#ttte victor x luke
biggsodorcitystories 1 month
Victor x Luke
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After the events of Blue Mountain Mystery, Luke paid a visit to the Steam-Works for some long-overdue maintenance. He also got the chance to get to know Victor - the engine whom he thought he had killed - properly.
After this and subsequent visits later, Victor and Luke had become something much better than friends, initially disguising the blossoming romance as more regular repair visits to maintain privacy, mostly from Peter Sam.
It's not the most popular ship, I know, but I like it, so it is canon in my AU.
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nwr77 1 year
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There's a celebration today (11.04.2023) on Sodor, and all are welcome to attend!
As in, Douglas and Oliver are getting married 馃挌馃枻
//date is canon to my AU, year included// //the "ingredient" pictures under the cut//
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dates of weddings in the photos:
Lady/Leopard - 21.12.1842
Ryan/Daisy - 15.06.1993
Emily/Caitlin - 18.08.2008
Scruff/Whiff - 22.10.2011
Lady/Diesel 10 - 23.07.2015
Edward/Henry - 02.03.2018
Victor/Luke - 17.07.2020
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ttte-yurishica 10 months
Trying to make edits day 2
I watched Blue mountain mystery and I really love these two. I hope I'm not the only one who ships them...
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jayde-jots 3 years
Top 10 fav ships? TTTE and tugs?
Fuck... forgive me if I do more than 10 because I like a lot of ships. Hercules x Zebedee Ten Cents x Zip Gordon x Rebecca Zak x Nia Millie x Caitlin Victor x Luke Cranky x Carly x Big Micky Salty x Porter ...Okay that's actually less than I thought, those are all the cannon ones at least. The rest are like characters I'd wager have a crush on another, and some I want to give someone to love but can't, or I ship them but in a different relationship sense like platonically. I'm gonna say those too. Spencer x Connor (Spencer I imagine struggles with his love life, so he likes Connor but doesn't know how to go about it because he doesn't want his image ruined.) Flying Scotsman x Rebecca (After she basically made him tongue-tied he found himself very interested in her, but was shocked to see her and Gordon together. He likes Rebecca but he also likes seeing his brother happy, so he's conflicted.) Rosie x James (I see these two a lot more like siblings, hell! in my mythic AU they are siblings.) Alright, the rest are who I want to give ships to but I find that I cant. Edward (It's implied in my giant AU that he and Thomas are rather close but they still see each other as really good friends.) Diesel (I don't know who I can safely ship him with.) Diesel 10 (Same issue.) Herny (I would like to say Gordon but the thing is, Henry could be considered like a half-sibling to Gordon because he was a wack Gresley originally.) James (I want to give this guy someone to make him happy but I feel like options are limiting.) And I'd like to say a lot more characters but I've already rambled enough...
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biggsodorcitystories 1 month
Love your art. Keep up the good work!
Now for the question (which kinda touches a sensitive topic). Victor, as he is both a engine and a doctor, is he bound by the same rules as a normal human doctor? I ask because as much as the Victor/Luke ship is cute, it does raise some questions through my eyes. Unless there is more than one doctor at the Steam Works?
Thank you so much! That means a lot. ^^
As for Victor, he is bound by the rules of human doctors and is constantly on call. However, like human doctors, Victor has to take time to rest and enjoy leisure time so that he doesn't burn out. It is this time that he used to enjoy his personal relationships, such as Luke, their later kids, adopted son Kevin, and friends.
When it comes to the Steam Works, you should consider that there are human crews working there. Victor fills in the role that a consultant doctor would in a human hospital: he will speak with any engine that visits (unless it's a quick and basic visit, like paintwork), but will not undertake every element of their care.
Victor is largely responsible for overseeing the human crews, assisting with more difficult diagnosis or more difficult engines (*coughcough*Henry*coughcough*) who will only be seen by him, and emergencies (Gordon's boiler explosion in The Great Race, for example). A lot of his appearances in the show would portray him doing the equivalent making his rounds.
His early 'dates' with Luke were opportunities for Victor to make sure his lover wasn't suffering any long-term effects of his time in hiding. They often just ended with a bit of smoochy time. Luke was initially unhappy when their time together had to be cut short by Victor being needed in the works, but he came to accept it as part of everyday life.
Hope this makes sense!
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biggsodorcitystories 2 years
The Skarloey Railway Crew
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Here's my concept for the Skarloey Railway's engines. This only includes the core group/permanent members, which in my version includes Duke.
The following also includes the personal nicknames given to each engine by Duncan.
SR Number 1: Skarloey (aka: The Auld Yin/Big Man)
Skarloey is the oldest member of the railway and the official leader of the crew. Courtesy of his rich baritone voice, he is the most easily recognised long before his arrival. This is a surprise to Skarloey, as he has no idea how loud his voice is. A devoted believer in the medicinal power of brandy, he always has at least one hip flask on his person.
Although he is a firm and no-nonsense leader, Skarloey is extremely kind and will always help someone in genuine need. He does not permit discrimination among engines, valuing everyone by character and work ethic. He has a soft spot for Edward and Lady - in a fatherly and granfatherly way. Many assume that he and Rheneas - like their twin siblings Talyllyn and Dolgoch - are married. Skarloey will quickly correct this, proclaiming that the love he bears for Rheneas is the love of the sister he never had.
SR Number 2: Rheneas (aka: Wee Ma)
Rheneas is the second oldest member of the railway and the second-in-command.
Rheneas acts as a mother figure to Edward (whose relationship with her own mother his always been strained) and as a grandmother figure to everyone else. This has earned her the title of "Grandmother of Sodor" and often is referred to as "Nanny Ren" by many engines.
Having a wiser and more reserved nature, Rheneas is considered a moderating influence to Skarloey and the other engines. However, it is said that even Skarloey, Duke, and Edward are frightened of angering her. She once had to temporarily use a cane following a wheel repair, which had to be forcibly taken from her after she used it to stop an argument between Sir Handel and Duncan. Recently, she has taken up knitting, and many engines and humans own examples of her work as gifts.
SR Number 3: Sir Handel (aka: Peter Sam's pet)
Sir Handel is the self-proclaimed 'Express Engine' of the railway and clearly emulates the other Express engine on Sodor in his appearance. He used to have a reputation for being arrogant and rude after his early years, causing a lot of problems for the railway. Maturing over the years, being reunited with Duke, and starting a family with Peter Sam have put an end to this, but his old bad habits will resurface if he loses his temper. However, he is extremely hard-working and reliable, emulating his role models Duke and Skarloey in their younger days, and is much better liked now. He also has the best singing voice out of all the engines.
Married to the love of his life, Peter Sam, and the father of their (soon to be) three children, Sir Handel is determined to set the same good example as his Grandpuff, Duke, did for him.
SR Number 4: Peter Sam (aka: Happy Wee Harpy)
Peter Sam is the sunniest engine on the Skarloey railway and one of the most popular. It is also a surprise to many that he is also the second strongest, thanks to his Giesel funnel.
Peter Sam is also the cook of the railway, being something of a foodie, and often cooks for the others. He is an engine who doesn't hold back on his appetite, which has caused some weight gain. This has done little to damage his self-esteem or ability to do his work, but Victor is keeping an eye on him, just in case.
Peter Sam's naivete does lead to him taking things a little too literally, which has caused him trouble in the past. He also has a tendency to worry about the others to his detriment and wears his enormous heart on his sleeve. Fortunately, the others are always on hand to make sure he doesn't go overboard.
Peter Sam is married to Sir Handel, with whom he has two children - Nerys and Duke Jr - and is expecting their second daughter, Wren. Peter Sam enjoys having a family and is hoping to grow it further.
SR Number 5: Rusty (aka: Buzzbox)
Rusty was one of the first diesels on the island of Sodor and remains the only one on the Skarloey railway. He serves as the 'Handy-engine' on the railway, maintaining the old rails and helping with breakdowns. Unlike some of his NWR counterparts, Rusty doesn't believe in Diesel superiority and might even be seen as pro-Steam. He is very well liked by the other engines thanks to his work ethic and is very well-respected by the other diesels. Many have said that he is the best influence for the young and impressionable Paxton, working hard to undo the bad habits taught to the younger engine by Diesel and Diesel 10. He is also very good friends with Liora/Lady. After a shaky start, he and Duncan entered into a friendship/rivalmance.
Rusty is also struggling with some weight gain, having become the taste-tester for Peter Sam's cooking experiments. While he doesn't consume many sweet things,he is incapable of saying no to the savoury things Peter Sam offers him.
SR Number 6: Duncan (aka: hardest working engine on the railway)
Duncan is the strongest engine on the Skarloey railway and the most volatile. Built in Kilmarnock, Scotland, Duncan's formative years were spent in a factory. This is largely responsible for his coarse language and lack of social experience. He often struggles with the more genteel and peaceful environment of his new home but claims that he is getting used to it. In truth, he has come to like it here.
Duncan is blunt to the point of rudeness and extremely stubborn. This has brought him into conflict with every engine on the railway at some point and is the reason he only pulls passenger trains occasionally. He's also one of the few engines that Edward has sworn at. He has also had a few run-ins with Donald and Douglas, although nobody within earshot was able to understand their accents enough to work out why. However, Duncan is not without his good points. He has never ignored an engine who needed help (although he will complain about it) and is not afraid of hard work. A true diamond in the rough.
SR Number 8: Duke (aka: The Judge)
Duke is the third oldest engine on the Skarloey railway and is the beloved mentor of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, who he loves as a grandfather. He is the most set in his ways, being less relaxed than his older colleagues, but is extremely respected by every engine and human on Sodor.
Duke initially struggled with settling into his new life after his long isolation and often came into conflict with Skarloey over how things were run. But with the help of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, along with the birth of their children, he has overcome these problems. It is possible that he has developed an attraction to Rheneas, although he refuses to comment.
Duke has actually proven his mettle by resolving disputes between the engines on the railway and with any arguments they may have with the NWR engines thanks to his reputation. This has led to Duncan calling him "The Judge."
SR Number 22: Luke (aka: The Fugitive)
Luke is, officially, a recent addition to the railway. But he has, in fact, lived on the island for much longer.
Luke's arrival on Sodor began with an accident, where he caused an accident that caused injury to another engine arriving with him. Believing that he had actually killed the other, a guilt-stricken Luke found refuge on the Skarloey railway, helping out in secret at the Blue Mountain Quarry. He lived there in secret for many years until a chance meeting with Thomas, who discovered that Victor was the engine that Luke believed he had killed.
Afterwards, Luke became an official member of the railway and started to venture out onto the main railway. Initially very shy and jumpy, Luke soon became comfortable with his new freedom, and everyone became enchanted with his cheery optimism and musical Irish tones.
Although much older than his appearance suggests, Luke is babied a little bit by the other engines, and he has become an unofficial third 'grandchild' for Duke. He has become more adventurous, befriending Stephen and Millie at Ulfstead castle. After realising that Paxton had been hurt by his exclusion from the others about him, Luke made a point of apologising to him personally, and the two are on very good terms. But it is with Victor that Luke's life has changed the most. After years of hiding away, Luke had to keep visiting the Steam-Works for long overdue maintenance. During this time, he grew closer to Victor after the two shared stories about their home countries, and Luke began to learn Spanish. The two are now in a committed relationship and are very happy.
Luke still has a fear of being photographed, which is evident by the frozen expressions he pulls when he has to be in a photograph - rather like this one!
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biggsodorcitystories 8 months
Happy Valentine's Day 2024
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Every year, there is a Valentine's Day ball at the Stewart family residence that many of the engines always attend. Dressing up in their finery (which for Edward and her daughters includes donning the family jewels), the engines look forward to a night of good food, good company, and dancing with their beloved in the ballroom.
This year, Edward and Zebedee took the role of hosts and led the dancing to give Edward's parents a rest.
Victor and Luke were very happy to be attending the ball together for the first time, and Luke was excited to join the dancing.
Gordon and James, naturally, had to be at the centre of things. After all, James had hardly picked a dress that showed off how much baby weight she'd lost after having Leon for nothing!
Duck had plucked up the courage to wear an evening gown for this year's ball, but Donald was still on hand to offer them a little assurance as they stood to dance.
Henry and Emily had no reason to show off, content to simply enjoy the moment together. That being said, they may have some good news to shout about soon enough...
Meanwhile, Bill (forced to wear his hated 'William' tiepin by Edward) has finally plucked up enough courage to ask Nia if she would like to dance. Both are excited, nervous, and in Bill's case, a little lovestruck!
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nwr77 8 months
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redraws part 2! pov when your partner steals the pencil you're using to work but it's okay because he's adorable~
and comparison ~
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nwr77 2 years
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It's the 2023 Valentines post and 2024 February Shipping Sundays material!
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