#sirius is so silly ughh
ev-enhotterthanyou · 1 year
I have succeeded in getting one of my friends to read the one and only horrendously long ATYD and I asked her where she was up to and she said:
"Sirius and Remus aren't talking, Sirius is being an asshole :("
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someusername · 3 years
Hello! It’s me again seeing something that makes me think about wolfstar and trying to write something. This time is this little comic from Instagram.
It was silly.
They were in the midst of a war, again. Tensions were rising. His missions were longer and with less time in between to recover.
But Remus knew that if he didn't do something now, maybe there wouldn't be any more opportunities to do it later.
He thought about the first time he accepted his feelings a long while ago. He never did anything more than acknowledging them. Why would he do that? It's not as if Sirius had shown him that he might feel something similar, and with the first war looming over them, it was not a good idea to go there.
He had been okay, back then, being just friends with Sirius. But not anymore.
Not when he realized that even after thirteen years, his feelings were still there. They weren't the feelings he had at twenty-one, but the essence was the same. He was surprised when those feelings made themselves known again when Sirius was lying low at his house. He was even more surprised when he realized that it hadn't felt like a home until Sirius appeared at his doorstep and spent some time there.
This time he took more time to accept those feelings, but in the end, he did.
Remus still wasn't sure Sirius could feel something more than friendship for him, so what he was going to do now was just silly.
He had been worrying about this all the way back to Grimmauld Place after his stakeout with Tonks. They had been talking about something or other when Tonks mentioned how Sirius was still handsome even after Azkaban. He had felt a strange surge of jealousy, and had made some remark about how he had always gotten all the women's attention (not that Sirius paid any mind to them but still). Tonks had been taken aback by that comment, and had told him that if he was observant he would know who she liked. He was confused by it but had changed the topic to not rile her up anymore. He made a mental note to pay more attention to the possible love interests of Tonks, though, maybe it was Bill, or Fleur, or ughh, he hoped it wasn't Snape (that would be disgusting).
He replayed her words in his mind over and over again, feeling each time the same jealousy. It was not normal to have that reaction to just a comment about Sirius' good looks. He pondered his feelings, he knew they were growing, but it was a bit of a surprise just how deep and strong they were. He thought about the options he had, tell him something or remain silent and continue as they were. What would the worst outcome be if he just told Sirius everything?
He had those thoughts stuck on his head for the rest of their shift. Soon, they were finished with the stakeout and he had made a decision. He told Tonks to go ahead to the headquarters, and he would catch up later. He had something to do first.
That's how he ended up in front of Grimmauld's door with a bouquet of pink roses, forget-me-nots, and baby's-breath. It really was silly.
When he finally entered the house, he went directly to the drawing-room where most of the mission reports were given to the other Order's members.
Remus stopped at the door and took a deep breath to calm down. There, in one of the armchairs, was Sirius swirling a glass of firewhiskey in his hand. He was watching a group whispering on the other side of the room.
As if he had sensed Remus' presence, Sirius looked up and gave him one of his bright smiles. Remus smiled in return and made his way over the armchair. That's when Sirius noticed the bouquet. His smile flattered a bit and his eyes' brightness was replaced with a mix of sadness and disappointment. Remus didn't expect such a reaction. He could imagine rejection, fear, rage, but not sadness.
He was about to say something when Sirius spoke. "You must be here looking for Tonks, don't you? She's over there."
What? "Er… What? No?" Remus' helpful brain supplied. But before he could explain anything, Sirius was getting Tonks attention and beckoning her over.
Remus was trying to stop Sirius when she noticed them. She excused herself from her companions and crossed the room with too much enthusiasm.
"Hi Remus, nice flowers, are those for me?" Tonks said with an overly sweet tone, and a faint blush on her cheeks, putting a hand on his forearm. Sirius was faking a small smile and was trying to come up with an escape route.
Remus didn't understand what was happening. Why had Sirius looked disappointed when he had seen the bouquet? Why had he called Tonks over here? And why was Tonks talking to him like that? Oh, Merlin, she had just told him that he was unobservant for not knowing who she liked. Does this mean that Tonks liked him? He had to let her down. He had to talk to Sirius first, though. He needed to say something now.
So before Sirius could go and Tonks could say anything else, he blurted a too loud "No!"
Both, Sirius and Tonks, were surprised by his tone and were watching him with wide eyes.
He felt a blush on his face, ears, and neck. He cleared his throat, and tried again, more gently this time. "No, sorry, Tonks. They are actually for Sirius,"  he said before shoving the flowers into Sirius' hands.
"What?" Came the joint response from the two people in front of him.
"Er… Yes… I-... Sirius, I need to tell you something," he said rather lamely looking at the floor. He could not face either of them. This was not how it was supposed to go. It was so silly.
After some moments in which no one said anything, he dared to look up. Sirius was looking down at him with a curious expression on his face, clutching the bouquet close to his chest. He gave Remus a small nod of his head and put his hand on Remus' arm. Remus turned to Tonks, who was watching their little exchange with an amused look, and said to her a quiet "sorry," looking apologetic. She smiled at him and turned to walk to the other side of the room where she had been talking with other people.
Sirius then proceeded to march Remus out of the drawing-room and into the kitchen, which was blessedly empty. Remus didn't want to have this conversation with an audience. It had been bad enough with Tonks there a few minutes ago.
They sat down at the table in front of each other. Sirius put the flowers delicately on the table between them and crossed his arms. Remus was nervously fidgeting with a loose thread on the cuff of his jumper.
Sirius cleared his throat, waiting for Remus to look at him. When he finally looked up, he saw Sirius with one eyebrow lifted. The brightness of his eyes had returned with full force, and he was trying to stifle a smile.
" Do you know that these flowers have meanings?" Sirius said, amusement coloring his voice.
Remus felt himself blush again. "Yes, I know."
"Is that what you wanted to tell me? The meaning of the flowers, is that what you feel? Towards me?"
"I-... Yes," he said timidly, averting Sirius' gaze. Here it came, the rejection. At least he hoped Sirius still wanted to be his friend, he didn't know what he would do if he lost him as a friend.
"Good," Sirius said, with a tone of finality.
Remus looked at him, with his head tilted to the side, trying to decipher what he meant. Sirius simply took a small portion of the flowers and gave it to him.
"In that case, I want to tell you the same," he said with the brightest smile Remus has seen him wearing in the last couple of years.
He was gobsmacked. Was Sirius saying what he thought he was saying? He gaped a few times until his brain caught up with what was happening. "You… Me?... Do you… " well, his brain was almost caught up.
"Yes, Remus, I feel the same towards you." Sirius got up off his chair and circled the table to stand in front of Remus. Remus turned to look at him. He gently cupped Remus' face in his hands. Remus stood up too, with Sirius' hands still on his face, caressing his cheekbones. A silent understanding passed between them, and with that, Remus went on his tiptoes as Sirius bent down a bit. Their lips met in the middle, in what will be the first of many many more sweet kisses.
It wasn’t silly at all.
Meanings of the flowers are from this lovely post and (baby’s-breath =  everlasting love).
I apologize for any grammatical errors/typos, and excessive use of commas. I hope you enjoyed this. 
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fireboltposts · 7 years
Love In Disguise (Part 1)
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I love to imagine Ben Barnes as the young Sirius.
I’m so not good at writing cheesy love notes. I tried my best at this.
The gif ain’t mine so credit goes to the owner and likewise the characters’ (Sirius,Remus, James,Peter) credit goes to JK Rowling.
___’s POV
Hello Beautiful,
                         Just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look when you smile. Keep smiling like that always. :)
                                                   Your secret admirer ♥
There was it again. The 5th love note this week. I wonder who is writing these to me. I better hope this is not a prank.
This person is so sweet though,slipping me a love note every day. I don’t even know who’s writing it.
But I don’t want to break this person’s heart if he ever confesses to me. Because I was attracted to someone else.
And that someone was ….
Sirius Orion Black.
The most handsome troublemaker and playboy that Hogwarts ever had. Everything about him was so annoyingly attractive. That super handsome face,with those long,wild and untamable black locks of hair,the little stubble,the red juicy lips that I longed to kiss senselessly,the body that resembled a Greek God. Everything was so perfect about him physically.
But looks were not everything I should see. What I hated was that he was seen with a different girl every week. He treated them like used socks. Yes,I admit that I was pretty jealous but at the same time I didn’t want to be used just for a one time thing and be discarded.
I don’t know why the hell was I attracted to someone like him. I guess I got a thing for the bad boys who exude an aura of freedom,danger and mystery. Or was it just infatuation ? I couldn’t put a finger on it.
Maybe it’s the way his stormy grey eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint  when he had fun with his dearest friends. They were practically his brothers;Remus,James and Peter as they were called.
Or maybe it’s the way he smiled and laughed genuinely with his friends which enhanced his handsome features a hundred times more, and not a smirk that he specially reserved for the other girls.
Or perhaps how at the beginning of the previous year, without him knowing,I had happened to see him comfort a crying first year who was probably homesick. It warmed my heart when I saw this side of the playboy. And after calming the first year,he had told her not to tell anyone that he was comforting her.
Whatever it is, Sirius Black has occupied my mind and it doesn’t seem as if he’s going to leave it soon. How I still manage to keep my grades up,with him on my mind,is a miracle.
But the problem is he won’t even look a second time in my direction. Yes we’ve done minimal talking before at the rare times that he came to me  for help with his homework but other than that,no.
It didn’t matter if he was seven months older than me. I was whipped over someone who hated relationships. How much more pathetic could I get ?
In my heart of hearts, I hoped it was him who sent me these love notes. But my brain was soon to respond"He will never".
Sometimes I hoped that my secret admirer would reveal himself and stop giving me love notes. As much as I loved getting these notes, something inside me was excited yet nervous to see who it would turn out to be.
I had too many thoughts running through my mind right now. So I left the common room to go up to the Astronomy Tower,the only place where I could think in peace,with nobody to disturb me.
As soon as I reached the Astronomy Tower, I saw something moving. Was someone already here ? Oh please no. I needed to think things over.
A big,shaggy,black dog was all I saw. It came running to me and nuzzled it’s nose on the hem of my robes.
Being the dog lover that I was,so without hesitation I bent down and started patting the dog.
“Aww you big boy,look at you so soft and furry.”
He wagged his tail and came closer and licked my hands making me smile wide. Dogs were so adorable.
“I wonder who your master is. He is very lucky to have a dog like you”, I said,as I continued to stroke his soft black fur.
That was all it took. And since then whenever I came to the Astronomy Tower,the dog always seemed to be there. It seemed as if he followed me everywhere. I didn’t mind it honestly. He was a friendly animal. I sometimes brought food for him from the kitchens which he devoured happily.
The love notes kept coming,carrying an even sweeter message than the day before.
And I fell even more for Sirius, and couldn’t help stealing a glance or two at the beautiful man in my year.
“Seriously Sirius mate,when are you going to man up and confess ?”, asked James, frustrated and annoyed at his friends’ lack of courage to ask his crush out.
“I don’t know. Maybe tomorrow ? Or next week or next year ? Or how about never ?”
Sirius’ reply annoyed James even more.
“Padfoot, I will throw you off the Astronomy Tower if you talk like that. How long are you going to hide behind love notes and keep seeing her in your animagus form ? Man up and I mean it literally and bloody ask her out already.”
“ I’m scared mate.”
James started laughing hard.
Oh this amused him so much !
“Where is the Sirius Black I knew who could get any girl with a sweet word or two or just a panty dropping smirk ? That very friend is afraid of a girl ?”
He continued laughing.
“Shut up Prongs”.
“Sirius Orion Black is in love. Wow ! I never thought I’d see this day ! Oh Merlin ! What a pleasant surprise !”
He couldn’t stop laughing.
“I’m not in love Prongs”,he huffed.
“Oh of course you’re not”,said Remus, smirking,keeping the Muggle story book that he was reading,aside.
Sirius sighed.
As it is he was chickening out from confessing to ___ but now his friends were poking fun at him.
He was scared out of his wits at the idea of asking ___ out. She was always so quiet and seemed intriguing. She was in his year (fifth year) and took the same classes as him.
Of course he had known her before but he didn’t notice her too much. Until the day he saw her single handedly defending one of her friends,who was getting bullied by Lucius and his little gang. She hexed them without any fear and since then they didn’t even dare to come to close proximity with her. No one could really stand up to Lucius’ gang. And here was ___ ,who dared to hex them into the next century. Sirius was so into the strong,fiesty,not-so-secret badass girl since then.
He had also seen her soft side,while she helped her friends and other classmates. She had helped him a couple times with his homework when Moony wasn’t keeping well. He rarely went to ask her for help,he was afraid to even speak to her.
She was a dog person, it was crystal clear. She loved him, albeit unknowingly in his dog form. Would she love him in his human form ? He was excited yet nervous so much at the idea of being with her,that he followed her everywhere in his animagus form,when she was alone of course, especially to the Astronomy Tower. She would stroke his fur, pat him,tell him so many things,as if she had assumed he understood,which he found cute. But she had never told him about a crush or anything. He hoped someday she would,but that day never came. She probably was scared,what if someone would hear her. Either that,or she didn’t even like him back.
He also came to know that she had an affinity to the Dark Arts and that really wanted to go further into the studies of the Dark Arts and defense against it,for the sake of increasing her knowledge only. He found out that she hated Divination the most. He noticed how minutely she would read her favorite Muggle story books,how her locks fell over her face while she read or the way she scrunched up her face when something wasn’t up to her liking in the book. He noticed the way she laughed and joked with her friends an how beautiful that made her look. All in all Sirius noticed the little things in ___ that would go unnoticed. He was afraid that he had fallen too deep.
He never imagined he’d fall in love.
Ughh,this was ridiculous. These weird feelings. He never felt them before.
Suddenly a light bulb dinged in his idea. He would find out if ___ reciprocated his feelings or not. And he would know whether it did or not.
If she did,he would be the luckiest man in the world. And if not,then he didn’t know what he would do.
He just hoped it worked the way he thought it would.
____’s POV
“Did you see Sirius’ new arm candy this week ?”,my friend Lily asked me ,on the way to Defence Against the Dark Arts class,which was my favorite.
It seemed like my heart had stopped.
Again ? He had a new girl again ? Wow. I should really get over this silly crush. It’s about time that I realized he would never like me and move on. I can’t take it no more. This is too much. I should fall for someone else. It’s so wrong,falling for someone like Sirius.
“Yet it feels right somehow, doesn’t it ”,my subconscious taunted.
“ ____ are you ok ? You seem off. Is anything bothering you”,Lily asked,concern lacing her voice.
“Oh yeah Lily, falling for Sirius Black is what is bothering me”,I thought.
“ Uh no Lily I’m fine. We’re getting late,let’s go”.
This is the first time I wrote a Harry Potter related imagine. Hope you liked Part 1.
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