#siona lavellan
thevikingwoman · 2 years
Truth Serum! Siona ... what is the one thing you regret doing so much that you will never tell your children you did it?
ahh thank you!
it's a long time since I've thought about Siona (Iwyn & Branwen's mom), but here goes :)
"I..." Siona drinks the rest of the tea, and makes a face. "You put something in this!"
"After Iwyn told us of the whole Solas business, when she wanted to bring him here -- I wanted to forbid him, and her too. I wanted the clan to renounce her." She shakes her head. "Tawen talked me out of it, of course, and I'm glad. He was right."
"Iwyn can never know, and neither can Branwen. No one can. " She looks up, her eyes piercing. "And I recommend not playing tricks on a herbalist, stranger. Next time, I make the tea."
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inquisimer · 2 years
Happy Friday! For DADWC: ‘Why must I be the one to hide?’ for the characters of your choosing?
happy happy friday <3 dusting off this prompt from who knows how long ago to share a bit of a newish OC who's going to feature in a ~secrit~ project I'm working on uwu
Tamsyn is an elven rogue who lives in Denerim and co-leads the rogue's guild from those side quests in DAO!
for @dadrunkwriting
Working the Denerim Market is something of a dance, and Tamsyn considers herself an expert.
Mick has taken some more seasoned recruits for a run at one of the vacated estates nearby. Without a Landsmeet convening, most nobles keep only a skeleton crew of servants on staff and most of those have deals with the Guild to look the other way while locks are picked and traps disabled. And the few that don’t—well, sneaking improves much faster when there are stakes to being discovered.
That leaves Tamsyn alone with the freshest bunch of recruits. A little over half the group once belonged to other guilds or freelanced and migrated to Denerim as word of their success spread; the remainder are a motley mix of kids—mostly elves—that Tamsyn herself had scooped off the streets. Left to the gutter by a society that couldn’t be bothered and was just waiting for them to screw up to justify the moral high horse.
They didn’t see what Tamsyn sees. She sees potential.
“The District is primarily human, at least the section we’ll be in today,” she tells them. One of their youngest recruits, a slip of an elfkit, is perched on a stool in front of her, rocking slightly on the balls of her feet as Tamsyn twists her hair into a simple plait. “Humans see pointed ears and expect a servant. Give them what they expect and they won’t waste the effort to look any closer.”
She taps the girl’s shoulder and hands her an apron that matches the one Tamsyn is already wearing. Her own scarred face is a slightly harder sell as a servant, but the day is overcast and the marks carved into her skin are less noticeable without the sun.
The other recruits are similarly dressed and looking an appropriate mix of nervous and excited. Tamsyn passes baskets to each of them in turn.
“The only people that doesn’t apply to are the guards. To shake their suspicion, you’ll need to establish what you’re in the Market to do—browse a shop, ask the stall tender questions, drop the name of your lord or lady. All of these things will legitimize you and like the others, they’ll move on to watching someone more suspicious.”
It isn’t the first time they’ve heard these things, but a bit of a refresher is always a confidence booster. It isn’t the first time she’s taken a batch of recruits on a training run, either. She hands off the last basket and gives each recruit a once over.
“Your picks are showing, Callum,” she says, smiling to ease the correction. The gangly boy flushes red anyway and scrambles to adjust his belt so his lock picks are properly concealed by his billowy tunic. “Good, better. Alright” —Tamsyn clasps her hands in front of her chest— “who wants to review the plan for me?”
“Oo, oo, me!!” Laurel’s pigtail plaits bounce against her shoulders in her eagerness. Tamsyn nods.
“Me and Cal are going ‘round the perimeter—I’m actin’ his servant, so I’ll have both baskets. We’re nabbin’ trinkets, stuff that can be flipped or melted down.”
She pauses and glances up at Tamsyn for approval. When she gets it, her smile multiplies and she continues on, lisping slightly against her teeth. “Rudy an’ Boyd are with you at the middle shops, goin’ after that stuffy bitch who—“
“—talks all funny. What?” She looks immediately defensive but relaxes when she sees that Tamsyn’s objection isn’t in anger, but amused surprise. “I heard you tell Mick tha’s what she is!”
“Quite right you are.” Tamsyn reaches out and tugs the end of one of Laurel’s braids. “Finish it off?”
“Oh—right! And Aoife will be under Gorim’s stall in case we need a quick distraction.”
The youngest recruit has donned her apron and now she pouts, folding her arms over her chest and dropping her chin against her chest. “Why must I be the distraction? I wanna do something important.”
Quick as a fennec, Tamsyn drops to one knee. At this angle, with Aoife perched once more on her stool, she has to tilt her chin back slightly to meet the girl’s eyes. She holds out a hand, palm up, for Aoife to trace in the way she knows is comforting.
“Why don’t you think your job is important?”
“I’m just hiding,” she mumbles. “And maybe running. None o’ the special stuff we practiced.”
“That’s true. But it’s still important.” Tamsyn folds her fingers around Aoife’s much smaller hand and squeezes. “I’ve done this a lot, and it’s much easier to be relaxed if I’m sure there’s someone waiting and ready to help us get away safely. And if I’m more relaxed, I’m less likely to get caught.”
Aoife snifles. “Like…me and sissy used to climb the Vhenadahl, but she’d only go really high if Soris was there. Like that?”
“Exactly. And we all have different things we do well, right? Like I’m pretty good at untangling knots. And Boyd is really good at reaching things without a stool.”
Aoife nods.
“So when we work together, we give everybody a job that suits them. Do you know why I asked you to be our distraction?”
She shakes her head and Tamsyn smiles, leaning in like she’s sharing a deep, wise secret. “Because the stall where you’re hiding belongs to a dwarf. So it’s extra short. But you’re small and fast, which means you’re perfect for that job.”
Aoife’s lips part in a perfect, surprised o and then she lights up like candles in a Chantry. “My sissy always told me being small was bad, but this time it’s good!”
“It’s always going to be good,” Tamsyn corrects gently, nicking the end of Aoife’s nose with one finger. “We’ll make sure of it.”
She straightens and grins around at the rough ensemble. “Ready, then?”
A chorus of nods, apprehensive but mostly eager, meet her words.
“Alright. Let’s head out.”
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nadineross · 2 months
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dragon age series protagonists
mirwen tabris → dual-handed rogue, city elf evangeline hawke → force mage, human siona lavellan → archer rogue, dalish elf
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shivunin · 2 years
what is the arranged marriage au 👀
The arranged marriage au is one of my longer unfinished wips (at ~75k currently) and I started writing it around when I started writing Wander the Drifting Roads (so....almost a year ago? geez). Sorry, this is a bit involved, but I don't have a simpler way of explaining lol:
The basic premise is that the second Exalted March on the Dales never happened. So the elves primarily live in extant kingdoms where Dirthavaren and Halamshiral are in the games. The catch is that the reason the March never happened was intervention on the behalf of Elandrin and Adalene (Codex entry here, which you find if you complete the Din'an Hanin area in the Emerald Graves), who were an elf-human couple. Part of the agreement between the elven government and the Chantry is that the compact between them must be renewed roughly every fifty years and one part of the renewal is an arranged marriage between an elf and a human.
That's what the humans know. What the elves know is that Siona, Elandrin's sister (whose murder of Adalene kicks off the massacre of Red Crossing) is held personally responsible for some of those events. Because it is her fault that the elves have to give up one of their own every fifty years, if one of her descendants is eligible they are automatically the candidate even though it's been some six/seven hundred years. In this age, that candidate is Adahlena Lavellan.
So: it is the Dragon Age, and the time has come for the next renewal of the compact. The only thing is...Ferelden barely has a new king, the Chantry is in shambles, Orlais is embroiled in its civil war, and there is just general pandemonium all over Thedas. Why should the elves give up an advantage and let the Chantry have the last say? No, they're gonna make the humans work for it. So they have each faction send an assortment of candidates representing various interests (nobles from the Free Marches, Ferelden, etc. as well as various experts on things they think might appeal) and over the course of several months the elves get to choose which of them will be the other side of the arranged marriage. Cullen, fresh off becoming the Knight-Commander of the Gallows post-DA2, is chosen by Leliana specifically to represent the Chantry.
Basically: I read that codex entry and I immediately thought, okay but what if they weren't star-crossed lovers and they didn't die? and because my brain is the way it is I had to extrapolate: what would the elves be like now if they'd had several hundred years to research their own magic and develop their own science and culture? So I wanted to depict that, but I also like shenanigans. Hence, arranged marriage au with two reluctant participants who grow to respect and gradually care for each other. Also, I love the OC I made for it---a grumpy gardener who has Trauma relating to Tranquility---and I really really need to finish it for Adahlena's sake if nothing else.
It's one of those things that I really, really want to finish, have so many good ideas for...and when I sit down to write, poof! All gone.
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shannaraisles · 1 year
Two Times Hawke - notes that I might actually do something with
Modern AU for Dragon Age (obviously)
Poppy's LI is definitely Cullen (they went through too much in Marcher Fields for me to separate them in an AU!). Likely another secret relationship, but more because if it was made public it might affect both their public reputations - mostly his, since he is a very private, popular actor (in the words of @kagetsukai, think of Tom Hiddleston in terms of popularity and privacy).
Alex is still pining after Isabela in this AU, but he probably gets laid more than he did in the last outing he got! I can see him and Isabela having a more open relationship, especially since she is clearly in a band of her own and they don't get a huge amount of time to annoy each other in proximity, which would work for them.
Bethany has a failed marriage to Sebastian (journalist) behind her, and is apparently beginning to explore a relationship with Josephine Montilyet (civil rights lawyer), which I love for her and hate for me, because I have zero faith in my ability to write these two ladies in a relationship in canon much less in alternate universe, but yay!
Carver has been pining silently after Merrill (independent artist) for several years, never working up enough courage to actually do anything about it. In an attempt to make her notice him, he ropes a friend (OC - Siona Lavellan) into trying to make Merrill jealous, and sort of accidentally falls in love with her without realising it until she breaks it all off and stops talking to him because he's a butt-head.
Roni used to be part of a band called The Grey Wardens when she was in her late teens, early twenties, who broke up when the older members of the band decided they wanted to explore other artistic avenues. She stayed friendly with some of the band, but has recently got back in contact with Riordan, who is starting to make music again.
Trying to decide what of this I want to write. Might throw a prompt list up to see if anyone bites.
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criffyzou · 2 months
My dragon age next gen kids moodboard were only humans and dwarves, so I started a new elfy one, and decided to document my process.
Here is the resulting rambling.
First thing I usually do is find stand-ins for the parents, to have *something* to start from. They usually don't appear on the moodboard itself, but I love to do that step.
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I'm pinning these two deviantartists as Cammen & Gheyna, teens from the DAO dalish camp that the warden help get together (them but older & as parents). This is to keep to my theme of "kids that exist or survive thanks to the heroes of Thedas".
It's then time to pick a name. It can be a lore thing, i.e. Ailis Theirin is named after a chantry sister from Maric and Loghain's fereldan rebellion days, who raised Cailan and, I choose to believe, Anora too, once Loghain started bringing her to work. It can also be completely unrelated: I wanted an old french name for Pernille de Chalons, but as a french person myself, all of it sounded cringey; in the end her name is from the karpe song Au Pair. It sounds orlesian enough but is not actually french.
I'm not good at elven names in Dragon Age, my Lavellan inquisitor is named Sheana because I was being a Dune nerd when I learned there was a Siona among the emerald knights (iykyk). The reward for the quest Cammen's Lament is The Tale of Iloren and its corresponding codex, a book cherished by Cammen's family for generations. I like Iloren; it's technically a male keeper in the tale, but the name feels gender neutral, and I want that kid to be a girl.
Cammen & Gheyna get married in 9:30, but they're so young their first child doesn't have to be born for a number of years. By my referent point 9:52, I want her to still be a teen, around the same age as her parents when we meet them in Origins ? I don't actually know how old Cammen and Gheyna are. I also want Lena (born in 9:37) to still be the baby of the band; let's go with 9:35.
Now, class ! I really want a dalish warrior, but there aren't many interesting warrior specializations. Champion hasn't been used yet, but feels too similar to Ariane from Witch Hunt. Reaver is probably my best option.
Identity down, now to the moodboard specifics !
I like to follow the old lavellanpls template because it forces me to think about the character in details I would not have thought of.
Complexion is a square I use for faceclaims. Both Iloren's parents are white, like a lot of Dragon Age NPCs; I've not had a lot of wriggle room for non-white next gen kids outside of Zerlinda's son, whose dad is not shown, and Kieran, both Morrigan and Alistair being biracial even if Bioware doesn't show it. I don't really brainstorm for that one, I simply look at a lot of pictures until something clicks.
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Wardrobe has a few armor options from my initial generic dalish pin rampage, that I may choose from when I have a better idea of the dominant color. My main issue is the lack of consistency in dalish heavy armor, and how hard it is to find a real life equivalent.
Hair can be Gheyna's red, Cammen's ash blond, or a mix of the two, but I have too many redheads already.
Now is the time I start to lie invent rather than extrapolate. I want this elven kid to be strongly attached to her dalish way of life, à la Velana, because we have enough self-loathing elves in canon. That could Home accounted for then, something representing the dalish camp, or the nearby Brecilian ruins.
Obviously I cannot resist the Animal square for a dalish from that clan, born after the werewolf conflict, to be a wolf despite how on the nose it is. I like when things are predictable.
Iloren has to be an extravert, if not because she was raised in a commune, then because we have more introverts in the current next gen lineup and I like balance. E, S and J feel right, let's try ESTJ. Yes this is relevant, as I use either the Season or Element squares as clues for the character's personality. Season I will probably put Brecilian forest in its winter dreariness, so let's focus on element: First one I can think of is ironbark, "surprisingly strong and very light". It is also somewhat blue in color; that is our first official color of the moodboard ! It doesn't feel very Reaver-y though, but we have other squares to express that.
Accessory square I often put down as a weapon, as that seems the most logical option for a prized possession. It could also be something sentimental from games lore, like Tini Kondrat's toy horse, like the one the warden gave Oghren as a joke, that he may have repurposed as an actual toy for his child. I've only played Reaver with two handed weapons, let's continue this trend. Ideally something resembling the Sulevin Blade from Inquisition, because it is the perfect weapon for Iloren, but not one she would have access to.
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Last square unaccounted for is Texture, which is usually my "make the moodboard actually cohesive" free card, while keeping it relevant to the character, adding personality or background hints I could not fit into the rest. Reavers get off on pain, and bruises would fit into the blue-ish color scheme, while adding the reaver touch that was missing.
Aaaand we're done ! A brand new complete character, spun whole cloth from a vague desire to have an elf in the lineup.
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tuuliivanovas · 2 years
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Perfect. Beautiful. Love of my life.
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scharoux · 5 years
Daisy, dandelion and magnolia for Elera and Siona!
Oooh! The Twins!!! Double answers....you sneak @bearly-tolerable 😜
Daisy: Coffee or Tea. Elera drinks coffee like it's a life line, but Siona won't drink either as it dulls her senses and connection to the Fade.
Dandelion: Morning Bird or Night Owl. Elera is a Morning Bird, Siona is a Night Owl.
Magnolia: Movies or Books. Elera doesn't really have time to read, but Siona can pretty much have a book or two on her at all times.
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aly-the-writer · 5 years
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: non-inquisitor Lavellan/Cole
Siona Lavellan doesn’t surprise him when she climbs up to join him on the broken section of the wall. He’d felt her thoughts coming closer for a little while, and the way that they’d twisted just a little bit in worry – was something wrong? Did someone hurt him? Is he lonely outside the Fade? – but she still doesn’t say anything as she sits beside him.
Her shoulders relax a little as she notices the broken loaf of bread beside him and the birds on the part of the wall below her.
“Hmm,” she hums softly – putting it together.
She prefers animals to people but she can heal with her magic, so she heals.
She knows of the soldier who waits for winter. One of the tangles of pain and worry caught up and pushed aside in her mind loosens a little – if the soldier can hang onto life a little longer the healing might take, and the birds help him find the strength to do that.
Cole smiles a little to himself and dips his head to look at her from the corner of his eye.
Her hair’s tied back in a braid. She’s got hay in it from helping with the horses. No, probably not the horses. There’s a stubborn old dracolisk which doesn’t like people very much but does like her. She was probably taking care of it when she saw him up here.
They’re close enough he can easily see the dusting of freckles on her though they aren’t much darker than the tan of her skin. The violet tattoo that delicately paints across her forehead and chin look like the halla she used to help tend. She’s dressed for working in the stables too, not the sterile robes of a healer.
She notices him looking and smiles to him.
It’s still strange to let her see.
It’s hard not to be seen by the Inquisitor. His magic makes the Fade more real on this side, makes Cole more real too. The way he watches for Cole too. And the other brother is not very good with people, he likes Cole and is friendly but it is hard for him to talk to people sometimes and so sometimes it hurts less when his eyes pass over Cole instead. When he can’t be seen there’s no tangling worries of manners and how to soften a tongue like broken glass.
Siona had trouble remembering him too – at first.
She’d gotten mad when she realized that he’d made her forget his help. With Snappy. With the injured soldiers.
Then she’d worked to remember him. Talked to Solas and practiced new magic that made her nose itch to learn it.
To teach herself how to be his friend. So he wouldn’t be alone without anyone to help him either when he was done helping others’ hurts.
It…he’s not sure how to feel about more people remembering him, seeing him. He can’t help the Inquisitor and his allies - they care, they want to see him, except, maybe, Sera and she is just scared no matter what – but Siona isn’t like them.
She isn’t a fighter. The times she’s killed still hurt her in ways that have faded for the others. Even the deaths that were needed – bandits, Venatori, Red Templars – she can’t help but wonder if there was a way to fix their pain so that it didn’t spread. Her brothers don’t think like that, hardly anyone in Skyhold does.
“You have a nice smile,” she tells him, there’s more green than yellow in her eyes when she’s happy.
“I do?” he touches his lips – he hadn’t known he was. He doesn’t usually. It’s…expressions are hard, almost as hard as understanding the feelings that he has instead of just being them. Sometimes his face makes them without him knowing though, and sometimes when he tries to make them they just aren’t right.
“You do,” she nods, turning her eyes back to the birds and shifting a little, to spread her legs out in front of her and her shoulder brushes his.
“I like yours too.” He smiles, though he still dips his hat a little, embarrassed when she looks back at him.
Hesitantly she moves her fingers to brush against his, and then entangles them together. Warm and solid. There. Both of them are real.
The morning sun is higher and the bread and the birds have gone when she sighs softly and lets go of his hand – he didn’t need to be able to feel it to know that she was reluctant to do so.
“I have to go – but I will see you later, Cole,” she smiles to him – there’s a determination there. A promise. For her there is no way to ask how she knows.
He smiles back too, “Probably.”
She waves to him once she’s crossed the broken part of the wall before she leaves at a run – Stitches promised to teach her his poultice recipe if she helps mix potions for the Chargers today. His recipe works better than the one that the Keeper taught her.
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royal-babey · 6 years
Why Did You Scream Like That?
Answering a writing prompt for @aly-the-writer ! Thanks for letting me borrow Siona!!! ^^
Characters (Non-romantic): Kit and Siona
Kit had known Siona and her brothers for about a month now after stumbling into camp one day, needing desperate help. She had been the one to save his life, and was one of the few people who hadn’t actively dismissed him after finding out he could be a lot more troublesome than he seemed. Especially when it came to his wild, almost ‘‘savage’‘ nature, his ‘’odd vallaslin’’, and the lack of skill in controlling his magic. They had grown rather close as friends, since...Well, she was really the only person who could keep him quiet for longer than ten seconds. And because he generally respected her almost instantly, compared to his reaction to her older brother Taralyn, and his twin Haleir. Although he did like the latter.
After Kit had recovered and made his wilder nature known, the first thing she did was take him to the halla pen, telling him that if he wanted them to like him, then Kit would have to keep himself as calm as possible for them. And it worked! He loved animals, so he knew he would have to act ‘‘normal’‘ if he wanted a chance of them even coming near him.
Today, Keeper Deshanna had asked Siona to take Kit with her into the nearby woods, to gather some fresh herbs. Specifically, elfroot and deep mushrooms, since they were running low. And she wanted to be stocked up before they left the Emerald Graves.
Siona had to admit, she found the endless energy Kit seemed to posses after having saved it up for a month, amusing. He couldn’t stop exploring everything, and occasionally she would hear him rustling nearby, or she would hear a loud thump as he fell either from a tree or because in his excitement, he forgot to look where he was going, and ran into one instead.
She hadn’t quite realised how long they had been away from camp, until Kit tapped her shoulder to catch her attention, and pointed above them at the sky. They had left at approximately nine in the morning, and the sun was now straight above them, signalling noon. Siona sighed softly, looking down at the now almost full pouch of herbs attached to her waist, and nodded in agreement. They should get back before the others, specifically Taralyn, began to worry.
Just as they were about to leave though, Kit suddenly grabbed her and pulled her down with him as he crouched behind some tall grass, covering her mouth when an alarmed squawk threatened to emerge. She glared at him briefly, before looking over in the direction he was staring at, and her eyes widened. There was a band of Templars roaming around. Siona didn’t understand, why were they so close to camp? And why hadn’t the scouts informed them that there was Templars nearby? The only reasoning she could think of was that they were now dead, and she felt sickened at the thought...
she thought that maybe trying to wait them out would be the best plan, but with every step, they neared closer and closer to Kit and her hiding place. They would either need to strike first, or risk running and end up dead too...Kit seemed to be thinking the same thing, and he made sure he had Siona’s attention before lifting up his hands, and signing to her.
‘’Use your roots to immobilize the ones nearest to that tree, and I’ll paralyze the rest, We can run to camp. No one needs to die.’’
Siona was suddenly very glad she had asked Kit to teach her sign, and she smiled warily, before leaning up a little so that she would be able to see what she was doing.
At least three Templars were next to a tree. A large Oak. She closed her eyes, focusing her magic to that particular area, before allowing her energy to travel through the ground and into the roots embedded underneath. Once she was sure she had a strong enough foothold, she opened her eyes in order to lead them to her targets. Siona watched at they cried out in surprise when the ancient roots suddenly encased their bodies, and she saw Kit stand up too. She knew he had trouble concentrating her magic, and letting out only certain amounts of power, but surprisingly, he pulled off without fault, and turned to her, grinning proudly before grabbing her hand and starting to run in the direction of camp.
Kit thought they were safe. All the templars were incapacitated, and none of them would be strong enough to de-spell that much raw power, no matter how much it may be toned down on Siona’s side of things. He thought there wouldn’t be any danger anymore. That they would be safe once they reached camp. But things could never be that easy...No. One of the Templars just had to break free from Kit’s paralysis spell. and start chasing after them with his maul, roaring in pure rage as he swung it, quickly catching up to them with great strides.
Kit’s heart was pounding in his ears. He had to protect Siona. She didn't have time to reach out to a tree this quick, and he didn't know if he would be able to trap the Templar again without breaking off his other glyph. So, he would have to take a risk...He slowed down, pushing Siona ahead of him in an attempt to tell her to keep running, and he stooped, turning around to face the charging Templar as he drew his own dagger from his pocket. If he aimed in just the right spot, then he could incapacitate the Templar long enough to kill him, and stop this chase.
The Templar was getting closer now. Truthfully, he was a little afraid. He had never had someone this much bigger than him advancing on him so. But he had to stand his grown. For the clan. For Siona...
Siona watched in horror at Kit’s stupid split second decision, and tears gathered in her eyes as she reached her hand out, only being able to scream as the templar reached him at last, his great maul swinging downwards in a one shot blow to the side of Kit’s head.
Only...It never connected, and she watched in shock as the templar dropped his weapon to the ground, slowly collapsing after it just a few seconds later. She dropped to her own knees too. Kit was alive...And he turned to her, wiping his dagger on his shirt and raising an eyebrow in confusion as he walked over to her. He put his dagger away as he crouched down before her, and signed to her.
‘’Why did you scream like that?’’
Siona gulped, barely managing one word.
Then in amongst the shock and relief, anger set in. And her eyes narriowed as he glared at Kit, before shoving him. He lost his balance, and toppled over, but didn't get mad. Instead his face was impassive, as if his was a normal occurrence, as she screamed at him.
‘’Because I thought you were going to die, you idiot!!! Why would you do that?!’’
He didn't give her an answer. Instead he stood up, and gave her one of his stupidly bright smiles as he offered her his hand, to help her up. And she understood his message simply through that one simple action.
‘Let’s go home’
I hope this is okay! Thank you for requesting, and for reading! ^^
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thevikingwoman · 6 years
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Lavellan Family 
I just wanted them all together, now I have simple sketched of them all!
Iwyn Lavellan by @savbakk Inquisitor
Branwen Lavellan by @destinyapostasy Second of Clan Lavellan
Tawen Lavellan by @noquietinhere Master Hunter of Clan Lavellan
Siona Lavellan by @ladydracarysarts Herbalist of Clan Lavellan
I don’t have a lot of simple busts of Iwyn, but I do have 3 of Branwen it was so hard to choose. I love this one though because it shows off his cheekbones :D, which clearly comes from his mom. 
I love all the talented artists in this fandom and I’m so happy to see the different interpretations and style. 
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vulpixelates · 7 years
15 for the oc codex prompts!
15. a letter to your OC from a companion they haven’t seen in a while
Thanks for the prompt :)
Dearest Varric,
Yes, I know. Writing has never been my strong suit, though I’m not sure any guidance you could offer would be helpful. Everyone has their talents. I think I’ll stick with my brushes and staff, and leave the quills and bolts to you. The world is likely better off that way.
Speaking of which, your new book is… quite something. The girls have Cullen read it a chapter every night before bed and reenact the “heroics” within at any chance they get. Leilani in particular seems drawn to the Dalish mage (who certainly bares absolutely no likeness to anyone that we have ever known or heard of), while Siona seems to be fond of the stabby woman with a scar across her cheek and a penchant for shields and swords (similarly, an entirely new character, unlike anyone I’ve ever known). They’re utterly obsessed. Siona has even taken to following Cullen around the training grounds and shouting various catchphrases from the novel. It's impressive for a child of only three.
Anyway, as always, I value your letters. The last had me laughing for days, with that anecdote about your meeting with Aveline and the noblemen. I’m glad Viscountcy is treating you well, but I hope you’ll visit soon – the Herald’s Rest just isn’t the same without your tall tales and the new house in Ferelden is nearly done, with plenty of room for guests. (Cullen still has no idea, so no tattling.) Or perhaps a family vacation is in order? I imagine the Rutherford sisters would give Kirkwall a run for its money.
Wishing you good fortune and prosperous book sales,Freckles
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pinkfey · 3 years
evanura siona ara'na lavellan info dump :D special thank u to @taliaferros for giving me naming resources <3 (sorry if u get a notif rn i just saw a typo 😔)
okay so. ara'na is a whimsical lil necromancer and has an….. interesting relationship with death?? like damn girl u are strange and off-putting. she respects cycles and like,, collects bones. she finds death very natural and has a hard time grieving. unhinged nature girls love decay!!!
but speaking of grieving :) she has three older siblings!! the eldest, sileal (a mage like ara and first to the keeper), and a couple of twins, rosala and hallen (both archers)
long story short sileal was sent to the conclave at haven, not ara :) rip king 🪦 🙏
so ara was sent to retrieve his body and figure out what the fuck went on, which is how she ends up with the inquisition!! she learns responsibility and independence while there 😌
which isn’t to say she’s naive or anything of the sort!! she’s a bit of a dismissive know-it-all narcissist bc,, she may be a flittery daydreamy freak but girlie knows her shit!! her knowledge of necromancy and the natural world is unparalleled. she’s unafraid to challenge solas and they both go back and forth and call each other on things often. there’s no icky mentor/student dynamic, they’re on each other’s level.
her first week or so at haven she didn’t speak to ANYONE except pretty much the advisors. girls be sheltered and shy 🙈 or just anti establishment. she’s averse to the inquisition due to its andrastian ties and just wanted to keep to herself.
her only two expressions are unaware/lost-in-thought rbf and awestruck by the splendors of the universe fjdhshdjfj she’s just very odd and wispy?? i wish i had a better word for it 😔 just otherworldly !! flighty !! always moving her hands in strange ways and clumsily looking about her cupboards and softly snickering at what seems to be nothing. her default state is like,, her body is barely present and her mind just isn’t, until ofc she snaps to attention like when she debates w solas and such. it’s both endearing and disconcerting.
she’s a very empathetic and accepting person. however her relationship with solas post-trespasser is basically “i love him. i do love him dearly. i fucking hate him though. i do.”
since she exists simultaneously in my canon world state, corintha “retires” and leaves ara to lead the inquisition in search of solas because she believes those calls should be up to her. girls supporting girls 🤩
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inquisimer · 2 years
OoooOo A double Lavellan AU, are they both at Skyhold or are they in another role?
read the synopsis of this AU here
they are! eventually lol😂 but only one of them (Sileal) is the Inquisitor, or officially associated with Clan Lavellan. Aliyah is something of a free agent, working to further the Rogue's Guild objectives and also mourning the death of people she lost at the Conclave.
She works with Leliana and the Chargers, mostly, and a bit with Josephine on the side. At the start, she does pretty much anything she can to avoid Sileal, but they do both make it to Skyhold after the attack on Haven🥰
read more about aliyah aka siona lavellan here
ask me about my WIPs
thanks for the ask Wren!!!
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shannaraisles · 1 year
Alex Hawke - Modern AU
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Name: Alexander Malcolm Hawke Alias(es): Alex, Hawke Gender: Male Age: 28 Birthday: 17th Firstfall Place of birth: Ferelden Spoken languages: Ferelden, Orlesian, Rivaini, Common Sexual orientation: Heterosexual Occupation: Lead guitarist/singer in Two Times Hawke
Eye color: Blue Hair colour: Dark chestnut Height: 6′0″ Scars: None Burns: None that left scars Overweight: Nope Underweight: Nope
Colour: Blue Hair colour: Has no distinct preference, but leans toward brunette Eye colour: Brown eyes Music genre: Heavy beats you can grind to Movie genre: Horror or epic fantasy Tv show: Doesn't really watch TV Food: Hot dogs Drink: Craft beer Book: The Way of the Wolf, by Siona Lavellan
Graduated from university: Nope Had sex: Yes Had sex in public: Semi-public Gotten pregnant: Nope Kissed a boy: Nope Kissed a girl: Yes Gotten tattoos: Yes - right arm sleeve and shoulder of a dragon guarding a horde made up of poppies, thistles, and elfroot Gotten piercings: Tongue and one elsewhere Had a broken heart: Yes Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes
A virgin: No A cuddler: With his sisters, yes A kisser: Definitely Scared easily: Not easily, no Jealous easily: Yes Trustworthy: Most of the time Dominant: Sometimes Submissive: Sometimes In love: His fans probably wouldn't like it if he was Single: His fans definitely don't like it when he isn't
Drove a car: Yes Have/had a job: Has been a reasonably successful musician for the past several years in the band he leads with his twin sister, Poppy Have any fears: Disappointing his siblings, taking a risk and failing
Sibling(s): Poppy (twin); Carver and Bethany (younger siblings) Parents: Malcolm Hawke and Leandra Amell Children: No Pets: None, although he will occasionally pretend that Poppy's mabari is actually his
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transamatus · 3 years
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Using the same picrew as last time, I decided to make my Lavellan and his family too. From top to bottom left to right it goes: Ematuelanuren (24), Ferona (mother, 47), Dalineva (14), Siona (10), and Leanos (10).
Ematuelanuren and Dalineva have a different father than Siona and Leanos. When Ematuelanuren was 11 a plague swept the clan, killing approximately half their number, their father Roshan included. Ematuelanuren was also sick, but recovered.
Dalineva is also a mage, like Ematuelanuren, and is interested in the magic surrounding spirits, the Beyond, and the dead.
Ferona married the twins’ father, Silvhen, a few years after Roshan passed away. He is the clan’s halla keeper. While Dalineva doesn’t remember their father, Ematuelanuren resented Ferona for remarrying and Silvhen had to work hard to gain his approval. He has since grown out of his grudge.
Siona wants to be a hunter like her mother, and has already begun shadowing the hunters with her own bow, which Leanos crafted for her. She’s only killed small game so far, under Ferona’s very careful supervision.
Leanos is the quietest of the children and prefers to work with his hands, spending time sculpting wood figurines and observing the work of the clan’s craftsmen. He sends a new wood carving to Ematuelanuren with every letter their mother writes.
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