#skam ita s4
artmuseumgf · 4 years
if you are not a muslim/hijabi i really don't see the point of you criticising that one scene from skamit where sana takes off her hijab??
sana has already mentioned that it was HER choice to start wearing one and not because her parents forced her to. so if she is choosing to wear hijab, it is also HER choice when and with whom she is comfortable in removing the same.
my parents never forced me to wear hijab too, i started on my own and sometimes when i go out w my friends i don't wear hijab, just because i don't want to. i have received my fair share of backlash for it saying i don't respect allah enough, both from my family and friends, muslims and non-muslims.
why must a third party gets to comment on how strong my faith is, based on what i choose to wear? the relationship people share with their god (or whatever they believe in) is personal and no one outside them should be able to define it. it's really that simple.
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sunnyglitterlove · 4 years
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Sana Allagui pack
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yellowcourtains · 4 years
It's 1:11 am. I just finished watching Skam Italia. I'm crying y'all. I haven't cried for like two months.
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i-llchange · 4 years
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okchiarapi · 4 years
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skam norvegia comincia a piacermi sempre di più...💛
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edithedisons · 4 years
Skam Italy - season 4 trailer is out now...and it seems FREAKING AMAZING.
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drive-in-the-ocean · 4 years
omg the end I can’t believe how precious it was. Ending just like the way started, unexpected and magical, beautiful. Th whole group together amazing 😭
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weezerlover985 · 4 years
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Niccolò Fares Icons
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crowleying · 4 years
Reasons why I didn't like Skam Italia season 4
Elia. I love this character but in this season he has no personality, he is simply "the one in love with Sana". Moreover, there were no signs of him liking Sana before this season, they weren't in a shot together, he never looked at her, they had never talked before
Malik. I loved both Yousef and Mohammed because they were sweet and very caring towards Sana and Amira and respected their faith and they made them food to eat at the end of the day. Malik is always telling Sana "you can be a good person even if you don't believe" and it felt like he was trying to convince her people are better off without faith and he drunk in front of her and even offered her water during Ramadan and I can't believe he had forgotten it was Ramadan.
Martino. He seemed possessed by Eva's of the first season with all this jealousy
Rami's speech to Sana. I loved it both in Skam Norway and Druck was very disappointing in this version
The last episode. First of all the names were almost completely useless because they didn't actually correspond to the epilogue of that person. Some epilogues just destroyed the arc of the characters. Elia and Emma, again Elia's only thought is to have a girl when he never cared before. Gio cheating once more on his girlfriend and let me just say that him and Eva fucking in the street was so out of place. The thing I hated the most, though, was Filippo taking the test to know if he had HIV. They had made such a great job in representing the LGBTQ+ community up until now and then they just decided to go back to the old stereotype of gay people risking HIV. I was so disappointed.
Obviously I'm not saying the whole season is bad but those things upset me a lot and because of that I didn't enjoy the season as much as I enjoyed the original version or Druck's.
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itsadifferenthope · 4 years
hi! i read your post about skamit and as a muslim i have to say things like luai's parents are things that do happen. but while you have luai's parents that want the 'gay out of him' we also have sana's parents getting involved, making luai come back. i personally like that they showed both sides of it and tackled issues about the misunderstanding of islam. in the end, they didn't misrepresent it. and it's through a teenage girl %100 accuracy about a religion is not realistic it's her experience
Hi! So glad you reached out, cause I really like to have multiple pov about it.
What I think, though, it's that they should've talk more about how and when and why Sana's parents helped Luai. They don't talk about it at all. If they wanted to let us see the difference between those parents, why we have many examples of bad parents and only one (and not explained) example of good parents?
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artmuseumgf · 4 years
today on things i’m thankful for: martino and his cute little earring in skam italia s04
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sunnyglitterlove · 4 years
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Martino Rametta pack
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nikhos · 4 years
No puedo dejar de pensar en eso...
pero no me cierra la actitud  de Marti que deja a Niccolò y se traslada a vivir temporalmente con Filo. Ok, sí, ya se sabe que estaba celoso, con miedo de convertirse en una Maddalena más en la vida de Nico, con miedo de que lo deje por Luai etc, etc etc, pero... CÓMO MARTI VA A DEJAR A ALGUIEN CON TLP A SU PROPIA CUENTA Y RIESGO!!! Y no estamos hablando de “alguno”, estamos hablando del amor de su vida, de la persona más importante para él, por la que más se preocupa y de la que teme ser dejado de lado.
Paradójicamente en la serie vemos a un Nico mucho más razonable y coherente que el pasional Marti, pero recordemos que Niccolò está siendo focalizado desde un punto de vista externo (focalización externa) y por tanto, no podemos ni siquiera imaginar su mundo interior.
¿Qué hizo después de que Marti lo dejara? ¿Se sumió en la depresión o buscó a alguien para ayudarlo a soportar el trance? ¿Buscó a Maddalena, retornó a casa de sus padres, buscó algún amigo... a Luai? Nunca lo sabremos, porque para variar esa parte de la historia fue sumergida en una gran elipsis narrativa, dado que la historia principal era la de Sana; sin embargo creo que esa elipsis figura como el robo más grande que se haya hecho en la configuración de personaje alguno.
Por otro lado, la irresponsabilidad de Martino me sigue teniendo anonadada. De lo que sabemos, ha evitado todo contacto y comunicación con Nico. En otras palabras, no tiene idea de la suerte que haya corrido su amado en todo ese tiempo, y nuevamente caemos en el terreno de las suposiciones: Seguramente sus amigos se encargaron de cuidar de Nico por él, probablemente se comunicaron en algún punto de la historia y nosotros no lo sabemos por la elipsis narrativa o quizá Nico ni siquiera entró en crisis y sobrelleva su enfermedad mejor de lo que creemos...
En fin, todavía me resulta paradójico que Martino ponga en riesgo así tan ligeramente la salud y hasta la vida de alguien que dice amar, solo porque estaba celoso o por miedo a que lo dejen. Si ese es el caso, creo que Marti necesita del doctor Spera con urgencia.
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sublimelibra · 4 years
I actually liked that Elia has a crush on Sana. It makes him human, crushing over someone unexpected and wanting to have love. It also makes Sana realise that people actually might want her for more than just looks.
ty anon for the ask!! <33
ok so as someone who hasn’t watched all of s4 yet and has been vicariously living the skam italia s4 expirence through tumblr and twitter i can tell you that i can def get behind the elia crushing on sana thing. while i am and always will be a sana and yousef stan i think that it was a pure storyline with good and cute intentions and i rlly like that change. and yes anon i agree with you 100% on everything you said and i don’t rlly have anything to add because i think u said it perfectly :)) alright let me go finish skam italia s4 because i’m very behind on that and i feel like a fake fan answering this ask while only seeing two episodes ok bye.
send me unpopular skamverse opinions!! <33
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eternalinestotime · 4 years
just finished season 4
I thought my life would never be complete but then they gave me a whole scene with le matte, le contrabbandieri, the white rose squad and filippo and edo
Now I seriously don’t know what to do after this, my life has no further meaning
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promisethestraz · 5 years
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the fact that they called in a real muslim girl to give her tutorials. seriously it’s so embarrassing. also mariam is from rome... didn’t the director say they couldn’t find ANY muslims in rome or in the WHOLE OF ITALY. sth is definitely not clicking here and im so tired of it.
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