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snarkleharkle · 4 months
You are very ignorant of Norwegian history and should read up before you criticise an entire nation. There’s a reason Jews fled from Norway to Sweden and it’s because we were invaded by Germany. We were just as much victims of WW2 as any other nation who was seized. And thousands of Norwegians gave their lives to smuggle Jews across the border. How dare you.
Seriøst? Nei? Mens Danmark reddet så godt som alle sine Jøder, var Norsk politi med å arrestere de Norske. I et land hvor Jødeparagrafen ble avskaffet i 1851. Ta av de rosefargede brillene dine og lær egen historie.
Og gutta på skauen som tok seg godt betalt for å frakte dem til Sverige, og ikke alle kom frem.
Foreslår du lærer litt historie.
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alfedgar · 6 months
I kjukeste skauen
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boerseth · 9 months
   Sommaren vandra me sammen Gjennom idylliske Norske natur:    Trer og ei evige sol; Ekorn som hoppa fra stamme te grein.
   Oppå ein stein midt i skauen Satt du og såg opp på meg, mens at eg    Sittande rett atte med deg, Tok av meg capsen, nervøse og treig.
   Vinteren gjekk eg aleina, Savna den plassen der me hadde vært,    Ukevis, månavis siden. Innsåg med ett eg va framme, og grein.
   Kjente meg ikkje igjen! Skogen som hadde vært grønn va blitt kvit.    Alt som eg huska va vekke, dekka av snø eller gjømt i et reir.
   Varmen som komme med Våren Vekke det sikkert tebake te liv, men    Ingen av oss vil få se det,        For begge har reist,        Og må mimra aleina.
(attempted English translation)
The Squirrel
   Summer we wandered together Through a romantic Norwegian terrain:    Trees and a sun without end; Squirrels that jumped up a trunk to a branch.
   Resting on top of a rock You sat and looked up at me, just as I    Sitting down right there beside you, Took off my hat, nervous and slow
   Winter I walked on my own, Missing that wonderful spot where we'd been,    Weeks, even months, long ago. Realized that I'd arrived, and then cried.
   Unrecognizable view! Plant life that once had been green was now white.    All I remembered was gone, Covered in snowfall or hidden in nests.
   The warmth that comes with Spring Likely will wake it all right back to Life, but    Neither of us two shall see it,        For we have both left,        To remember alone.
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hanna-portfolio · 2 years
Shining a light on Seasonal Affective Disorder
It's no secret that changes in the weather and temperature can affect our mood. It could, however, also have an substantial impact on our mental health and daily lives.
When this happens, it's critical to bring attention to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and the underlying causes of poor mental health.
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SAD affects up to three in 100 people in the UK at some point of their life. Most people experience symptoms in their early 20s or 30s.
Henriette Olivia Skauen, 21, got diagnosed with SAD when she was 14. She explains that she still suffers from it, but she has learnt to manage her symptoms which makes it easier to cope with it. 
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Henriette got diagnosed with SAD at the age of 14.
“I struggle the most during the winter months. I feel down, upset and very emotional.
“When I feel the change in the seasons, I feel very drained and sad, I struggle a lot with motivation and I find it very difficult getting dressed or out of bed.”
According to the mental health charity Mind the symptoms of SAD will only happen during one part of the year, or get significantly worse in one season.  
Lilly Marie, 21, got diagnosed with SAD by her psychiatrist after they saw a pattern of symptoms during every winter season. 
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Lilly says she has learnt how to manage her symptoms.
“My symptoms got progressively worse every winter, I would eventually end up feeling angry, anxious and impatient. I didn't want to see anyone, not friends nor family. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything.”
Lindsay George, a family counsellor and psychotherapist, explains that getting a diagnosis and treatment is critical because otherwise, the cycle may repeat itself year after year, and the symptoms may worsen.
She says: “I have seasonal affective disorder and I am very aware of what it does to my mood.
“I have a light lamp that I use when I am online with clients during the wintertime and I take vitamin D to manage it.”
Both Henriette and Lilly also use light therapy to cope with their symptoms. It gives off a bright light that mimics natural outdoor light and supplies the skin with vitamin D. Other treatments for SAD includes antidepressants and talking therapies.
The exact cause of SAD is still unknown, but lack of sunlight is believed to be one of them. When there isn't enough sunlight, the brain's production of serotonin, a hormone which stabilizes our mood, well-being and happiness, slows down and these functions gradually stop.
 Less sunlight also disturbs our body clock. People with SAD seem to produce a higher level of melatonin during winter, a hormone that helps our body sleep, which can lead to tiredness and depression. 
There are hardly any statistics concluding the number of people suffering from SAD. 
Lindsay George explains that the reason for that is because it's difficult to diagnose and that people are reluctant to put a label on it. 
She thinks that SAD is one of those conditions that there is little known about. She says: “People go to sort of more common mental health disorders, where they can say ‘Actually, I can relate to those conditions’, because they are spoken about so much more often.”
According to her website, studies commissioned by The Weather Channel and YouGov found that as many as 29% of adults in the UK experience symptoms of SAD, with 8% experiencing it to an extreme degree.
“SAD is a cycle thing, it happens at specific times of the year and the environment in which we are living makes it so much harder to diagnose because there are other things potentially going on at the same time.”
Mind says that they don’t have any statistics on the prevalence of SAD. However, they claim it is considered to be more common in countries such as England and Wales, where seasonal weather and daylight hours vary. According to SAD.uk, researchers have found a link between where you live and your chances of developing SAD. According to their research, the further away from the equator you live, the more likely you are to develop it. 
A research report by Annals of General Psychiatry also suggests that seasonal changes appear to affect mental health and that rapid temperature changes can deepen depression. The report also states that extended periods of light in the summer and the overwhelming production or serotonin after long periods without it, can trigger impulsivity and promote suicidal acts. Furthermore, studies show that spring suicide peaks are also associated with changes in temperature and weather.
A common stereotype is that people in Nordic countries are the most depressed in the world, but according to research it may not be far from the truth. Research by the Happiness Research Institute shows that 12.3% of the Nordic countries population are struggling or suffering. A figure that rises to 13.5% among 18- to 23-year-olds.
This might come as a surprise, considering the fact that most Nordic countries are considered to be some of the happiest in the world, with well-functioning democracies, free education and healthcare, in addition to having a high priority of life balance. 
However, the report shows that Denmark saw 18.3% of people aged 16 to 24 suffer from poor mental health. Norway saw a 40% increase of young people seeking mental health help and Finland reported that suicide was responsible for a third of all deaths among young people. In addition to this, Greenland har an annual suicide rate of 100 per 100,000 inhabitants and has the highest suicide rate in the world.  
Seeing as how the dark winters in the Nordic countries, with up to 20 hours of darkness each day in some areas, are more likely to trigger symptoms of SAD, this might be why developed northern countries are experiencing high rates of suicide and poor mental health. 
Like any other type of depression, there are no external symptoms and people suffering from it are likely to experience stigma and misconceptions, making it more even complicated to diagnose and treat. 
Isolde, 21, is suffering from depression and tells me that she has always experienced a feeling of shame and fear of being judged. 
“I feel like most people don't actually understand what it’s like, but rather think ‘she should just get herself together and stop making excuses’, or that i'm just lazy.”
Even though people are gradually becoming more knowledgeable about the subject, she believes that few people know what depression really looks like.
Laura Duncan, a Senior Lecturer at University of Chester´s Faculty of Health and Social Care, says that stigma is a complex issue.
“Historically, mental health issues have been perceived to be shameful or a sign of weakness and these perceptions take a lot longer to change within society.”
She says that individuals might feel that if they disclose that they have a mental health issue, this will cause people to see them in a negative way or it may even mean they see themselves in a negative way.
“Depression is a serious illness and in its most severe cases can lead to suicidal thoughts or actions.
“The most shocking thing to consider about stigma is that people very literally lose their lives because of it.”
She claims that one of the most effective ways to fight stigma is to be more open about it. 
“If someone is diabetic, we don’t judge them for needing to take insulin because they have a condition that requires it for them to be healthy. 
“However, if someone has depression, they feel judged about taking anti-depressant medication. Why is it perceived any differently to someone who needs insulin to maintain their health and wellbeing?”
She explains that learning to understand your emotions and feelings is the most helpful way to manage them. 
“If we were generally more open about our emotions and feelings on a day-to-day basis, this would mean that when people found they were struggling, they would feel more comfortable in sharing that and seeking help.
“We ultimately need to normalize having an emotional response to life because it is absolutely normal!”
The seasons will continue changing but bringing more light to SAD and the causes of it may help, and in some cases save, more people than you think.
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mineminner · 2 years
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Denne dukket opp i skauen idag🍁
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sakari-lerkkanen · 7 years
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mosemannen · 4 years
Vi dro fra by og bygd hit opp på skauen
I en fart – i en fart – i en fart.
Vi unngikk Gestapo og tyskerdauen.
Det var smart – det var smart – det var smart.
Vi bygget hytter i en fei.
Vi tråkket sti på hver en lei.
En partisaner lar seg aldri skremme.
Stol på det – stol på det - pang, pang, pang!
 På skauen føler vi oss riktig hjemme,
Her er bra, her er bra, her er bra.  
Her har vi Stengun og pistoler fremme.
Godt å ha – godt å ha – godt å ha.
Selv om det regner eller sner
Vi er i godt humør og ler.
 En partisaner lar seg aldri skremme.
Stol på det – stol på det - pang, pang, pang!
 En vakker dag skal vi dra ned fra skauen.
Ned til by’n – ned til by’n – ned til by’n.
Nazistene skal vi gi forræderdauen.
Det blir syn – det blir syn – det blir syn.
Vi stormer fram med norske flagg.
Ja, det skal bli vår største dag.
 partisaner lar seg aldri skremme.
Stol på det – stol på det - pang, pang, pang!
 I første rekke stiller vi oss gjerne,
Tar vårt tak – tar vårt tak – tar vårt tak.
For vi vil loven i vårt Norge verne,
Blir vår sak – blir vår sak – blir vår sak.
Vi kjemper for vårt fedreland.
Det vil vi verne alle mann.
 Ja en partisaner lar seg aldri skremme.
Stol på det – stol på det – pang, pang, pang!
  English translation
  We left the city and villages for the woods
In a hurry – in a hurry – in a hurry
We evaded Gestapo and the German-death
That was smart – that was smart – that was smart
We built cottages in a hurry
We trod a trail everywhere
  A partisan never gets frightened
Trust it – trust it – pang, pang, pang!
  In the woods we feel at home
It’s good – it’s good – it’s good
We have Stengun and pistols at the ready
Good to have – good to have – good to have
Even if it rains or snow
We are in good spirits and laugh
  A partisan never gets frightened
Trust it – trust it – pang, pang, pang!
  On a wonderful day we shall leave the woods
Down to the city – down to the city – down to the city
We will give the Nazis a traitor’s death
What a sight – what a sight – what a sight
We rush forward with Norwegian flags
Yes, that will be our greatest day
  A partisan never gets frightened
Trust it – trust it – pang, pang, pang!
  We will gladly stand first in line
Do our part – do our part – do our part
For we will guard the law of Norway
Becomes our cause – becomes our cause – becomes our cause
We fight for our Fatherland
We will guard it, every man
  A partisan never gets frightened
Trust it – trust it – pang, pang, pang!
  (I did the translation myself. I know the English is clunky and awkward at times, but I wanted to preserve as much of the original lyrics as I could during translation.)
The song is from the album “Illegale sanger” (“illegal songs”), recorded by the Norwegian group Gutta på Skauen in 2012. The songs from the album are all from the Nazi occupation of Norway between 1940-1945. The songs are gathered from civilians, prisoners, and members of the resistance movement.
This song in particular are one of several that were written for a songwriting competition autumn 1944, organized by Milorg (short for Militær Organisasjon – Military Organization). Milorg was the official military organization for the Norwegian resistance during the occupation. The reason for the competition was simply to give the resistance members something to do while hiding out in the woods and to lift their spirits. The prize was a kilogram of British tobacco, and I’m sure it motivated plenty. Pang, pang, pang was not the winner of the competition however, that would the song from the same album Partisanersang (Partisan’s song).
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Members of the Norwegian resistance from eastern Norway
I felt like this song however set itself a bit apart because the older mans voice audible in the song is a former member of the resistance. I didn’t find any hard evidence for who exactly the older man is unfortunately.
The name of the band, Gutta på skauen, is also a common way to refer to all Norwegians who escaped to the woods during the war. It simply means “the boys in the forest”. Usually it was to avoid doing any service for the Nazis, or they wanted to join the resistance.
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Boys in the forest. Photo taken in Sigdal, 1945
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undead-potatoes · 4 years
Hva faen er det med gamle gubber og deres intense hat mot ulv, feige jævler med gevær som vil utrydde en hel art bare fordi de tar noen sau i året. Hva faen tror folk vil skje når man sender byttedyr ut i territoriet til rovdyr? De må jo spise de og
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a-night-like--this · 4 years
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔲𝔯𝔢 live at Roskilde Festival in Roskilde, Denmark — July 6, 2019 || 📷 by Roger Skauen.
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littlebyuns · 7 years
enda en ask som spør meg hvorfor jeg snakker så mye med nordmenn og jeg kommer til å ta bilde av meg sjæl, det norske flagg med fjella i bakgrunnen som bare skriker "DET ER FORDI JEG ER NORSK"
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Is Granis a nickname for Granfos or just a typo?
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"It's not a typo. It's an affectionate nickname we use on him sometimes. Just like when we call Bingsfos "Bings" or Setskogen "Skauen"."
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Nice day for a walk👍 #årvoll #oslo #balder #cokapoo #Norway #dog #doglife #doglove #dogsofinsta #outdoors #friendship #people #pet #animal #nature #grass #fun #outside #woods #walking #2017 #skogen #skauen (ved Årvoll)
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Dag 2: Omvendt Corkscrew, aka. Ingenting å le av
Dag 2 hadde me eit mål: Nå det sørlegaste punktet på øya. Ifylgje upåklagelege kjelder på nett fann me at dette var ein stad som heiter "Brow Head", på den fyrste av dei små "fingrane" på sørvestkysten. Sjølv om det var fleire kjende stader langs vegen, hadde me ingen nemneverdige stoppar før me stakk innom ein bensinstasjon tilsynelatande midt inni skauen. Det viste seg å vere berre eit par minutt unna minnestaden for Michael Collins (ikkje astronauten), der han vart drepen under borgarkrigen, i august 1922.
Ute på spissen såg me fyrste teiknet på at når kartet seier at det ligg eit slott ein stad, so betyr det *ikkje* at det er spesielt godt bevart. Ikkje at ruinar ikkje er spanande, men det er langt frå alle som er verdt å ta omtur for. Etter sørspissen vart det endå eit typisk irsk måltid (denne spøken kjem til å bli gammal fort), med toasta bagel i eit lite kystvær med det nydelege namnet "Crookhaven".
Då det nærma seg tida til å finne ein plass å overnatte, endte me opp å velge Killarney, dels grunna det store antalet overnattingsplassar me fann på kartet. Det viste seg derimot å vere vanskelegare enn me trudde, då dei 10 fyrste BnB-ane me var innom var fulle. Endte til slutt opp å måtte ta eitt familierom på eit det "firestjernede" Riverside Hotel. Kvelden vart avslutta med ein overdådig biffmiddag og ein half-pint på den lokale bryggeripuben.
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captain-blitzy · 6 years
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[image sources: David Brossard on Flickr and Vidar Skauen]
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nordiclndscp-blog · 6 years
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#Repost @linn_naturfoto (@get_repost) ・・・ Søndagstur over skauen 💚📸 #norgerundt #look_norway #OurFunnyNature #utno #pocket_norway #nortrip #igscandinavia #bygdeposten #norway_photolovers #turjenter #mittnorge #jfof #norge_raw #norgejpg #ilovenorway #dreamynorway #liveterbestute #friluftsliv #lifeofadventure #yrbilder #bns_earth #pnwonderland #MittFriluftsliv #bestofnorway #norsketurbilder #norway2day #turistforeningen #norskefototalenter
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