#sirius fending off the remus simps
sexymoonmansslut · 7 months
wolfstar 🤭
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fuckin icons.
happy valentine’s day to the only couple ever 🤗🤗
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themanfromeire · 11 months
Could I request Sirius helping his girlfriend who ends up blind after a mishap with a potion? It's temporary but the poor girl still has to get around somehow!
Of course you can, mo grhá! Thanks for requesting. I hope it’s okay :) Also, thank you for the request!!
Sirius Black x Reader - Blinded By Love
A potion mishap involving a carrot, a done with everything Remus, a trying reader, and chaotic Sirius Black and James Potter.
Cross posted to AO3
Potions lessons where you were partnered with your boyfriend were anything but boring. 
Not only did you have to concentrate on reading the instructions written in front of you, stirring the potion at a certain time, a certain frequency and a certain direction, but you also had to fend off Sirius AND James simultaneously. 
God, you were a strong person. 
You had proposed to Remus that he become partners with you, so that your work would actually be completed to an acceptable standard, but the lycanthrope had declined, citing Sirius’ complete and utter adoration of you as a reason not to. 
He claimed that he would be unable to concentrate with the lustful looks you two would send each other from across the room. Remus also stated that unless you were partnered together, Sirius would whine to him about being separated from you all day. 
The Welshman didn’t think he was emotionally strong enough to listen to Sirius complain about not being near you. ‘The year of him simping over you was bad enough!’ he had explained with a chuckle. The guy was not mean, just done with everything. 
You had proposed that you keep the two on leashes, with dream catchers tied above them to keep them occupied whilst you and Remus completed the potions assignment. The idea had drawn a hearty laugh from Remus, along with a playful ruffle of your hair, but not an agreement. 
So here you were, trying to brew a potion with your chaos that you called your boyfriend, along with his platonic love of his life, James. Remus loomed between the two desks, making the odd sarcastic comment to you.
It was complete pandemonium, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sirius turned the page of your textbook to distract you, whilst James added something to your cauldron. It was not an unusual occurrence, in fact, it was so common that James, Sirius and Remus frequently made bets about who out of the first two could add the largest object to your potion without you noticing.
What was unusual was what happened next. 
As your lover distracted you so James could drop an entire carrot that he had stolen from the Great Hall at lunchtime that day, you realised what was happening, and whipped your head towards the cauldron.
Just in time to see it explode. 
Bright orange liquid flew in all directions with a bang that you felt reverberate in every single cell of your body. The kind that shook your core, like a marching band trudging by, filling your being with the pounding of the bass drum and snare to the rhythm of their steps. 
And then, silence. Followed by hysterical laughter. 
The voice of Slughorn cut through, trying to calm the laughter of the Marauders, but nothing could bring that train back to the station, especially not as James Potter stood in the centre of the room, completely covered in orange goop. 
“The four of you, detention. I will be deducting 30 points from Gryffindor for your antics, Mr Black, and Mr Potter. Go to Madame Pomfrey at once. The very second she dismisses you, I want all of you back here to clean up this mess. Do I make myself clear?” 
 A chorus of insincere “Yes sir”s that were interrupted with giggles replied, and as the other two exited the dungeons, Sirius’ arm found its usual home around your waist, and the boy began to guide you out of the room, something which you were eternally grateful for. 
You allowed your boyfriend to guide you towards the hospital wing as you raised a hand to your eyes and began to rub the orange, carrot-scented potion from your them to view the spectacle that had Remus howling with laughter, and your boyfriend’s echoing along the corridor, but as you rubbed at your eyes, the darkness remained. 
You dug the heels of your hand into your eyes, frantically rubbing, attempting to banish the umbra from your vision, but no change occurred. Maybe if you tried harder, it would disappear?
As you went to attempt to scrub it away once more, a cold and gentle hand wrapped around your wrist. Sirius. “Hey now, baby. Prongsie didn’t mean to explode our potion, there’s no need to cry.” Sirius’ voice adopted a soft, yet lighthearted tone as he spoke. 
It only got more joking as he continued. “But I’d say karma has paid a nice visit to him. Oi, Prongs, I thought you were a proud Gryffindor, mate! What house are you now? Clementine?” He barked a laugh at his own joke, though you could hear his laugh die down as he noticed your silence. 
Instead of giggling along at his quips, you were still aggressively massaging your poor eyes. Sirius pulled your hands down from your face. “Oh mon amour…” He began softly, using the caring tone he reserved only for the Marauders and you, “You’re absolutely clarried in it.”
He moved his hand from your wrist, and to your cheek. He stroked it softly. “Look at me.” He asked softly, but you couldn’t even pinpoint the direction that his voice was coming from. “Baby?” Sirius asked, and you could hear the concern in his voice rising. 
“Siri… I can’t see.” You uttered ashamedly. The words froze Sirius in his tracks, and he squeezed your waist tighter, pulling you closer to his body. “We’ll… We’ll get you to Madame Pomfrey, okay? Just hold on, darling,” He assured you, but there was clear anxiety in his voice as he fumbled over his words. 
Your boyfriend began to power walk towards the Hospital Wing, his arm still around you protectively. As he pushed past James and Remus, he didn’t even entertain the other two Marauders’ questions, his priority was you. 
Once you arrived at the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey took one look at the two of you and pointed to an empty bed where Sirius led you. The Mediwitch didn’t even ask what had happened as she began to treat you. 
Years of dealing with the Marauders had numbed her to their actions and their resulting stupidity caused injuries. There was never a dull day dating Sirius Black, that’s for sure.
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