the Only Friends music on the regular (it's so interesting, the music is almost predictive of the character arcs!!) and occasionally sharing the feeeeeels with me and @shouldiusemyname as they work through it. As part of this we have regularly discussed other songs that remind us of different characters and relationships in OF and this song put me deeeep in my Ray feels after Ep...5? or maybe 6 and yep I've been playing it A LOT ever since.
2. Mad love - Sped Up Version by Mabel, Speed Radio
I don't even remember how I found this one but it's a vibe
3. SPARK by A.C.E
Ooooh interesting, I recently finished a rewatch of Light On Me where I was reminded how much I love the ending song hence this!
4. Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
I'm with you @thegalwhorants, I'm a swifty, not a big one, but her voice and music are excellent. Plus Reputation yk?
5. Free Fall by Slot Machine
Lol is commentary even necessary? I'm not even a huge KP fan but this song kills
6. I do not know how to write/copy Thai sorry but its by Selina and Sirin
The Only Friends feels are everywhere it seems. But this is SUCH a beautiful song.
7. betty by Taylor Swift
Same swifty disclaimer as before, this is one of my all time fav T Swift songs and I will take no judgement.
8. Belly Dancer by Imanbek, BYOR
Now here's a throwback I'm surprised to see on my repeat playlist, I guess I listened to it enough that it's lasted lol, for a while I studied to this song on repeat for hoooooours. Don't know why but the repetition is non-distracting, Mad Love above falls into that category too.
9. Pretend by Nanon
Ahhh now this is no surprise, I am currently on ep 13 of the Jungle, hoping to finish it this weekend and this song is gorgeous. Love it, love Nanon, love The Jungle.
10. Bad Habits (feat. Bring Me The Horizon) by Ed Sheeran
oooh finishing off with Ed that rounds it out nicely. Ed Sheeran's concert came to my state in little old down under in March of this year and it was my first ever concert. Love his music and the concert was AMAZING. Though this version of the song can actually be blamed on a recent blend I've joined to drag my music kicking and screaming into any sort of variance as my personal playlists have the original.
I have NO Idea who has already played cause my PhD has suddenly dumped three projects which need immediate attention in my lap all at once so my tumblr time has vanished into the ether.
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Of course I COULD stop watching 15 shows at once but they'd have to STOP AIRING first
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[Image of Ayan from The Eclipse saying "I don't get myself either"]
Soooo @grapejuicegay @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pandasmagorica play if you want and if you already have feel free to tag me retroactively! I basically only see stuff if I'm tagged these days... or if they happen to appear in the 20 random posts I see at some point through my day.
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miasiegert · 7 months
re: @lie-in-a-bureau-drawer (I hope I'm doing this correctly with the tags--figured try and test out with copying/pasting what's there first?)
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There will be more pics and there will be video! Definitely the best blooper video when I figure out the exact right spot to cut. If it's too short, it misses the humor. A minute's far too long though. I'm happy to post up some rehearsal videos though many are the cats without make up which can be jarring for some.
It's been an eye-opening experience doing this production and I'm so glad I was brought in. I know dinner theatres have very mixed reputations but gotta say, the combo of Chaz's directing/choreography and probably the hardest show many of these actors have done to date* (**many are very young and this is their first professional season out of college!), it was nice.
On opening night, one of the producers pointed the three of us out and people were shocked because apparently usually the director/choreographer and costume designers aren't there, so before the show started, at intermission, and afterwards, we had some wonderful conversations with regular patrons who said it was the best show they'd seen at the theatre and they really hoped we'd come back. On Saturday night, I saw some of those same people again! House was full.
Food review-wise:
-Salad: Phenomenal. This seems like something really silly to say but ever since I got h.pylori, I have difficulty eating raw vegetables. To me, it was absolutely divine and the dressing was enough of a kick but not overbearing. There was something a little sweet in it but (not sure if because of medication, almost no sense of smell, or something else) I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
-Buffet: Unfortunately I wasn't able to try many of the dishes as I was recovering from horrible food poisoning! What I did try was quite good but I didn't get to taste the seafood (bummer!) or some of the southern dishes. The green bean dish was my highlight and the mashed potatoes saved my stomach.
Now, is drinking advised when one's recovering from food poisoning? Absolutely not.
Did I drink anyway? Yes.
No (some) regrets.
My favorite drink was The Jellicle (a really sweet margarita--normally I don't like margaritas to be too sweet but this one worked). I also tried the Rum Tum Tugger which was nice and very strong--normally I'd avoid rum because of the Great Rum Bucket Incident of 2016, but I really, REALLY wanted that glass (I hope it survived the trip home!). I was mixed on the Gumbie Cat but to be fair, I'm not a brandy person, it was at the cast party, and I went, "Uh, I'll have what they're having!" Friends got the Memory (Mudslide) and there seems to be a nice mocktail called The Kitten that honestly I'd have been happy to have... but also when drinks are on the house... yes, I'm that shameless. I'm not really about bourbon so I don't know how Old Deuteronomy's Catnip was. But yes, definitely my favorite by FAR was The Jellicle but The Rum Tum Tugger was fun for the glass/novelty (I didn't get cat ears but got them for friends*).
Desserts: We accidentally missed the dessert call on show two (er three). Oops. So I only had the Tres Leche Cake. I want to stress for me personally it was too sweet BUT!!! But please keep in mind there's a Mexican restaurant near us that makes an incredibly good one and that was absolutely a mistake on my end to order when I'd subconsciously compare, and Anthony also had the tres leches and liked it much more than me. One of my medications also drastically altered my taste so I have difficulty when things are very, very, very sweet or rich so absolutely that's not a fair assessment. David liked the Triple Chocolate Indulgence and Chaz seemed to enjoy the apple pie. I probably should have gone with cheesecake or a simple ice cream sundae. The Limoncello Mascarpone Cake would have been a no brainer... except mascarpone is the one flavor I really can't stand! Woe!
If one likes rich and sweet food, this definitely is the right place for that! I like more sour in general.
House Cats: Went over really well. Everyone was told not to touch the cats. Drunk woman decided to ignore that on opening night then screamed when she got hissed and growled at. They take the protection of the actors very seriously, which is important to me.
I'm not sure if the servers were speaking as cats or themselves when serving. All of the cats broke character with us (except when rehearsing House Cats, and yes, I have video I need to upload, "EXCUSE ME, I DIDN'T GET MY DESSERT YET!" "HISSSSSSSSS".)
For the friend part, the show was very special yesterday/Saturday as it was the first time ever that friends went to see it (my parents haven't since it's always been out of state and I get so shy/embarrassed about my work because of perfectionism). As well, we always have to run the show so actually watching it was fun.
My dear friend Vaidah is an absolute joy who I love to bits and moved to Tampa. David used his two comps for her and her father, and I used one of my two comps for her sister. I got all three cat headbands. It was such a joy to finally meet her family but also seeing her after so long, and I was so nervous too because I felt the pressure was up. All three loved the show and the costumes, and my very sneaky cast member friends were doing secret intel when they saw me talking, introducing themselves as humans so they'd know where to interact.
My last comp was for Ban-chan/Kate, who narrated the SOMEBODY TOLD ME book trailer, was one of my bridesmaids and did an incredible speech, and partly responsible for the Great Rum Bucket Incident of 2016. It's been years. I missed her so much I told her I'd smoosh and eat her face. I succeeded at one. She's never seen CATS before and while she's not a fan yet, she said she's very willing to watch it again/learn about more of the lore and was very clear she didn't dislike it. Someone close to me thought that was a backhanded compliment but they don't know her--that's not backhanded but one of the biggest compliments she could give since she literally hates anything cat-related (though mine warmed her up a bit).
So to go from never seeing the show from the house myself to seeing it with my husband and two dear friends (and one's family!) see it all in a day, I'm overwhelmed and humbled and incredibly grateful, and teary-eyed as well. I'm used to being heavily criticized and there's been some bullying off-and-on in certain areas of the CATS fandom. I never felt like I belonged and I would hide so many parts of myself.
I'm also pretty sure I'll be getting messages from friends in the show throughout the run (some have old tumblr accounts so maybe they'll make appearances!). All I request is some kindness since social media sometimes can be brutal, and please keep in mind that the stage is very small to accommodate the dining tables and again there are many very, very young performers. For example, there are no double-cartwheels because there literally is not room for them--maybe 2--so instead, they did a really cool swing lift with Rumple going behind Mungo's back and upside down that Chaz would probably cringe over my description but it looks pretty cool. As well, please keep in mind that there are tons of split tracks. This is not summer stock. I don't know how the casting process works for dinner theatre, so I can't really give insight there.
Is there a way to hide spoilers? Because there's one really big surprise that caught me off-guard!
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cryptidcalling · 10 months
Leave it to me to take a cute silly AU and make it sad. Talking abt Toy Soldier Vesper AU. It's still long tho bc I'm horrid at summaries
This is written weird AF bc it was originally a really long ramble in the tags lol Story where he was Panza's childhood toy and absolutely adores him. Panza grew out of playing with him but still treasures him and keeps him on a shelf. Panza's little sister Paruka (Rue) notices that Vesper's really worn out and a little broken so she gives him a new coat of paint and accessories because she figures Panza won't care since he never plays with the little soldier anyways. Panza is SUPER upset about it and they get into a fight. She storms off and angrily wonders aloud why he cares so much about a dumb old toy anyways
She goes to sleep and wakes up in a magical winter wonderland world where she finds Vesper but Bigger Now. At first he's kinda hostile towards her bc she took him and changed him and now he doesn't look like Panza's toy anymore. Vesper says that Panza used to come to this world and they'd play together all the time, but he doesn't remember how Panza got back home. They learn that far away there's a Fountain Of Memories which they can use to play through Vesper's old memories.
So they embark on a journey! And Along the way Vesper realizes that Rue's imagination can affect him. Like he starts with a regular sword but she's able to imagine it as a magic sword that can turn into anything and thus it becomes true, same with his hat suddenly being able to store infinite things. They bond and become friends and they start to have actually genuine fun together. Eventually, they make it to the fountain and start watching Vesper's memories of him and Panza together playing and having fun, both in the real world and the fantasy one. And they see lots of memories of Panza and Rue's parents who she barely got to know.
They realize that Panza's wish is to give Rue the happy childhood she deserves but he's become so protective of everything from the past that he's struggling to move forward. Vesper was a gift from their parents and he's one of the only things Panza has left of theirs. Rue finally realizes how hard he's been working to take care of her and why he was so angry about her changing Vesper, but Vesper gets upset because to him it seems like Panza stopped loving him because of Rue. They have a fight about it where Vesper accidentally admits that he feels hurt and betrayed that Panza abandoned him on a shelf. They're about to just go separate ways until one of Rue's very early memories starts to play in the fountain, where Panza promises her as a baby that one day he'll give Vesper to her so that he can protect her from bad guys and they can go on fun adventures just like he and Panza used to. And Vesper finally realizes that Panza never stopped loving him. It was an overprotective love that kept him stuck on the shelf. It was Rue's love that gave him new paint and imagined him new cool tricks and she's the reason he finally had another adventure. Just like Panza, he was holding too tightly onto the Past. But he and Panza have both changed now and they need to move on to be happy. The fountain finally shows them how to send Rue home (Idk how yet) and they have a big hug and a tearful goodbye.
Rue wakes up in the real world and goes to apologize to Panza, explaining how she understands now why he was so upset. Panza apologizes too for getting mad at her, and admits that it probably DID seem like he didn't care about the little toy soldier anymore since he just left him on a shelf gathering dust. Rue says that it's okay, and that she knows he wanted to keep Vesper safe because he guards his memories of Mom and Dad. Panza's surprised, but they end up having a nice (if bittersweet) talk about their parents. After a while Panza gets up and brings Vesper back to her, saying that he actually looks really nice in his new paint and complimenting how well she did. They end up actually playing with him for a while, and Rue gets to tell him about all the stuff she knows/imagined about Vesper. Panza finally chooses to give Vesper to her for real, as long as she takes good care of him. She promises. (Dw Rue is able to go back to the fantasy realm to spend time with Vesper. Also they definitely meet other characters along this adventure, so Vesper's not all alone when she's not playing with him!! I just haven't written them in Also Twisty if ur reading this ((tbh who else would be lol)) 1: Naming her Rue was not intentionally based on Rudy however 2: This AU except it's Rudy jagsdja. I dunno who Panza would be swapped with but it's fiiiiiine.)
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erigold13261 · 2 years
:3 I ask a lot please don't let it bother you. So in the OG NSR how would everyone (Including West and EX-Jay) react to disgusting fanmail?
DJ doesn't handle their fanmail, so they wouldn't know or care that much. Their interns/employees though would have to be subjected to that while sorting through it. He wouldn't care about social media stuff and just ignore it or block a person.
Sayu's Crew have probably gotten a lot of gross shit with Sayu and so they block people on social media from their personal accounts, don't interact on the Sayu account, and throw away or burn any physical mail that they get. It doesn't happen often thankfully since Sayu is 16.
Mama would fucking go livid if anyone sent in gross fanmail of Yinu. She would just shut down the whole fan mailing process for a few months. On social media she would just fully block and report that person, even on the official NSR Yinu account. But so far nothing like that has happened.
Neon... Poor Neon, he went through a majority of the fanmail when 1010 first started and he saw a LOT of gross things. He'd just shred the paper and donate it to local pet shops to use as bedding or something. Now with 1010 being more popular there are a few interns/employees who have that job and go through it to filter out the more rancid stuff.
1010 themselves don't handle much physical mail, but do get tagged socially a lot. If they see something gross they usually don't respond. Depending on what it is, Purl or Haym might respond on their personal accounts (ones that their fans won't know it's them). So like, regular 18+ stuff might get a like or something if Purl or Haym like it, but if it's like legit bad things then they ignore and block on their personals.
I don't think Eve would even have a thing for fanmail set up. She would see it as superficial and not something of interest to her. Social media would be a quick block from Eve if you sent her something gross of herself. At least she would after the revolution and therapy. Before that I think she might have been more self conscious and let that stuff eat at her self image, she wouldn't respond or give attention to it.
May would be weirded out but flattered in a way. Like she would take it as a "I'm starting to get big!" moment. It would be a momentary high in her career but soon get old and she'd ask people to not do that kind of stuff.
Zuke would also be weirded out by it and probably feel gross getting that kind of stuff. He'd block and move on.
Depending on what it is West would probably like that kind of stuff. He'd see it as funny and laugh at it. If something he really didn't like showed up he would probably make a comment dissing the person, or maybe even a rap track insulting them. He'd have fun messing with people.
And so would Ex-Jay. Heck they would probably encourage that shit as it's hilarious to them! They'd be the kind of idiots to go onto a live stream and read a fanfiction out loud for their fans to animate or something. Asa and Cyril would definitely be the ones pushing it the most while Noa and Rei just let shit happen. Rei might be a bit less okay with that stuff because he has a girlfriend, but neither are all that really bothered that much by fans having fun. If something crosses a boundary though they don't give any attention to that stuff.
Everyone here doesn't actively search for stuff about them either. Maybe Purl or West might look for something once in a while out of curiosity, but moreover it is fans sending this kind of stuff to them.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Someone said you of said some things and said you made a hit piece on someone while Also sent your post to lemoncritiques in the process. Saying that they blocked you for "a reason" n saying that you usually make "hit pieces" aka "long posts"... As a fan of you I'm tired of people trash talking you for no reason. You have done nothing wrong at All. All you done was spread the word on Viv and educated people about Viv and stuff going on in the world and that Alone doesn't deserve the hate you got. People really are miserable nowadays making up stuff that isn't true.
The fact that the LemonCritiques never responded to me actually trying to help them by warning them about that "impersonator" while still talking about me is starting to make me feel suspicious on whether that was an impersonator at all. Especially when that "impersonator" said the same stuff Lemon said here, except before this post was made since that was before you mentioned it.
The lack of compassion here is actually disgusting.
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-and though Lemon is defending me here, which is nice and all, did they actually try to block me for telling them not to try to reveal the identity of someone they know would be attacked if they did so?!
The fact that they're trying to get that kid attacked, over a blog that isn't even her, all because they want her here again to harass her that badly that they'd even try to get her identity out there if I was Star is fucking atrocious. Hell, I even said that I did not like them to be harassed yet they block for telling them not to harass someone?
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Also "HIT PIECES!" Lmao, they really constantly criticize Vivziepop yet the moment people say even a thing about their behavior or has a single critique they either go full on white knight for people that are cool with me as a desperate attempt to demonize me or this part of the fandom goes on to harass kids, harass each other for disagreements, etc. The fandom as a whole is just a trashfire, and it's come to a point where there's so few I can trust because the fandom as a whole is just outright terrible on both sides... 💀
They just want to harass Star again. She said that their community wasn't "perfect" and they're out to find her by any means to the level of obsessing over random people. It's super ironic to see a group saying how the stans are "harassing them for criticism!" meanwhile they still act like people are harassing them for critique, multiple times, both with what's shown below and that ask that was just to Lemon. Certain people in the "hazbin critical tag" are legit hellbent on demonizing that kid and harassing her with racial slurs and sexual harassment as a way to try to force her to reveal her actual blog, so for Lemon to defend people like that by trying to also get her blog out there again to harass her again is vile. They never even said anything about the hate, in fact, they're contributing to it!
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What dumpster fire... and then you people wonder why I no longer have Tumblr as a hobby anymore. This is why.
The standom, the hatedom and the critiquedom are terrible.
-and though i'd take the critiquedom's crap over the standom's crap anyway since at least, unlike what Ayy Lmao said by showing a completely unrelated fandom to demonize anyone that critiques the show, bad or not, to encourage people to dogpile/harass innocent people who critiqued a cartoon even once to get them harassed even more while they continue to be a hatedom themselves towards the "critics" (fans, other regular people) which is disgusting, the critiquedom's foundation and majority behavior is at least reasonable and even somewhat kind to people, despite their shortcomings with their own harassment moments that only happens at times (all harassment occurances being so big on both sides, regardless of the amount of them happening, which is terrible, seeing how many of them support it on both sides, but you get the gist of what im saying here. Hopefully...) meanwhile the stan(hate)dom legit harass people daily, including the main creators such as Vivziepop or Adam, including the Cartoonishi and Dirg^ntlemn situation (oh god...), and are a hatedom themselves since the foundation of the majority of the standom's behavior is, you guessed it- harassment!
So are people really a "hatedom" for critiqueing the show like Ayy Lmao is trying to claim to make people think that critiqueing the show and the Doom gore shit are somehow the "same" thing?
But is the standom a hatedom for constantly harassing people as the main foundation of their behavior as a whole outside of talking about yaoi and Loona porn all the time?
#tw gore mention#online harassment#helluva boss fandom#not giving these people anymore attention#whoever they are#they might have been nice to people at times#or make good critiques#but like HelluvaBust#who was racist to Vivienne and then DELETED THEIR ENTIRE BLOG and all the important information on it#just out of boredom as if this was just a game to them as if they never really cared to spread the word at all#getting rid of all that needed information#before even a single soul could archive most of it#while we only got lucky since Erin and a few others managed to get some of their posts archived on Tumblr...#is horrible!#The fact that these so called critics are losing their shit because-#someone criticized THEM for once.#Really does show that as much as I hate to say it...#Adam was right.#There are glass jawed critics.#Though was Adam somehow justified in harassing them with the mf statement and using these jerks to demonize#anyone who critiques including nice people? No.#But dear gooooood the amount of times ive seen these#so called critics harass people because the criticism#was going towards them for once.... it's just depressing#ok? It's depressing to see grown adults act like this.#Holy hell leave that kid alone she's like going to be 20 it's been 4 years she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. GROW UP!#Grown adults harassing a kid who left the hatedom to try to manipulate her lnto having fights with them again? What the hell?!#What is this?! High school?! Where they make false rumors about you and crap talk to get you to fight them cause' they're bored?! Wtf?!
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
A strain turned some of the cast members into little kids! It's only temporary and they'd be back after a day or two. Since regular people aren't allowed to know about the slate powers and stuff, no one but the clans are aware that these little kids aren't actually kids and so those affected can and were allowed to do little kid stuff like play outside. Some of them didn't have a normal childhood and so this is the one time they could have the fun they missed out on and with friends!
Scepter 4 kindergarten, open for business :D Imagine this as like Everybody Lives post-ROK and this Strain has been running wild and manages to get several different members of various clans, like Shiro shows up at S4 hoping to get some assistance with a tiny Kuroh and Neko clinging to him, only to find Munakata and Awashima busy wrangling their own group of alphabetical toddlers, Munakata is carrying tiny Fushimi around like a proud parent. They end up getting a call from Homra and soon a very harried Yata shows up with Anna calmly helping him handle all the Homra toddlers plus Kusanagi, Totsuka and Mikoto (Anna is holding Mikoto’s hand while he yawns, Yata meanwhile is dealing with all the rest and looks about to scream). 
Munakata decides perhaps it would be best to let everyone get their energy out and he arranges a whole field trip to the park, imagine him packing everyone little bento lunches and Yata has to step in and help him because why are you packing uncooked noodles in there (also imagine Yata making sure that tiny Fushimi’s box has some vegetables, maybe if someone had made Saru eat his veggies as a kid they wouldn’t have such trouble now). Little Totsuka sneaks into the kitchen and starts playing with the stove and ‘making lunch,’ grabbing whatever ingredients he can reach until Yata realizes that something smells like it’s burning and spots him. Yata’s maternal instincts kick in and he’s like get away from the stove, scooping Totsuka up while Totsuka just laughs and offers Yata some of the food he made. Yata stares at the messy burnt pile of random ingredients and then at Totsuka’s hopeful face, Munakata notes that it wouldn’t do to disappoint a child and Yata’s like you shut up nobody asked you.
They finally get to the park and imagine everyone getting to just run around and be friends happily while Munakata looks over them like a proud papa. Shiro starts making flower crowns with Kuroh and Neko (and gently stopping Neko from eating the flowers). Totsuka sees this and decides he wants in, dragging Kusanagi over to bury a napping Mikoto in flowers. Munakata is torn between encouraging shy little Fushimi to go play and wanting to keep Fushimi all to himself, except then what ends up happening is Fushimi starts tagging along after Yata and Yata finds himself in full big brother mode, pushing Fushimi on the swings and playing games with him. Later little Akiyama comes over and asks Fushimi to come play with them, Yata nudges him forward and soon Fushimi has joined the tiny alphabet squad in sparring with large sticks (Fushimi defeats them all and gets a flower crown as the winner). Eventually everyone is tired out and napping, imagine the only one who has energy all of a sudden is Mikoto. Soon Yata, Anna, Awashima and Shiro are all watching as Munakata plays a possibly rather rough game of soccer with a little kid, like please keep in mind he’s a child Munakata.
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
I didn't really consider r/nance the first time I watched the show so my first introduction to the ship was canon interpretation and for a long time I was super onboard. So when I started writing a long slow burn st/ddie fic starting pre-season 1 I figured I'd throw r/nance in there since I liked it at the time and I tagged it as background and eventual, but then I rewatched the show and nancy sucks at relationships in general and tends to be condescending to Robin in particular. It's obviously framed as jealousy since she thinks she's with Steve.
Idk I feel like the duffers did want us to view Robin as being, like, Nancy's first real regular (as in nonromantic) friendship since Barb and she's getting over her trauma, yay. And that's where a lot of it came from in the fandom, Nancy being pleased that Robin considers her a friend "officially." Also like "they're friends! That confirms compatibility!" Not really? The duffers really don't want to address Nancy's cheating because there are so many aspects of Nancy that I think Robin would not be able to get over if she knew about. That in particular. All of Nancy's negative traits are, in the show, portrayed as girlboss so the duffers never want to address them (and also those traits can sometimes be inconsistent to fit the girlboss image the duffers are trying to push; they just kind of change her character when it doesn't work for her narrative)
Anyway, I had tagged this fic already and now I'm having to go way out of my way to write a character arc for her. Like, even going in though I was like "r/nance is cute but Robin would never date her knowing she'd cheated on Steve" so an early correction I made was to make it so they'd already broken up when she got with Jonathan (also I made Steve and Jonathan friends between seasons so I don't think my version of Jonathan at that point would have been complicit) but that was the only problem I saw with the ship when I started writing and then i rewatched the show and it's becoming a huge problem from a practical writing standpoint and I hope my followers appreciate all the effort I'm putting into her arc because I'm never writing r/nance again
hey, at least you’re giving her a character arc instead of just ignoring all her flaws! which is the method the duffer brothers decided on! and if your readers don’t appreciate all that extra work i will. improving r//nance plot lines one fic at a time! and honestly good on you for continuing to write it, if i was you i’d just orphan it lol
but yeah, totally agree on all your points about why the ship wouldn’t work, and why nancy as a character is just bad in relationships.
also i totally do that all the time. read fics and decide i like a ship, and then rewatch the show and realise it’s so shit lmao
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