#skamit rants
madeforgardens · 6 years
since I've seen a lot of people speculating about Niccolò's mi and complaining that we haven't seen enough hints of that, I wanted to say something as well. I am no expert so I won't talk about Nico's behaviour specifically, but a lot of other people know what they're talking about so if you want some more, please read what they are saying!
I wanted to focus more on the way they're portraying whatever it is that Nico has. Guys, we see everything through Marti's eyes. And Marti doesn't see Nico's behaviour as odd, surely doesn't see hints of a mental illness. And I think that's why we also don't see anything too specific. You say that Even was already showing some odd behaviour and that's true, but that's because Isak was sensing that something was off. He always had that confused look, didn't quite understand what was happening and probably started asking himself some questions. Marti doesn't.
In the clip from Nov 1 Marti even says that he understands what Nico is saying, that he feels that too. He actually doesn't tho, because Nico's thoughts are presumably connected to his illness and are not something normal that every teenager experiences. The same thing happened yesterday, Marti only hears Nico and his mum talking about Maddalena and him not studying, and of course Marti believes that's the only problem. Even at the beginning, where we see Niccolò acting a bit strangely (as I was saying, people have noticed some behaviour that could be connected to at least the start of an episode), Marti probably still sees that as Nico not wanting to study and just wanting to know more about the dinner. Nothing odd.
If they're following the og, tomorrow's episode will probably be even tougher to witness because it will be the first time Marti actually realizes something is wrong. Until now he (and, consequently, we) never had too many clues to make him aware what was happening with Nico.
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artmuseumgf · 4 years
if you are not a muslim/hijabi i really don't see the point of you criticising that one scene from skamit where sana takes off her hijab??
sana has already mentioned that it was HER choice to start wearing one and not because her parents forced her to. so if she is choosing to wear hijab, it is also HER choice when and with whom she is comfortable in removing the same.
my parents never forced me to wear hijab too, i started on my own and sometimes when i go out w my friends i don't wear hijab, just because i don't want to. i have received my fair share of backlash for it saying i don't respect allah enough, both from my family and friends, muslims and non-muslims.
why must a third party gets to comment on how strong my faith is, based on what i choose to wear? the relationship people share with their god (or whatever they believe in) is personal and no one outside them should be able to define it. it's really that simple.
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hellishchrissy · 4 years
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ok y’all. y’all. i just rewatched season 3 (chef’s kiss btw we love to see it) and i just cant get over how hot this moment is. the vibe is magnificent sir, like the way edoardo takes a step closer and looks at her the way he does,,, the sexual tension is what i live for and I. AM. LIVING. he woulda have kissed the fuck outta her bbndkf
i just can’t explain it but for me this is top 3 hottest moments of incantava ok bye
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wexregolden · 5 years
I didn’t plan on writing such a text but well, here I am now, writing a post about Niccolò and Martino and how they mean the world to me and that I’ll miss them fucking much 🤷🏻‍♀️
I love reading, I’ve read so many books in my life and fell in love with characters, saw certain character traits of myself in some characters. I never thought there could be more like that. And then Niccolò Fares came it my life and I kinda was swept off my feat. Suddenly I felt understood in the way I’m feeling and thinking. It kind of freaked me out at first, especially after his talk in Nel Mio Letto, as such a thing never happened to me. I never felt this understood and represented. There’s never been someone I could relate to more. I know it might sound stupid to some people as he’s only a fictional character. He made me understand that it’s okay to feel like that, to have your bad days, that I’m not alone. And he made me open up about my feelings to others. I’m still bad at it but a year ago I would have never dared to tell a friend or family member about what’s going on in my head. Further on he made me go and see a therapist and I’m forever grateful for that. It might sound dumb to everyone who’s not inside my head but this character is so so special and important to me.
And then Martino, his story and development through his season touched me so deep. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And it made me finally come to terms with myself and the fact that I’m not straight. And that it’s nothing bad and that I wouldn’t need to hide. He made me telling this “someone” for the first time ever even if it was just in a post on here. His speech at the end of the season, the "sono io" made me cry in the best way possible. His story was truly amazing and magical. Love is something so beautiful and everyone should be free to have it ✨
Both of them basically made my life better as sappy as this might sound now.
And I’m so so thankful and glad that I’ve been part of this story and fandom and for all the people I met and started interacting through it. Even if it’s just leaving a comment on posts here and there or reblogging stuff. You guys are so cool! 💕
Thanks to all the fanfiction writers, edit- and gif-makers and especially @solo-silenzio and @tinydanccer and @corcordiums @corcordiums and @madeforgardens for the translations. I would have been lost without you! <3
You guys rock!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Niccolò.
Thank you Martino.
Thank you Skam Italia.
It might be over now and believe me I’ve cried a lot and I’m so fucking sad, but the story and characters will stay in my heart, this won’t change.
Be kind & share the love. Grazie per tutto. ❤️🌈💛
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vlctorvale · 5 years
honestly i understand if ele stays mad at edo for what happened in the fight bc, i mean, it’s shocking to see someone throw a fucking CHAIR on someone else’s back jsfjks even if it’s the back of a homophobe, so yeah i’d understand that
but what i want to happen is for filo to come talk to ele, ask her what’s wrong, ask her if she wouldn’t do the same for him if the places were switched? bc i think ele would fight tooth and nail against any homophobes out there to protect her brother
and then maaaybe this will get her to listen to edo, to see things a bit in his perspective
also fyi i’m not pro violence BUT if u ask me if a homophobe deserves to have a chair thrown at his back? i’d say FUCK YES BECAUSE FUCK HOMOPHOBES BYE
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skamofcolor · 6 years
found your blog after a few research about sana’s character in skam italia and i love it ?? i just read an article about the showrunners not casting non-white ppl to perfom the characters of the og and .. YOU’RE FUCKING RIGHT! as a mixed black italian girl ( yes, we do exist y’all racist people out there ) i’m so so MAD about the casting, starting from sana. THEY’RE ALL WHITE ?? like, what the fuck ?? schools and society in italy it’s not like that in our country !! 1/2
2/2 actually, there’s a lot of moroccan and latino descendants in our classes. ( i’m going to spill some tea: italians don’t procreate that much and often it is say that our classes are filled bc of all the immigrants that lives here ) for example, in my class there are ONLY 6/7 italians -- and we’re like .. 18 ?? ten of us are POC !! and you, ludovico, you cast an ALL WHITE CAST ?? WITH ALL OF THE XENOPHOBIA THAT’S GOING ON ?? AND THE RACISM ?? skam italia you failed me. 
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That’s such a nice thing to hear after we’ve been hearing for ages how italy is mostly white. 
- mod re
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lucasnapaspeur · 6 years
this news about skam italia is so disappointing. the fact that now the clips/eps are geoblocked and that italians have to pay to watch the show? like what is this? skamit is my fave remake and I am just really dissapointed. on top of that, the fact that this news is only released once the first clip of s3 came out really feels like they’re taking advantage of their viewers. they could have easily released the info once the trailer came out. like why would I want to support a show that’s promoting taking advantage of their viewers for profit ? ugh.
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anelectricjellyfish · 6 years
another reason why I’m loving Skam Italia so much is that it depicts Italian teen culture so well that it doesn’t even matter if it’s targeted at actual teenagers, its vibe and mood and atmosphere are for everyone. Every clip resonates with familiarity and memories: I’m in my 20s, definitely older than the target audience, and yet I find most scenes to be so relatable because that was me. The contrabbandieri and le matte were me and my friends spending winter holidays in a lake house with no heating, coming up with disgusting recipes, singing while cleaning the house, taking the piss out of each other for fun, fighting and hugging and laughing and simply holding on to each other while trying to find our place in this crazy world. Skam Italia is just so real and it never fails to make me emotional and nostalgic and happy because damn, sharing the love? At 17 that’s all that we do. 
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alamanyar · 6 years
"didn't shy away from intimacy"
so, in conclusion, intimacy is basically achieved through naked lovers lying in bed exclusively. ah, i see
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menamesniall · 6 years
okay so this is a low week, were all bored and anxious and making up dramas so i thought this is a good time to share the story of how Skam Italia literally changed my life
so im a queer girl with a mental illness, obviously i love skam and all its remakes because it makes me feel represented. but i also am half-italian (my mom is polish, my dad is italian). my parents got divorced when i was like 7, and since then i barely ever saw my dad.
Because of that, even tho being italian literally is half of my identity, i ALWAYS ran away from it. i never taught myself the language, never wanted to go there. i associated it with the feeling of being unwanted, everything about italy reminded me of my dad and i pushed it so deep down i didnt think about it ever.
And then Skam Italia came around, with its beautiful visuals and sceneries and the language. I started to learn italian, telling myself it was to understand the show better. But somewhere along the way, all those feelings bubbled up to the surface. i got reminded of how much i loved italy, the few times ive been there. how much hearing that beautiful language somehow felt like coming home.
i had a breakdown, because i realised i miss my dad so much. when the defences were down, it was hard to deny it. i spoke to my therapist about it and with a smile she told me that she was waiting for me to bring that up because she knew it would happen eventually and she encouraged me to contact him. so i did. and im sosososo happy i did because now im seeing him after christmas, with a promise to go to Napoli in the summer and i feel like all the years we lost we can never get back, but the ones ahead of us are starting to look optimistic.
so yeah, sorry if this was incomprehensible, english obviously isnt my first language and im still kinda emotional over this, but Skam Italia changed my life and if someone ever tells me that TV shows dont impact our lives im gonna punch them in the face
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alix7m · 6 years
The fact that I haven't seen a single hate post about elippo through the tag or through my dash probably means that the people who are accusing us of fetishize gays are the same I blocked during the first episodes, the same that desperately search for something to hate in every clip. And that speaks volumes.
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madeforgardens · 6 years
i couldn’t bring myself to write this or read anything you’ve written, for that matter, because doing this would mean that the season has really ended and i wasn’t ready to let it go yet. but now my mind is a bit clearer and i think this is finally the right time.
i am incredibly grateful. to everyone who shared this experience with me, directly or not. to anyone who took their time to add tags in my edits either to compliment me or to insult me (always jokingly of course, sometimes i deserved that). to anyone who left me messages thanking me and letting me know that my our work was appreciated. to anyone who decided i was worthy enough to read their thoughts and/or stories. thank you. this wouldn’t have been the same without you.
then of course i want to thank the whole skam italia team, even if these words will probably get lost in the ether. thank you to ludovico and marco for writing such a beautiful and raw love story. yes, of course they just adapted another already lovely one, but they did such a great job in making this different while following the same steps and making it so personal that you forgot another version already existed. not only, they gave us one of the most genuine and healthy portrayal of male friendships i’ve ever seen. and they gave me hope. they didn’t focus on the negativity of what this country is going through; of course you could still perceive it, that’s natural and realistic and i’m glad they also brought that, but at the same time, just like fede said, they showed us a love story between two guys and made it as normal as possible. because it is normal. ludovico may come off as arrogant, yes, and often he actually is, but he’s aware of what he’s doing and the worth of his work and sometimes, especially here and now, you have to be arrogant to be heard. thank you to federico for giving us the bast marti we could have asked for. you could see how important this was for him and how delicately he treated his character. how proud he is to be playing him and how he himself grew up a lot thanks to marti. and then rocco, who portrayed amazingly our vulnerable but lovely and sweet niccolò. he crawled under my skin and it will take some time before i could forget his performance. federico was right, italy needs skam, people need to wake up, and i still can’t believe the impact this show has had on our country. and for this, again, i am so grateful.
then, last but not least, i have to thank my two companions through all of this: quei due pasticcini di @solo-silenzio e @corcordiums. girls, i already said this a million times, but this wouldn’t have been the same without you. i’ll keep in my heart every “raga” that made me skip a bit, every absurd theory we could come up with at 4am (let’s be real, you came up with them in the middle of the night and then i always found the disaster the morning after), every time i had to bite my hands because i was at uni and couldn’t follow what was going on with the both of you, every gif of tina or maria. but then, also, i’ll keep the tears, the joy, the love we shared. it’s not easy to get so close in such a short period of time but somehow it happened to us and i couldn’t be happier. and don’t worry, because i know you think about it, it will still be the same now that this season has ended. vi voglio bene 💙
to wrap this up: i was already following s1 and i had loved it, but i couldn’t have guessed this second season would mark me this much. this year hasn’t been one of my best so far, not at all, and this season came at the right moment in my life. as marti grew and learned, i myself felt always better and better and who knows, maybe it was also thanks to this redhead lovely boy. i’ll never say thank you enough. this is not a goodbye of course, now i’m very excited about season 3 and i will follow it just as passionately as this one. but i felt like i needed to spend some words. ily guys, and always share the love ❤️️🧡💛💚💙💜
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I've read a few posts saying how sad and heartbreaking Martino and his mum's interaction was. Fuck yes, it was heartbreaking. She was sweet, she was just trying to spend time with him, and he shrugged her off to watch his crush playing piano. I've cried a lot, I'll give you that.
But if I have to be completely honest (and if you think about it, I really don't have to), I can't find a single thing to blame him for.
SKAM taught me a lot about mental illness. Things that blew my mind and put a shift in my perspective. Things I already knew about myself, but was too scared to see.
It's very romantic, falling in love with someone and standing by them, minute by minute. It's a bit different when it's not someone you've fallen in love with, but someone you're born in love with. That kind of love was bestowed upon you. And it can get stained, it can get marred with something ugly. It can give you perpetual headache and heartbreak. There's nothing poetic about it. You can spend your life blaming, regretting, apologising, and then repeating.
And when someone - a stranger, an acquaintance, a well-meaning friend - makes an offhand remark on how bad you're handling it, you'll think "what do you know? if you were me, you'd be doing worse". Perhaps they would, perhaps not. It doesn't matter.
What matters is that it'll make you feel guilty. You'll see your mistake. But then you'll mostly feel misunderstood. Alone.
And that does the trick. You'll feel entitled to be harsh, spiteful, ruthless.
And then there's some kind of last straw - it's not the last, you'll wish it was, but it never is - and once again all you feel will be guilt and shame.
Martino wasn't rude to his mum. He just needed to be on his own in that moment. And yet, in the end he told her "maybe later". The world is very small when you're that young. What he was going through in his bedroom was momentous. He was just trying to get by.
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shaydixonswife · 6 years
grindr in skam and other things
so someone pointed out in another post(here is an updated version i think of that post, it’s really clever too) that they think Martino’s season is gonna focus more on external homophobia and struggles, while Isak’s season focused on his internal struggles and internalized homophobia - which I think would make sense in the Italian context, bc Italy is famously homophobic. 
These shots below really capture and exemplifies that shift in narrative. 
That they physically arranged the characters so that in Isaks case he is in between Emma and Even, to show that he is stuck in an internal battle between what he wants and what he thinks society wants from him
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and in Martinos case, Emma is placed between Niccoló and Martino to show that something external is keeping them apart.
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So I wanted to add on, 1) that I think that that point is also exemplified via the very firsts clips opening montage/shot. Where they broadcast stories of young gay people being mistreated by other people showing us that there are present outside forces, and additionally giving us some background info on what it’s like being LGBT in Italy. 
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 and 2) I just wanted to pipe in with something from yesterdays clip that I haven’t really seen talked about, Martino downloading Grindr. 
I found it interesting that there is such a difference between the two portrayals of Grindr in skam Italia and the OG skam.
 Isak downloads Grindr to find Even but it instead gets him a bunch of really sexual messages, which overwhelms him and causes him to pull back.
 This is used to show that while he is edging closer to self-realization, he really just wants Even, and is maybe willing to realize his feelings for Even, but he isn’t ready to do “everything else” he isn’t ready to come out, or to be gay - the part all the sexts represents, because a nasty ( but very present) stereotype is that gay men are inherently sexual and/or predatory - and he feels disconnected from that. 
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Martino’s version wasn’t as meaningful as isaks, but thats okay, it still tells us something. 
In this version, we are introduced to Grindr as a pretty, dare i say it, lame place. It’s not violently sexual, it’s actually pretty casual. There are a couple of shirtless pics but it’s not a lot, and it definitely has a more calm vibe.  This is showing us that some of Martino’s early experiences with the gay community are positive (also counting his convo with Filippo)
Martino is being told that gay men actually are just normal dudes, and that hopefully helps to not create that disconnect from the ‘identity gay’ which was a present theme in the og season 3. 
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And then the finishing touch is him being interrupted by another person and quickly closing down the app. To show us that he is scared of being found out by other people and that the conflict comes from the outside = there is an external conflict. 
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smores100 · 6 years
me every time i try to watch a skamit clip:
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#i'm so ajdhshsgsgsgs ughhhhhhhhhhhh#this annoys and infuriates me even more than the age thing???#and i'm not even actually watching this remake! i shouldn't care!!!#but it still annoys me??? because I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND#i don't particularly like how 95% of what's happening on skamit is 100% all thanks to julie#yet some fans completely disregard it bc julie is the devil and gladly kiss the italian director's ass instead#(men getting credit for something a woman did? what else is new)#but whatever whateverrrrrrrrr#but you gonna sit there and tell me this constant DARKNESS is BETTER than the og??? miss me with that#and this no light total darkness bs is a director's decision ok so i'm sorry but just for that julie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>#this show is supposed to be an immersive experience#you're supposed to feel like we're inside the main's head; you're supposed to SEE and know everything he's thinking and feeling#but how are you supposed to do that when YOU CAN'T SEE HIS FACE?!?!?!#whether it's due to completely unnecessary long shots (eg locker room scene) or not being in frame at all (the couch scene during the party)#or due to italy apparently being shrouded in darkness 24/7#skam italia#mine#why don't you want the audience to be able to see your actors' faces and microexpressions???#it's such a disservice to both the actors and the story you're trying to tell#i just don't understand????? and when i don't understand i get frustrated hence this rant#and like i'm sure people will be like IT'S SYMBOLISM! and all#but like.....og s3 is an example of how you can do a whooooole lot of symbolism WITHOUT hiding your actors faces so.........🤷#but hey this seems to be an unpopular opinion so w/e if you're enjoying this remake and not bothered by this then cool i'm legit jealous#i just know that 75% of my gif watching ends with me as the doctor who guy from the library ep screaming into the void#HEY WHO TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS????#i am Tired
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