gmanwhore · 10 months
Um… for the writing thing, maybe… 20?
Ok you gotta guess the song ok
Zircon sat with Gim, showing him a simple scale.
"See, one, two, three, four..."
Gim tried to copy, his fingers a bit more clumsy than Zircon's. Xey didn't mind though, xey just watching him stumble his way through it.
"You got it!"
Gim grinned, trying again.
A world away, Zircon was doing the same exact riff. Sylvan stepped back into the change room.
"We're on in five."
Zircon smiled at him, looking at his outfit. He shone like a disco ball, or a star in the sky...
"Got it! Corey, you ready too?"
Corey looked up from putting the finishing touches on her makeup.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah! One sec..."
She finished up, grabbing her guitar and doing a few positions, flexing her hand so she wouldn't have to deal with any strains.
"All good."
Zircon stood up. Xey looked at xir two bandmates...no, that sounded two impersonal. Xir two travelling companions, xir two compatriots, xir two...glowing bits of light to guide xir in this crazy universe.
"Let's go!"
The three moved onto stage. The concert hall was packed, full of people ready to hear their songs. Zircon felt like xey were glowing in excitement as xey leaned into the mic.
"Hello everyone! We're so lucky to have you all tonight! We hope to rock your world, and maybe get you to rock yours!"
Xey stepped back a bit.
"Now, this first song goes out to someone very special..."
Years ago, Zircon taught xir cousin to play guitar. After their last lesson, he leaned on their shoulder.
"Yes, Gim?"
"When you start to travel again, will you remember me?"
"Course I will! Why wouldn't I?"
"I'm so boring though!"
Zircon laughed, ruffling his fluffy hair.
"You're not boring. I don't think anyone is boring."
"...He'll know who he is."
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multiversal-stims · 1 year
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Zircon (their OC) stimboard for @otherworldlyoddities ! Center art by them!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Freak out in a moonage daydream
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 1 year
Both Singularit+y and Cosmic Damn are fighting a corrupt government but Cosmic Dawn understand that their fight is going to last much longer than they will, but it will go on. They won't personally see the end of it but they all refuse to give up.
That is so powerful…
In a way, Singulari+y! are similar, the only real difference was that they got a major win by banishing the current corrupt leaders and their scientists to space. Old systems take more than that to dismantle, they require a change in attitude, not just a change in people in power, and they know that one day that change will be possible if enough voices are heard…
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babyawacs · 7 months
#ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfa cr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hambu rg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart ai thereis no gain no choosing no permission no participatio n no liability share for their crimes in their crimes itis government intel drugs as precondition totheir c rimes unpunished repetition because systemcrimes systemcaused crimes anything else is misguided or criminal la wyerspin ai misguided that map their earlier crimes based on what they believed assumed during their crimes isnot lying.ai matches similarities and ifthe assumed things are false it tweaks misgudied witnesses as liars serotolernce with the facts mercyalways moreprevention itleadsto how irrational the realms are usually whil e committing crimes with irrational motives or abscence of rational procedure intel rules with fooling and l ying totheir own itis broken often and often dumpsterfires and the actors are bad andorirrrational actors oft en ai doesnot sort it right probably #typical_germ any_byfar_not_only_abit_interpretation_hegemony #support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #criminalsecuritypolicy #deedbased # thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships_is_exactly_how_they_get_people #iddiocyoffmyhealth #inconvenience_quell #palletten #pallettes #idiocy #singularit y #non_singularity_of_damages #default #around_the_wall #until_they_couldnt #quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_k ids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY
#ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart ai thereis no gain no…
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etherealyrics · 5 years
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intro: singularity // v (bts)
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spessmenart · 5 years
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Bluespace Artillery
I'm going to be doing one of these concept art style "paintings" like this or the singularity once a month and you can vote on which one comes next on patreon.
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taettoo · 6 years
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rollingstonemag · 6 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/belfast-and-furious/
Belfast and furious
Sans rien renier de son patrimoine, la scène musicale de la capitale nord-irlandaise, Belfast, est animée d’un esprit rebelle ouvert sur l’avenir.
La tension monte. Palpable. À cause de cette histoire de Brexit et du flou pas exactement artistique qui en accompagne les atermoiements successifs, présents dans toutes les têtes et, surtout, sur les plateaux télé des émissions d’information et de débats. C’est que, à devoir ainsi se plier à une décision de Londres au détriment d’une “appartenance” à l’Europe, à l’instar de sa cousine et voisine Irlande plus au sud, voilà qui ne manque pas de rappeler certains souvenirs douloureux d’une époque où l’on réglait les différends entre catholiques et protestants à coups de bombes artisanales et de grèves de la faim dans les prisons – époque que l’on voudrait pourtant révolue à jamais depuis l’accord du Vendredi saint, signé en avril 1998. Si le Brexit “travaille” tant les esprits, de Belfast à Londonderry, c’est à cause des années, économiquement et artistiquement.
Vivre avec son temps sans rien oublier du passé, voire transcender le passé, c’est ici, pour ainsi dire, une seconde nature. Cela commence par le respect des anciens, et pas seulement dans le domaine musical. Difficile de ne pas saisir que George Best, footballeur des années 1960 et 1970, atypique au point d’être considéré par beaucoup comme une plus grande rockstar que les vraies rockstars, est un enfant de Belfast – de l’Eastside Belfast, pour être précis. Un hôtel à son nom ouvre d’ailleurs ses portes ces jours-ci, en plein centre-ville. L’autre fierté de l’Eastside, c’est Van Morrison, bien sûr. Depuis maintenant quatre ans, des “Van Morrison Trails” y sont organisés, parcours à pied de 3,5 kilomètres, avec pour étapes sa maison natale du 125 Hyndford Street, son école primaire (Elmgrove) ou la désormais mythique Cyprus Avenue, évoquée dans la chanson du même nom sur l’album Astral Weeks, dont les célébrations du cinquantenaire auront rythmé toute l’année 2018.
Dans le centre-ville, et particulièrement dans Cathedral Quarter, c’est au Oh Yeah Centre d’incarner ce trait d’union entre passé et présent. Ouvert il y a onze ans avec la collaboration d’un autre enfant du pays, Gary Lightbody, chanteur et âme de Snow Patrol, le Oh Yeah est à la fois un hall d’exposition, une salle de concert, de showcases et de festivals, un studio d’enregistrement et un lieu d’archives de la musique nord-irlandaise, à l’image de ces memorabilia sous verre renvoyant notamment au bouillonnement punk de 1977 des Undertones, Outcasts et Stiff Little Fingers, mais aussi à Gary Moore (lui aussi natif de Belfast), à Therapy? et à bien d’autres. Quant aux fresques murales de Commercial Court, elles résument mieux que tous les discours l’importance de l’histoire culturelle locale, là où, ailleurs, dans le West Belfast de Falls Road ou de Shankill Road, épicentre des affrontements d’antan, les messages d’autres murals sont résolument plus politiques.
Chargé d’histoire, l’Ulster Hall l’est à plus d’un titre, lui aussi. Inaugurée en 1862, la salle de spectacle aura accueilli aussi bien des matchs de boxe que des concerts. Led Zeppelin y interpréta “Stairway to Heaven” pour la première fois, en 1971 – pour une réception glaciale –, The Clash annulera sa venue après que Joe Strummer aura reçu des menaces de mort (Elvis Costello ennarre le souvenir dans son autobiographie Musique infidèle et encre sympathique). Autre figure locale, devenue légendaire pour avoir lancé le magasin de disques et le label Good Vibrations, qui allaient faire connaître au monde entier Undertones et Outcasts, Terri Hooley se rappelle, lui, y avoir vu les Rolling Stones en 1964, furtivement, et pour cause : le set n’a pas duré un quart d’heure avant de tourner à l’émeute… Mais, en ce soir frisquet de la mi-novembre 2018, c’est la richesse et la diversité de la scène actuelle que célèbre l’Ulster Hall, à l’occasion de la soirée du Northern Ireland Music Prize, l’équivalent local des Grammy Awards américains – toutes proportions gardées, puisque seules quatre catégories sont au programme. Du punk rock rageur des Wood Burning Savages, grands vainqueurs de la soirée, récompensés pour l’album et le concert de l’année, à la pop teenage de Brand New Friend, en passant par les humeurs électro-pop de Roe ou le folk faussement minimaliste de Ciaran Lavery, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns, tous démontrent une singularité et un savoir-faire étonnants. “Cette diversité tient au fait que le monde est devenu plus petit en termes d’accès, via Internet notamment, et que nous, Nord-Irlandais, avons toujours eu ce don de transformer les choses à notre avantage, de leur donner telle ou telle forme artistique pour les modeler dans le sens du message que nous voulons faire passer, explique, du haut de son 1,90 mètre, Joe Lindsay, animateur radio et télé à Belfast et directeur artistique du festival Atlantic Sessions à Portrush, autre fervent défenseur des nouvelles tendances musicales du pays. Cette détermination à nous exprimer, à nous rebeller, s’est transmise de génération en génération, sans limite. Nous avons suffisamment de frontières politiques pour ne pas vouloir en entendre parler ailleurs !”
Alternative Ulster – The Wood Burning Savages, dignes héritiers de la conscience politique du rock nord-irlandais. © DR
Cette rébellion, les Wood Burning Savages l’incarnent à merveille, le gang de Derry tirant sa sève de son engagement politique et social. “Il faut être assez sûr de toi si tu choisis d’évoquer la santé publique ou les errements d’un gouvernement qui pense davantage à entretenir les divisions qu’à améliorer le quotidien de ses citoyens, lâche Paul Connolly, le chanteur du groupe formé il y a cinq ans. Tu dois apprendre tes leçons, en quelque sorte. Mais cela reste indispensable, quitte à faire grincer quelques dents en haut lieu, comme à l’époque du punk rock, tant il reste de choses à régler dans ce pays. Et c’était le cas avant même que le Brexit ne vienne compliquer les choses, pour les artistes en premier lieu.”
Xavier Bonnet
Portfolio à découvrir dans le n°111 de Rolling Stone, disponible en kiosque !
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kaos-sverige · 5 years
I've Never Put This Much Thought Into a Build Before
Published on Dec 14, 2019
I've Never Put This Much Thought Into a Build Before ⇨ Sponsor: Cooler Master MM710 - https://geni.us/Nzud | MM711 - https://amzn.to/2RuZpIS ►PARTS LIST SO FAR AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core CPU - https://amzn.to/2NO3uWp MSI MEG X570 GODLIKE EATX AM4 Motherboard - https://amzn.to/2YVtIZl 2x MSI Gaming​ GeForce R​TX 2080 Ti​ SEA Hawk ​EK X Graph​ics Cards - https://amzn.to/2YYVAf6 HardwareLabs Black Ice Nemesis GTR 360mm Radiator (x2) - https://amzn.to/36f9or5 Noctua NF-F12 PWM Chromax Black 120mm Fan (x6) - https://amzn.to/2PynyO7 CORSAIR AX1600i 1600W 80+ Titanium Modular PSU - https://amzn.to/2PoyDAO Singularit​y PCs Spec​tre 2.0 Ca​se - https://www.singularitycases.com/prod... Custom Sleeved Cables by Ensourced - https://www.ensourced.net/ ► MORE VIDEOS ON THIS BUILD Part 1 - https://youtu.be/F5adpt-eorM Part 2 - https://youtu.be/LkB2J9yOfwc Part 3 - https://youtu.be/Yo2LkSPbRy8 Please note that links above may be affiliate links -- clicking them earns me a small commission if you make a purchase and helps support my YouTube channel. Thank you! ▷ MY STORE - shirts, mugs, pint glasses & hoodies http://paulshardware.net ▷ SOCIAL Twitter: @paulhardware http://www.twitter.com/paulhardware Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pauls-... Instagram: http://instagram.com/paulhardware :::Send Me Stuff::: Paul's Hardware P.O. Box 4325 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 ► Edited by Joe Aguilar - ShaostylePostProductions https://twitter.com/joe_editing Audio file(s) provided by Epidemic Sound http://www.epidemicsound.com/
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kevluvs · 6 years
Favorite Albums of 2018
Unfortunately, Daytona, Pusha-T’s latest will probably be remembered for the Drake baiting “Infrared”. However, there was much more to this concise, Yeezy produced album--or EP. Tasteful soul samples abound, gritty drums and steely bars from the veteran shows that he clearly learned from his underwhelming early solo work. Singularity, Jon Hopkins’ cosmic fifth album was ambition, techno and Brian Eno all mixed in together, one can dance to the hectic first half and meditate to the soothing second half. Freedom by Amen Dunes was a bit of a strange record--in a good way. The instrumentation is traditional but there is a foreign vibe that I can’t quite put a finger on, most illustrated on the standout ”Skipping School”.
2012-2017 by Against all Logic was a side project by the meticulous Chilean Nicolas Jaar. It is straight house music and great to party to; “City Fade” has such an infectious groove and deserves repeated spins. Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album by John Coltrane is classic Coltrane during the early 60s, not much else to say other than its John “fucking” Coltrane. FM! by Vince Staples was a clever concept album—yes, people still make those—short, sharp and sweet, one of the more underrated releases of the year. In a Poem Unlimited by U.S. Girls was another hidden gem—please listen to “Rosebud” if you haven’t already.
My forays into Techno continued in 2018 and Wet Will Always Dry by Blawan was a soundtrack to a lot of memorable nights; highly recommend taking a nice long walk jamming to “Tasser”.
Chic and cool as ever; Charlotte Gainsbourg latest Rest is a meditation on the death of her sister and it's the first album that she wrote most, if not all of the lyrics; “Songbird in a Cage” the rollicking collaboration with Paul McCartney is such an ear worm—somehow the man is still at it.  Now, if the young duo Let’s Eat Grandma is the future of pop then we are in good hands, I was very impressed by their sophomore LP I’m All Ears, particularly the tracks “Hot Pink” and “Snakes and Ladders”. 
From the languid "Pay No Mind" to the uplifting "Lose Your Smile", 7, the Sonic Boom produced effort by Beach House is the duo’s most fleshed out work thus far, just as good, if not better than Teen Dream, their excellent 2010 album.
Lastly, how can we forget about Robyn. Honey actually lived up to the impossible expectations, initially I was a little disappointed when I read that Royksopp, her frequent collaborators were not involved with this one but in hindsight it totally makes sense, their cold aesthetic would have disrupted the warmth of tunes like ”Honey", "It Must be the Music" and "Never Gonna be Broken Hearted”. Definitely an album that I will be jamming throughout 2019.
Jon Hopkins—Singularity
Freedom—Amen Dunes
Against all Logic—2012-2017
John Coltrane—Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album
Vince Staples—FM!
U.S. Girls—In a Poem Unlimited
Blawan—Wet Will Always Dry
Charlotte Gainsbourg—Rest
Let’s Eat Grandma—I’m All Ears
Beach House—7
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gmanwhore · 1 year
G’ and Virtue in the front seats of the concert Singulari+y! and The Cosmic Dawn hold together, both infinitely proud, ready to give flowers to their respective friends when it ends…
The air was electric, you could practically see the sparks. A sea of people all cheering and singing along, and right near the front were two...very hard to define people. Both held flowers, some loose and some in rings like crowns. The taller one had a small smile on his face, but you could see the joy and pride in his eyes. The shorter one was practically jumping around, his eyes lit up like Christmas lights. Both of them knew how hard their friends onstage had worked for all of this, and they couldn't help but feel proud.
The concert ended with both bands all holding hands and raising them up to the sky, causing shockwaves of cheers through the crowd. As soon as the bands walked off, the two beings got up to follow. Almost as soon as the door was opened Sunrise ran over to Virtue.
"Did you see us? You were there the whole time, right? Wasn't everyone amazing?"
"Yes, yes,you all were."
Virtue smiled and handed her a ring of flowers.
"Ah! Thank you!"
At the same time, G' had made his way to where Zircon and Sylvan were sitting. Zircon gave him a sharp-toothed smile.
"Did you enjoy the show?"
"Indeed I did. You all have done amazing."
G' handed them both a dethorned rose, accompanied by a slightly awkward shoulder pat.
"Thanks! I am really glad we had someone like you guys watching us."
Sylvan nodded.
"It's nice knowing people in the crowd."
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hodldrgn-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.cryptomoonity.com/holacracy-governance-in-an-age-of-innovation-and-subversion/
Holacracy: Governance in an Age of Innovation and Subversion
The following opinion piece on Holacracy was written by Max Borders, director of Social Evolution and author of The Social Singularity. 
Imagine turning on your mobile device one morning to find only two apps: Red and Blue. It’s bad enough that these are the only two choices. Only one works at a time–and not very well.
Also read: Markets Update: Traders Play a Lower Range After Cryptocurrency Prices Dip
And yet this is more or less the social operating system upon which most of the developed world runs. The Madison-style Constitution was a great innovation, but it’s still built atop the 2000-year-old DOS (Democratic Operating System).
“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government,” Winston Churchill remarked, “except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
Really? Is this the best we’ve got? Such a fatalistic view gives us an excuse to accept the status quo, but it is a failure of imagination. It’s time to rethink governance.
Changing Our Relationship to Power
The strongest candidate for a new global-scale social operating system is Holacracy.
Never heard of it? Holacracy is a organization management system Brian Robertson developed to help businesses run without bosses. HolacracyOne’s mission is to “change our relationship to power” and the system does just that, which is exactly why some are skeptical. After all, command-and-control systems have been working for blue chip companies and standing armies for centuries.
But now, more than 1000 companies worldwide have adopted Holacracy, jettisoning the traditional firm structure.
If you’re into cryptocurrencies, you already know that command-and-control hierarchies can be destructive and inhumane. Satoshi Nakomoto, for example, wanted both to help us escape the inflationary Skinner box of central banking and build bitcoin in a decentralized way. The idea was to work with a growing team of coders and miners to build out the ecosystem, but no one would control the network. Satoshi changed our relationship to power — for both developers and users.
Holacracy provides a governance framework that is decidedly holonic — roughly, systems within systems. In this way, a holacratic organization approximates a living organism as opposed to a machine to be “run.” Practitioners aren’t arranged by managers as cogs within a traditional org chart, but rather define their own functional roles within wider spheres of activity, or “circles”.
Just as cells make up organs within organisms, people have roles within teams within organizations. And though certain cells and roles might hustle themselves into an “executive function,” both the organism’s and the holacratic organization’s brains are self-organizing.
How Holacracy Works
Holacracy makes an organization a complex adaptive system. Unlike command-and-control hierarchies, complex adaptive organizations respond with relative autonomy to stimuli that are, for lack of a better way of putting things, not quite right. Practitioners call these “tensions.” Every part of the organization wants to get things flowing, following constructal theorist Adrian Bejan. To resolve tensions is to get things flowing–that is, towards realizing the mission.
At the risk of oversimplification, let’s break it down:
Mission. Why the organization exists at all and the end all roles serve.
Holacracy Constitution. Sets out the relatively fixed protocols and fundamental rules that make up Holacracy’s (open source!) social operating system.
Tactical Meetings. A group process for addressing one-off, operational issues in a formalized way, relevant to some functional sphere of activity.
Governance Meetings. A group process for creating roles, making policies, or assigning ownership of responsibilities.
Data management. The inputs and output of meetings gets recorded so that anyone can see the rules, roles, policies and system interconnections at any time.
The devil is of course in the proverbial details. And learning the system is rather like learning a team sport: You can’t learn the game from the rulebook. You have to get out there and practice. But in doing so, practitioners can become Holacracy pros–increasing organization efficiency while scaling.
But how far up can Holacracy scale?
Teams within Teams (within Teams)
Complexity scientist Yaneer Bar-On warns of the coming breakdown of the current order:
Why should governments fail? Because leaders, whether self-appointed dictators, or elected officials, are unable to identify what policies will be good for a complex society. The unintended consequences are beyond their comprehension. Regardless of values or objectives, the outcomes are far from what they intend.
But Bar-on suggests a solution.
It begins with widespread individual action that transforms society — a metamorphosis of social organization in which leadership no longer serves the role it has over millennia. A different type of existence will emerge, affecting all of us as individuals and enabling us to live in a complex world.
To be successful in high complexity challenges requires teamwork. Each team member performs one part of what needs to be done, contributing to the complexity and scale of what the team does while limiting the complexity each individual faces.
Holacracy — or something close to it — seems to be a system that that adequately deals with complexity through the application of superior team dynamics.
Scaling to Society
If Brian Robertson is to be believed, it’s possible for Holacracy to scale to the level of society. I think he’s onto something. Robertson draws influence not only from his computer science background, but from integral theorist Ken Wilber. In his philosophical work, Wilber expands on Arthur Koestler’s holarchy, that is, the idea that systems can give rise to systems (that can give rise to systems) at different levels of description.
And with that we come full holon. Robertson puts it best:
Anarchy comes from the greek “an”, meaning without, plus “arkhos”, meaning rulers. Anarchy doesn’t mean without rules, but without rulers. If you have the right rules, the absence of top-down rulers doesn’t remove order —i t simply enables order to emerge dynamically from peer-to-peer interactions distributed throughout a system, one tension at a time. So by this definition, you could describe Holacracy as a rule system for humans working together in anarchy—with rules, but without rulers.
Hmm. I thought anarchy was all punk rock and molotov cocktails.
Getting There from Here
By this point, you might want to know how to get there from here. With humility, I offer what can only be described as a set of interconnected cliches that one might associate with crypto-enthusiasts:
Start using it. Adoption shows its benefits better than any article.
Don’t half-ass it. Adulterated versions create problems that tarnish Holacracy’s reputation and cause people to re-embrace hierarchy.
Hold onto it. The longer you use it, the more wider ecosystems can develop.
Train others. The more we can reduce the time and cost of adoption, the better.
Underthrow. When hierarchy hits the fan, people will seek a more antifragile way to organize what’s left of society. Holacracy will already be in full flower.
I realize that last point is a rather dark note on which to close, but keep in mind that as society becomes more complex, hierarchical governments running on DOS will have a hard time keeping up with the information processing demands. Meanwhile, practitioners of Holacracy will be running their distributed organizations and changing their relationship to power. They already hold the source code for a new era of rules without rulers.
Do you think holacratic forms of governance will replace democracy? 
Image courtesy of Shutterstock and Kindling XYZ
OP-ed disclaimer: This is an Op-ed article. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own. Bitcoin.com does not endorse nor support views, opinions or conclusions drawn in this post. Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the content. Bitcoin.com is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any information in this Op-ed article.
The post Holacracy: Governance in an Age of Innovation and Subversion appeared first on Bitcoin News.
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 1 year
I have gotten far too invested in the idea of the G-men travel blog and all I can think about is an installment where they are hanging out with Singularit+y and The Cosmic Dawn because. I am soft for that (obviously Virtue is there as well. I also think Vice got Kuria, Luciana, and Ga-men tickets because it's her friends performing she wants to show them off!)
AAAAA YES!!!! I love this!!
(Also I’d like Vice to jump out of a portal going “Ey Sparkleface, these news friend of mine play some crazy good music, wanna come see ‘em? Just, a word of advice, don’t show yourself to the orange-haired one, xe might pass out onstage.” so can he be invited too? He’s Vice’s second favorite immortal to harass, only Virtue gets bothered more)
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babyawacs · 7 months
#24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis #typical_germany_byfar_not_only_abit_int erpretation_hegemony #support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #crimi nalsecuritypolicy #deedbased #thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships  (((@judge)) ) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwn ews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart _is_ex actly_how_they_get_people #iddiocyoffmyhealth #inconvenience_quell #palletten #pallettes #idiocy #singularit y #non_singularity_of_damages #default #around_the_wall #until_they_couldnt #quickly_nuts_the #stat e_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understa nd #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets #ueberweisen_auf_aeh_deutsches_konto # ai_luck #aeh_nutsness_then #baby_lives_but_why #woopsie #trust_is_for_the #obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_nothilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #precondition #aaaw_had_i_only_known_the_magic _cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_germans #control_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts # tothem #hitler #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tattippen #labels #batshxitnuts #hideous  #logic_consistency #forcertain #no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inve rted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvi ous #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factual ly #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick  #the‎ in 24/7 harms  deedtypedharms they  kept o n e and one only foto then then germandeserve ‎ //// save lives mercyalways moreprevention serotolerance with the facts ////
#24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis #typical_germany_byfar_not_only_abit_interpretation_hegemony #support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #criminalsecuritypolicy #deedbased #thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews…
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coin-river-blog · 6 years
The following opinion piece on Holacracy was written by Max Borders, director of Social Evolution and author of The Social Singularity. 
Imagine turning on your mobile device one morning to find only two apps: Red and Blue. It’s bad enough that these are the only two choices. Only one works at a time–and not very well.
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And yet this is more or less the social operating system upon which most of the developed world runs. The Madison-style Constitution was a great innovation, but it’s still built atop the 2000-year-old DOS (Democratic Operating System).
“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government,” Winston Churchill remarked, “except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
Really? Is this the best we’ve got? Such a fatalistic view gives us an excuse to accept the status quo, but it is a failure of imagination. It’s time to rethink governance.
Changing Our Relationship to Power
The strongest candidate for a new global-scale social operating system is Holacracy.
Never heard of it? Holacracy is a organization management system Brian Robertson developed to help businesses run without bosses. HolacracyOne’s mission is to “change our relationship to power” and the system does just that, which is exactly why some are skeptical. After all, command-and-control systems have been working for blue chip companies and standing armies for centuries.
But now, more than 1000 companies worldwide have adopted Holacracy, jettisoning the traditional firm structure.
If you’re into cryptocurrencies, you already know that command-and-control hierarchies can be destructive and inhumane. Satoshi Nakomoto, for example, wanted both to help us escape the inflationary Skinner box of central banking and build bitcoin in a decentralized way. The idea was to work with a growing team of coders and miners to build out the ecosystem, but no one would control the network. Satoshi changed our relationship to power — for both developers and users.
Holacracy provides a governance framework that is decidedly holonic — roughly, systems within systems. In this way, a holacratic organization approximates a living organism as opposed to a machine to be “run.” Practitioners aren’t arranged by managers as cogs within a traditional org chart, but rather define their own functional roles within wider spheres of activity, or “circles”.
Just as cells make up organs within organisms, people have roles within teams within organizations. And though certain cells and roles might hustle themselves into an “executive function,” both the organism’s and the holacratic organization’s brains are self-organizing.
How Holacracy Works
Holacracy makes an organization a complex adaptive system. Unlike command-and-control hierarchies, complex adaptive organizations respond with relative autonomy to stimuli that are, for lack of a better way of putting things, not quite right. Practitioners call these “tensions.” Every part of the organization wants to get things flowing, following constructal theorist Adrian Bejan. To resolve tensions is to get things flowing–that is, towards realizing the mission.
At the risk of oversimplification, let’s break it down:
Mission. Why the organization exists at all and the end all roles serve.
Holacracy Constitution. Sets out the relatively fixed protocols and fundamental rules that make up Holacracy’s (open source!) social operating system.
Tactical Meetings. A group process for addressing one-off, operational issues in a formalized way, relevant to some functional sphere of activity.
Governance Meetings. A group process for creating roles, making policies, or assigning ownership of responsibilities.
Data management. The inputs and output of meetings gets recorded so that anyone can see the rules, roles, policies and system interconnections at any time.
The devil is of course in the proverbial details. And learning the system is rather like learning a team sport: You can’t learn the game from the rulebook. You have to get out there and practice. But in doing so, practitioners can become Holacracy pros–increasing organization efficiency while scaling.
But how far up can Holacracy scale?
Teams within Teams (within Teams)
Complexity scientist Yaneer Bar-On warns of the coming breakdown of the current order:
Why should governments fail? Because leaders, whether self-appointed dictators, or elected officials, are unable to identify what policies will be good for a complex society. The unintended consequences are beyond their comprehension. Regardless of values or objectives, the outcomes are far from what they intend.
But Bar-on suggests a solution.
It begins with widespread individual action that transforms society — a metamorphosis of social organization in which leadership no longer serves the role it has over millennia. A different type of existence will emerge, affecting all of us as individuals and enabling us to live in a complex world.
To be successful in high complexity challenges requires teamwork. Each team member performs one part of what needs to be done, contributing to the complexity and scale of what the team does while limiting the complexity each individual faces.
Holacracy — or something close to it — seems to be a system that that adequately deals with complexity through the application of superior team dynamics.
Scaling to Society
If Brian Robertson is to be believed, it’s possible for Holacracy to scale to the level of society. I think he’s onto something. Robertson draws influence not only from his computer science background, but from integral theorist Ken Wilber. In his philosophical work, Wilber expands on Arthur Koestler’s holarchy, that is, the idea that systems can give rise to systems (that can give rise to systems) at different levels of description.
And with that we come full holon. Robertson puts it best:
Anarchy comes from the greek “an”, meaning without, plus “arkhos”, meaning rulers. Anarchy doesn’t mean without rules, but without rulers. If you have the right rules, the absence of top-down rulers doesn’t remove order —i t simply enables order to emerge dynamically from peer-to-peer interactions distributed throughout a system, one tension at a time. So by this definition, you could describe Holacracy as a rule system for humans working together in anarchy—with rules, but without rulers.
Hmm. I thought anarchy was all punk rock and molotov cocktails.
Getting There from Here
By this point, you might want to know how to get there from here. With humility, I offer what can only be described as a set of interconnected cliches that one might associate with crypto-enthusiasts:
Start using it. Adoption shows its benefits better than any article.
Don’t half-ass it. Adulterated versions create problems that tarnish Holacracy’s reputation and cause people to re-embrace hierarchy.
Hold onto it. The longer you use it, the more wider ecosystems can develop.
Train others. The more we can reduce the time and cost of adoption, the better.
Underthrow. When hierarchy hits the fan, people will seek a more antifragile way to organize what’s left of society. Holacracy will already be in full flower.
I realize that last point is a rather dark note on which to close, but keep in mind that as society becomes more complex, hierarchical governments running on DOS will have a hard time keeping up with the information processing demands. Meanwhile, practitioners of Holacracy will be running their distributed organizations and changing their relationship to power. They already hold the source code for a new era of rules without rulers.
Do you think holacratic forms of governance will replace democracy? 
Image courtesy of Shutterstock and Kindling XYZ
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Holacracy: Governance in an Age of Innovation and Subversion
Holacracy: Governance in an Age of Innovation and Subversion
The following opinion piece on Holacracy was written by Max Borders, director of Social Evolution and author of The Social Singularity. 
Imagine turning on your mobile device one morning to find only two apps: Red and Blue. It’s bad enough that these are the only two choices. Only one works at a time–and not very well.
Also read: Markets Update: Traders Play a Lower Range After Cryptocurrency…
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