#sir handel x peter sam
jessythebunny · 30 days
Sir handel x peter sam
Sadness and happiness
A bossy and serious guy x cheery and cheeky guy
💙💚These are our favorite types, an arrogant and grouchy engine and a cute and playful engine
💙💚Sir handel loves to bring some dolls for Peter sam to express his love to him
💙💚Sir Handel, regardless of his mockery of Peter Sam who lost his funnel, felt sorry for him and took care of him and stood with him in every big and small thing
💙💚Peter Sam likes to knit wool sweaters for Sir Handel, and he prefers them to be big and fluffy because he thinks Sir Handel looks cute in them
💙💚At night, Peter Sam feels a little afraid and cannot sleep, so sometimes he hugs Sir Handel to feel safe
💙💚Sir Handel likes to bake cupcakes for Peter Sam because he knows he loves them, and Peter Sam always brings him strawberries for him
💙💚They love playing with the snow and making snowmen together, and they have a good time, drinking hot chocolate with some cake when they are finished
💙💚Peter Sam tries hard to get Sir Handel out of his frown, but sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he fails
💙💚Sir Handel forces Peter Sam to wear a skirt to laugh at him, but when the wind blows and lifts Peter Sam's skirt, Peter Sam feels extremely embarrassed while Sir Handel watches him, his nose bleeding
💙💚Sir Handel affectionately calls Peter Sam Sammy, or Sam Sam, but as for Peter Sam, he likes to call him Falcon or Handy
💙💚 🎵let me love you-dj snake ft.Justin Bieber🎵
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tam-o-shunter · 23 days
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Sentient blue taki and his winter melon husband (who is carrying his handbag for him)
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The Skarloey Railway Crew
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Here's my concept for the Skarloey Railway's engines. This only includes the core group/permanent members, which in my version includes Duke.
The following also includes the personal nicknames given to each engine by Duncan.
SR Number 1: Skarloey (aka: The Auld Yin/Big Man)
Skarloey is the oldest member of the railway and the official leader of the crew. Courtesy of his rich baritone voice, he is the most easily recognised long before his arrival. This is a surprise to Skarloey, as he has no idea how loud his voice is. A devoted believer in the medicinal power of brandy, he always has at least one hip flask on his person.
Although he is a firm and no-nonsense leader, Skarloey is extremely kind and will always help someone in genuine need. He does not permit discrimination among engines, valuing everyone by character and work ethic. He has a soft spot for Edward and Lady - in a fatherly and granfatherly way. Many assume that he and Rheneas - like their twin siblings Talyllyn and Dolgoch - are married. Skarloey will quickly correct this, proclaiming that the love he bears for Rheneas is the love of the sister he never had.
SR Number 2: Rheneas (aka: Wee Ma)
Rheneas is the second oldest member of the railway and the second-in-command.
Rheneas acts as a mother figure to Edward (whose relationship with her own mother his always been strained) and as a grandmother figure to everyone else. This has earned her the title of "Grandmother of Sodor" and often is referred to as "Nanny Ren" by many engines.
Having a wiser and more reserved nature, Rheneas is considered a moderating influence to Skarloey and the other engines. However, it is said that even Skarloey, Duke, and Edward are frightened of angering her. She once had to temporarily use a cane following a wheel repair, which had to be forcibly taken from her after she used it to stop an argument between Sir Handel and Duncan. Recently, she has taken up knitting, and many engines and humans own examples of her work as gifts.
SR Number 3: Sir Handel (aka: Peter Sam's pet)
Sir Handel is the self-proclaimed 'Express Engine' of the railway and clearly emulates the other Express engine on Sodor in his appearance. He used to have a reputation for being arrogant and rude after his early years, causing a lot of problems for the railway. Maturing over the years, being reunited with Duke, and starting a family with Peter Sam have put an end to this, but his old bad habits will resurface if he loses his temper. However, he is extremely hard-working and reliable, emulating his role models Duke and Skarloey in their younger days, and is much better liked now. He also has the best singing voice out of all the engines.
Married to the love of his life, Peter Sam, and the father of their (soon to be) three children, Sir Handel is determined to set the same good example as his Grandpuff, Duke, did for him.
SR Number 4: Peter Sam (aka: Happy Wee Harpy)
Peter Sam is the sunniest engine on the Skarloey railway and one of the most popular. It is also a surprise to many that he is also the second strongest, thanks to his Giesel funnel.
Peter Sam is also the cook of the railway, being something of a foodie, and often cooks for the others. He is an engine who doesn't hold back on his appetite, which has caused some weight gain. This has done little to damage his self-esteem or ability to do his work, but Victor is keeping an eye on him, just in case.
Peter Sam's naivete does lead to him taking things a little too literally, which has caused him trouble in the past. He also has a tendency to worry about the others to his detriment and wears his enormous heart on his sleeve. Fortunately, the others are always on hand to make sure he doesn't go overboard.
Peter Sam is married to Sir Handel, with whom he has two children - Nerys and Duke Jr - and is expecting their second daughter, Wren. Peter Sam enjoys having a family and is hoping to grow it further.
SR Number 5: Rusty (aka: Buzzbox)
Rusty was one of the first diesels on the island of Sodor and remains the only one on the Skarloey railway. He serves as the 'Handy-engine' on the railway, maintaining the old rails and helping with breakdowns. Unlike some of his NWR counterparts, Rusty doesn't believe in Diesel superiority and might even be seen as pro-Steam. He is very well liked by the other engines thanks to his work ethic and is very well-respected by the other diesels. Many have said that he is the best influence for the young and impressionable Paxton, working hard to undo the bad habits taught to the younger engine by Diesel and Diesel 10. He is also very good friends with Liora/Lady. After a shaky start, he and Duncan entered into a friendship/rivalmance.
Rusty is also struggling with some weight gain, having become the taste-tester for Peter Sam's cooking experiments. While he doesn't consume many sweet things,he is incapable of saying no to the savoury things Peter Sam offers him.
SR Number 6: Duncan (aka: hardest working engine on the railway)
Duncan is the strongest engine on the Skarloey railway and the most volatile. Built in Kilmarnock, Scotland, Duncan's formative years were spent in a factory. This is largely responsible for his coarse language and lack of social experience. He often struggles with the more genteel and peaceful environment of his new home but claims that he is getting used to it. In truth, he has come to like it here.
Duncan is blunt to the point of rudeness and extremely stubborn. This has brought him into conflict with every engine on the railway at some point and is the reason he only pulls passenger trains occasionally. He's also one of the few engines that Edward has sworn at. He has also had a few run-ins with Donald and Douglas, although nobody within earshot was able to understand their accents enough to work out why. However, Duncan is not without his good points. He has never ignored an engine who needed help (although he will complain about it) and is not afraid of hard work. A true diamond in the rough.
SR Number 8: Duke (aka: The Judge)
Duke is the third oldest engine on the Skarloey railway and is the beloved mentor of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, who he loves as a grandfather. He is the most set in his ways, being less relaxed than his older colleagues, but is extremely respected by every engine and human on Sodor.
Duke initially struggled with settling into his new life after his long isolation and often came into conflict with Skarloey over how things were run. But with the help of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, along with the birth of their children, he has overcome these problems. It is possible that he has developed an attraction to Rheneas, although he refuses to comment.
Duke has actually proven his mettle by resolving disputes between the engines on the railway and with any arguments they may have with the NWR engines thanks to his reputation. This has led to Duncan calling him "The Judge."
SR Number 22: Luke (aka: The Fugitive)
Luke is, officially, a recent addition to the railway. But he has, in fact, lived on the island for much longer.
Luke's arrival on Sodor began with an accident, where he caused an accident that caused injury to another engine arriving with him. Believing that he had actually killed the other, a guilt-stricken Luke found refuge on the Skarloey railway, helping out in secret at the Blue Mountain Quarry. He lived there in secret for many years until a chance meeting with Thomas, who discovered that Victor was the engine that Luke believed he had killed.
Afterwards, Luke became an official member of the railway and started to venture out onto the main railway. Initially very shy and jumpy, Luke soon became comfortable with his new freedom, and everyone became enchanted with his cheery optimism and musical Irish tones.
Although much older than his appearance suggests, Luke is babied a little bit by the other engines, and he has become an unofficial third 'grandchild' for Duke. He has become more adventurous, befriending Stephen and Millie at Ulfstead castle. After realising that Paxton had been hurt by his exclusion from the others about him, Luke made a point of apologising to him personally, and the two are on very good terms. But it is with Victor that Luke's life has changed the most. After years of hiding away, Luke had to keep visiting the Steam-Works for long overdue maintenance. During this time, he grew closer to Victor after the two shared stories about their home countries, and Luke began to learn Spanish. The two are now in a committed relationship and are very happy.
Luke still has a fear of being photographed, which is evident by the frozen expressions he pulls when he has to be in a photograph - rather like this one!
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sandgambler · 7 months
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Ttte ponies part 2, electric boogaloo
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ask-sentient-vehicles · 5 months
Who do the narrow gauge engines think is best pony?
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(I kinda hate scrolling through MLP on the internet cuz the fandom's horrible -_-)
so many tags wth
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weirdowithaquill · 7 months
I think it's time you consider sharing your Duke and Rheneas ship concept (and the pufflings' sabotage efforts!) with the world 🙏
My memory is that they were too cute to languish forever only in DMs
Your memory is correct! And also really good! This conversation was months ago!
But here goes nothing - how I ended up shipping Rheneas and Duke:
It all begins with a certain @jobey-wan-kenobi and shipping Skarloey and Neil. These two are very important for Dukeas (Rhenuke?) - so let's cover them first.
These two are terrible at flirting. Like, legitimately bad. Neil gets a repaint when he's bought by the Crovan's Gate Mining Company (into SKR red!!) and Skarloey attempts to flirt and be suave to capture Neil's heart. Here's how he does:
"I like seeing you in my colour--" So far so good - but the engines don't really have good metaphors for clothes so it sort of falls apart: "--it would look better on... uh... oh..." Human pickup lines don't really work for engines, do they? Neil is so confused, and Skarloey is dying of embarrassment (the fireman said that it would totally work!)
Rheneas laughs himself sick.
Skarloey - after grumbling about Rheneas laughing at him - swallows his pride and asks his brother for help. (Side note - this is where our conversation started. We were talking about how the SKR is more interesting for family-values in the RWS.)
Rheneas has never had a crush before, and so his best idea is: "Why not ask him to double head a train with you?" Now, those of you who've instantly spotted the problem with narrow gauge Skarloey and standard gauge Neil double heading a train are doing better than these two hopeless idiots.
But Skarloey is not to be deterred! So he builds 'the truck' to pull trains on the standard gauge railway! Ah... but there's not enough traffic for double heading, so none of the managers will allow it.
It's not like Neil is any better though - this is the same boxy engine who saw Skarloey and went "he's so cute, but I'm too ugly for him..." at which point his crew face-palmed. So his crew convinced Neil to invite Skarloey to hang out at the works while he's being repainted into NWR colours (circa 1915). So Skarloey's there when he's sanded down and repainted.
Skarloey gets a nosebleed and passes out.
And Neil thinks that Skarloey just fell asleep! Even as the mechanics at Crovan's Gate are gathering around him to study him because no engine has ever had a nosebleed before, oh my goodness look at our discovery!
These two are disasters.
Peter Sam is no help either. Peter Sam is about as innocent as a three-year-old (Duke was not going to let no dock workers sully His Puffling, thank you very much) so his best advice is to: "Sing to him!" "What song?" "Uh..." Peter Sam doesn't do proper songs, he makes up ditties! What do you mean, wooing the boxy engine involves actually knowing music?
Skarloey just skips over asking Sir Handel for advice. Which is probably for the best, considering Sir Handel's attempt at flirting was to basically stun Gordon by talking his ear off and insulting his own coaches.
Yeah... none of these engines are very good at this.
But yeah, it probably takes until Rusty and Duncan figure themselves out for Skarloey to get some good advice. Cause of all the engines on the SKR, these two are the first to get into an actual relationship (with each other, but it's not Duncan's first, let's be honest). So, here's this centennarian-and-then-some engine that is Skarloey needing his romance to be chaperoned by these two youngsters... AND IT WORKS!
Finally he has the wingengines he needs: a foul-mouthed factory worker and something called a 'diesel'.
And Rheneas is still laughing in the background.
But it works! Skarloey buys some flowers with his driver's money and asks Neil out - and Neil says yes! (Let's all just headcanon that he was the Crovan's Gate Works engine at this point, okay? Okay.) Rheneas's first words upon hearing this are lost to time, but were either "Oh thank God" or "FINALLY!"
He is very lucky that he is at the works and hears about it there, or else he'd have gotten into a massive argument. But at the same time, he's rather sad, cause he's been using this romantic trainwreck as his entertainment for the last 100 odd years, throwing out slightly bogus suggestions to stir up the drama.
These two are going steady enough in 1965 for Skarloey to tease Neil by calling him "ugly but kind" in front of the Reverend - who accidentally takes it to heart.
We are all very lucky that said Anglican Reverend was out of earshot when Neil shot back a quip about nosebleeds.
But this is Rheneas' life up until 1970 - it's spent doing his job and laughing at his brother's absolutely hilarious and terrible love life. But romance? No, it's not in his cards...
And then Duke arrives.
And Rheneas goes “oh no, he’s hot.”
Rheneas immediately goes to his brother - because they're brothers, and they're supposed to help one another - completely forgetting the past 100 years.
Skarloey bursts into laughter. And then tells Neil, who also laughs. Rheneas is humbled with his own crush on Duke - much to his consternation.
But it’s worse cause Rheneas has to deal with two very overprotective children. See, Sir Handel and Peter Sam don't want to share their Granpuff. Cause they see Rheneas as a friend, not a weird step-grandpa, so stop butting in on our family. These boys have Granpuff-related trauma, and they are not handing over their Granpuff to just any old puffball. Duke for his part thinks Rheneas is cute - but his pufflings just keep calling him "a bad influence" - which is hilariously ironic considering Sir Handel.
Of course, being Peter Sam and Sir Handel, they also do their 'sunshine and thunder thing': "I think it's nice!" "You WOULD." Which naturally evolves into good-cop-bad-cop as Peter Sam is swayed by Sir Handel (and a sniggering Skarloey, but Skarloey's always had the best of intentions, right?)
Rheneas takes his own advice and asks to double head a train (cause at least he's the same gauge!) and Sir Handel slots himself in. Duke thinks it's sweet that Sir Handel is trying to spend more time with him. Rheneas is pulling his metaphorical hair out (oh, he knows - but he's also messing with Rheneas. He also talks to Skarloey).
Can you imagine how ridiculous it would be for everyone? Rheneas is just being interrogated in the background while Duke does a deadpan to some documentary crew like he’s in the Office: “This has been going on for 25 years. I have been dating Rheneas for 20 of those years.”
He has conveniently forgotten to mention this fact to Sir Handel and Peter Sam...
And that should have been that.
No. Cause then we talked about humanisations - and the story picked back up, only now we have to jump back to the year Duke got together with Rheneas. Now, for some reason or another (I blame the boulder), the entire SKR crew (Neil included) are suddenly turned human. After a few days of figuring out how being human works (cause we take most of three decades before we settle into 'humaning' - these engines are gonna need some help), they begin to act as normally as a bunch of engines-turned-humans can. There was one occasion where Peter Sam bear-walked across the yard because he couldn't figure out how walking worked, and humans have four legs! "Those are hands." "Good enough for walking!"
See, the engines pop into being human with bodies and clothes (this is important) - and for the most part, it's pretty stock standard. Rusty has overalls, Duncan has a few piercings, Sir Handel gets wheelie shoes (for his steamroller wheels!) and Duke has a massive overcoat that makes him look - for lack of a better term - rather chubby.
And he does nothing to dissuade the other engines from this line of thinking. On the surface, it makes sense after all! Duke has his large saddle tank, which translated over.
So it comes as a great surprise to everyone when Duke takes off his overcoat after the engine Duncan (who was pulling them in one of the passenger coaches) derails. Duke is not fat - no, he's been hiding tools in his overcoat... like a crowbar. In fact, Duke randomly takes off his shirt too so he can use said crowbar to lever Duncan back onto the rails all by himself (the shirt was... uh... too constricting?).
Rheneas gets a nosebleed - only none of the engines know how human nosebleeds work and panic. This of course tips Duke off that yes, Rheneas does have a thing for him.
So, Duke basically tortures Rheneas for weeks by volunteering to join the track-workers gang, and wearing a singlet and he has arms, why does he have arm muscles he is a steam engine! (I told someone about this, and they said - and I quote: "It's cause they're always pumping iron!")
Duke also keeps Werther's Originals in his overcoat to distribute to both his Pufflings and the local schoolchildren. Rheneas' heart cannot handle the adorableness.
This of course led to Rheneas confessing to Duke in the rain after the stationmaster's cat got lost. Rheneas had thought Duke would think he was cool if he found said cat first and rushed off... and fell into a ditch and sprained his ankle cause he's a human now, and people don't walk normal, why don't they have wheels - (oh wait, that's what trains are for). Rheneas had saved the cat, and then Duke helped him, asked why Rheneas ran off and didn't stick with the search party - and so Rheneas confessed in the moment. Very cliche romantic, but so am I a bit.
So that's how Duke and Rheneas ended up as a couple. A bit of magic, a whole lot of Duke's family torturing Rheneas and a missing cat.
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Te's Narrow-Gauge Ships in a Nutshell
Skarloey x Neil (Neilloey):
Starcrossed lovers who decided to call themselves married the night before one of them disappears during the war. Skarloey and Neil had always been close, ever since Skarloey had arrived on Sodor. When WWI broke out, the two decided to be married, with their loving crews tying ropes around their buffers in an approximation of handfasting as Robert Sam officiated their ceremony. They promised each other that they would live through the war, but even though they both did, once the war ended, Neil's whereabouts were unknown. Luckily for both of them, Neil had ended up in the back of an abandoned warehouse, and through a series of connections, is unearthed in the modern day. He's taken by the SR, restored, and finally, FINALLY, Skarloey has his other half back, the only engine other than Rheneas he can be vulnerable around, the one who grounds him when he gets bouncy, the one who feeds into all of his schemes and jokes. Neil is grounding; easy-going; calm, kind, and collected; and just what Skarloey needs when he doesn't need to FIX the problem--just vent about it. Skarloey, for his part, is sprightly, energetic, insightful, and clever, and Neil always appreciates the joy that Skarloey brings to each and every day. His laughter colors Neil's entire world, and being back together gives them both a sense of rightness that they were both deeply missing.
Rheneas x Stepney (Rhenney):
Lovers who could never last. They met in the summer of 1962 when Stepney came to Sodor and Rheneas had gotten back from the works. Stepney had just been entered into preservation and was being paraded as a mascot; Rheneas had just returned to his railway after being overhauled. Both of them feel like fish out of water; for Rheneas, the last time the line was this nice was when it was new, almost 100 years ago, and he's never had permanent co-workers before. He's home, but... home is more crowded than he remembers. Stepney gets that; for Stepney, he's not used to being on such a short line. There's a sense of adjustment that they're both struggling to navigate, and with Stepney being on Sodor, the two of them finding another engine that they can deeply relate to in this way is incredibly meaningful. It's not hard to fall in love with the other, really; they mirror each other, a standard-gauge engine out of place among his fellows, a narrow-gauge engine feeling the same. The right place at the right time. But it could never last, could never be anything more than a sweet summer fling; Stepney can't stay, and Rheneas can't leave. But for that one sweet summer, they have found their other halves, and that summer will remain etched in their minds forever, captured only in the letters that their supportive drivers pen on their behalf. This is the relationship most likely to be queerplatonic versus romantic, but I do rather like the extra layer that the romance adds, particularly if Rheneas only realizes it's love while listening to his driver read Stepney's letters and hearing the adoration buried in between the lines.
Sir Handel x Peter Sam:
Wholesome lovers who are one specific flavor of the grumpy one loves the sunshine trope, but also have depth beyond that. These two are quite sweet together--even as they're teasing each other about their various upgrades, Sir Handel can also be vulnerable around Peter Sam and knows that he can trust him with his life. He can trust Peter Sam with his vulnerabilities and fears. If he's being serious, Peter Sam won't laugh or put him down. He'll just listen and support him. And for Peter Sam, he loves Sir Handel because despite Sir Handel's arrogance and ego getting in his way (even if it eases up later), Peter Sam can see the good in him. The pride that pushes him. The ability to admit and reflect on his mistakes. The willingness to learn from other engines, such as Skarloey. The desire to do well even when he claims he hates working (and frankly, I don't think he does; I do think that as the express engine of the Mid-Sodor, he's fearful of messing up at the beginning and lets his preconceptions about what he should be able to do override the reality of having to navigate a new railway, new coaches, and new coworkers, so because he doesn't want to fail, he claims he doesn't want to work). Peter Sam has seen him become a better engine over the course of their tenure at the Skarloey Railway, and he absolutely loves that about him.
Rusty x Duncan:
Another flavor of grumpy/sunshine, but different from Sir Handel and Peter Sam. Rusty is calm and kind and has a heart of gold, as well as a strong work ethic. Duncan, of course, is rude and brash and prickly. However, once Duncan overcomes his initial distrust of Rusty, I feel that they warm up to each other quite quickly. Rusty makes Duncan feel safe in a way that he's not quite used to, but can't get enough of. He's the odd one out on the Skarloey for multiple reasons, including his factory work and the fact that he's not from Sodor, but being around Rusty makes him think that such things don't really matter nearly as much as he'd thought. He can let his guard down around Rusty; with the little diesel, he can rest. As for Rusty, I think Duncan is their closest friend in a lot of ways. Skarloey and Rheneas have been running the railway by themselves for so long, and are mentor figures to all the younger engines on the railway (including these two). Sir Handel and Peter Sam knew each other long before coming to the SR. Thus, Rusty and Duncan are the two "new engines" on the block, and this brings them closer together. Rusty also loves how fiercely Duncan both loves and lives his life, and while he can certainly be grumpy, Rusty is the only one privileged enough to see his softer side.
Duke x Stanley (Smudger in the TVS):
Another doomed love, with the potential of a redemption arc. I have often imagined that Stanley's attitude toward carelessness and spills concealed worries of inadequacy, but the Mid-Sodor management decided to give a rather draconian punishment for his actions, and he ended up abandoned in a flooded mine. Stanley was remorseful after he lost his wheels and was turned into a pumping engine, and if able to be rescued, I can imagine him trying to repair his relationship with Duke, especially if Duke was initially against him for his apparent carelessness. However, after seeing the Mid-Sodor's punishment for him and seeing how his defiant personality softened into something more genuine and remorseful, Duke decided to try getting along with Stanley and would ask to be parked near the shed so that Stanley would be less alone. After a few years of late-night talks, they became incredibly close, with Duke appreciating Stanley as an equal rather than him being another granchuff like Sir Handel and Peter Sam. It was only after Stanley was put in the mine that Duke realized the extent of his feelings for the other engine, but by then, it was far too late. It was only thanks to fate's meddling that the two were reunited in the 1970s, with Stanley barely able to believe that Duke remembered him, much less petitioned the management of the SR to rescue him. Duke's granchuffs, of course, know full well how much of a stubborn bulldog Duke can be when it comes to not letting go of his loved ones, so really, this is par for the course. But either way, Stanley is mistrustful of the SR and everyone on it at first, butting heads with some of the more fiery personalities, but once it becomes clear that the SR really is as much of a found family as they seem, he finds himself being dragged along by their pace until he feels right at home. What Duke loves about Stanley is that he brings out Duke's less elegant side. With Stanley, he can laugh loudly and let loose in a way that he's not comfortable doing in front of most others. He takes great pride in his knowledge of etiquette and elegance, to the point that it can be hard to bond with others when they want to be more casual, but with Stanley, it feels easy. He's seen the real Stanley, beneath all the bluster, and finds that this is an engine that he can truly be comfortable around. For Stanley, Duke is his confidante, his closest friend, the one who always cared about him even when he was at his worst. He didn't see Stanley's punishment and think that he deserved it; he saw Stanley's punishment and was compassionate instead.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (273)
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nwr77 · 8 months
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happy valentine's day, narrow gauge edition!
(yes, they are all in a kinda tangled polyamorous relationship - the colourful hearts are meant to symbolise who's dating who)
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anonymousboxcar · 1 year
Fic Snippet/Preview
I’ve been working on a sequel to “To The Surface” for almost a month now. I’ve been struggling with it, but I’m having fun too. And I want to share this little piece of it with you guys, since it made me laugh while writing it. I hope you enjoy it!
Skarloey beams at him. “We’re happy to have you on our little railway.”
     “We can always use another set of pistons,” Rheneas says, his tone thoughtful. “But you don’t owe us one whit. If anything, we owe you for what you did for Rennie.”
     “Of course.”
     Stanley feels his face grow warm. He didn’t get much of a chance to run on the Mid-Sodor, but he did sometimes glimpse Skarloey and Rheneas at junctions. Duke managed to impress on him that they were prestigious and respectable. And here they are, praising me. “How’s, uh, how’s she doing?”
    “Much better. Nancy and Richard think she’ll hop out of hospital with crutches in no time,” Rheneas says, his gaze softening.
     “She’ll want to see you.” Skarloey nudges Rheneas, grinning. “After she sees him, that is.”
      Rheneas’ face reddens. “Maybe,” he says, inching backwards. Peter Sam and Sir Handel chuckle. 
     Ah. “I’m fine waiting my turn,” Stanley says, teasing but warm. “I know when I’m not the favorite uncle.”
     “Yes, well.” Rheneas coughs. “You’ll always be welcome on this railway, Stanley. If it’s work you’re looking for, we have more than enough of it here. We also have a rail museum a few kilometers away.”
     “It’s a lovely little place,” Skarloey says. “Neil wouldn’t mind more company either.”
    “Really? I thought you were plenty company for him, with all the times you’ve been there this week.”
     Rheneas’ tone is innocent enough. Peter Sam’s wheezing laughter is the furthest thing from innocent. Sir Handel groans, spinning his wheels in a shower of frustrated sparks. “You said you hadn’t seen him in a month. I took those trucks for you!”
      Skarloey flushes, letting out a sheepish laugh as he sinks on his rails. “I really did appreciate that.”
     “I’m sure you did!”
     Stanley feels lighter in the boiler, glancing at Skarloey. “I couldn’t get in the way of you two,” he says, deadpan. 
     Peter Sam wheezes even harder, rattling down to his wheels.
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amyfevernight · 1 year
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time for a massive dump again wheee guess what this one was so big i have to split it into two posts.
Harold is a Kūko with the ability of being capable of increasing her power while in the sky.
Trevor is a recently dead hone onna with the ability of being capable of seeing red strings of fate.
Arry and Bert are twin devils with the ability of being capable of travelling through mirrors. 
Sir Handel is a lesser devil with the ability of being capable of transforming into a falcon. Peter Sam is a succubus with the ability of being capable of refreshing exhausted spirits. Duke is an elder devil with the ability of being capable of sending people into eternal sleep. Bert (Small Railway) is a Hinnagami with the ability of being capable of fulfilling any request. Mike is a Gashadokuro with the ability of being capable of causing sudden poor health. Fergus Duncan is a spirit with the ability of being capable of manipulating fear.
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jessythebunny · 29 days
Peter Sam with a skirt XD💅✨
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*cough* I'm not sorry for this!
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Sir Handel x Peter Sam
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"I look fine, Peter Sam!"
"Well, you do now. I've straightened your crooked tie, Sir Handel.. *giggle*"
Sir Handel thought he looked pretty spiffy to visit their family at the Awdry Extravaganza and was looking forward to some approving affection from Peter Sam. Yet, somehow, he'd not quite managed to get his tie straight...
There was no point complaining, as Peter Sam isn't above a little tie throttle if Sir Handel's complaints touch a nerve!
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baldwin-10-12-d · 3 months
Could you list every pairing you ship?
This is only cannon to the GSR au since if list all of the different aus then we'd be here awhile
Skarloey x Ivo Hugh
Rheneas x Fred
Sir Handel x Rusty
Peter Sam x Bertram
Duncan x Smudger
Duke x RWS Stanley
Freddie x Mighty Mac
Luke x Millie
Victor x Hiro
Talyllyn x Midlander
Dolgoch x Trecwn
Sir Haydn x Edward Thomas
Douglas x St Cadfan
Alf x Proteus
Culdee x Godred
All of the other MSR engines that aren't listed are all privately owned
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transfem-edward · 1 year
Ykno with Luke x millie, peter sam x sir handel and Edward x henry/emily/boco
I think my thing is just blue/green couples
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ryan1014n2 · 2 years
Can you do a peter sam and sir Handel and duncan and rusty asleep?
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These were some nice things to do :)
ft. Peter Sam waking Sir Handel up by whistling just to mess with him
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