#sister of elune
faepixel · 2 years
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desnas · 1 year
from this ask prompt!
it's only right that i start with yfaera...
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meet yfaera dewblossom! (she/her + he/him)
she's a kaldorei priestess of elune from the warcraft universe, and one of my oldest ocs (though not my first warcraft oc) i've had her since i was in high school and i've probably fully fleshed out and developed her the most over any character i have.
he literally means the world to me, and is constantly changing and growing and evolving... my most blorbo bleebus of all time, if you will...
pinterest board | spotify playlist | toyhouse (wip lol)
more under the cut cause you opened pandora's box
fae (yes, i go by faye, he goes by fae) ultimately began as a rebellious sister of elune heavily inspired by maria von trapp-- specifically while she's still a nun-- from the sound of music. i wanted to make him flighty and curious and reckless, and even a bit naive.
this nature eventually led him to pursue archaeology... mf got a special interest in the study of elune Herself, and a very strange relationship with her where, on one hand, he reveres her for the goddess she is and sees her as a mother figure. on the other hand, he wants to study her, find out what she is and where she comes from. by that token, i think yfaera carries a quiet resentment for elune that roots back to trauma from her mother, and later, her peers.
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tw for child abuse and neglect // yfaera's mom was not a good person. she isolated yfaera, tried to raise her on highborne principals, rarely let her outside-- justice was eventually dealt and yfaera was taken to an orphanage in starfall village, winterspring. from her arrival, she became the town trouble maker, always running off and getting into sticky situations.
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he carries the weight of this title no matter where he goes, even to this day. while he's grown into himself and most certainly matured in some aspects, yfaera is always going to be a curious and free-spirited troublemaker through and through. she is touched by the void after a very intense and unhealthy fling with a n'zoth witch. it forever changed her, giving way to a sort of ecliptic theme with waxing/waning moon phases (shadow vs. light)
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even in spite of her dark side, yfaera is a loving and caring person who always tries to find the positive in other people. she's silly and child-like in some ways, and a natural healer. while an adolescent, it took yfaera lots of struggling to figure out who or what she was, actively resisting the life of a healer/sister of elune.
unfortunately for her, the gifts were innate. they came naturally-- and now she struggles to bear the own self and peer-imposed responsibility that comes with it. even so, yfaera is compassionate and empathetic, and will help someone at the drop of a pin should they ask. he was heavily involved in the recovery of teldrassil refugees after the war of thorns, and gave so much of himself to being a field medic during that time in his life.
by circumstance, he's slowly gained the favor of my own homebrew version of the blue child-- often receiving premonition dreams tinted in deep blues, his lunar magic changing in not only appearance but by its very nature.
she's an herbalist and painter, and loves making maps and naturalist journals. she's even recently started an archaeological guild with her mate, faerandiel thornheart! unfortunately for her, they died, though. it's a whole thing.
during the 3 year time skip prior to dragonflight, yfaera spent an unfathomable and unhealthy amount of time researching ways to bring faerandiel back, side-by-side with her girlfriend larisben dren and a few others. regrettably, all of their efforts have come up short.
yfaera has since found herself in a depressive rut, trying to find her spark again-- now abandoned by the blue child. she's even cut her hair short (i don't have any art of it yet that i like aahh) the dragon isles are helping her find peace, bringing new discoveries and opportunities, and she's taken up dragon riding as another one of her many, many hobbies!
unfortunately that's not going to last long. something in her is deeply corrupted and it's only going to get worse from here on out! :) <3 yay!
this literally doesn't even scratch the surface of everything about yfaera, there's so much history with her that it would take me days to type out lol. love her so much. my scrunkly who i am so mean to </3
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farorasf · 10 months
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I had a mental image and wanted to share.
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tyrajin · 8 months
"boring. nice, but boring."
much as that line will forever live rent free in my mind - may Nav'rae and Khila live a happy and untroubled life from now till the end of their days - Blizzard upgrading from "duh gay marriage is a thing, and happy endings do occur" to "celestial star-crossed lesbians created Actual Paradise fyi" is just 💯💯💯
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flimsypoet · 2 years
i have the manners of a doll
the patience of a clock;
as pretty as a rose
that wilted over time.
i had so many things at once
now everything confuses me.
i had the manners of a doll
i had the patience of a clock;
until i realized
that you would notice me much more
if i did not.
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erikailustra · 3 months
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Winged Sisters
A drawing of Ranah and Atalanta (her mount as a paladin of Elune) to end the week.
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peachmimosaart · 6 months
Had some personal head canons about Night Elves and ranks in two of their major organizations. Wanted to establish design notes for myself for when I draw characters in the future.
Ranks: Cadet - Basic armor. No flourishes. Sentinel - Feathers are added to the uniform. Ranger/Huntress - Two claws are added to the uniform, as are gems to the belt and helmet. Ranger is elite infantry while Huntress is saber cavalry. Captain - Two more claws are added to the armor, for a total of four. Gems are added to chest. Captains oversee units or smaller areas. Commander - Two more claws are added, for a total of six. Commanders oversee several captains or entire regions. The General is the highest ranked commander. Text in image below: When a night elf reaches 100 years of age she is inducted to the Sentinels for the next 100 years. Uniform color is based on the environment of where they are stationed. If they stay with the Sentinels after the mandatory 100 years, feathers are added to their uniform, the feather color are their choice. When a Sentinel receives a rank, claws and gems are added to their uniform to easily show this rank. More gems and claws are added as rank goes up. Sentinels also chose gem type and color, though pure white gems are reserved for Priestesses of the Moon. White moons must be clear on a priestess's armor.
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Sisterhood of the Moon
Ranks: Maiden - Blue robes, decorated with dark blue sashes. Maidens cannot be initiated until the woman in question completes her mandatory 100 years in the Sentinels. Sister - After their training is complete, they receive their white moonsilk robes and can choose the color of their sashes- so long as it's a dark color. The longer the women serves as a priestess the more platinum jewelry she accumulates. Mother - A leadership position. Overseers of a shine, temple, or village reach this rank, and their sashes are pastel. Elder - Their robes and sashes are completely white. These Priestesses oversee entire regions, much like a Sentinel Commander. The High Priestess is the highest ranked Elder. Cleric- Not a rank, but a type of Priestess that is also a member of the Sentinels. (Though time spent in the Sentinels is a requirement of joining the sisterhood, there is not a need to remain in them once finished with their required service.) Text in image below: Robes of the Sisterhood of the Moon made of moonsilk and are decorated in platinum jewelry. Platinum is considered Elune's metal due to its scarcity and its resilience, and is reserved for priestesses and holy jewelry.
The longer a woman is a priestess, the more jewelry she is ordained with. Initiates are called "Maidens" and wear blue robes, to emulate the Blue Child.
Once they are formally ordained, they wear white robes and become "Sisters". Sisters have dark sashes, their choice of colors. Sashes lighten as the priestess's rank goes up, indicating the glowing brightness of the moon. Rank is less about power and more to indicate chain of command.
When a Sister becomes a leader of some sort, like of a shrine, village, or organization, they become a "Mother". Mothers wear pastel sashes.
Elders are the highest rank, reserved for priestesses that oversee an entire region. Elders and the High Priestess wear all white. Clerics are a subset of priestesses that are warriors, not a rank. Their sash and armor clearly display their rank, and veteran priestesses wear armor coated in platinum.
During Imperial times, robes were wrap dresses that emulated moonbeams wrapping around the body, and arcane magic allowed for ethereal effects. Cloth color denoted the rank of priestess.
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ashtarels-archives · 7 months
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Lost Sanctum of the Sisterhood of Elune
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Cathedral of Eternal Night, perhaps called "Azshal'adora" in Darnassian.
These were the uppermost chambers of the Temple of Elune, now known as the Tomb of Sargeras. The corrupting emerald fires of fel magic slowly creep through the entrance of these once hallowed halls, but remnants of the Sisterhood's formery glory still endure further into the Cathedral.
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Hall of the Moon:
When traversing the dungeon, there are rooms to the side of the main path that may be opened and fully explored. These circular spaces contain what could be old moonwells, outlined with pillows and embraced by floating flowers overhead. These were likely places of meditation or communion with Elune, but I could also imagine these pools being used for healing, cleansing, scrying, stargazing, etc.
Perhaps a coincidence, but when inspected closer, these flowers have eight main petals; similar to how there are eight notable phases of the moon. (I wonder if eight is considered a lucky or holy number in Kaldorei society?)
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Windows of stained glass adorn the walls and the ceilings here, filigree and diamond-shaped motifs (like the Tears of Elune) being repeated in the lower levels of the temple as well. Despite this being an indoor place of worship, it's clear that keeping moonlight visible/sensed was important in the Cathedral. In some rooms, it appears that the moonlight from outside shines directly into the pools, perhaps imbuing them with lunar blessings. This could have also just been a way for priests of Elune to feel closer to Her even when inside.
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Countless scrolls and bookshelves can be found in all rooms, many of them housing a plethora of desks. Eerily, some still have an open scroll or book laying atop their surface with bookmarks in place, untouched by the sands of time.
I'm curious as to what texts are hidden here, but I suppose there's a few obvious things that come to mind. They could be prayers the Sisters were trying to commit to memory, songs of the Elunarian faith, stories/legends about the Well of Eternity, sacred texts of the Goddess, students' notes/textbooks, and more; as this could have also been a place of learning for newer inductions into the Sisterhood as well.
Perhaps the writings in this repository could make for interesting RP adventures in retrieving old texts, relics, lore about ancient Kalimdor, or attempts at discerning old Elunarian spellwork, prayers, stories, etc!
The small tabletop game on the right also caught my eye. Pieces of arcane crystal float above the board, maybe an old version of Kaldorei/Highborne chess.
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Another detail in some of these areas are the looms resting to the side of the moon-pools: this could have been a place where mooncloth or holy vestments were created or blessed, as evidenced by one of the sub-zones here being called "Sacristy of Elune." A sacristy is a place where "a priest prepares for a service, and where vestments and other things of worship are kept."
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Chapel of Tranquil Song:
An easily missed side-room leading up the first set of stairs is the Chapel of Tranquil Song. It is a small church with two sets of pews, and a fallen crescent-harp. This room further reinforces the idea that music and song have been a prominent aspect of Elune worship, and I think this could be an interesting take on healing in RP as well. Calming singing and instruments like the harp could possibly help heal wounds alongside the lunar magic of the Goddess, akin to an Elunarian bard.
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The Twilight Grove:
The next level of the Cathedral is called "Twilight Grove," a large platform housing ethereal flowers that glow like stars with a font of moonlight (almost like a silver lake) pouring in through the ceiling. Agronox's dungeon journal entry describes these as the "Hanging Gardens," which he once tended to before his fall to corruption. I find it interesting that these plants seem to flourish hanging upside down, rather than growing on the ground level. Some petals and leaves also seem to be translucent, reminiscent of a spirit or the like.
I am unsure what these herbs are exactly, but perhaps they are specifically nourished by moonlight. Maybe priests of Elune utilize celestial herbs of some kind that bolster the magic granted by the Goddess, grant visions/spiritual boons, or emanate a calming aura in places of worship. It could also be that mundane herbs may be grown near a moonwell or a font like this one, and with time are imbued by Elune's blessings.
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Chapel of the Sentinels:
This chapel is yet another Legion reference to a group called the Sentinels existing before the War of the Ancients. The others mentioned are in Tel'anor (resting place of WotA heroes) upon the plaques of the Windstrikers and Latara Feathersong.
Windstrikers: "Marksmen without peer, their skill with a bow was an inspiration to generations of archers. Their family developed the gauntlets the Sentinels wear, carefully articulated mail links that empower our archers to this day."
Latara: "Here lies Latara Feathersong. A huntress of the Sentinels, she led the vanguard in many campaigns. Her bravery and compassion were endless."
Maybe this order existed before the Sundering, with special places reserved for them like this chapel, and was simply revived in name by Tyrande Whisperwind a few centuries later.
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The Emerald Archives:
A grand library containing innumerable books of all categories, it seems that these archives contained Highborne enchantments as well. Before the Sundering, there may have been an emphasis on Priestesses being educated/learned in many different areas of study, including knowledge of the arcane. These are the books we see from Thrashbite's dungeon journal entry:
Satirical Animated Book: an animated tome overflowing with stifingly satirical writing. As the tomes open, all sound is magically absorbed into the ancient pages, silencing all players for 5 seconds.
Fictional Animated Book: An ancient work of fiction springs to life, the magical runes leaping from the page to fetter would-be readers. Slows all players.
Biographical Animated Book: Account of a long-forgotten sorcerer's life can prove to be dangerously beguiling. Entrancing narrative charms a random player, but breaks if their health goes below 30%.
All of these fire arcane bolts at the party. Books as weapons in mage RP is something I'd never thought about, but makes so much sense!
There is an achievement for this boss fight called "Steamy Romance Saga," implying that even erotica could have also been kept in the library.
A mural to the left of the Emerald Archives depicts a Kaldorei woman bearing a shield (likely the Aegis of Aggramar that was kept here prior to the Sundering) and a spherical protection spell against green flames from what appears to be a dragon.
The way leading to the next area is called "Path of Illumination."
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Chapel of Tears:
Another side-room on the way up the winding staircase is named the Chapel of Tears. This could have been a place of safekeeping for the Pillar of Creation: Tears of Elune, or a chapel of mourning. Somehow, a fel-infused Fal'dorei (nightborne spider) has made a nest here.
Other references to Elune's tears:
Tearstone of Elune
The Sisters' Tear
Mu'sha's Tears
Tears of the Goddess
Elune's Tear
Tears of the Moon
In any case, references to tears of Elune crop up all over Azeroth, most of which possess some kind of restorative/cleansing/life-giving powers. I believe that while the tears could certainly represent sadness of the Goddess, they could also represent tears of happiness, as the Pillar of Creation is described to "embody the dream of what Azeroth could be," and maybe the strong healing magic imparted by them is rooted in hope. I feel that Elune's connection to water could also be another avenue for RP, perhaps harnessing rejuvenating aquatic magic alongside the lunar blessings of Elune.
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Sacristy of Elune:
The pinnacle of the Cathedral is known as the Sacristy of Elune, with areas of now-empty shelves and pillaged chests. The stained glass has been turned a fel-green, broken open and shattered onto the floor. The name suggests that this was once a place where sacred items were kept, such as vestments, furnishings, sacred vessels, and Elunarian records.
Given the ancient origin of the Cathedral, this could have been a prominent place that mooncloth was created: "Tailors tell that the first recipe for mooncloth was scribed by Elune herself." It is unknown if a tailor must use felcloth and purify it in a moonwell to eventually create mooncloth, or if any cloth can be used with the proper rituals/spells/blessings.
Hope you found this interesting, thanks for reading!
"Andu’lun-adala-ande’nar." (May the moon light your way.)
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deathbydarkelves · 1 month
Do you have headcannons for night elf weddings??? There's a little canon for them, but it seems very Normal, and doesn't really seem to take advantage of what makes night elves a unique culture? Like, I imagine them more akin to traditional Buddhist weddings tbh. But, yeah, got off track. Would love wedding headcannons for night elves, or any other races too!
I’m glad I read this while I was at work, because as a result of not being able to respond right away, I had time to think it over and thus solidified a lot of the vague ideas I had :)
And yeah I completely ignore the canon one we got because it’s lame and boring <3
The whole thing is initiated with a hunt...
Technically anyone may join the hunt, but usually it’s just the betrotheds. And since polyamory is so common, that means the hunting party ranges anywhere from two people to A Lot of People.
But first, a priestess communes with Elune and requests permission for the hunt and by extension the wedding as a whole. If she permits it (she almost always does), a druid then enters a trance which may last up to a few hours to determine what animal the gods and other powers want hunted. It can be just about anything, as long as it gives the betrotheds a challenge and forces them to prove their ability to work as one. Deer, wolves, bears, sabers, hippogryphs, owlbears… smaller things too, like otters, pheasants, and quail. Not only do they have to kill the animal, but they have to find the specific individual the druid saw. So even if you’re “only” hunting a humble pheasant, you still need sharp eyes to make sure it’s the one you need, sharp ears to hear it in the undergrowth, and quick reflexes to claim it. So, while a hippogryph is certainly much more physically impressive, no animal is really seen as greater or lesser than another.
There are certain associations made with different animals, naturally. Something as dangerous as a bear is often seen as the gods either challenging what they believe to be a very capable pair/group... or a very incapable pair/group. Either way, taking that bear is a feat.
The standout exceptions are owls and chimeras. To be tasked with hunting an owl, a creature so closely tied to Elune, is considered one of the highest possible honors anyone can receive. And as for chimeras, well… marriages initiated with the hunting of a chimera are really only spoken of in legend. Or in crowded bars, by drunk patrons, who totally have a sister who hunted a chimera for her wedding.
The length of the hunt depends entirely on luck and the ability of the betrotheds, but it’s basically expected for you to practice hunting together after deciding you want to marry. Most hunts take a couple days to a week, but some stretch for months (either due to the animal's secrecy, or because... the betrotheds should have practiced a bit more). Once the animal has been claimed, the wedding truly begins. Death is part of the cycle of life, thus the animal’s death ushers in the next part of the betrotheds’ lives. The animal is butchered, with part (a stag’s antlers, a quail’s flight feathers, etc.) being set aside as an offering for the gods and ancestors. Then it’s cooked, and the next part of the wedding — the feast — begins.
The feast lasts eight days and seven nights, with food and alcohol provided by all the attendees. There may be other recreational substances too, depending on how rowdy everyone wants to get lol. Gifts are given during this time as well.
After the feast, at dusk on the eighth day, is the ceremony proper. It starts with the betrotheds giving thanks to their ancestors, the gods, and spirits. Incense is burned, shrines built and honored, and the offering saved from the hunted animal is given as well.
If the betrotheds have children in mind, they'll pay special attention to Goldrinn in hopes of pleasing him and preventing him from cursing their children with thor'drinn.
Then the betrotheds give their vows, and receive tattoos (usually on the upper chest) symbolizing their connection to each other.
I designed some quick, simple ones a while ago to get the idea across, but people will spend years deciding on a design. The only stipulation is that every other person in the marriage is represented by a solid circle, while the bearer of the tattoo is represented by a hollow circle. The solid circles hold a piece of each person’s spirit, and the hollow circle is where the bearer’s spirit can pass through to reach the others. These things can get really complicated. They can also be extremely individualized — not everyone in a polycule has to like everyone else, after all, so each person’s might have a totally different number of circles, etc. (They can also be added to or reduced over time. Magic makes tattoo modification a lot easier lol)
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Many people’s tattoos incorporate something related to the animal that gave its life for their marriage, as well. It’s typical to leave a space in your design just for that. But, ah… I drew these before I decided on the hunting thing lol (granted, the second one does resemble a stag's antlers somewhat, so there ya go!)
After being tattooed, the newlyweds then bathe in a moonwell together, or at bare minimum in blessed water. This is to clean their tattoos, speed up healing, and serves to wash away the remnants of their past, unwed life.
And that’s where things officially end. It’s, um… widely understood you don’t bother the newlyweds after this point :P
((Moonwells are magic and self-cleaning and this is just an accepted role of them, alright, it’s fine. Not everyone does that, but... generally speaking, people are gonna do what people are gonna do.))
EDIT: I haven't thought much about other races' weddings, but I can tell you the hunt initiating things is a holdover from dark troll traditions, and many modern troll weddings start with a hunt as well :) Tauren do a similar thing, though they conclude the wedding with a hunt (and subsequently a feast) instead.
EDIT 2: My friend brought up a good point. What if the betrotheds are, for one reason or another, unable to hunt the animal themselves? In that case, many get help from trained hunting animals capable of taking the prey they've been tasked with. A fox for a quail, a saber for a deer, etc. Otherwise, they may invite capable friends or family members on the hunt.
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
Tales of the Goldbrand
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(Going to pin and update this as I progress aka, "Mun About Page", and a listing for the entire Roster of characters, I've showcased.) Status: Semi-Active; inhaling passion Current Projects: Carrd Polishing / Mental Recuperation Carrd: Every detail and home archive Scarlet Destiny Saga: Current and most latest writing. Writing Archive: The writing hub Bsky: Alternative
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About the Mun
Cap'n, Captain, Z
Contend with a fair amount of chronological health issues, but I do intense distraction therapy for pain management.
I do everything strictly for passion. Even if for my own amusement and enjoyment. Exclusive to Tumblr anymore, been here awhile... Let’s hope this site gets their act together, otherwise, I’ll have to befriend the bots.
Do a ton of writing here or challenges to better improve myself with a destination in-mind.
Out to write a massive large-scale Story going to take me years to finish. These stories written from an In-character perspective of Captain’s Crewmate named “Casta.” Putting this Tale into every medium.
I’m going until I am dead or homeless; I feasibly can’t anymore. My dedication to my craft isn’t ordinary.
I take random hiatuses often when stressed. There no interest on being around unless I can be positive or provide benefits or bring something unique.
My age is physically and mentally between 28-76+
I literally say things how is. This blog is forever mature as this site lets me go but I’ll always try to -tag- to be respectfully considerate.
I love the XIV Community since there’s countless talented individuals whose inspiration has constantly let me overcome my limits and make me chase to live the fullest!
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Captain Kuro Solaire                                 Of the Goldbrand
Tags: #CaptainKuroSolaire / CKS / -CaptainKuroSolaire
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 [Ahoy! Meet The Wild Pirates] 
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(Official Crew Golden Jolly Roger by @under-the-blood-moonlight​)
We are Tales: - Crew Collective Screenshots & concepts in one-tag. 😎 Wild Crew: Profiles: - In-depth Crew Profile Sheets. Wild Crew: Gif-Sets​: - [1] - (~) Once get full crew-cast, will redo portraits. Aiming for a consistent 20 Members and MAX 25. So I may do outlandish, Seasonal Sets, Factions, etc as future projects. (~) Any Crewmates with a 🏴‍☠️  flag have been introduced thus far in Chapters. While other’s with X’s have-yet to appear in their Chapters or Arcs. Spoilers: If you visit their Carrds they contain a ton of info. Judas Caesar - First Crewmate - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Van Gah’d Sinbad - Second Mate  - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Ya'chi Aarushi - Third Mate - Carrd  - X Ubylagynn Gark - Quartermaster - Carrd  - 🏴‍☠️ Slafhota Guhtgeim - Counselor  - Carrd  - 🏴‍☠️ Klethera “Sunkiller” Solaire - Enforcer - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Shelah Valiyzena - Sniper - Carrd  - 🏴‍☠️ Zieton Luiard XII - Historian - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Casta “Of the Heart” - Surgeon - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Nihlius Brood - Cerberus - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Layla Grey - Navigator (PC) @layla-grey​  - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Sol Nan ‘Ak’ami - Shipwright (PC) - Carrd  - 🏴‍☠️ Me-Me-Worthy - Gremlin - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Whyte Wabi - Messenger - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Sheik Sphere - Minstrel - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Sha Dragonheart - Silent Guardian (PC) @sha - Carrd - 🏴‍☠️ Asumi “E.d.e.n” Yatao - Master Gunner - Carrd - X Morene Ruma - Cook - Carrd - X MoXXi - Entertainer - Carrd - X Rahelif Forge - Metalsmith - Carrd - X Larry Butler  - Vassal  - Carrd - X ??       - Vacant for PC - Carrd  - X ??       - Vacant for PC - Carrd  - X ??       - Vacant for PC - Carrd  - X ??       - Vacant for PC - Carrd  - X
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[Major Supporting Characters]
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Perish & The Souls - Captain’s Fragmented Souls/Other Half Kogane no Kōgō - (Spirit) Captain’s Twin Sister Scimitar Madame of Yoru - (Spirit) Captain’s Twin Sister Scimitar Lord Shiro Elune - Sworn Fated (Rival & Ally) - (Alt.) /@lordshiroelune​ Saltsong - Kami of the Sea (Hat&MSQ) - (PC)/@the-littlest-kojin​ ?? - Vacant for (PC) ?? - Vacant for (PC) ?? - Vacant for (PC) ?? - Vacant for (PC) ?? - Vacant for (PC) Hoku Solaire - Father of Shadow Rokeia Solaire - Mother of Dawn (Deceased) Founding Captain Gark - Mentor & Surrogate Father (Deceased) “Albatross” - Mentor & Wanted ‘Terrorist’ Sky Criminal Poro “The Orcale” - Mentor (Teacher of Starsight) Sun’ra Zhawn - Crime Partner (PC)/@mischiefandmystics​ Ancestors of the Hunt - (9 Tails for 9 Tales) ~ LOCKED - Future Arc
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 6 months
Mal'narae: Unrepentant
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[ Shadowmoon Valley - Mike Marra ]
We watched over the Betrayer for thousands of years. A sacred charge, we were taught, given to us by the chosen of Elune and Cenarius. To be a Warden of the Vaults was the highest honor, the deepest trust, that could be granted to a child of the stars. So we were taught.
But Tyrande came, blinded and besotted, to free him from our guard. Over the objections of her beloved Malfurion. Over the corpses of my sisters. To loose him against the Legion, to walk the face of Azeroth again. But, following in Maeiv's righteous wake, we hunted him. To return him to his justice. Our sacred charge.
Still my sisters died.
They died in Hyjal's defense. They died in the Tomb of Sargeras. They died on the frozen plains of Northrend. They died in the broken wastes of Outland.
Trapped upon that shattered world with nothing but the hunt, we died for what had long ago ceased to be sacred. We bled, we died, for one woman's vendetta. After years, when I could count on one hand those who still stood with me in Maiev's service on Outland, I understood that we did not pursue a Betrayer.
No. By our oaths, by our trust, by the one who led us – we had been betrayed.
So, I set those things aside that had betrayed me. My oath as a Warden. The trust, the charge that was no longer sacred. Unrepentant, I broke them.
And I went to the Black Temple.
To Illidan.
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faepixel · 1 year
☠ for yfaera. let me see the faerandiel funeral fit
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hey . f you man @rhyiona
she didn't even wear anything COOL she just wore her traditional priestess of elune garb to pay her respects for her deceased lover... i think the main thing though is she put up her hair into a very tight braid and tried to clean up a bit... no twigs her dirt on her. for once
from this ask prompt !
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churchobones · 4 months
DWC Day 3
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“You’re pullin’ my leg!” Thilonus balked.  “Zelion Mournvalor is a necromancer?” “Yeah, and a roight prick.” “So how did you get out alive?”  Thil’s brows furrowed, casting a careworn shadow.  “You and my sister?” “Well, she needed me.”
The Rowanwood scabbard clattered as its tip was dragged through an inky river of blood and pitch, painting the floor like a quill. The commander raised it high above his head, silhouetted by Elune’s watchful eye.
Cold, bony digits of eleven dead men sank into the worgen’s hide, digging Cursed trenches through ashen fur.
Over the stench of death permeating the room, he caught her scent; sharp like a struck match.
Bruce snarled, eyes ignited and teeth flashing in the dark.
The dulled blade sang through the frost-bitten air, caught on the golden breastplate of another soldier.
Bruce thrust his weight forward until the sheath shattered, impaling the corpse, then pinned both under a massive paw. He lunged for the commander’s throat, filling his mouth with the vertebrae exposed between helm and breastplate.
The commander rattled, his head tore free from his shoulders with an echoing crunch.
With claws still digging into his hide like ticks, Bruce leapt through the nearest stained glass window.
"Zelion was takin’ the hallways. There's a shorter path… if you're a good climber.”
Platinum blonde hair clung to Caelia’s sweat soaked forehead. Like a pianist whose instrument was armed with a bomb triggered by a single misstroke, her fingers hovered above Kallarel’s chest, just above the Mournstone planted there, a different school of magic summoned to each digit.
“Once I begin, the process cannot be stopped,” Caelia had explained as Kallarel lay comfortably on the bed.
“That’s why I’m so expensive!  Everything must be maintained perfectly. One mistake and you and I both will have our souls torn asunder in the most horrible, painful fashion imaginable. Like-- have you ever seen someone take the most gorgeous, vibrant, bright yellow dress and then pair it with purple shoes? Yeah, it will be like that. Except we actually will die. Like, literally.”
And thus, when clawed fingers slid the window open with a squeal, Caelia swore. She swore again as a bloodied monster poured itself upon the floor, and a third time (this time with a yelp) as the creature cracked and melted into a very naked man.
"What the fuck--" she began when Bruce interrupted her.
"Miss Mourningvale," he breathed, diving to the bedside. Kneeling beside her, he looked like hell: a pallid complexion only made dark veins crawling along his jaw and over the left side of his cheek that much more obvious. Even his hair had lost its luster. Only his eyes remained acute and thoughtful as ever.
“I took her hand in mine–”
"Zelion is here," Bruce told her, knitting his fingers with hers. His digits sapped at her warmth. It was soon apparent why; necrotic magic pulsed in his chest, dispersing ever since Zelion's twisting grasp.
"Sir, you need to--” Caelia started.
"I'll hold him off," he said with easy confidence, "but I might not make it back to you. Just in case, there's some… some things I want to tell you."
“There wasn't time to hesitate.”
“Miss Mourningvale, don't move or–!”
“You–” Kallarel snapped tersely at Caelia.  “--focus.”
“And you…” It was breathed quietly to Bruce as she squeezed his fingers.  “Go on.”
“I told her all I’d been wanting to tell her–”
"Great," Caelia groaned, "I've always wanted to be part of a deathbed love confession in a cheesy romance novel!"
He squeezed her fingers in return, a soft smile gracing chapped lips. His eyes flicked down her form. "I promised myself the first time I saw you on a nice bed like this, I'd ravage you."
"Oh for fuck's sake--!" Caelia was promptly cut off by a ssh! hissed through Kallarel’s teeth, sharp enough to slit a throat.
Bruce brought her hand to his lips, just close enough that he could feel the warmth of her there. "If I don't make it back to you, then I'm sorry I wasn't in your life longer. I wish we could have been... Well, I wish we could have been together." 
“Maybe in the next life,” Kallarel wept.
The next words came out more clumsily. "I have a daughter," he confessed. "Elizabeth Hawkins. Lizzie. In Stormwind. If you ever want to... To check up on her. For me."
“Of course.”
"And..." The hand not tangled in hers came up to cup her cheek. There wasn't time, but he hesitated anyway.  Only for a moment, as he drank in her features. 
“And, finally–"
He pressed his lips to hers, softly.
It wasn't with the ravenous need of a beast nor the claim of a lover; it was mournful, vulnerable, and needy-- like he never wanted it to end.
He didn't have the strength to break it until they were both breathless. But then, when neither of them could go on, it came to an end as all things do. He drew back and admired her. "Don't forget me," he murmured.
With a bittersweet smirk, Kallarel chided: “How could I?”
Even if she was, possibly, just a satyr in a dead slut's skin, it hardly seemed relevant now.  He stole another brief kiss before disappearing from the bedside.
He paused by the door to pilfer a cigarette from her bag, which he lit with a click of her lighter, returned haphazardly before slipping out into the hallway to wait.
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lemonaera · 1 year
As someone who played sl from launch to end: as a concept it wasn’t bad, it was VERY poorly executed. Blizz threw new characters at us and told us to care about them, But why? Why should i care about this bear who’s world was destroyed? When they could have put Fandral at their place? They should have made every npc someone who the fans already knew (i would have cared about Bastion if the character leading us was Taretha who struggles to let go) and not retcon everything from Warcraft 3 to Legion in order to make the Jailer ”make se se” (cool raid fight but made absolutely 0 sense) the final nail in the coffin was the zererh mortis (that didn’t make sense even as a concept) apprently all beigns are just weirdly shaped robots that get thrown into realms and develop personality? And Since Elune is related to the eternal ones, she is also some sort of robot! Just… what was that?
I agree, Shadowlands AS a concept is absolutely interesting and if they had competent writers, could have been really neat. You're better than me though LOL I could not finish it.
All of the horrifically bad plot writing aside -- My biggest beef was the treatment of primarily the female leads and how blizz likes to depict 'female rage' and 'female power' as literally just evil and insane.
Sylvanas had no actual logical reason to do anything she did. To take one of Arthas' primary victims and then literally YEARS LATER play her out to "become him" is so gross and erases her entire character arc to that point. It was just another 'we gave her a position of power so GUESS SHE'S EVIL NOW' crap move from blizz. And how they handled that in the end was even more disgusting. Oh its okay now guys she's nice again, was used by another "arthas" (even tho she denies it!!!) and hates her "old self" and is going to go on a journy of 'self loathing and repentance'. The fact that they really had her pick up a mournblade (WITH ARTHAS IN IT!!!) and take away Anduin's free will was just. Nauseating.
They didn't treat Tyrande much better either. She got a power up, uh oh, guess she's crazy now. ????? Ya'll massacred her people but you want us to believe that its just 'women irrational' to be upset by that?????????? Sure, blizz.
Calia's whole existence is just ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? Insult to injury to take out Sylvanas and half replace her with Arthas' SISTER, but then act like she can totally relate to the forsaken when their entire existence has been about suffering horrifically, being mind controlled, being DAMNED, and having everyone hate them for something out of their control, and Calia doesnt have a single one of those issues ....... ??????????
Jaina gets her kick ass harbinger song and then ...... nothing. Just more of the usual for Jaina.
And finally my last beef, the "foreshadowing" of Anduin and Arthas parallels WHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY. These two characters are NOTHING alike they don't share any kind of similar anything, not back stories, not personalities, NOTHING. They were both blonde. Both blonde royalty. ???? JUST ?????
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alannah-corvaine · 9 months
Who’s your mess character? 👀
Can't have just one, I've slowly been branching out and diversifying my mess portfolio over the last few years.
• Alannah is, of course, at the top of the list. And I have to include her entire family with her because all of them are completely dysfunctional, which is the entire foundation of her messiness and informs so much of how she thinks and reacts to things. I've had a lot of fun actively making her worse over the years and I think she's a better character for it.
• Ean gets a special mention because he's never had a healthy interaction with another person in his life.
• Then there's Astya, my void elf priest who also suffers from dysfunctional-family-itis and also void corruption. When your older sister marries your fiance behind your back (before they even thought you were dead!) it can give your outlook on life a salty flavor that colors everything that comes after it. Add to that an intense personal struggle with light and dark, idk her perspective and judgement might not be very sound.
• and Lydaris, your stereotypical slightly unhinged night elf demon hunter. Which is all well and good, but the dark path of obsession she treads on puts her at constant odds with her childhood best friend and lover who's a devout priestess of Elune. Lyddie is so toxic and I love her for it.
• All of my Dragon Age OCs, who had the benefit of being created and developed after I'd embraced the chaos of giving my characters realistic flaws, since I only played the trilogy for the first time last year.
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blue-eyed-banshee · 3 months
I will be working on an official bio for my OC, Senelstrasza. A little background in the meantime, she is the secret daughter of Alextrasza and Vyranoth. She was born sometime after the primalists broke off from the titans.
Potentional trigger warning mentioning kidnapping
Alextrasza was ordered by Tyr to take her, still in the shell and bring her to him to be "warped in the shell". However, Alextrasza being the motherly dragon that she is, she hides her from Tyr and decides to hatch her within the ruby life pools. Once she hatches, her form resembles Vyranoth exactly but has Alextrasza red glow mixed with her blue very slightly.
Eventually, when she's older, she meets the other aspects and Nozdormu immediately senses Vyranoth's power within her and recommends she be banished because he saw her becoming just like her mother. Neltharion obviously wants to control her eventually to serve him but he plays the part of the dotting uncle while Malygos recongnized her power and felt the need to contain her. Ysera immediately adored her because.... she's Alextrasza's sister. But she was warned by Elune that she would be their undoing due to her heritage and power.
This is just a brief overview and an explanation of her relationship with her aunt and uncles.
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